#luci and his duckies
fizziepopangel · 3 months
“I’ll shelter and adore you more than anything…”
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Touch and words of affirmation are his top love languages. He’s been through a lot that’s really shaken his confidence and his beliefs. Hearing someone actively reassure or compliment him is a huge boost for him, as is feeling something solid and consistent in the form of touch (especially when these come from someone he cares for).
Lucifer absolutely blasts show tunes and sings at the top of his lungs while he’s in the shower.
Flirting goes straight over his head sometimes since people often use the “did it hurt when you fell from heaven” bit on him and it usually results in him trauma dumping and showing them the actual physical scars he has from literally falling from  heaven…. He never understands why people seem to drop out of the conversations after since they did ask him.
He frequently uses the phrase “I knew him personally, so I know that God only lets things grow until they’re perfect. Some people get there sooner than others.” when someone makes fun of his height.
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He sleeps in duck footie pajamas that Vaggie gifted him on his first father’s day since he and Charlie began talking again. Though she was embarrassed to give him a gift, he was absolutely over the moon excited since this means that his daughter’s girlfriend likes him.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the inhabitants of the hotel, Lucifer has a rubber duck that resembles them all. He often has to remake Alastors because when he’s upset with him, he tends to take his anger out on the Alastor-themed duck. At least one radio demon duck gets destroyed a week.
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Eats candied apples religiously
He only wears the hat to look taller. Alastor knows this and frequently steals his hat and then pokes fun at his height as the king of hell wanders around looking for the accessory.
Lucifer loves animals so once a month he gathers all the pets (this included Razzle and Dazzle prior to Dazzle’s death) of the hotel for a little playdates. He buys them cute little outfits, takes them to pet parks to play, buys them each a new toy, and gets them hell’s version of a pup cup.
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Yes, he did try to take Husk once because he does in fact view the man as a giant kitty that he really wants to win over…. And yes, Husk does go once, he regrets it immediately.
Despite them not exactly seeing eye to eye (partially because of the height difference), Lucifer and Alastor both enjoy cooking and get together with snacks to watch their favorite cooking show once a week. It started by accident, but since it became a weekly occurrence, they put aside their differences for the one night to enjoy the show together.
Lucifer bakes muffins and banana bread every weekend. He even teaches Niffty how to do it, she’s a flour covered mess by the end of it and her bread usually comes out rock hard and her muffins rarely rise, but Lucifer actually really enjoys the company and he finds the tiny woman rather amusing to spend time with.
After reconnecting with Charlie, Lucifer made it a point to have father/daughter dates once a month in an attempt to get to know her again. After realizing how big a role Vaggie plays in her life, he would start inviting her out with them too and referring to her as his future daughter in law.
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He absolutely hates geese.
Lucifer keeps his wings tucked away for most of the time when they aren’t needed, but he usually sleeps with them unfurled and spread across the bed when it’s warm out, or with them wrapped around himself when he’s cold.
While most people would think that the big boss of hell would be the all business type that drinks his coffee black, he actually prefers a soothing warm tea to coffee when given the option…. But if he has to have coffee, he usually has a cup that tends to be more creamer than coffee and it has to be tooth rottingly sweet.
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There’s a cabinet in the Hazbin Hotel kitchen full of mugs. Lucifer has 4 duck themed mugs in that cabinet… there were 6 but Alastor “accidentally” broke two.
Lucifer keeps one of Charlie’s baby photos in the pocket of his jacket, but as their relationship improves, he keeps a newer photo of the two of them together in his pocket with it too.
There’s a cabinet in the Hazbin Hotel kitchen full of mugs. Lucifer has 4 duck themed mugs in that cabinet… there were 6 but Alastor “accidentally” broke two.
Lucifer keeps one of Charlie’s baby photos in the pocket of his jacket, but as their relationship improves, he keeps a newer photo of the two of them together in his pocket with it too.
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
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I don't think I've ever posted this here, but this is for that one #BibeNiLucifer trend thing going on. Luci's in his human form here because the church may call him a demonyo o bakla with all that "make-up" on his face. Which, fair enough, but still. XD He's supposed to be incognito while traveling the Philippines. Lmaooo I can just imagine Aling Susan chasing him around with a walis tingting and her gossiping with the other ninangs about that "porener na mukhang bading" LOLOLOL. 🐤🐤🐤
He's such a ✨️bibegurl.✨️💅
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darkstatic00 · 1 year
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Lucifer ultimate boss daddy in a suit because yes
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freakystrashdump · 5 months
I'm picturing Salem having wayyy too many rubber ducks that she's been given by Lucifer in her home lol
While she lived au pair at the Morningstar residence, her room was mostly duck free.
Now after she moved into her own apartment above the Witch Bar...there are duckies. So. Many. Duckies.
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helluvapoison · 4 months
imagine leaving lipstick marks on lucifer
imagine harmlessly kissing his cheek before he heads out to a meeting. you pull back and laugh to yourself. lucifer looks at you dreamily but when your giggles don’t cease he gets nervous
“what? do i have something on my face?”
“yes, actually.” you sigh out a final bubble of laughter, scanning your vanity for a wipe to clean his cheek
lucifer’s breathe hitched when he peeped in the mirror. whipping around, he snatches your hands thus stopping your hunt. his eyes are wild, he’s literally bouncing with excitement
“gimme more,” he breathes
“luci, you were supposed to leave already!”
“please? pretty please with a cherry on top? one more and-and i’ll go. yeah, just one more.” he sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than you
“you, lucifer, the king of hell,” you stepped closer and closer until he stumbled back into your vanity. he completely forgot he was holding onto you. “are gonna go to a meeting covered in lipstick?”
lucifer whined, a heavy blush erupting across his face. his fingers tightened and he swallowed thickly on nothing
“covered?” he peeped
“oh you poor thing,” you hummed, “you can’t think about anything else, can you?”
you slid your leg between his and felt the answer. with a moan, lucifer’s head dropped back but you were quick to catch and cradle it. his hat fell and rolled off the vanity onto the floor. nosing his exposed neck had him trembling in anticipation
“please?” he slurred
“this isn’t responsible, ducky.” you replied, pulling his bow tie loose and adding it to the ground’s collection
“no,” lucifer agreed breathlessly
he pathetically gripped your shirt, trying desperately not to grind against your leg
“but it’s what you want?”
you were already unbuttoning his shirt with one, adept hand
even though lucifer knew it was coming, his body jolted when you kissed his neck. he was always so sensitive, so responsive, so good
you gifted him loving bruises that would later peak out of his collar, and in return he sang for you. his moans and whimpers were your favorite to hear and he never failed to give you what you wanted. lucifer couldn’t stop himself from rutting against your leg as you painted him in a shade that was undeniably you
after successfully transferring the lipstick onto lucifer, you retreated. gods did he whine when you did. you pulled his hair to force his gaze towards the mirror
“look how pretty you are,” you purred in his ear, gently planting a kiss there too
out of the corner of his eye, lucifer could see the collar you gave him. it damn near drove him over the edge. his dick was painfully hard, it was a miracle he didn’t cream his pants
“gonna go to that meeting?” you teased sweetly
lucifer shook his head like you’d asked something ludicrous, “nuh-uh.”
“good,” turning his head back to you, you presented the tube of lipstick, “i wanna get messy.”
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senseichaos · 4 months
Hey, can you have a Lucifer going down on a female reader until she’s completely over stimulated? Trying to push him away, him using his magic to keep her still that sorta think? TIA🤤
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Your wish is my commannndddd!
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"Amh.. Luci s'.." Your words get swallowed up by another moan that goes through your body, legs trembling as Lucifer's hand keeps them open with a strong grip. A blush goes over your face when his eyes peek up at you as he works his tongue against your clit, circling the sensitive bud at a tantalizing pace that makes you go dizzy.
You pull your blanket to your face, lower lip trembling as the pleasure from Lucifer's tongue continues to go through you. Gasping, you feel Lucifer's tongue dip into your hole, the pleasure from the action causing you to squirm and whimper loudly in an embarrassed pleasure.
"Duckling.." you hear him mumble into you, the vibrations causing you to continue trembling. "It's not nice having you squirm when I'm treating you, hm? Remember this is a punishment," oh you remember all right. You'd accidentally ripped a hole in one of Lucifer's expensive shirts, he wasn't mad (he's never mad) but he was definitely looking for that opportunity to punish you all the same; his punishment was simple, he was going to eat you out as many times and make you cum as many times as he pleases.
So far, he is doing a fucking good job at doing just that.
"Sorry! It's just so dirty.."
He chuckles, the vibrations making your cunt clench around nothing.
"That's just how I like it, silly duck. Now stay still for me, hm?" He asks, and under his soft yet authoritative gaze nodding without any thought but his beautiful lips as they kiss against your clit.
as Lucifer laps his tongue against your clit whilst his fingers massage into your thighs, you feel your first high begin to tighten inside of you. Once again feeling your body tremble as you bite your lower lip, closing your eyes shut tightly whilst Lucifer puts his oral skills to good use. You press the sheets to your mouth, letting out a high pitched whimper when your thighs threaten to close around Lucifer's head. He doesn't allow it, though; he makes sure to keep your thighs open nice and wide for him even if that means using a large amount of force.
"Lucifer! Careful or m'!" You moan, the knot in your stomach itching to unravel your orgasm.
"M' gonna cum!" You cry, and Lucifer chuckles, nibbling his sharp teeth against your clit as his tongue draws circles against it. With that movement you are inched to your high, the knot inside of you unraveling so hard you squirt a little. But Lucifer doesn't stop, he continues to eat you up, taking what he wants from your choicest of fruits. He doesn't care that you squirted on his chin, he doesn't care that tears are beginning to fall down your cheeks, he continues to lap up all of you. He's determined to do as he chooses.
"Daddy! S'too much..!"
Lucifer laughs, sucking against your swollen clit for a moment before withdrawing, mouth pressed to your mount. "Well, you should have considered that before ripping Daddy's shirt, hm? Be a good duckling or I'll make you cum even more than I plan," He says, a sadistic glint in his eyes as he kicks a long strip against your entire pussy.
"But I'm gonna fall asleep.." you whine, holding the sheets of the bed to yourself tightly. You try to push him away, you really do! Even going as far as to shock him on the arm with your (weak) powers. Though, this all doesn't appease Lucifer. If anything it makes him more ravenous to eat all of what he can from your pussy. This all amounts to his own powers keeping you still, a throb of a sort of ache-y pain entering you.
"Well if you do, I guess I'll just keep going. I didn't teach you to resist punishments like this, little ducky.."
Once again, he dips his tongue into your hole, fucking his tongue into you for a moment before going back to teasing your clit. It just goes like that, he'll suck, bite, lick your clit and then fuck you open with your tongue.
You can't even begin to recall how many times you came. 5? 8? 10!!?? By the time you awoke your pussy felt moderately used. And yet it was all worth it when you awoke nestled against Lucifers chest, his light snores filling your ears.
(not proof read!)
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multi-fandom-imagine · 4 months
I warned u and now u shall pay the price ☺️
Luci and baby's first steps-
I await ur notification my friend ✨😂
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Lucifer vowed that he'd be a better father, and with your and Charlies help he knew could do it. It was another lazy afternoon you were resting on the couch, your gaze fixated on Lucifer that did his best to get his little girls attention.
"Edna sweetie! Look at this little ducky! Don't you want the little ducky?!"
Sitting up,Edna dropped the plush she was chewing on as she turned her attention to her father. An excited squeal escaped her lips as she did her best to stand on wobbly legs.
A gasped escaped Lucifer's lips as he grasped your arm shaking you awake. "Look! Look!"
Slowly opening your eyes, you nearly slipped off the couch as you both watched the toddler take a few tentative steps towards you. Her legs wobbling as she did her best to reach the little rubber duck in Lucifer's hands.
Now sitting up on the couch, you and Lucifer eagerly watched your daughter walk towards you until she collapsed in her father's arms. Her excited squeal matching her father's as he lifted her in the air, her small legs kicking with happiness. "Did you see that! OH." Letting out a small sniffle, he turned to face you as his lips quivered. "I can't believe we didn't record her first steps...what kind of father am I!"
Sighing, you slipped off the couch fighting back a yawn. Your cheek pressing against his as Edna nuzzled into her father's chest. "It's okay Lucifer, we'll get them again. Besides, I think this a much better memory."
Relaxing into you, Lucifer slowly nodded his head as he fixed his daughter's blonde hair. "You're right...we'll get it next time" Right now he was going to enjoy this moment with his two girls. "I can't wait to tell Charlie."
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hazelfoureyes · 2 months
The Safeword is RadioApple (part 4 - Alastor’s win?)
Read the first part here for intro and warnings and then decide:
Did Lucifer win rock paper scissors? Cum here
Did Alastor win rock paper scissors? Keep reading
Alastor’s eyes sank down to you, looking past his nose as Luci began to kiss at his jawline. “Our wise king”, he smirked, “had an idea. Would you be interested in hearing us out?”
Us? You nodded, almost knocking a headache right back into your skull.
“Luci”, did he just call him Luci?, “thinks we should show you our teamwork skills. But you seem quite tired today… so perhaps, our little duckie could be the one connecting us, instead of you, darling?”
Your brain couldn’t process anything happening. Not sounds or sights let alone grammar and implications and tone of voice. The word ‘duckie’ disintegrated neurons. Luci stopped his slow and wet kisses down Alastor’s neck to flash the most sinful look your way, “What do you say, kitten?” He had never looked so much like the devil before. There was a power you couldn’t put your finger on, something pouring from his body into the air around you he had never brought into the bedroom. You remembered the power that the video of him defending the hotel had held and how it brought you here in the first place.
Quick, someone tell Charlie. You’d managed to make it to heaven without even leaving hell.
The shock continued as the men took to task undressing you, then each other. Alastor never got fully nude around Lucifer unless it was in the bath or shower, but he let Lucifer strip him bare.
Lucifer lied on top of you, his knees pushing your legs open as his mouth came to yours. His still soft cock gently pressing into your crotch, his smile making your teeth bump into each other with every reconnection. Stopping, he looked behind and then back to you. You watched him shake his ass a little as he lifted it up into the air. A second later his eyes closed and he moaned above you. You could see between your bodies to where Alastor was, dark and unusually shiny tentacles pushing up against Luci’s ass. 
Your breath got trapped in your throat, making it difficult to reply when Alastor’s disembodied voice asked you, “Would you like to be stretched, darling? To take Luci?” 
Lucifer looked down at your face, red and staring at the scene behind him, “Looks like a yes.” You nodded.
Slippery with lube, you felt something slide into you with ease, tapered and gentle. Conveniently, Alastor was able to shift the width of his summoned tentacles at will, waiting to hear Luci’s sounds dip into more pleasure than just adjustment, he let his tendrils grow in him. 
He could hear Lucifer’s moans get muffled as Luci resumed kissing you, tongue roaming into your mouth to taste you. Alastor felt compelled to bring his hand to his own growing erection, watching his extensions push into you both. His little pair of does, waiting eagerly for him. He found himself confused by what the sight was doing to him. Like collecting souls but a different part of his brain was lighting up. Quite the different collection. Two people, one a keen and kind woman unneeding in anyone’s company but deserving everyone’s affection; the other the unparalleled King of Hell, former favorite of God. One too good for his bloodied hands. One too regal to kneel to him.
Yet both lying soft before him and moaning around his extensions. 
The room was spinning now for Alastor. Cock weeping as he lazily touched himself.
The thought came to him to just ignore Luci’s part in this and fuck you both in whatever way he could, but in the growing haze of his power high he managed to remember the point of this. Teamwork. He could dominate you both, reminding you who was the one “wearing the pants” (when behind closed doors) another day. 
You felt Lucifer’s cock stiffening against your thigh, bringing a whimper out of you. 
“Enough,” Luci groaned.
“What’s that, your majesty?” Not an honest question.
“Enough stretching. Fuck me.”
Alastor felt a small twitch of annoyance, “Very demanding, aren’t we?” But when Luci wiggled his butt side to side, the feeling fell apart. Memories of Luci’s soft flesh flooding back. A different taste to you, but one he still enjoyed. A snack he actually could see himself craving.
“Can I come in, kitten?” Luci’s lips were soft and puffy from repeated kisses to your own. Speaking was still a struggle but you managed to croak, “Yes please.”
“Kittens ready, Bambi.” Not said as mockingly as it usually was.
You felt the tendril slide out of you and Luci’s heat prod at your entrance. Lucifer kissed you, tongue feeling over yours and distracting you before thrusting his considerable length in. One long intrusion, lubed lips sliding as he sunk in. Buried to the hilt, Luci sucked on your tongue as you tensed under his lithe body. He stayed busy with your mouth until you relaxed again.
His tail whipped up and found Alastor’s heat, slipping around and hooking under his balls and tugging the sinner gently toward his ass.
Alastor began to wonder if he had actually won the rock paper scissors match or not. He didn’t intend to make the breathy moan in response, Lucifer beckoning him to enter his now softened hole. Claws settling into the smaller man’s hips as he stared for a moment where Lucifer’s cock was hidden in you. He could see your wetness pushing out with tiny twitches. 
He pressed down and forward on Luci, spreading his cheeks before pressing into his body. You felt Luci’s breath hitch, watching his face as he moaned, “Fuuuck.”
Was this fair? Were you too lucky of a sinner? Was there a second hell you should be sent to?
As Alastor entered Lucifer, you felt Luci’s cock moving in you. As Alastor pulled out, Luci’s own pulled back a little too. As Alastor thrust in, so did Luci. Your head craned back, stomach tightening as you considered you were somehow fucked by Alastor by way of Luci’s movements. How could you feel so close to someone you weren’t touching? How could you feel Alastor through the warm skin of Lucifer? 
Luci lifted himself up on his elbows, eyes closed as he let delicious sounds tumble from his throat and down to you.  
Lucifer always enjoyed hugs, and this could be considered the ultimate hug! Ass full of Alastor, cock sheathed in you, he felt impossibly loved. Alastor was panting behind him, cock still growing in Lucifer with every pull of his clenching asshole. You breathing heavy under him, his impressive cockhead knocking at your womb.
Aah, he wanted more. He wanted to feel more. Surrounded by pleasure and breaths and warmth and wetness. Horns began to grow slowly from his forehead, the prideful king feeling greed. More. Give him everything. Fuck him like he was the downfall of man, because he fucking was. He tempted humanity into ruin so ruin him in turn. He gave humans sin, now return the favor.
“Alastor-!,” Lucifer rolled back onto Alastor, dragging his swollen cock past your g-spot as he did, “I won’t break. Fuck me.”
Alastor’s hips stilled, he felt his vision distort in front of him but had no time to regain composure as Lucifer began pushing on and off him. He could hear your suddenly high pitched moans coming from somewhere, his eyes closing. 
Torn. Listen to the command and destroy the tiny body under him? Or disobey, and miss out on the pleasure of losing control?
He didn’t have to decide, eyes opening in time to watch Lucifer look back over his shoulder as he bounced his ass on Alastor’s crotch, “Breed me, Allie.”
Alastor wasn’t aware he had kinks, nor that the word had any meaning other than ‘bend’, but that didn’t stop his body’s reaction.
You shuddered, the words going straight to your crotch. Which is also where Luci’s cock was stuffed back as Alastor fucked down into the man with punishing force and speed. Luci’s eyes were losing focus above you. His movements into you just the bouncing of his hips as Alastor now seemed fully intent on chasing some impossible goal.
Just past Luci’s horns you could see dark branch like antlers reaching out. The feeling of Luci snapping in and out of you, just a few inches actually leaving you but it was enough, had your mouth hanging open with soundless gasps. You could feel yourself getting wetter around him, dripping down your cheeks.
Luci’s eyes tried to stay on you, fighting back the call of subspace, “Kiss me, kitten. I need to feel you, too.”
He leaned down and offered his open mouth, tongue snaking out. You sat up on your arms to reach. Licking up his tongue and to his lips before closing your mouth around his. He tangled with you, occupying your mouth and pussy.
Alastor’s mind was fuzzy around the edges as he tore his eyes from Luci’s hole to watch you two kissing. A fire was burning through him, an arousal he hadn’t felt before when seeing people kiss. Perhaps because you two were his. 
Could he say that? His hips didn’t stop, humping Lucifer’s backside like an animal in rut. Rut. He lifted one leg, bending his knee to get more power behind his thrusts. 
Alastor grabbed Luci’s right wrist and held it at the small of Luci’s back and pushed down. Luci crashed into you, knocking the breath from your lungs. Alastor’s freehand came to your bent legs and left small scratches up the sides of your thighs.
You tapped Luci twice on his arm where your hands were gripping. His tail sent the message to Alastor’s waist where it had the larger demon leashed.
A lighthouse in the fog, Alastor took both hands off of you and Lucifer and slowed, waiting.
“Don’t crush her, Alastor. Just me.” Lucifer sighed, taking the chance to catch his breath. 
Alastor rubbed your thighs, gentle circles massaging into you, “Forgive me, wont you? Momentarily lost my senses.”
You clenched around Luci, who moaned out your name in response. Alastor took a second to survey the sex pile before him. He took a hold of both Luci’s wrists and pulled Luci’s chest off of you, “Did I hear you right? You won't break?” Alastor spoke into Luci’s shoulder before cutting into skin with his teeth. Lucifer could only groan, “Nngh Alas—-,” clenched teeth through a wave of pleasure and pain, “-stor.”
Your hands reached up to pet at Lucifer’s body. As Alastor started again you pressed down gently where you could see Alastor pushing out beneath Lucifer’s stomach. Luci bit his lip. Hands here and there, body used and petted. Your cunt super heated and dripping around him, making obscene sounds every time his skin was pulled from yours. This is what he wanted. 
Lucifer felt Alastor expanding in him, blood rushing for a final push before his orgasm. He wanted to feel it, Alastor’s hot cum flooding him. 
“Please, fill me up,” it was the last full sentence Luci could manage as Alastor slipped back into primal autopilot. Hips pistoning into Luci’s ass with sharp and sticky slaps. 
“Ffuuuuu-,” Luci’s moans melted into pleasured screams, his voice suddenly higher as the air was fucked out of his body. Muscles tightening, he wished he could hold your hand as his orgasm surprised him. 
Your gentle sounds, noises pushed out of your body with the slide of Luci’s cock against your cervix, quieted as you felt a rush of warmth. You were quickly becoming addicted to that feeling.
“Cumming?” Alastor asked, hearing Luci’s change of pitch and feeling the sudden spasms so strong around his dick it felt like Luci was sucking him in to his body. You moved your head to finally get a good look at Alastor.
He was sweating, face flush and lips peppered with tiny cuts from where his teeth bit down too hard. You nodded to him, Luci going completely silent as his eyes seemed to spin in his skull. 
Alastor’s smile softened at the sight of you, “Feeling good, dear?”
“Best hangover ever.”’ You said.
He hummed happily, lowering Luci’s upper body to rest on you, he lifted Luci’s ass up with both hands and fucked the devil with no worries of hurting you. Luci made a kind of half gasp half squeak with every thrust. A whimpered, “slower, sensitive” into your neck. As Alastor milked himself empty with Luci’s taut hole, Luci’s dick slipped out of you, soft and sticky head being swung against your clit with the after-thrusts of Alastor’s orgasm.
You had two thoughts. One, you were suddenly grateful for Alastor’s normally nearly non-existent sex drive. If you all attempted this as often as Luci and You enjoyed sex, you’d all be raw and dehydrated on a daily basis. And Two, you were so horny still that it nearly hurt. Unaware women could get blue balls, you pushed your thighs together and ground up a little into Lucifer.
A moment of silence. The two partners above you riding out their shared sensations, Alastor still very slowly moving, Lucifer hissing with your body hitting at this overly stimulated dick.
Luci rolled off of you to return to your right side. Alastor walked to the bathroom, cleaning himself before returning to your left side. Your breath was finally calming, covers pulled over your quickly cooling bodies. Alastor pulled you into him, spooning you as you faced Luci.
Lucifer was glowing, everything had gone to plan. He knew Alastor would never let him have you to the extent he wanted. Not while he saw Lucifer as a threat to the relationship. And while he had accepted that initial offering of sex with you with zero interest in Alastor, he had come to find him…palatable. If being with you meant being with Alastor, too, he had decided during your praise of them at the party the other night that he would endear the radio demon to him. 
He shuddered at the emptiness he felt now. Maybe the plan had worked too well…was he such a great deceiver he managed to trick himself into liking Alastor?
Luci watched your hand snake between your thighs as you opened them under the covers. Soft features now erotic, eyes half lidded and mouth agape, he realized Alastor had taken to task helping you finish. He took the opportunity to kiss your cheeks, your forehead, the bridge of your nose. He whispered sweet compliments and praise into your flushed skin as you lazily found a small release around Alastor. The ache melted from lap as you finally snapped that string of tension. 
You pulled off of Alastor and crawled over Luci, “You’re in the middle today.” You took your place as big spoon and watched Alastor scoot closer to Luci, eyes nervously looking everywhere else.
Perhaps it was the hormones from his arousal, or the debauched scent in the air of sex, but he was seeing that space you typically occupied not as an obstacle to the person on the other side but a bridge. Luci lied there, spent and grinning. He was a connection to you, a shared something Alastor wasn’t comfortable confronting yet that deepened the well of affection you each pulled from.
His let his arm extend, resting on Lucifer’s hip as your own hugged Luci from behind. As post orgasm exhaustion dragged you into an early sleep, you drifted off to the sight of Alastor smiling at you, his hand settling beside Luci’s on the pillow.
ଳ⊹₊ ⋆ masterlist
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shunsuiken · 3 months
cw. gn!reader who struggles to maintain eye contact vs lucifer who uses it to tease you + i need to eat this man whole he is so dear to me + kinda projecting here m sorry </3
lucifer thinks you are so adorable when he says something flirty and you can only give him a side eye, all while knowing that gradual heat rises to your cheeks at his words. he’ll say something about how gorgeous your eyes are, and how he could look into them forever and ever, schooching himself closer towards you because the guy has no perception of personal space.
(your personal space? oh, you mean an extension of his personal space!)
and you would push his face away, gently of course. he watches as you purse your lips and how you cower in embarrassment. oh you’re not used to this, aren’t you? receiving attention from someone who’s just as attracted to you as you are to them?
lucifer has scored.
“oh ducky, won’t you spare me a single glance?” lucifer flirts with you shamelessly in the middle of the living room. he corners you against the armrest of the couch—for some reason, you can’t find it in yourself to get up and leave.
“no, i’m fine luci-” he grabs your hands and you think you’re going to melt alive, his touch lingers like a warm fire upon your skin. he pulls your body towards him (as if there is any space left for you to move) so that he can take a closer look at you.
“oh stop it, would you?” you whine, pulling your hands back to cover your face. although pure humiliation bolts through your limbs, you can’t hide just how excited and fulfilled you feel from his affections.
“no, no, i want your eyes on me—hey! where do you think you’re looking?!” a fit of giggles leave his lips at your behaviour, his arms wrapping around your waist so you can lean on his chest. he takes the chance to inhale the perfume in the juncture between your neck and shoulder blade, sighing in delight.
lucifer can practically feel how your heavily your heart beats against him. he bites in that fond squeak that threatens to leave his throat. “don’t act like you’re not enjoying this, ducky,” he coos in your ear and you swear you can see your soul fly away.
“l-luci, stop—you’re being mean.” you tug at his collar, finally blessing him with the sight of your flustered face. oh, and don’t start to think for a moment that you’re the only one blushing because the second your eyes meet his, he is redder than charlie’s suit.
you bite your inner lip, a grin finding its way to your lips, squeezing his cheek to feel how heated his skin is. “have you seen yourself? you’re doing just as bad as me.” amusement is laced in your voice.
lucifer puts his hand over yours, nuzzling into your touch. half-lidded eyes meet yours when he gives you his signature lovestruck smile. “my darling, it’s only because i like you so much.”
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purplestars222 · 3 months
Period comfort with hazbin characters
ft alastor, lucifer, fallen!adam and husk
gn afab reader! no y/n used, and you arent in a relationship with alastor, just besties <3 all the other boys have a crush on you.
there will be more parts, may not be period comfort tho, just more hazbin/helluva characters comforting the reader while theyre sick
cw: mentions of period sex, adam is chubby, slight ooc
mdni please<3
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The smell of blood draws alastor to your room, hes a little worried that you're hurt, but its nothing he cant fix. As he enters your room, and sees you curled up in the fetal position he goes and sits next to you
"Darling, whats the matter? It's a wonderful day and you're spending it in bed! I believe Charlie is baking cookies! You-"
"go away alastor. i'm on my period."
"Well why didnt you say so!"
Alastor disappears into his shadow, and returns a few minutes later with a hot water bottle, a bottle of cold water, some pain meds and dark chocolate. He throws the items on your bed and smiles at you expectingly. You shoot him back a smile of appreciation. Even tho alastor and you had your moments, he's still a good friend when he needs to be.
Lucifer has a crush on you, and its no secret either. Every day he sits next to you during breakfast, he always makes sure you eat enough. He always does Charlie's silly little trust exercises with you, just being in your vicinity makes him happy. When you dont come down for breakfast, he gets worried, he made your favourite for you- pancakes! He decides to take some to your room. When he enters, and sees you curled up on the bed, he sits the tray of pancakes on your bedside table and sits next to you
"Hey, you didnt come down for breakfast, are you okay??"
you shake your head no, and he seems really concerned. He hates seeing you in pain, its horrible. Suddenly he remembers something- lillith acted like this when she first came to hell, periods. In the garden of eden, lilliths periods didnt hurt her, but as soon as she came to hell, it felt like her uterus was stabbing her, luckily luci fixed it
"Can i help?"
You stare up at him, eyes slightly watering from the pain and nod your head, anything to get rid of this. Luci carefully peels back your blanket and rests his hands on your groin, you shiver at the feeling of his warm hands, its nice. Theres a bright glow of golden light, and suddenly, the pains gone, the period pain at least, you still have a headache, and you're still pretty exhausted. You pull luci into a hug, he hugs back, giving you a kiss on the head
"Want me to run you a bath, sweetheart?"
"Yes please"
Lucifer hops up and heads into your ensuite, he starts a bath, making sure to get some really nice smelling soap and bath salts. He puts some rose petals in the tub to make it look pretty, and a couple of rubber duckies. Lucifer cares so much, hes so sweet.
Adam doesn't really understand the whole 'periods thing'. They didn't have them in heaven, so he doesn't really know what to do when you wake up grabbing your stomach. He pulls out his phone and decides to have a look online to see if there's anything he can get that will help, theres products from the vee's, but he doesnt trust those fuckers. He scrolls across an article that says orgasms can help with period cramps. When adam first shoots the idea at you, you're hesitant, period sex isnt something you've done before, and it seems a little scary, but you let him. He puts a towel under the both of you, and he makes sure that you 100% wanna do this before he gets started. When you guys have done, your pains are pretty much gone. he pulls you on top of him and you just lay there for awhile, enjoying the warmth from adams soft belly <3
Husk isn't too educated with this stuff either, but he knows how to take care of someone when they're sick. He doesn't realise you have your period at first, he just thinks it's a stomach bug. He gets you some chicken noodle soup and a few painkillers, when you explain to him that you have no appetite because of how bad the pain is, it suddenly clicks in his brain what's happening. He gives you a small kiss on the forehead, then walks out. He goes to charlie asking for help, she gathers together a basket full of snacks, pads, tampons, a menstrual cup, period underwear, hot water bottle with a cute cat cover and some noise cancelling headphones, in case things get overwhelming. Husk brings it back to you and lets you snuggle into him, something he doesn't allow very often. You spend the next few days cuddled up in bed, playing with husks ears watching movies. He helps you when you need to shower, and also keeps your hot water bottle hot. he just really enjoys taking care of you, not that he'd admit that
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redr0sewrites · 4 months
Aftercare Hcs with Lucifer <3
i wanted to write sum for him to start off my entrance into the hazbin fic writers fandom ajdjdjdj-
🥀 Cw: none, mentions of previous sex, fluff, lucifer being whipped and sleepy
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lucifer is most definitely WHIPPED for you, no matter how long the two of you have been together he is the type to fall HARD
this transfers into aftercare, but also affection with him in general
he is especially clingy after sex, he wants all of your praise and attention~ who are u to refuse?
i feel like lucifer is the type to definitely prioritize cuddles and physical contact over cleaning up, he doesn't care how messy the bed is as long as he gets to be held by u!!
you often have to carry him to the bath while hes half asleep, he'll pout and whine about how hes "perfectly fine"
"do we haaavee to get up?"
"darling, do you want to sleep in your own cum?"
lucifer would absolutely feel bad about leaving the entire mess for u to clean up and will always offer to assist u
mind u, he can barely stand upright from exhaustion and hes covered in bites and bruises and soaked in sweat and... fluids
join him in the bath after cleaning up, you two have a giant bath that can fit the both of you (perks of being rich) that often leads to another softer round of sex or just sweet cuddles and massages
wash his wings, he will melt
praise him, tell him how good he was for you and how good he made you feel, it may not seem huge on your end but bc of how self conscious he is it definitely boosts his ego
once you both actually get to bed, his favorite cuddling position is either spooning, or just laying beside you with his arms (and wing) draped over you as your both pressed as close to eachother as possible. he loves when your faces are super close together too, so he can press soft kisses to your lips or boop your noses together
speaking of spooning, he will be little or big spoon! i hc him as a switch, so the same way he'll top or bottom in bed, lucifer is def down for being held and cuddled or holding you!!
lucifer is the type to enjoy soft chatter as you two drift to sleep, he loves getting to ramble to you about his latest rubber duck or his day or anything he wants, while you enjoy listening to him and admiring him while he slowly drifts off
he asks the weirdest questions after sex, especially when it was very intimate. hes def gonna ask u if u would still love him as a worm and then turn into a worm for good measure
"duckie, if you were an ant monarch, and you got to name your own ant hill, what would you name it?"
all the while, lucifer is just smiling this big goofy grin, watching you with lidded eyes and soaking in the warmth of getting to be with you
he just loves the fact that hes yours, that the two of you get to share these intimate moments together and that you both care for eachother so much
he falls asleep mid sentence too, it's actually really cute
"and then, *yawn*, i said.... like.... mhm... "
"goodnight luci~"
the soul ascending love i have for him and hazbin hotel is not normal i swear. expect more soon and please, for the love of all things good and holy, send in reqs im begging 👹
also sorry this is so shit i was gonna make this a full scenario but decided it was more fun as hcs bUUUUT i can do a scenario if yall want- i live to please
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 2 months
𖤓 Being married to Lucifer would include 𖤓
Pairing: Lucifer X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of depression and slightly suggestive content. Reader doesn't have a defined gender.
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Waking up with morning kisses ❣
• He likes to hug you before you two sleep, is almost funny seeing him trying to be the big spoon when he's so tiny.
• It's no surprise he's a very clingy man, and that would just double when you two got married.
• Kisses aren't limited to morning tho, he'll get any excuse to give you even a peck. Lunch kiss, Goodnight kiss, Afternoon kiss, anything you can think of will be a good time to plant a smooch on your lips.
Eating the best of what Hell has to ofer ❣
• I believe with my whole being that Lucifer is a fenomenal cooker.
• He can bake anything you ask for, doesn't matter what, he will do whatever he can to make it the best meal you ever had.
• You can expect to have breakfast on bed at least once in a week, he'll sit besides you in bed and wait until you finish eating, wings around you and smiling like a idiot because he just adores seeing how happy his cooking makes you feel.
• He will ask you to cook with him too, he especially enjoys baking apple pies and pancakes and will often make cookies shaped like ducks. He sits and waits in front of the oven until it's ready and really enjoys when you also make him company.
Deal with his rubber ducks everywhere ❣
• Lucifer isn't the most organized person, yes, he enjoys doing the cleaning most of the time, but he finds it a hard time making sure all his ducks are in place.
• Sometimes you'll be going normally with your day, walking by the house and suddenly you will step on one of his rubber ducks, making it squeak.
• You tried putting them on a shelf once, making sure they were out of the floor, but in less than a week that shelf would be full because he would just keep making even more ducks and having nowhere to place them.
• His solution to it is to just shove them into his office, making piles and more piles of yellow rubber creatures, they will stay there until you two can think of a better solution.
• He gifted a bunch of those to you as well, you have your own place to put your collection, it's full of duckies themed of things you like, one of them looks like Lucifer, the other looks like you and a smaller one that looks like Charlie, the three of them have a special place and are always together in your collection.
Help him to clean himself ❣
• Sometimes his depression can get the best of him, when it happens he doesn't have the energy to even get out of bed, you'll have to help with all his chores and simple things.
• Help him get up, help him shower, brush his theet, fix his hair, help him get dressed and make sure he eats, sometimes even hygine is hard for him to do alone and the help you give him means the world.
• Also, make sure to tell him that you don't mind helping him, even with menial tasks like those, he's very insecure when these episodes happen and is scared that you might leave him because of them, he doesn't want to be a burden, so tell him how much you appreciate being his partner.
“I'm sorry for making you do this...” he silently says, head resting on your lap as you bursh your hand through his blond hair, it was one of those days and you two were sitting togheter on his office couch, he didn't have the will to do anything today and you had to help him even clean himself up, he felt like shit. “I'm such a piece of trash.”
You shake your head, grabbing his chin and making him look at you, he looks so tired and defeated, and at the same time looks at you like you're the only thing making him less miserable.
“Don't say that Luci, you know I love you a lot don't you? I don't mind helping you when you're feeling down” you move him around, enough to be able to give him a hug, pulling him closer to you so he could be comforted, you hated seeing him like that, you wish he could see how amazing he truly is, see himself the way you see him. “And hey, you were able to brush your theet by yourself today, I'm so proud of you for that.”
He's at verge of tears when he hears you say that, he pulls you closer using his wings, putting his head on your chest. “Thank you so much dear.” He's glad he has someone like you in his life.
Having to deal with bite marks ❣
• Lucifer is... How to put it. Rather possessive.
• But not in a creepy or unhealthy way! No no no, he simply adores you so much he can't help but mark you as his sometimes.
• His sharp theet can make a real number on you, he tries his best to be as gentle as possible, asking your permission before ever biting you anywhere, but he always aims for visible spots.
• Sometimes it makes you so embarrassed that you ask yourself why did you let him bite you in the first place, like when Charlie asked about it once and you had to make the worst excuse ever just to not tell her that her father was the one who did it.
• When you told him about it he just laughed, that made you a little annoyed but he promissed he would be more careful later. (This time he gave you a mark on your thigh before putting his tongue into work)
Hearing about his wishes to form a family ❣
• Man daydreams about forming a family with you, he can't help but just think about how precious it would be for you two, Charlie and a new child to take a new family picture.
• He doesn't force that idea onto you, he drops here and there how much he would love a new child, but if somehow you showed that you were uncomfortable with it he would stop, you and Charlie are enough for him and he won't try to change it for a fantasy.
• But if you want to adopt, probably a Hellhound or even a Imp since there's no human children in Hell, he will absolutely be supportive and be there with you through the adoption progress. He'll make sure to treat the child as his own and give them as much love as they deserve.
• If the adopted child is a girl then? He'll just be the happiest man alive, he's going to spoil her, never want to let her go and will dress her up in every opportunity. He'll for sure cry before you all take a family photo and say how much he loves you and his daughters.
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katnisspeetaprim · 3 months
Grooming wings
Summary: Lucifer always struggled when it came to grooming his six wings.
(Requests open!)
Warnings: fallen angel reader, established relationship, fluff, spice but no smut.
Word Count: 709 Hazbin M.list
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Walking past yours and Lucifer’s shared bedroom, you couldn’t help but double take at the questionable noises coming from the other side.
Moving closer, you could hear strained groaning and curses being mumbled under the breath.
‘Luci?’ You called out concerned as you knocked on the door. Some people may think it strange to knock when it’s your partner on the other side, but you always respected each others privacy.
‘Uh-crap. One second!’ He called out, making you even more confused.
The loud crash followed by an ‘ow’ was the last straw.
‘I’m coming in!’ As soon as you entered the room, you stopped in your tracks at the sight before you.
Lucifer looked up at you wide eyed from his position on the ground where he was kneeling, trying to clean up a shattered vase, which he must have knocked into when you knocked.
He was also shirtless and all six of his wings lay limp behind him, with stray feathers littering the ground around him.
Your face softened into a smile, instantly realising what he was trying to do.
‘Uh-umm don’t worry! I’ll clean this up right away!’ He fumbled about with the broken glass, making you chuckle lightly.
‘Leave that Luci, come sit on the bed with me.’ You reached your hand out to help him up and guided him to sit on the edge of the bed, with you kneeled behind him.
‘You’ve always struggled with your wings.’ You smiled and stroked your hands over his soft feathers. He didn’t use his wings too often, so he would get matted and broken feathers more often, which lead to increased grooming. ‘Why not just ask me for help?’
‘’Well... It’s embarrassing!’ He shrugged his shoulders with a groan and strained his neck to see you over his shoulder. ‘Not even being able to groom myself...’
You’d already started sifting through his feathers, but you stopped momentarily to lean over and place a reassuring kiss on his cheek.
‘I’d never poke fun at you for something like this, besides.’ You paused for a second before smiling widely. ‘If you’re going to ask anyone for help, the fallen angel is probably your best option!’ Lucifer gave you a soft smile and nodded, turning back round and allowing you to continue working on his wings.
Ever since you opened up to Lucifer about how you lost your wings, your relationship had become even stronger, if that were possible. He’d helped you a lot in coming to terms with the loss, and it didn’t hurt to talk about anymore.
You started to hum lightly as you worked, and Lucifer let out a content sigh, leaning his head back.
The whole situation was extremely relaxing... That was until you ghosted your fingers over an area close to the centre of his back.
Lucifer suddenly went stiff and began to tremble as you worked that specific spot.
‘Everything ok Mr.Big shot?’ You teased, well aware of what the issue was.
‘Yeah!~’ His voice came out a few octaves higher than usual. He was clearly flustered already. He quickly cleared his throat. ‘Yeah all fine, all~ ah!’ You smirked at the state he was in.
You took the opportunity to run your hands over the area on both sides, making him moan out.
Lucifer wasn’t even trying to hide it anymore, shameful as it was.
‘Are you seriously getting turned on by this?’ You teased playfully, well aware of what you were doing.
‘Can you blame me?’ His voice was trembling slightly as he spoke.
‘You really know your way round that area.’ He was trying to sound smug, but failing miserably.
‘Oh duckie, you’re sweating!’ You ran your finger down Lucifer’s neck, following after the bead of sweat. ‘Are you holding back that much?’ You purred out, knowing where this was heading.
Your finger tracing his neck, and the sound of your sultry voice was the straw that broke the camels back. Lucifer couldn’t hold back anymore.
Faster than you thought was possible, he span round and pinned you to the bed. He had your wrists held tightly in his hands as he had them positioned above your head.
Lucifer looked sown on you with an animalistic, almost feral grin. As you felt his bulge pressing against your centre, you knew you were in for one hell of a night... (pun intended)
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princekeerys · 23 days
omg i saw your requests are open and could you do something fluffy with lucifer? maybe like you see something and want to buy it, but can’t and so he surprises you.
i genuinely think i suck at writing for lucifer but will that stop me? nope!
☾. °.   ࿐  ` , •
lucifer was the sweetest boyfriend ever. always asking to hold your hand (though, you tell him he never has to ask), always making sure he’s walking on the outside of the sidewalk and you on the inside, always making pinkie promises with you. he was so unbelievably… perfect.
you were the first person he opened up to about lilith and the ideas he had had for heaven that made him fall into hell; and you listened with an open mind and a heart that you decided would beat solely for him.
it was now your fifth date, walking the streets of pentagram city. the day had gone beautifully with your arm linked around lucifer’s, the sky painted different shades of red. you followed in each other’s steps as fellow sinners were beginning to close up shop for the day.
there was one place in particular that caught your eye — ellie’s pride boutique. so good, you’ll double die! with the white lettering on a red sign, lights flashing all around it. it surely caught your attention. and lucifer noticed as he watched you with so much adoration in eyes as you went up to the big glass window, putting your hands beside your face to get a better look inside.
it was a beautiful dress, one that looked like it came out of the many fairytales you’d seen when you were still alive, a kid.
“see something you like, lovey?” lucifer’s beside you now, also taking a turn in looking through the shop’s window. “wow! that dress is amazing! i-i think it’d look really good on you… erm… know it would” he nervously laughs. “don’t you think?” you laugh at his awkwardness. it’s cute.
“i think it’s a very pretty dress, luci”
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you’re putting your hand out to lay on lucifer’s chest, only to feel the soft material of his duck-patterned sheets. blinking your eyes open, rather confused, you sit up in your shared bed wondering where your doting boyfriend was.
and then you hear commotion coming from the living room.
was he creating more rubber duckies?
slipping out of bed to where the noise was coming from and just peaking your head around the corner, you see lucifer rushing around like a mad man.
and then you also see a mannequin… and that dress you saw yesterday in the window.
oh, you felt really bad.
“this has to be perfect! oh gosh, i hope she hasn’t woken up yet, i haven’t even made the tea ye- oh hi, dear!” his blonde locks are a mess and his coat is off, leaving you to see that striped shirt that you think he looks oh-so handsome in; your heart does flips on the spot. “hi, luci. what’s all this?” you point to the elephant in the room — or more-so, behind lucifer.
“oh! r-right!” he clears his throat, making sure his hair is back in order. “my dear, i saw the way your eyes lit up when you saw this dress in the window, and i couldn’t help myself. so… i woke up early this morning to go and make quick purchase of it”
you step closer, completely in awe over the fact that lucifer would do something like this for you… and the dress, of course.
“lucifer, it’s gorgeous… but you didn’t have to do this for me. i-i could’ve saved up money”
“and have you wait a year or a few months? honey, we both know you suck at saving… and spending”
“you have a point”
he takes the dress off the mannequin — with shaky hands and a bunch of nerves as to not ruin the dress. he puts the beautiful piece in your hands.
“here! go try this on! i’ll make us some morning tea!”
you make your way to the washroom and you have to admit, the dress suits you so well — you feel like a princess. your eyes keep focused on the mirror, not truly believing that such a beautiful piece of clothing was adorning your body and made you look like what fairytales were written about. you feel slightly nervous walking out to show lucifer.
he’s sat on the couch, a cup of tea in his hand as he sips from it and one resting on the coffee table in front of him.
“your highness”
lucifer looks over the rim of his cup and as soon as his eyes meet yours, he spats out his drink and becomes a coughing mess.
“oh my golly! darling! you look…” you giggle at his blushing face, curtseying as both hands hold the bottom fluff of your dress. you can’t deny, you’re a flustered mess yourself, wearing something so elegant in front of the king of hell. sure, you’re together, but his title still had that effect on you.
“yeah? how do i look?” you ask shyly. lucifer gets up from his spot, setting his tea cup gently beside yours. he now stands in front of you, his hand coming up underneath your chin, his palm soft against your skin.
“you look as beautiful as the day we met”
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please reblog/comment, it’s greatly appreciated ♡
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hellsgreatestslut · 16 days
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this is my man guys
fluffy Luci headcannons? fuck yeah
he's such a cutie patootie like...
fluff incoming
imagine him being cuddled up to you after a rough day, his head in your chest while his hands are wrapped around your waist. and all he needs is just you praising him and telling him you won't leave while you stroke his hair. he's just so scared you'll leave, honey will need constant reassurance!!
and trust me duck versions of you two will be EVERYWHERE, no joke. one representing how you first met, the other dressed in the clothes you were wearing on a date, another of when you first met, etc.
Lucifer 100% worships the ground you walk on, so the princess treatment is a must. breakfast in bed, praises all the time, sweet touches every chance he gets and all that jazz. he just loves you so much and wants to show it!!
he's definetly gonna show you off like "look how hot she is!! and she's mine!!".
PDA is also his thing. just holding hands while on a walk, wrapping an arm around your waist whenever he can, kisses on the cheek here and there. especially in front of Alastor.
he will call you dear, honey, ducky and sweetie. for sure.
he's just so...ugh i love him
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jkbunny2001 · 23 days
HASBIN HOTEL: Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader
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Pairings: Lucifer x Fem!Reader
Genre: Lucifer adoring his precious little duckie
Rating: 21+
Summary: You’ve been feeling like you shouldn’t be with Lucifer due to public eye, thinking you’re not enough. Lucifer proves you wrong
Warnings: dom!lucifer, daddy k!nk, edging, orgasm denial, sub space, fingering, eating out, blowjob, demon forms, slight ch!king kink
It was hard for you to not be in Hell’s public eye. Dating the Lord of Hell kinda makes you in the media’s camera line. Not that you minded really, you were just happy to be with him and Charlie when needed. You manifested into Hell a couple of years before Charlie was born, and with her mother leaving, she viewed you as a sort of “motherly” figured for lack of a better word.
However, with the fame, comes the drama. Recently, tabloids have been running all throughout Hell about how you even got to be with Lucifer in the first place. At first, you believed it to be just the random gossip of the week. But, after a while it started to stick.
Main headlines read, ‘Is this demon really suitable for the King of Hell?’, ‘Y/N… Hell’s next Queen? Or Tramp of the Week?’ Charlie kept telling you not to listen and that they had no idea what they were talking about. You asked her to not say anything to her father. He would light the reporter on fire for writing what they did.
As you walked around the mansion Lucifer lived in, you kept noticing the servants gossiping about things, but the minute you were in line of sight, they were quiet. You started to grow self conscious. You knew Lucifer loved you, there was no denying that.
But were you enough? You stared at yourself in the mirror of your master bedroom.. ‘is it my horns?’ You thought to yourself examining your own face and body. ‘My red skin? Are my boobs too small? Or.. is it because I’m not powerful enough?’ A million questions were rubbing through your head, you started to cry, tears running down your blood red face…
As your head was down, Lucifer walked into the room. “Hello my little duckie, what’s- are you crying?!” Lucifer was clearly worried and upset. Who made you cry? Who did he have to kill? You quickly wipe your face turning away from him. “Um.. no I’m okay! Just something in my eyes!” You tried to make an excuse know it probably wasn’t going to convince your boyfriend.
Lucifer placed his hand on your shoulder, turning your face towards him. You were about a foot shorter than he was, you always felt petite next to him…. but now you just felt small, in a bad way.. almost insignificant.
“Duckie what’s wrong?? Talk to me angel..” Lucifer held your face in his hands, him towering over you kissing your cheeks. His gentle affection started to make your cry more. His thumb caressed your check and you open up to him. “I’m sorry Luci… I’m sorry that I’m not enough.” That statement stung him. He was so pissed and yet hurt that anyone would make you even remotely think that.
“Shhhh… it’s okay my angel, don’t you ever think that again.” Lucifer held you close, kiss the top of your head as he stroked your hair. “Don’t listen to any of those shit talking idiots.. you are more than enough..” he kissed the side your cheeks, “you’re my beautiful angel..” he deeply kissed you wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You wrapped your own around his neck, the kiss initiating some excited between the two of you.
Lucifer pulled away, slowly growing in his demon form, and looking you deep in the eyes, cause yours to slowly come out. “I’m gonna make you believe it.”
Almost immediately, he grabbed your thighs, making you cling to his body tighter, as he shoved his tongue into your mouth again. You moaned at the sudden intrusion, as he carried you to the edge on the bed, holding you down with his own weight, slowly rolling his hips against your own.
Lucifer started to get more aggressive, nibbling at your neck with his fangs. You moaned out loud, subconsciously clenching your legs together, only for them to be pulled apart forcefully my his hands. “You better keep those legs open for daddy..” he growled in your ear. Your body shivered with excitement, you loved his daddy kink because when it comes out, you know how the sex is going to be. Rough, intense, and fucking amazing.
As you both get more heated, your true forms slowly started to merge out quickly. Your horns started to wrap around your head and ears, your tail getting longer, wrapping itself around Lucifer’s leg tightly. By the time he was grinding down in you, Lucifer was already in his full form. He reached to your chest and start to rip your shirt with his nails. You felt the tiniest scrap of his claws on your chest, arching your back getting more excited that you let out a small moan.
He chuckled at your reaction. “Oh poor baby, the fun has just begun and you’re already so sensitive..” once your shirt was fully ripped, he snapped his fingers and a rope appeared in his hand. He levitated you to the best of the frame and tied your hands to the bed post, using the sides of your shirt to keep your arms in place.
Again, your legs clenched with anticipation and lust. Out came his snake like tongue, almost giving out a little hiss before he dove his head into your cunt. “OH FUCK!” you shouted in pleasure, feeling that tongue glide across your folds, Lucifer’s hands holding your legs apart.
“Good girl, scream for daddy..” he groaned licking deeper, his fangs scraping on the top of your clit. You throw your head back in pleasure, moaning his name like a mantra. “Fuck yes.. please!” Your tail wrapped around his arm, tightening the closer you were. “Please what baby girl? Tell daddy what you want..”
You sat up to look him in the eyes, “Please daddy.. I want more.. give me more..” you whimpered at the loss of feeling his tongue. Lucifer smirked as he pulled you further up on the bed. He started to undress his own clothes, a snap of his fingers made the shirt wrapped around your wrists disappear. Laying next to you, he flipped to you your hands and knees, putting you a 69 position.
You yelled at the sudden movement, but seeing how hard and big Lucifer was made your mind go blank. “Get to work, duckie.” You didn’t even hesitate in pleasuring your king. You swirled your tongue around his tip, licking from the slit around. He groaned in pleasure as he licked up your slit.
You moaned as you wrapped your lips around his tip, moving your head up and down. Hearing Lucifer groan in pleasure made you want to keep going, taking every inch of him. But it was a struggle when he continued to lick up your pussy, sticking a little bit of his forked tongue in you with every lick.
Lucifer loved to see his little baby struggle, taking every inch down your throat. He stopped licking to push your head down further, making you gag at the sudden push. “Fuck duckie, there you go. I know you can take it all in. Service daddy properly.” He smirked watching you slip into a sub space, your mind starting to go blank.
The reporters and headlines you were worrying about was long gone. All you could think about was Lucifer… your king, your daddy, your lover… and making sure he was satisfied. You relaxed your throat, taking Lucifer so deep, his balls were touching the tip of your nose.
“Fuuckk, good girl! Such a fucking good slut. You want daddy that badly? You want me to fuck your tight, little hole?” You moaned on him, trying to nod your head with him still reaching the back of your throat. Slowly you lift your head up, catching a breath. Lucifer kept you in that position before running his fingers across your folds.
“Shit, I might not even need lube baby.. you’re already so wet for me..” you moaned loud, feeling a finger slide inside. The top half of your red body was faced down into the sheets. How can one finger feel so good? Lucifer groaned at your face, tongue out, drool staining the sheet, your body twitching at the sudden intrusion at another finger being added.
Your tail curled around your leg, looking something to grip onto, feeling your body getting closer and closer to a release. It was very obvious to Lucifer, he knew your body more than you did. “Are you close angel? I barely touched you and you’re already so close.” He asked in a teasing way.
You could barely nod your head, you were so close, just tittering on the edge… then you feel nothing. You whimpered and whine, looking around you for your lover. “Be good..” Lucifer slapped your ass, making you through your head back in agonizing pleasure. “You cum when daddy tells you to cum.”
Your body shivers as you feel him line his cock at your pussy, leaning backwards to feel as much of it as you can. Only for it to result in another smack from his hand. “You don’t beg that way. Ask properly.” You gasps, your head feeling so light, you were saying things you normally would be so embarrassed to in the right state of mind.
“Fuck me daddy.. please, I want it!” You kept grinding back against him, earning you more slaps, leaving you dripping. “You want what? Say it properly!” “I want daddy’s cock in me, I want daddy to fuck my tight puss-AHHHH!” You screamed in pleasure as Lucifer stuffs his cock into your cunt.
“Fuck baby, always so fucking tight for me.” He growled, starting off fast and hard. Your body trembled in the please it was receiving. Your tongue hung from your mouth, babbling nonsense. All that came out was his name. Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. DADDY! “Fuck me daddy! Fuck it feels so good! RIGHT THERE! FU-AHH DON’T STOP PLEASE! FUUCCKK!”
Both of your tails intertwined with each other, your claws digging into the sheet, while his threatened to break the skin on your hips. “Good fucking girl, that’s how you beg! Fuck you feel so good around Daddy, nice and fucking tight.” His eyes started to turn fully red, his climax coming too.
He grabbed your arms and pulled your body flushed against his, one hand holding your wrist behind your back, and the other around your throat, squeezing ever so slightly. “You gonna cum baby? You wanna cum with daddy?” He kept thrusting harder with every question.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, leaning back on Lucifer’s shoulder. You turn your head to him to say, “Yes please! I wanna cum! I wanna cum with daddy! Cum in me daddy please! I want it!!” your eyes turning red, feeling that same knot in your stomach come undone.
He growled, shoving his tongue in your mouth, kissing with sloppily. Lucifer’s thrusts started to get more and more erratic, chasing both of your highs. “You fucking slut, cum for daddy. Do it now!” You both moaned into the kiss, you almost screamed from the release. You squirted all over his cock, as he pumped his seed so far into you that it leaked out onto your thighs.
Your body went limp against Lucifer. Twitching from the shock of the pleasure he gave you. He groaned as he slowly pulled out and laid you on the bed. He ran to the bathroom and grabbed a warm towel, cleaning every part of your body.
You looked at him with loving eyes, thankful that he takes the extra measure. Lucifer climbed under the covers with, holding your body close and he stroked your hair. “Did I prove it to you?” He smirked, looking down at your body. You giggled back holding he cheek.
“You prove them wrong.”
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