#liss pace
philicheesecake · 8 months
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I have completed a character reference now WITH pronouns! I’ve noticed many readers have been mistaking my characters genders (especially Kaia) so hopefully this will fix that!
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taikanyohou · 2 years
I'm starting to get into working out/exercise and wondered if you had any tips for a beginner, like what kind of equipment should I get? And what's your work out routine? I'd appreciate any advice!
hiiiii anon!!!!!
so i have days where i workout at the gym and days where i workout at home. i'd say definitely during the winter months (so october - march) i workout at home, and i go to the gym more during the warmer months (apr - sept).
but it honestly depends on what your goals are. mine are, personally, fat loss and muscle gain. for that, i focus more on strength and muscle training, and less on cardio or hiit routines. so i split my week into 4 days where i do strength training, 1 day i do just cardio and i have 2 rest days.
rest days are so so soooo important i can't stress that enough!!!! your body needs it to heal!!! hence why i also do like to consider my cardio day a kinda rest day too, bc i do liss cardio training (low intensity - steady state), not hiit (high intensity - interval training). so i do things like going on the exercise bike for 40 miniutes with maximum resistance on it but i go slow, or i just go hiking or for a really long walk at a steady enough speed and incline to get my steps in (i live in a very hilly area so i just hit the hills!). hiit just doesnt work for me personally, but if you enjoy it, then by all means do it! its not that i dont do hiit at all, i just dont do it often.
okay, so for strength training. i would hiiiighly recommend you buy yourself a decent pair of sports gloves, bc you wanna protect your palms and the skin, and a thick yoga mat, to support and reduce the impact on your back and your knees. also, barbells. oh my god. i use my barbell more than i use my dumbells, bc it just helps my form more, and its better and easier to hold, manage, maintain and it supports me better. i also do use and have my own dumbells and kettle bells too.
in terms of the actual weight you're lifting, honestly, its a long, slow process. i lift heavier now but when i started strength training, about 3 odd years ago, i started off extremely light. and its honestly focusing more on your form and increasing your reps, then your sets, gradually than it is working your way up the weights rack. you've just gotta find a weight that's comfortable for you as a beginner, and then slowly build your reps up.
so for example, if i'm doing a bicep curl with a 5kg dumbell and it's my first time doing so, i'd do 2 sets of 8 reps. then 2 sets of 10 reps. then 3 sets of 6 reps. then 3 sets of 8 reps. then 3 sets of 10 reps. go slow and steady, always, and when you feel like you can push yourself a little more, then do so. and that will take as long as it will depending on your readiness.
for a single set, honestly i'd only recommend 10 reps max. not more than that. and in between your sets, rest!!!!!!! i rest for atleast 3 minutes between my sets. so if i'm doing leg day, i'll only focus and choose 6 exercises that i'll use my barbell with (e.g, rdls, wide squat, good mornings, goblet squat, reverse lunges and hip thrusts) and do 1 set of 10 reps of each exercise, then rest for 3 minutes, then go again, until i've done 4 sets of 10 and then i finish my workout.
i'd also say dont try to cram in 20 different exercises into one workout. instead choose between 6-10 for your intended body part (like legs), and just do them over and over for how ever many sets and reps you are doing, then finish. then the next day, choose 6-10 for your arms. then when you have leg day again, choose a different 6-10 than the ones you did the previous leg day. hence, you're constantly switching it up and you won't get bored either and you can focus more on working on your form at a slow and steady pace.
which is so important! go slow. there's no need to think about speed, bc that most likely will cause injury. and i suggest that your workout shouldn't even be 60 minutes long bc that's madness. 45 minutes MAX. and stretch!!!! stretch stretch stretch!!! if you go onto youtube and type in growwithjo stretching, she has GREAT videos for all round mobility and flexibility or cool down and recovery stretching. i just use them all the time.
finally, i'd say hydrate. like. your muscles NEED water. and more obviously, try to get some food in with more protein content and carbs in it as soon as you can within the hour after your workout. typically, i eat a banana and have an americano 90 minutes before i workout, and then after i workout, i have a protein shake with my dinner (which sometimes literally can be a big bowl of oats topped with whatever i desire along with my protein shake bc i workout in the evenings after work so i get suuuuuper lazy to cook sometimes!) yes your body needs the protein for muscle growth, but it needs carbs to replenish your glycogen stores that you've used up during your workout!
and please do not believe in this myth that you should workout in the morning. no, you can workout whenever you feel like and you CAN eat past 7pm. typically i workout more in the evening bc i'm only free then since i work, and by the time i finish eating and all that, its like 7.30pm. but i sleep soooo well when i workout in the evenings which really helps me since i've struggled with sleeping ever since i was 15. so its honestly up to you when you choose to workout.
i hope that helps! if you have anymore questions you can come and ask anytime!
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Well for a new url, it depends, how are you pronouncing your new name?
i pronounce it like "meph-ill-liss" but like with the same fast paced speech i usually have
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beyondmetaphysics · 2 years
There is a debate about which form of cardio is better. Is it HIIT (high intensity interval training, with short bursts of high exertion after intervals at a lighter pace) or is it LISS (low intensity steady state, with low exertion over greater time)?
Ultimately, the answer is: the best cardio is the cardio you will do. I hate HIIT. I don’t mind high exertion during weight training but I’m not interested in doing it during cardio. So for me, the answer is LISS. I am happy to do an hour a day LISS, but I wouldn’t want to do even half that time HIIT every day.
So even if there are studies that say HIIT is technically better, what does that really matter to the individual?
Do what works for you.
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bewitching-aria · 1 month
"level 1" exercise regimen
Exercise recommendations
General activity
I try to use 7k-10k steps as a rough ballpark of activity.
If I hit 7k steps, I find that to be acceptable.
If I hit 10k steps, I conclude that I am probably more active that day than usual.
Though going out of your way to increase your step count for the day doesn't really capture your total daily activity accurately, this kind of mindset is probably okay so long as you're not regularly taking extra steps to hit the target.
I think going for 5k+ steps is a good start.
Go on walks more, try pacing around instead of sitting around, etc.
Resistance training
Perform resistance training twice a week.
If physically attending a gym is inconvenient, I recommend r/bodyweight fitness's recommended routine, and tell you to:
Eat the ~$30 L and buy a pull-up bar (yes, you could just use bedsheets/towels and a door, but I found this to be incredibly annoying.)
Use a backpack and throw things in there as a means to add weight to exercises.
If attending a gym is convenient, I would recommend doing so over a calisthenics routine due to easier workout planning.
If the gym is very busy when you attend, that is reason enough to not go if it makes exercising unenjoyable.
I probably would generically recommend Jeff Nippard's Fundamentals Hypertrophy Program, which you can find online as a PDF, somehow, somewhere.
I have not used this program, but I have used his other programs, and generally recommend Nippard's work.
Your goal is to generally follow a double periodization approach per exercise. In each session, attempt to add weight to any of the major compound lifts that the program tells you to do:
Bench press
Overhead press
Lat pulldown
If you cannot add weight, add repetitions until you can do 5+ more than what you originally could, and then drop repetitions to the original while increasing weight.
For lifts that are isolation, you may not be able to add weight every session, so follow the repetition adding advice here.
Go to failure on your last set.
This is just so you can more realistically track how much more you can do.
Track your lifts!
Phone, print it out and use pen and paper, etc.
Generic intensive exericse
Perform generic exercise once a week.
I highly recommend you find something that is a social activity, so you can link social recreation with exercise.
Rock climbing
Soul cycling
Dance classes
Ball sport
If not, I recommend you do something LISS, which I would define loosely as activity that requires effort output, but not something that completely gasses you out.
Try to go for half an hour.
Moving to the point where talking is not easy, but I would not call challenging.
This could be jogging or walking.
Dietary recommendations
I personally think diet models are not really necessary early on unless:
Macro level body changes are the first priority, rather than strength or exercise outcomes. That is, fat loss is preferred over anything else.
You personally think the inclusion of a diet model would improve the adherence of your exercise model.
Macro-nutritional recommendations.
I find that hitting the protein intake requirements that maximize muscle protein synthesis in literature (1g of protein to 1lb of body mass, lean mass if the goal is to lose fat) to be generally difficult to achieve in a typical diet without an isolated protein source, so I recommend you incorporate an isolated protein source, and naturally modify the rest of your diet.
If you workout in a period of time where you will not be eating around 2 hours of the workout (before OR after), this is probably the best time to consume your supplemental protein.
Otherwise, consume it during a period of time where you normally have a long (2+ hour) time frame where protein is not consumed.
By natural changes, I mean that if you find you are less hungry, just eat less lol
If you really have the desire to investigate, track just how much protein you consume in a day to see how much supplementation is necessary.
Micro-nutritional recommendations
As a general health guideline, consume your necessary micronutrients.
I think just to be safe, you should be taking vitamins anyways.
Supplementation recommendations.
If you want to supplement, creatine monohydrate is probably the only one I think is worth taking.
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alexie-writes · 2 months
Extra Ordinary Chapter 12
A/N: We're almost to the point where we head out to the academy!! Just a couple more chapters now!!
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Chapter 12: Missing
Not long after, a social worker showed up and decided that Michael would stay with Ostin and Essie and their family for the time being, as the Lisses already had permission from the state to be guardians. Michael was released from the hospital not long after, as he had no serious injuries.
As the group walked back into the Liss’ apartment, Mrs. Liss stopped them. “Michael, honey, you can get your things and bring them over. You three will share a room for the time being.”
“I’d like to stay in my own room for now, if that’s okay.” Michael answered softly.
Mrs. Liss took a minute to think about it. “It is just down the hall. I guess that’ll be alright. Take this with you.” Mrs. Liss took a bag of red licorice from the pantry, hanging it to Michael. “It will help.”
“Thanks.” Michael said, not looking at any of them.
Essie reached over to try to comfort him, but he moved away.
“Want Essie or me to come over with you?” Ostin asked, looking up at Michael.
“Thanks, but not now.” Michael said with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Ostin nodded. “We understand.”
Michael walked out of the door to go to his apartment. Ostin went to the kitchen to get a snack while he decided to reread one of his many books, and Essie told no one in particular that she was going to take a shower.
She grabbed a change of clothes from her and Ostin’s shared room, and walked into the restroom. She closed the door, looking at her exhausted face in the mirror. In the past two days, they had found out an evil corporation was after them, their friend’s mom went missing, and their friend ended up in the hospital. She wasn’t sure what could happen to make this worse.
About a half hour later, Essie left the restroom, finally feeling somewhat better. She was in her room, getting out her journal to write in, when there was a knock at the door. She got to the door at the same moment as Ostin, who had chosen a toaster strudel as a snack, holding it in one hand as he opened the door with the other. They looked up to see a terrified looking Michael standing in front of them on the other side of the doorway.
“What’s wrong?” Ostin asked, looking like he was trying to figure out how this could’ve possibly gotten worse.
“They’ve got Taylor.” Michael answered in a shocked whisper, as he motioned for them to follow him immediately. They ran down the hall to Michael’s apartment as fast as they could without it seeming too weird.
As soon as they closed the door, Michael began to explain, “Mr. and Mrs. Ridley showed up a few minutes after I got back here. I thought that they were here about my mom, but they asked if I knew where Taylor was.”
“Taylor was kidnapped, too?” Essie asked, already knowing the answer.
Michael nodded. “She never came home yesterday. Apparently someone pretending to be her texted them saying she was running away, and to not look for her. Then they were texted ‘tell Michael I’ll be seeing him soon.’”
Ostin paled. “So when Maddie texted her yesterday…”
“It was someone else. She was already gone.” Michael said.
Essie put a hand over her mouth, trying not to feel any more sick. “What are we going to do?” She whispered.
“I don’t know. We have to figure something out.” Michael said, pacing the living room.
Ostin sat on the couch, trying to think of any way to fix this.
Essie pulled out one of her notebooks and sat down at the kitchen table where they’d celebrated Michael’s birthday three days ago. She began to try to plot out some kind of idea, scratching out her ideas every few minutes, becoming more and more frustrated with how stupid every one of them seemed.
After the third crossed out page, she noticed the page began to get blurry, and she began to cry softly, putting away her notebook. She wasn’t going to figure this out that easily, and definitely not while she was crying too much to see her notes.
After a little over an hour of the three of them discussing and formulating their questions and ideas, Ostin had a realization.
Michael spoke, still pacing the living room, “I just don’t get it, how did they know who I am? How did they know about our powers?”
“That’s it!” Ostin shouted, causing Essie to jump in her chair.
“What’s it?” Asked Essie and Michael simultaneously.
Ostin jumped off of the couch, looking at the two of them. “I’ve been trying to figure out why they came after you at all. You weren’t looking for those records. It’s because they don’t care about the records.” He said, looking at Michael with a grin on his face.
Essie looked at him in confusion. “What do you mean they don’t care about the records? Why would they have systems in place to check if someone looks them up if they don’t care?”
“They’re not trying to hide the information about what their machine did. They’re looking for the survivors. And when they found Taylor, they found you!” Ostin said, pointing at Michael.
“Wait, I thought we established that they were looking for survivors? They seem to have powers, I thought we knew that?” Essie was getting more and more confused as this conversation progressed.
“What do you mean, ‘we knew that,’ Essie? Just, these guys have the records of every baby who survived. If they all have powers, like Essie apparently put together without telling us, then that could be worth billions.” Ostin said, shooting a look at his cousin.
“That’s a big ‘if,’” Michael said, trying to stop the two from arguing before it started.
“Is it? You said the other kid, Zeus, shocked your mother, right? So we know there’s at least one other… mutant. The only other people we know who were born at that hospital at the time have electrical powers. So, statistically, we’re batting a thousand. There were seventeen children who survived. Maybe they all have powers.” Ostin paused for effect, hitting the palm of his hand with his fist. “It was a fake. The entire thing with the gunman was a fake. It was a test.”
“That’s one fucked up test.” Essie said, scowling at the floor.
“Why would they do that?” Michael asked, looking at Ostin.
“Because you don’t pick up an electric eel without getting shocked. They had to see what you could do. You said the man in sunglasses appeared after you shocked the gunman, right?” Ostin asked.
“Yeah. He said, ‘well done, Michael.’” Michael stopped pacing, standing in the center of the room. “You might be onto something. He knew my name and what I did. And Clyde…”
“Hold up. Clyde?” Essie said, looking like she had no idea where the conversation was going.
“The gunman, he looked really nervous, like he didn’t want to be there. He was shaking like crazy. And his gun didn’t even have bullets.” Michael looked at the ground. “But then why did they take my mom and not me?”
“They probably wanted to take both of you, but didn’t get to. We came back outside pretty quickly.” Essie said. “They were gone by the time we got there. They didn’t have the time to get you too.”
“So they’re probably still looking for me.”
“They don’t have to.” Ostin corrected him.
“Why wouldn’t they?”
“They have your mother. They know you’ll come looking for them. Whoever took your mom took Taylor. So if we can find one of them, we can find the other.”
Michael looked up suddenly. “I think I know where Taylor is.”
“The academy.” Michael ran back into his room, returning with the brochure that he’d gotten from Taylor the previous day, handing it to Ostin. “Here. It’s got to be the place. Or at least it’s connected.”
Essie walked over to the two of them to get a look at the brochure.
Ostin looked up at Michael. “I think you’re right. I’m betting that the Elgen Academy is really just for kids with electrical powers.”
Michael considered it. Why else would a school only take seventeen students? “You could be right.”
“Now what?”
“We tell the police.”
“No. Absolutely not. There’s no way they’d ever believe us we’re three teenagers with what sounds, at best, like a conspiracy theory. At best they’ll laugh at us.” Essie shut the idea down.
“Why would they do that?”
“Think about it. Three teenagers walk into a police station and tell them that a secret agency is kidnapping mothers and cheerleaders?” Ostin answered.
“It sounds like a bad joke.” Essie added.
“But we have proof,” Michael said, looking annoyed.
“No, we have a hunch and some articles on the internet. They'll think we’re crazy. And even if we somehow convinced them to look into it, this is a multibillion-dollar company. If they find anyone snooping around, they’ll just move your mom and Taylor to some place else and then we’ll have nothing.” Ostin began pacing. “We need to know more about our enemy. But it’s not like they’re going to have a Facebook profile. Where do we learn more?”
“Clyde, the gunman,” Michael said.
“But he’s in jail.”
“Lieutenant Lloyd could get us to him.”
Ostin stopped pacing. “Why would he do that?”
“He said their first interrogation was worthless. Maybe I can convince him that I might be more effective.” Michael took out a business card. “I’m going to call him.” He said, walking over to the landline.
Essie tried to make sense of the half of a conversation that she could hear from Michael, before he hung up the phone. “So? What’s the consensus?”
“He wants to talk to his partner.” Michael answered.
The three waited anxiously next to the phone for about ten minutes until it rang, making Essie nearly jump out of her skin.
Michael answered and spoke for another couple of minutes before hanging up again. He turned to the other two. “We’re in.”
Essie gave him a high five, grinning.
“Well done. You know, you could always just shock Clyde again.” Ostin said.
“Maybe not, considering interrogation rooms have both film and audio recordings, so that would cause more problems if anyone noticed.” Essie stated.
Michael shook his head, looking serious. “The man helped kidnap my mother. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes.”
Essie nodded in understanding. “Please just stay safe.”
A/N: I am a bit upset that I don't get to write about Taylor and Tara's meeting, it's one of my favorite parts. However, this is from Essie's pov, so it couldn't be helped.
Taglist: @sam-vey
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crestfitness · 8 months
What are the benefits of going slow on an elliptical machine?
Going slow on an elliptical machine, also known as low-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardio, can offer several benefits, depending on your fitness goals and preferences:
Reduced Impact: Going slow on an elliptical machines minimizes the impact on your joints, making it a low-impact exercise. This is especially beneficial if you have joint issues or are recovering from an injury.
Longer Duration: Since you're moving at a slower pace, you can often sustain your workout for a longer duration. This can be helpful for building endurance and burning calories over an extended period.
Fat Burning: LISS cardio primarily targets fat as a source of energy. When you exercise at a lower intensity for a longer time, your body relies on fat stores for fuel, making it an effective way to burn fat.
Stress Reduction: Slower, steady-state cardio can be less mentally taxing compared to high-intensity workouts. It can be a great option for those who want to reduce stress and enjoy a more leisurely workout.
Recovery: If you've had a strenuous workout the previous day or are recovering from intense exercise, a slow elliptical session can serve as active recovery, aiding in muscle repair and reducing soreness.
Beginner-Friendly: Low-intensity elliptical workouts are excellent for beginners who are just starting their fitness journey. They provide a gentle introduction to cardio exercise and can help build a fitness base.
Heart Health: LISS cardio can help improve cardiovascular health by gradually increasing your heart rate and enhancing heart function without the intense stress of high-intensity workouts.
Consistency: Since low-intensity workouts are less physically demanding, they may be easier to incorporate into your daily routine. Consistency is key to achieving long-term fitness goals.
Injury Prevention: By avoiding high-impact movements and abrupt changes in intensity, you reduce the risk of injury during your workout.
Active Recovery: Slow elliptical workouts can be an effective way to recover from more intense training sessions. They help increase blood flow to muscles, aiding in recovery.
It's essential to note that the benefits of going slow on an elliptical machine may vary depending on your fitness level, goals, and individual preferences. To achieve the best results, it's advisable to incorporate a variety of workout intensities and types into your fitness routine, combining LISS cardio with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or strength training for a well-rounded fitness program. Additionally, always consult with a healthcare provider or fitness professional to determine the most suitable exercise routine for your specific needs and goals.
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theskyexists · 8 months
Found out the curse of chalion has a sequel!!! Very well-written of course.
Romances in it always a bit questionable I thought. Very much so. Based in basically nothing and also huge age gap. And now again though less pronounced and the writer makes the girl lose the race just to infuriate the guy because he didn't actually win that way. Why not JUST LET HER WIN. Why not make it clean why do these dynamics have to be fraught and shit. I know the society is sexist but my god.
I guess winning wouldn't have hammered home that he was being a stupid ass. But damn. If this writer pairs Liss off with Ferda OR Foix though Foix might be better, I will certainly have to idk. Be mad about it
Why should Ferda fetch Liss when she's been given LEAVE
But anyway, the god talk is much heavier and less subtle but still such a pleasing system that I like it.
Loving how cynical and bitter Ista is about the gods. And they sure deserve it!
Now THIS romance is looking better.
Does suck that the best characters, Liss, Dy Cabon and even Foist are split off from the pov
Well... The bastard seems weirdly sexually harrassy
Ista is VERY taken with Liss. More taken with her than anyone ever - she enjoys her spirit her body her wits her energy and even her voice. When she hates everybody else or is indifferent to them lol. But I guess she just gotta find the man who makes her laugh -_-
Truly we got the Bastard but zero lesbians.
Is she really gonna get her romance with Illvin...
Yeah... The brothers trade life-time...ah Catti can manipulate Arhyns body this way...
So Illvin. Some random dude in bed is gonna be the man who makes her laugh cos he's smart and makes jokes.
Yep I knew it. Arhys took the dagger and Catti transferred the wound to Illvin. Does Arhys know though. Probably not.
Damn what is Ista thinking. Clearly Illvin is talking about sorcery. The woman had a demon and attempted to rape Arhys then marry him with magic - but Illvin prevented it. Then somehow the knife got into Arhys
The narrative seems to scoff at Catti for her grief - as something childish. Illvin nor Arhys cries. As though losing your most beloved brother is nothing. Maybe in a world where the afterlife is proven beyond doubt it really is almost nothing...
Glad Ista continues to rightfully criticise the fucking gods
Foix really is a fool for using his magic and quadruple the fool to not consider it a terrible fucking violation to meddle with Liss's mind for his own sexual benefit. God fucking damn. Why the fuck does he need to be told this. He was supposed to be smart
Once again, Ista and every other character spits on Catti for her grief. They don't see her strength of will and willingness to go to the very ends for Arhys or her emotion as anything but an annoyance and unwise. Even Ista who recognises it as her own, is repulsed by it. The narrative never considers whether Catti might indeed be brave and deeply human for doing everything in her power to keep the man she loves alive.
I would. Has the author ever felt real grief - to present it with such disdain ?
They don't even bind her wound.
This is less well-written than the first book. Not because of the attitude towards grief but because of the languid pace
When is Ista going to realise any kind of fucking power to stand up against these damn sorcerers. If they can snap bowstrings, start fires etc. Then they can bring down the fortress no problem
If all your shit starts breaking and rotting and rusting and becoming sick you're pretty much done for in a siege
Everybody is dying before anyone even started fighting in ONE DAY
So I guess author needed Ista to be depressed for Illvin to shoot his shot. But damn. Why is he the one to be like: hey maybe your sight could be USEFUL. She made a point of it herself that Arhys could not be touched by magic. There's so much repetition in this also, as though the reader cannot be trusted, though the dialogue is pleasant.
What. Ista didn't even give Catti any time to reconsider. What the fuck. I HATE how the main character and the author treat her. Give her a choice but not the patience to parse it, to work through her grief, to grab on to the very last thing she can. FUCK these people. FUCK ista and fuck the author. She really HASNT experienced grief the way Catti has. Bitch
I don't like it as much : how the gods work through Ista as they did through Cazaril. Because Cazaril was unaware and he chose wholly by himself it seemed..while Ista is poked and prodded and gifted all the time. Here she simply meets a god who gives her a gift and all is solved.
How can she intimidate demons so much when she doesn't seem to be able to make any good on her threats.
In a world where dying is coming home to your benevolent parents - it would indeed be silly to fight so enormously in the face of death as Catti does. She didn't even let her say goodbye. Only because she couldn't instantly switch tracks. What a fucking bitch. The kid is only in her early twenties
But now they haven't even tied her up even though she's a goddamn sorcerer
In a way, this sure seems a kinder way of doing war...
Ah yes the ligature and ability to direct life energy.
Kind of annoyed and sad that the Bastard is such a fucking perv
She's like: Liss you shouldn't come bc your soul will get eaten. But let's Illvin come...
Again, a bit sad that Ista"s main opponents are relentlessly other women who she disdains for one or other reason. Wouldn't be a problem of course if there were so many others whom she might respect
I understand Arhys wanted a good death in battle but dude...if they'd NOT attacked the sorcerers and instead had Ista take Joens demon and its tied demons then the sorcerers might have all lived. I guess Ista needed her soul dilated first by the Father of Winter or something. Before she could ... Eat souls? Why would that be?
Creepy how the Bastard implies the gods drink human souls.
Somehow she perfectly saved Catti's soul but not these.
???? She leaves Foix's demon?????
Ista somewhere along the way went from: I FUCKING HATE THE GODS AND I CANT EVEN ESCAPE THEM IN DEATH. To : to become a ghost and disappear is awful - never considering it for herself. And wanting the Bastards heaven.
FOIX actually achieved demon balance??? So that's fucking possible??? By not plundering its power or getting eaten? So all along it was possible for the demon to exist in the world without it eating a soul dead?
So only the men fell sick? And the women could do archery all along?
There's also how sordso the sot is made fun of for his poetry ...would be good if they could convert the whole of Jokona to the Quintarian model. The extreme gender roles in this do sit a little URGK with me especially because they are almost cosmologically prescribed.
Guess my god would be the Bastard, because I couldn't even BE a dedicat of the Daughter - as thats for ...men. lol. At least the warriors. Don't know what other dedicats are out there.
There's a pronunciation guide. I never really have trouble with pronunciation I always feel like Dutch makes fantasy pronunciation and also approximations of Japanese pronunciation very easy and intuitive.
Fascinating really that their solution for stopping the war is now to continue the war and defeat the Roknari. Why not aim for another marriage... It's the same argument Hero made - that only Empire can bring peace. But that is such fucking bullshit...but maybe peace is a lie.
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philicheesecake · 2 years
It would be nice to see the happy trio of the Warren family. The guy himself and his two sisters.
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meeorganic · 1 year
30 Minute Stairmaster Workout – Burn Fat Fast!
Are you looking for an effective and time-efficient way to burn fat and get in shape? Look no further than the StairMaster! This machine is a popular choice for cardio workouts, and with the right workout routine, you can achieve incredible results in just 30 minutes.
Here's a 30-minute StairMaster workout that will help you burn fat fast:
Warm-up (5 minutes) Start your workout with a 5-minute warm-up on the StairMaster. Begin at a slow pace and gradually increase your speed and resistance to get your heart rate up and prepare your body for the workout ahead.
Interval Training (15 minutes) Interval training is a highly effective way to burn fat and increase your cardiovascular endurance. For this portion of the workout, alternate between 30 seconds of high-intensity climbing and 30 seconds of rest or slow-paced climbing.
Start with a moderate resistance level and increase the resistance as you get comfortable with the workout. Make sure to keep your core tight, engage your glutes and quads with each step, and drive through your heels for maximum effectiveness.
LISS Cardio (10 minutes) Low-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardio is a great way to burn fat and improve your cardiovascular endurance without putting too much stress on your body. For this portion of the workout, maintain a steady pace at a moderate resistance level for 10 minutes.
Cool-down (5 minutes) Finish your workout with a 5-minute cool-down on the StairMaster. Gradually reduce your speed and resistance to bring your heart rate back down and allow your body to recover.
Tips for Success To get the most out of your 30-minute StairMaster workout, follow these tips:
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to stay hydrated and maximize your performance.
Focus on form: Make sure to maintain proper form throughout the workout to avoid injury and get the most out of each step.
Increase resistance gradually: Don't be afraid to increase the resistance level as you get more comfortable with the workout. This will help you continue to challenge yourself and burn more fat.
Listen to your body: If you experience any pain or discomfort during the workout, slow down or take a break as needed.
In conclusion, the StairMaster is a highly effective machine for burning fat and improving your cardiovascular health. By following this 30-minute workout routine and incorporating it into your regular exercise routine, you can achieve incredible results in no time. So, get climbing and burn fat fast!
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fumpkins · 2 years
Can you lose weight by walking?
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Can you lose weight by walking? All physical activity, including walking, burns fat and this can help you lose weight. And the more and faster you walk, the more calories you’ll torch. Whether you’re pounding the pavement or striding it out on one of the best walking treadmills (opens in new tab), walking is a wonderful workout when it comes to weight loss. 
Walking, particularly outdoors, has so many physical and mental health benefits. A study published in Frontiers in Endocrinology (opens in new tab) found that doing 7,500 steps a day (3,000 at a brisk pace) could be enough to prevent type 2 diabetes. And further research in Fronteirs in Psychology (opens in new tab) found that exposure to natural environments and green spaces has been associated with lower levels of stress and depression.
“Walking, especially in nature, uses just enough brain power that you actually switch off, which is why you can often walk somewhere and not think about anything, almost forcing mental relaxation,” says personal trainer Rachael Sacerdoti, founder of It’s So Simple (opens in new tab). 
“This makes it the perfect Low Impact Steady State (LISS) exercise and ideal for everyone – walking for a long period causes less damage to the body, soothing the parasympathetic nervous system without overstressing it.”
For safe and sustainable weight loss, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (opens in new tab) recommends people lose one to two pounds a week. Read on to find out how much walking you need to do to achieve your weight loss goals.
Can you lose weight by walking?
(Image credit: Getty)
“Walking is one of the best methods for losing weight, as it is low impact meaning there is less stress on the joints and therefore lower risk of injury,” says Lily Chapman nutritionist for P3RFORM (opens in new tab).
“The amount of calories you burn will depend on your personal stats such as your height, body weight, body fat percentage, and how briskly you walk. As a general rule, you will burn more calories if your heart rate is higher, and someone who is less fit will generally have a higher heart rate and therefore burn more calories. 
“Because walking is a more comfortable exercise than running or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), many individuals will be more likely to keep up the habit. In general, you do need to be in a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. If you are burning calories by walking, you won’t need to overly restrict your diet, which means you’re more likely to be successful in losing weight long term.” 
A study published in the Journal of Nutrition (opens in new tab) found that ‘moderate walking enhances the effects of an energy-restricted diet on fat mass loss’. Chapman says: “An energy-restricted diet means the same thing as being in a calorie deficit, so this shows that walking could speed up the weight loss process when in a calorie deficit.”
How much walking do you need to do for it to be an effective weight loss tool?
(Image credit: Getty Images)
A study by the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders (opens in new tab) found that in two groups of women who walked 30 minutes a day or 60 minutes daily, both groups had ‘similar and significant beneficial changes’ in their health-related variables (i.e. weight loss). 
“What this shows is that even a short walk each day is enough to make significant changes to your body fat, blood pressure, and even cholesterol level,” says Chapman, and Sacerdoti agrees. “Walking is an excellent starter activity, especially for anyone who has been inactive.”
“To see better results, walking for an extended period of time at a faster pace than your normal walking rate will help you achieve better weight loss. If a long walk scares you, start with three 15-minute walks a day,” Sacerdoti goes on to add. “Frequent short walks can provide benefits, too, and if you walk after you eat, it can help control your blood sugar levels.”
Are there ways to make walking more effective?
(Image credit: Getty)
The key to losing weight from walking is to walk fast enough or with enough intensity to burn fat for energy. And the bigger walks you do, the more you burn stored fat, instead of the sugars your body uses for energy. One way to make walking more effective is to add hills, climbs or do intervals. 
“Whatever you can do to increase the calorie expenditure is good,” says Sacerdoti. “Uphill walking is excellent for this, be it an incline on a treadmill, or a brisk walk up a hill – anything that gets your heart rate pumping a little faster will help you burn more calories. Also, walking at an incline reduces the impact on legs and joints. 
“Adding in some power walking intervals, 5-10 mins at a time, will also provide a larger calorie burn. Weighted vests are good as they will make your body work harder, which means more calories spent, but be sure that weight is evenly supported so as not to interfere with your posture – posture is very important for getting the most out of your walk.”
How can you squeeze more walking into your day?
Sacerdoti says: “Try getting off the train or bus a stop earlier, or walking the entire journey to work if the weather is good. Take the stairs at every opportunity you can – this is also excellent for your glutes. Meet up with friends for a stroll in the park and take lunchtime walks. Anything in nature will immediately boost your mood too, so it’s a win-win!”
As with any exercise, the key to being consistent is finding something that works for you. So mix things up with different types of walking workouts – intervals, hill climbs, short and fast walks, and long ones over different terrains. 
Sacerdoti adds: “As with any exercise, form is important. To get the best out of your walk, activate your core with your back nice and straight, shoulders square, and head up. 
“Engage your glutes with each stride, landing on your heels, rolling forward, and pushing off with your toes. It’s important to stay hydrated, and most definitely worth investing in a good pair of shoes to help improve posture and avoid injury. And don’t forget to stretch when you get back from your walk.”
And if walking isn’t really your thing, don’t worry! Our pieces on ‘is running good for weight loss? (opens in new tab)’ and ‘are exercise bikes good for weight loss? (opens in new tab)’ are brilliant if you’re looking for a suitable alternative to stay fit and healthy. 
Today’s best deals on walking shoes
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2022/06/26/can-you-lose-weight-by-walking/
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activedraw7 · 2 years
Verteporfin-Induced Severe Liver organ Failing
All risk factors were associated with the surge in Uncontrolled climaxes prevalence simply by statistical examination. PE can be underdiagnosed in children on long-term TPN. Respiratory V/Q scintigraphy is useful within the proper diagnosis of Delay an orgasm in kids which has a #Link# minimal pretest chance.Fourier change infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is actually widely used to study necessary protein second framework in both remedy plus your solid state. The actual FTIR spectroscopic strategy has additionally been applied as being a portrayal strategy by the biopharmaceutical sector to look for the higher buy composition of proteins therapeutics, and also to see whether virtually any changes in necessary protein conformation have happened because of alterations for you to process, formula, create, and also storage space circumstances. The results of these studies are typically a part of regulatory filings; when assessment is examined, the evaluation is often qualitative. To show that this strategy could be quantitative, which is suited to these kinds of intended uses, the precision and also level of responsiveness of the FTIR strategy ended up examined. The final results demonstrate that #Link# FTIR spectroscopic evaluation will be reproducible using suitable method precision, that is certainly, spectral likeness of replicate dimensions is larger when compared with 90%. The method may detect secondary constitutionnel modifications due to pH and also denaturant. The particular awareness from the method within detecting structurel modifications is dependent upon the actual degree with the modifications as well as their influence on the causing spectral likeness and attribute FTIR bands. The final results of these tests tend to be referred to in this paper. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Corporation. as well as the American Pharmacists Organization L Pharm Sci Hundred:4631-4641, Next yearYour beam positioning marketing (BOO) problem in depth modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) therapy arranging is often a nonlinear dilemma, and also current methods to get answers to the actual BOO problem are usually time intensive due to the complicated mother nature with the aim perform and also sized the answer #Link# place. These complaints become even more complicated altogether marrow irradiation (TMI), where many more supports is employed to hide a new significantly greater treatment area as compared to normal site-specific treatments (at the. h., head-and-neck, men's prostate, etc). These issues result in exceedingly prolonged computation periods to build up IMRT treatment strategies regarding TMI, and then we try and create methods that significantly minimize remedy preparing occasion. Many of us transform the actual BOO problem in the established established cover problem (SCP) and make use of active solutions to remedy SCP to get order options. Although SCP will be NP-Hard, our techniques receive ray options that will lead to quality treatment options in seconds. We all assess our own way of the integer encoding solver for the SCP as an example the pace good thing about the strategy.
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celluloyd · 6 years
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Muscle lisse unitaire 
Les léiomyocytes sont des cellules musculaires dont les protéines contractiles ne sont pas organisées sous forme de myofibrilles, ce qui leurs donnent au microscope optique un aspect non strié mais lisse : c'est pourquoi on parle aussi de cellules musculaires lisses. Ils peuvent être regroupés dans les tissus de façon unitaire ou multi-unitaire selon les relations entre les cellules.
Dans les muscles lisses unitaires, la lame basale (un isolant électrique) est discontinue entre les cellules, et ces dernières sont reliées par des jonctions communicantes (ou gap junctions) qui permet la libre circulation de ions et donc des dépolarisation membranaire d'une cellule à l'autre ce qui permet une synchronisation électrique de ces cellules, et donc des contractions. La dépolarisation se déplace de proche en proche dans les cellules ce qui créé une onde de contraction, qu'on appelle péristaltisme lorsque cela concerne un conduit (comme le péristaltisme digestif). Les muscles lisses unitaires sont des structures qu'on retrouve à certains muscles lisses comme ceux qui se trouvent sous les muqueuses (appareil digestif, urinaire et génital).
Ces schémas ont été faits pour mes ED du Tutorat à partir des cours que j'ai retranscrit quand j'étais en première année de médecine. Ma seule source est le professeur de l'époque, et je peux avoir mal compris certaines choses, faire des approximations fausses, etc même si je fais de mon mieux. Croiser les sources permet d'avoir des informations plus fiables. N'hésitez pas à commenter pour discuter des sujets abordés ! Schémas et explications faits entre 2015 et 2016.
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yukicustos · 3 years
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𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 .(Richard 'Rick' Gabrielle)
𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 .(Pinkitty)
𝗷𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗿𝘆 .(leather choker with a pendant in heart-shaped of flamingos#flambo /upper arm bracelet of two tail winding up#purri)
𝗸𝘄𝗮𝗺𝗶 .(flamingo[Flambo] & leopard[Purri])
𝘀𝘆𝗺𝗯𝗼𝗹 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼 .(leopard print & pink 'S')
𝗸𝘄𝗮𝗺𝗶 𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗽𝗵𝗿𝗮𝘀𝗲 .(Purri, haunting time! Flambo, alight!)
𝘄𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗻 .(harpoon with a silver tail-shaped hook.anchored in the back looking like a tail and a harness that when it is crouched it's used especially for climbing with a hot pink leopard stamp. the rope is made for climbing or used to approach targets, being able to detach duplicating itself creating more rope.)
𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 .(ACCELERATION;leopard kwami power, can run very fast as the speed of light. Leopard Kung Fu;a form of martial art that Rick learned in early age. CONNECTION;flamingo power kwami, when touching someone he can enter in the space of their minds and find the 'dreams'. these dreams have power objects where motivation/will power energy are imprinted. [headcanon] after hawk moth discovers that fear is more effective to control he could have many at his possession even when the akuma left. out there are more villains and they need more people who could recover wounds and make them remember who they are, love is the other side of fear, so they can find oneself and take back their control.)
𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗲𝘀 .(rick uses a method named "corde lisse" with his rope that magically can change to him specific needs. he uses both stealthy techniques and fast attacks to get close to opponents because of the powers of the flamingo kwami he needs to get close. so he uses the innate ability of camouflage.)
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rick is one of the closest coworkers that helps the promotion of the newest creations of gabriel agreste and the most reliable to make those articles, photographic director to those very knowledgeable fashion magazines. his fast-paced to catch the perfect place, all things will unfold doing many tasks at once. always looking adrien with that kind of gazing waiting when this innocent boy will put the claws out. it's like a kind of animal guide relationship, a mentor, a totem.
"adrien, you has to go with me to some parties around paris. you don't know the pleasures of life! your father don't know the fun things of life. i can show you things that will enchant you in ways that you never will have a need to hide your true nature on those walls again."
"what's the matter with you? why you have such a serious face?" teasing and insinuating to take a few bites of him with growls when they're testing things in those studios room.
"rick! you know i have to act like that when my father is around." richard takes a discrete look.
"he's not even looking over here. c'mon boy, shake it off!" making a dramatic statement and adrien is rolling his eyes having fun with the situation.
after marinette made some good impressions in the fashion world, it was asked for rick to take care of she by gabriel himself to lead her to some process of getting her creations out there with other brands. and all marinette can see is a man so beautiful at his essence and detail-oriented to his work, it's an admiration, a respectful gaze while he talks with everyone at once but give all his attention one by one. the decision make is always flowing, having his attention to the creative messages he wants to pour over everything.
"you been looking around for a while. have any conclusions?"
"i would be here for centuries and never getting tired of those colors and fabrics. i can't believe i am here, it's obvious that you're at least astonishing. you make the bonds with the modern and old times, like ancient sacred knowledge that's still been used wisely in our new age."
"and that's the most wonderful compliment i ever received."
the whole thing about the two kwamis happened because now chat noir helps ladybug in choosing the right kwamis for the heroes. and the two thought the kwami that suits him was different. between purri that ladybug chooses because of his well developed senses and flambo that chat noir chooses because of his side in looking at everything with a playful approach. they thought would be too much so they decide to let richard choose.
"i have a sense that i can trust both of you." and he just touched the two kwamis at the same time. and what happened was so sweet. purri and flambo hugged saying their names to each other. purri energetic runs to hug flambo, and flambo was calm but with a caring eyes.
"oh! master, it's a honor to be with you again. my heart is full of such a warm feeling." said flambo with hands placed together.
"it's finally happening! i can stretch and make those martial movements with you again master." purri was making circles in the air.
"i think you two are mistaking me with someone else." purri and flambo looked at each other and looking to richard inclining their heads but they were still standing in their affirmation.
"it must be you." flambo was blinking eyes gently and purri just affirming it enthusiastic.
so, i wanted rick to have something pink, that's one of the things i searched first and the only one that caught my attention was the flamingo. to be honest I don't know who came first but the abilities that could have something in common with the animal were really difficult to catch. but the very thing about the energies the totem flamingo gives is balance, love, playfulness, elegance, glamourous, femininity. it's everything that richard represents to me. the leopard just unfolded itself, i put in mind that the two cannot be made alone, and the thing about flamingo to be 'the lovers'. one cannot be without another, i think such a thing can happen in the miraculous universe like garnet on steven universe.
and for the leopard kwami is stealth, resilience, penetrating, precision, silence, intuition, your flow, sensuality, passion. exactly how he manages energy, it's a very yin energy with great percentage of masculine resourcefulness. it's like the very expression of his both lunar and solar mind in a perfect equilibrium, intuition/creativity and logical tactics.
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