#lesboys and mspec lesbians have always existed
kissingwomenat3pm · 22 days
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xxlovelynovaxx · 7 months
Well, since tumblr randomly ate my pinned... -_-
About us:
We're the Stars system, a massively polymultiple and polyfragmented mixed origin DID system. We consider ourselves an infinite system.
Our pronouns are fae/it unless specified otherwise. When referring to multiple of us, you are welcome to use fae&/it& or you& for clarity. If you are up for it, we would also appreciate second person neopronouns being tried out (substituting neos for 'you'), and sometimes we use first person neopronouns (substituting neos for 'I/we')
Some of our labels include (we use general/umbrella labels in places to indicate that we use many of those kind of labels):
likely ME/CFS
chronic pain (likely fibromyalgia)
other unspecified chronic illness symptoms
physically disabled with mobility disabilities
DID w/strong dp/dr symptoms
cluster B spectrum disorder, comprehensive subtype (we meet the diagnostic criteria for all four cluster B disorders and our symptoms are heavily interrelated)
OLD (a medically unrecognized disorder)
neurodivergent and neurodisabled
cognitive disabilities
often housebound, sometimes bedbound (less so now that we have a wheelchair)
low to mid masking
low to mid functioning
mid to high support needs
traumaendo mixed origin
infinite system
aside from traumagen and endo, spirigenic, schizogenic, bordergenic, paragenic, tulpagenic, and more
Abro (and use lesbian, gay, queerhet, bi, pan, omni, and mspec and straight lesbian/gay labels)
transneufemmasc, transfluid
pangenderfluid, kingender, xenogender, agender, maverique, intergender, multigender, androgyne, and others
butch and femboy
demigrey aroace and grey apl among others
otherkin (especially fae/changeling, but pankin across the whole system)
copinglink and linktypes
demihuman and nonhuman both
reality shifters
We are pro-endo and pro-tulpa, anti-psych and anti-phys, pro-mad-liberation and cripplepunk inclusionists and coined unitypunk. We are kff safe and do not believe ANY identity that someone genuinely identifies as, that is not specifically based on intentional harm to others, can be inherently or ontologically harmful. We are proship/profic and ourselves are survivors of a specific kind of SA that cannot be directly spoken about here. We are also anti-forced-recovery and don't believe in consensus reality.
We also do not believe it is okay to make fun of reality shifters just because it's the current acceptable target, and find it especially hypocritical coming from otherkin. Even if it was always harmful, the appropriate response would be genuine, non-patronizing concern, offering resources, and then backing the fuck off if people can't or won't "recover". That being said, most "anti" sentiment in this context is heavily sanist and centered around the idea of a "correct" consensus reality. Not trusting people to be right about their own subjective experiences is both sanist and just generally an asshole move.
We believe transandrophobia exists, that everyone can be affected by transmisogyny and that TMA/TME labels are reductive and often bioessentialist and intersexist in usage, and that exorsexism and the above are all serious issues both within the trans community and in society as a whole. We support transunity. We also are pro-complicated and conflicting labels, such as mspec lesbian/gay, straight lesbian/gay, transmasc lesbians, and lesgay/lesboy/turigirl labels.
We are transhumanist and support bodily autonomy and good faith identity with NO. EXCLUSIONS. If you think this doesn't apply to you, I promise it still probably actually does. We do our best to judge people on their actions, not their thoughts, feelings, or anything else that occurs internally. We also don't believe any body modifications or exercise of personal bodily autonomy is wrong.
We also believe it's not wrong to be unhealthy, to refuse or be unable to recover, and that healthism is ableism. Disabled people (including neurodivergent people) are the most reliable authority on their own experiences. Also, if someone says they were called a slur, you should believe them, and they have a right to reclaim it regardless of if you think they have the "right" identity (outside of perhaps racial/ethnic slurs, which I feel is not our place to comment on). Slur, label, and flag discourse is all bullshit cop behavior and y'all need to stop it.
There's probably more that we'll come back and add later, but for now, here's a new pinned.
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goldfishsweep · 7 months
happy lesbian day to mspec lesbians, lesboys, boydykes, dykes, he/him lesbians, lesbians who don't use she/her, multigender lesbians, multigender lesbians who are also men/have masc genders, genderfluid lesbians, genderfluid lesbians who are men and/or have masc genders, nonbinary lesbians, genderqueer lesbians, transmasc lesbians, bear lesbians, hairy lesbians, fat lesbians, butch lesbians, futch lesbians, femme lesbians, aro lesbians, ace lesbians, aroace lesbians, aspec lesbians and all the other lesbians that the community tries to erase from existance because they hate it when lesbians identify in a way they don't like or aren't appreciated enough
You are cared for and more people support and accept you than you think, exclusionists are just a very loud minority, don't feel disencouraged to identify as you please, you have a place in the community, you have history, you always belonged and always will
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genderstarbucks · 4 months
" Usually I ignore hate like this but this is so fucking funny to me
Nowhere in my bio does it say I'm a woman you dumbass LMFAO, it says I'm female, which is different than a woman
Saying I'm just gay and trans does not explain the entirety of my experience, I can use whatever fucking labels I want to describe myself whether you like it or not you wet sock
"That's not real it's made up", yeah all words are you fucking idiot
The fact that you would stone people based on an identity that literally doesn't affect your tiny brain at all says a lot about you
YOU'RE the one who's disrespecting the trans people who have died to transphobia by caring so much about the fact that this is how I experience my transness
I think they'd be proud of the fact that me and so many others are reclaiming slurs that have been used against us
Have you ever even heard of cistrans people? Probably not considering your brain implodes at the thought of male lesbians
Also where the fuck are the "fetishes" in my bio you're speaking of? Those are just my dating preferences fuckface, what? Are you mad that you don't fit those preferences? You're just mad you can't be with me because I'm so great
You are actually so fucking stupid it's funny, you think I actually care about your opinion?
Mspec gays, lesbians and straights will and have always existed, no matter what your tiny brain thinks
Lesboys and turigirls still exist too you idiot
Oh boo hoo a butch lesbian is calling themselves a lesboy, and you're getting offended over that? That's really fucking pathetic
Gay and trans people died for my and other weird queer people's rights, and the rights for us to identify however we want
R you rlly gonna support xenogenders but not other niche queer identities? Stupid ass
Nobody ever said all lesbians like men or that lesbians have to like men, lesbians only like men if they're attracted to men while also calling themselves a lesbian you dumbass
Irl literally nobody cares if you identify as an mspec gay or lesboy, it's people like you who keep pulling this stupid discourse back up WHEN LITERALLY NOBODY CARES
It's not affecting you assfuck
I'm pro stoning people who are like you, specifically with big boulders "
" Have you ever even heard of cistrans people? Probably not considering your brain implodes at the thought of male lesbians " neither of those exist take your meds,
"R you rlly gonna support xenogenders but not other niche queer identities? Stupid ass" yeah lol :3
" Nobody ever said all lesbians like men or that lesbians have to like men, lesbians only like men if they're attracted to men while also calling themselves a lesbian you dumbass" so theyre not lesbian got it ^_^
" It's not affecting you assfuck " have you ever thought about maybe the ideology that lesbians can like men is literally what gets most of them raped
anyway all the swearing from ur post makes me giggle bc youre actually so mad, maybe ask mommy to change your diaper or something
" Also where the fuck are the "fetishes" in my bio you're speaking of? Those are just my dating preferences fuckface, what? Are you mad that you don't fit those preferences? You're just mad you can't be with me because I'm so great " im actually so happy i dont fit those bc i dont date 500lbs people LMAOO maybe try listening to other people than your divorced mom who got beaten by all her past partners who says "youre so beautiful" because all shes doing is lying to you, it would b better for you to know now that ur double chin aint doing any good for you. you just gotta know youre really below average before someone tells you and you end up killing yourself over it
" Saying I'm just gay and trans does not explain the entirety of my experience, I can use whatever fucking labels I want to describe myself whether you like it or not you wet sock " how about you use the labels the term "delusional, obese, and extremely ugly"
I literally do not care
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sirenium · 11 months
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ID: 'This user bites sysmeds and queer exclusionists.' In grey Engraver's Old English text. The background is black, and to the left and image of a wolf barking is seen, separated by everything else by a grey border. End ID
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ID: 'This user thinks shipcourse is stupid, and doesn't care which side you're on as long as you aren't an asshole about it.' In light grey Engraver's Old English text. On the top and bottom, grey bars span across the banner. Background is black with a silver gradient. End ID
Guys I made a carrd lmfao (link)
My sideblog (link) where I coin shit and make flags. Our system blog (link)
Time for a long overdue introduction!
I'm Canis/Canid (you can always just call me 'Sirenium' if that's easier!). I am a namehoarder, as well as namefluid, so I tend to prefer different names at different times (I will attempt to stick to a certain pair of names per theme) I'm 18, have ADHD, and am autistic. My pronouns are in my bio, but for the sake of convenience my current preferred ones are it/its, they/them, cor/corpse, haunt/haunts, and hallow/hallows (among others). I cannot keep a consistent theme for the life of me, lol. Despite my current theme, I am not wolf kin; I am werewolf kin, among other kins.
My interests include, but are (just barely) not limited to, the Sonic franchise (I now have a specific tag for sonic related content. It's #random self indulgent sonic related post, and I went through and tagged [hopefully] every sonic related post with it), The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom, music, and LGBTQ+/xenogender flags.
I have decided to lift my DNI. Be warned, however, that I use the block button frequently.
New tag for when I reblog things from my flag blog here (please block if you get annoyed by self promotion): the siren hands you a trinket
BYF (before you follow)
[Pt: BYF (before you follow) end pt]
Unless you give me a reason to block you, I see no reason to bar certain people from interacting with my posts (please note that if I go to your blog and am exposed to some dumbass take about mspec lesbians or something, that is typically grounds for a straight up block). Now that that's out of the way, let's move on.
Here, we believe that there's no such thing as an invalid queer identity, and this encompasses lesboys, m-spec lesbians, gaybians, and anything else that people hate for no reason. We are pro endo, believe that pronouns and presentation don't necessarily equal gender, anti capitalism (especially rainbow capitalism), pro-choice, pro self diagnosis, are of the opinion that PCOS can be an intersex condition (but honestly it's up to the individual to identify as such), queer isn't a slur (though I don't immediately jump to demonizing those who think it is, bc there are certainly older people who've had that word used against them in a derogatory way), xenogenders aren't transphobic, paraphile≠abuser, and more that I don't feel are necessary to state on this blog.
Stance on transID and radqueers (link). Since it apparently needs to be said, don't fucking derail my posts because of my stances on these things. It's not up for debate, especially on a random ass post. Your comment will be deleted and I will most likely block you, because in my humble opinion getting your panties in a twist about something unrelated to a post is obnoxious. Thanks!
What's this blog about?
[Pt: What's this blog about? End pt]
I don't even know anymore, man. There's stuff about being neurodivergent and queer, sonic shit, and whatever I feel like reblogging. Enjoy your stay.
[pt: Lastly... end pt]
I will block any exclusionists, TERFS/SWERFS, truscum/transmeds, or pro-lifers who touch my posts because frankly, I'm not interested in interacting with y'all (I will cave occasionally when I am extremely bored lmfao).
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ID: 'This blog respects and supports all good faith identities, and is adamant about creating a space where EVERY queer person can exist as themselves.' In grey Old Engraver's English font on a black background. To the right, a wolf pack dogpiling is featured, and the image is separated by the rest of the banner by a powder blue border. Two borders, one on the top of the entire banner and the other on the bottom, are the same color. End ID
Thanks for reading. :)
Please note:
[pt: please note:. End pt]
I don't look at peoples DNIs before interacting all the time (banners are right there so like, obviously I check those. I'm talking about DNIs in bios or pinned posts). Please, if I'm included in your DNI because of my beliefs and identity, block me and/or message me to remove anything I've reblogged from you if you need to. It's basic human decency: I wouldn't want someone who fits any description on my DNI to interact with my shit, so it's only fair I provide that same respect to others (even if they're exclusionists or other people I generally don't like). Additionally, I'd rather handle situations like this with mutual maturity in the case that they happen. Thank you.
Also you can message me if you just don't want your stuff on my blog, btw.
I reclaim slurs, and there are posts that feature slurs on my blog. There's serious subject matter discussed here, and I don't add trigger warnings all the time. Please be careful if you are triggered by stuff like death, transphobia, etc..
I often don't make image descriptions for things I reblog, but I try to make IDs for things I make/post myself.
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valentinesie · 1 year
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Gaybian lesboy aroace agender gothic, aroace omni sapphic, lazy decked (devils candy) turigirl icons, circled and bordered, horsegender gay, bunnygender gay flags with soft colours, bipan lesboy, Butch/futch/femme gaybian, techcore gaybian,
about, byf, dni ; under the cut!
‹𝟹‹𝟹‹𝟹 ABOUT valentine
◟◟001. the names! !
You can call me Valentine, Sephiroth, or Caelian (kah-eh-lian) I will always answer to those! more here
◟◟002. the head! !
Attention! I am borderline and histrionic, which are commonly tied together. I also have autism && generalized anxiety disorder, linked with paranoid personality disorder!
◟◟003. the identity! !
My pronouns are here. I'm a femme girlboyflux abro bisexual velaurian! I'm also a lesboy, a turigirl and much more! Otherkin stuff includes but is not limited to: angelkin, idolkin, vampkin && more
◟◟004. likeslikes! !
Psycology, sociology, philosophy, typology, sciences, mathematics, writing, poems, reading, literature, hoarding stuff, nge, ff7, tloz, cute stuff, hello kitty, and much more!
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‹𝟹‹𝟹‹𝟹 ABOUT the blog
◟◟001. will do! !
⠀⋆˒ xenogenders coining
⠀⋆˒ flag making
⠀⋆˒ flag combos
⠀⋆˒ names, pronouns or titles finds
⠀⋆˒ radinclu stuff
⠀⋆˒ Icons (♡)(♡)(♡)
◟◟002. won't do! !
⠀⋆˒ radqueer/transx stuff
⠀⋆˒ exclu, panphobic, blerf, terf, radfem flags
⋆˒ "x hating" flag
⠀⋆˒ overall stuff that fits my dni
⠀⋆˒ system / plural stuff! (I'm a singlet so...)
◟◟003. Byf! !
I love to defend the things I appreciate or enjoy!
I am autistic and borderline, I struggle reading tones and tend to take everything, too personally. It's nothing against anyone! If I get agressive, for a reason that might be futile, just kindly tell me!
If you block me, I might ask why. Not knowing the reasons makes me really anxious. I aspire to improve myself and so, I need to know what made you block me.
If I repost someone, it doesn't mean I support their whole blog, it just means this post somehow correlates to my opinion or to what I like. Naturally, I won't repost it if I knows the person dni && fit it.
Anyone can use my flags, just be respectful and credit me. My flags don't "support" nor "don't support" anything. Me making them has nothing to do with queer discourse.
Don't be rude, when I say something, it means I have arguments and reasons. Instead of randomly bashing me at the smallest things, ask for explanations! I'll kindly share them.
I support "contradictory" labels, this includes but is not limited to: mspec lesbian, mspec gay, lesboys, turigirls, trans women gays, trans men lesbian, etc!
◟◟004. Dni! !
If you are anti-mogai or think xenos/neos aren't valid.
If you think non-binaries can't be gay/lesbians or if you don't support he/him lesbians or she/her gays.
If you do not support "contradictory labels"
If you fakeclaim.
Against otherkin, non-humans, therian, etc!
Doesn't support self dx.
Dmsp, South park, fnaf and genshin fans, unless I follow first.
Pedos, shotacons, lolicons, maps, proshippers, etc or anyone who support those!
If you demonize the cluster b (npd, bpd, hpd, aspd) and this includes if you belive that narcissistic abuse exist.
Under 13, unless I follow first.
If you are pro-contact paraphilia.
Don't cw/tw
If you're going to judge me or mock me/my interests.
Exclus or "Safequeers" ("inclusive" term that excludes mspec lesbians/gays and lesboys/turigirls && more.
Transmeds, transcums, gender skeptics, gender police, etc.
Any kind of bigot.
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‹𝟹‹𝟹‹𝟹 ABOUT the tags
ᨳ🎀﹕the prinzessin herself ﹕ my hoard!
ᨳ💌﹕a letter from the citizens ﹕ inbox!
ᨳ🦇﹕the winged one speaks ﹕ text posts!
ᨳ🌹﹕a gift for one's subject ﹕ coinning post!
ᨳ🐈‍⬛﹕rise the flag ﹕ flag making!
ᨳ🍓﹕prinzessin help usᵎ﹕ prns && name finds!
ᨳ💗﹕subject's portrait﹕icons ^_^
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mogaiboards · 1 year
[updated Dec 10 2023]
New BYF, as promised!
We'd rather not have a DNI anymore, simply because since this is a side blog, we can't block people from this blog, and it feels kind of pointless. If you still want to interact, well, we can't stop you, just know what you're getting yourself into 👍🏻
About the blog
This is a side blog
We're very much queer, so everything LGBTQ+ -misic will be thrown into the sun. This includes but is not limited to TERFs, TEHMs, "non-binary sceptics", transmysogyny, and transmisandry. We're pro mspec gays and lesbians, lesboys/lesbian trans men, turigirls/turian trans women, AFAB transfems and AMAB transmasc, and all contradictory identities (in good faith).
We're anarcho-socialists. Racism, xenophobia, cop propaganda, and all the alt-right shit will be thrown into the sun too.
We're collectively pro endogenic plurals, anti tulpa (as in, the word "tulpa"), but keep out of the "are endo valid???" syscourse. Yes they are. There are so many other things to discuss in syscourse (✨the racism✨) and you can't debate away people's existence.
The best anon hate will be kept as a win trophy for being extremely annoying on tumblr. Maybe hung up on the wall in our room. We love this shit
Feel free to send in any questions that you might have and that aren't listed here!
What we will do
Combo flags
Flag coining
Term coining
We will coin everything that is within our power to do - things related to AvPD, StPD, SzPD, (polyfragmented) DID, (C-)PTSD and Bipolar; things related to Shinto, Confucianism, and Hellenism; things related to alterhumanity, especially fictionkin, otherkin, otherhearted, and therian.
We will not coin flags and terms related to things that aren't in our experience, or simply that we are uncomfortable with.
We generally reserve the right to not do something for whatever reason.
About us
We're 23, bodily (08/18)
We are collectively celestian, queer, voidpunk; aroace spec, tulipian, and omni gay
Our collective pronouns are they/them, e/em/es, and ae/aer
We're Italian, white, and perisex
We have a few mental disorders, namely StPD with AvPD and SzPD traits. We also have mixed features dysthymia, C-DID, and C-PTSD.
We have a few physical disorders, namely chronic pain, hearing loss, migraines, and rheumatoid arthritis. We don't always have the spoons to provide IDs but will try our best, and will tag #no id and/or #eyestrain cw
You can call us Aaron as it's our collective name, and will try to tag specific alters
We might have forgotten something. Feel free to ask anytime for anything you want to know!
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r11l3ysh3llh0l3 · 11 months
Read More since this is gonna be long. Block if you don't want to read through all of this.
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Heyo, I'm Riley, but i also use the names Mephisto, Tobin and Echo. I use He/Him pronouns, and I am diagnosed with Autism, ADHD and Depression. All of which will very much impact my interactions with everyone.
My interests are constantly fluctuating, but my main one will always be Alterhumanity and Otherkinity. On that note, I'm not a fandom or community specific blog, I'm too lazy and frankly don't have any energy left of my already very little energy to keep more than one blog semi-active. If you're only here for one thing, you're probably gonna get sick of me. (^ Also because i know I'd hate to run a blog on anything that's not my hyperfixation. )
I will try to tag posts i make with specific tags, which if you really want to know which are for what, are at the end of this pinned post.
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Basic DNI (Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Zoophiles, Pedos/"MAPs", TERFS, etc) Anti-Irl Yanderes/Anti Irl-Deres in general. You use Emo as an insult. You use the words "cr*zy", "Ins*ne" or similar. You use the words St#pid and/or d#mb WHILST KNOWING why they're ableist. You use ANY kind of Cluster B disorder as an "Insult". Think "narc abuse" or things similar to that exists. Reality check me/others without being asked to. Endogenic System or Endogenic System supporters.
Refuse to learn about Alterhuman Terminology. KFF aka Kin for "Fun"/Comfort/Coping ETC. (K*nnies, "kinning", "kinning is relating to"). Antikin (KFF/K*nnies/Fake kin can be Antikin, dipshits.) "Not delusion or Kin just me" fuckers. Get pissy when someone tells you you're idolizing and/or supporting a kff.
Anti-Anti/Proshipper. Neutral on Proshipping. Ship Huge age gaps even if the characters are adults (2000yr old x 22yr old). (personal comfort) Younger than 14 or older than 30.
Anti MOGAI. Anti Animesexual/Fictosexual. Radfem and exclude trans people from your "feminism". PRO Mspec Lesbians/Gays, Lesboys/Turigirls, etc. Battleaxe Bisexual etc. Exclude Nonbinary people from the LGBTQA+ community. Exclude Nonbinary people from the lesbian and gay/vincian labels. Use Tr#p and/or f#mboy. Think the gay man Ocean flag is "bad" Fujoshi/Fudanshi
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I cant guarantee that I'm spoiler free, I'm not going to educate you on the history of words if i don't already know you, I need tone tags/tone indicators, I swear a LOT, I am EXTREMELY forgetful, I am very strict who gets to follow me or who i follow/interact with, I am very vocal about hating non-alterhumans, I am super petty, I can get extremely disgusting if you piss me off, I have tendencies to become extremely aggressive, I am very defensive when it comes to my friends
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i will not be adding tags to older posts BEFORE this one, (which are four, so you're not missing out on anything.) I'll be tagging all of these tags on this post as well so you won't have to look them up.
;;🪡 Rambles ;;❗️Rants ;;✦Nonsense ;;✩Art and Stuff. ;;🗝My Posts
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transfemme-sys · 2 years
this blog is (mostly) dead now, but mack used to run it. don't expect frequent posts here if any at all. if i suddenly go quiet don't be surprised.
my name will be kept a secret since i know what you people are like and am not a fan of being doxxed. if you want a word to refer to me with, use kitty. it's a cute petname i like. i am a mogai blog, ish. i identify with mogai terms and follow a few mogai coiners. that being said, i don't coin things myself anymore, though i used to.
i advocate for justice on this blog, now. i advocate to keep the minorities of the mogai community safe. and i will keep doing so. no matter how much hate you send me, i will make sure this blog remains up.
now, onto the information about me (as much as i feel safe sharing); i'm an intersex mixed (🇯🇵/🇨🇳/indig) trans woman, and an abro lesbian. i use fluctuating pronouns, but if you need auxiliary ones, it/its always works. i am also physically disabled, level 2 autistic, schizoaffective (bipolar type), and have aspd. i struggle greatly to understand and use tone tags, but i know how many people need them, so i will try my best to use them for you. sometimes, i struggle to speak and type at all, and because of that my english will not always be great.
i only have one dni : transmisogynists. this includes supporters of users like @/nothorses and @/genderkoolaid, and those who believe men are oppressed simply for being men. you are a genuine danger for me to be around, stay away from me.
i know how messy discourse can get, but i try my very hardest to be open to all viewpoints. i'll state my stances on a few things here, and let you make the decision whether or not to follow me yourself. :3 i'm antiship, pro mspec gays/lesbians and turigirls/lesboys (obviously), anti endo (in the way i disagree w the community, not necessarily the existence of endo systems), and anti transID. i don't really care if supporters of any of the above interact, but if you're transID i *will* look at you really funny because 99.9% of you guys are racist.
i hope you enjoy your time on my blog. or don't, it's your decision after all. feel free to send me hatemail all you like; it does nothing. and to the few who are out there supporting me, i see you and i thank you.
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anarchobasil · 2 years
Alright, this is my first post on this website after I cowardly deleted my account. My name is Basil, I am 17 years old at the writing of this post, my birthday is on November 21st, and I live in the beautiful country of Romania. This post will largely contain my BYF and my DNI, because your boundaries are as important as mine. With that out of the system, let’s go!
I will tend to reblog more than post anything, however that doesn’t mean I won’t make posts on this account. It simply means I will reblog whatever thing I find appealing or interesting.
I sometimes tend to use CAPS LOCK, especially when I’m excited. Please be mindful of that and always remind me if I haven’t properly tagged it.
I will occasionally talk about very triggering subjects, so please remind me to tag them accordingly if I haven’t done so already.
I am the host of a system of 5, so please be mindful of how you refer to us. If you want to refer to us collectively, just use they/them. If not, ask who is fronting at the moment and their pronouns.
My DMs and anonymous asks should always be open. Just vent or talk out your mind. Just don’t come here to fight, please.
Last thing: I am cool as fuck /lh.
Any kinds of exclusionary people (exclus, radexclus, and anyone who is adjacent to exclusionary rhetoric). That obviously includes anti-mspec gays/lesbians, anti-lesboys, or anti-anyone whose identity is in complete good faith. (I am personally more of a critinclus, although I don’t think the term even needs to exist. Radinclus was never for shit like “transage”, but it seems like they wanna co-opt the word. 🫤)
Proshippers (anyone who doesn’t believe fiction doesn’t affect reality/romanticises, fantisises, glorifies CSEM/incest/non-con, defends problematic artists/people/art. N.B. I won’t be engaging in any harassment so don’t get me with the “proships is when you don’t harass others over pixels 🙀” BS.)
SWERFs, TERFs, radfems, political lesbians, queer assimilationists, people who believe “queer” is a slur.
Centrists, right-wingers of any type (monarchists, neolibs, fascists, alt-right etc.)
“Radqueers.” (Y’all support paraphilias being considered “queer” and those bad faith “trans” identities like “trans-race” or “trans-disabled.” Those aren’t real.)
Are only here to argue or to have discourse with me. Go find someone else, I don’t fucking want to argue with you.
Authoritarians of any kind, including Marxist-Leninists or Stalinists. Marxists, Trotskyists and others will be tolerated on a case-by-case basis, especially if you agree with some of my talking points.
Anyone I dislike and hate and despise and have weird vibes, really.
antishippers ily ❤️❤️❤️ you’re loved and appreciated, and so is everyone else. even if i may not agree with you, i’ll love you like a human being should. i just don’t want you near me. ❤️
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caeliangel · 1 year
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" Too much hope is the opposite of despair... An overpowering love may consume you in the end."
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screen reader ver coming !
" Pain doesn't hurt if it's all you've ever felt "
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about, byf && dni under the cut!
| lesbian flags | gay flags | mspec flags | aro/ace flags | cluster b flags | butchfemme bi flags |
Pint: flags I made
⸺﹒ABOUT ME !!﹒⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⠀⚘️
🦇⋅ ⋅ ⋅ the winged one﹕ 𓆪
you can call me caelian / célian, or seph. I will always answer to those.
I am a franco-irish white indigenous pagan celt!
⚰️⋅ ⋅ ⋅ about the mind﹕ 𓆪
Nbpdtism + pdid + mixed origins.
🩸⋅ ⋅ ⋅ about the identity﹕ 𓆪
My main pronouns are he, hew, hy, she! I am a futchy boygirlflux bi intersex velaurian! Otherkin stuff includes but is not limited to: angelkin, vampkin, werewolfkin && more.
🕊⋅ ⋅ ⋅ about the interests... ﹕ 𓆪
trigun, nge, ff7, tloz, hello kitty, psychology, writing, poems, reading, literature, hoarding stuff and much more!
⸺﹒WILL & WONT DO﹒⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⠀⚘️
hyperspecific terms
gender && term coinning
contradictory labels
names finds
whatever makes me uncomfortable
tranx/id or any radqueer labels
terms for things I do not know well
paraphilic flags or terms
please note I can refuse anything for whatever reasons!
⸺﹒BYF & DNI !!﹒⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⠀⚘️
I am critical of my own interests and believe that things should be consumed critically.
I take everything personally and struggle to read tone!
Anyone can use my flags, just be respectful and credit me.
Dont steal them or change their meanings, thats all im asking. My flags have nothing to do with your queer discourse.
I support "contradictory" labels, this includes but is not limited to: mspec lesbian, mspec gay, lesboys, turigirls, etc.
I believe bisexuals can reclaim the d slur, the f slur, and use the double venus and double mars symbol. I also think butchfemmes are queer labels and not lesbian exclusive.
I am a battle axe bisexual as in, a fight and advocate against biphobia.
I am against separatists aswell and will not tolerate those who took away from bisexuals. Fuck biphobes.
Terfs, radfems, transmeds, truscums, gender skeptics, gender police, etc.
Believe in monosexual privilege, or use terms like "cis passing" "straight passing"
Anti xeno/neos and anti mogai/liom
Think non-binaries can't be gay/lesbians or don't support he/him lesbians or she/her gays
Against "contradictory labels"
Against otherkin, non-humans, therian, etc!
Under 13, unless I follow first.
If you demonize the cluster b (npd, bpd, hpd, aspd) and this includes if you belive that narcissistic abuse exist.
If you're going to judge me or mock me/my interests.
Any kind of bigot.
Exclus or "Safequeers"
If you're here to argue or be a meanie whatever
⸺﹒TAGS !!﹒⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⠀⚘️
🦇︰︵︵ winged hoard : my hoard!
⚰️︰︵︵ rise the flag : flag making
🩸︰︵︵ gift for the beloveds : any requests
🥩︰︵︵ the food is here : flags I find gorgeous
🗝︰︵︵ memories : icons
💌︰︵︵ letters : inbox/asks
just for archival / pinterest purporse
🎀︰︵︵ combo flags
💗︰︵︵ orientations
💋︰︵︵ genders
❤️‍🩹︰︵︵ mad flags
🍬︰︵︵ plural flags
🐈‍⬛︰︵︵ otherkin flags
🦴︰︵︵ pint: caepiric (posted on pint)
🕷︰︵︵ butchfemme
coining event archives...
cael300foevent : tag for the 300 followers event.
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
so awhile back i rewrote the lesbian page on a popular queer wiki and i rewrote it to acknowledge mspec lesbians and lesbian men and of course, i got death threats and harassment and shit, and so i was ranting about that to someone and an exclusie saw and decided to message me saying it was okay they did that to me because i was "oppressing" them by adding sources to an article of lesbians like. literally existing idk why they're so mad read the damn mf sources? anygays so said exclusie also said genuinely one of the most disrespectful things i've ever heard about how "they didn't know better, we know better now" about like. elder lesbians. aka the lesbians of color who literally built the queer rights movement in this country from the ground up like. how fucking racist and cold-hearted do you have to be to imply that the lesbians whose lives were lived studies of intersectional queer theory, "didn't know any better" like imagine that. leslie fienberg didn't fuckin write stone bitch blues so some 15 yo white lesbian could say "lesboys aren't valid uwu" and trans lesbians of color didn't carry ballroom culture on their backs so that a 15 yo white lesbian could deny the existence of trans lesbian identity and bi communities didn't fight alonside pan people for some 15 yo white bi person to say "uwu pansexual was made up in 2000 to be mean to bi ppl". like. this is the exact same shit that white queers pulled against qtpoc when the glf was first founding. exclusionism against qpoc was the original wave of exclusionism in the community so no matter what, every form of exclusionism invented over and over again always goes back to that, it's always going to be racist because the root of exclusionism in the queer community has always been racism. so i don't care if an identity or label is "harmful" because exclusionism will always be racist and any white queer person who denies that is just being ignorant as fuck and betraying every qpoc. i'm so fucking done with these exclusionists blatantly shitting on the efforts of earlier lesbians. it's so fuckin disrespectful. sry. i just needed to rant and you're cool and i know you harbor the same sentiments so yea. feel free to ignore this.
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genderstarbucks · 4 months
i have a request
xenogender for ppl who r pro stoning mspec lesbian/gays or ppl who believe male lesbians exist, also dawg half of the stuff in ur intro isnt real and just made up so you can feel special just put "I am gay/queer and trans" nobody needs to know that you are an otter attracted to twinks and bears 500+ fetishes n shit , gay ppl didnt die just so you can sit around and say "guyyyyssss ughhh lesbians can be attracted to men!! they can they can!!!" and trans ppl didnt die just so you can say "guys dont see me as a girl pls it makes me sooo uncomfy but im a female ftm woman trans man pussy vagina cunt man BUT DONT CALL ME A WOMAN GIRL PLS PLS DONT USE SHE HER ON ME!!!!!!!! IM JUST A SHEHERWOMAN BOY!!!"
Usually I ignore hate like this but this is so fucking funny to me
Nowhere in my bio does it say I'm a woman you dumbass LMFAO, it says I'm female, which is different than a woman
Saying I'm just gay and trans does not explain the entirety of my experience, I can use whatever fucking labels I want to describe myself whether you like it or not you wet sock
"That's not real it's made up", yeah all words are you fucking idiot
The fact that you would stone people based on an identity that literally doesn't affect your tiny brain at all says a lot about you
YOU'RE the one who's disrespecting the trans people who have died to transphobia by caring so much about the fact that this is how I experience my transness
I think they'd be proud of the fact that me and so many others are reclaiming slurs that have been used against us
Have you ever even heard of cistrans people? Probably not considering your brain implodes at the thought of male lesbians
Also where the fuck are the "fetishes" in my bio you're speaking of? Those are just my dating preferences fuckface, what? Are you mad that you don't fit those preferences? You're just mad you can't be with me because I'm so great
You are actually so fucking stupid it's funny, you think I actually care about your opinion?
Mspec gays, lesbians and straights will and have always existed, no matter what your tiny brain thinks
Lesboys and turigirls still exist too you idiot
Oh boo hoo a butch lesbian is calling themselves a lesboy, and you're getting offended over that? That's really fucking pathetic
Gay and trans people died for my and other weird queer people's rights, and the rights for us to identify however we want
R you rlly gonna support xenogenders but not other niche queer identities? Stupid ass
Nobody ever said all lesbians like men or that lesbians have to like men, lesbians only like men if they're attracted to men while also calling themselves a lesbian you dumbass
Irl literally nobody cares if you identify as an mspec gay or lesboy, it's people like you who keep pulling this stupid discourse back up WHEN LITERALLY NOBODY CARES
It's not affecting you assfuck
I'm pro stoning people who are like you, specifically with big boulders
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creatureboything · 2 years
[PT: Announcement. End PT]
I’m taking a break from the MOGAI/LIOM community. Idk when I’ll be back, sorry. People with requests will either have to wait or request elsewhere.
Obligatory Terms of Service (lighthearted)
If I accidentally “recoin”/double coin something, tell me please! It is always on accident.
Please do not recoin/“reclaim” my terms, they don’t have a DNI so there is no reason for it.
Remaking flags is okay and welcome, please just tag me or put them in a reblog so I can see!
I have no exact posting theme, some coining posts will look different from others
Hi, you can call me Luke or Prince or Loverboy, I coin stuff and occasionally remember the reblog function exists. I take requests! The rules for which are right below my little intro. I use any pronouns except they/them but primarily I like he/ve/it/bro. Also I am a minor!
Please feel free to send me asks about me or just random things! I want to get more involved with other people in the mogai community but anxiety makes it really hard for me to initiate interaction.
Send in a 🍒 [Cherry Emoji] for something random
I will take requests for mostly anything, including genders, orientations, general terms, aldernic terms, as well as alterhuman terms and pronoun/name/title suggestions. I’m comfortable making terms that involve BPD, Autism, NPD, and ADHD. Multiple requests are allowed in an ask but they will take longer.
I will not take requests for exclusive identities I am not part of, media related terms, pronoun/name checks, or banners, moodboards, etc.
I support mspec gays/lesbians, lesboys/veldigirls, and any other “contradictory” label. I call myself reclaimable slurs (mostly dyke and fag) and don’t always remember to tag them.
Radqueer/Transx don’t interact. Don’t involve me in discourse or I will bite people.
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