#meichi friendship
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{Digimon Adventure x tri.: Confession x 2020 Ep 33} (J.P.N Version) ~ Koushiro[u] Izumi + Important QUOTES / Phrases + Character Traits (across all Medias) {TENTOMON}: いやたしかに光子郎はんは人づきあいは不器用やけど― そんな悪い人やありまへん 何かに熱中すると他のことには気がいかへんようになるだけや
{PALMON}: 光子郎一生懸命(けんめい)やってくれてるよ!
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“Koushiro is doing everything he can to help you!” - Palmon, to Mimi
“ABOUT Koushiro... He’s investigating THIS, WITH ALL his Heart... He says it’s ALL HE CAN DO...” - Tri!Taichi, to Meiko
“BESIDES, this is ABOUT ALL I CAN DO.” - 2020!Koushiro
“...SO...!!” - Taichi
“...But he’s not a {BAD} boy.” - Tentomon
“I think he’s a {really} {GOOD} {GUY}.” - Tentomon
“...Koushiro-han? Are you sure you don’t want to take a break--?” - 2020!Kabuterimon
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“...{I’M FINE}.”
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inquisitoradaar · 1 year
🧫 Were your turtles mutated intentionally or on accident?
💵 How do your turtles make money? Or do they only scavenge?
🐱 Do any of your characters have pets?
👤 Are there any oc’s in your au?
💛 Is there a Jennika in your au?
🩵 Is there a Venus in your au?
🧫: everyone in the hamato family was mutated intentionally! mutagen was created by stocktech and. well.
💵: almost everything the turtles have is from scavenging. donnie has His Methods (origins of which im currently writing about) to get stuff that isnt typically found in junkyards, back alleys, or garbage bins, but everything else? scavenged.
🐱: april has a pet cat named klunk! since shes an only child and has a hard time making friends, her parents wanted to get her someone to hang out with. klunk's a tortoiseshell! also, its not technically a pet, but jenny feeds whatever birds end up near the oroku household and has developed a friendship with a family of crows
👤: sort of? slash has a different origin story in waterlogged (she used to be a human named dr. valentina ortiz) but she's still slash. casey has a sister named zelda i made up but like. she's a baby and has no real influence on the plot. i might come up w more ocs at some point but that's pretty much it for now.
💛: kinda spoiled this one, but yup! jenny is the middle oroku child and is 21 when we finally get to meet her. she picked jennika to be her name in english, but her japanese name is reika (令佳)
🩵: venus is the eldest oroku child, and is 2 1/2 years older than jenny. shes of chinese descent, but, like jenny, was adopted by saki. she prefers her chinese name, meichi (美琪) but if someone is having difficulty pronouncing it shell just ask them to use the english name she chose instead
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I'm reading this book called 'Barely Functional Adult' by Meichi Ng, and I loved the chapter on friendship because it's so relatable. That was like an entire struggle that I went through. I was shocked at how exactly similar the experience was. And I loved the conclusion she gave to that story. I like that book because it's so real. Thank you Meichi Ng for this amazing book <3.
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random-bookquotes · 2 years
With old friends, there’s no censorship. You can speak as you please because you’ve earned the luxury of being yourself. Pointless conversations can go on for hours, but you won’t feel the hours. And if you should say something questionable, they’ll know it’s because you’re having a bad week, and not because you’re a bad person. True friends see the best parts of us, even when we forget those parts ourselves. But with new people, you don’t get that benefit of the doubt. They haven’t even decided whether they like you or not-let alone give you a free pass for senseless comments. If you say something questionable, you become questionable as a person.
Meichi Ng, Barely Functional Adult: It'll All Make Sense Eventually
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Digimon Adventure Shipping Masterpost - Part 2
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Part 1 
Sora x Izzy (Kora)
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Pros:They’re both the most level headed of the group and there’s relatively little drama between them. So if you want something sweet and cute that’s stress free, then this could do ya.  There’s also the added bonus of breaking up the Tai/Sora/Matt triangle. 
Cons: They’re also kind of boring. They don’t play off one another in any interesting way. They’re just generally nice to each other and can work together as a team, and that’s about it.  They also rarely interact outside of the group. 
Personal Ranking (5/10) Eh..I can see it working and I don’t mind it as a refreshing break from the drama, but there are more interesting ships out there for them.
Sora x Mimi (Mira)
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Pros: These two were the only two girls on the team for a long while, so naturally they spent a lot of time together on screen. They’re best friends, and therefore a lesbian’s dream team of a pairing. They got that opposites attract vibe, they’re relatively drama free, and they’re still other girls on the team that they interact with so it’s not like we’re losing the only female friendship on the show if you ship them.    
Cons: Mimi is largely absent in 02, so we get less interaction between them than other Adventure characters. Also, while there are other female friendships none are quite as close as these two and so you may prefer them as platonic. 
Personal Ranking (6/10) Like with Kora, I can see them working, and I do indeed like Mimi-centric ships a lot, but I kind of prefer them as a friends since for the longest time they were the only female friendship on the show; back when I was first watching.  
Sora x Joe (Joura)
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Pros: These two spend a lot of time together in Adventure. There’s lot of one on one interaction for them up episodes for them. They work well as a team, while still being different enough to make for an interesting interactions.  Also if you have the love triangle, Joe and Sora are seen suspiciously close together during the epilogue.  
Cons: Sora is in a canon ship already, if that matters to you. Plus Joe may not be your favorite, as he’s pretty decisive. Then there’s the fact that he and Sora do bump heads more so than Sora does with anyone else. It’s like a tei between Tai and Joe over who can annoy Sora the most in season one. 
Personal Ranking (7/10) This is my second favorite ship for Sora, but that’s probably because I just really like Joe a lot. 
Sora x T.K. (Sokeru)
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Pros: This ship is oddly popular in certain sections of the fandom. I’m guessing for the same reasons why Yamakari is liked. Sora is very protective of TK in season one. While their interactions do taper off after that point, they’re still seen hanging out together in 02 and Tri, at times.  
Cons: Once again their interactions are limited to mostly group settingings. They also have the same age gap as all of the 02/Adventure pairings. Given how most of their moments are in season one where that age gap makes the most difference, there’s little to go on post Adventure.  
Personal Ranking (4/10) Yeah, not enough interaction to sell this one for me. 
Sora x Kari (Sokari)
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Pros: More femslash options. They’re mostly drama free and are very similar in terms of personality. Also, when placed together they cancel out each other’s respective love triangles. 
Cons: All of the same cons as Sokeru. Also they are very similar personality wise and so their dynamic may bore you. 
Personal Ranking (3/10) Yeah, count me as one who finds them boring. Add in the age gap and lack of interaction and this ship is a no go for me. 
Sora x Davis (Daiora)
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Pros: It’s basically Taiora but without the triangle bullshit. Also Davis is very good for unrequited romance pairings. 
Cons: Even less interaction than Sokeru or Sokari. The age gap is still present even though it doesn’t matter as much in 02. 
Personal Ranking (5/10) I do really like Davis, and fanworks have shown that they make a cute pairing. But only as like a one sided crush thing, so their dynamic is limited. 
Sora x Yolei (Soyako)
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Pros: Much like with Taisuke and Yamasuke, Sora is in that mentor to friend role for Yolei, but with slightly less of an age gap.  Also more femslash options, which are indeed rarer than the slash ones, just cause there are less girls than boys in this show, sadly. 
Cons: They’re kind of Mimra light as yolie is very similar to Mimi in terms of personality. Also while they get some moments in 02, that ends as soon as we get to other seasons. 
Personal Ranking (4/10) Meh...I’d rather just go with Mimra. 
Sora x Cody (Sori)
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Pros:On the one hand they so rarely interact that you can shape their relationship post Tri into being whatever you want it to be. 
Cons: On the other hand they aren't ever seen together outside of the group and it’s only in 02 where their age difference would most matter. 
Personal Ranking (2/10) I guess there’s a certain freedom in being able to take a relationship in any direction you want to without it being pure crack or non-canon. I just don't know why you would want to when there’s so many other options out there. 
Sora x Ken (Kenora)
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Pros: Uh... They both wind up in ridiculous careers that aren’t suited to them? They’re both shoved into canon relationships without proper build up for them? Wanna cause drama for drama sake with a cheating route? 
Cons: Are these two even friends? Out of all of the 02 and Adventure characters these two probably get the least amount of interaction. At best I’d call them acquaintances who just so happen to have mutual friends. 
Personal Ranking (3/10) All the same cons as all the other 02/Adventure ships but taken to the max. I only rank it higher Sori because there’s a slightly less age gap. 
Sora x Jun (Junora)
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Pros: With these two you can pull a Korra/Asami and cut Matt off at the knees. If you’re pissed at how 02 handled relationships this can be cathartic.    It’s also a femslash option that winds up being very different in dynamics from the other yuri pairings in the show. 
Cons: Jun knows of Sora’s existence, and they’ve shared scenes together. Yet they’ve never talked to one another, and I’m not sure if Sora even knows who she is.  Then there’s the fact that Jun is very decisive in fandom. 
Personal Ranking (7/10) I really like Jun. I also like the potential dynamic that her and Sora can have. I also like getting back at Matt after the way he treated Jun. So this ship is a win/win for me. 
Sora x Meiko (Meiora)
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Pros: Lots of interactions and shippy moments to work off of.  It’s the ‘moe’ dynamic but made gay. Triangle drama free or increased triangle drama, take your pick.  
Cons: Just like with Meichi and Meimato, how much you like this ship will depend on how much you like Meiko as a character. If you thought her annoying in Tri, you’ll no doubt be annoyed by this. 
Personal Ranking (6/10) This is like Sokari but made good? Kari as she gets older becomes more Sora like and Sora as she gets older becomes more Kari like. But Mei remains the woobie/soft girl through out, so you get the protectiveness and lesbian interaction minus the awkward age gap. 
Izzy x Mimi (Mishirou)
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Pros: It’s ‘beauty and the geek’ but with an added twist. There’s some of those awkward crush moments in Tri if you like that, but mostly Izzy is very confident and assertive, just like Mimi. They tend to call out each other’s bullshit the most often. Also Mini is perhaps the second character Izzy hangs out with one on one the most besides Tai. 
Cons: The crush in Tri comes out of almost nowhere and feels like pandering. Izzy never seemed to care for Mimi in that way before and indeed was annoyed with her more often than not. Then somewhere in the middle of Tri the crush was just completely dropped altogether without any resolvement one way or the other. 
Personal Ranking (6/10) I’ve warmed up to it somewhat since Tri. There is a basis there, but it does feel very forced at times, and I don't get the overwhelming love for it. It’s merely ok at best. 
Izzy x Joe (Jyoushirou)
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Pros: Geek meets Nerd!  That’s about it. If you really like these two characters then they work just about as well as any other ship in the show. There’s also the comedic elements to their interactions together to play off of.   It also nips the Izzy/Mimi/Joe triangle in the bud. 
Cons: They have more moments together than Sora and Izzy, but not more than say Joe and Matt. It’s brief comedic moments when we get them together and not many serious or deep interactions. 
Personal Ranking (5/10) Eh..There’s a foundation there to build something off of, but for whatever reason it just doesn’t gel for me.  
Izzy x T.K. (Takshirou) 
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Pros: They’re closer in age then some of the other 02/Adventure characters, and they do interact often in all three seasons. 
Cons: Still most of those interactions are either plot related or group scenes. There’s not a whole lot to go off of. 
Personal Ranking (4/10) I don't get why someone would ship these two, yet I wouldn’t be outright opposed to it if they did. 
Izzy x Kari (Kokari) 
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Pros: Same pros as Takshirou
Cons: Same cons as Takshirou
Personal Ranking (4/10) for the same reasons as Takshirou. 
Izzy x Davis (Daishiro) 
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Pros: I guess if you like the Taishiro dynamic, but not enough to break Tai up with one of his more popular ships then this could be an option.  
Cons: It’s Taishiro lite with all the added problems that comes from shiping the 02/Adventure cast. 
Personal Ranking (4/10) For the same reasons stated as for Takshirou and Kokari.
Izzy x Yolei (Koyako) 
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Pros: Of all the 02/Adventures ships this has the smallest age gap. The age difference between her and Izzy is the same a Izzy the rest of the adventure gang. As such they spend a lot of time together.  They also have a similar dynamic to Mishirou, but with the added dimension of Yolei being a nerd as well. She can keep up with Izzy’s technobabble and often assists him in his projects. 
Cons: Izzy does have a reduced role in 02 like the rest of the adventure gang, though not quite as bad as some. Meanwhile Yolei only appears in 02 except for like a cameo here and there. So while they do interact one on one on occasion it’s not a whole lot.   
Personal Ranking (7/10) To me this has all the pros of Mishirou, but none of the cons. They’re both assertive and capable of calling out each other’s bs, but they also have a deeper understanding of one another can more in common to build off of.   
Izzy x Cody (Kori) 
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Pros: It’s the mentor/friend dynamic again. They have a lot in common and are seen hanging out together a lot.  
Cons: Same age difference as with the other mentor ships and like with Koyako they’re scenes are limited to only 02.  
Personal Rankings (3/10) It’s got more of a basis then the other Cody ships thus far, but that’s not saying much. 
Izzy x Ken (Kenshirou) 
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Pros: Uh.. It’s assertive nerd boy meets shy nerd boy, I guess? There’s also the whole former villain thing for some added angst if you want. 
Cons: Not a whole lot of one on one interact and when we do get it it’s mostly plot exposition 
Personal Ranking (4/10) I put this on the same level as Takshirou, Kokari, and Daishiro
Izzy x Jun (Junshirou) 
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Pros: It breaks all of the triangles involving both of them. They’re both fun characters. Pair the spares.  They both went on that camping trip once.  Comedy.
Cons: This ship is as close as crack as you can get without being full on crack. They’ve met, they know of each other’s existence, and they’ve been in the same scene together more than once. But they’ve never actually talked with one another on screen before. 
Personal Ranking (7/10) I just like Jun. I don’t care who you pair her with, it’s entertaining because she’s enterianing.  
Izzy x Meiko (Meishirou) 
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Pros: I guess if you like both characters then you’ll like this ship just fine. Can double as a pair the spares in order to resolve the Izzy/Mimi/Joe tringle. 
Cons: Mei has less interaction with Izzy than some of the rest of the group. Also it’s dependent upon how much you like Mei as a character. 
Personal Ranking (5/10) It’s not bad, but give me Junshirou, Koyako, or Taishirou over it any day of the week. 
That’s part 2, will carry on later in part part 3 
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thisismyarspoetica · 3 years
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     Hello, everyone. I’m ending the eleventh day of February with another post about a book sent to me by Harper Perennial (@harperperennial). Creator of the well-known webcomic Barely Functional Adult, Meichi Ng recently published a collection of illustrated short stories that details the best and worst moments in her adult life—underlay with the happiness, fear, love, and loss that comes with experience—with topics such as imposter syndrome, first loves, letting go of exes, friendship, therapy, aging, family, and trying to find her true purpose in life.      Ng’s vulnerable depictions about feeling isolated in this world, as well as her eventual epiphany that we are all connected, is familiar and necessary in the best ways. The book features the search for an emotionally independent aquatic pet, a prolonged attachment to gum, and a visit to Lam Tsuen, a seven-hundred-year-old village in Tai Po, Hong Kong, to see a banyan wishing tree, and so much more.      What I appreciated most about this book was learning more about how to differentiate between what we think we should be doing, and what we want to be doing with our lives. 
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yuuuuzuukiiii · 5 years
Delinquents headcanons
Just some random headcanons for the delinquents...don’t treat them seriously LOL
Absolute straight man
Admires Osoro, listens to everything she said but has no romantic feelings for her
Parents have divorced, currently living with his mum
His family is not rich, keeps using an old TV from last century and still use windows XP for computer
Therefore Umeji is not good at technologies
Very bad at studying, almost impossible to pass all the exams, but he doesn’t care 
Very strong, almost never gets sick
Has a motor license, rides to school everyday
Doesn’t really like animals, but doesn’t mind to play with them either
Smokes a lots, usually 1 pack per day, but doesn’t smoke at school
Has a crush on Horuda, because of this he starts trying to quit smoking
The scar on his faces came from a cat’s scratch, therefore he hates cats
Lives in a rich family but his parents always fight
He has an older brother that looks very similar to him
An alcoholic, but still minor, so he always uses his older brother’s ID card to buy alcohols, and has never get drunk
Doesn’t mind if others know he drinks
Worse at studying than Umeji, almost give up for studying
The only can cook in the gang
Maybe bisexual
Always watches horror movies at mid-night, never gets scared
Doesn’t have any license, has to go to school by buses
Doesn’t have a crush yet, but once he has, he might try to quit drinking alcohols
Has a good friendship with Dairoku
In many aspects, he is the most normal person in the gang
Very good at studying, good at every subjects, always helps Dairoku for homework
Runs a popular game streaming Channel at YouTube
His favorite games are “The Witch’s house” and “Doki Doki literature club”
Always tries to avoid physical conflicts with people
Parents work overseas, now he lives with his grandparents
Lives far away from school, therefore he wants to got a motor license, but failed the test
When he is in a foul mood, he likes to spend the entire day at amusement arcades
Has a crush on Supana Churu, but she scares of him
Neither drinks nor smoke
The youngest in the gang, Hayanari’s neighbor and friend
Extremely irascible, always gets himself into troubles
Very straightforward, hates playing on words
Not good at study, often asks Hayanari for helps
Has a motor license, rides Hayanari to school everyday
Parents running a small grocery store, sometimes he helps at the weekend
But he scared lots of customers away
Watches a lot of dramas and movies about Yakuza
Tried to offer helps for Otohiko Meichi before, but he scared that boy away as well
Likes gambling, but has very bad luck
Not good at dealing with girls, currently has no crushes
Most quite person in the gang
Mostly just listens to the rest of the gang chatting, rarely speaks
Loves anime, especially adventure and crime themes
Good at drawing, submits huge amount of works on the internet in the name of “Ritsukihi”
His artworks are popular on the internet
Usually stays up a night and draws, sleeps about 4-5 hours everyday
Geiju Tsuka, the leader of the art club, used to invite him to join the club, but he refused
Parents are from Kansai and he grew up there, so he can speak Kansai dialect fluently 
He and Hayanari are the only two that have no bad habits in the gang
Not really good at study, but at least he can pass every tests
Surprisingly good at fighting
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jippy-kandi · 6 years
Stumbled across your page quite by accident and really enjoyed combing over the information you gathered regarding Yamato's and Sora's relationship. From being someone who always thought Tai and Sora would end up together (only watched Eng dub), I have to say you changed my mind completely. Still bummed out I had it wrong for all these years but, ah, alas. I was wondering: is Taichi/Meiko in Tri supposed to "sweeten" the "loss" of Sora? If so I'm lost: their "relationship" isn't well done at all
Awww, thanks! :D It’s nice to know my old posts still get read by new people (written way back when I was young and passionate … lol). ^_^
The English dub definitely “pushed” Taiora a lot more than the original Japanese version did. But, I think some people think that means that “Taiora is entirely a dub invention” – it doesn’t and it isn’t. Taiora is definitely pushed as a “budding romance” more in the English dub (there are dialogue changes and different interpretations of scenes…), but the original Japanese does give you a strong foundation for their friendship as well (which a lot of people like using as a basis for romance – and that’s fine).
Oh, and the Japanese movie staff just ran with Taiora, so. That’s what most Japanese fans cite when they say, “I thought it was going to be Taichi and Sora … in Our War Game –”
Regarding Meichi: Yup, you hit the nail on the head. I don’t mind Meichi, but I personally prefer Taichi and Mimi together because they seem more compatible. (Michi is seriously underrated and I just don’t get it – Taichi and Mimi are like the homecoming king and queen.) But I don’t think Michi ever had a chance, because it goes against Koumi (one of their two biggest shipbaits) and because it doesn’t happen canonically in the epilogue (not that it stopped all the Takari shipbaiting…).
I think the tri. staff were too hesitant in the beginning on whether they wanted to rock the boat with a “replacement” love interest for Taichi. That’s why the Meichi “signs” in the first movie were so small … and then were dropped completely until movie 5. They tested it out a little, saw pushback from hardcore Taiora fans, and decided it wasn’t worth it? Then somehow decided they needed to do it anyway towards the end. I don’t know. The tri. staff generally annoy me with their mostly average – sometimes plain bad – writing.
Meichi could definitely have been done a lot better, if they had sprinkled in just a few little scenes in every film (and I don’t mean outright shipping scenes, but little nuggets of Taichi and Meiko getting to know each other or even just reacting to each other in some small way). Then it wouldn’t seem so abrupt in movies 5 and 6. So I’m definitely with you there.
(And before people claim Sorato was “abrupt” – bro, Sorato had an entire season of slow-building their friendship and showing viewers how compatible they would be via their personalities and character parallels and arcs. Taichi and Meiko literally had a few blushing scenes in the first movie and then BAM! MOVIE 5 DEEP TALK. That doesn’t cut it, tri.. Pad it out some more, OK?)
And maybe this is superficial, but my biggest disbelief with Meichi is that Reunion gives the audience the impression that Taichi likes Sora … and I just don’t buy that any guy would “choose” Meiko over Sora. Like … what even. Yes, I know Sora isn’t available – she’s got Yamato, kthxbye – but she doesn’t have to be available for Taichi to like her. And Meiko isn’t a very likeable character/person. I think it’s hard for the average viewer to understand why Taichi would like her (especially “over” Sora) … because, WHY??? Tri. didn’t really answer this, save for one good scene in movie 5. So it appears that Taichi goes from liking Sora one moment to digging Meiko the next. And it just doesn’t make sense – because tri. never developed Meichi enough for it to.
(Although maybe Sora’s new haircut scared Taichi away? HAHAHA. OMG Mimi save her please. Yamato wouldn’t criticise her hair, he’d just say she looks great, because he’s in love. Mimi, you’re our only hope.)
But there might be a sequel to tri. in the works – and if there is, perhaps Taichi and Meiko’s “relationship” can be fleshed out then? We’ll see.
(I’d rather Sorato being given more focus though… if I’m being entirely honest, haha. Now there’s two people who should definitely end up getting married! ;))
For those of you wondering, I’m still planning to do Sorato analysis posts for movies 5 and 6 – I’ve just been super busy since before the last film came out. Maybe this upcoming weekend – but if not, next weekend! Movie 5 will just be a screenshots post anyway, lol. Movie 6 is the one I actually have some things to talk about! And then maybe I’ll do a “final” post with all thoughts on tri. and Sorato as a whole. This blog needs content! XD
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balletbookworm · 3 years
Barely Functional Adult: It’ll All Make Sense Eventually by Meichi Ng
Barely Functional Adult: It’ll All Make Sense Eventually by Meichi Ng
From the creator of Barely Functional Adult, a painfully relatable webcomic with over 125k followers on Instagram, comes a hilariously poignant collection of beautifully illustrated short stories that chronicle the ever-evolving perspectives of your twenties on work, therapy, identity, heartbreak, friendship, and more.  Wielding her trademark balance of artful humor, levity, and heartbreaking…
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lovelyloveday · 3 years
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From the creator of Barely Functional Adult, a painfully relatable webcomic with over 125k followers on Instagram, comes a hilariously poignant collection of beautifully illustrated short stories that chronicle the ever-evolving perspectives of your twenties on work, therapy, identity, heartbreak, friendship, and more.  - Barely Functional Adult: It’ll All Make Sense Eventually by Meichi Ng  https://bit.ly/3fBlC25  @BarelyFunctionalAdult @BFAcomics @HarperPerennial #lovelyloveday #lovelylovedayblog 
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure tri. ~ (J.P.N Version) featuring Characters: Taichi Yagami & Meiko Mochizuki ~ Moments of Support [+realization] ~ Important QUOTES
“I MEAN that you’re a {GOOD} person.” - Meiko
My Commentary:
I am compiling this for my personal “Taichi Support Event” project; So, this is mainly intended as Taichi-focus and Positivity, more than anything, but Please be respectful if you choose to interact on this post, Thank You.
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS FRIENDSHIP. Technically, it can also be read as semi-canon Compliant; regardless, please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{DigiAdv tri.} ~ J.P.N Version Saikai to Bokura no Mirai featuring Characters/SHIPs/Group: Koushiro x Taichi x Meiko {KOUTAI}/{Taishiro} + {Meichi} + {KouMei}/{MeiKou}/{Meishiro} / {as Poly-ship} KouTaiMei / TaiKouMei + {Friendly} / Supporting Each Other
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(Tentomon actively supporting Meiko multiple times while Koushiro & Meicoomon are absent.)
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noidsome · 7 years
The big issue with the digimon tri movies, and why you should be pissed too.
I just finished watching the 5th digimon movie, and to put it short, i excpected nothing and im still let down. This is a big negative critique on what ive seen so far from the tri movies, but its also more of a vent for me, because theres something about these movies that really fucking grinds my gears and i feel i finally need to let that out somewhere. Look at this as a sort of....badly written analyctic rant. So far this movie, in short, was as i dreaded, 70% meiko bullshit and 20% kari...which is so fucking insulting i dont even know...but thats why im here.
Now before you assblast me with your stupid crap, please try to understand that as harsh as im writing this, im trying to look at this movie from a critical standpoint, and no im not going to put in the effort to be “nice” about it because if digimon tri can get away with half assing everything about itself, then wont bother. If you cant handle that, move on. If your interested, click the read more and we can begin this shit fest, because i think its about god damn time someone put these mediocre movies in their place.
The pacing.
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I dont know about you guys, but to me it feels like these movies, or episodes, are either dragging on forever, or they rush really fast. This movie especially took its sweet ass time to give us 2 whole half an hour scenes of meiko being depressed about her shitty OC digimon, to leave the actual interesting fights and plot to 1 and a half episode, out of 4. Im sorry but i feel like ive been following this fucking story for 6 years, its so fucking slow and it drags on for fucking ever sometimes.
I do understand that its important to establish character interactions, and god damn does this fucking series need some, but sometimes it really stops the action dead in its tracks, and as much as i appriciate the movies giving each character some focus, it goes on for too long. the ending to movie 5 was....well rushed as shit. 
But despite all this, its just really frustrating that half the entire series is just them standing around and TALKING...talking talking talking, exposition exposition exposition. It also feels really slow and stagnated sometimes, and the cheesy music in the background of the sad scenes dont really help much. And other times things are glossed over so fast that im standing there wondering if i missed out on something because i accedently blinked. Like how they entered the digital world, only to just suddently fall out of it immediatly after from a big digital gate just like that. Or how meiko just...SUDDENTLY appeared in the digital world with no warning or real reason. huh?? shes here now?? what?? meicoomon is still infected? what?? gennai is back with the dark masters? what where did they come from? why are they following him!? WHAT?? HUH??? HELLO???
im just….frustrated. im frustrated that i have to wait for 6+ months every a new movie comes out, only for the movie to stall for fucking ever and leave the actual OH SHIT moments to the last part, AND END ON A CLIFFHANGER. Its such fucking god damn bait to get us to watch the other movies, its almost INSULTING how incredibly obvious it is. Last movie ended with gennai fucking around and choking meiko. Then, as i saw my fat ass down in the chair, waiting for the big battle, no meicoo just...opened portals and then left with her copy paste army. Oh well so much for that. 
Then the digidestined actually FALL OUT OF THE DIGITAL WORLD, and they are right back to standing around and getting chased by the cops...and then they spend THE REST OF THE EPISODES on meikos useless crying and baiting for meichi shipping material. im sorry but was that neccecary? was it neccecary to stop the entire god damn movie just so we could have tai standing there with spaghetti falling out of his pockets? and the mega evolutions for the other digimons felt really rushed too, i had hoped for more build up...but guess i get fuck alll.
The filler.
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Now i do enjoy myself a little “filler” once in a while, i wont lie. and i will also not lie when i say that i really enjoyed seeing my boi tais hot nipple-less body. But, again…. DID WE NEED THE FIRST HALF BEING JUST THAT?! i swear to fucking god if you cut out all the filler content from these movies your going to get the entire series down to 5 episodes. Movie 2 was just...filler. fucking filler. i didnt have much issue with movie 3 but they just NEEDED to shove more meiko in..
movie 4 was kind of a bitch to sit trough because the whole damn “plot” made no sense. why was soras digimon the only one who was mad and while the others were just like before? why JUST her? why couldnt the others be like that too? Its just plot convenience at this point. and then it was pretty much just watching tai and matt spew spaghetti out of their pockets and be awkward because sora cant communicate with her friends like a normal person. Honestly it was a little charming at first but it got old pretty quickly…and then dark masters out of nowhere that died as fast as they came on. what a rushed little cameo for that extra nostalgia bait.
Honestly i found myself first liking the character interactions a little once the movies took a break from the action and fighting...but i much more often found myself angrily tapping my foot and going “REEEE MOVE ON.”
The god damn meiko.
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Alright you all saw this one coming probably. Now let me just start by saying, i originally didnt mind meiko, or the idea of a new digitestined in the first place. Its welcoming to try and add something new to your otherwise soulless nostalgia cash grab. However we need to look at her from a critical stand point. im not trying to start a hate train, im just going to analyze her for how shes written as a character.
Im sorry to say this guys, but no matter how you look at her, shes a mary sue. Im sorry but all the tropes are there!! but why do i feel this way? heres why:
Her digimon is the sole reason for everything going to shit.
her digimon is in adult stage like gatomon just because.
essentially her digimon is “special”
all the other kids befriended her really fast just because.
everyone likes meiko and nobody seems to have a problem with her
shes the typical “uguu” shy type of girl.
her digimon OF COURSE won the costume contest in movie 2 or 3
leomon finds HER DIGIMON adorable enough to make the others run off... of course….
she cries constantly and does nothing but wine as the others hold her.
She takes up MAJORITY of the screentime for almost all movies. Almost.
POSSIBLY a relationship with the main character, if they actually are baiting us with those scenes in movie 5.
acts and feels like a self-insert OC in a canon universe.
The reason i dont like her is just because im SICK OF HER!! im sick of seeing her fucking face every god damn movie. im sick of the others shoving a friendship speech or talking about her belonging to them for the 700th GOD DAMN TIME, im sick of constantly hearing ME-MEI and MEIKOOOOOO, and im so fucking sick of seeing her sit down and cry or act sad and do NOTHING! shes just THERE TO BE THERE! her “cute little sneezing quirk” wasnt even something they bothered keeping any more. Shes so god damn obnoxious and shallow, and the ENTIRE HALF OF THE 5TH MOVIE WAS SPENT SHOVING MORE FRIENDSHIP SPEECHES IN HER FUCKING HEAD UNTIL SHE NUTTED UP AND STRAIGHT UP TOLD THE OTHERS TO AXE OFF MEICOOMON, while kari got 5 fucking minutes and got posessed or some shit i dont fucking know, does anyone care at this point?! 
shes such a god damn self insert its PAINFUL! and ive read plenty of crappy OC digimon fanfiction in my days to be able to tell when someone props their crappy OC in a canon story. IVE DONE IT MYSELF!! its INSULTING that im watching a canon produced digimon FANFICTION more then an actual OVA. If you like her, FINE, but you CANT ignore how incredibly shallow and flawed shes written. This isnt someone “hating female characters” this is someone whos frustrated a shittly written character who is just causing repetitive sob scenes over and over and over. im sorry but have we not gotten enough flashbacks from meiko and her digimon? do we need 4 more in the fifth movie??? WE GET IT! ITS SAD! SHES SAD!! THEY ARE FRIENDS! MOVE ON ALREADY!!
i dont feel bad for her anymore, its just getting repetitive now. She ate up the entire 5th movie and left nothing to kari but the sloppy leftovers at the end, and because she ran off like an idiot to meicoomon she got tai axed off too……………...but i will get to that.
The lack of animation.
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The biggest insult, and this is….dare i say…….something coming from an animation student, is the insufferable animation. The first movie is fine, but from thereon, i feel like the quality dropped significantly. and oh boy, dont get me started on the amount of time they just pan a fucking picture instead of animating them doing shit.
im sorry but did i wait 4-6 months for a fucking clipshow? I know that animating is hard, and the animation industry in japan is absolute fucking shit, but come the fuck on guys. i think movie 5 had so many times where they just panned pictures of the digimon fighting, and the kids running. I guess when you put all your budget into overanimating the short action scenes you got, you dont have much left for them to trow a punch outside of that. and i wouldnt mind if they had just bothered not doing it so much. they do it WAY TOO OFTEN!
in the 4th move they didnt even fucking bother drawing the kids wet while they were in the water. no wet droopy hair, no indication the clothing was soaked, nothing. not a god damn fucking detail or anything.
The nostalgia bait
Hey kids, remember the bus in the digital world??? remember the gear desert? remember the house mimi was a princess in?? remember the pink forest? remember seadramon? remember the dark masters???? remember any of that shit!? remember primary village?! YEAH??? REMEMBER ALL THOSE COOL 01 THINGS??? ok cool, anyway moving on.
The lack of personality/soul
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one thing im really passionate about is expressions. expressive characters and facial expressions i something i enjoy drawing a lot. in the original digimon, every character was spesifically designed to be its own thing. sure they stank of the 90s, but they wer UNIQUE. Digimon tri has trown all that shit out the window. Now they all look boring as hell. the only unique thing about them now is their hair. take that away, and you get a bunch of similar looking, boring samefaced characters.
the digimon movies are just so fucking SOULLESS! everyone looks so god damn watered down and tame compared to their former selves. everyone wears a school uniform even when they got summer vacation. they even wear school uniforms as they get to the digital world, and they have NO facial expressions. NONE! the way they talk and show emotions is almost nonexistant. even once they are seriously screaming at someone or focusing on something serious, they still have that stale, boring as shit facial expression. stone faced and COLD! its like you dont even care!! seriously its so frustrating to watch sometimes because they are so god damn bland and barely deviate at all from their typical “idle” face.
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^count how many fucking times tai makes this face troughout the entire series. 
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^am i the only one who thinks they looks very..bland and dull here? and this happens way too often.
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seriously, watch the movies again and notice just how little the animators bothered giving them any fucking emotions. the screenshots here are just from a few minutes in the new movie.
And dont get me started on how everyone seemed so.........accepting of tais “death” i mean sure they might still be in shock,.....but......why did none of pic under appear???? 
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WHy was everyone so.....noble??? except kari...who got....fucking owned.
and the digimon....most of them are just....comic relief now. i feel like most of them have little personality, but fucking agumon. what the FUCK have they done to agumon!? hes just a walking talking “i like to eat” joke. hes fucking nothinng. an empty boring sack of shit who just talks about food and NOTHING ELSE!! oh and maybe fights sometimes...but seriously.
The trailers for these movies have made me fall into the bait they put out. But its getting infuriating now. All the trailer bait for movie 5 was just taken form the last 5 minutes of the film. that little teaser we all thought were going to show the dark ocean? yeah that was what….5 seconds at the very last minute of the movie? Hime was the one who went there, and they even rushed that part. 
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remember when we all tought that tai was the kaiser because the animators thought they copy the excact same hairstyle? remember how they all baited us with the kaiser thinking we were gonna get some 02 action? i sure as FUCK do.
i LOVED the last minutes of the movies. i loved the last half of episode 3 and the entire episode 4… but im so fucking angry that i have to wait 4-6 months for the conclusion to when the movie was JUST GETTING INTERESTING! i fucking hate it!!
The 02 kids, or lack thereof.
Ok honestly ive completely forgotten about them, and i dont understand why they bothered putting them in this movie. and they give us absolutly nothing to go on for ALL of the movies! WHY? WHATS THE POINT?! with this series endless stalling, how can they possibly explain their absence or death or whatever in what little time we have left?! how will they half ass this?! i seriously dont get how they can begin with something so intense, only to give us absolutly nothing till the last movie, IF AT ALL!
Taichis “””””””””””””””””death.”””””””””””””””””
So the fuckers had the BALLS to kill off my boi tai. They actually went there. they fucking killed him off. AND LEFT IT ON A CLIFFHANGER! wow fucking good job guys, you sure got me there. i cant believe tai is fucking dead.
except wait a second here…..tai isnt dead. of course he fucking isnt. i mean come the fuck on, are you really expecting them to kill off their marketig king? the face of all their merc? PLEASE! we all fucking know that hes going to come back. THEY BASICALLY SPOILED THE MOVIES FOR US ALREADY, didnt they say in an interview far back that these movies were whats going to lead everyone up to their careers? so why the fuck would tai die when we know hes going to be an ambassador? 
i dont fucking understand why they even bothered with this fake ass death. WE KNOW HES GOING TO COME BACK! im not mad that tai “died,” im mad that they actually bothered making it a cliffhanger, as if we arent going to fucking figure out hes coming back in the next movie. WHATS THE POINT?! Are they going to just shove him off till the last 5 minutes of the last movie? is that it? are they going to do what they did to kari? or are we FINALLY going to see tai resolving his persional issues that have been shoved away to make room for everything else? who knows, who cares at this point?!
The conclusion
Digimon tri was something enjoyable for me to look forward to..but now, its just a bunch of frustrating, medicore, nostalgia cash-grabbing shitfests of movies, and i need to get it out of my system. 
Im angry because i have to wait 4-6 months between each movie only to get nothing. im angry that i have to wait 4-6 months for an hour long movie that has actual content thats 20 minutes long. im sick of having my excpectations set to low, only for them to be lowered even more. im sick of seeing meiko basically becoming the main characters as the others are somewhat side characters at this point. im sick of the shit-tier animation quality and the stone-bored dull surprise faces. im sick of wanting this to be good, only to see that the fucking directors and animators arent even fucking trying anymore. Im sad, that the sequel was put in the hands of incompetent fucks who only know digimon trough their most basic character traits, and nothing more.
i do like tri...and im sad to see it go so soon….but part of me wants to get this over with, because if you like it or not, tri isnt a passionate fan sequel. tri is a boring, mediocre cash grab, and im sad it cantt be more then that, and im sad its over soon...
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firstagent · 7 years
So, I believe there is a ship that we must talk about. A ship that had a bit of speculation at the start, but was cast away until now. A ship that is a bit controversial and has a reputtation since the gogglehead involved has several more beloved options in the fandom. So while this may spark some controversy in hardcore shippers, I wish to hear your opinion: those scenes in latest Appmon episodes where Eri was really worried about Haru were super cute, right? Hmm, tri? What about it?
I mean I really do want to talk about Meichi because I’m totally down with what they did in Symbiosis. Someone ask me about that!
But sure, Haru/Eri…
It’s cute, and shipfuel if you want it to be, but I don’t like to relegate such interactions to that sort of thing. Certainly if you do ship it you might squee a bit at the content, but anyone who ships Reiharu or Yuuharu better not think that these interactions are in any way bad. Eri and Haru have formed a tight friendship and independent of shipping, scenes that honor and reflect that should be celebrated.
But seriously, someone ask me about Meichi.
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random-bookquotes · 2 years
And sure, enjoying the company of just one friend at a time may be more time-consuming, but isn’t it nice to know someone cares enough about you to spend time with just you? And not only when it’s a bundled deal with other people?
Meichi Ng, Barely Functional Adult: It'll All Make Sense Eventually
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Is Yamato a competent boyfriend in Tri?
(Please forgive the title. :p )
I’m writing this because I recently joined a group of Sorato fans, and I know some of them are disappointed with Soshitsu. Several expressed disappointment that we didn’t get to see Yamato comfort Sora—but then later said that they felt bad for expecting too much from a 17-year-old boy and being negative about it. I think other fan girls may feel like that too. So this post is my way of saying:
I make some references to @adventure-hearts’ wonderfully thorough analysis of Taiorato in Soshitsu, which I highly recommend reading! She articulates her points perfectly and she clearly understands the Digimon shipping fandom better than I do. But her post is more objective and mine is more personal. I also reference @flyonmylovee’s awesome observation about Piyomon. 
The staff of Tri is more interested in presenting Yamato as an awkward, tsundere dork. They want him to be funny because the audience responds well to that. More to the point, the staff of Tri has not shown a commitment to presenting Yamato as an idealized love interest for our heroine.
The staff of Adventure WAS more interested in presenting Yamato as an idealized love interest, even with his character flaws of being awkward and having a bad temper. They committed to foreshadowing how he would be a good match for Sora.
So at the end of the day… Yes, Yamato is basically “in character” in Soshitsu because he clearly cares about Sora while being awkward. But no, he’s not presented as a “competent boyfriend” and I think it’s perfectly valid to say that’s “out of character” for him. The reason I like the writing for Sorato in Adventure is because Yamato is consistently idealized as a role-model love interest! And when I say “idealized,” I don’t mean he’s a perfect human being. (Temper, Yamato, temper!!). But I mean that he’s SUPPOSED to understand Sora. His character development is SUPPOSED to lead up to him knowing exactly what to say to Sora in the Dark Cave. With Tri, we’re not going to get an equivalent Dark Cave scene for Sorato. They’re not building up to a dramatic moment for them as a pair. (If we are going to get a romantic moment between them, then I don’t think they’re foreshadowing it well at all.) But because the writers of Adventure and Tri have different priorities, then Yamato’s strengths as a love interest are more prominently shown in Adventure.
I love Yamato in Adventure because he is kind, sensitive, vulnerable, and intuitive. He also overthinks things (remember how he thought that Takeru liked Taichi better than him?) but in general, Yamato is really good at reading other people’s emotions.
One of the points Adventure-Hearts eloquently makes is that a big difference between Soshitsu and episode 26 is that in episode 26, Sora explains her problems, while in Soshitsu she doesn’t. This is a whole new miscommunication problem. Taichi and Yamato don’t know how to respond to her because they don’t know what’s wrong.
But now I see my fellow Sorato fans worry that they are expecting “too much” from Yamato to intuitively know how to comfort her… So are we expecting too much from Sora’s love interest?
That’s up to you and what you find interesting in the writing. But personally? NO. I don’t think it’s expecting too much to want Yamato to be written as a more competent 17-year-old love interest. (How difficult is it to notice that she feels bad about Piyomon?) And you definitely shouldn’t feel bad about wanting that! 
I want to drive home another big difference between episode 26 and Soshitsu. In Soshitsu, when Yamato asks her, “Why are you upset?” and Sora actually starts trying to explain why she’s sad (“I don’t know myself”), then this is how Taichi and Yamato respond: 
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Taichi and Yamato: What a pain.
I KNOW he wouldn’t say that because this has happened before. This is another parallel to episode 26. That’s supposed to be TAICHI’S line, and Yamato is supposed to CALL HIM OUT ON IT. 
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Taichi: Man, girls are so much trouble.
Yamato: Don’t make fun of her, Taichi.
The reason they give the line “What a pain” to both boys in Soshitsu is because they don’t actually care that only one of these boys is Sora’s canon love interest, while the other is his foil. As far as the Tri staff is concerned, “High school is complicated period, so it's not like there are any official relationships going on between them.” (See the full interview here!) Several fans have interpreted that interview as a way of hinting that Sorato and Meichi are endgame—which is a very reasonable interpretation—but when I look at the interview, all I see is “We don’t care.” They would rather present Taichi and Yamato as equally clueless to Sora. They would rather try to please fans of both ships by having her consistently interact with them both at the same time.
Which is enough for some fans, but not enough for the Sorato fans I’ve met, and definitely enough not for me. I love the writing for Sorato in Adventure because the writers clearly cared about their friendship and how it was unique and special. I don’t care for Sora and Yamato’s friendship in Tri because the writers haven’t put effort into showing why it’s special.
But then I’m one of those fans who doesn’t like Tri!Yamato that much. I know that a lot of fans do like him and that he does have some truly glorious moments, but Tri!Yamato drives me bonkers. I don’t think Yamato would EVER say “What a pain” about Sora when she’s right in front of him feeling sad. In the second movie, I don’t think Yamato would EVER say those mean things about Jou when he didn’t come to their Important-Gazebo-Meeting. And I honestly think he would be a lot nicer to Taichi too! But that’s another story.
For Soshitsu, it was far more important to me that Sora was the heroine on her own, and that the focus of the movie was on her relationship with Piyomon. Another big difference between episode 26 and Soshitsu is that Piyomon is “the missing piece”—which flyonmylovee pointed out, and I hadn’t noticed at all! Of course I noticed that Takeru was missing, since the narrative itself references Yamato wishing Takeru was there. But it’s actually more important that Piyomon wasn’t there! Piyomon was the one who encouraged Sora to open up in the first place! I love that a lot, because Piyomon is the other half of Sora’s soul, and I think their bond should be presented as more important than her “romances.” That’s what Digimon is all about, after all.
But still. Still! I’m disappointed in the writing for Sorato, and that’s okay.
Please don’t feel bad about wanting Yamato to be better for her, because he was presented as being better for her in the first season. 
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