#like I said it changes constantly depending on my mood after the first five lol
userlaylivia · 2 months
What are your current top 25 OTPs?
keep in mind this changes after the top 5 a lot and some are higher at times and some honorary mentions are in the top 25 sometimes it depends on my feelings lol these are just my top 25 atm !! and pls nobody unfollow me for some of these as you know I multiship lol ily ❤️❤️ I almost have some that are tied but idc lol
damon/elena (the vampire diaries)
stiles/lydia(teen wolf)&bellamy/clarke (t100)
betty/jughead (riverdale)
pacey/joey (dawson's creek)
chuck/blair (gossip girl)
zeke/michaela (manifest)
spencer/olivia (all american)
brooke/lucas (one tree hill)
jess/rory (gilmore girls)
spike/buffy (buffy)
jackie/hyde (that 70's show)&mark/lexie (ga)
archie/veronica (riverdale)
jake/peyton (one tree hill)
kara/mon el (supergirl)
nathan/haley (one tree hill)
sydney/vaughn (alias)&jackson/april (ga)
jake/amy (brooklyn nine nine)
stefan/caroline (the vampire diaries)
brenda/dylan (beverly hills 90210)
hope/landon (legacies)
adam/cassie (the secret circle)
ross/rachel (friends)
barney/robin (how I met your mother)
sawyer/kate (lost)
chandler/monica (friends)
honorable mentions: sean/emma (degrassi), meredith/derek (grey's anatomy), jordan/layla (all american), stiles/malia (teen wolf), scott/allison (teen wolf), cheryl/toni (riverdale), tyler/caroline (tvd), luke/lorelai (gilmore girls), dan/blair and nate/serena (gossip girl), max/liz and michael/alex (roswell new mexico), max/liz and michael/maria (og roswell), betty/archie (riverdale), tim/lucy (the rookie), ricky/gina (hsmtmts), ryan/marissa (the oc), brooke/julian (one tree hill), jack/emily (revenge), barry/caitlin (the flash), conrad/nic (the resident), doug/carol (er), barry/iris (the flash), mike/eleven (stranger things)
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theputterer · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
tagged by my friend @fortysevenswrites
this order is somewhat loose, it changes depending on my Mood.
gray areas
Gray, in all its varieties, serves as a perfect understanding of who Cassian Andor is. Gray gives Cassian Andor’s life meaning. It colors it, entirely. The life of Cassian Andor, from the ice-covered mountains of Fest, to the white sand beaches of Scarif, and all the gray areas in between.
to the surprise of absolutely fucking no one, gray areas continues to be my beloved, the first fic I posted and the OG Nonsense. while I don't think the prose is particularly noteworthy (some of it is quite good but you can also tell I was Possessed and just banging out the chapters like a machine), I'm still very proud of the plot and themes I managed to drag out of it. I am obsessed with the idea of the narrative explicitly telling you what is going to happen even while the character(s) don't know, and that happens a lot in this. (there is no way to change the ending). I think the original characters in this are also interesting, particularly Asori, Nerezza, and Taraja; and Zeferino, who many readers were stunningly fond of, lol. when I wrote it in 2016/2017 it was still in line with the "canon" backstory, something I did put some effort in. Andor has absolutely shut the door on that one but I think the story still holds up as an alternate take on what Cassian Andor's backstory could have been.
2. to meet beyond shadows
Five years after the Battle of Crait, the Resistance wages a fierce war against the First Order. Jedi Master Ben Organa-Solo guides the New Jedi Order in the war, and their fight against Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and his Knights. But there are evils waiting to be awakened. Words that must be said. Myths that must be realized. Brothers that must be confronted. The end is near. [Or: Ben Solo is not the one who becomes Kylo Ren, in this full TROS AU/rewrite.]
I return to this series a lot, my Sequel Trilogy AU in which Leia and Han had identical twin sons, expanding on the twin themes present thru Star Wars (literal twins but also metaphorical twins, good and evil, light and dark etc). one of them goes the Kylo Ren route while the other does not. my take on Kylo in the Sequel Trilogy is that he never had a chance with the uniqueness he couldn't help, and that he inherited all the worst traits of the Skywalkers, so it was fun to explore what might have happened if he had a brother who was his mirror, a brother who was the best of the Skywalkers yet loved him unconditionally still. I wrote a lot about brothers on opposite sides who still loved each other so desperately in the Nonsense, and this series built on that foundation. (Local Woman Who Is Not A Brother Constantly Writes About Brothers). Ben has a really great arc in this series that's one of the finest character arcs I've ever done, if not THE finest. and I so treasured the way multiple readers came to sympathize and understand Bail/Kylo and his ultimate ending, a character who was never interested in redemption but sort of stumbled into it anyway. this last story in the series is the biggest departure from the Sequel Trilogy as a whole (the other two mostly followed TFA and TLJ) and I think it's very good. I love the plot, the Old EU lore I borrowed from, the tragedy and the euphoria, seeing the end coming and being powerless to stop it, and the ultimate messages it shared. **chef's kiss** [my gravestone will probably read something like "here lies theputterer who died as she lived; trying to get people to read her Sequel Trilogy AU"] [honestly this fic might be the best I've ever written, at least Technically speaking]
3. death trembles to take us
Jyn has walked the Earth for over four thousand years, leading a team of warriors. They’ve fought in hundreds of battles, and died hundreds of times, returning to take up their weapons and fight again. They choose to fight for what they believe in, as the world turns and changes around them. But in Juba, they encounter an existential threat, one they have never seen before. And meanwhile, on the other side of the world, an assassin dies on a city street, only to rise again. [A THE OLD GUARD au]
the little story that could! a very self-indulgent AU that got such a lovely and gratifying response from the fandom(s). (special shoutout to the SEVERAL readers who gave this fic a shot even tho they'd never seen The Old Guard and/or didn't care for it lol). I am quite proud of it. it was fun to explore history and come up with backstories for the Rogue One gang that still meshed with what we know of them in canon. I like the themes and messages the story delivered. I would also be deeply remiss in not Once Again thanking @rifle-yes for the support and enthusiasm. at least half of the readers of this fic were drawn to it thanks to their efforts. I also don't think I would have attempted my Fringe AU without the readers of this story.
4. Lady Lazarus
A woman dies in Venice. That’s how the story goes. It’s very important they follow where the story goes. Where it’s supposed to go.
listen. I was also very surprised. I watched the Mission: Impossible movies for the first time this summer and totally fell in love with Ilsa Faust, this very cool and interesting spy with somewhat fluid loyalties. also the movies fucking rule. go see Dead Reckoning: Part One while it's still in theaters. as a known connoisseur of the Tragic Love Story, I ate that shit up and wrote a speculative story/ character study exploring Ilsa in the movie. prayer circle it becomes correct. I like the flow of this fic and the prose of it is quite nice and also all the resurrection bits. Rebecca Ferguson forever!!!
5. a ghost story
He looked at Fima. “The shadow; the man. What did he look like?” Fima swallowed, and Cassian did not like the way his son was looking at him, with something akin to wariness, something close to fear. “Like you.” [Or: a ghost story about fathers, sons, and the trauma of abandonment.]
I think all of my little short stories in the Nonsense Expanded Universe are nice and so this last spot could be interchangeable. but I am very fond of a ghost story, in that it is sweet and tragic and allows Cassian a bit of understanding with who Gabriel was, something he desperately needed and was very much paling in comparison to all he came to know about Serafima. also ghosts/hauntings are very fun.
tagging: @rifle-yes, @callioope @vaderkat @alecjmarsh and anyone else who wants to give it a shot!
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licieoic · 4 years
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“Pour One Out” - Digital Oil Painting
Inspired by Suptober, theme: Pour One Out. Bartender/Patron AU! This one was actually inspired by a number of themes from Suptober including “Family Business” and “Favorite,” as shown in the ficlet below the cut. (It’s PG, though Dean is having some more adult oriented thoughts, LOL.)
Please see the pinned post at the top of my Tumblr for my links if you'd like to help support me in saving for a safe place to live!
Looking up, Dean saw his brother, Sam, sticking his head into the brewing room. It had to be nearly time for his shift, he already had his abundant hair pulled back.
“Your favorite’s here,” he said.
Dean straightened up so fast, he nearly dropped the pitcher of beer he’d been pouring so carefully. “Trench Coat?” At least, that was the name he used with Sam; he didn’t want his brother knowing what he called the quiet man in his head. He’d never quite had the courage to ask the man’s actual name and since Winchester Bros was cash only, he couldn’t sneak a look at a credit card either. He’d considered asking for his ID, as that was perfectly acceptable in a bar, but since he was clearly over legal drinking age it would just make Dean look like he was stupid or an ass.
“Usual spot,” Sam answered before popping back into the main area of the bar.
He got up close to the shiny brewing vat in front of him and tried to check his appearance, but the metal didn’t make for a good mirror and left him looking deformed. Damn… He hoped there was nothing to worry about, like food in his teeth or crustiness in the corners of his green eyes, and that his light brown hair was just the right amount of tousled, leaning more toward ‘I woke up like this’ and less like ‘I use a lot of product.’ Then he reached into the pocket of his apron for the breath mint he always kept there, on the chance that his favorite patron would stop by.
It was easy to remember the first time he’d ever seen him, he doubted he would ever forget. Five months after he and Sam had opened the bar, they’d had to strike a deal with the Devil (Dean’s private name for their wealthy investor, Crowley) in order to save it from going under. It had always been their dream to start up a family business and they’d each quit lucrative careers (Dean as a mechanic, Sam as a lawyer) to open Winchester Bros. It had taken every penny of their life savings to do it, they just couldn’t give up so soon.
Pride still smarting with the knowledge that they’d be under Crowley’s thumb for the foreseeable future, Dean hadn’t exactly been the friendliest bartender that night. After being short with a small bachelorette party, Sam told him to concentrate on the solo patrons at the bar who usually weren’t the chatty types and leave the groups to him. Dean hadn’t argued, they needed as much patronage as possible, he could ill afford to turn what could be repeat customers into people who never came back just because he was in a mood.
Down at the far end of the bar, he saw a man with dark, messy hair hunched over the bar. He wore a slightly dirty trench coat over a deep navy suit and had a five o’clock shadow darkening his jawline. All in all, a fairly standard-looking barfly, if he were judging a book by its cover. Dean leaned both hands on the bar and tried not to sound too brusque as he asked, “What can I get you?”
Then the man looked up… and Dean forgot everything. He was lost in the bluest eyes ever to blue, bluer than the tie hanging crooked from the man’s neck. Dean’s mouth might have gone slack, he wasn’t sure. They were like angel’s eyes, almost too pretty to be real.
“I don’t know,” said the man, immediately dubbed Angel Eyes. He seemed kind of down, but that wasn’t unusual for a lone bar patron. “Do you have a menu?”
“W-we do,” said Dean, pulling over the list printed on laminated cardstock once he remembered how to speak. The line at the top read ‘Winchester Brews,’ which he’d thought damn clever at the time, now he worried it was corny. “Ahem… Everything on offer is brewed in-house, plus I can make you just about anything you like.”
“Anything, huh?” He looked at the menu, but didn’t really seem to be reading it. “I don’t know,” he said again, “surprise me?”
Something was really bothering this man, Dean could tell, his bartender instincts were jangling like crazy. His bi-dar, however, was all over the place. He never had a problem flirting with the ladies who came in, but it was always hard to tell if he was clear to make a pass at a man. That kind of thing could get dangerous, depending on who it was and what kind of attitude they had.
“Surprise you,” Dean repeated, reaching below the bar for a tumbler which he filled with a few ice cubes. “Well, you look like a man of… discerning tastes.” He followed this with a wink to test the waters. To his delight, Angel Eyes smiled. And Dean’s heartbeat doubled. He turned around and took a surreptitious breath in an attempt to calm it down, but it didn’t work.
From the back shelf, he retrieved a bottle of whiskey with a simple handwritten label on the front that read ‘Winchester Special #5’ and turned back to face him. As he poured, Dean said, “This here is our monthly special.”
“What makes it special?”
“It changes every month,” said Dean. “Afterward, we add it to the list of brews. And if you can guess the flavor, the inspiration behind it… it’s on me.”
“Has anyone gotten it right yet?” It was the nineteenth, he’d assumed correctly that some people had already tried Dean’s challenge.
He shook his head. “Not quite.” Gesturing at the tumbler, he quirked a brow and asked, “Care to try?”
Angel Eyes picked up the glass and took a sip. He tilted his head, appearing thoughtful.
“So?” asked Dean when he didn’t get an immediate answer. “What’s it taste like to you?”
“Hmm. Molecules.”
Dean laughed outright and Angel Eyes grinned. “Well, you’re not wrong!” he exclaimed. “Molecules, heh, can’t say I’ve ever heard that one before, but is that your final answer?”
Swirling the ice in the glass, Angel Eyes took a longer pull, maintaining eye contact with Dean as he rolled the whiskey slowly over his tongue. Dean’s mouth went dry as he watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down when he swallowed. Unconsciously, he licked his lips and those bluer than blue eyes followed the movement.
Angel Eyes clicked his tongue. “Blueberry…” he said, slowly. “But there’s something else… It’s sweet and… creamy?”
“No hints,” said Dean, but mentally he was cheering the man on, wanting him to make the right guess, and he was so, so close.
He took one last sip from the glass, finishing it off. “It’s good. I like it. It reminds me of a blueberry sour cream pie. Final answer.”
Dean grinned broadly. “We have a winner!”
He returned the smile with one of his own and it seemed like both of them had forgotten their problems prior to their meeting each other. “Really?”
Nodding, Dean poured him another. “On me. Since you’re the first correct guess.”
He picked up the tumbler and saluted Dean with it. “Cheers.”
Dean nodded, a little disappointed that he didn’t have an excuse to keep their conversation going, and turned to go back to work.
“Oh, and—”
Heart in his throat, he looked back. Angel Eyes hesitated.
“Thank you,” he said, finally. “This… really helped.”
He made a vague gesture. “I don’t want to get into it, I know bartenders aren’t therapists,” he said. “Just some family issues.”
Dean’s heart sank. He had a family. Of course he did. “Well, you’re not the first guy to come here to escape his wife for a while,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Oh, I’m not married,” Angel Eyes said.
“Girlfriend?” came out of Dean’s mouth before he could stop himself.
He shook his head. “One of my brothers is constantly going through a rebellious phase. Our father isn’t happy about it.”
“Ohhhh, well, I can definitely understand annoying brothers,” said Dean, aiming his thumb at Sam who was down at the opposite end of the bar, and forcing himself to swallow down any follow-up questions. He’d already said he didn’t want to talk about it, Dean wanted to respect that. “You should bring your family around,” he said, smiling. “It’s easier to open up after a few, you know?”
Angel Eyes chuckled. “I’m not sure if that would be a good thing or a bad thing. Besides…” He thumbed the rim of his glass before glancing back up, hitting him with that blue gaze all over again. “I don’t know if I want them coming around here. Maybe I want to keep you all to myself.”
Any thoughts of pushing for more patrons to offset his and Sam’s massive debt had flown away. Dean could only nod like an idiot, he knew what the man meant, of course, but the unspoken implications in the statement were pinging around in his head like a super ball. He might have squeaked out an ‘okay’ or a ‘yeah’ as he headed back to work, he didn’t remember. He did remember almost tripping over his own feet and not looking back, knowing his face would be bright red. He pretended to not remember hearing another chuckle.
Since then, Angel Eyes came in at least once a week, always sat at the end of the bar, and always ordered the monthly special, even though he paid for each subsequent drink following his correct guess. He was never wrong about the flavor either, which amazed Dean, he even got the lemon meringue right. He’d been so sure that no one would get it – he’d heard lemon-vanilla, toasted marshmallow, all kinds of other things because who guesses ‘meringue’ for a whiskey anyway? Apparently, a man with gorgeous blue eyes in a slightly dirty trench coat. Three months in, he was the only person who’d figured out that Dean based all the specials on his favorite pies and it only made his guesses come that much quicker.
As he headed out to the front, he dropped off the pitcher of beer and grabbed #15 from the shelf. He almost couldn’t believe it had been ten months since his favorite patron had first come in. Tonight was the night, he resolved, he would ask for Angel Eyes’ actual name. Maybe in another ten months, he’d work up the courage to ask for his number. Dean internally rolled his eyes at himself. He was truly pathetic.
Angel Eyes perked up at the end of the bar the moment Dean emerged from the back, yellow light from a nearby neon sign on the wall reflecting off his dark hair, almost like a halo. They smiled at each other and Dean’s heart was immediately doing flips, seeing how obviously happy he was to see him. Could be the Crush Goggles, but still…
“Fancy seeing you here,” said Dean, filling the glass with ice and setting it down on the bar. “I was wondering when you’d be in to try the latest special.”
“I’m just hoping it isn’t Pumpkin Spice,” said Angel Eyes. Being that it was October, it was a fair comment. You couldn’t go ten feet without encountering something bearing that smell and/or flavor.
“I do like pumpkin pie,” said Dean, pouring the whiskey. “But I think it’s more of a November flavor.”
Dark brows lifted. “A hint? This is new. What did I do to deserve that?”
Dean laughed. “Maybe I’m in a good mood, that’s all.”
“Me too. It’s a good night.”
“Hopefully, about to be better,” said Dean, nodding at the glass.
“I don’t need to drink to have a good time,” he said, but picked up the tumbler all the same to have a sip.
“Your continued presence at my bar says otherwise,” said Dean.
Angel Eyes swallowed. “There are other reasons a person might come to a bar.”
“Such as?”
“Good ambience.” He took a longer sip and let his eyes wander over Dean before traveling back up as he swallowed. “I like the company.”
Dean hoped he wasn’t blushing but he couldn’t hold back a goofy smile. “You do get to meet all kinds of people in a place like this,” he said.
“Yes, though I was referring to one specific person.”
He finished the whiskey and set down the glass, meeting Dean’s eyes head-on. “Yes.”
Mouth dry, Dean cleared his throat. “So, uh…” He gestured at the tumbler. “Any guesses?”
“Maybe.” He trailed one finger around the rim of the glass. “If I pay for the drink, can I have something else as my prize? If I get it right, of course.”
“Uh.” He swallowed hard. “S-s-sure.” He could hardly manage the one word; he couldn’t even summon the brain power to ask what it was he wanted.
Smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Angel Eyes considered his answer. “This is a good one,” he said. “Definitely not pumpkin, but it has sweetness… and a note of tart as well.”
“Are you a sommelier?” Dean asked suddenly. “That would sure as hell explain a lot.”
He laughed, the bright sound so incongruous with his gravelly voice, it had quickly become one of Dean’s favorite things about him. So much so, that he would go out of his way to come up with a corny joke or allow himself to be a little clumsy, just for the chance to hear that laugh.
“No,” he said, still smiling. “Disappointed?”
“No. I just can’t figure out how you’re never wrong.”
“I haven’t made my guess yet,” he pointed out.
Deliberately, he reached into his glass and retrieved a small ice cube. Before Dean knew what was happening, Angel Eyes was popping it into his mouth and sucking on it while he thought about what answer to give.
Guh. He has to be doing this on purpose! Dean thought. How does he make everything he does so sexy?
Still keeping eye contact with Dean, he bit down hard. Crunch! If he kept this up, Dean would need to run to the bathroom and readjust his jeans. To try and diffuse some of the tension in the air, Dean attempted to make a joke like he usually would.
“You, uh, you know what they say about people who chew their ice, don’t you?” he asked, almost tripping on his own tongue.
“No,” he said, to Dean’s surprise. “What do they say?”
Well, this backfired spectacularly, thought Dean. “They, uh… that they’re, well, you know…” Those clear blue eyes wouldn’t give him an inch, Angel Eyes sat patiently waiting to hear the punchline of Dean’s naughty joke like they were talking about the weather. He had no choice but to quietly stutter, “That they’re… s-s-sexually frustrated.”
Really? That’s all you have to say, ‘oh’? thought Dean, incredulously. While he watched, Angel Eyes fished out another ice cube and crunched down on it viciously, all while holding Dean’s gaze, as if to punctuate his statement. Heat creeping up into his cheeks, Dean took a steadying breath. Curse blushing, he thought. Curse the noun, curse the verb, curse the act!
“H-have I finally stumped you?” Dean asked when his tongue decided to work again.
“Caramel apple rhubarb,” he said, definitively. “Final answer.”
“Damn!” exclaimed Dean, pounding one fist on the bar. “You did it again!”
All he did was smile in response, the handsome bastard. As he reached into his coat pocket, he casually remarked, “You know, your freckles disappear when you blush.”
He blinked. “They do?”
“Then I get to notice them all over again when they come back.” Retrieving his wallet, he pulled out a ten-dollar bill and placed it on the bar between them. “It’s what I’ve been calling you in my head all this time. Freckles.”
“Well, that’s kind of rude, how would you like it if my brother and I were calling you Trench Coat behind your back?”
“I wouldn’t mind.”
“Okay, good, because that’s totally what we’ve been doing.”
They snickered together.
“Out of curiosity,” said Dean, “what were you calling Sammy?”
Dean snorted. “I’m absolutely going to call him that.”
“So, his name is Sam? You don’t wear nametags, so I’ve only ever known your last name.”
“Nametags are lame.”
“They are. What’s your name, then?”
“Is this what you wanted instead of a free drink?”
“No, this is something I should have asked ten months ago.”
Fair point. Dean held out his hand. “Dean,” he said.
His fingers were cold from the ice but his palm was warm and smooth. “Castiel.”
“Wow.” It wasn’t a name he’d ever heard before; surprise mixed with his pleasure over finally learning the name of his long-held crush. “Wasn’t expecting that.”
“What were you expecting?”
“Not sure. Probably something anti-climactic, like Steve.” He picked up the ten with his other hand. “I’ll get you some change.”
Castiel tightened his grip when Dean would have let go. “Keep it,” he said. “Consider it a tip.”
“Okay,” Dean said, slowly, tucking the bill into his apron pocket.
“Have you eaten dinner yet?” asked Castiel.
He grinned and it put all of the smiles Dean had received before to shame. It held a hint of mischievousness as he said, “That’s what I want.”
“You-you want—what? D-dinner? W-with me?” Dean couldn’t quite believe his ears. He’d barely been able to hope for a first-name basis tonight, he couldn’t possibly be so lucky as to score a date. But then, considering they’d been dancing around each other for ten months, maybe Castiel thought if he didn’t make the first move, it would never happen.
Bringing up his other hand, Castiel sandwiched Dean’s between the two as he said, very deliberately, “I don’t believe I’ve guessed wrong.”
Dean could be pretty dense sometimes, but he knew unequivocally that Castiel wasn’t talking about the whiskey. “I’m off in half an hour,” he said, smiling like an idiot.
“I’ll be waiting… Freckles.”
Okay… so maybe blushing wasn’t such a bad thing.
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nuoc7mia · 3 years
hi so I actually made this post months ago when I was fist reading Tokyo revengers (thank you Mandy), but I just finished this post today :3 most of this post isn’t rlly insightful--I'm either just screaming or rehashing takes that most people here have already made
warnings ofc for major manga spoilers although I also haven’t caught up on the last five-ten chapters:
look ik current!mikey could easily kill me, but he’s so cute:
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rlly makes you wonder what happened when you look back after reading more recent chapters ahaha :’D but anyways, give him his flag!!! 
(again I wrote this in June--I contradict myself later in this word dump LOL)
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this moment was just so funny to me I'm sorry LMAO (’love & peace’)
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hngjksnfgs I love this panel so much :((( sometimes with all of the action going on and how they act or are drawn, I forget that they’re just middle schoolers trying to navigate through life. and here’s mikey who has the weight of the entire gang--literal lives--on his shoulders, and is constantly depended on by the members as this ray of shining light. people literally are filled with relief when they see him during fights bc THE mikey is here to take over and he HAS to win the match, right? which is kind of interesting now that I think about it, because there’s also takemichi, who’s mentally 27 and still struggling to carry the weight of his loved ones’ lives on his shoulders. if a 27-year-old can’t be responsible for the lives of others--if I, a 19-year-old, can’t cope with the weight of my own--then how could we expect mikey to be strong with everything that happened around him added onto the weight of the gang? looking back now, I think what happened to mikey in the future makes sense, as odd/cheesy/out-of-the-blue as it originally seemed in my head.
nothing new but I fucking hate kisaki overall and I'm so glad he never got a redemption arc because there was nothing about him that could be saved
(this was an extremely harsh take but again I'm never forgetting what he did to everyone just bc he was pining over a girl from elementary school)
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this panel ALSO messed me up, esp after reading some more recent chapters :( I think takemichi said once that he liked talking to mikey the most because he always feels at peace with him and described his eyes to be this calm sea (which almost reminds me of giyuu and his 11th form: dead calm) (I also might be remembering wrong bc I can’t find the chapter I saw it on). but it feels so double-sided if that makes sense? like with that peace comes a never-ending emptiness because he’s constantly consumed by whatever darkness he has in him (sorry for another kny comparison but it feels similar to muichirou before his whole arc), and so he looks so detached and empty. it’s actually kind of jarring at times when the panel zooms into his eyes because you really feel like you’re going to drown in them, but the way it’s cross-hatched is unsettling--like it’s more chaotic and fuzzy inside his mind. + if you compare the dullness in his eyes with the clarity of the other characters, especially takemichi, it’s as if he knows that there’s no future for him, or at least no future with the others. I ended up crying when he was grabbing onto takemichi and asking to be saved, because that’s the first time that we see any sort of light/reflection in his eyes (of hope, honestly), as well as the first time that he reaches out to have someone shoulder his own burdens + truly be vulnerable + depend on someone else rather than letting others depend on him. 
(this rant is the result of me hate-reading the comments after every chapter on *******):
sometimes idk what some ppl want from takemichi LOL. actually, no, I do know exactly what they want: a strong mc who they can experience the story through and who solves the problem with the physical manifestation of their strength (the typical shounen protag). but that’s not the point of tokyo revengers imo, and if you’re expecting that, I think you’re missing the whole story ????? like the power comes from the fact that he’s an average person who continues to fight despite the knowledge that he has, the weaknesses that he’s constantly forced to reckon with, and the general helplessness + hopelessness that he feels. he just wants to protect the ppl who he cares for, and that desire trumps physical power or charisma. THAT’S what makes him strong and that’s ultimately what changes the course of things in the story (because we already have powers like mikey who still fall into darkness despite his physical strength). obviously it wouldn’t hurt to make takemichi more assertive in different ways and not see him get absolutely pummeled LOL, but that’s also how wakui chose to enforce his themes
also I'd like to make some more literal points: 
1. the manga itself is really long, but when you think about the time frame, there’s not actually much time for takemichi to achieve everything he wants and grow stronger, esp with all of the plot twists that are thrown at him. 
2. his main goal was never to physically grow stronger, but just to prevent hina’s death (and later Mikey’s). it was always to talk someone out of doing something or preventing a major event from occurring, which doesn’t ACTUALLY need power to be achieved
(ofc he rarely, if ever, achieves to make it happen, but the effort counts n is there)
3. the dude is constantly carrying the weight of his friends’ deaths on his shoulders SDHFSLD LEAVE HIM ALONE ;; i’d just shut down if I were in his shoes and try to forget that toman was ever a thing
4. mentally speaking, the guy’s 27 LMAO the last time he really fought was back in middle school, which means he has absolutely little to none of those skills left
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once again, I have nothing insightful to offer; I simply like the way this panel was drawn
spouting nonsense out of my butt with this one: ngl it took me a while to get used to this art style? like I thought it was UGLY LMAOOO. but when I did, I really came to appreciate how the mangaka colors things in and uses lines to create movement on each page. for instance, here, you can FEEL the energy of toman not just from the speech and the action, but with the lines that wakui chooses to leave uncolored on the members’ uniforms and hair + how the trees are shaded (which is vertical and for me personally it adds a lot more pressure/force, like they’re bursting with energy). everyone and everything feels so alive !!! but at the same time, their art is so clean... SO FREAKING CLEAN. I just love it o<--<
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stop it....... STOP IT......... if I don’t get my 100% happy ending I will bawl. (yes I'm aware that this will probably/definitely not happy and yes I have tissues ready for the final arc)
also timeskip!kazutora, inupi, and chifuyu all in one place........ goodbye!
on a side note: I think I'm just gonna be a manga only at this rate bc I tried watching the first episode and got impatient waiting for all of the big action skjdfskjdh but maybe it was bc I wasn’t in the best mood / head-space at the time LOL 
(I've let this sit in my head a bit longer and yeah, manga only <3)
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I needed to end this photo dump with this exact panel because I had to put my phone down and mentally take a walk after seeing inupi in heels. 
honorable mention goes to ponytail!baji and toman founder!baji bc they’re both engrained in my mind forever. likewise with high school!chifuyu ;; he looks like he jumped out of a shoujo manga or some kind of slice-of-life
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sammyhale · 6 years
J2 PittCon 2018 Main Panel
J2 jump onstage!
Jared: “As is obvious to everyone, we haven’t worked since the finale. So we’re a little beardy.” 
Boys are in great moods :)
“So without-” Jensen ...”further ado” - Jared. 
They are going around flipping back and forth between each side to decide where to start taking questions & being silly.
J2 are doing a bit of like a Laurel & Hardy bit. 
Fan: "I've been watching you guys since I was little." "How little?" "Since you guys started and I'm 18 now." Jared: So...four? Jensen: pretends to faint over that. Jared catches him, helped Jensen up after collapsing like an old man lol. 
Jared: “If I could be anyone else on SPN, I’d be Castiel so I could have the day off!” Jensen: Even when he’s working. Jared: That was my joke! You can’t explain my joke! Jensen: I was adding it! Jared says all jokes aside he would still play Cas because he thinks it’d be fun to help the Winchesters out with no agenda. 
Jensen would be Baby because she just sits around and gets pampered all day long. 
Fan: I think I would be Jensen actually. Jared: But then you’ll get to look at me!
What hair products do you use? Jared: Shampoo, conditioner, beanie. 
Jared doesn't know what hair product the on set hairdresser uses on him. Jensen: YOU LOOK AT IT EVERY DAY........actually, to be fair I also look at it every day and I have no idea. 
Jared had a quarter life crisis over his forehead, thinking he was losing hair.   
J2 shenanigans :P
Jensen: “I think she uses ‘mousse’.” Jared: “Coming to a store next summer: Moose Mousse.” 
How many miles do you think the Impala racked up?? Jensen: a lot.
J2 think Baby would have at least a half million miles on her. 
Fan: Why did Soulless!Sam smirk when Dean got turned by the vamp? Jared: That's just my face. Even when I sleep I'm like this... *does a grin* Says he always has a shit-eating grin on his face lol. Jared says that Soulless!Sam was smirking because he wanted to see where the story went from there. Jensen: I just assumed you were watching cat videos.
The boys joke about Cas/Misha. Jared: “[Cas] is not dead, just recast.” Jensen: “Cat’s outta the bag.” Jared: “CAS out of the bag.” 
Jensen would like Dean to come back in Season 14.  
Jared: I would love to see Dean come back, but I want to see Michael!Dean for a few episodes.
Jensen: Christian had a beard when he was playing Michael... so I should... 
Jared says he wants to take the opportunity while Dean is Michael to teach Jack what Dean taught Sam.
Jared: In Season 32, when Jack is 18, we’ll get him a girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever he wants! <3 
Jared: “The show is gonna end. I don’t think the SPNFamily has to end.” Says he hopes the conventions continue after the show ends. 
J2 laughing at each other and their attempts at French
Fan: “Do you need spécial French lessons?” Jensen: “Oh yeah he does!”
..and the dick jokes have begun.
Jensen just turned “process” into a dick joke.
Jensen: we should not be allowed to raise children. Jared: I’m not allowed that’s why Gen ships me away
Jensen: you go first, your process is longer. Jared: why yes it is... lol.  
They are being so naughty and Jensen is laughing so hard. Jared: it's all about your process...
Jensen just did the shocker lmao. 
Jared likes filming emotional scenes. Jensen likes the comedic scenes.
Jared: “I like emotional stuff.” Jensen: “You would.” 
Neither of them like exposition very much
Jensen looking dreamily at Jared 
Jared said exposition and asked if the fan knew what that was and Jensen immediately breaks out the Anchorman reference, “I believe it is an old, old wooden ship.” 
Jared says it was easy being directed by Jensen: I’ve known Jensen the longest and the best. Jensen knows how I work and vice versa. He knows what to say to me because we have such a rapport with each other. 
Jensen: We direct each other on a daily basis anyway. We’re constantly watching each other’s back. 
When Misha directed, Jared was more focused on messing with him. Jensen adds that Misha’s strategy wasn’t so much directing so much as survival.
The boys high-five at some point :P
Jared: Our directors know we care about Sam and Dean more than anyone else so they trust us with those characters.
When Richard directed he kept calling them by their character names. Jared: We've stopped trains together in Europe! Call me Jared! haha  
Fan: “I’m so nervous.” Jared: “All good, girl. You’re surrounded by family.”
Fan asks about actors’ idiosyncrasies before filming a scene? Jensen says Tahmoh would walk in circles grunting just before scenes. Jared: And he's a big guy. Jensen: So cut to Jared & I watching *stares forward terrified* like "are we gonna get hit??" 
Jensen said David gets his Ketch face on before cameras roll and that he keeps the Ketch accent between takes which helps them. 
Jensen on Jared: "If we're in the middle of a scene & it's his turn to say a line but he's like checked out, you see him realize he missed his line & he does a loud throat clear & then says his line as if the long dead air was so he could clear his throat." 
Jared just slapped Jensen’s thigh very enthusiastically.
Jared: Jensen would chew gum and he would stick it to the roof of his mouth when he was talking and Jared can sometimes see it.
Jensen says he ALWAYS knows the difference between when Jared is leaving a pause for emphasis or to do an action vs. if he forgot it's his turn to talk because of the throat clear. They know each other well :) 
Jensen also wants everyone to know that for 13 seasons, Sam and Dean have ALWAYS had gum in their mouths, in every scene. Just to spite his high school teacher who told him she could always tell when he had gum in his mouth.
What would they tell their characters? Jared: Go to Maui. Go to Spain. Cut your hair. There’s nothing for you here. Eat some cheese. Jensen: Maybe not to Dean about the cheese... Jared: You’ve had enough, Dean. 
Jared says he would thank Sam for stopping the apocalypse and that he would listen if Sam needed or wanted to unload some trauma. 
Jensen would tell Dean to get a little WD40 on the Impala doors. “They’ve been squeaking for 13 seasons” 
Jared: I would tell Sam and Dean, “Hey, stop chewing gum!” Sam, stop dying! 
Fan thanks J2 for mental health awareness and support of #MeToo movement. Jared acknowledges women and LGBTQ are not treated well still but thinks it’s great it’s being talked about. Jared just wants to listen to people and wants them to know he doesn’t want to hurt them. Wants to be emotionally available so he can listen and help. 
What can men do to help the #MeToo movement? Jared says they can shut up and listen to people as human beings. Let them know you see them as people and treat them as you want to be treated. 
Jensen: I try to lead by example showing and being the person you want to be and make people proud of. Says it’s something his father taught him (leading by example). If someone is being inappropriate show them by example how to be better. Jensen says you can call people out, but at the end of the day, showing people rather than telling them who they should be is more powerful. 
Jared: I think you need a genuine person to actually help you change. I try to be emotionally available to who do suffer. Treat others how you want people to treat you. 
J2 are both very proud of those coming forward <3 
Who makes the most bloopers? Jensen points at Jared lol. 
Jensen: Jared might be “the blooper” or else he’s probably responsible for it.
Jensen gives an example: Jared failing to enter the scene on time was how Jensen lip-syncing to “Eye of the Tiger” happened. Jensen: “I get a lot of credit for that - it was his fault.”  
Boys cracking each other up :)
Jared: Watching Supernatural during kids’ nap time should be called “Supernapural”. Stephen: *rim shot* Jared is so proud he finally got a rim shot!
Since Rob left the con early to attend the Felicity reunion at the ATX Festival in Austin, Jason takes Rob’s place to sing the last question with Jensen. He was very unsure what to do lol. 
Last question: Jared loves spending time in the vegetable garden with the kids and looking for bugs and animals like frogs and such.
Jared: I feel like a terrible dad. My kids love chasing bugs. It's Texas in the summer, 100 degrees. "Daddy, you chase bugs, too!" I say: "...I'll watch from the kitchen window." lol. Jensen: For me, it depends which kid...& whether I can remember their name at the time...
Jensen tells a story about how he put on a Led Zeppelin vinyl and just stared out the back window and listened to the album with Zeppelin on his lap. 
J2 fist bump!  
Info via: Fangasm, Michael, Cherie, Olivia, Jess, DWB, Sil’s livetweet list
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kokobussy · 6 years
The New Guy Pt. 2 - Chen x Reader
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summary: Even before Minseok came along, Jongdae’s always had a thing for you.
warnings: sub!chen, dom!reader, humiliation, pain kink, bdsm, some cock torture but not too hard so don’t let that scare you lol
word count: 6.9k
a/n: sorry it took a million years but here’s the sequel you guys wanted! I hope you like it! Link to Pt. 1 is here
Jongdae’s worked here for five years now. Unlike a lot of his peers, he didn’t have to intern in order to work for Tokki Corporation. Surprisingly enough his internet reputation got him the job more so than his official GPA. Back in his college days, Jongdae coded anything from website layouts to viruses, ranging in severity and design, just to keep his belly fed. Over time his popularity surpassed him within the coding community for doing just about anything for money. Sure it wasn’t always good, but he was struggling just like everyone else and had to find a way to make end’s meat. As graduation reared its ugly head, Jongdae realized that in the real world he wouldn’t be able to get by with popularity and occasional payments alone. Before he could even upload his application, he received an email from the Tokki Corporation asking for an interview. Their company had been under cyber attacks lately due to...a bunch of nonsense that he hadn’t really paid attention to honestly. From what he did gather it sounded like easy stuff, child’s play, and would probably only take a couple of hours to correct.
When Jongdae arrived at the corporation’s massive building, he had shakily reported that he was there for an interview. Being fresh out of college Jongdae only had ill-fitting slacks and a baggy button down from a local Good Will to wear. The secretary had eyed him incredulously, probably chalking him up to be another throw-away-hire, and made a quick phone call. His interview took place at the highest office in the building, overlooking what seemed like the entirety of Seoul judging by how high it was. A man sat behind a large glass desk, back facing the city as if it meant nothing, and looked over Jongdae’s printed out resume. Jongdae stood there like an idiot, looking around the office in awe and wondering if everyone’s office looked like this here. Despite the regality of said office, he couldn’t help but notice the small rabbits littered around. Rabbit plushies and figurines, ranging in size, littered around the book case and desk and even the guy’s writing utensils.The man, probably the interview, looked at him pointedly until Jongdae sat down in a smaller chair just in front of his desk, slightly looking up at the man. 
The interview process was incredibly quick. Some general questions were asked, questions that Jongdae “uhh”-ed and “uhm”-ed through as he shook like a leaf in his seat, but the interviewer seemed to disregard them entirely.  Finally the interviewer placed the resume down and truly looked at Jongdae for the first time since he came in and said,”I’m Junmyeon by the way and I’ve seen what you can do. We’ve been following you for a while now.” Now at that point Jongdae nearly shit himself. He’s not afraid to admit it. Why the fuck would this major company be watching him? Every conspiracy theory known to man flowed into his mind from the men in black to the Illuminati, but Junmyeon immediately debunked those. “I’m a fan of your work,” he said with a smile,”I’ve already made my decision. I’d like you to lead our IT team.” After that one interview, Jongdae had the job in the bag. So he came to this company straight out of college with an open mind and an eager heart, ready to take adulthood on by the horns. He made plenty of friends inside the company and outside, rented out a one bedroom, and even started his adult life.
Everything came a little too easily though. Jongdae did his job well and he was proud of that, but over time everything seemed to become dull. As he grew more experienced in his role, made friends at the company, and even seemingly conquered adult life and all its misfortunes, Jongdae grew bored. He got tired of the routine, tired of coming to the same sad basement every day, tired of the leaky coffee machine that - depending on its mood- would shock him, and especially tired of Oh Sehun calling the IT line to taunt him and immediately hang up before Jongdae could come up with a well thought out response. Sehun and Jongdae began officially working for the company around the same time, spending the first two weeks together during orientation in order to “bond” as a team despite them being in completely different departments. The two of them had been friends, genuinely, for a little while, but eventually they grew apart once they were sorted into their own departments. Jongdae remembers you very clearly from orientation, way too nice to be Sehun’s friend and laughing at all of Jongdae’s stupid jokes. He remembers you trying your hardest to keep the peace when things got too heated between him and Sehun. He remembers you, every bit of sweet and charming, looking at him like he was something special.
After orientation though, Jongdae hadn’t seen much of you. There was really no reason to. The two of you weren’t that close and he didn’t really have any reason to go to the upper levels of the building since he could just send any of his employees in his stead. You eventually slipped into the very corner of Jongdae’s mind, a hazy lustful memory that sometimes came up when he couldn’t sleep at night and needed to rub one out.
But, of course, one day it all changed.
One particular day after Jongdae got to work late, received a horrible sting from the terribly mean coffee machine, and spilled said coffee on his khakis, he got another stupid call from Sehun. It wasn’t so much as what Sehun said exactly, but more the fact that he almost never wants to deal with Sehun’s antics. These phone calls usually ranged from a dig at Jongdae’s fashion sense, even though Sehun hasn’t seen him in a while, to random silly names in a childish voice that grates his nerves and before Jongdae can think of a good response, Sehun hangs up accordingly. But Jongdae was already having a terrible day. So with all the anger and frustration he could muster, he headed upstairs to give the asshole a piece of his mind. When he finally got there 10 minutes later, after walking up and heaving over numerous flights of stairs due to maintenance on the main elevator (somehow the only elevator that went down to the basement), Jongdae rushed through the halls of Human Resources to figure out how exactly to handle this situation.
In his anger he didn’t think to simply call one of the managers or even shoot an email. Like an idiot, he rushed up here only to slowly realize that maybe this isn’t exactly the most professional approach. His furious stomps turn into timid steps as he grows more aware of his surroundings. Employees hustle their way back and forth from their desks, simply moving to the side to avoid Jongdae and his confusion to do their jobs. Jongdae begins feeling out of place as more and more people shoot glances his way, at his coffee stained khakis and flustered face. He’s completely out of his comfort zone, upstairs with the other departments that made this company, and it’s kind of getting to him.
The IT department is located in the very bowels of the building, far away from all the regular workers here, and the distinction is very noticeable. None of the other workers really even knew what the IT department did besides the basics like fixing computers or getting malware off of Wu Kris’ porn ridden desktop a little too often. The department itself was filled with nice enough people who didn’t really know how to socialize, much less fix their weird reputation of being “troll people”. Jongdae likes to think he’s different and loves proving these people wrong by showing how handsome, talented, and outgoing he is. While Jongdae had reasonable social skills, he did tend to get flustered easily in social situations. His social anxiety is something he constantly denies and struggles with, refusing to admit that he’s as awkward as his employees. Suddenly a familiar voice  pulls him out of his reverie, nearly making him jump out of his slightly damp skin.
“Hey! Do you need help with something?”
There are offices all around him, the amount of people flowing in and out and about them confusing him all the more, but a soft “Over here!” guides him to a large office with an open wooden door. He sees a small streetview of the city in a small window before his eyes land on you. Your suit, buttons undone a little too low to be professional, your golden name plate, bold and starking on your desk, and your smile, just as sweet as he remembered.
Before his mind can catch up with him, Jongdae manages a smile and a friendly, “Jesus, Y/N, is that you? I haven’t seen you in forever!”
As Jongdae steps into the room, doing his best to come off as casual and not at all as nervous as he feels, he’s met with the very last person he wants to see. Sehun turns around in his chair, widening his eyes in surprise, as he says,“Kim? What are you doing up here?”
God. Jongdae can’t tell if he’s actually asking or just being an asshole, but whatever Sehun’s doing, Jongdae has entirely thought out an eloquent ‘fuck you’ that’ll send Sehun reeling. Somehow despite the eloquent and well thought out ‘fuck you’ he planned, Jongdae can feel his face flushing more and more the longer the two of you stare at him. There’s an awkward pause which Jongdae can feel in the very pit of his stomach. He doesn’t know what to say. He genuinely wasn’t expecting you to be one of the main managers now and he certainly wasn’t expecting Sehun, of all people, to be a part of the HR department.
With this sudden change, Jongdae feels his heart race, his skin prickle with nerves he didn’t realize were there. Your eyes, darker than he remembers, roll over his form and take him in for what he is. A nervous idiot who apparently doesn’t know how to talk to people. When your gaze moves to Sehun, you lightly smack his arm and nod at the door before saying,”I’ll see you later for lunch.”
Sehun’s eyes widen slightly, looking between you and Jongdae before landing on you once again, and he pouts,”Nooo! don’t make me leave. Look at his chinos. Let me have this.”
For some reason, despite his nerves, Jongdae feels the need to interject,“They’re khakis.”
“You would think that.”
You lightly smack Sehun again and nod at the door,”Goodbye, Sehunnie.” He leaves without further prodding, but not before snorting at Jongdae’s general direction and closing the door behind him. The two of you are left there, alone in your office, with the hum of afternoon traffic filtering in from outside.
“You can sit down, Jongdae.”
Your voice is more comforting than he remembers, something about it almost immediately calming the pressure building up in his body, the need to climb out of his own skin. Jongdae sinks into the very seat that Sehun previously occupied, resting against the arm chair and spreading his legs slightly. The attempt to look bigger than he really is isn’t lost on you, but you let him get comfortable without protest.
You’ve been working in HR for a few years now and have finally become one of the managers in your department. You worked very hard to get to where you are and you’re incredibly proud of yourself. A major part of your job is ensuring that everyone is comfortable in their workspace. The reason why you’re so good at your job is because of how observant you are as well as your ability to calm people down. There’s a heady lavender scent filling the walls of your office, a thick smell that lulls Jongdae’s senses. You have little knick knacks and pictures littered around the space to make your office appear more like a casual place than what it actually was. Here in the middle of everything is Jongdae, an old friend from orientation.
Jongdae sparks up small talk, trying desperately to get the attention off of him and onto something else, as he looks around the room. You entertain him, of course, and occasionally glance at the way he picks at an escaped thread on your arm chair. He’s more handsome than you remember, blonde tresses contrasting nicely with his skin.
When the two of you were new hires, you’d been attracted to Jongdae. You laughed at his jokes, went out of your way to hang out with him, and even met up with him a few times outside of work, but either he was incredibly oblivious or simply wasn’t interested. Eventually you gave up your pursuit and instead focused on work, burying yourself in your workload and sure enough coming out on top. The two of you move from small talk to actual topics of conversation to internet communities. Jongdae had entirely forgotten why he was so attracted to you aside from your figure. Your sense of humor is infectious and probably the weirdest he’s ever seen. The two of you are involved in a lot of the same online communities, Jongdae’s being a little more extreme and exclusive than yours.
So when the topic of memes came up, all of the awkwardness and tension completely dissolved. You both laughed, showing each other memes uglier and more obscure than the last, and soon time began to pass without the two of you really noticing. Soon there’s a knock on your door, signaling the actual work that needed to be done and the reason why the two of you were in the first place. As Jongdae stands up, apologizing profusely for distracting you and exchanging usernames so he could add you later on Reddit, you notice the stain on his khakis. “Oh right. what happened anyway?” you ask, eyes not really leaving his crotch.
He follows your gaze to his khakis - chinos - and huffs,”Fuck, I almost forgot. Long story short, the coffee pot downstairs fucking sucks and we need to buy another one.” As you nod along to his explanation, you stand from your desk and make your way towards another chair in the corner of your office. Now that Jongdae can see you, really see you, he almost pops a chub right there in his fucking khakis. Chinos. Whatever.  Your buttoned shirt neatly tucks into slacks that hug your frame nicely, shaping your figure into something thicker and sexier than Jongdae previously remembers. Your legs, God your legs, go on for miles and miles before they’re met with those tall black heels that bring the entire look together. Weak at the knees, Jongdae can’t help but stare at your curvaceous figure, a familiar feeling stirring in the very pit of his stomach.
You blatantly and unabashedly bend down to grab something out of your purse, pretending to dig around as the Tide To Go pen remains in your hand. After a tension fills the room, varying from the one earlier, you stand up fully and make your way over to Jongdae. You smirk as you catch the very last second of Jongdae’s gaze moving from your ass to your face before holding out the small pen. “Here,” you say as you stare down at the stain,”it’ll get just about anything off.” The two of you stare at each other for a time, not really saying a word as a mutual understanding begins to form. Jongdae takes the pen out of your hand, his own confidence beginning to fade once your professional front fades and turns into something he’s never seen before. Your eyes seem darker as they take him in now, consuming every inch of him as they roam. He loves it though, loves the attention he’s getting from you, loves that your eyes are on him and him only. There’s another insistent knock before the door opens altogether, a frustrated and huffy Sehun appearing in the doorway. “I swear to God, Y/N, if I don’t get noodles immediately I will die.”
After being reunited once again, there are a series of convenient run-ins that you knew for a fact were planned. How did you know? Because you’re the only planning said run-ins, having Sehun make a phone call to Jongdae every single time a computer so much as froze. On the days that Jongdae needed to be called, you made sure to wear your best outfits, to smile especially bright when he looked absolutely exasperated as Sehun pestered him as he worked on Baekhun’s computer, and to make sure that he had the perfect view of you walking away. When Jongdae made trips upstairs to fix computers that 9 times out of 10 weren’t actually broken, he’d see glimpses of your form walking amongst the halls or overhear your voice not too far away. No matter where he is, you’re somehow always close by.
Soon Sehun’s daily annoying calls turn into sort of productive ones. He somehow keeps having computer trouble and specifically asks for Jongdae himself each and every time. At the possibility of seeing you and the threat of a single and possibly fatal phone call to Junmyeon, who would do anything for that annoying twink, Jongdae has to come each and every time. Each and every time Jongdae goes, the “issues” that Sehun has are almost always an easy fix: turning the computer off and on again when it froze, stop downloading malware from weird websites so the computer won’t freeze, stop going on weird websites, stop playing dress up Barbie games on said weird websites, reducing the zoom from 150% to 75%, or simply plugging the desktop into the outlet. With each trip you and Jongdae got closer and closer. From saying a polite hello in the hallways as the two of you passed each other to awkward yet eager small talk to inside jokes and texting. Jongdae, ever determined, returned every hello, talked about the weather for as long as he could, and replied to each and every text in a timely manner. He’d do anything to make you smile, anything to see your ass in slacks and A-lines as you walk away with that sashay in your hips he loves so fucking much.
During this last trip where Sehun literally jammed a Wham! CD into the disk tray of his desktop, the fucker isn’t even there. When Jongdae arrives at his desk, exasperated and tired, he sees you, conveniently leaning against Sehun’s desk and scrolling through your phone. Or at least pretending to. Jongdae walks to the desk, trying and failing to come up with some sort of tsundere vibe that would impress you. All he manages is a squeaky and pathetic,”H-hey.” You already know he’s there, could already feel the tension in his shoulders from a mile away, but smile up at him in surprise anyway.
“Hey! So Sehun had to run out for a second-”
But at the mention of Sehun and his general headassery, the nervousness fades into annoyance.
“He went out for his ‘second’ lunch didn’t he?”
“-....okay, yeah. He should be back by now.”
“He won’t be back for the rest of the day.”
“How do you know?”
“Because it’s Sehun.”
After ripping the CD out of the desktop’s tray, Jongdae takes the time to look at you, really look at you, while you’re rambling about something that happened in the office today. He thinks about how months ago he had absolutely no idea who you really were. You were just an acquaintance, a faded memory for his occasional spank bank, but in the time he’s come to know you, he sees you’re much more than that. The two of you are friends, genuinely friends, and it’s something that Jongdae is incredibly grateful for. Of course he still finds you attractive, but as the two of you got closer, Jongdae realizes that he isn’t just interested in your cup size or the shape of your ass in those yoga pants you wear every single time he comes over for a Futurama marathon. While you go on and on about how Kris made a pass at you, the HR manager, Jongdae makes a reference to the sloth meme that’s been your joke for the past few days just to make you laugh. Of course you laugh, letting out the cutest and ugliest snort he’s ever heard, and that’s when he realizes it. He cares about you. Like, actually cares about you. Some time between hanging back at the office until either of you were done to get drinks after work and him teaching you how to play Magic the Gathering with old friends, he’d developed real actual feelings.
It’s a weird feeling, a weird thing to realize while you’re ugly laughing so loud that most of your office is looking at the two of you, but he kinda likes it. Kinda likes that he likes you. Maybe things weren’t so boring after all. That day Jongdae knew he had to ask you out, but just couldn’t figure out when. He had plenty of opportunities to, but he just couldn’t manage. Any time the two of you texted each other late at night or when you find solace in his coat while the two of you brave the harsh winter weather during your lunch break, or even during sorta cuddling but not really sessions while the two of you watched Firefly, Jongdae had the chance to ask you out but he was never brave enough to. He simply couldn’t gather the courage to do it.
It happens around Christmas Eve. The two of you were the only ones left in the building, save for some Janitorial staff who would also be gone soon, finishing up work that needed to be done before the New Year. With nowhere to go, the two of you decided to spend Christmas together with large cups of egg nog and a back and forth of tragic backstories that revealed the reason why you weren’t spending time with your families. When he walks into your office, Jongdae sees a mostly empty space that’s lost all remnants of you. All that’s left is the desk, a bookshelf, and one of your old chairs. All of the knick knacks and books are gone now, the fading scent of lavender being the only remaining remnant of your time there. You’re sitting in the middle of everything, working hard at your desk, as if none of your things are gone. Jongdae’s mind races to a variety of situations, most pertaining to you leaving and never coming back, so he asks,“Are you leaving?” Even though he doesn’t know the answer to this question, his heart aches something fierce. The idea of you leaving, even if he can just see you outside of work, is upsetting and so devastating that he might truly be upset by it.
You shake your head, finishing up what’s left of the possible report you’re typing, and say,”No. Just moving to the other side of the office. I’m gonna have a temporary cubicle with Sehun. Can you shut that door?” While he’s happy that you’re not leaving, his initial reaction to the possibility reveals feelings that are truly undeniable. Somewhere, in all of this, Jongdae suddenly finds a courage that hasn’t been there for most of the day. The two of you are alone in this god forsaken building at night with no Sehun or other colleagues to intervene. It’s here that Jongdae decides maybe, just maybe, this is the time to confess how he feels. To lay everything out on the table bare for you to see. As the soft click of the closing door echoes throughout the office and you get up briefly to grab your things, everything seems to finalize in that moment. He works up the courage to ask you out, thinking of all the ways you could easily reject him with a pitiful look in your eyes, but he wants to at least try. Just so he’s not left with a heartbreaking “what if” for the rest of his life. Jongdae’s eyes look away as he resigns himself to his fate and says,
”Honestly, Y/N, I’ve liked you for a while. Of course I appreciate our friendship and I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but I was wondering if we could go out some time? We could get dinner or something - I mean I know we do that a lot, but I’ll take you somewhere nice and we can just-”
“-dress up or something. But no pressure seriously! It’s fine I get if you’re not into me. Okay you’re not answering me or giving me any sort of tell so maybe I got the wrong idea. We can just forget all of this and move on. I just-”
“-really hope we can still be friends. We can just go back to normal it’s no big deal. Fuck fuck I shouldn’t have said anything now it’s all awkward.”
Jongdae looks up just in time to see your familiar black dress pool on the floor, your black heels kicking the offending fabric away. His eyes wander from your heels to the expanse of your legs, covered in black stockings, to the straps of your garter belt, barely holding onto the thickness of your thighs, to your lacy thong, up the expanse of your stomach, to your matching bra, and finally to your smirk. Your red lipstick, contrasting deliciously against the rest of your ensemble, makes Jongdae almost fucking lose it. Almost. He can’t pretend anymore or brush off your advances and claim it’s all in his head.
He’s here now with you, staring at the most beautiful person he’s ever seen and popping the biggest chub he’s ever had. You reach out for him, grabbing his limp hand and pulling him towards you, and place his hands on your hips. They tighten instantly, the lace bunching up slightly under his hands. Your smirk widens as you take in Jongdae’s shock, the absolute disbelief in his eyes, and you use that to push him down to the floor until he’s kneeling. Jongdae goes willingly, kneeling down immediately, and looks up at you with all the admiration in the world. You run your fingers through his hair and say,“Merry Christmas, Jongdae.”
Jongdae maintains eye contact with you as he lifts up your leg, leaning briefly to kiss your ankle and places the long limb over his shoulder. He stares at your lace covered center, nearly tasting the heat there, and whispers a soft and unbelievable,”Merry Christmas.”
Now, Jongdae hasn’t eaten pussy in a long time. Not since one of his ex girlfriends told him he was absolute shit at it. No matter how much he tried, she’d never fail to put him down and refused to tell him how to improve in any way. She was a bitch anyway, but it always left an impression on him. There’s something about your gaze though, as you look down at him, that makes him squirm with a feeling of complete and total helplessness. As your eyes watch him kiss at your thighs and generally put off what he could only assume is the main event, Jongdae feels a sense of guidance. A sort of safety net that ensures him that you’ll be there to put him back in line if he messes up. That you’ll tell him exactly what he needs to do and how he needs to do it. For some reason there’s a lot of comfort in that fact, comfort that he hasn’t felt in a long time.
There’s a sharp pain in his back that makes him wince. He arches away from it, only for the sharp to grow harsher as it twists. The firmness of it helps him realize that it’s the very edge of your heel digging into his back. “Don’t tease me,” you warn. It’s not a statement or a suggestion. It’s a command, a rule that leaves no space for breaking. So he leans in tentatively and gives little kitten licks, eyes closing as he focuses all his attention on you. You don’t moan or arch your back right away, but you do run your fingers through his blonde tresses again. He can feel your eyes on him, watching him as his licks get bolder and longer against your core. But Jongdae starts getting insecure, starts shrinking away and thinking that maybe he should just end this before it all goes to hell, but you pull him back by his hair to cup his cheek. “It’s okay, baby boy,” you smile, a complete 180 from before.
With renewed confidence, the IT manager gives it one more try. He gives you short kitten licks, nibbling and mouthing at your folds when he gets a little more comfortable. Jongdae’s licks make their way to your clit, honing in when you moan for the first time since you two started this whole thing. From what he can tell, your moans are precious and only delved out when he’s doing a good enough job to pleasure you. So he eagerly continues, trying all types of tricks with his tongue to pull more moans out of you. A handful of them work pretty well so Jongdae performs them again and again in different ways with the same level of incredible excitement. You end up riding his face anyway, grinding against his tongue with a fervor that he can barely keep up with. Your body begins shuddering from the sensations as you cum once and then twice on his tongue. Jongdae, always willing to prove himself, licks up your orgasm and lets out a moan of his own. He sucks at your clit now, letting it go to roll his tongue over the swollen nub, and starts palming himself in his slacks. He never thought he’d be doing this. Never thought he could be eating you out on your desk and getting off to it, getting off on all of it. Just when a hot pressure builds in his tummy, tight and sweet, the very tip of your heel digs into his back again. “Don’t you fucking cum, you pervert.”
The pain alone is enough to push Jongdae over the edge, but he somehow manages to get himself together. He lets go of the tent in his slacks and looks at you, waiting for your next move. You remove your leg from his shoulder with a little bit of help and lean against your desk again with your legs spread and Jongdae helplessly in between them. You cup his cheek briefly, letting a manicured finger brush his lower lip and ask, “Are you being a good boy, Jongdae?”
Now Jongdae’s never really been into bdsm or kink or anything weird like that. He’s never considered anything passed the occasional visit of pink fluffy handcuffs on especially exciting days or spanking. He hasn’t been that kind of guy or at least he never thought he would be. Until now. You towering over him and making him feel small and weak, pathetic even, is the most sexual excitement he’s had in a long time. So now as you hover a heel over the tent in his slacks and frown down at him, Jongdae can’t help but shudder at your appearance as you demand an answer. “Y-yes,” is all he says,”I’m being a good boy.” But that isn’t the right answer. Your heel makes contact with his cock, firm enough to give pleasure but light enough where Jongdae can say it’s too much and push away. He wants to do anything but that. When he doesn’t relent or get up to leave, you press your heel down harder with a lot less room than before. Jongdae cries out, shuddering and closing his eyes tight as he goes. The wet patch forming on his grey slacks where your heel used to be is the only tell of what happened without your permission. His cheeks redden with guilt as a flush slowly makes its way from his face to his neck. The guilt and shame is overwhelming. After dreaming about this moment for months, about seeing you like this and doing anything sexually, how could he fuck up this bad? How could he cum in his pants from that?
You grab him by his hair and pull tight tight tight and Jongdae can only brace himself on your thighs as he gathers his bearings. He feels so sloppy, mussed up hair and tie in a disarray, and dirty, face still covered in your orgasm and softening cock encased in cum stained boxers. Although you’re furious with him, clearly more disappointed than Jongdae is, in the tightness of your hold his cock twitches and bobs for more. He needs more, absolutely needs to see how far the two of you can go with whatever this is, but it won’t happen unless you’re on board too. “You’re a naughty boy, Jongdae. Maybe I should just head home alone if you’re not gonna take this seriously.” Fuck. Jongdae desperately wants to fix this, desperately wants to make you proud of him again, but he just doesn’t know how. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry. I want it,” he tries as he looks into your slowly approving eyes,”I wanna be a good boy.” You like that answer enough to let him go, but you’re still very disappointed. You release your grip from his hair and take the time to look over your manicured nails and ignore Jongdae entirely. He takes your threat very seriously, your disinterest making it clear that he still has a chance of changing your mind.
“Please, Y/N, please-”
You don’t repeat yourself and Jongdae’s left trying to figure out what it means in his post orgasmic haze. Then it clicks. “Mistress, please. I’ll do better next time, I promise.”
“Top shelf, towards the back.” Jongdae scrambles, genuinely scrambles, over to your bookshelf towards the door to grab a small foil from the very back of the top shelf. Just how long were you planning this? He tears the small package with his teeth and rolls the lubricated condom onto his cock. When he turns around to face you once again, you’re bent over your desk and looking over your shoulder. Jongdae stares at you for a time, wondering how on earth he got so damn lucky. He’s not quick enough, not taking advantage of this beautiful opportunity, because you say,“If you don’t make me cum, I’ll find someone who will.” Before he realizes it, his legs are moving on their own. Jongdae pulls down your thong, groaning when he has to use a little more force to get it passed your thighs, and pumps at his cock. You wiggle your ass just enough to get him going, but stop when he begins to line up his cock.
The mushroom head presses against your entrance, slowly but surely pushing until Jongdae is entirely sheathed. He’s not huge, but you can still feel him pulsing away. You’re full enough and that’s what matters. Jongdae slowly thrusts, getting used to the tight hot heat, and trying desperately not to cum so soon. He’s only had his hand for the passed few months and no matter how good his hand is, nothing compares to the real thing. You’re impatient though and don’t really care what’s going on with Jongdae. It’s not that you want him to fuck up again, but that’s exactly what you want. The opportunity to punish him, to further humiliate him, is something that you look forward to. There’s no way you’re letting him go after tonight, absolutely no way.
You reach behind you and pinch his thigh, giggling at the unabashed resulting moan he lets out. “Pain slut,” you coo as his hips stutter. The pinch works. Jongdae’s hips move faster and deeper, a concentration going as he focuses on making you feel good. You hold onto your desk and rock your hips to meet his, moaning aloud as Jongdae focuses all of his attention on you. His cock rubs against your walls, slipping out briefly due to his excitement before finding its way back inside of you with a helpful hand. This pace continues, growing more and more brutal as your moans grow louder and uncontrolled. Jongdae moans along with you, at the very feeling of you clamping down on his cock as you cum for the first time. He chases that feeling, angling his hips to hit your g-spot on every single thrust. Your moans ring throughout the office now, along with the sound of skin slapping skin. While you love that Jongdae’s absolutely rocking your world, you want to have even more fun. You bring your hand back once more to pinch and twist Jongdae’s thigh. His hips stutter again as he hisses and cries out, but continues regardless of the newfound pleasurable pain.
“Mistress,” he pants,”I can’t...I can’t do it. Please let me cum.” You’ve got him right where you want him. You smirk as you rock your hips against him and say,”I don’t know, baby. I haven’t cum yet.” Jongdae whines because he knows you’re lying. He’s felt you cum a few times already, your heat gripping his cock viciously while your body jerked and cried out, but now you’re lying.
In the heat of it all, you manage to push Jongdae away from you slightly so that you can sit up without being connected to him. You turn around to face him before sitting on the edge of the desk once again and spreading your legs. You take the time to look at him, really look at him, and smile with something like adoration as you take in his flushed form. Jongdae stands there, unsure but willing, as he looks at you in return. His hand finds his cock, swollen with need, but refuses to stroke as if he’s afraid of disobeying you. Even though he’s only just got into kink and bdsm and the like, he’s surprisingly obedient. “Do you wanna make Mistress feel good?”
Jongdae nods feverently, refusing to move neither his hand nor himself, and waits calmly for you to call him over. You stare at him for a time as his resolve cracks and breaks, whining and pleading tumbling from his swollen lips, “Please, Mistress, please. I’ll do anything. I’ll do anything you want.” In that moment, with his eyes tearing and voice watering, Jongdae is capable of doing just about anything to get what he wants. But it’s Christmas and this weird holiday confession turned into something Jongdae wasn’t at all expecting. So you motion him over, call him a good boy as he slides back into you, and run a hand through his hair as his hips start again. Giving him what he wants does nothing to calm the whines down, Jongdae’s whines get louder if anything as he nears his release. The noises he makes is enough to make you cum again as the need to take care of Jongdae fills you. “You’re doing so well, baby,” you promise, moaning yourself when he brushes against that special spot inside you again,”You’re such a good boy right? Always a good boy.” “A-always a good boy,” he whimpers back at you,”I wanna be your good boy.”
While the feeling of Jongdae grinding against you is enough to make you cum a thousand times over, it’s time to end all of this. You don’t want him dropping in your old office without even really knowing what dropping is. “Cum, baby.” The hand in his hair, the nurturing voice, the wet friction of your pussy sucking him in, it’s too much. With another “good boy” kissed into his mouth, Jongdae cums in the condom. Cums for the second time that night and the hardest time in his entire life.
Aftercare is had on Christmas at your loft downtown after a 15 minute taxi drive. Jongdae is held and cherished and asked questions about what he liked and didn’t like about the night. He liked everything, loved everything, and insisted that the two of you do it again as soon as possible. You promise him a nice date on the day after Christmas with steamed buns. For now, Jongdae is fine with Futurama marathons on Christmas with stew and beer.  Jongdae relishes this promise and all of the warm things to come while spooning you especially close that night.
But little does he know that none of these things would come to pass. You wouldn’t get to go on that date you promised. The two of you wouldn’t talk for a time. Sehun’s phone calls would stop coming in abruptly and soon you would be barely around for Jongdae to talk to. The next time Jongdae would see you, truly see you, was when you were with an old friend of his who just started working at the office.
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untapdtreasure · 5 years
TV Show Ask Game 1, 3, 5, 7, 9-29, and 31-49.
TV Show Ask Game
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1. if you could reboot one TV show, which one would it be? Earth 2. But only if they could go back in time with the same cast at those ages. It was a brilliant concept that maybe just came ahead of its time.
3. have you ever quit a show before it finished? why? No. But I've wanted to. Once I start something I like to finish it.
5. what’s your comfort show? H20: Just Add Water. I seem to go back to it when I need something light and fun and that doesn't require a ton of thinking in order to enjoy it. I know it's an Australian teenage drama, but I absolutely adore it and the characters.
7. have you ever been inspired to start a new show based on gifs or memes it has produced? The Man From the High Castle and Westworld.
9. what’s one show you thought you’d hate but turned out to really enjoy? Family Guy. I usually don't care for shows with that kind of humor, but it has turned out to be a true gem and favorite of mine.
10. what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate? Sons of Anarchy.
11. which TV show has the best musical soundtrack, in your opinion? Cold Case. And Supernatural.
12. have you ever watched a show just for a specific actor? did you enjoy it? I tried to watch Californication because of my love for David Duchovny. I didn't get past season one, and I haven't had the urge to continue it further.
13. what genre of TV show is your favourite? Science-Fiction.
14. do you tend to stick to one type of TV show (eg, short-form comedy), or are you into many different genres? I love a ton of different genres. I mean, sticking to one type is mega boring. And I'm not always in the mood for something funny or drama or sad or whatever. So I like to have options. Lots and lots of options.
15. do you feel like there are any overrated TV show formats? I'm not really sure what this means so I'm not going to comment.
16. do you feel like there are any underrated TV show formats? I'm not really sure what this means so I'm not going to comment. 
17. have you ever written fanfiction for a TV show? I started with CSI and The X-Files a long time ago (2004) and still write it today. So yeah. I've written fanfiction for a television show that I love. Several of them in fact. Fifteen years and still going strong.
18. have you ever drawn fanart for a show? I cannot draw to save my life. So the closest thing I've ever drawn for a show was stick figures for The Walking Dead for another ask meme. LOL.
19. are there any shows on your “to watch” list right now? Oh my heck! There are a ton of shows and movies that are on my list to watch at a later date. I even go through it sometimes and delete things that I've added in the past that I know I will never get around to watching. It drives my husband mad to see all the crap in there that never gets watched.
20. Netflix, Hulu, or Prime originals? I happen to like some of all of them, but my favorites just so happen to be Hulu ones. The Handmaid's Tale and Hollie Hobby!
21. if you could be a guest star on any show, which one would it be? The X-Files but that won't ever happen because I'm pretty sure that the show is likely done this time around. I hope anyway. LOL.
22. if you could write your own TV show, what would it be like? A complete disaster. It would be a feel-good show with characters that care more about others around them than anything else. So yeah! A complete disaster. I'll leave the writing to the professionals and stick to writing fanfiction because it's so much easier.
23. are you a fan of will-they-won’t-they plots? Yes, I am. Some of the best ships have come from just that scenario.
24. how do you feel about bottle episodes? I have a love/hate relationship with them. When I haven't seen a character or a couple of characters for a bit, they are fun to play catch up with them, but then I would rather every episode have a little of everyone than focus on one group or character solely.
25. do you prefer proper opening credits, or a simple title card? A simple title card is all that I need because I'm ready to watch the show. I know who stars in it. I don't need to see it every time.
26. favourite TV show theme song? Pretty Little Liars.
27. which actor do you think deserves an Emmy for their work on TV? Melissa McBride and Andrew Lincoln from The Walking Dead.
28. who would be your dream cameo on your favourite show? Kathryn Erbe in the Zombie Apocolypse would be an absolute dream come true! I'd love to see her play in a scene opposite Melissa McBride's Carol.
29. do you tend to quote TV shows a lot? have you ever started using a word/phrase because of a TV show? No, I don't usually quote anything from a TV show unless I'm talking to a fellow fan and we're discussing the show. And I can't think of a time that I've ever taken a phrase from a show/movie and used it in real life. OHHH! Yes, I have! There is a contestant on Survivor that says, "Oh my heck!" and I love that phrase now. LOL.
31. do you use subtitles while watching TV if you can? I will rewind a scene and turn them on if I'm confused about something that is being said, or I'm making a comic strip/photo or gif set where I need the exact quote.
32. what’s one show you could watch over and over? Earth 2, H20: Just Add Water, Mako Mermaids, etc. I could go on and on with some of my favorite feel-good shows.
33. would you be interested in trying a show in another language? I've tried to watch a new series on Netflix, but it just really takes me out of it when I have to read the words. I can't focus on the actions and scenery if I'm constantly having to read the dialogue.
34. what are your top 5 shows right now? The Walking Dead, Law & Order: SVU, Heartland, The Rookie, and 9-1-1.
35. who are your top 5 TV characters right now? Carol Peletier, Lt. Olivia Benson, Athena Grant, Howard 'Chimney' Han, Rookie Officer John Nolan
36. what TV character would you die for? Carol Peletier. But not really.
37. which TV show setting would you most like to visit? The Walking Dead.
38. do you prefer hour long episodes, or 30 minute? It really depends on the material. Sometimes thirty minutes is long enough to tell a complete story, but sometimes, you really need that full hour.
39. do you prefer 22 episode seasons, or 13? It really depends on the show and the story being told.
40. is there a show coming out soon that you’re really excited about? The sixth season of The 100. There is nothing new coming out that I'm that interested in.
41. if you could change 1 detail about any show, what would you change and why? I would change the way in which season four of The Walking Dead was executed so that it made better sense. I wouldn’t necessarily change the main plot points, but I would change how the story was told and would elaborate on whatever needed to be elaborated on so that it made more sense narratively speaking. I believe that certain things had to happen to get the payoff down the road, but the way in which it was written and executed was entirely bogus. Scott Gimple did not trust his audience at all. 
42. what’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever watched a show in one sitting? Five plus hours when binge watching ER with my Mom on the weekends.
43. what do you think is a good amount of seasons for a TV show? Six or Seven. But that depends on the show and material for the show. Some shows really can't be wrapped up in that time frame, but some that really should end on a good note. Justified is a wonderful show, but those in charge knew that it was time to let it go. But Supernatural doesn't seem to know that it should end already. The first five or six seasons were brilliant, but it got a little (or a lot) stupid after that.
44. if you could replace any actor on TV in playing their role, who would you like to play and why? I wouldn't want to replace anyone because I absolutely love and adore the people chosen to play their specific roles. I wouldn't want to mess with the chemistry of the cast for even one minute.
45. do you own any TV shows on DVD? I own several shows on DVD. Too many to list.
46. do you prefer to watch TV alone or with friends? Alone because if you watch with friends there is too much talking going on.
47. are there any shows you love but your friends aren’t interested in? Like almost everything. LOL. My tastes and theirs do not usually mesh. It's rare that we have overlapping interest in a show.
48. are there any shows your friends love but you aren’t interested in? Yes. Just about as many of my shows as their shows, honestly.
49. who are your favourite couples on TV? Well, most of them are really canon ships, but there is Carol & Daryl from The Walking Dead, Olivia Benson and Rafael Barba from SVU, Regina Mills and Robin of Locksley from Once Upon a Time, Mulder and Scully from The X-Files. There are several more, but I think those are plenty to list right now. I have an otps page if you'd like to see the ones that I love the most. Oh! Han & Leia from Star Wars.
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Survey #166
“you are my slave, my little fucking disaster.”
Are your eyes the same color as your mom’s or your dad’s? Neither's. Are you afraid of elevators? YEP. When was the last time you pulled an all-nighter? What was the reason behind it? How did you feel the next day? No less than a month ago when I was binging someone on YouTube...  Maybe Shane? Which of the following areas is going best for you right now: finances, work, love life, social life or education? Why do you say this? Lol only my love life is going well. All the other categories are on fire rn. :^) Have you ever heard of somebody doing something disrespectful to somebody’s grave? Or seen vandalism on a grave/gravestone? No, thank goodness. What is something you do differently, depending on your mood, environment, etc. (could be anything from what kind of outfit you choose to how you react when somebody irritates you)? Well, dress, for one. I'm at home, I'm permanently in pjs. I try not to swear around kids. Lots of other stuff... This question is pretty broad. What was the last song to bring out strong emotions in you? I'm not sure. Metaphorically speaking, what was the last thing to crush you? Finding out my cousin can die at the snap of a finger. You are about to die; what do you do with your worldly possessions? Give 'em to family and charities. Do you take vitamins daily? No. Do you know anyone that’s handicapped? Probably. Do you know any illegal immigrants? I did, but he got deported after he fucked up with getting involved in crime. Do you own any formal gowns/tuxes? I have one black dress I'd wear to certain occasions if I could actually fit in it, which I definitely could not currently. Can you sit for long periods of time? NO. Pretty sure my surgery caused a sensitive nerve, because afterwards, I couldn't and still can't sit very long without getting up being horrendous and slow. Do you have any cavities? Just one I'm scheduled to get fixed next month. What’s the most attractive thing on the opposite sex?
 Why do I like shoulder blades so much like why Do you regularly experience pain in any part of your body? My knees constantly hurt. Wish I knew why. Last place you flew to on a plane? Chicago, and I'm going again real soon. :') Does Europe or Asia sound more appealing to you for a vacation? Ugh both. But it's more likely I'll see Europe. Who was the last person to give you a hickey? If ever. He Who Shall Not Be Named. What is your lover's middle name? Jane. Who was the last person to flirt with you, other than your lover? I don't think anyone. What’s your favorite type of sushi? Never tried it, not interested. What’s your favorite patriotic song? All that's coming to mind is "Courtesy of the Red, White, And Blue" by Toby Kieth. It's pretty catchy. Have you ever read a book about a character in a psych ward? No, but that'd actually be really interesting and maybe relatable to me... though that could also prove dangerous and triggering, too. Have you ever been in a mental hospital as a patient? Five or six times, I stopped paying attention at four. Whose place did you last chill at and with who? Colleen's. Have you ever been lead on? I don't think so. Have you ever slept with a member of the opposite sex without having sex? Well yeah, we were in a long-term relationship, we were just about an old married couple just like "nah son we going to bed." Sleeping with each other was enough. What would you say if someone asked you to get high right now? Peasant, I won the D.A.R.E. writing contest in the 5th grade, I say hugs not drugs. Has someone close to you died of a murder? No. How often do you brush your hair? Every time after a shower and before I go out. Short hair makes caring for it so much easier. Did you ever listen to Avril Lavigne when you were younger? Fuck yeah I did. What are three things you refuse to ever do? Prostitute, abuse someone, do drugs. Do you have any medication that you keep with you at all times? Yes, anxiety attack med. What’s something that’s much more difficult than a lot of people realize? Putting on and maintaining a happy face with depression. Have you ever began a relationship with someone you knew for less than a week? No. Do you typically do your make up the same each time? Or do you like to change it up often? It's pretty much the same. What is your favorite breakfast food? Cinnamon rolls. Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? Yeah. When you help someone do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?” Check your heart if you actually ask yourself this. Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No. Have you ever blocked someone on Facebook before? Yeah. Tattoos on your lower back - cute or trashy? Neither, reliant on just placement. I couldn't care less where you get tatted, the location doesn't *automatically* make something (un)attractive. Also, try to convince me how the placement of a tat is "trashy." What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever cried about? There's no telling. Ever faked an orgasm? No. Done something illegal to your car? N/A What scars on your body do you have? Oh, boy... I scar so easily. My worst ones are on my shins from scratching the fuck out of them after shaving, I have two scars from stitches, various cat scratches, a scar from bumping into the side of Venus' cage, one from accidentally scratching my hand pretty bad while washing my feet in the shower (don't even ask how I accomplished that), faint self-harm ones.  I have way too many. Ever date anybody in middle school? One guy. Puppylove. Ever written your number in a public bathroom or a school text book? If so, did anyone actually call you? No. Ever had an infection of any kind? Yeah. Ears, a piercing, a cyst... probably more. Oh, and I have inactive MRSA, if that counts. Would you prefer cherry Cola or vanilla Cola? Omggggggg, gimme cherry. Vanilla Coke is gross. Have you ever tried to draw an anime version of yourself? No. How do you feel when you are ignored? I handle this worse than the average person. No one likes it, but it makes me feel especially unimportant, annoying, and unworthy of any attention, because something must be "wrong" with me. I guess it's maybe an AvPD thing, like I interpret it as rejection. Name a site that you visit everyday. KM. I'm like an overprotective mom of it that has to ensure everything is fine. Have you ever led the prayer at dinnertime? If not, do you want to? I have on Thanksgiving. Would you rather play an instrument or be the singer? If I was actually confident in my voice, sing. Turkey or ham for Thanksgiving? Turkey is too dry, so I was all about spiral ham. Do you celebrate Black Friday? I just shop online if there's a good deal I come across. What song are you listening to right now? "Army Of The Night" by Powerwolf. Have you ever been bitten by an animal? Nipped, sure. Then occasionally a cat would play too rough. Colons or equal signs for your smiley face’s eyes? Colons. At what point were your parents most disappointed in you? I don't know. Have you ever had a tarot reading or palm reading? No, I don't believe they're in any way factual. If you’re no longer in school, what is something you miss about it? If you’re still in school, what’s something you think you’re going to miss about it? I miss at least somewhat of a social life. What is the greatest amount of money you’ve spent on a concert ticket? How much would you be willing to spend to see your favorite band/artist? Idk how much the Alice Cooper tickets were. To see my absolute favorite... maybe $300? Do you use your turn signals when you’re driving? I'll judge you the moment I find out you don't. When you play Monopoly, what game piece do you choose to use for going around the board? The dog. What books (if any) have you read more than once? Meerkat Manor: Flower of the Kalahari and Because of Winn-Dixie off the top of my head. What is something you like to think about while you fall asleep? Happy thoughts. Focus on something good that happened and stuff like that. How long do you think you could tolerate going without showering? There's absolutely no way I could go beyond three. Even after two days, I feel pretty yucky. If you had the power to instantly transform someone’s life (for the better), who would you choose to use this on? My mom. She's never happy and probably doesn't remember what it's like to not be a stressed mess. Does it bother you when surveys ask about political or cultural topics that could possibly be controversial? No. Does someone’s view on homosexuality affect how you feel about them in any way? Yup. How about someone’s view on religion? It depends on which and how hardcore you are about it. Do you wear Crocs? Set them aflame. What’s your favorite thing to have on your bed? Sara. Don't even mean that sexually, it just means I get to cuddle with her lmao. What’s the nicest text in your inbox say? Certainly something saved from Sara. Who was your last missed call? Vocational rehab. The person you have feelings for says he/she wants to have sex, you say? Well first if she was absolutely certain about wanting to. Then I'd be all for it. Do you know how many people your best friend has had sex with? None. KFC or Popeye’s? I don't like fried chicken, like at all. If you could have a neon light sign that said anything you wanted, or looked like anything you wanted, what would it be? I deadass want a retro-style, blue one that reads "but be very Jim" to confuse the unenlightened. What was the last thing to malfunction/break in your house? Was it fixed? Something was wrong with the washer. I think it's been fixed? Or Mom's doing laundry elsewhere. What was the last uncomfortable situation you were in? I was getting my knees x-rayed and of course they needed a billion angles, and I couldn't totally understand what the woman was telling me (very echoey), so I just totally ragdolled and let her do whatever with my legs, but she needed me to readjust a lot and just ugh it was awkward and I felt very annoying. Do you think it is awkward for people over sixteen to have sleepovers? No????? Are you good about sharing your belongings? Are there certain items [aside from obvious things like your underwear] that you wouldn’t be willing to share with anyone? It depends on what it is and who you are. Something I'd share with no one... idk. Will you cry at your wedding? I will get raccoon eyes the moment I see her. What was the last thing you sang? "Where The Wild Wolves Have Gone" by Powerwolf. Gummy bears or Gummy worms? Worms. What’s your middle name(s)? Marie Catherine. If your last ex said they hate you, you say? I wouldn't know what to say; I'd be pretty damn hurt. We've been friends since high school and he's the last "real" friend I have irl. Only one I ever occasionally see, only one who checks up on me. What do you struggle with the most? Anxiety. It affects so many areas of my life. Are you good at giving advice? I don't think I'm bad. Especially if you give me a moment to think on the topic. What do you want to change about your looks? W E I G H T Do any of your pajama pants have holes in them? There's quite a lot in my Batman pair. Old. What do you get cravings for the most? Soda, probably. Do you enjoy watching vlogs? Depends on the person and what I feel up to watching. What is your favorite Halloween candy? Nothing really exclusive to the holiday. Where was your senior prom held? The local community college. What was the theme of your senior prom? Don't remember, actually. Do you know what you want the theme of your wedding to be? If so, what would it be? Sara babe can we do gothic please I'll marry you harder. Did you have low self-esteem growing up? No, it became an actual problem in high school. If you’ve ever had your hair highlighted, what color highlights did you get? Purple and red are the only highlights I've gotten, I think. What color Christmas lights do you like best on your tree? ALL THE COLORS. What do you put on top of your Christmas tree? We tend to alternate between a star and angel. How many proms did you go to? Two. How many boyfriends have you had in your life? Meh, answered this in enough surveys, so I'll just say only one was serious. How many girlfriends have you had in your life? One. Have you ever had a “friend crush” on someone? OH YEAH, I've learned that I have more than once. Think I like someone like that, then nope. Were you ever homeschooled? I was homebound at the end of 8th grade. At what age did you start puberty? Idk. I just know I was normal. Have you ever made a wreath? No. Who was your first roommate? My then-boyfriend, his friend, and his then-girlfriend. What color hair did your first crush have? Brown. Do you know how to change a tire? No. Have you ever passed out? Once, came very close on I think two or three other occasions. Do you prefer notepad or wordpad? Wordpad. Do you eat raw cookie dough? I will risk salmonella for that shit. How old is the last person you kissed? 20. Where does your best friend live? Illinois. How many people have you truly fallen IN love with? Two. Has anybody ever called you a tease? Oh boy. I fucking live off teasing. What about kinky? I was too much of a shy sub for him to ever see that side ha. Where was your mom born? Queens, NY. Have you ever seen your siblings naked? My two immediate sisters, anyway. What do people call you? Brittany, Britt, or Ozz, mostly. What are you doing this weekend? BITCH I'M GETTING MY MARK TATTOO. I made $365 + $20 sitting fee for the wedding shoot so guess what I'm treating myself to. Do you owe anyone money? Who? What for? My old college. Do you like people? Eh. Hard question for me to answer. I think I'm neutral towards the morality of humanity in general, but what's for sure is I don't trust the majority. Do you think you look better with a tan or without? Without. It's all I really know lmao. Would you ever share your most embarrassing moment in a YouTube video? That'd be flagged fast lmao. Regardless, n o p e. What’s your favorite hair color for girls? PASTEL COLORS!!!!! I like dyed hair on anyone okay. What color is your recliner? Don't have one. Do you wear makeup every day, or only on special occasions? Whenever I feel like it, regardless of occasion. What helps you take your mind off your problems? Talk to Sara, RP, watch YouTube... Does your first crush know you liked him/her? Definitely not. Did you ever think your house was haunted? I think my most recent might have been? But idk. Do you have any supernatural gifts or abilities? No. What does your trick-or-treat bag or bucket look like? N/A sadly. :c Do you celebrate Christmas? Yeah. What season would you want to have engagement photos taken in? As much as I hate the season, spring, with l o t s of flowers and sunshine!! You’re in line at Taco Bell, what’s your order? I only ever get a cheese quesadilla and fiesta potatoes. Has anyone ever taken your clothes off of you before? Yeah. Have you ever stayed up at night waiting for someone to call/text you back? Maybe? Have you ever touched a dead body? Dead pets, yes. I might've touched my old babysitter's face or something at her open-casket wake, idr. Have you ever had a real tea party? Or been to one? No. Just the make-believe ones Nicole would want to do as a kid with her Disney set. How do you feel when a mostly unheard of band (or tv show, movie, etc.) that you love suddenly starts to gain popularity? Happy for 'em! Just don't change your style for the sake of appeasing the masses. *coughmaroon5cough* When was the last time you listened to new music? Recently. Gotten into Spotify a bit. Do you think it is strange when a couple says “we are pregnant” rather than “I am pregnant” or “my girlfriend is pregnant”? No, I actually think it's sweet. You're in it together. What word spelled out looks weird to you? "Acquaintance." I can't spell it either; fucked it up first time. Do you require “closure” after things like break-ups or do you move on easily? I need closure. Is there a genre of movie that you just can’t watch? I'm not that into action. Have you ever been on a hot air balloon? No. What was the last seriously painful thing that happened to you? Getting my tragus re-pierced was actually pretty rough since apparently I have thick cartilage and it went through scar tissue. What’s the last rude thing someone said to you? Idk. What does your class ring look like? I didn't buy one. List ten careers you think you’d find interesting. Oh, jeez. Ten? Particularly interesting? I'll try: Paleontologist, biologist, cryptozoologist, zoologist, musician, YouTuber, dancer, taxidermist, snake morph breeder, and uhhhh. Idk. Do you know what you want to do with your life? Yeah. Do you believe in Judgment Day? No. What is the name of your YouTube channel? My current one is 0zzkat. What was the first social media site you joined? MySpace. Where would you most like to do a 24-hour challenge in? List five places. Bitch tbh I don't think I could do any alone lmao. But I'd probably find an old asylum scariest/most interesting. What’s your favorite part of Chinatown? Never been. What are some jobs people in your family have had? List five. Disney World employee, professional cake decorator, mammographer, special ed assistant teacher, and dance instructor. Which Power Ranger was your favorite? Wasn't into that. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Whale sharks oof. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Buy me that Reese's Blast thing from Sonic and I'll be your slave for a day. Do you believe in aliens? I actually do by now. If you were ever sent to prison what crime would you have committed? I've legitimately worried about me killing someone in self-defense but it being ruled as murder or something. @_@ Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? Yeah. Do you have a favorite pillow you always sleep with? No. When was the last time you slept in someone else’s bed? When I was at Sara's. Out of all of your friends who have you gotten in the worst fight with? That I still associate with, Sara. We were lil shits. :'D Who was the last person to have to deal with you having an attitude? Mom. If you had $100 dollars, how would you spend it? Save it to get my laptop fixed. You were given the opportunity to get a new cellular device, what do you choose? Some older iPhone. I don't need something needlessly expensive, just one that isn't actual garbage. Which of your classes in school is most capable of killing a good mood for you? Math was. How nice of a person are you, honestly? Tbfh I think I'm typically too nice. I'm getting better at taking less b.s. now tho. Ever physically fought with member of the opposite sex? No. Ever kissed a friend’s crush? No. Do you swallow gum when you’re finished? Only if I really want it gone but I don't have access to a trashcan. Very rarely does that happen because I feel funny trying to swallow it. Ever had a best friend of the opposite sex? Well when I was dating Jason I considered him my best friend of course, but if you don't count s/os, no. Have you ever kissed in the snow? Probably. Is there someone that you believe you will always be attracted to? Yeah. Do you have something in your room that you never want to get ruined? I would legitimately break down if something happened to my shiny pebble from Holly Hill. I got it on my "graduation;" it symbolized how something beautiful came from harsh conditions or something like that. It was passed around by my teachers and "classmates" for each person to wish me well and just in general say all they wanted to about me while holding it. With how that place truly became my messiah, I couldn't lose that thing, ever. Have you ever made a difference in someone’s life? I'd think so. My parents especially, obviously. Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? OCTOBER 3RD APPROACHES. Do you think dances (prom, homecoming, etc.) are fun or lame? They're overrated. You pay a lot to look nice just to stand around with shit music blaring and being totally unable to hear each other. I truly don't know why I went to two. What was the last thing you tried for the first time? Ummm blue cheese? What was the last thing you learned? Oh jeez, this should be easy with the videos I've been binging lately. Nothing impressive. How often do you visit your relatives? Like, never ever. When was the last time someone admitted to having somewhat of an attraction to you? Sara. What was the last wedding you went to like? Any pictures you’d like to post? It was beautiful and intimate, and it was an absolute honor to be the photographer. I don't feel like fetching pictures, but they're on my photography site and FB page. Has anyone slapped you across the face before? If so, why? No. Do you prefer to have more or less in common with your significant other? More. Would you take a shot of heroin for a million dollars? No, not worth it. Why don’t you talk to your ex anymore? Aaron: Drifted apart. Juan: He's a reckless fool I didn't want to associate with, partly out of fear of his rep, too. Jason: He wanted nothing to do with me.  He claimed it was for my own sake as he didn't want me to develop false hope, but who knows if that was the sole reason. Tyler: He was way too obsessive and wouldn't leave me alone. I still talk to Girt.
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Hahaha I assume this for the be nosy questions? Ok then :D
1: The last person you kissed screams they love you, you say… -‘Um ok good one lol?’2: Did you get to sleep in today? -A little bit3: You never know what you got until you lose it? -Yes very true4: Do you have siblings? - one bro one sis5: How many kids do you want? - 36: Who was the last person you held hands with?- umm probably the same as the last person I kissed I can’t remember lol7: Did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss?- no8: Do you think if you died, the last person you kissed would care?- if I’m lucky for about 1 minute9: Last person to talk on the phone? -my best friend 10: Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone? -don’t remind me but yesss so awkward.11: When’s your birthday? -February 9th12: Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? -Yep.. 13: What kind of phone do you have? -IPhone 614: Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?- leggings15: Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago? - absolutely! I wish I was me now five years ago16: What were you doing at 4 am? -Yesterday? Drunk at McDonald’s 17: Would you rather write a paper or give a speech? - i can’t do either but speech 18: Are you lying to yourself about something? -hmmm that I’m ok with being me 19: Last night you felt…? -like I wished I’d stayed at my other friends house 20: What’s something you cannot wait for? - me moving out 21: Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but when somewhere different? -yeah22: How many hours of sleep did you get last night? - like 723: Are you a morning or night person? -night 24: What did you get your last bruise from? - no idea actually 25: Do you reply to all of your texts? -mostly26: Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do? -they don’t exist but I wish they did I’d answer 27: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed? - a couch28: Anyone you would like to get things straight with? - hmm maybe29: How many months until your birthday? Don’t wanna think about it ew30: Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Peanut butter is gross 31: Did you like this past summer? - yes I had a heckin good time32: What were you doing before you got on the computer? - lookin a my phone33: Your ex is sitting next to you, with their new partner. What do you do? -congratulate them on the upgrade.34: What is the last thing you said out loud? -goodnight homeslice35: Your mood summed into one word? Hangry36: Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey? -waiting for my friend to wake up.37: What are your initials? IB38: Are you a happy person? -only after alcohol 39: Do you still talk to the person you liked 4 months ago? -No :(40: Where do you want to live when your older? Anywhere but where I currently live.41: Have you had your birthday this year? -yes 42: What did you do yesterday? -went to breakfast with a hangover and then hung out with my fave43: What will you be doing tomorrow? -working all day 44: How late did you stay up last night?- 2am?45: Is there anyone you would do anything for? -yes absolutely my 4 closest friends and my siblings 46: Is it hard to make you laugh? -god no47: Do you believe ex’s can be just friends? -Depends how the relationship ended, maybe?48: Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? -considering no one has ever dated me in the first place… lol NO49: How many people have you had feelings for in the year of 2012? - just the one.50: Do you wish your ex was dead? -if wish he existed 51: Have you ever dyed your hair? -No I wish52: Would ever take back someone that cheated? -I don’t think anyone ever should.53: Was New Year’s Even enjoyable? -ummm saw the fireworks 54: Bet you’re missing someone right now? -yes drunk!me lol55: How would your parents react if you got a tattoo? -Mum doesn’t give a fuck ever. My sister actually has two tattoos and my dad doesn’t know because he would rage lmao56: Sleep on your back or stomach? -side or in a ball57: If you could move away, no questions asked, where would it be ? - anyway would be GREAT 58: What would you change about your life right now? Everything!? Except my faves 59: Has anything upset you in the past week? - yes lol my life 60: Are you on the phone? -yep61: Today, would you rather go forward a week or back? -back a week time moves tooo quickly 62: Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car? -40,000 I love my car63: Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? -idk maybe64: Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? -yep65: Have you ever copied someone elses homework? -yes lmao thank you ramm I would never have finished maths methods without you lol66: Are you the type of person who likes to be out or at home? -I’m am ambivert. Sometimes being out with people gives me a high but so does canceling my plans to be alone in bed lol67: Do you automatically check your phone when you wake up? -yes uh tumblr always 68: Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone? -yes me and a friend used to do it all the time 69: Could you use some sleep right now? -a l w a y s70: Are you going to have a baby by the time you’re 18? I’m 19 and baby freeee71: Does it bother you when someone hides things from you? -so very much :( my friend didn’t tell me she was back together with this guy she’d spent a month crying about because she thought I’d judge … that hurT72: What’s your favorite color? Dark green and dark blue73: Have you ever slept in the same room with someone you liked? -I don’t think so74: Have you ever been looking for something and it was already in your hand? -Fucking constantly lmao75: Do you get annoyed easily? -yess :/76: If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you? -sure but I would never believe they were telling the true77: Do you have a person of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to? -I don’t anyone I can tell everything to…78: Does anyone call you babe? -lol yer79: How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? -celebs only80: What do you prefer, relationship or one night stand? - i don’t think I could ever be in a relationship. I just don’t see anyone wanting to be with ME when there is 1000000000 better options available… so one night stand81: What color hoodie did you wear last?- blue82: Is there someone who meant alot to you at one point, and isn’t around? -always everyone always leaves me and I get it also my doggo :(
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kassandra-lorelei · 7 years
Okay, so seeing as I am your best friend and as such part of my job is to PESTER YOU I will ask you to answer ALL.THE.QUESTIONS. from ask me things. He he Love you bestie!
Love you too, bestie.
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? From the looks of some of these questions, I’m guessing this is strictly about romantic kissing (not kissing relatives on cheeks or anything like that). So I have to answer nothing - we’re still on friendly terms, but we don’t really talk.
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? Yes. I don’t mind what people do very much, but if they’re that close to me, I’m sorry but it matters.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? It’s exactly six letters, lmao.
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? Romantically or not, all kisses I’ve ever given have been sober.
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but messed it up? Probably.
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? I’m not sure. It was quite a few times.
9. Where was your last kiss at? My university campus.
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? Yesterday on Facebook videochat, but never in person because she is from Argentina and incidentally isn’t my actual sister, she’s my best friend but that’s just like being my sister.
11. What do you drink in the morning? Usually milk, or juice.
13. Do you think relationships are hard? Very. I don’t think I’m cut out for them even if one would be nice, lmao.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? Yes, I would - a few projects, some things about myself, and the things I’ve said to a few people.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? Not many. Talking might be weird at first, but then we’d be okay.
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? It’s sunny right now, but some rain might be good to cool the air a little.
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? My middle name is Kate, of course I do. :-P
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? Sweatpants. They’re comfy, and I haven’t left the house today, so...
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? Probably not. Again, most likely not cut out for them.
20. Does anyone like you? Yeah, but not enough that they’ll let me be myself - they had this idealised version of me, and it was creeping me out how much of my attention they wanted, even after I said I wasn’t interested.
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? On the cheek, because it was my mother.
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? No.
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? A few, none of whom I will name or talk about very much, lol.
25. In the past week have you cried? Yes, several times.
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? A border collie.
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? Out. 
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? No.
29. Do you think you’re old? Sometimes, when I see other people younger than me going out to party.
30. Do you like text messaging? Not really. My phone is more for emergencies (or internet when I’m bored, but that might be because it’s old).
31. What type of day are you having? Relaxed. I’ve been writing, and just generally lazing around.
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? No, I couldn’t do that.
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? If it was warm it couldn’t be too warm, but if it was cold, it would have to snow. I have no overall preference.
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? A few do.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? Relationship, even though it’s unlikely to happen.
37. What song are you listening to? Nothing right now.
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? Yes.39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? Yes, and she’s the one who asked for these questions. :-P41. When did you last receive a text message? May, lol.42. What is wrong with you right now? Well, it all started on the day of my birth...jk, I’m just constantly looking for emotional turmoil because it gives my anxiety something to be busy with. I’m mostly fine.43. How well do you know the last female you texted? Fairly well, she was a great friend to me when I was in California.44. Does anyone disgust you? Yes. Again, some of the people I don’t like to talk about.45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? Depends on who the person is.
46. Are you in a good mood right now? I’m in an okay mood.47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? My dad.48. What color shirt are you wearing? It’s kind of a dark tan colour, with pink flowers on it.49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? No, I don’t believe so.50. Anyone you’re giving up on? Trying to, but it’s not easy.51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? No. It’s not their fault.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? Again, still trying. I’ll let you know.53. Do you like rain? I do like the rain. After months of California sunshine, rain is comforting. 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? Only if they do so to excess.55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? Yep. 56. Do you like to cuddle? Sometimes.57. Are you shy? Yeah, far too much for my own good. 58. Do you get along with girls? Usually. I tend to get along with most people.59. Have you dated the person you texted last? No. 60. What do you carry with you at all times? If I’m out, my purse. 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? I’d give it a go, who’d turn down money? 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? I guess it depends on who I’m in the relationship with. 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? No. 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? Too cute, I’d die.65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? No.
66. How old are the last three people you kissed? I’ve literally only ever kissed one person in the sense this is trying to get me to talk about.
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? I don’t go in for anything fancy when it comes to my nails, so I’d probably just do them myself.68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? I’m good with both, tbh.69. Do you have any stickers on your car? I don’t even have my car anymore, lmao.70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? Neither. I’m not entirely into either country (unless it’s Dolly Parton or Shania Twain) or rap.
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? I have an Android, but I am aware that iPhones might be better, lol.72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? 2015, when I went with my friends to say goodbye before I left for the US.73. Do you like diet soda? Yes.74. What color are the walls in your room? Pink and white.75. Are you 16 or older? I’m 21.76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? No.77. Do you have a job? No.  78. What are your initials? H.K.D.79. Did you ever have braces? No.80. Are you from the south? South of England, yes, lol.
81. What does your last status on facebook say? I can’t remember, I don’t tend to type them up very much. I mostly just share things.82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? If I see him we chat, but that’s not much.83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? Probably my dad.84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? We had to do some gymnastics at school, but I never did either of those things for fun.
86. Do you smoke? No.87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? Heels. They make me look better than flip-flops.88. Is your phone touch screen? Yes.89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? Straight.90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? No.    91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? Pool, probably. Although swimming in a lake sounds92. Have you ever made out in a car? No.93. …Had sex in a car? Lol no.94. Are you single or in a relationship? I think this entire set of questions has rendered this question moot, don’t you think? :-P95. What were you doing last night at midnight? Sleeping.96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? New Year’s Eve. 97. Do you like the camera on your phone? Not really, it’s kind of blurry.98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? No.99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? No.100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? Kind of, yeah.101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? No.102. Name your favorite Kesha song: I’ve never really listened to her so much, so I can’t say I have one.103. Do you have any tan lines right now? Nope, I’m boring and stay inside.104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? No, that wouldn’t suit me.
That was fun, thanks again, sweetie!
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angrymuffin16 · 7 years
All 104 questions?
Omg I'm ready to answer all these!1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?'I love you' probably. Since that's my bf2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?Dating him!3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?Yes.4. Is your last name longer than six letters?Nope5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?Sober6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?No7. What does your last received text say?'❤❤' My bf and I are just sending hearts to each other lol8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?God, I've lost count, idk.9. Where was your last kiss at?At my front door10. When is the last time you saw your sister?Like an hour ago11. What do you drink in the morning?A monster probably12. Where did you sleep last night?In my bed13. Do you think relationships are hard?Yeah, a bit. I'm getting used to it. But to me, it's so worth it.14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?No, don't think so15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?Not at all lol16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Rainy17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?Nope, never met anyone with my middle name18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?Jeans currently19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?I'd hope so20. Does anyone like you?My boyfriend is the only one lol21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?No22. Is the last person you kissed gay?No lol23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?Hmm I just don't like people in general, so I dunno.24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?Yeah, idk maybe one day. 25. In the past week have you cried?Yeah just yesterday lmao. I cry often26. What breed was the last dog you saw? Pekingese27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Out of the shower28. Have you ever kissed a football player?No29. Do you think you’re old?No, but I feel old lol30. Do you like text messaging?Ehh not usually. It stresses me out so much when I don't get replies right away. Also I don't really have anyone to text other than my bf and brother. But I prefer texting to express my feelings, if something is hard for me to say face to face. Also I cannot handle phone calls, so I prefer texts to that. Except calls with my boyfriend, that's an exception, I prefer talking on the phone with him rather than texting.31. What type of day are you having?Kinda tiring. Worked at 7 this morning, so I'm tired. 32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?Nah33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? Cold definitely!34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?My boyfriend. As well as my brother. Those are the first two that come to mind.35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?Relationship hands down. I honestly don't think I could emotionally ever handle a fling. Mostly cuz I can't just fuck anyone, I have to be emotionally connected to the person and would want more than sex. Cuz there's more important things. Also, never had sex before, so there's that.36. Are you a simple or complicated person?Hm, complicated probably. Idk tho.37. What song are you listening to?All Night by Parov Stelar 38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?Yes usually. I apologize constantly.39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?Hm no actually I don't think so. My sister knows a bit. Out of any girls I ever talk to, I probably talk to her the most. 40. What made you start liking the person you like now?Honestly.. most of it was his sense of humor, his voice, his laugh, his smile. I thought he was really cute when I first met him, but I was slightly scared of him, so I can't say when I actually started to like him. It didn't take long after we became friends that I developed a crush on him, I know that lol41. When did you last receive a text message?4 minutes ago my bf texted me he misses me42. What is wrong with you right now?Just super tired ugh. Also I am cold. And miss him a lot right now43. How well do you know the last female you texted?My sister.. so I'd say pretty well44. Does anyone disgust you?Hmm yeah kinda. At work I get customers that just gross me out, but idk anyone in particular45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?No. Honestly only want to date my boyfriend46. Are you in a good mood right now?I'm in a decent mood I guess. I'm tired... but my sister made potato soup for dinner, which is my favorite homemade meal, so I'm happy about that. Also listening to music, so it's not too bad.47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?My sister.48. What color shirt are you wearing?Blue, my favorite color.49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?Lmao people tell me things I don't wanna hear every single day. Particularly my family was saying stuff yesterday that upset me and I didn't want to hear it.50. Anyone you’re giving up on?Besides myself? Nah.51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?No. I love my bf, he's the only person I've ever fallen in love with.52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?Nope53. Do you like rain?Love it, except that I wear glasses and it drives me crazy to have them rained on. 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?No55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?Yeah, I liked my bf before dating him, since I was 15. I'm 19 now and figured he'd never like me, so never really told him, I mean, until after he said he had a crush on me. 56. Do you like to cuddle?Omfg it's like my favorite thing in the world.57. Are you shy?Yeah 58. Do you get along with girls?Yeah usually. It's guys that are a bit harder for me to trust and feel comfortable with.59. Have you dated the person you texted last?Dating him lol 60. What do you carry with you at all times?My phone always. And I almost always have my bag with me, which has my medications and wallet, those are the other things I always feel I need. 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?Yeah omg 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?Yeah 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?No. I began my first relationship in January of this year, so never dated anyone before that. 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?Ugh yes65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?Last night I was texting my bf and basically told him how he's special to me and the only person I've ever wanted to fuck and the only person I've felt sexually attracted to and that made him happy and then we were being all lovey dovey and stuff, it made me super happy.66. How old are the last three people you kissed?I've only ever kissed my boyfriend. And he's 21.67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    Do them myself probably68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    Leopard probably, idk, not a fan of either really69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    I don't have a car lol70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?  Lil Wayne, ugh but I don't like either at all71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone?    Android72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    Hm problem not that long ago. I eat pizza often.73. Do you like diet soda? Yes usually I kinda prefer it. Depends on what I'm feeling though.74. What color are the walls in your room?    White75. Are you 16 or older?    Yep, 1976. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    No lmao77. Do you have a job?    Yep  78. What are your initials?    CRB79. Did you ever have braces?Yeah I had them for like 3 and a half years.80. Are you from the south?    Technically speaking, Virginia is south. But I don't really think that Virginia is very southern compared to other states. I guess idk81. What does your last status on facebook say?    I honestly dunno, I really hate fb82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    Dating him, of course lol83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    Hmm. My dad probably. Idk. I can get along better with my dad. But my dad isn't good at listening and talking about feelings, so in that aspect, I'm not that close to him. But I'm more emotionally closer to my mom, but we have a very stressed relationship.84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?No85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    I cannot remember. It's been a while lol86. Do you smoke?No, never have, never will.87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?Ugh neither please. But I'd say flip flops. Both are bad tho lol88. Is your phone touch screen?Lol yes89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    I normally straighten my hair90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    No I don't think so91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    Is none an option? Not a fan of swimming92. Have you ever made out in a car?No, but I would be down for it93. …Had sex in a car? Never had sex ever lol94. Are you single or in a relationship? In a relationship95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    Playing Bioshock and texting the boyfriend96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    Been like 2 years I think97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    Idk I don't take many pictures. I guess. It takes good pictures of my cats, so I'm happy with it98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    No and I wouldn't want to either99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    Nope100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?  No101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    Lmao no102. Name your favorite Kesha song:Take it Off, prolly103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    Hahahahaha! Ha. No. I'm literally so pale, I look kinda sick, as I've been told. I don't tan.104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?   Oh jesus noThank you so much!!
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