#lexi branson imagine
vampirerosearin · 2 years
Happiness Leads to Sadness (Chapter 13)
Book Title: Widowed Willow Warnings: Lexi dies, Amari's feelings get hurt, Stefan cries, and Amari is so freaking awkward DO NOT REPOST MY CONTENT! YOU MAY REBLOG BUT DON'T REPOST!!! Story Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part
Now at the Salvatore boarding house, Amari trails after Elena with a whine, “Why did I have to come with you?” 
“It’s kind of weird between me and Stefan, I can leave when you leave,” The younger brunette grinned at her friend, laughing when she saw the glare Amari sent her. The pair walked to the front door and knocked on the door, but no one answered. Amari stepped forward muttering about not wanting to use something, she pulled out a key and unlocked the door.
“Who are you?”
The girls shouted, turning towards the voice and seeing a blonde girl in a towel. The woman was frowning as she glanced between the girls,  her eyes widening in shock as she muttered, “Oh my, uh, who?” 
“Amari and Elena, uh-” The taller teen introduced, before taking a step forward and pointing at the blonde in a towel, “who the hell are you?”
The woman nodded in acknowledgment, looking the girl up and down. She was gorgeous and looked just like the woman in the picture Stefan showed her. She shook her head before looking the girl in the eyes, “I’m Lexi, a friend of Stefan’s.”
“Is he here?” Elena blurted as she glanced towards the stairs with her arms crossed, glancing over at Amari’s hurt face. The blonde nodded turning slightly to point over her shoulder, “He’s in the shower, you guys wanna wait on him?” She asked, a small smile on her face.
“No, but thanks,“ Elena sighed, placing her hand on Amari’s arm and guiding her towards the door. Lexi frowned waving goodbye and whispering, “I’ll tell him you stopped by.”
Stopping at the truck, Elena opened the door, glancing back at Amari when she sat in the back seat. She frowned in sympathy, reaching back to place her hand on her knee in comfort, “You okay?” 
Quickly whipping her face, Amari looks up with a small smile, ‘I’m fine, it’s just like when you and him started dating, I’ll get over it.” 
“Why the hell are you even throwing a party anyway?” 
Amari stomped in the living room with a bag of sour patch kids, already half empty. Caroline, whom Amari is on the phone with, pauses in wonder before answering, “I don’t know, I just thought it would be fun?”
“Fine, whatever, I’ll be there, I gotta go.,” Amari sighs, she hears a knock on the door and hangs up after hearing Caroline say goodbye. She trudges towards the door with Elena trailing behind her, their eyes widen seeing Stefan at the door.
“No,” Amari slams the door shut before turning into Elena, who gives her an unimpressed look. Turning Amari around, Elena reaches around her and opens it again. She glares at Stefan over Amari’s shoulder, “Why are you here?”
The dirty blond sighed, tilting his head at Amari, “Lexi said you girls stopped by and the pretty tall girl seemed upset.” 
Elena looked down in confusion before looking up again, “Right, I’m gonna go get ready while you have this conversation. Shout if you need me.” Turning, Elena dashes up the stairs and into her room.
“Lexi, cute girl in the towel?” Amari leans against the doorframe, “I know we aren’t dating but really? Honestly, I can’t even be mad 'cause I’d hit that.”
Amari gives a small grin at Stefan’s confusion, before jumping and almost falling when Stefan shouts, “No, not like that! Gah, no. She’s not exactly a girl. Lexi is, um, she’s 350 years old.”
“Well she’s old-” Amari gapes, slamming her hands over her mouth in regret. Glaring at Stefan when he laughs, “I meant, so she’s a vampire?”
“Yes, one of my oldest friends,” Stefan snickered, glancing down before looking into Amari’s eyes. “She said she might’ve freaked you and Elena out with her staring but I think it’s ‘cause of how much I talk about you guys.” 
Amari stared at him, letting the silence creep in before breaking it with a grin. “I had a dream last night, think it was more of a flashback but whatever. It’s an important date today, but I can’t seem to remember what it is.-” She looks down at her phone seeing Caroline’s text of ‘Get here soon or I’m coming to get you’. 
She looks up at Stefan seeing a strange look, “-I know it ties to you, and I’ll tell you at the party.”
Entering the Mystic Grill, Amari sends Elena off to get drinks before looking around for her blonde lady friend. She hears what she knows is the end of a conversation Damon is having, “You are the only stupid thing here, and useless, and shallow.”
She watches him turn away from Caroline before following after him, “You’ve got some nerve, I told you to stay the hell away from Caroline.” Damon turns in surprise, before giving the teen he grins at her, “As far as I know, all you can do is give me a headache, what could you possibly do that will get me to stop?” 
She smiles at him, before leaning in and whispering in his ear. Lexi, who was dancing with Stefan, sees the color drain from his face, “I like her, she’s got spunk.” Stefan smiles as he stares at her, lost in thought, “Yeah, she’s amazing, isn’t she?”
“You like her.”
“Don’t be stupid, Me and her best friend are, or were, dating,” Stefan scoffs, laughing in mock while shaking his head. Lexi raises her eyebrows with a grin, “I think the best friend has moved on and is plotting to get you two together as well.” 
She points over at Elena, who’s sitting on Aiden's lap. The two of them are whispering to each other, staring at Amari and Damon before pointing at Stefan and Lexi. Stefan shrugs, turning and walking towards the pool table, “We’re just friends.”
“I thought we were starting something,” Damon follows after Amari leaning against the bar next to her with a smirk. She raises her brows at him before glancing over at Stefan and Lexi. Damon gasps with mockery, “Stefan? Smiling? Hell’s frozen over.” 
“Tiger,” Amari scoffs, clearing her throat before glancing between the pair and Damon, “He hasn’t really had a reason to smile in a while.
“We’re on nicknames now?” Damon asked, smirking at her before frowning when she glares at him. “What’d I do now?”
“Jeremy’s acting weird, you have one chance to tell me the truth.” Amari grabbed his wrist, squeezing lightly but slightly grinning at the groan of pain from Damon. “What’d you do?”
“I did what she asked, compelled his suffering away.” Groaning, Damon grabbed Amari’s wrist when she squeezed tighter. “All of it, fangs, drugs, lack of motivation.”
Letting him go, Amari sighed looking around before glancing at Damon. He reached forward, ruffling her hair and stepping away before she could punch him. “Trust me, Mars, I did what she asked.”
Walking over to Stefan and Lexi, Amari huffs leaning against the bar next to them. She leaned onto Stefan, smiling at Lexi over his shoulder. “I finally figured it out.”
She kissed his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him back towards her. “Happy Birthday Bambi!”
Lexi’s loud laugh breaks Stefan from his daze, she reaches forward sandwiching Stefan between the two girls. “Happy Birthday Steffie!”
He groans in fake annoyance trying to shove Lexi off him, “Move! You’ll spill your drink.” 
Lexi sits back staring at the pair in front of her, she grins when Amari looks up from playing with Stefan’s hands. “So, Amari, who are you?”
“Uh,” Glancing at each other, Amari and Stefan grin before looking back at Lexi. She smirks when the taller girl smiles at her, “Well, sweetheart, can I call you that?”
Lexi nods, tilting her head when Stefan pulls Amari in front of him. Amari sighs leaning against the bar between them, “Um, I’m Amari Taylor. An older friend of the M.F Gang. Take that however you please, I don’t care. I’m an orphan living with my best friend’s family.”
Lexi smiled in sympathy before glancing between her best friend and new friend, “What are you to Stefan?”
“A friend at the moment,” Amari chuckles. Lexi shoots out of her chair pointing between the two, “You said at the moment! You said it!”
Ignoring her, Amari grabs both of their arms and pulls them towards a pool table, “Teach me.”
Stefan’s brow furrows in confusion, he’d seen her play and win against Matt, Tyler, Aiden, and Michelle. Lexi gapes at the dark-skinned teen, “Stefan was bragging about you winning against everyone, even Michelle!”
Amari plays with her fingers, glancing around before whispering under her breath, “You’ve seen me trick people, I don’t genuinely know how to play pool.”
After a moment, Lexi snorts and pats Stefan on the shoulder who is failing at stifling his chuckles. “Teach her how to play, I’m gonna go get us some bourbon on something.”
Once Lexi’s out of sight, Stefan glances over at Amari holding the pool stick with a sheepish smile. “I wasn’t lying, I really don’t know how to play pool without cheating.”
“Come on,” Stefan walks behind her, placing his hands on her hips he presses lightly on her back making her bend slightly with him following. Getting her in place, he leans over her shoulder, “Go,” Amari uses the stick and hits two balls into a hole. 
“We did it,” She exclaimed, smiling as she spun around to hug Stefan. He grins, wrapping his arms around her waist, “You did it.” They both looked over at Lexi, who came back with only one drink.
“I drank yours, Stefan. Here Mari,” She chuckled, handing a laughing Amari her drink. Stefan grinned at Lexi in appreciation, “Thank you.”
“You weren’t supposed to be listening,” Lexi said mockingly glaring at Stefan before turning to Amari, “How’d you do?”
“I think eventually I’ll be able to win without cheating,” Amari spoke with a chesire grin, chuckling when Lexi shook her head. “How do you even cheat at pool?”
“I’ll show you sometime,” Amari promised, shrugging her shoulders and watching a giddy Lexi walk away. Turning to Stefan, who was watching her with a smile, Amari opened her mouth to ask something but stopped when she saw Elena. She reached for a pool stick, smiling at Stefan, “Hey.”
"I'm gonna go," Amari quickly spoke up, before walking past her shorter friend, ignoring Stefan calling out to her. Bumping into multiple people in an attempt to find Bonnie, Caroline, Lexi, or even Damon. Finally, she saw a familiar blonde teen sitting and talking with Matt. Running over and making it just in time to catch a falling Caroline, “Mari, you beautiful baby!”
“Thanks, drunk Caroline,” The dark-skinned teen huffed, picking her up bridal style and handing her over to Matt. She sighed as she smoothed the blonde’s hair to her face, before looking at Matt, “Take her home, make sure she gets to bed. No funny business.”
"Okay," Matt gave her a nod and smiled a small smile at her as he walked past. Waving bye to a whining Caroline, Amari turned once they were out of sight. She froze, her mind reeling and her vision blurry. Lexi…. Help…. Branson. Yanking out her phone she texts Stefan while running outside.
Lexi, Help, Outside
Now outside she heard gunshots and the door behind her slamming open. She rounded the corner with, who she presumed to be, Stefan and Elena following her. They see Lexi walking towards Sherrif Forbes, not even flinching at the wooden bullets piercing her. With a blur and a flash, Damon appeared out of nowhere and stabbed Lexi in the heart with a wooden stake. 
“...part of the plan.”
She heard Elena gasp and a sob before she was pushed against a wall, Stefan holding her and shushing her as they all stared in horror. It took her a moment to realize the sob was from herself. She may have been new to the supernatural world, but she knew wood to the heart meant death for a vampire.
"Oh, my God," Stefan whispered, tears gathering in his eyes as Amari slowly took his hand off her mouth, holding it to her chest, and leaned over to look at Damon, who pushed the stake deeper into Lexi's heart. The small group watched as Lexi’s body desiccated and fell to the floor. She was dead.
Lexi was unique, and Amari was glad she got to be her friend, even if it was for just a few minutes. She felt they could’ve been best friends, but she was gone.
───────few minutes later───────
“Stefan,” Elena whispered as she and Amari chased after him, “Stefan!” She called again, grabbing his arm only for him to shove her off him into the arms of Amari. 
“He, he killed her, he killed Zach, Tanner, he turned Vicki. I-” He turned, glancing between them before turning back to walk away. “I have to kill him.
“You can’t do that,” The younger brunette followed him, stopping when Stefan spun around in anger. Amari stood to the side, glancing around and occasionally glancing at the broken-up couple before quickly looking away.
“Why are you trying to save him? Elena, he won’t change! He will never change,” The blond cried, beginning to walk away again with Elena chasing after him, Amari kind of wondering after the pair. Elena huffed clutching his arm again to spin him around, “I’m not trying to save him, I’m saving you.”
“Everywhere I go, pain and death follow, Damon follows.” Stefan shook his head, looking down before looking back up at her. “No more.”
“Stefan, Stefan please, just listen to me,” Elena grabbed his arm again, “Let me be here for you.”
He shook his head, shrugging her off him and waving her off. Staring after him for a second, Elena walked away and into the Grill. Watching Elena walk away, Amari spun around and jogged after Stefan in hopes of catching up to him. After running for a minute, and stopping for a few seconds to breathe, Amari saw him and sped up. “Stef!”
“Bambi, wait, you gotta make this easy for me,” She called, out of breath but still chasing after him. She was more so hopping from one foot to the other than running, but she was trying.
“No!” He roared, spinning around and making Amari slip backward onto her butt. She looked up at him, seeing the pain and tears with a hint of regret for causing her to fall. Standing up and wiping her butt, she slowly walks toward him. Noticing him not walking away, she wraps an arm around his waist and the other around his neck tugging him towards her.
He crumbled, his breath leaving in shaky huffs as he buried his face in her neck. His hands reached up to cling to her back as he cried harder. Amari resisted the urge to pat his back, and instead played with his hair.
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freddieslater · 1 year
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Bonnie Bennett x Lexi Branson (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by anonymous
There's a quiet thunk from the other side of the room. Bonnie startles and spins around in her chair, only to sigh in relief when she realizes it's not a traveller or any other enemy coming to bother her. Just a ghost.
Lexi appears just as startled. She stares down at the book now on the floor by Bonnie's bed, then lifts her wide eyes to meet Bonnie's frown.
'It's getting worse,' Lexi says with a note of urgency. She steps closer as Bonnie turns back around with another sigh. 'I can touch things now, Bonnie. Move things. How much worse is this going to get?'
She doesn't want to answer that. Her mind gets stuck on part of what she said. That she can touch things now. It takes all of her self-restraint to bite her tongue and not ask the thing she wants to ask.
'I know,' she says in response to the first part. 'I'm trying to fix it.'
There's silence. It's deafening. Suffocating. It smothers Bonnie, getting into her lungs and her head, and she feels like she's about to explode with the hopeless statement full of false promises and lies.
When she glances back at Lexi to see if she's gone, she finds her hesitating with an outstretched hand. Bonnie's breath catches but she nods shakily for her to try.
The fear of it not working radiates off of both of them, filling the air with a pulsing beat. Bonnie wants to grab her hand herself.
Closing her eyes, Lexi exhales with a breathless smile as Bonnie deflates with further relief. She swallows, then places her hand on top of Lexi's and carefully takes it between both of her own.
Lexi looks down at her with wide eyes once more. 'I've wanted to be able to touch someone... to feel another person for... so long.'
Bonnie holds her tighter. Assuring her with a steady nod.
The longer that they both stare, the more their smiles slip. The realization sinks in and it's harder to find the sliver of joy in the collision between their planes.
'That's not... good, is it?' Lexi says quietly.
Bonnie smiles sadly at her. 'No. I don't think it is.' Then she takes a deep breath. 'But for now, it's okay to be happy about it. I would too if I hadn't had any physical contact for as long as you have.'
Bonnie smiles sadly at her. 'No. I don't think it is.' Then she takes a deep breath. 'But for now, it's okay to be happy about it. I would too if I hadn't had any physical contact for as long as you have.'
Lexi nods jerkily. She sits on the empty space on Bonnie's desk, keeping hold of one of her hands. Bonnie doesn't mind, just goes back to what she was doing, which happened to be trying to find any way to stop the collapse of the Other Side.
They stay like that for a while. Neither of them speaks. When Bonnie glances up at Lexi, she finds her with her head resting again the wall but her eyes open, watching her in silence. They share a small smile, then Bonnie lowers her gaze again, gently rubbing the back of Lexi's hand with her other, reminding her that it's real.
There is nothing. They are all alone.
It's an overwhelmingly lonely thought and it makes Bonnie's breath catch and her eyes sting. She buries her face in her hands with a deep noise like a whimper, then buries them in her knees as she pulls them close to her body.
For the first time since they got to this... prison. This Other World. She feels hopeless. She had staved off the feeling for as long as possible with unshakeable optimism, clinging desperately to hope and all of the ways in which the universe has turned around for her before.
Not right now. It's maybe three in the morning and she's tired. Exhausted, actually. Of being hopeful. Of repeating this stupid day over and over again. Of only seeing two other people. Of being here.
She wants to just cry it all out until she falls asleep, and then maybe, maybe, she'll wake up and she'll be home. Back in her own world by some miraculous intervention.
There's a soft knock on the door. Bonnie doesn't respond, expecting them to go away. Instead, she hears the click of it opening, followed by a gentle sigh. The old Salvatore House floorboards creak lightly.
It's definitely not Damon. If it were, he would've said something snarky by now. He would've probably flung the door open and waltzed in.
Lexi sits beside her on the bed. Her hand sits on Bonnie's knee, and another strokes the back of her head.
'It's okay to cry,' she tells her softly. 'This sucks, right?'
For some reason, a laugh bubbles in Bonnie's throat.
'Trust me, I definitely would not have chosen to get stuck with Damon Salvatore. I would've let the Other Side drag me to hell if I'd known I'd be stuck with him for all of eternity.'
Bonnie hums her agreement, sniffles, and turns her head to look up at her. She attempts to smile back at Lexi, who tilts her head with a sympathetic sort of look.
'It doesn't have to suck, though,' she continues, shaking her head. 'We can make the best of it. Think about it, Bonnie. We have a whole world to ourselves. No barriers. No borders. We could go literally anywhere without it costing a single dollar. You ever wanted to travel?'
Truth be told, she has. She nods.
'Where have you always wanted to go?' Lexi asks.
Bonnie sniffs again, wiping away a stray tear before resting her cheek in her hand. 'Don't judge me, but... Paris.'
Lexi grins. 'Great choice. It's beautiful. So, let's go.'
Bonnie's smile slips away and she shakes her head. 'It's not that simple. We need to find a way back. And what if we leave here, then someone on the other side finds a way to get us out, but they can't find us?'
A fragile silence falls between them as they look at each other. They both know that it's a quickly crumbling hope built on already broken ground. They're not getting out. No one is looking for them. No one will find them.
Tears threaten to fall again but she blinks quickly, refusing to let them win. Rubbing her eyes roughly, she looks away as Lexi sighs softly.
'Bonnie... I don't think we're ever getting out of here. Maybe there is a way, I don't know, but I don't think we're going to find it just... waiting here miserably.'
'And we would in Paris?' Bonnie says, half-bitter, half-joking.
Lexi shrugs. 'Maybe. Maybe not. But at least we'd have fun. And, bright side, we'd be away from our third musketeer. God, wouldn't you love a week without hearing him singing in the morning? Without his constant complaining? You could even get a full night's sleep without his snoring.'
Bonnie laughs again. Why is she actually tempted? Maybe Lexi has a point. Maybe this is her chance to just... give in to what the universe has thrown at her and she might actually get something out of it for once. A little bit of fun. Like dancing in the rain. Find the good in the bad.
She takes a deep breath, then says, 'Can I think about it?'
Lexi smiles softly and nods. She pats his knee. 'Of course. Think of Paris. And French pastries.' She gets off of the bed to leave. 'Think about whatever will make you happy, Bonnie.'
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vampyredefender-a · 10 months
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              ❝  the love of my life was human. he went through what i imagine you’re going through: denial, anger, et cetera. but at the end of the day ⸺   love really did conquer all. ❞
name . . . . alexia branson nicknames . . . . lexi age . . . .21/350+ sexuality . . . .bisexual date of birth . . . .5/5/1659 place of birth . . .plymouth, massachusetts gender . . . .cis-female pronouns . . . .she/her current location . . . .beacon hills languages . . . .english, french, german, greek and russian
zodiac . . . .taurus bad habits . . . .talks to herself, overprotective hobbies . . . .dancing, fears . . .loosing the ones she loves
faceclaim . . . .madelyn cline height . . . .5'5 hair colour . . . .blonde eye colour. . . .hazel scars . . . .scar on her chest where she was staked by damon
parents names . . .martha and alexander branson (deceased) parents relationship . . . .married siblings names . . . .edward branson (younger brother, deceased) pets . . . .none. income . . .none. residence . . . .none.
Alexia Branson was born to what was known as a modest life in the 1600′s. Despite her age, the woman never took a husband, instead focusing her attentions on her younger brother. After the unexpected death of their parents the female was sought out by many men, her attractive looks and well spoken manners a desirable trait. However, she refused them all, spending her time raising her sibling. It was a difficult life, and the hardships were beginning to take their toll. At the age of twenty one she knew she was dying, the fever and pains in her body causing agony as she attempted to continue taking care of her brother. 
It was a dark night when one of her suitors came to her door, promising her that he could help heal her. To keep her forever young, so she would have the ability to care for her sibling. In her fevered state she couldn’t help but agree, the blood and fangs seemingly a hallucination as she passed out into the darkness. 
It was only upon awakening that she realised what she’d become. A creature of the devil, cravings of blood, of violence filling her entire being, a creature that could no longer go out in the sunlight. She was bound to the night, for the entireity of her life. But it didn’t matter to her, as long as she could look after her brother. He was but a child, only five, and he needed her. Isolated in her home, her suitor, and now her sire remained in their company, teaching her how to control her urges whilst she taught her brother how to survive in the world. 
But as the years passed the village became suspicious of Alexia, the woman who would only appear at night, and had seemingly not aged in over ten years, and the man that accompanied her. They accused her of witchcraft, and in the middle of the night set the Branson’s home ablaze, with the three of them inside. 
Both her sire and Alexia managed to escape, but her brother was not so lucky, perishing inside their home. The brutal and cruel death of her brother was too much for the vampire, her emotions wild and uncontrollable. It took her sires influence to stop her from walking out into the sunlight to join her family. Instead he told her of a way for the pain to stop, to turn off her emotions and take revenge on the town that had ruined her home.
The next nightfall the young vampire killed each and every single member of the town, leaving no survivors.
For years the two travelled together, relishing in blood lust and hedonism that was frowned upon in that age. It was after massacring yet another village 35 years later that their partnership came to an end. It was as she came upon her sire in one of the homes, adult bodies dead on the floor that she saw what was nearby. Three babies, crying and wailing in their cribs. Innocent, crying, hungry and scared. It was something that sparked her humanity, her instinct to care for the children enough to turn her humanity back on. The three babies were a challenge, but the guilt that gnawed inside her from the murder of their parents left her feeling a duty to protect these three babies. It was one night after they’d taken the three that her sire vanished, leaving her alone with the children.
Percy, Buxton and Hugo were a handful, but they started a new life in a new village, far away from the one they’d all been born in. Alexia was a patient mother, teaching them of her true nature but swearing them to secrecy. The four eventually began to run a butchers in the town, giving Alexia the chance to feed off of the animal blood to avoid suspicion.
When the three children came of an acceptable age Alexia offered them the same thing that she’d been promised, immortality. All three of them were turned that night, and with a kiss to each of them they parted ways, all ready to try and make their way on their own.
There was a longing for repentance in the woman, finding ways to make up for the years without her humanity. Spending her days as a nurse, she crossed paths with other vampires, some lost, some needing help. It has left her with hundreds of vampires and witches around the world as her friends. 
But after Damon staked her, Lexi found herself watching over her closest friend Stefan Salvatore, ensuring that she could do all she could from the other side. When he eventually crossed over the two reunited - and now that Stefan has taken the chance to be alive again, she has also returned, wanting to remain by his side.
stefan salvatore: lexi's best friend. the two have been through everything together since she found him in a ripper-like state. lexi taught him how to control his urges, and continued to support him in life and love. he's currently returned to life as a human, and using his money bought a house that he allowed her entrance to. she's currently his roommate, and very concerned over his mortality.
kol mikaelson: her sire, the first man she ever loved. she thought he abandoned her, something that filled her with both rage and sorrow. what she didn’t know was that his siblings had tracked him through the reports of bloodshed, and daggered him for his dangerous actions.
carlisle cullen: an ex-boyfriend. the two met while her children were still young whilst she worked as a nurse and he a doctor. the two were quick to bond, and his kindness helped her through difficult times. the two parted ways when the Spanish flu struck - lexi, fearing for her boys chose a less dangerous career, whilst carlisle left to help the masses. the two split amicably, and are friendly to this day.
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vampyredefender · 4 months
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              ❝  the love of my life was human. he went through what i imagine you’re going through: denial, anger, et cetera. but at the end of the day ⸺   love really did conquer all. ❞
𝐈 . . . 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ! name . . . . alexia branson nicknames . . . . lexi age . . . .21/350+ sexuality . . . .bisexual date of birth . . . .5/5/1659 place of birth . . .plymouth, massachusetts gender . . . .cis-female pronouns . . . .she/her languages . . . .english, french, german, greek and russian
zodiac . . . .taurus positive traits . . . .loyal, selfless, devoted negative traits . . . . stubborn, impulsive, childish hobbies . . . .dancing, gigs, keeping stefan salvatore out of trouble fears . . .her loved ones loosing control of themselves
faceclaim . . . .madelyn cline height . . . .5'5 hair colour . . . .blonde eye colour. . . .hazel scars . . . .scar on her chest where she was staked by damon
parents names . . .martha and alexander branson (deceased) parents relationship . . . .married siblings names . . . .edward branson (younger brother, deceased)
alexia branson was born to what was known as a modest life in the 1600′s. despite her age, the woman never took a husband, instead focusing her attentions on her younger brother. after the unexpected death of their parents the female was sought out by many men, her attractive looks and well-spoken manners a desirable trait. however, she refused them all, spending her time raising her sibling. it was a difficult life, and the hardships were beginning to take their toll. at the age of twenty-one she knew she was dying, the fever and pains in her body causing agony as she attempted to continue taking care of her brother.
it was a dark night when one of her suitors came to her door, promising her that he could help heal her. to keep her forever young, so she would have the ability to care for her sibling. in her fevered state she couldn’t help but agree, the blood and fangs seemingly a hallucination as she passed out into the darkness.
it was only upon awakening that she realized what she’d become. a creature of the devil, cravings of blood, of violence filling her entire being, a creature that could no longer go out in the sunlight. she was bound to the night, for the entirety of her life. but it didn’t matter to her, as long as she could look after her brother. he was but a child, only five, and he needed her. isolated in her home, her suitor, and now her sire remained in their company, teaching her how to control her urges whilst she taught her brother how to survive in the world.
but as the years passed the village became suspicious of alexia, the woman who would only appear at night, and had seemingly not aged in over ten years, and the man that accompanied her. they accused her of witchcraft, and in the middle of the night set the branson’s home ablaze, with the three of them inside.
both her sire and alexia managed to escape, but her brother was not so lucky, perishing inside their home. the brutal and cruel death of her brother was too much for the vampire, her emotions wild and uncontrollable. it took her sires influence to stop her from walking out into the sunlight to join her family. instead, he told her of a way for the pain to stop, to turn off her emotions and take revenge on the town that had ruined her home.
the next nightfall the young vampire killed each and every single member of the town, leaving no survivors.
for years the two travelled together, relishing in blood lust and hedonism that was frowned upon in that age. it was after massacring yet another village 35 years later that their partnership came to an end. it was as she came upon her sire in one of the homes, adult bodies dead on the floor that she saw what was nearby. three babies, crying and wailing in their cribs. innocent, crying, hungry, and scared. it was something that sparked her humanity, her instinct to care for the children enough to turn her humanity back on. the three babies were a challenge, but the guilt that gnawed inside her from the murder of their parents left her feeling a duty to protect these three babies. it was one night after they’d taken the three that her sire vanished, leaving her alone with the children.
percy, buxton, and hugo were a handful, but they started a new life in a new village, far away from the one they’d all been born in. alexia was a patient mother, teaching them of her true nature but swearing them to secrecy. the four eventually began to run a butchers in the town, giving alexia the chance to feed off of the animal blood to avoid suspicion.
when the three children came of an acceptable age alexia offered them the same thing that she’d been promised, immortality. all three of them were turned that night, and with a kiss to each of them they parted ways, all ready to try and make their way on their own.
there was a longing for repentance in the woman, finding ways to make up for the years without her humanity. spending her days as a nurse, she crossed paths with other vampires, some lost, some needing help. it has left her with hundreds of vampires and witches around the world as her friends.
but after damon staked her, lexi found herself watching over her closest friend stefan salvatore, ensuring that she could do all she could from the other side. when esthers spell pulled her from the other side, she knew what she had to do. help stefan find his humanity once more.
kol mikaelson: her sire, the first man she ever loved. she thought he abandoned her, something that filled her with both rage and sorrow. what she didn’t know was that he was an original, and that his siblings had tracked him through the reports of bloodshed, and daggered him for his dangerous actions.
currently alexia isn't aware of the pull the spell caused that has her aligned with esther and against the mikaelson family.
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imaginefan · 4 years
Think Again
Lexi Branson (Platonic) X Reader Stefan Salvatore (Platonic) X Reader
Word Count: 854
Requested: Anon
Request: You save Lexi and she never died, you were able stop Damon in time before he staked her. You’re best friend’s with both Lexi and Stefan, you never trusted Damon with anything he said or did. One shot.
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You had been friends with Lexi for a long time you were travelling with her and that was how you ended up in Mystic Falls with her, she wanted you to come with her to celebrate Stefan's birthday and since you loved said vampire you decided to humour her. Your problems started when you found out that Damon was there, Damon was Stefan's older brother and he had made attempts on both yours and Lexi's life and you decided that you needed to take the information to Lexi so that you could decide what to do next.
"What are you doing?" Lexi asked as you pulled her into the bathroom off of the bedroom and started running the water. "I'm making sure that no one is listening." You answered. "Why?" She asked as she turned to the mirror and continued to get ready for the night and you raised an eyebrow. "We're in the Salvatore Boarding house everyone in this house is a vampire." You answered and she rolled her eyes before nodding. "I know that," She answered. "Why do you care if someone is listening." "Damon is here." You answered and she nodded. "This is his house." She smirked and you glared at her. "You think that he's not going to try and kill you again?" You asked. "Use you for something." "That doesn't matter, we are only staying here to celebrate Stefan's birthday and then we're gone, we aren't going to be here long enough for him to use us." Lexi dismissed. "You trust him not to try?" You asked and she finally turned to you. "It's just one night, I want to make sure that he has the best birthday. She explained. "So you're just going to trust Damon is going to let you do that?" You asked. "Fine, whatever it doesn't matter because I'm going to make sure that all of you stay alive while you all party the night away." "Alright but if you get bored come join us." She called after you as you walked out of the room and out of the house altogether.
You spent the rest of the day watching Damon but it didn't take him long to realise that he was being followed and cornered you "now what are you doing?" He asked as he stepped towards you. "I don't trust you." You answered and he smirked. "Sounds like your the only smart one." He complimented you. "What are you up to?" You asked. "Nothing." He answered. "Just trying to get the Sheriff to trust me is all." "How are you going to do that?" You asked. "I'm going to save her from a vampire." He answered, "and there happens to be two newcomers in town." "You're going to hand over Lexi." You glared and he smiled. "Yeah, I kinda like you so I'm going to keep you alive." He answered. "You could end up being a lot more fun." "You're not going to be able to kill her, she's with Stefan." You informed him and he smiled and gave a shrug. "It might be a little more difficult but with you nursing a broken neck it'll be easier." Before you could do anything Damon snapped your neck and everything went black.
When you woke up, you tried calling Lexi but she wasn't answering the phone so you made your way to the Grill when you got there, there were two deputies dragging her out of the bar, you watched and waited for Damon to show up, you noticed Stefan and Elena across the way and gestured for them to stay quiet "where are you?" You mumbled to yourself, your eyes catching him as he appeared near the Sheriff holding the stake, you smirked before moving forward knocking the stake from his hand and standing protectively in front of Lexi. "You know the saddest part about you is so many people want you to be good and Sheriff I promise you that not all vampires are killers." "I really don't care." He seethed and you smirked before looping an arm around Lexi and disappeared. You sat Lexi on the bed before walking around the room trying to pack everything that you deemed necessary. "(Y/N)!" Stefan called. "Up here!"You yelled as you still continued to pack things up. "How is she?" Stefan asked as he walked into the room. "I think she's going to be okay but we have to leave." You answered and he nodded. "Are you packed?" He asked. "There wasn't much here." You answered. "We didn't plan on staying very long." "Mmm." Stefan hummed as he picked up Lexi and put her in the back of the car as you chucked the bag in the passenger side and then walked around the car, Stefan was already there and he pulled you into a hug. "I'm sorry your birthday was ruined." You said softly. "Next year will be better I promise, you'll have to come to us though." "Yeah, I'm sure that we can make that happen." He agreed as you climbed into the car, he stood there waving you off.
Requests and general question!
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
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[x] § Lexi Branson Imagine §
“Listen, did you just here a word (Y/N) just said?” she kept her calm demeanour but it was clear that there was no hint of amusement in her eyes.
“Who the hell are you?” (E/N) snapped.
“I’m with (Y/N), so if you’ll stop being such an embarrassment, you can leave, I’m sure you know the way out, it hasn’t been the first time you’ve been escorted out, right?”
“Fucking hell, you’re a bitch!” 
“Hmm, I’ve been called worse, now shoo,” she pointed to the door before joining you, after making sure he was well out of sight.
“Lexi, I-”
“It’s okay,” 
“No no, please, thank you!” 
Requests Are Open
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imaginary-desires · 7 years
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Imagine: Partying with Lexi and Stefan
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best-imagines · 7 years
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Requested, thank you
“You’re a vampire Lexi, it’s a lot harder for us to get drunk, but you managed to do it” he said shaking his head astonished. “Thank you” she smiled playfully. “And you” he sang turning to face you, to see you grinning at him. “Well at least you’re a cute drunk, now come on let’s get you back home” he said walking over to you and taking your hand. “But the party” Lexi butted in. “Party’s over Lex” he huffed. “You never stop a party, you’re the master at keeping them going” you acknowledged, furrowing your brows at him. “Any other day I’d love to party with you Y/N, but right now you need sleep”
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goofygooberdays · 3 years
✨hypothetically✨ if I wrote for some of the females for the TVD, TO, and Legacies, would be read them?
I’m talking Katherine Pierce, Lexi Branson, Hayley Marshall, Freya Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson, Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman, etc.
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jenniferrvsesi · 3 years
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The Vampire Diaries
* - smut
Elena Gilbert
Nothing yet
Stefan Salvatore
Nothing yet
Damon Salvatore
Nothing yet
Caroline Forbes
Nothing yet
Bonnie Bennett
Nothing yet
Enzo St. John
Nothing yet
Lexi Branson
Nothing yet
Katherine Pierce
Nothing yet
Jeremy Gilbert
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Jenna Sommers
Nothing yet
Kai Parker
Nothing yet
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ghxst-heart · 3 years
ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ ᴅɪᴀʀɪᴇs ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇs
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ʟᴇxɪ ʙʀᴀɴsᴏɴ
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ᴛʏʟᴇʀ ʟᴏᴄᴋᴡᴏᴏᴅ
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ᴇɴᴢᴏ sᴛ. ᴊᴏʜɴ
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*Listed in alphabetical order by last name!
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Lexi: “(Y/N) is cute, pretty, nice. You should totally ask her out!” Stefan: “I’m not so sure she likes me.” Lexi: “Oh c’mon, pretty boy! Don’t be shy, just do it!”
made by Esmée.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
TVD + Originals Valentines Themed Scenario Game
(Link to Scenario Games Masterlist)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is :)
Requested by: @anonymousnortherngal Tag: @christinasyellowflowers - since you were interested :)
*Please consider reblogging or tagging your friends/mutuals to share this around.
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Your Birth Month:
January: Matt Donovan // Freya Mikaelson
February: Your Choice
March: Kol Mikaelson // Elena Gilbert
April: Tyler Lockwood // Lexi Branson
May: Stefan Salvatore // Vicki Donovan
June: Lorenzo "Enzo" St John // Rebekah Mikaelson
July: Malachai Parker // Katherine Pierce
August: Elijah Mikaelson // Rose-Marie
September: Jeremy Gilbert // Liv Parker
October: Damon Salvatore // Hayley Marshall
November: Alaric Saltzman // Bonnie Bennett
December: Klaus Mikaelson // Caroline Forbes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your Birth Date:
1: Buys you a puppy/kitten... 2: Makes you Valentines cookies... 3: Asks you to move in with them... 4: Writes you a poem... 5: Surprises you with your favorite flowers... 6: Writes you a love letter... 7: Take you stargazing... 8: Takes you dancing... 9: Takes you on a Valentines weekend trip... 10: Takes you on a picnic... 11: Surprises you with chocolates/candy... 12: Leaves you various gifts throughout the day... 13: Gives you a token of their affection... 14: Proposes to you... 15: Takes you on a surprise trip... 16: Shows up as a surprise (after being gone)... 17: Makes you a Valentines themed breakfast... 18: Makes you dinner... 19: Takes you to a Valentines ball... 20: Surprises you with an expensive gift... 21: Takes you to a fancy dinner... 22: Gives you a giant stuffed animal... 23: Leaves you an anonymous love letter... 24: Takes you to a festival/fair... 25: Gives you a handmade gift... 26: Surprises you with your favorite food... 27: Asks you to be their s/o... 28: Takes you to a drive in movie... 29: Surprises you with hundreds of flowers around your house... 30: Takes you on a day trip... 31: Leaves you anonymous gifts...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
First Letter of Your Name (or Username):
A-D: For your first Valentines together.
E-I: As your Valentines gift.
J-N: To confess their love for you.
O-T: To make you happy.
U-Z: Because it's your anniversary.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I apologize if your combo/matchup does not make sense, it is hard to make sure that every single combination does.
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mostfandomimagines · 7 years
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Imagine: Lexi finding a picture of Katherine in your belongings and confronting you about it
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misc-imagine-blog · 7 years
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“Please?” You asked again, she huffed turning you look at you.
“Why do you want this so bad?”
“Because I do, please!” You said again more as a statement, she rolled her eyes.
“Fine!” She groaned
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imaginary-desires · 7 years
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Imagine: Being best friends with Lexi
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