#mav presenting
ryanyflags · 5 months
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nonbine/enbine/nbine presenting | androgynous presenting genderless presenting | maverine/mav presenting
(nonbine/enbine/nbine is nonbinary gender quality. Can also be called nonbinarine. maverine/mav is maverique gender quality.)
I saw these masc, fem, neu, & xen presenting flags by neopronouns, and wanted to make nbine, androgynous, genderless, and maverine versions :)
Since these are nonbinary related presentations, there's no set definition for what counts as nbine/androgynous/genderless/maverine presenting (at least not in the same was as masc and fem, though they vary a lot too). So anyone can use these terms/flags if they feel it fits them, however they define these presentations for themselves.
These flags, like the originals, can be used by people who either present this way or want to present this way, and of any gender.
The format comes from the aforementioned flags by neopronouns, I kept the same center stripe, and changed the outer 2 stripes (as they stand for the respective presentation quality).
I chose yellow and purple for nbine presenting (like on the nonbinary flag), purples (2 different hues) for androgynous presenting, green and dark grey (from the agender flag, the dark grey is a combo of the grey and black stripes on the agender flag, to keep the same 3 stripe presentation flag format) for genderless presenting, plus orange and yellow (like on the maverique flag, though I flipped the colours because I thought it looked too similar to the maverique flag otherwise, basically just a grey version) for maverine presenting.
Also note: I don't really know / have any ideas for how to shorten these terms (like how masc, fem, and neu are short versions of masculine, feminine, and neutral), except maverine, which I think can be shortened to mav. So I just listed the long forms, unlike what neopronouns did. If anyone has any ideas / knows any short terms, feel free to use these flags for those as well. (and also any alt names for these gender qualities I didn't list, as long as they still have the same definition.)
Alt nbine presenting flag below the cut,
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I realise just using the yellow and purple colours leaves out the grey/black from the nonbinary flag (white I think is similar enough to the light grey, that I count them as a combined stripe/colour), so I also made a alt version for those who want/prefer it.
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pollyna · 1 year
They have been together for maybe five years, and Bradley has lived on and off with them for the last two, when Mav presents both of them with presents on a random day of a random week. The paper is full of mini jets, and Bradley giggles all the way to the living room because uncle uncle, uncle Mav have a present for us! Mav explains to both of them, while Bradley destroys the package and Ice is metodically opening it, that they deserve to have a leather jacket too, like his, and maybe they (Ice) could put on all the patches from the squadron they work with or just go around all wearing it? Bradley smiles with all his teeth, except for two in the front row, before hugging Mav, yes yes we're going to wear it together! It's going to be fun, Uncle Mav! Then Ice's arms are hugging both of them, kissing his head, and yeah, can't promise I'm going to wear it every day like someone I know, but it's beautiful, thank you, babe.
(A year later, and this time on Mav's birthday, Bradley gives him two presents. The second one is a patch with a pretty colourful design and the code BKM-03 embroidered under it. Because Bradshaw-Kazansky-Mitchell! So you can take us with you when you're not around. We made it! Uncle Ice said the most important part of it was all the love we put into making it. We used all the love we have for you so you won't feel alone ever, ever, again! And Mav had found himself hugging Baby Goose and Ice as strongly as he could to hide the tears because that's the most beautiful present someone could give me.)
((After the mission, when Bradley sits in front of the two people who raised him, he can't help but notice that the patch he and Ice made a lifetime ago is still there. This time he's the one who hugs his dads and stays there, between them, trying not to cry and not letting them go.))
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compacflt · 11 months
COMPACFLT, ma’am, you’ve absolutely wrecked me with: “My father—my father was kind”. I can’t even tell you exactly why, but that just struck right in the chest with the force of a sledgehammer, gosh. If it’s alright with you, could you please share your headcanons about Ice and Mav’s fathers? I know I’m, like, quoting your own work back to you but I can’t help it: “Well, dead pilot dads, that’s one thing we have in common.” —But do they? Or is one dead pilot dad vastly different from the other?
ice’s dad (Thomas kazansky sr.): asshole army major OH-6 and UH-1 pilot who got shot down over Vietnam in 1967. son of far-eastern-european immigrants. anti-commie. wanted ice to ALSO be a chopper pilot in the army, so ice went navy instead. daredevil dipshit who died & left ice’s mom alone with two young kids & whose death encouraged ice away from breaking the rules or being unsafe (esp. in the air). not necessarily a great person or a great father but died when ice was 8 so also not a huge influence on his life (i know val kilmer has said ice’s father was a big influence… I’ve written elsewhere about why i personally shifted ice’s narrative away from daddy issues and more towards Navy authority in general issues, in light of ice’s character and rank in tgm. GOD i need a master post sorry, but i think you can find it if you search “edts notes” on my blog and scroll for a while). ice’s LACK of a father -> no man to model himself on -> overcompensating & not getting it exactly right (doesn’t know how to talk to other men) -> maverick immediately clocks him as gay -> the plot of my fic.
Maverick’s dad (peter “duke” mitchell sr.): a genuinely awesome person. funny & kind, warm & loving, a truly good father & a great fighter pilot. big american patriot. Comes from a long long line of us navy personnel—maverick has the navy family name & the pedigree ice, as a second generation american, does not. Im still not sure who raised maverick—it’s one of those things I don’t have a strong opinion on, so it could go either way (i posited in the airplane one-shot that he was raised by relatives, aunt & uncle, but I know it’s a popular hc here that he was a foster kid—all equally plausible to me) but I do think he grew up exceedingly bitter, hearing about how great his dad was and how there was just no way! his dad could’ve failed the Navy the way he supposedly did, because he was just such a good person… there’s a real bitterness about original maverick that TGM maverick kind of lost. His bitterness only shows during the “it’s not the plane it’s the pilot” “EXACTLY” exchange (incidentally the scene that gave me the idea that Bradley thinks mav pulled his papers bc he’s openly gay…it’s the pilot not the plane, ouch). but i still think maverick is like deeply deeply bitter about how the navy handled his fathers death, which is what the excerpt i posted on wednesday is actually about—he confesses to ice how disillusioned he has been with the navy as an institution since he found out the truth about his father’s heroism. I know i just just just said that Maverick’s patriotic conservatism is his reason for existence in the meta “why we make mil propaganda movies” sense, and i stand by that, but i think on a human character level there probably has to be a little bit of deep-seated resentment towards the Navy for smearing his father’s good name and his own good name in the process. My maverick grew up a good Christian kid, called himself peter jr. after his good guy father, who never broke ANY rules until he was radicalized by not getting into the academy (“punish the son for the sins of his father”) and basically lost his mind for 30+ years. “If my family name automatically makes me a sinner in the navy’s eyes, then I might as well sin anyway.”
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
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It's cold again but we bundled up for a walk despite ❄
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mira-arts-v · 6 months
Sorry I haven’t been very active y’all. A lot of stuff happened recently. A family member passed away, my grandpa got sick and went to the hospital, then I got sick too and the medicine I took made me so sleepy that I’d pass out for most of the afternoon. But I’m better now (as is my grandpa), so hopefully I’ll be able to share more art soon!
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babygirllinds · 1 year
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I went out for an early birthday lunch and shopping trip with my best friend (because she’s going to be gone the day of my birthday) and ended up fueling my squishmallow addiction and Val Kilmer addiction 😌
are you ready for the best part?
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my cute lil piggy’s name is Peter (and he’s my fav color pink). So this is now my Mav pig and no one can convince me otherwise 🤭💗🐷
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dommavmason · 6 months
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Christmas 2023
Delivered to @thejugheadjones on Christmas
Merry Christmas Jughead! Found these and couldn’t help but think of you, just in case you get stuck with whatever you’re writing, these can help. Enjoy the day — Maverick
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lambourngb · 10 months
last line challenge
tagged by @ravens-words to share the last line I wrote-
I'm a little unfocused, so I'm writing a tiny bit on a number of WIPs
good fences make good neighbors-
"Ice took a slow sip of his beer, absorbing that silently. Mav found himself watching as his throat muscles rippled and moved as he swallowed."
forgive me my trespass - in the middle of his divorce, Ice is notified Mav is MIA presumed KIA -
Now he was morning transport for the kids while Sarah went back to college, and ‘every other weekend dad’ in his sterile condo in Imperial Beach while the divorce proceedings continued. In theory he was morning transport, he sighed, watching the clock. They were moving past the five-minute lateness and into the unforgivable territory of twenty minutes overdue.
“We’re going to be late to pick up Michael and Erica, and he knows that. Also, he’s twelve, you have uniforms, what could be taking so long?”
“He’s twelve with a girlfriend, so he’s probably putting too much gel in his hair and then washing it out,” Caroline replied, flicking the page in her paperback. 
“A girlfriend? He’s twelve! How could he be dating already?” He repeated, uselessly. That was too young, wasn’t it? Ice thought back to his own childhood, but he couldn’t remember girls being on his radar until much later. Most of his memories revolved around Jimmy Lebedev, the only other kid from the neighborhood that his father approved of coming to the house. Girls were for after his application to the Naval Academy had been approved. Then later, it was flight school. After flight school, it was qualifying for Top Gun. 
Then he met Maverick. For a year, while they were both instructors, it was only Maverick for him and it had been perfect, right up until it had ended.
“It’s not his first.” 
and from the always in progress Last of US AU -IceMav fusion-
“Fair enough. I lost my virginity at fifteen, to Bad Company, with a girl who was in the same group home I was. I ended up getting kicked out and then sent to a much worse place. And wow, when I say that outloud, I sound like a real cliche,” Mav joked, before turning up the volume as Glenn Campbell sang about how ‘there's been a load of compromising, on the road to his horizon’. “I hope your experience was less traumatic.”
“It was. But there was a bit of an age difference between us. Enough that when I think about it as an adult, I probably should have been more bothered at the time. But I was young and I wanted to know what it was like.”
“Ice! You had a ‘Mrs. Robinson’ type pop your cherry?” Mav crowed, laughing in delight at the revelation. “To Glenn Campbell. Did your parents ever find out?” 
“No comment.” This time he knew he was blushing. “But no, I’m very certain my parents never knew about that, they were out of town for over a week.” His mother had died just before his twenty-eighth birthday. He always wondered if she had guessed that her son was different, or had she written off his non existent dating habits as just his dedication to his career? His father had figured it out, but then it was much harder to hide his preferences as an unmarried 35-year old. They were both gone before he had gained the courage to ask if they were disappointed in who he ended up being. 
“You must have been quite the choirboy at sixteen, that your parents left you alone for a week.” 
“Still no comment.”
Maverick laughed again, poking Tom in the shoulder like the jerk he was. “That’s what I like about you, you only look like you follow every rule but not even you, Mr. Perfect, could resist an empty house with no adult supervision. I swear, teenagers can't live with them, can’t kill them without doing time. I think there’s a proverb about how our sins as kids are revisited upon us as adults when we have kids of our own.” 
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boasamishipper · 2 years
just saw your tags and legit tho why is maverick ALWAYS crying like. y'all -
canon mav: impulsive, kind of a dumbass (affectionate), loves so fiercely, family is the most important thing to him and he would do Anything for the people he cares about (even/especially at risk of his own life), thinks outside the box, stubborn as fuck, flies first asks questions later, best damn pilot the navy has ever seen
fanon mav:
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[ID: spongebob squarepants saying, "I'll have you know I stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden and I only cried for twenty minutes.]
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malkaviian · 1 year
estaba haciendo otro post que mandé a borradores, pero me hizo preguntarme si maverick repetiría lo mismo que le hizo zachary a él con sus amores, o en realidad trataría de evitarlo
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maverickcanine · 7 days
it’s not in my bio but i do consider myself somewhere on the aroace spectrum. i can’t really confirm or deny that since ive had zero romantic relationships, but it is something i somewhat identify with
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avymiir · 4 months
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mav was trying to warn winston that he planned to find his brother and probably wouldn’t make it back!!but that winston could still finish this without him !! that he would have to finish it without him!!
my heart!!
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
ok, but imagine young bradley repeatedly getting pissed when people don’t seem to understand that uncle (dad) mav loves uncle (pops) ice.
a coworker when they see him in public: *to ice and mav* it’s nice that you guys get along for young bradshaw here
bradley, squinting at this man like he’s stupid: but they always get along?
mav, snickering: thanks
a classmate when he has to do a family tree: wait so why are they next to each other again?
bradley, who had watched this same kid give a presentation with the same lines with his aunt and uncle: …because they are? why wouldn’t they be?
classmate, even more confused: but-
a teacher when he first goes to the academy: maverick is a brilliant pilot, but you shouldn’t try to be like him. the only reason he still has a job is because he’s friends with admiral kazansky
bradley, with the most deadpan look on his face: friends? really? they’re friends? is that it?
the teacher, absolutely appalled: bradshaw, that’s not how you talk about your superiors-
jake, thinking he’s funny: *talking about their “friendship”* c’mon, rooster, a good ol’ rivalry never hurt no one. look at maverick and iceman. legends.
jake, who still thinks he’s funny: …your point being?
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simpforrooster · 1 year
do you want me to lie, sir? pt.2
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Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x F!Reader/F!MitchellReader
summary: jake has been busy with mav's stupid trainings. trainings disguised to keep him from you. t/w: implied smut 18+ please, soft!jake, soft!mav
Maverick has been keeping Hangman busy since the night he caught you coming out of his room.
Of course, Hangman thought the two of you were in the clear once you batted your big ol' eyes at your father.
Mav's got such a soft spot for you. His only child, only daughter.
"25 more, Lieutenant," Hondo tells him. Hangman internally rolls his eyes. Mav punished him to 75 push ups because it looked like he was going to leave his wingman.
Coyote and Hangman are leaning back against the bar waiting for their beers that evening.
"So, how are you and y/n?" He asks.
Hangman rolls his eyes, outwardly this time, since there is no one to tack on more pushups for the disrespect.
"Haven't seen her since that night," he tells Coyote.
Coyote's mouth pulls up in the corner, thinking about the chaos of the night. He was sad to have missed it. He hurriedly corrects his smile at Hangman's glare.
Penny sets the beers onto the counter and winks at Hangman. Of course Penny is in the know. Mav has probably been whining to her about it.
As Hangman turns back toward the pool tables, you make your entrance.
This hasn't been easy on you, either. You miss cuddling into those big arms. You miss his small kisses on your temple. The ones he gives without much thought. The simpleness of the intimacy makes your stomach jump.
Tonight, you dressed to kill. You can see it in the way Jake's eyes trail down your body from where he leans next to Coyote. You don't miss the gulp that goes down his throat either.
The black body con dress is working.
It isn't lost on you that your father is behind all the time Jake is spending away from you. You expected more from your cocky fighter pilot, though. Figured he be defying Maverick the first second he could.
But he hasn't. He's been respectful of it? Totally out of character.
Which is why you have to fight dirty.
You don't approach him, content to just watch him from the opposite side of the bar. His hand not holding his beer curls into and out of a fist, a la Pride and Prejudice style.
You allow your right eye to fall into a wink and then gesture toward the door. Not the front one. The one in the back. The one only you know about thanks to Penny. Jake answers your wink with a sensual smirk and murmurs something to Coyote before meeting you in the back.
Jake sandwiches you between him and the door. His strong body towers over you, heating you up all over. You reach behind you and turn the doorknob, both of you falling into the storage room.
Surrounded by bottles of liquor, Jake places his lips against yours and everything feels right in the world. Jake's hands rest on your hips, his thumbs digging in to pull you closer. You hook your arms around his neck and he follows by lifting you around his waist. He walks the two of you back against the door.
"Your father has been the absolute cock block," Jake tells you.
"Never say that sentence again," you giggle into his chest.
You never discussed your dating life with your father. You'd hope you'd just charm your way through it. Your father is still hellbent on assuming Jake is going to fuck something up.
"I know how guys like Hangman are!" he shouted once you followed him into the house. "Hell, I was Hangman!"
You crossed your arms. "So Penny doesn't need to be with you, then?"
Mav got that look on his face, the same one he gets when Cyclone calls him out on his bullshit.
The two of you didn't get farther than that, and your dad has kept Jake busy with pointless training exercises.
Jake pulls you back to the present by taking your lips in-between his teeth, gaining an unsolicited moan from you.
"Come back to the present with me, please," he says low against your ear. Your body reacts with goosebumps and a deep longing for the man pressing you against this door. "How good can it be inside that brain of yours when I am right here?"
"Oh shut up," you whisper against his mouth before deepening your kiss. You elicit a surprised groan from him as you grind against his erection. Allowing your hands to fall from his neck, you begin to fiddle with the button on his pants.
To hell with your fairytale first time with Jake.
Jake stops you. One hand on yours, the other keeping you around his waist.
"Baby, stop," he says quietly. That voice cutting through the noise in your brain. "You don't want to do it like this."
"But I want you," you tell him, feeling slightly rejected.
Jake leans forward, placing a soft kiss against your temple, calming you.
"Do you not want me anymore?" you manage to ask. Your voice small, hating that you let the question even leave your mouth.
Jake's finger comes under your chin, craning your face to look at him. "Believe me, stopping you from grabbing my cock is the hardest thing I have ever done." He kisses your temple again. That small reassurance fills you up. "But I know how important this is for you. I can't have sex with you in the middle of your stepmom's liquor stock."
You have to admit, seeing this soft side of Jake just makes you want him even more. If you'd been any other girl, he wouldn't have hesitated. But he did with you.
Because he loves you. Your brought back to that night. When he said it and you knew it was time. Time to take your relationship to the next level. It also hits you that you never got a chance to say it back to him.
"I love you, Jake," you whisper, laying your forehead into his chest. Jake chuckles into your hair.
"Take me home, Jake," you say. He sets you down and takes your hand in his. Carefully, he pulls the door open, and as he takes a step back out into the bar, he shoves you back in. Blocking you with his body, you can't see what's going on.
"Lieutenant," your father's voice says.
"Captain," Jake answers back, just as stoic.
"You hiding my baby girl?"
Jake squares up just a bit. "Do you want me to lie, sir?"
"I think that would be best."
Not being able to take this same song and dance, you poke around Jake.
"Maverick, you have to chill out." Your dad is taken back at the use of his callsign. He much prefers Dad or Pops.
You don't back down. "I am a grown woman. You cannot hate the people I date unless there is a legit reason I should be worried." You cock an eyebrow, silently asking Well, is there?
Jake stands behind you, letting you take control. Not wanting to dig himself into a hole. Mav can appreciate that. His little girl is strong enough on her own, and Jake knows this.
Maverick looks over your shoulder at Jake. "Hangman, if you hurt her, I swear--"
Jake cuts him off. "You don't have to worry about that." His hand encircles your waist from behind, pulling you into him. "I'm in love with her, sir."
This declaration softens your fathers eyes. It almost looks like he's going to cry?
Nah, Mav wouldn't cry over something like this.
Or would he?
You clear your throat. "We, uh, were just going to head out. Going to the, uh, house. You and Penny seem plenty busy here."
"To go watch watch movies I hope," he says, eyes sad and scared.
"Do you want me to lie, Pop?"
"That would be best, daughter."
"Sure, movies."
You grab Jake's hand and step around your father before he can say anything. Over your shoulder, you see him shaking his head before heading into the stock room for whatever Penny sent him after.
a/n: so sorry for my unplanned hiatus. i had to administer state testing to my fifths, and then school let out a week early and we had to cram all our end of the year fun into a few weeks. i also started my masters degree. tbh, i have been feeling a little uninspired. hopefully i will be back to posting regularly!
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emihotaru · 1 month
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Hello! No mermay this time, but since the @mr-sadman seasonnal exchange is over, and Moonlight-mav discovered her present, I can show it to you now! So, some Dreamling today!
Here are 3 little snippets from her fanfic Tomorrows Over Centuries I really enjoyed painting! I loved to make them snuggle!
You can read the fanfic here!
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lovableapocalypse · 1 year
feels like
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x fem!reader
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wc- 2k
warnings- mentions of pregnancy/being pregnant, vomit/throwing up, like one f bomb, established relationship, i dont think anything else
a/n- reader is a pilot lol. hope you all like it and send me any requests you wanna see!!!!
You were tired of vomit. Tired of the smell, tired of the nausea, and tired of the harsh sting it was leaving in the back of your throat. The past three days you had been pulled to consciousness by your uneasy stomach and ended up over the toilet as your alarm blared from the bedroom. 
Bradley has had to leave for training extremely early this week and luckily has missed your ugly morning wake-up call. You’d been subtly avoiding his concerns at work; when you looked queasy after conditioning, when Jake’s body wash scent made you gag, and when you barely touched the coffee he brought you one morning. You played it off as a stomach bug, but your intuition was telling you something completely different.
Thankfully this week had been a zero flight week. You were terrified of flying if your suspicions were accurate, but you were also too scared to take the damn pregnancy test. 
As you walked down the hall Friday afternoon, doing your best to avoid everyone, you made a pact with yourself that you would stop by the convenience store tonight. Bradley was staying late to help with new flight curriculum so you’d have the opportunity to do it alone. 
Part of you wanted to share this moment with him, but your fear quickly overrode that. You and Bradley had been together for years at this point, ever since your first run at Top Gun. He’s mentioned kids a couple times, but never seriously. Deep down you knew he would accept this and be 100% in it, but your anxiety was on blast and your logical thoughts were nowhere to be found. 
You were supposed to be heading to a group meeting, all Dagger Squad members present. Your nausea has been steady all day, and hasn't eased up since you puked your guts up first thing. It’s been miserable and your sweaty, pale complexion are a testament to that. You’re trying your best to take deep breaths as you walk through the humid hallway, but your stomach lurches anyway. You grip the wall nearest to you and clench your eyes shut. 
Deep breaths. In and out. You wait for the pain to subside before you start walking again. You slowly enter the conference room, looking around. Last one here, great. You shoot a small smile in apology and head to the empty seat next to Bradley. 
He gives you a quizzical look as Maverick begins a spiel about next week's itinerary. 
“You okay?” He whispers, brown eyebrows pinched. 
You inhale sharply and nod, reaching for his hand to squeeze in reassurance. He squeezes in return and tries his best to keep his attention on Mav, but your squirming is distracting. It’s too hot in this cramped office space. You swear you can feel each person’s body heat radiate off them, making your head spin. 
Breaths. Deep freaking breaths. You’re trying to concentrate once again on your breathing as Phoenix asks a question, but everything is muffled and distant. You feel Bradley’s eyes seer into you and your jaw clenches unbearably tight. 
This is not happening. You refuse. You’ve made it the whole week without getting sick at work, and you really don’t want your closest colleagues and friends to see you hurl in a tiny trash can. Bradley squeezes your hand tighter trying to grasp your attention, but you just stare ahead and will your body to stop. 
Fuck. There’s definitely no stopping it. You shoot to your feet, pulling your hand from Bradley’s, drawing everyone’s attention. You briefly hear Mav ask if you’re alright and your hand quickly shoots to cover your mouth as you stumble to the trash can. Your stomach empties and you cough harshly, bent over the small container. You hear chairs screech and boots on the ground and soon feel a familiar hand slide up your back. 
Bradley pulls your hair away from your face with his other hand and continues to rub your back, glancing around the room in concern. Phoenix and Bob shoot him sympathetic looks and Jake’s grimace is clear as day. 
Mav makes his way over to you, cautiously, and shouts at Javy to get a medic. You raise your hand and wave at him, trying to refuse. You cough again, “I’m fine. I’m okay.”
“You just puked y/n.” Bradley states. 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry- just I’m okay now.”
You slowly stand up and Bradley keeps his grip on you, moving you towards a seat. You glance up, cheeks flushing in embarrassment, and see the sympathetic looks sent your way. “Sorry,” You sigh.
Javy returns out of breath with the medic and you can’t help but roll your eyes. “Really, I’m fine.”
“Y/n I think you should go get checked out,” Maverick says, “Rooster, why don’t you go with her.” He nods his head towards the door and motions for you, Bradley, and the medic to leave the conference room. 
Bradley keeps his grip on your elbow as you walk slowly toward the med bay. The medic is asking you basic questions that you are trying your best to answer as vaguely as possible. When you enter the med area you begrudgingly let the medic take your temperature and check your vitals. 
“Everything looks okay. I’d just get some rest and head to urgent care if your symptoms get any worse.” 
You’re grateful the medic didn’t mention pregnancy and you nod in appreciation as they exit the small exam area. 
Bradley sighs and places his hands on his hips. “Let me take you home, honey. Get some sleep.”
You shake your head, “No Roo it’s okay, I promise. You have to stay late anyway.”
You’re avoiding his gaze as a lump forms in your throat. You’re not sure why you feel so emotional all of a sudden, but with barely any sleep and vomiting up everything you eat, you’re exhausted. You feel tears prick your waterline as Bradley steps closer to you. 
He reaches up and cups your face. It wasn’t always like this. You and Rooster are both stubborn to an unhealthy degree, and when you two got off on the wrong foot all those years ago you never imagined this. He rubs his thumbs over your cheeks, examining you with his eyes. 
“What’s going on? You’ve been off all week.” His voice is soft and it only makes you more emotional. 
You close your eyes and feel the first tears escape down your face. “I think I’m pregnant.” You whisper.
You keep your eyes shut as you hear him inhale. He grips your face tighter, willing you to open your eyes. When you finally open them, he’s smiling. 
“You’re pregnant?”
You shake your head, “I’m not sure yet. I haven’t taken a test yet, but I’ve been sick all week and I can’t remember when my last period was.” You sigh. 
His smile only grows. Of course he would be excited. You’re not sure why you were convinced he would be pissed or upset. His reaction only makes you cry more and he tugs you closer into the warmth of his chest. 
He presses a kiss to the top of your head and steps back, helping you off the exam bench. “Let's go home, yeah?” He asks. 
You nod solemnly and thread your fingers through his, heading to the exit. Bradley lets Mav know you’re sick and he’s taking you home, planning to finish the flight course next week. He helps you into his Bronco and secures your seatbelt for you. He kisses you lightly before closing the door and heading around the car.
On the way back to your shared place he detours to the nearest convenience store and parks out front. Turning to you he says, “I’m gonna run in and grab a few tests. Do you want to come in?”
You shake your head and lean back against the seat letting it absorb your exhaustion. He’s quick inside and jogs back out to the car with a full bag.
“I didn’t know which one to get so I just grabbed a bunch.” He pulls a few out to show you and you laugh at his eagerness.
He smiles at you and places the bag in the back seat, squeezing your knee as he starts the car again. 
He turns the radio on low as you watch your surroundings pass by. You don’t know how to feel about all this. Are you even ready to be a mom? You glance at Bradley and take in his tanned skin and light blush covering his nose and ears. He’d be a great dad, you already know it. 
You try to shake off some of your anxiety as you head inside. Bradley pulls you close and squeezes your arm, sending you a reassuring smile. You exhale and turn to him, “Will you take it with me?”
“Of course.” He nods and rubs your arm gently. 
You head towards the bathroom with the bag full of tests and Bradley fills a cup of water for you. You’re examining all the different tests when he enters and comes up behind you. He rests his head on your shoulder and reads the boxes with you. 
You grab the test with the electronic Pregnant or Not Pregnant answer and a generic 2 line test as well. Bradley sits with you the whole time anxiously squeezing any part of you he can touch. You place the tests near the sink and set a timer on your phone. 
You both sit in a comfortable yet tense silence. You can tell Bradley is more excited than you are but he’s doing his best to keep himself calm. The phone rings cutting off your anxious thoughts and you both stand together to look at the results. 
You grab the line test first seeing two very visible solid lines. You quickly grab the other which coincides with a bold Pregnant flashing at you. You close your eyes and pass the test to Bradley, feeling the waterworks begin. 
He gasps slightly and puts the test back on the counter. He laughs as he turns you to face him, “Hey, hey it’s okay. Everythings gonna be fine,” You can hear the smile in his voice as your tears fall faster. 
“We’ll figure it out, okay? Hey, look at me.” He cups your face again, your eyes opening to meet his. 
“We’re gonna figure it out.” His smile spreads, “We’re gonna be parents holy shit.” You laugh at his excitement and pull him into an embrace. 
“We’re gonna be parents.” You mumble into his shirt. 
The next morning you head to a local clinic just to get a medical test and see if everythings okay with the baby. You’re given the all clear and relative timeline of birth and growth and everything seems so surreal. Bradley is beyond excited and it’s starting to rub off on you. He spent the whole night reassuring you and brainstorming possible names. 
The doctor did let you know that flying is off limits. You feel a bit sad at the loss of flying, but know Mav will keep you busy in other ways. You keep reminding yourself this as you head to his office Monday morning. Bradley and you are hand in hand, him excited to break the news. You knock and hear a muffled “Come in” on the other side. You exhale and squeeze Bradley’s hand as you push the door open. 
“Hey y/n, Bradley.” He nods. “Feeling better?” He places the paperwork he was looking at down and looks between you both. 
You glance to Bradley who quickly nods his head, urging you on. “About that.” You turn back to Mav’s confused expression continuing, “Um, Bradley and I actually have something to tell you.”
Pete remains silent, questioning you both. 
“I’m, uh, not gonna be able to fly for a while.”
His brows furrow, mouth opening to object, but you beat him to it. 
“I’m pregnant.”
His mouth drops in shock and Bradley laughs at his expression. 
“I- I mean wow. Holy shit!” He laughs. He stands and rounds the desk pulling you into a tight hug and then Bradley. He shakes Rooster’s shoulders as he pulls away and his face is ecstatic. 
“I’ll be damned,” He looks between you both again and shakes his head. You glance at Bradley and smile.
Bradley’s grin is contagious and he shouts, “We’re gonna be parents!”
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