#mediterranean monk seal
sealsdaily · 3 months
Oh hell wait we didn't do any ides of March seals because we didn't have any images. Uhhhh let me just
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sensitiveseal · 24 days
Ik this is super on the nose but. Have you made a seal-themed stimboard yet bc I think that'd be so cool...
I love your stimboards so much btw, this may become my favorite stim blog <3 tysm
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auuaauuau i’m so happy and honored you like my stuff enough to consider me a potential fav!!!! love u for this request also!!! i am always stoked about seals!!!!
x - x - x | x - x - x | x - x - x
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bjekkergauken · 9 months
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Lion king: north africa DLC
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valkacastle · 1 year
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Mediterranean Monk Seal - Monachus monachus
Length: 8 feet 2 inches
This seal was once found all over the Mediterranean, but its numbers have gradually dwindled because of changes in the environment, and now they can only be seen in a few places. A similar species lives off the coast of Hawaii, but it is also at risk of extinction.
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediterranean_monk_seal
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fnafoceansoffun · 2 years
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The possible lads to add
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environmentday · 1 year
About the ''Gökova Bay Initiative'' and the strict enforcement of the no-fishing zones.
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Turkey’s south-west coast from Gökova Bay to Cape Gelydonia has also been facing threats to marine life, where destructive fishing and invasive species have wreaked havoc. But now, the Gökova Bay Initiative has prompted the recovery of many valuable fish populations, thanks to the establishment of targeted no fishing zones, created in careful consultation with local fishers. This has resulted in higher catches and higher income for local fishers. The no finishing zones have also worked to exclude boats that have been damaging delicate sea grass communities with their anchors. Boat disturbance and anchoring has proved to be a serious problem since sea grass communities store vast quantities of carbon dioxide, which gets released when the plants are damaged and destroyed. The initiative has put in place a strict enforcement of the no-fishing zones, with regular patrols which have made the areas truly protected. These zones, and others in Gökova Bay, are helping many species to recover, including the critically endangered and charismatic Mediterranean monk seal.
The initiative has also worked with fishers, restauranteurs and connoisseurs to tackle invasive species by inspiring consumer demand for pest species, which have proved tasty and popular menu alternatives (Red Sea lionfish, helpfully, taste like snapper)! 
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Animals in Danger. The 1974 Childcraft Annual.
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starswirly · 11 months
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Yeha im so normal about my own mer au (<- liar)
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navysealt4t · 1 year
live laugh think about hawaiian monk seals and get sad :(
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ghostselkie · 3 months
The nevermore characters if they were pinnipeds (seals and seal adjacent animals)
Look seals are my favorite animal, this post was a long time coming. The reason I expanded it to the whole clade is cause some of the cast just don't vibe with any true seals. Lenore - Ribbon seal: Cause color scheme. Also ribbon seals are one of my favorites. They just look so interesting.
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Annabel - leopard seal: One, leopard seals are absolutely beautiful creatures. It's okay if you disagree; pistols at dawn and I won't be needing back up. Two, i heard some one say that leopard seals have "the eyes of an angel, and the mouth of a devil."
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Duke - California sea lion: Immaculate vibes.
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Pluto - Fur Seal: Cause fluffy boys. Their fur is giving the energy of Pluto's dysphoria jacket.
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Morella - Bearded seal: Vibes mostly. Also their whiskers remind me of her freckles.
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Berenice - Walrus: Cause teef.
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Eulalie - Ringed seal: They are some of the cutest seals that exist. Also their range includes the northern most part of Japan.
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Prospero - Mediterranean monk seal: The man is Italian. Though, interestingly enough, their range does not actually include Italy, but monk seals are endangered, so I wanted to include them.
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Montresor - Elephant seal: THEY ARE ASS HOLES!!!
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Ada - Harbor Seal: They are the most common type of seal, but don't tell her that.
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Will - Grey seal: Vibes.
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cypherdecypher · 8 months
Animal of the Day!
Caribbean Monk Seal (Neomonachus tropicalis)
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(Photo from the New York Aquarium)
Extinction Date- 2008
Habitat- Caribbean Sea; Gulf of Mexico; West Atlantic ocean
Size (Weight/Length)- 250 kg; 2.3 m
Diet- Crustaceans; Fish; Squid
Cool Facts- Caribbean monk seals were an extremely social species of seal. Also called the sea wolf, these seals lived in colonies of up to 100 individuals and organized their group based on age. The pups would gather together in large groups, lazing in the sun, while their parents went out to hunt. Unfortunately, Caribbean monk seals were extremely chill and lacked any fear of humans. Early colonists saw the seals as an easy food source and thousands were killed for their meat and fat that was used as oil in lamps. The second blow came when the fish and squid the seals relied on were majorly overfished. The endangered Hawaiian and Mediterranean monk seals are threatened by the same threats the Caribbean monk seal faced, but luckily strict protections are limiting poaching attempts and vaccination against disease is aiding in the conservation efforts.
Rating- 13/10 (Last seen in 1952 but not declared extinct until half a century later.)
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sealsdaily · 3 months
i cant believe sealsdaily released a fake seal image... 💔💔 How cruel of you all 😔😔💔💔 is this how ceaser felt when literally everyone at his birthday party stabbed him 🥺🥺
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bywandandsword · 2 months
Y'all I recently learned that the Gulf of Mexico used to have a native seal, but they went extinct in the the 1960s, partially due to hunting and over hunting their food sources. They were called Caribbean Monk seals and are closely related to the Hawaiian Monk seal and the Mediterranean Monk seal, both of which are endangered
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(Pictured: a Hawaiian monk seal)
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turnstileskyline · 3 months
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guess what ! there's plenty of my endangered animals of palestine bookmarks left !
i'll be selling them in packs of three, either the individual species (mediterranean monk seal, be'er sheva fringe-fingered lizard, or buxton's jird) OR one of each!
each pack is $5 usd - donate to either A) HelpGazaChildren (https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=4H8S49CCMUHH4) or B) any of the fundraisers on Operation Olive Branch (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vtMLLOzuc6GpkFySyVtKQOY2j-Vvg0UsChMCFst_WLA/htmlview#), screenshot your proof of donation, and then send it at the bottom of THIS GOOGLE FORM with the rest of your order!
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maurodebunked · 8 months
Harbor seal
Grey seal
Ringed seal
Spotted seal
Caspian seal
Baikal seal
Hawaiian monk seal
Mediterranean monk seal
Monk seal
Ribbon seal
Hooded seal
Harp seal
Bearded seal
Crabeater seal
Leopard seal
Ross seal
Weddell seal
Elephant seal
Southern elephant seal
Northern elephant seal
Antarctic fur seal
Guadalupe fur seal
Juan Fernandez fur seal
Galapagos fur seal
New Zealand fur seal
Australian sea lion
New Zealand seal lion
Subantarctic fur seal
Brown fur seal
South American sea lion
California sea lion
Galapagos sea lion
Stellar sea lion
Northern fur seal
South american fur seal
Atlantic walrus
Pacific walrus
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fatehbaz · 1 year
In May 2023, for several days, a Mediterranean monk seal has been attracting crowds and igniting a “media buzz” while hanging out at the beach right next to the historic city center of Jaffa in Tel Aviv, the major urban area of Palestine.
The Mediterranean monk seal is critically endangered and nearly extinct. This individual seal was named Tugra when spotted in Turkish waters in 2007. But local park administrators in Tel Aviv are calling her Yulia.
Some headlines are proclaiming that Yulia represents “the first time” that the species have been recorded making land on the shores of Palestine. But before the nineteenth century, there were certainly more seals in the area.
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In the past few thousand years, Earth has been home to only three species of monk seals, and they are almost entirely extinct.
The Caribbean monk seal (Monachus tropicalis) is extinct. (They disappeared rapidly after Spanish, French, and British empires arrived in the Caribbean following Columbus; but the creature still lived in isolated locations until the middle of the twentieth century.)
There are about 1,500 surviving Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi).
And there are about 350 to 550 surviving Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus).
Here’s the historic distribution range of the three species of monk seal before the nineteenth century:
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Historically, before local extinctions, the Mediterranean monk seal lived along the North Atlantic coast of Africa west of the Sahara; in the Black Sea; and all across the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to Alexandria, Cyprus, and Palestine. Here’s the historic and current distribution range of the Mediterranean monk seal (I slightly edited the map just to indicate the location of Tel Aviv):
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