#looking ahead
breelynnxoxoxo · 2 months
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howifeltabouthim · 2 months
She was always thinking of a time, five to ten years in the future.
Lisa Taddeo, from Ghost Lover
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dk-thrive · 9 months
I have used up more than 20,000 days waiting to see what the next would bring.
— Ted Kooser and Jim Harrison, Braided Creek: A Conversation in Poetry ( Copper Canyon Press; August 15, 2023) (via The Layman's Blog)
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alexissara · 6 months
It's My Birthday
It's my 31st birthday and 31 is gonna be a dawn of a new era for me. It's stressful and exciting and I am really hoping things will start to line up my way. I am moving in a few days from Texas where I have lived since I was 5 years old over to Oregon. I had to scale down my birthday because umm moving is expensive as fuck y'all like soooo much money, like moving to another state is basically like impossible if you have things you want to move but also don't have money. Especially if your small and weak like me. However, I am still excited to do a much more paired down celebration with my Fiancé today and friends online tomorrow.
Starting a new life over in a new state is gonna be wild and I am hoping living over there I can finally also start making money with my work. I am not counting on it but I would certainly like to. I have been working on Falling Deeper for a long while now and I think that is the piece I need in place for all my other projects to fall in line. ATM I am working on and off on 1 Video Game, 1 Card Game, 2 TTRPGs [one expansion one full system]. I am also helping loved ones on their own projects. I want to see all these projects see the light of day in the most professional ways with nice polished art and everything and I am gonna be doing my best to make that happen. Outside of the video game the other projects have been in developments for years, seen a ton of changes and I am super proud of them and how their coming along. Since it's my birthday it is also a good time to remind folks that I am always open for work and you can see all the stuff I've done on my temporary webpage https://alexissara.carrd.co/ along with my professional contact info. I write comics, TTRPG stuff, Video games and do game design stuff too. That and I am an amazing diversity consultant having worked on award winning series like Princeless. I also could just ya know take a nice birthday gift over on https://ko-fi.com/alexiss or in any other way if you want to provide me a present. However, money isn't the only way to support me nice comments about my art are always welcome and very encouraging. Thank y'all so much for reading, I am off to go try and have a fun bday.
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dinosaurchurch · 9 months
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This was my twenties, an entire decade gone just like that.
For some funny reason when I started, I didn't think I'd get this far. Thirty definitely seemed like a lifetime away but here I am. After going through some of the toughest and sweetest times in my life I'm closing this chapter for good.
Sometimes I'd wonder what past me would think about the person I am today, would she be okay with the outcome or would she wish for something different? Would I have changed anything if I knew what was going to happen? The past decade has definitely been a learning curve, I think it was mainly discovering myself and knowing that other people too are on this journey is very humbling. Albeit not everyone goes at the same pace and some never do find themselves.
If I can say anything is my fiery side doesn't crop up nearly as often as it used to but that doesn't mean the flame has died. I've come to be a little more wise when choosing my battles because time isn't infinite or at least it isn't in this life. I'm only here for a small while so I might as well get the best out of it. Learning to channel my energy where it really counts is something I've gotten comfortable with.
Over the course of my twenties I've battled obesity, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, self doubt, and moments of weakness. I've also achieved some great things for myself. I've gotten DIVE just about finished (it's currently sitting at almost 650 pages), I've improved greatly as an artist, got better at cooking/baking, picked up powerlifting and have gotten decently strong, and I'm happier than I've ever been. Progress is not always linear but the main thing is to keep pushing, even in my lows there was still something to cherish and appreciate.
My twenties have been about pushing my comfort zone and learning to swim with the tide rather than feeling like I'm drowning. It's been tough but without hardship I wouldn't be me. Spite the hell I went through I don't think I'd change how everything happened. Every one and everything had something to provide with the time and the place that they were for me regardless of if the experience was positive or negative.
There's been a lot that's come and gone in my journey - people, places. Having found a life long romance deepen to saying my final goodbye to a handful of people that have passed away, it's been very bittersweet. My twenties certainly has been riding the hurricane through to the other side, even passing through the eye not knowing what else is to come other than I have to weather the storm. I've burned more bridges than I can count but the one thing that hasn't wavered is my moral integrity.
That's probably the biggest thing I've achieved over the past decade. I know who I am and where I'm going with myself. I may not know entirely what the future holds but I've got a guideline written up for myself on the goals I want to accomplish over the next decade. I may never be perfect but it doesn't mean that I can't try to be the best version of me that I can.
It's a good feeling knowing that I've crossed off some major things on my goal list. I've completely mellowed over the course of the past few years especially, my twenties definitely have held some of the hardest mental battles I'm sure I'll ever face. The inner turmoil of leaving things unsaid, having to walk away when necessary is something that's an underrated skill but it's something I've had to learn.
All in all I’m happy to move forward with the next chapter of my life, although I’ll never forget the memories I made over the past ten years. There were absolutely some great highlights that I’m sure I’ll probably mention at some point.
Onward and upward.
Cheers to thirty.
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whumpcereal · 1 year
how’s Ivan doing at the time of Hallie’s miniseries?
it’s been bugging me
Ahhhh, well...
Ivan isn't the kind of whumper that has the opportunity to come back and make trouble for anyone. While Ivan's new training protocol was invaluable to WRU, the public scandal that resulted from Jack's abduction, the falsification of his contract, and the excess of his "treatment" was not something WRU was prepared to weather.
Ivan was convicted of kidnapping, false imprisonment, and assault--and WRU took charge of his sentence through a private agreement with the state.
So, when Hallie is taken, Ivan's serving his sentence like the sweet boy he always wanted Jack to be. It turns out, his training protocol is quite effective.
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
What is Coming is Better Than What Has Gone Shaina Tranquilino January 3, 2024
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Change is the only constant in life, and as we bid farewell to the past, it's natural to ponder what lies ahead. Whether you're reflecting on personal experiences or considering the state of the world, it's essential to embrace the belief that what is coming is better than what has gone.
Firstly, let's consider our individual lives. We often find ourselves reminiscing about past successes, cherished memories, or even basking in nostalgic moments. While these reflections bring joy and warmth to our hearts, they should not hinder us from looking forward. The future holds endless possibilities for growth, self-improvement, and new adventures. Each passing year brings with it valuable lessons learned, resilience gained, and fresh perspectives acquired. It allows us to build upon previous accomplishments and expand our horizons beyond what we once thought possible. With each day that dawns, we have an opportunity to turn our dreams into reality and create a brighter tomorrow.
Similarly, when examining the broader scope of society, it becomes evident that progress is perpetual. History shows us that humanity has consistently evolved for the betterment of all. Technological advancements continue to revolutionize the way we live and connect with one another. Medical breakthroughs save countless lives every day. Innovations in renewable energy offer hope for a sustainable future. Social movements advocate for equality and justice like never before. Each era builds upon its predecessor by learning from past mistakes and striving towards a more inclusive, prosperous world.
Of course, acknowledging positive changes does not mean ignoring challenges or dismissing difficult times in history. However, dwelling on negativity can prevent us from seeing the incredible potential lying just around the corner. By focusing on what is coming rather than fixating solely on what has gone, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and foster a mindset of optimism.
It's important to remember that change requires effort from individuals like you and me; it doesn't happen magically. We must actively participate in shaping the future we desire by advocating for positive change, being open to learning and growth, and embracing new ideas and perspectives. By doing so, we contribute to a collective momentum that propels us forward towards a brighter, more promising tomorrow.
What is coming is better than what has gone because we have the power to shape our own destinies and make meaningful contributions to society. The past should serve as a guidebook rather than an anchor weighing us down. As we embark on this journey into the unknown, let us carry with us the lessons learned and the wisdom gained from yesteryears. Embrace change, embrace progress, and believe that the best is yet to come.
A Prayer to Ring in the New Year
Dear Universe, As we bid farewell to the year that was, and eagerly welcome a new chapter in our lives, I humbly ask for your divine presence and blessings to guide us towards a joyous New Year. May this prayer reach every soul, filling their hearts with hope and happiness.
Universe, grant us the strength to leave behind any pain or sorrow that the past year may have brought. Help us release any grudges, regrets, or negative energy that weigh us down. Let forgiveness flow effortlessly through our veins, healing wounds both seen and unseen.
May this New Year be a fresh beginning filled with endless possibilities. Let it be a catalyst for personal growth, allowing us to embrace change wholeheartedly. Grant us the courage to step out of our comfort zones, explore new horizons, and embark on exciting adventures.
Universe, bless each one of us with good health - physically, mentally, and emotionally. May our bodies thrive with vitality and resilience as we nurture ourselves with nutritious food, exercise, restful sleep, and self-care practices. Guide our thoughts towards positivity and empower us to overcome any challenges that come our way.
Let love radiate abundantly in our lives throughout this New Year. Help us cherish the relationships we hold dear - family, friends, partners - nurturing them with compassion, understanding, and unconditional support. Allow kindness to prevail in all our interactions as we strive to make this world a better place.
Grant prosperity and abundance in all aspects of our lives. May financial stability manifest for those struggling; may career opportunities flourish for those seeking advancement; may creativity blossom for those pursuing their passions. May we find contentment in simplicity while still aiming for greatness.
Lastly, Universe, shower upon each one of us an unwavering sense of gratitude. Open our eyes to appreciate life's little miracles - the beauty of nature surrounding us, laughter shared amongst loved ones, moments of quiet reflection, and the simple joys that often go unnoticed. May gratitude be our guiding light, reminding us to count our blessings each day.
Dear Universe, as we embark on this new journey called the New Year, may it bring happiness, fulfillment, and endless possibilities for all. May we embrace its challenges with grace and courage, knowing that you are always by our side.
With sincere love and gratitude,
All of us.
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Years in review
2012: the end of the world has been averted! Everything is gonna be a-okay!
2013: senior year of high school sure does suck, huh? Can't wait to graduate.
2014: I'm going to college! My life starts now!
2015: Great Scott, it's the future! Everything is awesome, I'm so optimistic, I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!
2017: dear god, it's worse than I could have possibly imagined...
2018: no memory
2019: no memory
2020: oh, so the end of the world was just delayed 8 years. Great, fantastic, yeah, sure, that tracks.
2021: maybe things can get a LITTLE better?
2023: what fresh hell awaits?
2024: I don't even want to think about it...
2025: I can't even think about it (like, I am incapable of imagining it one way or the other)
2026: the afterscape...
2027: this is not a real year
2028: this is not a real year
2029: this is not a real year
2030: this is not a real year
2031: this is not a real year
2032: hey, I'm old enough to run for president now! I'll be able to fix everything once I'm in office!
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sagemassave · 5 months
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Sneak peek Spring sneakers…
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breelynnxoxoxo · 3 months
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maverick-werewolf · 9 months
AUGUST - A look ahead + some general updates
Hi, all! Just keeping everyone posted on what I've been up to and what's coming up in the future. Here are some things you can expect to see in the month of August, both publicly and exclusive to the Patreon...
Public posts:
New Werewolf Fact - That's right; it'll be a werewolf fact again this month! What will it be about? Well, that's up to my patrons. They have several choices this time. Whatever they pick, I'm going to refocus on werewolf facts again for a little while, especially to prepare for the promotion of my upcoming book Knightfall - and possibly even for the announcement of another nonfiction werewolf folklore book from me.
Preview for an upcoming short story - Depending on how efficiently I get these two new short stories written, I would love to post a public preview for one this month!
Website updates - I'm going to be doing some website updates this August, including some updates to the character pages on my website and possibly more (I would love to improve the look/feel of several pages, but I'm not sure I have time to get to that this month). If you haven't seen my website redesign, by the way, don't forget to check that out! It has lots of useful pages now, including character pages and reading order guides to my fiction, as well as previews of all my books and links to purchase them online from Amazon (they are also available online at most book retailers). I am especially fond of the Characters section, myself.
Patron-only posts:
Poll on next Werewolf Fact - Patrons will get to decide what August's werewolf fact will be! The poll will go up around the start of the month, and it'll run for a while before I take in the final results and start working on the fact itself.
Monthly Preview, Chapter 8 of Knightfall revision (near-final draft) - Already loaded up and ready to be posted soon, the monthly preview for August will be chapter 8 of my Knightfall revision in its near-final form (not final yet, though)! This chapter introduces a brand new plot twist, and we're fast approaching the point where I will no longer post chapter previews of this revision, as things are really heating up. I'm very excited to hear what readers think of this preview!
Previews for 1 or 2 new short stories - I'm not sure how much writing I'll get around to in terms of these short stories, but I know what I want to do with both now, so I'm really hoping to post a preview at least for patrons this month of one, if not both, upcoming short stories! If you missed the writing journal on those, check that out here.
Writing Journal on short stories - You can expect new writing journal(s) about one or both upcoming newsletter short stories.
Writing Journal on newsletter - You can also expect a writing journal about my newsletter itself, what I hope to achieve with it, what to expect from it, and more.
Possibly other journal(s) - Who knows what I might write a journal about? I like to do journals at random sometimes. I actually have had something in the works for a while that's totally unexpected... we'll see if I get that posted this month or if it continues to lurk in the drafts for a later date.
Will I finish at least one short story to the point of posting a public preview in August? I can't say yet! We'll see how it goes. I am going to run them by my patrons first; I do know that. So if you're a patron, definitely expect at least a preview of one or both new short stories this month.
Patrons are going to be my test audience for these short stories, so patrons will receive these short stories in their entirety before they are available publicly through my newsletter!
Also, as a more general update, I have removed the Character Questions reward from my Patreon for the time being in order to make space to experiment with other potential rewards in the future.
If there's anything anyone would be excited to see from my Patreon rewards, be it related to my folklore work or my fiction or whatever else, I'd love to hear from you!
There's a lot in store, and I can't wait to share it all. I'm really hoping to make 2024 a big year for me and my work, so I'm doing a lot of preparation in the remainder of this year to work toward that.
Until next time!
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joribolton · 7 months
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One in a series of (I think) 18 for a confidential client.
portfolio | insta | twitter
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Some people might call you a pig, or a cow, or a hippo, or a whale. But I prefer blob.
Because the thing is, all those animals can move on their own. And so they do other things besides eat all day. Doesn’t really apply to you, now does it?
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dinosaurchurch · 1 year
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One thing I'm excited to finally say I can do is bust out the snowshoes. Anybody who lived on the Canadian east coast knew that we had a very wet and rainy winter last year so unfortunately the snow didn't get a chance to stay. Call it weird but I'm very much looking forward to actually getting to enjoy the winter and what it has to offer as much as I might be sore from shovelling.
It's fantastic that I'm able to gather some cute winter photos from my excursions too. I may not be doing as much hiking as I like but I'll definitely take some winter fun how ever I can get it.
It's lovely to say that I've gained some appreciation for the season and some of the beauty it has to offer. Getting to witness the winter sunrise has been a blessing. I happy to say we get the four seasons where I live, I completely understand why people would travel to other places to witness the snow in all its glory.
Now get out and enjoy it while it's here, winter isn't going to last forever!
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squeakysketches · 1 year
As we approach the end of the year, I encourage everyone to take a little bit of time (even just 5 minutes) to think about this past year and evaluate what has brought joy, what you've enjoyed, what you hope to do more of and what you need to let go of.
✨️ Carry the good forward with you; learn from the bad, then leave the negative parts behind.
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myownflowsblog · 10 months
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