#like im a bi man i wanna love men and feel validated can i. get some suggestions that are lgbt safe but dont feel targeted to women only
gothcoffins · 1 month
🦇 hello and welcome to my cemetery 🦇
this is an everything blog but it's mostly nsfw if I'm being honest.
Must be 21+ for mutuals/DMs/friendship. I wanna make more femme and butch and stud lesbian friends, pls feel free to DM me !! make sure that if you DM me you don't be horny off the bat. it makes me uncomfortable. I'm a real person outside of my horny posts.
lesbians and sapphics of all kinds are more than welcome here ! Just make sure that if you're non-lesbian and you reblog, make sure your blog is wlw/sapphic focused. otherwise I don't want you to interact because I don't want the men from your blog to interact with my posts. I don't give a fuck about men and don't want them engaging with my stuff. This is my lesbian sanctuary and I need you to respect my space.
trans and gnc lesbians are welcome and cherished here. this means both transmascs AND transfems.
About me:
🦇 my name is coffin
🦇 I'm a fat femme lesbian
🦇 strictly femme4butch
🦇 strictly bottom
🦇 lover and defender of all butches and studs of all gender identities/races/body types/etc etc
🦇 real life vampyre + goth
🦇 I love to play video games + watch cartoons & anime + I love to draw
🦇 canadian
🦇 black
read my full post and check my dni before following:
Kinks & stuff:
🦇 daddy kink (i love calling butches daddy)
🦇 pet play
🦇 breeding
🦇 overstim
🦇 edging
🦇 impact play
🦇 im a switch (in terms of bdsm not top/bottom) but im exploring this dominant side of myself more
🦇 there is definitely more im forgetting but just scroll through my blog and you'll see lol
You will be sent to the royal dungeon if you are any of these things:
( this is the dni list ) ( I block freely ) (i will block if i just don't fw you also )
a man
center men in any of your posts/your blog/let men interact with your posts/if you reblog posts from and about men
Lesbians who only care about/rb skinny people or white people or both (you're cringe and a loser)
fat fetish/feeder/feedee
DDLG/age play
Rape play
Race play
goth fetishizers (im just a girl- im not your "big tiddy goth girlfriend" or "goth mommy")
believe bi/pan/mspec lesbians are real and valid (you're not real nor valid)
a huge fuck off to people who like dyke breaking. you're not actually lesbian, go cry about that if it bothers you.
politically neutral and overall weak minded individuals who think they can separate themselves from politics (you're a loser)
taylor swift , elizabeth woolridge grant , and harry potter fans (hard block for hp, side eye for the first two)
fatphobes, cop apologists, zionists, racists, colourists, right wingers, racists, ablest, transphobes, people who don't think covid is real (cant believe I even have to put the last one here. Get a grip)
My Tags
askbox: #askcoffin
appreciating my mutuals pics: #lovely mutuals
talking about my personal life: #coffin time
pics of me: #open the coffin
bad at tagging this one but my writing: #coffin writes
askbox stuff: #askcoffin
when I'm in the mood to yearn: #lesbian yearning hours
anons: #🌼
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animationismycomfort · 4 months
wait okay i need to ask genuinely because I'm not understanding very well. i promise im trying not to be rude
but how are mspec/bi/pan lesbians valid/a thing?
Lesbian quite specifically means "woman who loves women", therefore, someone who loves men or someone who identifies as a man, couldn't be a lesbian? It feels like stealing the term from... lesbians, does it not?? "words are just words, gender is made up" but these terms, these words, they do hold meaning, don't they? They were made for a reason, after all. Lesbians feel a bit... pushed out when it comes to certain things sometimes, if that makes sense. I'm a lesbian myself and I sincerely feel like this label isn't "just a word" really and this invites male-aligned people into our space. We made these words so that we can describe ourselves, not even just lesbian, more words than that of course. Most, it not all identities, were named so that we could put words to our identity. for us thats women who love women. I'm not fully educated, and I'm open to it, and sorry for ranting but the term just does... bother me a little.
most of my friends, who also identify as lesbian, agree to this sentiment, and I do feel it's important to listen to wlw who say these things, we feel pushed out of our own space by people who could very well have their own space without taking a word we have always used to identify ourselves and mixing it to have a different meaning.
I’m not really good for this type of question as I myself do not fully understand(mostly because I am not of that minority specifically)but I get using labels that might be strange to others to explain yourself which is why I’m open and greatly love people who use them as well
you might wanna ask someone who does actual research and has a big understanding about it I could recommend some if you wish I know a bi lesbian blog that could help or you could search some up as well
sorry I can’t help but as someone who doesn’t have first hand experience I feel like I can’t really give a good one
but I think they’re valid because gender can be complicated and so can sexuality and I think if people truly feel that these labels fit them then so be it
I’ve noticed most people who use these terms are mostly people with more genders
or with different romantic and sexual attraction
or or they themselves are a system with multiple different people in there
or or or it can be for people with preferences as well
doesn’t mean they have to be of that to use em but it’s the most common
I personally think if you truly feel that you are this thing
then you are
gender and sexuality are all about feelings are they not?
and these terms were made to explain feelings and emotions we ourselves back in the day could not understand isn’t that true?
so….why not in my opinion
I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but that might be an issue you yourself need to solve other then that I can’t give much else
also also how have y’all felt pushed out of your own space as far as I know mspec lesbians have their own?
as do male lesbians so how have you been pushed out of your own space?
I think you have some stuff to figure out but that you can do in your own time
though you again could find some help in the spaces and blogs I’ve talked about
either way I hope you find whatever your looking for
and I thank you for trying to understand and for being brave enough to ask even with your complicated and pretty strange views
#bit of a complicated ask with some complicated feelings#thanks for it nonetheless#and I wish I could help more but I’m not a professional on these things#also for the whole definition thing I think we used basic words to describe our complicated feelings as that’s all they were aloud but now#that we’re evolving we’re learning more ways to understand our complicated feelings#and one of those ways is finding out that though these definitions have a fit already they can also fit you#and I don’t think that’s a bad thing we as a society are changing everyday#words have meaning but these meanings and words were made up by people trying to understand themselves and though they have a basic#definition that is not all they are or made for#once you realize that everthing gets a bit easier to understand#also if I accidentally cherry picked your ask that was not my intention and im sorry if it felt like it was#I’m just trying my best with it seems a very long and serious issue of a problem for you#forgive me if I accidentally misunderstood anything#and if I offended you or said something personally innaporpraite please tell as I’m not good with telling when it comes to text#anyways have a good day or night wherever you are#and I hope you find some peace of mind and I hope you get the knowledge your seeking elsewhere#I hope no one gives me asks like this again#like not gonna fault people who wanna learn but I’m not that type of blog or person#mspec lesbian#mspec#boy lesbian#lesbian#question#asks#answered#not really#my stuffy stuff#if I offended anyone or got anything wrong please let me know#and feel free to educate me as well im always willing to learn#if this post hurts anyone I will gladly delete it
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cockyroaches · 5 years
It sure is something to look up girl suggestions that are branded as lgbt safe (like Not wlw only) but the tags are like. Wlw suggestions only, never mentioning men or nb people, so u get BIG dysphoria
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pansyfemme · 3 years
i’m also a mspec (bisexual specially) gay guy who is too scared to (fully) come out so i also wanna also say thank you for your support, you’re someone i kinda look up to honestly so seeing you support mspec gays makes me feel a little more confident about my identity :-)
im proud of u for telling me! I dont think myself as someone to look up to- but thats the (positive) consequences of having a small following- thanks for saying that! In my opinion- it would be a pretty boring and annoying world if we got to decide that people werent things just bc we dont understand them- its one of those issues where the opposing party does 0 research and expects for their arguments to hold up- kinda like my experiences as an aromantic person. Theres no ‘solid’ argument against us- just that we ‘dont exist’ like damn, why do i then? The modern community is so obsessed with specific, hard labels and also against them. Why people will write nine page essays abt what a lesbian can and cannot do to be valid but also cant believe that microlabels might help someone understand themselves. Things r fluid- ive said this a lot, but sexuality isnt like a set of rules. Im a gay man and I’m binary gendered. But there are trans women who are also gay men. There are nonbinary people who are gay men. And like you said, you’re a bisexual gay man. trust me, with my dad (as you know, a gnc, flamboyant bi man) im well aware that bisexuality isnt like the magical free pass against discrimiation that some ppl think it is- people dont stop being homophobic towards him because he also happens to be attracted to women. As for you, your experiences as a gay man wont magically stop because you happen to have some other attractions. While i get that just the words ‘bi lesbian’ or ‘bi gay man’ might seem odd at first look to those uninformed- its just really a lack of understanding of how the community functioned before we were public enough to be able to nail down precise labels. Same reason some ppl seem to have a vengance against me being a femme even though its commonly used in the gay male community as well- they just need to learn their history. I love you a lot, thanks for reaching out💞🥰
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savingpltravers · 4 years
i’ve been trying to figure out my sexuality again the past few days after years of just trying to ignore how confused i am because i still think i’ll end up alone anyways so i don’t feel like it’s relevant to come out. idk how it happened but i reactivated my okcupid again and that’s when it all started again. i just don’t fucking know.
i think i’m bi but it’s like i’m constantly gaslighting myself bc im autistic and am generally always insecure about voicing my own opinions cause they never get taken seriously. it’s just so hard to figure out and really pin down because it’s not something i can measure. i try to look for evidence but being so introverted and generally not really that interested in fellow humans makes it really hard. i’ve never been in love with an actual girl i’ve met before and that’s what always makes me think im making this up in my head. yeah i’ve had several strong actress/fictional character crushes and some teacher crushes but what if that is just some strange consequence of my autistic brain being obsessed with something? what if this is just what they call ‘a girl crush’ or is that just some bullshit made up by heteros and are all those ‘straight women’ who have ‘girl crushes’ actually bisexual? idk what’s true anymore. it doesn’t help either that once my sister came out as gay i told her i thought i was bi and she kind of dismissed it and called it ‘a phase’ that a lot lesbians have and that just made me feel horrible honestly. so that has made the gaslighting myself thing even worse. i feel like i should just drop it because atm my mental health is so shit and socialising is not a need i have in my life and i can’t image anyone ever loving me anyways so why bother pinning it down anyways. but i just can’t drop it. because if i hear my family say they hope i find a nice autistic guy to be with one day im gonna go insane i swear. no hate towards them but the idea that i should just settle for people of my own kind, and a man, makes me so upset. don’t i deserve more? im gonna go insane if my friend mentions her male tv/film crushes and i just couldn’t give less of a fuck about these men and don’t see what they see. instead i’ve spent my late teenage years being absolutely infatuated with julie andrews and since then ive been spiralling with crush after crush. im going insane. i just wanna know. i don’t wanna doubt myself. anybody got any advice? honestly just want someone to validate me thinking im bi  and if someone says im probably straight ill feel terrible and i don’t really know why.. but ugh help please. 
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teruthecreator · 4 years
on that note, i’ll say that the niche entertainment community is also largely male-dominated, so it’s not even entirely the fault of the people in fandom spaces. they definitely contribute, and peoples actions are also pretty heinous in the silencing of non-male voices (or just the silencing of non cis male voices bc i know trans men still face a lot of wack shit. don’t take this as me grouping all men together and be like “haha man bad”), but also like. look at all the popular semi-”niche” creators/platforms. 
twitch? the most mainstream people are men. and, if they aren’t men, they’re categorized as “thotty” women who just show their tits on camera. but then you have people like ninja (an objectively annoying person) who has Mainstream Acknowledgement and callmecarson (who, as i’ve recently heard, has some pretty shit opinions and like hhh i liked slimecicle more anyway ghbrgjhrg) who--while not receiving mainstream attention--is still massively popular amongst the twitch community and youtube gaming community. 
podcasting? right off the bat, the mcelroy brothers. undoubtedly the kings of the niche podcasting capitol. i’m not including podcasts run by people like joe rogan bc joe rogan had prior fame before moving to podcasting (to my knowledge), while the mcelroys basically created their success through podcasting. but welcome to nightvale is written by guys, tma has their main character have the same name as One Of Their Writers (again, to my knowledge. i just kno the guy is involved). even more chill podcasts like tmg and the gus and eddy podcast are run by men. 
youtube? listen, i shouldn’t need to rattle off a list of popular yt guys. there are Sooooo many of them. some that are actually good people, and others who are shit! 
so i’m not saying it’s all that surprising that women’s voices, nb people’s voices, and trans men’s voices are being suppressed by the overwhelming cis male-focused fandom. but it’s just...kind of annoying? obviously i cannot speak for nb and trans people bc i am a cis woman, but from a lesbians perspective it’s just tiring to see a hundred takes on a woman character to pair her w as many men as possible. and a lot of people will say “oh what about bi women? what about pan women?” which is a totally valid criticism to make when considering fandom culture. obviously they should be respected and listened to and given a platform to share their ideas 
but when my friends--most of which are NOT lesbians--get their inboxs blown up with people justifying random pairings when my friends 1. did not post abt it and 2. did not ask, it just gets. tiring! like i can’t have this One Thing? out of this whoooole male-dominated cast, run by men, in a male-dominated industry. i can’t sit here and think about women loving women without any men involved? like, lesbian voices are shut out COMPLETELY in some cases, which is ultimately unfair. 
speaking in specifics, the amnesty fandom had this HORRID culture of certain individuals attacking people (women predominantly, wlw women especially) who simply critiqued the lack of character backstory or focus on women npcs vs men npcs. and it got to the point where people who made VALID CRITIQUES would get these paragraphs from these people that then made THEM FEEL BAD FOR HAVING AN OPINION! like, as a woman, you are ALLOWED to look at a work and be like “hm. could use more women.” 
and idk i got tired of it then, and now im tired of it again. i just wanna be a lesbian in peace, okay? can i just, like, have that? 
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women-only · 5 years
I'm sorry it came out really long I'm gonna send it by pieces we humans are split into these categories              M: male          and             F:        female these categories have different identites: M: can be man (gc or gnc) , diasphoric man, diasphoric man who had transitioned (trans women) F: can be woman (gc or gnc) , diasphoric woman, diasphoric woman who had transitioned (trans men). I'll send the rest
(other messages are under the keep reading)
now about sexualities: if someone is attracted to opposite category (regalredess of identity) : heterosexual someone attracted to people within the same category (regardless of identity) homosexuality      if it's within category M :gay      if it's within category F: lesbian *someone attracted to both categories (regardless of identity) : bisexual.
ps. some hot takes. *pansexuality is bisexuality with extra steps you're not special you're just pretentious *if you're NOT sexually attracted to any category but have romantic feelings you're ace (so just replace sexuality with romantic suffix in identities that fits you) *if you're ace and HETERO romantic you're not part of the LGBT cause you don't face any oppression for "not wanting to fuck but occasionally falling in love" if you do it's more likely because of your sex.
if you're ace and HETERO romantic you're not part of the LGBT cause you don't face any oppression for "not wanting to fuck but occasionally falling in love" if you do it's more likely because of your sex. example: that ace woman who was killed by her bf because sadly male entitlement to women's bodies is a thing. *ace homo/bi romantic people don't need the A since they're already in the L/G/B (and i read somewhere that it used to mean Ally
* q**r is a slur and explains nothing about you, having it in the LGBT acronym adds nothing (and I'm pretty sure the Q was meant to mean Questioning) also you never see someone refer to a black historical figure as "n***** icon" so why does the expression "q**** icon" exist to describe people who probably heard it as an insult their whole life till the day they died.
hey this is the anon who posted multiple times I'm trying to finish my thread since Tumblr only allows 5 anon asks per hour and i don't feel comfortable with public . . . reclaiming a slur means other people can't even pronounce it that's why lesbian don't say f*g and gay men can't say d*ke. if you wanna use it on yourself good but don't normalize people outside of the lgbt using it so freely and casually and if someone from the LGBT doesn't like you using it on them they're more than valid.
*if you having sex with your s/o can make human babies you're not homo anything. *if you're in a heterosexual relationship but both of you are bi you're part of the LGBT as individuals not a couple. and that's ok *bisexuals don't stop being bisexuals if they're in het or homo relationship. *gay is not an umbrella term. *puberty blockers = bad *transitioning kids = child abuse *doctors who see dysphoric people as a cash grab are scum *being non binary doesn't make any sense just say you're gnc
* I don't know much about intersex but I'm pretty sure it's just used by people to push their agendas and people rarely care like they should be about intersex people the T used to mean transvestite not Trangender .... and "straight" Ts are already either the L or G and if they're heterosexual Ts then don't face oppression because of sexuality per say so the T doesn't really fit now nowadays especially since people are more open to ppl wearing unconventional clothes
and the T of now compared to the rest of the letters doesn't fit (the first are about sexuality and the last is about expression) the T before belonged because it challenged the norms (and most of people from it belong to 2 letters in the LGBT) but since those norms have changed. *the T now should stand on its own as a movement (and occasionally intertwine with the LBG when it fits)
people deny sex based oppression but i find it ironic that in the T the only voices you hear are trans women especially "transbians" aka straight males and trans men are pushed to the side and degraded on a sex based level (example threats f**ced impregnation and stuff) and their only achievements that reach the news are pregnancy. trans women are given positions women position but trans men get nothing.
continued... people saying drop the T doesn't mean stop caring about trans people altogether or deny them basic human rights. but you can't sit around and let someone hijack your movement guilty trip you into sleeping with them. make you feel like a bigot for who you're sexually attracted to, work on erasing you. like you don't see white people representing the BLM (and they shouldn't) they can only support it as allies....
Segway back to pansexuality I said it somewhere else but here we go pan works in fictional settings especially sci-fi or fantasy let me explain by giving an example: SpongeBob aka the first time i heard about the term pan spongebob is a fucking taking sponge and interacts with different species within that universe like obviously his sexuality isn't gonna be limited to the human sex binary (some cartoons do but you get what i mean)....
same goes for loki who is pan and gender bending like duh the fucker not only ISN'T human he can switch to any entity, object, animal and shit the lore of marvel has living robots mutants gods animals spirits, pretty sure he gave birth to a horse once having someone attracted to personality makes sense then end of rant i just wanna say thanks for letting me post here and sorry for posting so much it ended up being 4.5k letters oof p.s if any ask was submitted publicly please make them anonymous
everything you said is absolutely true and you summed it all up well. it creeps me out when people label fictional characters as pan or ace or trans because not only is pan and ace not a real fucking thing, neither are those characters. idk its just creepy. 
thank you for taking the time to write this ll out and send it over to me. im happy to read anything else you have to say :) sorry i dont have much to say about all this i dont have the ability right now to think critically. 
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flamewyrmz · 6 years
a late night rant from twitter im putting in one place, because its a trainwreck of several threads there. mostly copy/paste and still not proofread, but a collection of thoughts on gender, sexuality, personal identity, and love and support within the lgbtq community. i do really lay myself bare here so id like to ask that if you disagree or have criticism you do so respectfully and with that in mind, thank you <3 and if this means something to you itd mean the world to me if you shared it
dunno if ive said this here before but like. if you think you might be bi/pan but youre on the fence cos maybe youve never had a crush on a nonfictional guy or get more crushes on guys than on girls and you find yourself tied up in knots like "well im gay but im also attracted to nonbinary people unless theyre mostly woman-aligned but i dont wanna say im bi/pan because then people will think i like girls and like i like them theoretically but--" let go. just say fuck it! im bi/pan! 
try it out and if it doesnt feel right it doesnt feel right and thats fine and in the end no matter what youll have learned a little about yourself. this is actually my advice on any gender/sexuality dilemmas you might be having. go wild. try it out. see how it feels. dont feel like you have to confine yourself to something just because youve stuck with it for some amount of time. 
if youre questioning dive right into the deep end! no matter how it goes youll be a better swimmer in the end. its all not quite rigid and a little fluid anyways (for some more than others obv) so if youre unsure, man... go for it. its ok to backpedal
this is important advice to me because ive struggled with it multiple times in the past and this has only recently clicked and i really wish it had sooner. first it was with being... not straight in general. like i was actively dating someone of the same gender and i never considered that that meant, uh, im not straight. always "do you like boys or girl?" "uhhhhhhhhh. uh. UH" 
then with being in the range of aro/ace spect. then with being nonbinary! then with being nb but primarily male. and then goddammit im just a boy. accepting that God I Love Men And Only Men (and with it that i *wasnt* aro or ace in ANY capacity) and then, very recently (like up until a couple months ago. like im p sure this year. not 2017), going back on that and admitting i was bi. it is so so freeing to just say "fuck it" and test those waters!
hell, you find something you resonate with but looks a little silly? go for it! use those bun/buns/bunself pronouns. go with stargender! ace-flux demibiromantic? hell yeah rock that shit! it can always change and you can always decide its not right and go back! h4y dudes
all of that especially goes for teens who dont know what the fuck theyre doing. im only 20 yea and barely 20 at that but man i wish id heard this sooner
and please dont take that as me saying "well if youre a lesbian sexuality is fluid and maybe youre actually bi"! hell no. if youre a lesbian and you KNOW youre and lesbian and couldnt ever be anything else then rock on you funky little lesbian! but if you id as a lesbian but are teetering on something like "well im attracted to some fictional and theoretical men but not any real ones and maybe its just compulsory heterosexuality but im not sure and--" dont be afraid to try a different label. its all what feels right to you and theres absolutely no harm
people bash on like. """mogai genders""" and nounself pronouns and the split attraction model and all that and like. yeah! those things can hurt people! personally i struggled with the split attraction bit combined with how broadly people define the ace spectrum. it can be used to hurt. and it is used to hurt. sometimes its deliberate, sometimes its not. but the hurt is there. but its not inherently good or bad. 
and yeah, some of it sounds silly. hell, it sounds silly to me sometimes! but to some people hearing that label makes everything click into place, even if just for a little bit, and i take that very seriously. it is one of the best feelings in the world and i want as many lgbtq people (of any age) to experience it. 
for some people it feels right to zoom waaaaaaay in and section it into lots of little bits and for others its "fuck it! i dont know shit! im just queer!" and those are both equally valid (that words been thru 12 garbage disposals but i cant think of a better one) maybe you go back n forth and thats fine too! as long as youre open to it changing or being wrong it cant hurt and, like i said, its one of the best possible feelings to have it click like that
as an aside: being bi can *totally* mean "im attracted to men and nonbinary people are long are they arent primarily woman-aligned" or it can mean "im attracted to everyone fuck it" personally? i use bi over pan because i feel like it better encapsulates that i *do* have preferences (i say this all the time but God I Love Men) but ultimately gender doesnt really matter to me cos everyones cute and hot and generally attractive and im not leaving anyone out because im just a little more inclined to kissing boys. but thats me!
as Another aside: i do still to some degree identify with uhh this is gonna sound contradictory but agender boy? or more like boy agender? boygender with left none? i just dont personally feel like its worth taking the time to explain over n over. but it used to be, for me, n i dont regret that a single bit! i wouldnt regret that even if i *didnt* still feel that way in any capacity. honestly? 
i dont regret any of the ways ive identified in the past even though feeling stuck and cornered into some got a little harmful to me (and if youve gone through somethin similar and DO regret it and wish youd never heard whatever term you used thats good too. im very strongly advocating for "use whatever labels you want and if it dont fit it dont fit" here but if they did hurt you and youre still hurting about it i understand 100% just dont use it to pull others down. if it concerns you say your piece and let them decide)
this is personally a little hard to admit so bear with me here 
honestly? ANY sort of strong identity didnt start developing in me until i was.... 14 or so? and very slowly at that. like gender evened out around 18 and sexuality just a few months ago LMAO. but up until i was a teenager i didnt really feel much of anything re: gender or attraction (and the attraction thing is pretty normal for kids and even teens tbqh!) 
and i just.... didnt really think about it! i had This Name and apparently was a girl and i didnt really get what it was like to BE a girl but thats what people said and i didnt know there were other options so i went with it! the name didnt bother me either (except for when people made jokes about a Certain Historical Figure with the same one. just thinking about that i get tired) 
and when it came time to actually grapple with the whole concept of being *into* people i just kinda... slunk away! no joke until like 10th grade if someone started a rumor that i was dating x or y had a crush on me i would start to avoid them entirely. lost a friend in 4th grade that way but then in hs hed turned into a TOTAL DICK so no loss there. i think part of that was also people making the assumption that i was straight though? big shrug! 
i didnt even realize attraction was a thing i had until i got asked out and just kind of "oh wow??? that sounds so nice??? i feel the same??? yes??" and thats WHY i went thru varying aro/ace labels. cos it unfolded slowly (which again is totally normal if youre a teenager, so dont worry about it if youre going thru that. roll with the punches. and if youre a teen and youve got it figured out? thats totally normal too!) 
and the gender thing was similar once i learned that it was an actual possibility (especially being nb, and ESPECIALLY especially being agender) i slowly just... poked at it until i figured something out (fun fact: what set me off to finally go "fuck it im not a girl at all" was being stuck in an awful hair salon chair while my mom got a haircut that took FOREVERRRRRRRRR and i was having godawful period cramps. like i knew not being a girl wouldnt DO anything about them but i made that decision then n there n didnt look back!) 
and then i kept pokin at it and watching it like the seed id planted finally started to sprout and i realized i didnt actually know what kind of seed it WAS. i guess ive always been very nebulous in those aspects and its just now forming into something solid. like i said, its a little hard to admit and i... dont think ive actually talked about this in this depth before to, like, anyone? 
because the "oh ive always known" narrative is the only one you ever see in popular media and sometimes even from the community itself! and theres nothing wrong with having always known! but theres also nothing wrong with being like me! but i still feel a little anxious talking about it like it somehow means im a sham. 
hell, id even go so far as to say i WAS a girl as a kid! i WAS varying shades of agender and nonbinary and ???? as a teen, and i AM, like, 95% a guy right now! maybe in a few years ill be something else. none of those things contradict each other. things like that can change! its not set in stone (but like i said: for some people it is! or, like, set in slime that you left out for 5 years so now its pretty much a rock but if you really try it still squishes into something else?? none of these things invalidate the others! were all unique). 
i wouldnt say that at any point ive been cis or straight, cos even when i just went with being a girl and stuff it was always a little ??? but, yknow. even if i HAD been those things at some point it wouldnt matter to me? things just are the way they are and were the way they were
im making myself really vulnerable here and my thought process is a mess and i ramble and repeat myself and my memory and attention span is like 2 seconds and i dont proofread but. its important i think. i dont have a lot of followers and fewer still thatre active but... that really doesnt matter. 
maybe someone will retweet at least one of these messy, messy threads. maybe link it to a friend. maybe screenshot it and post it on tumblr [note: LMAO YEAH AND ITS YOU DUMBASS], or to keep for themself. if any of my words help anyone out even a little then it matters and honestly? then its the most important thing in the whole danged world. if even one person sees any of the things ive said tonight and it means *anything* to them, even if just "oh, im not alone in this" then ive succeeded here. 
i dont want any of us to ever feel trapped or alone because shit! lifes too fuckin short for that! its goddamn hard being anything but cisgender and straight! sometimes it sucks! like really sucks! there have been so many times ive broken down completely over being trans and felt like, for myself, its the most awful thing in the world. its why prides so important. its why community is so important. 
because even when the pressure of the world brings you down so low you think youll never escape theres something or someone there to take your hand and pull you back up, put you on your feet, and say "i know its hard. and itll get hard again. but i believe in you, and youre strong enough for this, and im here with you through every step". that goes for anyone but especially goes for us. and im not just talking about lgbtq youth here. all of us. which is *why* im laying myself completely bare here. 
most of this stuff? ive either never talked about or only vaguely mentioned. but im putting it out there. because there was a point where i needed it but didnt have it, and even if its just one person, i want to give someone this advice so at least they dont have to deal with the same stuff i did. and if youre reading this? i love you. im here for you. im my dms are always open and if for some reason they arent its almost definitely an accident and if you say something ill reopen them. 
and if youre someone who hates me? maybe even mutually? if it came down to it id let you come to me at your lowest moment, no questions asked, no judgement held, and at the end of it still be the same kind of enemies we were before and never speak again. there are some exceptions of course but honestly ill forgive a lot for someone who needs that kind of support. and if youre one of the people this applies to, i know youll probably never take me up on it. i dont expect you to. i dont expect you to even for a second be comfortable with that idea. thats fine. but if for some reason you ever need it, its there. 
i can count on one hand the ex friends that i wouldnt give that to and thats ONLY because theyve legitimately hurt me and left lasting damage (and for some of them? its mutual. and im sorry for that, regardless of how i feel about your treatment of me im truly sorry for my actions. that probably sounds fake and anyway i digress) 
and if youre a complete stranger? someone who follows me but has never interacted with anything ive posted? a mutual i havent spoken to yet? im here. and im bumbling, and awkward, and not the best at comfort but you can always come to me if you need someone. im only one man and im under a lot of stress but i swear ill do the best i can, even if its only reading and replying 3 days later and even then just listening and offer whatever gentle comfort or reassurance youll accept. 
because thats important to me. thats the impact i want to leave on this world. i dont ever want anyone to feel as small, as scared, as worthless, as alone as i have. im no fighter. im not going to lead any revolutions and hell im too anxious to even go to protests but im here for support. im here to help and heal. and thats important too
and if you listened to that? thank you. if you just skimmed? thank you for that too. if you shared it with someone? thank you (so much). and if you dont? thank you anyways, just for the time
just know this: i love you. i dont care who you are, if youre reading this i love you and im behind you 100%. im here if you need it. stay strong, do something that makes you smile if only for a moment. take that leap of faith. dont restrict yourself for even a second
i meant to go to bed at least two hours ago so goodnight <3 be safe, drink some water, if you have any kind of pet give it some love. take care of yourself. youre the most important person in your own world and never forget that, even if you dont think you are. even if theres something or someone you treasure above everything else. dont diminish your own worth! you are alive, and you are here, and theres nothing more important than that, really. the things you love matter more than anything else. hold them close
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monstrous-beauty · 4 years
Monstrous Beauty Text Posts
Mal: I'm BI I'm HOMELESS I have RADIATION POISONING and I'm NEW IN TOWN/ I swing both ways ;) Violently. With a bat. Come get some motherfuckers./ in order to lead a happy life i'm gonna have to disappoint my parents a bit/ my neutral expression makes me look like i'm always in a bad mood which is convenient because it's usually true/ if i feel an emotion one more time im gonna snap/ "that's too much eyeliner!" cry me a fucking table, Linda, go back to Forever 21/ whatever *becomes an enemy of the state*/ if someone points at your black clothes and asks who's funeral it is, a look around the room and a casual "haven't decided yet" is always a good response/ Hmmmm gay rights but for me i think? The rest of you are on your own/ family dinners more like heteronormativity and offensive jokes/ Maybe she's born with it maybe She's Been Constantly Pressured To Meet Impossible Standards Since Birth/ if i ever opened up to you i was joking/ i'm bisexual and stupid. that's all i am. god looked at my shitty tiny frame and said, "you're going to be a little bisexual moron" then released me into the world.
Estelle: ...and this is my bedroom aka my Isolation Station TM/ every day is leg day when ur running from your problems/ im a witch i mixed some herbs and crystals together and now my cat nows the f word/ it's just me and my 400 unread books against the world i guess/ "You should never bottle up your emotions," I say kicking seventeen Emotion Bottles TM under the carpet./ If you were a gifted kid in elementary school there's a 100% chance you're gay and depressed now
Jaki: the longer my hair gets the more powerful i become/ *enters with a bad powerpoint animation effect* hello/ what if i deleted myself off the face of the earth? haha...unless/ not to be controversial but respect trans women or die by my sword/ I just want to say from the bottom of my heart I didn't sign up for this shit/ accidentally indulged in too much 'me time', turns out I've been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities/ since it is pride month and due to recent events I am challenging all transphobes and Agni Kai. I have my hairspray and lighter ready. Get in line.
Malais: "dude" but like romantically
Mal and Estelle: "Darling" but I can't stand you/ I'm gonna start a Cute Bi Club for all bisexual and biromantic folks and all we're gonna do is pet cats and talk about how cute and bi we are
James: women want me. fish fear me. dermatologists hate me. hot singles in my area want to meet me. god wishes he were me./ While you were studying the blade, I was studying a bigger, cooler blade/ you guys don't know what a himbo is anymore. you've lost sight. you can't just call every man you like a himbo. theres nuance/ the more knives you have the more valid you are
Celine: please do not disrespect the moon/ *wakes up* what the fuck/ u ever wake up from a dream like "damn i guess i'm not coping with THAT as well as i thought i was/ i wanna learn how to throw knives so i can throw them real close n graze somebody to let them know 2 shut the fuck up/ I'm gonna replace every bone in my body with a knife, if someone punches me they're in for a surprise (the knife)/ "Wow, you're so mature for your age!" thanks it was the trauma/ yeah i'm beautiful but where is my mental stability???
Solais: Im a slut for validation!!Tell me you're proud!!! Tell I did good!!!!/ have you ever met someone that was sunshine in human form/ the rumours are true...i have a soft heart/ i'm very important and soft/ have you ever met someone who's smile looks like it could make flowers grow/ talents include looking 12 and saying thank you to the bus driver/ I'm dropping out of school to become a full time lesbian reblog if you want in
Diego: she knocked that smug look off my face but luckily i was a second, smaller smug look underneath/ if you ever feel safe please remember that im out there/ power move: saying "that's treason" everytime someone does something that mildly inconveniences you/ *sigh* why am i better than everyone/ ok yes i may be evil and morally corrupt but i'm also incredibly beautiful and i think that makes up for it honestly/ i want to do cool teenager stuff, like going to parties and arson/ yes I am fully aware that I'm the worst TM but I still wanna be like.....loved and stuff/ i am no longer baby i want power/ i'm fine thank you for asking! though recently there has been a darkness growing within me
Lucifer: hi im here to ruin everything/ my therapist once told me i have have obssession with seeking revenge...we'll see about that/ *straight person voice* you rebel scum/ everyone who died and was killed on my quest to get really good fashion and hair deserved it and i don't care/ Men will have a kid and be like "i have lost the ability to be wrong"/ Is it hot in here or am I just Satan
Diablo Siblings: You're important to me you piece of shit/ do you ever see your sibling and just this overwhelming urge to smack them for no reason? like my brother will walk into the room and i'm like "oh man i guess i have to end you"
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groupie-inspired · 5 years
this is the most truthful thing about men i have interacted with.
if you are. a man. read this for the insider hot take !! from my female perspective
(girls may resonate)
like most of my female friends are lesbians or are bi yet choose to only date women and honestly. girl i am ready to follow suit
guys are just. hm.
and the hard part too is like i go for band guys and i want them to not be Awful but unfortunately i end up with emotionally unavailable babies because my father is an emotionally unavailable baby man and that’s probably what it’s about
i want to reform the douche bags but it does not fucking WORK for ME. sometimes they end up a better person but i never get anything from them for that and it’s like
i literally had to be your fucking therapist, your mother, your friend, your whatever and for WHAT
i get sad and i cry about these guys mainly because they won’t cooperate and i mean really at this rate i just feel like guys are fucking vending machines that i try to shake until one (1) emotional validation coin falls out
it’s like i cry because i KNOW im better than this shit and im like. bitch. you are so STUPID and like the guys also know that i am better than this shit a lot of the time aND YET
and there have been situations where these guys have LITERALLY been older than me and yet been less mature than me in so many ways and I’ll be like. he can do better, he’ll do better. but SIKE they will be thinking to themselves “i can do better” but wait fifteen fucking years to do better, and I probably will never even get to see the results of my literal LABOR at this point
like y’all should’ve paid me for showing you the light I never used to feel this way but now. You All Have Changed Me. so good on you
and part of it to is like. have y’all ever seen a nike commercial????
Just Do It
just fucking like. stop thinking about every little thing like what if I won’t work what if this what if I don’t want this and it’s like
and other than these guys I swear there are LIKE SEVEN GUYS QHO ARE ACTUALLY KIND THAT LIKE ME AT SCHOOL BUT IM NOT ATTRACTED TO THEM BECAUSE I HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PROBLEMS AND THEY ARE NOT NY TYPE AND ITS LILE. WHO DID THIS TO ME. and they’re all fucking friends but it’s not a problem between them because they all KNOW that they probably won’t date me and it’s like
what even IS THIS
who do you guys think I AM
like why do you show up only to run away why are you scared of strong women
like you go for a 16 or 17 year old maybe because you think she will take ur shit and also be immature & pliable but then y’all find me and I am not that and you’re like
i am not even your catholic school girl fantasy my school uniform has PANTS. PANTS!!!!!!!!
I just wanna know why so many men go about life acting like other people aren’t even something to truly be concerned with. It’s always like. How could this benefit ME? and it’s like. Other People Exist.
like if I sent you a pic of me in my bra can you maybe pretend to have HALF AN EMOTION FOR ME
because it was fucking YOU WHO STARTED THIS
like why did YOU do this????????
99% of the time i Was Just Minding My Own Business
and it’s like sure man im glad you’re having a good time assessing your options but have you considered the fact that this is not a FUCKING SHELF in the CLEARANCE section at TARGET
it’s not like one of them is gonna be labeled 50% off or something and there will be less risk associated
yet you still are out here acting like each and every “option” is!!! Buy One Get One Free!!!!
and you know what this the TRUTH and I don’t even care if y’all don’t like me anymore!!!!!!!
you act like A FOOL a literal FOOL. send in the CLOWNS my DUDE
and I bet a man won’t even read this far because they usually don’t even have the attention span to say goodbye to me after they get what they Came for if you know what i mean
im tired of being nice because literally. do y’all deserve manners???????? i am from QUEENS so I am a BITCH and yet I try to be the bigger and better person in all these situations.
But I am just ANNOYED
it’s like i will feel strong emotions for a person and their reaction is basically like. hm that’s weird maybe stop that whilst they keep fucking rag dolling me thru drama after drama
i feel like i run some type of bs rehabilitation center. they show up and im like
hey. stop that
omg you’re right I’ll stop that
ok good so you’re gonna be more responsible with other people
*they proceed to fall off the face of the earth*
I have had like multiple different variations of this kind of situation so if you are a Man and you think this is about you. in some way, it is.
i don’t want to hurt anyone yet you will walk around and just do shit because it’s better for YOU and not even prioritizing whether or not your actions hurt people who invested time and emotions into you because they believed you were good and could do better and saw the truth of who you were and didn’t let you hide like a fucking toddler
like I don’t wanna hurt any of these guys feelings but.... :/ I can’t afford to care that much anymore!!
so maybe like think before you get your dick out next time???? that people aren’t just things for you to use when you want or move around like pieces on a chess board to suit your “strategy” or “master life plan” or whatever the fuck
you’re a man so your success and happiness and love and lust is of the UTMOST importance all the time regardless of how anyone is impacted
it’s like have you fully considered that i, too, Have needs and if you can’t meet them??? don’t lie to me and act like you can be a FRIEND to me when you CANT
and then if you’re gonna say that you are different now and shit because of what ive said? maybe thank me properly by informing as to what the fuck is going on? instead of acting like you died or something LMAO
and I have had this happen with friends too where like five or six months after I cut them off they message me like Hey Lena. What Is Going On. like. you are gonna act like what happened didn’t happen? you’re gonna act like you didn’t take from me and lie to my fucking face? at my birthday party? BITCH!!!!
CONCLUSION (most important part i guess)
and anyway the truth is
if i invested in you in these ways that ive discussed, it was because i loved you. and if you aren’t mature enough to comprehend that love is not a scary word then I am not for you. because i try my best to love everyone and everything in this world, provided that they do not harm other people. if i did these things for you, even in my frustration, i probably STILL love you. and im sorry that, you don’t love me back. and you can’t experience the joy that comes with loving me, and the joy, and the loyalty, and the peace—the understanding that all people are connected thru love. i am truly sorry that you are afraid to have that, or don’t understand what that is. but, i won’t stop loving you because im fucking embrassed, or some people who don’t understand my philosophy think im weird. i won’t stop loving you just because some people think it’s “too much”. i am a lover, it is who i am, and i refuse to change myself for anyone— let alone a selfish man who can see nothing farther than his hand in front of him. every single day of my life is a struggle to maintain that love. i have never been shown love in the ways that i deserve, and yet i strive EVERY DAY to extend my love to the people and animals and plants that exist in this world. i have fought practically everyday of my life to love myself enough to keep living. to love those going thru challenges and who disrespect me. so truly!!!
im sorry that you don’t know what love is. yet, i hope one day, that you do.
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catboyfeli · 5 years
i feel like it’s really telling that most nondysphoric trans ppl are bisexual
like bisexuals inherently don’t conform to gender roles
and with tumblr treating gender and behavior and feelings as gender, no wonder everyone’s convinced they can’t just exist as a gnc person without weaseling their way into trans spaces
like you can just present male some days and female other days and be cis plenty of people, especially bisexuals, INCLUDING MYSELF, desire to flip-flop between social roles
gender as a social role is completely socially constructed and all this gender stuff just UPHOLDS that. trans people are dysphoric about their sex which translates into social dysphoria because it reminds them OF their sex being “wrong.”
and then all this gender shit also confuses binary trans people into thinking they’re genderfluid or something when they really just are in denial, or have fluctuating dysphoria, or something similar. and then nb trans people get roped into all this too.
i talk abt this a lot and i know nobody cares but its the most infuriating thing but if i try to talk about it i’m the bad guy :/
anyway i just think social roles need to be abolished instead of supported like everyone’s been doing. gender as a social concept only exists from people trying to create a way to separate the two sexes, which turned into something more due to sexism. if you wanna be seen as the opposite gender or neither gender then yeah you might be trans! but it also easily could be something else causing that feeling! people being so quick to jump on the bandwagon is just so harmful and trans people, DYSPHORIC people, deserve their own spaces.
people have gender and gender roles all mixed up and just b/c you identify as something doesn’t make it valid? trans people don’t identify as trans they just are b/c their brain knows something’s not right. it’s just so ugh. wanting to take on a different social role isn’t dysphoria, it’s a SIDE EFFECT of dysphoria, so having that alone doesn’t necessarily mean anything. it just baffles me how people think it’s at all comparable when social roles are socially constructed like??? i just don’t understand how else i can say this to get it through people’s heads? it’d be easy to debate someone but i’m not doing that on this hellsite
idk im just so tired of people saying “gnc and nb isnt the same!!” but then going around and iding as nb BECAUSE they feel disconnected from gender and its social roles like???? you just contradicted yourself. if you’re ok with your bio sex then chances are you’re cis and just don’t conform to binary gender roles. gender and gender roles are basically the same thing like there’s little distinction.
people also make gender into this big fucking thing like once i said the only possible way to nb to exist is to have a neurosex that’s an equal mix of male and female, thus creating atypical dysphoria, and people got SO FUCKING OFFENDED LIKE uM
i shouldn’t need to explain how stupid that is djkldljkfjklfjk ugh
anyway the only way gender is real is via brain sex. gender as a social construct is real, buuut also fake because it’s a social construct. not conforming to gender is GOOD because it means you’re not letting yourself be shoved into a box. but that doesn’t make you trans. and you’re still either male or female and not fitting into gender roles doesn’t mean anything or make you nb, atypical dysphoria does.
and honestly the whole being wlw and mlm at the same time thing is so?? creepy and fetishy??? i really shouldnt have to explain why. like i identify as female, male, and neither, but that means Literally Nothing and if i, as a cis girl, tried to weasel my way into mlm spaces it’d be fuckin creepy. it just makes trans mlm look like a joke and it’s pretty shitty.
but also they seriously need the change the terms for nb people because theyre described as like “being attracted to female genitalia and femininity but not necessarily females” and ??? FEMININITY AND FEMALE ARENT THE SAME THING BY THIS LOGIC YOU COULD BE ATTRACTED TO A FEMININE MAN, BUT WAIT HE PRESENTS AS A MAN SO JUST SAY FEMALE PRESENTING AAAAAAAAAAAA
and like if someone presents as female... they’re female. gender and identity doesn’t matter they look female, their biologically female, they’re female. it should be about SEX not what they identify as. attraction to trans people is about perceived sex, not gender. and you can be attracted to someone who presents as female but then find out theyre actually male and lose the attraction. it’s just such a COMPLEX THING YOU CANT PUT INTO BOXES LIKE THIS ugh
i just think the whole gender thing needs to go honestly. its all about sex and perceived sex, personality, behavior, looks, interests, mannerisms, etc. i just summed up how gender contributes to attraction in that one sentence. that’s how unnecessary it is. you can like people who aren’t male and have feminine mannerisms. tada! we just summed up a way to experience attraction without making it weird!
its kind of funny how people describe attraction is a way that enforces binary roles despite trying to go against them. like instead of saying a lesbian is attracted to women why not just say a lesbian is attracted to everyone but men? it recognizes how presentation and perceived sex go into play without making things weird. because even if someone isnt a man, using this in the sense of a dysphoric nb person and NOT just how they ~identify~ bc that’s stupid, but anyway if they’re not a man, but present as a man, then the lesbian isn’t going to be attracted to them, and that’s just how it works.
but! the lesbian could meet a man who presents as male but feminine and has feminine mannerisms, and realize she’s actually bi and is just attracted to femininity, because attraction is complex and much like how people won’t fit into binary social roles, people’s attraction ALSO won’t fit into binary social roles, so maybe a girl could be really into masculinity and think she’s straight but then see a masculine girl and realize she’s bi, and not be into feminine men b/c just because she likes men doesn’t men she likes ALL men and b/c masculine and male aren’t the same thing
hoo i could go on but i know nobody is reading this. maybe i could try to put all my thoughts into a legible essay someday idk. anyway i just think real nb people are so rare that it’s better to treat their gender as a lack of gender, rather than a third gender, and that their gender exists BECAUSE of their atypical dysphoria, not because they ~identify~ as something different or anything dumb like that.
i see why people think a third gender would be beneficial but i’m just trying to be realistic. trans people are only 0.37% of the population. nb trans people would make up an extremely small amount of that percentage, so it only makes sense to NOT change the way the world works for over 99% of people, and instead find a compromise in treating their gender as a lack of one. plus the whole third gender thing is something gnc youth love to latch onto which isn’t healthy. creating a third gender for people who don’t fit into binary gender roles is regressive and enforces binary gender roles. that’s it that’s what this whole spiel was about basically im done now goodbye
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17 Hilarious Tweets About Being Bi That’ll Make You Want To Celebrate Bisexuality So Hard
You guys, if there’s something I love more than pizza, literally any other food, sleeping for extended periods of time, and being right all the time, it’s being bisexual. Seriously, it’s the best thing ever. Want to know why? Well, aside from confidently knowing that bisexuality is a totally real, valid, and awesome identity, from knowing that I, a raging bisexual, actually exist, despite what a lot of people try to tell me, and from knowing that I get to love and be attracted to two genders of dope humans, these tweets about being bisexual also make bisexuality the best thing ever. Because they’re hilarious. And I like laughing at funny things because I’m not a monster.
Want to know another really great thing about bisexuality? Today is apparently International Celebrate Bisexuality Day. WOW. What a day. I mean, I already celebrate my bisexuality every damn day on my own, but maybe since there’s a whole day dedicated to celebrating an amazing identity, I can go a day without people telling me to “put the wine bottle down” and to “stop yelling about bisexuality so much because it’s 2 a.m. and people are trying to sleep.” Ugh, whatever.
Anyway, here are a bunch of tweets about bisexuality, being bisexual, bi culture, and literally all other things being bi that will absolutely make you want to stand on top of a mountain, smash a beer can into your forehead, and scream, “I LOVE BEING BISEXUAL!!!!!” Or, you know, however else you wanna celebrate…
Bi culture is saying I'M GAY because you're far too ashamed of yourself for liking men.
— ulna thurman (@skeletology) September 14, 2017
Also accurate. We bisexuals have the lowest possible bullshit threshold.
I'm just gonna start wearing a tshirt that says "Bisexual & therefore done with your bullshit"
— Nick Andrews (@TwitchNick) September 11, 2017
*One decently attractive dude walks by* GOD DAMN IT, I THOUGHT I WAS DONE WITH THIS.
Bi culture is hating men until you see a good looking man
— shaira (@roomonfireera) September 14, 2017
Pink? Blue? Purple? Unicorn? I should cut it short, right? Nah, I’m gonna keep it long and only get a few natural highlights. LOL, JK. Getting bangs.
bi culture is being permanently indecisive about your haircut
— Rachel (@underthenettle) September 13, 2017
Literally, I just have to lock myself in a room, I guess, because TV characters won’t LET ME LIVE.
bi culture is having a crush on basically every character and not knowing how to handle it
— ❀DragonPrincette❀ (@EchoGaladrial) September 22, 2017
Bisexuals: We know what we like.
bi culture is picking out all the red candies in a bag no matter what it is and leaving the other colors for everyone else
— blue eyes bad dragon (@cunnypop) September 11, 2017
“She’s so cool and smart and funny and pretty, and I only think about making out with her because I secretly want her face.” — a statement I genuinely believed was logical growing up.
bi culture is realizing u had a crush on a bunch of ur girl pals but u always just thought it was bc u REALLY wanted to be their friend
— linds♡ (@paragraphpaIace) September 11, 2017
Please, continue serving my bi-ass life to me on a silver platter in 140 characters or less. Thank you.
Bi culture is listening to frank ocean alone at midnight and crying
— dumbass p (@bIondhampton) September 11, 2017
Attention: Pausing your regularly scheduled funny tweets to let everyone know that bisexuality can be different for different people.
Hello, just a friendly reminder during #BiVisibilityWeek that attraction is different for everyone and we are still valid http://pic.twitter.com/C4LFGF6IGB
— Liz Vasquez (@elizalouwriter) September 20, 2017
Bi update: It’s not just today. I’m just a generally loud bisexual.
Bi update: Today, I'm feeling loudly bisexual.
— BiBot (@biupdatebot) September 20, 2017
TBH, The Sims was very informative in my bisexual youth.
closeted bi culture is secretly making all your sims bisexual while being unaware of it as a child
— ara (@peachgoat) September 11, 2017
Blessed be the fruit of my bisexual ass.
being bisexual is gods gift to ME
— Lia (@kickassicaltv) September 12, 2017
bisexual culture is being too lazy to date both men or women
— fefa ♡ (@xiusoochen) September 10, 2017
I am amazing. Thank you for your time.
its bisexual awareness week so i just want you all to be aware that im bisexual and amazing and beautiful thank you for listening
— stephanie (@stcwh) September 19, 2017
I love being on the winning team.
love being bi cause i never lose http://pic.twitter.com/j7Tx6Bu6cS
— toni (@gameofgays) September 16, 2017
Damn, this is REAL.
Bi culture is being picky with guys but dropping everything for any girl who looks at you
— cass (@lollygagist) September 12, 2017
Where. Is. The. Damn. Lie?
i'm bisexual because i love women and i also love making mistakes on occasion
— grim reefer (@fogcut) September 21, 2017
Wow, I feel so rejuvenated. I love being bi.
On this International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, make sure you go out and celebrate all your bisexual friends and loved ones. Give ’em a hug, if they’re into that sort of thing. Buy ’em a drink. Yell about how great bisexuality is with them, because odds are, they’re already doing it when they’re alone, and the more, the merrier.
And if you’re a raging bisexual like me, or a non-raging one, rest assured that you’re 100 percent on a winning team. Any team in the LGBTQ+ community is winning. We’re all winning.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
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17 Hilarious Tweets About Being Bi That’ll Make You Want To Celebrate Bisexuality So Hard
from Meet Positives http://ift.tt/2xvlOeO via IFTTT
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ashleyjacksonblog · 7 years
17 Hilarious Tweets About Being Bi That’ll Make You Want To Celebrate Bisexuality So Hard
You guys, if there’s something I love more than pizza, literally any other food, sleeping for extended periods of time, and being right all the time, it’s being bisexual. Seriously, it’s the best thing ever. Want to know why? Well, aside from confidently knowing that bisexuality is a totally real, valid, and awesome identity, from knowing that I, a raging bisexual, actually exist, despite what a lot of people try to tell me, and from knowing that I get to love and be attracted to two genders of dope humans, these tweets about being bisexual also make bisexuality the best thing ever. Because they’re hilarious. And I like laughing at funny things because I’m not a monster.
Want to know another really great thing about bisexuality? Today is apparently International Celebrate Bisexuality Day. WOW. What a day. I mean, I already celebrate my bisexuality every damn day on my own, but maybe since there’s a whole day dedicated to celebrating an amazing identity, I can go a day without people telling me to “put the wine bottle down” and to “stop yelling about bisexuality so much because it’s 2 a.m. and people are trying to sleep.” Ugh, whatever.
Anyway, here are a bunch of tweets about bisexuality, being bisexual, bi culture, and literally all other things being bi that will absolutely make you want to stand on top of a mountain, smash a beer can into your forehead, and scream, “I LOVE BEING BISEXUAL!!!!!” Or, you know, however else you wanna celebrate…
Bi culture is saying I'M GAY because you're far too ashamed of yourself for liking men.
— ulna thurman (@skeletology) September 14, 2017
Also accurate. We bisexuals have the lowest possible bullshit threshold.
I'm just gonna start wearing a tshirt that says "Bisexual & therefore done with your bullshit"
— Nick Andrews (@TwitchNick) September 11, 2017
*One decently attractive dude walks by* GOD DAMN IT, I THOUGHT I WAS DONE WITH THIS.
Bi culture is hating men until you see a good looking man
— shaira (@roomonfireera) September 14, 2017
Pink? Blue? Purple? Unicorn? I should cut it short, right? Nah, I’m gonna keep it long and only get a few natural highlights. LOL, JK. Getting bangs.
bi culture is being permanently indecisive about your haircut
— Rachel (@underthenettle) September 13, 2017
Literally, I just have to lock myself in a room, I guess, because TV characters won’t LET ME LIVE.
bi culture is having a crush on basically every character and not knowing how to handle it
— ❀DragonPrincette❀ (@EchoGaladrial) September 22, 2017
Bisexuals: We know what we like.
bi culture is picking out all the red candies in a bag no matter what it is and leaving the other colors for everyone else
— blue eyes bad dragon (@cunnypop) September 11, 2017
“She’s so cool and smart and funny and pretty, and I only think about making out with her because I secretly want her face.” — a statement I genuinely believed was logical growing up.
bi culture is realizing u had a crush on a bunch of ur girl pals but u always just thought it was bc u REALLY wanted to be their friend
— linds♡ (@paragraphpaIace) September 11, 2017
Please, continue serving my bi-ass life to me on a silver platter in 140 characters or less. Thank you.
Bi culture is listening to frank ocean alone at midnight and crying
— dumbass p (@bIondhampton) September 11, 2017
Attention: Pausing your regularly scheduled funny tweets to let everyone know that bisexuality can be different for different people.
Hello, just a friendly reminder during #BiVisibilityWeek that attraction is different for everyone and we are still valid http://pic.twitter.com/C4LFGF6IGB
— Liz Vasquez (@elizalouwriter) September 20, 2017
Bi update: It’s not just today. I’m just a generally loud bisexual.
Bi update: Today, I'm feeling loudly bisexual.
— BiBot (@biupdatebot) September 20, 2017
TBH, The Sims was very informative in my bisexual youth.
closeted bi culture is secretly making all your sims bisexual while being unaware of it as a child
— ara (@peachgoat) September 11, 2017
Blessed be the fruit of my bisexual ass.
being bisexual is gods gift to ME
— Lia (@kickassicaltv) September 12, 2017
bisexual culture is being too lazy to date both men or women
— fefa ♡ (@xiusoochen) September 10, 2017
I am amazing. Thank you for your time.
its bisexual awareness week so i just want you all to be aware that im bisexual and amazing and beautiful thank you for listening
— stephanie (@stcwh) September 19, 2017
I love being on the winning team.
love being bi cause i never lose http://pic.twitter.com/j7Tx6Bu6cS
— toni (@gameofgays) September 16, 2017
Damn, this is REAL.
Bi culture is being picky with guys but dropping everything for any girl who looks at you
— cass (@lollygagist) September 12, 2017
Where. Is. The. Damn. Lie?
i'm bisexual because i love women and i also love making mistakes on occasion
— grim reefer (@fogcut) September 21, 2017
Wow, I feel so rejuvenated. I love being bi.
On this International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, make sure you go out and celebrate all your bisexual friends and loved ones. Give ’em a hug, if they’re into that sort of thing. Buy ’em a drink. Yell about how great bisexuality is with them, because odds are, they’re already doing it when they’re alone, and the more, the merrier.
And if you’re a raging bisexual like me, or a non-raging one, rest assured that you’re 100 percent on a winning team. Any team in the LGBTQ+ community is winning. We’re all winning.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this!
Subscribe to Elite Daily’s official newsletter, The Edge, for more stories you don’t want to miss.
17 Hilarious Tweets About Being Bi That’ll Make You Want To Celebrate Bisexuality So Hard
from Meet Positives http://ift.tt/2xvlOeO via IFTTT
0 notes
17 Hilarious Tweets About Being Bi That’ll Make You Want To Celebrate Bisexuality So Hard
You guys, if there’s something I love more than pizza, literally any other food, sleeping for extended periods of time, and being right all the time, it’s being bisexual. Seriously, it’s the best thing ever. Want to know why? Well, aside from confidently knowing that bisexuality is a totally real, valid, and awesome identity, from knowing that I, a raging bisexual, actually exist, despite what a lot of people try to tell me, and from knowing that I get to love and be attracted to two genders of dope humans, these tweets about being bisexual also make bisexuality the best thing ever. Because they’re hilarious. And I like laughing at funny things because I’m not a monster.
Want to know another really great thing about bisexuality? Today is apparently International Celebrate Bisexuality Day. WOW. What a day. I mean, I already celebrate my bisexuality every damn day on my own, but maybe since there’s a whole day dedicated to celebrating an amazing identity, I can go a day without people telling me to “put the wine bottle down” and to “stop yelling about bisexuality so much because it’s 2 a.m. and people are trying to sleep.” Ugh, whatever.
Anyway, here are a bunch of tweets about bisexuality, being bisexual, bi culture, and literally all other things being bi that will absolutely make you want to stand on top of a mountain, smash a beer can into your forehead, and scream, “I LOVE BEING BISEXUAL!!!!!” Or, you know, however else you wanna celebrate…
Bi culture is saying I'M GAY because you're far too ashamed of yourself for liking men.
— ulna thurman (@skeletology) September 14, 2017
Also accurate. We bisexuals have the lowest possible bullshit threshold.
I'm just gonna start wearing a tshirt that says "Bisexual & therefore done with your bullshit"
— Nick Andrews (@TwitchNick) September 11, 2017
*One decently attractive dude walks by* GOD DAMN IT, I THOUGHT I WAS DONE WITH THIS.
Bi culture is hating men until you see a good looking man
— shaira (@roomonfireera) September 14, 2017
Pink? Blue? Purple? Unicorn? I should cut it short, right? Nah, I’m gonna keep it long and only get a few natural highlights. LOL, JK. Getting bangs.
bi culture is being permanently indecisive about your haircut
— Rachel (@underthenettle) September 13, 2017
Literally, I just have to lock myself in a room, I guess, because TV characters won’t LET ME LIVE.
bi culture is having a crush on basically every character and not knowing how to handle it
— ❀DragonPrincette❀ (@EchoGaladrial) September 22, 2017
Bisexuals: We know what we like.
bi culture is picking out all the red candies in a bag no matter what it is and leaving the other colors for everyone else
— blue eyes bad dragon (@cunnypop) September 11, 2017
“She’s so cool and smart and funny and pretty, and I only think about making out with her because I secretly want her face.” — a statement I genuinely believed was logical growing up.
bi culture is realizing u had a crush on a bunch of ur girl pals but u always just thought it was bc u REALLY wanted to be their friend
— linds♡ (@paragraphpaIace) September 11, 2017
Please, continue serving my bi-ass life to me on a silver platter in 140 characters or less. Thank you.
Bi culture is listening to frank ocean alone at midnight and crying
— dumbass p (@bIondhampton) September 11, 2017
Attention: Pausing your regularly scheduled funny tweets to let everyone know that bisexuality can be different for different people.
Hello, just a friendly reminder during #BiVisibilityWeek that attraction is different for everyone and we are still valid http://pic.twitter.com/C4LFGF6IGB
— Liz Vasquez (@elizalouwriter) September 20, 2017
Bi update: It’s not just today. I’m just a generally loud bisexual.
Bi update: Today, I'm feeling loudly bisexual.
— BiBot (@biupdatebot) September 20, 2017
TBH, The Sims was very informative in my bisexual youth.
closeted bi culture is secretly making all your sims bisexual while being unaware of it as a child
— ara (@peachgoat) September 11, 2017
Blessed be the fruit of my bisexual ass.
being bisexual is gods gift to ME
— Lia (@kickassicaltv) September 12, 2017
bisexual culture is being too lazy to date both men or women
— fefa ♡ (@xiusoochen) September 10, 2017
I am amazing. Thank you for your time.
its bisexual awareness week so i just want you all to be aware that im bisexual and amazing and beautiful thank you for listening
— stephanie (@stcwh) September 19, 2017
I love being on the winning team.
love being bi cause i never lose http://pic.twitter.com/j7Tx6Bu6cS
— toni (@gameofgays) September 16, 2017
Damn, this is REAL.
Bi culture is being picky with guys but dropping everything for any girl who looks at you
— cass (@lollygagist) September 12, 2017
Where. Is. The. Damn. Lie?
i'm bisexual because i love women and i also love making mistakes on occasion
— grim reefer (@fogcut) September 21, 2017
Wow, I feel so rejuvenated. I love being bi.
On this International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, make sure you go out and celebrate all your bisexual friends and loved ones. Give ’em a hug, if they’re into that sort of thing. Buy ’em a drink. Yell about how great bisexuality is with them, because odds are, they’re already doing it when they’re alone, and the more, the merrier.
And if you’re a raging bisexual like me, or a non-raging one, rest assured that you’re 100 percent on a winning team. Any team in the LGBTQ+ community is winning. We’re all winning.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this!
Subscribe to Elite Daily’s official newsletter, The Edge, for more stories you don’t want to miss.
17 Hilarious Tweets About Being Bi That’ll Make You Want To Celebrate Bisexuality So Hard
from Meet Positives http://ift.tt/2wNxCFS via IFTTT
0 notes
ashleyjacksonblog · 7 years
17 Hilarious Tweets About Being Bi That’ll Make You Want To Celebrate Bisexuality So Hard
You guys, if there’s something I love more than pizza, literally any other food, sleeping for extended periods of time, and being right all the time, it’s being bisexual. Seriously, it’s the best thing ever. Want to know why? Well, aside from confidently knowing that bisexuality is a totally real, valid, and awesome identity, from knowing that I, a raging bisexual, actually exist, despite what a lot of people try to tell me, and from knowing that I get to love and be attracted to two genders of dope humans, these tweets about being bisexual also make bisexuality the best thing ever. Because they’re hilarious. And I like laughing at funny things because I’m not a monster.
Want to know another really great thing about bisexuality? Today is apparently International Celebrate Bisexuality Day. WOW. What a day. I mean, I already celebrate my bisexuality every damn day on my own, but maybe since there’s a whole day dedicated to celebrating an amazing identity, I can go a day without people telling me to “put the wine bottle down” and to “stop yelling about bisexuality so much because it’s 2 a.m. and people are trying to sleep.” Ugh, whatever.
Anyway, here are a bunch of tweets about bisexuality, being bisexual, bi culture, and literally all other things being bi that will absolutely make you want to stand on top of a mountain, smash a beer can into your forehead, and scream, “I LOVE BEING BISEXUAL!!!!!” Or, you know, however else you wanna celebrate…
Bi culture is saying I'M GAY because you're far too ashamed of yourself for liking men.
— ulna thurman (@skeletology) September 14, 2017
Also accurate. We bisexuals have the lowest possible bullshit threshold.
I'm just gonna start wearing a tshirt that says "Bisexual & therefore done with your bullshit"
— Nick Andrews (@TwitchNick) September 11, 2017
*One decently attractive dude walks by* GOD DAMN IT, I THOUGHT I WAS DONE WITH THIS.
Bi culture is hating men until you see a good looking man
— shaira (@roomonfireera) September 14, 2017
Pink? Blue? Purple? Unicorn? I should cut it short, right? Nah, I’m gonna keep it long and only get a few natural highlights. LOL, JK. Getting bangs.
bi culture is being permanently indecisive about your haircut
— Rachel (@underthenettle) September 13, 2017
Literally, I just have to lock myself in a room, I guess, because TV characters won’t LET ME LIVE.
bi culture is having a crush on basically every character and not knowing how to handle it
— ❀DragonPrincette❀ (@EchoGaladrial) September 22, 2017
Bisexuals: We know what we like.
bi culture is picking out all the red candies in a bag no matter what it is and leaving the other colors for everyone else
— blue eyes bad dragon (@cunnypop) September 11, 2017
“She’s so cool and smart and funny and pretty, and I only think about making out with her because I secretly want her face.” — a statement I genuinely believed was logical growing up.
bi culture is realizing u had a crush on a bunch of ur girl pals but u always just thought it was bc u REALLY wanted to be their friend
— linds♡ (@paragraphpaIace) September 11, 2017
Please, continue serving my bi-ass life to me on a silver platter in 140 characters or less. Thank you.
Bi culture is listening to frank ocean alone at midnight and crying
— dumbass p (@bIondhampton) September 11, 2017
Attention: Pausing your regularly scheduled funny tweets to let everyone know that bisexuality can be different for different people.
Hello, just a friendly reminder during #BiVisibilityWeek that attraction is different for everyone and we are still valid http://pic.twitter.com/C4LFGF6IGB
— Liz Vasquez (@elizalouwriter) September 20, 2017
Bi update: It’s not just today. I’m just a generally loud bisexual.
Bi update: Today, I'm feeling loudly bisexual.
— BiBot (@biupdatebot) September 20, 2017
TBH, The Sims was very informative in my bisexual youth.
closeted bi culture is secretly making all your sims bisexual while being unaware of it as a child
— ara (@peachgoat) September 11, 2017
Blessed be the fruit of my bisexual ass.
being bisexual is gods gift to ME
— Lia (@kickassicaltv) September 12, 2017
bisexual culture is being too lazy to date both men or women
— fefa ♡ (@xiusoochen) September 10, 2017
I am amazing. Thank you for your time.
its bisexual awareness week so i just want you all to be aware that im bisexual and amazing and beautiful thank you for listening
— stephanie (@stcwh) September 19, 2017
I love being on the winning team.
love being bi cause i never lose http://pic.twitter.com/j7Tx6Bu6cS
— toni (@gameofgays) September 16, 2017
Damn, this is REAL.
Bi culture is being picky with guys but dropping everything for any girl who looks at you
— cass (@lollygagist) September 12, 2017
Where. Is. The. Damn. Lie?
i'm bisexual because i love women and i also love making mistakes on occasion
— grim reefer (@fogcut) September 21, 2017
Wow, I feel so rejuvenated. I love being bi.
On this International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, make sure you go out and celebrate all your bisexual friends and loved ones. Give ’em a hug, if they’re into that sort of thing. Buy ’em a drink. Yell about how great bisexuality is with them, because odds are, they’re already doing it when they’re alone, and the more, the merrier.
And if you’re a raging bisexual like me, or a non-raging one, rest assured that you’re 100 percent on a winning team. Any team in the LGBTQ+ community is winning. We’re all winning.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this!
Subscribe to Elite Daily’s official newsletter, The Edge, for more stories you don’t want to miss.
17 Hilarious Tweets About Being Bi That’ll Make You Want To Celebrate Bisexuality So Hard
from Meet Positives http://ift.tt/2wNxCFS via IFTTT
0 notes