#let's call it that. i suppose these ones are synthetic tho
Introducing my new magnetic hematite to my other two like "damn I hope they like each other"
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rorykurago · 3 years
Pacific Rim: The Black raises questions
out of respect for @shmoo92​, who I have been spamming for like half an hour, I’ve moved them here:
who the fuck thought walking across several thousand kilometres of Australian interior with tight synthetic clothing, shitty shoes, and no water carriage equipment was a good idea
the biggest lie of this whole in-Conn training concept are that an actual Marshal sat his arse down and narrated hundreds of hours of training script instead of doing a two-minute intro speech and then handing over to some nobody Education Officer
 and also that there’s no Test of Objectives to pass before you can continue to the next lesson
totally realistic that there’s hundreds of lessons to be slogged through at eye-gouging pace tho
where did the seeds and agricultural supplies to set up the haven come from?
if they came from the base, how did everyone forget it was were there?
old mate cruises into camp with a backpack full of shit like “oh, I just found it out there (flapping a hand at the wide red yonder of Woop Woop) can’t remember where though, must not have been very interesting, no point going back”
random forager, you’re a dick
why the fuck would kaiju - who are focused on annihilating humans and terraforming the planet - want a dirtbowl detached from everything else, which is not even that close to the initial Breach
why do only random characters (esp. villains) have Australian accents
Why is there a Jaeger called ‘Striker Berseker’ holy damn that’s disrespectful to the original Striker and also contravenes the rules of not repeating Jaeger name components, who did this who is responsible
per the Drift footage of Herc’s last engagement, his co-pilot was a kickboxer?
or they’ve added kickboxing moves to the general Ranger cannon?
which yes, is in line with the idea of a collective Jaeger bushido, but seems to go against the logic of finding two pilots who fight the same way as a necessary element of compatibility
How advanced are the new Jaegers if they are physically capable of moving fast enough to make an effective knee block and also durable enough to balance the weight of a whole Jaeger (MEGATONNES) on one leg, like DAMN that’s some engineering, how long did that take
Atlas is a Mk-III but looks functionally the same as Striker (though the feet are different) so is this the baseline Australian Jaeger design?
Berserker also has Striker’s head profile (or seems to, without going through shot-by-shot analysis, which let’s be honest, I’m not going to do when I’m still mad about him being a Striker knock-off)
In the middle of nowhere, with vast distances to be crossed between towns, to say nothing of built-up facilities which would have sufficient fuel stores, how are these random Outback wanderers keeping their Bushmasters and haulers moving?
It’s really fucking wasteful to kill off all your dedicated security force and your only Jaeger technician, why the fuck didn’t you just get the people you know can pilot into the Conn and put a couple of that security force in there with them
really doubting your Mastermindness, bud
Who the hell are these other 73 people who tried solo-piloting
I find it hard to rationalise the PPDC throwing so many people into an action with like a 95% fatality rate
Why the hell is there a Jaeger training range in what seems to be the middle of central Australia?
Wouldn’t the average temperatures and restricted access to replacement parts and transport networks put MASSIVE mechanical strain on the Jaegers?
How long does it take to ship parts in? What methods do you even have - road, rail, air??
Yes, the isolation means there would be less worry about causing infrastructure or ecological damage, or misdirected weapons discharge, but it’s SO ISOLATED
Unless this is a land-only training range, and then cadets graduate from here to urban/complex operations, and then marine?
in which case, where are the other training ranges?
Since the series has an aversion to using actual fkn towns (oh my god, just say they lived in Canberra, that’s a valid place which happens to be the actual seat of gov’t, surrounded by nothing but sheep and grain farming, to put the massive expanse of a Jaeger complex), where exactly are all these cities (not towns, CITIES) supposed to be?
Unless Median is an artificial city which spread from the urban training range, the way residential areas grow from mines or defence sites?
They seem to be walking through the Pilbara region of Western Australia a lot, so are all these ranges in central and N-W Australia? Does that mean the marine range is in the vicinity of Broome?
Kinda makes sense, since it’s still lightly populated, and on the opposite side of the country to the actual kaiju threat, meaning cadets would have less stress about suddenly being thrown into IRL combat
it was explicitly stated that kaiju AREN’T called things like Widowmaker, as that’s intimidating as fuck for the Rangers who have to engage with them, so what dickhead named the kaiju in EP 1
you don’t have to call them Captain Fuzzyboots, but keep in mind that you’re sending these guys up against actual humans inside the drivesuit holy hell show some fkn forethought
The drivesuits in Atlas look a lot lighter on than traditional suits, so is these lightweight training kit, versus full-bore combat armour?
if the armour is stored inside the Conn and automatically fitted to whatever pilot steps in, how many sets are pre-loaded? (Breasts or not, height, build)
also no circuitry suits? How do these suits work then?
Plausible that suit tech has advanced since 2025 and that certain elements are now integrated, but interesting that new-frontier suit tech is retrofitted to a Mk-III trainer with no mention of adjustments or conversion alterations
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rosebloodcat · 4 years
HLVRAI/DBH Crossover
An idea I chatted with my friends @lady-lampblack and @liliflower137 about over Discord and decided I wanted to share here. Basically, the AU/Idea is “What if Gordon was a Detroit: Become Human style android that Black Mesa was using to conduct their experiments?” and it spiraled from there. (I just really love Android/Robot character stories)
RoseBloodCat: Ever since I found a post about a robot (android?) Gordon in some one's mer au, I've had androids on the brain. (Specifically DBH-style androids, but still)
RoseBloodCat: I kinda wanna ramble about this idea. Of Gordon being a Cyberlife type android (or a bootleg Cyberlife android) for Black Mesa. Maybe he was originally a (second hand?) housekeeping model they snatched up and tweaked to do experiments because it was cheaper/safer to have an Android do the work in dangerous tests than to make safety equipment in order to risk a human to do it. (No need for hazard pay, or a paycheck at all.) If he ever got hurt they could just replace the damaged parts and didn't need to pay medical Bill's for it.
the gay (mango): Gordon is a max stress android surrounded by chaotic humans doing everything against protocol
RoseBloodCat: Not just that, the type of housekeeper I was thinking of was, like, Live-in Nanny. Yeah, he got tweaked to help with experiments, but that's his core programming. He isn't a fighter, it's against his programing to hurt anyone (especially with a weapon) So he's running after this group of kooky scientists who are breaking every rule in the book and just... trying to keep them from dying. And while doing that, he's also trying  to keep his stress levels from getting too high. Because androids who's stress levels hit 100% tend to self destruct and he doesn't want to do that thank you very much. Like "I started my day with a blue LED, but now I'm stuck in Yellow and keep flickering to red and that's bad okay?" (Blue is "I'm calm"/Everything is normal; Yellow is "I'm stressed/thinking very hard"; Red is "I'm super stressed"/something is very wrong) He also definitely becomes a Deviant (android that defies/breaks free of their coding) at some point.
the gay (mango): Oh totally A situation like that requires some deviancy Maybe he first breaks his code to pick up a gun and defend himself
The Flower (Lili): Love robot gordon Aus,,
RoseBloodCat: He absolutely does it because someone shoved a gun in his hands and told him to hold on to it "just in case one of us loses ours" and during a confrontation/fight against an alien he fires it. Which is kind of excusable since he did it yo protect a human. But I mean deviant as in, he fights a human which goes even more against his code and most likely comes with a nice big bag of TRAUMA. (As this usually seems to only happen during severe abuse/"I don't want to die" situations) Most likely it happens because of the soldiers, but Gordon is a mess when the (synthetic?) adrenaline wears off. Poor man is a fucking wreck after that happens.
The Flower (Lili): Gordon is just stressed in all aus that's just how it is
RoseBloodCat: Has to scrape himself together after that and find everyone else (I'm assuming he got separated from them to end up in that situation) and when he does his LED is just... stuck in red because he's very distressed but he's got a mission right then and he can't self destruct right then, and he can think about the errors and his deviancy problems after they're all out and safe. (Because being a Deviant is basically a death sentence for androids. They get deactivated and destroyed if they become deviants, but that's if they caught or reported. Gordon remembers this, know about it, and ideas whisper at the back of his head when he remembers it.) But the others notice that something is different about their android (aside from his LED) so they're being a little more cautious/careful around him, knowing that it really wouldn't be good if Gordon self destructed on them so they try to ease up to get him calm(er) again. It helps, but Gordon still has a new worry that he hasn't confessed to yet.
the gay (mango): They try to talk him down in quiet momenta, get him to focus on other things "I was built to run the black mesa daycare..."
RoseBloodCat: Yeah (Also, I love that statement about Gordon being brought in originally for the Daycare, because it really shows how out-of-his-element Gordon is right then)
the gay (mango): Yeah i thought it was a nice touch This can lead to some funny "preschool teacher" moments
RoseBloodCat: XD Ye! He unintentionally gives himself away with one of those, I think. Like, he actually does a preschool manner thing with them because he's so fed up he's like "Well, if you're going to act like children then I'll treat you like children."
they gay (mango): Yesyesyes
The Flower (Lili): Oh I love that
RoseBloodCat: Which goes against his previous behavior of "These are Certified Black Mesa Employee's and I must treat them respectfully because I am an Android." It takes them all a moment to figure it out (realize what's happening here), and when they do it's "Hey wait a moment, the way he's acting has changed. He didn't do that before." Maybe Tommy is the first to really figure out that Gordon's gone Deviant? And he likes Gordon so he starts quietly plotting to help Gordon/keep him safe and keeps that realization to himself for a while.
the gay (mango): Yesyesyes
RoseBloodCat: It's a one-by-one realization that goes through the group but no one speaks up about it.
the gay (mango): Whos the last one to figure it out
RoseBloodCat: For amusement's sake, I want to say either Benrey or Bubby. Benrey because he starts out acting suspicious of Gordon for not having a passport (not really getting that Gordon doesn't have one due to be an Android and being (essentially) property). And Bubby because... I just like the idea of him being kind of oblivious about Gordon's changes and being too chaotic to actually think much about it.
RoseBloodCat: Basically
the gay (mango): Bubby just doesnt care whether or not gordo is a robot Hes a bastard either way fjdbfbd
RoseBloodCat: XD He doesn't care as long as Gordon continues to call him Doctor Bubby. Benrey (being an alien) just straight up doesn't get that Gordon isn't human for the longest time. It's not until either someone sits him down and explains it or he sees Gordon bleed blue that he really gets it. Because Androids look almost identical to actual humans. To the point where, if you removed or covered their LEDs, it would be impossible to tell they weren't actually human. (Externally, at least)
the gay (mango): Do you think gordo would remove his led out of self preservation
RoseBloodCat: He'd consider it! But he's also currently surrounded by people who would notice if he ripped it out, so it's probably part of his plans for after they escape. (He doesn't know they would/are all be fine with him being a Deviant, and Tommy would totally help him by faking up some story for him. Not yet at least.) Part of the plans Gordon's forming in his head are to remove his LED and get some normal human clothing (instead of the usual Android Uniform he's stuck in), he hasn't gotten to what he needs to do after that, but he's working on it.
The Flower (Lili): oh shoot he probably doesn't have the hev suit in this because he's a robot he doesn't need it
the gay (mango): What if gordon had the led shot off by a soldier thats stupid enough to think its a weak point
RoseBloodCat: (In DBH, America is the only county really having issues with androids, so for many of then the plan is to escape to Canada. Which is supposed to have a lot more lax Android laws.)
the gay (mango): Makes sense The states is notoriously terrible
RoseBloodCat: (I think the creators were actually looking for an "Underground Railroad" type of parallel.) And I don't think a soldier would try to shoot there. Partially because it's so hard to hit such a tiny spot, and partially because a lot of the "Kill" spots on an Android are the same as a human (even if it takes more force to do damage. Guns still work the same as with a normal person tho.)
the gay (mango): fair
RoseBloodCat: Now, we could say it happened because someone tried to shoot him in the head and happened to hit his LED. That would be much more believable.
the gay (mango): yeah i like that more
RoseBloodCat: But, if losing the LED doesn't happen, there's also Tommy's plan. Which is to ask his dad to let him keep/have Gordon to take care of the house and Sunkist. And not mention that Gordon's a Deviant and that he actually wants to just give him a safe place to live/stay and not need to be afraid of getting hurt. (And that Tommy would give him the freedom to try whatever he wanted/caught his eye.) A "Hidden in Plain sight" type of plan.
the gay (mango): Y e s
RoseBloodCat: Has room to be really sweet, because Gordon is worrying about having to make a dangerous trek alone and needing to keep hidden from them all and Tommy's going "No, I care you and wanna keep you happy and safe."
the gay (mango): Tommy would let gordon bunk with him either way
RoseBloodCat: Oh absolutely. Tommy would get all of them to bunk with him, tbh
the gay (mango): Yeahhh
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gongju-juice · 4 years
She never lied.
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This was requested by anonymous. For future reference, please follow my page and send a message for requests. I may not be able to get everyone, and I may not give you exactly what you want but please be patient and understanding mah bois.
Warnings: Psychological Instability, Angst
“Mr. Park, how are you feeling today?”
He cleared his throat, eyes shifting around the white walls of the office. Every time he visited, the same family photos and certificates hung mockingly on the wall. Once upon a time, Jinyoung was once successful. He had his degrees, his career, his woman; his heart. Those days belong in another part of his life. A life that no longer existed.
“Mr. Park?”
“I feel. . .” he paused to find the right words, “hollow. Not as empty as usual, but the hole is wider today. It burns around the edges.”
The psychiatrist lowered her head in disappointment. Ms. Kyeong-un was one of the most talented mental health physicians in Changwon City. Her accomplishments were renowned and praised in all of South Korea. But with all her fancy background and text-book knowledge, she simply couldn’t understand the complex young man. 
“Have you been doing your therapy sessions like we’ve talked about?”
“No,” he admitted, “well, yes, at first. My medicine makes my head feel weird, and every time I try to breathe like you showed me how, all I inhale is her perfume. When I go out for walks, I see the pretty cherry blossoms—cherry blossoms were her favorite, you know.”
“Do you still work at the elementary school?”
Jinyoung recalled the prior day’s events. He was supposed to take the kindergarteners out for recess on the playground. But instead of doing that, he led them to the parking lot where cars maneuvered in and out of the blue lined spaces, tires screeching on the hot asphalt. Children yelling as they came inches from death by the silver bumper of a car’s front.
“No, I was fired.”
“Fired? But why?”
He scratched his chin. “I don’t know why. I was just trying to let them have fun.”
She closed her folder and clasped her hands together. “Mr. Park, I don’t see any improvement in our sessions at all. Your progression has been stagnant for months. It’s time you take initiative.”
Jinyoung didn’t see what else he could do. Sleepless nights led to terrifying hallucinations in the morning. Those hallucinations made him do terrible things in the day. How was he supposed to know that the friendly bunny standing in the parking lot of the school was not real?
“I have an idea,” she announced. “Admittedly, it is a little unconventional and slightly discouraged, but I think it may help your case. Would you like to know what it is?”
He shrugged. She reached under her desk and pulled out a thin, iridescent card.
“I have a friend named Lee Taemin. He takes on special orders at this location. Just tell security your name, and they’ll lead you there. I sent a picture of her so he’d know what she looked like when she was. . .alive.”
“A doll?” Jinyoung chuckled mirthlessly. “And you think one of those things can help me get over my wife? The life, the sunshine of my entire existence?”
“It’s worth a try, Mr. Park.”
Sometimes, Jinyoung seriously wondered about the insanity behind people’s motives. He was crazy. He knew this and knew it well. But this woman, this doctor, was supposed to fix the cloud of despair that was his mentality. And she thought she could accomplish this by a figurine made of plastic and synthetic human flesh. Who was crazier?
The next night he arrived at the building. It was made entirely of glass, a tree in the metaphorical urban jungle that dominated first-world society. Above the gold embellished revolving doors, the name of the owner shimmered in the morning sun.
He told the clerk his name, and she brought him into an elevator and up to the top floor. The long hallway had a clear view of the city, sprawling alive and awake in the rush hour time. All of it was meaningless. None of it meant a thing if he couldn’t have his girl. He used to dream of exploring the whole world. Now he sat on his bed staring at the tv blankly. Nothing had color any more.
“Mr. Park,” Taemin called, swiveling around in his chair. He wore a dark suit, his hair neatly parted to the side and meticulously groomed. “Kyeong-un told me all about your dilemmas.”
“And you’re wasting your time. Nothing or no one could ever replace my Mina. I don’t even know why,” he sighed. “I don’t even know why I’m here.”
“You’re here because you want a chance. You want a chance to get rid of the pain that’s been eating away at your heart. Don’t feel bad, Mr. Park. Everyone has their mediums. Whether it be drugs or alcohol—crime or sex—you’re allowed to do whatever is you have to do.”
He pointed at the box by his desk. “Take a look inside. I won’t judge you.”
Jinyoung as he was told. A cold, robotic body with her signature long black hair and glassy brown eyes laid inside. She was even the exact height, the shape of her lips and arch of her brows all a perfect replica of the woman who used to be.
“Do enjoy,” Taemin said. And with that, Jinyoung left the building.
He set the doll down on his bed. For as much as it resembled her, he knew her eyes were not animated. Her breath, her painted smile was fake. The real Mina was six feet underneath the dirt.
Sometime, maybe it was a week or two. Jinyoung revisited the forgotten doll abandoned in her cardboard prison. He lifted her body, cradling her to his chest. 
“My girl! My darling, baby girl! How could I leave you all alone when you’ve been so cold, so lonely? I won’t ever do it again, I swear it!”
His angel was back. His life was back. 
In the mornings, he bathed her in exquisite perfumes, brushing her hair delicately with care to the nurture of every single strand. He made her tea, and together, they drank in the golden rays of the sun.
The thing is—he wasn’t crazy. He wasn’t crazy. When he held her in his arms, she was real. She was smiling, she talked to him, she held his hand. Mina was alive, she wasn’t a doll. And Mina wouldn’t lie to him. She never lied to him. How could she lie about being real?
Got7 is one of my favorite Kpop groups, and Jinyoung and Jaebum are both my bias wreckers lol. (Jackson gege is my precious bias tho). 
This is a slightly altered form for what they requested, but that’s just because their idea was very grand, and I was little worried about cramming half-done work in this one-shot. I’m also not sure if I will write smut for actual (real-life) people in the future. For fictional characters it’s cowabunga and all that, but I haven’t made up my mind about actual people.
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kaoarika · 5 years
Dumb thing I gave my opinion about this morning and someone actually making me engaged in the comment section of a web*toon:
I generally avoid comment sections to discuss stuff that would take over 500 characters to make my whole point about it. Some times, I’m fine when I see ppl agreeing with me (in the same comment section), but other times, I suppose my opinion is “controversial” (I use quotation marks because it’s actually silly to call it “controversial”), because I’m applying IRL hindsight instead of willing my suspension of disbelief), but yeah.
So, I started binge reading this web*toon called “Yum*i’s Cel*ls”, I cannot believe it’s over 400 episodes, so ofc my decision in doing this as such was actually the wrong one (stuck right now in Ch 216), cuz I’m trying to devour EVERYTHING and it’s quite enjoyable, and I HAVE CRIED, even, at times.
I understand that there should be a “drama” rule when it’s about stuff about relationships and I suppose half of the problems in maaaaaany romance stories (I do accept I’m doing a bit of this too?) could be resolved with communication in any kind of relationship.
Some lack of it VERY BADLY *cough*KoiInu*cough*, and sometimes at least they try?
Okay, that being said, I’m going to explain some basic points before going forward.
YC is a romcom/drama with some Fantasy (biological, tho?) touches. It’s about a woman in her early 30s who had her heart closed up to anyone after a messy and sad breakup with her ex, but it kinda started changing when she had a crush with a guy who happens to work in the same company as her. Thing is, the guy isn’t interested in her, and is, instead, trying to set her up with a friend of his that might like her... and they eventually fall in love.
Then shenaningans happen, because OFC! It’s a romance/drama! *SIGH* I want to express a lot of my thoughts, but I’m going to synthetize them as muh as I can.
So, it happens that Yum*i’s bf, Woo*ng has a female bff that was ACTUALLY pining him for YEARS, but never did any kind of move... and he was also pining for her for YEARS, but eventually gave up. So, when he actually starts clicking with Yu*mi, the snake of a friend reveals her real scales, and start doing EVERYTHING in her own will to separate them :’) Also, Woo¨ng has some lingering feelings for his bff, like, HAH, ofc, he does. And he is freaking oblivious and dense about it.
There’s some obvious topics around that the series discusses like, “are men and women be allowed to be friends who aren’t pining each other” (IRL response, yes), but ofc the series doesn’t play it as such because... drama and usual tropes like “friends to lovers” (and like I said, both Woo*ng and S*ia were pining for each other at least a moment in their lives).
And heck, I do like the tope... if used and done well, of course. But, man, how I am still frustrated over this love triangle.
I mean, Yu*mi has her reasons to be jealous (because Si*a was purposely pining on her bf), but, Woo*ng is such a dense dude that, GOSH, bless his soul. Si*a was simply using the “best friend” card to do her duty as antagonist in this love triangle, and it made me so frustrated, because there’s ppl like that and trying to put her POV as “if winning his heart” would be a little nice romantic bs story to tell her grandchildren :/c. Yu*mi had all her right to hate and dislike her. But... Woo*ng was really in between a hard and rock place to choose what to do.
Here is the main point of this post and my opinion on that comment section, because at one moment, Woo*ng is realizing that Si*a is not having the best intentions of the world to still being his friend and “wanted something more” from their relationship.
Yu*mi straightly tells him that she dislikes Si*a. And Woo*ng response is similar, instead of “it’s complicated” (because he had lingering feelings for her, even though she is not in his Top 10 priorities, lmao). So, Yum*i "casts a spell” with him to get him out from awkward situations with her or any other woman. “My gf wouldn’t like that”, and, if they ask him “what? are you asking permission from your girlfriend over something like this? Are you whipped out by her?”, he would respond with his name “Woo*ng”.
Now, here is the issue I have with this (and technically I disagree with the majority of a 3-year-old comment section in this episode! Yay!). Sure, I get it, Yum*i was looking out for him, she is his gf. And Woo*ng is SO FREAKING DENSE, istg. So, this was some kind of way to declare that he was already "owned” by someone else, so “BACK OFF!”
But... I think, this could be worded soooo much better than what it is...
I mean, isn’t it bad hearing this same thing from a girl with a bf, right?  So, is it OKAY from a guy’s perspective??  “I don’t think my s/o would like this” DEFINITELY sounds as anyone is “asking permission” to do something. It doesn’t sound good, no matter how you put it. No matter if the one saying it is a woman or a man or a nb person.
All I said was, “if this was worded better (instead of saying ’I don’t think my s/o would like that because (dumb reason)’, this couldn’t get interpreted wrong” If it was worded so MUCH better, perhaps the situation wouldn’t make it look bad from my POV. There are better ways to decline an invitation.
SURE, Si*a response was made to get through him as a way to prove her point, duh. Let alone, again, Woo*ng, being the dense guy he was, was being manipulated by Si*a using the “best friend card”, “what’s wrong in two friends watching a movie together?”.SURE, it’s nothing wrong, but your intentions are also gd CLEAR on this, such a manipulative b*tch you turned out to be :) .
There’s also this. Like, the way the translation uses “Woo*ng” as a way to respond to the “are you totally whipped by your gf?” is... UHM... debatable at best. In English, “Woo*ng” may sound similar to “wrong”, but... in Korean, apparently “Woo*ng” sounds like an informal “yes”, so... it’s like answering “Yes, I’m whipped out by my gf” in Korean... but “No, I’m not” in English... SOOO... Make that as you want.
I know discussing this might be stupid, because “fiction”, and my exp. in romantic relationships is pretty null at this point,  but... I suppose you are also expecting something else from a series, you know? Because I’m simply cheering on the main couple of this series (at that point, spoiler!), and overall, Yum*i...  Also, sometimes I lose some neurones in comment sections... *shrugs* and I was expressing my opinion on why I think the way it was portrayed was dubiously good.
I still think the way this all started was with how Woo*ng told Yum*i that he also “hated” Si*a as a way to avoid a fight... but Yum*i, although understandably jealous and would like him to stand out by himself and the like, was saying it as such... it could have been better, really. I know you are thinking in the good intentions of your s/o, but it would turn otherwise. A romantic relationship is mostly built around trust and compromise... not being possessive of your s/o (even if you don’t want to make it look as such). No matter how sly an outsider is and may be willing to separate you.
ALSO, don’t get me wrong, I love this series! It’s quite good (and WOW the change of art style over 4 years is astounding!) but I cannot not criticize some stuff here and there :) and boy, do I have some small issues around...
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Act 3, Chapter 6: Train your Brain
(so sorry for any typos, I made this on my phone.)
Rustbolt looked at the new hero. "You want WHAT?" "We want you to train him," EB said. "The better he is at being a zombie hero, the less time Zomboss spends surveiling us!" Rustbolt looked at his friend. "Know what? Alright. Sounds good to me."
"First order of business is placing Zombies."
Sportacus nodded. "Then the plants go, then we do tricks, right?" Rustbolt nodded. "So here are your basic cards. I'd consider these the essentials. For Zombies, some of my favorites are Bucketheads and Paparazzi Zombies." "What's so good about a paparazzi zombie?" "Whenever you play a trick they get buffed. And since we have hearty tricks on our side, we can buff him with the trick, then he buffs himSELF. Get it?" Sportacus smiled and nodded. "That's pretty clever!" Rustbolt smirked. "Now for your essential tricks. Always make sure you have a rolling stone or two, a rocket science, and finally, my signature, weed spray." Sportacus nodded, pulling out a can of weed spray. "Like this?" Rustbolt nodded, taking the can and spraying it a little bit. Not long after, though, he felt a stinging sensation run through his arms and flash through his chest. His arm flinched, making him drop the weed spray. With a small wince he clenched his jaw, muttering a quiet "ow." "Oh. Right. You're part plant now." Rustbolt facepalmed. "I hadn't even THOUGHT about that. Dammit." "Hey, it's ok. I get the point. You've given me some good tips. Any good trump card techniques I should know about?" "EB taught you that phrase didn't he." Sportacus nodded. "He calls legendary cards Trump Cards." "Well I mean trump card is an actual term, so he's not wrong. Best trump card tho is Wall-nut Bowling." "What about for ZOMBIES?" "Gargantuar's feast. But since we don't have that, Undying Pharoh and Trickster. Try to get Trickster in your hand as early as possible, and it's best to use him im an empty lane or to get a good hit on a strong, but weakened plant." "So what's good for a control deck?" "Oh, a control deck? Well I'd say Weed Spray, Lurch For Lunch, Ra Zombie, Rocket Science... Landscapers are good for weakening plants. Just know our biggest weakness." Sportacus leaned in. "3." "Three what?" "Three strength on the Zomboss Plant Strength Rating Scale™. We can do 2 or less, and 4 or more. We can't do 3. That's why we need landscapers." "Any other great tips?" "Going Viral. It's one of the best cards I have." "Got it. Well, I should get going. I'll see you around, Rustbolt." Sportacus turned around. "Watch this." He ran at full speed, and did a small hop. He jammed his pole into the dirt. It bent so much it didnt even seem like it could be made out of anything harder than synthetic rubber. When Sportacus made enough distance in his jump to get in front of where the pile was in the ground, it sprung back and catapulted him unbelievably high into the air. He did a summersault or two, and Rustbilt watched him vault off into the distance. "Cool. Not as cool as rocket boots, but pretty freaking cool."
"How's the progress so far, Brainstorm?"
Brainstorm flinched at the sound of the undead overlord's voice. He turned around in his wheely chair to see Zomboss looking at him. "I'm doing fine, sir." "That wasn't the question, Professor. Although im... "glad," to hear your in good condition, I asked about the MACHINE. How's progress with the second laser?" Brainstorm nodded, standing up and pushing in the chair. "It's going well sir. Except..." "Except what, Brainstorm?" "Well it doesn't pertain to the laser but--" "Let me tell you something," Zomboss started. He had a tendency to cut off other Zombies. Brainstorm never had a problem with it. Only Rustbolt and Smash ever seemed to find it aggravating. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're my favorite Zombie hero?" Brainstorm stared blankly and blinked a few times. "I am?" "Yes you are. Also, has anyone ever told you that we sound alike?" Brainstorm nodded. "Quite a few zombies. Rustbolt on multiple accounts." Zombies gagged. "Forget about that soda-suited scatterbrain. Anyways, its because we do. You probably don't know this, but we're very alike." "Well of course. We're both zombies, and we're both geniuses." "We're the smartest two zombies. We're both mad geniuses. And do you think it's a coincidence that you're the only Zombie with a very unique superpower? The only zombie that comes close to what you do is the Mad Chemist. Smash has a glorified rolling stone. Super Brainz has one so BASIC, that it posts daily on Instagram. Rustbolt was like a landscaper. Neptuna throws her squid, I'd hardly call that a superpower. Impfinity's is like Electric Boogaloo's backup dancer summoning. And also his signature superpower is like your electrobolt, just with healing. See? Yours is special. Because I see you as another me." "Another you, sir?" "I see you as my successor. But since we're all immortal zombies, I doubt you'll be taking over anytime soon." Brainstorm smiled. "That's a very flattering opinion you have of me, sir." Zomboss nodded. "If you finish half of the laser tonight I'll treat you to some brains. Prepared any way you please." Brainstorm smiled, his buck teeth digging into his lower jaw's gums. "I won't let you down, sir!" "I cleared my schedule for tonight, I'll just stay and watch." And that night Brainstorm worked on the laser. He worked for two more hours before he was about 50% done. Him and Zomboss went off to Zonboss' lair, and they had brain fillet for dinner and brain crème brulee for dessert. "That was delicious, no?" Asked Zomboss. Brainstorm nodded. "Why is it called brain creme brulee and not something more clever?" "YOU try making it a play on words." "Brain Brulee? No, um... Creme Brainlee? No thats worse... Creme bruBrain? Oh geez I see your point..." Zomboss chuckled. "What about Creme Bru-Lain?" "What?" "That way it has B R in the Bru and "ain" in the Lain." "I suppose." "Also, something's been bugging me lately. You know that pink comet?" "The one that's sort of been in view alot longer than a normal comet should be?" Brainstorm nodded. "Do you have any idea what's making that glow?" "No idea but whatever it is, it's probably harmful to plants." Brainstorm nodded. "It's a mystery." "Who knows?" Zomboss shrugged. "Maybe we'll find out.
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messedupessy · 7 years
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Because what is the logical conclusion when you obsess over two fandoms at the same time and one of them are filled to the brink of Au's?
You make a AU of course!
Welcome to UnderEffect everyone
So yeah, another Undertale AU, because we can't get enough of these, am I right? xD Anyhow, due for me currently been super obsessed with Mass Effect at the moment, so did I end up thinking how would the main cast, though I forgot Frisk but meh, of Undertale look like in Mass Effect? what would their classes be? and BAM! this happened!
No idea if this has already been done, know there is a Dragon Age Inquisition AU out there somewhere 
I can't believe I finished these so quickly tho, like all these was sketched and coloured in just a week??? began and finished colouring Alphys and Asgore today even! like damn I haven't been this productive for ages! this was so much fun like, crud, so damn fun!
Anyhow, I probably won't do much with this idea/AU, have no ideas for stories or anything and I just can't be bothered to come up with one either, as I already got like... 2 other AU's I am working on which I want to work on more, though I do have a tiny comic planned based on this but it's nothing serious just something silly
this was more like I just needed to get it out of my damn system before I can work on something else xD  
Also enjoy my bad hand writing, decided it would be funny for you guys to read some of the stuff I write next to my pics at times
have two sketch bust of Sans and Papyrus which I couldn't be bothered to add here so will post them separately~
anyhow, I do have some ideas and stuff, like which attacks they would have and some other stuff so click on the read more to, read more I guess?
So, Undyne is of frikking course a Vanguard! Just imagine her biotic charging every frikkin opponent and then just a quick shot with a shotgun in their face and they're dead and then shockwave the rest! like she would totally steal the others kills, Papyrus would be so frustrated and pissed about it, also want her to have like biotic grenades, because GRENADE!
also lots of fucking headbutts like a true krogan!
Decided she would look so cool with a Kuwashii Visor, my favourite visor to use in ME, and as you guys can probably see so do she have both of her eyes in this, have to admit it was weird as fuck to draw, but like if she was in the ME universe then she could just get the damn eye replaced so yeah!
She's also supposed to be holding a Crusader shotgun, favourite shotgun, but I can't draw guns to save my life so screw it! she might be using assult rifles too, but mostly just shotguns, because shotgun every time
Based hers, Sans and Papyruses armour on the human Adept from good old ME 3 Multiplayer, damn that was and still is my favourite multiplayer of all time, kind of my first too, still love it, if my internet were better then I would so play it even though it is pretty much deserted, but hey I can solo bronze no problem so no need for others, though it is much more fun with people but now we're getting sidetracked
Tried to base all armours except Toriel, as she isn't wearing armour, on their usual clothing
Ok Sans is a Sentinel, or rather a Adept who pretends he is a Sentinel kind of, because it's too tiresome to be a big bad powerful biotic so let's go with a bit more less overly powerful class, not as much expectations on you, also because he is sciency so Sentinel suits him more but based on his powers he is more of an Adept, decided he would totally have the Biotic balls attack that the Voluses has in the multiplayer, mostly just so he can make balls jokes and puns, and he looks cool with them, like a weird replacement for the gaster blasters or something, also gave him a visor based on the Sentry Visor from the games, because... he's a sentry? but mostly just because he looks cool with it, he uses pistols, gave him the Supressor, favourite pistol, though I can totally see him using sniper rifles too, also Tech armour and Reave, overload etc
realised now that his armour looks very similar to Kaiden Alenko's armour in ME3... makes my eye twitch because I do not like that guy really, he's such a damn creep in the first game if you play as a female Shepard, can't believe I romanced him in it, though only because drama, he gets better but I am still averse to him
Ok, now Papyrus! He's an Adept of course, looked at some Cerberus armour actually when it comes to his armour, decided to give him a weird helmet visor thing, based on the Mnemonic Visor, then just turned it into a helmet, have no idea what happened to the colours of his armour, something is bothering me about it but I can't really pinpoint to what, also the helmet looks kind of like a race car helmet thingie
His attacks would be Biotic sphere, only because of the comic idea I have, Stasis field, warp etc, dunno why but I see him using submachine guns mostly alongside assault rifles, which is why I tried to draw a submachine gun called a Locust, but failed, because fuck guns, think it's funny how his armour makes it look like he has abbs, finally he has some! xD
Toriel is also an Adept, because she would totally have super powerful biotics, decided I wanted to draw her in one of those Asari dresses that pretty much every Asari, and some humans, wears, she would totally be a biotic teacher, would have most of the biotic attacks, gunwise would probably be pistols and maybe shotguns, because she will whoop your ass with a singularity! really happy with how her body turned out here, the dress looks really good on her I think~
I actually almost put her in Samara's outfit which can be seen HERE... she would rock that outfit tho, though Undyne would look really great in it too... maybe I will draw that sometime
Alphys is of course an engineer, fighting using drones and lots of other tech attacks, like incinerate, her armour is a mix of Salarian, Krogan and Turian armour actually, mostly Salarian tho because they're like the nerds of the galaxy which they have in common, very happy with her feet, her helmet visor thingie is based on the Umbra Visor from the game, uses pistols and lots of grenades
Asgore, also an Adept, though more of a mix between Adept and Vanguard maybe, have no idea what is going on with his armour, he looks allot like the Final Fantasy 2 villain The Emperor, he just misses the cape! xD tried to base his armour more on Krogan armour but I think I failed, his trident though is his Omni-tool weapon, his armour also reminds me of dwarven armour sets from Dragon Age now when I think of it, not entirely sure what his attacks would be but probably some shockwave, singularity and reave something, weapon wise I'm also unsure, maybe submachine guns and shotguns maybe?
and at last Mettaton, he's a Sentinel, because he's a robot, his armour turned out very sexy for some reason, was looking at Asari adepts armour though it looks kind of nothing like this so I have no idea, I should probably had scrapped those thigh armour thingies but too late for that now, also too lazy, he would use pistols and submachine guns, the pistol he is holding is supposed to be a Phalanax, good pistol, if I recall it is really good when used on synthetics aka robots, so yeah xD the irony! and attacks would probably mostly be tech ones, like overload and incinerate, the more flashier attacks!
So finally done, this took me like 2 something hours to write! :D now off to do something else!
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indigo-sails · 7 years
Chiroptera Chapter
START "Woah, where am I?" Demetrie was waste deep in a big, golden field of wheat. --- "Hey Zoey!" "Good morning!" "Notice anything... different?" "Why Demetrie, your hair looks fabulous! I wish my bed head looked that good!" "Notice anything... else?" "To what could you be refering? OO do you have a new power?" "I'm thinking along the lines of something fluffly, drooly, barky..." "Oh you mean Ruben! He's my new doggy and I wove him so much!!" "You're dad won't let you have any pets, remeber?" "Did I say my dog? I meant to say your dog." "I don't want a dog." "Mmm, I dunno, from this angle he looks more like an oversized cat to me." "Zoey..." "Aw fine." ~Let's get him back home.~ --- "Okay so - top five favorite festivals: go!!" "Winter and summer festival, they're not even top two, they are both #1. The tourist festival brings so many cool people, world cultures within summer festial, and spring festival. Top five fav festivals: Go!!" "Fall, summer, spring, tourist, and winter! #1 basically counts for all five. It's just magical, the merry go round is my favorite of all!" "Ugh. On the list of my least favorite things; that forest. It's always so creepy." "Yeah," some sort of dream flash back, "It is." From pov of undergrowth, "It always seems like somethings watching me." shot of dog, speech bubbles in bg, "Same! I always feel that!!" "Tho sometimes,  I feel like I want to go into the-" "--RUBEN!"
"You didn't bring a leash or dog treats or anything??" "No, did you??" "What were you going to feed him??" "Pizza, of course!! RUUUBBEEEN" "H-hey! Not too far ahead!" montage of Demetrie turning round and round, creepy angle and what not. "Wait for me!" Small clearing, Zoey's stopped hands on her head. "Did you see where he went?" "No, I can't find him anywhere." Sudden shake in the under growth, both Zoey and Dem freeze. some sequence of panels and horrified faces, Ruben pops out of the bush with a tennis ball "Do they just inherintly know where to find tennis balls?" "I'm pretty sure that's not how dogs work." something alluding to a giant dark creature luming above them in the dark of the trees. -- some sort of transition. I don't want them walking back *zoey dramaticly fake crys* Good bye, sweet Ruben. -- transition "So you really don't want pets?" "Nope! No pets!" "I mean yeah... Is that weird?" "Not even something tiny? Like a fish?" "Nope. I'd probably forget to feed them. Pets take a lot of work!" "You couulllddd get a cat! They basically take care of themselves!" "No cats. No fish. Hey I'm going this way, you want to come over for some lunch?" "Can't! My dad is going to be home soon! I'm going to clean up, and then im going to convince him to let me have a puppy!!" "Awesome!! Tell him I say hi!" "Will do, take care!! -- Later that day... Dem: "So you're sure you don't wanna come over and play Final Destiny 433?" Zoe: ~"Yeah, my dad said there's a good chance he'll be home tonight, I figured I'd clean up a bit."~ Dem: "Awwww okay," Zoe: ~"Quit complaining!"~ Dem: -beep- "Hold on - it's Joey, I'll patch him through. Hey Joe!" Zoe: ~"Heeeeyyy Joeeeyyy!"~ Joe: "Hey! Are y'all going to the premiere tonight?" Dem: "Premiere? What premiere?" Joe: "Battle Force Galactic Blitztasic, it's in 4-D and they got the Hola-cube back up." D + Z: "SERIOUSLY" ~"OMGGGGG"~  Dem: "How much are tickets?" Joe: "Wait, you don't have tickets? I think they sold out already" "WHHAAATTT" ~"NOOOOOOOooooo"~ Joey: "Hold up, I'll patch Damien through. -- Hey Damien" Dame: "Joey! What's up?" Joey: "I got Zoey n Demetrie on the line - Do you have extra tickets to the premiere?" Dame: "Hmmm. What's in it for me tho?" "Cookies!" "I'll commission you an artwork!" "Am I supposed to contribute something??" -car pulls up in the window-- "Sounds delightful! I'll see what I can do. Deme, in the mean time you owe me one! ‍❤️ -click-" Joey: "I'll see what I can do on my end too." Zoey: "I'll see if my dad wants to come!" -knock at the door- Dem: "I'll... have to call you back." Driver: "Hello Demetrie, the Mayor would like to see you." -- Demetrie is in the back of a limo. He pulls up to a big house, he walks inside. "Hello Demetrie! How are you? Have you been well?" "Yeah of course! If you wanted to check up on me, you could've just called-" "Of course my boy, but where's the fun in that? I called you here for more than that, however. The Gaurd Force Cheif wants to include you on a matter of concern." "Oh" "In the conference room to you're right." -- "As you know, we've been getting more disturbances around the perifery of the forest. This morning, we got a call detailing an attack on the west end of town. No one was hurt, but there was a lot of distruction. Similar claw marks were found at two reported store break ins." Shows pictures of claw marks, windows broken, food eaten and missing. "Demetrie, would you happen to know anything about this?" little shocked, "N-no, sir, I do not." "As you can see cheif, I've already told you as much. "Of course. Well, we don't know what it is yet, but it's big..." -- Some notes for tomorrow: "Between the dream and the meeting with the towns gaurd force, I cant seem to catch a break today" "Demetrie!" Deme hearts n like DAW MA FRIENDS ARE MA BREAK /sobs "Wow, there are so many people!" "This is pretty much the only theater in town, but it looks like people came from over the hill. But any way --- That's not important right now." *clasps shoulders srs face*, "Are you prepared." "I was born prepared." *Zoey geeking out in the background* *wooping and cheering* "Guess it's time!" ----- 27 pages at this point SHots of going inside, future tech. Poster of Battle Galactic Blitztastic. Shot of Giant Popcorn Machine "Snap, I always forget how big that thing is" -- Zoey "Yeah, back in the early 3000s they competed nationally to see how big they could get it. We won, of course." "I thought I was supposed to be the history buff!" "Oh, that's right, I forgot that you're brother used to work here." --Dem Alright - let's get ready - to save - the galaxy! *something about representation and synthetics but bruh its straight up about systemic vioelne and oppression, but because robots and synths dont exist yet, it ends up being an allegory abour race. A relatively explicate one, but like, that seems super sucky. A human element is needed Joseph: "Oh yeah! Allissona Zhang is in this! I've been so hyped for this movie, having diasabled actors play disabled charachers is the only way to go." *cracks open phone screen to look up pictures of Allissona, shows Demetrie* Zoey: "Speaking of representation, have you heard the rumors that a Synth is going to be in this one?" Joseph: "What, you mean the robot?" Zoey: "No, a synth, basically a robot with a human brain, but the original human brain was rejected! It's like a person haunting a robot, so trippy." Joseph: "Nah Zoe, synths were debunked, weren't they? We've never had that kind of tech." Zoey: "Yeah, debunked by the US with the New World Council, but that's exactly what they'd want you to think." Joseph: "Dang, true, very true."
Later that night, the premiere is about to start. Zoey shows up, soft aside about her dad not making it to town. We meet more people/characters? Foreshadowing for shenannigins happinging under the facility. The Bat found its way inside from underground, the large old theater is also connected underground to the clock tower (Yes, the small town has a clock tower xD) Establishing shot of the lobby - the complex is pretty huge! There's a huge fountain of pop corn. As the movie starts, the bat peeks menecingly through the projected screen, everyone panics. As everyones leaving, Joey and Zoey rush to Deme's aide and ask how they can help. The bat squirms out into the lobby, starts feisting on the pop corn. They hide behind a counter on the far side. Demetrie runs with the rest of the crowd, then he slows to a stop. He remembers back to the guard force meeting, he feels intense pressure that he is the one who has to defend against this threat. "I'm the one... who's supposed to... protect everyone." flashback: "I've always had faith in you, Demetrie." Vaugely, fuzzily, he hears his friends calling to him, "Demetrie! Come on!" "I can't go." "Deme, this doesn't have to be your fight." "Everyone's counting on me, I feel like I don't have choice." "Demetrie... Fine. If you stay, we stay." "But-"
"We're here to help, tell us what to do!" "Do??"  "What can we do!! Did you see how big it was??" "Don't panic, let's brainstorm." "Right, right." Zoey: "How did it get in here in the first place??" Joe: "The underground tunnels, it's got to be." Zoey: "The basement has tunnels that lead to the outside??" Joey: "That or the creature burrowed it's way down." Deme: "How do we fight a bat??" Joey: "Bright lights? Loud noises??" Zoey: "Maybe we can lure it outside! Joey: "No, not outside, inside. We'll drive it back underground."
Zoey ends up being the one to distract the bat. She notices that it's sweeping along the floor, picking up popcorn. They are both in the isle near the front, it looks at her, it pauses. The bat poses no threat. Either she reaches over to give it popcorn, or she barely has time to think "Wait... popcorn??" and then the emergency sirens blare inside the theater and she snaps back to the plan at hand. "Wait, popcorn??" The alarm sirens blare, the bat screeches and takes out the whole row infront of it, zoey barely dives out of the way.
They trap them under the theater, then realize that the bat is harmless. To save them, they go either underground or sneak their way out and to the clock tower. The giant bat is trapped under some non essential support beams, and the three are talking about what to do with the bat. Zoey notices that its long tounge is snagging tiny bits of popcorn. She runs over and grabs a bag of popcorn that has fallento the ground. The bat calms down. "Zoey! What are you doing!" "No look, he's harmless. He's just hungry!" -- Bat, Demetire and Zoey are in the bell tower. "So. Now we have a bat." "I think I'll name him Ruben!" Deme face palms, "We're not feeding him pizza." shot of the tower and zoey's speech bubble, "Of course not! Duh, bats are insectovors!" END
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