#llls chapter 6
Over my head (Miguel ‘o’ Hara x Reader)
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Chapter 6
Credits:chos_1129 on Instagram for the headline art.
Pairing: Miguel x reader
Summary: y/n is a kind hearted nurse who’s life gets turned upside down as she get fired from one the most prestigious hospitals in NYC , desperate , she start filing job applications wherever. Coincidentally a stressed Miguel is looking for a nurse due to a big amount of spider people getting injured due to the surprisingly large amount of anomalies happening in the spider verse. What could go wrong is these two meet?
Themes: ✎slow burn ( I think), child care (fluff) and a little bit of angst
Mutual pining
✎office romance (¿)
Hidden romance
✎Smut available as story progresses.
Dom Miguel x sub/bratty reader
✎Stubborn, Ill tempered Miguel.
✎ Angelic reader .
It girl reader.
✎I try to be as accurate as possible.
English is not my first language so bare with me.
✎badass stoic x sweet empath.
Og spanish speaker so be prepared for steamy dialogue :3
Pairing: Miguel x reader
For previous or future chapters check out masterlist.
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
After devouring last night's overtime fee, you started to prepare some supplies so you could keep them at hand after that you started to check out the new microhematocrit centrifuge you purchased with the company’s card so you could run some anemia tests, you suspected many spider people suffered this condition due to poor nutrition and lack of sleep.
You pulled up some blood tests you had in the fridge and look at the machine in front of you.
After some seconds of thought, you concluded that you didn’t know how to operate this machine, and you didn’t remember your lab testing classes since your specialty didn’t require it much. To your bad luck, your bots that usually took care of this job were busy digitalizing some handwritten patient charts.
You were too occupied trying to figure out how the machine worked that you failed to notice a large figure creeping into the room, you only noticed its presence when you felt its aura tower behind you.
-“Need a hand?”-Questioned a well-known husky voice while he looked down at you.
As you turned around your nose almost met with Miguel’s chest, due to this you quickly inhaled his scent; your nose picked up the same odor from his car mixed with a mint soap. You took a step back to create some personal space but that made your back bump against the lab table, soon your gaze captured Miguel dressed in a black t-shirt that hung tight on his biceps paired with cargo pants the same color. This amazing view made you a little flustered, how were you supposed to act cool when such a handsome man was seducing each one of your senses?
You quickly regained your stance and smirked at him and replied to him in a mocking tone.
-“What do you know about this?”
“-A lot, actually.”- He replied while opening up a hidden lid in the centrifuge before organizing the four blood samples diagonal to each other, as he finished doing this he put the lid back on so he could then move the knobs skillfully which lead to the machine started to work like magic to your eyes.-“what would your patients say if they knew their dear nurse doesn’t know how to operate a simple centrifuge. To save you the embarrassment I’ll keep quiet, it’ll be our little secret.”
You looked back at Miguel who was grinning like that was the best comeback of the century, unbeknownst to you his smile was partially because he could help you out to compensate for last night's care.
You decided to continue playing along with his game.
-“Didn’t know they taught how to operate lab machines at spider camp.”
He let out an unamused chuckle and replied.
-“I might have to report you to HR for belittling me, lll let you know that I used to work as a Geneticist; so give me some credit .”
-“Wait we have Hr?”-You questioned.
-“I am HR.”
Your eyes glared at him unimpressed.
-“Somebody got up on the right side of the bed today. Anyway, I know you keeping my darkest secret isn’t gonna come out for free so what can I help you with ”- You joked while returning to your duties.
Soon Miguel’s face returned to the serious Expression you were used to.
-“I need you to remove my splint, there’s probably going to be some anomalies that need my attention today and the foil from the splint is messing up some features from My suit.”
Your heart sank a little when you noticed he didn’t come to visit you, he came only to be able to exercise his duty without any impediments even if it meant tossing your advice to the side.
-“I am not gonna do that Miguel, you may ask another healthcare provider to do it for you but I don’t want anything that could happen to you to be on my conscience.”-You calmly said in a monotone voice.
Miguel took a step back and crossed his arms while tilting his head to the side, “No” was a word that he was not used to hearing; he hoped you ignored his blank stare while he figure out how to erase that god-awful word from your vocabulary.
-“Why not, it’s not like it’s your business anyway.”- He coldly argued.
You turned your neck in a snap in reaction to the return of his rude attitude, you glared at him in disbelief. You thought you were starting to get close but you quickly realized that Miguel was not a man of friends.
-“I’m not even gonna waste my breath answering that. Please leave my infirmary If that’s all you’re gonna request.”
-“You really think it’s that easy to get rid of me?”
Before you almost opened your mouth to start a quarrel Peter Parker walked in a hurry with mayday climbing on his head.
-“Hey Buddy! Why aren’t you answering your watch, Jessica needs some help on Earth 9214. Some sort of jumbo octopus.”
Miguel proceeded to scrunch his nose in confusion.
-“That's strange it didn’t beep at all, I guess you’ll have to lend me your mask cause someone’s being a brat and won’t let me do my job.”
Peter looked at him with a microscopic smile.
One tap.
Two taps.
6 Taps.
Miguel’s watch didn’t respond , it acted like it had been frozen, Miguel called Lyla through Peter’s watch to get to the bottom of this accident, the strawberry blonder eccentrically explained that watches with too much use have a chance of malfunctioning when not properly being able to download a new upgrade, hence the reason of this shut down of communications of other feature.
-“Oh no, what should we do now?”- cried out Peter in fake agony.
-“Are you a witch or something? I bet you have something to do with this.”-Murmured Miguel while he glared at you; trying to work his gadget you resigned to giving him the ugliest stare possible.
Lyla gave him a side eye, artificially nervous that he may catch onto them and make her dress in a hideous uniform, so she decided to meddle in the argument a bit before he realizes she froze his watches because Peter convinced her that if he got a break he would stop being such a pain in the ass.
-“Well I guess it can’t be helped! Guess I gotta go, keep an eye on Mayday will ya.”- Peter threw the baby at Miguel with full certainty that he would catch her then Peter disappeared with Lyla in a blink of a portal.
You looked over at the pink-cheeked baby with hair as fiery as her personality, the little girl traced Miguel's cheekbones while poking his nostril and some other random parts of his face which made your heart soften.
-“If you want you can leave her with me, you don’t look like a kid's kinda guy.”-you murmured this out not forgetting how rude he was to you earlier.
-“That kinda guy or not, you shouldn’t betray a parent's trust if they leave you in care of their most prized being, so you best believe I’m not letting her out of my sight until he gets back.”-He responded while fixing the collar on maydays shirt.
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
After three hours of heavy-duty child care you and Miguel left your differences behind, it was time for Mayday’s mid-day nap but she wouldn’t sleep even tho she wouldn’t stop yawning and rubbing her eyes.
-“If we don’t get her to bed in half an hour, she’s gonna be an inconsolable cranky mess by the looks of it.”- You warned.
—“Let's turn the lights off, maybe that’ll make her sleepy.”
As soon as the lights came off Miguel positioned Mayday's head on her should while he slowly patted her back, his mouth let out a song made out of soft sh shhhh.
You felt bad for misjudging him earlier, you finally accepted that he was a man of responsibility but he didn’t acknowledge that stampeding over anyone to fulfill his duty was truly not the best option. Your heart melted at such cute sight; I mean it’s a small baby and a big man, how were you supposed to resist???
He walked around the room hoping the bounce of his steps would help rock the baby better, Mayday was on the brink of slumber she just needed a final step to fall asleep.
You brainstormed what could finally push her to sleep, and suddenly an idea came to you. You ran out of the infirmary looking for peters bag in the lockers, finally, you found a dark red tote baby bag which contained what you were looking for, some formula and a bottle.
After a few minutes you managed to get back to the infirmary in silence, you signaled to Miguel to lay her down on the bed, and after he did you gave her the bottle which she held down on her own, when she was halfway through bottle her sucking slowed down to end up stopping, with this you realized she finally fell asleep.
You and Miguel’s back physically relaxed, he gave you a thumbs up before being two stools from the desk near Mayday’s bed so you could both keep an eye on her while she slept.
-“You did pretty well today.”- You let out a warm smile.
-“Only doing my job.”- He joked.
-“I didn’t know you were good with kids sorry I miss judged you.”
-“For better or for worse; I’m a box of surprises, I don’t blame you I wasn’t as cordial as I could be today, I’m just not used to people looking out for me. That’s all.”
-“Guess we will be getting to know each other a lot from now on.”
-“You want to learn about me?”- He questioned with a small grin.
-“Why not? Here let’s do a dynamic, I ask you a question then you’ll ask me a question.”
-“Sure, but only because I’m burning time.”
You laid your head on the bed after asking Miguel the dumbest question known to humankind which he shortly responded with a lengthy reply.
In the middle of his storytelling, he noticed you fell asleep, he went to the storage room and brought down a blanket so he could lay on your back while you dozed off, he wanted to stay up and keep guard but after seeing you sleep so peacefully while taking a long deep breath, so Miguel decided to give himself a break and lay his head right next to yours so he could use his arm as a pillow.
Before he knew it he rested his eyes and fell asleep, for the next hour you two laid face to face; enjoying the silence and the contrast of each other’s warmth with the cool breeze of the air conditioner
That hour Miguel slept with all the tranquility and peace of the world.
A/n: another day another slay.literally 2 weeks felt
like a week sorry , love y’all kiss kiss 💋
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gaslybottoms · 7 months
tagged by my one and only @leclercenjoyer
passing it onto @celientjeee @landoom @espithewarlock and anyone else who wants to
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
in total, 53
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
360,128 and most of it was written this year
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only f1
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The New Normal - got possessed by the spirit of landoscar
Ride Me Like an Elevator - probably my most profitable MCYT fic that was based on a shitpost
Party for Two - meme fic that turned into something that i wasn't expecting
Sleep Comes to Those Who Wait - huge fluff piece for the Hades video game when I had severe brainrot
The Pounding of a Drum(mer) - I dont have an explanation for this
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, but usually after 5-10 business days because I look at them and then I forget they're there.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I dont think any of my fics have angsty endings. feel free to prove me wrong, but i just... im a sucker for resolution and happy endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
literally every single one. the one i'm most proud of? Live, Laugh, Lando because I made myself cry several times writing the last few chapters because I was just so proud of myself
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i havent seen any but sometimes people need to remember public bookmarks are visible to the author
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do (regretfuly). what do you MEAN what kind. sometimes tender, sometimes a bit harder, im not good at smut so like.. you tell me
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know about
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i have not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, and i think i would be a nightmare to work with but i would be open to it!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
maxiel married in vegas. i wrote 23k words and abandoned it earlier this year.
16. What are your writing strengths?
fluff. 100%. also apparantly my characterisation? this is probably because i am terminally onine and i consume SO MUCH content that like... i could talk about certain drivers in my sleep
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
smut. i find it so difficult to focus, to get into, to remember the positioning. apparently sometimes its good but god at what cost.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i have included it a couple of times, but always with a direct translation within reach. i will not write entire conversations in french, or whatever, and have actively stopped reading fics where there has been no translation supplied. and i only use it for emphasis, or if it calls for a joke.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
sigh. theres two answers to this. the first fandom i wrote for was WWE self insert. the first fandom i POSTED for was jonas brothers
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
LLL, hands down. its not my best performing fic, and its very niche but like. i did that. 53k words thereabouts, and i got through it.
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Protect 'Till the End | Ruby Rose x Male Reader
Table of Contents
Chapter l
Chapter ll
Chapter lll
Chapter lV
Chapter V
Chapter Vl
Chapter Vll
Chapter Vlll
Chapter lX
Chapter X
---- Synopsis ---- Months have passed since Beacon Academy was attacked. Returning from the long mission, team ASC_ was informed that Beacon fell during the school's tournament and Professor Ozpin was nowhere to be found after the incident. Before your team could process this, trouble was brewing and the next thing they knew, team ASC_ was separated and lost contact with each other.
Prologue takes place during Vol 4. Rest of the story takes place during Vol 6-7
Might veer away from the canon story.
RWBY and its characters are owned by Rooster Teeth.
Team ASC are OCs owned and created by me.
0 notes
nomi--sunrider · 1 year
Welp I Did Math Wrong and it turns out Arc lll is 21 chapters long, not 20. I forgot the endpoints were inclusive 🤦 so I actually have 6 chapter left to write, not 5.
Odds I'll be able to do it in the next week and a half before classes start? 😬
0 notes
anonil88 · 6 years
Loyal Lines, Loyal Stunts (wayhaught college au) : Chapter 6
Notes: So i did an update and I am leaving for a funeral, but i am going to try and update a few chapters before i do that plane flying thing. 
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16373183/chapters/38681555#workskin
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13091723/6/Loyal-Lines-Loyal-Stunts
Tw: for cursing (its wynonna) and verbal abuse (oh willa) Also two things: Pinwear day are special days designated by your greek organization where you have to wear your groups pin and dress in business casual wear. Flashbacks, memories, and lyrics are italicized; Text messages are bolded. 
Waverly woke up yet, again alone. Well not completely Vanessa, her roommate, lurked into their room early in the morning. She tried not to think too much about the day prior and didn't even check her phone. A part of her was racked with worry that Nicole wouldn’t even message her after the yesterday. She knew that Nicole was worrying about her and wondering if she was okay and likely wonder why exactly she walked up to the revenants unscathed. Ignoring the thought Waverly tried to get through the day without dwelling too much about what she could not fix and what she knew would eventually have happened. She knew eventually she would have to face the skeletons in her closet sooner or later. Despite the inner turmoil she was facing she made everything seem normal for everyone around her. She upped her normal pristine image it being pinwear day gave her an excuse to dress up. She wore her hair pin straight and her pink turtleneck with a pair of loose black pants. Waverly woke up extra early just to put the effort into the silkiness of her long brown tressles. Wynonna would be proud at the hair maintenance skills she donned from her. Her too long tan coat was not dragging on the ground due to a pair of her favorite heeled boots. She dug the boots from the bin in the bottom of her small dorm closet filled with things from her home in purgatory. When she fished them out of the container she also stumbled upon a dirty wrinkled leather vest. Unfolding the vest she sat on her rug gazing at the object with lost eyes. The vest’s back was partially covered in a single  faded off white bottom banner. The banner was clinging to the vest with thick black thread and a leather epoxy that still faintly smelled of burning rubber. That smell reminded her of the rotating wheels of a big wheel Dyna pulling at freshly laid asphalt. Blue stitching was fraying underneath Waverly’s fingers as she traced over the letters. The letters were coming undone but still read out angel face in a thick scripted font. Waverly's alarm tone and a groaning fast asleep Nessa shook her from her memories. She shoved the vest back under the mountain of shoes that desperately needed to be sorted through. These boots that clicked against classroom floors made her slightly taller but not as tall as Nicole. In her mind she wondered if she would be tall enough to rest her forehead to Nicole’s without having the taller girl lean down for her.There i go again she internally chastised. Besides the revenant business Nicole also filled her mind. It wasn't just then as she left the dorm Nicole also invaded her thoughts all day. Even when she was getting compliments left and right in between tutoring and mandatory workshops she thought of what her friend was up to. In the middle of her busy schedule she never did get to message her about if she was okay after everything. She felt worse about that then when Champ surprised her in the history building hallway. He was wrapping his burly frame around her from behind and she prayed it was Nicole. But, it wasn't and she let him annoy her while she printed off copies for a tutee. Waverly texted Nicole but the conversation was awkward. Even more so after Nicole asked if she was doing any better for the 10th time.
If you are okay, are we just not going to talk about the pink elephant?
What elephant?
(-_-) okay then i guess if that is how you want to be.
Im sorry. I guess i just want to forget that it ever happened?
Ok, but would you want to file a police report to feel better?
But, Waverly made sure to decline. A report would only escalate the lingering situation from a possibility to catastrophic inevitability. She was sitting in a large upholstered chair in the student center, as she thought back to her stop on the police talk. One thing Waverly would never be, on purpose, was a tattle tale or a narc no matter what her elder sisters might refute. Especially Willa, Willa who she tried to stuff so far in her mind that her stomach churned at the thought of her name. While physically Waverly seemed to be stoic as she let the chair swallow her, her mind went to her dark place. The sound of lightning clapped against the sunny and cloud covered sky. A storm was churning passed the mountains in the far distance the gray and black peaks creeping towards Purgatory.
“You ruined everything, you always ruin everything,” Willa spat at a frightened six year old Waverly. Waverly was tucked behind a rickety wooden sitting chair in the homestead’s kitchen.
Her small hands trembled and her eyes grew puffy hoping this chair could block the storm growing in her sister. She had a clear shot of Willas face, contorted with anger and raging irises burning past the chair frame. Their eyes were always so similar but, Willa always carried a deep resentment in her own. Waverly hoped that the chair would deflect the words being hurled her way or at least the stinging slaps that could follow. Their father, Ward, was dragging Willa’s latest older boy toy down the dirt driveway of their home. Leading the boy no doubt to where his parents beat up minivan was parked in the driveway. The girls were left home alone while Ward attempted to play sheriff half sober. These days he had been doing a worse job than usual as the drinking was getting worse. When he came home early for lunch and caught Willa necking said boy in her room the blame fell on Waverly at least from Willa’s perspective. No matter how many times she protested and Wy backed her up Willa was upset. No she was livid. Willa grasped one of wards almost empty small bottles of whiskey. She downed the small amount left and hurled the bottle in Waverly's direction. Twelve almost Thirteen year old Willa was every inch of her daddys image. The wicked words and the bullheaded stubbornness. One thing they all inherited was his fight versus flight instincts. Waverly ducked the shattering glass and sobbed outloud. “Please Willa i promise,” Waverly’s squeaking voice cried out. “Always crying like a baby, that’s how i know YOU aren’t my sister, YOU cry too much.” Willa cut her sister off. She was taunting Waverly by circling the table after her. Waverly didn’t know why but her sister seemed so much bigger and far scarier than any other time before this. Little did baby Waverly know that things would only get so much worse the year after. Wynonna had stepped in once she hid the guns they kept in the house from their dad. She was sure he would have killed that 15 year old for messing with his 12 year old, drunk or not. Wynonna began pulling Willa to sit in the living room forcibly trying to put some distance between her sisters.
Willa continued to jire, “She's not our blood Nonna. She is just some half breed that momma had and now we have to put up with.” Waverly curled herself into a ball and waited to hear Willa running out of the house. A loud bang of the front door slamming confirmed what always would happen. When Wynonna returned to the kitchen she grabbed a dusty old broom and pan to collect the glass on the floor inches from her shuttering sister. Waverly was panting and crumpled under that wooden chair it did protect her. After sweeping the shards and sitting them far away from drunk old men and clumsy kids Wynonna huddled next to her baby sister. “Don’t listen to her she’s wicked when she’s mad.” Wynonna attempted to coax her sister from under the chair. Waverly, then sniffling, made her way onto her sisters lap. Wynonna tousled the little girls growing mane, “You know you are the best Earp because your better than us. Stay better baby girl.”
Wynonna was so young trying to hold it together. Trying so hard to maintain the insanity until it happened. The incident that changed so much for the Earp name and how people viewed their family was on the horizon, but none of them knew that then. Waverly loved Wynonna but, feared Willa even when they eventually reconnected. Time would help her forgive but Waverly could never forget the way her heart sank when Willa’s voice echoed in her ears. When Ward did enter the house again he just pulled a bottle of whiskey from his coat pocket. He sat in the same chair he always did and drank away. Waverly wondered if he even could hear her sobs or even cared about her whether she was his or not.
It was good that the recounted memory was fading and the color was coming back to her face, because when she looked up Wynonna was striding towards her seat. Waverly smiled as her sister clad in a fringe leather jacket, spandex jeans, and a lasagna del ray shirt sauntered in front of her. Wynonna sent finger guns Waverly’s direction when she was close enough to see her sister’s lopsided smile. Waverly returned the motion and Wy sat on the ottoman in front of her. There were a few wide eyed boys in the student center and a few concerned gazes from professors on break. No matter how many times her sister visited campus she always seemed to get odd stairs.
“Heyyy baby girl you look...nice,” Wynonna said raising her eyebrow.
Waverly shook her head and closed the book in her lap placing it in her bag, “It is just pinwear day Wy i have to look nice.”
“Nah Earp i have seen you on other cult days and this is a whole nother level.” Wynonna waggled her eyebrows, “ You got a hot date.” “Yea sure i am blowing off our talk off to get lucky with the guy of my dreams,” Waverly joked back. “Or girl, which is fine by me,” Wynonna interjected loudly receiving and playful slap from her younger sister. “Where is Officer Ginger these days Waves.” Waverly sighed, “Well that is kind of why i need to talk to you.” Wynonna’s eyes got wider. “No, not for advice it has to do with what i texted you,” Waverly quickly replied. “Right, Rev scum party of three,” Wynonna muttered as she fiddled with a charm on Waverly’s bookbag. A group of girls all dressed in similar clothes filed out of the dining hall and others started to pour in from the external doors. Wynonna grimaced, “Look waves your cult of Heathers’ has arrived to indoctrinate you.” “Ha ha,” Waverly fake laughed as she made her way over to some of her fellow sigmas. They all stood against the largest open wall in the student center and proceeded to make pose after pose after pose. There was a flash with every position as a tall fraternity member was taking each photo with a plastered puppy dog grin on his face. Wynonna stared at the event like it was the prohibition era and bottles of whiskey were being poured into a river. Horror oh the sheer horror, she never understood why Waverly would join the group. Then again Wynonna never really found herself wanting to assimilate into normalcy for or with anyone. When Waverly was finished talking and returned, Wynonna was standing making googly eyes at a very familiar football coach. Waverly groaned and slipped her bag on before dragging her sister outside. “Call me later Xavier,” Wynonna said a bit too seductively for Waverly’s comfort as they passed him on the way out. He smiled in her direction and Wynonna’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Really Wynonna,” Waverly silently judged and chastised her sister but was inwardly kind of happy that Wynonna was in her usual swing of affairs. “Oh don’t get your panties in a bunch. He is actually kind of cool,” Wynonna said as she rounded the old red jeep and hopped in the passenger seat. Waverly had slipped into the driver’s side Wynonna’s keychain dangling on her fingertips as she slid the key inside and turned over the ignition. The jeep stalled with a stuttering puff after a coaxing coo and tap on the hood from both sisters the engine turned over. Waverly pulled out of the teacher/visitors lot and started her way back to Wynonna’s place. The car ride was filled with a bit of blaring rock and roll as they took to the freeway. The song switched as Waverly took their exit and a familiar song hit Waverly’s ears. Wynonna started to choppily belt out; Saturday night I was downtown Working for the F.B.I. Sitting in a nest of bad men Whiskey bottles piling high Boot legging boozer on the west side Full of people who are doing wrong Just about to call up the D.A. man When I heard this woman singing a song. Waverly chimed in with her sister, actually keeping on note with the radio playing Long Cool Woman by The Hollies. They finished the song just as Waverly stopped the car in front of a slightly dilapidated apartment complex. Wynonna stepped out and led them both upstairs, they passed the old but reliable chopped silver yamaha xs650 parked under a crooked tree. The bike had seen better days but the shiny extended handlebars glimmered in the cloudy sunlight. It was nicknamed peacemaker after the similar looking revolver that Wynonna kept on her person at all times. That gun had saved both sisters many many times and deserved to be commemorated in some way. When they were both sprawled on Wynonna’s beat up leather each sipping on a beer Wy broke the unspoken tension. “What happened babygirl,” Wynonna’s voice was filled with concern. Waverly sat up straighter against the couch arm holding the glass bottle with both hands. Her line of vision peering into the light brown bitter brew. The inside of her lip was being tugged by her teeth as she formed her thoughts. Wynonna was patient and just watched her little sister until she was ready to speak. The ticking of a clock on the wall reminding them both that time was still passing in the silence. Waverly took another sip of her beer before recounting yesterday to her sister, when she got to the part where she was sitting in Nicole’s car she hesitated. Her sister did not like cops of any kind and she knew Wynonna would not be too ecstatic that Waverly was interested, seriously interested, in hopefully a future deputy of the law. Wynonna sensed her sisters apprehensiveness and tapped her knee ushering her to go ahead.
“We were in her car talking. Well i was talking and she was listening. She was looking at me different nonna,” Waverly’s accent started to peak out more and more as she recounted. “I was scared like good scared. Scared like how i want to try parachuting out of a plane at 15,000 feet or maybe swimming out so far into the ocean that i can't see the bottom anymore.” “Woah there wave extreme much,” Wynonna stopped her sister for a moment. This was a bit intense and she knew all about her sisters emotions with relationships. She could pine over a guy that was for sure and even if he was no good for her, her sister was too good to leave. Wynonna did admit to herself that this did seem different though. It seemed honest still, she always aired on the side of caution when it came to Waverly. Reckless was her thing and safety was for her sweet baby sister.
“Wynonnaaaa,” Waverly near shouted causing her sister to startle. Waverly looked annoyed bordering upset and Wy chose to tell her to continue rather than face her wrath. “As i was saying she scares me Nonna. I don’t even know if i am gay i know i am not straight but i kind of went in to kiss her” “Kind of ?” Wynonna questioned as always. “The revenants showed up,” Waverly said ignoring the lingering question. Wynonna’s face went from playful to straight laced. Her fingers gripped the bottle a bit tighter. “It was Jim, Jonas and Peeper, they were burning tire in the parking lot of my building.” Waverly gulped from the beer ingesting more liquid courage. “I panicked and ran up to them, it was stupid i know. But, when they saw me Whiskey Jim went to grab me.” “Asshole,” Wynonna scoffed while sipping on her own beer to keep composure. Waverly rolled her eyes and continued, “When i reminded them that campus was filled with cops, was off limits, and that i happened to be their boss's sister in law they peeled off.” Wynonna gave a knowing eye, “And…” “And i reminded them i was a pretty accurate shot with a shotgun or a rifle their choice,” Waverly giggled nervously. Wynonna returned a cheeky smile and pulled her sister in for a side hug. She kissed her sisters forehead. Waverly was no longer a baby, but it would always be Wynonna’s job to protect her. Gus would kill her if anything happened to her niece, really either of them. Gus sent them both east in hopes that they would escape Purgatory’s small town curse. “No doubt they let bobo the clown in on that little act Waves, but at least even he has his own fucked up rules to follow. I am glad you stuck up for yourself just be careful with the revs they are unpredictable. And…” Wynonna was stalling. “And be careful with Officer Haught, i will.” Waverly knew what he sister was going to say. Wynonna snorted, “Officer Haught, that is going to be fun. Eh, yea haught shot too.” *** Nicole was helping Chrissy and the rest of the Tau Zeta crew clean up for the party after her shift. She was quiet most of the time methodically carrying out her plan of action. She designated everyone jobs just to keep things organized. When they were all finished the non- housemates went home for the most part. Before Chrissy left she’d asked if Nicole was okay, but she shrugged off the suggestion that she wasn’t. Those that lingered would just head to the game early on Tomorrow morning. Nicole made sure to take off work for tomorrow night to help keep the peace in her own home. She would work late doing another security officer’s shift but would not be late enough to miss the smell of weed and alcohol filling her house. Instead of dwelling on her dread she was dragging herself, a beer, and a slice of gluten free pizza up to her room. Once she stared at the slice in her bedroom light it looked less appetizing but her stomach was in knots so she ate it anyway. Nicole put on a random tv show trying to tune out the voice in her head. Waverly is lying. Nicole closed her eyes hoping to ignore her internal conscience that told her something was wrong. The voice that told her Waverly was in trouble. Instead ignoring the voice just made things worse and she found herself getting frustrated. She rolled over and found her phone on the side table. Gliding her finger to the phone app and hovering over Waverly’s name she hit the green dial button. Nicole sat on the bed head in hand and phone to ear. She was determined to get an answer from Waverly. Determined to find out why the girl insisted she was okay but shook in her arms until she found sleep. Then again as the phone rang, Nicole wondered why did she care. Yes they were friends, but they definitely weren't anything more. There was nothing more in the way Waverly looked at her and definitely nothing more in that almost kiss. Nicole’s thoughts were stopped when a fresh with sleep Waverly Earp answered the phone. “Nicole,” Waverly asked quietly. The chords of an acoustic Ring of Fire had woken her up. Sighing Nicole whispered back, “Hi Waves, i just wanted to make sure you were okay again. Text are one thing but hearing your voice is another.”
Waverly yawned, “Mmhmm i’m okay Nicole just hanging with Wynonna, catching up.”
“Okay then Wave,” Nicole stalled having nothing to say to that. Waverly did sound better, less shaken and more stirred. Nicole guessed it had to do with her sister. They seemed close and she noticed how quickly Waverly relaxed after trying to contact her sister that night. Although in her eyes Waves seemed more mothering her older sister than what most would expect from a younger sister.
Waverly rubbed her eyes and sat up on the familiar bed she was sleeping on. When Wynonna insisted she stay the night as a safety precaution she couldn't say no. They fetched a few things from her dorm including her cheer uniform for the game and Waverly ended up watching Jeopardy with her sister. It was actually fun teaching Wynonna something other than latin curse words. They both needed the distraction from everything. Wynonna had more boy trouble than whiskey and she had a lot of whiskey. So now here Waverly was sleeping in her sister’s room while she worked in whatever bar she was serving at this week. Waverly played with a strand of hair nervously before she said, “are you angry with me?”
Nicole was surprised but, honest and replied. “Yes, because you didn’t tell me the truth and no, because i am just glad that you are okay now at least.”
Waverly smiled listening to Nicole's tone lighten up. There was a sigh as Nicole laid on her bed. “I’m glad i am okay too.”
“Does this mean you are going to tell me when you aren’t okay, Waves,” Nicole questioned her eyes feeling heavier than before. “Maybe,” Waverly laid under the blanket on her side wishing Nicole was there. Nicole laughed quietly, “just let me in i don’t bite and tell me about your day.”
It seemed like whenever she spoke to Waverly she let her do most of the talking. Nicole knew Waverly was usually being spoken to and told what to do rather than not. That came with being in a sorority that prided itself on group think rather than individuality. Nicole actually enjoyed hearing how Waverly’s day went, her day always seemed to include a funny story about her kindness. That was usually a contrast to Nicole’s day sure she was able to see the kindness on this campus but, she was also becoming more accustomed to the more illegal things on campus. For some reason they caught two seperate drug deals on campus today and they weren’t the usual adderall or pot deal. They were dealing newer party drugs than the WHU security was accustomed to and actual police officers had to come collect the drugs for evidence. All that seemed so crazy compared to Waverly's stories of helping librarians and students playing soccer in the quad. It wasn’t long before the lull of Waverly’s voice transported Nicole into a place filled with cotton candy dreams and gluten filled pizza.
Waverly was still talking when she heard the steady rhythm of breathing through the speaker. Nicole fell asleep and Waverly couldn't help but blush. “Goodnight Nicole, ” she whispered. Waverly left the phone on speaker on the pillow next to her.
A quiet but audible goodnight waves came back to her. Waverly fell asleep listening to Nicole relax back into a deep sleep and Nicole slept soundly with her phone resting on her rising and falling chest.
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ladyartemesia · 4 years
◐ The Alpha ◐
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The mate of the Luna, the one true moon princess, is the Alpha and everyone knows it will be Kim Namjoon... Except it isn’t. When the ritual is complete, the moon princess kneels before Park Jimin and upends her pack’s predictable hierarchy.
series ◐ masterlist
PART I: The Alpha
PART ll: The Challenge
PART lll: The Terms
Part lV: The Secret
Part V: The Champion
Part VI: The Praetor
Part VII: The Luna
Part VIII: The Kiss
Part IX: The King
Part X: The Revelations
Part XI: The Claiming
Part XII: The Legend
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◐ notes ◐
These are little “notes” about the characters and the universe. Includes things like “ask my muse/ask my characters” and other interesting tidbits and perspectives on the world of The Alpha.
The Throne
How Wolves Age
About the Change
Clans in The Alpha
Shifting Mechanics
Bangtan Formation
About Lunas (Part 2)
The World of The Alpha
Kim Seokjin: Male Omega
Jimin’s “Prior Experience”
Namjoon and Yunli (Part 2)
Yoonji and Taehyung (Part 2)
How the Alpha Command Works
The Role of Omegas in Wolf Society
Titles and Roles in The Alpha (Part 2)
On Betas + Jimin/Joon Family History
Wanna Know Why Jimin is The Alpha?
How Jimin and the Luna Smell to Each Other
Why Did the Pack Underestimate a Silver Wolf?
Pack Social Structure and the Alpha Command
Mates, Customs, and Wolf Relationships (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
How Jin’s Male Omega Pheromones Work (and Why TaeYoonKook Were Unaffected in That Scene)
What the Members Look Like (Human Form) in the Alpha Universe
Wolf Forms of Jimin and the Luna Wolf Forms of All Characters
Beautiful Drawing of the Characters in their Wolf Forms by Little Hummingbird Luna and Silver
Fabulous Alpha Inspired Nail Art by Bells
Gorgeous Moodboard by mikrokosm
Gorgeous Moodboard by eugeneflakey
Gorgeous Moodboards by claude-y
2nd Gorgeous Moodboard by mikrokosm
3rd Gorgeous Moodboard by mikrokosm based on Chapter VII: The Luna
Gorgeous Yunli and Namjoon Moodboard by thislilbabyisafreak
Sequel Preview (Jungkook) Masquerade (Teaser 2: Cherry Bomb) (Teaser 3: Careful Omega)
Sequel Preview (Yoongi) Season of the Witch. (Teaser 2: Yoongi’s Mate)
Listen to me talk about the story and writing process for The Alpha
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birthdaysentiment · 3 years
hi its the anon that asked for fic recommendations! I’ve read some of them and IM IN LOVE so if you have more (with any storyline) I’d like to read them as well 🥰
hiii anon! i'm so happy you liked the fic recommendations. all of them is some of my personal favorites, so i was happy to share them with you. oml of course! i love talking about fics, so i would love to recommend more. i made a list underneath (because it got pretty long...), and i've tried to divide them as good as i could into tropes to make it a little easier. hope you’ll enjoy these fics too! ✨
robbe and sander: strangers to lovers (multi-chapter fics)
l. rotten work by aholynight on ao3. this is a complete fic with 5 chapters and it’s one of my all-time favorites. i've read it so many times, and it was also one of the first fanfictions i ever read. just the fact that robbe is a fire breather in this is enough to make it absolutely amazing, and just every chapter is so good and you just keep wanting more. there’s so much tension between robbe and sander and ahhh it’s just so good, i want to read it again!
ll. the night we met by @bxbyi (themoongirl on ao3). another complete fic, this time with 7 chapters with robbe as a writer. it’s such a sweet little detail, and i love it so much, because it sort of helps robbe to deal with some of the things he’s going through, and idk i just love the idea of robbe as a writer. the fic is also centered around liminal spaces and insomnia and how robbe and sander sort og bonds over it. again, another one of my favorites
lll. paint me in trust by @bxbyi (themoongirl on ao3). a complete fic with 7 chapters and vampire!sander that you never know you needed. this fic kinda has everything in terms of fluff and angst, and the fluff in the last chapters is just so good that i often go back to read it, just to jet my fix lol. the relationship between robbe and sander is so good and it’s so nicely written and another favorite of mine, because it’s so ahhh!
llll. money is (not) everything by @jxoxsxsxi (loenaadamson on ao3). a complete fic with 10 chapters, where sander is the rich kid with all the money and opportunities, but a life with no love and purpose until he meets robbe. this is the kind of fic you can read in a day because its so good. love the banter between them in the beginning and how in love they are. i remember that a chapter was posted every day for 10 days and oml what a ride!
v. the finest of the meadow by allforyoumylove on ao3. a complete fic with 6 chapters and probably one of the softest sobbe fics out there, where robbe and sander fall in love while meeting in a meadow. i love this so much, and everything about it is just so soft and sweet. how they’re both there for each other, how they take care of each other too, and just how amazingly sweet they are. and they’re stargazing, so... yeah that killed me
vl. remember my name by @sobbefairytales (ijzermans on ao3). another complete fic with 9 chapters and another personal favorite. who knew the reveal of a name could mean so much and possibly change so much for two young boys. this fic is another perfect example of pure fluff and angst and how well balanced it is. every chapter left you hanging, just desperately wanting to read the next one. it was such a journey and i still remember how empty i felt when i had read the last chapter. just love this one so much!
vll. swimmer sander by @bijvoorbeeldja - a complete fic here on tumblr with 4 chapters and a epilogue. sander as a swimmer is something i never knew i needed to see, and to have robbe take swimming lessons from sander too... i mean it was everything i wanted and more. this is so sweet and just to see them navigate through their relationship with sander’s carer on the side too. such a sweet fic full of fluff as well
vlll. i see you when you run from the light (within your eyes) by @womenstan (womenstan by ao3). this fic is a work in process, but it already has 2 chapters. this is another example of an au i never knew i needed until i read it, because seeing blind!sander and robbe fall in love is just the cutest thing ever. there’s so much fluff already and i'm so excited for every chapter to come. the way sander ‘sees’ robbe through touch makes me so emotional and ahhh i am already so hooked on this fic
vllll. waiting down at the station by ivy_seas on ao3. another work in process with 2 chapters already. seeing robbe and sander fall in love on a train is the cutest thing ever and when they start to see each other, outside of the train ride, i can just feel my heart starting to become a fluttering mess. it’s such a sweet story and i am so in love with the first two chapters and how the pacing is so far. there’s so much fluff already and we had a little taste of angst, so i'm excited to see what happens next!
x. five out of thirty by @tyrusmwm (tokenmwm on ao3). a work in process fic with a total of 18 chapters so far, where robbe and sander is having a long-distance relationship since robbe travels a lot for work. it’s written from robbe’s point of view in a first person narrator and i love that, because robbe’s thoughts and self-commentary is the best and funniest thing ever. sander is so in love with robbe, where robbe sometimes has a hard time expressing that, even though we know he’s so gone for him. this is a fic i'm always looking forward to reading the next chapter of
xi. ground control to us by @hopelessromanticvirgo. a complete social media au, with a couple of fic-style chapters too. this was one hell of a ride and i remember reading this in “real-time” and oml it was the best thing. it was also the first so/me au i read and i've been hooked on them ever since. sander is a famous singer, who starts to text with his biggest fan, who happens to be robbe, but robbed just doesn’t know it’s sander he’s texting with. there’s so much angst in this oml, but it’s all worth it because the fluff and their relationship is so good
sobbe: established relationship (multi-chapters)
l. to the one i love: fuck you by @hopelessromanticvirgo (reddlene on ao3). a complete fic with 13 chapters and one hell of a roller-coaster ride. i remember reading the first 11 chapters in one day and i didn’t know what to do with myself afterwards. in this fic you never really know what to believe and i love that, how you never really know what is going on until you get the answers. there’s so much angst but the ending is worth it
ll. vrijdag 21:37 by @wasteourdays (wasteourdaysdreaming on ao3) - complete fic with 7 chapters, but there could be more (as far as i understood). its centered around the same party, but in each chapter you see the party from a different characters point of view. this is actually the first sobbe fic i read and i still love it so much. there’s so many amazing scenes in it and all of it is so in character for them. love it so much and it’s just so good!
lll. visitations by @lucidpantone (lucidpantone on ao3) - another complete fic with 6 chapters where it’s sort of an established relationship, but also not, because this fic is quite a journey. it varies between scenes from the present and scenes from the past, but when we don’t know when they are in the past. the past is sort of helping the reader into understanding the present and what is happening, but it’s definitely a fic that gets better the more you read it because you start to understand everything more. it’s just such a good fic!
llll. "do i know you?" by @srta-pepa (srtapepa on ao3) - a work in progress with 15 chapters and only one to go. this fic has been a journey and oml what a ride. robbe lost his memory due to a car-crash and he doesn’t remember his relationship with sander, so already there there’s a lot of angst, but the fluff is there too and oml i am never getting tired of it. it’s such a sweet fic and it makes me sad to think it’s almost over, but i can’t wait for the last chapter either
sobbe: established relationship (one-shots)
l. the sun came up and i was looking at you by allforyoumylove on ao3. one of my all-time favorite one-shots with robbe and sander waking up on a sunday morning, just staying in bed, kissing and cuddling, and of course sander just being sander. love this so much and it’s just so full of fluff and everything you love and hold so close to your heart. i read this on a weekly basic because i just need that fix of sobbe fluff
ll. paper rings by @wlwharrys (thekardemomme on ao3). when sander has a bad day and robbe is just there for him, like he always is. there is so much fluff in this that your heart almost can’t take it, and even though there’s a very light slip on angst, it only makes the fluff better and ahhh it’s the cutest thing ever. sobbe in an established relationship always makes me go through the feels, to see how comfortable and safe they are with each other
lll. fizzy colas by @foxsake5 (foxsake5 on ao3). another one-shot that just makes you smile because it’s so sweet and so... heartwarming in a way. tipsy!robbe is one of my favorites and he’s just the absolute sweetest person on this earth and to see sander be so in love with him only makes it better. who knew a trip to the store to buy some candy could make you feel so much
llll. hold all my cliches on the tip of my tongue by @phascinationphases (nbrook on ao3). a fic that saved us from what happened on valentine’s day and brought back sander’s bleached hair, something that we all are hoping for (but something we’re probably never going to get.. *signs*). this is so cute and full of fluff and banter and teasing and just sobbe being best friends and boyfriends too. and the one-liners sander comes with is enough to make you get through the day
v. one night (and love) so young and beautiful by @birthdaysentiment (birthdaysentiment on ao3... yeah me)... well i had to do a little advertisement for my own little one-shot lol. idk it’s definitely not the best out there, but people who know me, knows how much i need to see robbe and sander make out against a wall and slow-dance together, so i wrote a one-shot about that and just included everything that i love... so yeah enjoy i guess
sobbe: other tropes
l. you're my stars... and everything in between by @robbesdriesen (aurorawinds on ao3). a one-shot with the trope secret relationship (a trope we don’t have enough fics with). this is so amazing and it’s inspired by romeo & juliet so do i even need to say more? they’re so in love and when they’re held back from being together, the angst is just right there, but the fluff that comes after... i mean my heart is melting just thinking about it
ll. just friends by @sincerelysobbe (sincerelysobbe on ao3) - a complete fic with 4 chapters and robbe and sander being friends with benefits, until they realize that they just want to be together. this is such an amazing fic, and to see sander be so head over hells in love with robbe is just the best thing. they’re so sweet together, the way they can’t help but look at each other and just wishing they were more than just friends. i just love it!
lll. this isn't our first time around by noobishere on ao3. one of my favorite one-shots that idk how to explain lol. but it’s just robbe and sander traveling through different alternative universes where they always seem to be together or have some kind of connection, but just not in the one they’re living in, but maybe all the traveling can change that. i love the whole concept of it and it’s just so clever and i need to reread this again asap, because it’s so good
llll. if i asked you first, would you be my prince? by @sonderthroughthestreets and @to-enter-polaris (createdforyou and isaksliveterna on a3). a work in progress with t2o chapters already. i’ve always wanted a ballet!sobbe fic, so when i heard about this fic i was already hooked. in this universe robbe and sander are a part of the same ballet company and they’re both fighting for the same spot in the next big play. it’s an enemies to lovers fic and even though it’s mostly angst right now, i can’t wait for the fluff to take over, because it’s gonna be so good
v. sincerely, always yours by @hopelessromanticvirgo. this is a social media au with a couple of fic-style chapters. this was such an emotional roller-coaster, not just for robbe and sander but also for you as a reader. the lack of communication from them was driving me crazy and the amount of times i wanted to pull my hair out just shows that this au was so good and one you just couldn’t help but get invested in. it’s sort of a best friends to lovers but also with a little enemies in it and just a lot of angst (like so much), but also a lot of fluff, that was just the best!
and... a couple of days ago i made a little overview over some robbe and sander fics with the tropes enemies to lovers and friends (best friends, childhood friends etc.) to lovers too, so if you want to, you can check that out here.
there’s over 800 sobbe fics at ao3 right now and so many drabbles and so/me au’s here on tumblr and all of them are just so amazing! (this is just a little snip of them all), so if you want more recommendations, or more sobbe stuff to read, then go to ao3 (under the sobbe tag) or try and search for them here on tumblr (under sobbe fic or wtfock fic). there’s so many amazing stories and the writers deserves all the credit for them!
so, once again i just want to say a massive thank you to every fic and drabble writer and just to all the content creators, because you keep me alive during this drought and the undeniable lack of sobbe. thank you for blessing me everyday and just thank you for everything you’re doing. sending you all lots of hugs and kusjes! ✨
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silverrstarrr · 3 years
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Sorry for such the big delay for chapter 2! Since this took some time, I made this chapter longer. As I said before: please be nice, this is my first fanfic. I would LOOOVEEE feedback or even tips to better my writing. I made a little playlist for you guys can listen to while reading. Please enjoy!
○Part lll- crumb
●Recently played- crumb
○Big sis- SALES
●Ghost-Machine girl(I'll put an ◇  when to play this song)
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꒰ Nails ꒱ؘ ࿔*:・゚
Chapter 2:
Horns honking left and right, men in suits exiting the train. Women sitting on benches holding their phones with their shoulder–typing away on a laptop. High school girls walking around in groups, giggling and smiling at one another. Obviously they were having a good conversations. Tourists and visitors checking out pastry displays, hands on their chins- undecided on what to get.'Tokyo sure is busy, huh.'  Y/n said to herself.
Y/n was currently strolling throughout the streets, glancing every now and then at food restaurants— trying to see what she was in the mood for.  Tapping her phone screen once again, she checked the time. In a thin helvetica font, the numbers "3:25" were written along with the words "pm" right next to it in a smaller font size. Dropping her hands down, her arms drooping right along- a sigh left her lips. She's been walking around for 15 minutes and still couldn't find what she wanted to eat. She stopped by a bakery, checking out what they had to offer, didn't really liked what she saw and left. Then went to a classic sushi restaurant— that also served Ramen. Once again, she turned her head and walked out of door. From there, she just began going back and forth through restaurants— which leads her to right now. She went deeper into the city, wandering further away from the school's location. To be honest, the whole mission even slipped her mind- she had a new job now: finding where the fuck to eat. Being really the indecisive person she was, this whole thing took another hour. Yeah...a whole HOUR.
At last, the woman was finally making her to an empty table carrying a black tray, filled with her meal order. Placing her order on the beautiful round tan wooden table, she pulls out the chair tucked under—sitting herself down. Y/n glanced down at her food and honestly, it looked good as hell. Kinda reminded her of how those anime food gifs looked like that you search up on Google. What was her food choice? Well, it was Ramen:
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I know, I know- early she said she wasn't in the mood for Ramen but shut up! People can change and y/n's appetite craving sure did.
Picking up the pair of wooden chopsticks with her right, slowly watching as the steam from the noodles rised up only to disappear within the air—y/n began to eat her meal. Grasping the thin long lines of unleavened wheat dough between her chopsticks, she silently blew on before placing them into her mouth. Using her left hand, she grabbed the chirirenge—dipping it into the bowl, scooping up a spoonful of the well seasoned broth. Y/n brought her left to her lips and slowly drunk the liquid. She continued eating, placing the tender mushrooms into her mouth, savoring the flavor. Taking more sips of the broth with her chirirenge, her right hand going to her bowl again to grab a piece of sliced meat then taking another chomp. She was enjoying this a little more than she should but so what? She deserved it. Still,  time was going by pretty fast actually and she still yet to remember her mission.
Three hours have now passed since "3:25pm". Y/n was now finishing up her glass of water, as a waitress came to pick up the empty bowl along with the tray. Grabbing her phone, she made her way out of the door. It was now 6pm. It was less crowded now, but since it wasn't dark yet, people were still around checking out the city. It was the beginning of summer after all.
Y/n was now walking down the streets of Tokyo, before she head back—she wanted to stop by the convenience store to get a few things. Taking a sharp turn to the left, then pushing through a sea full of people— she made it to her destination. The convenience store. At this moment, y/n was ready to take in on her indulges of just buying snacks like crazy. She barley had enough time to eat a proper meal because of her crazy schedule, so she always just ate a quick snack to pass her hunger over to complete her mission.
Placing her hand on the door's handle, pushing it forward and stepped into the store. She stood there in awe for a few seconds until a small smirk appeared on her lips, she was now in her snack buying heaven. Automatically going towards the back of the store, she grabs herself a few drinks. Next, she went to an aisle and grabbed a few packets of candy. Moving onto the next aisle, where all the chips, cookies, instant Ramen,(etc) were at—y/n just stood there. She had such a wide variety to choose from but first she grabbed a couple of her favorite cup Ramen and her cookies as well. Now, what type of chips did she want? When it came down to these, y/n always liked to look at the flavors and see if there were any new ones. And if they were? Well she'll try them. Shrugging her shoulder, she went up and grabbed a few of the ones she always ate then a few of the new flavors. It was now time to check out, she had enough snacks to last her a decent month or two. Carrying all of her items to the front counter, she casually dropped them as the cashier began scanning. Y/n stood there looking at the small monitor, watching as the numbers went up after every beep—she hoped that she'll be able to pay for everything.
The cashier placed all of her food items into white plastic bags and placed them on the counter.
"Your total is ¥2664.19." The worker said. ($25.19 in USD)
Immediately, she goes into her pocket and pulls out the cash needed to pay. She hands it to the cashier and grabs the white bags resting on the countertop. A 'Thank you' leaving the person's lips as y/n nodded her head and walked out the store. Now it was time to head back! Today was a victory. She got to wander around Tokyo, Eat a decent meal, and not to mention got snacks. Y/n smiled to herself and pulled out her phone. Since she had snacks, she was gonna shoot Megumi a message to see if he was willing to eat some with her. Maybe they could find a good sho–wait a minute. At this moment, she froze. Megumi? Letting out a gasp with a surprised expression, she came to realization.
In less than a second, y/n was on her feet, dashing down the street. she was pretty fast, considering she was a Sorcerer and running was a common thing.
Unlocking her phone with her thumb, she went to her contacts and immediately called her partner.
"please, please, please... pick up." She said to herself. Even though she knew he was a Sorcerer and could handle himself, her gut told her something wasn't right and this threw her into a panic.
"The phone number you are trying to re-"
It was no use, he wasn't picking up. How would she know where he was?  He could be anywhere—they spilt up to look for the finger, to see if it was in a different location. So many thoughts were running through her head, she didn't even know where she was heading to. The only thing she could think of was her friend's safety.
She finally came down to a decision to first check the school. If he wasn't there, she wasn't sure what she'll do but she'll leave things up to future her. Making a sharp turn to the right, she went into an alley way. Jumping on top of trash can, y/n used this as little boost to pull herself up to a building's rooftop. Since she spent so much time doodling off, it was now dark. Which was a good thing—so people wouldn't see her leaping from building to building. It would be weird as hell if they did.
Going through hellish missions of fighting curses did pay off. She had agility and was able to pass over buildings with ease, swiftly taking a right turn—next a left as she went further down. Pushing her foot upwards off of the concrete roof, she leaped into the air, grabbing onto a branch from a tree. She then released her grip and landed on the sidewalk, proceeding to sprint towards the school.
At last, she was at the school's gates. Instinctively, her eyes began examining the area. Checking the ground, she saw a few broken shards of glass, this must have meant something happened. Y/n looked up and her heart almost dropped into her stomach. There were multiple broken windows and she felt lingering curse energy oozing out from the school. Without wasting anymore time, the woman ran into the school. Busting through the doors, she swiftly headed to the staircase and started ascending the steps with speed.
Seeing that there were nobody on each floor, her last step was the school's roof.
Making it to the last set of stairs, y/n prepared herself—she took into caution of a cursed being present. Gathering and focusing on her curse energy, she was ready to take on the curse at any moment. Steadily, she made her way up steps and pulled the roof's door open. To her surprise, it was nothing was she intended it to be.
On his knees, completely worn-out, covered in injuries head to toe, uniform in a mess, and the obvious bleeding from his head. She knew it, Megumi was hurt.
Immediately, dropping her plastic bags, she rushed over to him- completely ignoring her sensei. Lowering herself down to his level, and before she could speak- her friend did.
"I'm fine, no need to worry." He said with his eyes closed, looking away from her direction. He wasn't fine, he was holding his torso—blood was dripping down from his hand. Y/n blamed herself deeply, it was her fault that he was in such a state. Grabing his right arm, she slung it over her neck as it rested on her shoulder. She then slider her left arm around his waist to help him back on his feet. Megumi wanted to protest but he knew thay she wasn't planning on letting him go. Now they were both on their feet, she finally looked up and noticed a tall man with a stupid blindfold—Gojo Satoru, their teacher. She didn't only notice him but a shirtless boy hanging over his shoulder? He had pink hair with a black undercut, she swear she saw him before but couldn't put her finger on it.
"Aww! Y/n you missed it!" Gojo said with a pouty voice in attempt to sound like an innocent school girl.
"Miss what?" She responded.
"Nothing." Megumi spat out in an annoyed tone.
Gojo was opening his mouth to speak again but y/n cut off him.
"Who's that?" Y/n was looking at the boy who was knocked tf out on Gojo's shoulder. Her sensei only hummed in response, this irritated her because he didn't answer her question. Megumi noticed this and sighed,
"I'll explain later."
Y/n glared at her injured partner, not liking that the two were being secretive but megumi did say he'll tell her soon, that was enough. Both of them started walking towards the roof's door. Bending her knees down slightly, she leaned to the side and used her free to pick up her snacks. With this, she completely lets go of megumi as he fell onto the ground with a harsh slap. Before megumi could literally curse her out for dropping him after she offered to help him, she quickly picked him up bridal style. Fushiguro was silent. it wasn't that he accepted what she was doing but more like in shock and didn't have words.
Satoru just stood by with a dumbfounded look on his face and only was able to say "O-"
Y/n didn't really care, it was bothersome to carry him on her shoulder all the way down some stairs. As she said before, she's a Sorcerer.
Megumi looked up at her with an angry expression, it seemed like he was gonna pop a vain. She only smiled in response and simply said, "Hold on." And with that, she jumped off the school's roof, heading back to the dorms.
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iamknicole · 4 years
10 Fun Facts about my fics!
I was bored so yall have to suffer😂😂😂😂 So I tag @kayah16 @lavitabella87 @princessstevens @fivefootxo @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression and all lll my other fic writers to give 10 fun facts about your fics! And anyone else who wants to!
1. Before I paired Roman with Kandice, I used him in five other fics (Case Study, The Canary, We All Want Love, Love & Other Things and a couple chapters of Line in the Sand) where he was paired to four other women.
2. Before she was "Nola", she was "Anamaris" in Case Study as the criminal psychology student studying Roman's character.
3. Apryl has been in two other fics outside of my Bloodline Family Series. The short lived All For You, her character "Freedom" was paired with Jey and in Love & Other Things, her character "Monroe" was paired with Roman's character "Gabe".
4. My Bloodline Family Series all came to be because I attempted to do fluff when I felt like we all could use cheering up when Joe (Roman) brother passed. It was never supposed to go beyond those initial 4 or 5 shorts.
5. Lucas (Luke James to yall😂) has been used in two other fics besides Family Ties. He is in Pieces and Love & Other Things.
6. Aunni has also been in another fic besides Bloodline Family Series. She was in We All Want Love as essentially Roman's little sister in law.
7. Haleigh is the only character who had a face claim change. All my other characters have had the same FC since they were introduced.
8. I accidentally Judy'ed Jimmy and Trinity's twins. And now I'm trying to figure out how to undo it. 😂😂 (If you don't know what that means....Judy was the youngest child on Family Matters but on one episode she went upstairs and never came back down. She disappeared without any mention.)
9. HAHN fics are on the same timeline as Bloodline Family Series and Family Ties so yes Charles is the president across the board.
10. I HATE killing off my characters. Like my main ones soooo I haven't done it ever which in turn means when I do it's going to kill my characters because as far as the bloodline children and grandchildren they've never loss anyone. I also don't like it because I'm indecisive, I don't wanna kill em cause I feel like I can't take it back.
1. I honestly forgot that I'd named one of the trips Messiah when I named Haleigh's ex Messiah. And I'm thankful no one brings it up. 😂😂😂
2. Benny, Melissa, Woody, Raymond (he is Kayah's character but we use him together ya know lol) and Kristen also appear in another fic and they're in it together ...PIECES
Love and other things
Line in the sand
Case Study
The Canary
We All Want Love
All For You
Search the hashtag #BloodlineFamilySeries and #FamilyTies for those fics!
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idk if im a lil too early but for lll, i only see 5 chapters 😭
Hiya, darling!🌸 Idk what the issue is, since for me it shows that 6 chapters are published. Maybe wait a bit and then try again?🥺
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cupcakestreets · 5 years
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Alfonse in Book lll Chapter 6
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bandcampsnoop · 4 years
In honor of today, Juneteenth, which commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States, Bandcamp is donating 100% of their share of sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. They are also allocating an additional $30K per year to partner with organizations that fight for racial justice and create opportunities for people of color. They have also compiled a list of bandcamp artists and labels who are donating proceeds to organizations in support of racial justice and change.
One of those labels is Numero Group out of Chicago who specialize in unearthing precious lost sounds for new audiences. They have a tremendous breadth of releases and their production quality is second to none.
One such recent offering is this stunning storage-room find of tapes by 24-Carat Black. From Bandcamp's notes:
In 1973, the Cincinnati, Ohio funk and soul ensemble 24-Carat Black released their debut album Ghetto: Misfortune’s Wealth. Despite the fact that it bore the imprint of the legendary Stax label, the album was almost immediately resigned to the dustbin of history. In recent years, it has re-emerged as a shared secret amongst crate-diggers and samplers alike [Dr. Dre, Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar]. Guided by Dale Warren [a conservatory-trained violinist], an ambitious producer who worked with everyone from Isaac Hayes to The Staple Singers and Jackie Wilson, the album is a dreamy slice of socially-conscious soul... lll is the brilliant but unfinished next chapter in 24-Carat Black’s story. Opening with the dramatic piano, galloping percussion and delicately intertwining vocal harmonies of “I Need A Change,” it’s clear that Warren had every intention of upping the creative ante he established with the group’s debut. “Skeleton Coast” combines traditional African percussion with beautiful piano playing to create a groove and atmosphere that occupies territory similar to what Marvin Gaye was exploring in the early ‘70s.
Indeed...this feels like a versatile album (early morning, late night, long drive) that has so many interesting sonic and lyrical layers to explore.
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bards-witcher · 5 years
Perdita - Chapter 6
So this is going to be a somewhat long chapter but it means the rewrite is done and it’s all new content from here :D
Previous  lll  Next
It felt like they’d been on that roof for hours, simply holding onto each other as they felt the night’s wind whip around them, content to just let Lukes’ warmth comfort him, gripping a tight hand on his shirt, afraid that the other man would disappear with the wind if he dared to let go.
“Oi, lovebirds, Brock said to come in before you get sick” He barely acknowledged Smittys’ shout, making no move to leave Lukes’ embrace as he nuzzled his head further into his neck, grateful that the older man only tightened his arms around him as they held each other a little while longer.
It was with one final tight squeeze that they did eventually part, his hands still gripping Lukes’ arms as they stared at one another, letting their eyes convey everything they were feeling, and he was quickly lost in the depth of Luke’s gaze.
“We’re comin’ now, Smit” Luke called out, never taking his eyes off of him as he heard Smitty start to make his way off of the roof.
Only after he shared another quick hug with Luke did they make their way towards the fire escape, arms wrapped around each other as they slowly ambled their way down and only separating when they had to descend the small ladder at the bottom, but when both their feet were planted back on the ground they were quickly on each other again, leaving no space between them.
In the distance, he could just about make out Smitty heading back towards the base as Luke began directing him to follow the younger man, but he hadn’t even taken a step when he stopped in his tracks, unable to hide the fear in his eyes when he turned to face Luke.
“I can’t go back there, Luke, you know that right?” He could barely get out the words, hating the way his voice trembled as he clung onto the other man to plead at him.
Lukes’ eyes were soft and his smile warm as he looked down at him, grasping his hands to hold onto him like a lifeline as he spoke “Why not?”
It reassured him that Lukes’ voice was as weak as his own, knowing that the other man was just as disbelieving of their whole scenario as he was, unable to hold back the emotion they both felt.
“After everything I’ve done…I can’t-They won’t…” He broke off as he felt all the air leave him at the fact, feeling tears start to form in his eyes as he turned away from Luke, not wanting to see what the only person who truly mattered to him would think of his past actions “They saw me do things, Luke, horrible things that I can’t ever take back, it’s better for everyone if they don’t see me again, I can’t-”
He went to pull away from the older man as he began to feel disgust at himself, not wanting to bring all of his problems onto the other man, he refused to put Lukes’ name and reputation on the line due to his actions, whether those actions had been willing or not.
Luke, however, kept a firm hold on his hands and tugged at them to try and get him to turn back and face him, and as much as he tried to resist, he only lasted a handful of seconds before he gave in to look back at the other man.
He saw the small smile on Lukes’ face before he felt hands cup at his cheeks, eagerly leaning into the warm touch as he shut his eyes to the world around him so that it was just the two of them “They know that wasn’t you Ry, we just wish we could’ve helped you sooner”
His eyes suddenly opened to stare up at Luke, there was no way that they could know the truth, that he’d been a prisoner in his mind and helpless to stop his actions, G had made sure to keep the whole experiment under wraps as he molded him into the perfect weapon.
However, Luke simply smiled at him and moved a hand to rub gently at his shoulder before wrapping his arm around him to gently lead him onwards to the base, this time putting up no fight to the movement, trusting the other man completely.
“I’ll explain everythin’ when we get back to the base, ‘kay?” He could only nod, leaning against Lukes’ side and just enjoying the warmth radiating off of him, something he thought he’d never get to experience again.
However, he felt his nerves pick up as they got closer they to the front doors, adrenaline rushing through him as he wasn’t sure on what to expect on the other side, it was one thing to say that everyone was accepting of his situation, but it was a completely different thing being faced with them after all this time.
With a sigh they stopped at the front of the door, Luke quickly sparing him a glance and pulling him ever so slightly tighter against him before he banged a fist on the door “You gonna be okay?”
“Hopefully” He put on what he hoped was a smile as he inched himself ever closer into Lukes’ side, relaxing a little when he felt a small kiss pressed against his temple, hugging himself against the other man.
It was then that the door opened and he watched as Brock stepped out into the doorway, a warm smile on the other man’s face as he looked up at them, the light from the hall behind him bathing them in a warm glow.
He wasn’t sure on what to do, how was he supposed to greet one of his dearest friends after everything that had happened, which is why he felt some sort of relief when it was the younger man that made the first move.
“I’m glad you’re back home, Ryan, it’s been tough without you here” He could hear Brocks’ voice crack as he spoke, clearly overwhelmed with emotion as the other man was just as nervous as he was.
With a small smile, he pulled away from Luke slightly to hold out his arms, beyond grateful when Brock separated the distance between them to pull him into a tight hug, relief flooding through him as he slowly started to accept that he may not have lost everything important to him as he’d once believed.
“It’s good to be back” His eyes filled with tears again as he pulled the man even tighter against him before he pulled away, turning his head to wipe his eyes on his sleeve before returning to Lukes’ arms, in the corner of his eye noting Brock do the same.
“I’m telling you; this lot have been a pain in my ass since you’ve been gone, this one especially,” Brock nodded his head towards Luke, who he noticed started to look a little sheepish at the remark, the older man refusing to look anywhere but at him.
“It’s been a tough few months without you here, ‘specially for me” His heart broke a little when he heard Lukes’ voice crack at the admission, tightening the arm he had around his waist to try and offer some comfort.
Not knowing what to say he moved his hand to rest on the base of Lukes’ neck, his thumb rubbing the bare skin slightly, hoping that the familiar weight of the gesture that had always used to comfort the older man would do so again now.
Despite all the time apart from one another, this time was no different as he smiled at how Luke visibly relaxed at the touch, the other man quickly shooting him a small smile before he once again lost himself in Lukes’ eyes.
“I’m sure you two have a lot to catch up on, but you should come in, it’s freezing out tonight and I know the other guys are dying to see you again”
They both looked a little guilty as Brocks’ words broke the silence around them, having almost forgotten the other man was even there as they got lost in one another, and it was with a final look at each other that they walked through the door, hands held tightly together.
He took his time as he made his way through the expansive hallways, just trying to get a glimpse of everything that he could as he became familiar with his surroundings, feeling grateful that almost nothing had changed during his time away.
As they gradually moved towards where he knew the living area to be he could hear the voices of the rest of the guys filter towards them and it was with a deep breath that they finally reached their friends, taking a moment to simply stand in the doorway and watch them before all hell broke loose.
It wasn’t long before the others took notice of him, the room quickly falling silent as everyone turned to look at him, giving them what he hoped was a weak smile as he felt fear creep back in him as he felt himself being scrutinized by their gaze.
Just as he was indulging some of the darker thoughts that had taken root in his mind that quickly had him spiraling and working himself up into a panic, but then he heard Jon shout his name and he was barely able to turn towards the sound before the man was crashing into him, and if Luke hadn’t been resting a comforting hand on the base of his spine he’s sure the both of them would’ve fallen to the floor.
He could do little else but wrap his arms around the other man, chuckling a little when he heard Luke chastise the man attached to him as he heard the familiar maniacal laugh before Jon finally pulled away from him, only getting a moment’s respite before he was quickly swarmed by the rest of his friends, all welcoming him back with open arms, wide smiles and the odd tear here and there.
After everyone had had a moment with him, Luke slowly guided him towards the kitchen island, their progress slow as he was trying to keep what seemed like ten conversations going at once.
It was only when he’d settled into his seat and a glass of water he graciously accepted after it was pressed into his hands did Brocks’ voice manage to quieten the group down “Ryan, why don’t you and Luke go wash up whilst I make some dinner for you both”
It was Jon, who was currently sat close beside him, that spoke up next “Yeah Ry, you’re stinkin’ up the whole goddamn place”
He heard a couple of gasps around him, the others seemingly shocked that Jon would talk so brashly about what they were sure to be a sensitive topic, but he could only smile as he realized his friend hadn’t really changed at all, grateful for the somewhat lighter attitude that had been his life over the last few weeks.
He simply grabbed Jon into a headlock and started to rub his knuckles against the younger man’s head in retaliation, ignoring his shrieks of protest and pleas for help as everyone else just laughed at the scene “Oh yeah? You try being homeless for 5 weeks and see how you smell”
They were both giggling as he finally let the younger man free from his hold, Jon bringing him into another hug which he took the time to appreciate, sure that he can hear the other man’s bones creak in protest, and when he pulled away he quickly found himself being pulled into more hugs, not that he was complaining after having thought he’d never get to see them again.
Eventually though, after he’d finished his drink of course, Luke quickly shooed everyone else away so that he could lead him towards the bedroom where he was once again pulled close against the other man’s side, but not before Luke made sure to smack the back of Jons’ head and telling him to behave, something he couldn’t but laugh at which only earned the middle finger from the other man.
Once the door to Lukes’ room was shut behind them they quickly fell into each other’s arms again, taking this moment of peace to once again appreciate that they were here, together, hoping for nothing more than to stay in his arms.
He felt Luke press a kiss to his temple before he pulled away, unable to keep back his small whine in protest as he watched the older man disappear into the ensuite and a moment later the sound of rushing water was calling to him.
The long-awaited shower was slow going, Luke taking all the time in the world to wipe away the dirt and grime that covered him, a few lingering touches here and there with the warm water cascading over him was almost enough to make him fall asleep.
A kiss on his shoulder is what brought him back to awareness, blushing slightly at the somewhat intimate touch before he turned to spend just as much time reciprocating the same slow process on Luke, happy to just feel and hold the taller man, still the fear that this was all some sort of sick dream eating away at him.
Once done and slowly towelled off, they made their way back into the bedroom, silently accepting the pair of sweats and t-shirt that Luke handed to him, briefly noting how they were Lukes’ clothes even though he’d seen a couple of his own clothes lying around the room, but he was more than grateful with the other man’s clothes and the comforting scent of Luke that accompanied them.
Holding each other close they made their way back to the kitchen, Brock smiling at them as they sat back down at the island with no sign of the other guys anywhere as Brock put a plate in front of each of them, boiled eggs and soldiers.
“I don’t know what it’s like, you know, uhh…” He was somewhat endeared by the nervousness he could see clear as day on Brock as he spoke, offering his own smile back in support as he continued “I can’t imagine your stomach could handle eating too much, so I just made something simple, I hope that’s okay. I can make you somet-”
“Thank you, Brock, it looks great” He offered another smile to him, noting the other man’s blush before he quietly bid them goodnight and left the room, leaving him and Luke to their food.
They ate in silence; he hadn’t realised how hungry he was until his plate was empty whilst Luke had barely made it halfway through his meal, although that may be due to the fact the older man couldn’t take his eyes off of him, but without a word Luke quickly switched their plates, silently offering the rest of his food to him which he gratefully accepted.
It didn’t take long until he was done with Lukes’ food, the other man picked up their plates before emptying them into the bin and washing them, noting how domestic this scene felt as he stood up to join Luke at the sink, wrapping his arms around the other man’s waist and resting his forehead between his shoulder blades.
When Luke was done and his hands dried, he turned in his embrace before wrapping his own arms around him where he felt a quick kiss being pressed against his forehead and a hand gently card through his hair, keeping him close against his chest.
They stayed like that for a while, he doesn’t know how long it was until he noticed that Luke had started humming against him, it wasn’t a song he recognized, but accompanied with the warm hands gently rubbing across his back, he soon felt the tendrils of sleep begin to pull him under.
He was so far gone that he didn’t even put up much of a fight when Luke lifted him off of the ground and carried him bridal style back to the room, simply wrapping his arms around his shoulders as he buried his head against his neck.
In the next moment he felt himself being gently placed against the bed, quickly followed by the comforting weight of the duvet before he felt Lukes’ arms wrap around him, pulling him close so that he could feel Lukes’ breath against the back of his neck, and he couldn’t help but let out a small sigh when he felt a gentle press of lips on the nape of his neck.
“Goodnight, Ryan” Try as he might, he could barely muster the energy to move, let alone speak, instead he let out what he hoped was some sound of acknowledgment “I love you”
The air felt thick with Lukes’ words, wanting nothing more than to repeat the words back to him but he could barely even get a grunt past his lips, hating how he can feel some sense of rejection from the man behind him, giving him the feeling of ice in his veins.
Using energy he didn’t have he turned around in Lukes’ hold until the older man was on his back before he sprawled across his chest, burying his head against his neck before pressing a kiss on the man’s jaw, scrunching his nose a little at how Lukes’ beard tickled him.
The chuckle Luke let out and the tight embrace he’s now wrapped around in is enough to melt the chill that had started to settle in him, slurring out the words “Love you too, Luke” before sleep finally caught up to him.
He woke up to the sound of arguing outside of their door, he couldn’t be bothered to listen to who it was or what they were saying, content instead to snuggle closer against Lukes’ chest.
His sleep that night had been broken, his body not used to sleeping at night, or for such a long period of time, with the only saving grace being that Luke had been there throughout it all, soothing him with soft words and gentle touches before he pulled him even closer.
Just as he felt himself being lulled back into sleep, he felt Luke groan below him before the bedroom door opened and Jon came rushing in, tray in hand, with disgruntled shouts sounding after him.
The bed dipped next to him as Jon started to shake him gently, talking excitedly in his ear, but he could only muster the energy to give a weak grunt which turned into a whine as he felt Luke move from under him.
At the sound of a shriek he turned his head a little and squinted an eye open as he saw Luke all but grab Jon by the ear and drag him out of the room before shutting the door behind him and in the next moment the taller man was climbing back into bed beside him and pulling him back against his chest.
“Sorry ‘bout him, he means well, but he just missed you is all…we all have,” As Luke spoke he felt the other man almost crush him into his chest, noting how his voice cracked over the last few words and he couldn’t help the way his heart began to race at the thought.
He leaned up onto Lukes’ chest, barely making him out in the morning din of their room and he felt the other man cup his face, easily leaning into the touch and pressing a quick kiss to his palm, closing his eyes when he felt Luke’s fingers begin to scratch at his scalp a little, easing him back into sleep until they were interrupted by the sound of his stomach rumbling.
Luke chuckled at the interruption to the sweet calming moment between them before he leaned over him, reaching for something he couldn’t be bothered to look at, and when he lay back down, he held a croissant in hand.
In his tired state, the situation was almost laughable, but he simply stared in confusion at the food now in Lukes’ hand, eliciting another chuckle from the older man, the sound causing a warm glow to grow in his chest.
“The guys made you breakfast, they were gonna wait till you were up but apparently Jon was chomping at the bit to see you” He couldn’t help but giggle at that, still trying to come to terms with the fact that after everything that had happened, everything he’d done, he still had people that cared for him, however, that thought was quickly cut off by his own groan of indignation as Luke took a bite of the pastry.
“You’re getting crumbs everywhere” He tried to sound as disapproving as possible as he started to swipe the duvet in an attempt to clean it, but Luke simply gave him a smile before taking another bite and replacing the crumbs he’d just removed.
“Don’t give a fuck” Luke reaffirmed the statement with another bite, adding to the growing pile of crumbs, that he quickly gave up on trying to clear “All I care ‘bout right now, is you”
He couldn’t hide the blush that now covered his cheeks, feeling the other man’s eyes burning into him so instead he chose to lay back down over Lukes’ chest as the older man started to card a hand through his hair, unable to stop the small moan that left him at the fingers combing through his hair, too happy to be in his arms than to be embarrassed about the sound.
However, just as he was beginning to tuck himself closer against Lukes’ chest, the half-eaten pastry was practically shoved into his face, staring at it for a moment, but when it kept being moved closer and closer towards his mouth he gingerly took it before setting beside him on the bed “ ’m not hungry, but thanks”
With a sigh, he squirmed a little as he felt the other man’s eyes practically boring into him, and in the next moment felt a small kiss placed on the top of his head before he heard the soft plea break the silence of the room “Please, just a couple bites, for me?”
When he looked up he saw Luke looking down at him with a soft smile and nothing but warmth aimed at him, noting the soft look in his eyes which were practically pleading at him to do as he was asked and he felt his resolve disappear at the look, and whilst he didn’t feel like eating, the sharp pang he felt in his stomach quickly had him picking up the pastry again.
He only took a small bite, chewing it slowly as he took in all the flavors whilst he felt another kiss being pressed against his head which was enough encouragement to take another bite, and another, until eventually he’d finished the pastry.
He heard a whispered thank you pressed against the top of his head before Luke readjusted them so that they were lying back down on the bed, the older man now rubbing soothing circles into his back as he started to feel the beginnings of sleep start to take over again.
A quiet knock on the door had him lifting his head to turn and look towards the noise, already bracing himself for what he presumed to be another Jon attack, and after a reassuring squeeze from Luke, the older man shouted for the person to come in.
Light poured into the room from the hallway, and he’s sure he can make out Anthony standing in the doorway, but before he can question the reason on why the man was here, he soon had a small dog mauling his face.
It took him a moment to fully realize the situation, barely holding the young dog back to get a better look at him before the animal slipped through his hands and continued his assault, his breath getting caught in his throat as his heart began to race.
“Tiny?” He heard a couple of small grunts from the dog as he kept licking at his face, barely reaching a hand forward to stroke a hand through the animals’soft fur, before the dog moved his attack onto Luke.
“Not me you little shit, your daddy’s there” He couldn’t help but laugh as Luke held the squirming dog away at arm’s length, before he decided to free the older man of his burden and taking the small dog from him and quickly pulling him close to his chest.
“How? I-I saw G- I saw him…” He couldn’t bring himself to even think the end of that sentence, let alone say it, and clearly Luke didn’t want him too either.
“When you didn’t come back…” His heart broke to see how much pain his disappearance had caused Luke, leaning back against the older man to provide some sort of comfort “When nobody had heard a word from you we went to take him in, Anthony’s been lookin’ after him and these two have become thick as thieves”
He smiled a little at the statement, looking down at the small dog that had resumed his task of trying to lick at his face, hearing both Anthony and Luke chuckling at the scene.
“I know this is a lot for you to take in, but when you’re ready, I’ll explain everythin’ we know” At Lukes’ warm hand cupping his face he went to look up at the other man, giving him a small smile before Anthony gave them his best wishes as he left, closing the door behind him again.
Back in the privacy and security of the room, he let go of Tiny who went to sniff around the breakfast tray as he hugged the other man closer to him, taking the time to just breath him in and take in everything that was essentially Luke for the first time in almost a year.
“When they first took me, they tortured me for months…the pain was indescribable, but no matter what they did I was never going to give them what they wanted, at least until they killed Tiny,” He felt tears sting at his eyes as his heart lurched painfully at the memory, his breath catching in his throat when he next tried to speak until he finally managed to force the words out “After months of getting nothing from me they decided to punish me, they tied me down and forced me to watch them- I begged, pleaded them not too, but they just laughed and…and-”
Luke interrupted him then, the other man practically crushing him against his chest as he began to cry whilst reliving one of the worst moments over the last year, Luke whispering words of love and comfort in his ear.
Tiny seemed to sense his distress and came bounding towards the both of them to try and start licking his face, giving the small dog a watery smile as he began stroking him before pulling the animal close to his chest and pressing a couple of kisses to his fur.
“You’re okay now baby, both you and Tiny, and I promise those fuckers are gonna pay for every last thing they did to you”
He didn’t even register the pet name as he hummed in response, too overwhelmed to say anything as he simply enjoyed having both Luke and Tiny in his arms, something he thought he’d never get to experience again.
They stayed like that long after his cheeks had dried from his tears, his voice now hoarse from crying and the emotion that still welled up within him if he thought about it too much, before Luke shook him gently.
“C’mon let’s get dressed, I know the guys are eager to see you and I think it’ll be good for you to see them again” His mind began to race at the thought, thinking back to last night before when his friends had practically showered him with love and attention, and he felt his breath hitch again, unsure whether he’d be able to deal with all of the attention on him again “Hey, Ryan, ‘s okay, if you don’t feel up to it then you don’t-“
“No, I need to do it eventually and I have a couple things I want to ask them as well”
Luke just gave him a small smile before pressing a quick kiss to his temple “After you’ve caught up with them we’ll explain everything, okay?”
He simply nodded against the other man’s chest before placing a quick kiss on Tinys’ head and then Lukes’ chest, letting the small dog go to roam around the room as he got up from his position on top of Luke, the older man following him up to place a final kiss on his forehead, closing his eyes briefly at the gentle contact between them.
After another moment of simply having Luke there next to him the both of them got up out of the bed and headed towards the closet, watching the older man dig through the messy piles of clothes he’s sure he would criticize if he had the energy to, grabbing the pair of dark jeans and the loose-fitting tee Luke handed him.
For a moment he was surprised to recognize them as his own clothes, sure that they would’ve just been thrown out or stored after he disappeared, but when he looked up to try and get a reason from Luke, he saw the older man blushing at him with a somewhat sheepish look on his face.
“I kept all your stuff, even took your favourite stuff from the apartment before you blew it up, nice work by the way” He huffed a laugh at the praise even as he felt a small pang of sadness at the part of their lives that they did lose when he destroyed it, whilst not used as much as he once did, it did offer both he and Luke a safe haven away from the base once in a while “Sorry if they smell a bit, I sorta slept with them a bit in the beginnin’, ‘s almost like you were here again. It’s a bit sappy really but I can get them washed if you want”
He could see the embarrassment coloring Lukes’ face, but he felt his own cheeks heat up a little and his heart speed up at the fact, not even thinking twice before he walked up to the other man and wrapped his arms around him, his heart practically soaring now as he felt Luke bury his face into his neck.
With a small smile, he weaved his fingers through Lukes’ hair, scratching his scalp lightly and feeling that warm glow in his chest only get warmer as he felt Luke moan a little at the touch and bury himself even closer against him.
They gave each other a final squeeze before separating, Luke reaching into the closet to pull his own clothes out before they made quick work of getting dressed, both blushing slightly as they cast quick appreciative glances at each other when they thought the other wasn’t looking, still trying to familiarise themselves with one another after having been so long apart.
When they were dressed they quickly wrapped an arm around one another’s waist, looking back to see Tiny now lying on his pillow, staring at them, a small smile on his lips before he called the small dog to follow after them and chuckling a little when Tiny almost caused Luke to trip over his feet with a muttered curse as they left the room.
It was far too soon before they reached the living area, watching as half the guys lounged around the TV playing what looked to be Mario Party whilst the rest were just milling around through various stages of drinking their morning coffee.
He pulled Luke closer against his side, feeling his nerves begin to settle uncomfortably in his stomach as they slipped into the living area as quietly as they could, however, it wasn’t long before Anthony noticed them, the younger man quietly making his way across the room to bring him into a hug.
“Thank you for looking after them” He hugged the other man close to him that he’s sure it must edge on painful, but Anthony holds him just as tightly, a reassuring hand rubbing up and down his back as he tried to express all of his gratitude to the other man.
With a final pat to his shoulder, Anthony pulled away from him, a bright smile on his face “We’re just glad to have you back man, anything you want I’m here for ya, but I won’t squeeze your wiener, I’ll leave that to Luke”
Both he and Luke turned bright red at the old joke, Luke seemingly choking on nothing as Anthony burst into his loud infectious laugh, his heart lurching at the sound, not realizing just how much he’d missed the little thing before matching the laugh with his quickly own giggles as Luke continued to sputter beside him.
“Dammit Jiggles, that was the one thing I wanted” He didn’t even notice the way the nickname rolled off of his tongue, almost as if the previous year hadn’t happened, but the comment only seemed to make the man laugh harder, their exchange having noted everyone else of their arrival and it wasn’t long before Jon was ambushing him for a hug.
“For fuck’s sake Jon, do you have no restraint” Although trying to sound angry, he could still hear the fondness in Lukes’ voice as he chastised the other man.
In all honesty he didn’t mind the attention too much, easily returning Jons’ hug with just as much vigor as the other man had, in fact, he’s even sure he’s lifted off of his feet for a moment, too happy to complain when he felt his ribs groan at the tight grip Jon had on him.
“Shush up, you two are always frickin’ stuck together so how else am I gonna hug ‘im” He only hugged Jon tighter if that were even possible, and by the laughs he heard from the other guys around them he guessed that Jon also stuck up his middle finger up at Luke.
When they parted, his place was quickly taken up by Evan “Nice use of the explosive by the way, just wish I could’a been there to see it go off” He huffed a laugh at Evans’ praise at his use of the gift he’d given him so long ago, pulling the man tighter against him for a moment “If it wasn’t for this one taking forever to sort his hair out we would’ve been able to catch it”
He heard Jon give a small shout of indignation at the remark, feeling Evan chuckle against him at the noise before he quickly pulled away from the Canadian to make way for the inevitable brawl that was about to occur between the two men, and sure enough when he was pulled away by Luke, Evan was quick to bring Jon into a chokehold and muss his hair, earning another indignant shout from the man.
Ignoring the shouts behind him, he got a quick hug from each of the guys and a couple of questions about how he was doing before they invited him and Luke over to the couch to join them.
Led by the older man they slowly walked over to a couch, their friends giving them ample room to sit beside each other, but in his need to feel and be with Luke, he instead decided to sit on his lap, all the while blushing as he got a couple of wolf whistles, but chose to hide his embarrassment by burying his head into Lukes’ neck, the older man quickly pulling him close.
With a sigh he buried his head further into Lukes’ neck, chuckling every now and then as he heard his friends continue with their game where they never seemed to last more than a couple of minutes before a fight broke out between them, simply enjoying being surrounded by Luke and his friends.
He doesn’t know how long he sat there, one of Lukes’ hands having moved to gently card through his hair, his body a familiar warmth against him that was quickly lulling him back to sleep, that was until after a few particularly loud shouts from Tyler and Brock, Luke asked them to pause the game to finally address the elephant in the room.
“I know some of you have questions, and I know Ryan has some questions himself, so I just want to take the time to go over everythin’ now so it’s out of the way” A gentle hand tapped at his hip causing him to lift his head to look at the group now gathered in various parts of the living area as Luke spoke “What do you wanna know?”
At the prompt he turned back to look at the older man, lifting a hand up to tentatively cup at his face, rubbing his cheek with his thumb as he gave the man a sad smile, his voice coming out in a whisper, emotion clogging his throat “How are you here? I-I shot you…I saw..”
“It’s okay, Ry” He was cut off by Luke who took the hand he had cupped on his face to kiss his palm, feeling himself calm down a little at the gentle touch “We knew G’s plan for a while, knew that I was your final mission and that he’d let you go when you killed me, we had inside info on what was used on you and we spent ages tryin’ to find a cure, but…we couldn’t- we…”
Now it was his turn to comfort Luke, quickly grabbing a hold of the taller man’s other hand and held it tight between both of his in an effort to offer some form of comfort to him as he waited for the older man to continue.
After an indeterminable amount of time, with a shuddering breath, Luke continued “We knew they had a date, most of the guys tried to talk me out of it, said to wait until they found somethin’ solid to help you, but I couldn’t, couldn’t go on lettin’ G use you like that when I could’ve stopped it, so I went, and hoped that you were still in there” He felt his own eyes tearing up at the news, that Luke had known the risk and still went out in an effort to save him had him increase the grip on Lukes’ hand “You missed me by ‘bout half an inch, but it was enough, we got the guys to get me back to base and kept a tail on you whilst you were in the hospital”
He couldn’t stop the tears now falling freely down his face, offering a watery smile to the other man as he raised a hand to once again cup his face, feeling Lukes’ hand on his own face tighten before it pulled him down to allow the older man to place a watery kiss to his forehead.
When they parted, he watched as Luke reached a hand down his shirt to pull out what looked to be a bullet on a chain that he was wearing as a necklace, opening his palm to let him get a closer look at it.
Upon inspection, he saw the characteristic Omega symbol that he would carve into the bottom of his bullets, a calling card of sorts, unable to do anything else but stare at it before Luke clenched his hand around his own, causing him to form a fist around the bullet before the older man brought it up to his lips to kiss it.
They both leaned into each other then, foreheads pressed against each other as they took the other in, still disbelieving that they were actually here, together, however, it was then that Evan broke the room’s silence.
“We almost lost you at the hospital, Jon and I were away for a minute tops and when we came back you were gone, was a good thing Anthony was paying attention or-” Evan stopped then as he cleared his throat, discretely trying to rub his eyes whilst Jon rubbed a comforting hand on his back.
At first he couldn’t make sense of it, of why Evan was so torn up about it, but then the other memories of that day came crashing back, of the couple in the parking lot, the fight that broke out, and the traps he’d found when examining the scene, something he hadn’t been to explain yet, at least until now.
“Wait, so in the car park..”
“Yeah, that was us” Evan interjected, a wry smile on his face as he continued “just about got there in time to stop their guns”
His thoughts were racing, relaying the moment over and over as the pieces began to fall into place “So those traps were yours? You were there and you tried to help me?”
“Yeah, we wanted to bring you back then but there was too big a target on your back and we didn’t want to let Gs’ guys know we were helping you, it was safer for you and Luke this way, even if we didn’t agree with it” He got another wry smile from Evan before he saw the other man reach beside him to grab Jons’ hand and bring it close to him to place a kiss on his fingers, clearly trying to draw some sort of comfort from the touch.
He then noticed the quick glance Evan shot at Tyler, feeling the tension in the room thicken and his mind was then drawn to several weeks later after the incident by the underpass, clearly what was going to be addressed next.
“So, if you guys were helping me, why did I see Tyler and Lui that day aim a gun at me, and Scotty and Marcel with the car?” He saw the people in question all glance at each other quickly, squirming slightly in their seats as they seemingly tried to determine who’d go first.
He didn’t have to wait too long though before Tyler finally spoke “Like we said, since the hospital we’ve been tailing you, I’ll admit you lost us for a while, you’re a slippery little bitch when you wanna be” He saw Tyler quirk his lips a little at the statement, and he couldn’t stop his own huffed laugh at the comment “We were just goin’ to your spot under the bridge when Gs’ guys beat us to it, we only showed ourselves because a group of ‘em were headin’ your way and you needed to get outta there.”
“So you scared me off to give me a chance to escape?” At Tylers’ brief nod he furrowed his brow a little, still trying to get his head around the fact that everything he thought he’d known had been a lie.
Tyler simply huffed a laugh at him as he continued to speak “As for Marcel and Scotty, we were finally gonna bring you back and tell you everythin’, just didn’t think you’d run off like that, or for G’s guys to be right on our asses.”
He noticed the guilt that was on Tylers’ face then, the other man unable to meet his gaze as he allowed him to process the news, clearly the other man felt guilty for putting his life in danger and he wanted to reach a hand out to reassure him, only Anthony beat him to the chase before the taller man interjected again.
“For the record, Ryan, I’m sorry” He looked up at the man then, watching as the taller man rubbed a hand down his face before looking back up at him and giving him a small smile “ ’m sorry we couldn’t save you sooner…help you sooner-”
“It’s okay, Tyler, I’m here now and it’s thanks to you guys, there aren’t enough words to say how grateful I am for that” He offered the other man a warm smile, humming slightly when he felt Luke kiss his temple and rub a gentle hand against his back, closing his eyes as he once again simply enjoyed the simple touched from Luke.
It was then that someone coughed, bringing him out of the peaceful bliss he’d just been in from Lukes’ touch, opening his eyes to see all of the guys looking at them and feeling his cheeks flush red at the fact, noticing the small smirks and knowing looks from their friends.
“I mean I knew you guys were close, but I didn’t think you watched each other fuck”
He didn’t need to see who it was to recognize that voice, he’d been hearing it for the last few months with G after all, and in a second he was off of Luke and sprinting towards the now scared-looking figure standing in the doorway.
It was just as he pulled his fist back to land the first punch that he felt Brian grab a hold of his arm and pin it to his back, Marcel quickly coming up on his other side to join Brian’s effort of keeping him held back, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t escape their hold.
He was just readying himself to use the men gripping him tightly to kick his feet forward with the intent to knock back the man stood frozen in the doorway with wide eyes, however, he stopped himself when Luke moved to stand between him and the other man.
“Luke, you don’t understand, he’s with G-”
“He was just like you Ryan, he’s the only reason we knew about you in the first place. He’s on our side, trust us.” He stopped struggling in Marcel and Brian’s hold on him, staring up at Luke unsure whether to believe the news or not, a small part in the back of his mind telling him that this was probably some big ploy by G to get them from the inside.
He turned  his gaze to the younger man still in the doorway, feeling a small pang of guilt as they guy looked like nothing more than a terrified teenager, let alone a threat, as internal war in his head as he thought about how the man had worked for G, but he supposes from the outside he did as well, deciding then he could give the younger man the benefit of the doubt, for now at least.
“Jon, take Squirrel somewhere else and go call Mark, I want everyone here when we start makin’ plans” They waited with bated breath until the two of them left the room, a sigh of relief falling across the room as the tension dissipated and his arms were finally released.
Luke grabbed his shoulders then, rubbing them slightly before he slid one of his hands up to cup his cheek, pulling him closer to him before he whispered against the top of his head “I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you, but please just trust us on this,”
Apparently the look he gave Luke did little to encourage the other man before he continued in an effort to comfort him “We found him on the street beggin’ for help, we were skeptical at first, but he told us everything about what G was doing, what he’d done to him, what he was doing to you…Without him, things probably would’ve been a lot different and I might actually be dead…Please, please just give him a chance.”
He took a deep breath, looking deep into Lukes’ eyes as he evaluated the situation before finally giving a nod, seeing Luke visibly let out the breath he was holding before pulling him in for a hug, quickly wrapping his own arms around the older man, putting his trust into the man he loved, after all, he hadn’t led them astray yet.
“Alright ye lovebirds, it’s time to start thinkin’ of how we’re gonna beat this focker, Lui get the other guys, Scotty the snacks and we’ll meet back here in 5” Everyone just stood and stared at Nogla, that being the last thing they’d expected to hear from him as they cast glances around at one another, unsure whether they should follow through with it.
Luke pulled away from him to face the other guys in the room “Well you heard ‘im, get to it”
Everyone then went into some sort of mad rush, most of them deserting the living area to do goodness knows what whilst he saw Mini begin to raid the cupboards and fridge, sure that he saw him pull down Brians’ secret snack stash and pull a few items out before tossing a wink his way and making his way to a couch.
Luke grabbed his hand then, and he turned away from watching his friend to instead look up at his husband, giving the other man a soft look as he leaned into his chest, humming when he felt arms wrap around him and a kiss pressed to the top of his head “C’mon Ry, let’s get this fucker”
He pulled away then to cast a small smile at Luke before reaching down to grab a hold of his hand and give it a gentle squeeze before he once again allowed the other man to guide him towards the couch, once again taking his seat on Lukes’ lap, arms quick to pull him close against the taller man’s chest, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the relative peace around them, the calm before the storm almost, as they waited for the rest of their friends to join them.
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Yuga Kshetra Lostbelt: Verse 4~9
Now halfway done of this whole lostbelt! Let alone Verse 19... Still not looking forward towards a certain Berserker critfest in Verse 10. Anyway, let’s continue the cycle of Yuga!
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Verse 4
First arrow having 3 Rider wolves and 3 Demon boars as the Yuga Clock now shows we’re in Kali Yuga. Also because of the change in Yuga clock, there’s an additional permanent debuff of NP gain rate down
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Second arrow, 6 Berserker Demon boars to clear for bond point grinding
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Third arrow, 5 Berserker mobs + 2 Lancer mobs + 1 Rider mobs... If it weren’t for the fucking debuff, this shouldn’t be an issue in clearing maps like this
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Fourth arrow, your first round match with Ashwatthama. Before him, there’s 3 Berserker mob in the first wave, 2 rider + 1 berserker in the second. Use the first two to charge up your Lancer DPS’s NP before going against Ashwatthama. But also, be careful of the Rider mobs that’ll kill your Caster support
Ashwatthama doesn’t have a gimmick for this round. Though whether his NP is an Extra attack or... I have no idea because Shuwen kill him before he used his NP ==lll
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Verse 5
Your second round against Ashwatthama. This fight he does used his NP to go against your Servant, so bring a taunter to avoid his ST NP on your DPS and Support.
For this fight gimmick, Pepe will randomly buff one of your front-line Servant with Evasion for 3 turns. Also, at the start of your first turn, Pepe will debuff Ashwatthama with Defense down for a number town. As usual bring a taunter with strong DPS Lancer to fight against him
Verse 6 & 7
While Verse 6 has only a single arrow of Story mode, there’s only one fight which is on the 2nd arrow in Verse 7. 3 Lancer mobs + 2 Assasin mobs to take a small break from the previous boss fight. Also as the story restarted the cycle of Yuga, a new permanent buff appears where your Servant will get 600HP recovery per turn
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Verse 8
Your first round against Lakshmibai. She’ll be using her Extra Attack as her NP, but do bring a taunter especially when her crit buff is there. Her gimmick of this fight upon HP break, will buff herself Defense Up for 5 turns. However, avoidable if you can buff block her before it happens
Pepe once again helps you by debuffing Lakshmibai at the start of the battle with Defense down for 3 turns.
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Second arrow, a break from the previous boss fight. 3 Rider mobs + 2 Lancer mobs + 1 Caster mobs... Yeah, this kind of fight are always manageable if it weren’t for this permanent debuff >.>
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Verse 9
And lastly, a single arrow fight with 8 Berserker mobs before the next boss fight. A break for you if you wish to just grind for Bond points for your Servants here!
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And I’m done for the day! The two boss so far are alright... Yeah alright until the second half of the story start their shit over again >.> I’ll continue... When I’m free since I’m busy with work again OTL And there’s Agartha.... Right.... I’ll see what I’m going to do with that chapter....
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canonicallyanxious · 6 years
Hi! Can I have 5, 6, 19 and 33 for the ask thing please?
Thank you for this!! Currently surrounded by family and gonna use this as an excuse not to interact with anyone lol
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
Hm. This is very difficult! I guess my first answer to this question is always going to have to be making new cliches [SKAM], even though at this point i have quite mixed feelings about it. I don’t think i’ve made it much of a secret that the process of writing it was not, like, the greatest thing i’ve ever experienced? So i have some dark things associated with this fic. But at the same time it’s the longest thing i’ve ever written in my life and over a year after its completion i’m still immensely proud of it. I really feel like it helped me understand how to execute alt pov well, and solidified my understanding of how to develop a compelling relationship, and juggle character arcs that were very different but also intrinsically intertwined. I really pushed myself to try a lot of fairly complex things, and I feel like to a degree i was pretty successful. So yeah!
Idk if i’m allowed to have multiple answers to this question lol but i also want to submit one lifetime with you [nmtd/lll; cowritten with @boxesfullofthoughts] which i have nothing but positive memories associated with - what an exercise in world building! Honorable mentions to is it the right word [nmtd/lll] which is a little under the radar lol but i still think it contains some of my very best writing.
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
So i’ve technically already orphaned a fic that I don’t really talk about anymore lol [Voltron] although i do sort of regret orphaning it now. Having said that, of the current works tied to my ao3, i mean after a certain point pretty much all my old stuff embarrasses me but I think I’ve made my peace with everything except alone by your side i was flying [nmtd/lll] which just… fills me with such secondhand embarrassment i can’t even describe lol. It’s so tropey, and feeds into fanon that I vehemently disagree with now, and just has some immensely cliched scenes i would never attempt again. But it was my very first fic on my ao3 so i guess for that reason it deserves some amnesty lol
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
As a general rule i don’t really design stories to have sequels?? I mean i love to imagine that in every single one of my fics their stories continue long after we leave them, but i also like to leave them in a place where it feels okay to just let them do their own thing. Having said that @boxesfullofthoughts and i had some really epic plans to continue some of our collabs [everybody begs to be redeemed, cp; my heart held a ledger, SKAM; one lifetime with you, nmtd/lll] we never ended up writing because of time constraints/leaving the fandom/etc. and i do feel like it’s kind of a shame! I don’t think we ever will but maybe we’ll repurpose the ideas into future collabs. Who knows?
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
This is so hard - people have been so incredibly kind to me over the last few years! i guess it’s no surprise it always makes me really happy when people say they think i could be a professional writer lol [ONE DAY… IN MY DREAMS] and i’m also really touched whenever people tell me they reread my stuff, or that my fics are somehow important to them in some way? I think one comment that will always stick out to me is when the person thanked me for writing something that made them feel understood and seen, that they weren’t alone in their struggles and that their issues were important and worth being written about. Like jesus. That’s all i’ve ever aspired to with my writing, honestly. I’ll never forget it.
Fanfic writer asks!
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hurr1can30m3l1a · 7 years
Shape of You - lll
Previously... Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Amelia’s POV
As I made my way over to the jukebox I couldn’t shake the feeling of someone watching me, I hoped it was the cute red-head but didn’t want to turn around in attempt to catch eyes with him again. As I rested one hand on the top of jukebox I felt a hand suddenly on the small of my back. As my head shot up in surprise I came face-to-face with the cute red-head, just my luck I thought. “Hey” he yelled over the music “I’m Owen” “Amelia” I yelled back smiling at him “Nice to meet you Amelia!” he said, and oh god how he said my name I wanted to kiss him there and then but resisted the urge. Play it cool Amelia, was all that was going through my head, I had to play this cool. Looking up at him again I smiled and then bit down on my bottom lip again, ever so slightly, just to tease him. I then turned my attention to the jukebox again, found the song I was looking for and pressed the button for it. Soon enough the small bar started to fill with strong beat of ‘Shape of You’ by Ed Sheeran.
 “Come dance with me!” I told him, brushing my fingers down his bicep and forearm and turning away from him headed to the middle of the dance-floor. Secretly praying the entire time that he would follow. As I heard a big cheer from a group of boys in the background and felt fingers intertwine with mine I knew my plan had worked. As one on his hands pulled me closer to him by the small of my back his other was holding onto me by my hip. We quickly found our rhythm and were swaying to the music in perfect sync. As the beat picked up and the song moved to the chorus I turned in his arms so I was now slowly but seductively grinding against his crotch; as his hands repositioned themselves to waist I knew he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. We carried on dancing like that throughout the rest of song, I couldn’t tell you what point in the song he turned me back around but all of a sudden his hand was in my hair pulling me closer to him, guiding my lips towards his. Before I could respond his lips met mine, and without even realizing it I had to stabilize myself by slightly digging my fingers into the back of his elbows to stop myself from falling off balance. This was definitely a first kiss that would go down in history. What started off as gentle led into passionate, both of us fighting for dominance moaning into the kiss. Time seemed to stop, I drowned out the sounds of all of his friends cheering him on and a faint ‘Oh my God!’ from Hannah in the background, it was as if we were the only two people in the world.
Owen’s POV
“Do you want to get out of here?” I whispered after we eventually pulled away from the kiss, our foreheads still touching, craving any form of skin on skin contact, our eyes locked on each other blue on blue. She simply nodded and before I knew it we were in a taxi on our way to my hotel room, drunkenly giggling and stealing kisses. He legs were thrown over my knees and her head was resting against my neck. She was as close to me as she could get without straddling me in the back of a taxi. My left hand was holding her thigh keeping her legs in place gently rubbing my thumb against her, my right was tracing patterns up and down her spine. As I paid for the taxi our fingers were quickly intertwined again and as soon as we were in the elevator making our way to the hotels 6th floor, she was pinned against the wall our hands exploring each others bodies lips locked and tongues fighting for dominance. Once in my hotel room, my shirt quickly found its way to the floor and my belt was unbuckled, and my pants were unbuttoned. I had unzipped her dress and was taken aback by how beautiful she truly was as she slowly stepped out of it. After I carried her to my bed the rest just seemed to become a blur. A mix or hormones, sex and alcohol meant that rest of the night seemed to be going in both slow motion and fast forward at the same time, even though I know that that is impossible. The next thing I remember is her fitting herself against my big frame and wrapping herself in my arms as I gently kissed the back of her head before drifting peacefully into sleep.
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