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Menthor by George Perez from THUNDER Agents #2, 1984
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ultrameganicolaokay · 1 month
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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1 'First Encounter!', 'Menace of the Iron Fog', 'T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agent NoMan', 'The Enemy Within' and other stories (1965) by Len Brown, Larry Ivie, Wally Wood, Gil Kane, Reed Crandall and more. Edited by Samm Schwartz. Cover by Wood.
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Mutual Promise,Cursed Prophecy - Platonical Corey Cunningham x Sister!Reader/ Platonical (menthor-like)Laurie Strode x Cunningham!Reader
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This fic contains SPOILERS of Halloween Ends
Word Count 3K
Characters: Corey Cunningham, Cunningham!Reader (Sister), Laurie Strode. Michael Myers (mentioned), Allyson Nelson (mentioned). 
Warnings: Codependent siblings, narcissistic mother jealous of her daughter and possesive of her son.
Summary:  Haddonfield’s most long lasting myth became an unstoppable source of suffering for your brother since he had become the town’s new boogeyman and you have been there for him from the beginning. However, the chain of events unleashed sets upon you both the paths to play the roles it demands of you. As he secretly bonds with Michael Myers and you grow close to Laurie Strode, finding in her the kindness that your own mother has always denied you, the strength of your mutual devotion threatens with turning into an incarnation of the greek tragedy of sibling obsession built by the town around them. 
Notes: I have only seen the movie once when i got this idea and began to write it. I haven’t rewatched it yet, so I apologise in case I may have forgot some details. 
Tags: @reborn-ghost @heydemonsitsyaboilucien @rebelliousstories​  @starst0n8 @w3irdn355​
Nothing was the same since that Halloween night, but you would always do your best for Corey. As his sister and main source of support things were not always easy, but you wanted to make sure your brother would feel loved by at least one person in the whole town. It could be said that, over the course of the last few years, you were neglecting yourself more than usual to look after him because you knew nobody else would. Not for real, at least, since what your mother always did wasn't caring. 
In your house you were the public enemy number one simply because you would often confront her when Corey wouldn't. You were his protector, his voice and the scapegoat whenever your mother needed someone to blame. It was insane to think about it, but she was jealous of your closeness and the possessiveness she had over him would often make her seek to compete with you for Corey's love and attention. In any given fight between you she would never miss the chance to attempt manipulating him against you. However, you weren't proclive to serious arguments because you were everything to each other. Fighting, staying separated from each other for too long due to anger, would make you feel like two lonely orphans. 
You were each other's sibling, friend and parent. It was the two of you against the world, a figurative phrase that became literal when Haddonfield turned against him. Life was harder than ever, but fate wanted you to encounter through that another small family of two persons broken by trauma. Despite you pretty much adored Allyson ríght away, happy that a nice girl like her was dating your brother, you developed a strong connection with her grandmother. You would never confess to Laurie that some admiration could have been the factor to blame at first because it would make things awkward, but it definítely grew beyond that. You began to show up at her doorstep for no reason and would stay for hours with her, even if it was just to keep an eye on the oven while watching tv alone during one of her writing sessions. You weren't sure of what was wrong with you, but she never complained, perhaps because she guessed it. 
After her visit to your house when she met your mother there were no doubts about your strange behavior. You simply wanted to stay where you were treated with kindness and you clinged to her as some young tag along because she was giving you the support you would never find in your mother. Laurie was kind enough to never point out her findings directly to you and she would simply encourage the little glimpses of self improvement that her presence in your life caused. It was precisely what she initially wanted to achieve with your brother, but Corey had no intentions of accepting her help like you were doing. 
What seemed like an initial improvement at the start of the relationship with Allyson began to twist into something worse and, for reasons that you couldn't understand, Corey was becoming unrecognizable. Your dear brother was avoiding you like the plague, his sweetness was fading and everytime you would try to talk about it you would become the enemy. 
It was breaking your heart, you were devastated because your brother was your life and he was making you feel like he didn't want you in his anymore. Your mother, on her part, was constantly oscillating without control in between blaming you and celebrating your downfall. Once more, Laurie was the only one you could vent your sorrow out with because nobody else cared for any of you. Although that wasn’t entirely true, because there was also Allyson, you simply couldn’t go to her because Corey would feel it like a betrayal. 
“ What did I do wrong? I’m losing him to something and I don’t know what it is. Do you think he may be doing drugs? I don’t want to dig into his room to find out because mom used to do that to us all the time while growing up, still does if you are not careful enough, and I don’t want to be like her.” 
For an instant you got caught in your own words and did a brief pause, horrified. 
“ … Laurie, Am I turning like her?” 
The mere mention of that seemed impossible to her, who had to restrain her reaction to not throw a skeptical chuckle. 
“ You are nothing like that woman.” She quickly corrected you. “ You have done everything in your power to help Corey, the devotion you have for him is something I have never seen before. No matter what she says, what’s wrong with him is not your fault.” 
“ … This shitty town is driving him crazy and maybe I am not good enough to help him, I can’t help thinking I am not doing enough.” You continued, as hard as it was for you to admit a failure. “ He acts like I am up to get him and I don’t know what to do. He hurts me, a stab in the chest would hurt less than the ice cold stares he has been giving me. When I look into his eyes I don’t find love anymore. Even at the darkest times, I always used to, but now it’s like he is…” 
“ Empty.” Laurie interrupted, concluding for you. “ No conscience, no feelings. It’s like he is not there anymore, not at least as the boy you grew up with.” 
Desperate sobbing forced you to stop, feeling like you couldn’t release one more word because all you wanted was to cry. 
“ Your brother is going on a dark path, one from which you can’t save him. With every little bit you get better, he gets worse. Being honest, drugs are the least of my concerns regarding him. You may know what I think, that’s why I am glad that you came to me first.” 
One inquisitive look directed towards her made Laurie aware that, suspects aside, she would have to be clear with you before you could get in danger. 
“ If you can’t save your brother, you will need to protect yourself from him.” 
Wishing you could just ignore that grim advice, you opted to keep trying to reach Corey. Laurie had good intentions, but she spoke as if she feared she would have to get you ready for a battle against your own brother. It was true that you saw him arriving home late, made a mess and covered in blood, but you would never imagine you could reach a point where you would have to fear for your life living with him. It was out of the question: he could never possibly hurt you, no matter what was wrong with him. His crisis triggered bad memories and Laurie was probably haunted by the ghost of Judith Myers, over worrying for you because the erratic behavior of your brother that you described was fitting some cards in her Michael Myers bingo. 
Your opportunity presented itself at one time in which context forced Corey to arrive early. The working day was over, but he wasn’t going out with his girlfriend because she was going to see other people that night and that seemed to upset him. However, he couldn’t flee somewhere else to do god knows what because he was supposed to take you back home from her house. At your arrival your mother didn’t hesitate in making all sorts of cruel comments regarding her, testing waters to see if she could manipulate him into dumping her, but you stood up in her and his defense. With her that was the equivalent of being a front line soldier and giving one step in front to get massacred, but you were used to facing her cruelty. You gestured the indication for him to escape and did the same after hearing her claiming that you were a burden that would remain forever in her house because no one would ever want you, implying that Corey had to be protected from dissapointment because he was at risk of finding the kind of love you would never get. 
Unlike other days, where it was becoming routine that he would lock himself in his room and hide from you, he invited you to come into his hiding place. Even though he had a lot to hide, he didn't find the strength to reject you. 
“ I hope you remember she is wrong.” He sweetly commented, sitting on his bed and inviting you to cling next to him. “ I think pretty much the other way around: no one in this town deserves you. You are welcoming and kind, you have the mercy none of them cares to have.” 
You smiled, then accommodated yourself next to him and caressed his hair, noticing a new bruise in the process.
“ Can I check that out later? I am not certified like your girlfriend, but I once was your first nurse.” 
There was no answer, but you didn’t give up. 
“ We need to get you new glasses, wizard boy.” You sweetly joked, reminding him of the times where you would tell him that he looked like Harry Potter. “ Don’t worry, we will escape this soon. Laurie is going to help me find a new job and I’m going to save some money so we can get the hell away from here.” 
The casual mention of the woman brought some of the cold bitterness out of sudden. 
“ Maybe I should leave town with Allyson so you can move in with Laurie. Isn’t that what you want, sis? To play family with your new heroine? “ 
At that point you were incredibly confused. 
“ Corey, you introduced us. Why does it bother you so much that I spend time with Laurie? She likes to have me around the house, I have nothing to do because I couldn’t find a job yet and you know I can’t stay here all day. I go with her to escape mom.” 
“ She wants to get from you what she can't get from her granddaughter, but you are too naive to see it. Laurie Strode wants to turn you against me just like our mother tried to do with me all our lives. Since she can’t take Allyson away from me, she is taking you.” 
Incapable of believing what you were hearing from him, you grabbed his face with both hands forcing him to look at you. For a moment, you could swear you saw a glimpse of the old shine. 
“ No one will ever take me away from you, never.” 
It was the first time in days that your brother smiled for you, what felt like seeing the sun after a cloudy week. You couldn’t possibly know what was going on inside his mind, but your words were very clear to him and he took those as a mutual promise of strong commitment. You were the best thing happening in his life apart from his girlfriend and the only one who has always been there for him. In your eyes he has always found love and acceptance, your reassurance made him feel sure that nothing would ever change that. He hoped that you would understand him if he would confess himself to you someday and the torture of having to push you aside so you wouldn’t discover his dark side would be over. The old man, the killer of his own sister, would not approve of it. Corey didn’t mind: If you could only know that he was strong enough to protect you from the world, that not even Michael Myers would hurt you because he wouldn’t allow it. 
He was your brother and he would never allow anyone to steal you away from him. There would be a time for you to become aware of everything, but right there he just wanted your comfort.
“ (y/n)... Can we just fool around like we used to? ” 
Self expression, you had your shared techniques to have a good time behind your mother’s back whenever any of you needed cheering up. At one given time, back when he was freshly released and starting to deal with Haddonfield’s hate, you helped him vent some rage out just by sharing the greatest hits playlist of the less threatening sounding band in your Spotify preferences. You listened to the same stuff from your phones using your headphones in some parody of what a silent party should be, but it was amazing. 
“ Are we gonna lip sync to Queen like fools again? Yes, please! I could use that.” You cheered as if you were having a triumph against the invisible force taking over your brother. “ I miss it, I miss you…. just let me find my headphones.”
“ Forget that, I don’t care. She can choke in her spite and die because I will always choose you over her.” 
The sentence was not like the kind of jokes he would usually make, but you allowed yourself to enjoy it a bit. 
“ Oh my god, you are a free man.” You sweetly teased him in between chuckles before getting serious again. ” I love you, Corey.” 
The first yells coming from the outside began to reach your ears when you both sang the ‘ I don’t wanna die, sometimes I wish I'd never been born at all’ way too heartfully and strong during Bohemian Rhapsody. Corey simply locked the door with the key, inviting you to ignore her, and by the moment you were making fun of yourself mimicking the choirs she was just background noise that didn’t matter. ‘I want to break free’ hitted a bit stronger than before, maybe because then he was in love, he was just being an adorkable fool probably thinking of running away with Allyson to the moon. 
You made an effort to hush intrusive thoughts about what would be of you without him and tried to just enjoy the moment. The silly rebellion was total when you began to make percussion for ‘We Will Rock You’ and it must have made him over the top excited, because he got the lyrics wrong at one point of the song. In the third set of verses before the final chorus he said ‘blood’ instead of ‘mud’, an understandable spontaneous confusion that made you giggle because why would the old poor man be bloody? You got your brother back for a while and it felt wonderful. 
Just as you craved for, you got enough circumstantial cheer to convince yourself that Laurie’s worst fears couldn’t be true. Corey wasn’t at his best, but he wasn’t in some not turning back path espiralating into madness. A traumatized young man that the town was using as scapegoat, sure, but not the first thirty minutes of some true crime documentary. Your momentary relief was such that the talk about it wouldn’t delay much in happening. At least you tried, until you couldn’t help smiling when Queen played at the radio in the supermarket during a shopping trip you accompanied her in. 
“ Look at that, you are all smiles! Is that a crush, do you have a crush?” Laurie asked you in a complicity that felt like encouragement.” You just have to tell me and I will do my thing, it has worked before.” 
Forgetting that she lacked context, you showed some amused repulsion. 
“Gross! Why do people think that someone smiling for no reason has to mean romance? I’m thinking of my brother. He was really there with me yesterday, we haven’t fought. I’m in my happy place: he doesn’t hate me, life feels good again.” 
The emotional dependency you had on him was worse than what she thought, it was heartbreaking to hear you so lightly admit that you were convinced of being nothing without him. 
“ Have you ever got anything of your own? Friends, dates, a hobby  or just some freaking time for yourself? What about your old job? “ 
Only then you realized that you have never spoken of that with her before.
“I was doing well as a babysitter. It was my thing at first, then I encouraged Corey to have it as well and I will regret it for the rest of my life because I brought that on him.” You admitted as if you would be confessing a crime. “ Mom switched the discourse as soon as everything crashed. At first she wanted me to drop it and leave it all to him because he was obviously going to do better than me, afterwards she began to say I did it on purpose to ruin my brother’s life.” 
The incredible amount of guilt you had attached to the last time you tried something for yourself moved her, but it didn’t calm Laurie’s instincts. Corey was developing too many similarities with Michael for her to just let it go, but perhaps you had more with her than what she would admit and that was contributing to her fondness of you. For how many years has the fear of him stopped her from getting a life of her own? She was as dependent on her hate for Michael as you were of your brother’s love. 
Her stomach churned remembering the retellings of her story circulating the fake rumor claiming she was Myers by birth. His sister, his obsession, or at least that was what the town invented and wanted once to believe. Could it become real to you? Would your brother turn against you once discovered, eager to fulfill Haddonfield’s cursed prophecy?  
“ Were you afraid of babysitting on Halloween that year?” She suddenly asked you. “ … of turning out like me?” 
The question wasn’t necessarily odd, but you didn't want her to take any blame for what you just told her. 
“ You are a badass. If I had just one bit of your courage… ” 
She sensed a bit of naivety and, at that moment, all she could think about was how she wanted to protect you like no one else protected her when she was young. 
“ Do you want to feel badass? Say no more, shooting lessons.” 
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leoleolovesdc · 20 days
Stephanie Brown: *trying to get something done*
Her father, her mother, her boyfriend, her menthors, her best friend, her ex, her little brother, her writers: hOW FUCKIN DARE YOU
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moonyheartache · 1 year
This is also kind of a meta theory sorry the brainwomrs insisted I make this post.
So, Nüwa The Creation Goddes made MK out of clay (or at least looks like it), reasons still unkown.
Because well, if this theory is true, it means two things
1. The reason MK is so similar yet so different from Sun Wukong is esencially because Sun Wukong was created by nature, little by little, millenia after millenia, step by step. And if you know the first thing about nature, is that it is both chaos and order, the one and only perfect machine, the one that invented itself. So, Sun Wukong is, at heart, a force of chaos and nature, and even then, there method in his madness. There is order in chaos.
But MK, MK was crafted to be like that, by the person that helped nature into existance, or at least kickstarted it. MK's birth was rushed, and if the dirt clinging to him when he first met Pigsy, quite literally half-cooked. He is nature's missing child, meant to be a replica of something that didn't need replacement, but needed rest.
And following what Sun Wukong said, that he never really saw himself being a menthor, and that he was watching MK some time before he got the staff.
So this leads me to think that Nüwa knew that Sun Wukong was always going to be needed, but that he still isn't ready to come back. MK was crafted to help Sun Wukong recover, to take over when he needs rest.
But of course, Sun Wukong would never accept that, his pride and fear of compromise wouldn't let him.
So if we remember MK's flashbacks, the stone egg shaters and get put together again. So Nüwa weighted her options and used pieces from Sun Wukong's stone egg to make a being that, either he wanted it or not, would be always attached to him. But this needed to be at a time when Sun Wukong wouldn't notice something like that, and she needed to be fast.
So that's why MK has human looks, Nüwa needed to make him fast, to hide him, and to make sure that he would be, most importantly, safe. Because, A mortal child with the powers of the Great Sage? If Tripitaka had it hard traveling as a grown ass man who (sorta) knew to take care of himself with a whole ass set of super powerfull demons and a dragon, just imagine MK, small, little, inocent just-happy-to-be-here MK with only Tang and Pigsy to protect him
And 2. It would mean that this, this specific ass scene in seson 3?
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This would be foreshadowing.
And I would start making a collection, this one goes right after Hunter and the Flapjack onesie.
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izzymeadows · 1 year
Okay i've given myself about 24 hours to calm down but i just need to SCREAM about how PERFECTLY PUNK FUCKING HOBIE BROWN IS
No but. You don't understand. He's even ANIMATED in a SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT PACE than the other characters (an explanation) because he goes his own way becAUSE HE IS A REBEL AND I LOVE HIM
Okay i'm gonna stop screaming now because i'm giving myself a headache rereading this, but goddamnit this guy is fucking amazing.
Look, he absolutely rocks the aesthetic and his mask is magical because how the fuck does his wonderful huge hair fit in there, and he looks super powerful and amazing, but the think that makes him PUNK. Is his deep understanding of what being anti-system means.
Punk philosophy has basically (very basically) three "rules": individual freedom, DIY and anti-establishment views.
Hobie HELPS. The first thing he does after coming in scene? Giving Miles advice. Which he repeated after, in the exact moment Miles needed it.
Hobie's in the Spider Society, but he absolutely doesn't agree with Miguel's methods and most likely, with his idea of how to deal with the whole multiverse anomaly and canon events stuff. He knows he's gonna end up leaving, and when the Society fucks up, somebody's gonna have to fix it, because Hobie knows damn well that the Society in general and Miguel in particular ARE gonna fuck up.
And then they fuck up. With Miles. And then Hobie just helps him get free of the laser cage and doesn't join the chase, because he's not gonna target a kid who just wants his dad to fucking survive, you know?
Remember the anti-establishment views? This is it. Reject dogma, question everything. Being anti-system is, first and foremost, about not uncritically adopting the system's (system here being the Spider Society) beliefs of what's right and wrong and what needs to be done. Hobie knows the system and started his own path to fix the problems his own way before leaving (ie we see him take stuff from the hq and at first it looks like just a quirky behavior, but then we see he made Gwen's new watch with that stuff).
And! He trusts Gwen so much! He knew she would eventually come around and sent her the watch in advance! He's like a big brother menthor to the other teens, he lets Gwen stay with him when she needs it, he gives Miles advice, his dynamic with Pavitr is so real too. And that. Is So Punk. Because yes, punk is a lot about being your own individual, but that doesn't mean being selfish, that means being true to yourself, AND a lot of the time, being punk also means helping others be true to themselves. Hobie is an instigator and that's his way to help his friends be themselves.
*sigh* i just love him so much
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wikimb · 1 year
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Also doodled young Michael - it was when he was like 16-18 (Core and HoT story).
The second one is him witnessing death of the first Commander - Minerva (who was his menthor but also viewed her as his mother figure - I wanna draw her at some point).
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beeindaclouds · 1 year
╰┈➤ Blurbs pt. 3
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❝ Sapnap ❞
Being deadnamed/misgendered in front of Wilbur and Sapnap [Request]
❝ Wilbur Soot ❞
Being deadnamed/misgendered in front of Wilbur and Sapnap [Request]
Brother!Reader being jealous of Crimeboy's bond pt. 3 [Request]
❝ Technoblade ❞
C!Technoblade as your menthor [Request]
❝ Mix ❞
"Denial is a river in Egypt" [Request]
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julie-su · 2 years
can u seriously just kys already
That's not an echidna name the canon echidnas in Sonic are Knuckles, Tikal, Pachacamac, Shade, Tikal’s Grandma, Julie-Su, Lara-Su/Jani-Ca, Misty-Re, Tobor, Garek, Voni-Ca, Spectre, Kali-Ka, Soujourner, Wanda-Ra, Riki-Le, Thunderhawk, Shazi-Ah, Nemo, Janelle-Li, Athair, Xenin, Pravda, Crystal-La, Sabre, Iago, Jenna-Lu, Locke, Lara-Le, Doctor Zachary, Rutan, Perriwinkle, Cobar, Aurora, Wynmacher, Knecapceon, Constable Remington, Desi-Ca, Menthor, Doctor Finitevus, Darwin, Lien-Da, Kanewisher, Gae-Na, Arakkis, Kragok, Eli-Za, Komi-Ko, Princes Alucion, Eric, Merin-Da, Luger, Myokl, Jaker, Syntar, Pollu, Jon O'Hedge, Yanar, Dave, Mari-Su, Regi-Na, Imperator Ix, Pir'Oth Ix, Teri-Lu, Shockra, Moritori Rex, Menniker, Vera-Lo, Gala-Na, Dimitri, Zax, Cynthia-Wa, Nestor the Wise, Demi-Na, Angel-La, Byron, Officer Flint, Meri-ca, Jeffrey, Dian-Na, Ruta-Le, Spencer, Rosa-Lyn, Jordann, Jordan, Kayla-La, Sonji-Ra, Hawking, Jai-Na, Matthias, Aaron, Kann-Di, Sasi-Ka, Rykor, Rembrandt, Harlan, Holmes, Dawn-Na, Benedict, Moonwatcher, Lunama-Re, Eri-Ka, Steppenwolf, Edmund II, Siwa-Ra, Marta, Mr. Arrunda, Edmund, Simon, Floren-Ca, Raynor, other Raynor, Mari-An, AND Bimmy.
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anaalonsoartist · 2 years
Vecna and emotions (Stranger Things 4 SPOILERS)
Today I´m going to write a bit about Vecna/001/Henry Creel psyche. We know he can see people dark secrets and traumas, and he takes advantage of them for killing/absorbing that person.
But what about positive emotions? Eleven and Max, on the other hand, achieve to defeat 001/Vecna because they went to their positive memories, about their loved ones. Sometimes (Max case), those are linked to music, which also weakens Vecna.
So we have here two possible ways of defeating the (for now, at least) main enemy: positive feelings/memories and music. But why is that?
Eleven tried to do one of these, telling Vecna that Papa had died and that he was not at fault for being a monster (so, she tried to go to his good emotional side, if there is even one). Well, that´s not totally true (Henry Creel had killed before Breener entered on scene), but Vecna corrected Eleven telling her that was HER doing, without making any reference to his own past. Vecna´s past is (Creel house incident apart) still one hell of a mystery, and I guess Duffer brothers let this out in this scene on purpose.
So... does have Vecna/001/Henry Creel positive feelings or memories? About memories, we still don´t know. His parents looked nice people, but his father killed civilians at war (and he knew that) and his mother wanted to put him inside of an asylum, so I guess his memories of them are not really that positive (and we still don´t know where his powers come from, so there is also the possibility that his mother was also part of an experiment, Terry Ive´s style, and he found that inside her mind, too). And I completely discard memories of Brenner and the lab, which he openly despised (with reason). 
Vecna´s actor, Jamie Campbell Bower, has told recently on interviews that Vecna STILL has some humanity (at least in his opinion) and that he loves and loathes Eleven (not in a romantic way, of course), but does not feel anything for Papa (nor for anybody else, apparently). Also that Eleven and 001 have a sibling-like relationship. I still wonder why does he love Eleven, though (the loathe part is understandable because she betrayed and defeated him)...
I mean, if you look at your popular movies/series/videogames/whatever, big narcisist villains, who usually have God complex, don´t even know about the main character existence prior their defeat. Freezer/Vegeta and Goku from Dragon Ball, for example: Goku is a low class warrior, a lot less powerful than them. They don´t even know about his existence. But Goku (the apparently common and weak protag who deep inside has more power than anybody else is a common trope in the heroe´s becoming) defeat them and from that point on they almost get obsessed with him. Sephiroth and Cloud from Final Fantasy VII are the same. But in Vecna/001´s case he already loved and protected Eleven, when she was still apparently a weakling and one of the most mediocre of the experiments. Freezer took notice of Vegeta, a prince and a warrior at the top of the class, not Goku; and Sephiroth befriended 1st Soldier Zack, not Cloud. Hope Duffer brothers have an answer to this and not the typical plot convenience (001 HAD to love and protect Eleven so he could free her and stablish some kind of relationship between them without more explanation... I would believe something like that if 001/Vecna was an empathetic character, or the menthor figure (ala Hopper), not the narcisist/big villain one). 
I think Vecna/001/Henry Creel´s positive memories (and probably their link to music?) will take a part in season 5. Maybe, if he posses Will and/or Max, they will find out. Coincidentally (isn´t it?), Eleven´s most fond memory, which let her defeat 001, was her birth and her mother´s words. 001 himself had just told Eleven that he had been really REALLY glad because of her birth, just a few moments before she reminded that.  And that´s why, again, I firmly believe he is Eleven ´s father (or at least should be related to her someway... And I don´t know about the sibling-thing, cause he did not feel anything for the rest of the children there and in fact killed them without hesitation, even the youngest...). Yeah, I have my clown makeup ready.
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enarajordan · 2 years
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The Locked Tomb OC Aldric Noxus, ninth cavalier She born a long ago, around 2000 years before the first book story. She born in the Fifth House but her parents had good relations with the ninth and they ended up moving to the Ninth House. Her mother is necromancer and her father is a necromancy teacher. Aldric wants to be a necromancer but, well… Destiny didn’t grant her that Grace so she putts all her effort studing and practicing to become the best Cavallier ever. Her first necromancer was 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐦, her best friend, but he got sick and he had to stop doing necromancy if he didn’t want to die. He left Aldric without saying anything and, since then, she doesn’t feel confortable with any necromancer who has interviewed her. She always says to her menthor “They dont have 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 for me. I can’t be their Cavalier”. Nowadays she doesn’t trust the necromancers who have requested her as cavalier but everything changes when she meets the High Necromancer 𝐄𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐧𝐚 𝐍𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨. From the very first sentece, 𝐀𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 does feels 𝐄𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐧𝐚 is different from others, and she make Aldric feels comfortable.
This is how their story begins together as a Necromancer and a Cavalier, becoming friends and, finally, perhaps becoming a Legend.
Please don’t repost or use it before ask me. And don’t forget credit me, thank you.
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straighttxhell · 1 year
Honestly for me in my mind
Hobie is 20
Gwen is 17
Miles is 15
That's why I'm so comfortable in my ships and the suggested relationships in the movie lol
I don't really ship Miles and Hobie however their bond is adorable he's more like an older brother/ menthor to Miles tbh
Like Idk why ppl are calling Hobie a grown ass adult when he's 20 😐 like sure he's an adult but grown ass?? like?? I don't think it's weird the movie suggested there was more to his relationship with Gwen and Miles had reasons to be jealous when it literally is a 3 year age gap...
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lorillee · 2 years
this is my drama... like there's some really good reasons for Yamato to stay in Wano so I never even thought he'd actually join and would be a menthor of sorts for Momo. Yet Momo does have a ton of supporters anyway, and tho Yamato wanted to open Wano's borders he's also been vocal about being free and setting sail, plus I can't think of why Luffy would reject him rn. More importantly, has Oda EVER hinted at a new recruit and chapters laters just goes "gotcha! That isnt happening tee hee''? That doesn't sound much like his style. Either way I'll only believe it if I see Yamato in the colored covers with the strawhats
yeah pretty much
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streets-in-paradise · 5 months
Safe Adult - Andy Barclay x Reader
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Requested by Anon
" hey I was wondering if you can write one about Andy Barclay wanting to have kids with his SO please and thank you "
Quickly written on a rush of inspiration, but i hope you will enjoy the result :)
Warning: This fic implies Andy has rescued and deprogrammed Caroline.
Summary: Andy revisits his positive experiences dealing with children happening on the hunt for Chucky and realizes he wants to have kids with you.
Note: For some reason, in that pic he looks like he is having an epiphany and this is exactly what's happening on the fic.
Interactions with children were a vital part on the process of finding Chucky and despite Kyle was always the kindest, Andy noticed how many of them were spontaneously inclined towards him. Strange realization he would get in the most stressfull contexts, with a killer doll possibly after them.
Kids liked him for no damn reason, he just wanted to surveil the fighting ground and they would do anything to get his attention. At one given time, a little girl began to show him her toys before his sister could finish to introduce the excuse her parents needed for their presence. Still, it wasn't untill having Caroline arround that he began to take it seriously. That girl had enough time of being poisoned by Chucky to despise him and despite things weren't always easy, he got to win her trust. She was confortable with him and, according to Lexy, that was an accomplishment for anyone even before Chucky complicated things.
Then there was also Devon, whose blind faith in him remained a mistery that Andy couldn't solve. He never imagined he would be in the position of menthoring a teenage boy, incapable of guessing why anyone would want to emulate him. His affection and admiration were increíble, but also unexplainable. Unlike the little kids, Devon had the proper age to understand that he was a mess of a man and his life sucked.
For most part at least, since it got better with you on it. Against any of his initial predictions, you wanted to stay and your relationship had prospered regardless of the hardships. You had endured a dangerous meeting with Chucky and even after that you were patient regarding the work required on fixing the horrors he would leave behind with each appearance. Out of sudden a little girl was living with you after being rescued and you were on board with it from the start. He didn't ask if you wanted to be part of it, but he didn't have to for you to welcome the child. In fact, you were so involved that he started wondering if you weren't a little too happy with the whole thing.
Children were never a discussed milestone for the possible future of your relationship. He had never consider it before and, if you did, you had never brought it up. However, your reactions were an indication that something had changed. His weird little friend had awakened a side of you that he ignored completely and he wasn't severly alarmed by that.
More like curious, intrigued … Fascinated.
" Why are you acting like if we were her parents?" He questioned you once, ríght after observing in awe how you followed every bedtime ritual that the girl demmanded. " We don't know yet if it's going to be permanent, this is rehabilitation. Once Caroline will be clean from Chucky, she will be free to go for a normal home if she wants to. At least untill Lexy will reach the age to take over. "
You raised an eyebrow, then responded to his question with more questioning.
" Like if she could ever feel comfortable arround anyone else. Tell me this, Andy. Were you ever comfortable in any of those normal foster homes before Kyle had the age to take over?"
You had a point and he hated having to admit it, leading to complete honesty of what what happening inside his mind.
" You may be amazing at this, but I can't be a foster parent! I don't have control over my own damn life! Kids just follow me thinking that I know what i'm doing. "
" Most adults don't know what we are doing, we just pretend we do." You sweetly comforted him out of the self deprecating claim. " It's part of life, but I don't think all these children have been choosing you in vain. There must be something in you that they like: you listen to them, you make them feel understood and safe. "
Andy wasn't convinced of that, despite how flattering it sounded.
" Kyle does that a thowsand times better, so why me? "
" She didn't hear the lies, or saw her best friend in the world betray her. " You theorized out loud. " Your trauma is different and so is your way to connect with children. They relate to you, no matter how hard you try to put distance. "
Your words encouraged him in more than one aspect. Andy felt at the edge of a powerfull realization burried underneath all the layers of insecurity.
" Do you think I could ever be a good dad? "
His shy smile was a ray of hope.
" Of course I do! You would be an excellent one! And I don't say it just because I fall for you a little bit more deep with each of your safe adult stories. " You inmediately encouraged him. " You are a great man who cares so much, when you try your best you give all of you and I love you for that."
Proving your point with actions, you began to roam his face with little kisses.
" I love you, Andy. "
He enjoyed of your affections, but his mind was still focused on the topic.
" … But what if there could be someone else with us, apart from Caroline? Someone smaller and louder. "
" Did you got another Chucky head? " You teased him in return. " We have talked about that. Doll remains are only fine if the parts stay dead. "
He chuckled and pulled you even closer.
" I mean, to bring another Barclay into the world and continue the doll hunter bloodline. I have been thinking I won't live forever, but Chucky may."
Your eyes were open wide with surprise.
" Are you serious?? "
" Yes, I am. Hell, if Chucky dared to have children … Why can't I? " Andy insisted, with confident determination. " I can't do worse than him … Can I? "
You chuckled and kissed him on the lips, clinging to him with radiant happiness.
" There is nothing I would love more than starting a family with you. "
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minatoiskyuubismate · 2 years
About Dragons the nine realms
I wantched the first Episodes of the new series on free TV here in Germany and I found some interesting facts. Alex Gonzalez has two ( lesbian) mothers. I never thought that they would bring this in a kid series.They seemed even married, cause they had both the surname “Gonzalez”. In the following Episodes some of the dragons of the original Dragons series made an apperance. A monstrous Nightmare, who looks very much like Hookfang, a lot of Terrible Terrors, the Skrill, was again the “bad guy”-dragon. And today one of my favourites, the Fireworms! But without a queen. Pity is only that they dont know the Names the Vikings once gave them. I really wished they would have a menthor, I would vote for Viggo Grimborn. He could been have sent from Valhalla to look after these kids and he could have a second identity as a professor and scholar for the kids in the school of the base.
Edit: Todays Episode was about a catastrophic quaken mother and some gronkles who stole their eggs.
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rednarokavatar · 4 months
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I'm bored, so I made some sketches of Nathaniel's menthor. (Bruh, Nat is the main character of this bullshit, and the only this he got was a ref sheet...)
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