#like thats kinda shitty
transmaverique · 1 month
you're assuming a lot about binary trans people, and if anything it makes me think that our understandings of our genders aren't actually that different? Not every binary trans person wants to pass as a cis person. I don't want to pass as a cis woman, I want people to understand me for what I am, a collection of internal beliefs and thoughts that I've constructed an identity with. It sounds like we both have created identities for ourselves! If you think that non binary people are the only people capable of creating their own identities and striving to be seen as them, that's on you
im gonna try one more time. i cant really tell if youre being sarcastic or not so im gonna assume youre being genuine when you say you think we have similar understandings of gender. but to me it sounds like you are deliberately ignoring the Actual Words i am saying.
we need words to describe our experiences, both different and common ones. those words may be in themselves faulty or somewhat inaccurate, but they are what we have to discuss important concepts, and they function well enough if they have a generally agreed-upon meaning. right?
so. the dominant culture of the imperial core is one of strictly binary sex. anything that breaks this, is deviant of the "rules of nature", to this dominant culture. right?
so then we call people who are NOT of this binary system multiple different things depending on cultural context and personal identity and personal circumstance. right?
'nonbinary' is only one of those words. to each individual it may mean any one of hundreds upon thousands of different things. everyone has their own personal identity, and while we may use the same word to describe said identity, no two people will have the same definition.
this is true of 'manhood' and 'womanhood' as well. every individual, cis trans both neither intersex perisex and so on and so forth, every single one of them has different PERSONAL interpretations of these words and the concepts they are meant to describe.
but 'woman' has to mean something in order to function as a real concept. it has to have some semblance of shared meaning, shared experience, shared conceptual feeling and vibe, for it to work within the imperial core as a means of systemic control and oppression, for it to work as a communicable identity, and for it to function as a word in a language.
in the same vein of thought, 'binary' is a word we are using to describe someone whose gender, in some way, shape, or form, fits into the schema of 'man and woman'. your internal definition of your own gender does not actually matter very much to other people who do not know it exists.
for me, it matters that i am percieved as a binary gender no matter what i do. it matters, and hurts, a lot. and for some people, it matters and hurts less. for some people, it matters and hurts not at all.
whether you consider yourself binary or not is entirely up to you and how you interpret your own navigation of the world. its very strange to act as if im saying anything otherwise. YOU defined YOURSELF as binary in your responding to me. you said you were also agender, so, like i said in my prev tags, i dont think youre the target audience. but the way youre reacting, it seems you think you are. i am also going to reiterate that 'binary' is not a bad thing to be - binary trans people and for that matter, binary cis people, are not my enemies. but i deserve to have the language to talk about my experiences as they compare to binary people. that's all it is.
#if we cant reach a resolution here i think itd be best if we block and go our separate ways also lol#i also think its strange to assert that theres no such thing as a binary trans person bc that sort of fundamentally spits in the face of ge#derqueer and nonbinary trans identities imo?#there are certainly people who identify as binary to whatever degree that they do#nonbinary identities arent 'complex inner gender feelings' they are quite literally genders that DO NOT FIT WITHIN THE MAN/WOMAN SCHEMA THA#S IMPOSED ON US#which again this is sorta what i was talking abt in the original post#i cant talk about things that are unique to or uniquely affected by my gender as a not-binary gender without binary (or again 'binary-adjac#nt') people being insulted that i would dare try to talk about exorsexism as it affects nonbinary people#which is exactly why i need to use the word binary#its genuinely really frustrating how every time ive tried ive met the same resistance#the first person i met who didnt was in fact a binary trans man lmfao#and we talked abt the differences and similarities between being a gnc man and having 'pansy' be your desired presentation and what my desi#es were presentation wise. that i couldnt be an effeminate man or a masc woman bc either of those are still recognized as men and women#and i really dont understand why more binary trans people dont make that same effort to meet me and talk w me abt these different ways we a#e treated by the patriarchy#and instead essentially say that nonbinary identity doesnt actually really exist bc Everyone is nonbinary/No One is binary#like thats kinda shitty
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clowningaroundmars · 3 months
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page full o' hobies 🎸
top pose inspired by @spectra-bear
process pics under da cut ↓
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watzuu-lmk · 10 months
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Au where mk and swk are born twins
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spookygibberish · 2 months
Dogstock are typical of what are often deemed the ‘evil’ races in many other fantasy works. They were created by some higher force to be slaves, they are carnivorous by nature, they resemble animals other than human in dentition and build. They growl and bite and walk behind.
The Uhasr (a dogstock culture) are descendants of such slave-infantry that was abandoned when the empire that used them to capture the steppes decided the land wasn’t so profitable after all, and more pressing matters drew their attention elsewhere. Like tools left spent on the ground, the unneeded, excess dogstock were left to survive on their own in Hochkiskuph. The native peoples, of course, did not welcome them any more, or see them any less as oppressors when the hand released the lead. To the Hochkiskuph peoples, the Uhasr are a predatory ghost, an echo that consumes them even in absentia. To the Uhasr, one human is much like another, differing in number and equipment, but never in essence. Uhasr are a species of wild animal with a human face. Humans are prey on two legs. Humans smoke and poison uncovered dens on principle, Uhasr abduct and consume men and women and children all the same.
A common trend I have noticed in media which aims to humanize monsters, is that it often relies on passivity. Humanity is contingent upon kindness. The monster that is A Person only so long as they are a harmless thing at heart, something which can be understood and befriended. Their violence is reluctant, their hearts noble. Grace is a concession to the dominated. Only the toothless beast, declawed and pinioned and caged, is one which has earned its personhood. The ontological enemy supersedes the ontological man.
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veggiecorner · 10 months
I'm sorry to say this but post-calamity Link probably had ZERO game when it came to flirting. Man probably made Zelda a creamy heart soup and handed it to her while nervously side eyeing her to notice the radish was the shape of a heart
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empydoc · 3 months
can't hear the word hush out of redacted context without smiling like an asshole to myself
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harbingersecho · 7 months
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... and however hard I try to integrate Iʼll always remain alien
lowkey inspired by thiss
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vyeoh · 5 months
I'm rewatching all the Marvel Defenders shows on Netflix and as much as I mock the MCU now, I need non-Marvel fans to understand that I was and still am a fan of "Daredevil fighting the gentrifying assshole who bought out the police force because ACAB both as a lawyer and vigilante of the community" and "Jessica Jones fighting the man who mind controlled her into doing unspeakable things and forming a community of fellow survivors and allies while dealing with PTSD in a range of both healthy and unhealthy ways" Marvel. God I love these idiots they carried so hard
#vio.txt#mcu#marvel#jessica jones#daredevil#also the two of them induced so much bi panic in me. also gender envy. jessica jones is one of the few women i get gender envy fron#the iron fist and luke cage shows were...more mid but still leagues above current marvel shows#like. yes be anti-mcu but these were masterpieces#and yes this is why i was so pissed about them putting daredevil in she hulk and trying to make him iron man 2.0#like! yes hes suave and charming but thats bc its his lawyer job!! he works in a law firm he and his friends started to serve his community#he is NOT 'i am rich and better than u' charming. he is 'i learned how to talk fancy for my degree and i have empathy' charming#and not bringing the other guys over either???? bruhhh#marvel really cancelled the best things they did on the screen#matt murdock my original red and black round glasses wearing sadboy what did they do to you#also!! can i mention that these shows had such better representation than nowadays marvel#murdock's actor doing extensive research on blind motility for the role#jessica and trish's friendship and how trish immediately believes jess about kilgrave#the whole!!! unique community feel of harlem and in luke's bar#hogarth whos both jessica's employer and foggy's boss in later seasons being a lesbian and having Real Marriage Issues#and also being a conplex and kinda shitty person#iron fist was....eh but that's why it was the worst one lmao#OH YEAH HOW COULD I FORGET MY GIRL KAREN#karen page getting a whole storyline in s1 about her dealing w ptsd and then getting fleshed out backstory and her own adventures#like ok it was kinda weird in daredevil that she dated like every guy bc she was the female lead 💀#but even then foggy and matt and her figuring their shit out like adults. like they shot their shots and it didnt pan out. still besties th#disney would never allow such good writing in current times#but a boy can wish
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13eyond13 · 18 days
nothing more cringe than coaxing and half-forcing someone to go to the movies with you because you're talking up how good the last one in the series was and then they finally agree to go and then it ends up being over two hours long and also kinda the worst 😬
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karmicpunishment · 2 months
when tachihara goes back to the port mafia after everything they should start putting him in (short-term) undercover missions I think that'd be fun
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3416 · 7 months
yoooo this sportsnet article is actually so interesting if any of you are curious about why bertuzzi was benched yesterday. i love game analysis stuff like that.
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madame-mongoose · 6 months
Do you also think it's crazy that after Wheatley becomes head honcho of Aperture he desperately tries to prove everyone wrong despite probably knowing deep down in his code that he WAS in fact designed to be a genuine-fied moron, but he has to prove that he is better than the code, that he is above the parameters he was essentially born with but in the process loses the people he could feel that satisfaction of disproving someone and quickly tries to concoct creatures to satisfy these new itches but it never quite satisfying, never quite succeeding and thus just permeates the ideology of him being a moron for trying in the first place?
Goddd yes. All the fucking time dude. His spiral is so fucking captivating to me. Like finally having that power over people. Finally being able to prove himself. Like the dialogue where he signifies how small Chell is. Or calls himself "tiny little wheatley"
Like it's so SO obvious how badly insecure he is. He knows what he is. That's what he was made for, that's what everyone told him. He has such a fragile inflated ego to protect himself. Like not to mention the way he twists events in his head so he has someone to blame. Pushing words and actions onto Chell so he doesn't have to come to terms with the fact that he IS a screw up. God. God fucking damn it drives me up the wall.
That's why people who say wheatley was always a saint or whatever until he was corrupted by the facility drive me crazy. It removes all the nuance and genuine tragedy of his character. He was ALWAYS a bit of a dick. He was always neglectful and never cared much about your well-being outside of your ability to help him. Being given control for once in his life. Not fearing that every little thing he does will kill him. Having power when he once was so powerless. Of course it amplifies his bad traits of course it drives him mad. He's so fucking pathetic it's sickening. I love him
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satsuha · 7 months
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i got so angry about the AB remaster i drew this
#maplestory#satsuhart#angelic buster#tear#sorry i have to go off about it bc i dont wnna make a separate post about it#im so angry about every single aspect of the new design and art holy shit#simplified all her patterns but added more colours to her main outfit resulting in a rly shitty colour palette#even got rid of her cute peach pink hair with yellow gradient for some bullshit pink/blue hair dye#the bows are drawn SO badly they look so cheap and the added colour looks terrible . her og outfit never even had pink#and dont even get me started on the weapon and the addition of hearts to her design HOLY SHIT im so mad#like before it very clearly had a fantasy 'idol... who Fights' vibe but now she just looks like any low budget jp idol#fkin ruined the look of her soul shooter i used to like the design so much now it looks like a knockoff kids toy that would shoot bubbles#WITH A HEART >!>?!??!?! im gonna kill something#im also so mad theyve fully rounded out her eyes and ADDED HEARTS?!?!?! like i really liked how she had sharp kinda dragony pupils#but thats all gone now SNZZ i can only hope they at least make adjustments to her outfit before release bc wow its terrible!#drawing her again after all these years made me re appreciate how nice her outfit is altho its not like i ever stopped thinking that.#it was always nice#shes cute without being overbearing about it but now its dialed up to 11 i hate it i hate it#everytime maple remasters an illust i lose a few years of my life like seriously they havent put out any nice remaster visuals since 2013#(RED explorers and they werent even visual remasters in the general sense)#like WAH at this rate im gonna be so pissed off when they get to heroes remaster. theyre gonna butcher my boy and my girl and my#ok im stopping for now but rly. hope ppl are loud enough about their contempt for this bc it didnt work enough for explorers remaster#NOTMYANGELICBUSTER
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violentviolette · 5 months
i struggle to talk about this sometimes cause i feel like i sound like an entitled and spoiled piece of shit, but i think these are real problems that happen when ur life stops being a dumpster fire and its important to talk about how to navigate them
because my life right now is extreamly stable. i have a home i dont have to worry about ever being evicted from, i dont have to work in order to affort to live, i have the time, space, freedom, and support to do absolutely anything i want right now
and yet i find myself doing absolutely nothing. im so used to using stress and external threats, the threat of starvation, homelessness, abuse, being kicked out or fired or flunking, to motivate me that now that those things are gone and im in a safe environment that asks nothing of me, im just at a loss. i struggle to even wake up everyday without some kind of big consiquence as a motivater
and even when i do have ideas or inspiration as to what i want to do with my now endless hours of the day, i just. dont really know how to execute them. i dont know how to do things if its not in a crunch time manic haze.
i think my big goal this year is going to be to try and figure out how to navigate that and retrain my brain to be able to set more long term objectives and then follow through on accomplishing them. because i can feel myself becoming a more flakey and unreliable person who gets nothing done and just kind of Exists with no real reason or purpose and i reallyreally hate that
i finally have a life i dont want to kill myself to escape from and i just feel like im wasting it by not actually being present in it, u know?
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addictedtoreverse1999 · 7 months
hewwo it's the anon who requested the silly zima headcanons, i think they're neat!
maybe i'll name myself durandal anon :3
and now, i want zima to have like. a miserable wet cat s/o
s/o is damn failgirl and they don't know how they even pull such a fine guy like him
Winter's Notes: Hi durandal anon! Honestly it's great you liked those hcs, even tho my friend had helped me write those, so it's pretty different from my actual writing style. She has great ideas. Hope you liked this!
Style: Headcanons
Feel free to request!
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-Zima probably has three views of people: Normal, People His Bird Approves of, and People that his bird despises. -Therefore, the bird approved of you- despite your overall grumpiness and miserableness. -He loves you no matter what, even if sometimes he just can't wonder what the heck you are saying. -Zima does understand the general memo, and tries to make you feel better/less grumpy. -It probably doesn't work. His bird does try to cheer you up. It's really cute. [Even your miserable self has to admit that.]
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ridl · 7 months
Something i rlly dislike abt Ganyu's characterization in fandom is how ppl see her being read as a stupid weak stereotype, and they just retaliate with another stereotype but from the other end of a spectrum.
She can be strong, competent, knowledgable and have very important role in the Liyue Qixing for years, but also be kind, humble, avoiding conflicts and NOT always knowing everything. those are not mutually exclusive!!! Yes she's old, no that doesn't mean she's now perfectly confident, knows everything and is good at everything. She's not some untouchable, divine being, better than everyone else. Stop removing humanity from her, when that's the whole point of her identity!!!
When i see overly confident, dominant, bitchy, smug, flirty Ganyu i start throwing rocks bc that's not Ganyu, begone impostor.
I just want Ganyu to be actually herself. Not a submissive secretary caricature. Not a dommy mommy caricature. JUST Ganyu, with all her complexity, strengths and weaknesses.
It's like treating Ganyu's personality as inherently weak and boring, so in the act of "justice for women" ppl just remove it and replace with a caricature of a strong woman. It's driving me insane when those "women defenders" are just slandering them, without even thinking abt it. If someone thinks a woman being quiet, kind, humble, avoiding conflict etc. is inherently "misogynistic" and needs those traits to be completely removed and replaced, then they just hate women
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