#louis chiron
frenchcurious · 2 years
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Walter Gotschke (Allemand 1912-2000) ''Grand Prix d'Espagne 1934'' -  Rudolf Caracciola en route vers sa deuxième place dans la Mercedes-Benz W25 dépassant Louis Chiron dans l'Alfa Romeo Type B. - source Bonhams.
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a110crazy13 · 1 year
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Montecarlo. Enzo Ferrari et Louis Chiron
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klemcoll · 1 year
An Afternoon Drive on Jersey
With racing on public roads in England prohibited British drivers found other opportunities not far from home. One such was held in the town of St. Hilier on the Channel Island of Jersey. The race was organized by the old Junior Car Club, originally active at Brooklands, but that venue was no longer available. The race was titled the J.C.C. Jersey Road Race. The St. Hilier circuit left the town…
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outdatedformula1tales · 10 months
Monaco GP 1950: Grand Prix #2 in Formula 1 history
Weird thing, while you can put a title entering by desktop version, you can't do the same by app. Anyway you can use different format for the title, so that's fine!
Well, let's talk about Montecarlo, which was the second official grand prix of Formula 1 history and the first Formula 1 grand prix attended by Ferrari, which is very important for the story of my country as (unfortunately) no one cares about other Italian teams... just Ferrari, at the point that non italian speakers use the term "tifosi" to identify Ferrari fans.
"Tifosi" doesn't mean "Ferrari supporters" in Italian, it just means "supporter" and very important is a PLURAL format. You're not *a tifosi*, you're a tifoso or a tifosa. Anyway we have a term for "Ferrari supporters" which is "ferrarista" (singular, same declination for every gender) with plural form "ferraristi".
Ok let's come back on topic, Montecarlo was on 21 May the second race of 1950 season and the first one for Ferrari which had three cars driven by Alberto Ascari, Luigi Villoresi, and Raymond Sommer, with Villoresi the best qualifier in sixth place. Alfa Romeo still was the team to beat, with Juan Manuel Fangio getting pole position ahead of team mate Nino Farina, which anyway the latest retired in a pile-up accident at the beginning of the race with took out almost half of the grid included Alfa of Luigi Fagioli.
Fangio find himself in the lead ahead of Ascari and later Villoresi which was set for third until his own retirement, which meant that Monegasque driver Louis Chiron ended up in third position and took podium in his own race. Top-five was extended to Sommer, in fourth place, while in fifth it was classified Chiron's Maserati team mate (well, actually not, Chiron was Maserati team entry, this one was racing for a private team in a Maserati) Prince Bira, with ERA sixth with George Bernard, which meant once again outside of the point scoring position of those days.
In Italy we say "il buongiorno si vede dal mattino", an idiomatic expression used often in ironic sense, which I think the English version is "a good beginning bodes well" so I would like to point out that Ascari finished second. FERRARI'S FIRST POSITION IN FORMULA 1 WAS A SECOND PLACE as the best of the rest, something isn't ever supposed to change!
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Bugatti EB 18/3 Chiron Concept, 1999, By Italdesign. Soon after he Volkswagen Group took over Bugatti three concepts were produced. They were all powered by 555bhp, 6.3 litre 18 cylinder engines arranged in three banks – hence the 18/3 part of the car’s name. The Chiron refers to Monegasque driver Louis Chiron (1899-1979), who is best known for his wins in Bugattis. The Chiron model name was later used on Bugatti’s hypercar which launched in 2016.
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a-great-tragedy · 1 month
Our english teacher made us watch Percy Jackson, the movies (I cried when she announced it) here are my thoughts
Dear god it’s worse than I remember
Perce is a terrible nickname
Why did they make Grover a player?? He’s not a player!!
“This is a pen. A pen!”
He didn’t even kill Mrs. Dodds???
The fact that he just didn’t react at all when his mom dies
Why is Percy sword fighting Annabeth, he’s supposed to be on her team??
Chiron just watching Percy getting beaten the shit out of by Annabeth, Sir you are in charge here!!
And then he laughs when Percy knocks a kid to the ground. The favoritism is alive and burning
The way they never established Luke and Annabeth’s friendship
Why did they make it about the pearls, it wasn’t about the pearls
Highway to hell, okay I can work with this
“I used to date your daddy.” why?? Was this supposed to be comedic relief?? It just made me uncomfortable
Why is Medusa flirting with him? wtf
A truck??
why are they keeping the head in the bathroom
In the books they never visited the Parthenon why was that added?
Plz, I prefer the inaccurate Louis Arch thing than this
Grover is jumping to conclusions
They said the shoes would be hard to use and then he preceded to use them correctly on the first try
The graphics are killing me
Annabeth literally never touched a bow in the books but okay
Annabeth’s dagger erasure
Annabeth’s personality erasure
So they could have just used the head the whole time to kill them?? This is the most pointless-
Why are they doing drugs??
Why did Grover become a sheep there for a second
That poor lady that just carries Grover’s crutches around 😭
Get it Grover I guess??
Why did Poseidon wait so long to tell Percy about the hotel?? He’s a god, he could’ve told him at any point in time, why wait?
stealing a car is sooo piper of them
why is the underworld in Hollywood, it’s genuinely annoying me.
Now why is Grover being the dumb one
Persephone flirting with Grover is the worst thing that has happened so far
why is hades evil, he’s just a depressed old man
Not them just leaving Grover behind
They forgetting Percy has a fatal flaw
and a personality
Everything about this fight is uncomfortable
“I’m pretty sure I’m the son of Poseidon” whatever Peter Johnson
How is Luke supposed to live after that?
Someone yelled “HE’S DEAD” Immediately after
Why do the gods look like that???
They are supposed to be dressed modern
nothing about this is right
Worst part is that Gabe didn’t die
I didn’t pay attention after Gabe didn’t die so I have no other thoughts
This movie deserves jail time
I’m so glad we got another adaptation
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therainingkiwi · 5 months
Train travel in The Lightning Thief/PJO TV season 1
Oh look, I'm overanalyzing fictional train travel because I'm one of Those neurodivergent people. Let's get into it. Warning for VERY minor book spoilers (just mentioning the names of all the cities our trio travels through).
TL; DR our trio's cross country travel route makes no sense at all.
In the first book/season of the Percy Jackson series, our main trio takes a cross-country trip from Long Island, NY, to Los Angeles, CA. In the beginning, it appears as if they've boarded a cross country bus that will drive them the whole way there (a trip that usually takes ~72 hours). However, they get derailed in rural New Jersey (presumably the northwestern part of the state).
After New Jersey, the action immediately skips ahead, and we next see our trio on an LA-bound train that's about to stop in St. Louis (and in the book, has a later stop in Denver).
So, just off the bat: the train route that the trio are taking doesn't exist IRL (assuming they board a train in Trenton, and that train stops in St. Louis, Denver, and Los Angeles). It's also impossible for a single person to travel that route for $200, much less three people. Chiron needs some up to date information about cross country travel prices.
If they were traveling a reasonable IRL amtrak route, they'd probably take the Cardinal from Trenton to Chicago, and then take the Southwest Chief from Chicago to LA. However, if they can get back to Penn Station from Aunty Em's, they could take the Lake Shore Limited from NYC to Chicago, which would be 7-8 hours shorter than getting to Chicago via the Cardinal.
They could also take a bus from north New Jersey to Chicago.
However, the Southwest Chief (most direct amtrak route to LA) stops at neither St. Louis nor Denver. The most notable cities along the route are Kansas City, Albuquerque, and Flagstaff.
If they wanted to take a route to LA that had them pass thru St. Louis, they could take the Texas Eagle from Chicago to St. Louis to San Antonio, and then take the Sunset Limited from San Antonio to LA. There are 3 trains per week that make this two-leg trip without requiring travelers to transfer at San Antonio, so our trio are probably on one of those. Why they didn't take the (shorter, cheaper, and more frequent) Southwest Chief is a mystery, honestly.
Since Chicago is the USA Amtrak hub, most routes will pass thru that city. The only alternative route is taking the Crescent from Trenton to New Orleans and then taking the Sunset Limited from New Orleans to LA. This would take them nowhere near Denver or St Louis, but probably wouldn't have a significant time/price difference from routing the trip thru Chicago (assuming they travel direct from Chicago to LA rather than taking the Texas Eagle thru San Antonio).
Unfortunately, there are no trains in the USA that travel between St. Louis and Denver (or even between St. Louis and Colorado in general), so that leg of their trip would have been made via bus. Greyhound (the USA's main long-distance bus travel company) has buses directly from St. Louis to Denver that end in California (but in San Francisco rather than LA).
In conclusion, I propose a new Amtrak route called "The Lightning Thief" that travels from New York-Penn Station, down the Northeast corridor thru New Jersey, and then turns west, making major stops in St. Louis, Denver, and Las Vegas, before terminating in LA. It doesn't stop in Amtrak's Chicago hub because all hub-and-spoke transit systems should have rim routes, and because Chicago isn't mentioned in The Lightning Thief.
Also, in conclusion, the USA needs better rail infrastructure and I'm a fucking nerd.
Amtrak map below for reference.
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homosociallyyours · 10 months
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The Heart's Home
by homosociallyyours 10k, Larry, T
Louis is alone in the world, working long hours at a restaurant job that barely pays his bills, when he's roped into helping his bosses with a scheme. All he has to do is guard the special catch they've brought in, the one that they expect will bring them unbelievable wealth. But there's a problem: the creature they've caught is definitely half human, with the heart and soul of a human and the voice of an angel. Louis knows immediately that he can't let this mer-squid, Harry, become a wealthy person's dinner. As they spend more time together, growing ever closer, Louis realizes that he's got to find a way to get Harry back to his home-- the sea --even if the thought of losing him hurts and doing it means risking everything.
Inspired by the MFASR music video and the prompt Chiron
Written for round 2 of the @1dastroficfest
with special thanks to @louandhazaf for betaing and @kingsofeverything for helping me hone in on this version of the fic
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1946 Talbot (Louis Chiron)
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frenchcurious · 2 years
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Louis Chiron - Lancia D50 Lancia DS50 2.5 V8. 6ème du Grand Prix de Monaco 1955. - source F1 Old and New.
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heteromerous-rhyming · 3 months
while i'm feeling stabby let's talk about action scenes in the percy jackson show (bc i refuse to let this go i refuse i do)
bc the actions scenes otherwise were not unfortunately memorable for me i'm going to be talking about the first and last ones and why they don't work both on a cinematic level but also on a character level. did i want to address the disappointingness of the st louis arch fight? yes. but literally cannot remember it beyond the fact that it was disappointing. which says a lot imo.
so. let's start with the mrs. dodds fight shall we?
i'm going to say it. taking away the sequence where percy assumes that he's wrongfully in trouble kills a bunch of subtle character work in the series.
in the books percy has a short monologue at the beginning where he starts off with "am i a troubled kid?" and so the lead up to mrs. dodds attacking him does several things. we, the reader understand that percy didn't (consciously) do anything, so we feel the unfairness when he's pulled aside - this scene asks us, the readers, to sympathize with the kid, not the authority figure. it sets up a fundamental theme in the books, that authority figures, and more specifically adults, can be challenged, can be wrong, can be terribly unfair to children. and this is important considering the protagonist of this story is dyslexic and has ADHD???
and they take it out. and it's really really galling.
there's so many other things that i could say about the character work in this scene. so many, like the fact that mrs. dodds' monologue about the gods is misinterpreted at first to be about the school - setting up the connection between the school administration unfairness and the gods unfair attitudes towards their children. like the moment when percy thinks that it might have been his ADHD acting up when mrs. dodds got up the stairs quicker than humanly possible. there's also less foreshadowing for mr. brunner being chiron, like the pen turning into a sword isn't even properly shown hello the pen suddenly having magical properties could be completely divorced from mr. brunner gifting it to percy.
but they don't add in the conversations, they don't add in the moment of self-doubt, they don't add in mr. brunner. mrs. dodds just approaches menacingly. in broad daylight. like sir. the mist can cover a lot but it showed ares as a kidnapper. it doesn't make that much sense that it completely erased people's perception of mrs. dodds. like please.
(also idk if this is disney, but i think that it was incredibly frustrating that they really just removed percy's being treated as a delinquent and as a troubled kid. the show begins with the monologue but the monologue is kickstarted by percy being at "Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York." HELLO??? you could have had the exact same monologue but you change it for subpar themes????)
ok so it doesn't work on a character level.
does it work cinematically?
this scene has already been torn to shreds and back (BUT NOT ENOUGH) so i'll be short. EVEN THE SPY KIDS HAS IMPACT SEQUENCES. ONES THAT LOOK REALISTIC MIND YOU. there's no impact. percy isn't pushed down by mrs. dodds, he just. trips? ig? silently? without any noise? ahahaha the lack of noise??? someone else has already mentioned the lack of noise but yeah once you hear (or don't hear) it, you can't un-hear it.
ok but surely the show improved as they went on, as the filmed more etc etc. sure. but like. also no. (and also though i'm sure they did film these episodes in order lets also keep in mind that filming is not always linear)
ok i did lose the video (i looked for it i swear, i took 30 min trying to look for it, which really isn't that long but yeah) but a lovely tumblr user here (i think i know who it was but i don't want to be embarrassingly wrong) edited the ares's fight with his internal monologue and an awful recorder rendition of that one song from the titanic and it really does encapsulate my thoughts. but yeah if you aren't familiar with the video.
when i was watching the final episode i swear i was trying to turn all critical brain functions off but it was really hard for me not to notice the increasing amount of time that ares just lets percy get up. i just watched dune (second part) so i was spoiled for good fight sequences but something i did notice was that in dune, when there is a pause in a fight it is FOR CHARACTER REASONS. the characters are DELIBERATELY NOT ENDING THE FIGHT. and that was not the impression i got from ares. it really wasn't.
and that took away from his authority/menace as a god ngl.
so yeah was the fight better than the dodds fight. 100%. like 500%.
does that make it a good fight sequence.... ehhhhhhhhhhhh....
(why did the scenes with luke have more tension than the ares fight hello)
and character wise. assassination. all the assassination. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE CULMINATION OF PERCY'S CHARACTER ARC AHHHHHHHH. sorry. but like this was the point at which percy decides he's done running. and stands up to ares with all the taunts and quick thinking that we know him for. unfortunately the show thought itself better and erased that theme ahaha.
so this really is just a fight for the helm. no big reveals, no reading the actions and emotions of a god, no strategy, no trying to get to the water and ares stopping him. like
ahahaha sorry just feeling stabby i don't really know why. anywho off to the senate meeting. i'm running a bit late but i did rsvp with a knife sooooo
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klemcoll · 3 months
The New Lancias at Monaco
Practice is about to start from the pits along the harbor front at Monte Carlo before the Monaco Grand Prix which will take place on May 22,1955. It will be quite a fierce contest with teams from Ferrari, Maserati, Lancia and Mercedes-Benz to take part, among others.  Above we see the Lancia D50 which will be driven by team leader Alberto Ascari. He and his close friend Luigi Villoresi had left…
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johaerys-writes · 3 months
What’s your favorite piece of art? One you’d travel to see or experience?
Oooh man what a tough question. I really love art and I go to museums and galleries as often as I can but the moment this question hit my inbox I drew a massive blank LOL there are several artists and artworks that I love and that I've either already travelled to see or would gladly do so. But like, if you're asking about my TOP favourites, those that I would literally CRY or something if I ever saw up close, then I would have to be boring and predictable and answer that it's something Patrochilles related haha. And of course I can't just choose one, so you're getting a small selection 😊
Achilles bids farewell to Briseis, Roman Fresco
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You'd better trust and believe I'd travel to Naples just so I could see this fresco irl 😭🙏 This Patroclus lives in my brain rent free
The Ambassadors of Agamemnon in the tent of Achilles, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
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Another huge favourite (I hope Tumblr doesn't flag me for this LOL). I love how soft and sensual the forms and lines are here, also look how cunty my boy Patroclus looks in this, absolutely love that for him 🙏
Patrocle, Jacques-Louis David
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I really have no words for this one, I've spent hours looking at it 🥹
The Education of Achilles, James Barry
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I always really love art of Achilles in his younger years, and there are several paintings of him with Chiron but this has to be my favourite. A lot of the other paintings show Chiron teaching Achilles how to fight, but I love how the lyre is at the center of this one.
Achilles and the Body of Patroclus, Nikolai Ge
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Another scene beloved by painters-- there are many renditions of Achilles lamenting the death of Patroclus but I really love how quiet and intimate this one is.
Achilles Binding Patroclus' Wounds, Sosias Painter
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No post about fave patchilles art could ever be complete without this one. Every single detail on this makes me insane (from beardless twink Achilles to bearded twunk Patroclus, the details on the armour, the dicks out, the slutty skirts, INSANE I tell you), I could go on about it forever but this is already getting long so I think I'll cap it here LOL
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scuderiabandini · 13 days
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Louis Chiron Lancia D50 and Stirling Moss Mercedes W196, Monaco Grand Prix 22 May 1955
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chibrary · 3 months
ARTICLE: "Driver Profile: Charles Leclerc" (Formula Scout, 2015)
PaddockScout profiles Charles Leclerc, the young man from Monaco tearing up the FIA F3 European Championship with two wins from the first two rounds.
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Monaco plays host to probably the most famous of any Formula 1 race each year but, perhaps unsurprisingly for a microstate of less than 40,000 people, it doesn’t have a history of producing its own successful Formula 1 drivers. Louis Chiron won his home race in 1931 but since his last participation in 1958 (the oldest ever F1 driver at 58), only Olivier Beretta in 1994 has represented Monaco in an F1 race. Clivio Piccione and Stefano Coletti have won in GP2 since then, but didn’t make it to the top level.
Charles Leclerc is only 17 but he is probably Monaco’s best chance yet of repeating Chiron’s home streets victory. A long-time protege of F1 driver manager Nicolas Todt, Leclerc was a star in karting and has had no trouble adapting to single-seaters, impressing in Formula Renault 2.0 last year and now taking up the mantle of being the star rookie in European F3. A winner on his debut at Silverstone, he added a second victory at Hockenheim last weekend and is just five points off the standings lead.
A quick history (so far)
Leclerc’s father Herve was a Formula 3 driver in the 1980s, and Charles began karting at the circuit owned by Philippe Bianchi, the father of Jules. Working his way up the ranks, Leclerc was French was French cadet champion in 2009 and the runner-up in KF3 and the Monaco Junior Kart Cup winner in 2010.
The following year, he claimed a CIK-FIA double, winning the Academy Trophy and the KF3 World Cup. Moving up to KF2 for 2012, Leclerc triumphed in the WSK Euro Series and took second in the European and U18 championships.
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Together with Max Verstappen, Leclerc took part in the KZ gearbox classes for his final year in karting in 2013, winning the Winter Cup and finishing second to his Dutch rival in the world championship.
Leclerc entered Formula Renault 2.0 for his rookie single-season season, embarking on the Alps series for Fortec Motorsports. He quickly became a frontrunner, making the podium at round two at Pau and then twice again at Spa. At Monza he won both races, and followed that with more podiums to secure second place in the championship behind third-year FR2.0 racer Nyck de Vries.
Some of Leclerc’s most impressive performances last year came in Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 as a guest entry. He took part in six races and finished second in the last three of those, up against lots of drivers with multiple years of experience in the series.
He could have made the full-time move to the Eurocup for 2015 but instead stepped up to Formula 3, and after testing for several different teams, signed with Van Amersfoort Racing. He would essentially replace Verstappen as team leader, working with the same engineer Rik Vernooij.
Leclerc was rapid in testing and demonstrated his pace on his debut weekend at Silverstone, scoring a double position and winning the final race of the weekend. At round two at Hockenheim he extended his podium streak to five consecutive races, and defeated F3 veteran Felix Rosenqvist in a battle for victory in the wet in race three.
Up next
Leclerc is just five points behind championship leader Antonio Giovinazzi, and so far he’s only raced on circuits he hadn’t competed at before. Next up on the calendar are Pau, Monza and Spa, and he tasted success at all of those last season. Therefore, it stands to reason that there’s yet more to come from Leclerc.
It’s a long season (there are 33 races) and plenty could happen between now and the F3 paddock returning to Hockenheim on the weekend of Leclerc’s 18 birthday in October. But based upon the first two rounds, there’s no reason to think of Leclerc as anything other than a serious title threat. Beating the more experienced Rosenqvist and Giovinazzi – driving for bigger teams in Prema and Carlin respectively – will take some doing, but he’s already given them a hard time. Anyway, his season’s hardly going to be a failure if he loses out and finishes up third as a rookie.
Talent and potential
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Leclerc marked himself out as a real prospect in karting – so much so he topped our 2012 ‘karters to watch‘ feature, ahead of Verstappen. But it’s never a foregone conclusion that a successful karter will make a successful car racer. His debut season in FR2.0 was in some ways fairly low key with ‘only’ two wins, but the jump up from karting to continental FR2.0 is very rarely made to look easy by anybody. Leclerc ultimately finished as high up in the Alps standings as he could have been realistically expected to do so, given the presence of an on-form de Vries. It was actually up against tougher competition in the Eurocup that he really shone, with three consecutive P2s taking quite some doing in a series where nobody was particularly consistent.
Those performances suggested he would be capable of stepping up to F3, particularly as his old rival Verstappen had made it look easy and didn’t have the benefit of a year of car racing experience. And so he has proven to be. It’s still early days, but Leclerc has so far been the class of a large crop of rookies and taken the fight to proven F3 winners with multiple years of experience already under their belt.
His early performances are on a par with what last year’s star rookies Esteban Ocon and Verstappen were doing – in fact, his record of two wins and five podiums from the first six races replicates the 2014 champion’s start. If he keeps it up, he will deserve to be held in the same high esteem as them a few months down the line.
No doubt assisted by the Bianchis’ tutelage, Leclerc signed with Todt Jr’s All Road Management firm in 2011. At present, Leclerc has no ties to F1 teams, but through his work with Felipe Massa, Pastor Maldonado and Bianchi, Todt has dealt with most of them and will be very well-placed to get his protege a role when the time comes.
A potential stumbling point is that most F1 teams are already overflowing with some serious sub-F1 prospects, but if he continues to impress as he’s doing at the moment, they could begin falling over each other to find a space for him.
Funding-wise, Leclerc benefits from partners usually tied to Todt’s projects, and watch maker Richard Mille (currently a sponsor of the Lotus F1 team) is his loyal main backer. And you’d imagine that being billed as a future F1 star from Monaco could well tempt some further future investment.
In just his second season in single-seaters, Leclerc is quickly marking himself out as a star of the future with fine performances and two wins in his first couple of weekends in European F3, making him seriously stand out from a large and competitive grid.
While he’s got plenty in common with his old karting rival and Van Amersfoort F3 predecessor Verstappen, a lesser reputation and sensible management mean he’s unlikely to be making the jump straight up to F1 next year. He will therefore need to sustain this impressive form into an intermediate category like GP2 in order to make the grade.
But the signs are definitely there that Leclerc is one of the very top talents in the junior ranks right now, and that he’s capable of tasting success in F1 in the future.
His lifelong friend Bianchi was so sadly stopped in his tracks last year just when his F1 future was looking promising. In a few years’ time, Leclerc could just pick up where his mentor left off.
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linnienin · 1 year
⁕Chiron conjunct AC: the Ugly Duckling? 🥀⁕
A research by Linnie
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Disclaimer: "no one is born ugly, we are just born in a judgemental society" K.Namjoon
(Other disclaimers will be added below)
⁕⁓ This will be a pretty long post, so make yourself comfortable and take your time to read ⁓⁕
Chiron's phyisical appeareance in mythology:
In the traditional Greek representations of Chiron, his front legs are human rather than equine like all the others centaurs.
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This clearly sets Chiron apart from his fellows, making him easily identifiable.
Chiron is also often depicted wearing clothes, demonstrating he is more civilised, unlike a normal centaur.
In Roman depictions of Chiron, we see a fully equine lower body, in contrasts to the ancient Greek representations. Chiron's appearance is further altered with his ears, matching those of a satyr, folded over at the top (he had human ears in the Greek representations)
Take into consideration it may be possible that due to the rise of written sources, Roman artists were inspired by written descriptions of Chiron; simply using the word centaur, rather than having available traditional visual representations. This may then, not be a deliberate reworking of the Chiron myth on the part of the Romans, but simply a lost nuance of the character in its migration from Greece to Rome.
Source: Wikipedia
Chiron conjunct AC natives' appeareance:
Disclaimer: our appeareance is not delineated by just ONE aspect, these are just my observations on celebs who has this placement
These natives have features that don't usually conform to the beauty standars or ideal proportions, making them stand out from average looking people
🥀 They have the look of a tormented soul, this can make them unforgettable
🥀 They also appear wiser than their years, they have the face of an individual that has been through a lot ,and knows a lot too
🥀 Can have distinctive ears (very small, or protuding, towards one extreme or the other, usually bigger)
🥀 Can have distinctive legs (quite short or long in proportion to the other parts of the body)
🥀 Can have long torso
(Their features can resemble those of a Sagittarius natives cause Chiron is also represented by a centaur)
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Fred Astaire had very long elegant legs and distinctive ears, making his presence even more unforgettable.
Lily Rose Depp has a long torso that she likes to accentuate by wearing low raise pants
Martin Luther King had very cute small ears with a unique shape, almost like the ones of an elf
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Clark Gable, Maya Hawke and Antonio Banderas all have beautiful protuding ears that look like butterflies 🦋✨
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Amitabh Bachchan and Whitney Huston and their long legs, Priyanka Chopra has a sinuous long waist
We will continue to analize how Chiron conj. AC manifests in ones appeareance with the roles the actors with this placements has been playing 👇
The hero, the weirdo and the badass:
We all know that cast directors have an eye for one's demeanor, so we will take advantage of this to further see how this placement affects one's image
Good or Bad?
Doesn't matter, they have that main character vibe, usually the hero/villain has deep wounds from the past left unhealed that still hunts them in the present, and usually they cover this deeper part of them with a mask (for some of them quite literally)
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Julie Newmar in the role of Catwoman , George Clooney in the role of Batman and Antonio Banderas playing the unforgettable Zorro
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Willem Dafoe playing the iconic role of Goblin,Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye and Margot Robbie in the role of Harley Quinn
Misunderstood and rejected by society, loners, unusual personalities, they have a unique and peculiar view on life. Usually suffered from difficult traumas that left a mark and shaped who they are.
They might escape reality through art
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Selena Gomez as Mabel Mora, Willem Dafoe as Vincent Van Gogh, Louis Garrel as Théo
They might obsess over proving their worth to others
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Giulietta Masina as Gelsomina, Margot Robbie as Tonya, Maya Hawke as Robin
They might shape their own absurd reality and impose their beliefs on others
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Vincent Price as Dracula, Antonio Banderas as Armand, Robert Carlyle as Tremotino
They might just live in silence, outcasted and distrusted by others, but still finding their own way to survive
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Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood, Peter Dinklage as Trumpkin, Penelope Cruz as Angelica
Fierce, steady and determined. Those people developed a tough personality due to previous experiences. They don't want to be taken advantage of anymore, and they'll stand their ground.
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Lily Rose Depp as Catherine of Valois
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James Coburn as Flint, Priyanka Chopra as Alex Parrish, Jeremy Renner as William Brandt and Amitabh Bachchan has done multiple roles in action movies
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Robert Carlyle as Franco, George Clooney as Danny, Maya Hawke as Eleanor, Willem Dafoe as Elias and Antonio Banderas as El Mariachi
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Penelope Cruz in 'Jamon Jamon'
( These three 'roles' often can merge into one)
The pretty crier
I have noticed people tend to find somehow attractive when those natives cries (especially women)
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There's something deep and inspiring when these people shares their vulnerable side, and somehow the impulse to control these emotions while experiencing them (usually these natives don't like to share this emotional side in public) make them look even more 'interesting' and 'appealing' to the others (as distorted as it can sounds, sometimes people just idolize other people's pain for the wrong reasons)
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But others don't understand how difficult and exhausting really is to cover their vulnerability all the time, and even when they explode because they can't take it anymore, they feel so bad and guilty that they try to stop their "pity party" (in their view) as soon as they can, apologizing immediately for their behaviour (even if you can still see the pain in their eyes)
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Good dancers?:
These natives can have a great sense of music and their body, finding it easy to move to the rhythm.
In Greek mythology, Chiron was taught by his foster father Apollo the art of music, archery, hunting, gymnastic, prophecy, herbs and medicine.
No wonder we see people with this aspect attracted to these activities, and they also seem to posses a natural talent for them.
Can you recognize them in the pictures below? 💃🕺
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The sacrifice:
In Greek mythology, Chiron sacrifices his immortality for the freedom and life of Prometheus.
The reasons behind Chiron's sacrifice aren't just those of his noble spirit. The centaur was fated to suffer from the wound of a poisoned arrow that Heracles shot at him by mistake while trying to complete the fourth task described in the Labours of Heracles.
Ironically, Chiron, the master of the healing arts, couldn't heal himself, so he happily gave up his immortality to free Prometheus of his excruciating pain and destiny.
We can see this theme of sacrifice in the characters mentioned above, some of them with literally sacrificing themselves, while others having to sacrifice an important part of themselves (i will not mention the details because i don't want to make spoilers if you haven't seen some of the series/movies)
And how not to mention the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., fought his whole life for the American civil rights and racial equalty, making himself vulnerable to any attack for the good of his people
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TW: body shaming, abuse, use of drugs
Disclaimer: please remember that if you have this placement it doesn't mean you will certainly use drugs or experience other disorders. These are just consequences of deeper wounds left untouched that haven't been fully healed yet, please, if you can't heal by yourself exactly like Chiron, don't be ashamed to reach others out for help and professional treatment
These natives can be mistreated by others especially at a young age, they can be victims of bullying and this can make them struggle with how they perceive themselves and their worth.
🥀George Clooney suffered from Bell's palsy (a partial paralysis of the face) during his first year of high school and was bullyied by his peers. He declared that he had a hard time but the experience made him stronger.
🥀Lily Rose Depp has always been in the eye of the public and the medias, feeling pressure since a very young age (coming from very well known parents) she also admitted to have suffered from anorexia.
🥀Demi Lovato has been victim of bullying, bulimia-nervosa, self-harm, bipolar disorder and has been experiencing lots of mental and physical abuse. She couragiously admitted to have used cocaine and she added that she began using opiates at the age of 13 after a car accident and "was already drinking" by that time.
🥀Selena Gomez suffers from lupus (that can be treated assuming drugs) and bipolar disorder, she also spoke about suffering from anxiety and depression
🥀Whitney Huston and Carrie Fisher both suffered from drugs abuse
The legend:
In Greek mythology, after Chiron's death, Zeus placed him among the stars in the sky to be honored. The Greeks identified him as the constellation Centaurus.
It is easy to say these natives will always be remembered for what they did and they will inspire and encourage lots of people that feel lost or hopeless
Their battles with pain and their courage to whithstand it will make others feel heard and understood, lightening their internal burdens and spreading light to their path ahead.
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Congrats! You have reached the end of the post 💞
Here's the LIST of every Celebrity i have analized that is mentioned in this post:
Julie Newmar
Clark Gable
Demi Lovato
Margot Robbie
Amitabh Bachchan
Robert Carlyle
Martin Luther King
George Clooney
Penelope Cruz
Priyanka Chopra
Antonio Banderas
Luis Garrel
Evanna Lynch
Maya Hawke
Peter Dinklage
James Coburn
Selena Gomez
Jeremy Renner
Giulietta Masina
Vincent Price
Lily Rose Depp
Willem Dafoe
Whitney Houston
Carrie Fisher
Further disclaimers:
Disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer, i like to research on it and i use this blog as a sort of diary where to keep track of my observations while also sharing my thoughts with you
Disclaimer: i made the collages (because there were way too many photos and i coulnd't insert them as singles because of the limits in numbers) but in no way i own the photos in them
Wikipedia and Astro.com
Thank you 🥀
for sticking to the end, i hope you enjoyed this little research of mine.
As a Chiron conjunct AC native myself, i wanted to dive deeper into the meaning of this placement because i realized there's not much out there on it
I also wanted to gather more info to further understand myself and my patterns because sometimes i find it easier to write down and analize others to realize things about myself lol
Let me know if you resonated or if you have something else to add, you know i always appreciate your feedback 😊
I wish you a great day! 🥀
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