#like???? please get a grip
menlove · 6 months
Sure you’re transmasc yourself and a lesbian but do you demonize men? Do you follow baeddel ideology? Do you think men are inherently evil? Are you cool with unlearning terf ideology btw? :)
are yall good. like. does this have any grounding in literally anything on my blog or did you just see my intro post and decide I must be these things bc I'm a lesbian. the fuck is wrong w you lmao
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Time limits and being late for dinner
Danny, pinned down by gunfire on top of a wounded red hood who caught him in his territory and chased him into a rivals warehouse:
"Hey hood, soo... hypothetically, if I was to remove your helmet how long is the detonation trigger?"
Jason starting to lose conciousness and slur from blood loss:
"Like half a second after it triggers, it'll blow before you can clear my head, why?"
"Cool, that gives me half a second to see why my sister is obsessed with your ugly ass!"
"What? Wait... who's your sis-"
*grabs Jason's head by the helmet and phases it straight off and through his body using the momentum to throw it towards a group of shooters in a single move*
[There's a loud bang and the shooters duck for cover as two go down screaming from the shrapnel]
"-ter... hey! How'd you do that?"
"Ugh, I was right, you remind me of Johnnie. Oh well, c'mon man, well be late. Not something you want to experience when jazz is waiting"
"Jazz... Wait! Are you kidding me, the bookworm Jazz, is your sister?"
Danny braced his arms across hoods chest under the arms like they were floating in water and leaned backwards, red hood and himself suddenly unburdened by gravity slid through the wall covering their backs and disappeared from sight (if not sound as Jason dazedly kept commenting on the cute girl he'd mistaken for babs and if she actually liked him back)
They were late, jazz was definately gonna be mad!
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imakatperson22 · 2 months
Them: Wait, so, you think Tommy’s closet joke was actually hysterical and made you love his character even more instead of hating him?
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blughxreader · 9 months
Mundane platonic yandere batfam HC …
You’re cooking with Dick when you accidentally spill something. When you wipe it up with a rag, it was just water enough to show a clear handprint
Dick is like 🥺🥺🥺 omfg….. so cute let me take a picture
Kind of like how we get gushy when our pets make a paw print <3 they do the exact same level of cooing and awing
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violetscanfly · 14 days
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I did it I redrew the besties!!
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stevenose · 1 month
Not necessarily about mean Steve but I’ve been thinking lately about free use with him.
Like he catches a glimpse of you changing the next thing you know he’s grabbing you and just…😵‍💫
😵‍💫 can you IMAGINE. swear to god the moment you explain what free use is to him he’s ALL FOR IT. he’s like “oh so i can fuck you in the family video bathroom? or when you’re doing your coursework? or eating cereal?” and he’s somehow, unintentionally, going to find the most inconvenient times to bend you over or get on his knees in front of you. like he’s already made you late for work two times this week and it’s about to be the third. all because you wore those jeans that just hug your ass so perfect. and oops! he keeps accidentally coming into the bathroom when you’re showering and how is he supposed to NOT get in with you? he slips and hits his head the first time he tries fucking you in the shower but it doesn’t deter him - just moves slower the next few times 🫶🏻
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cruddyart · 10 months
I think wod fans should be required to read canon material to get a God damn grip about what type of setting they're in. It does not and never has involved black/white morality. The genre is horror and therefore includes it's themes and elements.
Maybe read the novels or something if ur not into reading the rulebook or peruse the wiki. Genuinely baffles the mind to see some ppl thinking that their fav paranormal creatures are just a poor little guys.
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fromtheseventhhell · 5 months
It's crazy how everything about Arya gets people upset cause why do people hate (and actively try to deny the fact) that Arya likes lemon cakes? 😭
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jennrypan · 20 days
Everytime I see anything with Canon Bruce I feel a terrible case of fuck this bitch disrespectfully disease 😶
I want him turned into a little lizard and someone to put him in a little box with holes in it. Keep him in there forever.
I miss when he was actually cool and not the guy that forced his morals on all his kids and then attacked them when they go against him, and whenever he gets mind controlled he brutally maims them despite them all being skilled and should all be able to whoop his ass. (ALLL. of them.)
Like God fucking DAMMIT. I'd like a comic rec where Bruce and Jason actually have good moments and where he's with all his kids and Bruce is actually being a good dad. (I know WFA exists but I'm talking bout actual canon comics and the art in that comic for the girls are..okay so eh. I love the batfam in it tho.)
Like i get drama but when it becomes a constant thing I'm seeing..Bruce always turns out to be a dick. (Sorry not sorry will never be on the side of the parent that canonly punched his oldest for asking about his dead brother, then throw a batterang at his second son's neck just to keep joker alive, then proceeded to continue to act as if said son is insane for killing one of the jokers, THEN proceeds to basically lobomize the same son, and left him alone and scared. I can't speak on how he treats the rest cuz I haven't spent much focus on them my bad.)
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thwackk · 2 years
i demand your arts
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here u can have this one single piece of fanart i made for the fanfic that literally ruined my entire life
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antimony-medusa · 4 months
btw if I see anyone being negative about baghera's lore choices I will look at you so so so sadly and wipe a tear from my eye. being weird and infantilizing about it gets you admission to my highly-curated block list. she gets to do whatever she wants forever.
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mioviaz · 9 months
everyone who hates on violet for defending minnie when she saw her again are the same people who forgive louis for defending marlon . like is that not the same thing???? they’re defending someone they loved and cared for their whole life ??????
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squorttle-pox · 2 months
I would just like to aggressively kindly remind fans that harassing other fans, cosplayers, or actors in ANY WAY is totally uncool.
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marshmellowtea · 2 months
i'm sorry but mai making zuko leaving his abusive father and imperialist shitty nation behind about her is so fucking annoying lmao
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cyancherub · 11 months
ppl who write one type of dc but are vocal abt condemning other types are so funny to me. get off your moral high horse ur a sicko like the rest of us
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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adrien... friends with benefits? STAND UP ‼️
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