#limbus writing
average-limbus-fan · 5 months
Yan!ishy headcanons first. her cg of her true desire was insane
Alrighty then Yandere sinners it is :3
Yandere Ishmael Headcanons
* Like some of the other sinners her yandere version isn’t too different from her normal self
* She’ll still have the same harsh attitude she normally has but her words and insults will be more personal and they’ll cut deep
* Unlike some of the other sinners however she would know that what she was doing was wrong
* She simply doesn’t seem to care after everything she’s been through she thinks she deserves you
* You really should be grateful for her protection though since nobody else would be able to protect you like she can of course
* After all, …all she ever wanted was a purpose and without Ahab or Limbus Company her purpose would simply be you… and you have no choice but to go along with it
* Lest she break down your confidence and independence even more
* She’ll never even have to lay a hand on you… her words are enough
Yandere Sinclair Headcanons
* We’ve already seen that he can be prone to violent outbursts, as a yandere those would be intensified and more frequent
* He would also 100% guilt trip you into staying with him
* After all he’s already lost his family, he wouldn’t survive without you, would you really leave him to die?
* He knows to a certain degree that what he’s doing isn’t right, …but he can’t be alone again even if it means scaring you into staying with him
* And maybe threatening you…
* If he did ever harm you though, he would immediately apologize… and then make you out to be the villain for trying to “abandon” him
* He would never have hurt you if you just stayed by his side willingly… so your injuries are your fault to him
* And thus the cycle loops again
Yandere Hong Lu Headcanons
* Already has a history of being somewhat ignorant of normal social constructs this would make him one of the few yanderes who truly doesn’t see anything wrong with what they’re doing
* He was raised wealthy so he was used to getting whatever he wanted presumably
* And if he wanted you then he would have you
* No you don’t get a say in the matter
* Will mentally torment you into staying with him
* He also somehow knows where you are at all times…
* Has a sadistic glee to him whenever he “catches” you
* This is all a game of cat and mouse to him after all
* Overall not the worst yandere and as long as you don’t try to escape you’ll get whatever you want…
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venomgaia · 3 months
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i lied when i said I wouldn't draw more
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porcubus · 1 month
removed from any shipping its genuinely notable to me that rodya seemingly latches on to gregor from the start. of course shes doing her little facade (and if you go back to the earlier episodes now, its a lot more egregious and easier to notice) but its curious that out of any of the sinners, its him she actively chooses to interact with and drop a nickname on first
shes very very teasing especially initially and seems to target him for his arm, a lot of her comments being based on him being bugmoded. it honestly could look cruel especially with the full context we have now, though notably these do all take place pre-gregor revelations, but if you jump to this being a signifier of rodya bullying/wanting to get actual pain or upset out of gregor you'd have to skip over this scene
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which is both silly but also i feel pretty significant for understanding something about the two of them and their relationship:
gregor is not actually a helpless pushover who lets himself be walked over and he will speak up if a line is crossed for him
rodya can read and understand when he's distressed, gets hesitant and will back off. her intention is not actual upset from gregor
what's important to me in my read of rodya is that she does have a facade, deliberately to be charming and likable, but i dont think her buttonpushing/ragging on of gregor (and later the other sinners) is actually entirely part of that, i think its the opposite. showing real honest affection is something difficult to her, so she skips a few steps and jumps straight into poking fun like you would with someone youve known a long time.
I think her "true" personality isn't cold and calculative, from further story context i interpret it as more jaded and sarcastic. these moments to me read as a sort of fumble or early mask slip, she's not baring it all with these bits but she has singled out gregor in her mind and is particularly hovering (based on how the majority of both of their interactions throughout are from the very start with eachother) around him, trying to get closer in an awkward way.
I think people miss that theres a lot you can take and learn about rodya from their interactions, whether its because of a focus on shipping or trying to outright deny there is anything going on there at all
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citroncynique · 2 months
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bad dreams in the night
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Wow this was just like The Wings (1936) by Korean author and poet Yi Sang
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azoosepted · 22 days
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Behold, mine personal hell!
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nonbinarywarcriminal · 4 months
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happy yurifest to all who celebrate
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kinogane · 4 months
Anniversary mini-sode idea: Vergilius hands Dante a "bonus" (read: the anniversary rewards) from the company as a reward for exceptional adequate work, then tells them to piss off into their office for an hour so the Sinners can fill out a manager evaluation form. The responses are technically anonymous per company policy but basically no one even tries to hide who they are in the responses anyway, so when you read up on the full responses in Dante's Notes later, it's labeled by Sinner because yeah, three guesses who wrote the response alluding to a different Color Fixer in every answer and imploring Manager Esquire to remain steadfast in the pursuit of righteous justice.
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ryoshudoodles · 4 days
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64° Day of waiting for Canto 9
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melonisopod · 1 month
I love Don Quixote’s observation logs because she’s very goofy and almost always doing something funny but she’s also really observant too.
Yes she tried to eat raw chicken but she also noted a similarity between the Steam Engine’s self-repair ability and Dante’s healing, since both can “heal” damage by “undoing” or ‘turning back the clock’.
With Siltcurrent, she also realizes the glow sticks can be used both as breathing tools to keep the Sinners from drowning once the whale floods the arena, and also as barracades to lure in the whale to charge into.
And then her WHOLE deal with Distorted!Heathcliff. The more I read over it the more I realize how depressed she is having to write the log but is trying to stay positive about it, that’s part of why she makes a point to praise Heathcliff as a strong combatant and the ways he stands out from Hindley.
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homiu-l · 8 months
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my copiums now
random limbus post edit [part 1] [part 2]
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average-limbus-fan · 5 months
Pt 1 of Limbus Speed Dating?
Vergilius took Charon’s hat and dropped a bunch of folded up pieces of paper in it as the sinners watched awkwardly waiting to know if they would be forced to be the first to try and woo you. You noticed Outis looked especially excited… only for Rodya’s name to be drawn much to Outis’s dismay. Rodion perked up “well this’ll be an easy win for sure” she exclaimed, “this isn’t a competition” you heard Gregor say from somewhere in the back of the bus, was it not a competition though?
You quickly tried to keep pace with Rodion who had her grip tightly around your hand and was leading you in the direction of a popular fried chicken place, of course you thought to yourself. Rodya started to talk about all the different flavors she wanted to try “Dante Dante they just released a new limited time spicy wings special for the new year we so have to try it and…” you had tuned her out as the sounds of city and a lonely street musician caught your attention. “Ah right” she said before dropping a small clock keychain into your hands, “what’s this” you asked? “Aha it’s a gift of course”! She said happily “pretty sure it’s customary to get your date a gift n’ stuff”. You got a bit flustered at the mention of it being a date but quickly regained composure as you two entered the restaurant. Rodya had ordered enough food for all the sinners combined, you wondered if Vergilius was paying for all these “dates” and started thinking of all the ways this was going to go wrong, as you only slightly acknowledged Rodya’s idle gossip. Once Rodya had finished you both started walking outside and in the direction of Mephistopheles, Rodion lightly tugged on your arm signaling for you to stop and face her outside of the restaurant “hey Dante I know you weren’t paying attention to me much but it was nice getting to hang out with you n’ stuff without all the other guy’s” she said before trying to place a quick peck on your clock face… however you were faster and quickly ran in the opposite direction as you heard Rodion yelling behind you “Dante the bus is the other way”!
Hong Lu
Leaving your bus quarters early the next morning to get absolutely no work done you were met with Hong Lu’s usual mischievous smile and a small piece of paper in his hands. “Looks like it’s our turn Dante” he said. You looked at him with a stern smile “did you just pick your name out of Charon’s hat when she wasn’t looking” you asked? Hong Lu faked a scandalized look and quickly returned to his normal smile “I would never” he giggled as you followed him off the bus and into the city’s boardwalk area. It seemed he had made a reservation at an expensive brunch place the night before, confirming your suspicions that he had not obtained his name from the hat randomly, you however decided not to bring it up. As you looked through the menu gawking at their prices, Hong Lu talked about how his family used to frequent the place when he was a child, while he casually slid a box across the table. You looked at the small box in front of you, it seemed Rodion hadn’t been the only one to bring a gift, opening it you were shocked to find an expensive looking watch inside. Was he trying to buy you’re favor? It wasn’t a competition… you think at least? Before you could chide him he interrupted “It was really interesting getting to eat at all those peasant restaurants I never got to taste food comparable to plastic before although I’m sure the rest of you have gotten used to it by now” …there was definitely an insult there but Hong Lu continued to look at you with pure innocence and intrigue his usual mischievous smile replaced with a more genuine one for once. He continued to recount memories from his childhood as you two ate until it was near the end of brunch hour and the two of you decided to take your leave. As you walked out of the restaurant you made sure to keep your distance just in case Hong Lu tried to pull a trick like Rodion had the night before, however he made no move to close the distance instead he simply flashed his usual mischievous grin and scurried off in the direction of the city leaving you confused as you made your way back to the bus alone.
It seemed like Vergilius decided to have a bit of sympathy for once and spared you a few hours before he gathered you and all the sinners into the main area of the bus excluding Rodion and Hong Lu of course. “Well it seems like we’re one name shorter then last nights count so… we’ll simply move ahead with the names remaining” and there it was… well hopefully Hong Lu wouldn’t be punished too severely for this. Charon then picked out a piece of paper unceremoniously and quickly walked down the bus to find a peacefully napping Gregor. “So where too” you asked Gregor as you stepped off the bus? “Ah I dunno I’m sure there’s a pub or maybe a bar or something around here” he replied. You two walked in silence until a shady looking dive bar came into view “eh I’m sure it’ll do” Gregor remarked, as you two found the staircase entrance leading down into the underground area. Gregor bought the both of you a few beers as he chatted away idly “you know Manager Bud I always wondered how your able to eat and drink without a mouth on that clockhead of yours” he said, you had often times found yourself wondering about that too but alas your ever persistent thoughts of such questions never seemed to wield any sort of answers. After a few hours of drinks and idle chit chat the two of you drunkenly stumble out of the dive bar. With the alcohol getting rid of your sense of shame and normal polite attitude you decided to ask Gregor if he had gotten you any sort of gift like the other sinners had. “Manager bud go easy on this old man’s wallet…” he said as you two somehow managed to make your way back to the bus where the rest of the sinners had a good laugh at the two of you and your drunken state.
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happy father's day i'm thinking about this outis line again
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I always thought it was a bit out of pocket considering this isn't too long after the events of Canto III, even with how Outis was being harsher this Canto.
But I then I remembered that Outis' son is the same age as Sinclair.
Her son, who thinks that she died in the Smoke War (the in universe equivalent to the Trojan War as depicted in the Iliad and the Odyssey) because she hasn't been home in years. Her son who cannot cry out to her. And her son, who is currently in much the same position as Sinclair regarding his self-perception and ability to fight, as Telemachus refers to himself as "a weakling knowing nothing of valor" (Book 2 of the Odyssey, line number and exact wording depend on translation).
I think this line reflects more on Outis and her anxieties about her family thinking that she's dead, as well as a reference to Telemachus experiencing his own journey to manhood, much like Sinclair.
I think there's also things to be said for the parallels between Sinclair and Telemachus, even just the ones imagined by Outis. Hell's Chicken had her showing a very paternal worry over his diet (raise your hand if your dad has ever said you'll be short forever if you don't eat right). Overall, even though Sinclair and Telemachus only share the bones of a coming of age narrative, Outis is seeing connections there because she misses her family.
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As with this one. Again, she's showing her hand more than she means to. Though she's talking to Dongrang, I think she's also talking to herself. Trying to reassure herself that home will always be waiting. Dongrang, however, decides not to return, but to pursue glory no matter who he hurts in the process. The Odyssey also contrasts the pursuit of glory with the desire to return home. Odysseus has to choose humility in order to return.
Outis has been keeping up a careful persona around us, but it's slipping. Her desire to return home is seeping through even as she tries to assert herself by clinging to the glory from a war that's long since ended.
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lu-is-not-ok · 8 months
Everything you need to know from Leviathan
First things first: this is Not a story summary of Leviathan. This is merely a collection of all the pieces of characterization, backstory, and worldbuilding that I believe is or will be relevant in Limbus Company.
I encourage everyone who has finished Library of Ruina (or doesn't care about spoilers to that game) to read Leviathan yourselves, as I will be skipping over most of the actual plot of the novel.
Also, due to the nature of Leviathan as the direct sequel to Library of Ruina, some endgame spoilers to that game will inevitably come up. That being said, I will try my best to keep those spoilers as minimal and vague as possible.
Preamble: Done. Let's get into this. Something something long post warning ahead. It's also kind of chaotic and borderline incomprehensible. If I missed something then, uh, whoops.
Event Timeline:
The end of Library of Ruina directly causes an event dubbed "the first miracle" by some, and "the second passing of White Nights" by others, during which the people killed in the Library would begin returning to the City as if nothing happened.
An orphanage in the Backstreets of District 22 (V Corp's) was at the epicenter of this event, being destroyed in the process and causing the Ring to take interest in the children raised there.
The events of Leviathan follow half a year after this event, and seem to take place over the course of at least a few days. It's as of yet unclear how much time has passed between the end of Leviathan and the beginning of Limbus Company.
Vergilius comes from District 22 (V Corp's), a Nest filled with wide water canals and boats that make use of them, making it somewhat reminiscent of Venice.
Vergilius used to be the operator of a highly-experienced and skilled Fixer Office. The lowest Grade Fixer at that Office is Grade 3 until a rookie joins them during the events of Leviathan. This Office seems to be dissolved by the end of Leviathan after half of the Fixers working for it die.
Vergilius's title, the Red Gaze, is a stealth pun in Korean. The word used for Gaze is a homophone to the characters used in an epiphet meaning Immortal Poet.
The red eyes Vergilius is named after appear to have a certain kind of aura to them, which causes him to draw attention to himself and be easily recognised. For missions where stealth is involved, Vergilius has a special pair of glasses to make his gaze less recognisable.
Also, Vergilius owns whole-ass calling cards with his Fixer title and a portrait in a Roman-inspired style.
As a Color Fixer, Vergilius is extremely strong and fast, being able to crack the ground underneath his feet when running at full sprint and literally cut through buildings. In fact, Vergilius's body is heavily augmented with artificially woven muscle fibers, which Vergilius compares to hydraullic cylinders and motors in how it feels to use them, though they're not literally mechanical. Despite that level of power, he's noticeably less experienced or skilled than another Color Fixer seen in Leviathan - Iori, the Purple Tear.
Speaking of her, Vergilius appears to know quite a bit about her, including her name, what happened to her in Library of Ruina, and what one of her goals is. She's also implied to have taught Vergilius a technique called Shin that gets introduced later in Leviathan. Also, Iori calls him a junior, implying a difference in either age or experience between the two. Oh, and he also knew Roland.
In addition to knowing those people, Vergilius appears to have also known Carmen before she died. He recognises the nickname Carmen uses for him within the Light as the one she used for him back when they knew each other. Also, back then, Vergilius's weren't as they are now, implying they've known each other before Vergilius was a Color Fixer.
For some time during his work as a Fixer, Vergilius has had the ability to sense "Flow". A fate-like pressure that he sees as trails of shadows and light, pointing him towards a destination he doesn't know. It's a force he notably struggles to resist, only being able to by following dim Flows, rather than the slow but bright Flow. However, doing so merely brings ruin to Vergilius's life, as the dim Flow inevitably guides him back to the slow Flow.
For ten years, Vergilius has been visitting an orphanage in the local Backstreets, donating money and goods and spending time with the children there. He even keeps an old photograph of him with all the orphanage's residents on him.
Before he found the orphanage for the first time however, Vergilius would go on rampages and kill people he believed were contributing to the horrible current state of the City. One of those rampages involved the slaughter of a whole Syndicate, the leader of which was Lapis's father. It's heavily implied that all the children within the orphanage landed there as a direct result of Vergilius's actions.
Vergilius is consistently shown to be stoic and emotionally distant, yet deeply caring underneath his aloof exterior. This is most clearly shown through his relationship with Garnet, the previously mentioned rookie who was raised at the previously mentioned orphanage. Though Vergilius denies Garnet's claims that he raised him, and regularly thinks about how Garnet's sentimentality is going to get him killed, yet he also can't help but feel proud of Garnet in moments where he truly shines, care a lot about Garnet's safety, and feel horrible guilt when he fails to protect him.
Back during his rampaging days, Vergilius is unable to show mercy, with his "attempt" to do so involving giving the last survivor a cut that would let them survive for a few hours, in gratitude for giving him a code to the door. Inversely, current day Vergilius appears to have softened, as his gladius has a heating mechanism that immediately cauterizes the wounds it inflicts. This ensures non-fatal wounds remain not fatal, even if leaving his target alive could cause him issues later on.
Vergilius's motives for taking care of the kids at the orphanage despite being the one who orphaned them are as complex as they are layered. Guilt is clearly a part of that, as Vergilius believes there's no reason for him to see Lapis again when Garnet offers to take him along for his meeting with her. Another part of it might have been Vergilius secretly wishing that one day, one of the kids would realize what he'd done and take their retribution... however it's unclear how "canon" that particular motivation is due to it only being brought up in a vision of a Mirror World. The orphanage was also a reprieve from his former reality filled with wails and begging for mercy. It was a place of warmth, filled with voices of delight waiting for him every time. At the same time, it was a source of hope for him. A place where he could redeem himself, to raise children who could live with the heart he couldn't have, and who could potentially change the City with their virtues alone. All of these motivated Vergilius to cover up and forget about his true goal. One he's been actively burrying during his visits at the orphanage.
That goal? Redacted from the viewer. The first explicitly set up mystery in Leviathan. However, we know that it is directly tied to how Vergilius wishes to change the City.
Vergilius believes that the City is deeply wounded, with its injuries having festered for a long time. He believes that the way to change it is to continue spilling blood, never letting it dry out. To try and pierce through the City's thick shell into its wounded core. When describing the world he wants, he says it's "a world that can only be understood once you feel it with your whole body".
After a talk with Carmen, Vergilius effloresces into his E.G.O, which allows him to wield blood as both a weapon and armor. It also allows him to become one with pools of blood, however he would be unable to leave them if they were to dry while he's inside. However, the usage of his E.G.O is limited by the amount of other people's blood he has available to him. If he were to run out, he'd be forced to use his own, dying painfully in the process.
Also, Vergilius keeps coming up with one-liners when beating people up. It's kinda funny.
At the end of Leviathan, Vergilius is invited into Limbus Company, being promised to give him Lapis (who had been replaced by Charon) and Garnet (who has been reduced to a tiny glowing jewel) back. Thinking back on his past, Vergilius accepts, though the story ends before we get to see the exact terms of his employment.
Previously, Charon was known as Lapis, and was one of the kids at the orphanage Vergilius would regularly visit. She was especially close friends with Garnet, who would later become a Fixer and join Vergilius's Office. In fact, Garnet notes how Lapis wouldn't usually open up to anyone but him, and when they did talk she would often talk about Vergilius. She's also noted to not be a fan of studying.
Lapis ended up at the orphanage after Vergilius killed her father during his slaughter of the Syndicate he led. While we don't get to know much about her father, we do know he cared deeply for her, to the point his last words were calling out her name.
In a flashback to her childhood, we learn that Lapis would always suck on bitter candy as she's able to preserve it and suckle on it little by little, whereas sweet things melt away much sooner. She follows this anecdote of hers up by revealing her wish to "try all the flavors in the world" when she grows up.
After aging out of the orphanage, Lapis got a job at a fruit-harvesting company. During the events of Leviathan, Lapis has decided to meet up with Garnet at a private location. However, the area turned out be occupied by Syndicate members, including that of the Ring, and Lapis was kidnapped to be used in the Ring's experiments with Mirror World technology.
At the end of Leviathan, Lapis turned out to be the only of the "gems" to have survived the experiments. However, she did so because she was the only successful one. Her former identity was completely erased, replaced by that of Charon. Initially, Vergilius is hesitant to make contact with her, feeling like keeping his distant will save both of them from pain. However, he relents when Charon finds a still living piece of the jewel Garnet had turned into.
Gubo is one of the researchers at N Corp, and during the events of Leviathan he comes to an auction held by the Ring for the sole purpose of gaining access to their Corridor and retrieving Aseah.
His connections to a Wing allow him to casually bid 10 billion Ahn like it's nothing. Gubo is also notably frustrated when the auctioneer appears to be breaking their own rules, trying to convince them that doing so would put their gallery in ill repute.
To enter the Corridor despite his failure at the auction, Gubo is willing to sacrifice the lives of the people that had accompanied. Notably, Vergilius is able to tell that Gubo did no fighting himself due to his appearance, reckoning he merely hid while others fought in his stead.
Gubo is someone who's willing to keep himself calm and composed regardless of the situation. He's constantly calculating ways to reach his goal, willing to do anything and pay any price to do so. However, that composure is said to reflect insecurity, obsession, and yearning. He is shown to take some ridiculous risks in pursuit of his goals, attempting to attack Vergilius twice despite being clearly outmatched against a fucking Color.
Despite N Corp being at potential odds with the Ring, due to them kidnapping Aseah, Gubo doesn't act hostile towards the Ring's members outside of getting rid of those who were directly standing in his way.
During Leviathan, Aseah is the main researcher working on the Mirror World technology for the Ring. He's specifically working on modifying and tuning an invention made by Young-Ji, the Glass Window.
By that point in time, Aseah had already joined N Corp, however the Ring kidnapped him to use his knowledge for their own gain. Despite such seemingly dire circumstances, Aseah does not seem bothered to be working for the Ring in the slightest.
Aseah is a cold and usually emotionless individual who only cares about his research. In fact, he only ever shows emotions, specifically passion, when realizing he's made a breakthrough or describing how the technology he's researching works. He's easily swayed to risk other people's lives for the sake of pushing his research even further.
One of this main motives for using the Glass Window is to create a Singularity to surpass Yi Sang's creation, as well as any other competing technology of this kind. Despite his self-imposed rivalry with Yi Sang, Aseah still calls him a friend.
At the end of Leviathan, Aseah is successfully retrieved by Gubo . However, a question is posed: for both to get back out of the Corridor, Aseah must be able to know how to navigate it. If that's the case and he could have escaped this whole time, why didn't he? He must have had reasons to not fly away, even though his cage was wide open. Add that to the mystery counter.
Limbus Company:
Limbus Company shows up at the very end of Leviathan, being a new enough Company for Vergilius to have never heard of them before.
A Special Operations Team from a department called LCA raids the Ring's lab, specifically searching for Vergilius. A woman with hair that seems white from far away, but appears graysih close up, approaches him. This is revealed to be Faust, and she's the one who gives Vergilius an offer.
Work for Limbus Company, and we can bring Lapis and Garnet back.
The Ring:
The Ring are a Syndicate that are said to only believe what they see with their own eyes, and are dedicated to the creation and display of various types of art. They also hold auctions for various pieces.
Some of the Ring's art falls within our understanding of it, such as paintings and sculptures. A large amount of it however includes acts of extreme violence or otherwise cruel behavior.
Many of the lower-ranking members of the Ring and Backstreets residents under their protection are considered to be akin to students, being graded on their pieces and taking art exams. While the Ring does allow resits on their exams, flunking too many times will result in death. In such an environment, a lack of inspiration causes people to have mental breakdowns.
As far as we've seen, the Ring hold two different types of art galleries, which I'll refer to as Syndicate-facing and Public-facing respectively.
Syndicate-facing art galleries are structured more like schools, complete with classrooms and suspicious "art" exhibits within the halls. One of those exhibits we see are "statues" of people with animal heads. However, these statues are actually sill living people that are forced to stay completely still under the threat of violence, or "scolding". Oh, and those people also had their mouths and ears sewn shut. This particular exhibition is revealed to be a part of a test that the Ring was holding that night.
Public-facing art galleries look more akin to modern art galleries we'd see in our world, and their lower floors are accessible to pretty much any public person. These floors are filled with more standard types of art, like paintings and sculptures. The top floor of these galleries is considered the VIP floor, where auctions are held and the true disturbing nature of the Ring is shown to the guests there.
During the auctions, every participant has a veil put over their head, and they are to bow in respect when the one holding the auction enters the stage. The art pieces sold on these auctions can be anything from paintings of real slaughters that took place in the City, to objects made out of or containing pieces of actual people, to straight up dancers stuck eternally dancing in glass stages in which time flows slower. Additionally, the person who wins the bid on the "meister's most cherished work" will be allowed into the Ring's Corridor.
At the time of Leviathan's events, the Ring not only has access to the Corridor, but also Mirror World technology in the form of the Glass Window.
A secret research lab was kept hidden within one such Corridor, where the Ring would test Mirror World technology on "gems" - young people who came from the orphanage at the epicenter of the Miracle. These experiments involved these people experiencing many Mirror Worlds at once within their mind, with those people physically shattering if pushed too far.
The Ring's goal with their research of the Mirror Worlds is to open as many Rifts to as many of them as possible, with one of the high-ranking Ring members saying they wish to open ten thousand rifts at minimum.
This plan appears to be thwarted by the end of Leviathan. It's vaguely implied that N Corp and/or Limbus Company seized the tech in the Ring's possession, leaving it unclear if the Ring still has access to it currently.
Over the course of Leviathan, we learn of two different high positions within the Ring: Docents and Maestros. Each can be identified by the kind of ring they wear on their ring fingers. Also, all of the ones we've seen thus far are gender non-conforming as fuck.
Docents are responsible for taking care of and monitoring the art galleries. Notably, they are responsible for guiding guests and giving lectures on the lower floors of their public-facing galleries. These lectures appear to involve explaining the ideals of their Maestros. Docents wear two-coiled rings that extends down the top of their hands and coils around their wrists.
Maestros are responsible for holding the auctions and appear to have a high amount of control over the Ring's actions. They wear three-coiled rings. They also notably act a lot more according to what they believe is true art, as opposed to the Docents who can still be swayed by money and social standard. As an example, Maestro Jumsoon decides to give his most prized artpiece not to the person bidding billions of Ahn, but to the person who convinces him they can complete the piece due to being personally involved in what it represents.
N Corp:
The physical location of the Ring's secret lab appears to be within N Corp's District. However, due to its entry point being connected to the Corridor, it's unable to be accessed from outside the Corridor.
One of N Corp's main source of income and culture are so-called suicide vending machines, or vending machines that dispense canned experiences that specifically allow a person to experience suicide. This bit of technology is considered both amazing and condemnable, and is said to be one of the main reasons people move to N Corp's Nest.
N Corp Taboos are upheld vehemently. Recorded footage of that secret lab, even without knowing it's located in N Corp, would result in Taboo Hunters being sent out over the breaking of the Nest filming taboo. They are highly efficient, going after everyone who had seen the recording before finally retrieving the footage.
M Corp:
M Corp's full name is MDM Enterprise. In Leviathan, we see M Corp do business with the Ring through delivering their product to them - an entire moonlight stone.
A moonlight stone delivered in a massive box filled with a flesh-like cushion around the stone. Opening the box requires using an unlocking mechanism composed of multiple various levers. Everyone present in the same room as the box during its opening are required to wear ear plugs, while those actually opening it also require airway protection. Upon being pulled open, the stone needs to be cut out of the flesh cushion using a knife.
If sufficient ear protection is not worn during this process, the sound the stone emits while being forced out of its container will cause all that hear it to experience a "wave of hiraeth". This is shown as a sort of dissociative state where the person rambles about the ocean being their home and family, and how they need to return to it.
The moonlight stones themselves appear similar in shape to large pearls. The Ring appears to use them by putting them in translucent containers, where the stone is attached to multiple electrodes and tubes for a yet unclear purpose.
The Light:
After the second passing of White Nights, people would begin transforming into forms similar to cocoons or eggs. This happens when a person becomes aware of how unbearable the world around them is, causing them to retreat from reality.
When seperated from their bodies, people establish their... Redacted. Yet another mystery. However, it's implied to be something along the lines of the ideal world they wish to create, or the dream they wish to make true. If they manage to set this Redacted and endure the process, they can be born anew as a Distortion (or potentially with Effloresced E.G.O). If they can't their bodies are seized by their sins, resulting in the creation of a Peccatulum.
This process is pointed out as being different to the process of Distorting that we're used to seeing, though it's not yet unclear to what extent.
The inside of the Light as utter stillness, shimmering as if somethered in light. When someone is inside the Light, Carmen attempts to guide them towards a specific conclusion, acting kind and trying to absolve them of any guilt over their actions, while showing an utter lack of pity or genuine feeling. She's able to see past the facades people put up, directly looking into what they have been through. She uses that knowledge to direct people towards realizing their true desires and wishes.
Carmen is able to meet and talk with people whose hearts "crack". Who are too overwhelmed with their emotions in the moment. When she discovers a person's true wish has been buried and hidden away, she acts as if the act is so painful that it hurts her by proxy. She uses this opportunity to offer these people the power to create they consider right, one only for their own eyes.
She claims that she's helping everyone paint the City with their own colors, much like the Light, in which all colors perfectly blend together. When it's pointed out to her that doing so would be impossible, due to everyone's colors being different and thus it being impossible for them all to exist together in perfect harmony, Carmen responds by saying everyone should be dedicated to protecting and fighting for the sake of their own world, even if it means fighting the entire world itself.
Carmen describes the process of Distorting or Efflorescing E.G.O as becoming a "self unbound by the eyes and standards of the City", with Carmen attributing the latter to being Ayin's idea. Carmen says that she believes the final destination of everyone's ambitions is Love, specifically unconditional Love towards oneself, as the only person that can truly understand and love them is themself. This is where Carmen and Ayin come into conflict. Ayin believes people should be able fight using clothes and tools, holding the human form in high regard. Carmen, on the other hand, sees that as unnecessary moderation, and argues one should express their love through their body, so that it and their heart can become one.
Effectively, Carmen is trying to guide people to only caring about themselves and their desires, disregarding everything around them. She does so through a "friendly, yet ruthless pressure", by offering the seemingly perfect solution of absolute self-love at the cost of being blind to one's reality. She knows what the "right" choice is, and will be disappointed if one were to choose the other option, but she won't stop anyone from pursuing their desires even if their way is different from what she's envisioned.
...There is a purpose to it all. A goal Carmen has for herself. After all, she's a person too. It's another bit of information that's redacted, setting it up as yet another mystery, but we do have a hint towards what it could be. Somehow, a person who was given power by Carmen failing to fight for their wish appears to contribute towards Carmen's personal purpose.
Speaking of that, Leviathan reveals another, more violent way to defeat a Distortion. By proving the fundamentals of a Distortion's beliefs wrong, by breaking the foundation upon which their wish was built, the Distortion begins to fall apart. With nothing left to its form but vague concepts, an Abnormality is born, tearing out of the Distorted person's body and killing them instantly.
The Peccatulae are the result of the process enabled by the second passing of White Nights, in which a person retreats into a cocoon-like form upon finding the world too unbearable and faces an ordeal within. If the person fails the ordeal by not being able to find a wish for which's sake to return to their world, their body is left to be fed on by their sins. This results in their bodies transforming into manifestations of those sins - the Peccatulae. Once this transformation takes place, it cannot be reversed.
Peccatulae are not Distortions, as they are what happens when one lacks the strong desire needed to either Distort or Effloresce E.G.O. They are also not Abnormalities, as unlike them the Peccatulae can be killed.
The Peccatulae visually lack any humanity they may have had before the transformation. At the same time though, the cries they let out are compared to that of humans burdened by life, by the sin of bearing sin.
Those cries are also seemingly able to affect one's mind, causing memories associated with the Peccatulum's Sin Affinity to resurface.
The Glass Window:
The Glass Window is a piece of technology created by Young-Ji, which was co-opted by Aseah and studied by the Ring. This technology is considered to be a Singularity by Wings and Grade 1 Fixers.
The main function of the Glass Window is superimposing Mirror Worlds onto whatever is viewed through it, though in a blurry state. It's noted to be less stable than Yi Sang's Mirror technology, but in exchange it's capable of superimposing a much larger number of Worls at the same time.
The amount of Mirror Worlds and their intensity can be controlled through modifying the Glass Window's Refraction Rate. A higher Refraction Rate allows more overlayed Worlds to stack, at the cost of "yielding more of one's heart to the Glass Window".
Surviving high Refraction Rates without physically shattering involves attaining focus - a process involving perishing one's heart without killing it.
Most weapons cannot damage the Glass Window.
The Corridor:
The Corridor is a piece of technology that the Ring owns during the events of Leviathan. It's a liminal, seemingly-infinite space that can connect to places all over the City. As long as the area they wish to link has an exit, a matching entrance will appear within the Corridor.
Many of the doors within the Corridor are locked using mental locks, to be able to enter them one needs to think specific mental keywords as they attempt to open the door.
Inside the Corridor itself, electronics such as video recorders and ear pieces appear to malfunction.
Despite the Corridor being a mostly linear space, the complex and intricate rules by which its passages connect make it more than possible to get lost within. As such, navigating the Corridor is usually done when accompanied by a guide.
To navigate the Corridor by oneself, one needs to always remember two things - their starting point, and their destination. Knowing those two points will allow one to be able to find their way by feeling which directions to take. This is due to a phenomenon called Reversion of Causality, a phenomenon which some Singularities take advantage of as well.
Breaking through a wall in the Corridor leads to a massive hall made of constantly shifting purposeless surfaces lined within even more purposeless doors. Staying within this outer hall is dangerous, as one would become stuck here if the doors within the Corridor reassembled themselves.
Shin and Mang:
Shin is a technique Vergilius learned from (who's implied to be) the Purple Tear. Shin involves completely relinquishing the control of one's body to one's mind, specifically one's memories and the feelings associated with them. When Shin is used, it causes glowing rings to appear around the weapon (or body part if weaponless) one is using to fight. The glow of these rings is constantly emphasized to be that of the moon.
Vergilius describes Shin as "the power of Light", and "the power of sin".
To use Shin, one needs Mang (referred to as luna/lunae when not a proper noun), often multiple of them. Using Mang is described as filling onces emptied minds with dense and heavy memories, then letting the lunae of these recalled feelings guide one's movements.
Random Miscellanous Bits of Info:
It's a tradition in District 8 (H Corp's) to gift apples on Christmas Eve, to wish the giftee a peaceful night.
Cellphones in the City seem to be at a stage in-between Iphones and slightly older smartphones. The screen only takes up roughly half of the phone, but it appears to be a touchscreen due to the lack of mechanical buttons.
Related to that, payphones also exist in the City. The District the payphone is in gets shown to the one recieving a call from one.
The Seven Association holds seminars for new and aspiring Fixers that teaches them the basics, such as information about major Syndicates, Singularities, spatial awareness, etc. The Seven Association also holds Fixer qualification tests.
Higher education is something one can pursue in the City.
There are still video recorders that use videotapes in the City.
Cognition-warping ID Cards are a thing within the City. However, they are noted to only be useful for brief deception.
One of the canonical Mirror Worlds is literally our world.
Airplanes don't exist in the City.
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lewyhellark · 6 months
couple of sketches (with couples, and a spoiler warning for last pic)
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liliox-ciel · 2 months
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That one "Don't Starve Shipwrecked" illustration but Skin Prophet and the other two abnos(????)
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