#literally fucking disgusting
weed-cat · 3 months
dickriding for celebrities that turn out to be fucking predators is soooo funny and pathetic. get away from me lol
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wiisagi-maiingan · 1 year
I'm all for natural remedies and traditional medicine, but I think when your "natural remedy" is based on the idea that water can become medicinal by being in the presence of a teeny itty bit amount of something, then it's probably bullshit and you're getting scammed. Go buy some ibuprofen or see a doctor.
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Armand and lestat definitely fucked and it's weird that people are saying lestat would be disgusted by the notion that they did it especially since lestat in the books talks about wanting armand biblically but not in a relationship cus he gives him da willies. Like is armand omitting stuff/spinning stuff so he looks as good as possible, especially contrasted to Lestats freaky ass? Yes! But so does louis and so will lestat (when we get to him) and daniel and literally everyone does it all the time it's called telling a story!
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matchamiko · 1 month
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Being sandwiched between them and the mattress, ass nestled in the cradle of their pelvis, thighs framing the outside of your hips. Deeeeep long strokes, the kind that have you sighing and moaning like a melody. Grinding hard and purposeful, big big hands fisting the sheets either side of your chest where the fat of your tits spill out from being squished into the bed. Hitting so good, hips dragging up your ass with every thrust, balls catching on your spread pussy, tacky with arousal. Makes you wanna bite the pillow by your head, makes you wanna scream and thrash, makes you wanna cry and sob; but all you can do is take it with glassy eyes and drool drying on your lips.
When they press their nose to the top of your head and breathe in your scent, when they turn your head to the side and pant against your cheek, when they struggle with keep such a long deep pace that they begin to shudder and they’re begging to hold on, begging you to just lay there and keep taking it. Kicking your legs wider, a broad hand spanning your hip to shove you back and back and back on to their quickening pace, their deepening pace. A usefulness only you can provide, a cock only you can take, yelps and gasping grunts only you can give. Smacking deep into your belly, hips loud against your ass, all gritted teeth and sneering winces when you cum loud and messy and creamy over their pubes. Shoving harder, taking harder, fucking you right down into the mattress like it’s their only business with you. You know it’s not, but right now, it’s all you want from them; to take and take and take.
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jvzebel-x · 9 months
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here's an update for all the "tOuRiSm iS fOr ThE pEoPlE" fucks. always remember that the second anyone steps foot on that land in the name of "tourism" or any other haole institution, that is colonizing&that person is a fucking explicit modern colonizer who made the conscious decision to be one and has spent a lot of fucking money on that trip to get their title. only that kine want more of their kin there-- don't pretend that shit is for anyone else.
drop dead of spontaneous combustion specifically, not even the sharks would want that pīlau fucking meat.
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butchmartyr · 5 months
wild as fuck how trans men on here can openly and flippantly accuse random innocent trans women of being pedos to drum up moral outrage against them quickly, and when people start to point out that hey, that’s insane, she’s never done or said anything like that, these shithead dudes are like “well she said something racist too or is into incest or raceplay or something else that’ll stick despite not being on any of her blogs so it’s like whatever” and then their audiences are just like ohhh ok and everybody forgets and forgives the blatant pedojacketing while keeping the fury of it after being mollified by whatever progressive sounding idpol they shit out. disgusting!
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lore-gore · 9 months
I think the reason us helluva boss/hazbin hotel fans get so defensive about criticism is because a lot of the "critics" just hate vivzie and the shows themselves. It's come to the point that any criticism for this show feels like an angry mob. In any other fandom I'm fine with criticism, but the fact that "critics" have said that they can't wait for viv's downfall + even wished that she died has made me hostile towards it. Haters have taken over the critique part of the fandom and turned it into a cesspool of disgusting rage. That level of hate towards a creator is unfathomable. Why do they think this is okay?
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inkskinned · 2 years
i hate how commodity and capitalism has ruined so much storytelling . i hate how sequels and prequels and whatever else all ring like merch sales; i hate that i as an author have to include any social media following i have as a marketable trait; i hate that everything feels like a xerox of a copy of a dream of a memory.
i hate that my nostalgia has been turned into profit. i hate that companies fear consumer backlash so no real commentary may be made; i hate that companies care more about quantity over quality. i hate that so many artists and creators are being overworked to the point of complete collapse rather than being allowed to tell the story their way. i hate that every point of representation has to be fought for. i hate it i want us all to go back to living in a cave .
when you sit with friends over a bonfire and the night is getting long and people start telling this slow, almost hypnotic story - in this quiet voice, like they don't expect you to listen while they say the most fucked up shit you've ever heard - that is storytelling. who cares if the punchline is car hand hook door. storytelling has always been about community, about us all sitting in the dark, choosing to fill the silence while the last embers are dying. we forgot that storytelling is spellwork. hallucinating together, our breaths held, waiting for the ending we already knew was coming.
#this is specifically due to my rage and undying hatred of megacorporation#disney.#and specifically bc i think there COULD have been a really good series of new#dinosaur island t rex movies#if they had just fucking gone the distance#stopped with the fucking bad CGI#and made the whole thing about late-stage capitalism#do you wanna know what would ACTUALLY sell and work on the big screen more than a trex screaming in front of a volcano#(u absolute jerkweeds)?#so they've rebuilt the island and the park. but the narrative is 100%#that nobody wants to fucking work there and it feels AT BEST cult-like and insular. nobody is paid well for this#at EVERY possible place they are cutting corners. the dinosaurs might have higher walls#but the handlers are paid 5.34 an hour due to island laws. the corporation has RFID tags in their costumes which they are forced to wear#the employees are not allowed to drink water in 120 degree heat bc it would be upsetting to guests#u know real things i experienced working for disney#(but it was 8.90)#anyway it turns out the park CEO knew the risks and just didnt care bc bottom line BAYBEE.#it would be so much more sobering and fucking GOOD if it was like. scientists being like ''i am an environmental scientist''#''after the epa was slashed this is literally the only job i could find. i literally HAD to take it or i couldn't feed my family.''#''i hate what i do. i am disgusted by it. i literally CANNOT STOP because the company also charges us 400 dollars a week to live here''#the dinosaurs escape EARLY in my movie. like minute 45. and then... 1 week later#the park reopens.#half the staff are missing. they're just fucking gone. it doesn't matter tho the company tells everyone to work 2x as hard#that those people weren't loyal enough or they are tragic heroes bc they died doing what they love#and the movie isn't like ''wow dinosaurs scary!!!'' it's...#that in a global fucking pandemic disney kept sacrificing employees.#but it'll be disguised bc the pandemic will be dinosaurs.#this my beloved is what we call an ALLEGORY but unfortunately certain companies have never heard of them#allegories require critical thinking and that doesn't test well with audiences
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puddleofpins · 7 months
people who misgender g3 Frankie while “critiquing” g3 designs and then ignore everyone correcting you in your comments, I’m swinging at you with my sword.
A popular media franchise makes a they/them-using nonbinary protag and it’s actually canon and they still can’t get any respect.
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svnflowermoon · 12 days
y'all go from being feminists to tearing these women down within seconds oh my god it's 2024 can we please stop viciously tearing one woman down to bring another up i don't care what side you take but saying vile shit about either woman and their music is disgusting, please grow up
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
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Hey hello!
Here are some colored doodles of the fun little DHMIS bodyswap idea thought up by the very fun, very smart @escargon! I did them way back when and wanted to finish them up to add to the fun lol.
It was sooo much fun to draw and I hope I made it clear whos who by the body language/dialogue but if not! I put a helpful little diagram in there. Also,as well, I think if Duck had access to a relatively-normal sized body like Reds’ that duckman is dressing up and NO ONE can stop him. So that’s the last two.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 3 months
One thing I think many gloss over when it comes to Godzilla is the motivation and personality of each iteration, and how their design reflects that.
Shin is a being of pure agony, a living cancer that kills and destroys as much as it can out of pure rage and hatred at its own existence and those who made it be so. Over the film, it goes from what looks like a dead shark to a monster with razors for teeth and eyes of pure suffering and hate.
Minus One is basically hate personified, a monster that somehow manages to hold a deep personal rage against each and every individual member of humanity. It's hatred runs so deep that it commits actions just to terrify and kill. And it's design forces a terrifying glare, one so viscous you'd believe it really hates you personally.
Monsterverse is more of a disgruntled hero. He kinda gives the vibe of a dude who stands in the corner at a party acting like he doesn't want to be there. He has specific motivations in taking down particular kaiju, motivations that are often confused for attacks. He does what he needs to do and retreats back to the ocean when he's done. And he looks consistently miffed. A face that does lean into a menacing rage when necessary.
Classic goji is, like most iterations, an already existing being from the sea, enraged at the destruction of its home and mutation of itself. It has come to simply destroy, destroy all that has allowed this to occur. It causes hurt and suffering, agony and destruction all in its shared pain and rage. Its design is literally shaped like a mushroom cloud since, yknow, nuke mutation.
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thechaotichorselord · 3 months
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aftg taylor swift au
hear me out:
instead of being trained in exy, mary convinces the moriyama that they could use nathaniel as a foothold in the music industry. instead of little league, nathaniel wesinisnski gets music and singing lessons
when he turns 15 the moriyama as change his name to neil josten to avoid any ties with the butcher and he releases his debut album. he goes to high school near edgar allen, and was introduced to kevin + riko a while ago and is decent friends with them.
by the time fearless comes out, he is enrolled in edgar allen for music. riko gets more possessive and toxic once an official ravens member, and neil tries to cling on to kevin to escape.
neil meets andrew in his speak now era. riko had dragged him to the first fall banquet as his date, and when neil finally slipped away from the crowds he found andrew minyard. when neil introduces himself, andrew sarcastically says, “enchanted.” as they talk more (not at all bc andrew thought the blue eyed red haired singer was interesting, no) neil jokes that he’ll write a song about andrew so popular he’ll never be able to escape it. when speak now comes out, andrew swore he wouldn’t listen to it but he say a song titled enchanted and his stomach twisted. listening to the song was like a punch in the gut, and neil got the last laugh because the song did in fact haunt him (get the pun?)
after neil’s growing popularity ichirou is getting interested in neil and red is the fall out of that
1989 is neil dealing with riko breaking kevin’s arm and kevin leaving neil behind to go to the foxes. (this album is so them coded, all you had to do was stay, now that we don’t talk, i know places, is it over now, say don’t go)
reputation is after a shitshow. the foxes beat the ravens, riko is dead, and it was revealed to the public who neil’s father is, mb bc he got kidnapped or something. he reconnects with kevin, and by proxy andrew. they fall in love and reputation is born, the rest is history.
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divinebunni · 1 year
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yet another minor like i am so fucking sick of this shit and the lack of investigation that doesn’t go behind these blogs when i report them to be taken down, every one of the disgusting fucks deserve worse than jail but yet they get to stay and continue their harassment and sexualization of CHILDREN. this child is sending nudes, getting drunk, i mean i just don’t have the words or mental capacity.
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enby-on-fire · 6 months
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