#mclennon should have made it
foryouwereinmysong · 1 year
In my life I love you more
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bambi-kinos · 5 months
Beatles Reading List (Introductory)
Hi guys. So I saw a post floating around asking about "where to start" with the Beatles and how to find out more about them. Moeexyz's recommendation on it was to read fanfiction and this alarmed me a bit. Fanfiction just isn't a good source to get information about the band for one simple reason: fanfic authors change stuff for dramatic purposes all the time. It's just not a great way to get more information about them because fanfiction by necessity shifts things around for the sake of storytelling.
That Beatles iceberg is nice but the only way you're going to get a good picture of the Beatles is by doing a lot of reading of published sources. That's right. You're in for a lot of homework.
In an effort to combat misinformation, I asked the McLennon discord server to help me put together a rough list of introductory level books for Beatle fans that want to learn more about the band. These books are either a) read by me or b) read by someone I trust and I have included her quotes about the books she liked. I'll have color commentary talking about what they are and why they should be read. I do not consider this post finished! My server is constantly reading and discussing (we're looking at podcasts right now because they're the ones doing interviews with Liverpool citizens who were peers of the Beatles!) and they're being very gracious by contributing to this list. That means that this post may be updated in the future as I read more! If you want to keep up with updates then give my blog a follow, I'll post every time I update this list.
Some of these books are available on Archive.org but others can be gotten through your local library or through piracy. If you buy something, buy it used. Never pay more than $20 for a Beatle book.
The Whole Story
Anthology This is the documentary made by the band after John Lennon's death in 1980. It is both a documentary as well as a book (essentially a script of the documentary) which makes it very accessible. This is the version of the story that the band wanted to put out and includes interviews with Paul, George, and Ringo. They cover their beginning to their end. Anthology can be found on archive.org if you want to read it: https://archive.org/details/beatlesanthology0000unse_y2k8 The episodes are also available on Archive.org. If you search for "Beatles Anthology" and select "movies" option to search for videos then you will find it there. It's worth the watch and is all around the best introduction to the Beatles.
The Beatles - Hunter Davies This is the only sanctioned biography of the band. It's written in older language since it is contemporary to the 1960s but it's still very readable and a good intro. It is part of the media image that the band wanted to present at the time so you should make sure to think about what you are reading, who is saying what, and contemplate why he is saying it. It it still a great resource.
150 Glimpses of the Beatles - Craig Brown This is a short book that describes 150 anecdotes about the Beatles and what it was like to experience them. I recommend this because it demonstrates what a unique and personal experience the Beatles are while also demonstrating their global reach and how they became the most famous rock band in the world. It's a short read but a good one and there are many charming and thought provoking anecdotes in it. The story of the Beatles is just as much about their fans as it is about the band and you cannot understand one without looking at the other.
Books About Each Beatle
This particular section is a bit of a minefield. Many books written about the Beatles are of questionable veracity or just out and out wrong. (I can think of two that were written as blatant cash grabs and filled with libel that someone should have been sued over.) My recommendations on this may change so please check back from time to time! John Lennon
The John Lennon Letters - John Lennon, edited by Hunter Davies Primary source documents of the various letters and missives John wrote through his life. This may be the most important book on the list because it shows us who John really is: just another ordinary guy like us, trying to get through life. Also gives insight into his mindset as the decades pressed on.
The Making of John Lennon - Francis Kenny This is a very vital and heartbreaking read for people who want more insight into John. John Lennon is the most famous Beatle but he is also the one who's image is the most obscured and distorted. Francis Kenny is a Liverpool native who puts John in his proper context. To quote my server friend who read this one: Kenny, himself a Liverpudlian, takes into account how life in Liverpool in the first half of the 20th century shaped not only John but everyone he knew and his entire family. Mimi and Julia get a good critical view, and Uncle George gets his moment in the sun. He also lays out how class divides affected the Stanleys and then how Mimi took it out on John and Julia. He quotes a 1880s travel guide of London that said Liverpool was called "the New York of Europe," because of its economy and place on the ocean, and like in the Gilded Age New York that was happening concurrently across the ocean, Liverpool had pockets of wealth and splendor surrounded by poverty and rough living. Definitely a pro-read and a great insight into the culture and time John lived in. It does not fall into the pitfalls of hero worshipping John but Francis Kenny still treats John with sympathy and respect, hard qualities to come by when it comes to the cashgrabs written about John and his family.
John - Cynthia Lennon John's first wife, Cynthia, wrote two autobiographies about herself and John. This is one of them. It's a tough read in many places but a good one. Hers is a voice that doesn't shy away from John's flaws and actions but she also takes care to tell us why she and so many other people love him and remain loyal to him.
Paul McCartney
Many Years From Now - Barry Miles This is Paul's only sanctioned biography. It is formatted as a quasi-interview with Paul where there are interruptions of regular prose in each chapter. There are eyebrow raising moments where you can tell Paul is not quite telling the truth but it's important to read and identify these moments since Paul's habit of embroidering the truth is important to know and understand. Nonetheless it is still a lot more honest than I was expecting when I read it.
Paul McCartney: A Life - Peter Ames Carlin Probably the best Paul McCartney biography on the market. Peter Ames Carlin also did a similarly great bio of Paul Simon for people who are into that. To quote my friend Betty who read it: Paul gets to be a whole person here: the preternaturally talented boy wonder, the guy casting around for meaning, the less than attractive moments and qualities described without getting preachy or turning to [Paul Derangement Syndrome]. Carlin treats him with dignity instead of something to be gawked at and gossiped about. His (many) sources are cited at the end of the book. What I really appreciated was the ideas he put forth that I've only seen on Tumblr and not in Serious Official Biographies, which says to me he's writing as a fan and scholar and not a journalist trying to fill column inches.
George Harrison
I Me Mine - George Harrison Make sure to get the extended edition! George Harrison in his own words. There's a lot to say about this biography but it won't make much sense without context so I just encourage you to read it. George Harrison was, in my opinion, the best Beatle.
George Harrison: Behind the Locked Door - Graeme Thomson A good no bullshit biography about George Harrison. This covers his life as the material musician and the man seeking the divine. Graeme worked very hard to be respectful of George and his life, did extensive interviews with George's wife Olivia. Such a pro-read and definitely the best George biography written to date.
Ringo Starr
Photograph - Ringo Starr Ringo has stated that this book is his autobiography. In a few bumpers on the Beatles Sirius XM channel Ringo says that he doesn't want to write a biography like the others did but he was happy with putting this photobook together and essentially writing a bio through the captions. This is the closest that we will get for a biography for him as of right now. In time that may change but this is your best option. Piracy is the way to go when it comes to getting a copy of this, iirc it was a limited run and getting a physical copy might be very expensive these days.
Brian Epstein
A Cellarful of Noise - Brian Epstein/Derek Taylor This autobiography was ghostwritten by Brian's assistant Derek Taylor. It's not a tell-all but Brian talks about his youth and how he met the Beatles, including giving his own personal (and accurate) insights into each band member.
There are many, many books about the Beatles. Almost all of them offer something but most are about very niche periods in the Beatles history. When it comes to understanding the band I tried to put together a list where you can get an overview of the band and then read materials that either come straight from the Beatle in question or are not as biased as the competition. I am a McLennon shipper but for a post like this I did my best to recommend books that don't have that kind of bias in them so this is a list you can send to non-shipper friends haha.
In another post I will put together a history book list in the order of their timeline as a band, starting from the Quarrymen and on to the present. There is a LOT of ground to cover in a historical arrangement and it will take a while to compile. Please check back here regularly or give me a follow: whenever I update this post or make a new list, I'll make sure to post about it.
My plan is to make a website with all of this information that anyone can reference but it will take a long long time to make such a thing so put a pin in that one.
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crepesuzette2023 · 2 months
What’s the most raunchiest, dirty, and just explicit Mclennon fic you’ve ever read ? Made you need a cold shower afterwards
Ahhhh, thank you for this ask! You know what, I think life should consist of reading hot fic and taking cold showers, on and on, on repeat. Here are my raunchy, dirty and explicit favorites:
Plant A Seed (@eveepe): I'm so lucky to have found the one fic that does it for me every time, and this is it. Slutty sailor boy Paul being fucked by appreciative John; I'm happy.
Come Together (@scurator): Everyone comes on Paul. Ringo brings the finesse, John the repressed emotions.
Can I Take My Friend to Bed (manhattanvalleys): Paul fucks his bandmates in sequence. Technically he's the fuckee, but believe me, he fucks them.
I Gave Her My Heart (But She Wanted My Soul) (@muzaktomyears). John pleasuring Paul in 20K glorious words.
Look in my Direction (@adriansfrombrooklyn). Porn with feelings, excuse me: PORN (Penny Lane trumpet solo) with FEELINGS (A Day in the Life final chord).
Good Day, Sunshine (orphan_account). Paul is being rimmed by John, as he should be.
tune me up and turn me out (@pauls1967moustache): Paul fingers John until he comes untouched—as an experiment, and with love. Paul's moustache era.
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harrisongslimited · 2 months
George Chapter of the Day. March 13, 2024
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Greetings my dear tumblr and Beatles' families! Happy to announce I'm popping a foot into the fanfiction pool and seeing 👀 what happens. Your comments are more than welcome!!
All the important stuff:
Title: I Saw Her Standing There
Story Description: John, Paul, George and Ringo meet Joie Armagh, a strong willed American girl, who influences their lives more than they wanted.
Trigger Warnings: swearing, drinking, smoking, drug references, adult situations and behavior, M/F smut, fluff, falling in love, tense arguments, angst.
**18 only please***
**This is a work of fiction. As such, it should not be read as a factual account of events or as biography. While many characters of the story bear the names of actual people, they and their actions have been imagined by the author and should be considered products of the imagination. This story is fictional and the events did not happen. It is written and re-produced here online for the purposes of entertainment only.**
Author's Note: I've noticed many fanfics have a Starrison or a McLennon flair, but this story will be M/F interactions including smut. It's just how I see them! Now if you're under 18, just move yourself right along. As I'm not there to patrol over you, just be strong and pass this up. I had to wait to read adult material and so do you!
Thank you to gif artists and photo owners.
Phew! That's over....
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She was across the room from him; he could barely see her without his thick, black rimmed glasses. He felt her. Felt her as if she were standing within inches of him. His skin was hot. The light brown hair on his arms came alive – his stomach grumbled with a feral intensity.
Chapter 1
There was something about her. Something, he figured, she didn't know about yet, something she didn't know how to use – yet – but it made John Winston Lennon rearrange his slumped body to a nearly half-attentive position.
John watched her as best he could without his glasses. He was nearly blind without them, but acknowledged only to himself that he was far too vain to wear them in public. Besides, if he had to see something that important, Paul, George or Ringo would alert him. But at this moment, they were too interested in their own orbits to notice much.
She was talking to someone. Someone he didn't know – which he didn't care much about. From her body language, he could tell it was tense. She ran a hand through her short, auburn hair, and he continued to watch as she pointedly aggravated the man she was talking to.
This, to John, was great entertainment.
She turned in John's direction, although he couldn't tell if she saw him or not. It was nice she wasn't straining to scope out a look at the four of them , like they were the side-show freaks they felt like – or make a mad dash for the table to try to touch him like he was some bloody good luck charm. He liked that. Maybe she didn't give a shit who they were. THAT, he nodded to himself, would be refreshing for a fucking change.
She was, however, very pissed off at the little runt who was running the audition and had he been asked, John would have agreed with her. The whole scene was outrageously idiotic, as were their whole lives now, but he had danced with the devil and this was payback time.
The little moron in charge, whom John was introduced to but couldn't have cared less about, was a highly paid ass-kisser with a slimy handshake and badly manipulated crew cut. John might have the appearance of someone who didn't give a shit, but he took in everything. Every person, every nuance, every sight and smell and sound. Nothing got past him, unless he wanted it to. And the little California-tanned wild bird was giving it to the little pisser and John couldn't take his eyes away from her. It made him jealous and angry and aroused that she could do what he wasn't allowed to.
Brian was about to intervene, as the pisser/wild bird barney was holding up the whole show. He wanted to tell Brian to leave her alone, that she was practically giving him a hand job from across the room, but he also had an immediate urge to get the hell out of this place. He didn't like the United States. Too much fucking sunshine and not a decent cup of tea within 10,000 miles. But, as was his current circumstance, money, the promise of women and fame had too much a hold on all four of them for anyone to say "piss off" and head back home to England. Because as sure as the sun rose in the east, if one went home, they'd ALL go home.
John watched as Brian interrupted the moron and the woman of his dreams. He threw an elbow into Paul's side to wordlessly alert him to the situation. Paul lifted up his brown eyes and tried to force a smile.
"Another one?"
"No man. Totally different. She's cutting that audition manager a new asshole."
"Good. Maybe we can get the fuck out of here. I'm beginning to think I made a wrong move when I chose a band over plumber's apprentice."
John looked at Paul. "You? A plumber? I'd pay to see your ass rooting out some loo in the low rent district."
"Piss off....," he answered. "So what's going on?"
John filled him in. Ringo and George were both still half asleep, cigarettes hanging off their lower lips. No one made any attempt to pay attention when their manager approached them.
"Get those bloody fags out of your mouths," Brian said to them. "You are all clean cut, working class boys from across the pond – and well paid to act your parts. So sit up and pay attention."
John made an obscene gesture. Ringo turned his back to him continuing to smoke and George leaned forward and gazed at Brian with his middle finger slowly working its way up to his temple.
Paul, ever the diplomat, made a valiant attempt to appear slightly more involved. "Look Brian, we aren't trying to make your life hell, but this is getting out of hand. We've spent 2 hours evaluating 200 girls who want to have a role in this movie. Really, it doesn't matter. We don't even know what the movie is about. Just have that little audition manager pick out the best of the bunch and send everyone on their way."
Brian sighed and pulled up a chair. John knew they were about to be lectured from the Brian Epstein Guide to Managing a Famous British Band. John wished he could order about a dozen Scotch and Cokes and call it a day.
"Boys," he started.
Ringo, George and John turned the switches off and began cruising down the avenues of their brains. Paul pretended to listen and caught the gist of the whole thing.
They were famous. Yes, he remembered that. There were politics involved in being famous. Yes, he remembered that. It was sometimes necessary to go through these things for the publicity. Yes, he remembered that.
"Just like a politician. You have to, figuratively speaking, kiss the babies and hug the old ladies. Half these girls are daughters of Hollywood big-wigs. We can't piss them off. We must pretend we are gentlemen."
"Thank God we've had lessons...." John piped in. "Now shut the hell up and tell me who that bird is."
"The one who is still going off on the audition manager."
Brian turned and jumped up. "Oh shit."
John sat totally upright for the first time all day as he saw her coming towards them at a determined gait. The audition manager followed her, mumbling.
Brian was about to intercept her when John looked at him sternly. "Back off, big man. Let her have her say."
If there was one thing Brian knew, it was when to absolutely listen to John. He could manipulate the other three on an individual basis, but John alone or the 4 of them enmasse, well, that was the ballgame. He let out a heavy breath.
John stood to watch her walk towards them. He had seen plenty of pretty girls since becoming famous. He had HAD plenty of pretty girls since becoming famous, but this pissed off bird was in a class by herself. She was nothing like the girls he normally went after – nothing like the birds of his own turf. He was, at this stage of his life, attracted to "bee-bees", Beautiful, Brainless and Sexy chicks who knew better than to open their mouths for anything except a blow-job. After a brief affair consisting of plenty of sex and perhaps a late night supper or two, maybe an autograph or an album, it was less of a problem to diplomatically dump a BB than it was a hometown girl or some mate's sister.
John had his exit line and delivered it with the precision of Olivier playing Hamlet. He could conjure up this little boy lost persona, with a pained "this is going to hurt me more than it is you" look and begin his speech. "I'm SOOO sorry, but I've realized that I really DO love my wife and I don't know how to thank you for helping me see the honest truth. I have to go back to her. Your unselfishness and honesty showed me what I must do. I know you'll understand. I can't tell you what you have done for me. I will never forget you (insert name or not). "
And it worked. 99% of the time. The other 1%, Brian took care of.
All at once, she was in front of them. Directly in between Paul and George. John shifted in his chair to look at her.
"Look, I know this is all fun and games, but it's 95 degrees out there in the hallway and girls are dropping like flies. There's no water, no air. C'mon---hasn't everyone had enough?"
Brian walked over to her and extended a courtly British hand. "I'm sorry Ms. but you will have to get back into line or leave the audition. You are causing a disruption."
The young woman looked at Brian then beseechingly at the four English lads that were sitting before her. John, for once in his life, was speechless.
Paul stood and faced her. "We didn't know..." was all he could muster. She was not amused. Not amused at all with any of them. George turned his eyes toward her and remained quiet.
"Well, now you do," she said without emotion, then sighed. "Look, I know you are the biggest things to come out of England since Earl Grey, but it's really hot out there. Can you put an end to this?"
George finally spoke. "What are you doing here?"
Her brown eyes flashed at him. "Does it matter? I'm just trying to get those other girls out of the heat."
"Why do you care?" John blurted out, his cigarette smoke exiting his mouth.
She sighed and was going to speak when Brian returned with a police officer and the audition manager.
"Hold off...." John eyed him.
The police officer stared at the woman for a minute before saying, "Joie?"
She looked at him and smiled. "Yes. It's me. I'm just trying to get those girls out of the heat, Mr. Watson. Or get them some water or something. I know they are all probably daughters of movie studios, but they are melting just the same."
Officer Watson turned to Brian. "I know this girl. She doesn't mean any harm. And after all, she has a point...."
John and Brian exchanged looks. Brian knew it well.
"We will get the girls out of the heat and move this along...." He answered properly.
"Thank you." Was all she said. And she turned to leave.
She didn't give a shit that they were the Beatles. She didn't give a shit if she got a bit part in their first movie. She just didn't give a shit about them. What she cared about was 90 remaining strangers, struggling in the heat.
John was enamored.
The audition manager was sweating profusely. He was too old for this shit. He had been around the greats---Barrymore, Hepburn, Gable. These punks from somewhere in England might make every girl wet her pants, but all they were was trouble to him.
Brian pulled him aside and a plan was made to move the line of girls along so they could get a look at the Lads from Liverpool and Brian would pick the 15 or so they needed in bit parts. The others would be given a ticket to the final concert in the film. All Brian knew for sure is that there was going to be a concert at the end. And 100 seats were to be occupied by the offspring of Hollywood elites. The other seats were to be auctioned off to fans through the fan club.
This is what he knew....as the screenwriter typed away, tucked safely back in London.
"Mal...." John groused at their assistant. "get her number....."
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frodolives · 2 months
I've decided that I would like to understand what my mutuals see in the old man music cinematic universe. I have loved and supported their derangement from afar in my life and would like to dip my toes in, so to speak. so I come to you humble now and ask: where can I get information about the beatles that will make me think about old British boy band members exploring eachothers bodies? if it helps, I dont mind their more well known music, but I've never really dug into it properly.
Oh man. You've no idea how tough this is to answer lol. My derangement regarding the Beatles has been built up over 6 years now and I hardly remember how it even began.
I suppose that yes, if you're new, you should begin with listening to all their music because it's genuinely very good stuff. Their filmography is also good. If you haven't seen any of their films yet, it's a great place to start because the Beatles' looks, personalities, and sense of humour are just as important to understanding their appeal as their music is (in order: A Hard Day's Night (1964), Help! (1965), Magical Mystery Tour (1967), Yellow Submarine (1968), and Let It Be (1970) - most of these should be free to watch on Dailymotion).
If you're very serious about the Beatles and into the history on an actual academic level, this is a pretty good list of free resources to browse through.
My personal introduction into becoming an actual gay Beatles truther was a series of fan-made documentaries on YouTube called Understanding Lennon-McCartney. It's been a very long time since I've seen them, but I remember them blowing my mind and making me believe in the concept of soulmates. As fun as it is to make jokes about the Beatles exploring each other's bodies, there's something genuinely profound and beautiful about Lennon and McCartney's relationship that shouldn't be overlooked. Chris Evans said it best:
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The Understanding Lennon-McCartney documentaries series is also just the most comprehensive overview of McLennon that I know of, even if it's semi-outdated now. I watched them in 2019 and even in just the last 5 years, a lot of new McLennon info has come out. We are truly living in the golden age of Beatles RPF.
One of the biggest recent developments was Peter Jackson's 2021 Get Back series. They're basically a revamped version of Let It Be (1970) and also required viewing at some point. I know a lot of Beatles fans who were introduced to the band via Get Back so I suppose it's not a bad place to start if you're so inclined, though since they chronicle some of the last days of the band, I think they can be best appreciated if you're already at least somewhat familiar with the boys.
After watching all of that, I think you'll have a pretty decent foundation of what people on Tumblr are talking about. Then oddly enough, I'd consider Tumblr the best resource for info. There's more in-depth Beatles talk on here than any other website as far as I know and, in my experience, I learned a lot just by freely exploring various tags and blogs.
There's also the Beatles biopic cinematic universe which is worth dipping your toes into if you like RPF and want an entertaining way to learn the gist of the band's history. There's a lot of low budget biopics out there about those boys. Even I haven't seen them all yet so I wouldn't say watching them is an absolute must, though there's three iconic "gay john lennon biopics" that are entertaining bc of how genuinely gay they are: The Hours and Times 1991 (about John's relationship to Brian Epstein), Backbeat 1994 (about John's relationship to Stuart Sutcliffe), and Two of Us 2000 (about John's relationship to Paul McCartney; the most iconic and revered of all Beatles biopics).
I don't really know what other reccs to give. If anybody wants to chime in with other suggestions, go forth! There's just so much Beatles lore and it's easy to become overwhelmed by it all so definitely take your time lol. And if you ever have any specific questions about the Beatles, I'd be very happy to answer them!
Happy RPFing!
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sleeper9 · 3 months
Do u have any longer Beatles fics you recommend? (J/p preferred)
WOW I never get asks I’m so excited to answer! I feel like I’m not gonna say anything that’s too surprising but I’ll try my best! You’re also in luck cause I love long ones myself
My absolute favorite right now is the I Need You Darlin ! I’m literally Re-reading it again and I just reread it like 2 months ago. I love it I wanna live in that story. abo
One of my absolute favorite is kissing the blarney it’s so so so sweet and chefs kiss 😘 … it just made me feel all kinds of sweet pain
Next would be the very iconic The Birthday Party . I just absolutely adore this one I’ve read it like 5 times. Just very very funny and angsty and good. The Jumper should also be read if you haven’t cause it’s equally fun and iconic though shorter.
A kind of another short long one is Sunday Driver . Wonderful wonderful tension and angst. John and Paul at a party at Tara Brownes house.
Now if you want a REALLY long one then you’d have to go for the absolutely epic Wednesday Evening Salons series! Technically it doesn’t “end” but considering it’s like over a million words long??? Eh it’s worth it. It covers a LOT of time. It’s probably one of the first mclennon fics I ever read and it had a huge impact on me. I can’t say it’s like the best one to exist but it’s a old classic. I’m pretty sure it took me like 2 months to read. Also Johns written pretty real by which I mean crazy. I like it because it’s realistic. although probably Paul is written a little too nicely.
Boy you’ve been a naughty girl ; iconique, I love in this fandom there’s so much blending and melding of gender and gender roles, it’s very very … good.
I just read On Our Way Back Home. I think probably another staple? Idk. I was pretty engrossed in it… 👍🏼 Paul time travels and has a second chance with John
I also recently read this one off to get nowhere it’s very cute once they get together but also it was not finished 😔. RIP fic
I’ve done art for well how did I get here so obviously I must include that ! Another time travel conscience travel but it’s John to his future.
Some rapid fire ones under the cut
I’m looking at my history and here’s some other random ones I’ve read: Arrow Through Me , Our Version of Events (cute, giddy at John reading fanfic), I can only speak my mind (dumb Paul doesn’t understand feelings, love that), brother dearest , build a ladder to the stars (there’s something about this trans John that somehow reminds me of the John from I need you darlin, anyway I liked it) and For Auld Lang Syne (another tense party!)
There’s also so many I have saved to read I’m only starting to get in to the fanfiction world myself these last few months but I really tried my best!
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ram-on · 1 year
whenyourbirdisbroken asked:
Hi ram-on! Thanks for your tags on that fic rec for Carry That Weight, I've never read that fic but your tags made it sound very interesting! What are other McLennon fics you like, if you don't mind sharing?
Hello there, @whenyourbirdisbroken! Thank you for my very first Beatles related ask and sorry for the late reply!! I discovered fanfiction through the Beatles fandom, I had never read fanfic before! But I'm still too bad at bookmarking things, so I'll certainly forget some I loved. Still, here's a list of those I can remember now:
Carry That Weight and its sequence Hello Goodbye by @waveofahand It's a massive work by a massive talent and it has a very special place in my heart. @idontwanttospoiltheparty described it very well in their recent post about it, and I added a bit of my commentary in the tags. Don't worry about the length, you don't have to read the two parts to enjoy it, but also if you start from the beginning and it's your cup of tea you may soon discover you never want it to end!
 Mums, Yur Boys are Crying by waveofahand. If you love hurt/comfort, this fic includes both John and Paul suffering - John's mom dying and Paul helping him go trhough the funeral, etc, and then Paul himself getting into another situation, and John worrying about him too. The boys are young but there's kindness, maturity and wisdom in it and the typical picturesque, novel-like features of waveofhand's prose. A special bonus are the very charming scenes between Mimi and Paul which may colour your perception of the interactions between those two forever (I always expect them to act like that in other fics). It's also a delightfully finished fic, it has a beautiful ending and conclusion.
Everything by merseydreams . As you may notice, I'm mostly a fan of drama and angst, but @merseydreams are my favorite exception. They're a comedy genius, their fics are romantic, charming, witty, very vivid and enjoyable both on story-buld level and micro-sentence level. I've often told them they should write scripts for sitcoms and romantic comedies/dramedies and other good things. Also good thoughtful characterization, relationship study-ing and dialogue too (so there's seriousness in them too! They're ultimately happy but not fluffy.). I love all their fics but I guess The Birthday Party is the best by being the longest, if you somehow missed it go read it ASAP! 
i was a younger man then (now) (post hoc)  by fingersfallingupwards.  This fic is so touching, that I don't know how to describe it. It's a very poetic, imaginative and unique story about John&Paul-forever and time travel. About the connection of their souls in a fantastical but poignant sense that somehow fits them so much. Might make you cry but it's worth it. Also, completely finished fic as well, with a thrilling emotional twist towards the end. Might be the most complete fic I've read. The fic also provide very good context for the flaming pie anecdote :-)
On our way back home by Kathleenishereagain. This one is also about time travel, but in a different way, basically about old Paul getting back to being young again and how he'd do things differently. I think it's quite popular so you probably all know it. (Funny thing is I never thought I'd care about time travel, but ultimately it's just a writing vessel and aren't we always time travelling when we fantasise about the Beatles?) 
Close The Door Lightly When You Go by RosalindBeatrice. Set in 1979 when Paul comes to visit John in the Dacota, who acts like he doesn't want him there. It's awesome, one of those fics, in which they have real tension and problems which makes it all more real. It's mostly inner-thoughs and dialogue-driven but very intense nontheless, great characterisation, great attention to detail, just fantastic for lovers of post break up relationship studies and excellent writing.
The Wild Horses trilogy, from which I especially love the last part, Son of a Shining Path. It's about young Paul and John and Paul being abused by his father, and the first part might be a bit too dark for some. But I love the writing, and especially in the third part (which has no abuse but other suffering) I just love how well being worried about someone you love and being unable to show it is written in the end there. It's subtle, very realistic in its details, I love it.
I'm Looking Through You by @idontwanttospoiltheparty That's the only fic in this list which is still a work in progress, still updated. If you follow the author on Tumblr you know how smart they are, and their fic is just as thoughtful and attentive to the Beatles history, the music and the psychology of it all. The story gets more exciting and rich whith each chapter, I fell in love with the last three. It also pays attention to all four of the Beatles and their human sides and motivations in a way that rarely happens. Last chapter included the best incorporation of the Manila adventures I've read in fic. Just many emotionally packed and thrilling scenes all around (also that thing I just wrote about being worried about someone and being frozen about how to help them which I love being written realistically in fics -- is here too.) Go read it if you haven't and let's read the next update soon together!!
Widow by abromeds on LJ. This story is more than a decade old, but it's no wonder it still appears in fic recs. It's about death and grief - not John but Paul dying like John did - so it's truly dark, not like fun angsty, but truly deeply dramatic and real. So you might think why read something sad, but maybe you should, because it's so good. It's also serious writing on meaningful topic and I think the fictional element (Paul dying and not John) somehow helps it being more bearable and at the same time makes you think about the actual reality and we kinda avoid doing it, don't we? And it's just very well written, there are also very plausible-sounding flashbacks of their history and relationship through the years (the one about why John actually climbed the fence in Cavendish is my favorite!), so it's not really all about death. And my absolutely favorite thing in ''Widow'' is the very ending, the last sentence even. It's the most perfect, most poignant ending this story could have had, an ending any good fuckin literature could have. Sometimes I walk on the streets and think about that ending. 
This fic rec is got too wordy, so I'll end this here, although there are other fics I've enjoyed just as much, but I'll add them some other time!
Always feel free to recommend me some fics too (or to share your thoughts on the already mentioned!)
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"I actually still have more to say lmao but don’t know If I Should " Please go off. It's so refreshing to see someone exercise a healthy dose of caution and scepticism in considering The 'evidence'. Also, wanted to say, I completely get your annoyance about every single song John or Paul has written made to somehow be about the other. I know people are just here to have fun and all but it's such a myopic way of analysing their great body of work.
Like… Here's The Thing:
If John and Paul had sex, it wouldn't be like… that hard for them to hide this fact lol. So the fact we don't have hard proof of it isn't in of itself evidence that it never happened (a thing Mark Lewisohn doesn't seem to quite understand). But finding proof for it outside of Paul himself coming forward and admitting to it (or the executor of his estate, or Sean, or some insanely petty person with an axe to grind who's been… waiting for Paul to die for decades?) is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Honestly, it kind of reads as copium to me when people who are highly invested in Being Right About McLennon cling to these unverifiable sources that vehemently insist "everyone in the industry knows!" It's as if they need to affirm to themselves that they're ~not crazy~. (for the record: I don't think believing John and Paul were in love/had sex in of itself is crazy) It's just concerning when nobody is asking themselves why these sources who have all this "industry knowledge" are apparently never sharing that knowledge with the people who are actually publishing Beatles books; not even with the authors of the super trashy books; not even as a "source who asked not to be named". No, they only appear to be talking to random frequenters of various internet forums. Like. It just makes me go HMMMMM yknow?
And the other thing is like………… Are we forgetting why we here on tumblr generally agree that John was bi?
The idea that everyone knew about John and Paul being a couple, but they didn't tattle about this to the press because That Would Be Rude! ––– but also they felt going off about John's sexuality in general was actually totally fair game???? How does that make any sense?? It's also like, even if a lot of people still look the other way with regard to John's sexuality (though, less and less, in my observation), that doesn't mean the information hasn't been freely accessible for decades. It begs the question why this isn't a thing for all the McLennon Proof That Totally Exists This One Guy Told Me!!! And authors like Albert Goldman prove that disrupting the Lennon Estate's narrative, the macho image of John, is a lucrative business, specifically talking about his sexuality sells. (sort of off-topic: NGL, I'm always a bit mystified when people on this site seem to… Forget that John/Brian is a MUCH more substantiated theory than John/Paul.)
And this can't possibly all be down to John being dead while Paul is alive. As I said: it's also not like Paul hasn't caught an insane amount of shit over the decades. Guys like Giuliano wrote about him as well.
It's almost like, if Paul is bi, probably very few people know this fact for certain! Wow!
Also re: the song thing. It's just that……… I really like music? For it's own sake y'know. I get sad when 90% of the posts I see about the songs are trying to prove a theory that's much better substantiated by like… quotes than (for the most part, pretty vague) lyrics anyways. And I wouldn't mind all the fun tinhatting (some of which I engage in too!) if there was just more unabashed song loving.
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i-live-for-lennon · 3 months
I Want You
my first take at mclennon smut
nsfw, smut, fluff, paul x john, cussing
**the boys are on holiday in miami in 1964. they are left in the vacation house house alone while brian is out on the town. george, ringo, and paul are having a blast in the pool as john is fully clothed on a reclined chair reading a melancholy novel. paul takes note of john’s absence and decides to say something.**
“mates, i’m going to check on john. you lot stay here.” ordered paul as he climbed out of the pool.
“alright macca. guess i’m just gonna have to dunk ringo under then!” george exclaimed excitedly and he lurched to ringo in the water
“what? GEO NO- BRLURPBRULP…” ringo was drowned out by the splashes from george
paul shook his head as he grabbed a towel and strutted to john, muttering under his breath “i swear i’m the only normal one here, and that says something”
even under the darkly tinted sunglasses, paul could feel john’s piercing gaze and hesitantly took the seat next to the man who was in full pants and a black sweater despite it being 90 degrees. unsure what to say, paul took an accidental sharp inhale and john’s head turned to face the nervous kid.
“why you missing out on all the fun love?” john smirked as he slowly pulled down his shades to expose his eyes. the same eyes that made paul both nervous and safe, warm yet fresh, old but new.
“oh well yknow, i just wanted to check on you since you are being more antisocial than unusua l…” paul stumbled out these words and his eyes, almost instinctively, flashed to john’s hands. “not sure if the others noticed but i saw that you keep tugging at your suit a whole lot yesterday”
“eppy got my suit too tight. i swear it’s only cause he wants to see what he’s missing” john sneered and his face turned into a more menacing stare.
paul knew it was more than the whole brian thing. paul knew john better than that. paul knew something was up. ‘i mean i have to know’ paul reasoned in his mind while his thoughts were racing ‘i have know this bloke forever and i know something is off… right??’
as paul quietly ruminated in his frantic inner monologue, john turned, confused by the silence, “you there princess? geez one time i don’t talk about music or you and you’ll just clam right up” he scoffed “yknow paul i was really hoping america wouldn’t change you. but i guess i was wrong. guess i was wrong about you…” john trailed off as he raised his sunglasses back up to cover his eyes that were welling with tears.
“john what is up?? this is coming out of the blue and YOU have been weird since we got to america. you have been isolating yourself and blame me for what you are doing? absolutely not. i know you are struggling but you need to take some accountability mate!” paul was exasperated when he said this.
“paulie, i can’t do it. i’m not pretty like you. i’m not handsome like george. and i’m not cute like ringo.” john said, defeated
“oh come off it! you know you are smart and charming and you have a wife for christs sake!”
“but cyn only married me cause i knocked her up. she doesn’t truly love me. no one does and at this rate no one ever will.”
“john that’s not the truth and you know that. cyn loves ya. and you know you should be glad. and even if she’s not the one forever, there is someone that will love you, i know it. you’re too beautiful to be ignored.”
“but paul look at me! i’m huge and my nose is terrible and my belly bulges and my voice cracks and you and i can never really love each other and-“
john’s rant was suddenly stopped by a kiss from paul. both of them pulled out of it and stared in utter shock.
paul nervously said “john god i’m so sorry. i don’t know what came over me. i just, just wanted to help-“
“oh won’t you please please help me. come on let’s talk inside. away from the children” john grabbed paul’s hand and walked him into the vacation home.
paul turned back to look at the ‘children’. george and ringo hadn’t noticed what just happened and were still splashing around. paul shook his head for two reasons: 1) he could always count on george and ringo for laugh and 2) he couldn’t wait for what was in store for him inside with john…
as the duo walked inside they went into john’s room and paul sat on his bed. john took off his sunglasses and set them on the dresser next to portable turntable he brought for the trip. while near it, john picked an old jazz record and placed it on. with the scratch of the record, the soft music was on.
paul chuckled and john smiled when the familiar tune came on. this was a record that would constantly play at paul’s house when they were kids. john would come over for guitar lessons, trying to drown the vinyl out with their rock n roll strumming.
still rubbing the water out of his hair he noticed john take off his sweater and immediately cross his arms over stomach.
“john. yknow i think you’re perfect. yknow that.” paul said while trying to console the other man.
“no i’m really not, half of what i say is meaningless but thank you” john say next to him on the bed, blushing.
paul’s hand inched over to john’s and grabbed it. “i love you johnny. i love you so so much. every part of you. i love your snide remarks and rhythm guitar and cheeky smile. even your flaws i love. even you i love” paul confessed while looking at john’s hands, too afraid to look him in the eye.
john took his free hand, grabbed paul’s face, and held it. “macca, i don’t deserve you. but since i got you, i’ll never let you go” johns other hand tightened its grip on paul’s hand as he kissed paul.
that funny feeling was back again.
slowly, but with growing confidence, their hands ran across each other’s chests. the gentle kissing had escalated and the two were tugging at each others lips, slowly forgetting the space around them.
john laid on his back and paul climbed on top, lips never separating. paul reached to unbutton john’s shirt, but john pulled away, hands over his chest.
“john,” paul said while firmly grabbing john’s chin in his hand “don’t you trust me?”
john turned back to paul, moved his hands to paul’s waist, and nodded. with john’s approval, paul unbuttoned john’s shirt. now both were shirtless and moans and gulps of air came between the two making out.
“hey paulie?”
“mhmm?” paul hummed, not moving his mouth
“can you take off your trunks? the pool water is gonna ruin my trousers” john said, a chuckle escaping him
paul giggled and slid them off. he then helped john unbuckle his belt and open his trousers. paul stayed down there and pulled out john’s member.
paul gulped at the size and took it in. john inhaled sharply and his back arched slightly at the new sensation. paul picked up the pace and john was unsure of what to do with his hands. with a sudden surge of confidence, john ran his fingers through paul’s hair and held on tightly. john slowly pulled up and pushed down to help paul out.
“fucking hell macca” john said, breathless. both were letting moans slip, almost in rhythm with the slow jazz playing.
after a few minutes of this, paul order john to flip over. john smiled and happily obliged. john laid on his stomach and paul climbed on top again. pauls hands slithered up the johns neck and tugged.
“shit...” john breathed out
“damn. and i haven’t even done anything yet”
at this exact moment a new song came on. this one was fast and started with a bang. when the first trumpet blared paul put it in john and john lost his breath and his cool.
“for fucks sake paul! how do you-hmm- oh my god how do you do that!?” john yelped as paul picked up the pace. paul pants, circling his hips and slamming back into john.
paul’s head drops to john’s shoulder and softly bites at his neck. paul is on the verge of finishing and john can sense it. in a quick motion, john turns paul over and enters him.
“oh darling!” paul yelps but john quickly shushes him
“shhh! they might hear us dear!” john giggles while moving slowly. john goes back to running his hands through his hair.
john speeds up and paul pleads “johnny please don’t stop please…” his words lost all meaning and became loud moans
john grunted and swore under his breath. sweat dripped from his forehead and on paul’s shoulder. in a heat of the moment decision, he licked it off and paul lost all control at this point and his supporting arms gave out and he collapsed on the bed.
terrible noises were coming from the two of them as john finished in paul. john followed suit and collapsed on paul.
they breathed heavily and paul turned under john to face him. they both smiled
“god i missed your face paulie.”
“i love you too johnny boy”
**moonlight serenade by glenn miller and his orchestra swells as the two fall asleep in each others arms**
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mymindmakesnoises · 10 months
Beatles fandom I need your help!!
I’m doing my Masters dissertation on the Beatles fandom and I’m collecting survey responses regarding the experiences/opinions of LGBTQ+ people within the Beatles fandom.
If that’s you and you would like to take part here’s the link:
Please reblog and share so this reaches more people!!
#thebeatles #LGBTQ #mclennon
I have been made aware that the form required to sign-in to Google before completing. This should be solved now (if not please let me know), and the new link is below.
Big thank you to people who have reblogged! :)
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i-am-the-oyster · 8 months
For the Fiction comment came, I'd love to know more about this delightful scene from "Paul is Alive!" :
John cornered George eventually. The latter had offered to take his turn making the tea, and John followed him claiming he was going to help.
“What’s this about Paul not admitting something? What did you mean by that?”
George moved lightly, rinsing cups as he waited for the kettle to boil.
“What do you think I meant?”
“No games Georgie boy, this is serious.”
George turned off the gas under the whistling kettle. He silently went through the whole routine, completely focused on what he was doing: scald the teapot, pour that out, add leaves, pour on water in circles, stir, lid back on, then tea-cosy. Finally he turned to John and held his gaze.
“I can be serious, can you?”
John glared.
“You just announced something to the world that Paul has been dreaming of since before you knew his name, and as far as he or anyone knows you did it for a joke.”
John sputtered “what are you talking about?”
“Me ‘n’ Paul, we got very close very fast, back in the day. We were each other’s first kiss, boy or girl.”
John gaped, George continued.
“It didn’t work. We didn’t work that way, we fought like cats and dogs till we backed off. He wanted … that doesn’t matter, the point is it didn’t work. But it meant I got an earful when he spotted ‘the ted on the bus’. Knew I was safe to talk to, didn’t he? Well he talked. And talked.”
George put on a whiny voice as he mimicked Paul.
“‘He looks so cool, George. He plays guitar! I heard him speak, George, you should hear his voice, George.”
John found himself grinning, but George remained serious.
"John, you have no idea.”
He stared dumbly for a beat. “What … but … why are you telling me this now?”
George poked John’s chest. “I’m telling you because you need to decide what you’re going to do. You’ve let more than one cat out of more than one bag here. Are you keeping count of how many people are in on Paul’s little secret?”
John thought back to watching Paul count on his fingers. He knew the number had grown since then.
“He’s not actually going to be able to maintain this for long, even if he really wanted to. Your ‘joke’ has made it all quite a bit more complicated for him. What are you going to do about it?”
Ringo shouted from the other room “it’s starting, lads, where’s me tea?”
George shot John a look that said “think about it” and walked out with the tray.
Thanks for the ask!
This scene is from chapter 7 of Paul is Alive!
This was always going to be a mclennon fic, but it's very important to me that the other Beatles are not just "also there". George and Paul were friends first (as both of them have been at pains to point out). And of course that impacted both of their relationships with John.
There's a tendency in "they never admitted their feelings" fics to assume that Paul hasn't accepted his sexuality, and I really wanted to explore a different take.
So putting those pieces together it really suited my purposes to have George and Paul "have a past". (Side note: did you catch that Louise knew about it? She told George it was time to have a word with John. There's a lovely story about Louise sitting up to watch George and Paul play music and I like to think of it as her gently chaperoning them.)
I worked hard on the scene where George quietly makes the tea. I'm not sure how successful it was, but I wanted George to purposely make John sweat a bit. He has a serious point to make, and wants to make sure he really has John's attention.
George has watched John and Paul's bullshit for years, keeping his nose out of it, but he knows he has a clearer view of what's going on than John does, and he really wants to drive home the gravity of the situation. Between them J&P have created a very big mess, and it's time to start laying facts on the table.
Fun fact: The line "He wanted … that doesn’t matter, the point is it didn’t work." is one that always catches my eye when I read over this fic. I always ask myself if that's a Chekov's gun that I'm going to have to fire at some stage.
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daincrediblegg · 2 months
Two questions: top 5 things that the Inexperienced Jared Observer should watch him in
Which Terror ep would you rate as Thee best and why?
OOOH HO HO AND I SHALL ANSWER WITH GUSTO Ok. Barring the obvious three choices (i.e. Foundation, The Terror, and Chernobyl, which are really the biggest powerhouses of Jared's acting abilities to date, and then the tier two shows: Carnival Row, Mad Men (it is a very good show overall but if you're there just for jared it takes a while to get to him and it takes a LONG time to get over him), and The Crown), these are my recommendations:
Certain Women His part in this movie is very short, but honestly. it really shows how much this man can do with such a little character, really proving the "no small parts only small actors" adage that folks like to throw around. I still think about him a lot. really showed such a range with so little and it baffles me to this day. Also it's an anthologized narrative and his part and also Lily Gladstone's role in it (her first film role ever btw) as being a horse lesbian with Kristen Stewart really makes it worth the watch a lot more than some of the other bit part things I've seen him in.
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows I genuinely think he's my favorite Moriarty of all time. Full stop. he's just such a wicked delight, and it will forever make me curse Guy Ritchie for only giving him bit parts in some of his other films. absolutely criminal.
The Devil's Violinist @prismatica-the-strange and I absolutely did not go into this film expecting it to be as good as it is. we thought it was gonna be a flop. that Jared Harris was gonna play the devil and we'd have a laugh and that would be that. Incorrect. Turns out the guy playing Paganini is actually a bonafide child prodigy violinist and he blows a LOT of the musician biopic performances out of the water because he REALLY DO BE PLAYING THAT VIOLIN LIKE THAT. Oh and also Jared plays his manager who is literally the devil and he has a pincer beard. and he's a sarcastic little shit and he's just a delight.
Two of Us This was genuinely the first film that made Jared a lifelong stand-out name to me at age fourteen. iykyk. He also fulfilled every McLennon shipper's dreams with this movie by kissing Aidan Quinn full on the lips. So if you want an explanation of why he queer codes a lot of his roles, this is it.
It's really hard to choose between The Beast Must Die, The Quiet Ones, and the 2015 Poltergeist remake, so I suppose I'm gonna go with The Beast Must Die because he's a saucy little asshole and he absolutely looks the prettiest in that. But that's the bitch of it with : this man has made a career of making himself a highlight no matter what kind of bit part you throw at him, so like honestly anything in his filmography is worth watching. But yeah he's so pretty in the beast must die. That's all I got. As for the second question... man why can't I choose all of em? why??? 😭😭😭 I can't pit all these bad bitch episodes against each other at any given moment in time man. I love this show too much. I simply cannot choose. it's all so good. I would like to say it's ep 5 for the way jared acts drunkenly (best drunken performance I've ever seen in my entire life), but then I think about him on the gunwale with blanky talking about the reindeer and laughing and how much Jared literally changed from the script to make that moment so goddamn endearing and human. but then I also remember the moment blanky leaves him like??? DUDE. I can't. I cannot choose. my favorite episode is the whole show.
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johns-prince · 1 year
hello!! hope you're doing fine 👉👈
firstly i'd love to say that your blog is one of my faves... like, both among mclennon and just in general.
so, um. i appreciate your opinion and takes on john/paul/mclennon/etc, and it would be interesting to hear your thoughts about john's psysical violence towards, you know... cynthia and just women.
i know that cynthia mentioned in her book that he only hit her once when they were teens, but recently i've found these posts:
and... it's not that i despice john now. i've always kept in mind his own confession in the playboy interview... i just can't help feel a bit of guilty for my warm emotions towards him.
what do you think of it? and sorry if it's something you've already discussed on your blog.
thank you, have a nice day!!
It's not my first time addressing this topic, you're right lol
You'll find that diving into the personal lives of these men, they weren't perfect, they weren't always good, and just like a large portion of famous musicians, behaved in ways not many of us can justify or condone.
I've come to terms with who John was, I've squared it with myself.
I know the history, I've done my digging, from Thelma Pickles to Cynthia to Yoko, to May, and to the end with Yoko again.
You might not like my answer, but all I can find myself to say in the simplest of terms: John was the best he could be.
Cynthia admits he was neither sinner nor saint. It was apparent that Cynthia loved him, despite the flaws, despite the incident of him striking her (which took much of John grovelling and pleading to her to give him another chance) despite his inability or instability to not be a good father, despite her efforts.
Could John have been better? Sure, totally, no argument there.
While it's despicable for a man to hit a woman (entirely outside of self defense), I think it's important to point out that John simply had a problem with physically striking out at anyone. Being inebriated or intoxicated seemed to make his propensity towards losing his temper and physically lash out greater. John probably could've killed Bob Wooler. He would start fights. Paul was designated as John's keeper for many reasons and one was to typically calm him down, because an irritate John could escalate. Mal Evans was great to have for his size, being able to grab hold of John and physically restrain him if necessary (like the Bob Wooler incident).
Anyway my point is John's physicality was not restricted or targeted just at women. He had issues, clearly, and one was the fact John had no real grip with his temperament, and if drugs or alcohol were involved that just made him much less predictable and, unfortunately, dangerous.
That being said...
If we're going to nail John to the wall for all his inexcusable behavior or actions, then I can only hope the other three should be nailed to the wall beside him.
Perhaps adultery can be better excused, but it's no secret Ringo had literally beaten his ex-wife black and blue (Barbara Bach), to the point Ringo believed he had killed her after a particular bender. Of course, at that time, Ringo was apparently dealing with his own issues with substance abuse.
It's still rather inexcusable, though it's hardly ever brought up. Ringo is peace and love, he wasn't as caustic and loud as John, or perhaps not as zeroed in on for his own demons.
I don't feel guilty. I don't think I ever once felt guilty for my love of John because I've nothing to feel sorry or guilty for. Am I, as a fan, supposed to apologize and prostrate my associated guilt, for every time I love and admire John Lennon?
No. It's not my fault he wasn't perfect. I never expected him to be, anyway. I wouldn't expect fans of Ringo to feel guilty, or bad, for their love and admiration towards him. Why should I?
Just because we love someone in history, for the things they did, the person they appeared to be the majority of time, their mark on the world, their beauty and charm—doesn't mean we condone and justify all that they did or behaved like.
Funnily enough, none of his wives described him as an abuser or woman beater. Cynthia wasn't stupid, I hardly doubt she would have continued to love John and continued to talk about him in the way she did, not just honestly, but lovingly, if he had been the monster we're all supposed to deem him as. Cynthia died loving John, even when he had hurt her, disappointed her, let her down... Because she loved the man, and better understood him than any of us outsiders could.
Similarly, May never described John as an abuser or woman beater. I don't believe May was an idiot either. She cared for John, she knew him, she saw what the drugs and alcohol abuse did to him. She tried her best, despite being young and incapable of handling a mess like John, to help him. She saw what we never will.
Even Yoko, though the need to perpetrate the Yoko&John love myth and legend, she'd never gone as far to describe John as an abuser or woman beater. We know how toxic and abusive their relationship was, really. John was probably at his worse then, he was. And you must think, if Yoko stans can justify and excuse and even ignore the fact Yoko is actually quite an unlikeable person who has done unlikeable things, then why is it I cannot love John, for all he is, even when I've acknowledged the fact John's done things I could never excuse.
John was great, and John was terrible, and I love him, and I don't feel sorry nor do I feel the need to justify myself at any point because Cynthia, May, Yoko, nor Paul, have never felt sorry or guilty for loving John openly and unapologetically.
Even with Ringo, him and Barbara are still together, even after all that, even after Ringo had thoroughly trashed her to the point people who found her thought she was dead.
Que sera, sera, I can't say Ringo nor John were abusers, but products of their time, and of the culture, and of the substance abuse, and in the end...
Could be the best they could be. At least Ringo has had time to be better and to try and reconcile and repent for his past behavior and actions.
So my final say to this, for you, is: square it with yourself. If you can't accept these uncomfortable and, often inexcusable parts of John, then you can't. If you can, if you can accept the fact he wasn't all that great of a person, at least not always, because who is? Really? Then that's all you need to know.
I love John, I can relate to a lot about him, as a person, flawed and imperfect and full of sin. I'm not sorry, I don't feel guilty, because it's not my doing and my fault for how he was and who he is. He wasn't evil incarnate to me, he was just some man that had issues and problems and made terrible decisions and hurt others but so did the other Beatles and so have most if not everyone in the music industry. I don't know, maybe that makes me a hypocrite, or biased, but if that's all then that's all. This is just how I like, feel man.
Hope my answer isn't too much of a convoluted mess, and I hope it answered your questions 💟
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theoldmixer · 2 years
Beatle Fest 2022
I finally made it to Beatle Fest (And finally posting about it--last week was a long week with school starting)! I remember wanting to go as a kid (since is in Chicago) and my parents never letting me. It was good timing, I finally felt good walking in the boot that I could get out and do something I wanted to do! My friend and I had a blast.
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Some panels we went to:
-Beatles Trivia. I thought I would be schooled by the fans there, but I knew some answers some people playing didn't!
-Name that Tune: They played one second of a song, so some were very tough. I got a few right from my seat and won a poster and some pins. Even though I don't listen to early Beatles stuff very often it's still all in my head and I correctly identified Not a Second Time lol. I was able to go up and play too but the guy next to me I'm pretty sure hit his button before he knew the answer. So he got the extra time to think while the guy was walking over. But it was still very fun!
-Panel with Chris O’Dell: She talked about being up on the roof! Man I didn't know a lot about her.
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-Panel with Mark Lewisohn: I know people have their beef with him. I have not read any of his books but just know I've seen people talk about him before. He showed pictures all from August and it was probably the best panel! Learned a lot and heard some good stories.
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There was one moment he showed a picture of a mclennon gaze. And kept going on about their connection and how people talked about it when Get Back came out. But he's like it existed before then! Cue me being totally normal. (I was with my friend who would not understand so I haven't talked to her about mclennon yet). I did start recording in case he said something else. But again was being normal so I just kept it on my chair lol. You can hear him talk about why the order should be John, Paul, George, Ringo too!
I loved that they had these big posters up in the main panel room:
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Then they also had many rooms with stuff to buy and/or look at. I bought a few things and chatted with some writers in one of the vendor rooms. They couldn't believe how "young" my friend and I were and still fans. (But on tumblr I feel old! lol) We met this lady who wrote this when she was 16. She said she broke into their hotel room? And had more stories but we didn't make it to her panel later that evening.
They had an art contest going on too these were some of my favorite entries:
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Just lots of things to look at!
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I was very tempted by this art!!!
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And lastly when I saw this...I knew I was in the right place.
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All in all a great day! And hopefully going to go again next year for more days!
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bambi-kinos · 2 years
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@drusillamclennon Ah, that’s a good point. I’m a bit of a dumbass frankly so a lot of John’s wordplay just goes over my head. I also don’t know very much about the Stones and the Beatles though I do know that the two bands were close friends for years.
Re: John always coming second in their public relationship, yes. Actually I’ll repost what I wrote back in February in the McLennon server because I still think this is true:
Leggy Maddingway — 02/25/2022 more than that: Paul never acknowledged that he was worth fighting for on his own terms.
as in himself.
like I think about that trepanning conversation a lot -- I think Paul's decision to demure was the right one in the moment but he never followed up on it to go "yeah, that's not okay John." and he should have.
Leggy Maddingway — 02/25/2022 that indicates a fundamental insecurity in his relationship with John and a lack of self respect, that he was willing to let John degrade and terrorize him with a serious suggestion for all of them to be trepanned and then he never followed up with a "that is not okay and you know better" conversation.
Leggy Maddingway — 02/25/2022 To be fair to Paul, he was intimidated because John was so volatile and I can imagine he was scared of upsetting John to the point that John called it quits with him. But it's another tragic case of Paul's (relatable, and understandable) POV betraying how his own fear of abandonment distorted his interpretation of events. Even during their separation in the 70s John never truly left Paul. I don't believe that Paul would have lost John for a significant amount of time if he had shown John his belly, as it were.
But Paul didn't, doesn't, know that. He's still afraid of John getting tired or disgusted or disillusioned with him.
Leggy Maddingway — 02/25/2022 It's been said before so I won't harp on it too much but, adolescent dynamics, too much fame, flash frozen, etc. It's a dynamic that makes sense when you're teenagers and you really want to impress your boyfriend but you're also unsure if he'll take you seriously or if he'll get mad and walk. I had similar feelings at...14.
John and Paul as a committed couple was always going to be a hard road no matter how much they loved each other. My personal feeling, based on nothing but my gut instinct, is that John disqualified himself as a good partner in Paul’s eyes because he was a flaky father to Julian. Paul takes that kind of thing seriously. So if John hadn’t gotten Cynthia pregnant -- or if he had simply been more present for Julian -- Paul would have been more willing to commit to John romantically. However the fact that John was inconsistent with Julian and Cynthia (though it is clear that he did love them sincerely!) as well as being emotionally volatile and highly reactive, made the decision for Paul. The heroin addiction just tied the knot on the whole thing. No matter how much he loved John, Paul did not want to be treated like Cynthia and didn’t want to put potential children with John through the same situation Julian had to live with. So he tried to have it both ways.
And then John proved Paul correct when he got addicted to heroin, hooked up with Yoko, turned the Beatles break up into a circus, and then put Paul on blast which permanently rifted their relationship. Horrible to go through but I imagine that even while he was going through it, Paul was relieved to not be responsible for John anymore and probably felt vindicated in his choices. His relationship with Linda wasn’t perfect but he didn’t have to feel intimidated or terrorized by her.
Now my perspective on this is that Paul committing to John would have stabilized him. I think John would have had hope for the future and a relationship with Paul would have been a lifeline for him. I think they would still have gone through very tough times with substance abuse and fame issues but they could have navigated through it together so long as they were honest and trusted each other.
They had a deep friendship before it all went to shit. John’s volatility was really just volatility and wasn’t his true self. He was just kind of like that and Paul did in fact know that.  Paul should have realized that he could trust John with his worries and concerns and that their friendship could withstand heat. But even at their peak Paul was scared of losing John and thought that John would eventually get tired of him or become disgusted with him or just bored with him.
That became a self fulfilling prophecy, sadly. If Paul had committed to John and simply been honest about his fears, then I think they would have made it -- after all, they needed each other like mad.
But otoh, John’s issues were well documented even at the time and Paul was not wrong for hesitating to walk into them. He didn’t want to be treated like Cynthia and John treated Cynthia very badly. It’s not crazy that Paul was scared of tearing down his own projected image of heterosexuality (during the time when gay people were still being hunted and persecuted by the law) when it could go to hell so easily.
And John, well. If you’re right about And Your Bird Can Sing about wanting Paul to leave Jane and be with him (and I think you are, you’ve changed my mind on it) then he could see what he needed to do but he wasn’t willing to go through with the changes he needed to perform in order to make himself an attractive partner for someone like Paul McCartney, who puts the well being of kids first. 
It’s all just such a boon doggle.
Sorry for the essay, your reply just got me thinking.
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rckhudson · 6 months
11, 22, 33, 44, 55 and 66 for the ask game!
heyyy lucy, sorry this took so long omg 😔😔😔
11. favorite songwriter?
i mostly listen to music because of the lyrics so this is extra hard. i wanna say fiona apple just because i relate to her lyrics more, she speaks to me as a woman loudly!!!! i think she is a genius at her craft.
22. favorite song/album from the year you were born
haven't listened to many albums (or music) from the 2000's besides your good ol' radio pop hit, but i'll have to say the song music by madonna
33. favorite artist from your country
rly rly hard, there are so many amazing brazillian music genres and musicians. lately i've been listening to a lot of chico buarque tho, who i would say is the most popular samba/bossa nova musician over here. he was pretty big bc of his political songs against the military dictatorship in the 60s. if you are interested, i recommend this song :)
44. have you watched any musician's biopics? if so, do you have a favorite?
hmmm i watched quite a few, but can't say i liked any of them lmao. i guess i rly like "two of us" which is not rly a biopic but a mclennon fanfiction but....hey....its pretty good <3
55. an album you learned to love after listening to it again and again
frank ocean's blonde for sure
66. share your favorite playlist that you've made
DAVID BOWIE MADE ME GAY GOD im so proud of it, but its on my old account....i wish there was a way i could add it to my new profile so i can add more songs to it without losing the amount of followers that it has lmao maybe i should make a part 2 or something idk, if you havent listened to it already you should do that <3
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