#limbus x dante
average-limbus-fan · 5 months
Yan!ishy headcanons first. her cg of her true desire was insane
Alrighty then Yandere sinners it is :3
Yandere Ishmael Headcanons
* Like some of the other sinners her yandere version isn’t too different from her normal self
* She’ll still have the same harsh attitude she normally has but her words and insults will be more personal and they’ll cut deep
* Unlike some of the other sinners however she would know that what she was doing was wrong
* She simply doesn’t seem to care after everything she’s been through she thinks she deserves you
* You really should be grateful for her protection though since nobody else would be able to protect you like she can of course
* After all, …all she ever wanted was a purpose and without Ahab or Limbus Company her purpose would simply be you… and you have no choice but to go along with it
* Lest she break down your confidence and independence even more
* She’ll never even have to lay a hand on you… her words are enough
Yandere Sinclair Headcanons
* We’ve already seen that he can be prone to violent outbursts, as a yandere those would be intensified and more frequent
* He would also 100% guilt trip you into staying with him
* After all he’s already lost his family, he wouldn’t survive without you, would you really leave him to die?
* He knows to a certain degree that what he’s doing isn’t right, …but he can’t be alone again even if it means scaring you into staying with him
* And maybe threatening you…
* If he did ever harm you though, he would immediately apologize… and then make you out to be the villain for trying to “abandon” him
* He would never have hurt you if you just stayed by his side willingly… so your injuries are your fault to him
* And thus the cycle loops again
Yandere Hong Lu Headcanons
* Already has a history of being somewhat ignorant of normal social constructs this would make him one of the few yanderes who truly doesn’t see anything wrong with what they’re doing
* He was raised wealthy so he was used to getting whatever he wanted presumably
* And if he wanted you then he would have you
* No you don’t get a say in the matter
* Will mentally torment you into staying with him
* He also somehow knows where you are at all times…
* Has a sadistic glee to him whenever he “catches” you
* This is all a game of cat and mouse to him after all
* Overall not the worst yandere and as long as you don’t try to escape you’ll get whatever you want…
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swokeeon · 2 months
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just a bunch of lazy stuff i made this month while conquering the limbus plot (i'm sorry for having the worst taste in ships ever) also too lazy to translate some of them
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tomato-fiction · 11 months
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clockroach again. might be hearing a lot about them from me because I am starved of their content. I need to scream about them to someone 🥴
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mestrawl · 1 year
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tangentrina · 11 months
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I was bullied into posting this old Verdante drawing by my mutual..... you know who you are.........
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crabplatinum · 1 year
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i am insane someone please talk to me about them
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minnowoooo · 7 months
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Clockroach doodle
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redddead · 7 months
gregor x dante vineboom drops mic insert explosion in background
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ruinaimagines · 1 year
I love you and I am throwing money at you mentally (drop that link if I can do it genuinely)
Can you write Dante x Reader where they're both healers but the reader is more "if you get out of bed after spraining your ankle I am wrestling you to the ground" (to compliment Dante's "PLEASE DONT HURT YOURSELF" vibes)
First of all, I love this dynamic, and second I am kicking my feet at this THANK YOU SO MUCH! My goodness, I don’t have anything special set up because I was unaware of the potential support I’d get, but if you are interested I do have an ol’ cashapp with the name $Aeroroot or VIA paypal! https://paypal.me/aeroroot?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US . I want to specify it is totally optional as I get a lot of joy solely from your enjoyment alone, but if you want to go the extra mile then I thank you especially!
Dante x Healer Reader Headcanons:
I love Dante but lord do they need this extra help. Both recovering memories from amnesia with no clue on how they got here, in charge of a group of unruly sinners who get killed practically every single mission, and going through excruciating pain every time they have to bring them back. Not pleasant!
Honestly a bit of a pushover and I say that with love. Do I blame them? No, but sometimes someone else needs to help out a little around here. And that someone happens to be you, which Dante is very grateful for, if not a little… Concerned.
You seem to be the only one aside from Sinclair maybe who pays attention to the strain that bringing people back puts on them, whenever anyone approaches them for trivial injuries you snag them into your grasp and usher them to sit down.
They look up to you a bit for your strong sense of self, and lack of fear when it comes to dragging people back into their seats no matter the complaints so you can patch them up. Some are easier and more patient than others, some are a little more rowdy (cough Heathcliff cough Ryoshu cough). Still, you seem to have no fear putting someone into a headlock so you can bandage them even if your main skill isn’t meant to be combat.
Dante has witnessed you firsthand tackle sinners to the floor who were about to be staggered with very little sense of self preservation. Despite being so determined that the people around you are in good shape, it doesn’t seem to extend to you in your mind.
Will insist that you need to be just as aware of your own quality as you do anyone else’s. Surprisingly not that afraid of scolding you, probably because they know you won’t retaliate. It’s all out of care too.
As stubborn as you are, you are very appreciated by your colleagues, even ones like Heathcliff who may complain but ultimately are thankful. You have a sense of authority without even intending to, many follow your advice because they know that you’ll just haul them back to bed.
As for your and Dante’s relationship, I can see them being initially intimidated but glad for your assistance. You even check in on them from time to time, claiming that they are as important of a patient as anyone else. They’re a bit confused because they don’t directly participate in fighting, but you reason that the pain they feel from rewinding time counts as enough of a reason to look out for them. 
They do make the mental note to just comply with you if ever they get injured themselves. Your sheer will to keep people in best condition, including the force you are willing to apply to do so, is something they do not want to reckon with.
I imagine that if they did get injured and attempted to leave, likely with the reasoning of ‘the sinners need me to bring them back’, a single glare from you would shut them up and sit them down. You tell them that they can resurrect them later, right now they are not budging.
Despite not really having a face to make expressions with you have learned to understand how they feel from body movement alone. When other sinners are pestering them to heal them back up, and you visibly see the hesitance, then you will step in. 
You don’t really see Dante as your manager (sorry bud lot.
Dante doesn’t actually know the first thing about healing. They just rewind back time and through some miasma of events everyone is back in one piece. Watching you get to work yourself is so interesting because you actually know what you’re doing. They will stare over at you to try and figure out what is going on and take little notes, like you’re teaching them.
Upon your repeatedly voiced concerns, your colleagues have learned to stop relying on Dante to fix the smallest of wounds, most of them at least. Your manager appreciates this greatly as it gives them a breather from the repeated experience.
When neither of you are busy and some questions have been brought about, Dante will come to you to ask them. It’s easy to forget that they remember almost nothing about the city or who they are, but they find that you seem to be willing to answer even the most minute of inquiries.
You are a lifesaver both literally and figuratively and they appreciate that you take some weight off their shoulders. That said, you also give them constant heart attacks by the fact you are not afraid to plunge into extreme danger to drag someone else out. Are you two exploring a building and you hear someone familiar yelling outside? You will do whatever you can to get to them quickly even if that means jumping out a two story window. It’s like a summoning call for you.
Dante is very adamant on restoring you even if you tell them not to. They see it as the least they can do when you’re so willing to sacrifice yourself not only for the sinners, but them. Your words to stop letting people walk all over them come back to bite you, because they will not take no for an answer.
Generally more comfortable in coming to you for advice considering the trust that you have gained from them. They quite literally have been thrusted into a position they know almost nothing about, and chances are if they don’t learn fast then things are about to go downhill real fast. You yourself aren’t a manager – you’re a medic, but your decisive nature is something they respect even if you can throw yourself impulsively into situations to save another. 
Considering how you put others before yourself, you likely are on the more empathetic or compassionate side too, even if it may not show in the same way that Dante’s does. Obtaining the Golden Boughs is a rigorous and emotional process for every sinner, and Dante doesn’t always know what to do. There isn’t ever one clear answer, but they may come to you for how they should approach it.
The confusing things going on in their own head never really got to be talked about until it came to you. Not always are they looking for a fix, because a lot of the time there isn’t one, but just someone to rely on.
Dante is adorable, and I think that a large reason why you care deeply for them is because of how they are like a fresh canvas, free from the city’s imposed expectations. They’re just some honest, worried person who has yet to become shut off to being vulnerable like so many have. It’s refreshing, and yes most of that is caused from memory loss, who they were beforehand is a complete mystery, but that doesn’t change who they are in the moment.
Dante likes you too because there’s a sense of special camaraderie between you two. Whether it’s because you both deal with the aftermath of battles together, or because they find you both genuine and look up to you, they often stick by your side. You both stay exhausted and overworked, but it’s not too bad because hey, you’re in it together.
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therekinperson · 8 months
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Cringetober Day 9: Cossover Ship / Rarepair
Dante (Limbus Company) x Bezel (Chikin Nuggit)
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gizmocreates · 2 months
Most ppl aren’t gonna understand the full context. But. Clockroach must live on even in AUs, amen
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average-limbus-fan · 5 months
Pt 1 of Limbus Speed Dating?
Vergilius took Charon’s hat and dropped a bunch of folded up pieces of paper in it as the sinners watched awkwardly waiting to know if they would be forced to be the first to try and woo you. You noticed Outis looked especially excited… only for Rodya’s name to be drawn much to Outis’s dismay. Rodion perked up “well this’ll be an easy win for sure” she exclaimed, “this isn’t a competition” you heard Gregor say from somewhere in the back of the bus, was it not a competition though?
You quickly tried to keep pace with Rodion who had her grip tightly around your hand and was leading you in the direction of a popular fried chicken place, of course you thought to yourself. Rodya started to talk about all the different flavors she wanted to try “Dante Dante they just released a new limited time spicy wings special for the new year we so have to try it and…” you had tuned her out as the sounds of city and a lonely street musician caught your attention. “Ah right” she said before dropping a small clock keychain into your hands, “what’s this” you asked? “Aha it’s a gift of course”! She said happily “pretty sure it’s customary to get your date a gift n’ stuff”. You got a bit flustered at the mention of it being a date but quickly regained composure as you two entered the restaurant. Rodya had ordered enough food for all the sinners combined, you wondered if Vergilius was paying for all these “dates” and started thinking of all the ways this was going to go wrong, as you only slightly acknowledged Rodya’s idle gossip. Once Rodya had finished you both started walking outside and in the direction of Mephistopheles, Rodion lightly tugged on your arm signaling for you to stop and face her outside of the restaurant “hey Dante I know you weren’t paying attention to me much but it was nice getting to hang out with you n’ stuff without all the other guy’s” she said before trying to place a quick peck on your clock face… however you were faster and quickly ran in the opposite direction as you heard Rodion yelling behind you “Dante the bus is the other way”!
Hong Lu
Leaving your bus quarters early the next morning to get absolutely no work done you were met with Hong Lu’s usual mischievous smile and a small piece of paper in his hands. “Looks like it’s our turn Dante” he said. You looked at him with a stern smile “did you just pick your name out of Charon’s hat when she wasn’t looking” you asked? Hong Lu faked a scandalized look and quickly returned to his normal smile “I would never” he giggled as you followed him off the bus and into the city’s boardwalk area. It seemed he had made a reservation at an expensive brunch place the night before, confirming your suspicions that he had not obtained his name from the hat randomly, you however decided not to bring it up. As you looked through the menu gawking at their prices, Hong Lu talked about how his family used to frequent the place when he was a child, while he casually slid a box across the table. You looked at the small box in front of you, it seemed Rodion hadn’t been the only one to bring a gift, opening it you were shocked to find an expensive looking watch inside. Was he trying to buy you’re favor? It wasn’t a competition… you think at least? Before you could chide him he interrupted “It was really interesting getting to eat at all those peasant restaurants I never got to taste food comparable to plastic before although I’m sure the rest of you have gotten used to it by now” …there was definitely an insult there but Hong Lu continued to look at you with pure innocence and intrigue his usual mischievous smile replaced with a more genuine one for once. He continued to recount memories from his childhood as you two ate until it was near the end of brunch hour and the two of you decided to take your leave. As you walked out of the restaurant you made sure to keep your distance just in case Hong Lu tried to pull a trick like Rodion had the night before, however he made no move to close the distance instead he simply flashed his usual mischievous grin and scurried off in the direction of the city leaving you confused as you made your way back to the bus alone.
It seemed like Vergilius decided to have a bit of sympathy for once and spared you a few hours before he gathered you and all the sinners into the main area of the bus excluding Rodion and Hong Lu of course. “Well it seems like we’re one name shorter then last nights count so… we’ll simply move ahead with the names remaining” and there it was… well hopefully Hong Lu wouldn’t be punished too severely for this. Charon then picked out a piece of paper unceremoniously and quickly walked down the bus to find a peacefully napping Gregor. “So where too” you asked Gregor as you stepped off the bus? “Ah I dunno I’m sure there’s a pub or maybe a bar or something around here” he replied. You two walked in silence until a shady looking dive bar came into view “eh I’m sure it’ll do” Gregor remarked, as you two found the staircase entrance leading down into the underground area. Gregor bought the both of you a few beers as he chatted away idly “you know Manager Bud I always wondered how your able to eat and drink without a mouth on that clockhead of yours” he said, you had often times found yourself wondering about that too but alas your ever persistent thoughts of such questions never seemed to wield any sort of answers. After a few hours of drinks and idle chit chat the two of you drunkenly stumble out of the dive bar. With the alcohol getting rid of your sense of shame and normal polite attitude you decided to ask Gregor if he had gotten you any sort of gift like the other sinners had. “Manager bud go easy on this old man’s wallet…” he said as you two somehow managed to make your way back to the bus where the rest of the sinners had a good laugh at the two of you and your drunken state.
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swokeeon · 2 months
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yada yada another thing to flood the tag with
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metalichotchoco · 3 months
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She did not read the licensing agreement lol
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jeff-the-box-boy · 8 months
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I'm not into the idea of Dante X any of their sinners. Except for Faust. Faust can fucking get it. She can beguile Dante. Give them a sexual experience that just leaves them both aroused and just all around confused. Make them say "Gee Wilikers!" Upon orgasm. Also, she already works as the main communicator on Dante's behalf. Idk I just really like the idea of Dante X Faust
Only really into the idea of Faust X Dante and Vergilius X Dante in terms of ships. Idk it's fun.
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