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rahabq · 7 months
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missmermaidwitch · 4 years
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Brazilian Mythical Creatures
The Ofcial Guide
Most of the witchcraft pratice usualy runs around nordic and wicca culture, wich is not a problem. But as a latina witch, my pratice involves very diffrent beliefs. So I decided to share a little bit of my country's culture along with my pratice.
So here you are about to know the magical creatures of the brazillian forests. Most of them have African culture involved due to our contry cultural mixing.
1. Curupira
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The Curupira is a young indian boy who has fire like hair and feets turned to the backside of his body. He is a very ancient protector spirit of the forest yet he looks like a boy. He runs trough the forest in silence, making fake trails with his footprints to confuse the hunters and colonizers and protect the indian tribes. As only the native people used to know him, the eroupean explorers didn't knew he had his feet turned to back, so they alway followed his footsteps to the wrong side and end up lost in the dangerous wild forests.
2. Cuca
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Here is one of the most famous Brazilian witches, and yes! She is an alligator. Not a crocodile, these are from other places, much like Africa and central/north-america. In Brazil we only have aligators, thank godess! (And no, they are not the same animal!). On the oposite of us, very lovely witches, Lady Cuca is a very, very mean sorceress. She has a monstruous voice and is in one of our most popular lullabies. Her purpouse is to kidnap mean children when they don't sleep at night and eat'em. She has a big cauldron through which she can see anything.
The song says "sleep, little baby! Or Cuca is gonna get you! Your mother is at the farm and your daddy is gonne to work". As you may notice, the song is supose to be sang by Lady Cuca herself. Very scary for a baby, right?
Obs: The cuca is only represented as an alligator by Monteiro Lobato in his tales, O Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo.
3. Boitatá
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Boitatá is the name of another ancient forest spirit. Its a giantic fire snake. It protects the woods from those who plans to destroy it, specialy if trying to burn it. It surely seems to be a very lovely creature, but anyone who looks at it gets immediately insane and blind. It has the power to turn into a burning trunk to fall on the harmers and kill them. (I guess probably because this way it can avoid getting possible inocent witness blind and crazy). Sometimes it might almost look like a perfect normal snake, but it's eyes are always on fire.
There is a big chance it's a she. A female snake.
4. A Mula Sem Cabeça (The Headless Mule)
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Poor thing! Attention here, girls! Any virgin girl who acept to marry a priest might end up like that. Once a virgin lady says yes to a man from the church and acept his engagement ring, she becames a headless mule. The ring turns into a collar arond the animal's neck. And she can only turn back into a human if someone takes it of. Too bad there's always a huge flame coming out of it, so hot that no one is able to get close. In other versions, if a lady has sex with a priest she becames a headless mule.
5. Saci Pererê
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No one is sure if there is one or more of those. But at least one we all have met. This guy is a very fun fella. He has one less leg and jumps arond in his red clothes and his magic red hat, "carapuça" in portuguese (it's a special kind of hat and he can take anithing out if it). He can also travel trough whirlwinds, small ones usualy. The thing is that he takes a lot of dirty and leafs whit him, that's for sure. His hobbies are changing sugar and salt's places so everyone in the house have sweet beans and salty coffee. And stealing things from people, specially pipes, he loves pipes! Enough said, he is a trickster (or they are). He enjoys making a mess, but he also can bring lots of help if you make frinds with him, but, to be honest, he would trick you anyways. In moonless nights, far away from the city, you can hear him whistle and laugh!
6. Lobisomem (Werewolf)
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As in other cultures people turn into werewolves from another werewolves bites and other contagious metods, in Brazil we believe that a werewolf borns when a couple after having seven daughters has the first son. Seven older sisters might get anyone angry but in this case its a little more complicated. Every full moon, the werewolf gotta run troght seven cemiteries, seven crossroads and seven church's yards. In his human days he feels always very sick and dizzy, tends to get drunk all the time because off the pain and confusion. Even in our culture the only way to kill him is a silver bullet, but we have a special secret: the way to cure him. Covering a bullet in a church's altar candle's wax and shoting (in a non-fatal spot, obviouly)! If trying, I wouldn't recomend a silver bullet anyways.
7. Iara Mãe D'água (Iara, mother of the waters)
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We do have lots of mermaids in Brazil, but not all of them are royalty. Iara is a very beautiful mermaid princess, all tough we have countless beautiful beaches, she lives in the contry's rivers. She used to be a very powerful warrior indian, till the day her brothers decided to kill her because they were envy of her abilities. But as a great warrior she defeated them, killing each one. When her Dad found out what she did, he trown her into the river in a full moon night. The fishes, who admired her beauti, decided to save the girl turning her into a mermaid. Since then she reings in a underwater realm and spend her days singing to atract men and take them there. Or maybe she just kill'em, thats also a possibility.
8. Boto Cor-de-rosa (Pink river dolphin)
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The Amazonas river has a very special kind of sweet water dolphin that in portuguese we call "boto". But beyond the already amazing normal "botos" there is a even more special one. The pink dolphin. It is a very wise enchanted dolphin who in full moon nights can turn into a human. Trough this night he goes to parties and date the most beautiful ladies, almost always getting them pregnant. He dresses white clothes and is a very charming man, but in the next day he will desapear and never show up again. But that's just normal male behavior, no magic involved.
Yes, the pink river dolphins is a real brazillian animal and this is a real picture of it.
August 22
Is national folklore day in Brazil.
I hope you guys enjoyed the reading. Let me know if you want to learn more about brazillian culture.
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atsisweirdstuff · 3 years
Hi guys !
Hungary is in pretty deep shit right now, and I really want to ask your help. We are so close to have anought votes!
In a nutshell the government wants to make an anti-LGBTQ+ law and not let children under the age of 18 get any tipe of education about LGBTQ+ people. So I translated the petition what you can sign to help us.
Here it is ⬇️
"We don't want any Russian-style anti-LGBTQ+ law!
Evil is a policy what wants to sacrifice children’s lives for dominance in public discourse.
We call upon pro-government MPs to repeal the anti-LGBTQ+ laws what they copied from Russia!
We call on the members of the Hungarian parliament not to vote for the law! We said no to the government turning against its own citizens, only in favor of autocratic states!
The constitutional duty of the state to protect all children included the LGBTQ+ youth.
Fidesz's bill endangers the mental health of LGBTQ+ youth. 42% of Hungarian LGBTQ+ people have already thought about suicide, 30% have tried to commit it. They also have the right to receive the education and upbringing necessary for the full development of their personalitys: spiritual help arriving at the right time, sexual education and upbringing for family life. As the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg emphasized when condemning the Russian propaganda law, legislation such as that submitted by Fidesz only reinforces prejudice and homophobia, which is incompatible with the values ​​of democratic societies.
We do not want to live in a dictatorship, we do not want to live in a country where the authorities pose a threat to LGBTQ+ children, LGBTQ+ childcare services, those who stand with LGBTQ+ people, and civilians who provide spiritual help, legal aid and community cohesion to vulnerable groups, including LGBTQ+ people!
Why is this important?
The proposal of the Hungarian government, which would restrict freedom of speech and children's rights more than ever, is eerily similar to the propaganda law in Russia. Under the slogan of child protection, the government restricts the basic human rights of Hungarian LGBTQ+ people while failing to fulfill its real duty to protect children. Just a year ago, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child called on the Hungarian government to take action against LGBTQ+ childabuse by organizing awareness-raising programs about LGBTQ+ people in schools: these are now banned by the Russian-style propaganda law.
Let us not have any illusions about what the rapprochement with Russia and China can hold, not only for us, but also for the inhabitants of other countries that are economically exposed to the two superpowers. In Russia, in 2013, the so-called Propaganda Law, which, in addition to inciting hatred and incitement against the LGBTQ+ community, also makes scientific dialogues impossible to educate homosexuals and transgender people.Homo- and transphobia have continued to increase in the country since the law came into force: LGBTQ+ people cannot even publicly mention their sexual orientation or gender identity, thus increasing the stigma, stereotypes and invisibility surrounding sexual and gender minorities, and increasing discrimination, and suicide rates among LGBTQ individuals also increased."
petition here
Everything in hungarian and my personal opinion ⬇️
Firstly, of course I don't want to offend any Russian or Chinese people but seeing those parts too helps to give a better understanding.
Secondly I don't know if we can stop them.... The last time this happened they don't even cared about what people said. (They band trans people from changing name or gander troght the pandemic) What also makes me really angry that they doing this in pride month. This shows they don't even have anought spine to let others celebrate at least this one month.
So if you can please share this and help hungarian children not to fear what they are. Love you all<3 and sorry if I messed up somewhere troght the transliteration I worked really hard for hours with it.
In hungarian⬇️
*Gonosz az a politika, amely a közbeszéd uralása miatt képes feláldozni gyerekek életét.*
*Felszólítjuk a kormánypárti képviselőket, hogy vonják vissza az Oroszországról másolt LMBTQ+-ellenes törvényt!*
*Felszólítjuk a magyar országgyűlés tagjait, hogy ne szavazzák meg a törvényt!Nemet mondtunk arra, hogy a kormány a saját állampolgárai ellen forduljon, csak azért, hogy autokrata államok felé tetszelegjen!*
*Az állam alkotmányos feladata minden gyerek védelme, beleértve az LMBTQ+ fiatalokat is.*
*A Fidesz törvényjavaslata veszélyezteti az LMBTQ+ fiatalok lelki egészségét. A magyar LMBTQ+ emberek 42%-a gondolt már az öngyilkosságra, 30%-uk meg is kísérelte azt. Nekik is joguk van megkapni a személyiségük teljes kibontakoztatásához szükséges oktatást, nevelést: a megfelelő időben érkező lelki segítséget, a szexuális edukációt és családi életre nevelést is. Ahogyan a strasbourgi Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága az orosz propagandatörvény elmarasztalásakor hangsúlyozta: az ilyen jogszabályok, mint amit a Fidesz benyújtott, csak erősítik az előítéleteket és a homofóbiát, ami pedig összeegyeztethetetlen a demokratikus társadalmak értékeivel.*
*Nem akarunk diktatúrában élni, nem akarunk olyan országban élni, ahol a hatóságok fenyegetik az LMBTQ+ gyerekeket, az LMBTQ+ gyerekeknek szóló segítő szolgálatokat, azokat, akik önszerveződve állnak ki az LMBTQ+ emberekért, és azokat a civileket, akik lelkisegélyt, jogsegélyt, és közösségi összetartozást biztosítanak a sérülékeny csoportoknak, köztük az LMBTQ+ embereknek!*
*Miért fontos?*
*Az oroszországi propagandatörvényre kísértetiesen hasonlít a magyar kormány javaslata, amivel minden eddiginél keményebben korlátoznák a szólásszabadságot és a gyermekjogokat. A gyermekvédelem jelszava alatt korlátozza a kormány a magyar LMBTQ+ emberek alapvető emberi jogait, miközben nem tesz eleget valódi kötelességének a gyermekek védelmében. Az ENSZ Gyermekjogi Bizottsága pont egy éve szólította fel a magyar kormányt, hogy iskolai LMBTQ+ témájú felvilágosító programok szervezésével tegyen az LMBTQ+ gyermekek bántalmazása ellen: az orosz típusú propagandatörvénnyel most pont ezeket tiltanák be.*
*Ne legyenek illúzióink arról, hogy mit tartogathat az Oroszország és Kína felé közeledés nemcsak nekünk, hanem más, gazdaságilag a két szuperhatalomnak kitett ország lakosainak is. Oroszországban 2013-ban fogadták el az úgynevezett propagandatörvényt, ami az LMBTQ+ közösséggel szembeni gyűlöletkeltésen és uszításon kívül lehetetlenné teszi a melegséggel, transzneműséggel kapcsolatos tudományos párbeszédet és felvilágosító munkát is. A törvény életbe lépése óta az országban tovább nőtt a homo- és transzfóbia: LMBTQ+ emberek nyilvánosan meg sem említhetik a szexuális irányultságukat vagy nemi identitásukat, ami így a szexuális és nemi kisebbségeket övező stigmát, sztereotípiákat és láthatatlanságot növeli, nagyobb mértékű hátrányos megkülönböztetésnek vannak kitéve, és az LMBTQ+ személyek közötti öngyilkosság aránya is nőtt.*
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rahabq · 8 months
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