#like HOW can people be SO DENSE
noretreatnancy · 2 years
had someone respond to something I said about Nancy with “I hate that she’s reduced to a pretty face butttt she doesn’t actually have much character until season 3” and I didn’t know how to respond because I can’t even begin to comprehend that way of thinking. for me, it’s almost ONLY in fan spaces that I see Nancy reduced down to “pretty girl in love triangle” like… for me her characterization has always been incredibly strong and clear.
like she starts out as this incredibly smart overachieving student, a teenage girl doing teenage girl thinks, giggling on the phone with her friend about a boy and getting excited about parties. She’s a little shy, very much the smart girl nobody who has attracted the attention of the popular jock. she makes normal teenage mistakes, being a little more absorbed in her own romance than her friends feeling or what’s going on with her brother. She’s sixteen years old. Then Barb goes missing and everything in her life becomes about that moment. She wasn’t there when Barb needed her, and despite the fact that there’s no way she could’ve known what would happen, she takes the blame and responsibility for that completely on herself. No one else is worried about it. Her parents, her boyfriend, the police, everyone else is willing to let it go but Nancy never did. All of season one we’re focused on the fight to get Will back, but Nancy is fighting just as hard for Barb. She’s putting her life in the line (with no superpowered backup). Learning that Barb was dead the whole time was a horrible blow to her.
Despite things going back to “normal” for everyone else, Nancy is forced to live with the knowledge that her friend is dead and no one else knows what happened to her. Her parents are still looking for a runaway, no one at school cares, her boyfriend wants to get on with their normal high school lives… but she can’t. so she focuses her anger into a determination to bring down a TOP SECRET GOVERNMENT FACTION, putting herself once again in danger to expose them no matter the personal risk. this is where things between her and Jonathan change imo… he’s the only person she can trust to go after this as hard as he can (because he feels the same anger and guilt around what happened to Will). that’s the difference between her relationship with Steve and her relationship with Jonathan and why the former was doomed. The Nancy that had a crush on Steve in season one is gone, she’s been fundamentally changed by what she lost. Steve (at the beginning of season 2) is the same… he’s moved away from some of his more toxic characteristics, but he didn’t have the major life altering trauma that Nancy (and Jonathan) experienced in season 1. she’s on a different maturity level, she’s basically turned completely away from anything that indicates she’s still a child (because she doesn’t feel like one)(but she IS). That’s why at the party they are having fundamentally different arguments. She breaking under the weight of everything she’s having to carry while pretending to be normal, and all Steve sees is his girlfriend pushing him away. Season two is all about her chasing justice to try and give herself some peace.
But we see in season three and four that despite winning that justice, there is no peace for her. she can’t go back to being a carefree teen. she’s hyper focused on her journalism goal, which is the one way she can take control of what’s happening around her. when you live in a world of secret government experiments and girls who can move things with their mind and horrible monsters that come from a hell dimension… the only way to be safe is to know everything that’s happening all the time. you can’t rest, you can’t let things go, you can’t look away because if you do, someone else will suffer for it. so she keeps a couple of guns under her bed and becomes a dogged reporter and refuses to let herself slip for even a second. the amazing parallel between her and Jonathan in season 4 is that the have the exact same reason for not visiting each other. They are both afraid that if they take a break to do something selfish as visit their high school significant other, the whole world might fall apart. and they’re right! If Jonathan had returned to Hawkins, Mike and Will would’ve been on their own. If Nancy had gone to California, she wouldn’t have been there to investigate and figure out the music thing and Max would be dead. So now she’s had it reinforced once again that she has to be constantly ready to fight. Her childhood is OVER and has been for years. She can give away her teddy bears and keep a shotgun under the bed
The reason people look at her and see her as a pretty face is their own misogyny. They see a pretty girl and they want to reduce her down to her relationship status and make her a villain for not constantly catering to the emotional needs of their favorite man. Idk it just astounds me
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lunarharp · 6 months
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more phoenix wright situations
#ace attorney tag#maybe i should tag this narumitsu or something. but i dont really care.#gearing up to rereading/illustrating bits of my fic i suppose...i think nick really is too dense to realise he's in love with edgeworth#without some scheming fop trying to intrude. i love villains like kristoph..villains can be fun..witnessing their pathetic folly..#or more like edgeworth would never have mentioned his feelings ever in his life if he wasn't sure phoenix reciprocates.#i want to see it this way because Falling in love during childhood with the person you're going to end up with. is not relatable#there have to be Situations that make you Realise.#as with orufrey i adore the idea of people not working out their romance with that person until their 30s+#but... i mean. even with orufrey i often think how alaira could be qifrey's ex. and oru having been pursued by noble fops through his work#there is that delicate sliver of time before orufrey start living together that such believable situations could have happened.#Then the relief of politely and amicably extricating themselves from those untenable situations#the idea of falling in love age 7 and saving your first kiss for age 35 or something is all very well but more relatable is#people realising how they really feel whilst trying something that ends up feeling wrong.#The comfort and joy of living with your dearest one as if it's platonic - much preferable to trying anything more with anyone else.#But i doubt i will ever portray that or mention it further. it is indeed very delicate to me.#and i really am an OTP FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kind of person who can barely bear to consider this anyway...NOT a polyshipper i'm afraid !#so i wouldn't mind either if they do have their first kiss in their lives age 35 with each other either. I would not mind that at all.#i love bi/gay couples apparently... bi father figures & their grumpy gay men waiting for them to work it all out...#not used to using colour in comic-style drawings..or at all..so this is messy and awkward looking..but colour is refreshing#i imagine i will go back to witch hat art soon btw. my destiny in life.#i still remember writing my nrmt fic expecting to write their first kiss & then partway through twas like Umm No. They have kissed prior.#does that really line up with this comic though... i think i had their early dinner dates/first kiss BEFORE disbarment.#so i guess this comic doesn't line up with my ficverse.... No..... U___U Oh well. sorry kris! <3
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dancefloors · 3 months
trying not to get irked by swiftie media illiteracy. I've retired! I'm out of the game!! but some of you are very stupid
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taikanyohou · 7 months
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Kouhei: Mizuki may not be able to be honest with himself with regards to Yoh, but if it were me, if I did the things he did, I think Yoh would have caught on. Mizuki may not say much, but I think he shows how much he likes Yoh through his actions. I tend to say exactly how I feel. In Mizuki's case, he doesn't say what he thinks. It's almost like he's choosing not to say it, that's his thing. I can't just say that he should say what he feels in words no matter what. I think he should keep being himself, and Yoh's the one who should be paying more attention.
Atsuki: You're wrong. I'm sure Mizuki hasn't realized that Yoh doesn't realize. I'm saying, Mizuki doesn't realize that Yoh doesn't know how he feels. I think that's part of the reason why he acts the way he does. I think there's a chance, at least. Yoh should be thankful for what he has going on. Mizuki is taking care of his housing and food. Mizuki comes home right away without going to after work dinners or anything. He gets paid a lot! He's got a very good environment to work with. On top of that, I think he could help Mizuki out more in different ways - Sorry, I misspoke! He could help Mizuki out by being more straightforward with his feelings, without just keeping it all in.
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jemmo · 1 month
i didnt watch unknown as it was airing bc i knew it would consume me so i decided to binge it all today. i was correct. it has consumed me.
#i am so unwell#and the thing is there is no specific moment or ep i can point to or rewatch to get out out of my system#there is something about the all consuming atmosphere of the show that’s so dense and heavy it’s impossible to escape it I don’t know how#and i find it incredible how they managed to established that atmosphere and built it so well and reached these peaks of emotion that you’d#think would break all that tension but it just returns 10-fold#like this is how you do storytelling this is how you plot a 12 episode drama#bc you get the peak in ep 6 that is the crux of the story getting revealed but you’re only halfway#there’s still so much story to go and they show all of it#they show that this is a thing that takes time and thought and it perfectly demonstrates how stuck in his ways wei qian is#and i find it incredible how both the actors were able to convey the passing of time and their growing up through their performance you can#really feel how wei yuan matures and how what’s perceived as this childish crush or obsession never leaves bc it was never that it was#always more serious and concrete but in his maturity he can show that#and there’s something so crushing about watching wei qian i swear i choked up so many times watching this show bc they both got to me so bad#but wei qian’s story and his outlook on life is so universal and so true to that older brother role that so many people have#i am rambling so bad i just wanna like… exist in the vibe of this show forever#bc the heaviness of it makes you feel the weight lift in the moments of joy it’s beautiful#unknown
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I feel like I'm missing the crux of the man vs. bear debate because it's so silly. of course I would pick the man, because neither my Sig nor jiu jitsu is going to take down a bear
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bandzboy · 25 days
idk if anyone has been keeping up with the #blockout2024 movement where people are blocking celebrities or influencers that have talked about the genocide and people have been making their lists of who to block on social media and today bisan posted about it on her story it was lists and bts was right there (blackpink too) but i am mentioning bts because some armys took it upon themselves to harass her on instagram and dm her about it like... these people's arrogance is crazy. this woman is going through a genocide right now, she has been displaced multiple times and is asking you to take action for palestine and you go out of your way to harass her because she put your oppas on that list and she is valid for it! bts and blackpink, being the biggest kpop boy group and girl group respectfully, should be saying something like OF COURSE THEY ARE GONNA BE THERE and tbh every kpop group should be on these people's lists because they can go on with their lives like nothing is happening and i'm sorry if this offends you personally but if it does offend you, you have a problem you need to fix like??
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incidentalblr · 1 year
listen valvert is a better exploration of les mis’s themes than enjoltaire could ever be
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Nothing pisses me off more than when people talk about my friendships with mid-support needs autistics and other people with differently-wired brains as if I am descending to help them because I’ve taken them on as a charity case. That is NOT true. Oh they’re a burden because they’re neurodivergent? WELL GUESS FUCKING WHAT: SO AM I! THE REASON I HAVE SO MANY FRIENDS WITH SO MUCH SHIT WRONG WITH THEM IS BECAUSE I HAVE A LOT OF SHIT WRONG WITH ME. WE ATTRACT EACH OTHER! WE LIKE EACH OTHER! IT’S NOT THAT FUCKING HARD TO UNDERSTAND!
#How about I just start strangling ableists from now on?#Would THAT convince them I’m actually this person’s real friend?#Literally nothing I say to them is able to get through their dense fucking skulls—#as if it’s sooooo hard for them to believe I actually enjoy their company#Also (halfway unrelated): if I hear “It takes a special person to work with special children” one more time I am going to SCREAM#Tell me I’m calm; tell me I’m patient; tell me I’m creative— do NOT tell me I’m “special” for doing a job I LOVE#Can you imagine telling a quantum physics major “It takes a special person to solve special math problems?”#😂💀 WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I’m gonna start saying that to people from other professions. To see how they like it.#The children are not a burden to me; the children are very enjoyable to be around#and I enjoy troubleshooting what is preventing them from learning and coming up with workarounds for them#I made a glued roll of paper for a kid who constantly peels their skin because I saw them peeling crayons#It works!#I made math problems into a Skibidi Toilet role playing game for another kid who hides under tables when it’s time to work. It works!#You know why I was able to come up with either of these inventions? Huh? You wanna fucking know?#1.) I peel my lips and mouth and palms of my hands and calluses and cuticles and scabs; and#2.) I have awful executive dysfunction and have to do weird stuff to engage myself#People talk to me like I’m one of the “normal” ones; little do they know I’m getting assessed for ADHD and score 142 on the RAADS-R#and I essentially self-destruct when I get mad so I don’t break valuable items or punch through drywall and oak doors#I give myself bruises that swell a half inch high and form hematomas under the skin#I think I’ve permanently weakened the blood vessels and a vein in my right thigh from beating it so much#because it only takes one well-placed blow on my right; but several blows to my left#And I can see the bruise pooling towards my heart along the path of that vein from day to day after the initial beating#and sometimes it just randomly aches when it’s not injured; so I have to shift my weight when the kids sit in my lap wrong#so with that and something else I did to it not super recently that I should have gone to urgent care for… I probably have nerve damage lol#so it’s gross when people say such things about other NDs to me as if I am above them#Just fuck off already
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soullessjack · 8 months
honestly i kind of expect the usual “precious little baby boy” infantilization treatment and ignoring the problems with it from neurotypical spn fans, bc neurotypicals are just incapable of treating any autistic characters normally, but when other autistic fans are the ones saying jack has the mental age of a toddler or insisting that he’s canonically a child and that somehow justifies how the fandom treats his character???? it just baffles me. it’s like some bizarre cognitive dissonance phenomenon where everybody collectively decided that infantilizing autistic people is actually okay for this particular person because insert-reason-pulled-from-ass. it’s just. weird.
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catominor · 6 months
This Years Thoughts On Reading. tbh
the past year i read a lot more than i had in quite some time. to be fair, i didn't finish most of the books i started, didn't start most of the books i want to read, and spent most of my time wasting time on social media still (i don't know why i can't stop doing this. i don't even enjoy it past a certain point). i didn't do well in my university classes. but for a really long time i've found it very difficult to read at all, even to read fiction. i read a lot of fiction (by my standards) this year, especially historical fiction set in ancient rome (though i also read some other good books, favorites among which are probably queer by william burroughs, night side of the river by jeannette winterson, and invisible cities by italo calvino. i also read quite a few short stories and a bit of poetry), i read or started /some/ nonfiction, i read or started /some/ ancient literature, and i had a poem and a short story published in my university's poetry journal and newspaper respectively...
but, really, i feel a little in over my head. i don't really feel like i can do this, by which i mean i still don't think i'm trying hard enough at university. i feel behind everyone else, despite the fact that since i've transferred to a different university having done 2 years before, i still have this and another year before i graduate. even though most of the people in my year will be 2 years younger than me i feel like i am behind them (did i mention that i did badly on my exams last year?)
especially before university i was never a particularly good student, honestly (i was like. a C average, though in my 3rd and 4th years of high school i started to try a little harder) and i think i spend a lot of time now fruitlessly wishing that i had tried harder and taken more of an interest in things. i still wish i tried harder. i still wish that passion was enough to fuel me to actually focus on filling out my historical reading. i wish i just didn't feel so stupid sometimes, honestly. sometimes i'll open a book that's a bit dense or technical and it just makes me feel like the biggest idiot in the world. i wish i was better at articulating my thoughts. i also wish i understood literary analysis or criticism. in a lot of ways now i feel dumber than i was a few years ago, and i don't know why.
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chronicowboy · 11 months
the marker of my final piece this year has so spectacularly missed the point of my story that i want to fucking scream
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solradguy · 1 year
The rough draft of chapter 5 of Interlude is done
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800-dick-pics · 1 year
when i see thin and/or untrained tightlacers im like 😖😖😖😖😖😖 bro a corset is 1. not susposed to hurt and if it does it doesnt fit size wise or shape wise and 2. YOU SHOULD NOT BE TIGHTLACING FOR AN 8HR FAIRE!
not everyone needs to have a crazy reduction esp if your body isnt able or used to it.
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louderfade · 6 months
exene talking about the state of the world. the good stuff starts at eight minutes. or you can just read the transcript complete with the usual errors that accompany robot transcribed speech (the irony of which is not lost on me). maybe it's not about transhumanism and living forever (or maybe it is who knows), but there's definitely an agenda of surveillance and control at work which is designed to keep the powerful in power. cash rules everything around me and you will own nothing etc. the future is worse.
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#google has helpfully flagged this as a 'conspiracy theory' which let me know it was definitely worth paying attention to#sometimes a conspiracy theory turns out to be flatearth-tier but anything those in control are putting effort into discrediting#concerns me and makes me look deeper. if they're going to the effort to control the discourse there's something there that#threatens them. anything google calls a conspiracy theory is worth a closer look. it often means someone has gotten too close to the truth.#she's brave to be talking about this shit they basically cancelled her and forced her to apologize for talking about how they want#to take our guns and the media is lying to you and stirring up fear so they can get away with passing gun control#like wtf leftists should be all about gun rights. a disarmed population is totally at the mercy of the state's authority#it's not very punk to surrender entirely to regimes in power and let the only people with guns be the police#like c'mon guys we need guns. and it's like drugs. they exist anyway. better they do so in broad daylight than in the shadows#they let adam curits talk about this stuff for some reason and no one calls him a conspiracy theorist idk why but there's a reason#i guess his stuff is not a threat to them bc it's dense and heady and seven hours long so the masses will never absorb it#ex punk rocker yelling about new world order in plain language monologues of digestible length is a much bigger threat#i swear there are secretly fifty people in control of everything and their entire aim is to make sure it stays that way no matter what#but it's really gross how obvious it's getting like the whole system just funnels money straight to the top and they don't even care#about hiding it anymore they're just doing it out in open and denying objective reality with confidence it's too much sometimes#i swear i can feel my grasp on reality deteriorating. it's as if there were a loud buzzing in the out of doors that was getting#louder every day and nobody ever said anything to acknowledge that it was real nobody talked about hearing the buzzing but it just#keeps getting louder and i'm finally like wtf is with this buzzing and everyone gets mad at me for shouting over their netflix show#that they weren't really enjoying in the first place. like no one is happy in the modern world. why can't we talk about why without#turning against each other. that's why doug saying 'maybe we're all the same' is such a big deal to me. anyone who is trying to unite us#is doing important work. that trump supporter is not the enemy. they are the victim just like you.
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bylerphobic · 2 years
okay listen, anyone can headcanon mike as whatever you want, really!! but can we please stop saying that one sexuality would be “easier” to explain/understand than the other… i know what you’re trying to say but it really rubs me the wrong way implying that one sexuality would ‘make more sense’ when they can all be explained perfectly fine — that’s exactly why people headcanon him differently.
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