#me talking about women i like: beautiful perfect amazing deserves to commit crimes and get away with it
mixelation · 2 years
how hot is Kakashi
how hot is that character?
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Kakashi is that specific brand of sad man where I find him hot but in a way where his attractiveness stems directly from how much I want to crush him under my shoe. Like, look at him: he's a giant weirdo, he has stupid hair and wears a gd mask everywhere and he's probably covered in dog hair; he should NOT be hot and yet I find him compelling in a way that triggers my inner fifteen year old mean girl. I want to bully kakashi and I want him to like it
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urfavslytherclawgirl · 8 months
I cared...
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warning: Angst, swearing, crying, guilt, verbal fight, more than one POV, happy ending.
Summary: Bruce decides he will start dating you just to get information about your family, which is part of the Gotham Mafia, but what happens when he catches feelings for you? Or when you find out about all this?
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"We need information on the Falcone family," Dick told Bruce while they were in the car heading to the annual Gotham party, it was amazing for people like Bruce and Dick, vigilantes.
The Falcone family needed to get what they deserved, to be put in jail for all the crimes they committed.
"And how do you want to do that?'' Bruce asked genuinely confused, Wayne Enterprises could get involved with Falcone and his wild business, they were friends after all, but it would be risky and obvious.
"We'll see. I'll take care of it Bruce, don't worry." Dick said as they stopped in front of the hotel where the party was happening.
"Hello, Mr. Wayne and Mr. Grayson." The host acknowledged the two as they got in with smiles. The party was full of people, with warm lighting and soft music playing, waiters walking from one end to the other giving out beverages and chatting everywhere.
"There's Falcone," Dick whispered as he got a glass of champagne, "and one of his daughters. Oh--maybe we can see if she lets out something. She is your age, or maybe two years younger but still. Give it a try" Dick suggested while looking toward the girl wearing an expensive dress.
"I can't just go there and ask her if her father kills people or not." Bruce ironically remarked while looking around smiling as people greeted him.
"Not like that, charm her...you can try to ask her out on a date. You're Bruce Wayne, who would deny it?" Dick ended the conversation by going away leaving Bruce alone with his thoughts.
He could at least try. If he noticed it wasn't working he'd just end things with her, simple
But it did work, it worked too well for him to even remember what the hell he was doing, he talked to you at the party smoothly asking you out on a date, and that date was perfect, different from any other date he had ever had, while other women would ask him about his 'extraordinary' life you asked him what his favorite book was, or when he'd say that something didn't work out for him instead of receiving a ''How! You're Bruce Wayne!'', he'd get advice or you'd help him through it.
You were...the most caring person he had ever met, and it hurt him every day to do what he was doing to you, but he was too engrossed to even try to stop it and when he did he'd just end up admiring you even more.
But he was going to do it now, he'd end whatever the two of you were having today, he was sure of it.
He had invited you to watch a movie in the screen room at his house and he'd find a way to end it.
"I'm going to get more popcorn for us. Not too much salt and definitely no butter, I know you, Bruce." You smiled and left the room with the empty popcorn bucket. This weird feeling formed in his stomach, maybe it was the anxiety of it all. All of a sudden warm arms hugged him from behind putting the popcorn on the seat next to him, he automatically kissed your cheek making you smile
You sat back down as Bruce looked at you with drunken eyes, he took your hand that was in your lap and kissed the back of it.
He was going to do it.
"You make me really happy."
He was going to do it.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
The two of you were now kissing passionately.
You were looking for Bruce in the middle of another party Gotham was hosting, with yet again many people making it even harder for you to find Bruce.
"Bruce!" You called out as you noticed he was walking towards an exit with a dark-haired young man, you walked through the crowd of people and finally made it to the exit.
"Did you really not get anything, Bruce, we needed that information. Come on, you've been dating that girl for at least a month and she hasn't told you anything we can use against Carmine?"
Information? Use against my dad?
"What?" You whispered making the two look at you as Bruce's eyes widened, you scoffed and started walking away.
"Wait! Please, wait!" Bruce called out walking towards you, you stopped and turned around in anger.
"Where you using me, Bruce? I thought you cared and were genuinely interested in me! Was this shit all a lie?!" Tears threatened to fall from your eyes but you tried to resist the urge.
"Please let me explain--" But you didn't even let him finish, "Explain what, huh? How I was dumb enough to believe all the things that came out of your mouth? Or how I was stupid for even thinking you cared? Because I did! I cared about you and us, so much..." He looked at you with guilt in his eyes, he stepped forward then took a few more steps when he noticed you didn't step away.
"Please believe me now, I do care about you, and it was all true, all my emotions and all the things I said, all true. I made shitty decisions but none of it was fake." Bruce put his hand on your cheek , you looked at him for fe seconds, thinking.
You slowly put your hand on top of his hand that was resting on your cheek and pulled it away, toward his chest, pressing it there.
"Find someone else." You said turning around and walking away.
My dear
Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you the way I did. I was a child and an idiot, but you have to know that I meant everything and you were one of the only people who treated me like a human, and I'll always be extremely thankful for that.
I care so much about you and I will never forgive myself for how much I hurt you, you might not even read this letter but I'm still giving it a try, for you, I'd always try.
You were right, I did lie, but only for the first minutes after that every emotion I felt was real, you are the most beautiful person I've ever met and I do care about you, in fact I love you.
Just know that you will always have a place in my heart and that I'll always be here in case you need me.
Bruce Wayne
You read the letter that was sent to your office, and after reading it front to back you left work immediately, got into your car and raced through Gotham.
As you stopped in front of Wayne Manor you didn't know what to do, so you started with the basic going to the door and ringing the door bell.
"Nice seeing you again, I wasn't aware Master Bruce was getting a visit, please come in." Alfred said after opening the front door.
"Master Bruce is in his studies." He whispered before leaving you alone, you sighed and started walking.
"Alfred I'm busy, for the last time I don't want tea." Bruce said as you opened the door, he was writing another letter with his hands between his head thinking in what to write.
"I'm not here for tea." You answered closing the door and walking towards his desk, he immediately looked at you with maybe hope or something else in his eyes.
"I got your letter," You said walking towards a bookshelf full of old books.
"What you did, was hurtful, but I get it, my father isn't the best man in the world. I love you too." Your voice was almost like a whisper as you turned your head towards him.
"I don't know if you meant it or not when you wrote it in your letter but it's fair for you to know." As your body fully turned towards Bruce you gasped bumping into Bruce, who had swiftly gotten up from his chair.
"I love you, and I promise you I won't ever lie to you again. Never." He said hugging your body while kissing you.
"Okay, I got it, no need for these many emotions. Keep up with your emotionless reputation." The two of you laughed.
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detectiveinchicago · 4 years
SPARKS FLY: Chapter 4
Chapters list here
Note: Hi guys! Thank u for all the comments and reviews, you are amazing. I promise that Kenny is coming  on the next chapter. If you want to be tag in this story please let me know. Please let me know what you think of Laura as Caitlyn. English is not my first language. Enjoy xxx. DISCLAIMER: GIF IS NOT MINE.
“What a beautiful way to start my day,” Caitlyn said sarcastically to O.A when they were walking to the crime scene and she saw her brother and his peers standing in there.
“I thought you were in the city for one case only,” Jay said when he saw her.
“The Director is worried about the increase of violent crimes in the city, we will take the case,” Caitlyn said.
“We got here first, it’s our case,” Her brother answered
“What are you? Five? It’s a title 18: Federal land, federal crime,” She said crossing her arms around her chest “You can observe and advice but it’s our case now”
“I will appreciate it if you can bring us up to speed,” O.A said looking at Kim and rolling his eyes to the Halstead siblings.
“Amelia Roberts, 25, five stubs in the chest, she was an exotic dancer who worked down the block in Clubhouse, she was killed last night around 2 AM, a runner found her body early this morning, she has signs of rape, sexual assault and as you can see it was a nasty fight. It looks like she was killed in another location and dropped out here”
“She is brunette,” Caitlyn said putting on the gloves and bending down to touch the girl’s eyes “and she has blue eyes” She added giving O.A a look
“That should stand up because…?” Kim said, raising her eyebrows.
“Did you find any cameras? Any witnesses?” O.A asked, looking at Kim.
“So far nothing, the guy was smart, he avoided cameras, and no one has seen him, we are still looking for witnesses”
“Then we have nothing” Caitlyn concluded and Kim shrugged before approaching her sergeant “What are we missing O.A?” Caitlyn asked her partner
“I don’t know, I mean he doesn’t have a clear patron, he should have cut her fingerprints off,” O.A said looking at the body.
“Or her fingers broken,” Caitlyn added
“Is this a serial killer or one case?” O.A asked
“I mean they are all brunette, short hair with blue eyes and they are all violent crimes, different types of violence but that’s enough for a patron”
“Then we have ten women killed by the same man and we have no of who committed them”
“I can try with the band from the club again”
“You know that your cover was most likely blown up the other night”
“Perhaps we can try it, if it’s too dangerous then I walk away and you will have my back,” Caitlyn said winking her eye to O.A
O.A rolled his eyes, “I will let Isobel know”
“Then I will talk to them I guess,” Caitlyn said pointing with her head to Voight walking to her
“Good luck,” O.A said with a brief smile
“Oh, shut up” Caitlyn answered giving him a death look “Sargent”
“Agent,” Voight said with a nod of his head “We appreciate the help but we will take this case”
“As I was saying earlier, we are on a federal territory so it’s our case,” Caitlyn said looking at him.
“It’s my city” Voight replied.
“It’s my city too sergeant, I don’t know if Jay told but we grew up in Canaryville,” Caitlyn replied without taking her eyes off Voight.
“We will take this case,” Voight said.
“It’s our case now and I would appreciate it if you can stay out of it, I mean that sergeant” Caitlyn answered before turning around and walking to her car.
“Are you trying to humiliate me?” Jay asked going behind her.
“In case you haven’t notice, I don’t care about your work, or your cases or anything you do” Caitlyn rolled her eyes.
“What have I done to you that made you so evil?”
“You left after mom’s funeral, you saw how terrible Dad was and still didn’t even care about it and you left me alone with him to deal with it”
“He was falling apart, Caitlyn”
“I’m tired of you two idolizing Dad, he doesn’t deserve this, he was such an awful father and such a terrible person to me”
“He was sad Caitlyn, we all were. He didn’t pick you up after you broke a leg in a practice and that has made you upset at him all this time? Yes, that sucks, but it’s not such an enormous deal. Will made all this huge as always, he is used to see things where there are none.”
“Are you justifying him for everything he did?” Caitlyn asked
“No, but stop making all this about yourself and start thinking about how Dad was feeling too, he had lost the love of his life”
“I’m sorry, now you defend him only because he was keeping a stupid newspaper piece of you?” Jay looked at her without understanding “Yeah, Will told me about it,” she responded “That justifies everything that had happened? Only because he apparently loved you and he wasn’t able to share that with you? Hard love isn’t love, is just hurting Jay,” Caitlyn said getting into her car.
“You are always prejudging people Jay; you need to stop doing that,” Hailey said, approaching his partner.
“She is the one who attacked me first,” Jay said raising his eyebrows.
“Why instead of attacking her back, you start by asking? It might help,” His partner answered “Let’s go, Voight wants to meet us”
 “Isobel gave her approval to the operation, they are assisting us tonight and Kristen is checking the vigilance video,” O.A informed Caitlyn “I can see the family reconnecting,” He said with sarcasm to his partner
“That he went back to the army didn’t matter O.A,” Caitlyn said as she started the car “But the fact that he left me alone with dad after mom’s funeral because he wanted to get away from that house it pissed me off”
“Family can be complicated,” O.A said.
“Yeah, I know” Caitlyn answered.
Caitlyn got into her house. They were waiting for the forensic to finish the autopsy and they will check what they had so far for tonight’s meeting, wasn’t too much. They had no suspect, and no leads so far. Since they came to Chicago, O.A and Caitlyn had been trying to find how all the rapes where connected, Robbs and Homicides was the most occupied unit of Chicago so they were happy to leave them some of their cases.
It all started with five death girls, all them with their fingers prints cut off, brunettes with blue eyes and short hair but after that, the patron mutated, some of them had broken fingers or broken wrists, some of them were killed by suffocation while others like Amelia were stabbed to death. O.A and Caitlyn believed that the guy was not only enjoying all his paths, but that he was playing with them by changing his ways of raping and killing. She was sick of this guy; it had been almost five months, and he seems to be perfect, not a single mistake was giving.
Caitlyn turned on her laptop. Today was Jess’s birthday, and she told him that morning that she would call him later. Jess LaCroix was Angelyne’s husband, she was her team partner in the army. After she died on a raid, Caitlyn joined the FBI and Jess’s team. She spent most of her Christmas and New Year in Jess’s house after she left Chicago. When Tali was born, Caitlyn was there; when Angelyne died, Caitlyn was there. Maybe it was the fact that Pat was a terrible father and Jess’s father was awful too, but she was tight to him.  
“Happy birthday, old man,” Caitlyn said when he saw Jess on the screen.
“I’m not old but thanks” Jess answered, rolling his eyes.
“When are you retiring then?” she asked.
“Shut up” Jesse denied with her head.
“How is everyone over there?”
“Well Tali is at school, Marilou and Nelson went out to the supermarket and Clinton is trying to catch up the team, we are leaving in a while,” Jess said looking behind him for Clinton.
“Bad guys never stop,” Caitlyn said with a brief smile.
“How was your time back in Chicago so far?” Jess asked.
“As best as It could be” Caitlyn shrugged her shoulders.
Jess raised his eyebrows, “How is that?”
“Oh well, every time Jay and I are in the same room we fight to each other,” Caitlyn said.
“Have you tried to call him?” Jess asked, frowning.
“No, he didn’t even bother to call me after we met the first time,” Caitlyn excused herself
 “Then why are you demanding him to call you? You are acting like a kid,” Jess said.
“I don’t know; I guess I’m begging love. Not so lucky in that area you know,” Caitlyn said raising her eyebrow.
Jesse rolled his eyes, “Talk to him”.
“Coming back, meeting my brothers... It’s a lot to process and to deal with” She said running her hand over her face.
“It woke up some memories of your father?” Jesse asked knowing how she might be felling.
“Yeah, it’s hard to deal with that” Caitlyn sighed, scratching her head.
“You should give those memories a closure, Caitlyn,” Jess recommended her “Otherwise his memory will keep coming back and torture you”
“He is dead, that’s enough closure to me” Caitlyn responded, shrugging her shoulders.
“Are you still doing those meditation exercises that I teach you?” Jess asked looking at her.
“When I’m about to lose control, I do them,” Caitlyn nodded.
“Panic attacks aren’t easy, Caitlyn,” Jess comforted her.
“How is Kenny?” she asked suddenly. She was feeling uncomfortable, but she knew they had to address the elephant in the room at some point. 
Jess sighed “He is better now, trying to move on”
“He should start seeing other people and move on” Caitlyn added.
“Did you move on?” Jesse raised his eyebrows and waited for her answer.
“Yeah, I’m pretty much fine,” Caitlyn said in a sharp voice “But my problem is this case I’m dealing with,” she added changing the subject.
“You should start looking outside the box” Jesse suggested hearing Clinton voice in the background “I got to go”
“What did you say?” Caitlyn said
 “That you should start thinking outside the box, stop looking for the obvious patron” Jesse repeated.
“I need to check on something,” Caitlyn said as a goodbye “Good luck on your searching” she finished turning the call off.
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I wound up writing a little thing based on those panels you showed me of villains “rehabilitating” (but actually being mind-controlled) at Clear Mountain Center in X-Men 92.  This was meant to be a funny story about Fabian in rehab learning how to talk to women, but it got a little disturbing because of the mind-control aspect, and also Avalanche tells a grim little story about baby murder, so warnings for that.  But now I’m really tempted to write something about Haven taking the place over and actually Doing It Right.
“So,” Fabian began, speaking in the halting tones of someone attempting to wrap his mind around a difficult concept. “You’re saying you’re not attracted to me?”
               “Not in the slightest,” said Tabitha Smith, the mutant known as Boomer (and also Time Bomb, Boom-boom, Meltdown, and whatever other code-name caught her fancy).  Her tone was firm, but she smiled at him, as if to soften the blow.  “I mean, you’re obviously good-looking, just not my type.”
               “Oh, of course, you prefer women.  I understand.  I am open-minded about such things –“
               “Nooooo…..” Boomer cut in, with some slight irritation creeping into her voice.  “I’m mostly into guys.  Just different types of guys.”  Fabian thought hard.  He was tempted to spread his legs out wider, to give her a better look at what she was rejecting, but he’d gotten enough tiny power-bombs to the crotch to learn that that was a bad idea.  (The low-powered bombs did no real damage, but they certainly stung.)
               “I get it, I get it.  You are holding yourself back.  You are maintaining a professional relationship because you are my counselor.”
               “No!”  Boomer held her head in her hands for a moment, sighing.  “Look, not every woman will find you attractive, okay?  Everyone has different preferences.  Like, people think Leonard Decaprio is super-hot, and he just doesn’t do anything for me, I’m more of a Brad Pitt girl.  It’s not something you need to feel bad about, it doesn’t mean you’re like, ugly, or anything like that.”
               Fabian’s mind whirled.  This girl was young, beautiful, a powerful mutant, and had showed him such kindness as his mentor.  She had a surprising amount of wisdom underneath her shallow and flippant demeanor.  And yet, her judgement was so unsound. Perhaps she had some kind of psychological condition, like a strange form of face-blindness?  But then, Fabian had been learning to accept many ideas that had previously seemed impossible.  The idea of living with the humans in peace.  The idea of answering hatred with understanding, not violence. The idea that he should treat others with kindness and respect, instead using them as stepping stones in his quest for status and power.
               “Very well,” Fabian began again.  It was difficult to force the words out.  “I…accept that you do not find me attractive.  I….accept that some people…..may….not find me attractive.   After all, there are many different preferences in this world.”
               “Yeah, dude, exactly.  It’s like…some people like Cool Ranch Doritos?  And some people prefer Nacho Cheese.  There’s no right or wrong, except for the people who like Funyuns, because that shit is nasty.”  Fabian wanted to roll at his eyes at her rather low class tastes, but instead he found himself laughing good-naturedly.
               “Ha, ha, yes, that is a funny joke,” he said, beaming.  It was strange.  His mind felt so….slow.  Like there was this weight pressing down in it.  But at the same time, it was oddly pleasant.  A bit like Anne Marie’s more enthusiastic hugs, which always threatened to break the recipient’s back.
               “In Spain we have jamon flavored potato chips.  Perhaps you would find them interesting to try.  I will bring some back the next time I visit home.” He did not add that he had never eaten those chips, they were junk food for peasants, but if this girl found them enjoyable, he would indulge her.  It was a nice thing to do, and he found that he wanted to be nice lately. He didn’t entirely understand why.
               “Oh dude, that would be amazing!”  Boomer exclaimed.  “I love trying junk food from other countries.  There’s so much cool stuff out there.  Did you know that they have, like, a whole ton of Kit-Kat flavors in Japan?”
                I don’t care, Fabian wanted to say.  I spent my time in Japan eating Kobe beef and blue-fin tuna, not wasting my money on cheap candy.
               “No, I didn’t know that,” he said aloud instead.  He hadn’t meant to say that.  He hadn’t intended to sound so interested, but his mouth and brain did not seem properly connected.  The pleasant feeling hung over him, almost suffocating.
               “OMG, there are like, so many!  There’s strawberry, and sweet potato, and soy sauce, and wasabi – which is like, better than you’d expect – and sake, and…”
               Fabian wanted to tell her to stop prattling, but he couldn’t quite find the words.  He looked around the outdoor area while she rambled on.  There was Blob pruning rhododendron bushes with Storm, the blossoms tiny in his huge, clumsy hands.    
               “….and blueberry cheesecake, and apple pie, and brown sugar syrup, and cantaloupe which sounds totally disgusting but apparently it’s pretty good, and…”
               The Kleinstock brothers and Frenzy were tossing a Frisbee around with Feral and Cannonball, while Vertigo and Arclight were playing scrabble with Polaris and Multiple Man.  Ruckus was strumming a guitar, pausing occasionally to sweep his hair back dramatically, and clearly looking around for an audience.  Ugh, he was singing “One Tin Soldier.”  Fabian hated that song.  Fabian hated……a lot of things that were happening at that moment.
               “….and maple, and pumpkin, and chestnut, and green tea, and Tokyo Banana, because apparently that’s a thing, and..”
               He hated listening to this stupid girl spew out every thought in her empty brain.  He hated sitting in group therapy and listening to the peons that he shared the facility with whining about their inconsequential problems.  He hated having to hug people.  He hated being stuck in this adult daycare while he should be leading his Acolytes to victory against humankind (and racking up a few kill points for the Upstarts while he was at it.)  Something in his mind was breaking free.
               “Enough!” he snapped, jumping to his feet.  “This isn’t right!  I shouldn’t be here!”  Boomer paused in her Kit-Kat flavor recital.
               “Whoa, dude.  Chill out. You need a time-out, or something? Maybe you need some time in the Angry Room.”
“No, I do not need some time in the Angry Room,” Fabian snarled.  “I don’t belong here with the  rest of these losers, there’s nothing wrong with me.  I’m….I’m so much better than the rest of you.  I’m practically a god!  I should be….should be –“  His eyebrow twitched.  His body shuddered, and a fixed grin came over his face.
               “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be saying things like that. What am I thinking?  We’re all special in our own way.  I just want us all to be friends,” Fabian continued.  A single tear leaked out of one corner of his eye.
               “Hey, good job, man,” said Boomer, patting him on the shoulder. “You recognized a negative thought pattern, and then, like, stopped it.  That totally deserves a Hershey Kiss.”  She tossed him the silver wrapped chocolate.
               “Thank you.”  Fabian shuddered again, and then his body seemed to relax, his tense smile softening into one that seemed genuine, if a bit dazed.  “I like Hershey Kisses.”
               “Don’t we all, buddy.”
               “They are good,” Fabian continued, pulling the foil off and popping the chocolate in his mouth absent-mindedly.  “This place is a good place.  We are all good here.”
               At the table, another group was mid-way through a fairly intense game of Uno.  Most of the group (X-Men included), would have preferred poker, but apparently that wasn’t wholesome enough the rehabilitation process.
               “I’m just saying, we didn’t start the war.”  Avalanche slapped down a card, perhaps slightly too hard. “Humans want to stomp out anyone who’s different.  That’s the whole damn history of the human race.”
               “But nothing will change if we continue the cycle of violence,” argued Colossus.  
               “We must ‘turn the other cheek,’” agreed Nightcrawler. “Send out a message of peace and love.” He betrayed that sentiment by tossing down a Draw Four card.
               “Yeah, and the guy that did that got nailed to a cross, didn’t he?”  Avalanche retorted.  “Didn’t work out so well for him.”
               “You can’t be expecting us to imitate Christ, can ya?” Pyro put in, throwing a Reverse on the stack.  “He was all flawless and perfect and ‘ineffable,’ right?  And he had a get-out-of-death-free card.  We ain’t got that.”  
               “You could have that, by the Grace of God –“ Nightcrawler began, than stopped, shaking his head.  “I’m sorry, this is not the right place for that conversation.  I know religion is very personal, and everyone must make their own choices.  But I will talk about it with any of you privately, if you want.”
               “All I’m saying is, humans have tried to bloody kill us,” Pyro continued.  “Are we supposed to just lie down and take it?  I’ve had people turn on me, even back before the Brotherhood, before I committed any crimes.  People that I thought I could trust.”  The cards in his hand crumpled as his fist clenched.
               “Humans are fucking brutal.  I’ve seen…..”  Avalanche shook his head.  “There was a woman back on Kalymnos, gave birth to a baby with gills.  Nothing wrong with the kid otherwise, it was just a cute baby.  But people acted like it was the damn anti-Christ.  Her husband moved out and wouldn’t have anything to do with her. And one day….”  A slight tremor rippled across the table as he continued. “One day some guy just snatched the baby out of her arms and threw it down on the rocks.  I’ll never forget how she screamed.  And nothing ever happened to the guy.  He was a murderer, and the police did nothing.  Everyone just pretended that it never happened –“  The table shook visibly now, the vibrations spreading out into the ground around them.
               “Tovarish, please calm down.  I understand how that memory must pain you, but –“    
               The vibrations suddenly stopped.  For a moment, Avalanche looked confused, then a dull smile spread across his face.
               “I’m sorry, friends.  I just get upset sometimes, thinking about that.  I shouldn’t dwell on such horrible memories.”
               “Yes, we should just think about good things,” Pyro agreed, wearing the same sickly smile.  “We are in a good place.  We are all good here.”
               Sitting in the sun on the roof, Toad wrapped his arms around himself, smiling.  He felt….good.  For the first time that he could remember, he was entirely at peace with himself.  He wasn’t plagued with anxiety at every social interaction, waiting for the inevitable rejection, wasn’t miserable when he looked into the mirror.  No more flashbacks or sudden fits of sadness or anger.  He woke up and was actually eager to get out of bed in the morning, eager for a day that he knew would bring good things.  And people were actually being nice to him!  There was no superficial politeness or poorly hidden disgust, no cheap pity.  Just genuine kindness.  His counselors and the other former super-villains actually seemed glad to see him every day.
               Of course, sometimes it felt too good to be true. Sometimes he would look around and everything would feel slightly off, like one of those hyper-realistic dreams where you can only tell that you’re dreaming because something in your room is out of place.  He felt like he was constantly wrapped in a blanket of warm air, and it was so good and comforting, but it made him dull and sleepy.  (Perhaps this was what being drunk was supposed to be like?  For the normal people?  When Toad tried alcohol, it only seemed to make him sad.)  Things were very hazy, and it was hard to put his thoughts together.  But that didn’t matter, did it?  Because finally he was safe and happy, and everyone was so nice.
               “This is a good place,” he said aloud to no one in particular. “We are all good here.”
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kavuyi · 6 years
Nkani: All That Glitters 15-Feelings are Never Constant https://ift.tt/2xduhlH
Olaaaaaaaa. Miss me? I know I suck at consistency. I’m guilty. So many people have been asking why I haven’t posted in a while, my answer? One day I’ll write about it. It will probably some epic stuff that will shock you all. One day. Now we are back with Nkani: All That Glitters.
Recap: Those who want to read Chapter 14 again, click here… Yes here. So 16th January 2016 brought it’s own drama, Thandiwe is still trying to accept her pregnancy; her mother being against her fashion beats the pregnancy kind of dressing is creating a problem for her, especially when James loves her just the way she is. Yolanda is still having (a little too much) fun with Mr Forty. Sonia is at a crossroads and Sampa comes to the rescue, but this doesn’t change a thing about her relationship with Ian? Marriage or no marriage? And Mable… well she just had her call picked up by Chinyama’s mistress or woman friend. What is going on?
New chapter…The drama continues…. Our girls are about to have fun… I hope you enjoy this chapter… xoxo
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Nkani by Memzy
25th January 2016:
“Good morning beautiful.” He whispers by my neck.
I smile to myself. I get the good kind of chills on my skin. Mornings should always be like this. Waking up next to the love of your life. His lips skim the back of my neck and I giggle. He knows what that does to me. I turn and face him, his arms wrapped around my waist.
“Good morning beautiful.” He repeats.
He kisses my lips, slow and gentle. Just the way I like it. I smile against his lips. I touch his face with my hands and kiss him. Mornings like these should be banned.
“Good… Morning… Isaac.” I tell him in between kisses.
“She responds.” He laughs.
“Let me enjoy the moment.” I smile.
“Sleep well” He asks.
I nod. Nothing beats the feeling of waking up next to him. I look at him committing his face to memory. Up close I can see the flaws on his face all making up an attaractive man in my eyes. I am so blessed. So lucky. All mine.
His lips bend into a smile as if reading my thoughts.
“You my lady are beautiful.” He whispers. “I am the luckiest man in Zambia.”
Sweet talk early in the morning?
“You’re beautiful.” He continues. “Nothing beats this. Do we really need to leave this bed? How about we stay in?”
“That will never work. I need to head home and see my children.” I respond.
“Do you have to?” He asks.
“Yes.” I respond. “They are my children.”
He makes a fake pout which does not suit him. I laugh.
“I know they are your children. This is why your children should live here.” He says.
I laugh. Live here? With Isaac? Why? I am a married woman. He knows this. Why would they live here with him? Is he delusional? Men…
“I can see you later after you’re done, when I am free. How’s that?” He asks. “Lunch?”
“Maybe. I’ll see how long it takes. You know children.” I smile.
He feigns sadness, lowering his eyes to my chin.
“I promise I will be back but I need to see my children.” I tell him slowly, patting his cheek.
He looks at me and smiles.
“I understand.” He says. “I will miss you. I can’t wait to see you and hold you in my arms. Gosh I love you woman.”
He kisses me with such intensity that I think I will only think of only him all day. Gosh. This man just takes my breath away. When he stops to let me breathe I am in awe. I am in love with this man. I really love him. We stare into each other’s eyes for a little longer, our eyes saying the words our mouth fail to pronounce.
“I think we should get married soon.” He says suddenly.
My eyes widen in surprise. Marriage? Where is all this from? Isn’t it a little too soon for him to be thinking about marriage when I am still married to another man? Gosh men and their egos.
“I know you’re who I want in my life Mable. I love everything about you.” You are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
“But Isaac I…”
“Mable, you left Chinyama already. I don’t know why you are still holding onto the past. It’s our turn to be happy. I know you miss the children but they can live here, with us.”
“Wait. Isaac…”
“No Mable. It’s time you let go of the past. Chinyama hurt you. You chose me. This is what we wanted right?”
“Right…” I echo slowly.
“I love you Mable.”
He cuts me off with a kiss. “No buts. You and I can make this work. Chinyama isn’t doing anything to fight for you. He wanted you gone and I am here for you. Day in, night in. In my bed. I love you Mable. Marry me.”
“Marry me and have my babies.”
I wake up from sleep startled. My chest barely surviving my racing heartbeat. What the hell? It takes a few minutes for my heart to get back to it’s normal rhythm, all the while staring at the ceiling letting my mind accept that everything about Isaac was a dream. Or a hopeful future. I don’t know.
A dream, I tell my beating heart. Just a dream. Chinyama is still my husband. For now…
They say time heals all wounds. I think they meant it in months or years and not days or weeks and depending on the crime itself or maybe tge level of anger involved. I must not be angry enough then because I am sleeping with the enemy in the same bed we have called ours for years now. I sleep on my side with his arm on my waist; I feel his breath on the back of my neck creating a never ending sensation of chills on my skin. Wasn’t there a time when the chills were welcome? A time when my husband wanted me in his arms every morning. And now he holds me when he does not even realise he is. These are the moments I should relish. But I don’t. I push his hand slowly so as to wake him up and he doesn’t. He turns away from me to face the other side of the bed leaving me cold. Nothing new there.
I sit up and yawn, pushing the covers away, I get off the bed without looking at the man still sleeping on the bed.
I don’t need to turn to know it’s Chinyama I am walking away from.
Smiles are the order of mornings now. Getting to the office before eight are little miracles that simply happen when happiness is in overload. Give and it shall be given unto you, isn’t that how it goes? I’ve been given and now I’m giving. Whatever. Mr Forty has made my week; with his wife away the man has been at my flat for the most part of the week, after office hours. Late dinners, movies, nights filled with passion have been the order of the week. Wined and dined they say. Pleasure and passion by night, hard work and deadlines by day. Mr Forty and I are certainly good on and off the bed.
I bite my lip to stop mysef from giggling. Good sex just makes a woman happy. I must be glowing, I know I am. Gosh I do not know how we do it. Have sex and work together with no drama. I am sitting in Mr Forty’s office next to an always sulky-he-who-has-an-amazing-smile Masulani. I don’t care if he’s unhappy. I’m happy. That’s all that matters. I look at Mr Forty and his eyes meet mine. No sparks. Mr Forty looking at me like an employee, with the same eyes that undressed me naked early in the morning. His hands are flat on his desk, the same hands that touched my body all night. The same mouth that is talking to me did more than talk most evenings. The mouth of pleasure. Dating older men is definitely fun. Didn’t make a mistake here.
Mr Forty clears his throat and I blink back into reality. I find two sets of eyes on me. Shit I just sit through his instructions without hearing a thing. Shit. Masulani raises his eyebrow at me. Did I start drooling over my boss and wet my shirt with saliva? I straighten my back and look at Mr Forty. His eyes twinkle with mischief. He must know I’m thinking about him, wishing we were home.
“We shall meet with them tonight. Dinner is the perfect choice.” Masulani says. “Don’t you agree Yolanda?”
Shit. I got lost in my thoughts again.
“Hmmm.” I respond.
What the hell is he talking about?
“Nineteen hours should be perfect.” Mr Forty responds.
Masulani stands up and I do the same. I have no idea what is going on or who is meeting who at nineteen. This is why office relationships are the worst. Shit.
“So I’ll see you both later then.” Mr Forty tells us.
Though his eyes on me are saying more than his lips. Its a promise of more. More wine, more kisses, more of everything. Masulani and I walk out of the office. I follow Masulani to his office. Mr Forty out of sight I take the opportunity to admire Masulani’s height. The man definitely has the perfect height for more than just reaching the top cabinet. What I would do to have him lift me. What the hell is wrong with me tonight? I sit across from Masulani in his office and ask him the dreaded question.
“Who are we meeting tonight? Or it’s just you and Mr Boss meeting the client?”
Masulani looks at me, his eyes looking into mine, realising I had not listened to most of what our boss said. He chuckles and shakes his head.
“You absolutely fascinate me.” He laughs.
“What?” I ask.
“Where did your mind wander off to?”
“Other projects.” I lie.
“You suck at lying.” He laughs.
My happiness must be rubbing onto him. He’s laughing. I’m definitely giving.
“We are meeting Petit General Insurance.” He says. “Something about advertising their new insurance products on the market. We are to help them launch it.”
“Great. Where?” I ask.
“Gosh Yolanda. Did you actually get anything he said?” Masulani asks.
I give him my brightest smile.
“I understand why you’re angry.” I tell Mable. “You need to calm down.”
“I’m calm.”
“No you’re not. I know you.”
Gosh I can’t believe she is still angry about this. Her anger truly knows no bounds. Then again Chinyama knew what was coming the moment he went back to Cynthia. Why do men test their women when they know they might end up dead or worse being ignored for weeks? This is such a mess. Chinyama deserves this treatment, but oh my Mable needs to find some healing – sexual whatever – or her anger will kill her.
And to think it’s only Monday. Morning at that, and on an office call for over twenty minutes with Mable who wanted to “talk” about the issue. I don’t think she will be forgiving her husband any day soon.
“I wish I could scream. Or just hit him.” She says. “Stab him.”
“You’ll kill him, you’ll go to jail, your kids will suffer.” I remind her. “Those little babies of yours will be alone.”
She keeps silent for a few seconds, thinking about my words. She loves her children too much to let her anger take them away from her, and she hates Chinyama too much at the moment to give him the easy way out. Easy way out. What would that be? Forgiveness?
“Men. Ata.” She says. “We are fools as women. We stick with these foolish humans. And for what? To be cheated on?”
I don’t respond. She needs to vent and I’ll let her. She deserves it.
“And with her of all people. Gosh. The same woman. You know if it was someone else naybe I wouldn’t be so angry. At least then I’d say well it’s someone new to beat up. But it’s Cynthia again. He is busy can I tell him to you back. ” She taunts. “Did she bewitch him? Did she?”
No word from me. I will not encourage my best friend to lose it.
“I hate him. Men are just horrible. They take and take until we bleed. That stupid man has my whole body, even my vagina. Womb included. He has everything. And he still wants more!!” She continues.
“I have nothing left. Nothing.” She sniffs.
My heart breaks for her. She doesn’t deserve this. Mable is amazing. She deserves better than this but I can’t tell her that. I won’t be responsible for giving her the wrong advice that tears apart a family. They will work it out. They always do. Besides she’s lucky it’s the same woman, having s new woman would mean Chinyama was getting worse. One mistress is better than ten.
“How am I supposed to be happy? I can’t even look at my children without my heart breaking. They look like him.”
“Awww darling. It will be okay.”
“It won’t.”
“It will be fine. I promise.” I respond.
“How? He’s cheating. I’m the good wife no?”
“Surely by now he must have explained what happened?” I ask. “He just can’t get her back again.”
“Who will explain? Who? I don’t want to hear it.” She yells.
“Okay then what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know.”
“You have to know Mable. You need to know. All this ranting isn’t healthy.”
“I don’t know!” She cries.
The classic dilemma of a woman. Leave or stay? Men surely put us through a lot.
“Just talk things out. Sit down. Hear him out.” I tell her.
“No. Hear him out? He will lie to me. Oh my. I’m so tired of this.”
“Think of your kids then. You hate him but you have kids.”
“I never thought I’d be one of those women who stay with a man because of kids. Gosh. Out parents did it. Not us. Not me. I’ve been doing this for so long. Why me?”
“Well who said women can’t stay today?”
I hear her sniff. Mable is a good wife. Chinyama is just trash. Men. No surprise there. I don’t say a word more. I let her cry in silence. I can’t imagine what she’s going through. She tried but obviously if a man doesn’t want you anymore then nothing can stop him from finding happiness with another woman. It sucks that it’s happening to my friend. I wish I could do more for her. All I can do is be there for her like I’ve been for Sonia.
I make a mental note to find time and call Sonia. I can’t afford to have two of my best friends crying.
“We can go to the clinic if you want babe.”
I roll my eyes thankful at the same time that James is standing behind me while I decide if hugging the toilet will make anything better. I hate this part right here.
“Thandiwe.” He says softly.
“Quit stressing James. You’re stressing me out for crying out loud. Please go to work. Let me be.”
“I’m just worried….”
“You know what? Leave me alone. Like go.”
He keeps silent. I feel his hand on my shoulder before I hear his footsteps walking away from me. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and sigh. That was uncalled for. He’s trying to help me and I am not in the mood. I hear a door close and I shake my head. Shit now I feel guilty for being so rude. But to be honest I don’t know why he’s stressing out about me having morning sickness. It’s not going to end anyway. No matter how many times we go to the clinic nothing will change. Until it’s over. Only then. Until then it’s not going to get any better. Gosh these things should happen to people who actually want to go through it. It should happen to those who are ready to puke their lives out because of a bundle of chaos.
I flush the toilet and slowly stand up from the cold floor. I walk to the sink looking at my face in the mirror. I look horrible. I swear makeup truly hides a lot of things on a woman’s face. In as much as I look younger without the makeup, it’s the makeup that makes me look sort of extra beautiful. James does not care about the makeup. To him I’m beautiful day in day out no matter what I wear. I hope he will still think the same when I’m fat and bigger than my size twenty-eight with stretchmarks that tell a horror story.
I slowly lift my t-shirt up to my still perfect c-cup breasts, my eyes stray to my stomach. Still flat thank goodness. I touch my abdomen, rubbing it slowly. There is a little human inside of me right now. Or it’s still a ball of cells or something but he or she will be a mini human. I turn to my side and stare at my abdomen in the mirror. In the side view it still looks flat to me as well. Mama said when I’m three or four months it will start to show. The stretchmarks will start. She says it will be the best feeling ever. I’ll be three months this week or so it’s sooner rather than later. Who cares…
I hear a shuffle and look towards the bathroom door and see James leaning against the door. He stayed? I heard the door. He made me believe he left and yet he didn’t leave the bedroom. He walks towards me, his eyes on me never breaking contact. When he stands in front of me he looks down at me.
“I’m sorry.” I tell him, my hands on his chest. “I’m in such a bad mood. I hate it. I’m sorry James.”
He shrugs and smiles, his smile showing off his imperfect teeth. Ever the happy Mr James. He lifts his hand and touches my abdomen right where my hand is.
“Is that a round shape I feel here?” He asks. “It’s showing?”
I look at him horrified. He laughs. I slap his hand away.
“Very funny.” I tell him
“I don’t know why you have that look on your face babe. You will get bigger you know.” He says
“Yes. When it happens then that’s then. Not yet.”
I push my shirt down covering my abdomen. I push his hand away in the process. I turn and look at the mirror. The handsome and the mess. I meet his eyes in the mirror and he smiles. His hands reach out for me pulling me closer and he hugs me.
“You will be the perfect mother.” He says
“How do you know?” I ask.
“Because you’re an amazing woman. I can’t wait for us to have our baby. You’ll see. It will be perfect.”
I look at him, I can tell from his eyes that he means it. He looks at me, our eyes meeting and in that second I wish he could read the word playing on my mind through my eyes.
The ringing alarm brings a sigh out of me. I’ve been awake for hours, staring at nothing but thinking about everything. I turn and switch off the noisy little thing, yawning as I do so. More sleep I think. Just what I need. I turn groaning in the process wishing I could come face to face with a sleeping Ian on his front, his face in my direction. I know I would smile like I always do and lean in to kiss his cheek. He would not wake up obviously because kissing him never woke him up. But I know what can.
Not the right time, I think. Not yet. Ever since we had our mini argument, Ian and I haven’t found the time to mix pleasure into our busy schedules. The man apologised and I forgave him and that was it. And now I miss it all.
I shake my head and sigh. I sit up and pick up my phone off my bedside table noticing missed calls from Ian and Sampa.
I get off my bed and walk out of my bedroom head to the kitchen. I open the refrigerator and take out last night’s leftovers – lasagne- when I hear knocking at the door. I roll my eyes. Already being bothered even though I’m not heading to work. Gosh. I groan inwardly and head to the door. I open the door ready to give whoever it is a piece of my mind and I find Ian standing outside the door.
“Hey.” I say. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the office?”
He raises his brows and smiles. He walks in closer and kisses the side of my forehead walking past me and into my flat.
“You just woke up?” He asks
Obviously. I nod and close the door. I face him. His hands are in his blue jeans pocket. I know he’s not been to the office yet.
“You okay? Feeling okay?” He asks.
“Yeah. How are you?” I ask him.
“I am great. It’s a new week. Totally excited.” He says happily.
I wish I felt the way he does now. Gosh even when I’m not going for work Mondays are just the worst for me. I should have stayed in bed.
“Good for you.” I respond.
“Well life is just perfect.”
“Great.” I smile. “You want breakfast?”
“I have lasagne from last night. We can have that before you leave.” I tell him as I head to the kitchen.
“You’re going dressed in your pajamas?” He asks behind me.
“Going?” I ask
“Yes… Going… Driving… Aunt Leah…”
I turn around to face him.
“Oh. That’s today?”
Oh my, it hits me then, he’s off today just like I am. We decided I needed to inform my aunt about the marriage proposal and Ian coming to formalise it all.
“You forgot?” He asks.
I shake my head.
“You totally forgot.” He laughs.
“Lemme take a quick bath.” I tell him. “Wow. I’ve been so preoccupied with stuff. Why didn’t you call me?”
“I did. Missed calls on your mobile.” He responds.
Exactly. Missed calls.
“Okay. You warm the food I’ll bath.” I tell him.
I rush out of the living room and head to my bedroom, undress as fast as I can and head to the bathroom. How did I forget this? Gosh. I am a mess. Besides I’ve been busy with work and more pressing thoughts like if being in this relationship is worth it. I step under the shower, hot water scalding my skin.
Gosh Ian’s family has had me in some sort of mess that I’ve been unable to escape, but surprisingly since they left during the week to visit friends in Zimbabwe it has been sort of better for me. It’s been better between Ian and me as well. Our communication is better too. While I was thinking of ending our relationship, he pushed me to call my aunt and ask to meet her so that we can get everything moving. And yet somehow I forgot this.
I forgot something as important as this.
I frown as a stray thought comes through: Do I really want to get married to Ian if his family does not even like me?
Do I want to get married if I can forget something as important as telling my Aunt about it all?
To be continued…
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from WordPress https://ift.tt/2xduhlH via IFTTT https://ift.tt/2QrFCHp September 13, 2018 at 11:41AM
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
80+ I Love My Wife Quotes From Husband With Images
I Love My Wife Quotes : Don’t wait only for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day and birthdays to write a romantic quote for her. Make her feel like a queen by sending her sweet texts on a random day. If texting is not your thing, write something cute on a note or a greeting card. You can even post mushy and funny stuff on Facebook or Pinterest. We also have a great collection of I Love You Quotes. Better yet, tag her in the most awesome tweet you’ve sent out in a while. Regardless of how many years have passed by in your marriage, it is never too late to start laying your feelings bare. She might not say this to you, but inside every woman is a girl who longs to be wooed and pampered. Don’t take her for granted and show your wife that you are indeed, the loving husband that she imagined you to be.
I Love My Wife Quotes From Husband
1. “We’ve made beautiful promises to each other. The promises I have in store, just waiting to pour out of my heart, are even more special. I love you.” 2. “You’re the charger to my cell phone – I would be dead without you.” 3. “I am so blessed to have a life with my wife. She is always on my mind, in my heart and in my soul.” 4. “My love for you is enough to surround the whole world. My pretty wife, you’re my life forever and always.” 5. “Nothing in the world can replace the love of my life, my one, and true wife. I love you so much.” 6. “The day we took our vows until the day I die, I will love you more and more.” 7. “You know that our love means the world to me. I would do anything and everything to keep you happy.” 8. “Happiness was a mystery to me until the day that you came into my life like a shooting star.” 9. “A man is happy when he finds a true friend, but he is even happier when the true friend he finds is his wife.” 10. “No man finds success in life without having a good woman behind him along the way.” 11. “I would be a philosopher if a married a bad wife, but since I married you, I am simply a lover.” 12. “Husbands and wives have a relationship that even the closest of friends can never obtain.” 13. “The woman of my life, the mother of our children, there is no love that compares to the love I have for my wife.” 14. “My most spectacular achievement in my life was persuading my wife to marry me.” 15. “The one thing I love more than my wife is being my wife’s husband.” 16. “Love is ever growing, ever changing, but the one thing that will always remain true is that my love for my wife grows as the sky is blue.” 17. “Real men may not know how to show their feelings to their wife, but they always tell her that she is the one and only woman for them.” 18. “I may be old, I may be stubborn, but this stubbornness is what has allowed me to love you so uncontrollably throughout the years.” 19. “Years come and go like the seasons, but every year, I love you more than I ever thought was possible.” 20. “There are a million remedies in the world, and nothing cures my ills quite like my wife.”
21. “A good marriage requires a beautiful wife that is blind and a loving husband that is deaf – we are both.” 22. “Marriage has made me love like I never thought possible and thank God more than I ever did in the past.” 23. “Loneliness is something that neither of us will have to endure. We can remain silent yet laugh, smile and cry because our hearts are talking to each other.” 24. “If our lives were a ship, I would want to call it “FOREVER MINE” because there is no me without you.” 25. “My hair is going white, my teeth are falling out, but I am still the world’s luckiest man to have you as my wife.” 26. “Romance is having that one person in your world that will do anything for you at any time of the day and continue loving you no matter what. That is you – my everything.” 27. “Everything in the world was more dull and colorless when you weren’t in my life.” 28. “My wife has endured more than I ever thought possible. I owe her the happiness of the world.” 29. “My words to express my love for you will always fall short. All I know is that my life revolves around my love for you.” 30. “My imperfections have been made perfect by a wife that knows nothing else but how to love and care for me.” 31. “Hugs, kisses, smiles, and frowns are what we go through on a daily basis. I frown when you’re not around, hug and kiss you when I see you and smile when you’re on my mind. I love you, my wife.” 32. “I love my wife so much that I would give up my man cave any day to spend time with her.” 33. “Ups and downs are meant for other couples. The love we share is a journey that keeps getting better with every second that passes.” 34. “The sun goes up and the sun goes down, but my love for you will never burn out.” 35. “The burning embers of the sun will eventually die out and put the world into total darkness. Billions of years from now, my love will still be as strong for you as it is today.” 36. “Today is the best day I could have ever wished for because my wife is in my life.” 37. “Life is nothing without happiness and a beautiful life to remind you of all the good things in life.” 38. “My wife. I could laugh without you, but I would never let you cry alone.” 39. “Fun, loving, brave, beautiful, sexy – all of these words describe you, but none expresses the love I have in my heart for you.” 40. “There is no crime I would commit again besides stealing the love of my wife.”
  41. “I thought fairy tales would never come true until I met my princess of a wife.” 42. “Be kind, be gentle. These are the words taught to me by a loving wife.” 43. “Every man needs a wife that is honest with them and helps them grow into the man they’re supposed to become.” 44. “We’re not lucky in life; we take action. But, I find luck every day when I wake up to my wife.” 45. “A wife is a gift from God that grows with the love that she spills into a man’s life.” 46. “There is no taste sweeter than the lips of my wife. She is my everything, my all. She is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.” 47. “Two crazy kids in love fell for each other and did the impossible: they turned into husband and wife. That is our life story.” 48. “There is no story more beautiful in life than finding your wife.” 49. “The stars in the sky sparkle bright for my wife. The sun in the sky beams down to clear away the night for my wife.” 50. “The world is not so bad when you share it with the one person you will never grow old and tired of. That is my wife; someone I never grow bored of and that teaches me compassion and love.” 51. “I thank God every day for all my past relationships. Other women threw me away so that my wife could find and pick me up to love forever.” 52. “Forever and a day is how long I could tell my wife how much I love her.” 53. “I could write a novel with random words that all express my love for my wife.” 54. “My wife, the only thing I love and adore more than you is our children – and bacon.” 55. “Your love, your care, your smile and your charm all make me at ease. I love you.” 56. “The storms and the clouds remind me that even on the worst day, my love for my wife shines brighter than any dark cloud.” 57. “The most precious treasure in my life is my wife.” 58. “All the gold in the world would never come close to the price I would put on my wife. There is no money or object more precious to me; she is priceless.” 59. “I laugh and thank God when I hear other men complain about their wives, while I get to go home to the perfect woman time and time again.” 60. “Women come and go when you’re younger, but my wife, she had me wrapped around her finger the moment she smiled at me.”
61. “My life has changed so much since our marriage. You helped me grow and taught me to love like I never thought was possible.” 62. “Respect is how I show my wife the love she deserves. I love and respect her more than I do myself.” 63. “You’re all that I will ever need – my wife, my lover, my world.” 64. “A true relationship is exactly what my wife and I share. We met as two imperfect people that became perfect together and never refused to give up on each other.” 65. “Loving you is an addiction that I will never be able to quit.” 66. “In love with my wife, the most beautiful person in my life.” 67. “Handwritten letters are the way to let my heart pour out to a woman, my wife, that expresses her love in so many ways that it’s impossible to count.” 68. “I believe that nothing in this world is 100% perfect until I think of my wife and the amazing love that we share for each other on a second-by-second basis.” 69. “Loving you is just like war. I went into battle thinking I would be okay, but I didn’t come back the same.” 70. “What makes a marriage good? Two people that love each other enough to become expert forgivers in life.” 71. “It is the person I love more than life itself that I would do anything for – you – my wife.” 72. “My eyes are filled with love that even the oceans can’t compare to when my wife looks deep into them.” 73. “My wife has been the never-ending rock that I lean against when I am tired, scared, upset and happy. No matter what, she has been there for me, and I will love her forever as a result.” 74. “Forever is a hard idea to swallow. Can you really love someone forever? I never thought I could until the day I met you.” 75. “There comes a time in every man’s life when he needs to wise up and realize that there will never be another woman in his life quite like his wife.” 76. “You’re the coffee to my day. When you smile, I get a jolt of energy that runs through my body like a bolt of lightning.” 77. “I never want you to be scared, unhappy or sad. The world is what we share together, and my love for you means that I will do everything I can to make you happy.” 78. “It’s not about the material things when you get married – none of that matters. What matters most is the love that you build together.” 79. “You came into my life like a speeding bullet and got lodged into my heart where you will remain forever.” 80. “When I look at my wife, I see a hope of a brighter future; a future that is void of fear and despair, and one that is filled with love from every angle.” 81. “Angels in heaven have fallen before – I know. My wife is simply out of this world.” 82. “My wife. I love you more with each breath I take and hope that I make you as happy as you make me every day of our lives.”
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