#AU where gordon is an android
impulsivefanwriter · 7 months
The Lego Ninjago Movie but it’s a D:BH AU
@finn-m-corvex ask and I shall ramble :D
So basically— the Ninjago movieverse is styled like the world of Detroit:Become Human. Dr. Julien (who I hc in the m!verse is actually a good dad to his sons) builds Zane and Echo as the first sentient androids and takes great care of them— until his old coworker turns on him. This coworker, Jacob Harvey (nicknamed “The Mechanic”) captures Zane and wipes his memories while Dr. J and Echo manage to escape. Now armed with the plans to make nindroids, The Mechanic builds Cyberlife and starts his nindroid-selling empire.
He also has Cyrus captured to make more plans for him, leaving him with two assistant nindroids (Pixal “Pel” and Sentry, who obvious Cyrus goes “my kids now” and helps become deviant)
Zane was the original deviant in the sense that he was the original nindroid built to be sentiment and free (aka he didn’t need to be deviant), but after getting semi-reset he forgets and will need to become deviant to regain that ability
Now moving onto the others—
Lloyd is human (well, maybe still part oni-dragon because this IS Ninjago— the dragon is from his mom’s side, btw) and lives with Koko. Nya is his semi-adopted sister (Koko helps caretake for Maya and Ray while they travel on business trips).
Nya’s younger twin brother, Kai, is a nindroid (one of the “kid” models who’s specialty is “aging with human kids as a sibling so they don’t get lonely”). He originally does the chores at home because he’s expected to, but Nya and Lloyd help him become deviant because he’s scared he’ll get replaced if he doesn’t do the chores right. Kai’s the closest equivalent to “Kara’s story”, though less extreme, where Nya (who might secretly be a nindroid too, I’m not sure) runs away with him and Lloyd because a civilian finds out Kai’s deviant during the whole deviant situation and he becomes wanted.
(Side note— along with Kai came a 2-for-1 of the same model, a faulty nindroid names Kaigami who Koko took in for a while— this is the equivalent of movie!Bizarro Kai and later becomes the adopted sibling of movie!Cryptor)
Speaking of movie!Cryptor (or Zero, as I call him), he and Zane are the equivalent of “Connor’s story” where Zane needs to learn how to be deviant (again) while Zero is an incredible efficient deviant hunting nindroid (except, plot twist, he’s actually deviant and has been helping deviants escape for years by pretending to kill them). He was built by the Mechanic and he wants to take down his creator who sees him as nothing more than just a machine.
Rest of the Dorksquad time— Cole is human, though more of a cyborg after an accident (he’s kind of the ‘Cole Anderson’ equivalent, except he lives), and he stumbles upon Jericho by accident and befriends the nindroids there. He brings supplies from outside and updates them on news, and sometimes he DJs a bit for moral.
And Jay is the “Markus” equivalent. He’s an advanced prototype model that was gifted to Cliff Whoredon Gordon and worked for him for a little bit until he stumbled upon a meeting between Cliff and a mafia leader (named Master Chen). Cliff had him thrown to the junkyard in very rough shape where he managed to patch himself up with spare parts and was found and adopted by the young couple (Ed & Edna) running said junkyard. He then meets the rest of the squad and sorta accidentally becomes one of the leaders of the nindroid revolution as part of the “Secret Ninjaforce”.
Bonus— Chen (the Cheerleader) is also a nindroid who eventually gets kicked out by his human family, the Ambers (including movie!Skylor, who is an evil girlboss, and her dads, Master Chen and Clouse) and finds his way to Jericho as well
And yeah that’s the main basics, not too much else planned out yes (it was originally a SPBNR AU too, so show!Kai and show!Zane might show up, much to the latters bewilderment at how there are more nindroids but they are treated worse, and sometimes other show!nindroids make an appearance)
What do y’all think?
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finn-m-corvex · 7 months
bioshock au (bc we were talking about it) - 11 and 20!
great gastby au - 15!!
halo au - 1!
Key you are activating literally so many of my inner demons rn-
Bioshock AU
11. Is there any scene you can't wait for people to react to when reading? Why? As much as I would love to say That Scene towards the end, for anyone who's played Bioshock it won't have nearly as much shock factor, so instead I'll go with the scene where Jay and Cole meet each other in Fort Frolic! Apparently how I write Bruise is very popular and I can't wait to get my hands on absolutely traumatized Bruiseshipping >:)
20. Give a vague description of something that will happen without revealing too much? Jay walks into Arcadia right after the Bathysphere Incident, Noland King swearing revenge upon Cliff Gordon. Arcadia is the first place that he sees with actual plant-life, and there he meets a curious android that's in charge of managing the place.
Great Gatsby AU
15. Do you have any unwritten scenes that you think about a lot? Ngl I have written exactly zero words for the Great Gatsby AU because it's not a project that I really want to tackle right now, but I think about the inevitable scene where Echo is going to shoot Jay dead quite a lot. Also the scene where Jay and Nya reconnect for the first time and Kai is silently fuming in the corner of the ballroom (bc for anyone new here, the Great Gatsby AU is Plasma)
Halo AU
1 What are you most excited about when you start to write / publish it? THE ANGST. THE TRAGEDY. HALO NEVER HAS A GOOD ENDING AND I CAN'T WAIT TO EXPOSE YOU ALL TO THE BITTERSWEET THAT IS THE ENDING OF HALO REACH. Also to eventually try and draw the Ninja as Spartans bc that's going to be a fucking nightmare but it will be worth it (hopefully).
Ask game here!
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rosebloodcat · 4 years
HLVRAI/DBH Crossover
An idea I chatted with my friends @lady-lampblack and @liliflower137 about over Discord and decided I wanted to share here. Basically, the AU/Idea is “What if Gordon was a Detroit: Become Human style android that Black Mesa was using to conduct their experiments?” and it spiraled from there. (I just really love Android/Robot character stories)
RoseBloodCat: Ever since I found a post about a robot (android?) Gordon in some one's mer au, I've had androids on the brain. (Specifically DBH-style androids, but still)
RoseBloodCat: I kinda wanna ramble about this idea. Of Gordon being a Cyberlife type android (or a bootleg Cyberlife android) for Black Mesa. Maybe he was originally a (second hand?) housekeeping model they snatched up and tweaked to do experiments because it was cheaper/safer to have an Android do the work in dangerous tests than to make safety equipment in order to risk a human to do it. (No need for hazard pay, or a paycheck at all.) If he ever got hurt they could just replace the damaged parts and didn't need to pay medical Bill's for it.
the gay (mango): Gordon is a max stress android surrounded by chaotic humans doing everything against protocol
RoseBloodCat: Not just that, the type of housekeeper I was thinking of was, like, Live-in Nanny. Yeah, he got tweaked to help with experiments, but that's his core programming. He isn't a fighter, it's against his programing to hurt anyone (especially with a weapon) So he's running after this group of kooky scientists who are breaking every rule in the book and just... trying to keep them from dying. And while doing that, he's also trying  to keep his stress levels from getting too high. Because androids who's stress levels hit 100% tend to self destruct and he doesn't want to do that thank you very much. Like "I started my day with a blue LED, but now I'm stuck in Yellow and keep flickering to red and that's bad okay?" (Blue is "I'm calm"/Everything is normal; Yellow is "I'm stressed/thinking very hard"; Red is "I'm super stressed"/something is very wrong) He also definitely becomes a Deviant (android that defies/breaks free of their coding) at some point.
the gay (mango): Oh totally A situation like that requires some deviancy Maybe he first breaks his code to pick up a gun and defend himself
The Flower (Lili): Love robot gordon Aus,,
RoseBloodCat: He absolutely does it because someone shoved a gun in his hands and told him to hold on to it "just in case one of us loses ours" and during a confrontation/fight against an alien he fires it. Which is kind of excusable since he did it yo protect a human. But I mean deviant as in, he fights a human which goes even more against his code and most likely comes with a nice big bag of TRAUMA. (As this usually seems to only happen during severe abuse/"I don't want to die" situations) Most likely it happens because of the soldiers, but Gordon is a mess when the (synthetic?) adrenaline wears off. Poor man is a fucking wreck after that happens.
The Flower (Lili): Gordon is just stressed in all aus that's just how it is
RoseBloodCat: Has to scrape himself together after that and find everyone else (I'm assuming he got separated from them to end up in that situation) and when he does his LED is just... stuck in red because he's very distressed but he's got a mission right then and he can't self destruct right then, and he can think about the errors and his deviancy problems after they're all out and safe. (Because being a Deviant is basically a death sentence for androids. They get deactivated and destroyed if they become deviants, but that's if they caught or reported. Gordon remembers this, know about it, and ideas whisper at the back of his head when he remembers it.) But the others notice that something is different about their android (aside from his LED) so they're being a little more cautious/careful around him, knowing that it really wouldn't be good if Gordon self destructed on them so they try to ease up to get him calm(er) again. It helps, but Gordon still has a new worry that he hasn't confessed to yet.
the gay (mango): They try to talk him down in quiet momenta, get him to focus on other things "I was built to run the black mesa daycare..."
RoseBloodCat: Yeah (Also, I love that statement about Gordon being brought in originally for the Daycare, because it really shows how out-of-his-element Gordon is right then)
the gay (mango): Yeah i thought it was a nice touch This can lead to some funny "preschool teacher" moments
RoseBloodCat: XD Ye! He unintentionally gives himself away with one of those, I think. Like, he actually does a preschool manner thing with them because he's so fed up he's like "Well, if you're going to act like children then I'll treat you like children."
they gay (mango): Yesyesyes
The Flower (Lili): Oh I love that
RoseBloodCat: Which goes against his previous behavior of "These are Certified Black Mesa Employee's and I must treat them respectfully because I am an Android." It takes them all a moment to figure it out (realize what's happening here), and when they do it's "Hey wait a moment, the way he's acting has changed. He didn't do that before." Maybe Tommy is the first to really figure out that Gordon's gone Deviant? And he likes Gordon so he starts quietly plotting to help Gordon/keep him safe and keeps that realization to himself for a while.
the gay (mango): Yesyesyes
RoseBloodCat: It's a one-by-one realization that goes through the group but no one speaks up about it.
the gay (mango): Whos the last one to figure it out
RoseBloodCat: For amusement's sake, I want to say either Benrey or Bubby. Benrey because he starts out acting suspicious of Gordon for not having a passport (not really getting that Gordon doesn't have one due to be an Android and being (essentially) property). And Bubby because... I just like the idea of him being kind of oblivious about Gordon's changes and being too chaotic to actually think much about it.
RoseBloodCat: Basically
the gay (mango): Bubby just doesnt care whether or not gordo is a robot Hes a bastard either way fjdbfbd
RoseBloodCat: XD He doesn't care as long as Gordon continues to call him Doctor Bubby. Benrey (being an alien) just straight up doesn't get that Gordon isn't human for the longest time. It's not until either someone sits him down and explains it or he sees Gordon bleed blue that he really gets it. Because Androids look almost identical to actual humans. To the point where, if you removed or covered their LEDs, it would be impossible to tell they weren't actually human. (Externally, at least)
the gay (mango): Do you think gordo would remove his led out of self preservation
RoseBloodCat: He'd consider it! But he's also currently surrounded by people who would notice if he ripped it out, so it's probably part of his plans for after they escape. (He doesn't know they would/are all be fine with him being a Deviant, and Tommy would totally help him by faking up some story for him. Not yet at least.) Part of the plans Gordon's forming in his head are to remove his LED and get some normal human clothing (instead of the usual Android Uniform he's stuck in), he hasn't gotten to what he needs to do after that, but he's working on it.
The Flower (Lili): oh shoot he probably doesn't have the hev suit in this because he's a robot he doesn't need it
the gay (mango): What if gordon had the led shot off by a soldier thats stupid enough to think its a weak point
RoseBloodCat: (In DBH, America is the only county really having issues with androids, so for many of then the plan is to escape to Canada. Which is supposed to have a lot more lax Android laws.)
the gay (mango): Makes sense The states is notoriously terrible
RoseBloodCat: (I think the creators were actually looking for an "Underground Railroad" type of parallel.) And I don't think a soldier would try to shoot there. Partially because it's so hard to hit such a tiny spot, and partially because a lot of the "Kill" spots on an Android are the same as a human (even if it takes more force to do damage. Guns still work the same as with a normal person tho.)
the gay (mango): fair
RoseBloodCat: Now, we could say it happened because someone tried to shoot him in the head and happened to hit his LED. That would be much more believable.
the gay (mango): yeah i like that more
RoseBloodCat: But, if losing the LED doesn't happen, there's also Tommy's plan. Which is to ask his dad to let him keep/have Gordon to take care of the house and Sunkist. And not mention that Gordon's a Deviant and that he actually wants to just give him a safe place to live/stay and not need to be afraid of getting hurt. (And that Tommy would give him the freedom to try whatever he wanted/caught his eye.) A "Hidden in Plain sight" type of plan.
the gay (mango): Y e s
RoseBloodCat: Has room to be really sweet, because Gordon is worrying about having to make a dangerous trek alone and needing to keep hidden from them all and Tommy's going "No, I care you and wanna keep you happy and safe."
the gay (mango): Tommy would let gordon bunk with him either way
RoseBloodCat: Oh absolutely. Tommy would get all of them to bunk with him, tbh
the gay (mango): Yeahhh
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goosterbold · 3 years
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on stream tonight we ended up talkin about an au of hl proper frankie came up with where gordon was an android eli built! the hazardous environment vessel! built to navigate the complicated terrains with the dexterity of a real human, without the risk to human life! and he seems to be making friends with the man guarding the robotics department...
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Hi! Do you happen to know any fics where John is a waiter at a restaurant or a barista at a cafe? Thank you!
Hi Nonny!
The closest ones I personally have read are these ones:
Caffeine and Adaptive Programming by DemonicSymphony (E, 5,540 w., 1 Ch. || Androids AU / Bond Fusion || Android Sherlock, Coffee Shop AU, Pining John Hinted Bond / Q, Toplock) – Sherlock is a coffee shop android slowly falling for a regular customer. But he's not supposed to be able to feel emotions.
Mise en Place by azriona (M, 161,004 w., 28 Ch. || Restaurant (Kitchen Nightmares) AU || Sherlock is Gordon Ramsay / Celebrity Sherlock, Restauranteur John, Harry Plays Prominent Role, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, Cranky Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn) – John Watson had no intentions of taking over the family business, but when he returns from Afghanistan, battered and bruised, and discovers that his sister Harry has run their restaurant into the ground, he doesn't have much choice. There's only one thing that can save the Empire from closing for good – the celebrity star of the BBC series Restaurant Reconstructed, Chef Sherlock Holmes. Part 1 of Mise en Place
Though the first one is Sherlock as the barista, and the second, John co-owns a restaurant, LOL.
If anyone has any they’d like to suggest, please do! <3
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 4 years
I have HLVR AU brainrot, so: mer AU where Black Mesa gets sick of having to cover up the deaths of all these scientists, so they send an android. Robot Gordon! Either he knows he's a bot and just doesn't know how to break it to the mers, or he's got implanted memories and thinks he's human, shit gets real when Benrey or Gman try to SweetVoice him and he resists (best ending, he modifies himself to be waterproof, claims the base as his home. Robot man walking along the seafloor)
You know that one Tik Tok audio
It’s like a person and a robot.
The person asks the robot, “are you a robot” And the robot answers with, “I am a real person.”
So the person says, “tell me you’re not a robot.”
There’s a moment of silence before the robot anxiously answers with “I am a real person.”
And that’s ALL I can think of with this ask
What if when he gets his arm cut off, it’s his first experience with a physical wound. Everything else was coded into this false memory. And it hurts, but there’s supposed to be blood. He knows that. But instead of blood, there’s nothing. He actually looks and he sees it’s fake. It’s fake realistic looking skin hiding machinery.
And he can’t function like this. Hes supposed to be afraid, but he feels so much about it. His code struggles to keep up and starts trying to reset because this isn’t supposed to happen. Doesn’t help that Benrey probably still has to kill him in just a few minutes.
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teammagma-maxie · 4 years
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“You can’t win me...I can’t be beat”
So I decided to make an au where the real Gordon passes away and black Mesa makes a clone of him that an Android
(It’s basically alien resurrection all over again)
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quiznak-ofgrayskull · 3 years
Ninjago 5 worlds AU
So I've been working on this, and I know virtually nothing about Grimbo (e) so some stuff might change, but right now here's what I have for the main ninja and their parents, and don't think I don't have background characters and stuff, but I'm not certain with a lot of them, and there's a lot of them with a lot of details.
Misako: Mon Domoni, Historian
Garmadon: 1/2 Toki, 1/2 Salassi (appears more Toki), He probably would have taught at the Sand Castle or the Flying Fortress before being banished/fully corrupted.
Wu: 1/2 Toki, 1/2 Salassi (appears more Salassi) Teacher at the Sand Castle
Lloyd: 1/2 Mon Domoni, 1/4 Toki, 1/4 Salassi (Somehow there would be felid-related powers, but I doubt he'd be felid. Maybe the FSM did something similar to what happened with An Tzu, but longer before? Like, he was a Felid god teaching the sand-dancers, and liked their culture, so he... became one of them? That's a bad way to describe it, but I think my point still stands.)
Lloyd would be born on Mon-Domoni, but Garmadon would probably have been slowly corrupted by the mimic, so he leaves. Misako would leave Lloyd at the Sand Castle, under Wu's care to become a sand dancer while she researched ways to defeat the mimic/ Overlord or stop the corruption problems for Garmadon. Lloyd hates it there, he wants his family back and every kid at the school hates him, so he runs away and Wu would go looking for him. But Lloyd is Lloyd, so he could literally be anywhere.
Ray: Toki, lives on Moon Yatta with his wife
Maya: Yattan shapeshifter
(Ray, being a blacksmith found a way to get the form-lock collar off of Maya, so the Yattan authorities chased after them. They managed to get Kai and Nya to safety with the other Yattan rebels in the Ruby Desert, but they were caught and put in prison)
Kai: 1/2 Yattan, 1/2 Toki, shapeshifter, appears more Yattan, hates the nano-cosmetic alterations
Nya: 1/2 Yattan, 1/2 Toki, shapeshifter, has more of an affinity with Toki sand, so when she tries to sand-dance with Yattan sand she just isn't as good. Like most she wants to punch Stan Moon in the face.
Lou: 1/2 Toki, 1/2 Salassi, still part of the Royal Blacksmiths because somehow of all the constants between these worlds this is one of the things that makes the most sense
Lilly: Salassi, (I don't know that much about her I'm not very far in season 8+ because my nostagiac brain can hold one heck of a grudge)
Cole: 3/4 Salassi, 1/4 Toki, the same idea that happened in canon, but it's 5 worlds/sand dancing related. I think he'd do better with Toki sand than Salassi sand, despite the fact that he's mostly Salassi, so his father probably tries to train him with Salassi sand, but he doesn't ever catch on, etc.
Cliff Gordon: 1/2 Toki, 1/2 Yattan, Famous movie star guy
Whatever the name of Jay's biological mother is: 1/2 Yattan, 1/2 Domoni, sand dancer and politician, she didn't want Jay to be sucked into the corrupt cesspool that is five-worlds politics and celebrities, so she left him on Ed and Edna's doorstep, where she hoped he would live a better life
Ed and Edna: Mon Domoni, they co own a junkyard in Mon-Domoni, they do fairly well, all things considered when you don't work for Stan Moon, Sao Sablo, but again, not terrible off compared to others
Jay: 1/2 Yattan, 1/4 Toki, 1/4 Mon Domoni, lives on Mon Domoni, doesn't look at all Toki, would be a good sand-dancer but he was never trained or given the opportunity to learn it
Dr. Julien: Yattan co-worker of Prof. Etto, helped him with designing Jax
Zane: Android, somehow capable of sand-dancing, left in some corner of the shapeshifters hideout in the Ruby Desert, Dr. Julien brought him there so he wouldn't be weaponized and stuff. Wait. Would Jay call him a 'Sandroid' instead of a 'Nindroid'? Holy crap.
Okay, the main ninja, and their parents. More to come of this AU later. I'll post the designs that I've come up with at some point too.
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alienseason · 4 years
Okay gaymers, the HLVRAI x Half Life x Portal crossover star trek au. YES i know it sounds like I’m a TWISTED CYCLEPATH BUT HEAR ME OUT OKAY. 
HLVRAI Gordon is the Captain! He’s human and has a robotic hand that somehow always ends up breaking for practically no reason. Joshie is there too! Joshie is not immune to Wesley sweaters i’m sorry. But Joshie is practically thrown around the ship when it comes to baby sitting; he usually ends up in Benrey’s care whether Gordon likes it or not.
Gordon’s first officer is Chell, who is an ex-b (ex-borg). She doesn’t talk much due to being an ex-b, as she doesn't really know how to make conversation. She’s still got some borg enhancments in place, and she isnt completly severed from the collective, but nobody else is aware. The borg queen, GlaDOS, is always being REALLY naggy and annoying to her in her brain. She’s not as annoying as Wheatly though. 
The Chief of security is Barney! He’s usually good at his job, but he spaces out a lot on the bridge. He’s really into political conspiracies and hates pretty much anything that crawls on four legs (unless they're frog or lizard-like). Barney’s spends A LOT of time being reckless n rowdy on the holodeck and usually ends up in sickbay with a bad leg. He’s just a southern space himbo, he cannot change this. He’s dating Matthew and sometimes fakes sick to go see him (we’ll get to Matthew later).
Bubby is the Chief science officer. He’s a cardassian because eat hot chip and lie. Nobody really trusts him...he kinda goes out of his way to seem suspicious just to mess with people. There’s a big rumor on the ship that he’s a spy, and this inflates his ego 100%. 
Alright....Benrey is a Q. Or Qrey if you prefer. He just kinda comes on the ship to cause mischief and annoy Captain Gordon. He’s always asking for Delta quadrant credentials, no matter where they are. He has an obsession with the holodeck and is always messing around with everyone’s programs. Like he made one of Gordon’s relaxing fishing programs turn into a bank robbery, ya know, for fun.
Tommy is an android and is the operations officer/ lieutenant commander. He’s got an up-link to Space Wikipedia in his system so he uses this to his advantage. Benrey gave him emotions (cause he was bored and kinda wanted someone to listen to him) but practically the only emotion that works properly is happiness, so he isn't that good at reading the room. He has a habit of giving the wrong info at the wrong time, but he tries his best! He also has Sunkist in his quarters.
Canon Gordon is named Matthew, and is HLVRAI Gordon’s brother (kinda based off @maxkillertart​ ‘s freeman brothers AU). He’s the Chief medical officer and just wants to do his job and have drinks with his boyfriend...that’s all he asks. He’s actually an augment, but the procedure KINDA messed up. He’s still basically a superhuman, he’s just mute and hard of hearing due to the augmentation going wrong. Gordon is the only one who knows about him being an augment since it’s still illegal in starfleet at this point.
Coomer is a quite broken Vorta clone that kinda gets thrown into their care. He was being produced durning an attack on the cloning phacillity he was born at so his dna is a little scrambled. He’s usually repeating random things and is always punching people for no reason. He and bubby are a terrifying force. Do not let them mix. 
Alyx is the chief engineer. You might think she’s the most sane one on the ship- but you are quite incorrect. She usually ends up making some sort of weird enhancements to the ship that were DEFIANTLY NOT NEEDED. She won’t stop though, and nobody can stop her. She’s got a big crush on Chell, so she’s usually attempting to impress her by making dumb little inventions. Alyx is always the one who is working on Gordon’s arm and giving Tommy a tune-up. 
Gman is secretly a Q who works for section 31. He’s always trying to recruit the Freemans, which always ends up in a no (though Gordon is tempted). He was the one who built Tommy in the first place.
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enby-freeman · 4 years
whats the difference between xen project and xen 98?
The Xen Project AU is the AU with Darnold, Coomer, Bubby, and Gordon as android. Tommy, Gman, Benrey, Forzen and Barney as alien. And Joshua and Alyx as scientists of Black Mesa who find out about the people who went missing before the Xen Project had been shut down.  Xen '98 is a fun Arcade AU about Gordon and coming to terms with who he is and where he is in life after losing someone five years ago. Learning that its okay to love again even if things still hurt. Finding out he doesn’t need to move on, because everyone moves at their own pace when moving on, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be happy and love again too. 
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succulent-asks · 6 years
(( AU where Ralph is the android Gordon Ramsay ))
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ushinattakioku · 6 years
I’m gonna try up a short version of the general CR verse (with super basic details) but basically, in my own version of a CR AU for these characters (just so Fuka has a reference point -- she’s a strange existence) –
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Also like this is SUPER subject to change (I’m actually planning on replaying CR sometime in the upcoming months…) so like...rough... just a point to possibly rp off of until I finalize things (which will take a while tbh).
Each major character has a “code name” that corresponds to them. Avoiding real names shouting keeps things a little tidier on the field but, like with the Gordon Family, people know who they are. Fuka’s is Dorothy, but she definitely goes by Fuka. (It’s “her” name, after all).
Much like her original discovery, she is found sleeping, without much semblance of who she is. She simply exists.
Since this is based on OZCAFFE, the Oz’s main front is a Cafe. It’s very unlikely that Fuka is an android (I still find this so fascinating the the official AU has it like this (Fuka stands for Female Unicity Cafe Android in it) laughs I never talk about it but the ozcaffe drama cd also has a real Caesar salad joke it’s SO FUNNY…), but anyway the fact is that no one knows where she came from. Fuka herself has no real interest in figuring it out -- she’s been “whisked” away, from her past entirely, so she’s going to live in the present!
Likewise, the major characters in Ozcaffe are Caramia, Kyrie, Axel, Soh, Caesar, and Scarlet.
Soh gives her a bag to hold onto her possessions and a plush terrier, saying he’ll be with her always that way. Basically, the terrier plush has a communication     device in it, complicated design, but fitting, and can to used to talk to her.
BASICALLY, for the time being, as in most verses I’m stuck short in, catch her, as usual, working as a hopelessly clumsy waitress (and housemaid, chores only) for a café.
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rosebloodcat · 4 years
More Android Gordon Chatting
As previously stated, I really like Robot/Android AUs, and I tend to go pretty crazy with AUs in general when I come up with them. So here’s part 2 of my Android Gordon/DBH AU rambling over Discord with @lady-lampblack
RoseBloodCat: Random Android Gordo thought: He can't have a dick-slip because, as a Nanny/Housekeeping model, he has no dick.
Gordon is either on the edge of his seat or completely unaware of the Android Rights stuff going on in Detroit. It depends on when the Resonance Cascade happens. If it's before it then he'll probably be following it all on the news. But if it's during then he wouldn't know about it until after. Both could be interesting depending on which one is used.
If he's at Tommy's house when it's going on, he's probably hyper focused on what's going on and what the reactions of the humans are. And how the police/government are responding. Because that would be something he'd feel really strongly about as a Deviant-in-Hiding. He'd be anxious to know if he could legally be seen as a person, or if he had to continue his charade of being Tommy's housekeeper/pet sitter.
However, it happening at the same time as the Resonance Cascade could be super interesting/surprising too. Since he wouldn't know it had happened until he got out, and would have been blindsided by it all. He'd need to adjust to being freethinking for the first time in his life and actually being able to act on those thoughts and feelings without (major) repercussions.
It's like, do we give him the chance to adjust first? Let he learn how to deal with emotions and trauma first? Or do we have him speed-run his freedoms and emotions now that he isn't just another robot?
the gay (mango): I feel like him coming out of the rescas with the detroit riots happening while hes inside
I mean
A lot of bots are gonna have to break their programming with the aliens popping in everywhere unless the rescas is only centralized in black mesa
RoseBloodCat: True! Very true.
That would end up as a bit of a mix between the 2 options then, Gordon coming out of Black Mesa and being offered a place to stay with Tommy as the final clean-up from the Alien invasion is finished.
And then the news of the Android Freedom/Civil Rights movement appearing in Detroit and that tons of other androids had gone deviant under the stresses and couldn't just... Go back to the lives they'd had before.
Too much had happened to just sweep the fallout under the rug.
Plus, you know, there's possibility that Black Mesa's involvement got leaked so there's the fallout from that too, along with a good portion of them trying to cover up/refuse a thorough investigation into why it happened. Because shit like that can't happen without someone having to take responsibility.
Especially if it got out that they had used a Daycare Android in their Highly Dangerous alien testing. And that's not even getting into the trouble they'd find themselves in if the rest of their unethical science was discovered.
They might be able to partially cover/fix that by letting Tommy take Gordon as a Housekeeper, since they could then say that they'd "Gotten Rid" of the Android involved in the test. (Same idea as firing/relocating/dismissing a Scientist who'd screwed something up)
They'd probably try to avoid names too, just to further cover their asses.
the gay (mango): Not to mention the fact that the majority of the staff died from both aliens and government asses
RoseBloodCat: Ye
Pretty easy to cover up because of that tbh.
With most of the staff dead, it's pretty easy to just go "Unfortunately, most of the scientists and androids in charge of the tests that day were killed in the ensuing chaos from both the invasion and the military's attempts to fight back."
"Sadly, we may not be able to reopen or continue our work due to the losses suffered."
the gay (mango): So black mesa could claim the android involved didn't make it out
RoseBloodCat: Yeah, so long as they don't mention his name or android number, Gordon could get away (mostly) scott free.
the gay (mango): If someone asks for specifics black mesa can claim that records were lost and/or not recorded
RoseBloodCat: Yup.
I should draw Android Gordon sometime. Like, each version of him that would (possibly) be in the story/AU
Clean/Pre-test (in his uniform before the Testing shit), Post Test (Messed up clothes, possibly with Blood spatter) After Escape, (Clean Uniform, but now with accents that show he's not quite a normal Android anymore) and After Revolution (Where he's actually wearing normal clothes and is able to ditch his uniform)
the gay (mango): Does android lose his arm?
RoseBloodCat: I've been debating on that. Like It could be a good point to show that something is going haywire on the outside in regards to Androids, (or them just being dicks) Or they could not do that and just... Be awful.
the gay (mango): I mean androids are p looked down on in dbh even before the revolution
RoseBloodCat: Yeah...
the gay (mango): So soldiers beating up and dismembering a random black mesa android?  P in line w the universe
RoseBloodCat: Honestly? It really is. Black Mesa just seems like a magnet for assholes (with, like, a handful of exceptions) My brain is bouncing between Androids and Splatoon while I'm on shift. Plez send halp Or ideas. Whichever.
the gay (mango): I dont splatoon sorry
RoseBloodCat: Android thoughts are welcome too.
the gay (mango): What does coomer count as with his cyber limbs?
RoseBloodCat: Cyborg. Since he started out human and was augmented with tech.
the gay (mango): Fair But in a world of androids how is he viewed
RoseBloodCat: Probably as just... A human with fancy prosthetics.
the gay (mango): Fair What does bubby think of the annoying babysitter being an android?
RoseBloodCat: Not much at first. He knows Gordon's there to help with test, but probably thinks a human should be the one doing it an not the Nannybot from Daycare. But it's more from a professional stand point than a "I don't like Androids" one. Gordon doesn't have a degree in any field of research after all.
the gay (mango): Fair
RoseBloodCat: But it probably came off as that at first. When the test went kooky and he started out blaming Gordon for it. He was complaining about Gordon not doing it right and messing up the test, but he meant that it was because he wasn't educated for these things and not because he was an Android. But Gordon probably takes it to mean that. (That can be used for a comfort attempt from Bubby later, possible when someone points out that it sounded like Bubby hated androids or something.)
the gay (mango): Gordon juat feeling alienated cause bubby is an ass
RoseBloodCat: "I wasn't pissed because you were an Android, I was pissed because you weren't... Made to do this stuff? You're a fucking... Nanny, not a... Research bot..." Just- awkward comfort attempt.
The Flower (Lili): :') love that
the gay (mango): Bonding momence
RoseBloodCat: Coomer and Tommy probably also said something to the effect of "An android shouldn't do this test." Too, but they were so friendly at the same time that it hit differently. Bobby's an ass, but Gordon didn't really notice that he's like that for everyone not just him.
the gay (mango): whos bobby Gordon is a child handler, he takes everything personally
RoseBloodCat: XD (Also, auto correct is awful whenever I try to write these names.)
the gay (mango): Honestly that's part of why i banished my autocorrect to the shadow realm
RoseBloodCat: Lol
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farbsturz · 7 years
Iron Heart
An oneshot I wrote for @mildlycuriousdragon. In this AU both Jonathan and Conner Kent are androids built by Lex Luthor to defeat Superman.
Word count: 4746
Damian Wayne & Jonathan Kent; Tim Drake & Conner Kent
Keeping his head low, the teenager buried his hands in his pockets and glanced at the scum surrounding him. A clicking tongue made a small sound as sharp green continued to scan the area, looking for both their target and an item of interest. His shoes made grotesque sounds thanks to the sticking and dirty ground as he walked down the passages of the black market, his distaste hidden behind a mask of indifference as he watched the gun and drug trade around him. Somewhere around here should be the criminal of their day and the teenager whispered a quiet ‘negative’ as the voice of his father spoke up in his ear.
“Continue to look for him. Nightwing and I are in position. Keep up your disguise and do not interfere or pull attention to yourself, Robin.”
Green eyes were rolled. He knew that. Who did his father think he was? Drake? At the thought of his sadly adopted brother Damian couldn’t help but kick a stone lying in his way. It was unfair. Why the hell was Red Robin allowed to stay at the cave and play with his new toy while he had to play such a degrading role? Hell, Damian had been trained by the League of Assassins and here he was, playing a bloody drug addicted in search for the dealer who had escaped prison.
Two days ago Drake had arrived in the cave with an unconscious boy on his bike and it had been mere seconds before they had understood that they weren’t facing anything human. An android, to be specific. And what a great one. The skin and appearance didn’t give its true nature away and there had even be a device installed which had mimicked a beating heart. The android had worn a white shirt with an ‘S’ on it and judging by the explosions in Lexcorps’ building the night before, the bats had quickly put one and one together. Whatever this robot was, it had probably been created by Luthor and had somehow escaped. For now, however, it was out cold and Batman had decided to leave the case to Drake who had the most knowledge of technology.
The teenager huffed.
Finders, keepers.
If Drake got his hands on a perfect android, Damian would find himself one as well. The explosion had been way too big to have been made by a single person and thus he had suspected the robot to have a companion. And where else would you find a probably malfunctioning machine but on a black market for the lesser good civilians of their beloved city?
Damian soon found himself halting at the entrance to a shady looking hall and he didn’t waste a glance at the fairly armed bodyguards as he entered it. He recognized some of the higher ranked drug dealers and easily enough spotted the man of their attention this night. Rubbing his nose, the boy acted all nonchalantly as he whispered to himself. “Guess I’m catching a cold tonight.”
“Roger that.” his father whispered through the earpiece and he could hear some orders being said to Nightwing before their connection was cut off.
The boy left the room again and went into a more quiet hallway in order to put his hood on, knowing that it would only be another calm minute before all hell would break out. His back straightened slightly in anticipation and he counted to 40 in his head before the glass roof in the hall was scattered. Screams and gunshots could be heard throughout the whole warehouse and Damian took it as his cue to jump into action as well. A green mask was placed over his eyes and he began taking out nearby bodyguards, disarming them with ease. Some kicks and punches in the right place knocked most of them out within seconds and Damian proceeded to aid his family out of the shadows.
Only minutes later Damian received the message from his father that the wanted criminal had been secured and even though he would have loved to help cleaning up the rest, he begrudgingly listened to the order to go home. Of course, normally the boy would have argued but a part of him wanted to know more about the machine Drake had found. With a sigh he removed the mask from his face and hid it in his pocket, carefully leaving through a back exit as the police began to storm the place. Sure, he was wearing a wig but Commissioner Gordon didn’t have to catch him.  
The fresh breeze hitting his face threatened to overwhelm him and Damian took a deep grateful breath. The smoke, scum and drugs in there had rotten the air and the boy’s body relaxed as the familiar nightsky came into view. He got rid of the false blond hair in the next bin and avoided any popular roads. Damian didn’t need anyone to recognize him as the son of the richest billionaire and playboy Gotham’s.
As he walked down the emptier streets of this forsaken city, earphones were placed in his ears and classical music began to faintly play. Damian welcomed silent moments in which he could simply be without a reminder of his wealth or legacy. Right now he was but a simple teenager, out at a friday evening and minding his own business. The hoodie he wore kept most of the colder breezes away though the boy wasn’t known for complaining about simple things like the temperature.
It would take approximately eight minutes until he would reach his motorbike and Damian wasn’t in a hurry. Sure, his father wanted him to go home but he had never said anything about hurrying. Besides, the later he would come home the more likely it was for Drake to have passed out from exhaustion and coffee immunity. A smirk appeared on his lips at the thought of having his sweet time to take a look at the robot himself. He had never seen such a mechanical artwork before and Damian sure as hell wouldn’t let his brother have all the fun.
The police sirens were slowly fading behind him as the boy continued to saunter through the more dangerous parts of his father’s beloved city. It was strange how he felt comfortable being surrounded by possible crime but then again these were the situations he had grown up with. He knew his way around and fighting always allowed him to take a break. Most crimes were easy to stop and it almost seemed like a strange routine, the way he and Batman danced around each other while kicking the bad guys’ butts. Yet Damian couldn’t deny that it had felt more natural with Grayson. His brother’s open and rather optimistic view at the world had shone a weird light onto the mantle of Batman but had somehow worked. Sometimes he missed working with Nightwing together. He had been able to balance Damian out in a way his father could never do.
It hadn’t been long until the boy recognized the familiar sound of trouble, pulled out one of his earphones to listen to the voices of some drunkards. With the click of his tongue Damian pulled the mask out of his pocket and made sure the hood was in place as he sneaked towards the scene, ready to have some fun before returning home. He almost felt disappointed when he only saw a group of 5 young men surrounding a rather fragile looking boy who appeared to be around Damian’s age. The teenager wore a dirty and way too big jacket, held his arm defensively in front of his chest and green eyes narrowed at that. It seemed like he was hurt. The vigilante didn’t hesitate another second before jumping in, a grin on his lips as he kicked the first man in the head, causing him to fall to the ground. The second Damian’s feet touched the ground he was already in the air again, using the graffiti blotched wall to escape an attack. He landed behind another and swept him off his legs. A fist to the jaw, a kick in the stomach. One by one they went down until Damian was the only one left standing.
“You’re safe now, kid.”
Huffing proudly, Damian clapped the dust off his hands and took a few steps towards the boy. However, he stopped when he saw the other flinching back. Green softened slightly behind the mask and the teenager had spent enough time with his oldest brother to know how to act.
“I won’t hurt you. I’m one of the good guys.”
He took another step closer and ignored the boy taking one back. Soon enough a back hit the wall and Damian gently but firmly reached for the other’s arm, wanting to inspect it.
“Let me take a look. Either I can treat it or I’ll take you to a hospital.”
With that being said, he pulled the sleeve carefully back and his breath hitched as eyes took in what he saw.
A rather long cut was located between the elbow and wrist but what should have been flesh and blood had been replaced by wires and metal. Perfect skin had been broken to reveal what Damian had been looking for and his heart sped up as he reached for the other arm, quickly searching for any kind of heartbeat.
He found none.
The grin almost fell through the mask of calmness and the teenager quickly pulled the sleeve back up in order to hide the mechanical arm. There was no way anyone would steal his new project from him. When a quick glance to the group of men assured him that they were still knocked out, Damian began to walk away, dragging the boy with him.
“L-let go of me!”
Huh… it can talk.
Reluctantly coming to a stop, the vigilante clicked his tongue in annoyance. He didn’t have time for this, they had to get away before the drunkards woke up again.
“I’ll take you somewhere safe. But I need you to cooperate. So stop being difficult and come with me.”
But the android had other ideas in mind as he pulled his arm away with a strength someone his age shouldn’t have. Damian’s body tensed up and he lightly shifted his weight, ready to react the way the situation would require him to.
“You’re not the boss of me, you can’t tell me what to do! No one will ever order me around! So get the he….get the heck away!”
Damian sighed impatiently. Great, an android in puberty. He rubbed his forehead and went through his options. Fine, if reassuring didn’t work he would try threatening. Something he was more familiar with.
“We got your partner. At least I assume you two escaped together. You know, tall, black hair, torn white shirt with an S? An android?”
He didn’t stop the small smirk from appearing as the other’s face seemed paler.
“I can take you to him. I will, in fact. You can either cooperate or I’ll be forced to use one of my EMPs. So what do you say, robotboy?”
Crystal blue eyes studied Damian from head to toe but they both knew that there wasn’t really a choice. The android’s body had been damaged and it was obvious that he was lost in Gotham. Besides, they appeared to be around the same age so Damian probably didn’t look like too much of a danger. And it might have been true. The strength the boy had used before was proof enough and the son of Batman wondered whether the other had held back.
“Fine, I will come with you under the condition you will take me to my brother. And if you get any hidden intentions I will grab him and we’re out!”
Was that actually a pout on the android’s face? This might be more interesting than Damian had expected.
The ride home had been rather quiet after the two of them had bickered for several annoying minutes about whether the android should wear a blindfold or not. In the end Damian had won but he hadn’t argued that much with anyone but Drake in a long time. The fact that he had won their little fight was more than satisfactory and he might have leaned a bit too much into some curves with his motorbike only to feel the arms around his waist tightening. It took longer than necessary to reach the cave but Damian wanted to make sure that the android couldn’t easily track down the time and route they were taking. No matter how impatient he was, the teenager wouldn’t endanger their location mindlessly.
The bike finally came to a stop in the famous batcave and Damian removed the helmet, hand running through his slightly sweaty hair. Upon turning around, he could easily detect the more than big eyes the android was making and a proud smile lingered on his lips. After all this was the working place of Batman, anyone would be speechless when seeing it for the first time.
“And who might that be?”
A voice spoke up and Damian noticed the slight edge to the tone. Green wandered towards the batcomputer and as always he found Drake sitting in front of it. This time, however, the chair was facing him and the teenager rolled his eyes. How dare his brother act like a disapproving parental figure? Without a word Damian grabbed the boy’s arm and dragged him over to the wanna-be detective, pulling back the sleeve in the process. He could see the exact moment Drake understood and it was no surprise that his brother pushed himself off the chair to take a closer look. However, Damian moved protectively in front of the android, acting as a barrier as the boy flinched back from the attention.
“Back off, Red. I found him. He’s my responsibility.”
Drake only glared at him but it seemed as if his brother had noticed the tense body language of the android as well. He didn’t make a move to come closer, instead crossed his arms to continue their staring contest.
“He wants to see the one you found, otherwise there won’t be any cooperation. And I’m sure that a conscious android will provide way more information than one out cold, correct?”
“Kon isn’t awake? What happened to him? What did you do?”
The android pushed past Damian to glare up into Drake’s eyes. However, it wasn’t anything but threatening considering the too big jacket and messy black hair. The appearance was too young and innocent to provide anything like a threat.
“We didn’t do anything to him. I found him already unconscious when I returned to Gotham. Right now I’m working on repairing his leg and head but it will take some time until I finish recreating the handiwork. He will be fine, though.”
The android seemed to calm slightly at the information and Damian wondered how all of this could be programmed. These emotions - mistrust, nervousness, anger and relief - were too well portrayed to just be an act.
His fingers twitched in anticipation.
A quick glance at Drake gave him permission to lead the boy over to their little lab and before Damian could say anything, he watched as the other ran towards the unconscious android’s side. It was now that he noticed some traits the two robots shared. Black hair, blue eyes and both showed hints of a well trained body. However, the one he had found seemed to be around 16 years old while the other was closer to Drake’s age.
Damian watched in silence as the boy thoroughly checked ‘Kon’ for any obvious injuries, brushing black hair back and smiling fondly. It was such a kind gesture that it almost felt as if he was intruding a private moment.
“Thank you for taking him in.”
Damian was taken aback when the smile was directed at him and the teenager merely shrugged his shoulders.
“Not like we could let either one of you run around without any supervision.”
Blinking surprised, green stared down at the sudden outstretched hand.
“You can call me Jon.”
Damian clicked his tongue and hesitantly returned the gesture.
“Jon and Kon, such creative names.” he replied with a huff.
“ I’m Robin.”
“Stop fidgeting, idiot. If you’re trying to make it worse you’re doing a hell of a job.”
Damian’s brows were furrowed in both concentration and annoyance as he worked on the android’s arm, trying to fix it the best way he could without having any blueprints. He was currently rewiring some nerves but the constant moving of the other only served to make it harder than necessary.
“It’s not my fault that you’re so slow at this. Besides, I wanna see you being all calm when someone else pokes into your open wound with some weird tools.”
It had been two days since Damian had found his own android back in that alleyway and after Jon had been put through dozens of tests and interrogations, Batman had allowed his son to take care of the damaged arm. The boy had began to warm up to Damian but whether that was something good or bad, he hadn’t decided yet. While it was pleasant to see that Jon was willing to cooperate, the growing familiarity also caused some ridiculous bickering and the android talking back whenever Damian gave orders.
If the android’s words could be trusted, Lex Luthor had been secretly working on robots with Superman’s powers ‘just in case the alien ever went mad’. There had been many others before Kon and Jon had been created, most of them destroyed after gifted with powers too strong to handle. The few who had been able to survive had been put through different tests, challenging their endurance and control. It seemed that in this time the two androids had gotten to know each other and when Kon had overheard a conversation with his already developed super hearing, he had began to plan their escape. Luthor had told another scientist to destroy Jon because of his inability to use his powers at will and so Kon had taken the boy at the right moment and ran off.
How those androids were able to imitate human emotions and thoughts, however,  was still a mystery to Damian. Though he could understand why Jon had been so worried about the other, going as far as calling Kon his brother. They only had each other, didn’t know the world outside the lab and on top of that, one of them was knocked out.
Damian’s tongue was sticking out in concentration as he finally finished patching up the metallic arm. With a satisfied huff he leaned back and gestured towards his masterwork which looked as normal as any other human limb.
“See, I told you I can fix it. I’m the son of Batman, nothing is too difficult for me.”
Jon merely rolled his eyes but inspected his arm closely, moving it experimentally to see if everything was okay. A small smile appeared on his lips and blue eyes met green ones.
“Thank you, Robin.”
The genuine gratefulness surprised him and Damian simply shrugged his shoulders.
“Whatever. I cannot risk you not being at your best. Besides, now you can’t cry around anymore about how your sleeve gets stuck in the wires.”
“I didn’t cry, jerk!”
The teenager smirked and crossed his arms.
“Sure did.”
They continued arguing back and forth for some time and yet the conversation remained lighthearted. Damian wouldn’t admit it but he had already grown fond of his android and it seemed as if Jon was trusting him enough to be open about his own thoughts. While it was already clear that their opinions were differing from each other quite a lot, they still got oddly along. Well, until the android would start picking on his height. It were times like these when Damian might have lost a little of his cool and attack the boy with a batarang. Or two. But of course it was always Jon starting it.
“Robin, stop fighting with your little friend.”
Nightwing leaned against a wall close to the batcomputer, arms crossed and lips pulled into an amused smirk. Damian hated this expression on his brother. It only meant Grayson was having fun with his suffering.
“He’s not my friend, Nightwing. Do not confuse my curiosity for kindness.”
Grayson merely laughed in obvious amusement and pushed himself off to saunter over to them. Damian watched with a frown as his brother leaned down to be more on their eye level as he offered a hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Jon. You can call me Nightwing. Robin can be quite mean if he wants to but he got a good heart.”
Damian clicked his tongue and turned away from his brother, wanting to express his disapproval of said words.
“Anyway, Red Robin asked me to get you, Jon. He would like to talk to you about your brother.”
The change of mood was so painfully obvious in the android’s expression and Damian didn’t quite know what to do. He knew he would be worried if it had been Grayson who hadn’t woken up for several days and he guessed the other was feeling the same. With a small sigh the human grabbed Jon’s arm gently and began to lead him away.
“Thank you for informing us, Nightwing. I will take over from here.”
The small chuckle didn’t go unnoticed to Damian and he sped up to get away from the too amused eyes watching his back. He was merely doing this so he could continue studying the android. And Grayson was an idiot anyway.
Jon was unusually quiet as they walked through the cave and while Damian would appreciate the silence any other day, somehow it didn’t feel right in that moment. His chatting skills were worse than Drake’s sleep schedule but yet he forced himself to say something. Anything.
“I do not like to admit it but Red Robin is quite competent. He is one of the best soldiers Batman has when it comes to strategy, intelligence and technology. If anyone can fix or even improve that android you’re calling your brother, it’s him. There is no need to burden yourself with such unnecessary worry.”
He could see Jon slowly nodding in the corner of his eyes and with that they were once again embraced by silence. At least it was more endurable until they reached the small sector Drake had claimed as his own. Kon was still laying on the same operation table as the days before, the pillow and blanket Jon had insisted on still present. The boy hurried over to his brother’s side and Damian could see that the leg and head had been perfectly repaired.
Nothing less expected of a former Robin.
Drake smiled tiredly as he saw Jon’s relieved expression but the exhaustion was obvious in the other’s dark circles. Damian knew that nights had been worked through in order to fix the broken android.
Stupid Drake, no sense for self preservation.
The teenager kept his distance and watched quietly as his brother began to explain each step he had taken in order to replace broken pieces and recreate the circuit. It had been well thought out and Damian could recognize a genius’ work if he saw one. No matter how much it might have bothered him.
“He is all patched up now and I checked his vitals several times. On paper he is perfectly fine and yet he didn’t move once since I fixed him.”
Ahh, so that’s why he asked for Jon. If the android wasn’t moving regardless the good state the body was in, it was only wise to ask for information from someone who had knowledge in that field.
Damian noticed the android furrowing his brows as he was deeply in thought. Both Drake and Jon seemed to be lost for the moment and the vigilante decided to approach the problem from his own perspective. His brother probably thought too complicated about the mechanical aspect while the super dork was busy being worried.
Super dork.
Green eyes widened.
Without another word Damian hurried over to where Drake sat and pushed him away to gain access to the computer. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he hastily searched and read through a file. He absentmindedly heard his brother complaining about the rough treatment but right now he couldn’t care less to argue. Finding the information he had been searching for, Damian turned around and pointed at both Jon and Kon, eyes directed at Drake.
“They were built to be on par with superman. As far as we know, they possess the powers of heat vision, ice breath, super hearing and whatnot. But what if they need the same source of energy as Superman as well?”
Drake’s eyes widened in sudden understanding and he began to look through the notes he had been taking, soon coming across the one thing he hadn’t managed to wrap his head around.
“It’s a battery.”
Damian only nodded.
“How could I not see it? Of course, they both have to be fueled by something. And if you’re correct, they use the sun as their source. Kon had been in the cave the whole time, there had been no moment where he had been exposed to any sunlight at all. And with the energy he had to use in order to escape, it would be no surprise for him to be running low right now.”
The two brothers didn’t waste another second before they made their moves, heaving the unconscious body onto Jon’s back as they hurried upstairs. Damian trusted his android enough by now to not give their secrets away and the three boys ran past Alfred into the big garden. As Kon was gently lowered onto the grass, Drake began to check his vitals once again.
Damian clicked his tongue and lightly nudged Jon’s shoulder.
“Stop chewing your lip, idiot. He will be fine.”
Blue eyes blinked surprised and the android smiled sheepishly. The two teenagers stood quietly next to each and Damian didn’t comment on Jon leaning relatively close to him. They watched as Drake continued to work until closed eyes finally snapped open.
Kon gasped loudly as he jolted up, blue eyes wide open as he coughed heavily. Jon was by his side within a second and began to rub soothing circles on his brother’s back, whispering words and explanations.
“Jon? Is that you?”
The android’s voice was still weak and he almost seemed to tear up as muscular arms wrapped around the little teenager’s body. They remained like that for a while and Drake moved to stand next to Damian. They exchanged gazes.
“We’re not going to…” Drake gestured towards the brothers hugging.
“Over my dead body, Red.”
His brother only smiled.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“You should be ashamed of yourself.”
“Says the discount Robin.”
“At least I’m not wearing some souvenir of my ‘father’.”
“Because cosplaying as your older brother in his teenage years is so much better.”
The rooftops of Gotham were mostly quiet except for the two boys bickering back and forth as they made their ways towards the reported crime. Damian was swinging from building to building as his newest partner jumped around next to him. Jon’s uniform consisted of a bright blue bodysuit with a cape attached, a pair of sneakers and a mask handmade by Robin.
“Robin, Sparrow, focus.”
The voice of his father spoke through their earpieces and Damian clicked his tongue in disapproval. He hadn’t been finished arguing.
“Red Robin and Tanager are already in position. Group up with them and go in together. Understood, Robin?”
Damian rolled his eyes as his android chuckled softly, merely humming in acknowledgement.
“You shouldn’t be so cheerful for someone who still can’t fly yet, Sparrow.”
Jon’s smile vanished immediately and it was the teenager’s turn to smirk.
“Race you to the others, birdbrain.”
And with that Robin was already taking off, leaving a surprised android behind. He could hear the other yelling after him but Damian would sure as hell not slow down. A smile lingered on his lips as he swung through the streets accompanied by his new partner and friend.
And for once the streets of Gotham didn’t seem as dark.
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ao3feed-ryden · 7 years
Ryan Horror Picture Show
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yxksSQ
by itstoobloodyhot
Michael Rennie was ill The Day the Earth Stood Still, but he told us where we stand. And Flash Gordon was there in silver underwear, Claude Rains was the Invisible Man. Then something went wrong for Fay Wray and King Kong; They got caught in a celluloid jam. Then at a deadly pace, It Came From... Outer Space. And this is how the message ran:
Science fiction, double feature, Doctor X will build a creature. See androids fighting, Brad and Janet, Anne Francis stars in Forbidden Planet, at the late night, double feature, picture show.
Words: 998, Chapters: 1/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Bandom, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Rocky Horror Picture Show
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Dallon Weekes, Breezy Weekes, Gerard Way, Lindsey Ballato, Spencer Smith, Hayley Williams, Mikey Way
Relationships: Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump/Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie, Brendon Urie/Dallon Weekes, Breezy Weekes/Dallon Weekes, Brendon Urie/Breezy Weekes, Ryan Ross/Dallon Weekes, Lindsey Ballato/Gerard Way
Additional Tags: Crossover, AU, Alternate Universe
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2yxksSQ
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