#master vocal coach
mazosstuff · 6 months
Heartsteel boys × classical singer!reader
Pairings: Aphelios, Ezreal, Sett, Kayn, Yone, K'sante (separately) × gn reader
Cw: maybe reader being a little insecure?
Words: 1.1 k
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• You sometimes forget he's in the house, so, thinking you're alone, you start singing a little.
• You were no master at it so it was a little hard for you to say if you were singing with your throat or not, and that was one of his reasons why you never sang infront of him, but following some advices from your vocal coach helped alot.
• You were cooking something when you remembered the part of an opera you did when you didn't know Phel.
• Not noticing him, you started singing the solo and, my my, our boy was shocked.
• He realised you didn't know he was there, but he just stared at you awestruck.
• You never raised your voice in front of him, but to hear it so loudly, he was certainly amazed by it. (Doesn't mean that you were screaming, but it is pretty loud when someone sings right next to you, been there, done that myself)
• It was powerful, and even if he didn't understand a word of what you said, he still thought it was beautiful.
After ending your solo, you turned around and saw him, completely frozen in the spot.
Your cheeks went red
"Phel!" You exclaimed. "I didn't know you were home."
He grabbed his phone and wrote on the notes: do it again
"You... wanna hear me sing?" He nodded his head.
"And to think people say I'm too loud when I sing like this... don't you mind?" He shook his head to indicate a no.
• He kinda knew you sang a little, but he never knew what kind of genre you would be into.
• When you heard their song for the first time, you liked it a lot, so he thought your favourite genre of music must be electronic or pop.
• Truth to be told, you were really versatile with your taste in music.
• You two have a shared playlist where you once put an aria by accident, and you didn't notice until he told you.
"Babe, do you listen to classical music?" You stared at him. How did he know?
"Yeah... I usually sing it too..."
"Shut up, let me hear you! I wanna hear you sing the one you put in our playlist."
Panic. Total fucking panic. What if he didn't like it? What if you messed up the high note? What if...?
"Okay" you finally gave in.
"Let me just prepare a little... I don't wanna hurt my vocal cords."
After preparation, you started. Your heart pounded like crazy.
All went smoothly. You were so scared of having a voice crack but it never happened.
He got his yellow glasses and put them on his face just to push them down (like the scene in the MV).
"Why didn't you tell me I have a soulmate who sings better than me?"
"You can do high notes and everything! I need to tell this to everyone! My soulmate is already special by themselves, but this? You're amazing!"
• I feel like his mother would turn up the volume of the radio whenever classical music was put.
• He usually rolled his eyes when he was younger, but with age he started to understand the work and the vocal training people put to reach those levels. He respected it.
• Once you were going somewhere so he turned on the radio to put some music and the station the radio was on was the one of classical music.
• Before he could change the station you started singing.
• He secretly started to record you.
• He was impressed to say the least.
You looked over to him. "Delete that. Now."
"Oh come on, babe. You have millions of videos of me singing. Why can't I have one of you?"
"Do you think I can sing whatever you sang now?"
"Do you wanna end up like Phel?"
"Omg, no"
"Then don't"
• Bro rolls his eyes whenever he hears the words classical and music put together.
• He will pretend to throw up whenever you make him listen to a song that's not rock, pop, metal, or anything that doesn't have fast rhythm.
• One time it happened that you found a recording of you singing.
• He wanted to listen to make fun of your taste in music, but he was...
• He couldn't understand.
• Something he thought was lame just became... angelic.
"So... what do you think...?"
"It's okay, I guess"
"Wait... you are telling me that you liked it? Kayn, sweety, are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine. And what's with the sweety now? Don't say that again"
So, under that façade of the bad boy, there is a golden heart after all.
• He listens to the classic music playlists on spotify. You can't tell me otherwise.
• Would be delighted to know that you two shared this little interest.
• Would let you sing him to sleep if he allowed himself to rest.
• Once, because you had a minor argument, you slept in separate rooms.
• He couldn't sleep so tried with the music he had saved of spotify but nothing worked.
He knocked at your door.
"What?" You asked him, still pretty pissed off, but probably because of the tiredness and the sadness.
"I can't sleep."
"Me neither"
"Can... can you sing me that one melody you sing me everytime?"
"Can't you just listen it on your own?"
"Why deprive myself of the better version when I have it right in front of me?" The reality was that he needed your voice and not some of a stranger.
If your body wasn't a solid, it would have melted right there.
(But no seriously, how can you not love this man)
• He would start humming with you some famous pieces.
• I don't know why but I have the feeling that he also has heard somethings so he has a basic knowledge of classical music.
• He asked why didn't you join a choir yet. With your talent, you should.
• He once tried sneaking up on you while you were reading a music sheet.
• With how scared you were you hit a high note that wasn't even in your range, or at least you thought it wasn't.
• The man was too stunned to speak.
"Did you just...?"
"I didn't even know that was in my range..."
"What were you reading anyway? Did you join a choir?" He gasped in excitement.
"Yeah... I followed your advice. It's actually more welcoming than I thought it would be"
"I'm so happy you're comfortable there!" He picked you up and hugged you.
A/n: Hi there! Paranoia has been stuck in my mind for quite some time, so I thought I might write something for the boys from the perspective of someone who grew up in a family of musicians and professional classical singers.
Riot... you gotta tell me why do you create them, make them drop a banger, and make them disappear into thin air.
I am waiting for a comeback of both K/DA and True Damage.
I hope you liked this! As always, requests are open. Check my pinned post!
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dean-a-mean-tae · 7 months
Need A Break | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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Everyone needs a break. A break from work, from school, or from life outside their blankets. Some people are not allowed breaks. Out of pressure from peers, parents, themselves. Setting a goal, a standard, that does more harm than good. All they need is a push in the right direction. | Little bit of Hyunjin x Nicholas
(@cafekitsune made the dividers) | Nicholas Ross Master List
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Today wasn't different from the others. Everyone woke up at dawn, ready to start their busy schedule, hopefully eating something. The band was live with STAY again. They were always working on something. New albums, choreography, interviews, personal projects.
Nicholas wasn't any different, starting in the gym for an hour. After a quick shower, he checked on some of his members. Then he went to the company for vocal practice. His vocal coach and manager wanted him to try a higher note.
They made him practice repeatedly till his head hurt and his throat sore. They allowed him a break once he finally hit the note. Instead of taking that break, he had to go to dance practice.
Running as fast as he could, he slammed into the door and flopped back onto the ground with a groan. The door opened and Seungmin looked down at him with a grin. With Seungmin's help, Nicholas got up and found everyone inside smiling at him, standing in formation.
The room was bright, and the music was too loud. It made his head ache even harder.
Once practice ended, they showered and gathered at the Maknae + Minho's dorm and went live. Everyone was spread throughout the living room. On the couch sat Jeongin, Seungmin, Minho and Jisung. In front of them on the floor were Felix, Chan, Changbin, and Hyunjin. Nicholas lay across their laps with his head tucked into Felix's stomach, completely silent.
Usually, he was loud. Teasing the others and moving around the members, like musical chairs.
But today, everything was loud. Changbin's yelling was too loud, Jisung's laugh was too loud, and Jeongin's foot tapping the floor was too loud. The ceiling was spinning; the lights got brighter. Felt like someone was pounding on his forehead while playing the dog whistle videos in his ear.
Even the fans noticed.
A weight against his back made Nicholas look behind him. Hyunjin lay on him, chest on his back. Face nearly pressed into his cheek when he looked up. They rolled off the others' legs onto the floor, nearly colliding with the table.
"Where are you taking me?!" Nicholas huffed, flailing his arms at the laughing members. They merely moved away, laughing as he started whining.
"You look like you need a hug," Hyunjin whispered, laying directly on Nicholas' back with his face tucked into his neck.
"Look how tiny Hyunjin is!" Felix laughed, joined by several others. "Nick looks squished under him." It was Jeongin that time pointed at a giggling Hyunjin and a quiet Nicholas.
After a moment, Hyunjin went to get up, only to be shoved over. Nicholas leaned over him with a grin before flopping down, ignoring the grunt from Hyunjin.
"Just let me lay here for a bit," Nick whispered. Sighing in content, Hyunjin began playing with his hair.
Technically, they were still working, but Nicholas felt warmth having a brief break with one of his best friends.
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Nicholas Ross Master list
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lokisasylum · 6 months
Don't let the sugarcoating and empty praises fool ya'll from the cold hard truth that Jimin was DENIED a lot of the basic training as an Idol trainee, like vocal lessons, to the point where he was only allowed to observe the others during their own lessons and then would practice BY HIMSELF.
The fact that they gaslighted him for a whole year to believe he wasn't good enough and had already spoken to his dad about looking elsewhere to make it big on his own.
Yet here you have the vocal coach and the other lady "feeling sorry" for him 10 YEARS LATER and reducing it all to "oh he was too harsh on himself".
I mean yeah, tell a fish it needs to climb a tree instead of swimming and it'll think its stupid its whole life.
And its clear as crystal now and admitted by FATPD himself that Jimin was simply never his favorite. 'Cause bestie what do you mean a trainee like Jimin who came in with EXPERIENCE in dancing different styles, who mastered "popping" since age 8, who defeated Expert Dance Teachers in DANCE BATTLES at age 13-14 (and there is video evidence of this everywhere on the internet just do your fucking research).
Jimin was the only one out of the 7 who had the actual dream & determination of becoming an Idol.
But sure, lets praise others and consider them "perfect" candidates for having the bare minimum like "oh but atleast he's handsome" lol miss me with that bullshit, sir.
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memarrymilf · 7 months
House of the Dragon (Dance Moms Au)
AN: This is based off of a fever dream i had while adjusting to my new anxienty meds, good luck.
The Targaryens had a long line of success within the world of dance, some even considered them royalty. Many flocked to the studios that they would dance at, though they had danced at the same studio since they were 2. Alicent Targaryen, nee Hightower is a real dance mom, and she loved her children equally.
Interview with Alicent Targaryen (Mother of Aegon, Daeron, Aemond, Y/N and Helaena Targaryen):
Alicent (31): “My children have danced with Criston Lee Cole since they were babies, and we never lose.”
Aemond (7): “I am the best, sorry.” (Clearly, he was not sorry.)
Helaena (8): “I just like the sparkly costumes.” (Queen of not giving a shit.)
Daeron (6): *Isn’t here. *
Aegon (9): “I don’t really care, I don’t try, but I win anyway.” (Unbothered.)
Y/N (9): “I hate being here, but I’m the best at what I do.” (Does Jazz hands, with no facial expression.)
Alicent: “We are on Criston’s competition team, and we love being here.” (Clearly, she does not love being here.)
Rhaenyra Strong, nee Targaryen had danced at Criston’s studio when she was a young girl. Her sons have made quite the name for themselves in the dance world, and she supported them all the way. She just wants to see them dance.
Interview with Rhaenyra Strong (Mother of Jace, Luke, Joffrey and Visenya.):
Rhaenyra (30): “We are all just so excited to be here.” (Looks like death.)
Jace (8): “I will be the next James Cordon, no one wants to see me but I’m always there.” (Seems to be giving up on life.)
Luke (7): “I really love my mom.” (Puppy dog eyes.)
Joffrey (6): “I like dance.” (No thoughts, head empty.)
Visenya (6): “Yall already know who I am, my names Visenya and I’m the best jumper on the team.” (Crazy Topher eyes.)
Rhaenys Velaryon, nee Baratheon was dance royalty when she was a coach for Criston’s studio. She decided to step down from her position when her children were born.
Interview with Rhaenys Velaryon (Mother of Laena and Laenor Velaryon):
Rhaenys (42): “My children are the dancers that they are because of me.” (Very proud of herself.)
Laena (9): “I am the duet master.” (Smug.)
Laenor (8): “My sister is insane.” (Looks around as if she would appear.)
Rhea Royce, divorced mother of 2, devoted Christian and very vocal about all of her thoughts. Pro guns and Pro-choice, she just thinks everyone should be dead.
Interview with Rhea Royce (Mother of Rhaena and Beala):
Rhea (28): “My girls love dance, and I want them to be happy.” (Sincere.)
Beala (7): “My mother is the best mom ever.” (Honest.)
Rhaena (6): “I love doing Acro and tricks.” (No thoughts, head empty.)
-Monday 13:54-
The mothers and their children enter the studio at the same time, almost rehearsed. Alys is sat at the front desk, shuffling through the papers that have slowly been piling up on the surface. Alys was the choreographer for Criston’s studio. She prided herself in being the best and producing the best dances.
The children all love her.
Interview with Alys (choreographer):
Alys (21): “I love working with the kids, I don’t love working with Criston though, he’s insane.”
She smiles up at them as they pass the desk. “Good afternoon, ladies, hi kids.” A chorus of responses floods the room, they all head to get changed and the mothers to help their kids. However, Alicent stops at the desk.
“Good afternoon, Alys.” the words are soft, tender. A soft smile plays upon her lips, she has always been kinder than the other mothers.
Alys smiles in response, “Hi,” she too has a tender smile upon her face. Alicent doesn’t linger too long before she heads back to help her kids get ready to dance.
“Kids get in here!”
The children flock towards the voice, Criston is stood at the front of the room, by the mirrors. On the mirrors, photos making a pyramid.
The mothers walk in after them standing to the side of the room. “Time for pyramid,” a sinister smirk appears upon Criston’s face, the children shudder with fear.
“On the bottom of the pyramid,” he removes the page covering the photo, “Jace, you fell out of your turns and boggled the pirouettes, I’m just glad that the judges were looking at Aegon and not at you.” Jace lowers his head in shame.
“Next, Rhaena, your jumps were slow, and your timing was off half the time.”
Rhaena too looks to the ground, unable to meet Criston’s eyes. “Next, Laenor, you missed half a step, I’m disappointed. Next, Joffrey, you didn’t stick out to me. Next, Beala, you were good, I’m waiting for you to be great.”
Criston starts revealing the next row, “Luke, you were cute, but we don’t want cute, we want compelling. Next, Helaena, you did good. Next, Laena, your turns were good, but you had sickled feet. Next, Visenya, you did the best jumps, very nice.” The children who were yet to be revealed what spots they received seem much more at ease now.
“Next, Aemond, you did what was expected, good job. Next, Y/N, you were the female lead, and you exceeded my expectations. And at the top of the pyramid, Aegon.”
Aegon does not react to this at all, because Aegon doesn’t care. “This week the group routine is intitled: Dance of the Royals, it is about a family at war over who gets the throne now that the king is dead. There will be two sides of this ‘war’ the greens and the blacks. Each side has a lead dancer who together will almost be preforming a duet in the midst of the ‘war’. Aegon, you will lead the green side, Y/N you will lead the black side. Then I also have 3 solos and one trio to give out.”
His eyes scan over them, “Aegon, Y/N, Aemond, you three have solos, as you are at the top of the pyramid. Laena, Beala and Helaena you are in the trio, the trio is called: Pigs and Us, it is about the struggles of being a woman in this world. It is contemporary, and very emotional. Aegon your solo is called: The Taker, it is jazz, and it is about the benefits that society give men but deny women. Aemond, your solo is titled: God’s Eye, it is contemporary, it is about a battle between two warring souls. Y/N your solo is titled: Dry-eyed and Docile, it is a ballet solo, and it is about a young girl who is taken from her life and married to a man much older than her. All the solos are designed to win, so you better win.”
The children are promptly dismissed to start learning the choreography.
-Upstairs: the mothers-
“Well, ladies, what’s new?” Rhea Royce, mother of two said enthusiastically. (AN: It took me several minutes of contemplation to figure out how to spell that, but that is mostly because I am an idiot.)
Alicent glanced over at Rhaenyra making an annoyed face, Rhaenyra covers her snickers by coughing. “I have decided that Luke, Jace and Joffrey will be taking a few extra privates this week and next week to help them out a little.” Rhea rolls her eyes.
Interview with Rhea (mother of Beala and Rhaena):
Rhea (28): “Rhaenyra will do anything in her power to give her kids extra help, its not right. Now, my little Beala, she would thrive with some extra privates.”
“That’s wonderful, I bet they’ll appreciate that.” Alicent smiled at Rhaenyra.
Rhea rolled her eyes once more, “Yes, I’m sure.” She pauses briefly trying in vain to regain her composure. “What do you ladies think of the dances for this weekend?”
“Oh, I’m very excited, I love the idea for the group and the solos for my kids, I’m sure they are going to love it.” Alicent practically gushes.
Rhea, ever the bitch, rolls her eyes once more (AN: I can’t stop.) “Of course, you would be thrilled, three of your kids got solos and the other one got a part in the trio.”
“What is your problem?”
Rhaenys makes no comment on the inevitable fight, simply enjoying the show.
“My problem is that Criston clearly has favourites, and your kids are at the top of that list. He keeps giving them solos even though they can’t dance.” Rhea is yelling now.
Alicent looks at her for a moment before replying, “Sis- you better be joking.”
“I’m not joking, and I’m definitely not your sis, bitch.”
“Oooooooohhhhhh.” Fucking Rhaenyra, her best friend is about to fight someone and yet she jokes around.
“You better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up hoe, because I’m not the one.” Rhea actually looks pretty intimidated; you would be too if there was a scary lady dressed in a green power suit willing and ready to beat your ass.
Rhea: 0
Rhaenyra snickers again. “Haha,” that seems to hold a more mocking tone.
Alicent shoots her a look of disproval, Rhaenyra’s resolve seems to quickly fade upon meeting her gaze. “Sorry,” she mutters, clearly not sorry.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”  Alicent looks smug as ever.
-the children-
Aegon is doing pirouettes in the centre of the room, taking up so much space that everyone else has to dodge his feet in order to survive. He doesn’t seem at all bothered by the fact that Aemond keeps threatening him that if he doesn’t stop, he will shove his ballet shoe up Aegon’s rectum.
As Aegon continues to ignore his brother Jace makes his way over to Criston, “I’m sorry Mr Criston, but could you please tell Aegon to stop?”
Criston narrows his eyes towards the boy as he scrutinizes his choice of clothes. He straightens his posture before dropping down slightly to get close to Jace’s face. “Bother me again and I will kill you, you little twerp.” He whispers harshly to the literal child that he is beefing with.
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mejigay · 9 months
MEJIBRAY MiA is chewing on his ribcage bone
Keeping up with MEJIBRAY: The Series
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
Hello to my favorite bitches, long time no see! Ready for a classic mejigay gossip sesh?
If you were anything like me, you started a Tumblr blog about visual kei very young (I've posted about vk on this blog since I was 16) and now you're an adult. MEJIBRAY broke up around 6 years ago now I think right? I am now 24, have a masters degree and planning on moving to Japan in spring. Crazy how time flies right.
Let's refresh our minds a little bit okay? Now I'm assuming you remember everything from those 6-ish years ago. The MEJIBRAY label/contract issue with Tsuzuku and Koichi, Tsuzuku's borderline disorder, the refusal to do encores during the last tour, the charcoal face paint and the result of it all which was 8p-sb. If you want a recap on that specific semi-disbandment drama there's plenty of posts that I made about it while it was happening so feel free to check it out! (keep in mind I was like 18 and very dramatic writing those posts lol) There's also this great summary from a redditor in the comment section here
The same redditor even filled me in on stuff I felt out of the loop about in their reply to the OP. I know 8p-sb is gone and Koichi does Trembling Bambi solo stuff while Genki (Tsuzuku) is a vocal coach, is in the band 30 seconds certain victory, and revives VanessA occasionally. But this has also happened:
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Yeah what the fuck Koichi? Now, I do remember starting that yakuza theory here on Tumblr back in the MEJIBRAY semi-disbanding days. I read it on tanuki and told y'all about it and got soooo much shit for it at the time lol. Looks like Koichi kind of confirmed the theory! (take that rude anons in my asks back then lmao). However, Koichi staying in the same industry he claims is rotten and run by the yakuza is definitely weird. Why talk all high and mighty while benefitting from it one may ask. Either way, for those wondering what Koichi is up to, there's your answer and an explanation to why he got backlash. About the VanessA stuff, one can conclude that our favorite duo, Genki and Koichi, doesn't seem to be that involved with each other anymore.
I would also like to take time to talk about Genki's well being, as some of you might know he has a youtube channel in Japanese. From my so-so Japanese skills I can still keep up with a lot of what he's saying. Good news, he's doing better now than the MEJIBRAY days from the looks of it. In this video he talked about how the photo from the MEJIBRAY days was him being unwell and the picture to the right is him feeling much better!
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(TW for this paragraph: self harm) In another video he talked about various topics/gave advice such as about self harm/cutting and how it annoys him when people say he shouldn't hurt the body his parents gave to him. He thinks that's an incorrect way to tell someone to stop cutting and seems in general to be very open to talk about this topic while smiling and not getting angered. So he seemed very stable, mature and content to me.
What about Meto/Yutaro? Well, he seems to be a happy chef! As for MiA... I've seen him hang out with hosts like Roland and in general seems to live that bougie life. Roland is a top host who aims for the prince vibe just like MiA, and is open about his plastic surgeries just like MiA. Now let's get into a really recent topic about Mia!
Just like me, you might still follow our MEJIBRAY boys on various social medias. And just like me, you might have seen MiA's picture where he chews a bone. "Huh, weird" you might have thought as you scrolled past it. Well here I am, resurrecting this blog once again, just to tell you that the bone is MiA's fucking ribcage bone. I ain't posting that picture, find it yourself cause it's gross.
As MiA poses in the same costumes from his MEJIBRAY days and posts them on Instagram, you'd think his life and social media posts were a bit mundane. Then, a fucking picture of him chewing a thick ass bone pops up. The bone in question was taken out during a ribcage surgery, that MiA claims was done in order for him to create a custom guitar with his BONE INFUSED into it. Yeah I know. What???
In general you could either see it as him being a massive attention hungry person, or as unhinged and putting his life in danger. Bone surgeries are very harmful and anyone with two working eyes can see his shaved jawline bone already. So adding a removed ribcage bone to that... It's dangerous.
That's it for the gossip sesh! I'm thinking of making this "Keeping up with MEJIBRAY: The series" a thing whenever I think there needs to be a big gossip update like this.
To anyone still here in the MEJIBRAY Tumblr tags and to anyone following this blog, thanks for reading all of this and I hope we can laugh at this absurdity together! <3
xoxo mejigay
(feel free to read that sign off in the gossip girl voice lmao)
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oliverreedmasterass · 1 month
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Synopsis: The members of Greta Van Fleet agree to do an interview with the Human Napkin himself, Nardwuar, and find themselves ridiculously unprepared for his interview style.
Words: 2k
Warnings: language, some sexual innuendos (kinda?), mentions of stalking, the void™️
Notes: Shoutout to @skywaydrifter for the amazing fic idea, and sending me down a wild Nardwuar binge-fest
Nardwuar theme plays with the animated intro video. The shot opens to show NARDWUAR standing in front of an impressive display of vinyl records, next to JOSH KISZKA. 
NARDWUAR: How are you?
Nardwuar shoves his microphone into Josh’s face. Josh flinches back a bit, but then leans into the microphone.
JOSH: Absolutely groovy. 
NARDWUAR: Tell me who you are. 
JOSH: That’s a bit of a loaded question. I’m a dreamer, a mere mortal, a man with a dream…
NARDWUAR: Your name. 
JOSH: Oh. Josh Kiszka. Frontman for the group, Greta Van Fleet. 
Josh curtsies to the camera.
NARDWUAR: Welcome to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. And right off the bat, I have a gift for ya.   
JOSH puts a hand over his heart and looks at the camera in shock.
JOSH: Now I feel bad, I didn’t bring you anything. 
NARDWUAR (continued): I’ve got this 1966 album, All About Miriam. 
JOSH: (taking the album and cradling it in his arms) Oh my goodness.
NARDWUAR: I heard that you’re a fan. 
JOSH: Miriam Makeba? Oh yeah, she’s one of my favorites. My parents had a few of her albums that they would play all the time when I was younger. She’s got such a rich voice, I can only dream of sounding like that. 
NARDWUAR: But you do have a pretty distinct voice that I’m sure a lot of people are jealous of. How did you find that sound? 
JOSH: I started screaming and then I guess I kind of found my way, eventually. (chuckles) No, but actually, my vocal coach, Ron, I call him “The Master” because he genuinely saved my vocal cords. I wouldn’t be where I am today without him. 
NARDWUAR: How do you do it? Is it special vocal warmups? Some kind of mystery technique? 
JOSH: Well, you see, if I told you, I’d have to kill you. 
NARDWUAR: I’ve got another gift for you here, Josh. 
JOSH: Oh god, now I feel super bad. 
NARDWUAR: Costumes are a big part of your stage presence. Here, I’ve got a piece that might look familiar to you. 
Nardwuar holds out Josh’s infamous golden pants, and Josh reluctantly takes them.
JOSH: Oh boy, I forgot how shiny and see through these were. 
NARDWUAR: You wore these in the sweltering sun on the iHeart Radio festival stage in Las Vegas, Nevada on Saturday, September 22, 2018, didn’t you? 
JOSH: I’m not sure if these are the exact pair…
NARDWUAR: They are. 
JOSH: Huh? Did you dig them out of the dumpster or something? 
NARDWUAR: Now, Josh, can you tell me about Sean Reyes?
Josh looks at Nardwuar with intense skepticism.
JAKE: (offscreen) What the fuck? 
JOSH: Now how do you know about Sean Reyes? 
NARDWUAR: It’s Josh Kiszka trivia!
Josh squints at Nardwuar, uncertain.
JOSH: Sean Reyes was my third grade teacher. 
NARDWUAR: And he was the one who encouraged you to write poetry, right? 
JOSH: Yes…..
NARDWUAR: Like haikus? 
JOSH: Mr. Reyes would play a lot of folk stuff for us, like John Denver, Joni Mitchell, all the classics, and he could tell I really dug it. He pulled me aside after class, showed me some of his favorite lyrics, and explained how it was a form of poetry. I took that to heart and spent a lot of time outside of class writing poems after that.
NARDWUAR: Were they any good? 
JOSH: Well, some lines ended up in our songs, so you tell me. 
NARDWUAR: Well, I heard your twin brother behind the camera just now. Let’s bring him out here. Come here, Jake! 
JAKE joins Josh’s side in front of the camera, looking nervous. He’s wringing his hands, avoiding eye contact with Nardwuar.
NARDWUAR: Hello, Jake. 
JAKE: (short) Hi. 
NARDWUAR: I have a gift for you. 
JAKE: Uh, okay. 
NARDWUAR: It’s a poster from H.O.R.D.E. Festival at Deer Creek Music Center in Noblesville, Indiana featuring big names like Blues Traveler, The Black Crowes, and Taj Mahal from 1995. Something important happened at this festival, right? 
Jake pales.
JAKE: Uh. Uh. 
Josh is staring pretty hard at Nardwuar.
JAKE: (to Josh) There’s no way he knows about that. How could he know about that? 
Nardwuar sneaks the microphone closer into Jake’s mouth. 
JAKE: Okay, uh, they might kill me for admitting this on camera, but my parents are pretty sure that’s where Josh and I were conceived. 
NARDWUAR: Do you like Taj Mahal? 
Jake struggles to rebound from that 180. 
JAKE: Um (beat) yeah. I’d list him as a big influence. 
NARDWUAR: And another gift for Jake Kiszka! 
JAKE: (whispering to Josh) This guy freaks me out. 
NARDWUAR: Here you go! 
Nardwuar tosses Jake a ziploc bag containing something brown. Jake’s reflexes get the better of him and he grabs the bag out of the air, and then blankly studies what’s in his hands. 
JAKE: What the actual fuck. 
NARDWUAR: Tell me what you’re holding there! 
JAKE: Hair. It’s my hair. 
JOSH: What??
JAKE: I’m not even joking. This is what they chopped off, like, last year before our second leg of the Dreams in Gold Tour. 
JOSH: (growing defensive of his brother) Where did you get that from?
NARDWUAR: What was the reason for the big chop? 
JAKE: I could have sworn my hairdresser said she was going to donate that. 
NARDWUAR: Oh, she did. 
JAKE: I’m sorry, what? 
SAM bounds into the scene in front of the camera, looking energetic. 
SAM: This is fun! Do me now! 
NARDWUAR: Sam Kiszka! Alright, Jake. Thanks and doot doola doot doo…
JAKE: Huh? 
NARDWUAR: (finishing for Jake) Doo doo! (turns to Sam) I have a question for you. 
Sam is hopping from foot to foot and clapping his hands with glee while Jake confusedly wanders off camera.
SAM: Fire away! 
NARDWUAR: Your aunt works at State Farm in Chicago. 
DANNY: (offscreen) That’s not a question. 
JOSH: How could you possibly know that? 
NARDWUAR: Have you ever had to file a claim with her? 
SAM: Well, actually one time…
JOSH: Ssh! Don’t tell him anything. 
NARDWUAR: (entirely unbothered) I have a gift you might like, Sam! 
SAM: Oh my god! You guys aren’t gonna believe this. It’s my birth certificate! 
JOSH: What kind of interviewer are you?? 
NARDWUAR: I’m just a fan, guys, just a fan. I love your music! 
Sam’s phone rings. 
SAM: Whoops, sorry. I know this is unprofessional but, one sec. I gotta take this. 
Instead of going off camera to answer the phone in private like a normal person, Sam answers the phone and puts it on speaker. 
SAM (continued): Y’ello? 
KAREN: (obviously shaken) Sam? 
SAM: Hey Mom, what’s up? 
KAREN: Are you boys alright? 
Josh grabs the phone from Sam. 
JOSH: Mom? What’s going on? 
KAREN: Someone broke into our house while your dad and I were on our trip. We’re worried it might have been a stalker since they took a lot of your possessions and some important documents. 
JOSH: Oh my god, are you okay? 
KAREN: Fine, just a bit shaken up. But, I’m so sorry, they stole Sammy’s birth certificate. 
Sam calls into the phone over Josh’s shoulder.
SAM: Don’t worry about it, Mom! I just got it gifted back to me! 
Josh hands Sam his phone and rushes away. 
JOSH: (screaming offscreen) RICHARD! WE NEED BACKUP!
KAREN: I’m gonna have to call my sister to file a claim. They broke a crazy amount of our windows. Like, way more than they needed to. What a headache.
DANNY: (to Nardwuar) You have a lot of explaining to do. 
NARDWUAR: I’ve got a gift for you, Daniel! 
Nardwuar pulls out a pack of old Beatles cards. 
DANNY: I don’t want it. 
NARDWUAR: It’s a pack of 1964 Beatles collector’s cards, in mint condition! 
DANNY: Wait, I do want it. 
Danny takes the cards from Nardwuar and looks at them with delight. 
NARDWUAR: You’re a big fan of the Beatles, right? 
DANNY: Oh yeah, I always have been.
JAKE: You’re not seriously continuing this interview. 
DANNY: (while opening and flipping through the pack of cards) I mean, this is a pretty cool gift. 
JAKE: (evidently at his wit’s end) This guy 100% broke into my family’s house, and he for sure did the same to your parents. 
NARDWUAR: Would you say there was a specific Beatles album that most inspired you? 
DANNY: Definitely Rubber Soul. I loved hearing them try folk. 
Jake throws up his hands in exasperation. 
DANNY: Norwegian Wood genuinely changed my life. 
NARDWUAR: In what way? 
JAKE: Nope, we’re not doing this anymore. 
Jake thrusts his finger up into Nardwuar’s face. 
JAKE (continued): What else did you take from us, you son of a bitch? 
NARDWUAR: Does it count as “taking” if I give it back to you? 
JAKE: Yes! 
NARDWUAR: I’d beg to differ. 
DANNY: (looking through his cards) Woah! I’ve never seen this photo of Ringo Starr before! 
Josh comes rushing back to the scene with their bodyguard and pal, RICHARD. 
RICHARD: (scanning around on full alert) Where is he? 
JOSH: (shrill, pointing at Nardwuar) There! 
Nardwuar simply grins at Richard. 
NARDWUAR: Can you tell me about Grubbyknot? 
Richard is obviously thrown off, and he lets down his guard. 
RICHARD: Huh? Grubbyknot? That was my metal band in high school. But we only played like two shows. One was in my parent’s garage. 
JOSH: Don’t let him get into your head, Richard! You’re our big guns, we can’t lose you! 
SAM: Do you have another gift for me, Nardwuar? 
Nardwuar stares at Sam, entirely expressionless. 
NARDWUAR: No, I don’t. Doot doola doot doo…
SAM: Doo-doo? 
Upon Sam’s words, he vanishes into thin air. Jake is so terrified, he falls to the ground and cowers on the floor. 
JAKE: Jesus Christ! 
NARDWUAR: I usually like to speak with only 1-2 people at a time on camera. It’s getting a little bit too crowded for me right now. 
Nardwuar looks at Danny, whose attention is finally away from his cards, and is gawking at the empty space where Sam was just standing. 
NARDWUAR: (continued, making eye contact with Danny) Doot doola doot doo…
Danny stares back at Nardwuar in horror, his mouth sealed shut. Nardwuar sings the little tune again, holding his microphone up to Danny to finish it. 
JAKE: (cutting in) Doo doo! (beat) Fuck! 
Jake disappears. 
JOSH: (explaining to Richard and Danny) He has this condition where he can’t handle hearing an unfinished tune. Poor guy has a curse.
NARDWUAR: Just one more to go. 
Nardwuar focuses his attention back to Danny. 
DANNY: Where did you send them? 
NARDWUAR: To another place. 
DANNY: Super helpful, thanks. 
NARDWUAR: Don’t mention it. 
DANNY: Are they still alive? 
NARDWUAR: I can’t see why not. I’m a fan! I wouldn’t hurt you guys. 
Danny sighs. 
DANNY: Okay. Send me away so I can do some damage control. 
NARDWUAR: Doot doola doot doo…
DANNY: (unenthused, clapping his hands on the beat) Doo doo.
Danny is gone. 
RICHARD: My boss is gonna kill me. 
JOSH: I’m pretty sure I’m your boss. 
Richard widens his eyes and holds his hands up in a defensive position, backing slowly away from Josh. 
JOSH (continued): Oh, come on. I’m not gonna hurt you, Richard. 
RICHARD: You did dump an entire bag of flour over my head that one time. And kicked that giant chocolate bar in my hands. And swung a folding chair at me backstage. 
JOSH: All tiny, insignificant hiccups.
NARDWUAR: Josh, you’re gonna love this next thing that I’ve got for you. 
JOSH: Please, no. 
Nardwuar hands Josh a Scooby Doo plushie. 
NARDWUAR: Tell me what that is. 
Josh studies the stuffed animal, trying to discern how it has any relevance to him. 
JOSH: Scooby Doo? 
NARDUWAR: What was that second word?
JOSH: Doo?
NARDWUAR: Wait. Say it again? (under his breath) Doot doola doot doo…
JOSH: Doo? 
Nardwuar taps on his ear, signaling that he didn’t hear Josh. Josh huffs and rolls his eyes. 
JOSH (continued, enunciating maybe a little bit too much): Doo! 
Josh disappears. 
NARDWUAR: Well, this has been fun. Keep on rockin’ in the free world and doot doola doot doo…
It’s silent around him since there’s no one there to finish his jingle. Nardwuar continues to grin wider and wider until he’s nearing uncomfortably close to uncanny valley. 
The scene shifts to a confusing plane seemingly everywhere and nowhere at once. A pattern reminiscent of Nardwuar’s red and green plaid Tammy cap stretches from the floor to the sky. Josh and Richard appear in the mysterious space, Josh screaming with terror. 
JAKE: Hey. 
DANNY: Nice of you to join us. 
It takes a while for Josh to collect himself but, when he does, he notices Jake and Danny standing in front of him. 
JOSH: Where’s Sammy? 
DANNY: He went to take a piss. 
RICHARD: Hey, wait, I didn’t say the doo doo thing. Why am I here? 
Josh shrugs. 
JOSH: We must be a package deal or something. 
RICHARD: That’s wildly unfair. 
SAM: (off in the distance) Woah, I had a lot more in my bladder than I thought. I wouldn’t come over here if I were you, guys. I can cross “building a manmade lake” off my bucket list.
JAKE: God, I need to get out of here. 
DANNY: And how are we gonna do that, Jake? 
Jake has no clue. He’s frankly dumbfounded. 
The scene jumps back to Nardwuar, still in front of the records. He seems unaware that the camera is still rolling. 
NARDWUAR: (to someone offscreen) Yeah, yeah. They should be gone for good. Yup. The plaid void, where I sent Dave Rowntree. We should be good to steal their identities now. God knows we’ve done enough research. 
Back in the plaid void. 
DANNY: Holy shit, is that Dave Rowntree?
RICHARD: The guy from Blur? 
Note: The names/facts listed in the interview within this fic are all entirely fictitious. I'm not about to start leaking private and personal information about the guys.
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new-sandrafilter · 1 year
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Timothée Chalamet (“One of the most talented people I've ever met!”).
“Timothée has this magical aura around him,” Vetro says. “Almost like he has a light around him. He takes what he does very seriously, but he also has a lot of fun with it. So we have a lot of fun.” The two have been watching performances of songs like “A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall,” “Masters of War,” and “Blowin' In the Wind.” (Funnily, as he worked with John C. Reilly on Walk Hard, he technically also helped prepare another Bob Dylan-esque performance.)
“Timothée is very, very open,” Vetro shares. “So with him, I don't really censor myself at all. I just go with what I'm thinking. We listen to a song, we talk about Bob Dylan. I always know with him, honesty is the best policy. If it comes out of my mouth, well, it must be what that person needed to hear at that moment.”
And does Chalamet stay in Dylan's voice the whole time? “In and out,” Vetro says. “But it comes in.”
( GQ - Meet the Vocal Coach Who’s Helping Timothée Chalamet Sound Like Bob Dylan )
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kata-sans · 1 year
More Jobs/ Talents of Mr. Jay Walker
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2. Teacher
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3. Avid Reader
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4. Babysitter/Legal(?) Guardian
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5. Superstar Rocking Jay (Guitarist???)
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6. Poet?
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7. Cult Leader/Rebel Instigator
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8. Damsel in destress/Drag Queen 👑 (Slay!!!)/Master of Disguise
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9. Therapist???????/Vocal Coach??/Comic Relief (Wait what's my purpose again???)
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10. Oh yea!! I'm the team's Lightning Rod 😄.
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willowquills · 2 years
Joseph Quinn: *loses weight for role* *goes to a vocal coach to nail American accent* *buys guitar so he could learn Master of Puppets*
Duffer Brothers: okay cool, here's your 42 minutes of screen time, also you die. Thanks.
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virtchandmoir · 9 months
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Considered one of the greatest skating pairs of all time, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir spent nearly a decade at the top of their sport to become the most decorated ice dancers in the world. Over more than two decades of extraordinary athletic partnership, Tessa and Scott became the first and only ice dance team to win every major international junior and senior skating competition. At the height of their success between 2008 and 2019 they took home a record-setting five Olympic medals, three World Championships, eight Canadian National Championships and won the Four Continents Championship three times. The pair first skated into the hearts of Canadians at the Olympic Winter Games in 2010, thrilling crowds in Vancouver as they became the youngest athletes and first North Americans to win Olympic Gold in ice dancing. Nearly a decade later Tessa and Scott secured their iconic status with a beguiling Gold medal performance that smashed the world record for overall score in free dance at the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang.
Growing up in London, Ontario, Tessa took to the ice at the age of six after deciding she didn’t want to be the only student in her class who couldn’t skate during a school field trip. Raised in a figure skating family in nearby Ilderton, Ontario, Scott had been skating since he was three years old, coached by his mother Alma and his aunt Carol. First collaborating in 1997 when Tessa was seven years old and Scott was nine, the pair were initially so shy they could barely talk to each other. Building confidence while developing undeniable on-ice chemistry, Tessa and Scott shared a commitment to excellence that continually helped them overcome adversity. The two made enormous sacrifices to hone their craft, embracing success and failure as equal opportunities for growth and turning vulnerability into compelling artistry. Training rigorously to perfect innovative choreography, they pushed boundaries by approaching ice dancing as both creative expression and high performance sport, skating with an emotional sincerity that captivated audiences around the world.
After raising the profile of ice dancing to breathtaking new heights, Tessa and Scott retired from competitive skating in 2019. Since then, Scott has served as head coach and managing director of the Ice Academy of Montreal’s satellite program in London, Ontario. He has also been a vocal advocate for diversity and inclusivity in skating. Tessa completed both an MBA from the Smith School of Business, and a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. Tessa is an executive advisor at Deloitte, where she helps to unlock the potential of the Canadian workforce in the realm of high performance and wellbeing. She also serves on the board for Her Mark, a charity that empowers young girls through the power of sport, and Motionball, an organization that fundraises for Special Olympics athletes.  
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Considérés comme l’un des plus grands couples de patinage artistique de tous les temps, Tessa Virtue et Scott Moir ont passé près d’une décennie au sommet de leur sport pour devenir les danseurs sur glace les plus primés du monde. Au cours de leur partenariat sportif extraordinaire qui a duré plus de deux décennies, Tessa et Scott sont devenus la première et la seule équipe de danse sur glace à remporter toutes les compétitions majeures internationales de patinage artistique junior et senior. À l’apogée de leur succès, soit entre 2008 et 2019, ils remportent un nombre record de cinq médailles olympiques, trois Championnats du monde, huit Championnats nationaux canadiens et ils remportent également le Four Continents Championship à trois reprises. Le couple a conquis les cœurs des Canadiens lors des Jeux olympiques d’hiver de 2010, enthousiasmant les foules à Vancouver en devenant les plus jeunes athlètes et les premiers Nord-Américains à remporter l’or olympique en danse sur glace. Près d’une décennie plus tard, aux Jeux olympiques de 2018 à Pyeongchang, Tessa et Scott consolident leur statut emblématique en donnant une performance enlevante qui leur vaudra la médaille d’or et qui pulvérise alors le record du monde pour la note globale obtenue en danse libre.
Tessa a grandi à London, en Ontario et a commencé à patiner à l’âge de six ans après avoir décidé lors d’une sortie scolaire qu’elle ne serait pas la seule élève de sa classe incapable de patiner. Élevé dans une famille de patineurs artistiques, non loin de là, à Ilderton, en Ontario, Scott a commencé à patiner dès l’âge de trois ans. Sa mère Alma et sa tante Carol ont été ses premières entraîneures. La première collaboration du couple survient en 1997 alors que Tessa a sept ans et Scott neuf ans. Ils sont alors si timides qu’ils arrivent à peine à se parler. Gagnant en confiance au fur et à mesure qu’ils développent leur complicité indéniable sur la glace, Tessa et Scott partagent un engagement envers l’excellence qui les a constamment aidés à surmonter l’adversité. Ils ont tous deux fait d’énormes sacrifices pour perfectionner leur art, en embrassant les succès et les échecs comme des opportunités égales de croissance et en transformant la vulnérabilité en un style artistique saisissant. S’entraînant rigoureusement pour perfectionner des chorégraphies innovantes, ils ont repoussé les limites en abordant la danse sur glace à la fois comme une expression créative et un sport de haute performance, patinant avec une sincérité émotionnelle qui a captivé les publics du monde entier.
Après avoir élevé le profil de la danse sur glace à de nouveaux sommets époustouflants, Tessa et Scott ont pris leur retraite de la compétition en 2019. Depuis lors, Scott occupe le poste d’entraîneur en chef et de directeur général du programme satellite de l’Académie de glace de Montréal à London, en Ontario. Il a également été un ardent défenseur de la diversité et de l’inclusivité dans le patinage. Tessa a obtenu un MBA de la Smith School of Business ainsi qu’une maîtrise en psychologie positive appliquée de l’Université de Pennsylvanie. Tessa est conseillère exécutive chez Deloitte, où elle contribue à libérer le potentiel de la main-d’œuvre canadienne dans le domaine de la haute performance et du bien-être. Elle siège également au conseil d’administration de Her Mark, une association caritative qui autonomise les jeunes filles par le biais du sport, et de Motionball, un organisme qui recueille des fonds pour les athlètes d’Olympiques spéciaux.
Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame is honoured to be presenting Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir with the prestigious Order of Sport award on Thursday, October 19, 2023 as a member of the incredible Class of 2023.
—Order of Sport
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smytherines · 8 days
can you sing?????? sorry this is really out of pocket and i mightve hallucinated this but i swear to god u said u did a drama program that did a musical every year and now i need to know if you're a triple threat (writer artist and singer)
I don't sing as well as I used to, I'm badly out of practice for anything other than karaoke, but yes I can sing!
I did a community theatre program in my area from ages 8 to 18, and it saved my life. It was split into a company for kids, and one for teens. So until 13 I did two shows and (sometimes) one musical per year, and then from 13 on we would do two shows per year, one musical, and then we would work tech for the two kids company shows. We also had two semesters of acting classes, one in the fall and one in the spring.
So I've done pretty much everything but spotlight (you could not pay me enough, spot operators are heroes). I've been a stage manager, prop master, I particularly loved doing sound because they let us make our own preshow mixes and I'd put way too much effort into mine. We were just a little community theatre, so we didn't do big name expensive license shows, but I played the Tin Man in Oz! And had to sing an incredibly weird song that starts with the line come on and lubricate my mouth (I swear to god I am not making that up). Actually kind of a banger though, and I got to sing at the low end of my range for once.
We had a professional vocal coach at the theatre program, but also my mother took vocal lessons for years and was a singer in a local band for about a decade, so I had a lot of help developing my voice early on. When I auditioned for the school choir the director told me he could really put me anywhere and I'd do well, but he only had 8 altos so that's where I went.
My biggest non-musical role was playing Jo March in Little Women, where I was onstage for 120 pages out of a 126 page script. I am very much a Jo March, like to the point where everyone just took it as a given I would get the role before auditions even happened, even though I was not usually cast as the heroine. I almost always got cast as a villain or the most over the top energetic characters, like I played Ms. Minchin in A Little Princess, most of the eccentric bit parts in The Man Who Came to Dinner (Banjo, Grand Duchess Olga Katrina, more I can't remember)
Sorry I'm babbling so much!! I don't get to talk about my theatre days very often, so I get excited! But that's why I love analysizing character and acting choices so much. I used to fill notebooks with lore about the characters I played. There's just something very interesting to me about using all these little... data points (?) to build a person. Like- if I was experiencing this emotion, how would my eyebrow move? What would my lips be doing, what would my hands be doing, how would that emotion affect my voice and body language. It's something I do all the time as an autistic person anyways, so acting almost felt like research to me.
Okay I'll shut up now, sorry I did an essay!!
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joshsindigostreak · 8 months
I just had a thought…if The Master is Josh’s vocal coach and Starcatcher (the album) in itself is a expansion of the universe they created on TBAGG…they really said that Ron was a canon character in their universe and would always have a place there 🥺
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boysbeloving · 1 month
As someone who loves Mile 's acting and can appreciate that he is an incredibly talented guitarist but not as equally gifted as a singer omg did he put in the work to improve his singing tenfold. His voice and breath control is sooo much better and more stable and I didn't even realize he had the register for high notes. Holding his own singing with the lead vocalists of Klear and Slot machine and harmonizing perfectly??? I am finally excited to see singer Mile
he really did work on his singing...it is quite evident....he was visiting a vocal coach's apartment quite a lot lately right? when apo and mile used to post pics of the view of the road from the apartment window? mile really did his homework!
it was absolutely wonderful seeing him singing with vocalists of Klear and Slotmachine....i mean...THAT'S BIG....i LOVED that his voice didn't stick out as a sore thumb or anything lol...he gelled well with the other 2 vocalists and the song came out very well
allow me to be a little realistic for a while lol (@ mile: bb i love and support you always so please don't take this the wrong way) in this reality show mile sang only a part of a song and for a little time period overall...a solo concert will be long and this man will jump around and WILL GET OUT OF BREATH AND THEN ATTEMPT TO SING so we should be prepared for that (jeff's voice wavers sometimes too coz he's busy BEING A SLUT stomping on stage but overall the man's got great control and that's coz he's primarily a singer and this skill takes so much effort to master) it won't be bad but we shouldn't expect recording booth quality from my man either...please be nice to him y'all 🙏
most importantly, he's gonna give his bestest and for that reason alone the concert will be wonderful
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pencil-urchin · 8 months
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Doodle of my Mirialan OC, Iria. She's a scholar--Peofessor of Cultural Anthropology/Archaeology, with a minor in Art History: all centered on what she calls "The Culture of Warfare" and how it defines and shapes those cultures which engage in war.
She also put herself through school as an exotic dancer in a not-very-nice place, like you do.
(Hold on because I'm about to word vomit)
She has a list of other skills and knowledges, but I don't want anyone crying "Mary Sue!" so a quick note:
All but a handful of her knowledge and abilities are skills I currently have or had at one point, and I promise I am not anyone's idea of a "Mary Sue."
These skills and achievements include:
-Multiple Advanced Degrees (I have an Associate's, a Bachelor's, and 3 Master's degrees)
-Art (I am a professional artist, and although I have a long way to go and a lot of room to improve, I have worked hard to get where I am, and obtained both an MA in Visual Development and an MFA in Concept Art in the process)
-Martial Arts (I stopped one test shy of a black belt when I was 17 because I started college)
-Fencing (I started fencing when I was 21, which is how I met my husband; we were both competitive until and somewhat during grad school, but now we mostly just coach)
-Music (clarinet and vocal primarily, then violin and piano for a short time)
-Writing (creative and academic, my second degree was in Literary Studies)
-Multilingual (I have studied Spanish, French, Latin, and Russian)
-Organization schemes/data analysis and curation (my first Masters was in Library Science, and I was a librarian for over ten years)
-Handling of rare/historic artifacts (I studied special collections, collection management, and rare books in my MLS)
-Cooking (my husband and I love cooking together)
-Fashion (as part of my MLS I worked in a designer and historic fashion archive)
-Metalwork (I have taken metalsmithing classes, worked as a jeweler's apprentice, and even got to try blacksmithing once upon a time)
-First Aid (through my first two years of grad school I was Healthcare Provider certified to offer assistance with CPR, use of a defibrillator, assisting with someone choking, etc)
-Emergency Response (for a while in my late teens, I participated in a program meant to prepare young adults for Firefighter I training, which included a rigorous exercise routine, specialized training in the use of emergency equipment, and learning the most basic foundations of Fire Science)
-Acting (listen I don't think I'm good, but I was in Improv as a kid, love to RP at the game table , and was even a mime once)
-Field Ecology (loved this class, caught so many snakes, frogs, turtles, and lizards: I do not do spiders or insects, and therefore neither do my characters)
Skills I ABSOLUTELY do not have that my OC has:
-social grace (I'm an awkward weirdo)
-physical grace (despite all I have done, I am so clumsy)
-beauty (I am a swamp witch without the swamp)
-confidence (see above)
-dancing (I did dance and drill team when I was in junior high, did swing choir in high school, did the "shimmy" belly dance workout, and took a pole-dance workout class once which was an absolute blast, but JFC I am NOT a dancer, I promise)
I'm sure there's more, but you get the idea. A multifaceted character with a collection of experiences that seem disparate isn't different from what we are IRL when we break ourselves down into a list like this. In addition to all the positives, I'm also old (35), neurodivergent and mentally-Ill.
So yeah, not a "Mary Sue."
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
deuxmoi + pop culture chat reddit threads that discuss austin 📲🫣
this post is not a personal endorsement of any opinions or rumors shared in the threads. i was asked to make a master post and never want to gatekeep gossip. happy reading!
• vaustin blind item discussion
• general (kinda very mean 😅) discussion
• general vaustin discussion
• lilyrosegate
• from when kaia and austin were first spotted together
• discussion around that™️ photo of v and kaia
• ezra miller thread that discusses the (unfortunately false) rumor about him and austin brawling
• from jacob’s elvis casting announcement
• the great kaia/bazzi-gate blind item discussion
• 12/12/2022 austin’s method acting discussion
• austin’s vocal coach’s comments discussion
• “friend gate” discussion
• vanessa’s instagram comment discussion
• 2/4/2023 ✨the voice✨ discussion
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new-sandrafilter · 1 year
Mention any of his clients, and he has nothing but immediate zeal: Ryan Gosling (“Very, very thoughtful!”), Will Ferrell (“He is unbelievable!”), John C. Reilly (“John is so musical that what I can tell you is nothing was very challenging!”), Austin Butler (“A very humble, sweet guy who loves being an actor!”), Timothée Chalamet (“One of the most talented people I've ever met!”).
“Timothée has this magical aura around him,” Vetro says. “Almost like he has a light around him. He takes what he does very seriously, but he also has a lot of fun with it. So we have a lot of fun.” The two have been watching performances of songs like “A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall,” “Masters of War,” and “Blowin' In the Wind.” (Funnily, as he worked with John C. Reilly on Walk Hard, he technically also helped prepare another Bob Dylan-esque performance.)
“Timothée is very, very open,” Vetro shares. “So with him, I don't really censor myself at all. I just go with what I'm thinking. We listen to a song, we talk about Bob Dylan. I always know with him, honesty is the best policy. If it comes out of my mouth, well, it must be what that person needed to hear at that moment.”
And does Chalamet stay in Dylan's voice the whole time? “In and out,” Vetro says. “But it comes in.”
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