#lewis hamilton mafia
changetyre · 27 days
hey once you have the time could you do a love-hate smut with Lewis and he’s sort of a masochist?
The one and only II Mafia!Lewis x Reader
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SUMMARY: Lewis has always been dark, too dark for most but to you, the wife of his biggest enemy, that attracted you in ways you knew were sick and twisted.
WARNINGS: **18+** masochism, blood, violence, pain, alcohol, drugs
A/N: It took me a while to write this cause in general I struggle with writing Lewis smut but this came to mind so I hope you like it ;)
"Another round!" Your husband slurred, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist as usual showing everyone you were of his possession.
You sat in his club (or at least he thought so) just like every Friday night watching as your husband lost himself with the neverending supply of drinks and drugs.
"Woah where are you going?" Your husband asked as his grip on your waist tightened to the point you winced in pain slightly.
"Just the bathroom, I'll be back." You played nice leaning over to kiss his cheek knowing that as soon as you left another girl would find their way in his arms and he would forget about you for a while.
This had been a pattern for the last month now. You walked to the bathroom watching as the guards from the club kept their eyes on you.
You knew you were pushing your luck but you always found a way to slip out of the club through the backdoor. Standing in the dark alley you waited not for long before you felt his presence behind you.
"Did you dress up just for me doll?" You felt his breath on your neck, his chest coming in contact with your back as he let his lips place a soft kiss on your shoulder.
"They could be watching." You ignored his question although he knew you weren't dressed this nicely for the man inside you supposedly belonged to.
"You know damn well they're not....remember-" He placed a hand on your waist turning you around to face him. "I own this city baby...and everyone in it." He kissed you sloppily letting his hands roam your body.
"Not that he's aware of" You gestured inside Lewis completely unbothered by your words as he continued kissing your lips, neck, and chest.
"And that's the best part isn't it?" He smiled cockily as his hands squeezed your ass harshly earning a whine from you.
"Let's go home, baby." He grabbed your hand dragging you away.
"Has he touched you baby? Has he made you feel good since the last time?" Lewis squeezed your neck tightly constricting your airway for a second watching as your face drained of color for a few seconds before releasing.
"hmm, no-" You coughed, holding Lewis, arm tightly as some leverage. "he never makes me cum" you finished knowing this only spurred Lewis on.
Lewis started kissing down your body, loving the ink that covered your skin just like his. He kissed down your stomach reaching your hips when he stopped.
You whined at the loss of contact before hissing when you felt a sharp pain near the last spot he kissed.
"What's this?" Lewis asked disgusted.
The tip of his knife rested over a tattoo, the newest one, the knife had just managed to pierce your skin causing blood to start dripping down your sides.
"He did it." You spoke truthfully. "Wanted to mark me some more." You explained.
Lewis hated the symbol, the mark with those initials embedded in your skin as if you were truly someone else's besides his.
"tsk tsk tsk." Lewis shook his head disapprovingly.
"Aghh." You whined as you felt Lewis's knife move across your skin. You watched as he marked an X right atop the emblem.
"Shh baby." Lewis quickly wiped the blood away with his sleeve before kissing over the spot. "We can fix it better later."
You hated the way this behavior only made you wetter. "Lew-" You whined.
"What baby? What to do you need?" Lewis asked cockily as he cupped your pussy with his hand, his palm just rubbing at your clit.
This was torture for you and he knew that.
"Please Lew, please touch me." You begged.
"Hmm, I'm not sure you deserve it doll-" Lewis grip around your mound tightened, and he loved the squeal you let out, it was a little painful but you found pleasure in it. "Letting yourself get marked up like this." Lewis other hand came to press on the fresh wound he created earning another hiss from you.
"You know I'm yours, Lew, only yours please...please just touch me." You grabbed Lewis's hand desperately placing it on your body.
Lewis didn't give you time to think before he uncupped you and thrust 3 fingers inside of you stretching you out without warning.
You screamed only spurring him on further as he began thrusting them in and out of you at a stupidly fast pace.
"FU- LEW! Too much." You began trying to get him to slow down now.
"You were just begging for me to touch you doll." Lewis smirked as he came down to bite on your nipples.
It was too much too fast but it felt incredibly good at the same time.
"LEW I CAN´T- I'M GONNA-" You screamed.
He loved watching you squirm under him. "Not yet-" All of a sudden he stopped, everything.
You whined like a toddler who'd just been denied some ice cream.
"This is gonna be a long night darling-" Lewis kissed you roughly.
"Wh-What a- What about-" You tried to speak through the kisses. "What about him?"
"Took care of him already darling. You're a widow." Lewis started kissing your neck again. "You're stuck with me now...forever."
His words sent shivers down your entire body but excited you at the same time.
But your mind had no more time to think as you felt Lewis's lips cover your pussy, his tongue immediately finding your clit.
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k0juki · 27 days
Since u asked for mafia max prompts- max takes revenge on ur father for keeping him away from you for so long. And now they are finally a family together. Just max you and eli, not that you'd have to know how or what happened to your father you're just happy max is such a devoted husband and father.
OMG?! Yes!!!
Mafia!Max Verstappen x fem!reader
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English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
More mafia!Max here.
Wc: 1457
You and Max had a lot to catch up on, not only he wanted to be a good dad, but a loving husband as well. But that has to wait, first things first. The first few days he had spent in your penthouse, he wanted to know what Eli liked and disliked, what is his favorite Disney movies and what food he loves.
He discovered that Eli loves pancakes with homemade strawberry jam. For Max, it was too sweet, but he had made sure that it was always on the shelf, right next to sugar. Next was his favorite movie, Cars. He was really like his father with cars and nobody could change that, but what Eli absolutely didn't like was some itchy clothing and when it was raining. Strange.
And that surprised him, because you love rain and when you live in a place like London where rain is a daily occurrence, he didn't want his little boy to be scared.
That was one of his main reasons why he wanted you back in the Netherlands. Next of his reasons was your father. How he hated that man.
Not only did he have to leave behind the woman he had loved and still do, but he never got to know how Eli slowly grew up, yes he is still pretty small, but he wanted to experience it.
His first steps, he wasn't here. His first words, "mama", he wasn't here either and on his birthdays, again, he wasn't here.
Max knew that it wasn't your fault, he never took it out on you. He knew who's fault it really was. Yes, in some ways it was Max's fault too, but your father had a lot of chances to say anything to him and he didn't say a single word.
He knew what he had to do, even if his choices could have consequences, but he couldn't get over it. He had to do it. By all means necessary. For his son and for you, his love of his life.
Max had a lot of people here in London, one of them was Lando, he was one of the best and Max needed him to watch over you and Eli, as he had some important things to do.
That's what he had said to you, but you knew better. You knew what he was going to do, by just a look in his stormy, blue eyes and you let him to do it.
Of course you knew Lando, you saw him many times before you and Max broke up. He was his good friend, not just a colleague, but truly a good friend, someone that everybody deserves for life.
"I won't be gone for long, Schats." Max said as he took your head in both of his hands and softly kissed your forehead. "I will be back before you know it."
"Be careful Max." You answered, always so worried for him and hugged his waist as he held you. "Do you wanna see Eli before you leave?"
Max knew that Eli was sleeping, it was right after his lunch, but still, it is his son, so Max just nodded his head yes and you took him to his bedroom where he peacefully sleeps.
Max carefully came to his sleeping form, that was holding his stuffed elephant. He got from Max a day before and Max carefully kissed his cheek as not to wake him up. "Love you Eli, I will be right back."
He turned around and softly closed the door. "Lando will be there to watch over you both, before I come back." It wasn't a question, more like a statement.
"Lando? Lando Norris?" You asked and Max nodded. You took Maxs hand and led him to the front door. Just as you were about to say something, there was a knock on the door and Max opened.
"Hey mate, how are you doing?" Lando said happily and pulled Max in a half hug he patted him on his back. Then, as he turned around, he saw you and his never ending smile brightened up more.
"Y/n, love, how are you doing? You look amazing...like always." He said and whispered the last part in your ear as he wrapped you in a full hug. You really missed him.
"Ehmr..." Max growled and spoke as you and Lando let go of each other. "Lando, you know what to do." By that, Max means to keep you and Eli safe, don't let anyone else in and if something, anything happens, call him.
"Of course I do mate." Lando answered.
You took a few steps forward and stood right in front of him. "Be quick, alright?"
"Of course." Max answered and pulled you for a quick kiss on the forehead. "I love you Schats." With that he left.
"So, where's the little smurf?"
Meanwhile Max got into the car in which Charles was waiting. Charles wanted to see you too, but he and Max had some killing to do. He made a mental note to visit you later.
Charles was another mafia boss. His territory is in Monaco and everybody knows that he owns every corner there. He and Max are long time friends, since like preschool. Charles knew how important this is to him, so he didn't wasted any time and hopped on the plane to get to him.
"You ready?" Charles asked as Max got into the car. He didn't care enough to buckle himself and started a car.
"I was born ready to kill him." Max informed "Let's go."
As they arrived in front of your fathers house, Max was first to get out of the car and he was also the first to kick the door open. Gun in his hand, he shot everyone who crossed his path.
As he moved to the last door, which he knew was your father's workroom, he opened to see him sitting in his chair, with his back towards Max.
"Your father will be furious when he finds out." He had said, he didn't even try to beg because he knew it was useless, it would only hurt his ego.
"Don't forget that I have a son too, and he won't stop looking for you, till he kills you." Yes, you had an older brother, Mark. What a fucker.
His dislike for him was about as great as for your father. But he was harder to find, not many people knew where he was or what he was doing, that's why you were with Lando right now.
"I think he will understand me."
"You really think that? I guess that you don't know your father very much then, just like your son." He whispered the last part, but loud enough for Max to hear.
That was Max's last straw. He raised the gun and pulled the trigger. The blood was everywhere. Max was breathing heavily, then turned around and without a single word left the room. He needed a shower, knowing that he can't go to you like that, all bloody and sweaty.
"We will stop somewhere, so I can clean myself."
When Elijah woke up and came to you, he was all sleepy and confused, he didn't notice that Lando wasn't Max. His new uncle. When he did notice him was as he sat down next to you.
"Eli, this is your uncle Lando. Say hi." He turned to Lando, but then got all shy and climbed in your arms, where he knew it was safe. "C'mon Eli, he's not going to bite."
Eli turned his head to Lando and quietly said, "hi" and then he put his head back to your chest.
"Hi Eli, I heard you like cars?" That got Elijah's attention. Cars? Now he won't stop talking about them.
Just as Elijah got to talk about his car toys and movies he saw, the front door of your penthouse opened and Max walked in. Eli didn't waste any second and ran up from your arms to him. "Daddy!"
"Hey Eli." Max said as he bent down to pick him up. "Were you good for mommy?" Elijah nodded his little head and wrapped his small arms around his neck. It's unbelievable how quickly he got used to Max.
"Well, I guess I'll let you guys be." Lando said as he hugged you for the last time and then left the apartment.
"Are you alright?" You asked Max as he sat down next to you and put Eli between you two.
"Of course." Max smiled a little and put his arm around your back. "I'm just glad I'm home." He finished and tilted his head to give you a soft kiss on the lips.
I need more mafia Max prompts!!🩷🫶
Don't copy or translate my work!
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12romy · 13 days
The Hamilton-Vettel-Leclerc-Piastri-Bearman official family portrait + Dogs & the Godfather Fred🤣🤣
This picture is a thing of nightmares
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pocketrocketyuki · 4 months
I might have been writing something meant to be short and not serious...
Currently on 17k and counting, im not even at the real conflict, but I love writing it
Carlando, mafia AU, brothers (kind of) Charles and Lando, Maxiel because I can, and Jenson Lewis and Sebastian as father figures because I love them!
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dearlexies · 9 months
What if i wrote a crack fic with Mercedes as family?? I mean just imagine:
toto: father
Lewis: eldest son
George: middle child
mick: youngest who loves his older brothers and wants to be them
bono: hot uncle who is the oldest one's godfather
james: uncle who moved but still pretty close to the family
Susie is the mother, but that's too obvious
Leo is the distant cousin who got closer
Nyck was disinherited from the family after having a relationship with rivals
Nico is the cousin with a criminal past that no one talks about
Esteban is the cousin who disappears all year round and only appears at Christmas
and there are the youngest Kimi, Frederik and Paul who are the pride of the family
And ofc rbr and Ferrari are they neighbors and they fight a lot!!
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f1tyreslightmyfyre · 2 years
Bloody Hearts - Pt. III
A Mafia-Assassin AU Lestappen Fic
Main Series List
Warnings: Explicit 18+ NSFW sexual content (including knife play, anal sex, possessive kinks), explicit language, mafia assassins, general themes of murder as a profession, the power of Charles' piano
A/N: Let's make it a double... story update this week! Cheers, y'all ❤🏎
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The Billion Dollar Man
He hates his professional name even though he'll never admit it. Lewis doesn't seek out the high profile jobs, but he's the only one that Boss Toto trusts. Maybe it's because he doesn't crave the spotlight and he never has. He works best behind the scenes, moving with silent stealth and deadly grace. His success speaks for itself despite how much he politely demurs. Maybe, someday soon, he'll retire... or, maybe he'll just take it all.
Depends on the day, really.
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Mr. Consistency
The thing about George is: he never misses. Ever. Whether he squeezes a trigger or depresses a plunger - he always gets his target. But he never forgets his pleases and thank yous along the way. His impeccable manners are a right and proper asset - he even loves to joke that he kills with politeness for a living, and most people brush off the comment with a laugh. Only those that really know George know that he's not entirely joking.
Indeed, holding a door open for someone or helping them cross the street can prove fatal.
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Max walks around Charles' dark apartment. For a man of his profession, Charles' place has surprisingly rudimentary security. Either Charles is a man of little paranoia, or he's just that confident - or perhaps he's just never had a man like Max hunting him down.
The thought shouldn't be as delicious as it sounds. Especially not as Max takes in the finer points of the posh interior. There's only a singular light on in the kitchen, but the nearly solid white interior reflects enough of the city lights that Max can see without needing his penlight.
Much like his own place, Charles' home reveals precious few personal items, but the items on display are plenty revealing. Only three photographs adorn the mostly barren bookshelf in the living room, and Max only recognizes one of the photo's other occupants.
Sebastian Vettel's arm rests around Charles' shoulders, and both of their mouths are open in a moment of hysterical laughter. Genuine amusement wrinkles the corners of their eyes, and Max can almost make out what he thinks are balloons in the background. Almost like... they had been at a party of some sort? There are no other clues that Max can deduce, and he sets the picture frame back in the exact spot he found it.
He adds it to the list of questions that he has for Charles whenever the other man returns from dinner.
The kitchen turns up nothing interesting, and the dining room matches it in terms of blandness. For as much blood as Charles surrounds himself with professionally, it's almost a wonder that he surrounds himself with so much pristine white at home. Is he not worried about stains? Or is it just a testament to his careful nature? Max finds himself more intrigued than he should be.
It's the number one rule of contract killing, after all.
Never humanize your victims.
The photo of Sebastian and Charles flashes in Max's mind, and in that moment, it's so clear. Charles couldn't have killed Sebastian, especially not if the two men were really as close as the photo suggests. But how had that happened? Max doesn't know for sure when Sebastian's time with the Bull Pen came to an end, but he didn't know that the man had any connection to The Stable. Or had that been before Charles started working?
Max's mind continues to spin as he makes another circuit of the apartment, searching for anything else insightful before he lets himself focus on the apartment's centerpiece.
The famed, upright piano gleams snow-white in the low light. Dark red L-O-V-E letters stand silent vigil atop the instrument, reminding Max of blood stained roses. It's an admittedly odd touch for The Pianist, but even Max can admit, this visit continues to surprise him.
He sweeps his gaze over the row of black and white keys, and an idea forms in his mind. Who says that Max doesn't have his own flashes of dramatic brilliance?
After all, YouTube does have its uses.
The melody echoes in his ears, and the three notes are easy enough to memorize. Even the harmonized notes of the second refrain come easily enough. Maybe Max has more musical talent than he gives himself credit.
To Charles' credit, though, the instrument has a gorgeous, sonorous sound that defies human language. It speaks to everything that could possibly be beautiful in this ugly world. As he continues to practice, he longs to hear how Charles' fingers could make these keys sing.
The distant ding of an elevator door stills Max's hand. He stays silent, poised like a black-clad specter on the glossy white bench. Charles' key clicks in the lock, and his easy footsteps echo off the hard floors and walls.
More light spills into the living room from the kitchen and fabric rustles - perhaps Charles is sliding out of a jacket? Max tries not to let the thought distract him as he resets his right hand over the keys.
He starts softly, droning out the three-note melody of Chopin's Funeral March. The somber tune carries through the room, and he adds the harmonized notes just as a shadow moves over his shoulder.
He doesn't hear Charles move - that's the whole point - as Max repeats the melody within the narrow bandwidth of his skill. Scents of sea spray and citrus perfume the air as Charles draws close, folding himself onto the bench next to Max. Their gazes don't meet, each watching the keys as Charles raises his left hand.
Bass clef notes match Max's pace and melody, infusing the grim tune with a heavy, gorgeous gravity. The piano comes to life under Charles' hand, and their duet twines together in the darkness. It takes a life of its own as Charles leans into the stark rhythm, his right hand creeping into the treble clef range to accompany Max's basic refrain.
Charles' mastery takes hold, and the music swells to a crescendo as Max lets his hand fall to his lap. The Pianist continues to play, building on the theme and letting the music flow as if he'd been born to do nothing else.
The fall of each hammer on wire reverberates in Max's chest, his heart stuttering to the beat of the enthralling tune. Desire heats his blood as he watches Charles' elegant fingers fly over the keys with nimble artistry. He wants those fingers to play him just as fine. He wants to hear Charles' pleasured cries ring out with the same beauty that he coaxes from the piano.
"Do you even know what this piece is called?" Charles' words cut through Max's fog of arousal.
He works a swallow down his dry throat. "The Funeral March?"
"More commonly, yes." Charles answers, still continuing to play as he distills the grandiose piece back down to its simple roots. "It's Chopin's Piano Sonata No. 2 in B-Flat Minor, Op. 35."
"You don't need to impress me." Max listens as Charles mimics his opening interlude. "And you don't need to mock me, either."
"No, mon cher," Charles turns towards him, his green eyes mercurial in the low light. "But you should know that the last man who touched my piano uninvited lost his fingers."
Max arches a teasing brow. "Just his fingers?"
Charles' face creases with mock-indignation. "I'm an assassin, not a monster!"
A soft chuckle rumbles in Max's throat. "If you said that he couldn't satisfy you in addition to touching your piano uninvited - then, I wouldn't blame you."
Charles hums an indeterminate sound in his throat as the last notes of the piano die out. A suddenly tense silence falls despite their shoulder-to-shoulder press on the narrow bench. Charles' tongue darts out, wetting his top lip. "Why are you here, Max?"
"A stupid question, don't you think?" Max carefully averts his gaze.
"Depends, I suppose," Charles agrees. "On balance, I assume that you're here to kill me - but that line is getting rather old. Perhaps... perhaps, instead you're here to learn the truth."
The photo of Sebastian and Charles returns to the forefront of Max's mind. A stab of jealousy shoots through him as he stares at the crimson letters atop the piano. "What was Sebastian to you?"
The full weight of Charles' gaze hits like gravity, but Max refuses to fall into it. The moment is too tenuous, and he can't afford to be caught off-guard. Charles' gentle sigh hangs in the air before he speaks. "Seb was... a friend first, then a mentor. He... he taught me a lot."
"Was he a lover?" The words leave Max's tongue before he can stop them. Of course, it's none of his business, but his blood boils at the thought just the same.
"No." Charles sounds wistful, regretful. "I wanted, though... but he - well, he was married."
"Married?" Max turns to face Charles, startled by the admission. "In our line of work? Married?"
Charles tilts his head, incredulous. "It's not such a ridiculous prospect even in our line of work. Who says our profession dictates whether we live a life of solitude or not?" His too-green eyes are dark and beautiful in the low light, and they gleam with an edge than Max wants to cling to for the rest of his life. "No wonder that you're sitting here with me now."
"Instead of pinning you against the piano with my hands around your throat?"
Again, Charles hums in his throat, but this time it carries the heady weight of hunger. "No doubt you could crush my windpipe if you put your mind to it, but as you said when we first met - there are other ways to have fun. And you're...," Charles breaks off with a sigh, lowering his gaze in a flutter of lush lashes before looking back up at Max. "You're the most fun I've had in a long time."
Max goes dizzy from the force of blood rushing to his cock. He wants to lose himself in Charles' heat, he wants to drown under the force of Charles' gaze. If he's going to die for his failure, there's no place he'd rather be than Charles' arms.
Charles' elegant fingers find the back of Max's hand as it rests in his lap, tracing the veins and tendons to where they disappear under the cuff of his shirt. They dance along the underside of his wrist, stoking the arousal curling at the base of Max's spine.
"Strangle me now," Charles whispers with deadly sin. "Stab me, shoot me - end me. Or come to bed with me. Fuck me, destroy me - carve a V in my chest." He exhales a thready sigh. "You are mine... and I am yours."
All semblance of coherent thought leaves Max's mind. His mouth finds Charles' without even trying. They fit together, giving and devouring as their tongues tangle. Charles tastes of decadent dark chocolate and bold red wine - a potent combination that stirs an appreciative growl in Max's chest.
He lets himself be pulled from the bench and manhandled through the shadowy space to Charles' bedroom. So long as he has Charles pressed so close, hearing the leaner man gasp and pant as he nips at his racing pulse, Max doesn't care where they are.
They tear at clothing, quality be damned. Buttons rip from Charles' fine dress shirt, and Max strips his black turtleneck over head. Charles' fingers work Max's belt and trousers as expertly as he played the piano, and Max makes quick work of Charles' dress trousers.
Charles shivers in Max's arms as they fall against the night-chilled bedcovers. Max can't believe his luck to have Charles so bare and visceral in bed with him. It's everything he can do to keep his hand from trembling as his works between Charles' legs, unraveling every last secret that the man possesses.
When Max finally buries himself inside Charles' pliant body, he swears he sees stars. No man has ever consumed him body and soul - no man has ever stolen his heart so irrevocably. It shouldn't make sense. It doesn't make sense.
But as Charles' blissful cries echo over the tandem pounding of their hearts and Max plants his release so deep that Charles can never get him out - there's no other answer in the universe that makes more sense.
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Charles loses track of the hour. He also isn't sure how many times Max has fucked him to the brink of madness, but that's the beauty of it. Each time Max splits him open, he pierces his soul.
After-glow and over-stimulation numb all of Charles' senses. Even the dull ache of the fresh wound in his chest feels far away thanks to the cocktail of endorphins flooding his system. He flexes his toes against the soft sheets, sighing with drunken contentment.
There's no drug on Earth that equals the blissful high of being addicted to Max.
Charles' lips curl as he looks down at the dark stain on the sheet that matches the stained lines on his chest.
"I tried to tell you." Max's voice holds the rasp of exhaustion as he lounges beside Charles. "You've probably stained the mattress, too."
Charles purses his lips. "Pfft, do I look like I care?"
"No, snoepje." Max murmurs as his mouth descends to Charles' nipple. "You look so gorgeous."
The wet heat and suction of Max's mouth sends fresh waves of electricity through Charles' strung out nerves. His back arches against the bed covers, and impossibly, he feels his cock start to swell. He threads a hand through Max's thoroughly mussed, unbelievably soft hair and gives it an encouraging tug.
A hungry growl rumbles in Max's chest, and Charles responds in kind. He spreads his legs on instinct as Max shifts to rest atop him, all the while still showering Charles' chest in devout affection.
"You're so fucking perfect," Max breathes, his heavy cock brushing against Charles. "How have I known about you for so long, but never known that...."
"It doesn't matter now," Charles sighs, hooking a leg around Max's waist as he again arches his back and extends the length of his neck. "You're here now... and you're mine," he echoes his earlier words as he places a hand over the dark pink 'L' scar on Max's chest.
Max groans as he wraps a hand around Charles' thigh, pressing his leaking tip to the loose ring of muscle. He pauses just on the edge, curving his palm over the freshly carved 'V' on Charles' left pectoral. "Just as you are mine."
It feels like the promise of a lifetime as Max slides inside him and tears well in Charles' eyes.
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Toto Wolff glares at his top two men who stand opposite his desk. A tense silence hangs in his office as neither one of them dares to speak. He glances between them, searching their faces. "Is this some sort of joke?" He finally says with a derisive scoff. "I should have you both skinned for wasting my time."
Indignation flares in George's grey-green eyes. "It's no joke, boss. We wouldn't bring this kind of news to you if it was unconfirmed." 
"So, you're telling me that two of the best in our business - The Flying Dutchman and The Pianist - just quit their jobs? Two killers who no longer kill." 
The corner of Lewis' mouth ticks up. "Well, they may still kill, but not in the capacity they used to." He darts his gaze to George with a faint air of amusement. "It's tough to work for dead men." 
Toto's face hardens with displeasure. His patience isn't inexhaustible, and he's killed men for less in his past.
George sends Lewis an inpatient glare before turning back. "Mattia Binotto found dead from a million-dollar shot through the heart. Thirty minutes later, Christian Horner found dead with a piano wire noose still wrapped around what was left of his neck." He shrugs as if the answer is obvious. "Both Charles' and Max's apartments show signs of abandonment, and the Sedici left port with no registered travel plan or destination." 
Toto processes the information, prioritizing accordingly. "Who's in charge now?" 
"Smooth Operator heads The Stable for now," Lewis answers. "And the Minister of Defense holds the Bull Pen." 
Toto snorts with derision. "Neither one of them can hold those seats of power for long." The corner of his mouth curls darkly. "Max and Charles may well have handed us an early Christmas gift." 
George's brow ceases with doubt. "The word on the street, according to Little Lando, is that they're going to let bygones be bygones and partner up." 
"Partner up?" Toto snaps, his tone sharp. "The Bulls and the Stallions?" 
Lewis shrugs. "Little Lando's rarely ever wrong." 
Toto swings his gaze to Lewis with an angered snarl. "Zak's errand boy is the biggest snitch in the business." 
"He's the best spy in the business." George dares to correct. "He has everybody's ear and isn't shy about how he gets it. If he says Carlos and Checo are planning to team up and fill the power vacuum, then we have to act quickly." 
Toto darts his gaze back to Lewis. Even at George's age, the older man had always been more level-headed and less likely to charge into a situation with guns blazing. He nods towards his trusted right hand. "Is that what you say, too?" 
"I won't deny it's an intriguing opportunity," Lewis admits. "But Bono and the team have a good thing going. I'd hate to disrupt that unnecessarily, and there's only so much that we can hold with muscle alone."
"We can do it, Lewis." George insists with a firm look at his teammate. "Or if you want to ride off into the sunset with Max and Charles, then l can -" 
"That's quite enough, George." Toto measures his tone as he cuts the younger man off. As much as he appreciates George's eager gusto, he is still the one in charge. "In sentiment, I agree with Lewis - but for a different reason." He leans back in his plush chair. "If Carlos and Checo insist on burning their empires to the ground to try and build something from the ashes, then I say we let them. The dissenters and deserters will need a place to call home, and we will welcome them with open arms. Most of them, at any rate." 
Lewis nods. "Build our numbers, consolidate our strength. And when the moment is right?" He glances over at George with a nod. "I'll even let you choose which one you want."
"Unless Toto wants them both for himself." George counters, keeping his calm. "What better way to send a message to anyone who thinks about knocking him off and taking The Quiver of Silver Arrows for themselves?"
"And that goes for the two of you." Toto pushes to his feet, letting his physical presence command the space even though the effect is largely lost on Lewis and George at this point. "If I ever catch a hint that either of you are planning against me, then you won't know what hit you." He fixes his gaze on George. "Stay on Little Lando - find out what else you can squeeze from his loose lips." He shifts his gaze to Lewis. "Recall de Vries from his current job - we'll get him on the inside of this horse- and bull-shit pen to learn what's really going on there."
Both George and Lewis nod to confirm their assignments, and Toto allows the corner of his mouth to lift with a wicked smirk. "Then, I guess there's just one question left - does de Vries look better in blue or red?"
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norrisleclercf1 · 4 months
Pairing: Mafia!Jenson Button x Assistant!Reader
Words: 1.4K
Rating: R
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Okay so imagine Jenson had to travel for a business meeting with the Webber’s. Normally whenever he goes abroad for work, he wouldn’t bring his assistant but the time zones make it difficult for him to remain in touch with her so he brings her along. They arrive a day or so before Jenson has this meeting and they spend it at the private beach attached to the villa he rented where she tries to read her book while Jenson goes for a swim. Lewis’ words have never left her and she tries to sneak glances at him to see if it’s true but the swimming trunks make it hard to make out anything beyond the outline. So, blushing furiously at the fact that she’s checking out her boss, she goes back to her book only for Jenson to drop on the tanning bed next to her with a “if you wanted to see my cock, all you had to do was ask pretty girl”
Warnings: Language, Jenson has a dick piercing, sexual talks, etc.
A/N: Hehehehehe for @enchantecafe and also the gorgeous brilliant mind of Mar @percervall for giving me this delicious idea
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"I'm not going, and you can't make me." Jenson wanted to bash his head into the desk before him. All he wanted was for you to join him in gorgeous Balos, Chania, Crete, Greece. With the time zone, he wasn't comfortable leaving you here. He needed you, just like Mark and Lewis would be. "I have work here," You argue further.
"Y/n, pretty girl, I know you have work here, but I need you in Greece with me. This isn't up for a debate." You tap your heel and purse your lips, ready to rip him a new one. "Mr. Button," Jenson groans, knowing you're pissed when you use his last name. "With all due respect, Mr. Button, going to Greece would be ideal for a vacation. As this is a work function and not a vacation, it's not ideal for me to join you. Take Miss. Simpson, she's just as capable." Jenson takes a deep breath and calms the anger bubbling in his stomach. 
"Miss. L/n, you will be joining me. You are my assistant, and besides, you know what this work.... function is for, so please save the attitude for when we're there." Jenson glares at you, and you stop, knowing you are pushing the buttons now. "When do we leave?" You ask, teeth gritted, tapping your foot harder now. "Tonight, your bags have already been packed." You make a noise of annoyance, turn on your heel, and stomp out. Even in his irritation with you, he still found that the skirt hugged your ass pretty damn well. 
You slam your folder down and bitch to yourself but stop noticing the appealing eyes of Lewis Hamilton staring at you from your own chair. "Coming to Greece with us?" He cocks his head with a dopey grin knowing damn well you were going. "Of course, the brat doesn't know how to work without me." Leaning in, you start to whisper. "How in the world is he running an international mafia but can't go to a ridiculous meeting without me?" Lewis chuckles and bites one of his tattooed fingers. 
"He needs his emotional support assistant, or else he gets cranky. And you remember what happened the last time he got cranky." You whine, pressing your face into the cold glass counter of your desk. "Lewis, please talk to him. I don't want to go to Greece." Lewis snorts and knows you're lying. "Please, you don't want to go because then you'll find out if that piercing of his is true." Stopping your pity party and glare at Lewis, who smiles at you innocently. 
"You know, I packed your clothes for you. Some skimpy swimsuits you've got." Cheeks heat up at the thought of Lewis digging around your swimsuits, mainly your underwear. "Lucky man, whoever gets to peel those off you," You grab a pen, throw it at him, and hear his laughter as he dodges. "Fuck off, the last man I slept with was," You close your mouth, remembering that Spanish accent and thick hair. "I know who it was, does he?" Lewis whispers, nodding towards Jenson, who has Mark at his side. 
"No, and it's none of his business." But you hate the guilt that eats up at you. He was just a way to forget. Instead, you couldn't help but compare the two. How you didn't feel the same when Jenson touched you, how he called you pretty girl, all you wanted was for it to be Jenson that was buried deep in you. "Your face says otherwise," Lewis's voice shifts from teasing to that of the overprotective friend that he is. 
"What?" You turn back to face Lewis, who is boring a hole in your face. "He won't be there, just us, Jenson and Mark." You nod and feel Jenson's hand touch your back. "If we're all ready, we can leave now." Jenson's hand stays on your back, making your skin burn to life. "Let's get this over with," You pull away, feeling cold slap you in the face. Mark chuckles and picks up your bags as you four leave, heading for Greece. 
"Just wear it." Lewis urges, shoving the swimsuit into your hands. "Lewis, this is very...revealing. You just had to pick one of my most revealing ones." You huff, holding up the thin fabric. Lewis just smiles at you and nudges your shoulder. "Y/n, come on. We're at a private villa on the beach. No one except for us will see you. Please, just wear it and have fun." Lewis pouts, and you try to ignore it but know you can't. 
"Okay," Lewis jumps off your bed and exits the room. Leaving you to throw on the swimsuit. Putting it on, you stare at yourself in the mirror; you don't turn, hear the door open, and see Lewis stop and stare at you. "Fuck, you look damn good. You'll definitely make Jenson come in his pants." You turn and smack his shoulder and stare at the "one-piece." 
It's held together by one material dyed with orange, dark brown, and other colors. It's got a little wood circle holding the neck and top part together, and it's cut out, showing off your underboob and also your stomach. "Okay, let's go." You walk out of the room and to the open air. 
"Goddamn, if I wasn't married," "Shut up, Mark." You giggle and saunter over to where Jenson is lying, a towel covering his lap as he tries not to stare. He's thankful for the sunglasses as his eyes rake over your body. "What are you reading?" You ask, plopping yourself onto the sunbed next to Jenson, who fidgets. "One of your books," He hands it over, and you smile and bookmark the page he was on. 
"It's hot," You sigh and move, stretching out, and Jenson watches you closely, never been more grateful for the towel he's placed on his lap. "Yes, it is," Licking his lips, he sees you stand and run over to Lewis and Mark on the beach. Sighing, he drops his head, lifts the towel, and groans, seeing that he is very hard. He can't stand up, knowing he'd never hear the end from Mark or Lewis if he stood up. 
Jenson watches you and smiles, seeing you having fun. He relaxes thinking about everything he'd love to give you. "Jenson, come join us!" Mark yells, but you turn and climb out of the ocean. He bites his lip, seeing the waterfall off your body and how your skin glows with happiness and sun. "Jens, go join them. They want to play water volleyball." You run up and stand before him, and he has to control the urge to pull you down on top of him and kiss you senselessly. 
"Yeah," The word comes out choked, and he pulls himself towards the edge and comes face to face with your breasts. "Shit," He grumbles, wanting to run his fingers over the curves of them and pull the top off and fuck you profoundly and properly. Your breathing becomes ragged, feeling the way his eyes move over your body. "Jenson! Come one!" Mark yells, pulling the two of you out of your little bubble. "Yeah, coming!" Jenson stands up and moves away from you. 
Swallowing you suck in a breath and breathe out. "Read, reading is good." You whisper to yourself, trying to stop yourself now. Lewis runs up and throws himself into the chair to your left, leaving Jenson's chair open. "I always loved this time; he wears thin suits, and we always tease him about the piercing." You groan, trying your hardest not to stare openly. Instead, you settle for sneaking glances, hating Lewis for reminding you of the piercing. 
"All I can see is the fucking outline," Whining, you hate that Jenson fucking Button has reduced you to this whining mess. "I'm checking out my boss; what the hell. I hate you, Lewis Hamilton. Seriously, I've been perfectly normal working with him. Now all I can think about is him," "Fucking you so good he ruins you for other men, and feeling the way the piercing feels?" Lewis fills in, and you tighten your legs, biting your bottom lip. You go to reply but stop seeing Jenson within earshot and turn bright red when you know that he's grinning. 
He drops to the sun bed next to you and rolls his waistband, revealing the happy trail and muscle. "Pretty girl, if you wanted to see my cock, all you had to do was ask." Jenson groans, getting comfortable, and you whip your head straight as Jenson rolls to the side. "I'm serious; ask me, pretty girl." He almost begs, and you turn your eyes wide, and you hate the ache between your legs. "Jenson?" He hums, and you sigh, working up the courage and smile. 
"Can I see your cock?" Jenson smiles, and fingers curl around your throat and pull you in. "Of course," 
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starkwlkr · 2 months
Do you know anyone else who writes for the older drivers? Wanting to find new reading material
i know a few :/ but here’s a list of some works for the older drivers that i’ve been reading by some very talented people! i’ll try to keep this list updated :)
@norrisleclercf1 has some mafia works withh older drivers that are amazing!!
death of a bachelor series by @astonmartingf
the kids are going to be alright by ^
fernando alonso
complicated by @unsolvedjarin
sebastian vettel
about you series by @drvscarlett
history series by @vettelsvee
grid kids series by @pucksandpower
mrsvettelsgarden by @vivwritesfics
padawan learner by ^
the race that mattered by @lorarri
glory days by @uluvjay
a shared history by @lucyrose191
jenson button
do i wanna know? by @formulafics
tis the dilf season by @beiasluv
tell it to my heart by @lovelytsunoda
mile high club by @bellewintersroe
only way by @starlost97
sweet sugar by @natailiatulls07
something devoured by @agendabymooner
you can’t disappoint a picture by @angsthology
i’ll always want you by @vinvantae
promiscuous boy by @libraryofloveletters
corny by @unsolvedjarin
womaniser by @sv5hive
mark webber
early mornings by @loonylupinblack3
light by @maxillness
vacay by @sweeterlovers
a new term by @whorekneecentral
the problem with following orders by @agendabymooner
brand new by @embrosegraves
nico rosberg
lost in the moment by @mynicosensesaretingling
lewis hamilton
do you remember it all too well by @leclercsainzz
bedtime stories by @alwayschoppedtaco
kimi räikkönen
thawed by @pucksandpower
don’t beat yourself up by @faithshouseofchaos
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valyrfia · 4 months
On Lewis Hamilton, Ferrari, the immediate past, the long-term future, and why Charles Leclerc will remain Ferrari's priority (contrary to popular belief)
Now that everyone's slowly recovering from the CHAOS of Lewis's Ferrari announcement (and one of the best days on the internet for a while), it's no surprise that we're all starting to ask ourselves...well, how exactly will a Charles Leclerc and Lewis Hamilton line up work? Yes, Charles is Ferrari's golden boy, and has been so even as far back as his record-breaking F2 campaign, and yes, every single WDC of the past half a century rates Charles as a once-in-a-generation driver who would likely have at least one successful WDC campaign under his belt if he were given a half-decent car and strategy. But Lewis Hamilton is...well, Lewis Hamilton. His name and his achievements stand in a class of their own. 7x WDC wins in teams with 8x WCC wins across his career. His name is synonymous with, and often even bigger than, the F1 brand. Surely it's a no-brainer in this driver line-up that Charles is bound to be sidelined, especially as Lewis has made no secrets in the past about his hunt for an elusive eighth WDC.
However, I believe otherwise. I think that Lewis coming to Ferrari was not only accepted by Charles, but actively encouraged and furthermore, Lewis will not be given the n1 driver status by the team. Charles and Lewis at Ferrari will be, at best, equals, but more likely the development informed by Lewis and his experience but skewed towards Charles. To truly dive into why, we need to consider several factors including la mafia monegasque inside Ferrari, the curious case of Charles's old teammates, the emerging details of Lewis's contract, and the true value of what Lewis brings to Maranello. Buckle up, grab yourself a drink and a snack, (spare a prayer for @tsarinablogs who proofread this), and I'll see you below the cut. It's going to be a wild ride.
First things first, even though it's signing Lewis Hamilton, we have had confirmation that this move basically passed through Charles for approval and Charles signed his contract extension KNOWING that his teammate would be none other than Lewis, and he signed anyway. I'm sure this isn't a choice that Charles made lightly, so we have to put ourselves in his shoes, examine his reasons.
Charles has been outspoken about relishing a chance to learn from Lewis. And what racing driver worth their laurels wouldn't? In races that most of us can't bear to watch (Charles and Carlos in Monza 2023, and Max and Charles fights in 2022 come to mind), Charles always emerges beaming and giggling. This man lives and breathes for racing right on the limit, and how better to learn that from THE Lewis Hamilton. But just because Charles wants to learn from Lewis doesn't mean (as some seem to believe) that Charles will suddenly become the Ferrari n2. I trust Charles's judgement in this, and trust that Il Predestinato has unshakeable faith that he will be the one fighting for a title, even if his teammate is Lewis Hamilton. For any worried that Charles couldn't possibly hold his own, well, let's take a little look at how Charles has fared in a teammate battles in the past.
Max Verstappen is more often than not, ridiculed and made fun of for having a teammate curse. And while, yes, he pushed Daniel Ricciardo out of the RBR n1 seat, he sat through the rotating door of Pierre/Alex, and Checo hasn't been having the greatest time. But Max's teammates, more often than not, do have very decent carers after. Daniel basically has a guaranteed ride out of sabbatical right back into the fastest car on the grid next year, Pierre is still around with Alpine, Alex is making some serious waves at Williams and is being touted as a possible replacement for Lewis.
By contrast, Charles tends to destroy the careers of those who have been his teammates in Formula 1. I mean, we only need to take one look at the position that Carlos is now in to see it. At the start of 2023, everything was looking right for Carlos. He had a car that suited him and didn't suit Charles (extreme understeer), he even managed to be the only non-RB driver to win a race in 2023. However Charles, with three more non-classified (DNS/DNF/DSQ) races, still beat Carlos in the WDC at the end of the year, not placing ONCE outside the top 5 in races he finished since the end of the Summer Break. Even in a year that was supposed to be geared for Carlos, Charles humiliated him. Now, no team seems to be jumping at the chance to sign Carlos. Indeed his best option at the moment might be to sign with Sauber, try and build the team around him when it becomes Audi and hope that by some miracle in the first few seasons of this new F1 team it can be at least high midfield. But Carlos is in a sticky situation, he's quite old for a prime F1 driver in the current era, especially considering the extremely talented generation just below him. This news has more or less sealed his fate of not being anywhere near a championship car for at least the next 3-4 years.
Even looking back past Carlos to Seb. Make no mistake of it, Ferrari destroyed Seb's career–but Charles, the upstart young Il Predestinato and the pride of Maranello, is also wholly responsible. He refused to roll over and accept the role of easy-going second driver, despite the car and the team being built around Seb, and won not only his maiden grand prix, but won Monza as a Ferrari driver and finished ABOVE Seb in points in the WDC that year.
It's a fact that flies below the radar, but Charles is ruthless when it comes to his teammates. One thing Charles proved while being teammates with Seb is that he's happy to learn from more experienced teammates, then use their own tricks against them. Charles thrives DESPITE and almost BECAUSE of the adversity and ends up outperforming them and often as a result, if not ending their careers then at least setting them back. While it's almost certain that Lewis's career move AFTER this will be retirement, it's not only foolish but it's plain wrong to assume that Charles will try anything other than to beat Lewis in a teammate head to head, all the while watching and observing what it is that makes Lewis Hamilton a 7x WDC.
While we're on the topic of Charles and his ruthlessness, make no mistake, this Fred Vasseur takeover of Ferrari has been entirely orchestrated by Charles. It's pretty much a widely known fact that Mattia was fired to placate Charles, and Fred was brought in on Charles's request. Not only is Fred Charles's old Sauber boss, but Charles also has a cultural advantage with Fred over his present and future teammates that's worth mentioning, him and Fred share a common mother tongue in French and if they're videoed together, chances are they're speaking it. It's a tiny detail, really, but you tend to have unconcious affinity to those who share your native language. Fred is Charles's man at Ferrari, and this is reflected in not only Fred's words surrounding Charles's contract renewal, but also in the secondary driver signings. Not only does the new reserve driver, F2 FDA prodigy Ollie Bearman, seem very friendly with Charles, but the Scuderia's new development driver, who will spending crucial hours on the sim and in testing, is none other than Arthur Leclerc. This is a team that is deliberately being filled with Charles ride or dies, and it's of little surprise that Carlos found himself pushed out of the nest.
So we've established that Charles wants to go up against Lewis Hamilton, that he's bringing Lewis into a team that orbits Charles like the sun. But what's to stop Lewis from doing to Charles what he did to Fernando in 2008, and Nico in 2013? Even with the strength of Charles's conviction and the team Charles has around him, Lewis Hamilton is Lewis Hamilton. Even if Charles and Fred talk in French, Lewis knew Fred first, and has known him for longer. It's already confirmed that Lewis is bringing engineers and expertise from Mercedes and Lewis could mount a challenge to Il Predestinato at Maranello if he wanted to. So why won't he?
It's simple, Lewis's goal is not to win the eighth, it's something longer lasting.
Now don't get me wrong, if Charles does not match Lewis in the car, and the car is dominant. Lewis will win every single WDC for as long as he and Charles are teammates and he will do so without remorse or regret. If Lewis knows he can outperform Charles, he will refuse to bow to the slightest of team orders. Charles has to keep his end of the bargain and do what Nico Rosberg did in 2016–show that he can beat Lewis Hamilton in equal machinery.
To clarify, I'm sure that winning an eighth, especially with Ferrari, would mean the world to Lewis. Not only would he break a world record, but he'd bring the championship home to Schumacher's old team. It would create a legacy to last, his time in F1 forever immortalised in legend. But what about his life AFTER F1, what sort of legacy does Lewis want to leave there?
I think Lewis is ready to retire. His drive for Ferrari is a swan song, the fulfilment of a childhood dream, but we also have to consider what could have made him decide to not end his career with Mercedes. After all, he's been with them since he was thirteen, been driving for them in F1 for 10 seasons (soon to be 11) and he's been outspoken about that team basically being his family. While there are excellent points about Ferrari possibly being dominant under the new regs in 2026 and car development in Mercedes not listening to Lewis, I believe the biggest factor is what Ferrari could promise Lewis for when his career as an F1 driver comes to a close. Not only did Mercedes refuse to make him ambassador, but Ferrari promised him one of the most expensive contracts in the history of the sport and a joint investment fund to help grow Lewis's own projects in the future. Lewis is passionate about having a platform, in having initiatives to further his causes and it makes absolute sense that he wants to focus on these after his retirement. Ferrari was able to promise him security and freedom after the racing is done, while apparently, Mercedes could offer neither.
So if Ferrari isn't bringing Lewis in on this insane with the goal of winning a world championship, what do they stand to gain from it all?
It's simple, Ferrari is Ferrari yes, but Lewis Hamilton is Lewis Hamilton. The best and the brightest in the F1 world will be flocking to Maranello, lining up outside the gates for a chance to work with him, just as they did to Mercedes in the years past. Just as Ferrari can guarantee Lewis long-term success, Lewis can guarantee Ferrari long-term success. Even if Lewis only stays a couple of years, it is certain that the expertise he brings in will stay longer, long enough to secure Ferrari dominance and many WCCs throughout the new regs and maybe even longer than that. On the chance that Charles can't quite match Lewis and Lewis does get his eighth, he'll still almost certainly get a WDC out of it when Lewis leaves, along with a treasure trove of firsthand information as to the driving and the mindset of the most decorated F1 driver ever, information that Charles will carry on into his career and whoever he may face next.
And Charles will carry on, this is the most important piece of the puzzle. This is why Charles obviously relishes having Lewis as his future teammate, no matter what it will bring. At best, Charles can write himself into history by fulfilling the Il Predestinato prophecy in spectacular fashion, not only bringing glory back to Maranello, but doing so with The Sir Lewis Hamilton as his teammate, and cementing his status as generational talent in indisputable fashion. At worst for Charles, Lewis takes the initial glory of the first championship after the drought, but the subsequent championships will be basically promised to Charles. Lewis will likely not stick around for longer than three years, after which Charles will have a team of incredible engineering and strategic proportions with him at the centre for the rest of his career, which could easily last another decade after that.
Lewis Hamilton is Lewis Hamilton, and him and Ferrari have a lot to benefit from each other, but make no mistake, Charles is the present, and the future of la Scuderia Ferrari.
Lastly, although I'm sure most of you have heard this story, I'll leave you with some words by Sky Sports' Carlo Vanzini as to the origin of Charles's nickname, Il Predestinato.
“It all goes back to an early encounter. He was about 15 and they had brought him to Sky for some media training. We had this meeting and then had a press conference simulation where I asked him something like: ‘You’re starting on pole today but your team-mate is racing for title, what are you going to do?’
“To which he answered, ‘I race to win.’ So we sat there and came up with a more diplomatic answer, something along the lines of ‘I’ll focus on my race, but I will help the team wherever necessary.’
“But then this boy came up to me later and told me the question I had asked was fundamentally wrong because ‘there is no way my teammate will be the one fighting for the championship and not me.'”
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k0juki · 25 days
You and Mafia Max having a night out in the Netherlands.
Mafia!Max Verstappen
Carneval night
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English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
More Mafia!Max posts here!
A/n: The time-line is before they broke up.
Wc: 624
You were only a few months in the Netherlands, so Max thought that it would be fun to show you around Amsterdam.
At first you were here just because of your father, but after some time and meeting some new people, including Max, you decided to stay here, with him.
Amsterdam has become more than just a temporary stop—now it's your home, filled with love and adventure. You fell in love with him, and he did the same.
"I heard there's a street festival here." Max suggested and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Live music, delicious food stalls, and carnival games. I thought you would like it."
"That doesn't sound so bad." You teased him, but he can't say he doesn't like it, because he does like it.
As you stroll through the vibrant streets of Amsterdam, the festive atmosphere fills you with excitement. You really liked this place, because it wasn't anything like back home in London.
"Oh, look Max, they have these big stuffed animals here!" You pointed out and made your way to that booth with Max right beside you.
"Who do I have to shoot to get that donkey?" You asked and took that heavy gun. Max and the stall holder laughed. "I mean it."
"Yeah, she's not joking." Max grined and gave warning look to that guy. It was sign that nor Max or you were joking. You really wanted that stupit stuffed animal.
"I'm sure you do young lady, the rules are simple, you have to shoot down the cans. That's all." He explained, as he moved aside, you pointed the gun at cans and shot. Completely missed. It was harder than you expected.
At first, Max was just wheezing, so you didn't mind him much, but after some time... "That was amazing love, you have to teach me." He laughted and clapped his hands.
"Oh, ha ha...I'm just warming up." You adjusted the gun and shot. Missed again.
That couldn't be right, the gun was just too heavy. And what was worse, Max's laugh starts to piss you off. Did he want to die? You were sure he did. You said nothing and just gave him a long side eye. If look could kill, Max would be instantly dead.
"Someone is asking for trouble." You whispered and shot the last shoot. Nothing.
You put the gun down and turned to Max with both hands on your hips. "You wanna try it, Emilian?"
That shut him up, because everyone that was close to Max and you knew that you normally didn't call Max Emilian. More like Max, Maxi or love. You were really pissed off.
But he didn't waste any second and took the gun the moment it was reloaded and perfectly shot three times, all cans fell down.
Max looked at you with a smug face and put down the gun. You just crossed your arms as that stallholder cherished and congratulated Max, he just laughed a little and said, "I will take that donkey."
As Max handed you that stuffed animal, he leaned his head down and kissed your cheek. "For a pretty lady, one big donkey."
You thanked Max and took his hand in yours, everything was forgiven. And then you started dragging him to another interesting place you saw.
But you didn't notice how Max turned back to the stallholder and how they exchanged a long glances of knowing, he knew who Max was, so even if Max didn't shoot right after you, he would give you that stuffed donkey himself.
His life was worth more than some plush.
"What do you say we look for next?" Max asked and put his arm back around you. Even though you were completely clueless, but still happy.
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daisybianca · 7 months
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pairing: lewis hamilton x yn
summary: lewis is kind of a mafia type of guy here, but he still remains the best f1 driver in history with 8 championships (!). mafia means that he kinda kills people. he's always hot put now he is double hot. idk if that's even possible, but anyway. you're his girl, and he sees that someone made a bruise on your hand. spoiler alert: i doesn't end well for the guilty man.
warnings: lots of cursing words, sexual actions, mentions of death, etc
(a/n): it is written in 1 pov, from his point of view. though it couldn't get any hotter? nah, it can.
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WHEN I UNLOCK my mansion's door and come see my girlfriend crying, three completely different options pass through my mind.
One. Killing someone.
Two. Making someone regret.
Three. Doing both of those after kissing my woman's tears until the don't exist anymore.
I rush to her on the couch, not even bothering to shut the door behind me. "What happened, baby?" I get on my knees and try to hold her close to me. She doesn't meet my gaze. She's hidden her face behind her little hands, but I can still take a glimpse of her scorching hot, red cheeks. "Hey, y/n, talk to me." I try to persuade her, even though it seems impossible.
"P-please," she stutters, and something dark and colorful captures my attention on her left wrist.
It's a bruise. A fucking bruise. A huge one to be exact.
I try to compose myself. It's not even enough. I think my jawline starts to tremble, and I don't even notice at first. "Y/N," I force her to look at me, forcing her hands away off her beautiful face. Her features are soft but her precious eyes have turned swollen and her lips are tighter than ever. "Who did this to you?" The words come out sharp. I don't even think about them to be honest.
She is my fucking woman. These are the rules. Nobody is allowed to touch her in a way that she doesn't want to. Not even me.
I cup her small face with both my hands. "Who hurt you, baby?"
I hear a soft cry and then she tries to speak again but doesn't manage to do it properly without stuttering.
Fuck, I won't look good in jail clothing.
I bit my lip in order to not lose it just at this fucking moment. My fists become a ball. My girl notices and places her little ones over my hands to stop the shaking.
"Baby, please," I mouth. "Tell me who the bastard is, and I swear, he'll never see sunlight again to touch you." Forcing myself to stand up, in a matter of seconds, I sit on the couch, and she's moved on my lap. I think I'm losing my mind each time she looks at me, and I don't know who to kill. "Just tell me a name, Y/N."
She finally stops crying. Fuck.
My heart jumps each time she attempts to speak but is unable to due to the silent sobs.
A few seconds pass.
A few more, too.
Eventually, I feel a hand pressing on my chest and immediately blood rushes straight to my cock.
Damn it.
Of course, my dick doesn't get the whole situation. It has a whole brain of its one. In fact, we are under hard circumstances right now. And surely, there can't be anything harder than that at the moment.
She hides her face in my neck. I place my hand on the back of it and wait.
I think my blood pressure is on its fucking limits when she turns to face me. "It's my ex." She blurts out suddenly. I want to laugh but I don't.
Oh this fucking bastard again... Though we were done with him by the time I threatened him with his life if he ever got close to my girl again. But he definitely isn't the type of guy loyal to anything. Not to promises, not to threats, not even to his ex-girlfriend.
"He asked to meet me. I said no, but he wouldn't understand. He was waiting outside my place this morning, claiming he'd like to talk. I wanted to get away from him, but he grabbed my arm and..." her voice breaks.
I hold her for a few seconds as the sobs initiate again. Afterward, I get up and make a very important call. Returning, I am very pleased to meet a much-better-looking, without-any-tears woman sitting on the couch and scrolling through her phone.
Noticing me, she looks at me. I try to smile. "He'll be dead till midnight." Sitting next to her, I take her on my lap and kiss the dry tears off her cheeks.
And then I start undressing her, not because my dick is asking for it since one hour ago, but because she seems in the mood for it.
"I just want you to fuck me, Lewis." She says as I press my palm around her neck and spread wet kissing along her breasts. "Fuck me like you hate me."
I smile. "Baby, I could never hate you."
"Just do it for an hour," she moans against my ear. "Please."
I stop to look at her, laughing. "An hour?" I rise my eyebrows. "Love, you underestimate me."
She laughs too, and we're off to upstairs, where one of the mansion's bedrooms is located.
I want to make love to her, truth to be told. Passionate and delicate. But she asked for a rough fuck.
She knows I'm a man capable of doing both. So I proceeded to doing them.
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justc2world · 4 months
At this point we should start worrrying about Charles. Why does it look like it's vision Hamilton not vision Leclerc. He's obviously going to be second driver no matter how long we keep denying it. Because there's no way Ferrari will invest that much in Lewis and not make him first driver. The goal is a championship yes but not a first for Charles but an 8th for Lewis. The amount of money that will come from that increase in brand value will be insane. We thought Charles had Vasseur but that bald bitch might actually be on Lewis' side. Leclerc Mafia nahh it's Hamilton's house now unfortunately. I just hope his youth and potential won't be wasted there.
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changetyre · 1 year
🛞 TYRES (Masterlist) 🛞
Ⓢoft ≈ Fluffy content
Ⓗard ≈ suggestive content
Ⓦet ≈ Smut
Daniel Ricciardo
Not the last time II Maxiel Ⓦ
Teammate favor II LN4 & DR3 Ⓦ
He made me feel dirty II Daniel Ricciardo Ⓢ Ⓦ
What he doesn't know won't hurt him II Carlos x Reader x Daniel ⒽⓌ
Your Man II Daniel Ricciardo x Reader ⓈⒽ
Carlos Sainz
Teasing II Carlos Sainz Ⓦ
Fuming II Carlos Sainz (Drabble) Ⓢ Ⓦ
No more II Carlos Sainz ⒽⓌ
Face your demons || Max x Reader x Carlos ⒽⓌ
Wild Dreams II Lando Norris x Reader x Carlos Sainz ⒽⓌ
What he doesn't know won't hurt him II Carlos x Reader x Daniel ⒽⓌ
Lando Norris
Teammate Favor II LN4 & DR3 Ⓦ
THIS IS YOUR FAULT! || LN4 Ⓢ Ⓦ *Drabble*
Our Special Number II LN4 ⓈⓌ
Wild Dreams II Lando Norris x Reader x Carlos Sainz ⒽⓌ
L.L.N II Lando Norris ⒽⓌ Part 2
One each II LN4 x Reader x OP81 ⓈⒽ Part 2
You're mine and it's time to let them know II Lando Norris x Reader ⓈⒽⓌ
Hands-on experience II Lando x Reader x Oscar Ⓦ
Max Verstappen
Not the last time II Maxiel Ⓦ
Experimenting II Lestappen x reader Ⓦ
Face your demons || Max x Reader x Carlos ⒽⓌ
More? II Charles Leclerc x Reader x Max Verstappen ⓈⓌ
Charles Leclerc
Experimenting II Lestappen Ⓦ
Squeaky Clean II Charles Leclerc Ⓢ Ⓦ
More? II Charles Leclerc x Reader x Max Verstappen ⓈⓌ
Not like this II Charles Leclerc x Reader (Mafia AU) Part 2 Part 3
Oscar Piastri
It's so wrong but it feels so right II Oscar Piastri ⒽⓌ
Please II Oscar Piastri ⓈⒽⓌ
One each II LN4 x Reader x OP81 ⓈⒽ Part 2
Ily II Oscar Piastri x Reader ⓈⒽⓌ
Shh sweetheart it's okay II Loscar x reader ⒽⓌ
Hands-on experience II Lando x Reader x Oscar Ⓦ
Pierre Gasly
Dirty Little Secret II Pierre Gasly x ReaderⒽⓌ
Logan Sargeant
Need a hand? || Logan Sargeant x Reader ⒽⓌ Shh sweetheart it's okay II Loscar x reader ⒽⓌ
George Russell
We'll take care of you II Alex Albon x Reader x George RussellⓈⒽⓌ
Alex Albon
We'll take care of you II Alex Albon x Reader x George RussellⓈⒽⓌ
Lewis Hamilton
The one and only II Mafia!Lewis x ReaderⓈⒽⓌ
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wafflesrisa · 4 months
Lol slow news day there is absolutely zero chance Lewis Hamilton is moving from a team entirely driven by data and relentless self-evaluation to mafia toxic gossip girl vibes-only-no-strategy red team
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norrisleclercf1 · 5 months
I’m so in love with your mafia!Jenson Button blurb, I need more!!! It was amazing
A/N: This one is unhinged because their relationship is just fucking crazy so enjoy this little blurb
"He does not," You argue, watching one of Jenson's close friends and business partners smirk folding his tattooed hands over his stomach. "I'm serious Y/n, I would know. I took him to get it." You snort and look to your left seeing Jenson through the wall to floor windows into his office.
He was on the phone with his sleeves rolled up and today he was wearing his gun to his waist. "Nope, don't believe you." You shake your head and Lewis Hamilton another leader to a British Mafia, laughs at you.
"Come on, you've got to believe me." You open your mouth to argue but Jenson steps out glaring. "Lewis, will you please stop flirting with my girl. She's not yours, only mine. Back. Off." Lewis chuckles and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, don't forget we have the gala." Jenson grumbles and goes to grab his gun which has Lewis backing away quickly.
"Bye! Also, Y/n." You look up and smile at Lewis which has Jenson's glare turning dark. "It's true, trust me." Lewis winks and saunters off.
"What's true?" Jenson asks, turning his attention to you. Your smile drops and you glare right back at him. "None of your business Mr. Button. Also, please don't forget you have a lunch engagement with Ms. Winters." Jenson groans and nods and walks off.
You cast your eyes to the side and look Jenson up and down. "Nah, no way he has a dick piercing."
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blue1amory · 10 months
Tumblr media
Request anytime and I will write it as soon as possible.
11 stories coming soon
1 story in process
6 stories completed
Alex Albon
It had to be me || coming soon
↳ the Thailands mafia king had to kidnap you after you see something you shouldn’t have.
Carlos Sainz Jr.
Dangerous territory || coming soon (+ Charles Leclerc)
↳ being the wife of the mafia of Monaco you never expected to fall in love either the mafia of Spain.
Charles Leclerc
Dangerous territory || coming soon (+ Carlos Sainz Jr. )
↳ being the wife of the mafia of Monaco you never expected to fall in love either the mafia of Spain.
A farewell amidst tears and angels
↳ This poetic piece, captures the poignant moment when a loved one faces the inevitability of parting, expressing a heartfelt wish for the survivor to find solace and happiness in the wake of their departure.
Daniel Ricciardo
On your deck || coming soon
↳ hiding on his ship maybe your greatest mistake
Esteban Ocon
↳ nothing yet
Fernando Alonso
↳ nothing yet
George Russell
↳ nothing yet
Kevin Magnussen
↳ nothing yet
Kimi Räikkönen
I want to be with you both || coming soon (+ Sebastian Vettel)
↳ being the daughter of Micheal Schumacher is hard but falling in love with the persons that had raced against him is even harder.
Think I need someone older
↳ you fell in love with Kimi and you ain’t afraid to let the entire world know with your new song
Lance Stroll
↳ nothing yet
Lando Norris
Is this really you || coming soon
↳ in which he only dated you because his friends made a bet with him
Not what I thought would happen || coming soon
↳ He, with love entire, cherished her—the brilliance in her eyes when joy doth alight, and the coy retreat behind his form when strangers approach, 'til comfort grants her ease. Ne'er did he envision a world set 'gainst their union.
Lewis Hamilton
One kiss is all it takes || coming soon
↳ you are the daughter of Toto Wolff. But because you could see your crush everyday. You decided to play with him
Logan Sargeant
↳ nothing yet
Max Verstappen
One picture to much || coming soon (+ Oscar Piastri) (part 1)
↳ paparazzi outed your poly relationship out to the world. You three deal with it your own way
Drive (part 2) || coming soon (+ Oscar Piastri)
↳ after all the drama you three continue your life without hiding your relationship
Mick Schumacher
A love unfettered
↳ poetry with the Mick Schumacher as main character
Nico Hulkenberg
↳ nothing yet
Oscar Piastri
you are the soul that fits into mine
↳ The fans call you the “it” couple, and you have 3 moment where you fell even more in love.
One picture to much || coming soon (+ Max Verstappen) (part 1)
↳ paparazzi outed your poly relationship out to the world. You three deal with it your own way
Drive (part 2) || coming soon (+ Max Verstappen)
↳ after all the drama you three continue your life without hiding your relationship
Pierre Gasly
Sweet nights || coming soon
↳ you never had a relax day, so Pierre had an idea
Sebastian Vettel
Hate that I love you! || coming soon
↳ You had to fall in love with your father’s rival
I want to be with you both || coming soon (+ Kimi Räikkönen)
↳ being the daughter of Micheal Schumacher is hard but falling in love with the persons that had raced against him is even harder.
Sergio Perez
↳ nothing yet
Valtteri Bottas
↳ nothing yet
Yuki Tsunoda
↳ nothing seemed to hurt her more than the pain she feels, because she loves him still.
Zhou Guanyu
A day of joy in attraction park
↳ you and your boyfriend go to the attraction park
F1 x reader
↳ nothing yet
Driver x Driver
Nothing stops me from loving you || (Kevin Magnussen x Nico Hulkenberg)
↳ how can one hide his relationship while dating his teammate, simple it called fake dating
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