#lori perry
stevienicksrarities · 8 months
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Rock a Little photoshoot ~Nov 1984
© Herbert Worthington III
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literally-cat-woman · 26 days
should i write lois lane fanfiction
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i would just like to say that if fd6 and/or fd7 officially retcons kimberly and thomas being survivors and kills them off in true blue theatrical cut canon i will go on a rampage
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story-weavr · 7 months
A modern history of The Luthor family and how they grew in prominence.
Lionel Luthor was born in the Suicide Slums of Metropolis, Delaware. Lionel grew up in a rather abusive household. His father was an alcoholic who used to rant about how the Luthor name meant something in the old country. That the Luthors were 'forces to reconned with'. He would tell of Alexei Luthor, who almost carved out his own country if not for the meddlesome Justice Society of America. Now, his descendants were just scraping by.
These stories actually inspired Lionel as well as contributed to his disgust towards his father. Lionel was always an independent and intelligent boy. If something went wrong in their small apartment, Lionel would fix it rather than rely on the oft-absent super. It got to the point where other tenants would hire Lionel to fix things, albeit payment was usually in the form of food. The young boy realized he had a way to get out of poverty, to be a true Luthor. Unfortunately, that path required resources he didn't have, not without money.
Money that became even more scarce when his brother Jules was born. Lionel, working multiple jobs for barely a penance because of his age, had enough. He started hatching a sinister plan. During the time Jules grew from a baby to a toddler, Lionel managed to develop a relationship with the local gangs. He provided mechanical support while they flipped cars or needed repairs to their getaway vehicles. The young boy then falsified his father's signature and used the money to take out insurance on his parents - his pathetic drunkard father & his passive weak mother.
Using his knowledge, Lionel rigged his father's beat-up old car when the two were supposed to go on an errand. Lionel made it a point to be at the apartment to take care of his brother so that Jules wouldn't be taken along. His plan worked, & he and his brother were sent into foster care.
Unfortunately, Lionel's new foster father was almost as bad as his father. Casey Griggs was a greedy man who tried almost every trick to get to Lionel's ill-gotten inheritance. Lionel was just street-smart enough to avoid them. In addition, he had something he didn't before: allies.
In his new school, Lionel made a close friend named Perry White who often backed up Lionel in his endeavors. In addition, Casey's daughter, Lillian, was far more moral than her father. She used herself as a shield for Jules and a spy for Lionel. Lionel & Lillian were both drawn to each other, two children who were victims of abusive fathers and absent mothers, two children who knew they were meant for more than their circumstances dictated to them.
One day, however, the stalemate between Lionel and Casey came to a head. Perry managed to convince Lionel to watch a football game with him and their mutual friend Alice Spencer. Lionel would later regret letting Perry persuade him for the rest of his life.
While he was enjoying the game with Alice and Perry, Casey was beating his daughter for not agreeing to seduce Lionel to get the account numbers. Lionel returned to sirens: an ambulance was leaving while Casey was forced into the cop car. Lillian was in a coma. Lionel, in both grief and guilt, blamed Perry for convincing him not to go home on time. Perry, while he also felt guilty, was angry at his friend for unfairly blaming him. Thus, their relationship was ruined.
At that point, Lionel was more determined than ever to control his own fate. He allowed himself and his brother to be separated under the condition the brothers be allowed to remain in contact. Lionel then took the necessary steps to become emancipated. He reforged his contacts with the underworld as well as established his own business whilst going to school.
Within a few years of his graduation, Lionel managed to create LuthorCorp. By that time, Lillian had already come out of her coma. The two sweethearts had a very short engagement. Lillian would continue to suffer from health problems, but it didn't stop her from having their children.
During his time in school, Lionel had become fascinated by history, particularly by great generals and rulers. He felt a strong kinship to the Romans and used a great number of their philosophies in business. Lionel soon became known as a sinister and clever up-start. He managed to one-up long-established business dynasties with his cunning and brutality. Lillian herself used her social abilities to blend in with the uppity elite of Metropolis & often advised her husband when dealing with others.
Lionel, while determined not to emulate his pathetic father, was rather harsh on his children. He set high standards, not only for himself but for them. Lillian was the only one who could convince him to soften his approach.
The bond between Lionel and Lillian was unshakeable. Nothing was more evident when Lionel finally took revenge on Perry.
At that time, Perry was a war correspondent for the Daily Star (the Daily Planet's former name). The place where he was last seen was decimated by bombs. It was reported that he was killed. Lionel, however, knew his former friend had already left that area. He used that opportunity to approach Perry's wife, Alice. Using their shared history and Alice's old crush on him, Lionel 'comforted' the widow.
Unfortunately, Alice became pregnant. Lionel felt extreme guilt to both the child and his wife. Lillian forgave him, knowing he merely used the sex as a weapon & that his heart purely belonged to her. Perry, on the other hand, was furious. The young reporter demanded that Lionel stay away from his family, or he'd expose Lionel's past. Lionel, feeling guilty, agreed on the condition he was allowed to set up a fund that would belong to the child in the event of Lionel's death.
Jerome Peregrine White was born to a family that loved him, & a parent that longingly watched from a distance.
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miss-starmania · 9 months
Glimpses of Starmania IV
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starmaniamania · 1 year
Starmania 20-year anniversary concert finale: A bunch of Starmania veterans sing "Le monde est stone"
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oldtvlover · 2 years
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And today then A Stranger in the Mirror from 1993, based on a novel by Sidney Sheldon. Cast: Perry King - Toby Temple Lori Laughlin - Jill Castle Geordie Johnson - David Kenyon Juliet Mills - Alice Tanner Christopher Plummer - Clifton Lawrence Lochlyn Munro - Alan Preston and many more 
Story: Toby Temple, a low comedian with no luck, is sent out to the country but he makes it till Hollywood where he is still low but meets the right woman, Alice. She brings him into contact with Clifton Lawrence who becomes his agent and so Toby's career slowly but steadily takes off. He even gets his own TV show. On the other hand, Josie works as a waitress but dreams also from a Hollywood career, yet when David, her big love, marries another woman, she goes there and learns the hard way how they do business there. She changes her name to Jill and meets Toby at his show. Well, he's quickly attracted to her and can be very persistent to get a date. It works and they even marry, despite his agent's doubts and Jill uses her power over him to get what she wants. Until a stroke hit Toby who then can't talk and walk anymore but Jill doesn't give up and gets him back on his feet. They are happy to go to London where Jill/Josie meets David again what Toby sees quickly that there's more behind it. Clifton, meanwhile, has discovered the old porn movie and wants to show it Toby but they are away. At the airport, Toby plays around and gets a second stroke, leaving him more or less bed-ridden. Jill is ready to kill him but Toby can all of a sudden speak to her in her mind. Or she thinks, with his eyes. Never mind, Toby still sees what's going but he's drowned himself with his wheelchair in his own pool where he dies. After some grieving time, Jill decides to take David's offer on a cruise where Clifton shows him the movie and David flips out, leaving the boat. Clifton then shows up and tells Jill about this. She's angry but can't do anything. In the end, she hears Toby's voice and follows it. At her balcony, she sees his face in the water and follows him, to be with him.
Well, the movie is available on Youtube and be aware of some strange twists. Logic works not always.
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stra-tek · 1 year
Random spoilerific reasons to read Star Trek novels, with little to no context:
Ro/Quark is a thing
A Jem'Hadar joins DS9, tries to fit in but eventually snaps and tries to kill everybody
You learn the origins and final fate of the Borg
A thinly-veiled Dr. House clone joins the Voyager crew
Geordi briefly has 2 girlfriends at once (due to different writers not co-ordinating enough, but still)
There's a TOS book that's a musical
There are YA stories about Jake and Nog making mischief on DS9
YA stories about Worf, Geordi, Picard, Beverly, Kirk, Spock and McCoy at SFA
YA series about the Kelvinverse gang (including Gaila!) as cadets, taking on a drug problem at SFA and a very unique Borg scout in San Francisco
We very briefly meet the people who are to Q what the Q are to humanity
Janeway/Chakotay is a thing
Kirk's first mission in command of the Enterprise! Erm, at least twice.
Kirk was married between TOS and TMP
Her name was Lori
In the future, you have yearly marriage contracts that you either update or you don't and I think that's amazing
Trip didn't die! He faked his death to join Section 31 and go undercover as a Romulan
It's not great, tbh
The ENT books get better after the Romulan wars though, it's proper founding of the Federation stuff
We meet Jack Crusher (erm, the OG) when 4 timelines start overlapping and he's a bit unhinged
Teenage Kirk stole a car and his choice was go to jail or join Starfleet
What happened when Voyager got home? Seven broke up with Chakotay like 30 pages in
Kirk gets cloned, and his clone becomes the sub of an evil invincible super genius and its all very gay
George Kirk was Robert April's first officer on the first ever mission of the unnamed starship with the Naval Construction Contract 1701
Robert is a hard-core pacifist and has to turn command over to George whenever it's time to fire weapons
Data becomes fully human for a couple of days and it's really sweet
They never say "wristwatch" or "phone", it's always "wrist chrono" or "personal comm"
There are gays but they don't say that word because it's the 1990's and Rick Berman runs the franchise
Spock has a son in the past with Zarabeth
Everyone in the post-Nemesis era does spy missions all the time non stop, as if Starfleet has abandoned exploring the cosmos for doing Space Mission: Impossible
Bashir does it better than anyone else, he takes on Section 31 from the inside
Remember Control? It's from the novels, except the novels do it SO MUCH BETTER.
Remember how we never found out who Future Guy was? We do.
It's very underwhelming, nobody we know
We find out how the Romulans and Vulcans split
Surak was a Vulcan internet blogger
A Borg Cube eats Pluto
Janeway dies
Janeway gets better
At least one TOS book features a wizard
There's a Star Trek TOS/Here Come the Brides crossover novel
It had cameos from The Doctor (as in, Who), Han Solo, Starbuck and others
Whole book series about Section 31
Whole book series about the Department of Temporal Investigations
One time they do the Bill and Ted thing to escape confinement and it works
Wanna know how Riker and Troi met?
Wanna know what Picard got up to on the Stargazer?
Andorians have 4 sexes and it's very complicated
Data comes back from the dead as Data 2.0, and it was fresh and exciting because it happened long before ST: Picard did it twice.
Lal comes back too and we get father/daughter android stuff! They have a home and everything but keep having to save the universe
One time Mirror Seven is led around on a leash naked on Terok Nor
Geordi becomes captain of the USS Challenger, decides it's not for him because plot, and goes back to engineering on the Enterprise
Kirk is shot on the bridge and dies
Kirk gets better
They watch 3D holos of old Doctor Who episodes in the Enterprise rec room
The Enterprise also has an AI named Moira, which was Zora long before Zora
The TOS crew get together for one last mission. About three times.
There's a Perry Mason book except it's about Kirk's lawyer from that TOS episode
Data 2.0 owns and runs a massive gambling empire on Orion
Spock keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
Scotty keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
Bones keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
You're on Tumblr so you already know about Killing Time
There's a guy named McKenzie Calhoun and he's a total badass and captains a ship of weirdos and misfits
Kirk comes back from the dead, saves the galaxy repeatedly, has an intersex child (who identifies as male) with a Romulan/Klingon hybrid
Kirk beats up Worf
Kirk's child has superpowers
Kirk's child saves the galaxy at age 6
The Kirk stuff is 100% ignored in the other novels
About 50% of the novels are ignored in the other 50%, and the ones that are meant to be in direct continuity with each other aren't always quite
Just like the TV shows and movies, then
Lwaxana Troi meets Q, and it goes as well as you'd expect
Someone tells Data, yes you idiot you had emotions all along and he's like, oh shit you're right
McCoy is left in command of the Enterprise as a joke by Kirk, who is then immediately kidnapped
Ro Laren is captain of Deep Space Nine
Picard/Beverly is a thing, they get married and have a child named Rene. No running away and raising your kid in secret here
Riker and Troi are married, serve on the Titan together with a bunch of adorable weirdos and have a daughter named Tasha
You get to watch all the 24th century characters die horribly in the end along with their entire universe. Holy fuck it's a bleak horror show. Personally, I love it. But if that's not your cup of tea I'd skip the Coda trilogy
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 5 months
overhated women in tv:
(i will update this list because there are so many)
debbie gallagher (shameless)
svetlana yevgenivna (shameless)
skyler white (breaking bad)
sally reed (barry)
lori grimes (the walking dead)
andrea harrison (the walking dead)
nancy wheeler (stranger things)
carol danvers (mcu)
wanda maximoff (mcu)
mabel pines (gravity falls)
beverly marsh (it)
britta perry (community)
piper chapman (orange is the new black)
rory gilmore (gilmore girls)
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weltenwellen · 2 years
Hello! Have you got any reading recommendations either about childhood neglect/the mother wound specifically or anything fiction/non fiction generally?
No, not that much. I've read on emotional immaturity: Lindsay C. Gibson's Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents and Running On Empty by Jonice Webb. Specifically about mothers I can only think now of Emotionally Absent Mother by Jasmin Lee Cori and Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Karyl McBride.
Then furthermore what stuck with me were things from the book Healing Your Emotional Self by Beverly Engel and Healing the Shame That Binds You by John Bradshaw.
Going further in terms of current boundaries and dynamics, self discovery: Lori Gottlieb's Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, Attached by Amir Levine and maybe Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab.
Then if we're talking about understanding Trauma and what it does to the brain and the body of course The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk and Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman. Furthermore I like in that direction Bruce Perry's The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog and Good Morning, Monster by Catherine Gildiner.
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star0mania · 9 months
"I am Eddie Delkins. The Theatre Kid and Carl's awesome boyfriend....NOW EAT THIS SUCKA!" 
Full Name: Edward "Eddie" Delkins
Preferred name: Eddie
Age: 10 (season 1) 12 (season 2-3) 13 (season 4-5) 14 (season 6-8) 15 (season 9)
Date  of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Utah
Gender: Male
Birth gender: Female
Titles: -The Theatre Kid -The Class Clown
Nickname: Eddie (various people) Eds (close friends) Eddie Spaghetti (best friends) Stupid nutbrain (sister)
Sexuality: Panromantic, Demisexual
Weapon: A baseball bat with needles
Personality: Kind Honest Brave Bold Adventurous Funny Loyal Caring Independent Stubborn Impatient Sarcastic  Kind of innocent? Cocky "You hurt them, you die" Tries to make people feel better about the currant situation- 
Hobbies: Playing on piano Solving puzzles Playing with his pet fox Reading Playing on the drums Drawing  Magic tricks
Best Friends: Carl Grimes 
Friends: Judith Grimes Your OC Daryl Dixon  Hershal Greene Beth Greene Mikey Lori Grimes Maggie Rhee  Glenn Rhee e.t.c
Enemies: The bad guys pfff
Family: Cole Moncreo (adopted father), 31, deceased, got beaten by Negan's bat Actor: Pedro Pascal
Elle Delkins (twin sister) alive Actress: Bella Ramsey  Crush: Enid Rhee (soon becomes her girlfriend)
Terrence Delkins (brother) 15, deceased, got shot by Eddie after getting bitten by a walker in season 3 Actor: Tom Holland
Millie (mother) 41, deceased, eaten by walkers -Picture: Unknown-
Jacob (father) 41, deceased, got shot by Rick in season 5 because he was an enemy working for an enemy group, The Fireflies (yes I made it up).
Firestar (pet fox) deceased, suffered from starvation in season 9
Rofee (pet dog), deceased, got stabbed by Elle after getting bitten by a walker in season 9
Cottontail (sister's pet rabbit) alive
"Terry, why doesn't mommy and daddy love me?...."
Kid:  Jackson Robert Scott
Teenager: Cameron Boyce   (RIP  our favorite Carlos De Vil  <//3)
"I'm so glad my awesome boyfriend is okay!"
Love Interest: Carl Grimes
Ship Name: Ceddie Edarl Carlddie
Music in Me- HSM Never Enough- The Greatest Showman A Million Dreams- The Greatest Showman Heather- Conan Gray Teenage Dream- Katy Perry Heat Waves- Glass Animals Rewrite the Stars- The Greatest Show(edit version) Cheerleader- OMI Love is Love- Trey Pearson  A Thousand Years- Christina Perri Bad Romance- Lady Gaga Dandelions- Ruth B.
Love languages: Physical affection Quality touch
Relationship tropes:  sun + moon Energetic x Tired Endgame Right person, wrong time
Relationship Status: Season 1-2: Friends Season 3-4: Crushes Season 5-8: Dating
Relationship Variants: Robin x Finney (TBP) Shinsou x Denki (MHA) Kai x Adam (The Hollow) Amity x Luz (TOH) Kirishima x Bakugou (MHA)
Character variants:  Sammy (JWCC) Hawks (MHA) Izuku (MHA) Squirrelflight (Warriors) Michael Afton (FNAF) Luz (TOH) Rodrick (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) Richie (IT) Boris (The Goldfinch) Hiccup (HTTYD) Jack Frost (ROTG)
Dead or Alive: Dead
Cause of Death: Influenza 
First Appearance:  1x2, Guts  First Line: "For a kid my age, you're kinda short, short-stack"--- to Carl Grimes when they meet Last Appearance:  8x2, The Bridge Last Line: "Meet ya'll on the other side..."---- to Elle and the group before succumbing to the illness
Theme songs: Mary on a Cross- Ghost Ghost- Justin Bieber  Lovely- Billie Ellish Its Been So Long- The Living Tombstone  Waiting on a Miricle- Encanto Requiem- Dear Evan Hanson Walking the Wire- Imagine Dragons Enemy- Imagine Dragons Believer- Imagine Dragons Changes- Hayd Daddy Issues- The Neighborhood  Home- Nick Jonas Family- Mother Mother See you Again- Wiz  Khalifa Poker Face- Lady Gaga Boys don't Cry- The Cure
For the Delkins family: Its been so long- The Living Tombstone Afton Family- KryFuze
"I should be dead...but I'm not...." "Hurt my friends and I will kill you..."
Backstory: Edward "Eddie" Delkins was born to a "happy" married couple named Millie and Jacob Delkins.  He had two siblings. An older brother named Terrance and a two-year younger sister named Elle. His parents always expected a lot from him but hey, he still loved them. He revealed he was trans when he was 6 but of course his parents didn't like that, but his siblings accepted him and helped him go through treatment. When the outbreak happened, he was in his room, reading until he heard his older brother yelling. When he went to check what was going on, he saw two zombies eating his mom. He   lets out a horrific scream as his brother practically threw him, his sister's bunny Fluffball, the family dog Rofee and his sister into the van and drove off. They soon find Pedro who raises them like his own children. In season 5, the Delkins siblings and their dad were reunited. Elle and Eddie had their suspicions and didn't trust him but Eddie pretended to so he could get the truth from him. Once Eddie and his dad were alone, Eddie's dad told him about his plan to wipe out the survivors and demanded him to join them, even guiltripping him but Eddie refused, causing his dad to go off the edge. He soon went  to the survivors and attacked them with the Fireflies. But the fight stopped when Eddie shot his dad. And the rest is history :D
Spicy Food:  Butter Chicken
Sweet: Candy
Book: Warriors
TV show: Stranger Things
Movie: IT
Anime: My Hero Academia
Manga: MHA and Assassination Classroom
Animal: Foxes and Wolves. Can't forget bunnies or dogs
Song: Running up that Hill by Kate Bush
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The beautiful sisters of the moon ~ Lori, Stevie & Sharon. Bella Donna shoot 1981.
© Herbert Worthington III
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unknown171204 · 1 month
Starmania 1988 - 1991
Cette version du spectacle, plus sombre que les précédentes et considéré par Michel Berger comme la réelle deuxième version de Starmania , joué au théâtre de Paris puis au théâtre Marigny .
Le public ne restera pas indiffèrent à cette nouvelle interprétation de l'œuvre , qui s'en éclipsé le casting original considérer comme culte (surtout l'intouchable Daniel Balavoine , décéder en 1986 d'un tragique accident d'hélicoptère ) à redoré l'éclat du spectacle !
Norman Groulx / Renaud Hantson : Johnny Rockfort
Martine St-Clair / Nathalie Lermitte : Cristal
Maurane puis Réjane Perry : Marie-Jeanne
Richard Groulx / Michel Pascal : Zéro Janvier
Sabrina Lory : Stella Spotlight
Renaud Hantson / Solal : Ziggy
Wenta / Bruna Giraldi : Sadia
Luc Laffite / Jean-Jacques Fauthoux : Roger-Roger
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Le succès du spectacle le conduira à une tournée dans toute la France ( une première ! ) et à cinq représentation en Russie ( un véritable triomphe , les spectateurs ont suivie le spectacle en français avec des petits livrets traduit en russe ) .
Les doublures :
La version 88 à eu le droit à un album mais SURTOUT ( enfin) à une captation complète ! Une captation qui n'a qu'un défaut , l'absence de Maurane la révélation du spectacle , ayant quitté la troupe après huit mois de représentations , à cause d'un puissant burn out :
Le spectacle ( witch english subs )
( С русскими субтитрами )
Réjane Perry , la doublure puis remplaçante de Maurane n'est pas une inconnue pour les fans de comédies musicales française ! Il s'agit de la toute première nourrice de Roméo et Juliette de Gérard Presgurvic
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La princesse Lady Diana à assister à une performance éclair de la troupe pendant une visite à l'Elysée :
Ziggy évolue dans cette version , il récupère la chanson " enfant de la pollution " chanté auparavant par Johnny Rockfort mais surtout il n'est plus danseur de rock mais batteur de rock :
Selon les dires de Wenta , France Gall détestait cette version du spectacle ( on ne sait cependant pas pourquoi )
Pour plus de Starmania
ou pour découvrir d'autres comédie musical française :)
Lien Masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/unknown171204/748996810302980096/masterlist?source=share
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mercerislandbooks · 1 year
Book Notes: Warrior Girl Unearthed
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You know how it feels when you read a book that comes out of nowhere and you’re totally blown away? And then that author comes out with their second book and you both really, really want to read it and you’re also afraid it won’t live up to the experience of the first? That was me with Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley. I’d listened to Boulley’s first novel, Firekeeper’s Daughter, and I loved that it was so different from anything I’d read before. The audio book gave me an aural experience of the Anishinaabemowin language that I certainly wouldn’t have had just by reading the book. It was so many things at once — a crime novel, a bittersweet romance, a coming of age story of a young woman with a foot in two very different cultures, trying to reconcile what she can, let go of what she can’t. It was beautiful and heartbreaking and informative without being preachy. So when Warrior Girl Unearthed came out this month, I felt an internal hesitation before opening it up. One night I decided to just read a chapter or two, see what I thought. The next thing I knew I was half way through the book.
You don’t need to have read Firekeeper’s Daughter to enjoy Warrior Girl Unearthed, but it is set ten years later in the same community. Our protagonist, Perry Firekeeper-Birch, is the young cousin of Daunis Fontaine, the central character of Firekeeper’s Daughter. Perry is all set to have a summer of slack in 2014, but an incident with a bear, her car, and a metal fence leaves her in debt to her Aunt Daunis, who signs her up for the last spot in the Kinomaage Summer Internship program. Perry is assigned to work with Cooper Turtle, the supervisor of the tribal museum, and through his mentorship begins to learn about the ancestral remains languishing in universities and museums (despite laws requiring their cataloging and repatriation to the tribes they belonged to). Perry’s sense of justice is kindled and then put to the test as she learns the extent to which artifacts are being withheld from their original tribes. In the meantime, women from the community are going missing and Perry doesn’t want to be next.
This was just as compelling a read as Firekeeper’s Daughter. Once I started, I couldn’t put it down. And, like with Firekeeper’s Daughter, Angeline Boulley is a master at giving the reader a window into Perry’s life as a mixed Native and Black young woman — life within the tribal community of Sault Ste Marie and Sugar Island — and the weighty history that each person carries with them. I felt like I learned alongside Perry about the history of ancestral remains and the efforts of tribes to repatriate the bones and the cultural materials of their people. I felt Perry’s frustration at the way in which people and institutions refuse to respect those bones and artifacts. Boulley includes a list of resources at the end so the reader can dive deeper into the original materials Cooper assigns Perry to read in the book. And the book itself is gorgeous, with a cover designed by Caldecott winner Michaela Goade (We Are Water Protectors). Island Books also has a limited supply of beautiful page overlays from Goade to enjoy as a gift with purchase!
— Lori
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kwebtv · 3 months
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Anne Langham Whitfield (August 27, 1938 – February 15, 2024) Actress on old-time radio, television, stage, and film. Her first name is sometimes seen spelled Ann. She is noted for playing Susan Waverly in White Christmas (1954).
In 1960, she played the role of Trudy (working bar girl in the Long Branch) in the season-six episode "Don Matteo" in the TV Western Gunsmoke; then again in one of its 1966 episodes “Stage Stop” (S12E10) as “Lori Coombs”, an abused wife who later falls in love with a blind man after her husband is killed.
Whitfield played Claudia Barbour in the TV version of One Man's Family. The casting was a change from Whitfield's role in the radio version of the program; in the story, Claudia was the mother of Penny, whom Whitfield played on radio. She played the two roles concurrently during the TV series' single season on the air. Whitfield also was featured in "The Case of the Ugly Duckling", "The Case of the Crafty Kidnapper", and "The Case of the Nautical Knot", episodes of Perry Mason (1964), "The Storm Riders" on Cheyenne (June 24, 1956), and then subsequently in another episode: "The Young Fugitives" (October 23, 1961)  "Judgment at Hondo Seco" on Rawhide (October 20, 1961), and "Harry, the Good Neighbor' on The New Phil Silvers Show (February 22, 1964). In the '60s, she was also active in series such as Adam-12, Emergency!, The New Interns, 77 Sunset Strip, Laramie, Hawaiian Eye, the Untouchables, Ben Casey, The Dakotas, 12 O'clock High, Peter Gunn, Manhunt, and the Johnny Carson Show. She played Jack Nicholson's girlfriend in Wells Fargo and Robert Redford's estranged wife in Tate - both superstars' first TV shows. Whitfield's all-time favorite role was as Sally Ellis, an Arkansas farm girl, in One Step Beyond (1960). (Wikipedia)
IMDb Listing
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xxang3l-trapxx · 11 months
Today is the last day of pride, so here are my headcanons for Final Destination!!!
As a general note: To my fellow Americans: I know it sucks being queer right now with all the laws being signed to kill us. But we have to stay strong and stick together, or else the bigots win!!
Alex: Bi, trans man, he/they. Dating Tod.
Tod: Gay, cis, he/him. Dating Alex.
Clear: Lesbian-Ace, transfemme, she/they/xe. Dating Kim.
Carter: Straight (tries to be an ally), cis (tries to be an ally), he/him. Dating Terry.
Terry: Sapphic, cis, she/her. Dating Carter.
Billy: Gay, cis (but an ally), he/him. Painfully single, does have a crush on Alex.
Valerie: It’s complicated, cis (But an ally), she/her. Has a situationship with Kat.
Kim: Lesbian, cis, she/her. Dating Clear.
Burke: Straight (but an ally), cis (but an ally), he/him. Single.
Nora: Straight (but an ally), cis (but an ally), she/her. Single (obv, her husbands dead), but thinks Eugene is hot.
Kat: Bisexual, cis, she/her. Has a situationship with Valerie.
Eugene: Bi, trans man, he/him.
Rory: Bi, non-binary, he/they.
Evan: Straight; trans boy, he/him. Dates around, but kinda has a thing with Olivia.
Tim: Straight, trans boy, he/him. Single, but has a crush on Julie.
Wendy: Pan-ace, transfemme, she/they. Dating Erin (let’s pretend everyone’s alive).
Julie: Lesbian, cis (but an ally), she/her. Has a crush on Perry.
Kevin: Questioning, cis (but an ally), he/him. Has a crush on Jason.
Ashley: Pan, trans girl, she/her. Dating Ashlyn (duh).
Ashlyn: Lesbian, cis (but an ally), she/her. Dating Ashley (Also duh).
Erin: Bi, non-binary, they/she. Dating Wendy.
Ian: Bi, trans man, he/they/it. Single.
Perry: Sapphic, cis (but an ally), she/her. Has a crush on Julie.
Lewis: Straight (tries to be an ally), cis (tries to be an ally), he/him. Dating Veronica.
Carrie: Lesbian, cis (but an ally), she/her. Single.
Jason: I genuinely don’t know, trans man, he/him. Has a crush on Kevin.
Nick: Questioning, cis (but an ally), he/him. Dating Lori.
George: Straight (but an ally), cis (but an ally), he/him. Single (I mean his wife is dead…)
Lori: Straight, cis (ally), she/her. Dating Nick.
Janet: Lesbian (suuuuper deep in the closet), cis (ally), she/they. Single but has a thing for Kat.
Hunt: Gay (suuuuper deep in the closet), cis (tries to be an ally), he/him. Single (he and Janet were in a lavender relationship).
Samantha: Lesbian (also suuuper deep in the closet), cis (ally), she/her. Still married.
Nadia: Straight, questioning her gender, she/he?? Single, broke up with Andy.
Andy: Straight, cis, he/him. Single. Claims he doesn’t really care if someone’s gay, as long as they “don’t try anything with him” (he’s one of those guys).
Sam: Bi, transmasc, he/they. In a polycule with Molly and Peter.
Molly: Pan, trans woman, she/her. Dating Sam, but is platonically dating Peter (it’s complicated).
Peter: Gay, cis (but an ally), he/him. Dating Sam, but platonically dating Molly (again, it’s complicated).
Nathan: Bi, cis (but an ally), he/him. Has an off and on thing with Olivia.
Olivia: Bi, trans woman, she/her. Has an off and on thing with both Evan and Nathan, but also has a crush on Molly.
Candice: Questioning, cis (tries to be an ally), she her. Single, but has a crush on Olivia.
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