#let me know what you think ty ty
devildom-doll · 1 year
🧡 Here’s some more Levi 🧡
I should do my nails, I keep forgetting to, reeeeeeee!
Also the bangs are on the wrong side, im sorry ya’ll 😭
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staliaqueen · 1 month
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Mal's Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch: The beach 3.05
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orbitalpirate · 3 months
10 first sentence tag!!
The incredible @jamietarttsnorthernattitude tagged me to share ten first sentences from my writing. I'm doing all wips lol
1. Lost In The Citadel: He was actually pretty psyched about going to Switzerland for international week.
2. Let The Sunshine In: It had been a hard week.
3. Now I Now The Wolves: They were having a low-key night.
4. Chapter 2 of Rubberband Man: Colin Hughes was gay.
5. Make Him Really Jealous: Look, it's not like he was looking for trouble or anything.
6. See Two People So Much In Love: It didn't start off a competition.
7. Bring The Columns Down: A.F.C Richmond had quite a propensity for inside jokes.
8. Untitled Richard Montlaur whump: Richard's always had fucked up feet.
9. I refuse to say what this one is ;) : The younger man's beard felt nice nestled against his bicep, and if it was anyone else in the world Roy's decision about whether or not to let him spend the night in his bed wouldn't have been so difficult.
10. A different Richard whump: "There's a kid in the locker room," Will said.
Tagging @yorkshire-rockchick @stonesandswords and @carolinemathildes (no pressure at all whatsoever)
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the-acid-pear · 1 month
hey do u fw phone guy jack and if so do you have any thoughts on phone guy jack
I loooooove phone jack as a concept unfortunately I haven't managed to build a coherent thought since the summer of '92 but let me try like. I mean he'd be undeniably one of the fucking worst ones hands down. Steven would blush next to how atrocious of a boss phone Jack would be. Because he's a bit of a cunt as it stands but w his brain reprogrammed to focus mainly on the company and forget his previous life? He'd be a turbo cunt. And I don't think he'd even that good at the job either. I do wonder if he'd manage to keep the narrator or not. I'd be funny if he did and the narrator remembered everything but was like, unwilling to tell him? Or maybe he'd tell him and Jack would just ignore it. He's busy half assing his duties to be bothering with past memories you know?
Hell even if he remembered I think it'd be a bit of a Roger moment in the sense that he was already fucking MISERABLE where he was and now he is Someone he's Scott™ and he lost everything already so what's even the point? Here is bad but there is worse.
Maybe I had more thoughts than I accounted for.
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catboyfurina · 9 months
focalette / neuvalors whatever the ship name is orz
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#beeep#gi#query#i am a trans guy furina truther and i think a lot of fanon neuvalors is really focused on a sort of. somewhat misogynistic (imo) stereotype#idk a lot of fanon seems to really like Big Strong Protector Man and Hysterical Little Emotional Woman#and thaaats not up my alley BUT I SHALL ELABORATE ON WHAT IS !#first of all. i think both of them have feelings and emotions and shit. when fanon is like here are fontaines crybabies that fanon is like#yea. you get it this time#i think furina is really invested in pretending to be who he thinks fontaine wants as an archon#and i think part of that is pretending to be a cis woman. and i think that is also why he's so dramatic and over the top in part#fontaine wants a spectacle so he gives them a spectacle but (as seen by the fountain) does hide the less entertaining side#(or the side that he can't bear to let become entertainment)#and i think he doesn't and or can't hide as much of that from neuvillette#i think when theyre both tired and alone furina can drop the exaggeration . and that. that specifically is soooooo#and tying into the trans headcanon i think nvl is the only one who knows#i still dont think furina has said everything but like. neuvillette being the only one past that first incredibly high wall. yeag#and neuvillette is imo one of those people that likes ppl that are annoying (cough cough just like me fr fr rn)#buuuuut ngl i havent thought as hard about neuvis end of it#...i dont think theyd be together currently in canon tho this is one of those slowburn bait things#also. i don't think furinas a kid pensive emoji. i know its popular on like half the fandom but nnnot my headcanon#i dont think hes acting childish in a child way i think hes acting childish in a clown way#.....hopefully this isnt my sinister!baizhu headcanon moment that ages soooo poorly ahdsjfjshsgh
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starlooove · 3 months
I think what bothers me about situations like this is that the og action is never nearly as racist as the thousands of ppl rushing to prove how not racist it is. Like don’t get me wrong the racism is still there; but it is not nearly as sinister or malicious as the ppl who cut any potential growth at the root by shouting from the rooftops that black people are stupid dramatic and wrong.
Edit: this is about the Motaz situation! I’m 1000% free Palestine till it’s backwards and I’m not gonna speak for everybody ofc, but for me I’m of the vein that we shouldn’t put these people on a pedestal. They’re human beings trying to survive, and being extremely brave whilst doing so, but they’re subject to the same biases and problems that everyone else is. I’m not downplaying the situation but some of y’all are reacting in ways that fall in line with celebrity stan culture bc you’ve stopped viewing Palestinians as people and it’s STRANGE! That’s a whole different convo tho.
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pollinatedpansy · 4 months
Fucking yourself onto a double sided dildo with a switch while also being fucked in your other hole by a dom, meanwhile the partner you're sharing the dildo with is also being fucked by another switch
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ghostofthejunkyard · 1 year
I did not expect this to take this long but here we are..this is mostly just my headcanons on how yomiel was during those 10 years so I hope you like it! The entire process of planning and drawing every part took about 4-5 days of on and off working on it.. also this is my first time doing something like this with song lyrics so I hope it's decent :D
Also we are gettin close to the Ghost Trick remaster's release!!
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vaniliens · 2 months
I keep forgetting about how people actually use pronouns for me instead of just referring to me by name. Like sometimes id get she/her'd or they/them'd and it always feels so trippy because i have never been called that in my head!!!! Its always just been 'Dude' 'You' 'Man' 'Me' 'Girl' and 'He' but idk. I feel like id get tripped out if i start going by he/him too.
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
It was ! He had a head trauma as a child and also has ADHD which is why he has memory issues sometimes so he's unable to get a real job. Also the memory issues is why he plagiarised everything, he would copy text for 'refenrence ' and then forgor what he himself wrote and what he copied :(((
Speaking as someone whose head had been glued 3 separate times as a child before the age of 7, had 4 concussions in one school year, and has ADHD myself, I think I'm MORE than qualified to say: what a fucking loser lmaoo
Find a goddamn job that doesn't need you to use other people's work to "reference" then. Work retail like the fucking rest of us ya fucking pussy. Cope bitch.
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willowser · 11 months
have you read jujutsu kaisen or just watched the anime? im just wondering if I should try rewatching it or try the manga….I watched like the first three episodes I think and stopped
i read the manga up until about ch 160 and then started keeping up here and there with leaks at around ch 212 again. not reading it necessarily, but i would check out the stuff on twitter. and i've watched/am watching the anime !
as far as my input on reading the manga yourself; obviously i'm not sure if you'll enjoy the things i didn't enjoy, but !!! i would warn you that i think the look we get at the characters in season 1 and then in season 2 of the anime — the story thereafter, starting with the shibuya arc, feels like a different story to me personally, and it's not as enjoyable, to me personally. i have a few of my own hang-ups about it that i won't spoil for you, but just know that the story gets quite serious and sad LOL and i still find a lot of logistics of the sorcerer stuff a bit confusing — but as i said, i haven't been actually reading it, so that could just be me.
but ofc you might enjoy it more than i did !!!
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atsu-i · 9 months
Because I'm in my 30's too and I feel like an ignorant kid who is lost. I can't seem to grasp the meaning of adulthood and feel accomplished as one, also when I was a kid I saw adults as people who had their shit together and know Lotta stuff meanwhile I am just an grown up with no knowledge about life.
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neon-draws-sometimes · 6 months
why am I likethis (I mean I know why) why are all my interests so weird /not neg
utmv, dolls furbies, obscure games, weird indie stufd
anyway guess what I’m getting into now
ringtonecharacter. Psycho teddy/ dj teddy z. I love obsure/lost stuff and stufffron the early internet days so it his the spot. There’s a scrapped show with them?? A lost German commercial. Many differing cuts of commercials for no reason.
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livvyofthelake · 8 months
utterly cannot stand the type of post thats like "what are the female characters you like" and i KNOW it's not the fault of the people who make those posts i know they only do it because 95% of this site's blorbos are men. but i hate it anyway. like really the only way you can get fandom people to talk about women is to explicitly tell them to talk about women. and it always comes off so disingenuous because i KNOW most people reblogging those posts would never say those characters on a generic "what are your favorite characters" post. like it's all just so bleak :/
#like. tumblr user on an average blorbo tag post: omg dean <3#tumblr user on average Woman Blorbo post: well i really like woman 2 from netflix original bullshit show#and i don't mean to suggest these people DON'T really like woman 2 from that show. i just think like.#well i've seen ur posts and 80% of them are about a man. and you only ever even mention HER in relation to men or when specifically prompte#like. idk. i promise female characters are interesting when you take off the patriarchy goggles. i promise they are also usually much bette#written than whatever man you're obsessed with. i promise you.#like. clary gets almost no love from this site at large but she is probably one of cassie's most complex characters ever#meanwhile everyone here lovesssss will herondale. and i won't continue that thought lest i be blacklisted#so you see what i'm saying.#most tumblr users could not defend their love of a female character against their raw posting data#beth.txt#don't mean to suggest i never like male charaters we all know i have my guys#but i don't think i talk about men more than women. actually lets review the characters of the year#i'd start with danny obviously danny was huge in january#alina. alex. liv. i'd say call tamara and aaron all count#livvy ty dru and kit are a contant and don't need to be included in the data. but if they were it'd even out anyway#ok so that's 4 men and 3 women. not a bad ratio#didn't mean to make this post about me but well it is my post so yk. whatever#anyway. basically some of you could stand to get really weird about a female character sometime. sick of your deans and whatnot!
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romanromulus · 2 years
Adam, I've got a question to posit to you for fun about Peter and Mark based off something I've been discussing with another friend, just because I'm interested to hear what you think about it: You said before that you viewed Saw V as the death of Mark's humanity and how he might have had a chance at actually ending things for good if Peter had met him with kindess instead of suspicion (which I wholeheartedly agree with that analysis here.) But my friend and I were talking about a scenario in which like. Had Peter and Mark maybe had time to actually get to know each other for a bit before the events of IV, things might have gone differently. Specifically, that Mark might have left the pen for Peter to use in the water cube on purpose, because he actually wanted to give him a chance like he does with the coffin, instead of just leaving it there as an oversight like he does in canon. What do you think about that?
omg hi @macabre-angst! oooh this is a very very interesting question to me because it makes me spiral about rigg and Hoffman kinda.
okay it has been a little while since I’ve watched III and IV so I might be kind of off here but whatever. i feel like—based on the reveal that Hoffman set Amanda up—in IV Hoffman was really confident in that he was about to be rid of both Amanda AND John. Dead Lynn means dead John, and dead John means no more blackmail hanging over Hoffman’s head. Hoffman knew by the time he got out of his trap, he’d be free of John Kramer—and he was probably pretty jazzed about it. however, once again, Hoffman WANTS connection, he doesn’t want to be alone, so he positions rigg to be his new apprentice.
(I don’t remember if the saw IV test was still a John Kramer test or if it was entirely Hoffman’s creation, but either way, if Kramer had a hand in it, hoffman obviously floated rigg’s name)
Now we both know rigg fails his test. spectacularly. and Hoffman is PISSED about it. he’s visibly, furiously disappointed in rigg.
What is interesting to me is that rigg shares certain traits with Amanda—traits that SHOULD make Hoffman think twice about taking him on as an apprentice. Rigg and Amanda are both impulsive, they’re both emotional, and they both get way too involved with other people. they are passionate individuals. they come across that way pretty immediately.
you know who doesn’t come across that way at first? Strahm. for most of IV, Strahm is a pretty cool customer. he stays detached. clearly I headcanon Strahm as someone with anger issues, but in IV his anger doesn’t come to the surface until things get personal for him (Perez). It’s entirely possibly that Strahm is normally fairly level-headed, and that the grief of losing his partner simply causes him to express a level of rage that is out of character for him.
Okay so i’m arriving to my point, which is: Hoffman worked hard to get rid of Amanda, who he obviously thought of as a liability. why would he immediately try to saddle himself with another unstable element? he KNOWS he has to clean up rigg’s messes, he has literally already done so in the past AND then he nearly has to again right at the beginning of IV. i think hoffman only picks rigg for the test because he just has no other options (please make some non-work friends, Hoffman).
now, what if hoffman had just met someone who seemed ruthless, calm, analytical, and intelligent? someone he thought he could trust, someone he wouldn’t have to worry might lose their cool and get them caught?
what I think, my friend, is that if Hoffman and Strahm had gotten to know each other before saw IV, the water cube might not have ever even come into play. Hoffman might have decided to scrap his original plan.
He might have decided to test Strahm instead of Rigg.
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gromellette · 1 year
what's your thought crime Opinions
how nice of you to ask!
as a disclaimer, this is less about the commonly discussed concepts of mental illness & harmless sexual/romantic fantasies seen under the original post and more about the less than normal kinds of thoughts that can be harder to talk about in a neutral way for a lot of people. proceed with caution, i suppose.
i don't have anything to say about thought crime that hasn't already been said, i think. but i do hold, from my experience, controversial & unpopular opinions surrounding thoughts, desires, attractions, urges, and feelings vs. actions where it relates to violence and sexuality.
i don't immediately reign judgement on people who experience some or all of the above surrounding the likes of incest, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, non/dubious consent/rape, mutilation/murder, etc. these things would be undoubtedly unethical and, to most, detestable to act on, but simply experiencing those feelings & thinking those thoughts & having those urges or desires is not something i'm interested in demonizing someone for. human beings are incapable of controlling their thoughts/feelings/attractions. if we weren't, we would never feel anxiety or grief or anger, people with OCD & intrusive thoughts would eliminate them before they appeared, queer people in conservative spaces and/or grappling with internalized homophobia would simply choose to not be queer. we know this isn't how it works, so why would it be any different for the unsavory ones, the socially unacceptable?
this isn't to say it's just chill that some people sit around having fantasies about certain things; i do think destigmatizing needs to also come with unpacking and rehabilitation where appropriate and measures to prevent violent acts, but the cultural obsession with morality is probably my biggest gripe with the conversation surrounding violent thoughts and violence in general; how morality is the highest priority, the means by which we must categorize the world in terms of "good" people and "bad" people, the end all be all to understanding and solving the issue of violence and, therefore, the only thing that really matters when observing these categorically "bad" people². all this, despite the fact that morality is entirely subjective and does nothing to actually prevent or treat violence because one's perception of right and wrong varies widely from person to person depending on endless variables. contrary to popular belief, the world cannot be broken down into such simple parts; good and bad, right and wrong, just and unjust. the world is nuanced, gray, and not altogether easy to understand.
i'm as passionate as i am about this (and about protecting freedom of speech and expression in fictional media where this topic is concerned too, another conversation altogether) because the shame and dehumanizing that happens in response to someone expressing violent thoughts or compulsions is what ultimately leads to real life harm¹. i believe it's important to foster an environment where people can feel comfortable talking about these things because with that comes feeling comfortable asking for help and preventing violence from the start, which is ultimately what we want, right? to listen to, show compassion for, and aid people with "immoral" thoughts (and predators, while we're at it) is to participate in creating a safe community for everyone³.
punishment begets more violence, not less, and it's troubling how popular the opposite sentiment seems to be. i'm frankly tired of seeing people make black and white moral judgements that are not at all black and white (i.e. thinking about something one has never acted on). it's okay to feel a way about things but, as far as i'm concerned, a person's actions are far more important than what goes on inside their head, or what they choose to write, draw, read, or watch for that matter (unless it's legitimate pornography involving real life parties right like obviously that is very bad because it results in and perpetuates real life harm, lets be reasonable here BUT even in these cases, the answer is not to demonize. there could be cases in which a person might very well be incapable of change or remorse (debatable) and in those cases, sure, but i believe the majority of the time such violence can be not only treated, but prevented by recognizing their humanity and doing what we can to foster it. the ultimate goal being, of course, to prevent violence. but i digress, that is another conversation also lol)
¹ James Gilligan has talked extensively on this topic, the correlation between shame & violence, and how treatable and preventable it really is if we could dispel the notion that predators are inhuman, some sort of separate evil species incapable of treatment and understanding and "deserving" of punishment. His book, Preventing Violence, is a great place to start, or this interview if you can't access it (highly recommend, it is a fascinating read). ² See also James Gilligan. Morality is the Problem, where he talks about morality as a means to justify violence on both sides of the coin.
³ i also feel it necessary to make clear that it's not anyone's, and particularly any victim's, responsibility to bear the burden of showing compassion to or otherwise protecting someone who has harmed or wanted to harm others. i just hope to highlight the importance of recognizing and considering the humanity in those individuals because the most effective way of changing someone for the better is allowing them the space to do so, should they be receptive to it. because monsters don't exist, human beings who do unforgivable things do. and, yes, even those human beings need compassion from others.
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