bitegore · 2 years
heyyy wanna make a fake callout for me 7: ? @megatronismegagone
hey everyone, i just want to let you know that you should be really careful of this @megatronismegagone person. I don't want to get into too much detail so I'll just lay out the facts.
This person constantly talks about "city people", a republican dogwhistle. furthermore, i am pretty sure this person lives in the south (US region). i'm sure we all understand that that's pretty sus
if you look at any of this person' socials but especially the main blog, you can see that megatronismegagone has a really combative media presence and spends a lot of time trolling in arguments that this user probably doesn't even care about just because megatronismegagone loves when other people are hurt. Everyone knows what kind of red flag this is.
this person writes really messed up fanfiction. their fic "reduce reuse recycle" (DONT CLICK, LINK JUST AS PROOF, STAY SAFE EVERYONE XX) shows widely beloved Transformers character Whirl EATING A LIVE BABY and this other fic "get (gut)fucked" (DONT CLICK STAY SAFE) is literally a character getting FUCKED TO DEATH by another well-loved Transformers character Overlord. it's obvious what this is getting at, of course, so i'll move on
this person keeps chickens and supports eating animals. obvious why this is a red flag too
TOP SECRET screenshots from DISCORD show that this person's current name in one small screenshot is "then i wango her tango" which is OBVIOUSLY a reference to sex, which is very fucked up.
anyway after reading all these bullet points, i know you understand, but for the people among us struggling to come to the obvious and natural conclusion i just want to make sure it's really explicitly clear. @Megatronismegagone is really clearly a really dangerous person who is out to force literally everyone to buy a CAR with a "MANUAL IGNITION" as part of their disGUSTING Southern agenda. we can't let this happen. stay safe guys xx
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princessgemma12 · 2 years
spicy mayo and bubblegum bitch<3 @megatronismegagone
Tyty 🥰🥰🥰
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gaysontodd · 9 months
WAS: megatronismegagone
IS NOW: gaysontodd
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red-the-dragon-writes · 10 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
I was tagged by @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows :D I was out of the house and worte something like 2k words just on the drive out and back. I actually deliberately stopped writing this right here to make sure that I didn't have to share gore because I saw the notification before I had wifi I could use with my computer LOL
Motormaster nodded, and then ran a deep vent-cycle. If Drag Strip didn't know any better, he'd think it looked like nerves, but Motormaster hadn't been programmed to feel that one, as far as Drag Strip was aware, so instead he was just standing around being really weird. "You're sure this is… good? This is what you want?"
i am NOT tagging 57 people, so i'm just gonna tap @honestlyvan, @megatronismegagone, @biioshocker, @severeannoyance, @quetzalpapalotl, and @renthony :3 feel free to ignore this if you're not feeling it
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @inktheblot <3
Relationship status: [redacted]
Favourite colour: Guess.
Favourite food: this is hard, is not my favorite in general, but chiken nuggest are kind of my go-to
Song stuck in your head: Nanibito mo kataru koto nashi (no one has anything to say)
Last thing you googled: Image search for "dmmd ren bad end" vore go brrr
Time: 5:31 pm
Dream trip: Eh, i suppose traveling anywhere is an experience, it's hard to pick a single place.
Last book you read: House of leaves. I keep forgetting to post my thoughts on it.
Last book you enjoyed reading: House of leaves. It Was An Experience.
Last book you hated reading: sadly, it was a book written by a friend of mine which was... really bad, yeah, I tried so had to like it but... yeah
Favourite thing to cook/bake: I like making soups, though in general cooking just for me is a drag. There are these brownie peannut butter cookies I love to make but I don't have an oven, so no baking for me,
Favourite craft to do in your spare time: I recently joined an art clas because my friends invited me, my progress is small but it has been a lot of fun.
Most niche dislike: Wheat tortillas, tho disliking them is not that niche here, I do hate them more than average it seems.
Opinion on circus(es) now and in history: I know I've been to a circus, I can't remember it. I also have a cousin who considered running away with her trapezist boyfriend, he was really good. I guess I don't know much about them. Years ago they passed a law that forbid spectacle animals like the ones in the circus. Which was good because they were heavily abused. However, there weren't any measures of what to do with the animals, so most of them died. Which goes to show that just making laws that forbid things is pointless if you don't arrange for a system to deal with teh consequences.
Do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: I have a bad sense of direction because I struggle to conceptualize space as a whole and my memory of places sort of registers everything at its own individual thing. I haven't gotten seriously lost because if I really don't know where I am, I can pull up a map on my phone. But before I had one, when I was a teen, I spend a whole afternoon walking the center of my hometown trying to find this specific place and I couldn't so after tiring of walking I went back home, but that one was just a matter of finding a familiar street so I wasn't really lost.
Tag 10 people: Mmm I'm kinda shy and Lee already tagged like half the people I would have tagged anyway, so I'm just going to tag a few I'm 100% sure won't be presumptuous of me to do so and anyone else can feel free to blame it on me @lord-squiggletits @baebeyza @mocacheezy @megatronismegagone @aturinfortheworse @heliopauseentertainments @withered-tears @heavywithhoping
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bl00dw1tch · 2 years
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I posted 12,237 times in 2022
That's 3,423 more posts than 2021!
250 posts created (2%)
11,987 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ /edge-lorde
@ /hannahblock
@ /utopians
@ /megatronismegagone
@ /tezzbo
I tagged 1,341 of my posts in 2022
#horse.txt - 128 posts
#wizardposting - 38 posts
#vent // - 22 posts
#six eared macaque - 9 posts
#man - 8 posts
#sun wukong - 8 posts
#jttw - 7 posts
#please - 7 posts
#yeah - 7 posts
#jackart - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this design was kinda thrown together randomly but im ngl. kinda digging it. i see you with that little ponytail sir i see you i see you 💅
My Top Posts in 2022:
If Empires s2 Mythical J. Sausage was a romance trope. He would be a purebred Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
Tell me this isn't some Grade A, Typical Sausage Behavior.
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Tell me it's not. You can't.
21 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
I seriously cant stop thinking about the six eared macaque like this is a Problem. Just the whole PREMISE behind the character. Like on a basic literary device level hes just a glassic evil twin/doppleganger--he exists in the story of the Journey to the West to be a metaphor for all of SWK's worst traits and impulses--hes what SWK could be if he wasn't actually trying (at least a little bit) to be a good Buddhist on this taxing roadtrip to India with his companions. They are repeatedly described by the Buddhist concept "being of two minds" (one being baser/simple/the one youre Born with, and the other more. Conceptual and heightened but to a negative degree, i suppose? The translations im looking at rn are rather vague but thats ok i get the feeling its kinda meant to be), and SWK killing him can be interpreted as him finally surpassing as well as accepting those darker parts of himself, and melding his two minds into One. So like the SEM EXISTS to further SWK as a character, obviously.
Like the fucking six ears! I feel like im going crazy im just repeating the same shit over and over but i seriously CANNOT get over the implications of how his powers of hearing are defined. LIKE
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The absolute fucking TRAGEDY of the sux eared macaque being set up with these INCREDIBLE powers and existing in name as a play on a very interesting phrase (“The dharma is not to be transmitted to the sixth ear [i.e., the third pair or person]” (fa bu zhuan liu er, 法不傳六耳)), ONLY TO THEN BE LIMITED TO EXISTING SOLELY FOR SWK'S BENEFIT. And the consequence of him trying to OWN this connection by taking SWK's title and completing the Journey on his own is. Being fucking murdered.
Literally rolling around and flailing violently on the floor. What the FUCK man.
24 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
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I really need a name for this au. Anyway i nailed down their color schemes (flats and some character design-y thoughts notes below)
Aw man im really about to go in on this here, ok--ill stick to just design stuff and a bit of Their Deal^tm for now! ill explain the au in full some other day, with a more polished drawing.
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Alright so. I am still doing research, its ongoing, but i think ive decided that, in this au, their relationship is something more akin to... in a past life they were the same, but for spiritual development reasons, the qi that made That person split, and went on to reincarnate as Them--narratively this is going to make them function like. Just normal Foils lmao--just with an added umph of it being somewhat literal for them, in the scope of their world, if that makes sense! I dont want to put myself in the box of calling them brothers, bc it just irritates me, but they are Not going to be romantically involved in this au either--SWK has enough trouble in his weirdly uneventful but still tumultuous love life as it is (👀 at Erlang and ZBJ), im not going to torment him by adding his evil clone to that list LMAO. Also LEMH aromantic as hell bc i said so.
Also their both trans thats very super important. Trans monkeys forever obviously
Anyway, So theyre still sort of "the same person", yet not, as they had still Never properly met (until Liu'er chapter)--their both incredibly similar and incredibly different, due to the imbalance of the energies within them and the actions they took for the majority of their lives. SWK is the yang, extroverted and bold and destructive and take-no-shit, while LEMH is the yin, (at least in this story) by being reclusive and a bit of a pushover for the longest time--the, erm.... Outburst, being the result of built up resentment and imbalance within himself spurning him to overcompensate for what he was lacking. It's kind of complicated and intricate and i like it that way if describing it is kind of rough Pfft--but anyway!
Point is, i wanted ALLLL that to be reflected in their designs by giving them plenty of Contrasting but Complimentary, and even sometimes juxtaposed details! The incorrect yin yang belt buckles/brooches are the most obvious one i think, next to the general warm vs. cold color palettes--then there's Liu'er being shirtless and with shorter hair, just to bring a sense of masculinity into his appearance, counterbalancing the fact that he's otherwise very feminine and in line with his Yin nature. Id say i made SWK's hair longer for the same kind of reason, but given that long hair isnt seen as inherently feminine, mileage can vary on that--if one reads it that way then yay, fun detail, and if not, then you still get to be looking as a SWK with long hair, and thats always a win in and of itself.
The red parts of their face are also matching--SWK's making up the over eye and LEMH's the under eye, to visually indicate the "this is the same person split in two" dealio. I also tried to make SWK appear a bit more Rounded and Soft, curving his cheek tuffs and little beard In a bit more (belying a gentler nature and other. Yknow, Round thoughts underneath his theatricality (contrasting with his yang-ish behavior), while LEMH's is sharp and feathered out (bringing to mind hostility and action and other Sharp thoughts, equally in contrast with his usually yin-ish nature).
They were initially going to both have the fillets on their heads, for reasons Like the ones above, but without a shirt Liu'er torso was feeling empty and i felt like he needed something to break up the grey of his fur--so, necklace. Hes bouta get choked tf out dont worry about it ❤
Uhhh thats all i can think of writing down right now, feel free to let me know if any of it is kind of Eh, constructive criticism and all that--if you saw any typos no you didnt, thank you for coming to my ted talk and have a groovy day
27 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Thinking about au where Liu'er joins them on the journey to the west instead of being killed immediately..... something something swk denying himself and begging the Buddha to destroy SEM for him but obviously he wont because thats Him thats His vices personified its His responsibility so now. Hes being forced to confront his worst self on the daily in order to learn to accept and control it.
Something something swk turning to Tang with bags under his eyes after stopping SEM from doing something Awful and asking "was i really this difficult when we first started out?"
63 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I have so many fucking. Posts i want to redraw as Them. But for now all i have is. Zhu Bajie.
284 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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robot-reference · 3 years
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runner ups :) if you would like me to post any of these sketches by themselves let me know! (i will on my art side blog and tag you, don’t want to flood this one with not reference)
apologies if i didn’t get to your request u.u
tfp soundwave in the snow
(laserbeak is making snow angels... snow moths? she is trying her best)
@hashkivenu wanted
TFP Soundwave and Laserbeak, cuddling
IDW Megatron IDW Ultra Magnus If together reading a data pad?
(you probably wanted something cute but ..... they are trying to make heads or tails of rodimus report)
@megatronismegagone @the-named-anon @wheeled-jack
all wanted wheeljack g1, tfp and unspecified :) (after drawing him i think i understand....)
G1 Jazz and Prowl softly smiling at each other  
and @princewarmachine wanted
id love a g1 jazz :)
(hope you don’t mind prowl tagging along... you can always crop it ....)
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soundwavereporting · 3 years
🤍💞🎶 owo -megatronismegagone
transformers asks!
🤍- Fav Neutral or Obscure Character?
I just feel like all the Camiens should’ve been neutrals......so, in my own headcanon world, nautica!
💞- Any Ships? Who's your current fav?
tonight is real dinotrap hours only ._.
🎶- Best Theme song?
transformers prime!
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withered-tears · 3 years
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@whirlibirb @quetzalpapalotl   @megatronismegagone
i hope you guys dont mind that i memed you but this is all i could think about every time you start talking about dominus. xD
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polyhexian · 3 years
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a wasteland au Whirl for @megatronismegagone <3 <3 <3
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bitegore · 1 year
ur three fave stunticons for drive/move/improv?
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This is going to kill me because my three favorites are Motormaster, Drag Strip and Wildrider and all three of those are probably the most likely to whack me off for fun. Oopsies.
Drive Drag Strip to the airport because he's the only one who would be made easier to deal with by going "hey do you want to drive, since you're better than me at it"? and would then become immensely tolerable actually. He might spend the entire drive being annoying as hell about how I think he's a better driver than I am but also I don't have a driver's license in real life so it's not like I'd care, and he would not kill me. :D
I keep saying I'd want to help Wildrider move because he has definitely got a zillion knicknacks he just brought home for no reason and forgot about and now doesn't really want or care about. This is still true. However I also think that I should probably mention that I expect him to - while not being actively malicious in literally any way about it - have me carrying so much random heavy crap that by the time we're done my like joints will be giving out because he is a robot and i am a people and our stress tolerances are somewhat different.
and finally, I go to Motormaster's improv show because this has the highest possible rate of survival. If I had to speak to him in real life it would take like four minutes for me to start mouthing off and then I would simply get flattened and die. I can sit in an audience and laugh at jokes though. (And, also, I can't ever see him doing improv ever on purpose in his life, which means he'll be out of place and out of his element and it'll embarrass him because he's bad at it and it's really obvious when the audience isn't feeling your performance. Which will be funny for me because I'd love to see him humiliated LMAO)
Find the original post here!
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princessgemma12 · 2 years
Hey you don't have to publish this but I wanted to thank you. I found it really comforting that you mentioned that you support folks (like me) who have trauma around the word queer and don't see us as enemies of ppl who use it as a self identifier. It meant a lot to me to see that.
Honestly, I really don't get people that do see y'all that way--it makes no sense! I totally get not using certain words for yourself, for any reason--whether you just don't like it or it's triggering for you, or you just don't like the word! That's fine, hon. No shame, no hate. I get it.
kind of a ramble under the cut
There are some lgbt+ terms, which are slurs or have been slurs, that I am comfortable using and feel that I am entitled to reclaiming, for various reasons. I respect other people that feel the same way. I also completely understand when and why people don't want to use certain words for themselves or others. It's normal, natural.
I use the word (Q) as a shield, it's my armor, my crown, the shining jewel in my collection. It encompasses every aspect of my sexuality, from the socially acceptable to the socially rejected. The surface level things and the highly personal ones. It connects me to more people than just "ace" or "bi" or "sapphic" do. It's a weapon that has been used against me, and I've remade it into something beautiful.
It would be hypocritical and inconsiderate of me to demand anyone do the same. What's the difference between me demanding someone call themselves (Q) and someone demanding I not? What's the difference between me forcing the word on you, and someone forcing it on me, as a weapon? Is it not more of a weapon when it's held by someone who is supposed to support you? Understand you? Would that not hurt you more? Would that not lower me to the same level as the usual bigots that weaponize lgbt+ terminology?
I think it does.
Because really, what's the difference between me demanding you define yourself a certain way, and a straight-cis person doing it? How does that not go against everything the lgbt+ community stands for? How does that not defeat the purpose of reclaiming language? I'm using (Q) as a shield, a point of pride--wouldn't that use be rendered inefficient, mocking, if I weaponized it against someone else?
this isn't really directed at you, anon. just generally speaking. reclaimed words are shields--they can and should be used to do damage when needed, as that is half the purpose of a shield. If you're being attacked, you need protection and helps to have protection that can be used against your aggressor. there is a very big difference between using language defensively and offensively--to shield or to harm. likewise, there is a big difference between telling someone not to use a certain term for themselves or even as a general term (such as Q), and asking someone not to use that word to refer to you. Both people who identify as (Q) and those who don't deserve respect toward the language they choose to describe themselves with.
if you scroll through my blog long enough, especially a few of my (Q) and pride tags, you'll undoubtedly find a few posts where I'm using what a lot of people would consider offensive or harmful language towards myself--this may be in response to an attack toward me or in response to a positivity post of another person using similar language (such as the posts @megatronismegagone and I have reblogged from each other). I tend to use the word (Q) in ways that most other (Q) people find regressive, harmful, and offensive. I understand why. I respect their views. I don't respect the people who attack me for embracing the innate otherness--the feeling of isolation, the stigmatization, the ostracizing--that comes with being part of the lgbt+ community in our current society. We are a minority--we're treated as a minority, for better and for worse, and that's not going to change in my lifetime. It sucks but it's true. We are different--we're not the "typical" cisgender, straight allosexual. I am none of those words!
Even within the community, my sexuality and the language I use, is ostrasized. I'm on the ace spectrum. I'm very often rejected from even the ace community because of my unique experience with sexual attraction. I'm bisexual--that's more ostrasization. I'm panromantic--yet more! I use the word (Q) for myself and often as an umbrella term--I've gotten a lot of flack for that, from other sapphics especially. I've been told I should be straight--I've been told I should be gay. Such are the woes of bisexuality. I've been told that I just "haven't met the right person, yet" or that I'm "just not there, yet" and such are the woes of being ace. I've been told that romantic attraction is the same as sexual--such are the woes of experiencing life with a split-attraction brain. the thing is, is no one can win.
If I say I'm (Q), I'm homophobic. If I say I'm bi, I'm faking or a cheater or perverted. If I say I'm ace, I'm inexperienced, naive, or broken. If I say I'm panrom, I'm broken, biphobic, faking, pretentious. If I use all of my words, even just bi-asexual and panromantic, I'm all of it. But what's the alternative??? What's the alternative to these words? What's the alternative to my experience and existence???
There is none.
so, either we make our own choices--we use the language we're comfortable with and demand respect regardless of it--or we cower beneath unending tides of linguistic tyranny. I vote for the former.
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gaysontodd · 2 years
"megatronismegagone" but what if he isn't, in fact, mega gone? check and mate
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uhhhhhhhhhh this is literally from the tf wiki like. checkmate my gai<3
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transformersidw · 3 years
happy birthday!!!! @megatronismegagone
Thank you!! <3
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
becky apples + apples @megatronismegagone
Truth is that she actually likes carrots better.
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draikinator-archive · 4 years
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@megatronismegagone‘s 1870s western humanformers au whirl and tailgate lol
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