#lotus thief king
candied-pear · 1 year
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Nomming Thieves
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yugioh-why-not · 11 months
One of my favourite things when writing modern Thief King Bakura and Mahado interacting, is making Thief call Mahado, Magic Mike. Partly because it pisses Mahado off, but also because Thief thinks he's low key hot as fuck and refuses to just say that to him directly.
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mumble-ssketches · 2 years
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Happy Late B-Day Thief <3
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apricot-kingdom · 2 years
Thief King for the ship ask 😁
Send me a character and I'll tell you (<- Still Accepting)
**Just a warning, I accidentally wrote 1000+ words and probably more then half of them are slightly off topic
My NOTP for them 
If I had to choose, probably Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura but only because I write him (Thief) as 32/34 and them as 16/18 and as his little brothers. So I can’t see them in a romantic light, which is a shame cause I had this cool fic I was writing back in 2016/17 that I can’t finish cause I write Thief so differently these days. But as found family they are absolutely the best group you could imagine!!! (Thief virtually is prepared to sign adoption papers for them in most things I’ve been writing lately. Hideki doesn’t mind letting his sons have an extra sibling so it’s all good.) In saying that I still adore when others draw them (mostly cause I know they draw a different Thief King to me) 
My BROTP for them
Mai Valentine, I mean they’d gossip about girls and boys all day and go shopping maxing out Thief’s budget constantly and never even leaving a dent in Mai’s. They stay up late watching trashy tv with the most sarcastic remarks and they try on perfume together. They have loads of fun, Ishizu still isn’t overly keen on Thief but still her GF loves him, what she gonna do? It confuses people sometimes since Mai on odd occasions refers to Thief as Big Brother and Thief refers to her as Big Sister. They don’t know why they can’t both be the oldest sibling.
My OTP for them 
Atemu!!! (Pharaoh Atemu, not Yami Yuugi-I count all Yami’s as completely separate people to their host or past selves) but I love enemies to lovers and the amount of times Thief has tried to kill Atemu until it turned into crappy flirting and plus while he was trying to murder the guy, Atemu still felt compelled to help bandage him up if any of the attempts backfired like when Atemu moved in with Yuugi for a while to figure life out and Yuugi smashed Thief with a chess board. Yeah… he kinda kept breaking into Atemu’s places to fight, Solomon set up a curfew and battle hours because Yuugi needs his sleep. 
My second choice pairing for them 
Hmmm, honestly not to sure. I kinda been stuck on the he’s married to Atemu thing for a few years now? maybe if I wrote him younger, Otogi? but honestly I made all the ancient peeps a lot older then the main cast, I just can’t think of anyone from that era for him as a second choice pairing. But I mean him and Otogi can sit around playing with dice and looking fabulous. Plus I think Thief would 100% support his dice game, anything to show up duel monsters just cause he knows how important it is to Atemu and co. The only issue with this pairing would be that Otogi and Malik’s relationship can be iffy and Thief would probably be one of Malik’s besties if they were the same age -_-
Actually!!! I changed my mind, but like a platonic ship if thats fine, I mean Otogi was sorta platonic anyway so I doubt it matters. But Kisara. I feel like she could kick his ass and he’d be totally amazed by that, plus she looks flawless and moves so swiftly when she kicks him in the cheek to stop him stealing her lunch. He also likes that she’s sorta deceiving cause no one expects her to stand up for herself and he smirks, takes a step back as she tells off whatever jackass was being rude to them. That and they can share jewellery and stuff, probably have things in common about lost and found family, young deaths, unjust deaths. Fire… I honestly don’t know a lot about Kisara but this old RPer (they’ve sadly deactivated) wrote her really well and I’ve read one or two short fics about them and thought they were cute!!! ((still leaving my above answer just cause))
My fluffy pairing for them
Atemu… I know it’s enemies to lovers, but like image when they get to the lovers stage. They’d be so cute and fluffy half of the time. I bet Thief would love to snuggle up to his husband and probably bite him at random yes… but still! I love writing random domestic stuff too and they’re so cute. Thief cleans their place and if Atemu tries, Thief just redoes it claiming he did it wrong. Where as if Thief cooks, Atemu has to recook it since it’s all basically raw. Atemu is supposedly Thief’s control tower to stop him doing stupid stuff, but honestly Atemu can get distracted from time to time and find himself in the middle of it instead -haha >u< ((Yeah for people who didn’t know, basically all I write about is casteshipping already married or engaged. It’s like my second or third favourite yugioh pairing - I say that cause currently two are tied for first, otherwise it’d be second for sure))
My angsty pairing for them 
Mahado / Dark Magician. I’ll admit I’ve never written or drawn them romantically and Mahado’s aromatic and not very interested in a relationship let alone one with Thief, but I do like their dynamic. In all honestly I feel like there’d be a lot of difficult feelings between them, different to how Thief would be with Atemu. Atemu he blamed for a massacre his uncle did and his parents hid. Thief may never forgive Atemu for this, not completely but he can come to terms with it, it wasn’t his fault and they were both messed up kids by fate and the Gods. 
Where as Mahado, he fought along side Atemu and I do believe him and Atemu are best friends, but theres a lot of difficult feelings between him and Thief that I don’t think either would want to address or bring up so they’d put it off until you could cut the tension with a knife somedays. It’s complicated. 
Thief doesn’t overly hold many hard feelings toward Mahado in a general sense, not for the things that happened in their first life, if anything he’d probably be the one to form the crush first. But Mahado, Thief killed him. Thief threatened the life he knew, everything her cared about was threatened because some misguided child waged a war against his childhood best friend over something he didn’t even do. Mahado has trouble seeing that Thief has changed, that things are different now, he more so tolerates him. Which pisses Thief off because he’s worked hard on himself and it hasn’t been easy putting his entire past behind him when it was apart of him for so long, and he thinks Mahado can still be a ‘Self sacrificing coward with no will of his own. Pathetic.’ If they dated I’d say they’d break up, but I do enjoy the dynamic and the idea.
My favourite poly ship for them 
And despite the above statement, most likely Atemu and Mahado. Mostly cause I think Atemu would be interested in a three way, while he admits it’d most likely be a very hate filled three way, he’s curious. Thief and Mahado took a hard pass. 
My weirdest pairing for them
IDK, most of the things I do with Thief revolve around him being married to Atemu, Mahado checking in on him to make sure he’s not fucking things up ((the gods assigned Mahado to do this)) Thief adopting Ryou and Bakura cause Hideki’s always working and Amos and Amelia are dead. He plays big brother a lot of the time, and I say he’d like guys only so IDK between everyone being too young for him in the universe I’ve created in my head and I’ll be honest I got sorta off track with canon and non-canon when it comes to ages and siblings and family and everything else. Also Zorc is trapped in another dimension and he calls him his uncle when people ask and Diabound is just Diabound, his protector and guardian angel. Basically watches over him…
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Picture by itself
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nicklloydnow · 8 months
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In 1455, the Holy See was occupied by Alfonso de Borja, a descendant of this eighth knight, under the name Callixtus III. Having gained the trust of King Alfonso Il of Naples, he came to power at the age of seventy-seven, while suffering from stomach cancer. His pain made him suspicious. He believed only in the loyalty of his Spanish family. Through the legacy of inheritance, his fortune fell into the hands of Rodrigo Borgia, who used it to fund his own ascension to the papal throne. Thus was born the first Mafia clan in history.
The Borgias possessed an absolute thirst for power. Europe had, by then, lost all hope in the goodness of God: the plague known as the Black Death had made miserably clear just how precarious human life can be, and with the bitterness of an orphan deprived of its supreme father, the populace consoled itself by indulging in carnal pleasures. It was in this context that Rodrigo Borgia, now Pope Alexander VI, began trafficking in a very powerful drug: papal bulls, which granted the forgiveness of sins . . . Every citizen could murder, steal, gamble, engage in prostitution or incest or unbridled gluttony, and all without fear: because in exchange for a handful of ducats, the Church offered absolution and the assurance that God would welcome the sinner into heaven.
The Borgias' passion for life, for dominance over all mankind, their disdain of any divine retribution, this absolute lack of morality, offset by their staggering appreciation of fine art, utterly captivated me. Knowing that the respectable Church of today once had a Spanish adventurer at its roots, a clever thief who was surrounded by his bought-and-sold lovers and by his children, each embodying a spiritual summit as well as an abyss - Cesare, strength and tyranny; Lucrezia, beauty and lust; Giovanni, intelligence and vanity; Gioffre, purity and stupidity - reminded me of the lotus plant, whose bright flowers spring from filthy swamps . . . And so I yielded to the temptation to write a comics script: in the form of a vast historical fresco on the creation, growth, and death of this provocative family, so similar to some of the people currently governing our planet.
In place of the Black Death, we have cancer and AIDS, along with pollution of our air, our water, and our planet. Instead of cities at war, we are witness to entire countries fighting. Christianity and Islam remain in conflict even today. The discovery of the Americas has now become interplanetary exploration. We're experiencing the artistic revolution of the Renaissance through personal computers and the Internet. The papal bulls of yore are today's commercial "benedictions" from the United States. Just as the ducat was the key to paradise during the Renaissance years, our only God is the almighty dollar: whether its value goes up or down and the gates of heaven open or close . . . Just as Machiavelli, in his book The Prince, recommended aggressive invasions to achieve Italian unity, in this day and age a powerful nation (that shall remain nameless) ruthlessly attacks any country, claiming to obstruct "Evil" but spurred on, in fact, by its thirst for oil . . . Today, the Borgias have been replaced by oil mafias, pharmaceutical industry multinationals, drug cartels, and greedy bankers.
And yet, the corruption that flourished during the Renaissance could not prevent the emergence of a Leonardo da Vinci, a Raphael, a Botticelli, a Michelangelo, a Dante, a Machiavelli even, as well as so many others who opened up new vistas to human awareness. This is what brings us great hope: the possibility that the decadence of the world today is just the pain of a chrysalis becoming a butterfly, and that from the last vast crisis into which we plummet a new humanity will arise, one that will look upon us with the same tender compassion we feel for the monkeys.
—Alejandro Jodorowsky
August 2011”
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esf-art-and-design · 3 months
Comprehensive list of Queer Pop Artists (wether through themes in songs or through confirmed ID) you could be supporting instead of throwing a fit over the fact that Swift is not gay and would really like if y’all stopped speculating (because it’s wrong to boil someone down to who they bone, and dangerous and harmful to out someone, thought we knew this as the queer community, but I digress)
List was created by a now deleted account on Reddit, so I can’t credit the exact person who created it
A Comprehensive List of LGBTQ+ Pop Music Act’s
additional reference: /u/[**frogaranaman**](https://www.reddit.com/user/frogaranaman/)**'s list divided by identity:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/c3rpga/happy\_pride\_in\_honor\_of\_the\_month\_here\_is\_a\_list/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/c3rpga/happy_pride_in_honor_of_the_month_here_is_a_list/)
^(i divided by genre, so some people appear on multiple lists. I am not a musicologist; please do not ask me why i categorized an artist in one genre, but not the other. if the grammys never even get it right, how can i?)
**methodology**: i included artists who give a clear answer being a part of the community, have had it verified being queer and/or queerness some tangible way, have passed, and/or discuss queer themes in the first person in a moderate or significant part of their body of work. ^(i did not include comedy artists, so you will not see too many camp acts or drag queens here.)
* *\** = person and/or representation of color, mostly black
* *(+)* = noticeably problematic
* *(#)* \- uses queer themes or narrators often, but not verified
if I missed someone, or misidentified someone, post a response with their name and genre. i will edit & include them.
# adult contemporary
* ben abraham *\**
* jennifer knapp
* will young
* sam smith
* billy porter *\**
* michaela jai *\**
# alternative folk & country
* orville peck
* adeem the artist
* tj osborne / brothers osbourne
* angel olson
* joy oladokun *\**
* sufjan stevens (#)
* evil *\**
* kd lang
* izzy heltai
* trixie mattel
* steve grand
* adrianne lenker (of big thief)
# alternative hip-hop & rap
* taylor bennett *\**
* snow tha product *\**
* zebra katz *\**
* shygirl *\**
* rob.b *\**
* tiger goods *\**
* naeem ***(formerly spank rock)*** *\**
* mykki blanco *\**
* princess nokia *\**
* mahawam *\**
* heems *\**
* saul williams *\**
* kalifa ***(formerly le1f)*** *\**
* omar apollo *\**
* keanan *(drill) \**
* drebae *\**
* cuee *\**
* junglepussy *\**
* angel haze *\**
* mista strange *(drill) \**
* the last artful, dogdr *\**
* dizzy fae *\**
* kelechi\*\*\*
* ilovemakonnen *\**
* kamaiyah *\**
* kidd kenn *(drill) \**
* leikeli47 *\**
* isaiah rashad *\**
* dai burger *\**
* azealia banks ***(+)*** *\**
* chicka *\**
* jaboukie *\**
* dapper dan midas *\**
* baby tate *\**
* kevin abstract / brockhampton *\**
* cakes da killa *\**
* iamjakehill / ur pretty
* cazwell
* lil lotus
* lil aaron
# alternative pop
* purple crush
* aurora
* st. vincent
* black dresses
* anohni
* maggie lindemann
* scott matthew
* oscar and the wolf
* steve lacy *\**
* dreamer isioma *\**
* vaultboy
* coco & clair clair *\**
* shamir *\**
* empress of *\**
* cat burns *\**
* kučka
* king mala
* lava la rue *\**
* devonte hynes / blood orange *\**
* jessica 6 *\**
* naeem ***(formerly spank rock)****\**
* adore delano / danny noriega *\**
* orion sun *\**
* dizzy fae *\**
* pvris
* japanese breakfast *\**
* dorian electra
* yeule
* kevin abstract / brockhampton *\**
* christine & the queens
* davy boi *\**
* declan mckenna
* yungblud
* jazmin bean
# alternative r&b
* durand bernarr *\**
* keiynan lonsdale\*
* frank ocean *\**
* noah davis
* serpentwithfeet \*
* joy oladokun *\**
* isaac dunbar *\**
* kwaye *\**
* steve lacy *\**
* kelechi *\**
* ray laurel *\**
* mac ayres
* orion sun *\**
* kyle dion *\**
* janelle monae *\**
* kelela *\**
* jeremy pope *\**
* syd / the internet *\**
* jamila woods *\**
* kehlani *\**
* mahawam *\**
* 070 shake *\**
* davy boi *\**
* destin conrad *\**
* michelle (band) *\**
* cat burns *\**
* coco & breezy *\**
* arlo parks *\**
* devonte hynes / blood orange *\**
* bartees strange *\**
* brayton bowman *\**
* bronze avery *\**
* cain culto ***(formerly ecclesia)*** *\**
* olivia o'brien
# SPOTLIGHT: arab, persian, & desi / south-asian artists
* the muslims *\**
* hamed sinno / mashrou’ leila *\**
* wafia *\**
* remi wolf *\**
* rostam / vampire weekend \*
* heems \*
* freddy mercury / queen *\**
* leo kalyan *\**
* lil darkie ***(+)*** *\**
* dounia *\**
* dua saleh *\**
* raveena *\**
* mavi phoenix *\**
* ray laurel\*
# black & urban contemporary gospel
* kevin terry \*
* mo heart \*
* resistance revival chorus \*
* james cleveland \*
* sister rosetta tharpe \*
* tonex / b.slade \*
* donnie mcclurkin \*
# blues / jazz / spoken word
* billy wright \*
* bessie smith \*
* frankie "half pint" jaxon \*
* big mama thorton \*
* johnny mathis \*
* ethel waters \*
* billie holiday \*
* little richard \*
* ma rainey \*
* billy strayhorn \*
* langston hughes\*
# camp
* iamjakehill / ur pretty
* jaboukie \*
* qaadir howard \*
# contemporary r&b
* whitney houston \*
* monifah \*
* iman jordan\*
* 070 shake\*
* bree runway\*
* coco & breezy\*
* dreamer isioma\*
# christian & worship
* william matthews\*
* semler
* ecclesia ***(now known as cain culto) \****
* sufjan stevens **(#)**
* jennifer knapp
* vicky beeching
* dion davis\*
* joy oladokun\*
* ethel cain
* julien baker
* dan haseltine / jars of clay
* ray boltz
# djs / producers
* kaytranda \*
* amorphous \*
* sophie
* mnek \*
* mike q \*
# electronic / disco / industrial
* woodkid
* robert alfons / tr/st
* bright light bright lights
* k flay
* beth ditto
* midnight pool party \*
* sylvester \*
* eartheater
* christine & the queens
* zee machine
* yves tumor \*
* passion pit
* the sound of arrows
* peaches
* fever ray / the knife
* hercules and love affair
* jessica 6 \*
* kele okereke / bloc party\*
* shura
* madison rose\*
* michael medrano
* shamir \*
* shygirl \*
# house / ballroom house
* little louie vega / masters at work\*
* azealia banks ***(+)*** \*
* tt the artist\*
* cake da killa\*
* kevin jz prodigy\*
* purple crush
* miss jay\*
* kevin aviance \*
* rupaul \*
# hyper / power pop
* 100 gecs
* that kid \*
* dorian electra
* mika \*
# indie & progressive pop
* mickey darling (#)
* fhat \*
* cub sport
* moses sumney \*
* kele okereke / bloc party\*
* minute taker
* morgxn
* shamir \*
* muna (\*)
* tawnted
* the aces
* rostam / vampire weekend \*
* this japanese house
* tinashe \*
* angel olson
* mothica
* peter thomas
* japanese breakfast \*
* lava la rue \*
* royal & the serpent
* michelle (band) \*
* semler
* pale waves
* perfume genius
* gabriel garzon montano \*
* declan mckenna
* the sound of arrows
* fever ray / the knife
* kali
* lava la rue
* girl in red
* bartees strange \*
* jake shears / scissor sisters
* ethel cain
* devonte hynes / blood orange \*
* purple crush
* tegan & sara
* oliver sim / the xx
* ssion
# indie rock
* kele okereke / bloc party \*
* cosmo jarvis ***(#)***
* oliver sim / the xx
* car seat headrest
* big thief
* now, now
* lucy dacus / boygenius
* rostam / vampire weekend \*
* boyish
* julien baker
* black belt eagle scout \*
* ethel cain
* courtney barnett
* pale waves
* joe talbot / idles
* le tigre
* john grant / the czars
* lava la rue \*
# SPOTLIGHT: indigenous artists
* black belt eagle scout \*
* keiynan lonsdale\*
* trixie mattel \*
# k-pop
* mrshll\*
* holland\*
* lionesses\*
* jiae / wa$$up\*
* wonho\*
# SPOTLIGHT: latinidad & latine artists
* arca \*
* ricky martin\*
* villano antillano \*
* cain culto (formerly ecclesia) \*
* tokischa \*
* mad tsai \*
* snow tha product \*
* 070 shake \*
* anitta \*
* kali uchis \*
* blue rojo \*
* pablo vittar \*
* maria becerra\*
* kaytranda \*
* omar rudberg \*
* empress of \*
* michaela jai \*
* willie gomez \*
* jessica 6 *\**
* mabiland \*
* princess nokia \*
* omar apollo \*
* adore delano / danny noriega \*
* omar rudberg \*
* adriano cintra / css \*
* young m.a \*
* gabriel garzon montano \*
* pablo alborán
* bentley robles \*
Also adding in general (not pop necessarily)
Elton John
Queen/Freddie Mercury
Lzzy Hale/ Halestorm
Taylor Momsen/ The Pretty Reckless
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myth-lord · 2 months
ALl greek myth characters I love
Achelous (Triton) Achilles Achlys Acmon (Dactyl) Actaeon (Stag) Adephagia Aeacus (Daemon Judge) Aello (Harpy) Aeolus Aergia Aethon (Caucausian Eagle) Agamemnon Aglaope (Siren) Agrius (Bearman) Aigle (Hesperid) Akheilos Alastor Alecto (Erinyes) Amethyste (Oread) Amphisbaena Amphitrite Antaeus Anteros Antiphates (Laestrygonian) Apate Aphrodite Apollo Arachne Ares Argus Panoptes Aristaeus (God of insects) Artemis Asclepius (Medicine/Healing) Askalaphos (owl) Atalanta Athena Atlas Atropos Attis Autolycus (Master Thief)
Basilisk Bellerophon Boreas (Anemoi) Briareus (hekantoncheirus) Brontes (Cyclops)
Cacus Cadmus Calliope (Muse, Poetry) Callisto Calydonian Boar Calypso (Nereid) Cassandra Cassiopeia Castor & Pollux Catoblepas Celedones (two) Cerambus (Beetle) Cerberus Cercopes (Passalus & Aclemon) Ceryneian Hind Ceto Cetus Chalcon (Telchine) Chaos Charon Charybdis Chimera Chione Chiron (Centaur) Chloris (Dryad) Chrysaor Chrysomallos Circe Clio (Muse, Art) Clotho Coronis (Maenad) Corvus (Raven) Cretan Bull Crocotta Cronus
Daedalus Deimos (Machai) Delphin Demeter Diomedes Dionysus
Echidna Echo (Oread) Empusa Epiales (Pet of PHobetor) Erato (Muse, Literature) Eris (Mania) Eros Erymanthian Boar Eurus (Anemoi) Euryale (Gorgon) Eurynomos Eurytion (Centaur) Euterpe (Muse, music) Evenor (Atlantis King)
Gaia Galatea Gegenees Geras Geryon Graeae (Deino, Enyo & Pemphredo) Griffon
Hades Harmonia Hecate Helen of Troy Helios Hephaestus Hera Heracles Hermes Hestia Hippocampus Hippolyta Hybris Hygieia Hypnos
Icarus Ichthyes (Aphros & Bythos) Indus Worm Iris Ismenian Drakon Ixion (Daemon)
Kampe Karkinos Keres Khalkotauroi (Colchis Bull) Kholkikos Drakon Kobaloi Kratos
Ladon Laelaps Lakhesis Lamia Leonidas Lernaean Hydra Limos Lotus (Lotus-Eaters) Lycaon
Manticore Marsyas (Satyr) Medea Medusa (Gorgon) Megaera (Erinyes) Melaina (Thriae) Meleager Melinoe Melpomene (Muse, Tragedy) Menoetes (Daemon) Midas Minos (Daemon Judge) Minotaur Mneme (Muse, Memory) Morbus (Nosoi) Mormo Moros (DooM) Morpheus (Oneiroi)
Narcissus Nemean Lion Nemesis Nephele (Aurai) Nerites Nessus (Centaur) Nike Notus (Anemoi) Nyx
Odontotyrannus Odysseus Oedipus Orion Orpheus Orphne Orthrus
Pan Pandora Panotti Paris of Troy Pegasus Peisinoe (Siren) Peitho (Persuasion) Peleus (Myrmidon) Peloros (Spartoi) Penthus (Mourning) Periphetes Persephone Perseus Phaea (Crommyonian Sow) Pharmacea (Nereid, Poison) Philyra (Odor, Parfum) Phobetor (Oneiroi) Phobos (Machai) Phoenix Phorcys Phthisis (Nosoi) Plutus (Wealth / Chrysus) Polyhymnia (Muse, Silence) Polyphemus (Cyclops) Poseidon Prometheus Proteus (Triton) Psyche Pygmalion Pyrausta Pyrois (Sun Horse) Pythia (oracle of Delphi) Python
Rhadamanthus (Daemon Judge)
Sciron (Cercyon) Scironian Turtle Scorpios Scylla Selene Sisyphus (Daemon) Skolopendra Sphinx Stheno (Gorgon) Stymphalian Birds Sybaris Symplegades (Planctae)
Talos (Automaton) Tantalus (Daemon) Tartarus Terpsichore (Muse, Dance) Teumessian Fox Thalia (Muse, Comedy) Thanatos Theia (Sight, gems) Thelxiepeia (Siren) Theseus Tiresias (Shade) Tisiphone (Erinyes) Typhon
Urania (Muse, Astronomy)
Xanthus (Mare of Diomedes)
Zelos Zephyrus (Anemoi) Zeus
Shades / Myrmekes / Gadfly /
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simply-whump · 2 years
Whump Lists & Gifs
Here are all the Whump Lists and Gifs I made. Don't hesitate to recommend me whumpy asian dramas ! I also take requests for lists and gifs (ask or DM).
GENRES : Historical 👘 / Republican Era 🎩 / Modern 👔 / Military 🎖 / Investigation🚨 / Youth 🎓 / Sport ⚽️ / Action 💥 / Family 🏠 / Medical 🩺 / Rescue 🧯/ Supernatural ✨
My Favorites are in Bold - [ Total Lists made : 90 ]
Chinese Dramas :
A Date With the Future 🧯
A League of Nobleman 👘/🚨
Ashes of Love 👘 /✨
Bright Eyes in the Dark 🧯
Dear Parents 🏠/🎓
Eternal Brotherhood 👘 /💥
Falling into you ⚽️ /🎓
Fireworks of My Heart 🧯/🩺
Forever Love 👔/💥
Glory of Special Forces 🎖/💥
Hard to Find 👘/💥
Hidden Love 🎓/👔
I Cannot Hug You 👔
In Blossom 👘
Legend of Shen li 👘/✨
Light Chaser Rescue 🧯
Lighter & Princess 👔
Live Surgery Room 🩺
Love Between Fairy and Devil 👘/✨
Love Like the Galaxy 👘/💥
Love Me, Love My Voice 👔
Love You Seven Times 👘/✨
Maiden Holmes 👘/🚨
Maid's Revenge 🎩
My Calorie Boy 🎓
My Journey to You 👘/💥
My Lethal Man 👔
My Roommate is a Detective 🎩/🚨
Mysterious Lotus Casebook 👘/🚨
Mystery of the Abyss [Movie] 💥/✨
New Life Begins 👘
No Boundary Season 1 - S2 👘/✨
Road Home 👔/🧯
Romance of a Twin Flower 👘/💥
Royal Rumours 👘
Stand by Me 🎩
The Blood of Youth 👘/💥
The Eternal Love Season 1 - S2 - S3 👘/✨
The Girl Who Sees Smells 👔
The Love You Give Me 👔
The Rebel Princess 👘
The Silent Criminal 👘/💥
The Starry Love 👘/✨
The Yin-Yang Master [Movie] 💥/✨
Thousand Years for You 🎩 /✨
Unchained Love 👘/💥
Well-Intended Love 👔
Who Rules The World 👘/💥
Wonderland of Love 👘/💥
Wulin Heroes 👘
Korean Dramas :
Bad Thief, Good Thief 🚨/🏠
Cheer Up 🎓
Delivery Man 🚨/✨
Destined with You 👔/✨
Dr. Romantic Season 2 - S3 🩺
Exhuma [Movie] ✨
Gyeongseong Creature 💥/✨
King the Land 👔
Love Tractor 👔
Missing : The Other Side Season 1 - S2 🚨/✨
Moving 💥/✨
My Country: The New Age 👘/💥
My Lovely Boxer ⚽️
My Lovely Liar 👔/✨
Our Blooming Youth 👘
Perfect Marriage Revenge 👔/✨
Secret Reunion [Movie] 🚨/💥
See You in My 19th Life 👔/✨
Sh**ting Stars 👔
Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 🎩 /✨
The First Responders 🚨/🧯
The Forbidden Marriage 👘
The Heavenly Idol 👔/✨
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse 👘/💥
The Story of Park's Marriage Contract 👔/✨
The Uncanny Counter 2 💥/✨
Twinkling Watermelon 🎓/✨
Weak Hero Class 1 🎓/💥
Japanese Dramas :
High & Low Series 💥
Kei×Yaku: Abunai Aibou 🚨
Miman Keisatsu: Midnight Runner 🚨/💥
Thai Dramas :
Chains of Heart 💥
Naughty Babe 👔
Pit Babe ✨
The Sign 💥/✨
Btw, I also have a youtube channel where I do some asian dramas montages. It is not whump related but if you want to check it out it's here >> LINK
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A bouquet of yellow foxglove and snapdragon VS A bouquet of gladiolus flowers and lilies, with spiky knautia, shield, dogwood, iris, lotus, lily of the valley, foxglove, rock rose, water lily, daffodil, green and black roses, sunflower, poppy, crystanthenum, wolfsbane, liatris, buttercup, and bleeding heart flowers. There's a sole kadupul flower in the middle of it.
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First, let's talk about the bouquet of foxglove and snapdragon
Meaning and why this flower was chosen:
Foxglove, which generally represents insincerity (especially in Victorian flower language) and the duality of hurting and healing, as well as other meanings like magic, creativity, secrets, and insecurity, represents him well because he’s a con artist, of the trickster archetype, and somewhat of an antihero; his actions and plans, while good at the core, often hurt other people at least a little on the way, and he’s okay with that if they’re not his people. Other characters, and the audience, often have reason to doubt his sincerity as a friend and as a partner [...] he’s generally got more than one motive going on at once. It’s not something I’d blame him for, but insincerity is a constant question when it comes to him that it takes a long time for anyone to overcome. Also, regarding the other meanings, he’s a clever character with subtle magical powers, he keeps a lot about him under wraps from most everyone, and he’s deeply insecure [...] I’d particularly choose a yellow foxglove because that color has implications of positivity and support, and he is cheerful, friendly, and when it comes to the people he does love, he’s never giving up on helping them. As a bonus (and why I picked this), the flower’s name fits him, as he has a nickname related to foxes. I’d also choose snapdragon, for strength in harsh habitats, and also deception. He comes from a humble background, was bullied as a child, is a little bit homeless during the main story, and lives in a society bigoted against him, but he’s thriving anyway. Deception, meanwhile, is central to his character and something he leans on; he lies, hides, keeps secrets, and has that fear of being perceived, and even his names are a kind of benevolent deception, as being known only by his naturalized name to most people helps keep him safe. Also, snapdragon symbolizes grace, relevant to one career he’s had. Description: He’s a poor trickster who ran away from home as a teenager and joined the circus in order to rescue his missing mother [...] He’s loud, extroverted, loving and voracious, has a sparkling personality, and is powerfully annoying when he wants to be. He’s a public figure sometimes but the limelight is deeply not for him. He distrusts many people, including especially reporters, rich people, and the government, which is of course completely valid. He’s a petty thief by necessity and habit, and he always knows a guy. It takes him years of having magical powers to realize that they include invisibility, and when he finds out, the first thing he uses it for is to tickle someone. He’s flirted with a guy he deeply envies and who envies (and kinda hates) him right back; I’m never sure if it’s weirder if he doesn’t like the guy in question, or if he actually does. He’s tried to save a celebrity from descent into alcoholism. He’s committed war crimes against ghosts. He’s narrowly escaped being mobbed by a religious group and has been kidnapped by a popular entrepreneur. He has been deemed ‘strange in all ways’ by a coworker. He loves pastrami sandwiches. He’s not that short but everyone he knows would call him a short king if they had that vocabulary [...]
Check his post here for the full description
Now, let's see the bouquet of gladiolus flowers and lilies, with spiky knautia, shield, dogwood, iris, lotus, lily of the valley, foxglove, rock rose, water lily, daffodil, green and black roses, sunflower, poppy, crystanthenum, wolfsbane, liatris, buttercup, and bleeding heart flowers. There's a sole kadupul flower in the middle of it.
Meaning and why they were chosen: Gladiolus: Integrity, Strength, Victory | Lily: purity, commitment and rebirth | Spiky Knautia: Unfortunate love (also because of the name (thunder and lightning), markings, blooming season and conditions) | Shield: it symbolizes integrity and protection | Dogwood: strength, reliability, loyalty and devotion | Iris: faith, hope, courage, wisdom, admiration and foresight | Lily of the Valley: purity, love, sincerity, and luck, because of their poisonous nature | Foxglove: because of their poisonous nature, they mean insincerity, pride, intuition, creativity, energy Rock Rose: they are know for growing back stronger quickly after a fire, they mean deep healing, togetherness, soothing. | Water Lily: birth, resurrection, purity and majesty. | Daffodil: rebirth, new beginnings, forgiviness, memory and inspiration | Green Rose: hope and vitality | Black rose: death, mourning or tragedy | Sunflower: because they follow the sun, they mean unwavering faith and unconditional love | Poppy: consolation, sleep and expression Chrysanthemum: friendship, happiness, and well-being | Wolfsbane: caution and treachery | Liatris: joy, bliss and happiness | Buttercup: joy, youth, purity, happiness and friendship | Bleeding heart flowers: Unconditional love (platonic) and death of a loved one | Kadupul: it means wish, fulfilment and stellar beauty, and it was chosen because it blooms at night Why these flowers were chosen: Each flower minus the first two represent a person special to her, or important to her story. They also each connect to a specific event that affects her, and their individual symbolism are all parts of her development. She surrounds herself with her friends constantly, so her bouquet is less about her identity and more about them [...] Description: A talented lovestruck young girl with the ability to grow and communicate with plants. She's best friends with a pair of brothers, and has a pretty big friend group surrounding them. She also leads a group of six other girls on escapades, and has a lovely, if small, immediate family of her parents and dog. While she's sweet and caring, she's also a little too happy to call something a death match, and will fight and win against anyone if need be. The combination of her skills and friends would make her a force to be reckoned with even without her powers.
Check her post here for the full description
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
BRF Reading - 25th of February, 2023
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 25th of February, 2023
Question: What tiara will Catherine wear to the coronation?
Note 1: I know Catherine will be wearing the coronet of the Princess of Wales. It is my understanding that the females wear a tiara in front of the coronet. I could be wrong about this. If I am wrong, then this reading is null and void, obviously.
Note 2: I picked this topic because I wanted a fun reading. I asked for three cards, one for the Lotus tiara, one for the Lovers Knot tiara, and one for another tiara. Either I am wrong in my assumption that Catherine will be wearing a tiara as well as a coronet, or I have tapped into a parallel universe, or there is much more going on behind the scenes about this than I imagined.
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Interpretation: Definitely not the Lotus tiara, but I am uncertain about the Lovers Knot versus something we haven't seen her wear before.
Card One (for the Lotus Tiara): The Knight of Pentacles in reverse.
The card is in the reverse, so that is a No. The Knight of Pentacles upright is about slow and steady progress towards a goal. In the reverse, it is about having a routine or being stuck in a routine, being dull and boring. Maybe the powers that be thought the Lotus tiara was too predictable? The Knight of Pentacles is also my card for Harry (a sun sign Virgo), and being in the reverse it means that this choice would somehow overshadow Harry, or he wouldn't like it for some reason? I don't know how it connects to Harry, and I am only mentioning him here because this is one of the two cards I get for Harry as a person. The most likely meaning is that the Lotus tiara was though to be too boring and predictable.
Card Two (for the Cambridge Lovers Knot Tiara): The Six of Pentacles.
The Six of Pentacles is a card about charity, giving to and receiving from other people. In that sense it is also a card of balance - you give and take equally. The energy I am getting from this card is that the Lovers Knot tiara is the main big tiara loan that Catherine has from the BRF, and so it would be the one that she is expected to wear, especially considering its strong connection with the former Princess of Wales, Diana. If it wasn't in the position I had marked out for the Lover's Knot tiara, I would take this as meaning that Catherine could be loaned a new tiara to wear at the coronation. The energy of the card is of a loan, but whether it is the Lover's Knot or a new tiara isn't clear.
Card Three (for another tiara): The Seven of Swords.
This and the underlying energy are the cards that surprised me in this reading. The Seven of Swords is the thief card, the card of being sneaky and getting what you want by stealth. The kindest interpretation you can put on it is 'diplomacy'. So if Catherine is going to wear another tiara, it is something that will be done by stealth. This could be as simple as not releasing the details to the press beforehand (which would stop Meghan making a song and dance about it). On the other hand, there could be some sort of history of theft or of smuggling the jewels or the tiara out of a country that is associated with is piece. It could also be about people being sneaky in order to get her a new tiara to wear (see the underlying energy for why this would be necessary).
Underlying Energy: The Seven of Wands.
The Seven of Wands is a card of conflict. It is about holding your ground, standing up for yourself, defending your territory, protecting yourself and others. The card shows the supporters of Jason (the uncrowned king) fighting the supporters of another crowned King who is intent on stopping Jason from succeeding in his quest to gain the golden fleece.
This card tells me that there is a lot of conflict going on behind the scenes about what tiara Catherine will wear to the coronation, and that conflict may be indicative of larger issues (such as what role she will play, what role her husband will play - I'm getting an energy of minimisation, as through someone/s (not necessarily Charles) wants to make the presence of the Wales' at the coronation as small and insignificant as possible, and that William is having to fight for his right to be properly represented as the Prince of Wales (instead of, for example, just another royal duke). This could include giving Catherine jewellery to wear that does not reflect her status as the Princess of Wales.
Wands can be PR, so this could be part of a PR battle or PR image issues or something to do with PR.
There is definitely some sort of conflict here with two groups facing off against each other. If Harry was going to attend the coronation I would suspect him of having a hand in this - maybe it is one of his demands that won't be met (being seen to be equal if not superior to William, and the same with his wife and Catherine).
Conclusion: The indications are that Catherine will not wear the Lotus Tiara to the coronation. She will be wearing another tiara, either the Lover's Knot or, I think, a new one that has been loaned to her for the occasion (I'm leaning slightly in favour of a new tiara for her, as in another one from the vault that we have not seen her wear before). There is a lot of conflict about what tiara she will wear, with two opposing groups fighting over this - one which seems to want her to be diminished to 'just another duchess in attendance', while the other wants her outfitted as befits the Princess of Wales.
The energy isn't 100% settled for this reading, so I would not be at all surprised if things change between now and the 6th of May.
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candied-pear · 2 years
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Guardian Spirits are awesome.
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yugioh-why-not · 2 years
Thief King and Zorc’s plans are the literal definition for the saying, ‘so crazy that they just might work!’ and then they don’t work. Yami Bakura never had a chance with those two. 
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mumble-ssketches · 2 years
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sonicasura · 1 year
Great Fairy!Hyrule
This stems from Oberon, the King of Fairies which can be found in medieval and Renaissance literature. After Hyrule, the remaining Links I haven't done are Twilight, Four and finally Legend.
A result of the Triforce's constant presence steadily amplifying his fairy side. The transformation into a Great Fairy could be compared to a timebomb. A small wasteland became a vibrant lush paradise from how much magic Hyrule released.
Just as big as any Great Fairy although a bit taller and bearing wings similar to that of a monarch butterfly that looks like a cloak when folded. His normal clothing merged with moss alongside other plant growth such as ivy, roses, lotus roots.
His Fairy Fountain is a safe haven for lost travelers seeking shelter. A small town was later made nearby with Hyrule's permission in exchange for helping tend the land. Triforce infused magic repels any malevolent forces from both the town and Hyrule's Fairy Fountain.
Can switch between Hylian, Fairy and Great Fairy forms but has to take on his latter once every 9 days. Not doing so runs the risk of Hyrule's magic going berserk until it causes a forced transformation leaving him weak for awhile.
Hyrule's wings produce a unique fairy dust with very powerful vitalizing energy. It can restore dead crops, purify dark energies and if used correctly for medicine potentially cure even the worst illness. Stolen fairy dust paralyzes the thief in question upon contact.
He's a bit more mischievous due to his fae nature but still responsible. Any pranks from Hyrule are lighthearted and harmless. Very respectful of people's boundaries alongside their discomforts.
He does travel but made has a spell ready to instantly warp back to his fountain if needed. The man wants this safe haven to stay safe. Really aren't that many places for people to live comfortably like Hyrule's Fairy Fountain.
Has a habit of eating poisonous plants like belladonna as the poison can't really do him harm. A bit addicted to sugar water that Hyrule will sneak some sugar into his cup or canteen. Offer him nectar or tree sap then be prepared for a sudden hug.
When he joined the Chain, Hyrule was less concerned about his fairy form being found out than his Great Fairy nature. Damn sure Time had an idea of what he really was. (Man is the second Link to have the most interaction with fae)
Group finds out when they end in his Hyrule specifically the town near his fairy fountain. Poor guy got swarmed by a bunch of children wanting to see the 'Fairy King'. (They didn't know that the Chain were oblivious.)
'rules planned on easing the group into what he really was as Wars didn't have a good experience with Great Fairies in his era. He gotten a LOT of questions from his companions once taking his true form(most from Warriors)
Hyrule does interact with the Chain in his true form under the condition that no one was nearby and a certain captain is okay. Definitely chatters amongst other Great Fairies in different eras if the opportunity is there.
Just like Hydra!Four, Hyrule gave his companions some of his fairy dust for emergencies. Wars asks the Traveller for help involving his Great Fairy problem. Despite being way younger than the other fairies, Hyrule is much stronger. The moment they are in Wars' Hyrule, the Traveller has a long discussion with the fairies there.
Often uses his wings to provide protection to the Chain from the cold or bad weather. Wars is more comfortable around Hyrule's true form. Guess someone got himself a guardian Great Fairy to go with his smaller fairy companion.
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annon-guy2 · 1 year
BlazBlue Cross Tag Heroes - RWBY Cast
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Ruby Rose [Red Rose]
Weiss Schnee [Ice Queen]
Blake Belladona [Black Shadow]
Yang Xiao Long [Sunny Little Dragon]
Jaune Arc [Restored Rusted Knight]
Nora Valkyrie [Lightning Bolt]
Pyrrha Nikos [The Invincible Girl]
Lie Ren [Tranquil Lotus]
Oscar Pine [Incarnation of the Ancient Warrior]
Qrow Branwen [Dusty Old Crow]
Winter Schnee [Noble Winter Maiden]
Emerald Sustrai [Thief of Hallucinations]
Sun Wukong [Golden Monkey King]
Neo Politan [Imaginative Illusionist]
Adam Taurus [Fallen High Leader]
James Ironwood [Atlas' Metallic General]
Cinder Fall [False Fall Maiden]
The Hound [Unnatural Grimm]
Salem [The Dark Witch]
P.S. If any of you guys have better character titles for the RWBY Cast, feel free to let me know.
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astronnova · 1 year
hello hand over your entire LMK fanfic collection ALLL of your faovirtes or the pspsps boogeyman will be at your door tonight
oh noo dearest boogeyman please do not come to my door tonight where i am alone and defenseless [ GUNSHOT ]
a lot of this is angst fics because. idk im a fucked up little man i guess. all ratings go up to M
he who conquers shadows black by theweepingmortician - i uh. um. macaque's death. yep. cough. m
sympathy, compassion, and other irrelevant gestures by payasita - good character study type thing of wukong and his many many traumas lol. the difference between saying "im okay" and then actually being okay
if i can't help myself by crimson_owl - this one is like a knife in the abdomen and then the attacker twists it. good angst read my friend showed me this one. (slight warning: wukong does have an implied death at the end)
bury a friend (i want to end me) by drawing_a_blank - 2/4 chapters written at the time of posting. good wukong angst fic that explores his specific trauma of having to kill all his friends because of a higher power demanding it of him
the moon, the sun, and the black powder fuse by chippersmol & payasita - mac centric fic. again, feels more like a character study and it does go hard. mac hates loud noises, wukong loves fireworks. u can see where it's going. it's explicitly stated to be shadowpeach in the tags BUT i think you can kinda see it platonically if you'd like?
monkey king's guide to physical contact by leonardo_charles_bluewood_21 - touch starved AND touch averse wukong. joy! it's got sappy found family stuff in there which is up my alley, but there's your warning if you aren't a fan of a nice big group hug.
for better or for worse by lotus monkey & squidkid15 - okay. i'll be honest with ya chief i haven't sat down and read this monster yet 37k words and it's still updating every thursday. less traditional fanfic, it's more of an archive of an rp that the two authors did! it's based on an au the two made, the core au, and from What I Have Seen it's pretty good. i just haven't had the time to sit down and tackle this beast of a fanfic yet so goodluck to you if you're gonna read it. i bet it's real good
in for a penny, in for a pound by peaceofart - shadowpeach au fanfic! 7/? chapters done as of writing. premise is mac is a thief that's snuck into the main castle and wukong's an overpowered prince basically trapped inside. mac acts as a guard to get a better look inside the palace and wukong grows attached to him ;3 this fic is my guilty pleasure i kick my feet and giggle when it updates
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