#me adn the guy who is not me i insist that he is not me and ohhh the storys over i can do nothing to change it ohhhhhhhhh
aliaoftheknives · 1 year
drew this for a prompt on twitter whatever im going to wake up and immediately delete this probably
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𝘾𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙨 -【Rodrick Heffley x F!Reader】- One-Shot
rating: pg
word count: 6.2k
summary: [y/n], daughter from a wealthy family from New York City, has been keeping her relationship with rodrick heffley a secret from her parents, though what happens if it’s brought up and her parents want to meet the secret boyfriend?
author’s note: here it is! hope you guys all enjoy it!! though i did want to let you know that i wrote this originally as a piece of work for my original character, which is why it is in third person! if you want to request anything feel free to!! once again, thank you for reading it!
keys: [y/nn] - your nickname
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“I didn’t mean to tell them, [Y/NN].” Caleb spoke in hushed tones, as he attempted to prevent any outburst that he doubted would come from his younger sister, but it was still something that he felt that needed to be stopped, “But I’m sure neither you or Rodrick would exactly be thrilled if you ended up going to homecoming with David or Chad, and you know how dad-.”
 “Listens to you, yes, I do know that, Caleb,” [Y/N] began, though her train of thought was shooting off in a million different directions, “And I do appreciate you trying to stick up for my happiness, but now we have to deal with what comes with doing that.”
 It did not take long for Caleb to know what [Y/N] meant, because their father did bring it up in the conversation that started this whole situation. 
 “Father and Mother want to meet him.”
 “And I don’t know if I can teach Rodrick to have the manners and social know-how that we and whoever Father believes would be more acceptable.”
 “Maybe it’s for the best that’s the case, [Y/NN],” Caleb pointed out, placing a gentle hand on his 
sister’s shoulder, “Give yourself the chance to step out of the spotlight for once, your happiness is what’s important.”
 [Y/N] merely just nodded, because she knew that the standards their father placed on both of them were vastly different. Caleb could afford some level of security in the notion of not being worried about what their father thinks, because he does not have to work so hard to make their father happy. 
 This was something the teenager always had to grapple with growing up. Eventually, coming to terms with since she was the youngest, her future compared to her older brother’s was uncertain, unclear, and too many factors were up in the air: where was she going to college? What would her major be? What would her future career be? What sort of family would she have? Who would she marry?
 Whereas Caleb had his future planned from the moment he was born: attend an ivy league for business then take over the family company, marry a family friend/one of the daughters of their father’s business associates or a family that would be useful to merge with and have a family. It was always clear and never questioned, even when they were kids. It took little effort on his part to make their father happy, because the expectations were clear as day and never took a moment of thought to figure out.
 It was her burden to bear, and never had the strength in her to expect anyone to understand the judging gaze always cast her way, as if waiting for her to mess up or make a mistake to remind her of her failures no matter how perfect she appeared to the public eye. To her own boyfriend, even.
 And part of her subconscious wished it would remain that way forever. But life has a funny way of working out in the end.
 Her parents at dinner the same night her and Caleb conferred, they brought up having this mystery boy their daughter had been seeing secret over for dinner so they could have a chance to finally meet. [Y/N] had little say in the matter and the Saturday before Homecoming was agreed upon.
 As soon as she returned to her bedroom for the night, [Y/N] knew she had to bring it up to Rodrick as soon as she could if they were to have any chance of staying together after that Saturday. The week they just about had was not going to be enough, but [Y/N] still felt she had to put the effort into trying to teach Rodrick at least table manners her parents would expect. But perhaps even that was pushing it.
“Your parents want to meet me?”
 “Well, they did say they want to meet you, but I don’t think it’s because they know it’s you, Rodrick.” 
 Perhaps on their near nightly phone call was not the ideal place to tell Rodrick about the dinner, but it was the first instance she could get it out without her anxiety getting the better of her about telling him in the first place. It saved her having to tell him in person and save herself from seeing how he reacted in real time. 
 “And dinner was the best place for that to happen?” Rodrick questioned after a brief moment of silence and a familiar squeak of some springs faintly resounded into the speaker on his end. He must have 
 “With my family, yes,” The blonde confirmed, “With all things considered, with the holidays too far away and Homecoming approaching sooner, and they specifically said they wanted to meet you before the dance, a dinner is the only way.” 
 “Okay…” Rodrick trailed off, going silent for a moment, “When is dinner anyway?”
 “Next Saturday,” [Y/N] replied, though quickly added before her boyfriend could speak, “We’re gonna have to have etiquette lessons, Rod, so I can teach you everything that you’re gonna need if you’re gonna make it through the night.”
 “What do you mean etiquette, babe?” 
 “Like how to sit at a table, which fork and spoon to use and when to use them, what you can and can’t say, that sort of stuff. The basics.” 
 “Do you think a week is enough time to teach me all that junk?”
 “Luckily for you, you have a great teacher and someone who has been taught this stuff her whole life, I think something will stick.”
 “Alright, whatever you say babe,”
 “I’ll even help you get ready,” [Y/N] promised, though had to amend it with, “I’ll try to, anyway, I'll at least come over to make sure you have an appropriate outfit because t-shirts won’t cut it.”
 There was a clear groan of annoyance on the other end of the line before the teenager spoke, “You know I hate wearing ties, [Y/N], and I’m already pushin’ wearing it for Homecoming and not to church.” 
 “I know, I know,” [Y/N] sighed as she brought a hand up to her face as she stood from her bed to start pacing her room, “But it’s just for one more night than normal, Rodrick, I promise.”
 “And what do I get in return, huh?”
 “A girlfriend?”
 “Okay, yeah, that’s a pretty solid deal.”
 “So lessons start tomorrow, okay?”
 “After the band practice,”
 “After the band practice then.” [Y/N] confirmed as she sat on her bed once more, “Good night, sweetheart.”
 “Night, babe.” 
Okay, so the lessons did not go great, but they went about as well as [Y/N] expected. Teaching Rodrick how to behave and act as closely to the way she and her brother had grown up being taught was like pulling teeth, and much like chemistry, it was looking like nothing was sticking. And if anything was sticking, it was gone by the next day and they had to start over.
Meaning, come that fateful Saturday, [Y/N] could only hope that her very quick rundown of the basics, the true basics of what Rodrick needed to know the night before when she went over the Heffley’s house the previous night to get possible outfit choices ready and wrinkle free knowing the state of his bedroom and how clothes could be just...existing on the floor and if it was a process for her to find clean t-shirts of his to steal, then she figured the dressier clothes he owned were living the same way.
“What’s troubling you, little bird?” Her mother asked her daughter, as she had noticed that [Y/N] had been a little distracted in chopping the vegetables up. Not only that, she had been on edge since had left her bedroom that morning.
 “I’m worried about dinner tonight, Mother,” [Y/N] answered, shaking her head a bit to refocus her attention on chopping the vegetables.
 “I’m sure your Father will be on his best behavior, there’s no reason to be worried.” Helena spoke softly, reassuring her daughter with the soothing tones and having set the spoon down beside the stove top to go over and gently brush [Y/N]’s hair back, “Everything will be fine, little bird.”
 As much as [Y/N] wanted to believe her mother was right, that things would be fine and everything would go smoothly,she also had to remind herself of her father’s constant attempts to control her life, and everything in her life. That included who she dates and there had been plenty of failed attempts in the past because of this meddling, and [Y/N], for once, just wanted to be free of the constant puppet strings attached to her that her father controlled. 
 “Father’s best behavior is turbulent, Mother, you know this,” [Y/N] pointed out with a sigh, “Rodrick isn’t exactly what Father believes to be best for me, and I’m afraid if Rodrick says one thing he doesn’t like, that's it, we’re through.” 
 “Your father’s opinion does not always matter, remember that his say is not final-”
 “It’s been final before.” [Y/N] interjected, “Remember he wouldn’t let me try out for the cheer team?”
 “He’s just looking out for what's best for you, that’s all.” 
 After that, the kitchen was silent save for the sounds of cooking, because once more [Y/N]’s anxiety took over and Helena simply did not know how to comfort her daughter anymore. It was easiest to just finish dinner and then go get ready for it, adn say nothing else on the matter for fear of making things worse.
 However, just as [Y/N] was finishing up getting ready when she heard the familiar sound of an engine rumbling up the driveway. And gazing out of one of her bedroom windows that overlooked the front of the house, she saw the familiar van park in front of the garage.
 So that is a good thing, Rodrick managed to remember to get there early as she insisted numerous times upon. Not that much earlier than the time she said dinner would start, but it was something, at least. 
 Next came the issue of watching Rodrick getting out of the van. While he did dress the part, the part was also distracting her that she kept her eyes trained on him before he disappeared under the roof that covered the front porch. It was indeed a rare instance for [Y/N] to see her boyfriend dressed up, considering she never exactly went with the Heffley family to church on Sundays. 
 So it was easy to understand as to why she had zoned out, nearly daydreaming and ogling over what she saw from a distance what her boyfriend was wearing. Though before she could fully dive into the daydream, the echoing sound of the ring of the doorbell echoed across the house and it was enough to snap [Y/N] out of her head and she was quick to stand from her vanity, hoping to make it to the front door before her parents or brother could open the door.
 However, her attempts were in vain because of the delay it took her to stand and began the mad dash to the front of the house and the size of the home itself, and by the time she had reached the top of the stairs, she saw her mother already at the front door and as [Y/N] made her descent down the staircase, she heard what was spoken.
 “Ah, so you must Rodrick,” Helena spoke, though [Y/N] could get a hint of confusion from the tone used, which [Y/N] assumed was because her mother had recognized Rodrick from the couple times she had seen him before when she first started to tutor the boy, but that was not brought up when Helen added, “Come in, come in.”
 “Uh, thank you, Mrs. Clemens.” [Y/N] heard Rodrick speak as she continued her descent down the staircase, smiling to herself because at least something else stuck: always use formalities, never call my parents by their actual names. 
 As soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she was met with a beat of silence and then Rodrick saying without much hesitation, “You look beautiful,” 
 A dust of pink appeared on her cheeks and she briefly looked towards her mother away from Rodrick, who looked between the teenagers before taking the steps towards the dining room, allowing the young couple a moment alone before the dinner began.
 “I have to admit, I know you hate getting all dressed up,” [Y/N] spoke as she neared Rodrick, reaching up to gently adjust the tie around his neck, “But I wouldn’t be opposed to you dressing up more often.”
 “There isn’t a chance of that happening, babe, you know that.” Rodrick pointed out, though a teasing smile graced his face, which [Y/N] mirrored.
 “A girl can dream, can’t she?” 
 Just as Rodrick was about to lean down to give [Y/N] a quick peck on the lips, he froze in his movements as he both heard a voice from down the hall echo around them and the fact he felt [Y/N] slightly tense up.
 “Ah, [Y/N], dinner is about to start, I expected you to be in the dining room already.”
 [Y/N] took a deep breath as she began to speak as she stepped to stand beside Rodrick instead, “Father, we were just heading there n-”
 “This must be the secret boyfriend, then, Rodrick, wasn’t it?” Charlie interrupted, which was something [Y/N] was used to by then, and held a hand out to Rodrick (another thing [Y/N] could see right through--the charm of a businessman), “Charles.”
 “Yeah, that’s me,” Rodrick said as he briefly glanced at his girlfriend to see what to do, before [Y/N] replied with a glance down to her father’s extended hand, which Rodrick took with a little too much fervor, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Clemens.”
 The energy behind Rodrick’s hand shake with her father was something that would not be much of an issue, but [Y/N] never had a how to shake a hand lesson herself, so it was overlooked when she was teaching her boyfriend what he would need to know. She was a girl, and the only thing she ever got on the subject matter was to be light and certain in the handshake, and that was all. So one look at her father’s face said all that she needed to know.
 It was already off to a bad start and they had not even sat down for dinner yet.
 Luckily her mother had called them into the dinning room before much more could already add to the poor outcome [Y/N] could start to sense coming already, no matter the words that echoed to counter the notion, hoping that things would look up from there forward.
 And for the first part of dinner, it was as her mind had hoped it would be, as everything went smoothly. Any questions her parents asked to Rodrick, it took a moment, but he was always to pull something out that also did not make him nor his family look bad. The looks shared between the Clemens siblings were a mix of relief and happiness as the dinner progressed, because the lessons and seemingly did in the end stick with Rodrick more than [Y/N] previously had suspected they did. 
 “So, what is it you want to do with your life after you finish up high school, Rodrick?”
 That was the question she was dreading, and one she was hoping for once her father would overlook and just accept that fact, move on that the future did not matter as much as the happiness of his children. 
 And the question must have also thrown Rodrick off for some reason, as he glanced once more at [Y/N] and in turn [Y/N] glanced at Caleb, a look of panic settling on her face.
 “I think the team has a good chance of winning the game next week.” Caleb brought up, “So Homecoming may be a celebration for that win, too.”
 “The football team has won every year the past several years, Caleb,” Charles pointed out, sighing as he set his fork down on the plate before him, “But that is not what we are talking about now, my boy.” 
 “The marching band is probably the best we’ve had in years, Father,” [Y/N] quickly added, clearly buying Rodrick enough time to try and find an answer to Charles’ question, “It’ll be worth going to the game for more than just the football team this year.”
 “[Y/N], I believed I asked Rodrick a question, so I would appreciate it if you would allow him to answer.” Charles said, his tone rising from calm coolness, to slight agitation as he took a deep breath to calm down once more, “Now, Rodrick, what do you want to do with your future?”
 “To be a musician.” 
 “Oh, a musician,” Helena tried to express some happiness in the discovery, “Are you in the school orchestra with [Y/N]?”
 “N-no, Mrs. Clemens,” Rodrick realized his mistake of bringing up the fact he wanted to be a musician, but at the same time, if he said he didn’t know, he was sure he and [Y/N] would be over then and there, “I’m in a band with some of my friends.”
 “What type of music do you play then?” Charles asked and [Y/N] and Caleb once more exchanged looks before [Y/N] looked to Rodrick once again. A look that said there was no point in lying about it now.
 “Heavy metal.”
 “Oh…” Charles began, glancing between [Y/N] and Rodrick, before his eyes landed once again on Rodrick, “That’s an interesting choice, have you not considered going to college or another career path?”
 “Charles,” Helena interjected, giving her husband a look from across the table, “Now is not the time.”
 “What?” Charles asked, clearly confused as to what his wife could mean, “What’s so wrong about getting to know the boy who my little princess is dating?”
 From there, Helena merely just shook her head and dinner continued in silence, The only sound was the clatter of utensils as they hit the plate. [Y/N] kept her gaze down at the plate in front of her, merely just pushing what food was left around on her plate. Though, at some point, under the table, she reached over to gently grab a hold of Rodrick’s hand. To which, Rodrick merely just briefly looked over to [Y/N] and the only thing he could really do in reaction to it, was to let go of the tension in his shoulders before attempting to finish the meal before him.
 As expected, her mother announced that she would go and get dessert not too long after, but it would be a few minutes to warm it up once again. So as [Y/N] stood to start clearing the table, her father also stood.
 “[Y/N], could I speak to you for a moment?” Was all he said before he started his way towards the office he had at home.
 [Y/N] knew what would come from this conversation, and she had to try to be strong this time. She knew that this conversation would be her dad trying to get [Y/N] to break things off with Rodrick--something she knew was going to happen as soon as her father brought up the question of what Rodrick wanted to do with the future. His dream was not to be anything her father expected the man [Y/N] to be with. And it was time for her to take her own life into her own hands after so long of being looked down upon and controlled by the plan her father had for her.
 “What is it you see in that boy, [Y/N]?” Charles questioned as soon as the door to the office was shut behind [Y/N].
 “I can assure you that Rodrick is someone with more than meets the eye, Father.” [Y/N] answered clearly as she rose to stand up a little straighter.
 “But you are aware that he is not ideal, don’t you?” Her father spoke as he folded his arms behind his back, taking the strides to stand in front of his daughter, “You should be with someone like Edward Vill or Chad Danford. Not someone who you met tutoring, and someone who believes his heavy metal band will take off.” 
 He waited a moment for [Y/N] to speak, but all she did instead was lower her head and folded her hands at her front, so Charles continued, “All you have to do is end things with Rodrick and your future already looks brighter, my princess.”
 “That’s your plan for my life, though,” [Y/N] pointed out, her tone quieter than she wanted it to come out, but she soon found her confidence once more as she added, “For once I want to do things my way, so with all due respect father, I don’t think I will break things off with Rodrick no matter what your standards are for me.”
 “The standards I hold for you are meant to ensure you have a future.” Charles began, using a variation of the same speech [Y/N] heard time and time again, “As you know, your brother will take over the company, so I just want to make sure your foundation is strong in whatever ways I can provide. You’re young, you know little of how the world works.”
 “Have you not realized that in trying to live up to your expectations, I’m putting my own happiness at stake?”
 “The real world knows nothing of individual happiness, [Y/N], success is the only thing that will cultivate any sense of the word.”
 “I’m doing my best as I am right now, and then some, trying to gain the success you wish from me,” [Y/N] finally lifted her gaze up, though the tears starting to well in her eyes as soon as she did, looking at the man she called father, but had not felt like one in years, “But even with all that I have accomplished and juggled since we moved, you still think I’m a failure, and nothing I ever do is right.”
 “There’s always more, you never have to stop working and aiming high.” Charles’s voice began to rise once again, “And being with that boy is going to prevent you from doing such.” 
 [Y/N] shook her head just as the tears started to fall from her eyes, “I’m done trying to be what you think I am, because I’ll never be good enough for you.”
 “Young lady, you listen-” Charles began, but [Y/N] was quick to interrupt for once.
 “No, I’m done listening and following whatever it is you say for me to do, I’m choosing my happiness for once, which means I am not breaking up with Rodrick just because you do not approve of him.”
 And while Charles attempted to persuade [Y/N] otherwise, he did try to get her to understand why he does what he does, but [Y/N] was not having it. And despite his efforts to also get her to stay, [Y/N] was quick to make her leave, knowing if she stayed any longer it would turn out uglier than it had already become. And they did not need that to happen.
 Instead, [Y/N] tried her best to compose herself, keep herself together, as she went back into the dining room to get Rodrick. She did not need her brother or her boyfriend doting on her immediately, and she had to stay strong as she left the family home because she could not afford any more signs of weakness. 
 Though the soft hand on Rodrick’s shoulder and her quiet yet slightly quivering voice as [Y/N] asked, “Can we leave now?” was all Rodrick needed to have to know things did not go well when she talked with her dad, but he didn’t know what was discussed. 
 “See you around, Caleb,” Rodrick said before he stood from the dining table and [Y/N] was quick to grab a hold of his hand to walk out of the house. 
 “Young lady, you stay in this house or you’ll be grounded for the rest of your life!” She heard her father call out as he was approaching the foyer, but Helena was quick to hold him back.
“Charles, let her go,” She tried to reason with her fuming husband, “You two need some space right now,”
 [Y/N] shot a quick apologetic look to her mother as she grabbed her purse hanging by the front door before opening the large wooden door and stepped outside.
 “Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Clemens, it was real good!” Rodrick felt like he needed to say something before he shut the door behind him, and that was what happened to come out. Perhaps it was nerves talking and not filtering his thoughts that were not filled with concern for his girlfriend. And when they cleared the steps of the front porch, the boy was quick to make the steps to walk side by side, gently squeezing [Y/N]’s hand as they got to the van.
 As soon as everything was unlocked, and both were in their respective spots, Rodrick turned the noisy van on, backed up, and began the drive down the long driveway and back onto the street. [Y/N], meanwhile, just leaned her head against the window, staring mindlessly out the side view mirror and watched as the house she had started to call home grew smaller and smaller as they moved away from it, and she could see two figures standing on the porch but soon as they turned the corner onto the street, they were out of sight. 
Rodrick did not know what [Y/N] wanted to do, and she had been silent since asking him to leave her house. So he assumed it best to play it safe and drive around town as she calmed down enough to tell him what she wanted to do, or at least, he felt like she could answer when asked what she wanted to do. He knew by then to not push [Y/N], let her do things at her own time, because of his experience during finals last year and how she got so stressed out she shut down for a few hours. 
 Though after an hour of driving, from the corner of his eye, Rodrick could see that [Y/N] made an effort to lift her head off of the window and that was the sign that she was calming down and he made the choice to ask a question.
 “Wanna hit up the convenience store since we bailed on dessert?”
 There was a moment of silence, then two, then three, before Rodrick heard the defeated voice of his girlfriend come from her mouth, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
 And with that guidance and direction on what to do next, Rodrick complied and drove to the nearest convenience store. 
 The next thirty minutes or so of the evening for the young couple were spent attempting to rid themselves of the pain and sorrow of the evening that had happened earlier. Trying to be young once more without any burdens or cares. And with this attempt to change how the night progressed, came the night chill and while Rodrick was fine, [Y/N] was not. Luckily, or unluckily, Rodrick had left one of his sweatshirts in the back of the van--which was the unlucky part, because it was found in the back of the van and who knows when it was last washed. But it was better than nothing, so [Y/N] accepted it and was grateful it at least smelled of him--the cologne he started to wear more frequently, that is. Once inside the shop, they moved through the snack and candy aisles with careful thought and consideration of what they wanted, with [Y/N] clinging onto Rodrick’s arm, her head resting upon his upper arm as they moved through the aisles and made their decisions of what felt appropriate for the evening--for Rodrick, a bag of chips and for [Y/N] a bag of sour gummy candy, as well as a bag of chocolate to share between them, and went to check out. 
 They chose to just sit and eat in the back of the van, still parked in the parking lot of the convenience store, as it was easier than finding somewhere else to go. They also sat in considerable silence once again, the only sounds this time were the bags crinkling and the sound of the crunch of the chip whenever Rodrick ate one, side by side as close as they could be and eat with ease at the same time. 
 “I’m tired of trying to be good enough,” [Y/N] suddenly spoke, breaking the silence that fell over them once she had decided she had finished with her candy for now. 
 Rodrick, who had been in the middle of eating a chip when [Y/N] decided to speak up, was grateful that he had something in his mouth as it allowed him the time to process what his girlfriend just said and figure out what he was going to say in return. In the meantime, he set aside his bag of chips and shifted enough to reach out and grab a hold of [Y/N]’s hand.
 “I’m tired of tryin’, too,” Was what he apparently settled with, having never exactly been good at the whole comforting thing, “So we can be tired of it together.”
 There was no verbal response from [Y/N], but she responded to this statement by gently rolling her head onto his shoulder, her other hand also came up to start playing with his fingers after setting the bag of candy down. So Rodrick took this that she was listening to what he was saying, but wasn’t sure in what way.
 “Buuuut, one of the smartest girls I know taught me once that having two negatives together ends up canceling out the other, so we can just be tired together, instead.”
 With this addition, a breathy laugh was heard in his ears and a proud little half smile appeared on his face as he heard her voice once again not being plagued by anxiety, but simply by sleepiness.
 “I don’t think you understood that full lesson, sweetheart, remember how you almost flopped that test because you didn’t?”
 With her statement being made, Rodrick’s smile grew into a full one before he tilted his head to place a gentle but loving kiss to the top of her head, before he murmured against her hair, “But I would have totally failed without you, babe.”
 “We can just be tired together, Rodrick,” [Y/N] confirmed after a moment of quiet enjoyment of the moment, “And deal with all the teenage bullshit together.”
“Wow, did you just swear, babe?” Rodrick said in joking disbelief as he leaned away to look at [Y/N] head on.
 “It’s been a long night, sweetheart.”
 “My place?”
 “I don’t think either of our parents would appreciate us sleeping in the back of your van, so yes, your place.”
“Where have you two been?” Was what they were greeted with as soon as they arrived at the Heffley family home, “We’ve been worried sick!”
 “Sorry, mom,” Rodrick began, stepping in front of [Y/N] as he added, “We just went on a drive and stopped to get snacks, that’s all.”
 “Your mother called, [Y/N], and she was worried when I said you weren’t here, but I’ll go call her to come get you, okay?”
 “N-no,” [Y/N] began, the stammer in her voice stopped Susan from going to the phone in the living room, and Frank just looked at her confused, “I, uh, don’t want to go back home tonight, can I please stay?”
 “What happened at the dinner that made you not want to go home?” Frank questioned.
 “Just some family stuff,” [Y/N] covered easily, though she took a step to stand closer to Rodrick as she continued, “...Didn’t leave on the best of terms.” 
 “Oh, then of course you can stay, and we can figure this all out tomorrow, but I am going to call your mom back and let her know you’re safe, okay?” Susan said with a gentle smile and [Y/N] reciprocated the smile with a quiet, thank you, before Mrs. Heffley added, “You can sleep on the couch, after I make the call I’ll go get you a blanket,”
 “Can she actually sleep in my room?” Rodrick brought up, his tone rushed, to which both his parents gave him a stern look but before his mom could even get the answer of no out, he added, “I don’t want her to be alone after what happened, is all.”
 Susan and Frank gave each other a look, before they looked at Rodrick and [Y/N], and they caught the young couple glancing at each other and they saw the softest expression on Rodrick’s face they have ever seen on their son and once more looked back at each other.
 “On an air mattress.” Frank said, pointing a finger at the both of them, to which the pair nodded before Mr. Heffley turned to go get the air mattress from the basement. 
So [Y/N] never ended up sleeping on the air mattress. 
 She started out there, trying to do right by Rodrick’s parents since they allowed her to sleep in their son’s bedroom, which she could not be in past 8:30 on a school night usually. But sleeping in some of Rodrick’s clothes and with him only feet away, she was crawling in right beside him not even five minutes in of trying to fall asleep.
 When she awoke the next morning, [Y/N] felt a weight on her chest, and not the emotional kind. No, it was almost the entire dead weight of her sound asleep boyfriend sleeping over top of her, his head resting on her shoulder, his wild bed hair tickling her neck. She did not move him off or attempt anything, instead choosing to bask in this moment they rarely got to have and enjoy a quiet Rodrick for once, a version of him totally at peace. Gently, she started to run her fingers along his back through the t-shirt he was wearing, before the fingers of her other hand started to gently card through his hair, which only settled the sleeping teenager deeper into her.
 When he settled a little deeper into rest, this was when she had a slight struggle with breathing, and [Y/N] knew that she had to do what was usually impossible: waking Rodrick up.
 But luckily for her, she knew a solid weak point that often got him up if he ended up falling asleep before one of their tutoring sessions: tickling his sides.
 The action did not shoot him straight awake, but it was enough to shock his brain into making him open his eyes, and groggily lift his head up. 
 At first, it was clear he was about to settle back into the sleep he just awoke from, but before his eyes fully shut, they opened once more as he processed he was not laying on his mattress, but instead his girlfriend and the sleepy grin that appeared as he lifted his head once more and gazed down at her with half-lidded eyes was a sight [Y/N] would never get used to no matter how much she saw it. 
 “Good mornin’ babe…” Rodrick mumbled as he began to lean down to give her a good morning kiss too, before he was promptly pushed away with a gentle hand.
 “Your morning breath is atrocious, sweetheart,” [Y/N] pointed out with a quiet laugh, “It could kill.”
 “C’mon, you know I would never kill you, babe.” Rodrick pouted, “Now c’mon and give me a good morning kiss.”
 Rodrick instead kissed all over her face as [Y/N] kept moving her head to avoid Rodrick meeting her lips, but their playfulness was cut short as they heard Susan’s voice from down the staircase calling up to them: 
 “Rodrick! [Y/N]! It’s time for breakfast!” 
 And fearing that Susan would come in to check on things, the pair moved--Rodrick faster than he ever had in the morning--to get [Y/N] into the air mattress. It was a bit of a scramble and [Y/N] nearly tripped getting off the twin bed, but she had slipped under the throw blanket on the air mattress just as Susan began her descent up the staircase, and the teenagers pretended to be asleep.
 Until they heard the sigh and Susan making her way back down the stairs, their eyes were shut but the moment she heard his mother’s voice away from the attic door, [Y/N] quietly slipped off the air mattress and made her way back to Rodrick’s bed, where she leaned down to give his a soft kiss on the lips.
 “We should probably go down stairs soon, sweetheart.”
 Rodrick opened his eyes at the feeling and smiled up at [Y/N], who smiled down at him in return. 
 “I hate it when you’re right, babe.”
 It was this moment they both realized something very important, very pivotal.
 They both loved the other, and it was a somewhat scary yet exciting thought.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
yessss i get so happy when people recognize how attractive woozi is!! so many people write him off because he's short which is horrible. let's be real, if he was taller everyone and their mama would be thirsting over his body because he's ripped and has wide ass shoulders. i for one am happy he's short and i would be just as happy if he wasn't. who the fuck cares jesus christ. it's not like you can change your height. it's not like how tall you are has a link to how nice you are or whether you help old ladies cross the street. it's genetics we can't change so why is everyone so hung up on it. i also hate when everyone pushes the cute label in his face because it's so obviously linked to the fact that he's short. like yeah he has his cute moments, but he's a grown man leave him alone. let him rest. i'd be pissed if every moment of every day everybody was calling me cute and dismissing my authority. he's my bias because i love his personality. i'm also the type of person who finds inteligence, ambition and emotional openness to be incredibly attractive. that's what drew me in. then i realized how insanely talented he was and that i'm really into his humor. and on top of that you have his very unique visual, that i can't place in any visual category. and boom, that's my guy. he's hot and you're all just scared because he isn't the tallest. stop it, get some help. and when you've let go of your toxic beliefs, come seek us big brained people. we might forgive you for your sins. sincerely, a jihoon lover who's over it
Okay I have many thoughts so let me try and organize them lmao.
So the short and cute things go hand in hand. Now I know the fandom didn’t just decide he’s cute one day. To be completely fair he was typecast as “the small cute one” by the company upon debut. It’s a thing they do to make it easier to get into the group. Some of the stereotypes are super easy to recognize. Seungcheol is the leader and “Dad” of the group, Jeonghan is the mom, Seokmin is a the sunshine member who’s always happy, Soonyoung as the hyper one, Seungkwan is the sassy one, Chan is the maknae on top, and so on. Some of these stuck around but of course ones like Minghao being the “cool cutie” were going to be easily outgrown as the group matured. And they’ve addressed it themselves. Wonwoo saying that he likes getting chances to share his thoughts and feelings. Seungkwan pointing out that because Mingyu is deemed a visual by the company is role is essentially “shut up and look pretty” even though he actually has a lot to say but doesn’t get to talk or speak his mind nearly as much as Seungkwan.
So when new fans in particular see him as cute it doesn’t surprise me. I mean they push it even to these days, using his cutest moments and adding little squeaky sound effects here and there in Going SVT to reinforce that he’s the cute one. It doesn’t surprise me that that’s the first thing people say. Heck the first video my friend every showed me of him was the oppaya aegyo. And I like cute so I ended up looking up more about him lol. 
All of that being said, I think most of us have been in the fandom long enough to know that he is more than that. I do get a bit sad when the only thing people say about him is that he’s cute because he is all the other things you said. I mean I won’t comment on the muscles because they scare me I don’t really care about physical body with my sexuality (nor, I should point out, am I actually attracted to any idol. Like I can say Jihoon is good looking but I’m not sexually attracted to him or any other idol). But he is very smart, and kind, and really loving when he’s close to people. The whole team loves him to bits and he loves them and it really shows. He pours his whole heart and soul into this team and cares about it with everything he has and that’s probably my fav thing about him. So leaving it at “cute” 100% sucks (tho he is far from the only member that suffers from this). 
(I also get sad when people call them all talented and leave it at that without acknowledging hard work but I have a whole other rant on the “talent wall” but like ultimately I think he’s talented but I find the fact that he’s super hard working wayyyyyyy more cool and interesting than just talent.)
I don’t know though if I agree that people overlook him just because he’s short. Now maybe they totally do and I just hang out with the right people who don’t say shit like that, but what I’ve found about biases is that they choose you. You walk in blindly and one or more of them just drag you into their lane lol. I have a handful of tall girl friends and I do know that there can be a level of teasing and insecurity can arise from your height. And I feel like short boys have it just as bad, if not worse with the way people are about masculinity. Buuuuuut I don’t know how much that affects bias? I mean unless your biases are just “this is who I would date/fuck” which is... a really strange concept to me personally tbh. So I like your enthusiasm on the whole thing, though I’m not sure I feel the same about where it all stems from.
As for biases, every fandom has their favs. It’s a sad thing about being a fic writer that if I take a good idea and give it to a less popular member it will get overlooked point blank. Seventeen has it’s most popular, overall the hhu but particularly Wonwoo and Mingyu. I love them, don’t get me wrong, but like more than half the carats I know Wonwoo and/or Mingyu is the top of their bias list. They are both wonderful, but it does mean that when I write things for them it’ll get way more attention than for the others. As for Jihoon, he isn’t the most popular but he isn’t the least popular either. He sits in the middle ground a lot of the time. I wish they were all even and everyone loved them all equally but alas.
I am really glad that in the last couple years they have been breaking out of their roles here and there. Moments like Soonyoung’s Hit the Road episode really stand out to me and just his general insistence that he’s introverted and shy even though a lot of people don’t believe it and think who he is on stage is who he is irl (which, sidenote, I loved that he talked about performance headspace and stuff cuz it’s such a cool thing hehe). I know everyone will always have their favs and it’s all good, I do too even if I wanna even out my writing so they all get equal attention but I hope that them showing us more of themselves allows us to see them all more complexly.
In the end, I love the spirit, but I won’t be condemning anyone lol. Adn let’s not get into the topic of sin. I try to keep that off this blog sakdjlajsldka
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Trial  Chapter 15
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Almost a month had gone by since Ben had left, Rey was almost sure that he was done with the camps and that she was safe, so he could come back but... this time it was him who wasn't safe.
Rey  had went to Naboo and back a million times already, or that was what she felt like.
The senators, kings and queens decided that it was a good place to gather and almost everyday they'll have meetings with Rey, trying to convince her to rule the galaxy, giving her advice, telling her what they needed from her and every day she felt worst and worst, with a big burden on her shoulders.
"You've already saved the galaxy, you can sure rule it" Ben had said to her the other night, while she complained about not being fit for the job.
She still couldn't convince them to not put Ben to trial, and it scared her to death. What if all that was left was for her and Ben was to only see each other in secret, through their force bonds? only for minutes but not able to spend time together... or walk hand in hand... or talk for more than some minutes...
They wanted to negociate with her, and she had that to discuss too.
"Rey! look at this, John and I did it" Leda came running to where Rey was sitting near the  fire. A young boy followed Leda and gave Rey a shy smile.
"Wow, this is amazing kids. Who taught you?" Rey admired the little drone standing between them, it's body was like a box and it had two wheels, it didn't do much but it was pretty.
"Kaydel helped us a little" John said.
"She taught you well, in no time you'll be able to build bigger droids or ships, or anything" she encouraged the kids.
"Thanks Rey" Leda said and hugged her. It always took Rey by surprise when the kid hugged her,  but she did it almost every day. She smiled warmly and pathed her back.
"If I don't have to go tomorrow then I'll help you get some parts to improve the droid okay?"
"Great!" the kids ran away with the drone following behind and Rey sighed.
"Oh no, go away" If Rey was mad with Poe before, she was even more now, that almost every time he got near her was to tell her about meetings she had to attend to.
"I can't keep apologyzing forever Rey" he said raising his hands and slowly sitting beside her.
"What now?" she hugged herself  and turned just enough to see Poe.
"Ben said he'll come back soon, he has visited all the camps" Poe was playing with his hands.
"When did he tell you that? are you serious? Oh god... but... didn't he requested another ship to take some kids here just two days ago?"
"He sent a message earlier, saying that the ship from the other day would come back before him, full of kids and that today he'll make an effort to come back."
Why hadn't he told Rey anything about that?...
"In that case that is fantastic, one of the few good things you have said to me" She aswered and turned her back.
"Rey..." Poe's voice was pleading behind her.
"Come on, I miss my friend" he  said. Rey rested her chin on her knees. A friend... she hadn't had many friends before she joined the resistance.
She had to be very careful who she talked to, who saw her, what she found... she had been so alone for such a long time.
"I'm sorry" she said after a while.
"And why are you sorry? I'm the one who's sorry" Poe said.
"I got mad at you for too long... and you've apologized enough" she said turning to him.
"I guess I'll be mad if you've done the same too." He admited making them both laugh.
"Come on, dinners on me" He said standing up and offering his hand, Rey stood up alone and rolled her eyes, but she laughed and walked with him.
The next day a ship  full of kids arrived on the base just as Ben had promised, and Rey had to go to Naboo, just as expected.
For some reason they had requested for her to stay  for three days this time.
She wondered if maybe when she got back to the camp Ben would be here.
Meanwhile Finn, Poe, D-O and BB-8 joined her on her trip to Naboo, on their way to the palace she catched a glimpse of the lake house and closed her eyes, remembring how good she had felt the last time she was there.
It felt like years ago, when in fact there had  been only months.
"I'm going to accept, on one condition"  Rey said causing everyone to get excited.
"And what would that  be?" Queen Zorya questioned. All the  eyes were on Rey.
She closed her right hand into a fist and stood up, holding it behind her back and then placing both hands on the table, taking a moment to look at everyone while she spoke.
"I've come everytime you've requested me, I have waited and learned, patiently hearing all your ideas and plans, and... I will accept to rule, for a year or two at least IF Ben Solo is forgiven and not judged" she sentenced.
Her words made some people mad, and soon the comments clashed with each other filling the room with noise.
"Silence!" A king from one of the outher rim planets demanded.
"Shall we vote on this? I belive that Rey's words are true... and that she wil continue to listen to us while we rule... so we can all consider what she's asking for us" Queen Zorya said.
"Almost all of you have accepted former troopers to join your societies, some of you didn't even judge them, and those people are the same. Ben... he's not Kylo Ren, all I'm asking for... is a chance for him to proove it, to live. Because if you judge him... you won't have mercy, and I know it, and you'll lose me as a ruler." She declared. She was leaning a little too much on the fact that they wanted her to rule and hoped that they wouldn't just give up on her and search for him.
"Give us some time to deliver, then we'll vote. And you have to sign, that in case that we go with your petition you'll rule, following our... suggestions." One of the senators said.
Rey was too excited to even think of his words, she only thought about the fact  that they'll probably aprove it.
"I'll do it" she said.
"Someone will go and look for you when we're ready" he said, and Finn, Rey and Poe went outside.
"I... don't feel like they have such good intentions Rey, no offense but, don't you think it's weird that they insist so much in you ruling?" Finn said.
"I think they just know how powerful she is" Poe shrugged. Politics were not his thing.
"Or they're trying to use you" he said.
"How would they use me?" Rey asked.
"I don't know, your image? I bet there's no one in the galaxy who doesn't know who you are"
"As long as they actually plan on doing something good for the galaxy... I guess it's fine" she shrugged. Politics weren't her thing either.
Finn sighed.
"I don't know... I think there's something else going on. You shouldn't just accept like that."
"It's not forever and... it may spare Ben" she let out a deep breath she was holding.
"You... don't even want to do this Rey" Finn said and stopped walking. Rey stopped too and stood with her hands on her hips, Poe being the last one to realize what was going on.
"I don't... but I want to help Ben, and I do want to help the people... maybe having their help won't be so bad." she said but she knew it wouldn't be enough for him.
"When did all your decisition started being all about Ben?" he complained.
"I mean, really, don't get me wrong I kind of like the guy now but... he's only brought problems Rey... even before he was Ben Solo" the way he said Ben's name, like mocking him made Rey angry and for a second her hand went to the hilt of her saber.
"Okay, stop. Come on, you're all probably hungry. Why don't we all go for breakfast and wait for their decisition... we can talk and relax" Poe said standing between them.
Rey was going to argue that Finn was the one trying to fight and asking for problems when she felt a familiar warmth in her heart, all her senses shouted her to look around and a grin spread through her face.
"He's here" she  said.  The boys didn't understand riht away what she was talking about and it was only after a ship was near them and landed that they  got it.
"Rey!" Finn called for her when she ran away.
"Just let her be" Poe said putting his arm around his shoulders.
"Rey" Ben greeted her getting out, noticing her standing in the distance.
In a second she was hugging him tight.
"Hi" she said and her voice was a little muffled by his shirt.
"Hey" he answered hugging her tighter and lifting her up for a second.
Her happiness didn't last long because she qickly realized that he was in danger.
"Ben as much as I like that you're here, you should go back to the base. They're deciding if they are or not going to put you on trial" she said taking his arms and looking him in the eyes.
"It's okay, for what you've told me I don't think they'll do anything to upset you. They're set on you ruling" he said rubbing her shoulders and then sliding his hands all the way down to her hands.
"I've missed you" he said. Rey grinned, maybe he was right and maybe they were going to make this small sacrifice for her.
"After they vote we could go to the lake house if you want" she offered.
"It may be good for a day or two" he agreed with a little side smile.
They were walking towards Finn and Poe when they heard the steps of many people walking towards them.
"What the hell?" Rey murmured and in a second she and Ben positioned back to back, their sabers in hand ready  to take whatever was coming.
"Hands up, Ben Solo! you must surrender and come with us" A man said, the leader. They were all soldiers coming ot of the palace. Soon they were all around them, and Rey  heard Poe calling out for them.
"Don't come near, the senators, kings and queens said they'll discuss it and vote, adn they'll get back to me!" Rey warned.
"The desition has been made, and the answer is no. Now! take the prisoner!" the man ordered and the soldier walker closer to them.
Rey spoon her saber on her hand, ready to fight the soldiers when suddenly Ben stood in front her.
"What are yo doing?!"
"This won't help. Rey, it's better if I go with them" He had already put his saber away.
"What are you talking about? no!" she  didn't pt the saber away and shook Ben's arm with her free hand, trying to push the soldiers away with the force.
"Rey. Stop" he whispered.
"But-" she didn't understand... this-  he- had they set her a trap? But how could they know that Ben was coming?.
"Hands up!" Someone yelled pushing Ben to kneel.
He did as they said and Rey complained, shouting threaths here and there.
"It's okay. It's okay Rey" Ben said to her again and again.
"Don't you dare touch him!" she followed the soldier as they took Ben inside the palace.
"Stop there" other guards told her and blocked her way. She was mad and confused, and didn't even think about convincing them to move away.
Instead she made a quick desition and headed to the room she was before, and where the traitors across the galazy were probably sitting right now.
"You lied to me!" she yelled, storming into the room and kicking the doors open.
"Why?!" this question was followed by the yellow light of her saber.
"Rey, we had to do it. The votes for no won, and with the word that he was already here. We couldn't let the opportunity pass." A man said.
Queen Zorya avoided to look at her, in shame, because she had voted for Ben to be forgiven and had lost, and couldn't do anything when the soldiers went after him.
"Release him. I swear I won't rule or do anything unless you let him go!"
"Oh, but Rey. You will rule anyways" another man said.
"I won't, I won't and you can't make me. You've never answered me why you need me so bad, but soon you won't have me at all!"
"Do you want to go on trial too Rey?"
"What? for what?!" she  kept pointing her saber at many people in the room, not being able to choose just one person to attack.
"We know you're a palpatine. Do you think anyone, and I mean anyone would want you alive after they know that?"
(Yeah, I know. Hate the Palpatine desition and I'm going to change it in the other book but, for know, she's a Palpatine guys.)
"So what? It's just a name, that I've never taken."
"It doesn't matter if you've taken it or not, it is enough for people to hate you"
"Well and then what? I don't think you'll do thata fter you've put so much effort on convincing me to rule." she wouldn't give up.
"The consequences this could have would be even worst than whatever happens to Ren" the man from earlier said, and Rey imagined herself slicing him with her saber for a minute. She hated being threatened, she hated being lied to and she hated the fact that he called Ben, Ren.
"Then put me to trial, I don't care. Come on!"
"Guards!" a woman yelled and they came running and tackling Rey on the ground. They tied her hand behind her back and made her stand up. They were all pointing blasters at her and someone gagged her.
"Keep and eye on her always, and I mean always, also don't let her talk, or she'll convince you to let her go" After that they all retired and queen Zorya gave her a last regretful look.
This was the worst time for the queen to be a pacifist.
Rey supposed that Finn and Poe had also been stopped and locked away somewhere as they never went to get her, and hours had passed with the soldier surrounding her.
Then a man came and let the guards know that it was time to take her outside.
She stomped on the guards feet as much as she could all the way out and thought of a million ways to get rid of them, taking Ben and leaving.
She noticed the improviced makeshift stage and the crowd around it. Some guards pointed at Ben, who was kneeled and with his hands on his back as the  people yelled at him. The kings, queens and senators were on a line in front of all the people.
The man who called him Ren climbed up and talked loud to be heard, and Rey noticed that someone was recording him, probably to show this to the rest of the galaxy.
Rey kicked a few guards when she  noticed that one had pushed Ben to the ground and pressed against his back with his boot.
But they restrained her again and dragged her closer to the stage.
"Everyone who has traveled across the galaxy to come here and testify justice, please be welcome." Some people chanted. "We're here to judge Kylo  Ren for his actions as former Supreme Leader and his service to the First Order and Palpatine!" The crowd really went loud when he mentioned the name Palpatine and Rey swallowed hard, suddenly scared of what people would do to her if they found out.
"Kill him!" she heard some of the people scream.
"Stop!"  she tried yelling but the gag on her mouth wouldn't let her talk.
The guards lift him off the ground abruptly, and carelessly plling his hair. Ben tried not to react at all to not give them any more satisfaction.
"Sorry" he tried saying to Rey, more like whispering to her, in hopes that maybe he could get them straight to her mind.
He didn't actually planned for things to go like that or end up like this. He had thought about letting them to put him on trial, as he went base to base searching for whoever wanted to harm Rey, but he never imagined that they'll get him so easy.
He had seen earlier how they dragged Rey out and wished with all his heart that she didn't have to witness whatever they planned on doing to him.
He could almost hear her complaining again, why wasn't he fighting back? when they could easy kill all the guards. It was  a fact, but if they did... no one in the galaxy would look at them the same, or at least Rey and they'll never be in peace.
"We have voted and found him guilty on all the crimes mentioned before" Ben came back to reality and payed attention to what the man directing the "trial" was saying.
"Kill! kill! kill!" the crowd said again and again. Wasn't people in Naboo supossed to be smart and peaceful? he silently complained.
Then he looked around and noticed that the queen wasn't with everyone else, and remembered that many people had come just to see how he would end.
"Silence, silence everyone. It would only be fit, for Kylo Ren to pay for his crimes, with his life. And what would be more ironic than using his own weapon?!" the people cheared and a guard gave him Ben's saber.
"It's going to be too easy!" A man on the crowd yelled.
"No, no. Nothing like that, our guard will take his time injuring Kylo Ren, until we give him the final blow and cut his head off!" he screamed joining the crowd's euphoria.
To this Rey's heart altered, beating faster and feeling like every part of her body brned with anger. Once agan she kicked many guards off her and try running away just be caught again.
"Now, we begin!" The man said turning on Ben's saber and walking towards him.
Rey shook and grunted rying to get off, as Ben fought not to close his eyes and stay put as the man approached him.
Without words he slid the saber lightly against Ben's leg. He was serious when he said he would take his time torturing him until he killed him.
On the third cut Rey had had enough and maybe no one noticed but the sky started turning grey, darkening, forming the storm that'll give Rey the lightning she calling for.
Ben was sweating and had finally let a grunt out when the saber went trough the soft skin neck, very softly.
his head fell forward and a guard lift it up by his hair.
"Stop!!!" Rey had managed to take the gag off, slightly and in that moment she made a fist and lightning stroke all the guards around her.
she called out running and somehow keeping her balance with her hands tied behind her.
"Rey! wait" Queen Zorya came out of somewhere, with a knife on her hand and Rey was ready to shoot more lightings at her.
"I'm going to help!" the queen said putting her hands up and alternating her gaze between her and Ben.
She approached Rey and cut the ties with the knife.
"I have a plan, but don't use your powers anymore"
"I'll decide that when I know about your plan!" she spat at her.
The queen made a signal to someone and soon many guards made a barrier between the crowd and the stage, and the other kings and queens and the stage. The man torturing Ben was so focused on his pain that he didn't notice until queen Zorya got up and shouted.
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lannette · 5 years
requested by: @sexton3181
request: Hi!! I was wondering if you could do a long JC imagine where reader and him go spend a couple weeks in Texas to visit his family (and since his parents live in different cities do like one week at his mom’s and one week at his dad’s) and JC and reader tell his family that reader is 3 months pregnant but his mom and sister are really confused at first!? Thank you and sorry this was so detailed
prompts: none
pairing: Jc Caylen x Y/N (The Reader)
summary: Jc and Y/N go to visit his family in Texas and tell them that Y/N is pregnant
warning: none
word count: 1,810
A/N: I hope u guys enjoy I wrote this at 2 a.m. an dim tired!!
request here
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Y/N was sitting on her suitcase, zipping it shut. Jc walked in their shared bedroom, “babe I don't understand why you have to pack so much for a 3 week trip.” She looked at Jc with a shocked expression on her face. “I know you’re not talking, Jc you have 1 suitcase for just hair products and bathroom stuff.” “What do you mean, you’re supposed to have all that stuff.” “No babe, I don't even have that much and I have more things to actually bring.” “Can we stop talking about suitcases and head out, our flight is in an hour, Kian drives slow and i wanna stop for food.” 
They got in the car with little room left with all the luggage they brought along. Jc had to sit in the back with little room in the back. “Better you than me.” Y/N chuckled and Kian did too. “I'm glad you guys find this funny.” 
Kian parked outside Jamba. “Y/N what do you want?” “I would love an apples ‘n greens in a large.” A large really?” “Yes Jc, we both are hungry.” Jc smiled and walked into the shop. Kian looked at Y/N, “So how are you and Jc gonna tell his parents?” She looked at the shop, “we haven't decided yet, but if we tell his mom first she's gonna tell everybody before we even tell his dad and we’re staying at his moms, so we aren't too sure yet, we know how we’re gonna tell them but we don't know who to tell first.” Kian looked at Jc as he was walking out with 2 smoothies and bag. Jc got back into the car and handed Y/N her drink, “Kian I grabbed you a breakfast sandwich that I know you love.” Kian takes the bag that Jc handed to him. “Alright the airport we go.” 
Kian pulls up to the terminal and they all get out. Kian grabs Y/N’s 2 suitcases and She grabs her carry on. Jc grabs his 2 suitcases, his duffle bag, and his carry on. “Alright I'm gonna give you your suitcases and I will see you guys in a few weeks.” Kian pulled Y/N in for a hug and then gave Jc a hug. “See ya man.” “Alright guys can we go we have a half an hour till they start boarding, we’re cutting it close.” “Yea we better go.” Jc and Y/N get all of their stuff and walk into the airport.
After they had checked in their luggage they made it just in time for boarding. Their row was called and they got onto the plane. “Ready for this 3 hour flight?” Y/N asked Jc as she placed her head on Jc’s shoulder. “Yup so excited.” 
Once the plane landed Jc had woken up Y/N. She groaned not wanting to wake up. “Baby get up please we’re getting off soon.” “5 more minutes please.” Jc rolled his eyes and sighed, letting her sleep till they started to let people off. “Alright, now Y/N we’re getting off you gotta get up now.” She groaned, but lifted her head off of Jc’s shoulder slowly. “I’m up, I’m up.” They both got off of the plane and went to grab their luggage. Jc had called his mom earlier to let her know they landed.
They walked out into the heat that was worse than home. Jc’s mom was only a couple cars down when she saw her son and Y/N. She walked up to the 2 of them, “Oh my baby boy I missed you.” She pinched his cheeks. “Mom, stop.” She smiled and clapped her hands together, “and Y/N I missed you too.” “I missed you as well Ms.Castillo.” “Oh Y/N call me mom, you and Jc have been together for awhile you don't have to call me Ms.Castillo.” Y/N smiled and pulled her in for a hug. “Your brother and sisters are at home waiting for you.” “Let's head home,” Jc insisted.
The 3 of them packed the car together with Y/N doing little work due to Jc not letting her pick up the luggage. Y/N sat in the car waiting for them to finish up.
On the way home Jc and Y/N told Jc’s mom about their life together in Cali and she told them about life in San Antonio. Jc and Y/N were anxious about telling Jc’s parents the good news they had. “So mom, when are you gonna make your homemade macaroni and cheese with fried fish?” Jc asked his mom with a huge smile. “Well tomorrow is taco night so most likely Sunday.” Y/N licked her lips at the sound of macaroni and cheese, fried fish, and tacos! She was dying for some food. She asked if they could stop for something really quick. They stopped at a nearby McDonalds and ordered 10 chicken nuggets and medium fries.
They arrived at home around midnight after their late night dinner stop. Jc’s mom helped them move everything into Jc’s old room that him and Y/N were going to be sharing for their whole vacation. Jc’s room had a full size bed, a bit smaller than the one back home but big enough for the 2 of them. Once all of their stuff was brought into the house Jc and Y/N went to say hi to Jc’s younger siblings. Y/N had met them many times before and she loved them. They didn't spend too much time talking because everyone was tired. 
Jc walked into the room and Y/N followed closing the door behind her, “So when are we gonna tell your mom?” Jc answered quickly, “when she cooks dinner Sunday, but I think we should tell My dad over lunch tomorrow.” “I think that's a great idea, that means I have to write in the cup today so it will dry in enough time for tomorrow. “Ok well I’m gonna lay down.” Jc layed on the bed and turned over while Y/N wrote inside the cup with a sharpie. She then layed down and fell asleep.
In the morning Jc was up bright and early talking to his sisters and brother about the trip. Y/N woke up 2 hours after everyone else. She was welcomed with breakfast on the table and a cup of coffee. She looked at everyone, “good morning guys, mom I’m gonna have to deny the coffee today, but the breakfast is looking good.” “But you love coffee!” “yea but not today.”
After breakfast Jc had called his dad to have lunch with him and Y/N at a coffee shop. They started to get ready because they had to talk to the coffee shop about their plan. Jc had told his mom he was gonna be eating lunch with his dad and he had to go.
Y/N drove to the coffee shop and Jc held the coffee mug in his hand, “I hope his reaction is good.” Y/N pulled into the small parking lot of the coffee shop, “alright let's go.” Both of them got out of the car and went up to the hostess, Jc spoke, “Hi I’m Jc for a table of 3.” the hostess looked at the podium and dmarked a few things off, “ok follow me.” The 2 of them followed the young lady to an outside table, “your waiter will be here shortly.” 
A couple minutes go by and a man walks up to their table, “hi my name is Ty I will be your waiter today can I start u off with a drink?” Y/N answers, “yes, can I just have a glass of water and I have a question we have a mug for my father in law I would love for him to use, its a pregnancy announcement and I was wondering if you can put whatever he orders as a hot beverage in the mug, that would be great.” Ty smiled, “of course and congrats, and for you.” He looked at Jc. “I’ll take a water as well for now.” 
Jc’s dad arrived and he was greeted by Y/N and then Jc. The waiter came back after a couple minutes went by and asked for our order. Y/N got iced green tea, Jc got an iced caramel latte, and his dad got black coffee. Their order arrived and Jc’s dads coffee came in the mug they had brought. As Jc and Y/N were  catching up with his dad he stopped talking and squinted his eyes into the mug, “what is at the bottom of my cup?” He tilted it a bit, “there are words at the bottom.” Y/N smiled and jc looked a bit nervous. He took one last swig of his coffee and looked into it, reading it. He mumbled what it had said before repeating it louder, “you’re gonna be a grandfather! Can't wait to see you in February!” He set his cup down. Y/N pulled out a picture and set it on the table, it was from her ultrasound, “I’m 11 weeks already.” Jc’s dad smiled and got up to give both of them hugs, “you guys are gonna make great parents!” Once they had sat Jc had said, “don't tell mom we are telling her tomorrow.” He and nodded and promised not to say anything.
They got home and took a nap before dinner. Taco night was tonight adn Y/N couldn't wait to eat and spend time with Jc’s family.
The next morning, no one was up everyone had been sleeping. Jc and Y/N slept in the longest almost missing lunch. Even though they had both only eating sandwiches they were set until dinner.
Once it was dinner time and everyone was gonna eat, Jc had something to say, “before we eat I would like to say thank you mom for making dinner and thank you Y/N for being the love of my life and I would also like to say that I love you 3 as my siblings and I wouldn't change anything for the world.” Y/N said, “ we have something to give to you mom.” She handed her a small brown box. Jc’s mom opened it to see a letter and a pacifier, the letter wrote, Dear, grandma please hold this for me in case I need it when I visit. Knowing my mom AND dad, they both will probably forget it. See you in February! “Are you really pregnant!” Y/N shook her head and Jc’s mom started to cry. She got up from the table and hugged them one at a time. “This is gonna be a great vacation.” Jc said to Y/N, “yes it is…”
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schweeeppess · 5 years
a/n: Dick and Dami week day 2's prompt was paparazzi. I hope you guys enjoy :3
Dick laughed, walking with Wally to his place as he dramatically retold a story, cup of coffee in hand and shades hiding his eyes.
“Uh, Dick?” Wally paused in his storytelling, squinting at something behind Dick.
“We've got company.”
Tensing, Dick very pointedly did not let the smile on his face drop, and did not turn to look behind him. Instead he grabbed Wally's arm, tugging on it once.
“What kind?” he hissed through his tight grin.
Wally waved a hand in the air, getting Dick's cues and laughing like Dick had said a joke. “The creepy stalker Tim kind,” he answered after the fake laughter.
“Oh my God,” Dick groaned, hiding his face in his unoccupied hand. “That's the fifth time this week, and it's not even Wednesday yet.”
His best friend genuinely laughed then, and Dick grabbed his arm and speed-walked to try and lose the paparazzi.
“And I hate that I got what you meant when you called them the creepy stalker Tim kind.”
“Is it not accurate?!”
“Wait ‘til I tell Tim.”
“Wait for me to tell him you got it.”
Damian sighed lying on the grass of the Manor's vast yard with Titus and Jon. Titus was dozing to Damian's left, and he pet his dog distractedly as he spoke with his teammate.
“We're friends, Damian!” Jon insisted, sitting up and looking at Damian.
Rolling his eyes, Damian tutted. “We are not.”
“Am I really that unlikable?” Jon whined, flopping back on the grass.
Damian sighed, closing his eyes. “No,” he gritted out. “You are an acceptable companion, Jon.”
“So we're friends then.”
“We are teammates.”
“I'm taking that as a yes.”
Only a few beats of silence lasted before Jon spoke again, and Damian was tempted to sigh once more.
“Hey, Damian?”
“Who's that?”
Sitting up, Damian looked around. “Who?”
Jon straightened and pointed toward the bushes around the fence of the Wayne estate.
In an effort to make out what his friend was talking about, Damian squinted, leaning forward a bit.
A glint caught his eye and Damian hissed, jolting to his feet.
“Nosy undesired stalkers,” Damian answered. Turning sharply, Damian started back for the manor, Titus at his heels. “Come, Jon. I believe Pennyworth should have snacks prepared.”
“Your butler is the best! Can I borrow him?”
“You know,” Dick said, flopping backwards on the couch in Bruce's study. “Sometimes I wish you weren't rich and famous.”
Bruce raised a brow and looked up from the papers he was working on. Dick was staring at the ceiling, so he couldn't catch his son's eye, but he still looked over nonetheless.
“Why do you say that?”
As Dick opened his mouth to respond, Damian threw the door open, a greatly displeased air around him.
Sighing a little, Bruce looked over at Damian and asked, “Yes?”
“Father, I demand you file restraining orders against the photographers that continue to interrupt my day anywhere I go. They hover around my school!” he hissed, tossing his book bag at the couch and hitting Dick in the gut with it.
At Dick's low “Oof,” Damian looked over at him and raised a brow.
Bruce's own were furrowed and he asked, “What were you going to say, Dick?”
“Well, actually, it was something along the lines of what Damian said. I wasn't going to ask you to get restraining orders, though,” he answered as he sat up. He smiled at his little brother. “Hey, Dami.”
Damian nodded. “Grayson.”
Bruce frowned. “I'll see what I can do, boys.”
“Thank you, father.” With that, Damian was walking out of the study for his room, presumably to change out of his uniform if Bruce knew his son well enough.
Dick smiled. “Thanks, B.” He hugged Damian's bag close, resting his chin on it, and said, “So. What're you working on.”
Bruce shook his head, a smile twitching at his lips. Looking back at his work, he humored his eldest by informing him on the newest developments in the company.
“This is ridiculous, Richard. You look like an old man.”
“I used to do this with Jason when he was a kid!”
“I fail to see how that argument helps. Todd is a nonsensical fool, I am not.”
“That's mean, Dami, and I don't think you're giving him enough credit, but we're not discussing that right now: Just put the wig on!”
Damian's glare intensified, and he narrowed his eyes. “You have yet to explain your reasoning for this,” he said.
Dick rolled his eyes and shoved the blond wig at Damian along with the baggy clothes and shades, wearing a grey wig, fake moustache, and oversized clothes himself.
“To dodge the paparazzi, Damian.”
Damian opened his mouth, light pink dusting his cheeks and ears as he closed it and accepted the clothing and wig.
“Fine,” he muttered, entering the bathroom and emerging minutes later with everything on.
“Whose clothes am I wearing?” Damian sniffed, looking down at them.
“Oh, that's just stuff I found in the guest room,” Dick answered dismissively. “I raided Jason's closet for my clothes.”
Damian gave Dick the most unimpressed look, adn Dick grinned.
“You look adorable, by the way.”
His little brother flushed, scowling. “Tt. Are we going to watch a movie or not, Grayson?”
Dick laughed, hugging Damian quickly before leaving to find an inconspicuous car.
As Damian walked with him he asked, “You did this with Todd, when he was younger?”
“Oh yeah, whenever I visited. We'd dress up and see who could make the worse outfit.” Dick smiled thinking back on it. “I won almost every time, but we'd go out and do fun normal stuff. Go to the arcade, get ice cream, watch a movie…”
Damian nodded, but noticed Dick's smile start to slip. He frowned. “Grayson?”
“I… We didn't do it much, actually. I was still angry with Bruce, and, really, I only got close to Jason a few months before he… died.”
Damian didn't like the pained look on Richard's face so he said, “You can make up for lost time now that he has returned. Stop being sad, we are going to watch a movie and eat popcorn, and I look abhorrent.” He again looked down at his clothes. “Who makes clothes look baggy on purpose?”
Dick laughed a bit. “People who like it,” he answered. “And you're right, Damian. Thank you.”
“When am I not?”
Dick just laughed again, and Damian smiled a little himself, though he'd deny it until his dying breath.
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Man, I wish I could write stories with foreshadowing as brilliant as Steven Universe.
tl;dr I like foreshadowing. The payoff in Steven Universe was absolutely fucking INCREDIBLE and I really envy their masterful storycrafting, but I’m not sure how to foreshadow so subtly at all actually. Or drop Big Hints without Backstory and Directly Revealing It. I’m comparing my very lore-heavy stories with SU’s Background Presence of worldbuilding, considering how that impacts my ability to Ease It In There Naturally, adn focus on character developement.... Basically, I want to do more to tie all my stories together. Continuity is sacred to me, it always has been, but I want some mystery with it-- “So THAT’S what that was about” is a feeling I really delight in, and would like to learn how to build more artfully.
The times I’ve tried, intentionally, come off as either way too silly, or, let’s be real, a little heavy-handed. Imean, my stories certainly don’t lack Plot Twists and Shocking Reveals. But a lot of the moments in my stories come as complete surprises to the CHARACTERS. So, the way I narrate, the only way I’m COMFORTABLE narrating, it feels like it’s gotta be Surprise via Narration Too. (I don’t narrate through events. I narrate through the characters.)
Unforeseen and Unforesaken has: ~ Everyone noticing Dove wearing a cloak that’s kinda like Raven’s, with some other vague resemblances. ~ Raven side-eying Dove’s powers being unleashed by emotion. And Dove knowing her name. ~ Starfire commenting on Dove being From Azarath, Like Raven.
And that’s all just in, like, the first chapter. (I mean, I wanted to Kick the Mystery of Dove’s Heritage off strong.)
But the Entire Subject of “why is Dove like this, Who Is She” kinda gets... left at the door through the rest of the story, UNTIL the Actual Reveal of “she’s Trigon’s daughter! She’s Raven’s SISTER!”
In the rewrite, I’m going to explore the fallout of that revelation a LOT more intimately.
So I have the cooldown well placed.
But I’m struggling to give it more Warm Up beforehand.
(I’m thinking, the parts where Raven is able to sympathize with her, kind of illustrates that mystery a little? Draws a connection between them?)
But then again, maybe exploring who Dove is as an INDIVIDUAL is more important than her relationship to Raven, too...
Mmmmaybe in the Grand Tour scene, Starfire comments on Dove’s cloak looking like something Raven might wear, if it wasn’t so bright? (Because it’s Hella Canon, Starfire tries to connect with her and open her up so she can relax and find comfort in her new home.) But Dove kind of hesitantly dismisses it as being “just Azarath”, they like hoods and cloaks, she guesses?
So there’s another Parallel, but Dove actively avoids making it into a “””parallel”””... (Because, I mean, she hardcore doesn’t WANT anyone to know who her father is.)
There WAS the (definitely comic-book cheesy [but i love it that way]) chapter-end of DDD that went something like:
She finally felt like everything was going right again.
The only problem being: she was wrong.
To that effect, anyways. I like it~ (Especially since everything starts going wrong for her in that story.... ;; )
But, like. Foreshadowing in Soul Sickness (pre-revamp title: Mystery Sickness) would be really neat? If I could pull it off. Like, I know there’s a scene I need to add to the Very, Very Beginning where the team takes on Mumbo again, because they’re convinced his magic is the reason that Raven fell ill. (Which is never supposed to happen; she absolutely cannot get sick from pathogenic infections. That’s hardcore, blatantly-stated comic canon!)
Anyways, point is, I don’t know if that’s the kind of foreshadowing I’m looking for? Because it’s magical malady for sure. And it’s not until the end that they figure it out, and only because they’re investigating the phenomenon where Raven gets worse when Dove’s near for a few hours, and without explanation, seems to heal quite well when Dove vanishes into the night.
And then, after ruling out anything they can think of, they uncover the CAUSE of it being Alerina’s spells, not Mumbo’s.
I mean, it’s definitely a plot twist of sorts. Nobody expected Dove’s mother’s magic to have that kind of effect on her.
But I wish I knew how to foreshadow that more... 
~ There’s the Mysterious Force that Raven feels when she first empathically connects to Dove, and subsequently feels again any time after. That’s in Dove’s debut, and the prequel to Soul Sickness...
~ I mean, the title itself is going to be “Soul” Sickness, which basically already reveals that it’s not a physical sickness.
I like that. Little tiny tidbits like Those.
But, like...
...I kinda want to foreshadow something brilliantly, the way they’ve done in Steven Universe. Even just one or two times, I’d really like to give someone that moment of, “!! Ohhey, that makes SENSE now!” Or “I can’t believe that was actually what THAT meant, 47 pages ago.”
And Srentha’s survival. That deserves foreshadowing. (During Nothing Good Lasts Forever, when Raven takes Dove to Azarath to reconcile what happened in her vision, and to get closure and finally be able to find peace with it: I want to add a blurb about “On the other side of the monolith, someone notices the flickers of energy, and thinks he hears voices, but after the stir of magics [of Raven's teleportation] was raised, trying to follow them led him to nothing but ash swirling in the fading wind.”
Something like that.
(There are like 5 years of stories between “Nothing” and Srentha’s debut, though. {lD I wonder how many readers will remember? Or even, care enough about The Mysterious Person Mentioned Once on Azarath. Let alone, theorize...)
Well, my stories certainly aren’t as cute, blatantly emotional, or quickly-formatted as Steven Universe. Not as immediately interest-catching. (There’s enough passion, heart, and soul in them. Definitely as much angst and comfort.)
But I can’t help wondering if anyone will care half so much as I do about my characters, and their stories, when I start using little tricks like that? I wonder if anyone else will be left wondering? Caring? 
...Ultimately, I really don’t care. I’m going to try my best, and write my stories anyways. Probably never publish them, until I get rich enough to self-publish. Too much else in my life for that.
But it would be nice.
Point is, it would be a really cool trick of story-crafting to learn how to use, wouldn’t it?
The breadcrumb trails and build-up and Mystery Developements was my favorite part of Steven Universe. That build-up, theorizing, and finally REVELATION catapulted it to tie with Teen Titans for me. The incredible PAYOFF. I know what THEY did. I just... don’t, really really DON’T, know how to use such brilliant, subtle gestures to foreshadow and hint at my own stories....
...but, coming to think of it, another huge gap (besides Storytelling Format) exists between mine and theirs: Steven Universe focuses on a magical family viewing mundane emotional humanity through the lens of fantasy. Their lore-dropping is few and far between, because that’s not the focus.
Oh, my stories very much ARE focused on the lore. You can’t really be subtle about The Actual Point And Theme And Setting And Entirely-Relevant-to-Character-Developement Lore. At least not when it’s Literally The Cause, Journey, Hinderance, Help, and Solution in my characters’ lives.
I think I’ve gotten quite good at working the lore into the natural flow of the story~ Perhaps not as lengthily paced, but I like to think it’s as In-World-Naturally as SU typically managed. Casual fact-drops. Settings. Background info that’s not the main focus of the scene. Integrating the lore-drop in with the innate mindset, history, and relationships of the characters.
I mean, frick guys, if it wasn’t for Azarath and Trigon and Azar’s Crystals and the Fauni separation and Dove having great power inside her, and Raven having mastered such power, and mindscapes manifested, and metahuman shennigans... I wouldn’t have any stories to write, guys. These things are SO integral and important to my stories! (Mundane drama human stuff? It’s cute in SU, but I, personally, do not enjoy dedicating hours to capturing that in a story. I don’t, personally, want to explore people and leave out the Wild Fun Mind-Bending and Stimulating Soulful Magic Stuff. The stuff I’m passionate about exploring! The stuff that’s not just rewarding in the end, but ALSO fun and exciting to GET through, UNTIL the personal developement is proven!)
The perspective of my stories is an unwilling mage going through things both fantastical and mundane to learn about herself, learn about the world, and most importantly, learn to have a PLACE in the world. Learning to accept her heritage. Learning to accept her limits with magic her mother treasured, so she treasured too. Learning how to control her own mind and heart and navigating a new reality, and a new morality, amidst it all.
The person is absolutely a Top Tier Important element in my storytelling. Dove’s growth and developement is the reason I love her as my protagonist. But I can’t write her story without the magic stuff.
My stories are narrated with far more focus on the wild stuff than SU’s crew chose for their story.
But I like my humans meta and their problems magical honestly, I think it’s just a lot more fun. ;P (Definitely written with equal doses of Heart. But magic is a lot more insistent in Dove’s life, and a lot less of The Internal Struggle, really... mostly just a side-effect.)
...gosh, this got rambly.
But I guess my point is, because it’ll be fun to figure out how to Artfully Foreshadow Shit, I’m definitely going to try.
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skeletorific · 7 years
Toxic Relationship Headcanons
Its time for aaaaaaangst
So I was spitballing this with @with-a-whisper a few days back and decided on a whim to publish them. Essentially I’ve decided to break down how a relationship with each of teh bros could end up being potentially toxic and harmful to both parties, as well as the steps that might be needed to help rebuild. Because we can’t always be happy damn it
Also please note, guys, if the relationships you are in have these qualities it may be time to have a serious talk with the other person. And while I believe that a lot of relationships can genuinely be salvaged if both partners are willing to put in the effort, if your partner is unwilling or nothing is changing you may need to get out.
UT!Sans: He definitely needs someone a little more comfortable with themselves and who's able to draw any kind of vulnerability or honesty out of him. Bonus points if they're particularly good at telling when he's faking being okay. So to prevent a break his partner would need to understand that even when he pushes it away he genuinely kind of wants someone to force him to articulate how he's actually feeling. In order for it to start devolving, his partner would either have to stop trying to reach out or make themselves the center of every emotional crisis. Either option is ignoring his feelings or assuming he doesn't have any. When he beings to feel like his emotions are unwelcome or unimportant he will more than happily begin to shut down, because after all, its easier than confronting the hot mess he is most of the time. His smiles are all faked these days and he will rarely, if ever be open with you
Patch: You need to listen  to him. This is harder than it sounds, getting Sans to be honest emotionally when he’s felt like he can’t be is like pulling teeth. ITs a slow process of rebuilding trust, of asking him questions about how he is every day no mattter how much he evades the question. If he feels like you really mean it, he can eventually warm back up to you
UT!Papyrus needs someone who won't overly-indulge him and provide some grounding but who is also quite generous with praise, especially for things that he desperately wants/needs to be praised for. He believes you entirely, but that has to go both ways at some point. Papyrus wants your validation, he wants to know that he’s important to you. This can be a little needy, and it only gets worse if he senses he’s starting to annoy you. It enourages him to ramp up his antics adn constantly strive for your approval, whih only annoys you further. If this keeps going he will be constanty on edge and in deep denial. He’ll insist that of ourse he’s happy but he’s so disappointed, trying to greet you with a smile but you never return it. He won’t break up with you, he’s convince that it has to be his fault somehow, and so he stays on. Feeling like more and more of a burden as time goes by
Patch: In order to patch up a break a good method is you have to try and match at least half of his compliments to you. He doesn’t honestly need that much, but strong signs of approval send him over the moon. He’s not as sensitive as you might think but he does need to know that deep down you really do enjoy him and his company. As you grow to a healthier place you can then begin to work on his compliment dependence.
UF!Sans needs a balance of someone who will call him out on his shit and someone who he can genuinely have a good time with and not be constantly on edge. On the one hand you need to be able to tell him no, to draw a line when his reckless behavior gets too unsafe. On the other you need a good sense of humor, as well oas a lot of patience for when he does fuck up. He’s good about apologizing, you just have to let him do it on his own terms. If you never reel him in he will trample over you and likely drag you both down with him. Drinking binges, trashing your house, forgetting dates, all that gross stuff. And He will apologize, but if you keep acting like its no big deal....it kind of starts to bug him. Why aren’t you bothered? Do you just not care that much about this relationship? Should he be treating this as casual too? Eventually he stops apologizing and does whatever the fuck he wants until you finally kick him out.On the other end, if you’re constantly snapping at him and he can’t do a thing right for you....in all likelihood he’ll break up with you. At the very least he’ll be on edge and likely tend to be hypercritical of your every move as well. Not so fun when its your fuck ups being pointed out, is it? Both of you get increasingly petty and its just bad to be around.
 Patch: it depends on which end of the spectrum is failing. If you're hitting him too hard to shape up you have to relax a little, let him live (this is also most likely to end the relationship before patching up even begins). If you're not calling him out enough in the end you just kind of need to toughen up and yell at him when he's really being a dick. He'll resist it and roll his eyes but he does take what you say into consideration if he thinks its reasonable.
UF!Papyrus just genuinely needs someone with a backbone. Someone who won’t talke all of his “Master of the Universe” bullshit lying down. Don’t get me wrong, Boss nags because he cares. He genuinely wants you to lead a healthy life. But don’t just coast and let him make all your choices for you, he’ll stop seeing you as a person and more as a puppet that he can move however he wants. So if the time ever comes that he makes a choice for you that genuinely bothers you, he’s going to be furious when you try and defy him. He’ll start punishing you for going against him. Don’t get excited sinners, not the fun kind. He’ll ignore your texts for days or start lecturing you in public. Like, trying to make you cry He tells himself its tough love, and if you ever remove yourself he won’t stalk you or hurt you. but its not good.  
 Patch: His breaks are the hardest to fix because if you've devolved into toxicity you've let him order you around for too long and its a lot of backtracking to where you can finally get him to listen to you again. You need to stand up to him whenever and wherever he's crossed the line, even if you don't want to make a fuss. If you keep it up he can eventually start to take it to heart. He wouldn’t be dating you if deep down he didn’t honestly respect  you
US!Sans (Despite not being an angel) is kind of hard to trigger an unhealthy relationship in because he  is really good at keeping up a bright and happy front but he, like Tale Sans, tends to suffer if his partner constantly needs to be the center of attention. His s/o will never likely be ignored but people with a tendency for drama tend to pull him into their spiral because he wants to help them overcome their problems but they don't seem to want to solve them. In an unhealthy relationship he'll be pulling away, emptying himself out and kind of going through the motions more than ever. 
Patch A patch up would just be focusing some attention on him. He doesn't even need that much, you just need to not need to be the Center of the Universe At All Times. 
 US!Papyrus needs someone who's willing to call him out too, but gently. He hates being ordered around and will just avoid you if he feels like you're trying to control him unnecessarily. However just quick reminders that "hey, that kind of makes me uncomfortable, just a heads up" are usually enough of to set him on the right track. An unhealthy relationship with Stretch is a matter of time. Its a lot of small errors that snowball on itself.  He will constantly be going behind your back to do whatever he wants and will likely be pushing your buttons as far as he can because it feels like its the only way he gets a reaction out of you anymore. He also has a tendency to gaslight his partners when he thinks he can get away with it
Patch: A patch usually involves a pretty intense confrontation that directly takes him to task on his lack of honesty. It'll be unpleasant but its what needs to be done. This, however, is easier said than done, since Stretch is a master at sidestepping conversations he doesn’t want to have. Tie him down if you have to. And if he is genuinely uninterested in changing....you may just have to break it off.
SF!Sans devolves in at least partial toxicity more often than not. Keeping him on the straight and narrow is a complex matter. It requires a lot of patience and a lot of stubbornness because he will take control wherever you let him and it Will Not End Well. That said, once you've made some progress you can usually get him to take the next steps entirely on his own. He has a tendency to be very derisive of his partners and struggle to make them genuinely feel loved This isn’t because he doesn’t feel strongly, but because expressing those kinds of emotions are life-threatening where he comes from and he has no idea how to do it anymore. 
 Patch: There is no single patch that works every single time, but you will have to separate for a while. He will be in a place where he cannot and should not be around you physically, and you may want to avoid calling him for a while. Your absence makes him realize that he still cares about you , not just for what you can do for him, but as a person. Where it goes from there is up to you.
SF!Papyrus: he's pretty easy to track. The worse place he's in a relationship the more his substance abuse kicks up. Alcohol, weed, jacking off, sleeping at all hours of the day, pretty much anything that lets him escape. He starts losing track of his responsibilities even to Sans and you've picked him up out of a puddle of his own piss and vomit more often than you've kissed him good night the past 4 months.  What Rus needs is someone who can give  him the space he needs but still lets him know that they need him. Worse than anything is the idea that he's failing you. This behavior tends to pop up more frequently when you've just been injured or have been having a rough patch of fights because he feels like he's tying you down, and so self-destructively is making himself more incapable of being a good boyfriend in the hopes that maybe you'll leave him 
Patch: Like his brother its usually a somewhat lengthy process but what he needs more than anything is just firm support. Don't be a doormat, keep him away from his substances as best you can and get Black to help with that, but let him know that you're here for him and you always will be. Keep asking him to do little things for you, it makes him feel needed and wanted around. Its a process of months depending on how long he's been spiralling but he's pulled himself out of it before, and with your help, he'll hopefully do it again. 
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
how ami supposed to know it is me takigmy stuff...i heard it clearly, the we dont know sir your an idiot we take your stuff not you, you are there...we take it alland you always say it is you that is yoru problem you want to take the hits for us you are going to and enjoy wierdo....and they said that exactly...too many of us heard it...no have heard it before..and we say that sound like he could have arranged it as he is this kind of guy so he says i could have, ad we pulled himin questioned him for hours..took our time, this finally came out,he makes it look like me he said it today....he does....it doestn look like him at all...says it right i hear it..write it..ad we say why..dunno.  and then joe says it is happening here  alot.  infight wins. and we herd himsay we are alright arent we took out a device i grabbed it said wht is this.  he said it calls robots...then i put it down and said try pressing it ad i grabbedhis hads and said this is how we stop yourrobots...and we cut the power...tons saw it...huge lights out and we said we use auxilliaryo not...he did it airhead he is the spy...and he blared this incode he is theone say it yourthe one as you said...after.   and he belches they call us...ad wwe say you say it he does...and he says im honest oh aaron miankok we see got it tat is the deal ad sour shoot and we saw how..ow your under arrest for seditionn...and what do you have to say...his bro there gay buddy his wife of course now shows dead...she is not here though..ad we see it isnt.  what then is all htis yap...lol....so she hates joel...ad i said joel what is it she hates you...i ama homo joel says..and dave was on me no you werepresenting, he did as you heldhim to...and you say it abou thim often bo says...so we hate you now joel...and then dave was forced....holds you here to see him cahge ad several times a day uses you ok. we see that and then how do i getout of t he hoolds y8ou gets your intel he says it and i say ope wrog and we go to town onhis stuff, ad the it was a war ad your right we needed it...fell for it. lost. tons say this no way would he lose...then is dave countdocu he is...who are you qui gon docu ad he are thesame no.  and he says no...we look. same spot he ad docu no.  different.   and the we hear this he is watching me the whole time whoever you are....and the pow ad back as a man there same guy no.  annd trump there.  so thy play games and we see them he says i watmy lawyer and it is a military matter ad cia now. sedition the charge ad more.  ad he balked.  then this he has no ties no moey ad said this all his accouts are mine.  no.  he said he has several unamed accountes...yeh which..he laughs ok so im the guy. the pest who are you.  i told him he said sowe eat you up..then who are ou to say taht over and over....who are you but a tard.  so who are you to insist its you...fag...go to norway work outof it or stay on a chain gang ady finly...i said this its a deal..he said i get the costumeand resepct...and yies....and we had a deal he goes off now tres it on says it wont fit we alled betsy hhe said oh...and fine.  he smiles says why...knights in wht satin we saw showed hm ad you say yes worked on it usedmy mom. they diid...and more...so he says finaly you talk..the tech s there adn joe does.  oh bg joe yup harry,,,and we see we call hm well he s there...so who s trump now...well well...we say ths can you program...and we see it faled faled and nope so we saiid  we use it and the end game is for them yes...and he smled   i see.  my entourage wll thnk me but the see t...ok.... tommy f
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i-w-p-chan · 7 years
so, here is that Third Phase Backstage (a.k.a extra details and the fic’s background) + I.W.P-chan’s comments while writing it (all taken from my PMs to @onceabluemoonwrites also, long post is looooong): 
Do you read Hanahaki AUs? when I do, I wonder about technicalities of the AU like the mental and emotional drawbacks of the surgery. 
I’m still hung on the ‘emotional and mental drawbacks of the surgery’ I really need to find a decent post-surgery fic. all of the fics I passed focus on getting the disease, suffering through it and then being cured/dying. none of them really talks about how it would feel to wake up only to find a part of you empty from feelings. 
I’ve passed a Hanahaki AU again and it made me think. I really want a Hanahaki AU (with ‘the disease takes a couple of years before hitting critical stage’ idea) where a person A discovers they have Hanahaki and realizes who the person they have unrequited love for is, and then proceeds to court them.
why do the Hanahaki AUs have to be about gearing up to the confession? are there any out there where the one with the Hanahaki tries to court their love interest? where they try to build a relationship of romantic nature with their love interest to have a better chance with them instead of just putting on the spot with a confession?
I think that would be good?
(bonus: “You know, I used to have Hanahaki.” choke “wHAT?!”)
I truly want the Hanahaki fics I talked about (the post-surgery fic and teh courtship fic) and so my brain started to come up with an idea to mix the two of them with 0027. the two of them meet when one of them is visiting the hospital for the surgery while the other is there for a reason or the other (I haven’t decided yet), they keep meeting up even after the surgery, with the latter helping the former get over the post-surgery Feels (still don’t know what to call them) and ends up getting Hanahaki himself, deciding to court the other after he gets better.
I’m thinking Tsuna is the one who has Hanahaki and takes the surgery, Enma develops Hanahaki later.
Remember the 0027 Hanahaki AU I said I wanted to write? I’ve been thinking about it and Mami surprisingly shoved her way in (and opened up a doorway for me to use to make Tsuna and Enma interact. but this threw a shade of Anyone Can Have Hanahaki in the fic)
Support groups for people with Hanahaki are a thing. Mami also has Hanahaki, she’s in love with her friend who is aromantic, this friend is the one who convinced her to join a support group. there, Mami meets Tsuna who is already half-convinced to take the surgery. Tsuna’s choice to do it convinces her to do it herself. that’s how Enma meets Tsuna: Mami insists on visiting Tsuna the day before the surgery (and then many times after the surgery) and Enma takes her. some time later, when it’s Mami’s turn for the surgery, it’s Tsuna’s turn to visit. Mami successfully undergoes the surgery, Tsuna is around helping her get back to her feet, and Enma realizes ‘holy shit I love him’ (let’s give Enma kudos for hiding the fact he has Hanahaki from two people who had it before and his own family).
the fic is probably going to contrast three cases (Tsuna: hopeless, unrequited love, object of affection never considered him in a romantic light and not even around anymore, possibly via either death or traveling. Mami: hopeless, unrequited love, object of affection is aromantic but is highly supportive of her and cares deeply about her, is there every step pf the way towards the surgery and after. Enma: not hopeless, unrequited love, object of affection is around and on good terms with him, possibility of having his love requited). if I can do the contrast in my writing.
if I wanted to slip in any mafia/Vongola-related things into it and had the chance, this is what happened with the Vongola: Nono goes senile some years before Tsuna is born and decides to step down and give the boss position to Enrico (this is the reason the mafia as a whole declared Timoteo senile, like, who in their right mind would put ENRICO in charge?), Enrico digs a bit into Vongola history and finds out about the Shimon. he is hit with Feels and decides to renew the Vongola-Shimon connections (”let me enjoy a new OTP pseudo-getting together” in reference to GiottoCozart). Deamon tries to pull some shit but Enrico is fueled by shipping power (and ship hate, eh’s still smarting from those Deamon/Ricardo shippers okay?) and successfully gets rid of Deamon. no one really wants to know how it happened.
(and there, right there, is clearly all the evidence needed to tell you that all the madness comes from the mafia. just look at how different the mafia half and the hanahaki half are)
How gay do you think Enma is for Tsuna? if I can do it in the narrative flow, Enma’s first thought about Tsuna in Third Phase will be: ‘that guy has Hanahaki? who wouldn’t want THAT?’ like, Enma, tone it down, you’re making me want to put it in when I’m not sure if I’ll be able to fit it in
(extra: Enma’s inner Mami would metaphorically bash him on the head right after those thoughts, “Hanahaki is about ROMANTIC love not lust!” Enma’s reaction thoughts are like “but two years are enough to grow to love someone, right? right.” it would be a nice foreshadowing for when Enma gets Hanahaki himself.)
me: how should I write Third Phase? me: Enma sees Tsuna and basically goes ‘well, fuck me’ what more do you need?
me @ self: Third Phase is supposed to be about the contrast between the various Hanahaki cases! not about Enma falling in love with Tsuna! self: AHAHAHAHAHA self: you innocent child. give in to the 0027. you know you want to. me: ...damn... you... gah.
I made kind of a differentiation between how far along Tsuna, Mami and Enma are in their Hanahaki. Enma stays in the early stages before it’s gone, so he doesn’t cough a lot of times, OR a lot of petals. not much blood and no flowers. breathing is only slightly labored. Mami is in the middle stages, coughs regularly during the day but not with a lot of petals (and the occasional flower) and blood, gets bad episodes from time to time where she basically coughs too much and ends up vomiting. her breathing gets labored easily but not enough that she ends up winded after a 5 or 10 minute walk. Tsuna is in the final stages with the worse condition, he coughs a lot with a lot of petals/flowers and blood. must take care to do things carefully and to not strain himself else he’ll have episodes just as bad as Mami’s but on more regular basis, his voice is quiet and hoarse as a result.
I really wanted to expand a bit on the Hanahaki to incorporate it in a more... detached? fashion. like, not focusing on handling the hanahaki like the other fics I read (either by character death or confession-then-discovery-of-mutual-love), but do EVERYTHING except confessing. Tsuna is in the most dangerous state between the three (a bad enough episode with no one around to get him help and he’ll be gone) but he doesn’t die, his love-interest is the one who is ALREADY dead. Mami has no chance even if she confessed because her love interest is Aro. Enma doesn’t confess and decides to take matters into his own hands by wooing his love interest.
Enma is lost like, ‘I want to text Cute Guy but how do I do that? how do you text people you think are cute? what is texting? he’s currently agonizing on the couch. Mami is not there to laugh at him, at least. small mercies.
there is now a Tsuna protection squad. Mami is in it adn Enma wonders where he can sign up.
also, Enma is Gone. he keeps being swung about two extremes ‘is he smitten or is this just a passing crush’ he doesn’t know and neither does the author.
on a scale of 1000 to 1000,000, how much do you think Tsuna’s friends will mind if Tsuna dragged Enma to his bedroom for cuddles post-surgery
I don’t know how to write post-surgery!Tsuna. Hibari and Mukuro are clearly the Harbingers of Crack. Things Escalate (That’s What You Call Jumping On A guy You’ve Only Met Last Week And Demanding Cuddles). new definition of being petty: someone sends you cookies that suck and you give all of them to that someone’s love interest. Enma discovers hidden maternal instincts of ‘I MUST FEED HIM’
Hanahaki Fic, I.W.P-chan Style
*squints at screen* is this what they call romance fiction?
help what is even romance fiction I don’t know how to write anymore and the supposed cuddle session doesn’t even happen it moves onto talk about how bad Mami’s cookies were which moves onto talk about Fuuta and holy hell I had no idea that when I popped Mami in as a way to link Tsuna and Enma that she would be ENMA’s link in, and that TSUNA’s link in would be FUUTA. just like Enma is a Concerned Big Brother and is Very Glad his sister has Tsuna in her life, Tsuna is Very Glad his brother’s friend’s family doesn’t hold a grudge against him for Mami’s Hanahaki.
holy shit me, why is this so detailed you need to focus more on Tsuna’s post-surgery state isn’t that one half of why you wanted to write the fic in the first place?
have I mentioned how dramatic Enma is being? also, teh saying ‘tthe way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ holds true for him. and apparently, mama Kozato’s cooking is heavenly while papa Kozato’s coffee is to die for. adn I just wrote 500 words starring hungry!Enma promising his soul over for Tsuna in gratitude for the food. help?
I just realized that in Third Phase, Enma lowkey has hints of a sister complex stemming from the attempted murder on her when she was little... it explains so fucking much...
500 words later and how much more Smitten can Enma fucking be?????!!!!! I’m serious, I thought the conversation on the first not-very-official date would be awkward but Enma went for the fucking jugular and semi-confessed and I’m trying to keep up with how fast things are going. I wonder why the heck things/places that appear once before in the fic get to reappear. and Enma flipped a fucking switch: once he realized that he was in love with Tsuna he can no longer go a page without reiterating the fact and being smitten over Tsuna.
I’m just... I’m just suffering. quietly. while writing in a fucking rush while trying to keep up.
I wanted Tsuna and Enma to take their time. maybe at least take a month before Tsuna realized what Enma felt for him. but nOPE. it’s all Enma’s fault. you just don’t tell someone what he said to Tsuna and look at them the same way and expect them not to realize that there’s something not exactly platonic happening.
I’m reading what I last wrote for Third Phase and I found out that I can’t write pining for shit...
while writing Third Phase, i keep getting flashes of ‘am I reaching the end at last?’ but then the fic goes ‘SIKE we still have more to go’
holy shit. wait. wait. wait. am I actually... really truly about to write the ending scene? *kneels on the floor* oh my god I though it was going to drag on some more.
I... I... excuse me while I sob as I write the final scene...
how much of a bad author would I be if I told you that I never intended to write the entirety of 0027 dating and the moment Enma’s hanahaki fades away and that I decided from the start that the final scene will be post-time skip post-Enma’s hanahaki recovery with established 0027?
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magnificent-dragons · 7 years
Let's blow stuff up
LETS BLOW UP SOME STUFF Friday night the whole group had decided to go out to the bar J’onn was coverinng the DEO and Lena had no big meatings the next day so the group had a rare day to relax Winn came up with the idea that they should go drinking. Things alway got more interestingn after a few drinks so they had all agreed that they would meet up around eight at the bar. Mon-el was still on shift so he had to work or risk getting yelled at again by his manager. Maggie ended up being the first to walk through the doors closely followed by Alex. “ Maggie, Alex” Mon-el said after giving the two a once over he cocked his head to the side. “ Is Kara coming i thought we could talk” he gave the two what was supposed to be a charming smile but it had long since lost it's charm for the group especially since he and Kara’s break up. He insisted on tryihng to make things right between them and get back together even though Kara turned him down each time. “ Mon-el please dont go there unless you want to have a lead pipe shoved up your ass.” Alex’s tone was flat and serious she gave off an aura of being completely fed up with the space frat boy. Mon-el flinched at the comment and seemed taken aback although it was unlikely that he would get the message when Kara got there. “ Ok so what can I get you two then?” he was trying to give them the charming grin again to which the two simply just rolled their eyes and gave him their orders. They sat down quietly waiting until Winn and James soon joined them the group ended up talking about James’ photoshoot he was doing it had atleast half of the models were alien rather than human he had been working with Cat to bring more attention to alien equal rights. “ Hey guys” Kara waved at them as she approached the table and pulled out a chair sitting down next to James. She kept looking over her shoulder keeping an eye out for Mon-el he had not left her alone over the past few weeks she was overly paranoid at this point of running into hijm with out anyone there he was always able to make her feel guilty for her feelings and make her feel like she was the reason he had lied to her for the whole of their relationship. So the super friend had taken to making sure one of them stayed with her at all times reasuring her that she was making the right decision and supporting her when she needed it. “ Hey Kar how was your day I know snapper has been on your ass today” James said smiling sweatly at Kara as she sat next to him. “ it was ok snapper just wants me to finish this peice on the construction by the docs he ceeps saying that i need tomake it more interesting and exiting. “ How exciting can construction at the docs be just do what you do best Kara and it will be great it always is” James said reassuring the hesitant an agrrovated reporter. He gave her a reasuring side hug as Winn and Magie gave her sympotheric looks. “ so we already ordered your usual” Winn said as lena walked in the door she was in a teshirt adn jeans it was a rare sight to have the CEO in casual clothes. The group spent the next few hours talkinng and laughting going back and forth about work they talked on the recent gardien excapades to when Mon-el came up trying to once again nitpic at peoples heroing when he himmself could not even be considered a usefull part of the communitie. By theend of the night Kara had been completely fed up with the presence of her ex and was becomingn rather agitated. So in thier buzzed state they decided that Winn would drive since he had not been drinking that night. They all ended up back at Kara’s appartment. “ Ugh i need to get rid of this stuff” Kara slurred slightly as she kicked over a box of some of Mon-el’s things that he had left behind at her appartment. She had rounded all of his things up and put them in a few boxs. “ You know you should really get rid of that stuff” James offered up to Kara from where he was reclining back on the couch with another beer in his hand. How he had snuck that past winn was a mystery eisily solved as winn was almost always oblivious to people tryingn to sneak around. “ yeah we totally should!” alex piped in she was not quite as drunk as Kara or James she had always held her alcohaul better than those two. “ I have a crazy Idea guys” Maggie said her voice slurring from the alchohol she had a sideways smile and a almost evil glint in her eyes. “ ok what is it” James said smiling at maggie he was leanin on the couch as Kara slumped down next to him and leaned into his shoulder and curling up like a little kitten into his side. She had a smile on her face as she started slightly drifting off onto James shoulder with James smiling slightly down at her. “ ok so you know how we have some grenades in alex’s suit” Maggie waited for the room to nodd and at this point Winn was cocking his head as he started to put together maggies idea. Alex took anothere swig of her beer she knew she needed to be a bit more drunk in order to even think of having this conversataion. “ why do you need a grenade Maggs” James said, James and Maggie had bonded over the last few weeks. He was smiling wickedly at them. “ we are going to blow up some stuff” “ oooh i like blowing up stuff” Kara chimed in cheerily. Lena let her head fall back laughing at the kryptonian to her right sandwiched between her and James. “ so lets go blow up some stuff” Winn chimes in eagerly he was supposed to be the responsibel person that night. Alex laughed at the interactionn going on across the room. “ Yes lets go blow up some stuff” Lena repeated after winn. “ ok so Alex can you pleasee get your grenade for us babe” Maggie added in a small pout for infisses making her girlfriend’s heart melt just a little that matched with the full on pout coming from Kara it managed to make it's way past the agents better judgement as she moved around to get the extra suit she had stored in Kara’s appartment. After a few minets of stumbling around in her intoxicated state she finaly pulled out a black box hidden inside a wall in the apppartment. Winn had to help her open it as she managed to nearly falll on top of the box atleast five times. After many tries they finaly managed to open the box and get out the grenades and the explosive packs. “ What are we going to blow up Maggie” Lena said perking up from where her head had leaned onto kara who was still leaned onto James and on James left was where Magggie had sat herself wrong James had become the unofficial pillow of the group and he seemed just fine with it. “ We are going to blow up frat boys stuff.” she stated lookiing rather impressed with herself. Two hours later the group sat outside with three seperet boxes of Mon-el’s stuff. They all sat crouched in the parking lot prepared to detinate each of the boxes two were set with remote detinations one they were going to throw a grenade at the last one. “ on three we detinate the first box ready” Maggie said lookinng rather excited withthe whole situation. “One” they began counting down together “two, THREE” on three maggie pressed a button and two of the boxes went up in flames blowing things in different directions some of the items hitting the third box. They all whooped happily Winn was videoing the whole thing as they blew up. Some one had to documetn the drunk blowing up of Kara’s ex’s things. Maggie handed Kara the grenade to do the lasts of the boxes she exitedly threw it barely making it to the side of the box as it blew the peoices of a book went up in the air burning. “ We should run now before someone calls the cops on us.” Winn said helping his inhiberatid friends to run away back towards the appartment they would have a time wathicng the video of this in the morning when they would all wake up with a hang over and likely a call from their bosses as well. A.N. I'm not sure if this posted right the first time but I hope it posts correctly now I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes and this was my first fic that leaned more toward Karolsen than it did supercorp
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ikkleosu · 7 years
Dwight & Sherry and Daryl & Carol
A topic that’s being discussed on TSDF and which I wanted to gather all the “evidence” together and put it in once place here. 
So, since the spoilers for Always Accountable came out I have been saying that it was significant that Daryl would be the one to tangle with Dwight & Sherry - specifically the fact he meets them as a couple (rather than just Dwight alone).  
In that episode we are shown them as a couple, they dynamic and that while Dwight seems bad he’s essentially a “good” man who has never killed and just wants to help his wife (and her sister).
I believe from this point Gimple wanted to parallel Daryl & Carol’s relationship with Dwight & Sherry’s.
Starting with Always Accountable, we have the whole episode taking place in the “burnt forest” (Carol’s exact description in Twice as Far). We know - and the commentary for Same Boat specifically mentions - that fire is Carol’s symbol. She’s associated with it, and particularly in relation to her relationship with Daryl (see all of Consumed). We have Daryl’s statement “we ain’t ashes” - and here he is with a couple in a place that is all ashes.
And this is the episode and the location where Gimple himself insisted a Cherokee Rose make an appearance - in the burnt forest with Dwight & Sherry, a symbol of Daryl’s relationship with Carol.
In Twice as Far, both of Daryl and Carol’s scenes are about Dwight, about Daryl not killing Dwight.
Dwight has taken Daryl’s vest and bike and crossbow and has become some twisted version of Daryl, as Negan’s right-hand man (where Daryl is RIck’s)
In season 7, we see the situation Dwight & Sherry are now in - Sherry has given herself to Negan as a wife, in order to save Dwight’s life. Both are miserable, but feel it’s better to live like this, apart, than lose each other completely. 
In the stairwell scene in Twice as Far, we see Carol and Daryl sharing a smoke. Carol has the cigarettes, Daryl asks for one, lights it and they have a brief uncomfortable talk about the way things are.
In The Cell, we see Dwight and Sherry share a smoke on some stairs. Again, the woman has the cigarettes, he asks for one and lights it then they have an uncomfortable talk about the way things are.
Also in seasons 7, we know The Well and The Cell are “twinned” episodes, showing us where Carol and Daryl are. 
In The Well, Gimple uses Don’t Think Twice (it’s Alright) as a song in the ep, with lyrics that give us insight into why Carol has left the ASZ (and wants to leave the Kingdom too), and a large part of that reason is Daryl - foreshadowing her saying “I couldn’t lose you” to Daryl in New Best Friends.
Well it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe Ifin' you don't know by now An' it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe It'll never do some how When your rooster crows at the break a dawn Look out your window and I'll be gone You're the reason I'm trav'lin' on Don't think twice, it's all right
And it ain't no use in a-turnin' on your light, babe The light I never knowed An' it ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe I'm on the dark side of the road But I wish there was somethin' you would do or say To try and make me change my mind and stay We never did too much talkin' anyway But don't think twice, it's all rightNo it ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal Like you never done before And it ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal I can't…
Then we have The Cell, where the piece of music used JUST after Dwight compares himself to Daryl (specifically bringing him back to the vents in the “burnt forest”) we hear Crying by Roy Orbison:
I was all right for a while, I could smile for a while But I saw you last night, you held my hand so tight As you stopped to say "Hello" Aw you wished me well, you couldn't tell
That I'd been crying over you, crying over you
Then you said "so long". left me standing all alone Alone and crying, crying, crying crying It's hard to understand but the touch of your hand Can start me cryingI thought that I was over you but it's true, so true I love you even more than I did before but darling what can I do For you don't love me and I'll always be
Crying over you, crying over you Yes, now you're gone and from this moment on I'll be crying, crying, crying, crying Yeah crying, crying, over you
Now, those lyrics at the time are clearly meant to make us think about Dwight and Sherry, but it’s also clear now we know the events of New best Friends that these lyrics describe EXACTLY the Daryl and Carol portion of the episode. 
So once again the music is about Carol and Daryl, their relationship and foreshadowing future events, but more than that it strongly emphasises this parallel with Dwight and Sherry.
Here we have two couples, where the woman has put herself someplace "away" from the guy because she doesn't want to lose him- explicitly said on the show. The guy is crying because he's trying to put on a brave face, but seeing her and not being with her breaks his heart. So instead he goes out there and does what he can to win the war so she can be free.
thenkas to @zedwordjen @justyouanmee adn @ravenesque2 whose posts contributed largely to this!
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robertcanvas · 7 years
we are all on lsd and shota is driving his car. there is shota, tornike, lika and me in the car. shota is rich, careless adn devilishly handsome. lika is young, pretty and much less innocent than she looks. tornike is a self taught artist. that’s how he calls himself and he talks way too much. he keeps describing what he finds sexy and apparently he thinks whatever he finds sexy is less useful than similar products. he even gave examples such as, boots, leather jackets and lingerie. i tend to keep my silence at times like these and the lights we are passing by look mind glowingly ecstatic. but tornike needs confirmation about every stupid thing he said, right after he laughed briefly. lika puts her earphone on when he starts talking and shota literally doesn’t give a shit about anything. so it’s my job to pay attention. beside all that he is a nice guy. and yes, he also is a coward. he kept complaining about the way shota is driving and when i said “come on man! we are listening the stone roses, we are on lsd and we are on the road, doesn’t matter how terrible he drives at the moment. just enjoy it! and i promise, you won’t die tonight!” he was shocked and he didn’t even question why i didn’t say “we” instead of “you”. he got all high pitch and said “how could you possible know that?” i kept staring out the window and answered “because… you love this fucking life way too much to die” 
 so, it’s been six months and pretty much similar things happened. except a few amazing nights. to put you up to speed, i can sum up. i really can’t go in detail right now. the owner of the bar, maya, she introduced me to many people. some of them were really cool. i’ve got my connection to sex, drugs, rock’n’roll, thanks to her. so far, i killed a dealer, robbed an art gallery, fucked lots of girls and made enough reputation for my carelessness therefore i started traveling with this theatre group. they play this idiotic but sexy play in almost every town and i am recording and editing videos for them. they don’t pay me much but it helps me to get bored less. -and yeah, i didn’t kill the dealer on purpose, it was an accident but who cares, nobody found out but the robbery was planned and totally justified-
in the next town, i’ll stay with a girl from my old town. it will be my first connection with my past since i came to georgia. she is rich and surprisingly cool. she is a lawyer or something like that. for some reason i don’t recall, we never hooked up. she was more like an older sister to me and i enjoyed it. maybe i mentioned her before. can’t really say. i am higher than my dreams right now. so… she said she has a surprise for me. i hope its the book i ordered long time ago, or a t-shirt that she thought i would love. can’t really allow myself to emotional surprises at the moment. haven’t told anyone out loud yet but i am still aching and missing suzanna. i cannot even rationalise why i didn’t go with her. seemed like the right thing to do at that time. what is right anyway. 
shota pulled over and said he needs some sleep. lika asked if i’d like to take a walk. i accepted. tornike shouted “you dog” once we left. lika made a pitiful face. then she wanted to talk about leaving the play and moving to russia. she was young and tired of going nowhere. she foolishly needed my advice. i made it clear that i am not the one for advice but she insisted. so i said “i don’t believe you one bit when you say you are tired but you should go. because you think you deserve more and you are right. just don’t be shy to say so. you are talented but not so much. so don’t ever think that you can make it with your talent. it takes much more than that. you are pretty so you are luckier but again it will take lots of effort and lots of terrible people to go where you want to be and when you reach there, it won’t give you the satisfaction you think it would. only upside is it will keep you busy till you reach there and you won’t feel like you are going nowhere, except it will pop out in your head all the time. and these guys… they are real. its so rare. you can’t even begin to imagine. believe me. enjoy your time with them and leave as you wish. they will always take you back, if you ever want to come back. they have that stupid innocence in them.” she smiled. i could see the hope in her eyes. wondered if i ever look like that anymore. i told her that i’ll go in the coffeehouse and find an old guy to listen some falsely heroic war stories…
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
he and she.  both. are headed nearby and again near here and it is close..tampa and they hit tampa general area, and soon too about 15minutesoutand huge guns come out no aregone. they sit and wait misisles though some.not many and a few lasers, will need the boy oh he left for greener pastures....then they say you there you can shoot...and see he can...and ask howlongithas been he says neverused flack or anti aircraft but there should be wwii birds here...they look yes it is tough tohit and he isgood but only at short rainge his eyes you see...and wegaugethemand we do it now..he isnotmeant for it but seesit...hard means hard, tried too using ourmacasians, and it wasdifficult ahead ahead and miss miss and more closeand hard then arrg and they tried too hard...itmoves too, and we hear tis stay still you damned head and iti s funny,ourlives his possibly and he jokes,likeghwb who may be sending them, i got one “hold still dead guy i got one for ya”  he laughs says oh i have heard that one...and i laugh...and then hear move if you cant fast...and boomout nad oh ok...but trying is important....howboutthis one “i have tohit thisguy have to” joe says.  and i laugh it iis me  joe shmo no imin tampaand it is me vader...it is right what he says try to  at least..w.e will...”well since you insist” caa says...and i laugh ok..we talk now...”you put itthat way you” obama says and yes we are at it  and “havent i seen your face here before and oh we said never to show it here especially like that, dead”  qe says  “back again last time”  and caa says no one after the lasttime haha afunny but it is a rallying...they are gone couldbe made of chaulk for allwe know so we try...and other say it yeah a hallowweentric or stuntwe get ooit not but oklots think itmight be.  huge huge headsthat bowuplikenukes is hilarious unless near you we heard now we understand no moresoup plantation or movies with a few blackppl it is all bad.  dark and sad.  we hit it now try to pac 2 pac 3 upandnow...qe barks...and i can hit ishowed it... itshouldbe easy it is hotterthan helland bjaput on righht in the eye...what isthis  ships he says oh which and we looked cantsee but will. we fireon themtoo and we areup.. billium wow tnt does it caa he says wanna see themmove after  a while tnt doesit after a time joe preston lolwowthis is awesomethe two faggots roll...mb he will comealone wellthe new drivethrough donebrad..nonobody wouldcometoit wellido it so thewoud to see the novelty..and yourr ightand then the incredibles night...oh boy and my formcould be adn you couldsee i...and pow if not interceptedand drive yourporshe with justin and ken crammed in back fasthome wiht himhowling slow slowok go slow and becareful this isnt mario andrett time....lolbrad says i go now and shoot...pow pwo pow big gunsehre hyuop allcharged and jason pushed meover ouch... we see itis a rallly and others will...likesadaamhusien had tohmmmmand we aer his not himok he knows it says your scoundrel el cheapo not chappo  and  anewshow can be animated brad,yeh el cheapoand adult cartoon about him yes.  scrooged every singleone of us and too exphensive and ine minemine and we see yuk ugly homos welooklike brad dad died...and i was sadheknows... i went adn saw him said ilikeyou and he said i likeyou too knewitwasyou.  said he blames you george and i nodded...i left he cried...knew you lovedhim. he criedmoremmsaid enough...fun though. wehave had enough it is good wedo this for usandhim if we leavewefindhim and his name is there and himand up there he says t damn hoover, yes it is hoover...and there nearthe casinos we laugh oh boy oh boy and you jason and mac...he washimthe fbiman and tape guy was bad for him. qe a murderer who wants souls.
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magnificent-dragons · 7 years
LET'S BLOW IT UP supergirl fanfic
A.N. This fic came out more with a side of sanvers and leaned a bit toward Karolsen so I hope it is good I have not done much of any James centric writing so I hope he is not OOC. And I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes LETS BLOW UP SOME STUFF Friday night the whole group had decided to go out to the bar J’onn was coverinng the DEO and Lena had no big meatings the next day so the group had a rare day to relax Winn came up with the idea that they should go drinking. Things alway got more interestingn after a few drinks so they had all agreed that they would meet up around eight at the bar. Mon-el was still on shift so he had to work or risk getting yelled at again by his manager. Maggie ended up being the first to walk through the doors closely followed by Alex. “ Maggie, Alex” Mon-el said after giving the two a once over he cocked his head to the side. “ Is Kara coming i thought we could talk” he gave the two what was supposed to be a charming smile but it had long since lost it's charm for the group especially since he and Kara’s break up. He insisted on tryihng to make things right between them and get back together even though Kara turned him down each time. “ Mon-el please dont go there unless you want to have a lead pipe shoved up your ass.” Alex’s tone was flat and serious she gave off an aura of being completely fed up with the space frat boy. Mon-el flinched at the comment and seemed taken aback although it was unlikely that he would get the message when Kara got there. “ Ok so what can I get you two then?” he was trying to give them the charming grin again to which the two simply just rolled their eyes and gave him their orders. They sat down quietly waiting until Winn and James soon joined them the group ended up talking about James’ photoshoot he was doing it had atleast half of the models were alien rather than human he had been working with Cat to bring more attention to alien equal rights. “ Hey guys” Kara waved at them as she approached the table and pulled out a chair sitting down next to James. She kept looking over her shoulder keeping an eye out for Mon-el he had not left her alone over the past few weeks she was overly paranoid at this point of running into hijm with out anyone there he was always able to make her feel guilty for her feelings and make her feel like she was the reason he had lied to her for the whole of their relationship. So the super friend had taken to making sure one of them stayed with her at all times reasuring her that she was making the right decision and supporting her when she needed it. “ Hey Kar how was your day I know snapper has been on your ass today” James said smiling sweatly at Kara as she sat next to him. “ it was ok snapper just wants me to finish this peice on the construction by the docs he ceeps saying that i need tomake it more interesting and exiting. “ How exciting can construction at the docs be just do what you do best Kara and it will be great it always is” James said reassuring the hesitant an agrrovated reporter. He gave her a reasuring side hug as Winn and Magie gave her sympotheric looks. “ so we already ordered your usual” Winn said as lena walked in the door she was in a teshirt adn jeans it was a rare sight to have the CEO in casual clothes. The group spent the next few hours talkinng and laughting going back and forth about work they talked on the recent gardien excapades to when Mon-el came up trying to once again nitpic at peoples heroing when he himmself could not even be considered a usefull part of the communitie. By theend of the night Kara had been completely fed up with the presence of her ex and was becomingn rather agitated. So in thier buzzed state they decided that Winn would drive since he had not been drinking that night. They all ended up back at Kara’s appartment. “ Ugh i need to get rid of this stuff” Kara slurred slightly as she kicked over a box of some of Mon-el’s things that he had left behind at her appartment. She had rounded all of his things up and put them in a few boxs. “ You know you should really get rid of that stuff” James offered up to Kara from where he was reclining back on the couch with another beer in his hand. How he had snuck that past winn was a mystery eisily solved as winn was almost always oblivious to people tryingn to sneak around. “ yeah we totally should!” alex piped in she was not quite as drunk as Kara or James she had always held her alcohaul better than those two. “ I have a crazy Idea guys” Maggie said her voice slurring from the alchohol she had a sideways smile and a almost evil glint in her eyes. “ ok what is it” James said smiling at maggie he was leanin on the couch as Kara slumped down next to him and leaned into his shoulder and curling up like a little kitten into his side. She had a smile on her face as she started slightly drifting off onto James shoulder with James smiling slightly down at her. “ ok so you know how we have some grenades in alex’s suit” Maggie waited for the room to nodd and at this point Winn was cocking his head as he started to put together maggies idea. Alex took anothere swig of her beer she knew she needed to be a bit more drunk in order to even think of having this conversataion. “ why do you need a grenade Maggs” James said, James and Maggie had bonded over the last few weeks. He was smiling wickedly at them. “ we are going to blow up some stuff” “ oooh i like blowing up stuff” Kara chimed in cheerily. Lena let her head fall back laughing at the kryptonian to her right sandwiched between her and James. “ so lets go blow up some stuff” Winn chimes in eagerly he was supposed to be the responsibel person that night. Alex laughed at the interactionn going on across the room. “ Yes lets go blow up some stuff” Lena repeated after winn. “ ok so Alex can you pleasee get your grenade for us babe” Maggie added in a small pout for infisses making her girlfriend’s heart melt just a little that matched with the full on pout coming from Kara it managed to make it's way past the agents better judgement as she moved around to get the extra suit she had stored in Kara’s appartment. After a few minets of stumbling around in her intoxicated state she finaly pulled out a black box hidden inside a wall in the apppartment. Winn had to help her open it as she managed to nearly falll on top of the box atleast five times. After many tries they finaly managed to open the box and get out the grenades and the explosive packs. “ What are we going to blow up Maggie” Lena said perking up from where her head had leaned onto kara who was still leaned onto James and on James left was where Magggie had sat herself wrong James had become the unofficial pillow of the group and he seemed just fine with it. “ We are going to blow up frat boys stuff.” she stated lookiing rather impressed with herself. Two hours later the group sat outside with three seperet boxes of Mon-el’s stuff. They all sat crouched in the parking lot prepared to detinate each of the boxes two were set with remote detinations one they were going to throw a grenade at the last one. “ on three we detinate the first box ready” Maggie said lookinng rather excited withthe whole situation. “One” they began counting down together “two, THREE” on three maggie pressed a button and two of the boxes went up in flames blowing things in different directions some of the items hitting the third box. They all whooped happily Winn was videoing the whole thing as they blew up. Some one had to documetn the drunk blowing up of Kara’s ex’s things. Maggie handed Kara the grenade to do the lasts of the boxes she exitedly threw it barely making it to the side of the box as it blew the peoices of a book went up in the air burning. “ We should run now before someone calls the cops on us.” Winn said helping his inhiberatid friends to run away back towards the appartment they would have a time wathicng the video of this in the morning when they would all wake up with a hang over and likely a call from their bosses as well. Thank you for reading
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