#mel's hotd fics
this fic will actually murder me into tiny pieces, I don't think this novella will cover this couple enough I NEED THEM ON MY SCREEN
snippet under the cut
“Sometimes,” he admitted quietly, “I do not believe that I deserve a wife or children. After what I said to Cedrik…” He shook his head. “Perhaps he had a point.” Clementia did not shift her eyes away from him. Her knuckles stroked against his beard, and she sighed when he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “No,” she disagreed. “You are an honest, flawed man. I do not expect perfection. If I did⎯I would love a statue. You are a good man. Any woman would be honored to love you.”
0 notes
Rain of Fire Chap. 1 Jacerys Velaryon x Fem!Lannister reader
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Prologue So, this is probably also extremely ooc. Sorry, I literally haven't written in over 2 years. Wordcount- 2k+ Warnings- Violence, smut, angst, angst, and more angst, 18+
A laugh escapes your throat at the retelling of one of those very tales when a throat clears behind you. Your hand quickly covers your mouth as you turn on your heel, eyes meeting a pair of warm brown ones. Jacaerys Velaryon stands before you, a hand extended forward, a warm smile on his lips.
"Might I have this dance, my Lady?" he asks taking your hand in his.
Your face heats up as you grasp his hand, "Of course."
Slowly walking to the floor, Jacaerys placed his hand on your waist, his other hand spinning you around. You smiled, remembering the last time you had danced together.
You grimaced as you stepped once again on Jacaerys' foot, "I'm sorry! I told you I was no good at this."
He laughed a twirled you in a circle, "It's alright, you just need more practice."
You smiled as you spun and twirled together, attempting to not bump into the other dancers. As he twirled you around once more you caught sight of your Father, a disapproving glare directed toward you. You felt your face fall, only to feel Jacaerys' hand on your chin forcing you to look into his eyes, "Is it your Father again?" he questioned, scanning the room for him.
"It's fine! Really," you say, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the way of a dancing couple.
"I just don't understand why he acts like you're some kind of blight upon him," he says but stops himself, looking to you.
"Oh- I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
You cut him off, "It's alright, it does feel that way sometimes. He has such high expectations of me, but I can never fathom why. I mean, my brothers, have made mistakes sometimes more grievous than I, and yet he is still so, so," you pause to think of the word and frown.
A throat clears interrupting you, and of course, it's your Father. His grip on your arm is iron tight as he regards Jacaerys, "Might I have a word with my daughter, Prince Jacaerys?" he says through gritted teeth, not a question, but a statement.
Jace releases your hand, "My Lady," he begins, but your Father cuts him off by dragging you across the room and into the hall.
You giggle as you lean on Jace for support in the dim hall. His arm wrapped across your waist tightens as you fall forward tripping over your slippers. You had managed to sneak away from the banquet without catching your Father's or Brother's eyes. And you may have had just a bit too much to drink. So much so that you were nearly falling over yourself as Jacaerys accompanied you back to your room, your laughter filling the hall.
He grips your waist tightly and pulls you into a corner, his warm hand covering your mouth. Your laughter is cut short when you notice who it is that is walking past. Your Father. Of course. And he seems to be greatly upset as Tyland follows after him, seemingly pleading with him. You turn your head and begin to open your mouth when you realize how close the two of you are. Your eyes flutter shut as he removes his hand from your mouth and you lean in, lips grazing before he abruptly turns away.
"We should get going then, seeing as your Father just passed," he says looking down both ends of the hall before dragging you along with him.
You feel the heat of embarrassment creep up your face as you walk the long winding corridors to your room, where your Father is awaiting you. 
“And where have you been?” he sneers marching towards you, eyes ablaze with anger. 
You can feel the tears pooling in your eyes as Jace tightens his grip on your arm pulling you behind him, “I was asked by my Lady to escort her back to her chambers,” he replied as your Father’s face reddened with anger. 
In his rage, he couldn’t seem to find the right words as he raised a hand to strike you which was promptly blocked by Jacaerys. You flinched, and your Father stumbled into Tyland who quickly righted himself dusting himself off. 
“You insolent girl! I have half a mind to drag you back to Casterly Rock and let you rot instead of finding a suitor for you!” He shouted, Tyland sighing and placing a hand on your Father’s shoulder.
“Father,” he whispered, “you are causing a scene in front of a Prince for the Seven's sake, calm yourself, this will not bode well for our House.”
Your Father seethed as he shoved Tyland to the side, “We will discuss this matter in the morning,” he snarled marching down the hallway leaving you with tear-stained cheeks. 
Jace quickly regarded you grabbing your face in his hands, wiping away the tears. 
“Are you alright?” he asked cautiously as you sniffled.
“I-I, yes I’m alright. Just a bit startled,” you turned to your brother whose face wore a look of pure regret.
“And what were the two of you doing waiting outside my chambers?” you questioned him your eyes seemingly staring straight into his soul. 
Tyland sighs, “I tried to reason with him, you know,” his voice is sorrowful as he meets your eyes. 
“You tried to reason with him for what?” you snap, tired of being left in the dark when it came to matters concerning yourself. 
He sighs, his eyes closing, “Father never intended on introducing you to suitors in King’s Landing. He’s planning on marrying you off to the Prince of Pentos.”
You gasp, a sense of dread overcoming you as you start feeling faint. Jacaerys grabs your hand, steadying you as he regards your older brother, “I won’t let that happen,” he says, his voice wavering. 
A frown overcomes Tyland’s face, “I’m afraid the proposal has already been accepted. Father plans on leaving with you to Pentos in three days' time.”
You can already feel the bile rising in your throat. A marriage, in Pentos? A place you had only ever read of, and a man whose name you did not know. Your Father had lied to you, there were no suitors, nor Lords lining up to ask for your hand, it had already been arranged. You didn’t know if it was the drinking or this new revelation, but you couldn’t stop the bile from climbing up your throat this time. 
Tyland turned as you emptied the contents of your stomach onto the floor, sobbing and pleading with him, “I’m sorry, dear sister but there is nothing I nor you can do. Father has made up his mind and there will be no changing it,” he said walking down the hall presumably to bed. 
Meanwhile, your mind was reeling, thoughts full of what this meant for you, for your family, or more importantly Jacaerys, who you had only just reunited with. You sobbed, feeling him lead you back into your chambers, the door closing quietly behind you. Your hands wouldn’t stop shaking as you sat back on the bed hiccupping, trying to find a way out of this arrangement. 
Jacerys sighed, wiping away your tears with his hand, and sat down next to you, his hand rubbing circles on your back as you cried. 
“He lied,” you sobbed, “he lied. He said he was bringing me back to King’s Landing to meet my suitors, and that he would give me a choice, but he arranged a marriage behind my back!” 
You sob into Jace’s shoulder soaking the fabric with your tears. 
“All these years, he’s kept me locked away in Casterly Rock, only to send me away to a place I know nothing of. And to a man whose name I do not know,” your cries grew muffled as you buried your face deeper into his shoulder, his arms wrapped around you, hand running through your hair, chin sitting atop your head. 
Jacaerys’ mind raced, and he felt his blood boiling, trying to find a way to stop this arrangement, one that would conclude in mere days. He wished he couldn’t believe your Father would do something like this, however, he knew better seeing as how long you had known each other. Placing a kiss on the top of your head he moves to stand, you rise with him wrapping your arms around his waist, “Please don't go, don’t leave.”
His mouth twists into a frown as he pulls your arms from around his waist to hold your hands, “I won’t, but I promise you, I will find a way to end this arrangement, your Father be damned,” he says lowering you onto the bed, his eyes locked onto your lips. 
You lean forward, your lips meeting, eyes closing, your hand pulling him onto the bed with you. You break the kiss when you feel his hands on the ribbons of your dress, slowly untying it as he trails kisses and bites down your collarbone, surely leaving marks. You gasp as he tosses your dress to the side, the cool air greeting your naked body. A blush spreads across your face and your arms cover your chest. 
"Don't hide yourself from me,” he whispers his breath warming your ear as he pulls your arms away from your chest. 
He pauses, taking your necklace into his hand, bringing it closer to his eyes, “You kept this?” he asks his voice a whisper. 
Your lips up turned into a smile, “Of course I kept it, what-” he cuts you off with a kiss dropping the necklace back to your neck.
“I thought you might have, thrown it away or your Father would have taken it,” he said breaking the kiss. 
You frown, cupping his face with your hand, “I’d never throw it away,” you pause as he leans his face into your hand placing a kiss on the inside of your wrist, “and I’d never let him take it. It was the only thing I had of you when I left for Casterly Rock, so of course, I kept it.”
He smiles softly, “Well, I’m glad that you did.”
You stifle a moan as he trails kisses down your chest, softly biting down on your breast, his other hand gliding down your thigh to your core. He groans when he feels how wet you are, quickly undoing his shirt and pants, tossing them across the room, you whimper as he inserts two fingers into your warmth. He leans down and kisses you softly, biting your bottom lip as his fingers move faster, deepening the kiss. 
Your eyes clench shut as you feel a coil in your stomach tighten, but Jacaerys quickly pulls away, leaving you to whine in confusion. 
“Is this alright?” he asks lining up his head to your entrance, eliciting a gasp from you. 
You feel your face heat up, and nod your head, clenching your eyes closed as he sheathes himself inside your cunt. A moan escapes his mouth and his lips are on yours once more. Biting his bottom lip your tongue slides into his mouth.
You whimper, feeling his cock hit your cervix. You moan his name, your eyes rolling back in your head, heat pulsing through your body as he starts to slowly move. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you suck and nibble on his neck, a low moan coming from his mouth as he quickens his pace. You feel that familiar coil tightening again, your name on his lips like a prayer as his hands gripped your sides tightly, lips meeting yours, your teeth clashing as your vision went white, finally reaching your high, a strangled moan leaving your lips as you felt his cum fills your warmth. His thrusts slow as his breathing turns ragged and you both come down from your highs, his body collapsing onto yours.
Tugging the covers over your naked bodies you sigh nuzzling into his neck.
Jacaery smiles tiredly at you, wrapping his arm around your waist whispering, "I'll find a way to sort out your, arrangement in the morning, "Nyke kivio, ñuha jorrāelagon," he adds is High Valyrian, eyes closing as he grips you tighter.
Hello! Thank you for reading this I hope you enjoyed, here is a link to my masterlist if you want to read more like this! I also used a translator for the High Valyrian so it might not be a hundred percent correct, but thank you so much again, and requests are open!
Also, if you'd like to be tagged for this fic, comment and let me know!
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snow-stormed · 6 months
—yours to lose. | Jacaerys x Baela.
“She presses light kisses that spread warmth to the hand she has enveloped in hers, her body trembling with the force of her relieved sobbing, and breathes shakily onto it, 'oh, Jace. You're awake.'”
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SUMMARY: Jacaerys Velaryon thought his life was forfeit the moment his body hit the water... But he did not account for his betrothed's stubbornness.
[A Jace lives AU.]
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madame-fear · 10 months
Tag five moots that you admire, love, and adore - and type out why you love em so much, too! Let's say a nice word or two about those in the fandom and genuinely spread some good vibes!
Tag five people when you're done❤️ Let's spread some good vibes!
Only 5?! Damn it, i will break the rules and tag 7 because i say so! Alrighttt, here it goes; thank you so so much nonnie! 💜💙
@damatheirin :
Esto era de esperarse, no? Siempre mi número uno. 👀💜💙 I love you more than anything because not only you are my one and only best friends, but because you always understood how I thought, you never dismissed all my feelings no matter how high or low I felt, sticked by my side in all situations, and we passed through bad situations together. You are like my big sister, and words or actions aren’t enough to express how deeply I love and admire you. Even if I am a bit weird when it comes to expressing feelings, I just hope you know how lucky I feel to have you in my life, and cherish our friendship. Te amo muchísimo, mi tonta! 😍💞💞
@sabrinasstar :
Mel, my love! Alright so we are just recently really knowing each other and talking often, but I just want you to know that I deeply appreciate you, my dear! You are the sweetest, most funny girl I ever met! Your memes and your way of behaving makes me laugh a lot, and I love it when you share your personal things with me! I also love the enthusiasm you share for my stories, and i love returning you the favour because I just get too happy when I see your comments. Ily! 💜💙
@capellaadara :
My dear Carlo, your messages, comments, and ask boxes ALWAYS bring a smile to my face no matter what they are about. You are the most positive person I ever met on the HotD fandom, and I truly am glad to have met and befriended you. I deeply cherish the friendship we have, and you always make me so joyful with your sweet words, calm self, and how cheery/colourful you are! I hope you receive all the good vibes in the world, and receive all the best that you give. 💜💙
@amiraisgoingthruit :
Fellow Amira! Just like with my other mutual Mel, we are just beginning to know each other. But either way, I truly adore the way you so amazingly write your fics! And you are super incredibly sweet person that makes me glad to know you feel included and loved whenever I send you messages. You are amazing and very much loved, keep up the amazing work! You are a true delight of a mutual, and I mean it genuinely 💜💙
@hopelesswritergall :
Mir my love, we also just met (yesterday, funny enough!). But even so, I can tell you are a very amazing person and very sweet as well! You immediatly made me feel comfortable when we started talking, and I’m grateful we could share a few things about one another. Never let anything or anyone put you down! You are marvellous 💜💙
@jacevelaryonswife :
Ella my darling! One of my first mutuals in the HotD fandom. I absolutely always adored your way of writing, and the way you are so sweet and genuinely understanding. You are very kind and nice to everyone that places themselves upon your blog, and not only that, but your profile is so beautifully aesthetic! Thank you for everything, truly. I am glad I met you, Rebeca (Dama), and also @faces-ofvenus. Ilyyy sweetie girl, i fangirl when you give me a nickname. 💜💙
@manuholland6 :
Manu! I am so glad we did that Elliot Grihault page together. Even if I don’t interact much with the HotD/Elliot content like I used to do (for some reasons), I still always feel happy when I see you tag me in the fanpage we decided to make, and help our accounts mutually grow. You are so very sweet, cute and lovely! I wish I could hug you tightly. 💜💙
tagging! : @damatheirin @elusive-honeydew @patisilence @amiraisgoingthruit @captainsophiestark @simp-aholic
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Hi! My name's Mel, and this is my master list. This has all of my current and in-progress works.
House of The Dragon
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Rain of Fire-
Rain of Fire- Daemon Targaryen x Fem!Lannister reader Chap. 1
Rain of Fire Daemon Targaryen x Fem!Lannister! reader Chap. 2
Rain of Fire- Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Lannister reader Chap. 1
Rain of Fire- Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Lannister reader Chap. 1
Rain of Fire- Criston Cole x Fem!Lannister reader Chap. 1
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Rain of Fire Series Masterlist
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Prologue Jacaerys Velaryon (Targaryen)
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Chapter 1
Criston Cole
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Chapter 1
Daemon Targaryen
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Aemond Targaryen
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Chapter 1
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Rain of Fire Daemon Chap. 2 Targaryen X Fem!Lannister! reader
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Prev. Chapter
Series Masterlist
Word Count- 1.1k+
You spent the night staring at the ceiling, eyes unblinking while the night ended and a new day began. The warm rays of the summer sun greeted you as your lady-in-waiting Sanda entered the room, her long dark hair sectioned into two braids, her violet eyes surveying the room, taking in the scattered garments and your empty stare.
You feel her shake your shoulder and pull you into a sitting position. You feel her eyes lingering on the now dark purple and blue marks that littered your body, most prominently on your neck. She sighs deeply and stands to open the wardrobe.
"I see you had quite the evening, my lady," she says as she begins filling a basin with warm water, " Do you wish to discuss it?"
You stand and slowly step into the water, letting its warmth engulf you as you try to piece your mind and senses back together.
"I'd rather not," you pause glancing out, the blue sky meeting your eyes, "Is there anything my Father requires of me today?"
Sanda frowns as she begins washing your hair, her hands carding through it mindlessly, "Not that I know of, my Lady."
You sigh as she continues with your hair, hand twirling your necklace around your fingers, wanting nothing more than to throw it out the window.
You fidget in your dress as you walk the halls. Your Father had called upon you, and although he insisted it was nothing to be worried about, you knew he was lying. Of course, he hadn't bothered to tell you the day before, so you could at least prepare yourself. He had even summoned you to the throne room of all places. The second you opened the door you noticed your brother, Father, and... the King? A strange sense of Deja vu washed over you as you gave a curtsy and turned to your Father.
"Your Grace," you turn to your Father, forcing a smile anger coursing through your veins, "Father, you wished to discuss something with me?"
He smiled as he placed a hand on your shoulder, turning to the King, "Your Grace, the King has just informed me of an absolutely wonderful opportunity," you could feel the greed dripping from his voice, and you couldn't help but wonder what King Viserys had offered him.
The King coughed before looking at you, a look of sorrow in his eyes, for you and the Princess, had been close confidants since you were children, and you reminded him just a bit of her.
"Lady Lannister," he said another coughing fit interrupting him.
You could a look of concern pass over the hand of the King, Lord Strong's face. You steel yourself, trying to fight back the tears in your eyes.
"You know of Dorne, yes?" he questions you coughing once more.
You nod your head, "Yes, I do know of Dorne," you pause, deliberating if you should add more before he cuts you off.
"In the past, I was offered an arrangement, for my daughter and heir, Rhaenyra. It was decided against at the time, but a new proposal has come to us. The Prince of Dorne is willing to marry a noblewoman from Westeros to unite the Seven Kingdoms."
Your attempts to keep the tears sealed away fail miserably as you feel them running down your cheeks.
"And that noblewoman is me?" you question, your hands clenched in anger, tears still falling.
The king sighs and coughs, "Yes, it would be."
Your Father's face is alight, "Daughter, just think of the opportunity! There are insurmountable riches in store for you. For Seven's sake, you'll be a princess!"
He droned on as you excused yourself, somberly walking down the halls, your expression blank and unreadable when you bump into someone. You apologize absentmindedly as you wander on back to your chamber, not noticing the Princess's look of concern as you brush past her.
You hear a thud as your body falls onto the bed, your dress wrinkling as you move to lay down kicking off your slippers, drawing the covers over your head, thoughts veering from Daemon to the Prince of Dorne.
You surmised your relationship, if you could call it that, with Daemon could be considered quite, volatile. However, you could never your feelings for him. No matter how much or hard you tried to repress them, they always came back, swallowing you whole. Especially when he had the audacity to waltz into your room in the dead of night, his mouth latching onto yours, hands gripping your waist so tightly it would bruise. You hated that he had so much control over you, mind, body, and soul. But, he didn't really love you, and you knew that. He never said it aloud, and he had recently wed, again.
You sigh as he continues his assault on your neck, his lips now meeting yours, taking your breath away. You feel his hands grasp your hips and moan. He slams his hips into yours, your head reeling as a familiar knot tightens in your stomach.
"I'm being sent off to Dorne," you blurt out, your hands clenching the sheets as you stare at his now clothed back.
He turns and walks towards you his hand now in your hair, you lean into it cautiously, he had never been this, gentle, before.
"Well then, stay," he says his fingers twisting your hair.
"I can't, it's a proposal from the Prince of Dorne, Qoren, is his name, although it doesn't matter!" you add quickly at the darkening in his eyes.
"Then come with me," he says his hand grabbing yours, hand grabbing the Valyrian necklace he had given you so many years ago.
"To where?" you ask, your hands fidgeting in your lap. "And what of your wife? Lady Laena?"
He doesn't answer as he plants a kiss on the inside of your wrist, ignoring your queries, "You have until tomorrow night to give me your answer," he says flatly before leaving the room, this time shutting the door behind him. The sound reverberated through your body as you fell back.
You sit still, head swimming, and fall back on the pillows.
I know this chapter is suuuper short but I have a lot going on right now, I have to retake a math and speech course, so yeah... The next chapter will be out during winter break sorry!
Also, let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist! Just leave a comment or message me, I can't comment back without revealing my main blog and I'd rather not do that just yet!
Thank you so much!
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Rain of Fire Chap. 1 Daemon Targaryen x Fem!Lannister reader
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Prologue Chapter 2 Masterlist Series Masterlist Warnings- Violence, angst, angst and more angst, 18+, smut. Word Count- 2k+
A laugh escapes your throat at the retelling of one of those very tales when a throat clears behind you. Your hand quickly covers your mouth as you turn on your heel, eyes meeting with Prince Daemon, his lips twisted into a smirk, hands behind his back.
You choke on air, eyes widening as he tasks your hand in greeting. You give a small curtsey and excuse yourself, turning to leave before he grabs your arm and turns you to face him, asking for the next dance.
You sigh as the sights of rolling trees greet you, the bumps of the carriage ride having awoken you from your peaceful slumber. You turn to meet your Father's glare.
You straighten up your back and smooth out your dress and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. You try to listen as your Father explains the etiquette for hunts that include the royal family, where to stand, how to walk, and the appropriate conversations to have with other lords and ladies.
You frown when he finishes just as the carriage comes to an abrupt stop, the doors opening the rays of the sun blinding you as stand, once more smoothing out your dress.
You quickly accept the hand that appears before you as you step onto the ground the sight of a dozen or so tents surrounded by lush green foliage greeting you. Your Father beckons you and you hurry after.
You sit surrounded by fellow Ladies engaging in conversation, or as you would call it, petty gossip. Your eyes linger on the opening of the tent, wanting nothing more than to flee the bore that is the aristocracy surrounding you.
However, your plans of escape are interrupted by a young man introducing himself. You hear the other Lady's voices cease and feel their eyes on you. You give the man a tight smile and ask for his name once more, he replies and you feign recognition.
Jarrad, son of Lord Beesbury, as you now know asks if he can speak with you, alone. You hear the other Lady's gasp as they begin to hurriedly whisper to one another.
Your smile tightens as you reply, "Why of course, my Lord," your teeth grit as he leads you out of the tent, the feeling of someone's eyes burning a hole through the back of your skull.
He leads you to a somewhat secluded spot under a large oak tree, its branches swaying in the breeze, leaves floating to the ground.
He clears his throat, clearly nervous as he takes your hand in his, you can see the sweat pool on his brow as he starts to speak, "My Lady, I apologize for having interrupted your conversation," he pauses clearing his throat again, "but I have something that I must share with you."
His hands fumble in his pockets, bringing out a small box, he opens it revealing a small silver band with a small yellow gemstone in the center. You meet his eyes and sigh, a frown rising on your lips.
You take a deep breath and choose your words carefully, "Lord Beesbury, I do appreciate the sentiment, however, I am afraid I cannot accept your proposal," you pause watching his face fall, "however I would like to ask if my Father sent you here?"
His eyes fall to the ground, his hands shaking, "To be honest my Lady, he did not send me here but he did discuss the proposal with my Father. I do truly like you-"
You cut him off, "Thank you for your honesty my Lord, but I am afraid I must cut our meeting short, I must speak with my Father at once."
You turn on your heel leaving him behind, his hands clenched around the now closed box.
You march through the camp to you and your family's tent, throwing open the flaps, your blood boiling with anger as you stand before your Father. You clench your teeth, attempting to keep your composure, "Father, I must have a word with you."
His eyes meet yours as he finishes signing the parchment before him. He sighs before standing, "And what is it you would need to discuss?" He asks his arms behind his back.
You take a deep breath in an attempt to keep your voice level, tears of anger threatening to spill, "I have received a proposal from the son of Lord Beesbury. Did you know of this arrangement?"
He sighs again, anger washing over his face, "Yes. I discussed it with Lord Beesbury before we left King's Landing. I saw it as a rather good match, and you have put off marriage for far too long. I've spoiled you," he said as he stepped back.
"Well then, there's no need to worry about me, I've called off the arrangement," you seeth, his face turning red with anger.
"You what?" His voice drips with venom as he turns to you, arms at his side.
He marches toward you as you step back to leave, "I called it off, thankfully he was very understand-" he cuts you off with a slap, and you stumble backward clutching your face as he raises his hand once more.
Only to be interrupted by Tyland opening the flaps of the tent giving you room to escape. You run to the makeshift stable and quickly put a bridle on a startlingly silver horse, and hop onto its back, leaving the saddle behind. You give its sides a nudge with your heel and set off, leaving the camp in the dust as the sun begins to set.
You race through the trees as darkness falls around you, a sliver of moonlight lighting the path before you gasp. Your horse rears and you close your eyes tightly as you brace yourself to hit the ground. You feel your body tumble in mid-air for what seems like an eternity before you feel a sharp pain in your temple, your vision going black.
Sometime later you come too, head throbbing in pain as you assess the damage. Having been thrown from your horse, you're surprised the injuries aren't more severe, that is until you attempt to stand. A sharp pain hits your knee full force and you stumble forward grabbing onto the trunk of a nearby tree for support. Groaning in pain you grab your satchel and look around. Surrounded by deep foliage light only by a sliver of moonlight, you sigh deeply. Even if you managed to make it back to the road, you'd never be able to make it back to camp.
A sudden snap of a tree branch forces you from your thoughts as you turn to see what caused the noise, you gasp from the pain in your knee, and then from the sight that greets you.
A wild boar is staring you down, huffing, its hooves scratching the ground as it readies itself to charge. You feel your body stiffen, unable to move you watch as if in slow motion, the boar rushing towards you. Your eyes snap shut, awaiting your fate when you feel something warm splatter across your face.
Slowly blinking, your eyes open, landing on the now, deceased boar, and a sword covered in its blood. You turn when a hand lands on your shoulder, your eyes widening in a mixture of awe and fear, "Prince Daemon?"
He sheaths his blade, "Lady Lannister?" he questions his eyes scanning you for injury, lingering on your knee.
"Yes, that would be me," you reply as he hands you a piece of cloth and turns away as you wipe the blood from your face.
"Thank you, my Prince," you pause as you fiddle with the cloth, your mind drifting to your Father and his reaction when you return to camp, "did, perchance my Father send you, and others, of course, to come looking for me? If so I do apologize. I did not mean-"
He cuts you off before you can continue your rambling, his hand hovering over your shoulder, "He, did not, my Lady, and there is no need to apologize. Now, I'll escort you back."
You frown as you're suddenly lifted up, and you feel your face heat up as he begins to walk, "T-there's truly no need for you to carry me back, I can walk myself," you protest, however, Daemon ignores your pleas and continues walking.
There is a chorus of gasps as you make it back to the tents that make up the camp, people flock to you, some confused as to why there's such a crowd, although most concerned when they see the blood dripping steadily from your temple and knee. Your eyes drift to the ground as Daemon carries you into a smaller tent and sets you down on a small cot, a Maester gasping in shock when he sees the extent of your injuries.
A frown adorns your face as you attempt to reassure him, "I'm sure it is only a mere scratch or cut, nothing too serious."
But his face remains grim as he thanks the Prince for having brought you in, and begins to tend to your wounds.
You wince when he wipes a wet cloth against your forehead, and then once again when he does the same for your knee. You clench your hands and glance around the tent, eyes locking with the Prince's.
He stands near the back of the tent, lost in his thoughts when the doors flap open, revealing your Father and... the King? You look on in confusion as your Fathe stands tight-lipped next to the entrance of the tent, his eyes full of anger when they land on you.
You feel yourself shrink back under his gaze, hands tightening on the edge of the cot as he thanks Daemon.
"My Prince, I truly apologize for any inconvenience my, daughter has caused," he pauses contemplating, "I will see to it that it never happens again, your Grace," he regards the King as he turns to leave, leaving you alone with the two.
You glance over to see the two in a heated conversation, their whispers growing louder until the Maester interrupts them, "Your Grace, seeing as the Lady Lannister has had, er, quite the night, I suppose she rests here in the infirmary until the morning."
The King turns away from his brother, "Of course, rest well, Lady Lannister," he says exiting the tent, an awkward silence overcoming the tent.
You fiddle with the cloth Daemon gave you as your eyes focus on the floor, trying to avoid his gaze.
The Maester clears his throat and excuses himself, leaving the tent, and leaving you alone with the Prince.
You fiddle with the cloth until you hear Daemon clear his throat, walking towards you, his arms behind his back. You can feel his eyes upon you, as if they stare directly into your soul, when you feel his hand on your chin, forcing you to look up at him. A blush creeps across your face when he leans in, his lips meeting yours in a hungry kiss full of lust, your teeth clashing as his hand finds your back, pushing you back onto the cot. His knee forces your legs open and you wince in pain as he releases your lips, biting down on your collarbone, your hands rake through his hair as his lips move lower, only for him to stand his mouth hovering above yours, before he swiftly leaves the tent, leaving you alone.
You shift uncomfortably on the cot, brows furrowed as you twist a glinting silver necklace in your hands.
Your reminiscence of the past is interrupted as you feel Daemon grasping your hand tightly, you frown absentmindedly and wrench your hand from his grasp. Your turn to leave, but you can't even get a step in when you feel his hand on your arm, "Allow me to escort you back to your chambers my Lady," he says a smirk adorning his lips as you acquiesce him.
You allow him to walk you to your chambers, a permanent scowl etched on your face. The silence suffocates as you reach the door, Daemon gently twisting the knob and pushing it open. Your hands clench as you feel his hand on your lower back leading you into the dim room, the only light coming from a lit candle on the windowsill.
You hear the door click shut behind you as his hands snake down your sides and land on your hips, his tongue darting out to lick his lips before they land on your neck, biting down roughly. You gasp at the feeling, a warm sensation filling your stomach as blood drips from the wound. His lips meet yours, one hand on your neck and the other tearing the laces off your dress.
Tossing your dress to the side, you feel a chill run up your naked skin as Daemon pushes you down onto the bed. His lips leave a trail down your neck reaching your navel before he sits back and unlaces his shirt and pants tossing them to the side. You gasp at the familiar feeling of his cock slamming into your warmth.
You moan and bite your lip in an attempt to hide it, but he grabs your jaw and forces it open shoving his fingers into your mouth, while he relentlessly pounds into your cunt.
Your legs tighten around his waist as your nails leave indents in his shoulders as you reach your high. Daemon's thrusts become sloppy as he spills into your warmth, your breathing ragged as he stands and dresses.
You lay in silence as the door clicks shut and sigh, pulling the sheets closer, not knowing what to feel.
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed!
If you want to be added to the taglist please leave a comment. I will not be able to reply due to this being a side blog but I will still add you!
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Rain of Fire (HOTD multi charc. x Fem!Lannister! Reader)
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hello, my name's mel! this is a multi-chapter/part fic with different endings and characters all from hotd. this is the sort of preview for the rest of the series. i will be releasing a different set of chapters for each character listed below-
Aemond Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Criston Cole
more characters may be added later on!
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Your eyes follow the small drops of rain as they fall down the windows of your room.  Lighting illuminates the ground before Casterly Rock, the trees swaying in the wind nearly being ripped out by their roots. You twist uncomfortably in bed as the lighting strikes once more, thunder deafening your ears. Clasping your hands over your head you jump from the bed, drawing the curtains together. Nerves alight, your mind took a brief reprieve from the storm to follow the events of the morrow. Well, meeting your suitors to be more specific. Your Father had been somewhat lenient the past few years, allowing you time to yourself, but over the course of the past few months, he had been oddly fervent when it came to your betrothal. Which meant the next morning you would be loaded into a carriage and shipped off to King’s Landing, something you very much did not look forward to. 
A sharp knock on the door jolted you from your thoughts, “My Lady?” a timid voice called out, another knock following. 
“Yes?” You responded, feet meeting the cool stone floor, hand fumbling with the door to open it. 
“Your Father has sent me to assure you are resting before your visit to King’s Landing,” she said her hands clasped behind her back, a tired look on her face.
“Yes, I am resting as well as I can, considering the circumstances,” you whisper the last part under your breath, head turned to the side hand on the door desperately wanting to slam it shut and throw yourself back into bed to get at least one hour of sleep before morning. 
“Well, rest well my Lady,” she says, turning on her heel and disappearing down the hall.
A sigh leaves your lips as you shut the door and plop back into bed, twisting your necklace in your fingers, the silver of Valyrian silver glints back at you as if mocking you. Tossing it to the side you throw the covers over your head and pray for the storm to worsen. 
A sharp knock awakens you from your deep slumber, slowly pushing back your blanket you walk to the door, rubbing your eyes, “Come in!”
“My Lady, I’m here to help you pack your things and get ready for the day,” a woman says a small smile spread on her mouth. 
“Thank you,” you reply as you turn to grab a trunk for your dresses and shoes. 
“You have a big day ahead of you my Lady, how are you feeling?” she asks, carefully sectioning your hair to start a braid. 
You ponder your response for a moment, this was it, the day you met your, many as your Father had said, suitors. Your feelings were certainly mixed, on the one hand, you were glad to finally be leaving Casterly Rock for the first time in over ten years, on the other hand, you were nervous, what if your suitors didn’t like you? What if they found you ugly or unappealing? What are they like? Do they prefer training with the blade or a book of prose? There were so many questions swirling about your brain you didn’t even notice your lady-in-waiting had begun to dress you. An elegant crimson gown with gold accents and a flowery brocade. A bit too much in your opinion, considering how long the carriage ride was to King’s Landing, but a first impression should be a good one you supposed. 
Another knock interrupted your thoughts, this time the culprit was none other than your older brother Jason. He chuckled at the look of annoyance spread across your face.
“Dear sister, it is nearly time to depart, are you ready to set off?” 
You huffed sliding on your matching slippers and marched past him, “Of course, I’m ready to leave, I’ll meet you at the carriage.”
He quickly followed after. 
Your eyes nearly rolled out of their sockets as your Father explained for the thousandth time the appropriate greetings to the Princess Rhaenyra, the King, and the other members of the royal family currently in King’s Landing. 
Staring out the window you felt your mouth twist into a frown, “Father, enough of the etiquette of greetings, can you at least regale me with the names of my potential suitors?” You asked, annoyance filling your tone, eyes sending a glare to your older brother, who was certainly not helping. 
“Well, I thought it best to wait until we arrive in King’s Landing to give them a proper chance to introduce themselves to you,” he said opening up a scroll, effectively putting an end to the conversation. 
Resting your head in your hand your eyes followed along the road, the green trees flowing past, hoping that your first day back in King’s Landing wouldn’t be a total disaster. 
The carriage comes to a halt, jolting you awake, the sun blinds you as you adjust your dress and hair, tucking your necklace out of view. Your brother nudges your shoulder and steps out of the carriage, you stand smoothing out your gown, and quickly take his hand, letting him help you out of the carriage. The sight of the palace and city guards welcomes you. You smile, it seems like much hasn’t changed in the last ten years. Your second oldest brother, now Master of Coin welcomes you, “Welcome to King’s Landing, sister,” he says leading you through the palace.
Your heart flutters so much in excitement and nervousness, you feel it might take flight as you turn the numerous corridors to be presented to the court. You come to a halt, just before the throneroom, hands nervously grabbing at your dress head held high, a horn sounds, and the nobles in the room turn their heads, their eyes all focused on you. Your nerves go straight to  your stomach and you think you might puke, but as your eyes scan the crowd, they land on a pair of familiar reassuring ones. A smile ghosts your lips as you step forward,  hands now limp by your side as the King welcomes you, your Father and brother. 
The night goes on without any problems, your nerves still on high alert every time you introduce yourself or someone introduces themselves to you. Most of the people you do not recognize, only to remember once they give their name and a story from when you were children. A laugh escapes your throat at the retelling of one of those very tales when a throat clears behind you. Your hand quickly covers your mouth as you turn on your heel, eyes meeting with…
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madame-fear · 6 months
mira.. girl i forgot to tell u but one of the things i thought of when i saw the trailor is that lucerys wasn't THEREE 😭😭 like it's actually officially our boy isn't coming back!! also i thought of u bc ur the top lucerys stann
MEL MY BELOVED SWEETIE 😭😭💗💗 Ik!! I mean, we know he died along Arrax in Storms End, yes, but I got so used about the first season and the fact that he always is alive in our fics and random HOTD content that being canonically faced with the fact that Luke is dead made me feel totally sad :(
Ngl my essential tremor worsened that day because I got myself overwhelmed AJAUDKFK😭 and also salty bc I couldn’t swoon over my man looking hot preparing for war LMAOO
But even if he probably won’t be coming back, I still have the big HOPE that we will see him as a ghost, flashback, hallucination or whatever — we have to collectively manifest it!
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Request Guidelines~
Hello, my name is Mel, and these are the guidelines for my requests! Seeing this is a side blog, feel free to leave a comment or send me a dm for a request!
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Any reader x character, most fandoms but I'd like to keep this blog mainly HOTD, LOTR, GOT, The Hobbit (films), and fantasy in general.
I will write for any character you ask for!
I will write pretty much any specific plot or story you ask for, all I ask is that you give a somewhat detailed description of what you would like me to write.
I will write any genre!
angst, fluff, smut, etc. are welcome! especially angst, which is what I'm best at for some reason!
Type of fics-
I write one-shots, multi-chapter stories, song fics, occasionally headcanons, and more!
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