#matchmaker kamek
wait im kinda verging on something, like a bowuigi hc ig regarding "matchmaker kamek".
Where, the reason kamek even begins accepting luigi into the fold, is because he remembers taking care of baby luigi back in super mario world 2 (ykno, bc /someone/ had to keep baby luigi alive while kamek waited on the capture of baby mario).
I myself havent seen that game all the way through but yeah i just enjoy this half formed hc of kamek having become attached to both these people (bowser /and/ luigi) since they were babies, but ofc luigi was rescued and so the feels only hit kamek once they're face to face again now that luigi is an adult 🥺
Basically, it's hard for kamek to not view luigi as a son (in law) now that he sees the potential relationship between him and bowser, and sets out to make it happen the (mostly) legal way 😆
(also, its cute in a twisted sort of way that luigi ends up in their domain due to being kidnapped both times, first by kamek and now by bowser 💀)
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
Another very very dumb Bowuigi AU/fic prompt idea of matchmaking Kamek.
Just Kamek who cares deeply about his surrogate son Bowser and really wants him to have a good partner, he’d be trying to hint about Bowser not focusing on the princess so much but he doesn't know who else there is he’s been trying to find someone worthy of his son but no luck. He has like a full list of requirements and no one comes close.
That is until he starts noticing the green one, normally he pays him no mind but then one time after Mario’s beaten Jr and the other Koopalings he’s about to pick them up when he sees the green one arrive out of breath clearly trying to keep up with his brother and failing, and he’s about to hit him with a  spell when he sees the plumper stop and help the kids up seeing them look angry and sad and instead of running after his brother offers to get the kids some ice cream.
Kamek starts paying attention after that, seeing that Luigi actually meets all the requirements. Not only do all the Koopalings like him, the other residents also like him he see’s him following Mario and turning Goomba that Mario’s knocked over up right as he follows his brother.
Luigi is very confused when Kamek keeps appearing out of nowhere asking random questions and then looking happy and disappearing again, he looks out the window and Kamek is just there.
Basically everyone decided Luigi would be a good dad/co king and literally perfect for Bowser. Kamek starts trying to hint and match make and it’s not working, not that they don’t like each other he’s noticed Luigi get all flustered and Bowser stare at times before shaking his head and brushing it off.
He’s one more hint away from calling the Broodals to help plan the wedding and just shove them both down the isle and he knows the kids and the whole army would help him.
They have a plan tell Bowser they’re trying the same basic wedding plan again this time they know how to stop Mario and it is the same only the kidnap Luigi not Peach.
Mario of course freaks out but Peach can see whats happening and is very excited for it and spends the rescue mission pointing out all the times Luigi has been a blushing mess over Bowser ect Mario is now 1) happy his brother might like someone who likes him 2)IT’S BOWSER WHY LUIGI YOU COULD DO BETTER 3) How dare they not invite him to his brothers wedding!
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faesystem · 1 year
My favourite characterisation of Mario when it comes to Bowuigi is a Mario who knows Bowser is exactly Luigi's type.
After they first met Bowser, he did some Very Subtle Detective Work to see if Luigi caught feelings. He knew his brother, knew he hadn't, but knew it was only a matter of time.
It was several months of knowing Bowser before Mario spotted Luigi with a blush on his face. He knew. Very Subtle Detective Work revealed Luigi did not know about his feelings.
Luigi's crush got worse, and Mario noticed Bowser was giving Luigi a lot more attention than usual. At one point he was alone with Kamek and bluntly asked for his thoughts on it. Kamek told him he had spent several weeks writing love songs about an unknown man who did match Luigi's description.
Mario then did his best to play matchmaker with the two most oblivious people on the planet. This was made even harder by the fact that Luigi still did not know he had a big crush on Bowser.
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ogdegenerate · 6 days
Ok ok ok so we all know and love the “matchmaker Kamek” trope in bowuigi media, The magikoopa seeing promise in the green human and “subtly” putting ideas into his son’s head. But I raise you this:
Matchmaker Peach
Ok think about it, usually I see peach as either an antagonist or ignored by the story all together. But i feel like it would make sense with her character (her motifs being about love and emotions) and her motives. For starters, more attention to Luigi is less attention to her, she’s a very busy woman and she could be doing way more productive stuff than being kidnapped semi-annually. And ALSO, it’s pretty cute on paper (mario and the thousand year door) and they would make a good pair for eachother. So here we have peach using her social finnese prowess and 500 year long foresight to gradually place luigi and bowser into situations where they would warm up with eachother.
But why stop there? We can even add Kamek (and Kammy too cuz why not) into the mix! Kamek appears where Princess Peach is being held to see her on the floor with notes and pages filled with her planning how to get luigi and bowser to kiss eachother.
Peach: “uhhhhh, i can explain”
Kamek, already materializing his bowuigi bulletin board: No need, LETS GET TO SCHEMING!”
I feel like it would be funny to see a rare alliance/friendship with the two, maybe even more people can get into the secret bowuigi club.
i’m not sure how Mario would feel about all of this. on one side, Mario would be like, “look-a, princess. I understand, BUT IT’S-A BOWSER!?!?” Very much a “i’m not homophobic, I just think luigi deserves better” but MAYBE, just maybe….
Matchmaker Mario
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itschrisboys · 1 year
also i just noticed i have polls now
wario's real name is wallace. people started calling him wario as a joke after realizing how much he resembled mario. wallace was super annoyed at first, but now he's mildly amused by the whole thing.
likewise, waluigi's real name is michael. when wario first mentioned he had a younger twin, people started joking that his brother's name was waluigi. michael found it pretty funny from the get-go, and started leaning into the joke.
super crowns are used as a symbol of status in the mario universe. because of this, the royalty only appear human while wearing their crowns. peach is actually a toad, daisy is actually a piranha plant, and rosalina is actually a luma.
bowser and bowser junior are a subspecies of koopa known as a fire koopa. while rare, fire koopas aren't exclusively nobles/royalty, and vice versa.
bowser junior was conceived from a one night stand, and left on the castle doorstep in the middle of the night. a dna test confirmed he was bowser's kid, but they couldn't find his biological mother.
the koopalings aren't legally bowser's children, but he's basically adopted them anyway. most of them come from rough homes, and the others dont come from homes at all. bowser looked at these struggling kids, and his fatherly instincts kicked in and he essentially said "mine now"
the "stork" isn't actually how babies are conceived in the mushroom kingdom, it's just an adoption service.
mario and luigi were born in the mushroom kingdom. their (adoptive) parents (born in italy) took them to brooklyn after the shroob invasion, and they grew up not knowing about the mushroom kingdom. they only found out their origins upon coming to the mushroom kingdom years later, and being recognized by their old babysitter, toadsworth.
mario and luigi's birth parents were from new donk city.
mario's favorite food is spaghetti, and luigi teases him relentlessly for being an italian stereotype.
peach is actually closeted aroace. she's a very physically affectionate person (ie cheek kisses and hugs), and bakes cakes for her friends a lot. she didn't realize that that accidentally sent romantic signals to mario until much later, and has no idea how to clear things up without outing herself (she's not ready to come out yet) now that everyone seems to think they're an item.
peach almost ditching mario on the moon was due to the fact that she was panicking about potentially being outed, and therefore didn't realize he wasn't on the ship (she didn't find out she almost left mario there until later, and she profusely apologized when he told her)
bowser's parents died when he was really young (like, infant young), and he was raised by kammy and kamek. he refers to them as his parents sometimes.
likewise, peach was raised by toadsworth.
peach is actually the queen of the mushroom kingdom, but she likes the alliteration of "princess peach", so she uses that as her title.
rosalina still refers to herself as a princess because she hasn't finished grieving for her mother yet, and doesn't want to feel like she's replacing her.
unlike the other royalty, daisy's parents are alive and well, which is why she still has the title of princess.
kammy and kamek are in a long-term queerplatonic relationship.
mario doesn't start dating pauline until after peach eventually comes out of the closet.
luigi is crushing super hard on prince peasley, but he's too awkward to say anything, and peasley has some self esteem issues that lead him to believe that luigi is only fawning over him because he's the prince, so doesn't realize luigi has a crush. mario keeps trying to matchmake the two, and is super frustrated that none of his attempts are working, despite that fact that they're obviously into each other
wario and waluigi care about each other a lot, but that doesn't stop them from having some extreme sibling rivalry. they would absolutely beat the shit out of each other for the last cookie, then be chilling and watching tv together not 10 minutes later. the cain instinct is strong with these two.
not too long after the incident on the moon, daisy decides she's had enough of bowsers shit, and beats him up while still wearing a dress and high heels. bowser stops going after peach, but its not so much because he's scared of daisy so much as it is that he's incredibly impressed by her and wants to get on her good side because he may or may not have developed a crush.
bowser and daisy do eventually start dating.
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misfit-mania-the-first · 10 months
Imagine if there was some sort of tournament for the kingdoms, kind of a peace keeping thing where every kingdom can send their best fighters to compete.
Peach sends Mario and Luigi, obviously. Bowser enters himself. Donkey Kong is in attendance, and some other assorted warriors and soldiers.
Somehow Peach freaks Luigi out. Originally, she tells him that maybe the contest was used as a test, and anyone who failed was executed for being unfit to fight for their kingdom.
She fails to mention that now, it’s mostly for show. And is also sort of kind of maybeeeeeeeee a matchmaking event. Everyone competing gets to be judged and watched at every event, and at the end usually ends up with someone who was rooting for them.
Luigi somehow gets spooked at every single challenge and ends up winning from sheer instinct and anxiety-induced reaction time. And he’s extremely confused when after such a terrifying ordeal he has a hoard of squealing fans waiting for him outside the tournament arena.
Eventually Peach clues him in and he gets extremely flustered.
Bowser has been getting frustrated at his own lack of wins, but he still has a good amount of fans. He and Luigi have some “friendly” rivalry discussions and he scares and unwittingly flusters Luigi, to the point where Luigi starts running away from him whenever bowser approaches.
Kamek gives him some advice, a little nudge in the right direction. Maybe telling him how normally fear makes you pale, and the green one seems awfully red running from his majesty.
Turns out, another warrior is jealous of Luigi, too. But had a dirty trick up his sleeve. He almost hurts Luigi during a contest! But Bowser protects Luigi and gets in the way of whatever would have hurt him(it has no effect on him with his shell and size) and declares him a disgrace for wanting to cheat.
Luigi has a gay panic and goes to thank Bowser. Bowser blows some smoke and shrugs it off, saying “cheating is worse than kidnapping.” Which Luigi doesn’t understand but nods anyway.
Luigi meets kamek for the first time and gets his approval. For what, he doesn’t know. But it makes Bowser very red and makes him push Luigi out of the room.
Luigi wins the tournament! After, there’s a huge banquet where all the contestants and their dates dress up and get together to celebrate their victories. Mario brings peach, and bowser and Luigi end up without dates. Which is commented on by a few people.
Somehow, a fan breaks in and tried to kidnap Luigi! Bowser is there to stop them.
Idk how they end up together after that point.
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gemini-in-tauro · 7 years
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Well, I don’t exactly remember @echoeternally’s birthday, but it was somewhere along this part of the year. However, since… over a few months I wanted to give them something based on their fanfic ENY, and even if I’m not a good drawer I finally could catch up with my… promise to myself.
Echo, this is based on ch34(I think it was 34?) Where Kamek tries to stop Mario from running away. I long ago gave up with the hands (that’s why he doesn’t have them) and it was… pretty hard to draw Mario so I just ignored it. I'm… somehow proud of this, and I hope you (will) have (had) a happy birthday! (pd. Someday I’ll do you a Bowsario, I promise!)
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
So brain now full of Bowuigi and have fic prompt/idea now.
  Latest game starts and Bowser kidnaps Peach again Mariog goes after her only very elaborate scheme so Bowser leaves Bowser Jr and other Koopa kids in the castle only through hijinks they end up deciding to take over Peaches castle while they’re Dad’s busy after all Mario’s not there whose gonna stop them?
They arrive and Luigi is the only one there. They ‘capture’ him and take over the castle and Luigi really doesn’t know what to do so ends up basically acting more like a babysitter than a prisoner.
Bowser Jr: Tell us where stupid Mario is
  Luigi:Um I don’t know that...
  Luigi:I do know some ghost stories
  Bowser Jr:...
  Bowser Jr: We will also accept those.
The Toad’s are freaking out and are ready to fight when they look in and Luigi and doing arts and crafts with the kids... they just back away and decide not to question it.
Kamek is freaking out trying to find the kids and getting more and more scared every second he doesn’t see explosions or hear the echoes of evil laughter... he ends up at Peaches castle and... he’s pretty sure he’s got a head injury because all the kids are there.... quiet napping asleep...nothing is burning there’s no chaos they’re... they’re behaving and Mario’s brother is just there covering them in blankets...
The kids are brought back to Bowsers castle and are like ‘You know that green guy is actually pretty cool... you think dad would like him?’
Cue Koopa kid parent trap.
Kamek finds out and is like ‘No that idea is foolish it won’t work… although’ he starts helping after spending a lot of time spying on Luigi to make sure he’s good enough (Also he can handle the kids he can get them to nap and behave and not destroy half the castle he is very very in favour of Luigi being around more)
Bonus: Next time Peach is captured she hears the kids panning and is instantly like ‘I AM IN!’ she is so hyped for matchmaking!
Mario has zero idea what’s happening he defeats Bowser goes to save Peach and she’s there standing next to a huge whiteboard with elaborate plans on it with Kamek and asks him if he can wait an hour cause they need to finalise some plans.
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
First of all, I absolutely love your content! Secondly, your post about Kamek playing matchmaker with Bowuigi really inspired me, and I was wondering if it would be alright for me to post a small comic I made based on it and tag you in it?
Hey of course that would be awesome! I'm so glad you liked the idea and it inspired you I'm so happy! I'd love to see it.
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