#low quality drawing alert
ask-dbd-susie · 1 year
Caroline sits by the fire and notices some one coming out of the mist and waves.
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*Processing that she just got waved at*
‘Who are they waving to? Are they waving to someone else? But what if they’re waving to someone else? aaaaaa-‘
Susie looked around, trying to make sure Caroline was actually waving to her and not someone else.
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‘Oh they ARE waving to me! That’s so nice of them! How long have I’ve been standing here looking crazy..’
Once it clicked; she realized this was the same survivor who said she looked nice a few trials ago. Although, she should probably actually wave back now instead of staring off into the distance.
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( @darkseraphscorner )
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adriankyte-writes · 2 months
Ooh can you tell us about The Derelict? 👀
A tiny bit of backstory...I decided that I wanted to start selling smut on Amazon, and the best way to do this would be to rip the serial numbers on some fanfic. So I took my favorite ideas from SGA, Battlestar Galactica and Farscape to build my setting. It's grown pretty out of hand and I'm not sure it's going to really resemble any of those series in any way when it's finished LOL.
Excerpt: (The POV character is an Air Force Major named Jasper Ward)
It is several long moments before he can lift his head. The pain in his head has lightened. He stands, meaning to find a towel to clean up the mess but the movement is too much and he drops to his knees, vomiting until there is nothing but bile coming up.
When he is finally able to stop, he’s on his hands and knees, panting, vomit on the floor. He pushes himself shakily to a sitting position. He has managed to keep his pants clean but there is vomit on his shirt. He pulls it off and uses it to wipe his face. His breathing returns to normal and he tosses the shirt aside. He pushes to his feet, his dog tags dangling from their chain.
His legs are shaky, but they hold him.
A change in the light quality brings him to full alertness and he looks up quickly, terrified to find that the Daiomon is in his quarters. Its head is tilted uncannily to the side, like an owl hunting prey. He wants to reach for his radio, he needs to call for help, for backup.
Instead, he locks up, staying put.
The Daioman locks eyes with him, and he can’t move. He’s never been this close to one, but he’s read the survivor reports. The way they can entrance their victims, drawing them in with only a look. So many people simply walked into their embrace to die in their first few encounters with the menacing race.
He feels himself take a step towards the Daiomon, feeling a sensation of peace settle over him. He knows something is wrong, something should bother him, but he can’t remember what. He feels the fabric of his shirt slip from his fingers as he takes another step forward. He is within arm’s reach of the Daiomon and it raises a cool hand to his cheek.
He closes his eyes and rests his cheek against the hand which gently cups his face. The clawed fingers trace over his flesh. Those claws, so deadly; they are hollow, used to inject a poison of some kind to neutralize prey, and yet he doesn’t fear them. Somehow, ridiculously, he feels safe.
A voice in the back of his mind is screaming at him, because this is exactly how the report, from the only expedition member to survive being fed on, described the moments right before the attack. The Daiomon’s eyes trail over him, a finger traces his cheekbones, tilts his face to examine it from different angles.
This time when he smiles Jasper doesn’t resist, doesn’t snap out from under his influence. He runs a finger over Jasper’s lips and he feels his lips slide open, an urge to lick the clawed finger creeps over him but he’s too hazy to act on it.
The Daiomon steps back, his trailing fingers falling from Jasper’s face, and Jasper steps forward, blindly following him from the room. A part of him is still screaming that he’s in danger, but there is no agency in his steps as he wanders down the corridors and through crawlspaces that lead deep into the ship. Far deeper than their explorations have reached. He notes, in a vague hazy way, that the fleshy valves which serve as doors open for the Daiomon as he approaches. He never needs to touch a wall, to find a tendon to tug, as the human explorers do.
End excerpt
This is part of a series centered around a group of explorers called the Cygnus Expedition. They are stranded in the Cygnus galaxy with no way to contact Earth, trying to find a way to fit in with the native alien species, both sentient and not. They are running low on supplies and don't have a way to repair their machinery as it ages, so when they find an abandoned Daiomon (predatory, insect aliens who communicate telepathically...hush they get way less wraith-like) ship on a planet they are exploring they decide to wake it up and use it as their own.
Jasper Ward and the science team have been working on getting it operational and Ward is expected to fly it. What they don't know is that Daiomon bond rather intimately with their ships, and to get it to accept him as its pilot Ward is going to have to get it to trust him. In this scene the ship is trying to communicate with him, but it's using a daiomon avatar because that is all it knows; at the same time Ward is pretty delusional due to exposure to some of the ships fluids during repairs.
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brushfeather · 1 year
A Rare Opportunity: Emergency Commissions!
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Those that have followed me for a long time know that I don't often do commissions for a number of reasons. But times are extremely tight now, and with health insurance being threatened and mortgage falling behind, it's time once again to open these up.
💚 I will do: feral, anthro and furry creatures. My strength is with furred and feathered creatures.
👍I may possibly consider: A toonish human bust with a pet, with caution that this isn't my strongsuit. Fan OCs.
❌ I won't do: X-rated, suggestive, etc. Gore, violence. Vore. Various fetish materials. Full body humans, human-like plain-skinned creatures, strictly copyrighted stuff. Heavily detailed painting or backgrounds*.
(*I have offered this in the past, but this is not part of this commission opening. )
Sticker Style
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Left: simple sticker style. Right: complex sticker style/product parody.
My sticker style is bright and semi-toony, with expressive eyes, faces, and sometimes exaggerated motion. Time is spent carefully refining the lines and perfecting the colors for these, especially when being set up for print. This is the style used for the 'angel' and 'food parody' designs I'm commonly known for, which you are welcome to request.
Simple sticker style: $30
Complex sticker style: $40+. Product parodies, extra animal/character, detailed objects, florals, characters with clothing, etc: will quote based on complexity.
Add package 1: 8"x10" or similar print, 1 sticker, 1 magnet: +$10, includes US tracked shipping or international stamped envelope shipping.
Add package 2: 2 prints, 2 stickers, 2 magnets: +$15
Watercolor Style
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Left: Simple watercolor. Right: Detailed watercolor.
My digital 'watercolor' work is done loose and soft in a more sketchy style, but can be very involved when it comes to giving it lots of detail. Thus, this is the budget option if you're looking for something simple, but can be pricier for involved pieces, as it's more time consuming in that aspect.
Simple Watercolor style: $20-30. This can be a simple bust/portrait, or a full animal with minor detail. A clothed character, unless very minimal, will count as detailed, an animal with lots of texture and/or color, or a complicated pose.
Complex watercolor style: $50+ clothed characters, detailed objects, multiple characters, etc. This will be quoted based on complexity.
Add Print: ~8"x10": +$10, ~18x24: +$20 ~24"x36": +$25. Free US shipping only. Print-ready files will be provided for international customers to print locally.
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The same prices above also apply to digital pencil characters, portraits & icons. I don't work in this style as often, but would be delighted to do more! This style marries the semi-toonishness of my sticker style with the loose softness usually found in my watercolor pieces.
All of my digital commissions can be sublimated/printed on a number of items, ranging from clothing, to memorial ceramics, to high quality tumblers. Let me know if you are interested in adding printed materials to your order!
Custom Beanies
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Left: high stitch count cuff, around $80 Right: low stitch count cuff, around $55
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Bottom: Peek-a-boo hat, low stitch count, around $95
These are priced a bit different: though beanie designs may not be time consuming to draw, there is cost in having the design digitized into stitches, then the time and material to have them created. These are priced by location and stitch count. More fill area = higher stitch count = higher cost.
Cuff Design: $55+
Peek-a-boo Hat (cuff and above cuff): $95+
These all include the cost of a basic acrylic cuffed beanie purchased in a stock color. Any specialty beanies, dying, etc will come at an extra cost.
Interested? Heck yeah, you're my hero! Contact me via:
Messages - Tumblr isn't very reliable at alerting people of messages, but I will be checking regularly while commissions are open.
Facebook: the easiest way to reach me.
Email: My username @Gmail! I check email frequently.
@brushfeather.creations on Instagram
On Etsy: also a very easy way to reach me, as Etsy is sure to alert multiple times if a message is accidently dismissed.
Let's chat and get your perfect piece planned! ✨🎨
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bechnokid · 1 year
Thoughts on the new Pokémon games? Any favorite Pokémon or characters?
They are pretty good! My favorite character is Nemona and my favorite Pokemon is Chi-Yu, who I have lovingly named "Splashy".
I do have some more in-depth thoughts if you want to keep reading.
Graphics (5/10)
Probably some of the worst I've seen in a mainline game, despite the character and Pokemon models being really high-quality.
The low-quality draw distance is to be expected, but it's still pretty jarring seeing NPCs without their hand animations fully rendered. Some hands would look like 🤚 when holding a Pokeball or even just a pencil.
The environments are really lackluster, and the weather can cause the frame rate to drop into the single digits.
Glitches are plentiful, but not in a good way. Pokemon spawning in walls, HP bars glitching in Tera Raids, environments glitch when camera is not at an optimal angle, etc.
However, the Pokemon's textures look absolutely fantastic. I love how shiny the Magnemite line looks. :3 I kinda wish the particle effects were better on Pokemon like Skeledirge and Chi-Yu, but that's ok.
Story (10/10)
I'm so glad the story ended up so much better in SV than in SwSh. I remember not being able to play through Shield after playing Sword because of how boring the story was. Not this time, though. SV continued to keep me engaged throughout the whole thing.
(SPOILER ALERT) I kinda wish they put more effort into making Scarlet and Violet different from each other regarding the AI Sada and Turo. I don't think it would have been too farfetched to have Sada a golem because of the existence of legendary titans.
Arven's story is fantastic, and although he is not a favorite character of mine, I've really warmed up to him after learning his goal in healing his Mabosstiff.
Gameplay (7/10)
I really thought Gym Leaders, Titans, and Team Star Battles would be scaled. That would have been really cool...
I was deeply saddened that they decided to remove the majority of the QoL features from PLA, and reverted to its traditional turn-based gameplay. It isn't bad by any means, but it makes the game slower than it should be.
Being able to sneak up on Pokemon and catching them off-guard was really fun, but I wish it can be applied to also catching them and not just battling them.
However, auto-battling is really cool and fun!! I love it! Being able to bring out my Pokemon and battle other wild Pokemon really sped things up.
Follower Pokemon are back!! Although I kinda wished they changed the speeds of some of the Pokemon when they're running/walking with you. Chien-Pao, I know you have a walking animation, please just relax and walk with me!!
RIP sparkling sounds when finding shiny Pokemon. I understand that it makes finding them more exciting, but I think it makes it harder for those who have difficulty telling colors apart to find them. I don't really get having to remove a feature that would otherwise make finding shiny Pokemon more accessible to others.
Characters (8/10)
Although no one really got me all "doki-doki" like Guzma has, the cast was absolutely fantastic this time around.
I love that almost all of the gym leaders have their gym challenges as something they do on the side. Their passion is something else that they're into and they bring it into their Pokemon battles, whether it's baking, creating art, streaming, cooking, etc.
The Elite Four is fantastic, too. It's great seeing another Gym Leader become another member of the Elite Four. :3
That said, I don't trust Geeta.
Please help Larry.
Overall Score (7.5/10)
Pretty good! It's a good start to an open-world Pokemon game, but kinda falls behind compared to other open-world games out there that have surpassed it by a long shot and were released earlier! I mean like. The franchise is nearing its 30th anniversary and it still doesn't have voice acting of any kind.
It's an obvious result of dev crunch, and I really hope they space out release dates if it means getting better games. However, I don't think this will happen anytime soon.
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thewatcher727 · 1 year
Return Of The Dark Brotherhood: Coming On March 26th, 2023
One last snippet…
The ramp descended, and they stepped out onto the planet's surface. The air was thick and humid, and Tails and Shadow took a moment to adjust to the new environment. As they made their way through the clearing, Tails couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They were far from home, on an unfamiliar planet, and their friends were missing.
Shadow and Tails stood side by side on the alien planet, taking in the sights around them. The sky was a dark purple, and the clouds looked like swirling smoke. Strange, alien plants grew all around them, and in the distance, Shadow could see tall, twisted towers that seemed to be made of crystal.
Shadow was calm and reserved, taking everything in with a cool detachment. He had seen many strange worlds in his time, and this was just another to add to the list. He didn't feel any fear or nervousness, just a quiet curiosity about what mysteries this planet held.
Tails, on the other hand, was visibly nervous. His fur was standing on end, and he kept looking around with narrowed eyes. He had never been to a planet like this before, and the alien flora and fauna made him feel like he was in some sort of nightmare.
Shadow noticed Tails' nervousness but didn't quite know how to offer comfort. He wasn't used to being in a caretaker role, and he felt a bit awkward trying to reassure the young fox.
"Stay close," he said in a low voice, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves.
Tails nodded, his eyes still narrowed, and stuck close to Shadow's side as they made their way through the alien landscape. Shadow kept his senses on high alert, ready for any danger that might present itself.
As they walked, Shadow and Tails exchanged only brief, clipped sentences. They didn't know what dangers might be lurking on this planet, and they didn't want to draw attention to themselves with idle chatter.
Shadow took in their surroundings with a calm focus. He'd been in tough situations before and has always found a way to navigate them. But he could sense Tails' fear and vulnerability, and knew that he needed to be strong for the both of them.
But Shadow couldn't shake the doubts that plagued him. He had never been in a situation like this before, and he wasn't sure if he was up for the task of taking care of Tails. He had never been good with kids, and Tails was so young and vulnerable. Shadow wasn't sure if he could protect him and keep him safe in this hostile environment.
As they walked through the thick foliage, Tails nervously cleared his throat and tried to make small talk with Shadow.
"Uh, so… have you ever been to a place like this before, Shadow?" Tails asked, his voice wavering slightly.
Shadow glanced over at Tails. "Nothing quite like this one, but there have been a few places I visited when I was on missions."
Tails nodded slowly, his namesakes wagging behind him. "Oh wow, really? What were they like? Were they as strange as this one?"
Shadow thought for a moment before responding. "Each place has its own unique qualities, but this one is definitely up there in terms of its… interesting characteristics."
Tails nodded again, but his eyes darted nervously around the thick foliage. "Y-yeah, I can see that. It's just a little overwhelming"
Shadow nodded in understanding. "I can imagine. But we're here to do a job, Tails. Let's focus on that."
Tails said nothing, but he still looked easy. Shadow could sense his anxiety, but he's not quite sure how to offer comfort. So they continued on in silence, the sounds of the jungle surrounding them.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 2 years
Hey, hoping you can help clarify for me? I’m seeing a lot of fanart for sonic frontiers with sonic holding some sort of heart and Amy being glitchy in the background / images of her - was there some sort of leak or new footage showing this ?? Specifically the heart , it’s just surprising me a few people are drawing the exact same thing , not sure if you know but figured it was a good bet to ask you! Lol
Yes! This week we started seeing more and more previews from gaming media, as journalists and influencers played Frontiers during the Summer Game Fest Play days (and also NDAs started to expire.) Most articles so far have talked more or less about the same (accessibility options, gameplay styles, combat, exploration and bits of the story demo), and some say they can't talk about cyberspace stuff until the 29th.
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(Sorry for the low quality, but it's the first video that came to my mind that features the heart.)
Anyway, the heart is the same one you can see being collected in every gameplay video floating around right now, but some publications like TheGamer said this about collectibles:
You’re also searching for Memory Tokens, which are used to free Sonic’s friends. In the demo, I found all of Amy’s Memory Tokens and released some kind of digital imprint of her from a futuristic jail cell. Tails was also mentioned at the start, but I don’t yet know what other Sonic characters will be in the game. Eggman does make a brief appearance, and I got the impression he’s just as lost and confused as Sonic is.
There's also another preview in Brazilian Portuguese with a lot of interesting info, but some translations were a bit iffy (for example, some believed it said "7 islands" when it was just a mistranslation), I'm using this thread as reference for the following:
- There are also a type of collectible called "Memory Tokens", while the lore hasn't been explained, it seems to indicate that Sonic needs them to remember the existence of his friends in order to be able to reach them and rescue them.
- (Spoiler-alert, I guess) He mentions his demo ended at the exact moment Sonic found Amy and as they were going to talk to each other a mysterious figure appears in the background, which he thinks is the game's villain... he says the mysterious creature has the silhouette of a human child, but the demo ended there and it got cut off so he doesn't know what happens next with Amy, but she was imprisoned in a sort of weird looking cocoon.
And you can find information about how those collectibles are -in fact- hearts for Amy in other previews, like the Easy Allies video, which around 1:26 says:
There are different collectibles, like, there's one where you get these hearts and you're trying to restore Amy's memories and I don't know what that means...
Yeah, so, the demo starts with this, like, kinda weird vibe... 'cause Sonic is just, like, laying like a corpse in the rain... [...] and they say something about being separated from Amy and Tails.
I think there are more examples (The first IGN preview mentions the wormhole travel at the start of the demo, and I believe the GameSpot preview video also mentioned the hearts...? I watched days ago, don't remember everything), but this is basically what's confirmed about Sonic Frontiers based on a demo certain journalists and influencers were allowed to play over the last weekend!
That's why I'm also super pumped for Frontiers!SonAmy heh
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lesacollection · 1 day
Why Every Biker Needs a Lesa Collection Back Whip
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Lesa Collection USA stands as a beacon of quality and innovation in the realm of motorcycle accessories, and their back whips are no exception. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the myriad reasons why every biker should consider incorporating a Lesa Collection back whip into their riding gear.
Benefits of Using a Back Whip
Beyond mere aesthetics, a back whip serves several practical purposes for bikers. Firstly, it enhances safety on the road by increasing visibility to other motorists, especially in low-light conditions. The rhythmic motion of the whip draws attention to the rider, alerting nearby vehicles to their presence and helping to prevent accidents. Additionally, a back whip adds a dash of personality to your motorcycle ensemble, allowing you to express your unique style and stand out from the crowd.
Features of Lesa Collection Back Whips
Lesa Collection back whips are meticulously crafted from premium materials, ensuring both durability and aesthetic appeal. Whether you prefer the classic look of leather or the intricate detail of braided designs, there's a back whip to suit every taste and preference. Each whip is designed with functionality in mind, with secure mounting options and reinforced construction to withstand the rigors of the open road.
Styling Tips
When it comes to styling your back whip, the possibilities are endless. For a classic look, opt for a sleek leather whip that complements your motorcycle's aesthetic. If you're feeling adventurous, experiment with braided designs or custom colors to add a personalized touch to your ride. When mounting your whip, ensure it's positioned securely to prevent interference with your riding or damage to your motorcycle.
Testimonials from Bikers
Bikers who have experienced the benefits of Lesa Collection back whips firsthand have been quick to sing their praises. Many report feeling safer on the road, thanks to the increased visibility provided by their whip. Others appreciate the opportunity to express their individuality through their choice of accessory, receiving compliments from fellow riders and passersby alike.
Maintenance and Care
To ensure your Lesa Collection back whip remains in optimal condition, regular maintenance is key. Clean your whip periodically using a mild soap and water solution, taking care to remove any dirt or debris that may accumulate during rides. Conditioning the leather periodically will help to preserve its suppleness and prevent cracking or fading over time. When not in use, store your whip in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent damage.
Customization Options
For those looking to add a personal touch to their riding gear, Lesa Collection offers a range of customization options for their back whips. From personalized embossing to custom color combinations, their expert craftsmen can bring your vision to life, creating a one-of-a-kind accessory that reflects your unique style and personality.
Why Choose Lesa Collection
Lesa Collection has earned a reputation for excellence in the world of motorcycle accessories, thanks to their unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. With a focus on innovation and craftsmanship, they consistently deliver products that exceed expectations, providing bikers with the tools they need to ride safely and stylishly.
In conclusion, a Lesa Collection back whip is more than just a stylish accessory—it's a practical tool that enhances safety and adds personality to your motorcycle ensemble. With their premium materials, customizable options, and commitment to quality, Lesa Collection back whips are a must-have addition to any biker's gear arsenal.
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vapehk1 · 19 days
VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini Vape Kit Review: Ultimate Portability Meets Powerful Performance
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As connoisseurs of cutting-edge vaping innovations, we're thrilled to announce an exclusive first look at the VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini. This sleek marvel packs a potent punch in its compact frame, reflecting the exemplary craftsmanship and style that VOOPOO is celebrated for. Dive in with us as we unpack the features that set the Argus G2 Mini apart, potentially redefining the standards of on-the-go vaping. Specs Unveiled: Everything You Need to Know Get a closer look at the specifications of the VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini. This detailed breakdown gives you a clear picture of what this compact powerhouse has to offer: Feature Description Dimensions 115 x 25.6 x 13.4 mm (Standard), 110 x 25.6 x 13.4 mm (TPD) Material Aluminum Alloy + PC Battery Capacity 1200 mAh Built-in Battery Output Power Fixed, optimized power Output Voltage 3.2-4.2 V Resistance Range 0.4 - 3.0 Ω Charging Type-C, 5V/1A Pod Capacity 3.0 mL / 2.0 mL (TPD) Pod Material PCTG Pod Resistance 0.4 Ω / 0.7 Ω Recommended E-liquid Nicotine ≤50 mg/Freebase Airflow Adjustment Air adjusting slider button Hands-On Experience: A Journey Through Exceptional Vaping From the moment I unboxed the VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini, it was clear this device was crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Its sleek, ergonomic design fits comfortably in hand, integrating seamlessly into daily use. The smooth, metallic finish, coupled with vibrant color options including Starry Silver, Violet Pink, Spring Green, Sunset Orange, Violet Red, Aurora Blue, Moonlit Gray, and Midnight Black (I went with Sunset Orange, a lovely and warm color), instantly elevates the visual appeal, drawing attention from vapers and non-vapers alike. First Impressions and Setup Setting up the Argus G2 Mini was a breeze. The magnetic pod attachment clicked into place effortlessly. The top-fill system allowed for quick and clean refills without any leakage—a frequent issue with less thoughtfully designed devices. Performance and Vaping Quality Upon turning on the device, it powered up instantly. The first inhale was a revelation. The airflow adjustment, controlled by a slider, allowed for a smooth transition from a tight MTL to a more open draw, invaluable as I switched from nicotine salt in the morning to a freebase juice later. The vapor production was consistent, producing dense, flavorful clouds that were a joy to savor but not overwhelming. Advanced Features The device’s air adjusting slider is a standout feature, allowing for personalized airflow control. This, combined with the intelligent pod recognition, ensures optimal performance and enhances the flavor profile and vapor production. Additionally, integrated safety features like short-circuit and overcharge protection provided peace of mind, emphasizing that safety was a priority in its design. The Argus G2 Mini is equipped with seven safety protections, ensuring a secure vaping experience at all times. These include: - Overtime Protection: Automatically shuts off after 5 seconds of continuous draw to prevent overheating. - Short-circuit Protection: Guards against circuit malfunctions. - Overcharge Protection: Prevents battery damage by cutting off power when fully charged. - Output Over-current Protection: Shields the device from excessive current output. - Low Battery Protection: Alerts when battery levels are critically low. - Over Temperature Protection: Monitors device temperature to avoid overheating. - Max Power Protection: Ensures the device operates within its optimal power range. This comprehensive safety system gave me peace of mind, knowing that each session was not only enjoyable but also protected against common electronic issues, enhancing the device’s reliability and lifespan. Day-to-Day Use Carrying the Argus G2 Mini throughout the day underscored its portability and durability. It fit easily into a pocket without bulging, and despite several accidental drops, it remained unscathed and fully functional. The battery life was impressive; it easily powered through a full day of heavy use without needing a recharge. Throughout my time with it, the Argus G2 Mini proved to be a reliable companion, consistently delivering a satisfying vape whether at home, in the office, or out with friends. Its user-friendly aspects, like the LED battery indicator and the straightforward single-button control, made the experience intuitive and hassle-free. https://youtube.com/shorts/8oThWW2uUSk The Highs and Lows: Pros and Cons Analyzed Every device has its strengths and weaknesses. Here, we explore the advantages and limitations of the Argus G2 Mini to help you make an informed decision: Pros: - Portable Perfection: Sleek and compact, ideal for on-the-go vaping. - Enduring Power: The 1200mAh battery supports extended vaping sessions. - Customized Airflow: Airflow can be finely adjusted to suit any preference. - Durable and Dependable: Constructed with high-quality materials for long-lasting use. - Advanced Safety Features: Equipped with comprehensive safety measures. Cons: - Refill Frequency: The 3mL pod may require frequent refills for heavy users. - Fixed Power Output: Limited flexibility in adjusting power to personal taste. VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini vs. Argus G2: Sibling Rivalry Comparing the Argus G2 Mini to its predecessor, the Argus G2, highlights some notable differences and enhancements that cater to different user needs: Feature Argus G2 Mini Argus G2 Battery Capacity 1200 mAh 1500 mAh Output Power Fixed, optimized 30W power Adjustable, up to 60W Size & Portability More compact Slightly larger User Interface Single button operation Full control panel with display Airflow Adjustment Slider button More precise control Pod Compatibility Specific to G2 Mini Compatible with broader range While the Argus G2 Mini excels in portability and ease of use, making it ideal for vapers looking for a straightforward, reliable device, the Argus G2 offers more in terms of power customization and interactive features, suited for those who enjoy tailoring their vaping experience with precise controls. Getting Started with Your Mini: A Step-by-Step Guide Navigating your new Argus G2 Mini is straightforward with our simple guide. From initial setup to daily operation, we cover everything you need to know to enjoy a seamless vaping experience: - Pod Installation: Securely click the pod into the device until it locks in place. - Juice Up: Open the silicone seal, fill with your chosen e-liquid, then close it securely. - Power On/Off: Quickly press the fire button five times to turn the device on or off. - Inhale and Enjoy: Press and hold the button to vape, adjusting the airflow as needed. - Recharge and Resume: Connect the device to a power source using the included USB-C cable when the battery runs low. Conclusion: Is the VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini Worth It? The VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini is more than just a basic vape device; it's a sophisticated blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal, making it a standout choice for anyone seeking a reliable and stylish vape kit. Whether you are a beginner or a long-time vaper, the Argus G2 Mini is designed to enhance your vaping experience, ensuring each puff is a delight. Where to Buy VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini For those in search of a compact, efficient, and visually appealing vaping device, the VOOPOO Argus G2 Mini comes highly recommended. Its combination of robust battery life, customizable airflow settings, and ease of use positions it as a must-try for all vaping enthusiasts. Read the full article
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aesthetickwid · 1 month
Important elements of wedding photography
To elevate the quality of wedding photography you might know about the groom and bride and their locations for the shoot.To create high-quality wedding photography, it's essential to consider various elements that contribute to beautiful and memorable images. 
To create high-quality wedding photography, it's essential to consider various elements that contribute to beautiful and memorable images.
Shoot in natural light or use artificial lighting setups to enhance the mood and ambiance of the scene. During outdoor weddings, pay attention to the direction and quality of sunlight, while in indoor venues, use diffused or bounced flash to avoid harsh shadows.
Anticipate key moments throughout the day, such as the exchange of vows, first kiss, and cutting of the cake, and be ready to capture them as they happen. Keep an eye out for candid moments and emotional reactions.
Keep poses natural and relaxed, and encourage genuine interactions and expressions to capture authentic moments.
Look for clean, uncluttered backgrounds that provide contrast and separation from the main subjects. Consider using shallow depth of field to blur distracting backgrounds and draw attention to the focal point of the image.
Wedding photography is all about capturing the small details that make the day special. Don't forget to photograph the bride's dress, the groom's attire, the wedding rings, floral arrangements, table settings, and other decorative elements that contribute to the overall aesthetic of the event. 
Emotion is at the heart of wedding photography. Focus on capturing genuine moments of love, joy, and emotion between the bride, groom, and their loved ones. 
Use editing software to enhance colors, adjust exposure, sharpen details, and remove any distractions or imperfections from your images. Aim for a consistent editing style that complements the mood and aesthetic of the wedding day.
By paying attention to these key elements you can create beautiful, high-quality images that capture the love, joy, and emotion of the special day. Remember to communicate closely with the couple, be prepared for any unexpected moments, and approach each wedding with creativity, professionalism, and passion.
Composing the best and perfect quality wedding photographs involves a combination of technical skill, artistic vision, and attention to detail.
Invest in a good quality camera with a versatile lens (e.g., 24-70mm) and a prime lens for low-light (e.g., 50mm f/1.8). Having backup gear is crucial in case of malfunction.  
Camera Settings:
Mastering the exposure triangle (aperture, shutter speed, ISO) is crucial. A wider aperture (f/1.8) creates beautiful background blur (bokeh) for couple portraits, while a narrower aperture (f/8) ensures sharpness in group photos. Understanding white balance and focus modes will also significantly enhance your images.
Scout the Location: 
Visit the wedding venue to look for interesting backgrounds, beautiful lighting conditions, and unique architectural features that you can incorporate into your compositions.
Consider the Lighting: 
Utilize natural light whenever possible, such as during the golden hour for soft, flattering light. In low-light situations, use artificial lighting techniques like off-camera flash or continuous lighting to illuminate your subjects effectively.
Compose with Purpose: 
Use compositional techniques such as the rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetry, and framing to create visually compelling images. Pay attention to the background and foreground, ensuring that they enhance rather than detract from the main subject.
Communicate with the Couple: 
Build a rapport with the bride and groom and communicate openly about their vision, preferences, and expectations for the wedding photographs. 
Be Prepared for Candid Moments:
Stay alert and ready to capture these moments as they unfold, whether it's during the ceremony, reception, or candid portraits.
Stay Calm and Flexible: 
Weddings can be unpredictable, and unexpected challenges may arise throughout the day. Stay calm, flexible, and adaptable, and be prepared to adjust your plans and compositions as needed to capture the best possible images under any circumstances.
By following these tips and techniques, you can compose stunning wedding photographs that capture the beauty and emotion.
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grey-vapour · 9 months
Uwell Caliburn Series: A Complete Guide to Pod Kits
Uwell has long been a respected name in the vaping industry, known for its commitment to quality and innovation. In this blog, we'll explore the Uwell Caliburn series, featuring the Uwell Caliburn X. These devices cater to a variety of vapers, from beginners to experienced enthusiasts. Let's dive into what makes each of these devices unique and why they are worth considering.
Uwell Caliburn G2: The Ultimate Pod System
The Uwell Caliburn Koko is a highly anticipated addition to the Caliburn family. It boasts a sleek design, ergonomic feel, and a larger battery capacity compared to its predecessors.
Key Features:
Long-Lasting Battery: With a 750mAh battery, the G2 offers extended vaping sessions without constant recharging. Two Firing Modes: Choose between button-activated or draw-activated modes for added convenience. Adjustable Airflow: Customize your vaping experience with adjustable airflow for a tighter or looser draw. Uwell Caliburn X: Power and Performance
The Uwell Caliburn X is designed for those who appreciate high performance and versatility in a compact device.
Key Features:
1.2Ω UN2 Meshed-H Coil: Delivers a satisfying MTL (mouth-to-lung) vaping experience with rich flavor. Top-Fill Design: Refilling is a breeze with the convenient top-fill system. 800mAh Battery: Offers a reliable and long-lasting battery life. Uwell Caliburn Koko: Discreet and Stylish
The Uwell Caliburn Koko is a stylish and compact pod system that's perfect for vapers on the go.
Key Features:
2ml Pod Capacity: The refillable pods hold enough e-liquid for a satisfying vaping experience. Draw-Activated: No buttons to press – simply inhale to vape. Pocket-Friendly: Its discreet size makes it easy to carry in your pocket or purse. Uwell Caliburn G2 Pod Kit: The Complete Package
The Uwell Caliburn G2 Pod Kit is designed for vapers who want a comprehensive kit that includes everything they need.
Key Features:
Comprehensive Kit: Comes with two Caliburn G2 devices, extra pods, and charging cables. Pro-FOCS Technology: Ensures an authentic and satisfying vaping experience. Multiple Protections: Safety features include low power alert, short-circuit protection, and more. Conclusion:
The Uwell Caliburn series showcases Uwell's commitment to delivering high-quality vaping devices to cater to a wide range of preferences. Whether you're a fan of sleek design, high performance, discreetness, or comprehensive kits, there's a Caliburn device for you. With their user-friendly features and exceptional build quality, any of these devices can provide an enjoyable vaping experience. Explore the Uwell Caliburn G2 to find the one that best suits your vaping needs.
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grillsadvisor · 10 months
Unveiling the Best Traeger Grills for Smoky Perfection
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In this comprehensive guide, we dive deep into the landscape of Traeger Grills - true pellet pioneers, which revolutionized the grilling game with their precise temperature control and robust build. We'll break down the top Traeger Grills, analyze their features, and help you navigate the smoky waters to find the grill that'll transform your backyard into the neighborhood's prime BBQ hotspot. And for the skeptical, we pose this tantalizing question: Are you ready to explore how grilling, with the right Traeger, can go beyond a mere cooking technique and become an epicurean art form? Stay with us as we uncover the secrets of these incredible culinary companions and determine the best Traeger Grill for your culinary adventures. TOP-3 Best Traeger Grills in 2023 Evaluating Key Performance Factors for the Best Traeger Grills: A Firsthand Experience - Drawing from my personal experiences and after putting it to the test myself, one of the key decision-making factors for the best Traeger Grills is heat control and consistency. Traeger Grills are known for their digital controllers that provide precise temperature control, usually within a 15-degree range. This accuracy is crucial for low-and-slow cooking, where maintaining a consistent temperature can make the difference between a perfectly smoked brisket and a dried-out disappointment. - As a result of using this product, I discovered that another crucial factor is the build quality and durability. Based on my firsthand experience, Traeger Grills, especially the Ironwood and Timberline series, showcase excellent build quality with sturdy steel construction and a durable powder-coated finish. These grills are designed to withstand the elements and offer years of reliable performance. - Through my own trial and error, I found out that the grill's pellet efficiency and capacity is another vital aspect. Traeger Grills are designed to optimize pellet usage, ensuring long cooking sessions without the need for constant refilling. My investigation shows that larger models even come with a pellet sensor that alerts you when the pellets run low. - When I tried this product, I was also looking into its versatility. And yes, I did indeed test the product! Traeger Grills truly shine in this aspect. Not only can they grill, but they can also smoke, bake, roast, braise, and BBQ, making them incredibly versatile outdoor cooking appliances. - Lastly, as a result of my tests, I've determined that the WiFIRE technology, which allows you to monitor and control your grill remotely, greatly enhances the user experience. My analysis of these products demonstrates that it offers convenience and control right at your fingertips, which is an impressive and handy feature in today's tech-driven world. After trying this product out and based on my observations, I can confidently assert that Traeger Grills stand tall in these key decision-making areas, making them a worthwhile investment for any BBQ enthusiast. Best Traeger Grill for the Versatility Best Compact Traeger Grill Best Traeger Grill for Beginners Best Mid-Range Traeger Grill Best Premium Traeger Grill A Comparative Review: Traeger Grills Pro Series 34, Renegade Elite, and Bronson 20 Pellet Grills In my quest for the perfect grill, I have put the Traeger Grills Pro Series 34 Electric Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker, the Traeger Grills TFB38TCA Renegade Elite Wood Pellet Grill, and the Traeger Grills Bronson 20 Pellet Grill - Black to the test. Each of these grills offers a unique set of features that set them apart, providing a range of options for every grilling enthusiast. Starting with the Pro Series 34, it stands out due to its substantial grilling space of 884 square inches. It's the perfect grill for hosting large cookouts. In contrast, the Renegade Elite and the Bronson 20, with their 380 and 300 square inches respectively, are more suited to smaller gatherings or family meals. In terms of temperature control, my findings reveal that the Pro Series 34 and the Renegade Elite offer superior precision with their advanced controllers that keep temperatures within +/- 15°F. The Bronson 20, while still impressive, keeps within +/- 20°F. When comparing their structure, the Pro Series 34 and Renegade Elite offer robust build quality with steel construction. The Bronson 20, on the other hand, stands out as the more compact and portable option, ideal for those with limited outdoor space or who enjoy taking their grill on the road. In the end, your choice depends on your specific needs: - If you're regularly cooking for larger groups or simply prefer a more substantial grilling space, the Pro Series 34 is my recommendation. - On the other hand, if you're just starting out with grilling or have smaller cookouts, the Renegade Elite offers the perfect balance between size, features, and price. - For those with space constraints or who love to travel, the Bronson 20 Pellet Grill offers portability without compromising on quality. Remember, each of these grills provides the trademark Traeger versatility, allowing you to grill, smoke, bake, roast, braise, and BBQ on a single unit. No matter your choice, you're investing in a quality piece of grilling equipment that will serve you well for many seasons. Essential Equipment Guide for Optimizing Your Traeger Grill Experience Frequently Asked Questions About Key Traeger Grills Essential Resources for Making an Informed Traeger Grill Purchase - Traeger Grills Official Website (https://www.traeger.com): This is the official website for Traeger Grills and my go-to resource for comprehensive information. It provides detailed specifications, features, and user reviews for each model. In my opinion, it's a great starting point for anyone considering buying a Traeger grill. - Traeger Grills YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/TraegerGrills): As a visual learner, I personally love Traeger's YouTube channel. It offers a vast collection of how-to videos, recipes, and tips for using their grills. I find the channel extremely helpful in understanding the operation and potential of these grills. - Reddit's Traeger Community (https://www.reddit.com/r/Traeger): As a fan of real user experiences and discussions, I often browse through the Reddit Traeger community. You can find everything from tips and tricks, and troubleshooting help, to tasty recipes shared by other Traeger grill owners. It's an interactive way to learn more about these grills. Read the full article
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pye-mental-health · 11 months
Mood Tracking Records
>> Behaviors/Actions
14 Sep - Feeling Depressed; Brain Fog; Suspiciousness on people (strangers; classmates)
13 Sep - Alert on Rebound Depressive/Anxiety Episode
1 Sep - 12 Sep - Stable; Very Productive; Sociable; Occasional Negative Thinking; Hypersexual; Sometimes Bored
>> Able to have a smooth flow in school (despite weather conditions); Ambitious in Designing Personalised Projects; Weekday Instagram Deactivation; Compliant with medications
31 Aug - Anxious; Gradual return of Low Mood
>> Worried about school (Adapting to a new Environment)
14 Aug - 30 Aug - Stable Mood; Productive; Relaxed; Can be easily irritated at some point; Generally Happy; Optimistic
>> 1 hr-2 hr Driving; Swimming; Socializing In real-life; Take Care of a Dog; Wanting a dream SUV; Many Design Ideas of houses, buses; No Social Media from 11 Aug to 25 Aug; Cousin visits HK (spoiled money on her)
>> *Outburst of frustration/anger in HK Airport*
13 Aug (Sun) - Severely Depressed; Tired; Unsociable; Hypersomnia; Extremely Irritable; Violent
>> Unable to be active; Overthinking about the Jeremiah Situation;
11-12 Aug (Fri&Sat) - Very depressed; Hypersomnia; Irritable; Unsociable; Emotional Meltdown; Paranoid
>> Devastated from the news of Jeremiah unfollowing me; Cried a lot; Slept for the whole afternoon (Two days)
10 Aug (Thu) - Sociable; Calm & Collected; Full of energy (Evening)
>> Revealed honest feelings towards Jeremiah
* 7-11 Aug (Tue-Sat): No stock of Quetiapine *
6-7 Aug (Sun&Mon) - Relaxed; Mesmerised; Happy;
>> BGC Manila Trip
30 July (Sun) - Very depressed; Numb; Somewhat stable; Guilty
>> Could not socialize well at first; reunion with Evangelista Family; Trained to drive; Racing Negative Thoughts
29 July (Sat) - Cloudy; Depressed; Unsociable; Somewhat normal after napping
>> Lashed out at a cousin; tried to harm myself; almost overdosed on Imovane; Slept late and had midnight snack (watched with Rin)
28 July (Fri) - Blues; Low Mood; Unsociable (Depressed?); Anxious; Unhappy
>> Paranoid Negative Thoughts (Catastrophizing); New school life; Anticipating Next-week plans
25 July (Tues) - Depressed; Sleepy; Irritable; Negative Racing Thoughts
>> Paranoid about stranger stalking; Ongoing Projects completion; Lack of Social Activity
24 July (Mon) - Okay/Calm/Happy; Sociable
>> Ongoing projects completion; productive with planning; attended Tita Brenda’s Golden & spoke with the fever dream people; had a quality time
23 July (Sun) - Okay at first; feeling very low for a phase; Tired
>> Ongoing Projects Completion; Worried for Higher Education Applications
22 July (Sat) - Okay/Calm/Relaxed; Feeling a bit High; Sociable
>> Less Hours of Sleep after Drinking Alcohol Still Energized; Learnt how to drive
18 July (Tue): Super distracted; Lazy to pack belongings; still catastrophising over the Philippines Trip
>> Unable to complete most errands
Physically Tired from running errands for brother in my school (Pre-S1 Exam) >> Mentally-scolded myself for being forgetful and lazy; Sociable and very talkative with teachers; Drawing/designing; Cussed at a bus driver for yelling;
Hyper at night (Feeling High as if on drugs); Hyperactive; super laughy; Life made so much sense again
17 July (Mon): Stable; Normal Mood
16 July (Sun): Depressed; Overthinking; Social Anxiety at first; Very Low Mood
>> Not in good terms with some friends; Uncomfortable around them & feeling guilty and extremely upset
15 July (Sat): Depressed; Extremely Irritated; Guilty; Super Confused
>> Negative Racing thoughts; Angry at people (ex-friends); guilty for causing pain to everyone; super forgetful of things (misplacing things; things feel disoriented)
14 July (Fri): Sad/Depressed; Irritated; Guilty
>> Self-medicate in afternoon, loss of energy to do things at night as a result
13 July (Thu): Extremely Guilty; Paranoid about being an embarrassment to everyone; Very Sad; Anxious; low energy than the past few days (Unsure if suicidal)
>> Racing thoughts: Everything makes sense; became extra aware
12 July (Wed): Elevated Mood; Laughy; Sleepy; Irritable
11 July (Tue): *Best Day* Great Mood; Super happy; Nostalgic; Irritable Mood; Energetic
>> Waited for my brother’s Secondary School Results at his school; Projects: Singing/Desiging; Reunited with childhood friends and hung out (drank Kung Fu Tea, ate Hot Cheetos, French Fries, dinner at Saizeriya, strolled around the mall)
10 July (Mon): Good Mood; Guilty; Relaxed; Super hyperactive at home
>> Fetched brother from school; treated brother lunch; socialized with Primary school teachers; laugh at surrounding objects at home/internal thoughts like a maniac; impersonated people from videos (of them arguing); very laughy
9 July (Sun): Irritable Mood; Anxious; Guilty; Hyperactive at night after work
>> Annoyed at coworker, Overthinking (positive & negative), kept my composure at work; treated myself dinner; posted about raging/suicide threat on Instagram; Deactivated Instagram ever since
6 July (Thu): Elevated Mood; Irritable Mood
7 July (Fri): Anxious; Low Mood
>> Vaped with friend; Bought some clothes; Food; Travelled to Tung Chung
8 July (Sat): Normal Mood; Slept in Afternoon; Projects in Progress
>> Done many projects
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tlglobetraffic · 1 year
Keep Your Property Secure with High-Quality Warning Posts
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Warning posts are an essential safety tool used in various contexts to communicate hazards, restrict access, and promote safety. They come in different forms, such as poles, barricades, or standalone structures, and are typically brightly colored or adorned with specific signage. Let's explore the purpose and applications of warning posts in more detail:
Hazard Communication: Warning posts serve as visual indicators to draw attention to potential dangers or risks in a specific area. They communicate hazards such as construction zones, uneven terrain, wet floors, electrical equipment, or any other potential threat. By providing clear and easily recognizable warnings, these posts help individuals understand the risks and take appropriate precautions.
Restricted Access: In many situations, certain areas need to be restricted to authorized personnel only. Warning posts act as physical barriers and demarcate these restricted zones. They help prevent unauthorized access to hazardous areas, such as construction sites, industrial facilities, or private property, reducing the chances of accidents, injuries, theft, or vandalism.
Traffic Control: Warning posts are commonly used in traffic management to control the flow of vehicles and pedestrians. They can be employed in construction zones, roadwork areas, or events to guide traffic, indicate lane closures, redirect vehicles, or designate pedestrian walkways. These posts enhance visibility and promote a systematic and safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians in potentially chaotic situations.
Visibility Enhancement: Brightly colored warning posts significantly improve visibility, especially in low-light or adverse weather conditions. Their vibrant colors, often in shades of orange, yellow, or red, make them stand out against the background, ensuring that people can easily spot them from a distance. Enhanced visibility helps prevent accidents by alerting individuals to potential hazards and encouraging them to adjust their behavior accordingly.
Emergency Preparedness: Warning posts play a vital role in emergency situations. They can mark evacuation routes, emergency exits, assembly points, or safety equipment locations. In case of a fire, natural disaster, or other emergencies, warning posts guide individuals towards safe zones, aiding in a quick and orderly evacuation. Additionally, emergency personnel can utilize warning posts to establish control points or staging areas during rescue operations.
Compliance with Regulations: Many industries and jurisdictions have specific regulations or standards that mandate the use of warning posts in hazardous areas. These regulations aim to protect workers, visitors, and the general public from potential risks. By using warning posts in compliance with such regulations, organizations demonstrate their commitment to safety and ensure they meet legal requirements.
Outdoor Events and Temporary Hazards: Warning posts are commonly used in outdoor events, festivals, or construction projects to demarcate temporary hazards. They can delineate boundaries, identify trip hazards, mark construction zones, or indicate the presence of heavy machinery or equipment. These temporary warning posts help maintain safety in dynamic environments and prevent accidents during the event or project duration.
In summary, warning posts have diverse applications and serve important purposes in numerous settings. From communicating hazards and restricting access to enhancing visibility, controlling traffic, aiding emergency preparedness, ensuring regulatory compliance, and managing temporary hazards, warning posts are invaluable tools in maintaining safety and promoting awareness in various environments.
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vapehk1 · 1 month
The Comprehensive Guide to Mr. Fog Switch SW15000 Disposable: A New Era in Vaping
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The vaping landscape is constantly evolving, with technological advancements enhancing user experience and satisfaction. The Mr. Fog Switch SW15000 is at the forefront of this innovation, combining extensive functionality with user-friendly design to offer a premier vaping experience. This article will delve into the features of the Mr. Fog SW15000 and answer commonly asked questions to help users maximize their experience with this device. Understanding Mr. Fog Switch SW15000 Launched by Mr. Fog, the SW15000 is a disposable vape device that sets a new standard for convenience and performance. It boasts a smart screen that displays real-time information about battery and e-liquid levels, dual mesh coils for a smoother vape, and a robust 650mAh battery that supports up to 15,000 puffs. How Long Does Mr. Fog SW15000 Last? The longevity of the SW15000 is impressive, with a capacity to deliver up to 15,000 puffs per device. This is facilitated by its 650mAh battery and 12ml e-liquid capacity. The actual duration will depend on usage patterns, with the wattage mode (Eco 10W or Boost 20W) influencing battery life. How to Turn On Mr. Fog SW15000? To turn on the Mr. Fog SW15000, simply draw on the device. It is draw-activated, meaning no buttons are needed to begin vaping. This feature enhances the device’s ease of use, making it accessible even to novice vapers. https://www.mrfog.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/1080.mp4 Most Popular and Longest-Lasting Mr. Fog Vape The popularity of flavors can vary, but options like Mango Dragon Fruit Lemonade and Classic Mint Ice are frequently favored for their refreshing taste. As for longevity, the SW15000 leads the pack with its 15,000 puffs capability, making it one of the longest-lasting disposables offered by Mr. Fog. Is Mr. Fog a Good Vape? Yes, Mr. Fog is considered a reliable brand in the vaping industry, known for its quality products. The SW15000, in particular, is celebrated for its innovative features such as the smart screen and dual mesh coils, which enhance both usability and the vaping experience. How Do You Know When Mr. Fog is Empty? The smart screen on the SW15000 provides real-time updates on e-liquid levels, making it easy to know when the device is running low. Typically, a diminishing vapor output or a burnt taste can also indicate that the e-liquid is nearly depleted. Using Mr. Fog While Charging It is generally recommended to avoid using any vaping device while it is charging, including the Mr. Fog SW15000. This ensures battery health and overall device integrity. https://www.mrfog.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/01.mp4 Why Does Mr. Fog Blink? If your Mr. Fog device starts blinking, it could be indicating a few things: low battery, a need to refill or replace if it’s a reusable pod, or a connection issue between the battery and coil. Checking the smart screen can provide specific alerts or warnings. What to Do if Mr. Fog Gets Wet? If the SW15000 gets wet, it is best to turn it off immediately and dry it thoroughly. Avoid charging or using the device until it is completely dry to prevent any electrical short circuits. Conclusion The Mr. Fog Switch SW15000 represents a significant leap forward in vaping technology. Its combination of a high-capacity battery, extensive puff count, and user-focused features like the smart screen make it an excellent choice for both seasoned and new vapers. By understanding how to use and care for this device properly, users can enjoy a superior vaping experience that showcases the best of modern vaping technology. Read the full article
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jemesmartin · 1 year
Capsiplex Burn: The Game-chan
Get Your Dream Body With Capsiplex Burn: The Ultimate Guide
Still not seeing the results you want, although are you tired of hitting the gym regularly and following a strict diet plan? Do you experience feeling frustrated and fatigued with your lack of progress in achieving a low fat and sculpted entire body? Capsiplex BURN may be the answer to your problems if so.
Capsiplex BURN can be a powerful fat burning supplement specifically made males that are somewhat active in the gym but struggling to accomplish their preferred body. It contains a slicing-advantage solution with 100 % natural ingredients which have been technically proven to increase metabolic process, reduce desire for food, and increase energy levels.
One of several important substances in Capsiplex BURN is capsicum draw out, which contains thermogenic qualities that increase entire body temperature, resulting in an increased metabolism and more calories expended. This element also suppresses desire for food, making it easier to adhere to some calorie-restricted diet.
Another element in Capsiplex BURN is caffeinated drinks, which not merely boosts energy levels but in addition helps to mobilize excess fat from excess fat tissue, so that it is open to be burned for energy throughout workout. It also improves alertness and focus, that may be advantageous during a exercise.
Other 100 % natural ingredients in Capsiplex BURN incorporate black pepper draw out, which improves the consumption of vitamins and minerals, and niacin, which assists to transform foods into energy.
But the benefits of Capsiplex BURN don't end there. Unlike other excess fat burners, it doesn't cause the jitters or energy crashes often related to weight loss supplements. Alternatively, it provides a easy and experienced energy increase that assists you power via your routines and sustain concentration throughout the day.
In conclusion, if you're a guy who's somewhat active in the gym but struggling to see results, Capsiplex BURN may be the solution you've been looking for. Without the negative side effects of other weight loss supplements, its cutting-edge formula of natural ingredients is scientifically proven to help you achieve a lean and ripped body faster than ever before. So, why wait? Try out Capsiplex BURN nowadays and initiate your journey toward your very best entire body but.
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kabbur28 · 1 year
Mental Wellbeing In Your Fight Against Cancer
As per World Health Organization (WHO),  more people succumb to cancer globally than  malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV combined together. Given the morbidity involved,  it is  vital in oncology to take care of both your physical and mental health. Cancer tends to affect the mind, apart from the body, which is reflected as disturbed emotional health. The common feelings following a cancer diagnosis include depression, anxiety and fear.
It is important to diagnose mental health changes at an early stage. However, such comorbid conditions when associated with cancer, usually fail being diagnosed or treated adequately. Individuals with depression might have worse cancer related outcomes as they are less likely to follow treatment plans or undergo regular screening process for prevention.
i) Upto one-third of cancer patients treated in the hospital have a common mental health condition,
ii) Rates of major depressive disorder are upto three times higher among cancer patients than in the general population,
iii) 8-24% of cancer patients are living with depression,
iv) Among cancer patients, youth and young adults are at greater risk for depression and mental health conditions when compared with adults.
Barriers to diagnosing mental health condition:
Mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, share similar symptoms with cancer such as fatigue, lack of sleep and decreased appetite which confounds the diagnosis. The cancer care team may not be specifically trained to recognize mental health conditions. Given the resources incurred for cancer care, seeking mental health is relegated to inferiority.
Evidence shows that cancer patients who receive treatment for mental health conditions have fewer symptoms of depression and longer average survival times that those with more symptoms. Such individuals see improvement in their wellbeing following appropriate treatment, and are likely to complete their cancer care and thus have a better quality of life.
Some easier ways to take care of physical and mental health include:
Get regular exercise: Exercise enhances mood and simultaneously keeps you physically fit. A 10-minute walk on a daily basis can increase your mental alertness, enabling  an energetic and  good mood.
Eat a proper diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in fats and processed foods can make you feel better physically and mentally. Making a diet plan with a qualified nutritionist will help you.
Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs. The sense of good feeling following intake of alcohol, cigarettes or drugs  is temporary, but comes at a serious cost to health. The far-reaching impact of sustained substance use on physical and mental health is  
Get enough sleep: Sound sleep for around seven to nine hours during the night and also a 30-minute nap during the day can make you feel more alert.
Try relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, meditation, and focusing on positive thoughts can all help when you are feeling stressed. These relaxation methods are known to contribute to good health.
Seek help from others: Communicating with Your loved ones  : friends or family members can help you feel relaxed.
Be organized with your time and medical information: Since cancer is a chronic ailment, upkeep of medical records and their regular updation and perusal will enable compliance to treatment and adherence to follow-up regimen. Re-organization of Your daily routine involves prioritizing treatment related activities around other needful action,
Embrace your passion: It is important to dwell and involve in Your passion such as  drawing, painting, designing, stitching etc .Listen to inspiring podcasts. Listening to famous orators who narrate philosophy interspersed with good slogans  can facilitate alternate lines of thinking . Your thought process will not focus on the illness during  these times.
Connect with people with whom You have socialized earlier: Keep in touch with those who were with you in your needs. This will go a long way in sharing your perils and pleasures.
Never take things for granted: This is what all cancer survivors should note. Slightest of the symptoms should be brought to the notice of your treating Physician.
Value self-worth.
The diagnosis of cancer elicits feelings such as fear, anxiety and hopelessness, which can negatively affect the patient’s frame of mind. The healthcare system at Sammprada onco+wellness center ensures advanced clinical practices which enable better patient outcomes and enhanced quality of life, as well as foster hope to reduce the anxiety of patients. Our systems ensure the paradigm shift in cancer prognosis from that of a disease with fatal outcomes to that of an organ specific strata of diseases – some of which can be cured, almost all being treated and for many the possibility of a long-term disease free survival.
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