#liam dubar imagine
mysticalbanshee · 5 years
How they react when you call someone out and roast them-Teen Wolf Preference
Stiles Stilinski
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Scott Mcall
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Derek Hale
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Liam Dunbar
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Isaac Lahey
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Peter Hale
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Brett Talbot
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Theo Raeken
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Jordan Parrish
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Ethan+ Aiden
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officialgomezaddams · 6 years
Teen Wolf Preference; Jealousy.
Featuring, Issac, Allison, Stiles, Lydia, Liam & Malia
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ISSAC hot damn hes atTrACtiVe holy shit LAYHEY
* Insecure bby 
It’s just an assignment, it’s just an assignment, Issac thought to himself, trying to prevent his mind from thinking you just didn’t want to be with him. He knew he shouldn’t be having those thoughts but it was a fresh relationship, not even in it’s first full week. Issac had had a crush on you for the longest time, always believing you were way out of his league, and the harsh words his father had always told him never made it any better. “You alright?” Scott asked his partner, noticing the conflict Issac had in his own mind. “Yeah, sure. What do we need again?” pls protect
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*Scary squad 1/2
Allison sat high up in a tree, her bow in her hand, arrow strung and ready to be shot. She smirked slightly as she saw the famous blue jeep approach her, its loud engine roaring due to the fact Stiles removed the muffler because he thought it would be cool. Releasing the arrow, she watched the front tire pop. She finally went up to Stiles, who was standing by the tire, wondering what the hell to do. The scrawny teenager didn’t know how how to replace a tire, or at least he was too weak to actually get the tire off of the back. “What the hell was that!” He shouted at Allison once he saw her. “Flirt with Y/n, my girlfriend, again, and next time I’ll do more than just put an arrow in your tire.”
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*More bitter than angry 
Honestly you were proud that your boyfriend was probably the most chill person you knew. Prom was fun, up until Stiles stepped away to talk to Scott, leaving you alone. In the few minutes he was gone, one of the school’s basketball players had asked you to dance with him, which of course you politely rejected saying your boyfriend would be back soon. “I can’t believe he had the nerve.” Stiles told you in the middle of a slow song. “I mean, you are beautiful and all but have you seen me?” He joked making you laugh. “You are the most charming boy here.” You told him, making him do a goofy smile. “But no matter what, even though that boy does have nice butt, I would rather spend it with you, the most lovely girl in all of Beacon Hills.”
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LYDIA very beautiful sex goddess MARTIN
*Not angry, hella bitter
She wasn’t dumb by no means, her GPA shows that. It was the second time Alison just had  to work on a mission with you. Lydia rolled her eyes at how Allison begged Scott to let her go on a stake out with Y/n, Lydia’s girlfriend of several months. She wanted to throw up every time her best friend batted her eyelashes at the beautiful Alpha, the soft voice she always spoke to Y/n to. But right now that didn’t matter. Lydia’s lips were on yours, soon you ripped everything off Allison’s dads desk Lydia willingly sat not breaking the hold of your lips on hers, while you ripped her shirt off. The two of you both stopped upon hearing Allison awkwardly clear her throat. You turned around, a slight blush on your cheeks. “Oh yeah, babe I should um get going.” You told her, breathing hard. “We’ll continue later tonight don’t worry.” She spoke in that same flirty tone Allison always used, smiling pettily at the dark hared girl. 
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*Does not know how to control his emotions pls STAY AWAY squad 1/2
He had to leave class, knowing that if he heard one more sly advance your class mate made towards you, he would be charged with murder. He knew you were loyal to him, that you weren’t going to give in but the thought of those vile words coming from his mouth irked him. He tried to remember what Scott had told him about how to calm down, not wanting to shift in the middle of the school day, or in the boys bathroom. It was working, up until that bastard had to come in. “So your the one nailing Y/n,” He spoke, watching Liam grip the sink tight. “Man, if I could-” Before he could finish Liam’s fist collided with the boys face, or more so it was the ripped off faucet he tore off. “Life tip buddy,” Liam spat, watching the boy with the now bloody face scramble away from Liam while the metal piece dropped to the ground. “Don’t piss of the guy with anger issues.” 
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“YOU WHAT?” Scott yelled at the girl, outraged for almost blowing their secret. Two days ago Malia was excited to share the extended class hour with you, but that was all thrown away when someone had to start making you feel uncomfortable, whispering dirty sayings to you and crappy pick up lines. The hour and a half was ruined, and Malia, never having experienced jealous rage before beat the kid up after school. Leaving the kid in the hospital for multiple broken bones and a concussion. But it did lead to some pretty great sex for you, so you tried to not comment on your girlfriends hell bent rage during the pack meeting. “It’s not my fault-” “Malia, you put the poor bastard in the hospital, so yeah it is your fault.” “I threw the first punch from behind, the one that made him unconscious so I doubt he remembers who attacked him.”
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teenwolfhot · 6 years
slow liam Dunbar lyric imagine
liam payne - slow
Though this Is done, I will turn a blind eye
Don't tell me goodnight, cause' It means goodbye
Know that we've broken
No this was over months ago, months ago
out of the blue you've received
a text from Liam Dunbar your ex boyfriend who dumbed you for hayden romero
Got me pretending you ain't down to last
It got me runnin', runnin' obvious
You baby way you got a rush
state the obvious that hayden dump liam... laughter is all you did... pathetic and you knew the relationship wasn't going to last
If you gonna let me down, let me down slow
Tell me what I'd already, already know
I know that your minds of ready made up
But even we, we're not done before we give up
telling liam that you could work on the relationship but he didn't want to... lost cause it what he called your relationship
If you gonna let me down, let me down slow
Just another minute, I ain't ready to go
Before we let the light in, baby just hold me like you don't know
That you're gonna let me down, let me down slow
Just leave in on set, just one a second
If you don't say it, then it ain't true yet
Know that we've broken
No this was over months ago, months ago
Got me pretending you ain't down to last
It got me runnin', runnin' obvious
You baby way you got a rush
you've actually been receiving liam text but you don't answer because letting him back when he left you for someone else
If you gonna let me down, let me down slow
Tell me what I'd already, already know
I know that your minds of ready made up
But even we, we're not done before we give up
So let me down, let me down slow
Why you gotta rush when I already know
Let your minds of ready made up
And I know you wanna give up
So before you let me down, let me down slow
Give it off a minute, 'cause I know I won't go
liam across the road from your house at the same time a couple stops in front of your house... it was you and a guy holding hands and laughing.. liam saw what he didn't see before
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sergeantbuckybarnes · 7 years
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damnteenwolf · 7 years
im really pissed off that i dont know you guys as well as i want to & that i literally never get asks... so please drop by my ask if you guys need advice, to vent, to share a happy or sad moment or to ask me questions about literally anything x
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dunbarimagines · 7 years
Werewolf (Liam Dunbar)
This imagine was requested by @leah-broflovski
sorry for the delay, I’ve been preparing for school starting this coming week (senior year woot woot)
“Can you write a Liam Dunbar imagine where the reader and Liam are dating. They are both werewolves but Liam hasn’t told the reader because he doesn’t know she is one and he shows her after he has been canceling dates for pack meetings and he says that he can’t show her so she ends up shining her beta eyes at him because she smells that he is a werewolf”
Warnings: none :)
This past year has been extremely hard.  What, with taking the SATs and applying to colleges and dealing with relationship problems and being broke and understanding my AP classes and, oh yeah, the small detail of becoming a freaking werewolf, my life is what one would call a complete train wreck.
Okay, yes, the whole “super-strength, heightened abilities, fast-healing” thing is incredible, but I’m still getting used to it all.  The smells are overwhelming and I’m not sure what they all mean.  Every time I feel angry, I want to rip someone’s head off and every time I am happy, I have the urge to sprint through the halls and howl loud enough to shatter any glass near me.  And with the pros come the cons: I have no idea who turned me and I have no one to answer the million questions we have.  I can’t tell my parents, they’d put me in a mental facility.  My other brother would laugh in my face.  There are no teachers or adults at Beacon Hills High who I could confess this to, so that leaves Liam, my boyfriend.
Kind of.
These days, we are more like distant acquaintances who rarely kiss and hold hands.  Emphasis on “rarely”.  Don’t get me wrong, he was a really good boyfriend at first.  We would go out all the time, watch movies, Netflix and chill minus the dirty stuff, Netflix and chill with extra dirty stuff, and even though we were together all the time, we never got sick of each other.  Just being near him was enough for me.  But apparently that ceased being enough for him.  He became really distant and moody and suspicious.  Our date nights have become non-existent and he has begun to dodge me in the halls.  The honeymoon phase has officially ended and I fear our relationship is heading down the same path.
What’s even weirder is he smells different.  I don’t mean he bought a new cologne or changed his laundry detergent, but his core scent has changed.  I mention this to Mason and he just frowns.
“Anyway, now that we’re on this topic, how are you guys?”  Although he says this lightly, there is an undertone of caring and concern.  I must sound crazy and obsessed.  “Why don’t you just ask Liam if you think there’s something off?”
I clear my throat and ride forward on the balls of my feet, trying to delay this conversation.  To busy myself, I unlock my locker and grab my books for my afternoon classes.
“Come on, I’m your best friend, tell me.”  He puts a hand on my wrist and I stop, feeling suddenly vulnerable and weak.
“I just- I mean, Liam tells you everything, right?  He would tell you if there was something going on?”
He frowns and tilts his head slightly, “Like what?”
“Mason, please tell me the truth.  Is he cheating on me?  I know something is off with him and I need to know what it is.”
His shoulders slump with… relief?  That must be the smell he is giving off.  “He’s not cheating on you.  How could you think that?  He loves you.  Trust me.  He never lets me forget it.”
“Then why the hell does he avoid me?  I haven’t seen him in weeks.  It’s like we aren’t even together anymore.  Maybe we should breaku-”
“-Stop.  Don’t think that way.  I’m telling you, he loves you.  He’s just… going through a tough time right now.  Maybe you could invite him over.  Have a movie night like the good old days.  He needs something normal in his life right now.”  Boy, I can relate.  Dammit, I hate when Mason’s right and he’s always right.  If I make Liam feel comfortable, maybe he will tell me what’s wrong and I can figure out what that smell is and why it makes my core blaze with a need to be defensive.
Popcorn?  Check.
M&Ms?  Check.
The Breakfast Club on DVD?  Check.
A huge mountain of pillows and blankets that feels like heaven?  Triple check.
My night and my living room are perfectly set up for Liam.  My boyfriend.  My boyfriend.  The boy I love.
Does repeating something make it more true?  I just want everything to return to the way it was before, so I am going to steer clear of the changes I’ve noticed and hopefully re-kindle all that Liam and I felt when we first met.  Lost in thought, I barely hear the doorbell ring and jump a little when Liam announces he is coming in.
“I’m in here!”  I prepare myself to see Liam in what feels like a lifetime.  The moment I see his big blue eyes, all suspicions and hesitations fade away.  I walk forward with my arms out and he meets me halfway.  For a few moments, we are a tangle of arms and whispers and I am completely happy again.  But then, that smell comes back.  Being a new werewolf, I still have trouble associating feelings to scents, but this is different.  It is more permanent and I feel the need to wolf-out, ready to fight.  I go against this with every fiber of my being and distract myself by popping in the movie and getting comfortable with the huge bowl of popcorn.
“Okay, I’ll just sit over here, then.”  Liam sits on the cold hardwood floor and fakes a disappointed expression.
“Shut up and get over here, baby blue.”  I giggle and pat the space next to me, satisfied with his new nickname.  I mean, it’s kind of perfect.
“Baby blue?  What the hell do you mean?”
I scoff and throw a few pieces of popcorn in his direction.  “Please, Liam, you know exactly what I mean.  You have baby blue eyes.”  I lower my voice for this part.  “You also act like a baby sometimes.”
“Oh, really?  I act like a baby.  Get over here, you little-”  He gets up and basically jumps on top of me, wiggling his fingers on my sides.  Thank God, he forgot my most ticklish spot.  I squirm to get away from him and he holds my arms above my head, slowly leaning his head down towards my neck and I start flailing around, trying to get away from him.  The crook of my neck is the point that, if touched, makes me instantly pee with laughter.  He starts pressing kisses there and I plead with him to let me go.  After a few minutes of torture and loud protests, he finally does.
I pant and try to calm my beating heart.  My sides ache from laughing so hard and my voice is scratchy.  I push his shoulder as he laughs at my disheveled state and say, “Thanks a lot, jerk.  Now I have-”  I am interrupted by his phone vibrating.  With an apologetic look, he grabs it off the coffee table and the screen lights up his face as he reads.  When he’s finished, he stands.
“Who is it?”  I say, lightly, hoping it’s his mom telling him to lock the door when he gets home.
“I can’t show you, but I have to go.”  I stand, angry that our night is being cancelled yet again.
“Liam, don’t do this.  I haven’t seen you in what feels like a lifetime.  We haven’t hung out like this in so long and things were finally returning to the way they used to be.  Why can’t it wait until tomorrow?”
He grabs his shoes and shoves his phone into his pocket.  “I’m sorry, but this is really important.  My friends need me.”
“And I don’t?”  I am silent as everything comes into focus.  His friends are his priority now.  They are his present.  “I’ve never been a clingy girlfriend, Liam, have I?”  I don’t wait for his response, but push forward through the anger.  "I am a great girlfriend, so I am justified in wanting a night that is uninterrupted by your friends.  I’ve never met these people, but they’re pretty rude for monopolizing all of your time.  Honestly?  I’m kind of sick of it.  You’ve already made your decision, so I’ll make it painless.  I don’t think we should see each other anymore.”  I feel a few tears tickle my cheeks and I wipe them, maintaining eye contact with those baby blues.
He is frozen for a few seconds before responding.  “Okay.  If that’s what you really want.”  He turns his back to me and begins walking to the front door.   I take in a sharp breath and whimper.
“That’s it, you’re not even going to fight?  You’re not going to defend yourself or explain what’s been going on?  I’ve noticed changes, Liam.  You aren’t the same boy I fell in love with because he would never leave without a fight.”
He turns back and says, “There are so many things I want to tell you, but it would be safer for me to be out of your life.  Just remember I love you.”
I silently follow him to the door and as he steps out, a cold breeze blows into the room.  I catch that scent again, the one that sparked my interest and suspicion in Liam in the first place.  It is so familiar.  I once again feel the need to fight to show my territory.  It’s as if Liam is a-
It dawns on me that this is what I’ve been smelling.  The reason I have become territorial and wary around him.  He is getting into his car and I yell his name, running for him.  Panting, I grab his hand.  “This is gonna sound crazy, but I know what you are.”
“What do you mean?”
“I knew there was something off about you.  There has been for a while and I couldn’t figure it out.  You were different, foreign and I- you were- it was…”
“What are you talking about?”
Words won’t do in this moment, so I decide to show, instead of tell.  I tilt my head down and attach myself to the passion and love I feel for the boy in front of me.  I cross my fingers and slowly look up, eyes blazing yellow.
He just smiles and his eyes change to mirror mine.
“I knew it,” I say.  “Werewolf.  You’re a werewolf like me.”
He lets out a quick laugh and opens his passenger door for me.  “I have some friends I want you to meet.”
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isaaclaheyimagine · 7 years
I was inspired by 6x03 aka Sundowning. I just took the party scene and changed a few things. 
All you heard was a scream from one of the party goers and you realized what was happening. The Ghost Riders have returned, and they were coming for you. You suddenly started looking around the room, trying to find Liam or Corey. The only thing you could see were people running around you, trying to escape the McCall household. “Liam!!” Y/N shouted, hoping he could hear you over the commotion.
“Y/N?! We’re in the kitchen!” Liam yelled back, with a tone of distress in his voice. You started to run past the people, trying to reach the kitchen. Then you saw one, the Ghost Rider was in the living room observing everyone run past. Then he saw you, you turned around and started running towards the stairs, letting out a loud scream.
“Y/N?!” Liam shouted, I could hear a few footsteps starting to run towards the living room. Suddenly you felt something wrap around your legs, then you felt a hard tug. Your whole body collided with the stairs, and your were being pulled down the stairs. You quickly grabbed one of the poles on the bannister and tried to buy yourself more time.
“Liam, please!” you cried out, the tears running down your face. It was it for you, this was gonna be your last moment. Then you felt the whip around your leg loosen. You looked down the steps and saw Liam being thrown into the wall by the Ghost Rider.
“Y/N, run!” Hayden shouted before trying to tackling the Ghost Rider, he just pushed her down into the ground. You quickly got up and ran up the stairs, you opened one of the doors and locked yourself inside. You started to panic, tears were running down your cheeks and you couldn’t control your breathing. Suddenly you heard the door knob start to violently shake.
“Liam?” you asked quietly, hoping the boy would reply. Nothing, the only thing that replied was someone trying to open the door knob. You started to frantically look for a way out. Then you saw the opened window. The door sounded as if it was about to be broken down and there was nothing else for you to do.
You climbed onto the window sill and looked down. It wasn’t that far of a jump, luckily it was on the second floor you thought to yourself. You saw flashing police lights and was hoping it would be Parrish in the car. You closed your eyes and jumped out the window, hoping for the best.
Your body heard the hard soil and started to get up. Agonizing pain ran through your body as you tried to lift yourself up. “Y/N?” Officer Parrish said as he got out of the police cruiser. He started to run towards you and lifted your body up.
“What happened?” He asked as he carried you to the car. You’re whole body hurt and you were so tired that you could barely reply.
“The others are inside still,” was the only thing you could whisper before falling asleep in his arms.
Author’s note: Wow I’m sorry that was really bad, I’m taking a creative writing class so hopefully that will help me get back into the groove of things. I honestly love writing I just have no motivation which really sucks.
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Y/N Hewitt had lived in Beacon Hills all her life. She gets perfect grades, had good friends, and pretty much a perfect life.
But things changed after an accident that killed her family. Now Y/N finds herself living with her cousin and going to a different school. When she met the blue eyes of her cousin’s best friend her life seemed the get better.
Now Y/N is getting bad nightmares, powers she can’t explain, all while being hunted by assassins. She finds herself joining the McCall pack with a certain blue-eyed boy and gets thrown into a whole world of supernatural. Along with all the problems that seemed to be piling on her, she discovers secrets about her past and parents.
Can Y/N uncover the truth or will it forever stay in the shadows?
This is the new series. I’m not very good at descriptions so it probably sucks. But I tried to get the main part in there for you guys. I’ve already started writing chapter 1 so it might be up earlier than planned but no promises.
You guys can probably already guess who her love interest will be but as a little spoiler, she will have a different love interest for season 5, and season 6a.
I hoped you guys are excited as much as I am. I think I will really enjoy writing this and I hope you guys will really enjoy reading this.
More on when it will be release soon to come. But for now, I leave you with this. I love you guys! And see you soon!
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beaconhills17 · 7 years
Pack Mom - Part 18
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Request//  In maybe the next part of the pack mom series can you include something really cute like Liam's upset or badly hurt and the reader comforts him and holds him in her lap and Talia sees her mom giving her big brother cuddles and kisses that she gets jealous and crawls out of Derek's lap over to her mom tugging on her saying 'mine' and Derek's laughing so he has Liam go to him and he has his arm around Liam in a cute comforting way and Talia goes to her dad doing the same saying "mine" Also like Liam snuggles into his mom and looks at Talia saying "mine" and the reader kisses Liam's cheek saying mine lovingly and Talia tugs on her mom and screams mom in a cute jealous way making everyone laugh so in the end Derek scoops her up into his big muscley arms kissing her adorably making her laugh saying mine and Talia clings to him and makes a face to the others like she's trying to make her mom and big brother jealous and they all just laugh at how adorable and silly she is
A/N// So I’m Going To Finish This Series Off. Especially For @allthingsteenwolf20
Part 1 Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10  Part 11 Part 12  Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
When I arrived home that evening it was silent. I had Talia on one arm sound asleep from the long day out we hand and shopping bags in my other hand. I placed Talia on the sofa then I went into the kitchen to place the bags down. As I started to put everything away, I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen.
“I missed you today,” Derek said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my temple hugging me tight.
“I missed you too” I replied spinning around and placing a soft kiss on his lips. Derek never let go of me and just kept hugging me.
“Is Liam home or did he go Mason’s?” I asked Derek as I hadn’t seen him since this morning. Derek let go and looked down at me.
“Yeah, he’s in his room” It wasn’t like Liam to stay in his room, he would also come and see me when I got in.
“Is he okay?” I asked worriedly
“Some kids at his school upset him. I went there and sorted them out, but he still seems pretty upset” Derek explained as more footprints entered the kitchen.
“Daddy!!!” Talia shouted holding her arms to her dad, Derek lifted her up and kissed her cheek as she snuggled into him leaning her head on his shoulder. t was the cutest thing ever.
“I will go and see Liam,” I told Derek as they both into the living room. 
“Good idea, I will put a film on,” Derek said sitting down and placing Talia on her lap as he started to look through Netflix's. I smiled as I left the room walking towards Liam’s room. The door was firmly shut. I walked up to it and knocked on.
“Liam can I come in please,” I asked as I only got and “Umm” back off him. When I went in he was lay on his bed faced away from him. I sat on his knee and pulled him over to my side and he cuddled into me. 
“You okay sweetheart?” I asked him as I kissed his forehead he shook his head in return.
“What happened baby, Derek said so kids upset you,” I asked him as I wrapped my arms around him.
“It’s stupid” Liam sighed
“Just tell me,” I told him
“Well-well I was telling Mason about Talia taking her first steps and I was really excited as I was proud of my baby sister and some other boys made fun of me” Liam explained to me. I smiled as he told me, he was proud of his little sister.
“Aww Liam. Ignore them. You're so much better than them! You should be proud of her, and you should be proud of yourself, you worked with her and your hard work paid off. I'm so proud of both of my babies" I said sweetly hugging him tight as he snuggled into me more. 
"Come on let's go and join your dad and Talia in the living room and see what film they are watching," I said sitting up and holding my hand out for Liam. He didn't hesitate to take it. When we both got to the living room, Talia was snuggle up to Derek sucking on her bottle watching Curious George. I pulled Liam over to the sofa and sat him on my lap and he snuggled into me. I wrapped my arms around him giving him lots of cuddles as I slightly rocked him and the odd times I placed a kiss on his head. 
Someone certainly didn’t like it. Talia looked away from the TV and over to us seeing that her big brother was getting lots of kisses and cuddles. She dropped her bottle and crawled of Derek’s lap and over to Liam and me. She got onto the sofa and grabbed my arm tugging it away from Liam. “Mine”. She said seeming jealous that Liam was getting all the attention from her mommy. Derek erupted in Laughter as he called Liam to go and sit with him, so Talia could he some cuddles of her mom. Liam got off my lap and was soon replaced with Talia as he went to sit next to Derek who put his arm around the young betas shoulder.
“You alright now,” Derek asked looking down at Liam. Liam looked him, smiled and nodded. But didn’t last too long as Talia went over to Derek pulling his arm. “Daddy mine” Liam laughed and just came back over to me and sat on my lap again, but saw Talia coming back over. He laughed and grabbed my arm looking down at Talia. “Mine,” He said. I burst out laughing as a kissed his cheek and at his cuteness. 
“Noooo” Talia screamed pulling on my arm to try and get me away from Liam, which only caused everyone to laugh at how adorable Talia was being. Derek got up from his space and scooped Talia up into his arms kissing her cheek over and over while saying “Mine...Mine...Mine” Making his little girl squeal with laughter, while Liam and I looked at their cuteness. Talia just managed to look at Liam and I and made a silly face causing us to laugh more at her silliness. 
Derek sat her on his lap and Talia put her hand on his chest and looked over to Liam. "Mine", And Liam grabbed my arm and Smiled at Talia. "Mine"
Derek and I both looked at each other and laughed. We had the cutest kids ever. We better save this moment because from now on everything is going to be so stressful with the wedding planning.
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imagineseclipse · 7 years
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Imagine- You and Stiles have to look out for Liam whilst Scott's busy. You and Stiles stood side by side. "I really don't think that i can deal with him right now"Stiles watched in horror as Hayden and Liam made out. They had just been reunited. "That's why Scott called me here"you answered Stiles as you also watched Hayden and Liam in horror. Stiles quickly rushed towards the two teenagers, tapping Liam continuously. "Okay now your finished swapping spit we actually have a town to save if you haven't noticed"Stiles shook his head. You popped out from behind Stiles. "What Stiles meant to say was that we have to go, so it's best if you say goodbye now"you said softly. The three of you wandered around the abandoned hospital, the ghost riders still had half the town captive. You also had to avoid Parrish, he was on a rampage and you knew crossing paths with him would be the worst thing to happen. You tiptoed down the corridor and jumped back when you felt the heat coming from Jordan's body. "He's there"you whispered over at Stiles, pressing your hand firmly on Liam's chest pushing him back against the wall. Stiles watched your actions and smiled. Scott trusted you and Stiles to protect Liam. Stiles reached into the room to grab the fire extinguisher as Parrish ran down the corridor. When he was close Stiles put out his hellhound fire and stood back. You could hear screaming from behind you. Quickly turning around to see if Liam was harmed. "Liam, you're fine?"Stiles watched as the young beta jumped up and down. Your eyebrows raised slightly as you dragged Liam and Stiles away from Parrish.
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princezukohere · 7 years
So I'm a headass and didn't realise what I was doing wrong sooooo if anyone sends me a request you can finally send it to me through an ask because I stupidly had them closed and thought they were open andddddddd
If you're ever having problems with your account ask @seaveyslut because LORD KNOWS I DEPEND ON HER (if you get my reference😏) and she basically saved the day because I'm so tired and I was confused.
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fandomtextimagines · 7 years
Yellow-eyed Betas and Foggy Windows
Liam Dunbar x Female!Beta!reader
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Author: T💕
Request: “Could you do a Liam imagine where Liam and the reader don’t like eachother since they’re both the new betas, but the actually start to like eachother. (Smut I guess😂)
 I rolled my eyes as I sat down on Derek’s couch. We had a pack meeting tonight to talk about whatever was reaking havoc in Becon Hills as of late.
 Derek came and sat next to me, pulling me into his side and kissing the top of my head.
 Now, I know that everyone thinks that Derek Hale and I are a thing, but he is actually more like my brother than anything. But that didn’t change the fact that I still smelled someone who was giving off a jealous sent when they walked through the door. I just couldn’t place who it was specifically because Scott, Lydia, Liam, and Isaac all came throgh the door at once.
 Derek got up and walked to the table and shook hands with Scott.
 Lydia waved to me and Liam rolled his eyes. I showed him just one of my fingers and he scoffed and looked away from me. I smirked triumphantly.
 Scott finished what he and Derek were talking about and turned to the rest of us.
 “So, Derek and I split everyone into groups. Lydia and Derek, Stiles and me, Jackson and Mason and Isaac, and Y/N and Liam.”
 Liam shot up. “Scott! What about what I told you?! You said you wouldn’t do that!”
 Scott smirked, “I know what I said.”
 “Greeeeat. I’ve got to deal with a child; just my luck.” I mumbled.
 “Y/N,” Derek said, “aren’t y’all the same age?”
 “Fuck you, wolf-boy.” I say.
 “You’re a werewolf too.”
 “I said fuck you!”
 The next night, Liam and I were sitting in my car, watching the section of the woods that we got assigned.
 Scott stopped by to bring us some snacks and water. “God, Y/N, couldn’t you have put on longer shorts?”
 I laughed. “Why? Am I distracting you?”
 Scott nudgged me and giggled. “I am not the one that you have to worry abou, but whatever.”
 I drew my eyebrows together. Scott started to the jeep where Stiles was. “My two betas better behave!”
 I rolled my eyes and waved as the two boys drove off to do whatever it was they needed to do for this mission.
 I looked and saw Liam sitting on the passanger side, his door open and his head in his hands. I put the stuff from Scott in my seat and walked to him. As much as him and I hate eachother, I needed to know that he was alright.
 I crouched in front of him and put my hands on his toned biceps. He looked at me.
 “You okay?” I asked him.
 Liam’s pupils were blown wide ans he was breathing shallow, but he nodded his head still.
 My hands fell to his knees. “Are you sure, Li?”
 I caught sent of something. I breathed deep and finally put a finger on what that smell was. Arousal. Liam clearly saw that I figured it out, because he sat back and looked down at me.
 “So,” Liam shifted, giving me a better view of the hard on that he had. “since you are the reason that I am so hard, are you going to fix it?”
 Liam’s voice had dropped a couple of octaves, and it really turned me on. I slid my hands up and down his thighs. I bit my lip and looked him in the eyes.
 “If you want me to…you just have to tell me what you want me to do.” I said.
 Liam s;ipped his right hand to the back of my head, pulling on my hair. I moaned and he smirked darkly.
 “I want you to take my cock in your mouth until I cum down your throat. Then you are going to let me fuck that little pussy of yours until you are screaming my name so loud that everyone knows exactly who I am when I’m finished with you.” His eyes glowed and I moaned a little.
 I didn’t even think twice before I undid Liam’s belt and jeans. I pulled his hard on out of his jeansl I gasped.
 “How can someone your age have a cock this big?!”
 He laughed. “Are you actually complaining about it?”
 I shook my head. “Absolutely not.”
 I started to stroke Liam’s cock, watching him watch me, his mouth open slightly.
 I took his cock in my mouth.
 I bobbed my head, taking as much of him in my mouth as I could, the tip of his cock brushing the back of my throat and his pre cum coating my tongue.
 Liam kept his hand on the back of my head, pushing it down a little more. I gagged around his dick and he moaned.
 “Oh, God, Y/N. Fuck, your mouth can definately work wonders. Fucking hell.”
 I squeezed his left thigh while I continued to suck him off. I drg my teeth softly over his cock, and he moaned out loudly. I sucked on Liam’s dick harder, until he gripped my hair tightly, almost painful, and shot his load down my throat.
 I wiped my mouth and loooked Liam in the eyes. “What was that second part that you said again?”
 “Get in the backseat. Now.” Liam growled.
 I practiacally sprinted to the backseat and slid to the door on the opposite side. I whimpered as Liam crawled into the car with a wild, animalistic look taking over any other visable emotion in his eyes.
 Liam shut the door behind him and licked his lips while he looked me up and down.
 I practically read his mind and took my shorts and sneakers off. Liam took his jeans off, and literally ripped my shirt off of my bodyl
 Liam didn’t waste any time diving between my thighs. He licked a single stripe up my pussy, sending jolts of pleasure through my body. My two hands flew to his messy brown hair and i gasped. Liam continued his oral assault on my clit and pussy lips. That boys tongue is magical, I swear it!
 My voice came out high-pitched. “Liam! Fuck!”
  Liam stopped eating me out and kissed the insides of my thighs. I moaned still.
  Liam sat up enough to line his cock head up with my entrance, and slammed into me.
  “Oh, Liam!” I screamed and clawed at his back.
  “You like that, baby? Huh? You like my cock dep in that pussy of yours?” He moaned in my ears.
  “Ha-harder.” I begged.
  Liam put one hand on my hip and the other on the window behind my head.
  His hips snapped harder and I could feel his cock hittin deep inside of me.
   I could do nothing but moan and gasp and scratch my fingers down his back.
  “Oh, fuck, Y/N, keep scratching my back like that, baby.” Liam said.
 I did like he said and drug my nails down his back again. Liam slammed his dick deep inside of me, causing so much pleasure I couldn’t see right.
   I could feel a pleasure knot in my stomach on the verge of exploding. I gripped Liam’s shoulders, digging my nails deep into his skin.
   “Li, I’m gonna-” My sentence was cut short by my orgasm.
   Liam came shortly after I did, roaring, literally, as he did. He stayed in his position until there was a knock on the window.
   “Get dressed so that I can rip you both to shreds for not following orders.” Scott growled at us.
   “So much for “hating” eachother.” Stiles giggled.
   “Shut it, Stilinski!” The three of us yelled at him.
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samdeancass · 3 years
Liam Dunbar Masterlist
Fluff - ❤️ Angst - 😢 Smut - 💋
Enemies First, Lovers Later  ❤
Werewolf Kink 💋
Perfect Kiss (coming soon)
Missing (coming soon)
Suprise Date (coming soon)
Helping Hand (coming soon)
Stay With Me (coming soon)
Overprotective Brother (coming soon)
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teenwolfhot · 7 years
I'm not choosing liam dunbar imagine part 1
Two boys two different personalities from each other and one thing they have in common is they love you " guys look I didn't expect this at all" Brett and liam looked at each other knowing this is hard for you but it was a common thing for Brett and liam to like the same thing or rather same girl " you know from the beginning it will eventually come to this" Brett speaking up " I agree with talbot" Brett and liam haven't seen eye to eye over the fact liam done something to the coach's car and what not
" I said I didn't expect to fall in love with two different guys" silence drew in " awwww (y/n) having a hard time choosing" it was lydia " guys could you give us a minute or two" looking at Scott, malia, lydia and stiles " sure we be right other here" as they walked to the side
" I don't know what to say this situation is completely......its... It's ahhhhhhh" frustrating is the answer that you could think of " you know choosing me is a good thing like I'm tall and handsome as for dunbar...." Brett looking at the boy " hey I have some boyfriend material" liam extended to mumbling rather
" okay... Okay... OKAY!!" they were arguing who's better at what " how about this why don't each of you take (y/n) on a date" stiles asking from behind " stilinksi shut up" while liam and brett was actually considering this thing
"you're considering it aren't you" couldn't believe these two " on one condition leading up to the dates no fighting no argument understand.... Plus only... And only both of you will have two weeks to plan a date understand two weeks"
It's been a week and liam was up first he hasn't plan anything he totally forgot about " trying to win your heart" he asked Mason, Corey even hayden which lead to lydia and Scott
He had no choice but to ask the one person who knew you all to well and that was allison Argent who's currently in France with Isaac
As the boy sits on the sofa the phone ringing and ringing till a woman like voice on the phone "hello..... Hello.... HOLLO" liam was about to put the phone down when " liam is that you?" allison sighed "what did Scott do now?" liam could hear the judgement on allison " nothing... Nothing... It's about my love life and the girl" allison was now intrigue
" why what's wrong?" allison getting comfortable liam explainining the whole situation
An hour gone by and liam was about to cut the conversation short when " I've got it how about this" liam was smiling but can he pull it off is the question
As Liam says his goodbyes and head on out he knew his in for shit as the phone bills arrived later on during the month phone calls are huge overseas
Meanwhile you weren't all to happy of the coming weeks " so I heard Brett is going all out for you" lydia sitting down while Kira and malia on the other end " yeah apparently his spending like $1000 on you" sighing the one person you wishing was completely different to the person they're discribing
" I don't know guys I feel like someone is going to get hurt"
Looking down on your book "listen don't worry and look on the bright side the harder they try the more you know who wants it" lydia was somewhat right
" anyways I hope no hard feelings" that's when stiles snorted " no hard feelings (y/n) like c'mon is not going to end well"
Looking at the blue sky hoping this tragic story is going to end with a happy ending
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princessbun-head · 7 years
Just A Shot
Requested?: Yes
This is a pack mom imagine
Could you do an Imagine were the reader is Scott's girlfriend and Scott and Liam have to get injections for werewolf reasons so Scott goes and picks Liam up then Liam gets really scared and upset as he doesn't want them and Scott calls Y/N and she comes and looks after Liam and let's him sit on her lap and cuddle him. Thank you xx
JESUS CHRIST YOU GUYS PROBABLY HATE ME I'M SOOOO SORRY. I apologize for being absent when it came to writing, I just hit a major writers block and didn't know how to get past it. Although that little drabble I wrote for Scott helped me a teeny bit. I'm seriously so sorry, guys. I didn't think my writers block would take so long. Plus, Watch Your Tongue Part 2 should be out sometime this week for those of you who liked it! Please enjoy xx
There was an injection that werewolves had to get to prevent them from getting rabies (or something like that, you weren’t too sure.) Derek recently found out about it and had told Scott that he needed to get it, along with Malia and Liam.
                Malia was fine with it, she was even down to do it then and there. The only problem was Liam, he was hesitant to get it done and
                “You’re going to get rabies if you don’t get the shot, Liam.” Scott argued.
                “Then let me get rabies, what’s the worst that could happen?”
                “You could die.”
                Liam was quiet for some time before quietly agreeing to the injection. Scott called Derek and told them that he, Liam, and Malia agreed to the injections and they’ll get them after school.
                Liam never really told Scott that he disliked needles because, well… it was never brought up. Who randomly decides to tell their pack mates that they’re afraid of needles when it’s not relevant to the situation?
                There were times when Liam felt okay enough to get the injection, and there were times when he was thinking about running away so he wouldn’t have to get them. That was childish of him, but he really hated needles.
                “Hey, you ready?” Scott asked as he came up behind Liam who was putting his books back into his locker.
                Liam cursed under his breath, stood up to face Scott and nodded.
                Scott smiled, and Malia showed up, her car keys in hand. “Are you guys ready or what?” She asked, clearly impatient. The alpha nodded and led Liam and Malia out the front doors of the school.
                During the car ride, it was evident that Liam was nervous. Scott and Malia could both smell it on him. It was overpowering at times, “Could you stop being nervous? It’s just a shot!”
                The younger boy was caught off guard, “W-what me? I’m not scared.” He smiled, trying to play it off, but him bouncing his leg gave him away.
                “You’re shaking your leg,” Scott mentioned, a small smile on his face. “Liam, there’s nothing to be scared of, it’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.”
                “I’m not nervous!”
                “I can hear your heartbeat.”
                “Your nervousness is stinking my car up.”
                Liam looked down at his hands in embarrassment, his cheeks heating up. He mumbled something along the lines of, “Okay, I guess I’m nervous.”
                Malia scoffed, one hand leaving the steering wheel to make a point. Scott found it alarming and put his hand on the wheel while she made her point, “It’s just a shot, don’t be such a baby.” Her hand returned to the wheel. “You were thrown at a building last week and you’re afraid of being stuck with a needle?”
                “That’s different.” He grumbled, turning his attention to the car window where he looked at the scenery.
                The car finally stopped at animal clinic where Scott worked. All three teens got out and Scott led them to the side door that the employees use.
                As they entered, Liam saw three needles sitting on the counter. His heart rate went up as he tried to calm it down, his hands were getting sweaty and he wiped them on the front of his jeans.
                Deaton turned away from what he was doing and faced the three teens in front of him. “Who is going first?” He clapped his hands together, glancing at each one of them.
                Liam looked from the needles to Deaton and back again. He was sure he was going to faint, but held himself together.
                “I’ll do it.” Malia raised her hand and Deaton motioned towards the counter. She hopped up on it gracefully an stuck her arm out.    
                As Deaton was cleaning her arm, he explained, “This is basically a rabies shot that dogs get. Unlike dogs, you only need this shot one time.”
                “Are you saying we need the shots that dogs get?” Malia asked.
                “No,” He said, sticking the needle into her upper arm. Not a flinch what-so-ever. “This is the only ‘dog shot’ you’d need.” He took out the needle after injecting her and threw it in the sharps container. “Next?”
                Scott decided to take one for the team and got on the counter, removing his lacrosse hoodie in the process. Deaton cleaned his arm and stuck Scott with the needle, injected the vaccine and threw the needle in the sharps container. He put his hoodie back on and told Liam, “Really, it’s nothing to worry about.” He assured. “It doesn’t even hurt.”
                Even though he felt like he was being a baby, Liam said that he didn’t want to. Malia, Scott, and Deaton assured him that it was basically painless, the only pain that would happen is if he tensed up. Again, he said no.
                Liam excused himself to the bathroom, while he was in the bathroom, Scott and Malia discussed how to go about Liam getting the shot.
                “I can hold him down?” Malia suggested.
                “No. He’ll get out.”
                “We can knock him out?”
                “I am not knocking him out.”     
                Malia was clearly out of ideas at this point and stayed quiet until the lightbulb lit up in her head, “We can call (Y/N)!”
                Scott was taken back at first because he wasn’t sure why he didn’t think of you first. You were his girlfriend, but Liam had mentioned that you felt like a mother to him in a way. (Stiles thinks you baby him too much but that’s beyond the point.)
                He got out his phone and dialed your number, you picked up after two rings and Scott explained the situation to you. You agreed to meet at the animal clinic.
                Liam came back from the bathroom and Scott told him to sit on the counter. “Only if you promise to give it to me when I’m ready.” He said to Scott and Deaton. Both agreed and he hesitantly got up on the counter.
                Ten minutes passed and Scott’s phone dinged with a text message. He checked his phone and excused himself. A minute later, he came back with (Y/N), Liam’s face lit up.
                “So, I heard you won’t let them give you a shot?” You asked, making your way to Liam. “Why?”
                Liam shrugged, his eyes moved to the ground, embarrassed. “Because shots hurt.” He mumbled.
                You smiled and playfully rolled your eyes, you now reached Liam. “Shots don’t hurt, sweetheart.” You rubbed his arms in a comforting way. “Not if you don’t tense up, at least.”
                He still looked unsure and stared at you with his puppy eyes.
                “Liam, you need this shot.” You pleaded with him, when you saw that he wasn’t budging, you hopped up onto the counter next to him. “Hug me.”
                “You heard me… Hug me.” You told Liam who quickly wrapped his arms around your body. “Now get comfortable because you’re going to get this shot.”
                He had a hard time getting relaxed at first, until you made him breathe with you while you gently played with his hair. In… and out… In… and out. When you felt like he properly relaxed, you nodded to Deaton. He gently grabbed Liam’s arm while you kept a gentle hold on his head.
                Liam jumped a tiny bit when Deaton was cleaning his arm with a alcohol pad, you continued to keep him calm, whispering what Deaton was doing so he wouldn’t be surprised or anything.
                Deaton was readying the needle, “Okay, deep breath in.” You quickly, but quietly said. Liam obeyed, “and let the air out.” You said, he exhaled and Deaton stuck him with the needle. Exhaling had pre occupied him so he didn’t feel the stick.
                The shot was finally over and Deaton threw away the needle in the sharps container, applauding Liam for a job well done.
                “Why are we applauding him for acting like a baby?” Malia asked, mainly to herself, but clapped anyway.
                You smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder, “See, Liam. I knew you could do it. Needles are nothing to be scared of!”
                Both you and Liam got off the counter while Scott came up to both of you. “Next time we need a different shot, I’m sure you can do it on your own.” He joked while putting an arm around your waist. You nudged Scott, telling him not to be teasing Liam like that.
                “Yeah,” Liam laughed, as he was laughing, his head started to shake his head no. “No.” He smiled joyfully and walked out of the office.
                “At least he was honest.” Malia shrugged, following him out.
sorry that sucked lmao
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bvttaflys-blog · 7 years
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