#male/female gender essentialism??? in a/b/o????
hobimo · 3 months
would u guys still like me even if i namedropped the absurdly popular author i fucking HATE . and even better would u keep it just between us so we're besties so that eventually when i finish dragon fic and its the banger fic i want it to be. it might just get recc'd enough that [BTS AUTHOR] reads it. and i hope it makes them realise how awful and damaging their writing is
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rphunter · 1 month
hello! i’m a twenty-nine year old writer. i’ve been writing for 10+ years and currently looking for someone to write with for a femdom-centric plot. ideally, this would feature dark/mature subject matter along with smut, however it will also feature a lot of plot/story/ideally romance too.
overall, looking for someone who loves to plot/headcanon/friendly banter/and ideally, do this long-term. i would describe my writing style as casually lit to novella and enjoy writing something that might be 2-5 paragraphs long or longer. i’m here for all your nitty gritty details and also love good prose. also happy to match but not really into anything too short. i can share writing samples and hope you can too. i can post anything from 1-3 times a week.
i would like an m x f pairing, with myself playing the dominant female character. i have an oc who is malleable but i also enjoy making oc’s on the spot. we can also both play switches if that’s more comfortable for you. i’m
here are some plots i was thinking about (hope you find these fun and feel free to change/elaborate. they’re just fun tropes to use as a jump-off point):
1. mob daughter x bodyguard - he’s looking to move up in the family and is assigned to watch over her. however, it’s more than he’s bargained for. or perhaps, it’s unlocked things he wasn’t sure he ever liked.
2. victorian governess or ward or maid x master of the house - something vibey in the foggy english moors, where someone can get spanked with a riding crop in a hedge maze. here for stilted conversations, trying to be polite/keep up decorum, but overall messy sex in a huge manor akin to saltburn
3. popular gregarious type guy x cold icy girl - all over my tiktok is the golden retriever boyfriend who’s happy, excitable, and fun. what if behind closed doors, despite being “the man,” he’s really just her bitch
4. coworkers - he could be the boss at the day job, but by night…
5. local cop x stripper / prostitute / teacher etc. - he could be a bad cop, he could be a good cop, either way, he’s being cuffed to the bed
6. virgin male x dominatrix - ideally, the male character has fantasized about this for a long time and has hired someone to do the job
7. teen idol (female) x serious hollywood actor - he’s an action star, no one should know he’s nothing like the characters he plays on tv
8. vampire hunter x vampire / werewolf hunter etc.
9. student x teacher
10. prisoner x prison guard
11. kidnapper / stalker x victim - essentially where an uno reverse happens
honestly, very open minded. things i would be open to incorporate: body worship, cock rings, pegging, fucking machines, toys, romance, shame, societal expectations, subversions to gender norms / roles, messy feelings and emotions, hurt/comfort, secret relationships, cheating infidelity, age gaps, dead dove content, a/b/o tropes, pregnancy, and feel free to suggest.
please leave a like and i’ll reach out with my discord info. 🕊️
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
I have a socio-biological in-universe stereotype for omegaverse:
Okay so one of the big questions when trying to play out omegaverse with Logic is "what is the point of Alpha Females and Omega Males, how do they differ from each other, and what evolutionary situation happened to make them an option?"
Anyway, in reading a fic that wasn't a/b/o (it was a Stewjoni Bio thing), I got to thinking about how and why lactation has evolved to be a trait that is found mostly in childbearing individuals, rather than a shared trait between both parents.
And one of my big recurring questions with the AF/OM thing is "if pregnancy hormones involve a rise in female-associated traits, like breasts and hips, and the simply process of ovulation and menstruation relates primarily to those 'gendered' hormones, then why do AF individuals generally end up with breasts and femme-aligned figures, while OM individuals are flat-chested and capable of facial hair etc. (until pregnancy)?"
Which... has a lot of options, but I think that for an omegaverse setting, you could argue that AF/OM sets came from a one-time genetic bottleneck in a high-stress, high danger environment, and it was necessary for greater portions of the population to be capable of both carrying and feeding newborns, and AF/OM sets developed into their unintuitive biological formats in response to that situation.
Since nursing was originally gender-limited, in a way that suggested the siring parent would be able to ditch the carrying parent for whatever reason (death, the pregnancy was unplanned, even leaving for extended periods to hunt), there is an expectation that AF/OM are more likely to be monogamous.
Does this logic? Not entirely.
But stereotypes rarely do logic
And in this case that stereotype involves a few things, like Alpha Females being more aggressively protective of their mates (whether OM or not, so long as the mate isn't a fellow Alpha), more possessive, and significantly more likely to 'trap' a pregnant or nursing partner at home 'for their own safety.'
This is not a biological response at all, but a sociological one (you see it in all the movies, you see it in the people around you, and so you learn to act that way), and not nearly as exaggerated or strong as people would have you believe (for the most part, it's actually heightened anxiety and, if the partner is pregnant, nervous hovering/doting ad nauseum).
However, the in-universe biological essentialism folks love to insist that AF possessiveness/controlling manners are a Natural Thing.
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prpfs · 29 days
🎀🎀hello! i’m a twenty-nine year old writer. i’ve been writing for 10+ years and currently looking for someone to write with for a femdom-centric plot. ideally, this would feature dark/mature subject matter along with smut, however it will also feature a lot of plot/story/ideally romance too.
overall, looking for someone who loves to plot/headcanon/friendly banter/and ideally, do this long-term. i would describe my writing style as casually lit to novella and enjoy writing something that might be 2-5 paragraphs long or longer. i’m here for all your nitty gritty details and also love good prose. also happy to match but not really into anything too short. i can share writing samples and hope you can too. i can post anything from 1-3 times a week.
i would like an m x f pairing, with myself playing the dominant female character. i have an oc who is malleable but i also enjoy making oc’s on the spot. we can also both play switches if that’s more comfortable for you.
here are some plots i was thinking about (hope you find these fun and feel free to change/elaborate. they’re just fun tropes to use as a jump-off point):
1. mob daughter x bodyguard - he’s looking to move up in the family and is assigned to watch over her. however, it’s more than he’s bargained for. or perhaps, it’s unlocked things he wasn’t sure he ever liked.
2. victorian governess or ward or maid x master of the house - something vibey in the foggy english moors, where someone can get spanked with a riding crop in a hedge maze. here for stilted conversations, trying to be polite/keep up decorum, but overall messy sex in a huge manor akin to saltburn
3. popular gregarious type guy x cold icy girl - all over my tiktok is the golden retriever boyfriend who’s happy, excitable, and fun. what if behind closed doors, despite being “the man,” he’s really just her bitch
4. coworkers - he could be the boss at the day job, but by night…
5. local cop x stripper / prostitute / teacher etc. - he could be a bad cop, he could be a good cop, either way, he’s being cuffed to the bed
6. virgin male x dominatrix - ideally, the male character has fantasized about this for a long time and has hired someone to do the job
7. teen idol (female) x serious hollywood actor - he’s an action star, no one should know he’s nothing like the characters he plays on tv
8. vampire hunter x vampire / werewolf hunter etc.
9. student x teacher
10. prisoner x prison guard
11. kidnapper / stalker x victim - essentially where an uno reverse happens
honestly, very open minded. things i would be open to incorporate: body worship, cock rings, pegging, fucking machines, toys, romance, shame, societal expectations, subversions to gender norms / roles, messy feelings and emotions, hurt/comfort, secret relationships, cheating infidelity, age gaps, dead dove content, a/b/o tropes, and feel free to suggest.
please leave a like and i’ll reach out with my discord info.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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r18rp · 1 month
🎀🎀hello! i’m a twenty-nine year old writer. i’ve been writing for 10+ years and currently looking for someone 21+ to write with for a femdom-centric plot. ideally, this would feature dark/mature subject matter along with smut, however it will also feature a lot of plot/story/ideally romance too.
overall, looking for someone who loves to plot/headcanon/friendly banter/and ideally, do this long-term. i would describe my writing style as casually lit to novella and enjoy writing something that might be 2-5 paragraphs long or longer. i’m here for all your nitty gritty details and also love good prose. also happy to match but not really into anything too short. i can share writing samples and hope you can too. i can post anything from 1-3 times a week.
i would like an m x f pairing, with myself playing the dominant female character. i have an oc who is malleable but i also enjoy making oc’s on the spot. we can also both play switches if that’s more comfortable for you.
here are some plots i was thinking about (hope you find these fun and feel free to change/elaborate. they’re just fun tropes to use as a jump-off point):
1. mob daughter x bodyguard - he’s looking to move up in the family and is assigned to watch over her. however, it’s more than he’s bargained for. or perhaps, it’s unlocked things he wasn’t sure he ever liked.
2. victorian governess or ward or maid x master of the house - something vibey in the foggy english moors, where someone can get spanked with a riding crop in a hedge maze. here for stilted conversations, trying to be polite/keep up decorum, but overall messy sex in a huge manor akin to saltburn
3. popular gregarious type guy x cold icy girl - all over my tiktok is the golden retriever boyfriend who’s happy, excitable, and fun. what if behind closed doors, despite being “the man,” he’s really just her bitch
4. coworkers - he could be the boss at the day job, but by night…
5. local cop x stripper / prostitute / teacher etc. - he could be a bad cop, he could be a good cop, either way, he’s being cuffed to the bed
6. virgin male x dominatrix - ideally, the male character has fantasized about this for a long time and has hired someone to do the job
7. teen idol (female) x serious hollywood actor - he’s an action star, no one should know he’s nothing like the characters he plays on tv
8. vampire hunter x vampire / werewolf hunter etc.
9. student x teacher
10. prisoner x prison guard
11. kidnapper / stalker x victim - essentially where an uno reverse happens
honestly, very open minded. things i would be open to incorporate: body worship, cock rings, pegging, fucking machines, toys, romance, shame, societal expectations, subversions to gender norms / roles, messy feelings and emotions, hurt/comfort, secret relationships, cheating infidelity, age gaps, dead dove content, a/b/o tropes, and feel free to suggest.
please leave a like and i’ll reach out with my discord info.
★ like the ad if you're interested !
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takearisk-x · 10 months
This is a little embarrassing but what does a/b/o mean? I’m so confused lol
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i’m sorry i’m so so sorry i’m not laughing at you! i swear! it’s just hilarious that my entire adult life i’ve thought omegaverse (a/b/o) is a massively popular fanfic trope that is commonly consumed and has widely accepted word building and yet i bring it over here and everyone is like “hannah…...what the actual fuck”
okay, crash course in omegaverse (alpha/beta/omega dynamics) under the cut because very much nsfw
omegaverse is essentially an au premise where instead of evolving into similar social structures as primates, the human race evolved socially and biologically similar to canids.
now, stick with me here, this gives society a sort of hierarchy. you've got the dominant alphas, the neutral betas, and the submissive omegas. this is very broad and not at all true for every fic obviously, i feel like each writer puts their own spin on the universe, but it is the basic essential.
now, unlike wolves, where alphas mate alphas and omegas never get to mate at all, the au premise for omegaverse (humans/werewolves/etc.) is that alpha and omegas are a mated pair. think MFEO type mating. TYPICALLY we see a male alpha mating either a male or a female omega. there is a subset of the genre that is highly interested in mpreg and heterogamy and gender-fluidity. which is all valid and interesting and wildly creative especially when it comes to mlm pairings.
but i'm getting off track.
anyways. the other premise of the au is ruts and heats. all designations (alpha, beta, & omega) can have normal, regular, completely lucid sex.... except when an omega goes into heat, things get a little... dubious
the whole idea of a heat is when an omega is most fertile. typically this is a female with female sexual organs and/or a male with both sexual organs. when a heat starts, their bodies send out all types of pheromones and things to attract a mate, typically an alpha, and they also get real real sick if they don't ... uh ... copulate nonstop during the heats. so one half of the trope is the submissive character literally writhing and shivering in pain because they need the D that bad.
all of this then comes together and triggers an alpha's rut. rut is when the alpha, having chosen/won/claimed their omega mate, get's real protective, horny, and sometimes even violent in a primal urge to give their mate the D. so the other half of the trope is making sure no one hurts their babygirl and/or tries to steal them.
when an alpha ruts, they also are capable of knotting. which genuinely is exactly what you are thinking it is. there is a little ball/bulge/knot of flesh that expands at the base of an alpha's erection and slots itself into a soft, malleable cavity in an omega vagina and keeps them linked for a span of time until the knot recedes (think until the erection softens post climax).
forced proximity at it's finest amirite?
there is also the biological response of an omega to an alpha's pheromones after the alpha has claimed them, this is usually called slick. and it's essentially vaginal secretion because of arousal but lots and lots and lots of it.
it's all very animalistic and carnal and loads of fun.
moving on
for me personally, i have read some a/b/o that i've enjoyed but i really didn't get *into* it until i read some genderswapped omegaverse with the #nontraditional a/b/o tag. this when the set rules of the universe are bent heavily. for example if spring fever was set in a traditional omegaverse, ginny would have her female reproductive organs as well as retractable penis. harry would have his penis but also he would have a vagina, cervix, uterus, etc. and then ginny would get him pregnant... which isn't bad or wrong or anything but just felt extra complicated for the story i was trying to tell, especially since i knew i wanted the a/b/o stuff to be practically evolved out and relatively rare... it seemed a little too much for the story if they were to grow new reproductive organs as well as experience fully fledged ruts and heats for the first times in their lives.
there is also the idea of gender roles within a hierarchy like this and since i knew i wanted this society to mirror a modern au, i elected to make ginny an alpha (a traditionally masculine role) and harry an omega (the traditionally feminine role) to play on the idea of patriarchy and equality. which honestly will probably end up being a throw away line in the actual story but it's what i've enjoyed most about omegaverse fics that ended up in my bookmarks so i'm using it as a foundation for mine too.
in conclusion, i would say my particular story is about as vanilla as you can get and still have it be omegaverse, but that's okay, because the smut as character development is really what i was striving for anyway... not necessarily the au procreation aspect.
plus harry as a true submissive omega never felt accurate, just like ginny as a possessive, violent alpha would feel a touch over the top if i am trying to stay true to them as characters.
HOWEVER, harry begging for literally any affection from her felt too good to pass up, which is why i chose to designate them like i did.
i hope this answered your question, sorry if i got a little to in depth with it all <3
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artemis-red-hotd · 1 year
a lucemond a/b/o curse + arranged marriage concept
(mostly sfw. cw: loss of primary genders, loss of fertility, potential body dysphoria but non explicit)
A flip + exploration of the fics I've liked where someone from non-omegaverse finds themselves in omegaverse and suddenly presents & has to adapt to having an a/b/o gender. This is the reverse idea, where in an a/b/o universe, everyone loses their primary gender hormones and most people become an intersex beta essentially, with male/female reproductive capabilities becoming dominant. I had a world-building brainrot going but a chunk of it will be hand waved. ====
Westeros is in omegaverse. Lucemond have been married for a year and have been told to have a child to remove the still lingering tension between the two sides of the family due to the conflicted relationship between Lucerys and Aemond. It would be good for the realm if two of its princes' were not on the brink of murder at every turn. Queen Rhaenyra, as an alpha, took power mostly uncontested.
Then, one day, a magical curse sweeps over the land, and people lose their a/b/o gender. Those who were carrying a pregnancy make it to term, but have to watch the world change around them, knowing that a ticking clock will catch up to them once they give birth.
Lucerys and Aemond have been sharing the marriage bed, but have not had a child after a year as they have been taking moon tea in secret, not wanting to be parents so early into the marriage. But, following this curse upon the lands, they, and everyone else, finds themselves to be betas. Or something close.
Their mating bites no longer tingle, the heats and ruts no longer bond alpha and omega. Their primary gender hormones have stopped producing. There is no more slick to ease the way, and no more knots to keep mated pairs tightly bound together, murmuring to each other in the moonlight after their passions were consummated. The world shifts. Their second gender hormones kick in, bringing upon slight changes in their physiology. It is a struggle for all, but no one is going through it alone. The betas guide them through the change, being in the best position to lend their expertise.
It will take a while for people to understand that secondary genders now dominate and determine who can carry children. Female alphas find themselves unable to breed their female omega lovers. Male omegas find themselves able to impregnate others.
Lucerys and Aemond navigate this new world, in horror, knowing that a civil war between the Queen and Otto would be the last thing the realm needs right now, as Queen Rhaenyra’s reign goes on, formerly unquestioned as she was an alpha. What changes now that she's essentially a beta?
Since everyone is a beta, people thankfully look up to the Queen, as she goes through the same event as everyone else.
Lucerys, in secret, prays for his omega to return, so that his husband may feel the mating pull towards him again. So that he has a reason to spend the nights with him.
Aemond, in secret, misses the scenting most of all, misses the honey and ash scent of his omega. It's different, being around him, without their fated bond keeping them together. Sex doesn't feel the same. It requires lubrication now.
That is one industry that booms after this curse.
Its more than politics. They have mated. Quite happily, for the most part. They were compatible, as alpha and omega. Passionate.
But without their scents intermingling, without their bodies slotting together easily like puzzle pieces, without that mating bite chaining them to eachother, its just different.
They look at each other across the table, as they listen to their Queen talk about how things have changed across the Realm. The maesters have concluded that male pairs, regardless of their previous genders, cannot have children with each other. It is a shock to the system. No combination of former primary genders with the secondary male gender can have children?  How bizarre, to lose all of those pairing combinations. To have this one trait dominate.
Jace, a beta, is the only one unperturbed at the news. Aegon, his ex-omega, already has two children, so they may remain together for their family. Lucerys eyes his brother’s exhale of relief in jealousy, glancing across the table.
Aemond would surely want to be remarried to a female now, so that he may continue his line. It would make their alliance more tenuous, they were the biggest danger to the family, after all. Lucerys took his eye, earning his ire, and Aemond attacked him with Vhagar, killing Arrax. The pair was at each other's throats, unable to be in the same room together, before they were betrothed to marry to avoid war between their families.
But that was two years ago. Lucerys curses himself for taking moon tea in that first year now, before the thought of carrying Aemond’s child didn’t turn both of their stomachs in disgust. Things had been different, recently. But then the curse stole their alpha and omega.
But the Queen wants them both to be released from their forced marriage. They should have a chance at children, if they so wished, she says.
The Queen had never been opposed marriages between infertile pairs before the magic came of course. With so many combinations of genders, how could it matter, when the hormones and mating bites brought people together regardless?
Two beta males were always allowed to marry of course, though it was a rare match, almost unheard of. There weren't that many betas to begin with. Why marry if you have no inherent hormonal compatibility, no scents to attract each other, no mating bite pulling you together even against your will?
Marriage between female and male betas had been more common due to the chance of pregnancy. Lucerys had tried to imagine how different it must feel to be a beta. Definitely more free time, without the heats and ruts. But he enjoyed those moments of unending passion with his husband. Now, he knows.
What would be left, between them? Lucerys feels tears well in his eyes. He could still have children, if he remarried. As their alpha sire-… no. Their father. A strange thought. He could try. But he would have to separate from Aemond.
“No, sister,” says Aemond, cutting through the terse silence at the dining table. He hastily corrects himself. “Your Grace.”
“You do not wish to remarry, Aemond?” says Rhaenyra.
“What of the alliance, your Grace,” says Lucerys. He was never one to be quiet about politics, even with the omega hormones in his system, making him sweet and submissive to his alpha. Only for his alpha.
That was one of the biggest changes. He had argued with Aemond the night before, and they were not able to scent each other to calm down. They had slept in separate rooms instead. It had stung.
“I release you two from it. I trust our family has healed enough for this. That you are both wiser now. The realm does not need your marriage,” says the Queen. “Besides, keeping you together without the mating bond and the chance to sire children… it might make things worse.”
Lucerys swallows the lump in his throat, watching Aemond take in her words across from him, only an arm’s length away. He wants to grab him. Pull him close into a hold like a cage. Afraid, suddenly.
“It would set a bad precedent,” says Aemond carefully “to immediately disintegrate a marriage alliance just because our secondary genders have overtaken our primary ones. What of the stability of the realm? Of the lords? The curse might reverse itself yet. I believe it is best to keep our marriage alliance, as an example. When the realm is stable again, considerations may be made for future weddings.”
Lucerys exhales, in relief, watching Aemond’s eye as it stays fixed on his mother, not looking at him. The only tell is that Aemond’s hand is trembling, just a bit, on the table top. Lucerys feels his heart swell in hope.
“Lucerys,” says the Queen, eyeing her half brother in suspicion. “You should also have a chance to remarry and sire children if you so wish, as your secondary gender allows it. Your former alpha should not have the only say in the matter.”
Lucerys can feel Aemond’s eye, the one he had left him with, bore into the side of his neck, where his fading mating bites are imprinted. The hormonal possessiveness is taking longer to fade in the former alpha, it seems. Lucerys wonders why.
“What Aemond says is true. We need to set an example. Do you want all alphas to put away their omega spouses, when our society has afforded different roles to omegas and alphas their whole lives? Different expectations and opportunities? Even if you have fought against it, mother. It would be chaos. No, we must do this slowly. Aemond and I should remain married to show that stability and harmony can remain, even amongst former alpha and omega pairs,” says Luke.
Everyone at the table stares.
“We heard the shouting, last night,” says Jace, breaking the silence. “It generally devolves into mating, but this time wasn’t the case. We are worried that you two will kill each other some day. And we assumed you would prefer to separate, given the chance. You are both Targaryens. You may do as you wish.”
“I have made my wishes clear,” says Aemond, finality in his voice. He ignores the looks of disappointment from his mother and grand sire.
“And I, mine,” says Lucerys.
That is the end of it. Lucerys feels sick with relief, but he isn’t sure why.
He and Aemond's politics were in agreement. But Lucerys' motivations had been personal. He was no longer compatible with Aemond, in the way fated alpha and omega pairs were. Their pull was different. But…
That night, they layed in their bedchambers, side by side, speaking softly to each other in the dark space between them, hands roaming over flesh, gently, as they had always done, back when they had to wait for Aemond’s knot to deflate.
Aemond presses his face into Lucerys’ chest, and Luke feels a tug on his heart, as if they were mated once again. But it wasn’t that same pull, it was a different one, present before but muted under the inferno of need that was their primary gender hormones.
Lucerys lets his fingers comb through Aemond’s hair, and whispers into the crook of his ear, telling him about the future they could still share together. A different one. They would have to adopt their children, but they could do that, they were not in line for the throne. Aemond tightens his hold around Lucerys’ waist, telling him that he would like that. He still wanted that one day. He just wanted Lucerys.
When they kiss in the darkness of the room that night, illuminated only by the soft moonlight dancing across their bare skin, they whisper reassuring words into the space between them. Some things were different. But they would make it work. They were meant to be together. They would fight for it, when the time came.
When their bodies meet and their hearts swell for each other, singing the same song that has always existed between them, they hear it clearly, even without the haze of heat or rut fueling the intimacy between them.
A song without words that they both know the melody of: no matter how much their world changes, in every universe, as long as its the two of them, some things will always be the same.
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fyodior · 9 months
I’m so confused about omegaverse. What’s going on, what’s that about? help
*cracks knuckles*
ok first off i'll start by saying that omegaverse varies a lot even just from fic to fic and can look pretty different based on the plot/just what the author wants, this is just a general outline. also i’m not like an expert or anything just a horny motherfucker who loves omegaverse
everything under the cut bc this got long 💀 lmk if you have any other questions plssss
so in the omegaverse there are 3 "secondary genders": omega, alpha, and beta. omegas are quite literally submissive and breedable, alphas are dominant/the ones doing the breeding, and betas are just like. normal people. (these titles are where the term a/b/o comes from) you almost never see betas in a/b/o fics, and are now irrelevant in this explanation adlkfjsk
typically, most omegas are females and most alphas are males, with omega males (OM for this explanation) and alpha females (AF) being rare but still exist. what can vary a lot is what genitals omega males and alpha females have, and that's just entirely based on author preference. sometimes they just have normal genitals, sometimes OM have vaginas and dicks (usually small) and AF have vaginas and their clits grow into dicks fbdakfjsfoklsdj. OM can get pregnant and AF can impregnate but they're often less fertile and sometimes infertile. again its just author pref
all omegas are supposed to be mated to an alpha, that's just like. how it goes. and an omega is officially "mated" with a mating mark, aka just like a pretty deep bite into their neck/shoulder that's usually visible so others can know they're mated. like a wedding ring but weirder. and officially mating someone is usually a pretty serious thing. they also scent their omegas. oh yeah ok both alphas and omegas have scents, with omegas usually being sweeter and alphas usually being muskier.
something specific to omegas is that they have “nests” which in modern au’s is usually just their bed and typically has lots of blankets and pillows stuffed animals and other things that make them feel safe and comfortable. they’ll also have things that have their alpha’s scent on it like clothes bc it’s comforting. when in heat, it’s very distressing for an omega to be out of their nest
*cracks knuckles again* time to get into heats and ruts!
heats: omegas go into heat once every 3-ish months for about a week. it’s similar to a period in which they bleed and cramp and stuff but it’s key feature is that they are INSANELY horny and desperately need to be bred/knotted/scented by an alpha (we’ll get back to knotting in a sec) to a point where they’re almost in a type of subspace. it mirrors an actual animal’s heat
ruts: alphas go through something similar but on the other end: they desperately need to breed and fuck an omega. in both cases the person is like fucking insatiable and need to fuck nearly nonstop. and a lot of people take heat/rut suppressants so it’s not as strong
a LOT of fics focus on the heat/rut aspect of omegaverse like that’s usually the main course yum
key part of both heats and ruts: knotting! it’s when the base of the alpha’s dick swells so it essentially is stuck inside the omega and they have no choice but to cum inside them lmao
other little things that aren’t like that important but i like: omegas purr and alphas “croon” as a soothing thing for their mate.
anyway i think you should read a few fics and dip your toes in the water of a/b/o bc it’s honestly such an interesting concept but also don’t bc it’s like quicksand and a mind disease
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omegaverse-guide · 19 days
Omegaverse 101
So you've encountered the term for the first time - maybe you're 12 or very offline, or you've heard it before but heeded someone's advice to not look it up - either way, you're here, wondering. What is omegaverse, or alpha/beta/omega dynamics, as AO3 puts it? Here's a brief overview for you!
What is the omegaverse?
It's a trope mostly used in fanfiction, that has been spreading into published fiction, manga, and recently even into anime and tv shows. It can appear confusing to outsiders, since there is no unifying canon a/b/o authors draw from, and the details vary wildly between each story. The core is simple: On top of your gender, which is still identified at birth and works the same as it does in real life, you're also assigned to be an alpha, beta, or omega, though this tends to happen later in life, usually around when puberty happens. Whether you're male, female, intersex, non-binary, or any other sex/gender does not determine what you present as.
Alphas can sire children, even if they're afab. They tend to be seen as aggressive, competitive, and natural leaders. Whatever you associate with stereotypical, hypermasculine behaviour in the real world, that's now associated with alphas. They can go into ruts, a period of time where they get extremely horny and often aggressive/protective, and they may or may not be able to control themselves during that time. They generally have big dicks, though exact measurements are rarely given. Those dicks can swell at the base during sex, to lock them and their partner together for a while, which is called knotting.
Betas are essentially just baseline humans. They can have sex and feel horny, but only in the same way a real human can. Sometimes they're infertile, but other times they reproduce the same way actual humans do. Storys are rarely about betas, but they tend to be seen as rational and calm, good to have around to diffuse whatever the alphas and omegas have going on.
Omegas can bear children, even if they're amab. They're generally seen as submissive, caring, and weak. Women, basically, just more exaggerated. They periodically go into heat, which makes them horny and extremely appealing/irresistable to alphas in their vicinity. This is also the time period where they're fertile. Male omegas tend to have small dicks. Sometimes they have a pussy on top of that, other times their asshole self-lubricates and is connected to their uterus, whichever the author prefers.
How did we get here?
The terms originate from behavioural studies of wolves, and so does some of the biology (yes, wolves do have knots. in real life. if you didn't heed the warning to not look up omegaverse, at least heed mine not to look up wolf dicks. or any other animal dicks). Parts of the trope are pretty old - what's a heat if not a Pon Farr (Star Trek) for werewolves? Then, in 2010, a request was posted to the supernatural kink meme, requesting J2 smut with what became the basic tenets of the trope. It fit the already popular werewolf fic in the massive spn fandom, and spread like wildfire in just a few years far beyond spn or werewolves, and here we are.
Almost all omegaverse is m/m. Het omegaverse has found success (and a lawsuit) in original books, though I can say I haven't read any. The only het omegaverse I've ever read was fic with a female alpha and male omega, so don't ask me about this. Rare brave fans do write f/f omegaverse, and they have all my respect and gratitude. However, they're the exception, so for the purpose of this and any further discussion on this blog, please assume all parties are male unless specified otherwise.
Omegaverse can be abbreviated as A/B/O, or A/O if you don't have/don't care about betas. Some people simply use abo without the slashes, but abo is also a slur for aboriginal people in australia, so proceed with caution if you insist on using it.
There is NO one true way to write an omegaverse story. Nobody has the copyright to it. People will expect some of the above framework if you classify your fic as omegaverse, but you can do whatever you want forever. If you've read published manga, many of them share an explanation graphic that gives some base rules, but you don't need to stick to those, nor should you expect others to. It's a wild west out here. Write and read stories that do the trope how you like it, and don't read the rest. It's that easy.
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keyboard-vampira · 4 months
Not that the a/b/o trope isn‘t valid when used as a plot device for romance stories but I think it has way more potential than that.
Like give me an a/b/o story with zero romance or smut. Write about the struggles and discrimination omegas face just by existing. Tell me about how difficult it is for them to afford something as essential as medicine simply so that they can get through their life without having to fear being assaulted. Or talk about how their bodily constitution which they have no control over is made out to be their fault. How it’s seen as their fault when they are assaulted for not having taken the medicine that they can‘t afford. How difficult it is to find a job because no one wants to make accommodations for them or risk dealing with possible consequences if something happens during work. How they are seen as nothing more than their secondary gender. Maybe tell me a story about female omegas who face double the oppression or admit to how male omegas are feminized to a point where they aren’t even seen as men. Even if these thoughts themselves aren’t anything new I need to see these stories exist because so far I haven’t
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
so im pretty excited abt ur abo kp fic which is new to me bc i normally dont care abt abo? this isnt shade or bullshit btw i hope i just wanted to ask how u conceptualize gender and sex in abo? tags on the notfic r 100% right btw more trans abo. im always put off by most abo for the idea that cis male omegas basically?? have a cloacae for an anus but also a dick? it feels too alien for a non paranormal genre. do u think anatomy ought to be addressed more or left to suspension of disbelief?
right straight off the bat we're putting this one behind a readmore, because i don't want to wig anyone out. a/b/o be weird.
essentially, the way i conceptualise a/b/o and how gender and sex work is:
male/female - usually identifiable at birth, with obviously some grey area in there for intersex people.
alpha/beta/omega - surfaces during puberty, at which point the body changes in whichever way the subgender inclines.
i usually write it that it's not really possible to tell how someone's subgender will present until it does, because i think the inherent tension between "this is how i was treated growing up" vs. "this is how people treat me now" gives the most room for social commentary, and character growth, which is one of my favourite parts of a/b/o. so everyone's body has the base potential to go any subgender way.
relatedly, one of my least favourite tropes in a/b/o is the trope where a character unexpectedly discovers they're an omega and they hate it and take drugs to make themselves a beta, and they wish they were a beta/alpha and as a reader i just have to sit there like, and the logical ending to this story ISN'T that they're trans????
in fact, this trope irritated me so much that i fully outlined and started writing an original fic where the main character gets the whoops! all omega! reveal and instead of hating it and hiding it, feels fulfilled and more comfortable in himself, because it enables him to put into words and be accepted for aspects of his gender identity that have existed his entire life.
ahem. omega biology. back on track.
male omegas are one of those fandom tropes that i just... choose not to look at too closely. science brain well and truly turned off. because of how the kinnporsche mpreg fic is structured (porsche not knowing he's pregnant, and not knowing he could become pregnant) -- we're probably looking at assbabies for that one, though i usually prefer to go the male omegas are intersex (and female alphas are, as well) route, just because it makes most sense to me. but -- this is fanfic. things only make sparing amounts of sense 20% of the time.
truthfully, i think the question of anatomy depends on the fic. i do think there is a level of suspension of disbelief that is needed to read a/b/o, but to me that's true of all sci-fi. a lot of genre studies essays on sci-fi talk about this idea of a novum, a point of divergence that makes the sci-fi story different from our world. it can be a thing, an idea, a hypothetical. for example, in mass effect, the novum is the mass drivers. in star trek it's the warp core. in the martian, it's leaving a man behind on mars. and with sci-fi, you're not meant to question the novum. it's the foundational part of the universe. sci-fi is the question, "what if [x] was different?"
so with a/b/o, the novum is, well, it's the a/b/o dynamics. "what if human reproductive biology was on crack?" the bits i'm interested in are the answers that spiral out from that question -- i'm not really focused all that much on the question itself.
but, like i said, it depends on the fic. if the fic's question is, "so, if we do have these a/b/o dynamics, how does the biology actually work?" then obviously it's a bit more relevant. but i've only seen one or two a/b/o fic that approach the matter like that.
hope that makes sense!
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dejwrites · 1 year
omegaverse is actually pretty popular in bl mangas so you're not wrong 😂
here's my take:
omegaverse acts like "secondary genders" in a way. like, you can have a male alpha (which is how it usually goes 😐 gimme more female alphas please), a male omega, or a male beta. ofc, in fandom spaces and especially x reader spaces, Reader is 99% of the time the omega.
everyone has a particular "scent" to them, which is why you'll see a lot about "scenting" in A/B/O fics (and tbh one of my favorite aspects of it. not the knots and the heats, but the scents lmfao)
omegas go into "heat" (like some animals do) and they give off this pheromone of "hi I'm in heat every alpha in the vicinity please fuck me ASAP because I literally cannot function otherwise", which is usually the major draw for people writing A/B/O fics. and alphas are almost always what a typical "alpha" sounds like: loud, in charge, snarling at the competition and acting like they're in charge of everyone they encounter, leaving the poor weak omegas quivering in their presence and the betas backing down in fear.
btw, betas in A/B/O fics? almost always side characters. they essentially function as "regular" people. for some reason.
see, I have my own issues with Omegaverse or A/B/O fics, but at their core they function as plot devices for characters to fuck relentlessly. and that's usually the beginning and end of most of those fics. it's when Omegaverse is used in a longer story that my issues with it tend to creep up. for example, Omegaverse is (usually) based entirely on disproven wolf pack dynamics, so things are very extreme and cut-and-dry.
plus, with a lot of these stories there tend to be warnings for dubcon/noncon because, well, omegas have a biological urge to get completely fucked by every alpha they're around and usually consent isn't given. and...that's not normally my cup of tea. ofc this isn't always the case, and things are different for everyone!
for me personally, I've always disliked the lack of autonomy given to omegas. like, where are my omegas that are putting these dumb meathead alphas against one other for their affection - like how it would actually go? where are my omegas that are super pissy and aggressive during their heat and will kill the nearest alpha that looks at them too long - like how things could actually go?
anyway, I'm getting off-topic! Omegaverse can go a lot of different ways depending on the author and the setting, and it's a super diverse genre imo. smut usually tends to be the end-all, be-all, so the larger issues either rarely come up or take on the extreme issues without exploring other nuances.
seriously, the amount of female animals in the wild that will straight up maim and/or kill a partner in the wild is too high for us to keep having these weak-hearted omegas 😤😤 I built an entire Omegaverse based on lion dynamics instead of (false) wolf dynamics and the outcome is VERY different from the norm!
Okay, so it’s honestly more or so how a fic writer or somebody portray it and build it up themselves. interesting
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amchara · 2 years
I have finished House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City 1) by Sarah J Maas and it was both the most engaging and enraging book I have read in a long time.
Spoiler-free verdict: If you enjoy gritty, urban fantasy setting with a decent murder mystery and larger conspiracy plot, with some great melding of usual tropes and fantastic plot twists- this is a book rec.
Character-wise and 'ship-wise... ehhh, okay. Sarah J Maas is an interesting author for me - I almost always enjoy her plots, when there is one that isn't being superceded by relationship angst.
I can take or leave most of her romantic ships arcs but I actually usually adore the platonic (sibling, friends, mentors etc) relationships. This book followed that same path - Danika and Bryce's friendship was EVERYTHING, honestly- sooo good, alongside Bryce's relationships with her parents, Ruhn and his friends, and her interactions with Jesibah, Tharion, the Viper Queen, etc. And even her friendship with Hunt, as it was developing into something more.
But somewhere along the way, SJM always seems to fall into the trap of... all male/female romantic relationships must kind of follow A/B/O dynamics or just borderline abusive Dom/sub kink dynamics.
It was less evident in this book than in ACOTAR series but there's still that gender essentialism that creeps in where, once it turns romantic, the man (sorry- in SJM parlance, the male 🙄) must turn into a possessive asshole who only thinks with his cock. And while I can accept that might happen with some of her characters as it seems to be coded into some of the fantasy races societies (ie. Fae), it also tends to rear its head in other characters where imo, it really doesn't make sense.
And it then bleeds into other characterisation and becomes a problem.
I wanted to like Hunt more than I did. An angel who fell for love and a desire to change things for the better? Who has had 200 years of slavery to consider how he could take his revenge and what he'd do differently? Why then... was he so bland? *cries* Okay, I get traumatic woobieness (and I appreciated that was addressed and I did adore Bryce taking care of him in that one scene and all that...) but I still feel like there should be a ruthlessness and zealotry running through his core. He's a fallen angel so I want to see that grey morality!
Especially... when it was revealed that he had decided to lie to Bryce about the synth. I was so happy to see that twist and I was like YES, GIVE ME THAT RUTHLESSNESS AND GIVE NO FUCKS... and then, it all just fell a bit flat? Argh, I don't know how to entirely describe it except that he felt quite generic love interest™️ and limited personal development in his own character arc.
But that might be because SJM reverts to a lot of tropes (scents her arousal, purrs/snarls, gets overly angry protective over love interest) when she starts her romance arcs.
Maybe I'll enjoy Hunt a bit more now with his slave halo off- and as it seems like maybe the next book we'll actually deal more with the arc-angels.
Bryce suffered a bit from super specialness by the end too but honestly, I thought the reveals about her being another Starborn heir was earned - and intertwined enough with her trauma and history with Danika and foreshadowed enough throughout the book that it felt natural for her to save the city and close the gates with that power.
(that being said- SJM, stop cribbing from the Black Jewels Trilogy lol- the Drop being pretty much the same as when witches descend from their birthright jewel to their adult one)
Last things to mention... it was a kind of slow start but damn- those last two hundred/one hundred pages of the story? Whew- when the city was actually saved it was such a cathartic moment and I actually shed a tear and I did not expect that.
Anyway, overall- solid effort and I'm looking forward to the next book- I guess I'll just suffer through the tropey bs that seems to be SJM's jam.
Tagging @belle-keys because your rec was enough for me to decide to take a look at it.
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prpfs · 2 months
hello! i’m a twenty-nine year old writer. i’ve been writing for 10+ years and currently looking for someone to write with for a femdom-centric plot. ideally, this would feature dark/mature subject matter along with smut, however it will also feature a lot of plot/story.
overall, looking for someone who loves to plot/headcanon/friendly banter/and ideally, do this long-term. i would describe my writing style as casually lit to novella and enjoy writing something that might be 2-5 paragraphs long or longer. i’m here for all your nitty gritty details and also love good prose. also happy to match but not really into anything too short. i can share writing samples and hope you can too. i can post anything from 1-3 times a week.
i would like an m x f pairing, with myself playing the dominant female character. i have an oc who is malleable but i also enjoy making oc’s on the spot. we can also both play switches if that’s more comfortable for you. i’m
here are some plots i was thinking about (hope you find these fun and feel free to change/elaborate. they’re just fun tropes to use as a jump-off point):
1. mob daughter x bodyguard - he’s looking to move up in the family and is assigned to watch over her. however, it’s more than he’s bargained for. or perhaps, it’s unlocked things he wasn’t sure he ever liked.
2. victorian governess or ward or maid x master of the house - something vibey in the foggy english moors, where someone can get spanked with a riding crop in a hedge maze. here for stilted conversations, trying to be polite/keep up decorum, but overall messy sex in a huge manor akin to saltburn
3. popular gregarious type guy x cold icy girl - all over my tiktok is the golden retriever boyfriend who’s happy, excitable, and fun. what if behind closed doors, despite being “the man,” he’s really just her bitch
4. coworkers - he could be the boss at the day job, but by night…
5. local cop x stripper / prostitute / teacher etc. - he could be a bad cop, he could be a good cop, either way, he’s being cuffed to the bed
6. virgin male x dominatrix - ideally, the male character has fantasized about this for a long time and has hired someone to do the job
7. teen idol (female) x serious hollywood actor - he’s an action star, no one should know he’s nothing like the characters he plays on tv
8. vampire hunter x vampire / werewolf hunter etc.
9. student x teacher
10. prisoner x prison guard
11. kidnapper / stalker x victim - essentially where an uno reverse happens
honestly, very open minded. things i would be open to incorporate: body worship, cock rings, pegging, fucking machines, toys, romance, shame, societal expectations, subversions to gender norms / roles, messy feelings and emotions, hurt/comfort, secret relationships, cheating infidelity, age gaps, dead dove content, a/b/o tropes, and feel free to suggest.
please leave a like and i’ll reach out with my discord info. 🕊️
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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the-ghost-king · 3 years
the term malewife isn’t a very nice term to use...
A man who acts as a wife and is inferior to his #girlboss girlfriend.
Person A: I just got myself a malewife. He's gonna clean my kitchen and watch me download custom content for the sims.
Person B: Sweet! You must be such a girlboss
^^urban dictionary. It’s just confirming to the sexist stereotypes that perceive and expectation of what a wife should act like. It’s quite harmful
It's a parallel to girlboss which is conformity to the sexism within corporate America:
"it becomes inescapably clear that when women center their worldview around their own office hustle, it just re-creates the power structures built by men, but with women conveniently on top. In the void left after the end of the corporate feminist vision of the future, this reckoning opens space to imagine success that doesn’t involve acing performance reviews or getting the most out of your interns." (here)
The word girlboss comes from a book quite literally called #girlboss, in parallel to the negative aspects of this book people eventually rebranded the term "malewife" to parallel it (malewife was originally an nsfw type thing)
In the malewife/girlboss "system" it's essentially the swapping of the problematic aspects, expectations, and socialization of men and women within a relationship
"Girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep" was a meme started to pick on the idea that women should become men and enforce the sexism within corporate society, and I'm sure it was a jab at the book the word came from as well.... "Manipulate, mansplain, malewife" was created to parallel the original meme
So yeah, the whole concept is mocking sexism within corporations and and modern relationships and showing how ridiculous it is. Girlboss mocks the idea of 2014 (largely) white feminism within America.
In example the original meme (created on Twitter) is intended to make mockery of Karen-types:
Tumblr media
On January 12th, 2021, Tumblr user missnumber1111 posted, "today’s agenda: gaslight gatekeep and most importantly girlboss," garnering over 43,500 notes in a month (shown below). On that day, Twitter user @CUPlDL0VE posted, "my agenda is gaslight gatekeep and #girlboss," the first instance of the phrase on Twitter.
And a day later on January 13, 2021 Tumblr user a-m-e-t-h-y-s-t-r-o-s-e reblogged the post along with a photoshopped image of "Live, Laugh, Love" wall art instead reading, "Gaslight every moment, Gatekeep every day, Girlboss beyond words" (shown below). On January 18th, the image was reposted to Twitter for the first time.
Malewife doesn't hold those same implications however... The term malewife which is now being used to parallel girlboss achieves it's origins from p*rn, now I'm not an nsfw blog or someone who blatantly discusses nsfw concepts on my blog so I'm not getting super into it but there's a few places it comes from: femdom, bdsm, and feminization kinks... All of which have a connection to queerness in their own right but I don't feel comfortable going into the complexities of that with so many younger people following me.
On February 15th, Tumblr user @relelvance posted, "Manipulate, mansplain, malewife" as a male-themed opposite to "gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss," garnering over 27,000 notes in four days. The post was screenshotted and reuploaded by Twitter user @nortoncampbell on the same day, garnering over 14,200 likes and 2,800 retweets in the same span of time (shown below).
Urban dictionary's explaination of "malewife" is not only harsher than what malewife was intended to mean, but also removes the context of origin from the word- making it something new, different, and erasing the history of who originally used this word.
Because of Malewifes origins vs Girlboss origins, malewife is a less problematic term than girlboss and is more "affectionate" because the term malewife and it's use (up until recently) involved the man acknowledging that he wanted to be the "wife" in his relationship. There's a variety of reasons someone might do this, but it can generally be summed up as a mixture of personality and also personal wants.
I do think it's important to also note that although these words are being "glamorized slightly" they're still intended and being used in a memeing manner, but they're also used to quickly denote arbitrary traits in an individual and categorize those traits...
Although there's lots of conversations to be had for a variety of reasons about the origin and use of the word "girlboss" in relation to sexism, up until recently the world "malewife" was something claimed by men, something men wanted to be called, and something that men who used the term wanted to reference them.
Malewife is about "stepping-up" to "take on" "female" social roles, and it's something that at least some women would be happy to see in society:
"...We have been told that we can have it all, but so far we have noticed that it is extremely hard work having it all, because you still have to do everything that your mother did but now you have to do everything your father did as well. Except that your father had your mother waiting at home with a gin and tonic and his slippers when he came home from work, and you have the washing up and the shopping and a few screaming brats as well as a bloke with his feet up on the sofa watching the football... " (via. Victoria Mary Clarke)
And I don't think that she's wrong at all. Women are still expected to do so much more than men in society without equal reward.
Malewife exists as a a sort of fantasy removed from the truth of society. It's an idea that a husband can be waiting at home to care for his wife, and in this instance it benefits the woman- unlike Clarke's situation above, the woman comes home from a long day and is able to relax without the pressures of society and her life.
Where housewife is a word that holds its origins in forced subservience, malewife is a term that is showcasing men "picking up the torch" in regards to housework- where housewife is socially forced, and girlboss is reversed social compliance, malewife is the rejection of social expectations.
Malewife is about men finding a place in their life's and relationships to make themselves more than a paycheck. To say "I can be emotionally there for my spouse, I can clean a toilet, and drive kids to school, and I don't treat my spouses wants as something expendable". In a society in which men are often demeaned, mocked, and scorned for picking up socially female roles (say hello to misogyny and gendered contamination!)
The Urban dictionary definition, is not only too harsh- but not the way in which the word is intending to be used, because that's ignoring the origins of this word, and the fact that men had a choice in becoming malewifes where women didn't have that choice. It should read more like:
Person A: Ah yeah, I have a malewife waiting for me, he's going to clean my kitchen because I've had a hard day at work and need a break, and then he's going to watch me download custom content for the Sims because I enjoy the game so much and it helps me take a break from life!
Women's wants were often ignored in favor of men's wants, so by the malewife saying he's going to watch his spouse play the Sims, he's really saying "I care about her interests" and by him picking up the kitchen cleaning after she's had a stressful day he's saying "I have a lower stress job so I can handle that for her and make her life a little easier" (because malewife doesn't mean he doesn't have a job).
In a society in which a man's worth is tied to his ability to bring home money and be emotionally distant, malewife is the rejection of this norm. Malewifes are going to be there for their spouse, they're going to step up and take on traditionally women's roles and they're doing it because they want to, because they like it, and because dividing chores into pink vs blue is wrong.
I also want to say, you can't flip a word around and say it does "this" because that's not how it works... Men and women are forcibly socialized in very different ways, the two binaries have very different treatment, and expectations within societies social constructs. If you could flip the forms of oppression that men vs women face (because yes, the patriarchy oppresses men) then you could also flip the forms of violence faced by trans masculine people vs trans feminine people- but that doesn't work either, because women will always be oppressed in the most public way to "make an example of them" while the patriarchy expects anyone who is male to "keep his mouth shut and fall in line". (I know that's worded poorly, but I've just written at least a couple hundred words and my brain is a bit fried already from various other things today- basically anyone perceived female or male will be treated in a certain way as a result of others perception of them)
Anyhow, all this isn't to say that the term "malewife" is inherently free of any form of flaw ever... Malewife is a newly mainstream word, it wasn't popularized until February 15 of 2021... So?? 5 days ago?? The origins of malewife and the social implications of malewife combined with the history of the word, don't make the word bad or impressive and it's not "upholding the ideals of a housewife" but instead a word which provides men freedom from male social expectations.
Can the word malewife come to be a word which enforces expected female social behavior? Yeah it absolutely can become a word to mean that, erase the history from the word, and give it to someone who doesn't know the history of the word, and someone who doesn't have an intimate understanding of gender theory, and you've got a recipe for hundreds more asks like the one you've sent me...
I can't find a single positive reason to use the word girlboss in an empowering way, but I can find more reasons to use the word malewife in an empowering way than not to do so.
So at the very least if all you come away from this with is that I don't personally use the word malewife to uphold female social expectations in a relationship but instead I use this word to provide space for guys to be allowed to be feminine, soft, caring, emotionally present, and worth more than their monetary value, then I guess that's okay.
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vroomian · 2 years
my fave take on a/b/o was in a kakaobi fic where there is only a!female and o!male (in addition to the typical f + m) where they are essentially stealth genders evolved from disaster hit populations with gender disparity. (appear physically entirely as one binary gender, actually have opposite fertility fuction) in the fic the hatake clan appears to have no a/o because they still take the 'stealth' elements seriously (tw: danzo kidnaps kakashi post-kannabi and impregnates him with obito's dna)
im pretty sure it's not a fem and o male if the pairing in question is both male? thats pretty much just the regular trope. unless one of them was a beta or something? I'm talking about female alphas. like that would mean a!sakura or a!ino. i do like the background world-building though, naruto chakra is fucking wild.
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