#like in bulletin boards?
sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
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He’s a Friend™️
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canisalbus · 6 months
You know you’re sort of just on a stage presenting pictures of your pretty gay dogs and every time you do more people cheer than who live in my hometown
I hope you feel good about that
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ajxrn · 2 months
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chaeya squares ;;
(reblog >>> like, ty)
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allastoredeer · 5 days
The thing that peeves me off about people saying Alastor would never bottom because of his EGO (besides everything you said about Lucifer's ego) is that it also shows such a patriarchal-ly drenched heterosexual view of sex, that they then apply to a MLM ship that drives me INSANE.
They think Top means big, strong man domineering over the small, soft, gentle woman (the bottom) and it's like, that's such a regressive view of heterosexual sex to begin with but now you're trying to apply that to two dudes. Especially two dudes like Alastor and Lucifer, who both have massive egos and other personal hangups that would shine through during an intimate moment with the two of them.
Like, if you think Alastor wouldn't bottom cause he always wants to be in control, but you think control and manipulation can only happen as the top? That the bottom has no power or control over the act? Maybe because I'm ace, but the idea that the bottom doesn't have any control is so weird to me? I'm not even talking about power bottom dynamics either, the bottom controls so much of the act (if it's consensual) cause if they don't like something, it ain't happening.
I dunno. I think it's perfectly fine to have a preference of top or bottom, lord knows I only interact with bottom!Alastor content (I see Al as ace and generally disinterested in sex, so he'd take the position that requires the lease work (in his view)), but I think it's a whole 'nother beast to take that preference and try to force it on other people. I think the people who claim a character in an MLM (or even WLW) ship would ONLY ever top or ONLY ever bottom strictly on the idea of "control" or "ego" need to reexamine their view of sex.
Sorry if this was all over the place, I have so many thoughts and frustrations on the whole bottom!Alastor thing, due in part to the amount of people that comment stupid shit on bottom!Alastor content, but you don't see anyone saying that shit on bottom!Lucifer stuff. ugh
"...is that it also shows such a patriarchal-ly drenched heterosexual view of sex..."
THIS! This here ⬆️ That is exactly it. Everything you wrote is 🤌excellent, but this line. THIS LINE sums it up so perfectly.
Because that's exactly what it is. In almost every patriarchal, heteronormative relationship, the man is seen as the top and always portrayed as big, dominant, and strong. Wheras the women is seen as the bottom, and portrayed as soft, submissive, sweet, and--a lot of the time--naive and innocent.
I hate the patriarchal, heteronormative view's of sex as it is, but GOD, I forget how messed up it is sometimes. It is, as you said, incredibly regressive. More often then not, it creates this unhealthy, pre-established dynamic between two people (usually a man and a women) that completely disregards how they might actually feel about a relationship and what their sexual preferences for a relationship is. And anything OTHER than this pre-established dynamic is seen as "other," or "not normal."
So taking THAT and putting it onto queer relationships just ljsfnlsjgbl it makes me want to rip my hair out.
"Like, if you think Alastor wouldn't bottom cause he always wants to be in control, but you think control and manipulation can only happen as the top? That the bottom has no power or control over the act? Maybe because I'm ace, but the idea that the bottom doesn't have any control is so weird to me? I'm not even talking about power bottom dynamics either, the bottom controls so much of the act (if it's consensual) cause if they don't like something, it ain't happening."
Anon it's like you're reaching inside my brain and pulling out all of my thoughts, and I love you for it.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people use power dynamics interchangeable with top and bottom. Those two things are not the same. Submissive and bottom are not the same thing. Dominant and top are not the same thing.
Top and bottom (and switch!) is a preferred sexual position. Submission and Dominance (BDSM) is a consensual power-exchange in a pre-determined scene between two or more people.
Someone being a top does not automatically give them more power over the bottom. Or, at least, it shouldn't. There is no agreed upon power exchange. The person topping doesn't have more control than the person bottoming, nor should they.
And I completely agree, Anon. I've always been so weirded out, and unnerved, when bottoms are portrayed as not having as much control in sexual situation than tops. It grosses me out, honestly. I find it very icky, especially when it's perceived as the norm.
"I dunno. I think it's perfectly fine to have a preference of top or bottom, lord knows I only interact with bottom!Alastor content (I see Al as ace and generally disinterested in sex, so he'd take the position that requires the lease work (in his view)), but I think it's a whole 'nother beast to take that preference and try to force it on other people. I think the people who claim a character in an MLM (or even WLW) ship would ONLY ever top or ONLY ever bottom strictly on the idea of "control" or "ego" need to reexamine their view of sex."
Not me copy-and-pasting nearly all of your ask (LMAO) but I just love the points you're making. I have no problem with people having a preference for who tops and who bottoms. Fandom is supposed to be fun, and I want people to have fun. Like you, I generally only interact with bottom!Alastor, and so, I leave top!Alastor content alone.
It's when people try to argue that certain characters can't or won't top/bottom, because of a list of stupid reasons they make up, that I start losing my patience. Especially when their basis for who tops and bottoms is judged on ego or how much of a control freak a character is. People are not that black and white. People are complex and multi-faceted.
And, I know, sometimes people just want to read smut. They want pure filth (amen to that 🙏), and enjoy having a specific character be a submissive bottom and the other a dominant top. Just don't try and push that onto other people by arguing against a dynamic that you don't like. It's weird.
Thank you for the ask, Anon. It's everything to me.
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voiceofsword · 5 months
hiii mimi voiceofsword it's me back with another random line because it's been a while 🫶 i thought this one was cute . he brings up other people so often like okay girl we get it you love everyone ! i love the idea of him seeing anzu and being like "omg anzu let's go on a picnic to this really gorgeous place and Of Course i'll get niki to make us food and tag along"
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( don't repost w/o creds etc tyty )
i like that rinne's the oldest in the cast but man hes so excitable, like idk how people can think hes entirely self centered when he looks for things that make him happy and could make his friends happy too and wants to share it with everyone (thinking about this tl and him showing beetles to kohaku thinking itd make him happy too, rinnes the best...)
also love that he has to include niki in his plans too dbfhgbdfh they couldve easily just made this into him hanging out with anzu but thinking about rinne being like oh it was so beautiful i have to share it with niki too :) makes me tear up a little (like u said, oh Of Course — to rinne, niki being there is a given!!!) (even tho most likely the implication is simply just him hounding niki to make the food, which ig is valid but why would he ask niki to make bento and not have him come with, rinne's a bit of a romantic, come on!!)
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spoiler he did not look at any blossoms, he looked at niki the whole time. and when niki turned to look at him he'd deflect by grabbing a shit ton of petals and dropping them on nikis head and making fun of him for it. nikis nagging continues to be like music to his ears
anzu looking at them like are these really grown men? oh my god
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breadboylovin · 8 months
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the tumblr tag is dry its a perfect time to release my shitty picmix gifs
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marlowe-art · 2 months
so up to this point I've used this blog to only post my art, and kept reblogs and everything else on my main. lately I've been wanting to engage more with the art community on tumblr via my art blog but idk if that's like. against the spirit of an art blog (?) and not what The People (yall) want. so:
*by personal posts I just mean like art-related stuff or "look at this cool tree I saw". not gonna overshare about my personal problems on here!!
edit: thanks for the votes & feedback yall! gonna mull it over for a couple days.
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hetalia-club · 2 months
You all notice how Hima has just started putting gloves on everyone all the time? You think he just hates drawing hands?
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
there's a sketch on the wall over Shannon's desk (far left, potentially the most recent addition to wall). some funky linework going on around the forehead here. wonder what that might be.
(I swear I remember a BTS pic of Shannon's desk other than the one my icon is from but who knows. if someone has a better resolution hit me up please)
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the sketch gets knocked to the floor when Ava halo blasts the shot away from bea. it ends up very strategically framed in the following shot
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something about sleeping near that large of a chunk of divinium, something about Shannon acquiring knowledge that had never been raised by a Warrior Nun before. something about Shannon being in Ava's dreams, and had Reya been in Shannon's?
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happyandticklish · 4 months
My toxic trait is asking for someone's honest opinion only to get butt hurt when they give it to me
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bazpitch · 2 years
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mosquito: a memoir by felix lecocq (x)
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dark-nymph3t · 10 months
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What do you girlbosses think of my girlapartment?
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tank-grunt · 4 months
yk queen mab is mentioned in romeo and juliet as the midwife of the fairies, and queen mab is also mentioned in later works - not by shakespeare, im pretty sure, but inspired by his works i thiiiink - as being oberons wife. so like. totally room for the summerdream parents to be a throuple instead of just a two person... relationship of vague marital status... oberon and titania and mab, that is. and then whatever number of children you think suits them best....
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isfjmel-phleg · 21 days
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toruslvt · 21 days
for my next milestone ill make an ankle reveal.
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dilfkuza · 9 months
thought a little too long about what readjusting to being in each other's lives again must have been like for Majima and Saejima. coming back to one of the only people you still have left only to realize they're not the person you had to leave behind. the commadarie is there, but in a new font because you lived an entire life away from each other. how long did it take for Majima to ease up on the Mad Dog persona around Saejima, to register that he was still safe and wouldn't be taken away from him again?
only for Saejima to go back to jail and set them back to square one, adding another name to the list of people that Majima is patiently waiting for. another hand holding the leash that grounds him because they're all he really cares about at this point, Tojo be damned. how long did it take for Saejima to learn how to navigate the minefield that is the Mad Dog? how many times did Majima metaphorically bare his teeth and fight against someone seeing under the mask? it would be safe to let him in, it's just his Taiga, but for almost 30 years raising his hackles is what he's known best.
and how many times did Saejima push through regardless, because despite the showmanship and the decades lost, that's still his kyoudai.
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