#lily muse on fame
jinseop · 1 year
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ladyelainehilfur · 9 months
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Um??? Hello??? it's suddenly July all of a sudden? Jimmy ghost wrote this webtoon. Also, visually, this Lily looks pretty similar to Weak Hero's Lily
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potionsmcster · 8 months
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myjealouseyes · 6 months
Drabble request form an anon: Fame AU where Wolfstar!daughter wins her first Grammy and she thanks the Marauders, Lily, and Harry in her acceptance speech
Send in a Drabble request here
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You’re squeezing Harry’s hand tightly as you listen to Lily, Mary, and Marlene read off nominees for Best New Artist. Harry squeezes right back, giving you an easy smile. Ever since the day you found out you were nominated, he’d been confident that you were going to win. You tried to explain how there were lots of talented artists nominated this year, but he didn't care. In his mind, there was only one way you were leaving tonight, and that was with the title of ‘Grammy Winning Musician’. The same confidence was displayed on his face now; easing your nerves without any effort. If it weren't for all the people and the cameras you would have kissed him right there.
“And the Best New Artist is…” Mary pauses the announcement as Marlene rips open the envelope, earning scattered laughter throughout the audience. Lily’s eyes widen in delight as she catches a glimpse of your name. “Y/N Lupin-Black! Get up here girl!”
Your heart jumps to your throat and you quickly make your way through the cheering crowd. You're pulled into a hug the second Lily can get her hands on you. She presses a motherly kiss to your cheek as Mary hands you the award proudly. The three of them step to the side, still hosting proud smiles on their faces as look out into the crowd. You don’t even bother to hold back tears as you clear your throat and begin to speak.
“Umm…wow,” you giggle breathlessly into the microphone as the cheering quiets down to hear you speak. You wipe your face and stand straight as you hold up the Grammy; almost in disbelief. “This is amazing. Truly an amazing honor to be recognized by the Academy. I’d like to thank my dads, Uncle Peter, James, Aunt Marlene, Aunt Mary, and Lily who all gave me the love and passion I have for music that got me here. And to everyone who listened to my music, I honestly can’t thank you enough.” You take a breath and smile brightly. “Lastly I’d like to thank my best friend and lifelong love Harry, who’s been my muse as well as my biggest supporter since the start. I truly wouldn’t be where I am without you. thank you, I love you.”
You’re sniffle as you begin to walk off stage. the audience grants you your first standing ovation, the first of many to come.
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chdarling · 1 year
I'm thinking (and chuckling about) Harvey and Graham living together in the 7th year Hufflepuff dorms and wondering how they get along? Does Harvey think Graham is a bit too much? Do they bond over their mutual interest in a certain redheaded Gryffindor?
Hehehehe. 😈
So, this is one of those things that I didn’t intentionally plan at first, but realized after the fact. I have a lot of side characters, and sometimes I don’t notice that I’ve accidentally put them in the same dormitory until I’m organizing my notes and see those two names next to each other and go: “…..huh.”
However, like little accidents often do, this particular accident spawned a whole slew of ideas…and after much musing, the conclusion I reached was that Graham and Harvey fuckin’ hate each other.
Or rather, Graham fuckin’ hates Harvey, and Harvey just kind of smiles at Graham in pleasant bafflement like, “Wow, what an odd fellow. Why are his robes so rumpled. Anyway…”
Graham, I think, would resent the heck out of Harvey for being something of a friendly oaf and getting the head boy badge, while he, Graham, is actively running a student support group and trying to change things in the school. What has Harris ever done???? But Graham feels he’s constantly overlooked and he’s a little bitter about it. (Who can blame him!!)
Meanwhile, he has to listen to Harvey moan about his on-and-off relationship with Sophie Price, which he is probably moaning about while he’s apparently dating some Gryffindor muggle-born girl who — oh — is actually really hot.
And then…AND THEN that Muggle-born girl shows up to the great hall in a miniskirt and inspires a school wide protest for muggle rights?? And then?? And then???? That idiot Harveh fookin’ Harris dumps her? For Sophie Price? The girl who cheated on him?
Yeah, Graham is NOT impressed.
You know who else is apparently in that dorm? Clarence Smith, whose claim to fame was hitting on Lily at Slughorn’s Christmas party and getting told to fuck off by Sirius and then later telling Bertha Jorkins that Lily was shagging Bertram Aubrey. These Hufflepuffs are MESSY.
(Also I love the implication that Graham heard all this drama and was like, “yeah fuck these dudes. That girl needs some support. Better invite her to my secret muggle-born support group.”)
ANYWAY lmao. This is one of my absolute favorite parts of story-crafting: making accidental connections and discovering all this backstory that has been going on right under my nose 😌
tl;dr: Graham is a Harvey Harris Hater.
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bamb-procrastinates · 1 month
Liliyan Danaus Info Dump Don't Mind Me (2/2) ;0
Making paintings is her favorite art form.
In different routes Liliyan would make a painting based off of the boy she ends up with, a kind of love language of hers. What makes it different from the other works she's done? These aren't just ordinary paintings, they are a collage of the feelings she wants to reciprocate to the person and a manifestation of all the memories she cherished. She'd overexert to capture those emotions. Rather than use art for the fame and all that she wants it to reach people and evoke emotion. Especially to the loved ones she holds dearly, she wants a piece of her heart to stay with them. (she's cheesy ik)
Cove's would be ocean themed of course with soft seafoam and blues like their home. It would also be inspired by the dolphin wind chimes she got him and it would have this melting effect while there are also some things that hint at their childhood growing up together. To top it all off she'd let him paint an empty space on the canvas if he wanted to, kind of like a way to say "you'd always be a part of my world" or smth like that. Cove would absolutely bawl his eyes out because out of everybody apart from her family would know how much art meant to her.
Derek oh sweet Derek would have a painting that themes around trophies and rewards cuz he deserves it so much. Like Cove's there are some references to the times they spent together. It would have some gold but I also think of adding some warm and comforting colors to remind Derek that he doesn't have to try so hard with her and that he's enough. Oh yeah she'd definitely practice face paint for him and his bros.
Liliyan was hesitant to even make Baxter one when he was only looking for a fling for the summer and really she knew nothing about him which makes it really hard. And Liliyan takes relationships seriously (platonic or not). Slowly but surely she'd think of a way to make a colorful painting out of this monochrome muse. Just learning about Baxter and seeing the layers of her initial thoughts on him unfold to something entirely different brought a new perspective on how she makes these kinds of paintings. After he left, the painting was left as an unfinished pencil drawn sketch and she couldn't even give it to him.
(Ok no more sad)
Hug person (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
She loves hugs since it was the easiest way for her to show gratitude and appreciation to others when she was struggling to communicate as a little kid. The gesture then became a natural instinct of hers.
Favorite drink is root beer.
She is ambidextrous and gets double wrist paint from hours of drawing and painting oof.
Loves listening to 80s music
Has a biological aunt who took care of her temporarily when she was an infant until she had Pam and Noelani take custody over her. Her reason for this is because she was only 18 at the time with no parents and that she was a college student who could barely make any income. So she made the tough choice to hand Liliyan over to a more stable family. They reunite at some point and still keep in touch with a good relationship.
The walls in her room are literally her canvas, like she would paint flowers, animals, and landscapes Rapunzel style. Elizabeth's old room is no exception.
She loves all flowers
Obsessed with these scented slimes cuz they're such great stress relievers for her:
Random fun fact: I made my MCs' first names based on plants and their last names after a bug/insect.
Liliyan Danaus (Lily flowers and the scientific name of the monarch butterfly aka the danaus plexippus. Random fact, some lilies bloom early in summer or throughout autumn.)
Oren Wasp (Oren meaning pine or ash. Wasp is already obvious but another fun fact, wasps are more aggressive in the fall. Perfect for his personality in step 1)
Bara Wasp (Bara short for Balete Rosa, balete is a tree native to the Philippines which is where they're from and rosa for rose. Together it makes it Bara which in tagalog means obstructing or blocking) 'baradong ilong' pls don't translate
Ivy Meadowhawk (First name is obvious, meadowhawk the dragon fly, she's a fairly new mc so I can't say much about her.)
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inblss · 4 months
13, 14, and 29!
— 🪼
13. which of your muses is the most talkative?
my baby DAWN ): her lives are literally just like lily’s. she just says any and everything and the fans find her so cute lmao. because why are u contemplating on if clouds are real and not a trick the government is playing on everyone ….???
14. which of them is the quietest?
VIVIENNE, one hundred percent. she’s more of an observer than anything and is definitely the type to pass the mic ( aye.. ) on stages 💀 her comedic timing is genius though. and she’ll say it with a blank face completely serious. adore her <3
29. which of your muses would kill to prove a point / that they are right?
tie between RANI and XIÙ. XIÙ would do anything to keep her fame and RANI is a wildcard. up to no good, that girl.
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tugoslovenka · 7 months
Warding Bond - Chapter 1
The Feast of Heroes was meant to celebrate the efforts of common and special champions who took up arms against the threats that dared target the city of Baldur’s Gate. It would always include mention of some spectacular individuals that gave life and limb for their home. However, the legendary six were always at the forefront of these tributes, led by none other than the self-proclaimed leader of the group, pivotal in taking down the mind flayer threat.
Lord Astarion Ancunín.
Owner of the Ancunín Estate. Member of the Council of Four. All-powerful vampire ascendant.
And the target of Althea’s emancipation pact.
Also posting on AO3!
I would like to preface this that this is a rather heavy fic with explicit mentions of SA, dealing with trauma, trauma bonding, PTSD, dissociation etc. The dark tag is there for a reason, so please proceed with caution going forward.
I am the biggest D&D nerd imaginable, so I’m absolutely including a metric fuckton of lore and mentions from the universe. It’s not going to be heavy, but those that appreciate it, I see you.
Finally, be careful in how you deal with the devil, lovelies. As in, don’t.
110 years had passed since the siege on Baldur’s Gate.
Those lucky enough to escape the illithids had mostly perished to disease, madness or the natural order of death. Elves, dwarves and gnomes were a minority amongst the population that had witnessed the horrors of the Grand Design and survived to tell the tale. Even those who were willing and able to carry on with their livelihoods after the assault took their businesses elsewhere—save for the few who cherished the attention each winter brought them during the Feast of Heroes.
Varra— Althea, as she now answered to—was not present during the mind flayer invasion. She was not aware of the plot that nearly brought upon the collapse of Faerûn, nor did she care. There had been enough heroes sprouting like lilies across every alleway in the city. Most of them met a fate worse than death before they could infiltrate the famed Cult of the Absolute.
Instead, back then, Varra was deep in the forgotten lands of Cania, treading through icy waters and monster-infested lands. It was irony from the Gods, sacrificing her to the whims of a petty lord, for her to endure years of torture and a hunger that could never be satiated, only to find false freedom in a cambion devil whose arrogance trapped her within the last bastion of Nessus. Some time had passed since she first visited the Eighth Circle of Hell.
Only now was she able to enjoy the bustling streets of the city she once called home. With one leg hanging off each side of the stone wall that overlooked the Lower City, she took a deep breath. It was almost time for the firework display. She hoped it wouldn’t be as loud as the tavern patrons promised.
Though, hope was a dangerous thing. 
“Just one nod, my dear, and I shall grant you freedom,” he mused, curiously inspecting the cage that Lord Cazador had designed in the likeness of the very devils he so admired. The vampire wasn’t aware of these nightly visits, of course, which gave her ample time to understand the true powers of the son of Mephistopheles.  
Raphael was his name. A handsome devil, true both in expression and physique. His presence was the only reason she could think clearly for the first time in, as she learned, ages.
He informed her that 75 years had passed since her imprisonment. Brief moments of the life she once had were now but a memory, occasionally flickering like candlelight in darkness. Varra would sometimes recall the crackle of flames underneath a starry sky. Often, she could smell a sweetness; honey, with a hint of woodiness that followed the sensation of a thick liquid coating her throat. People who she no longer recognized—men, women and children—rallied themselves in turns, revealed in memories that did not belong to her. 
And yet, the ache in her heart upon seeing them told a different story.  
With the years, the strangers she had been seeing in her dreams faded. Bit by bit, they were plucked from her mind as she stood, watching the locations and noise disappear faster than she could comprehend. Yet one person remained perfectly still. 
An elf. Unimposing and charming, draped in fine leathers and specks of gold, who always ensured his cuffs remained white. He stood at attention, one hand rested behind his back while the other held hers. A toothy grin revealed two sharp canines. Though he never spoke, Varra’s body seemed to instantly respond to his touch. Even in the blurred haze of her obliviousness, a spark of rage usually sprung her awake to her mindless existence. 
It took Raphael less than a breath to fill in the empty contours of her mind. 
“Astarion...” he answered her thoughts. “One of his spawn. One of his favorite spawn.”  
With a flick of the wrist, the devil began painting in the details. An opulent ball, exuding grandeur and extravagance that befitted the highest socialites of Baldur’s Gate. A gown, glittering with color and fashioned from silk that inspired the finest tailors of the Court. A dance, lively and passionate that displayed more intimacy than the most intertwined of souls in the Material Plane. 
She laid against darkwood, coated in her own pleasure and listening to the lapping sounds of the partner kneeling between her legs. The tops of his curls glistened under the chandelier as she felt her knees buckling under increasing pressure. 
“That’s it, darling. Let go,” he cooed, his voice coated with deceit, and she could not remember why she trusted it still. His tongue was talented, that she would not deny. At no point had the elf made any efforts in prioritizing his needs. Instead, she vaguely remembered a gentle kiss that led to her sprawled on a table like a common whore. Astarion appeared to savor every touch. His hands were equally as talented, burying themselves inside her hair while his mouth explored the details on her skin. 
“Divine...” he mused as he took in the scent of her. 
Varra had scarcely ever been indulged in similar fashion. Not even the most romantic of novels could compare to the perfection—the practiced flawlessness—of his movements. She was no stranger to pleasures of the flesh, but while even the most charitable of men opted to service themselves, this stranger seemed to enjoy devouring her like a starved animal would food. Every reaction of hers was met with an equally methodical action—a second finger, a thumb circling her most sensitive nub, a purring of praise. 
Until he stopped. 
The main event, as he reminded, was still to come. It would only take a short walk to the main quarters. And so, with a lust-filled gaze and no sense of self-preservation, Varra followed the stranger through the halls of the estate. She hadn’t commented on the quiet walkways that led to a circular chamber. She didn’t raise an alarm when he left her to her lonesome for a minute too long. It was not until she was met with the glowing eyes of the master of the house, Lord Cazador, that she realized the seriousness of this ruse. 
This experience marked the eve she turned into one of his many spawns. 
Blinking back into the sore reality of her predicament, she met the eyes of the devil who so sheepishly looked at her. Reason had long abandoned her, but the undead that occupied the dark halls of these dungeons told her that eternity would involve torture unforeseen even by the Gods should she continue this path. 
Not even the Hells would be this cruel. She would hope.
With a nod, Varra simply said, “I accept.” 
Raphael clasped his hands in delight before disappearing from the very spot he apparated at. Soon enough, she felt a powerful force pull her through the marble until she found herself sitting on a lush chair, bathed in the glow from the torches that surrounded the dining room. The smell of ash overwhelmed her, though it was comforting when compared to the rotting flesh of Cazador’s estate. 
Her skin was no longer icy to the touch. The hunger that clawed at her insides was gone. The smell of blood was not etched into the deepest parts of her brain.  
“It is rather peaceful in my House of Hope, is it not?” 
The devil had sprouted wings. Horns decorated the top of his head, and his skin grew redder with each passing moment. The glow in his eyes was as bright as the spawns’ who shared her prison, though it was that of ambers and not rubies. He confidently walked to the other side of the dining table. Only then did she notice her mouth watering at the delicacies that decorated it. 
In the dungeons, food was a rarity afforded only on special occasions. It was a wonder seeing thirty souls fight tooth and nail to reward themselves with the scarce remains of a filthy rat. Varra was too weak to engage in the arguments that preceded the pecking order before a meal. She was not a fighter like some of the captives, which is why she opted to lick away the dried remains of the crimson vigor that splattered the walls while the other spawn satiated themselves. 
Her stomach growled at the offerings in front of her eyes. 
“Do spoil yourself my dear, far be it from me to deny a tortured soul a chance at reprisal.” Raphael raised a fine glass from the other end of the table. 
Dealing with devils was dangerous. Those who knew the perils of the Nine Hells were wise enough not to trust the words of imps, let alone the offspring of archdevils. It wasn’t until 135 years passed that Varra realized the twisted perversion of Raphael’s vow. The House of Hope was another trickery of the tongue, a life of servitude engulfed in oaths of freedom that would allegedly come one day. 
And so, spoil, she did. For what seemed like another harrowing eternity. 
A devil’s torment was unlike the indifference of a vampire lord. Instead of empty nihility that rotted away at her personhood, she was now overwhelmed with the promise of hope that could break the chains of her slavehood. Raphael was no mere executioner. Sometimes he would reward her obedience with trips to his boudoir where she would indulge in passions so fiery, it rivaled the hottest corners of Nessus. Very rarely, she would catch a glimpse of the Archive, which held the countless scrolls of souls that signed their life away to him. Never would she be allowed to touch the feast in the House of Hope. 
Varra had the misfortune of meeting countless other victims that had been courted by Raphael’s sharp tongue. She learned to remove her feelings from the interactions. 
She observed him for many of those years. The physical satiation of her most basic needs allowed her mind to sharpen—to piece together her broken past. Though she could never be certain if they were mirages or reality, some parts of the life she led before her enslavements, like missing puzzle pieces of her history, began putting themselves together. 
“Come now. Why play hard to get when you’re in deep over your tadpoled head?” 
Another set of guests had arrived at the House of Hope. Hurriedly, she made her way to the halls that led to the forbidden feast. A curious set of adventurers stood in awe as they examined the unknown surroundings. It had been too long since visitors required the protective charms that barricaded the servants quarters from the dining area. A one-way mirror to witnessing a master at work, Raphael had remarked. They must have been special. Hopeful. 
A one-horned Tiefling, whose beating heart seemed to be made of iron, looked particularly uncomfortable in this setting. They were an interesting bunch, no doubt—soon-to-be illithids carrying secrets sure to be plucked from them by the very same devil who charmed them. She caught their names; Karlach. Wyll. Shadowheart. Lae’zel. Gale. Astari— 
Her cries of agony were deafened by the magical barrier. Still, Varra slammed against the translucent obstacle that separated her from the man who began her suffering all those years ago. Only when her hands began searing from the flames did she regain her senses. 
Disobedience never went unnoticed in his home. 
If he was gracious enough, he would offer her a lashing. Physical punishment was preferable to the alternative—a dark, quiet room, filled with nothing but her own thoughts. Once, he tricked her into believing her bravery would be rewarded with freedom. She awoke in Baldur’s Gate, no longer a spawn, capable of exploring the markets and taverns for days on end, meeting people, enjoying life. Companions she learned to call friends invited her to various adventures where she grew stronger, more experienced. Soon enough, she found a lover. 
All was well, until it wasn’t. 
In a tenday, she lost every person she learned to care for. Her friends each met a different gruesome end—drowning, burning, starving, madness. The lover she had taken soon found another, but not before taking every last coin earned in their years of labor.  
Varra hanged herself near Wyrm’s Crossing that same night. She swung there, watching another series of memories fling past her, as the gust of wind that grazed her face turned into the warmth of a crackling fire. Her neck was no longer swollen as she, once again, found herself perched on a lush chair in the House of Hope. 
The devil’s wicked smile was all she needed to understand the message. Her fate was that of eternal suffering. 
And so, Varra shut her eyes as Raphael circled her like a wolf would deer. Servants would often be compelled to share their thoughts during his interrogations, which is why she was praying to every God in the known realms that he would show mercy in his judgment. 
He snapped his fingers, which commanded her eyes open.  
“My, my. I must say, your impulse continues to impress me!” he said, stopping in front of her, his hands behind his back. “One could say a century would dull you into nothingness. Yet you truly risked my wrath for a moment of fury. Why is that?” 
“I… I do not know.” 
“Ah, ah, ah,” he tutted. “You know better than to lie to me, little lamb.” 
“It’s—that man. Astarion...” she murmured, keeping her gaze fixed on her master as she was taught to do. 
Raphael cocked his head, “The spawn?” 
Varra fell to her knees from the sudden intrusion into her mind. She wept and screamed as he combed through 200 years of her life. Empty cots under the waning moon, a woman with dusky skin similar to hers, roaring flames and loud singing, blades expertly slicing into flesh, firm handshakes with unknown faces, the tugging of rope at her waist, a belly full of wine, an invitation to a grand ball. Astarion. 
A smile was never a good sign in the House of Hope. 
“Well, my dear, you may have just proven yourself more useful than even my associates.” 
Varra—Althea’s—attention was momentarily brought back to the cold stone she sat on. The colorful explosions that bathed the sky in blues and purples were a sign of the celebration to come. The Feast of Heroes. An annual remembrance of the siege that was stopped by a group of brave heroes whose names were forever etched into the history of Baldur’s Gate.
The booming barrage prompted her to clench her fists. True to tale, it was as spectacularly loud as the residents had promised. What followed were thunderous cheers and applause, an anxiety-inducing concoction that reverberated through Althea’s body. Loudness was never appreciated in the House of Hope. Quiet was warranted in the depths of Cania. Silence was necessary in the Szarr Palace.
Yet, noise was a vital element when saluting the bravest in the realms. She swore even the local animals roared in choir.
“Gods bless the Heroes of Baldur’s Gate!”
Tales of their courage were permanently inscribed in books of fable and fact. Their names were sung in songs that reached the very edges of the Sword Coast. Never again would this world forget the sacrifice the special few made for the many in Faerûn.
Wyll Ravenguard, the Blade of Frontiers.
Karlach Cliffgate, the Fury of Avernus.
Gale Dekarios, the Prodigy of Waterdeep.
Lae’zel, the Champion of Vlaakith.
Shadowheart, the Dark Justiciar.
Astarion Ancunín, the Decadent.  
All assumed their titles, though none remained in Baldur’s Gate. Rumors spread that the Chosen of the Blade of Frontiers abandoned his duties to help the one-horned tiefling wreck havoc in the Nine Hells. Gale of Waterdeep assumed various positions at the many magical academies across Faerûn, though he too soon disappeared after a particularly disastrous affair involving the Netherese destruction orb inside his chest. Lae’zel’s destiny was one of servitude to her Queen following the triumph over the Netherbrain. She was the first to leave the Material Plane to travel among the stars, chasing away the illithid menace that threatened the Astral Plane instead. Not much was known of Shadowhart’s fate, though given her status as a divine servant of Shar, most wished her story would continue in silence. 
Most of these heroes, if not all, were dead by now.
Still, Baldur’s Gate was not without trouble. In just a few years, the city had suffered another attack from a new group of cultists. A few more decades passed, and another reality-threatening scourge would appear. Legions of heroes banded together to fight against whatever evil was queueing at the city gates. Through it all, one legendary figure remained steadfast in his attempt to preserve the city’s rich history. Most had by now been made aware of his particular condition —an affliction which councils in neighboring cities chose to ignore for the service he provided the realms during times of need.
The Feast of Heroes was a three-day holiday, meant to celebrate the efforts of common and special champions who took up arms against the threats that dared target the city of Baldur’s Gate. It would always include mention of some spectacular individuals that gave life and limb for their home. However, the legendary six were always at the forefront of these tributes, led by none other than the self-proclaimed leader of the group, pivotal in taking down the mind flayer threat.
Lord Astarion Ancunín. 
Owner of the Ancunín Estate. Member of the Council of Four. All-powerful vampire ascendant.
And the target of Althea’s emancipation pact.
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copiabrainrot · 5 months
the Knight and her Princess, Ch 4
start here: ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
royalty AU, knight!mist x princess!aurora, fluffy fluffy 5+1 things about two idiots in love🪼🎀 five times the famously stoic captain of the royal guard, Mist, was flustered by Princess Aurora, and one time she got her revenge. read on AO3 here or continue below!
4. Dearest
The princess was staring out her window again, her maids observed. It was the third time that day, that she wordlessly gazed out into the distance, eyes seemingly focused on nothing, only to let out a melancholy sigh before turning away. The younger maid, still new to the palace and thus the princess herself, tilted her head in confusion. “What do you think she’s looking at?” Sitting at the edge of her bed, she asked the older maid that night, who had served the princess since she was a little girl. With a sly smile tugging at the corner of her lips, the older woman’s eyes glistened with mischief. “More like who she’s looking for , I say.” And she would not say anymore, even when the young girl begged and pleaded; but the smile on her face remained nonetheless. 
(It has been four days since the battalion led by their famed captain of the royal guard, Dame Mist, had left the kingdom.)
The sun shone down mercilessly, bright rays hot and blinding, and Mist wiped away a bead of sweat from her brow. Her soldiers were bone-tired, and so were the horses. The mission was near completion, and they were close to returning home. They still had time, she decided. For now, they would rest. 
When the tents were all set up and the horses tended to, it was nearing night time. Somewhere in the close distance, she heard the dry crackling of wood, and knew a fire was being lit. She was about to retire to her tent to study the map in preparation for their travels the next morning when out of the corner of her eye she saw a figure rapidly nearing their campsite on horseback. She stood up, alert, and squinted—it was much easier to see when the sun wasn’t directing its rays straight at her eyes, she mused, and her shoulders relaxed instantly when she’d recognised the man’s uniform to be of a royal messenger of the King. 
When he’d approached her by the now roaring campfire moments later, Mist ordered some of her soldiers to take care of the horse and provide the messenger with some refreshments for the journey back. He thanked her graciously and handed her an envelope, sealed with an unfamiliar stamp that, when held closer to the firelight, seemed to sparkle and glisten as if doused with liquid gold. Her brows knitted slightly, for she could not decipher the origin of the unusual seal, but she thanked the man and wished him a safe ride back to the kingdom. 
( It was not far from where they were now, the messenger assured her; and while Mist knew that from looking at the maps, the confirmation still gave her a sense of comfort. They were not far from the palace. And, hence, she was not far from seeing her again.) 
Later, alone in the privacy of her tent, she opened the envelope. Not wanting to destroy the delicate seal for it was unique and rather intricate, she used the edge of her sword and slid it between the tiny gap between the flap and the back of the envelope, carefully tearing apart the junction of parchment and wax. After returning her weapon to its sheath, she lifted the folded parchment that secured its inner contents, fully expecting to have received a briefing for another expedition, or further intel and developments for their current one. 
Instead, what struck her instantly was the almost overwhelming scent of floral perfume. 
The smell of jasmine and lily of the valley flooded her nostrils, fresh and sweet, blooming in the air around her and swirling in the confines of the tent. She shut her eyes, inhaled deeply, and smiled. She may not be a connoisseur of fragrances, but she would easily recognise this combination anywhere. Amused, she reached a hand into the envelope now and fished out only a thin, flimsy piece of paper, folded into a square and embellished with a pink bow tied across it. Grinning fully now, she shook her head slowly as she held the little parcel in her hand. 
Oh princess, my princess. You are always full of surprises. What do you have in store for me this time?
With all the gentleness a knight with bloodstained hands could muster, she tugged at the ribbon lightly and watched as the silky pink strand unraveled from one singular motion with ease. Unfolding the parchment carefully so that she did not tear the thin paper, which was clearly sprayed with perfume as Mist could see the stains that made the material translucent under her candlelight, she swallowed, preparing herself to read the message. It was rather stupid, she knew, to be so nervous about the whole ordeal when it was only a harmless note from the princess. But was it wrong for her to wish to savour this moment? Any gift from her princess was as precious as a pearl, after all. She was alone, with only the night sky, looking down at her, as her companion. The rest of the world was asleep, and she felt justified in her little ritual of unwrapping the unexpected present. 
Having finally opened up the letter, she blinked once, lashes fluttering as she scanned the words that appeared before her. 
My Dearest Mist, Aurora wrote. 
It has only been four days since your departure, but it feels nothing short of a lifetime. You might laugh at me and think that I am being terribly dramatic, but I cannot help but think of you. I hope that the mission is going well, and you can return soon, safely. I thought about writing more, but I did not want to distract you from the expedition at hand—not when your safety would be compromised by such a distraction. But please know that I am thinking of you, always—you seem to occupy my thoughts every waking moment, and I cannot help but wish that you return instantly, right this moment. I’m being selfish, I know; please do not sacrifice the mission on my behalf. Take as much time as you need, but know that I am waiting for you.
P.S. If you ever find yourself homesick, look up at the moon. I see her shining down each night from the window of my chambers, and the thought that though miles apart, we are still under the same moon and same stars brings me some solace in your absence. 
Following her signature in neat cursive, a little heart has been scribbled in pink ink, and on the bottom of the page, there was a rather childlike doodle. A fond smile spread across Mist’s face as she recognised the figures as herself and the princess, hand in hand, looking up at a lopsided circle that was, supposedly, the moon. And if the contents of the letter itself were not enough to fluster her, a faint lipstick stain called for Mist’s attention in the corner of the page, pink and slightly smudged. Mist shut her eyes and inhaled, the image of Princess Aurora pressing a kiss to her letter forming vividly behind her eyelids. She recalled when the princess had first kissed her, on the cheek—recalled how soft her lips were when they grazed her skin. 
Moments later, Mist emerged from her tent, having packed away the parcel carefully and stored it in a safe corner in her satchel so that its precious contents would not be damaged. The wind was gentle, brushing against her skin and caressing her hair like an embrace. Craning her neck, she glanced up at the moon, pale rays glistening in her infinite beauty. She imagined her princess doing the same, and with the thought in mind, each star seemed to twinkle a little more. 
Soon, she’ll be home and beside her princess once more. But for now, being under the same starry night sky would have to suffice.
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killlingboys · 1 year
like for a one liner starter from some of my newer muses under the cut!
rhiannon jade , once disney star until her ex leaked a sex tape then she became a porn star. ( nicola peltz )
paris above , bass player of a band called siren's arcade . heavily inspired by American satan / paradise city : a rock/metal band that is rumoured to have made a sacrifice for fame . ( lily rose depp )
bryce claire , the love child of a famous Hollywood director and a ' nobody ' and was kept a secret for the better part of her life until her mother passed away . then she came into the tabloids as the love child and is a nepotism baby star . ( blake lively )
devyn logan , a carefree stripper . the cliche messy sex work , plays men in suits like fiddles . ( jessica alexander )
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elxctrics · 1 year
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"lost in an image, in a dream. but there's no one there to wake her up. and the world is spinning and she keeps on winning, but tell me, what happens when it stops. they go 'isn't she lovely, this hollywood girl?' and they say, she's so lucky, she's a star."
(—) ★ spotted!! PERSEPHONE SINCLAIR on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 37 year old looks like CANDICE SWANEPOEL, but i don’t really see it. while  the FORMER ACTRESS/POPSTAR - CURRENT SINGER/SONGWRITTER is known for being OPTIMISTIC my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be HAUNTED i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song lucky by britney spears  { she/her / cisfemale } - penned by CANDICE, 26, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER
  ˗ˏˋ * ‣ 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬    :  
connections || musings || instagram || headcanons
name: persephone jane sinclair
age: thirty seven
nicknames: p, seph, percy, sephy, pers
date of birth: february 14th, 1986
astrological sign: aquarius
place of birth: los angeles, california
occupation: former actress/popstar - current singer/songwritter
voice claim: britney spears then / florence welch now
label: the phoenix 
positive traits: optimistic, disciplined, caring, empathetic 
negative traits: haunted, immature, regretful, lonely
characters/celebrities inspired by: britney spears, drew barrymore, georgia miller from ginny and georgia, lily van der woodsen from gossip girl, deb scott from one tree hill, florence welch
being the first born child of the sinclairs thrust persephone in the spotlight from the moment she was born.
her mother was a prominent talent manager and her father was a music producer, meaning that fame truly was the only option for her. her parents had been insanely controlling, practically forcing persephone to be the star that they always dreamed she’d be.
from the time she was a little girl, persephone was acting. at the age of only two years old, she was cast in a bunch of movies and tv shows and at age 8, she landed a role on the hit series, full house as dj tanner. and at between filming for that, was cast in a plethora of disney channel movies and shows, commercials, nickelodeon shows, and eventually went on to star in blockbuster, hit movies.
she was a true child star, not knowing a life outside of hard work or celebrity status and as she got older, she began to get into a bit of trouble.
being exposed to the night life, partying and having anything she wanted at her disposal made it easy for the girl to live a wild life behind the scenes. drugs and alcohol became regular things in her life by the time she was only twelve years old and her parents simply allowed it. if it kept her famous and relevant, they didn’t care.
however, their plans of oscar awards and absolute stardom came to a screeching halt when persephone was just fourteen years old and found herself pregnant by one of her co-stars on freaks and geeks.
the plan was for her to get an abortion, but her doctor sold the sonogram pictures and her medical records to the tabloids and it was now time for her parents to do some serious damage control.
instead of their original plan, they made persephone keep the pregnancy - which ended up being a twin boy and girl and forced her and the baby daddy to stay together.
as soon as the babies were born, persephone’s parents took control, practically raising the babies themselves and completely managing persephone and the baby daddy’s relationship - painting them as this picture perfect teen couple who defied the odds and were raising their family.
persephone was thrust back into the spotlight, now being forced to start a career as a pop-star, even though she wasn’t exactly a commercial sounding singer singer. however, her father’s producing skills came in handy - all of her music was completely autotuned and manufactured.
with her mother taking care of her babies, grooming them and raising them to be stars just like they had persephone, persephone was free to continue climbing the hollywood ladder. with the public so focused on her and fascinated by how she juggled it all, she became a pop sensation overnight and by eighteen years old, she had five grammys under her belt and had embarked on multiple international world tours.
at twenty one, she and the father of her children got married, her parents letting them know that it was time and on the covers of magazines, it seemed like persephone had managed to defy the odds and have a picture perfect life.
however, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. persephone suffered with severe post partum depression after the birth of her twins that was never taken care of and was simply given drugs to numb herself and keep her going, she had been forced to return to work and embark on becoming a world famous pop star and didn’t have any power or control in raising her own children - and her husband shared the same frustrations, which caused their relationship to absolutely crumble.
they were divorced by the time persephone was twenty four and when she was twenty five, she had a complete, public mental breakdown. she had been seen leaving nightclubs completely disheveled in the middle of the night, starting fights with paparazzi and anyone who came in her face, and even showed up to one of her shows completely intoxicated and passed out on stage.
it wasn't until one night in las vegas during her residency that sent persephone over the edge. after one of the worst performances ever, persephone left her show, was spotted shaving her head and attacked the paparazzi yet again and was so drugged up that she overdosed in her hotel room. and if it wasn't for her ex-husband finding her, she probably wouldn't have made it.
the next morning, after she sobered up, she packed her bags and demanded that he take her to rehab.
after spending an entire year in rehab getting herself together, persephone finally had clarity and realized that her parents were at fault for everything that had gone wrong in her life. however, getting out of their grasp wasn't so easy. upon returning, she discovered that they had a conservatorship against her and had been controlling her life and finances without her even realizing. but she was determined. determined to show her children to never give up and determined to take her life back. after a grueling six month court battle, she got her kids back and also got the conservatorship dropped and promised her parents they would never speak to her or look into her eyes again. she took her children, moved to the outskirts of los angeles and lived the next ten years out of the spotlight.
her children were eleven years old, but she was just learning to be a mother. however, she poured her entire heart and soul into making up for the lost time. but of course, the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. with her children being raised to want to be famous, persephone was always one to support their dreams.
however, she’s a different kind of controlling than her own parents were - she’s controlling in the sense that she’s fiercely protective over her kids and doesn’t want them making the same mistakes she had made, which causes them to argue quite a bit, even though they’re both now 22 year old adults.
she hasn’t worked in ten years, putting all of her focus on motherhood, but when she was offered a position as a judge on ‘the voice’ she knew she had to take the offer. she wanted to act as a mentor to the younger generation and hopes to help prevent people from making the same mistakes she did.
getting on the voice made her realize that she had a voice, herself. and that it would be hypocritical to encourage all of these dreams without chasing after her own.
after digging up her old journals from the past eleven years - things she wrote when she was in rehab or things she wrote when life was getting hard, she produced and recorded her first studio album as her real self, called ceremonials, which has been met with critical acclaim.
at thirty seven years old she wants to show not only her children, but the world, that it's never too late to reinvent yourself.
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fmdmichelle · 1 year
♡ 𝐇𝐈, 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 !!  first of all, i hope the new year has been treating everyone well ! on a personal level, it’s been a little chaotic for me ( despite thinking everything would be so magically different in my life after the blur that was november to january 🤣 ), but i’m hopeful i can get my act together to be a better, and more active, member of this space with all of you. having been in famed for so long, it makes me sad that i haven’t put in as much of an effort to write with everyone here as i should, and going forward, it’s a genuine goal of mine to try and turn things around, and i want to extend an apology to anyone i’ve ghosted, or haven’t replied to, or followed-up with in regards to plotting, etc. it’s never my intention to do so, and i hope that i can prove to all of you through actions that i want to be better about consistency in all things famed-related ! so, if you’ll have me, my first step is pouring more love into michelle ( with jake & rioh to follow, of course ) ! with that said, i’d adore to get some new threads going and more plots brewing, and below the cut will be more info if you’re interested ! ♡
in regards to plotting, i prefer to brainstorm specific ideas that suit the muses at play; i feel like i’m much better at that than coming up with open plot-lines to be viewed and taken. however, if you have any wanted connections or plots that you want filled for your muses, i’d be more than happy to look through them ! i love doing that, too, so don’t hesitate to let me know if you have stuff up for grabs. 🥰 oh, and i have a discord i can give out, too. i tend to prefer plotting there as it’s easier for me to keep track of, but i’m happy either way !
michelle is in a rather confused state at the moment. in doing more of a deep dive on her off-dash, i’ve come to discover that she’s at a huge crossroads with her career right now. while she’s appreciative of all that she’s been able to accomplish in korea as a pop act, the façade of having to be an idol is weighing heavily on her shoulders. having been in the game for over a decade now, she’s becoming really bored of the same ol’ same. in her heart of hearts, she wants to transition into being known as an independent singer-songwriter; a talent that’s somehow been hiding behind the veneer of lily’s “michelle” for all this time. however, that comes with its own complications because she’s signed yet another contract with bc entertainment that she’s riding out, and she’s trying to figure out the best way to go about making this vision she has come true without rocking the boat too much. slow and steady wins the race, as she says.
on a positive note, this conflicting time period ( as well as other more personal life events ) has given her a dramatic boost in creativity. now more than ever, she’s been at her piano writing so much music. her heart is so full of emotions and her mind is, like, overwhelmingly loaded with ideas that the only way to rid of some of that weight on her shoulders is to purge them through song. over the last few years, she’s been finding her own sound as an independent artist, and she feels as though she’s developed it a lot in ways that she’s really confident in. in fact, she’s submitted her own piece to be used for the fm202.3 march release. it’ll be this anthem, if anyone’s curious !
throughout the last maybe like, six-months-to-a-year, she’s realized that she’s become really self-isolated from people and she’s wanting to not be anymore. after a lengthy phone call home with her uncle, she’s feeling the push to get out more, and connect with friends, and make new friends, or kiss girls and guys, and just... have a little more fun. she’s definitely more the type that prioritizes work over anything else, and that’s often to her detriment, but she’s forcing herself to leave her home for more than just work obligations now. i also know there are plenty of people in the industry she either wants to reconnect with, or get to know more, so there’s openings for plot ideas !
she also would adore to collab creatively with someone right now omg ! like, she’s feeling so fueled with ideas and wants to like, share them with people she trusts, or even people that she looks up to in order to hear their thoughts, or to learn from them if they’re more seasoned in the solo realm. that, and as someone who always wants to learn and improve ( total virgo in that sense ), i think she’d even enjoy getting in touch with the other singers to nerd out about vocal pedagogy and music theory in general. she misses doing that with her vocal coach back home in hell’s kitchen.
while it’s not a totally formulated thought or idea yet, she’s sort of interested in doing some musical acting. mostly because it reminds her of new york and seeing broadway shows from the seats all the way in the back of the theatre that one of her uncle’s friends could snag her. a part of her thinks that being involved in a project like that would push her out of her comfort zone and re-inspire her in some ways, but she’s timid about it still. she wants to make sure she has the time and mental space to handle it before committing to a full run in a show. though, if she does want to go through with it, i’m thinking of giving her the role of roxie in the musical “chicago” as an option. 👀 it just... seems fitting and works.
there’s so much more i could say, but i don’t wanna make this too obnoxiously long. if you’re down to brainstorm or plot something with me/michelle, please show me some love by liking this post or messaging me ! i’d love to hear from you, and i do promise to be on my shit ab replies to im’s. you’re all more than welcome to kick my ass if i slip, too. 😅
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rxscss · 2 years
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“𝓁𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒾𝓃 𝒶𝓃 𝒾𝓂𝒶𝑔𝑒, 𝒾𝓃 𝒶 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒'𝓈 𝓃𝑜 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓌𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓊𝓅 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹 𝒾𝓈 𝓈𝓅𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝒽𝑒 𝓀𝑒𝑒𝓅𝓈 𝑜𝓃 𝓌𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓃𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝒾𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓅𝓈? 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝑔𝑜 𝒾𝓈𝓃'𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎, 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒽𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁? 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓈𝒽𝑒'𝓈 𝓈𝑜 𝓁𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓎, 𝓈𝒽𝑒'𝓈 𝒶 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇.”
(—) ★ spotted!! PERSEPHONE SINCLAIR on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 36 year old looks like CANDICE SWANEPOEL, but i don’t really see it. while  the POP STAR/SINGING COMPETITION SHOW JUDGE is known for being OPTIMISTIC my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be HAUNTED i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song lucky by britney spears  { she/her / cisfemale } - penned by CANDICE, 25, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER
wanted connections + connections || musings || pinterest || instagram || headcanons
name: persephone jane sinclair
age: thirty six
nicknames: p, seph, percy, sephy, pers
date of birth: february 14th, 1986
astrological sign: aquarius
place of birth: los angeles, california
occupation: pop star/singing competition show judge
voice claim: britney spears
label: the phoenix 
positive traits: optimistic, disciplined, caring, empathetic 
negative traits: haunted, immature, regretful, lonely
characters/celebrities inspired by: britney spears, drew barrymore, georgia miller from ginny and georgia, lily van der woodsen from gossip girl, deb scott from one tree hill
being the first born child of the sinclairs thrust persephone in the spotlight from the moment she was born.
her mother was a prominent talent manager and her father was a music producer, meaning that fame truly was the only option for her. her parents had been insanely controlling, practically forcing persephone to be the star that they always dreamed she’d be.
from the time she was a little girl, persephone was acting. at the age of only two years old, she was cast in a bunch of movies and tv shows and at age 8, she landed a role on the hit series, full house as dj tanner. and at between filming for that, was cast in a plethora of disney channel movies and shows, commercials, nickelodeon shows, and eventually went on to star in blockbuster, hit movies.
she was a true child star, not knowing a life outside of hard work or celebrity status and as she got older, she began to get into a bit of trouble.
being exposed to the night life, partying and having anything she wanted at her disposal made it easy for the girl to live a wild life behind the scenes. drugs and alcohol became regular things in her life by the time she was only twelve years old and her parents simply allowed it. if it kept her famous and relevant, they didn’t care.
however, their plans of oscar awards and absolute stardom came to a screeching halt when persephone was just fourteen years old and found herself pregnant by one of her co-stars on freaks and geeks.
the plan was for her to get an abortion, but her doctor sold the sonogram pictures and her medical records to the tabloids and it was now time for her parents to do some serious damage control.
instead of their original plan, they made persephone keep the pregnancy - which ended up being a twin boy and girl and forced her and the baby daddy to stay together.
as soon as the babies were born, persephone’s parents took control, practically raising the babies themselves and completely managing persephone and the baby daddy’s relationship - painting them as this picture perfect teen couple who defied the odds and were raising their family.
persephone was thrust back into the spotlight, now being forced to start a career as a pop-star, even though she wasn’t exactly an amazing singer. however, her father’s producing skills came in handy - all of her music was completely autotuned and manufactured.
with her mother taking care of her babies, grooming them and raising them to be stars just like they had persephone, persephone was free to continue climbing the hollywood ladder. with the public so focused on her and fascinated by how she juggled it all, she became a pop sensation overnight and by eighteen years old, she had five grammys under her belt and had embarked on multiple international world tours.
at twenty one, she and the father of her children got married, her parents letting them know that it was time and on the covers of magazines, it seemed like persephone had managed to defy the odds and have a picture perfect life.
however, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. persephone suffered with severe post partum depression after the birth of her twins that was never taken care of and was simply given drugs to numb herself and keep her going, she had been forced to return to work and embark on becoming a world famous pop star and didn’t have any power or control in raising her own children - and her husband shared the same frustrations, which caused their relationship to absolutely crumble.
they were divorced by the time persephone was twenty four and when she was twenty five, she had a complete, public mental breakdown. she had been seen leaving nightclubs completely disheveled in the middle of the night, starting fights with paparazzi and anyone who came in her face, and even showed up to one of her shows completely intoxicated and passed out on stage - which was the final straw for her parents, who immediately sent her to rehab.
after spending an entire year in rehab getting herself together, persephone finally had clarity and realized that her parents were at fault for everything that had gone wrong in her life. she took her children, moved to the outskirts of los angeles and lived the next ten years out of the spotlight.
her children were eleven years old, but she was just learning to be a mother. however, she poured her entire heart and soul into making up for the lost time. but of course, the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. with her children being raised to want to be famous, persephone was always one to support their dreams.
however, she’s a different kind of controlling than her own parents were - she’s controlling in the sense that she’s fiercely protective over her kids and doesn’t want them making the same mistakes she had made, which causes them to argue quite a bit, even though they’re both now 21 year old adults.
she hasn’t worked in ten years, putting all of her focus on motherhood, but when she was offered a position as a judge on ‘the voice’ she knew she had to take the offer. she wanted to act as a mentor to the younger generation and hopes to help prevent people from making the same mistakes she did.
𝓯𝓲𝓵𝓶𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱𝔂 & 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓻
tv and film career:
altered states: 1991, age: 5, role: margaret jessup, awards and acclaims: none
the little rascals: 1991, age:5, role: darla, awards and acclaims: none
full house: 1994-2001, age: 8-15, role: dj tanner, awards and acclaims: none
casper the friendly ghost: 1995, age:9, role: kathleen ‘kat’ harvey,  awards and acclaims: none
home alone: 1996, age:10, role: megan mccalister, awards and acclaims: none
my girl: 1997, age: 11, role: vada sultenfuss, awards and acclaims: none
mickey mouse club house: 1997-1998 age:12-13, role: herself, awards and acclaims: none
the persephone show (amanda show inspired) - 1997-2002 age: 12-15, role: herself. awards and acclaims: none
halloweentown: 1998, age: 13, role: marnie piper, awards and acclaims: none
all that: 1998-1999, age:13-14, role: herself, awards and acclaims: none
freaks and geeks: 2000, age: 14, role: lindsay weir, awards and acclaims: none
judge on ‘the voice’ : 2020-present age: 36, 
music career:
baby one more time: 2002, age: 16, awards: teen choice award for single of the year, album grossed 25,000,000 in worldwide sales and she had a 56 show tour across the us and canada
oops! i did it again: 2003: age:17, awards: billboard music award for biggest one week sales of an album ever by a female artist, billboard music award for album of the year, grammy nominated for best pop album, grossed 20,000,000 in worldwide sales and had an 88 show tour across the us, europe and south america
persephone: 2004, age:18, awards: none, grossed 10,000,000 in sales and embarked on a 69 show tour across asia and north america
in the zone: 2005, age:19, awards: billboard music award for album of the year, grammy award for best dance recording,  grossed 3,100,000 in sales, had a 74 show tour across the us and europe
blackout: 2009, age:23, awards: none, 3,100,000 in sales, persephone did not tour this album, she had one vma performance where she was infamously wasted on stage performing her song gimme more.
circus: 2010, age: 24, awards: none, grossed 4,000,000 in sales and had a 97 show tour across europe and north america
residency in vegas:
the piece of me residency was a year long residency in vegas that persephone performed at the planet hollywood hotel from 2010-2011. this was when she was at her absolute lowest and was being force fed drugs and alcohol to keep her going. she performed over 100 shows over the span of a year and after passing out on stage, she was immediately flown to rehab. this was the last time persephone ever performed and it marked her official retirement from music at age 25.
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yurifmd · 2 years
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introducing yuri, the leader and main vocal of lily...    
hello everyone - i’m LJ (he/they, 24, est). i’ve been sitting on the idea of yuri for quite some time now, she’s gone through a lot of switches (while i was checking out famed, she almost became a member of candy, then andromeda, then calypso, with a sieun fc and son naeun fc respectively lol) but i think i’ve settled on the best version of her! if you’re interested in plotting, drop a like on this post or feel free to add me on di.sc.ord at ᴄʜᴀᴏᴛɪᴄ#3572 . i’m currently working on her plots page, and i’ll post that once i have all of her plots written and completed, but until then i’m always happy to brainstorm plots or look at whatever prewritten plots you’ve made for your muses! i’ll stop blabbering on now and let you get to what’s really important - yuri!
the firstborn of two children, son yuri and her little sibling were both blessed with musical talent. (listen.. if anyone’s bringing in another muse in the future and would like to fill in her little sibling connection.. hmu)
although yuri liked to consider it a curse more so than a blessing. 
her parents were failed musicians that basically tried to push their failed dreams off on their kids. and since her mother could already sing and her father could play the piano and the guitar, they didn’t even need to pay for lessons. life was a nonstop music lesson for the two son children. 
while she did learn how to play the piano and guitar (begrudgingly), she mostly stuck to singing because it was what naturally came to her. like her mother, she was a small girl with a big voice and while she didn’t hate singing, it wasn’t something she wanted to dedicate the rest of her life to. it was a fun hobby that she didn’t mind doing from time to time. 
by the time she was a preteen, she had come to realize that her parents were trying to live out their life’s dreams through their children, and while she developed a bit of resentment towards them for that, she couldn’t bring herself to really hate them. she loved them enough to allow herself to continue to be used as their music guinea pig. 
what she really wanted to do in life? was way less conventional than even becoming a singer like her parents wanted. at the age of eleven, she developed an interest in female mma fighting through one of her friend’s older brothers, and by the time she was fourteen he had began unofficially “training” her. he himself was an mma fighter in the making, so she had access that a lot of mma fans could only dream of. 
once her parents found out, they tried to get her to stop, which didn’t work out well for them. she raised all types of hell - yelling, screaming and causing all kinds of ruckus until they relented and allowed her to continue. she refused to allow them to take that away from her. she had gone along with them forcing music on her her entire life - they wouldn’t stop her from doing something she truly enjoyed.
the deeper that yuri got into mma, the more set on it becoming her future career she became. she just wanted to make it out of high school and then when she came of age, she wouldn’t have to stick under her parents’ thumb anymore. she had a game plan that she was going to set in motion as soon as she got her high school diploma. or so she thought. 
being the supportive friend that yuri is, she attended an audition session for bc entertainment with one of her closest friends a few weeks before graduation - the same close friend whose brother was unofficially training her. her friend was so nervous about auditioning that yuri offered to audition as well, just to help them relax and give them a confidence boost.
unfortunately, as it turned out, bc ended up wanting yuri and not her friend. which led to a huge falling out between them, which also led to yuri losing contact with their brother, which cut off all her ties to mma training. 
yuri didn’t say yes to bc’s offer at first, which is something she regrets. something she regrets even more? telling her parents about it in the first place. because as soon as she told them that she was offered a trainee spot under bc entertainment, the pressure they put on her to accept was intense. and of course, not wanting to disappoint her parents, she broke under the pressure. 
in the spring of 2010, yuri begrudgingly became a trainee, although she tried to look at things from a more positive perspective in the beginning. she didn’t hate music, and while this would put her plans for becoming a professional fighter on hold, she hoped that chances of her actually debuting were slim to none. there had to be other trainees there that were better equipped to be idols than she was. 
it turned out that apparently she was wrong, because just two years later she found herself debuting as the leader and main vocal of lily. despite debuting, something she didn’t think would happen, she still wanted to delude herself into thinking that maybe, just maybe, things wouldn’t work out for lily. maybe they won’t blow up and they would disband within the next few years - hopefully before her mid twenties. 
however, it was fun in the beginning. having people know her name, singing on stage, performing with the girls she had grown close to throughout their time as trainees together. it was something that she was having fun with - in that moment. however she knew it wasn’t anything that she wanted to do forever. she had no true interest in music. she would just wait for the lily hype to die down and they would definitely be forgotten about - right? 
lmao well.. yeah that didn’t really work out in her favor because lily literally released hit after hit after hit with no breaks in between. they became the ‘nation’s girl group’ and the ‘queens of k-pop’, two titles that put a lot of pressure on yuri.
being the introverted, to herself person that yuri is, it was jarring and a little odd seeing her face splattered across billboards, ads, and television screens no matter where she went. and it only got worse with the more music that lily released. the general public were really eating them up and yuri was not loving it. 
however she was grateful for one thing - the money. being able to financially support her family was something she’d always wanted to do - she wanted to do it by a different means, but she supposed it didn’t matter in the end. 
it seemed like everyone was happy except for yuri herself. the novelty and fun of performing had worn off after the first few years. she had began suffering from burnout before the start of 2016. with three comebacks in 2015 and a world tour that was over half a year long, being an idol became less fun and more overwhelming. 
she found herself dreading live performances and her idol schedules. every time lily was given a new schedule or told about a comeback or music release, yuri was filled with the dread of having to be on stage. it didn’t help that she wasn’t built for living a life where your every move is watched by the public.
as the years passed by, she learned how to deal with it. she became a master at hiding her true feelings from the public. she honed the skill of dancing around questions that dug too deep into her personal life, thoughts, feelings and just giving answers that would appease fans. no one would be able to tell that she was suffering on the inside. her mental health took a deep dive as well, it becoming almost impossible for her to find the motivation to do anything.
the suffering only increased around 2020 when a so called fan of hers began to become a little too obsessive. it was her first time dealing with a saesang, something she had only heard about but never had to encounter on her own. it all started with letters and gifts sent to the company, then it turned into phone calls to her personal phone and mail being sent to her home address. she had to move homes twice in the span of two years just for her safety. 
it felt like bc wasn’t doing much of anything to protect her from her saesang, which only made her dislike and disdain towards the company grow even more. she dedicated a decade of her life, and signed away even more, to them and they couldn’t even make sure that she was safe from obsessive fans?
there was a sliver of a silver lining though. in bc entertainment’s quest to find out how they could milk money out of lily’s name and brand, yuri stumbled across something she surprisingly enjoyed doing - acting. it was different from being an idol. it had similar aspects - pretending to be something she wasn’t, putting on a show, becoming someone that she wasn’t. but it wasn’t as bad or as invasive as being an idol. 
introverted and a little aloof, yuri lives up to her “ice princess” image quite well. she prefers solitude over being around large groups of people, but she does have a select few that she would choose to be around over solitude. she’s not really an excitable person, which can come across as non caring or flat to other people, but just because she’s not excitable doesn’t mean she doesn’t care at all. she cares about people and things quite a lot - she just not one for overly expressing herself. 
she feels very awkward when people give her any kind of praise about her singing ability or visuals. she prefers to be complimented on her personality, intelligence or character. although she knows in this industry, compliments towards the latter three are pretty unheard of in comparison to the former two. 
lilium: lily’s music saved my life, i love you. i owe you everything. yuri: *holding lily’s album and a sharpie* ah.. who do i make this out to?
image and career 
as the eldest member of the group, as well as the leader, yuri always carried herself with a sense of maturity and class that many people admire and respect. seen as the elegant member of the group, if the members were classified by flowers, given their group name, she would be represented by a rose - sophisticated, beautiful, poised, graceful. her visuals only matched that classification. it was a role that she fell into without much resistance. it was easy for her - she didn’t have to be over the top or the mood maker of her group. she was the cool, calm and collected one. the one that watched over her members and led them down the right path - what a true leader should be.
in terms of vocals, yuri is seen as one of the ‘vocal goddesses of k-pop’, a title she was informally dubbed with by liliums and non fans alike. no one can deny the power in her voice. many say that she can warm the hearts of the coldest men with her singing, and bc rarely let her make an appearance on any show, variety or not, without somehow getting her to sing in some way, shape or form. yuri didn’t have the charisma or stage presence to be a soloist, something that bc entertainment recognized and decided to focus on other ways to build her brand.
OSTs and musicals were yuri’s main focus in the beginning. she would sing OSTs for popular dramas and perform in popular musicals, gaining even more recognition for her vocal prowess. it wasn’t until more recent years that yuri began dipping her toes into more tv based acting, which has raised some eyebrows and headed a lot of criticism from fans and netizens alike. however, she hasn’t received reviews bad enough to ruin her budding acting career. in fact, while the reviews haven’t been exemplary, they’ve been positive for the most part, and many people are looking forward to what yuri has to offer in the future. 
as someone who isn’t interested in a solo music career, and who knows that shifting into a “normal life” after years of being in the public eye, yuri has settled on acting for a career for herself. it’s something that she finds enjoyment in and she enjoys being on the set. it allows her to “perform” but not actually be in front of fans. it’s more private than the idol career path, which is right up yuri’s alley. and it would give her the means to continue to support her family and herself.
in the near future, yuri hopes to start taking on more serious acting roles. up until now, her acting roles have more so fallen in line with dramas aimed more towards younger people, in their teens and early twenties. and while she has enjoyed those roles for the most part, as she’s getting older, she wants to dip her toes into roles that are more suited for her age. she wants roles that would actually challenge her and cause her to really put forth actual effort. she’s very well aware of the fact that taking on more serious acting jobs would only make people more critical of her acting performance - but for some reason, that only makes her more determined to take those jobs on. after taking on more serious dramas and making a better name for herself as an actress, not an idol-actress, she would like to pursue movie roles as the next step in her acting career.
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Prompt: Create a concept for a movie musical around the music video for the song "Who the hell is Edgar?" by Teya and Salena.
Title: The Who the Hell is Edgar?
Tagline: Haunted by hits
Logline: When struggling songwriter Lily gets possessed by the ghost of Edgar Allan Poe, her music career explodes. But the price of fame is high – she must contend with Poe's eccentric personality, writer's block, and a looming deadline for a hit song.
Lily: An aspiring songwriter with a talent for catchy melodies but a struggle with crafting meaningful lyrics.
Edgar Allan Poe: The sarcastic and flamboyant ghost of a legendary poet, trapped in the earthly realm.
Max: Lily's best friend and tech-savvy manager, skeptical of Edgar but supportive of Lily.
Blake: A charming music producer who sees potential in Lily's newfound musical magic.
The Muses: A flamboyant chorus of ghostly figures representing Edgar's past inspirations, appearing as ethereal projections.
Music Numbers:
Opening Number: "Uninspired Melody" (Lily): Lily pours her heart into a catchy melody that lacks lyrical depth.
"Ghost in the Machine" (Lily & Edgar): Lily encounters Edgar's mischievous ghost possessing her computer, dictating dark and witty lyrics into her unfinished song.
"Possessed by Poetry" (Edgar Solo): Edgar revels in his newfound freedom to create through Lily, showcasing his flamboyant personality and lyrical prowess in a solo number.
"Write Like You're Never Gonna Die" (Lily & Edgar Duet): Lily and Edgar form a reluctant partnership, their contrasting styles clashing and complimenting each other as they work on a hit song.
"Moaning for Melodies" (Lily & Max): Max voices his concerns about the supernatural source of Lily's success, questioning the sustainability of this partnership.
"Hit Song Hero" (Blake & Ensemble): Blake sees the commercial potential of Edgar's talent, envisioning the success Lily can achieve.
"The Muses' Lament" (The Muses): The ethereal muses appear, reminding Edgar of his forgotten literary legacy and questioning his focus on pop stardom.
"Writer's Block Blues" (Lily & Edgar Duet): Edgar grapples with writer's block, unable to recreate the initial spark that brought him back to the world.
"Who the Hell is Edgar?" (Lily & Ensemble): As the deadline approaches, Lily confronts Edgar about his true intentions, leading to a climactic musical number with the entire cast.
"Ghostly Goodbye" (Edgar & Muses): Edgar finds a way to fulfill Lily's needs and his own through a bittersweet farewell song, accompanied by the Muses.
"Lily's Legacy" (Lily Solo): Inspired by Edgar and her newfound confidence, Lily delivers a powerful final song showcasing her musical evolution.
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tripcabinet · 2 months
Exploring Claude Monet’s Garden: A Digital Floral Journey in Singapore’s Flower Dome
Hello, art and nature fans from near and far. I await you on a new thrilling trip that is currently taking place in downtown Singapore. With the summertime sunlight casting its charming channels of warmth. The famed Flower Dome brings forth the charm of a summer that brings about an experience that one cannot find anywhere else. On July 12th, embark on a transformative journey into the world of Claude Monet’s Garden the legendary impressionist painter, as “Impressions of Monet: “The Garden” comes into existence gradually within a period of three marvelously blissful months.
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Discovering Monet’s World:
Walk through the Flower Dome’s gates and lose in the magic of Monet’s garden that has been as timeless as it is today. Immerse yourself in Giverny, France where the artist found his muses. This exhibition transports you to an area where art and nature intersect almost perfectly. Through bright and meandering floral trails and a quiet, tranquil water display. Monet’s strong-mindedness about expressing the character of nature on a canvas becomes evident.
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A Fusion of Art and Technology: A Fusion of Art and Technology:
Let’s get ready to lose your mind as digital art invents Monet’s paintings and makes things look more vivid. Artistically, such a blending of the bygones with modern technology takes the viewer into a world of color and light creating a vast symphony of color hues and lights. Only possible through the latest technological advancements. Watch the elegant dance of water lilies and the play of sunlight on undulating puddles. And the enjoyable effect produced by the sun rays amidst the under-the-shadow tree gardens—all of which are rendered even more lovely by the metaverse’s ability to accurately depict every detail.
An Immersive Experience:
Walking across Flower Dome’s Zoo through its beautiful flowers. You feel like you are in Monet’s artistic moments of exceptional aptitude. Every bouquet, very carefully assembled by florists to resemble the painting’s look and recognize the artist’s genius, becomes a piece of art in itself. It doesn’t matter if you are an art expert or not. Or maybe just someone who loves beauty and art – Monet’s paintings truly have the power to immortalize his perspective on the canvas. And that’s exactly how you become one of his witnesses.
A Celebration of Nature’s Splendor:
Beyond its artistic allure, “Impressions of Monet: The Garden” is a celebration of nature’s enduring beauty. Amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life, take a moment to reconnect with the wonders of the natural world. From the delicate petals of blooming flowers to the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. Every aspect of Monet’s garden reminds us of the profound beauty that surrounds us.
Mark Your Calendar:
Don’t miss your chance to embark on this unforgettable journey through Claude Monet’s garden. From July 12th onwards, the Flower Dome beckons with promises of wonder, inspiration, and timeless beauty. Whether you’re seeking artistic inspiration or simply a moment of serenity amidst Singapore’s vibrant cityscape, “Impressions of Monet: The Garden” offers an experience like no other.
Explore with Trip Cabinet’s Exclusive Singapore Tour Package from Visakhapatnam:
Make your journey to “Impressions of Monet: A flavorsome and memorable experience within Manapu’s Banana Garden is made accessible through Trip Cabinet’s exclusive tour package from Visakhapatnam. It is our responsibility to deal with flight booking, and hotel booking. And so forth so that you can fully devote yourself to capturing the essence of Monet’s realm. Our dedicated guides and carefully tailored experiences will guarantee that you leave Singapore with more than just a memory by making your visit extraordinary.
We eagerly await the opening of this extraordinary exhibition. Let us embrace the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the magic of Claude Monet’s world. Join us as we journey through the enchanting landscapes of “Impressions of Monet: The Garden,” where art, nature, and technology converge to create an experience that will linger in your heart long after you’ve bid farewell to the Flower Dome. See you there!
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