lovelynim · 1 month
Something to laugh about
Stars Align - Maki Katsuragi & Yuu Asuka
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A/N: Second commission to none other than @wertzunge! I really need thank you for asking for such a sweet duo. I felt so nostalgic while reading their wiki pages and rewinding some of the anime's episodes, wahhh ~
Summary: Maki feels like there is something off about Yuu today, so he comes up with an unusual plan to lighten up his friend mood.
Word count: 2033 words
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Maki spinned the pencil between his fingers. Legs crossed one over the other and his gaze lost in the distance. The open notebook in front of him failed to capture his interest a long time ago. 
Yes, he should be doing homework. Yes, he could easily solve those questions. No, there wasn’t really a good reason to daydream like that. 
Except that there was, indeed, a reason.
“Yuu,” Maki sighed, resting his head on his hand as he leaned a bit on the table, “are you really okay?”
“Mhm”, they nodded, smiling slightly before placing their pen down. “You worry too much, Maki, I’m fine.”
Yeah, he didn’t buy that.
Maki couldn’t exactly recall how they end up like this, just that he agreed to have Yuu over for a quick study session, do some lessons here and there and have dinner together. Simple as that, no sweat. But as soon as they got out of school, Maki felt that there was something wrong with them.
Yuu wasn’t really the talkative type, right, but they were less receptive than usual. While walking to his home, Maki noticed how his friend seemed a bit… gloomy. Despite the gentle smiles and the cheerful attitude, it felt off, like if something was out of its place.
And this sensation didn’t go anywhere anytime soon. When they got to Maki’s apartment, the little, but heavy sighs that came from Yuu didn’t go unnoticed. They were tired, maybe? No, it wouldn’t be something like that, Maki thought, focusing his eyes on a random spot on the wall while he tried to figure out what was wrong with Yuu.
Could it be related to something that happened in the club? Probably not, Maki thought, it wasn’t like any of the boys would pick on them. Besides, at school - at least, during the first classes - Yuu seemed to be doing fine. So whatever upset them, must’ve happened later on…
Perhaps… could he have said something that made Yuu upset? Maki closed his eyes shut, putting up some extra effort in recalling what they were talking about earlier, nearly reviewing the whole thing as if it was some kind of script, looking for that one line that could’ve saddened his friend. But… they were close, right? They would tell Maki if they said something bad or if anything didn’t land right in their head… so what could be it, after all?
He jumped, hitting the table with his knee and letting out a loud, but quick cry right after. Maki fell onto his bed, wrapping his arms around his knee while trying to soothe the pain. “O-ouch… y-you scared me…” He whined, letting his head plop into the nearby cushion.
“I-I’m sorry, are you alright?” Yuu muttered, getting on their knees as they tried to get a clearer view of their friend, reaching out a hand - even if they were unsure of what they could even do in such a situation. “I didn’t mean to and-”
“I-it’s fine, hahah… It’s my fault, I didn’t mean to doze off like that,” Maki chuckled, ignoring the fainting pain as he sat back up. With his hands behind his back to give his body some support, Maki looked up, pondering for a second before looking back down to his friend. “Ahm, can you repeat yourself?”
“Ah, right,” Yuu nodded, looking down to their notebook and checking one of the notes, “I was asking if you managed to finish the exercise nº 3. The question seems a bit tricky and I couldn’t really figure it out.”
“Ohh, that, right,” Maki hummed, crossing his legs as he leaned back forward, taking his notebook with both hands before starting to go through the text once again. Word after word, his eyes scanned the page, hoping to make some sense out of that question and, of course, finding out the right answer by the time he got to the end of the page. 
However, as soon as Maki reached the question mark, he lifted his head and stared at Yuu, giving them a puzzled look. “Ah… I see why you couldn’t answer it.”
“Right?” Yuu nodded, letting out a light hearted giggle before looking down to their notebook. “Maybe my head is getting a little tired, I can’t seem to think properly anymore.”
“Hmm, we should take a break, probably,” Maki suggested, tapping the table with his finger while giving his own idea some more thought. This could be the chance he was looking for, he considered in a second analysis, to figure out what was wrong with Yuu. “We’ve been studying the whole afternoon, after all.”
“Mhm,” Yuu nodded, dropping their pencil on the table and letting out a small sigh. “Thinking about it, I’m indeed a little tired.”
Maki was about to close his notebook when those words reached him. His eyes widened and an idea formed in his mind. Indeed, this was the chance he was looking for. He just needed Yuu to take the bait…
“Oh? Are you?”
“A bit, yes,” Yuu continued, placing a hand on their shoulder as they moved it in circles, trying to stretch out their muscles after sitting for so long.
Maki stood up, walking around the table, slowly approaching the other. He had the perfect excuse and the perfect method in mind. “I know something that can help with that, Yuu.”
“Huh?” Yuu tilted their head, looking at Maki approaching. “And what is it?” 
“The guys taught me this method to relax in the club. It works wonders whenever someone is tense or tired, I never thought it would come handy outside the club, but here we are!” Maki beamed, trying to not raise the other’s awareness of his actual intentions. “Would you like to try it out, Yuu?”
Before Yuu had the chance to ponder the pros and cons, Maki had already sat by his side. There wasn’t much room left to think about it, but Yuu didn’t feel like they needed it anyway. “Right, let’s give it a try.”
They couldn’t help but to think it was a little weird that said “technique to help one relax” didn’t ring a bell. Yuu was always there to support the guys in the club and, even though they didn’t join every single activity, they would know about something like this. Maybe it's something they came up with when they weren’t around? Whatever it may be, Yuu thought, they knew they could trust Maki on these matters.
“Alright, turn your back to-” Maki stopped, with his hands already on Yuu’s shoulders, noticing the nearby table. He hit it himself not long ago and, considering his plan, it was likely that Yuu would end hitting it too. “Actually, let’s move a little away from the table.”
“Hm? Why do we need to move away from it?”
“Because, uh… you won’t be able to stretch properly, that’s why,” Maki lied with a plain face, hoping to sound convincing enough. Yuu gasped softly, letting out a small ‘oh’ as he accepted that explanation. So innocent, Maki smiled as this crossed his head, but it was all for the greater good, after all. “Ready?” He continued after they moved away like they were told to.
“Yes, Maki,” Yuu nodded, looking back forward after giving Maki a quick glance.
There, all set for his failess plan. Maki positioned himself behind Yuu, his fingers poised to strike. “Alright. One… two… three!”
A surprised squeal escaped Yuu’s lips as ten fingers suddenly dug into their sides, wiggling and tweaking at the spot, sending something like an electric shock straight up to their brain. “M-Mahahaki! Wait, t-this tihihickles!” They giggled, shooting their arms down and pressing them against their torso, hoping that it would be enough to make the ticklish feeling come to a halt.
But Yuu knew, just like all the others in the club, that Maki was restless when he had a goal set inside his head.
“Hey ~” Maki sang teasingly, pinching the sensitive skin through the shirt, switching from wiggling his fingers to rapid pokes and then pinching wherever he could reach. “This is supposed to make you relax, Yuu. How come you got even more tense?”
“B-becahahause it ticklehehes!” Yuu laughed a bit louder when Maki’s hand found their way to the lowest pair of ribs. Their reaction, much to their demise, didn’t go unnoticed and Maki made sure to give said spot a couple more pokes, prodding playfully just to make Yuu’s laughter rise a notch.
The ravenhead smirked, satisfied with the results he got so far, but still determined to go on - after all, his ultimate goal wouldn’t be achieved by just this. “Sigh, it’s not my fault you’re so ticklish, Yuu! Here, let me switch spots…”
“M-Maki, nohoh!!” They giggled nervously, watching in horror as Maki wrapped one of his arms around their chest, pulling them into a hug, while his other hand began to claw and tickle his unprotected stomach. So mean! “P-plehehease! AhAHAha, n-not thehehre!”
“Huh? Why not? I switched spots because you said it tickled before,” he feigned ignorance, being thankful that Yuu couldn’t see the large smile that took place on his face, “I thought this would be better, Yuu…”
“I-It’s wohOHOhorse, MahAHAKI!” They laughed, scrunching up their shoulders as just Maki’s breath against their neck was enough to send an awful shiver down their spines. The combined assaults against their midriff and neck proved to be more than enough to turn Yuu into a mess of giggles and squeals. Their face quickly began to flush, turning into a light shade of pink. 
“Hmm, worse?” Maki hummed as if pondering about the newly received information. His fingers, however, didn’t stop moving for a single second. While one of his hands continued to tickle Yuu’s stomach mercilessly, the other one - that was wrapped around their chest - began to poke the sides of their chest, finding a way to tickle their highest ribs even with their arms tightly clasped to their torso. “So… should I stop? You didn’t say anything, so I just kept going.”
Those words made Yuu’s face turn into a brighter shade of red. They could feel the warmth of the flushed skin, with the blush spreading from their face all the way to the tip of their ears. With laughter pouring nonstop from their lips, Yuu simply nodded, embarrassed to have something like that pointed out.
“Alright, alright,” Maki cooed as the tickling came into an end, “sorry, I didn’t mean to overdo it.”
“N-no, hah…” Yuu sighed in relief, allowing themselves to lean against Maki’s body, “i-it was… fun, I guess.”
“Good,” Maki hummed, patting Yuu’s stomach as if praising them for taking the tickles, “I thought you could use a good smile.”
“H-huh?” They turned their head slightly, trying to look at Maki, “w-what?”
Maki raised his eyebrows, noticing he was caught red handed. No way out of this one, he supposed, “well, you seemed a bit down when we left the school and I thought there could be something troubling you,” he said, scratching his cheek as he tried to find the right words, “so I wanted to do something to cheer you up.”
“Maki…” Yuu muttered softly. An unknown, but warm feeling spread across their chest. “Thank you.”
“E-eh? No need to thank me or anything,” Maki giggled, “it’s too early for that, Yuu.” He added quietly, letting the silence fill the room as realization struck his friend.
“W-wait, I don’t n- aHAHAhA, M-Maki! WahAHahait, I wahahas tahahalking!” Before they could protest or say anything else, those nimble fingers went back to work.
Maki smiled, this time moving one of his hands to tickle Yuu under their arm and the other to squeeze his waist. He couldn’t help but to laugh along as their friend kicked and squirmed, but never tried to stop him. “Let’s keep going some more… just to make sure, okay? ~”
He could not know exactly what happened or what was making his friend sad, but he could make sure that Yuu knew he would be there for them no matter what. 
And to give them a good reason to smile and laugh again.
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thecursedanon · 3 months
Amusement Park Shenanigans
Alternate title: Never agree to go to an amusement park w/ Gojo. Characters: Switch!Yuji, Lee!Nanami(technically switch!Nanami, but only briefly.) Ler!Gojo, Megumi, Nobara. (brief mentions of Shoko, Suguru and Haibara.) Genre: Fluff (also some hurt/comfort if you squint enough at certain points) Word count: 6388 Description: Gojo decides to take the students to the amusement park, and drags a very unwilling Nanami along with them... after trying to failing to convince Gojo to let him leave, and one too many grumpy remarks from Nanami, Gojo decides to do what Gojo does best... cause absolute chaos. Part 2: (click here)
It was a comfortable day, the weather was beginning to cool down as they just entered into fall. The leaves began to change into varying shades of amber or red, and everyone seemed a bit more light and cheerful at the beauty of the changing season.
Well… not quite everyone… 
You may not be very light or cheerful if you were stuck at an amusement park chaperoning a gaggle of students.
“Can we leave now?”
“Aw come on, Nanami,” Gojo pouted. “Lighten up! We're at an amusement park, you mean to tell me you're not having any fun?”
Or if you were Kento Nanami.
“Not in the slightest.” He retorted, still unsure just how he ended up accompanying them to begin with. It’s entirely possible Satoru had suggested he tag along and rather than argue with him, which would require paying attention, he half listened and just agreed to whatever childish assertion he had made. 
Satoru grinned at his friend’s discontentment. “Where's your sense of childlike adventure and amazement?? Just look at Yuji, he's having fun.”
The white haired teacher gestured to Yuji, who was currently stumbling around the park like a baby giraffe learning to walk, evidently dizzy from one too many go-arounds on the rollercoaster they just returned from.
They had stopped in an out of the way area of the park so that the boy could recover… which evidently wasn’t going well.
The pink haired teen eventually lost his fight with gravity and fell over, if this had been a cartoon you probably could have seen stars circling around his head.
“See? Childlike amazement.”
Yuji gave a grin to the others, a dazed look on his face. “I'm having so much fun!! Just tell me when the ride is over!”
Nanami gives the boy a silent look of concern as he sighs. 
“Alright alright, take five, ya finger eating freak.” Gojo laughed and bent down to pat the pinkette on the head. “But hey, don't just take Itadori’s word for it--” Suddenly Gojo was beside Nanami, whispering to him. “Because the kid is a little… strange.”
The next moment, Gojo was beside Megumi, who had a bright pink sakura flower balloon tied to his wrist and looked as though he was being held there against his will. “Megumi, you're having fun with your beloved sensei's, right?”
Megumi grunted in annoyance. “Somehow this is worse than that time you rented a bouncy house when I was ten…”
“Hey, kids love bouncy houses!” Gojo argued.
“Too bad it wasn't for them.” The edgy teen sighed, recalling what was apparently a painful memory for him.
Satoru pouted, pinching his emo son’s side, producing an uncharacteristic yip from the boy. “You can't argue that it wasn't a totally fun Friday night!”
“Fine… allow me to rephrase my question.” Nanami readjusted his sunglasses with a sigh, not bothering to cover up his annoyance with being dragged to a place full of people on one of his mythical days off. “Can I leave now?”
“Haaaah?? Why would you want to leave???” Gojo reacted as though he'd just witnessed a terrible accident in slow motion… kind of like Megumi recalling the bounce house incident . “This is family bonding day! And last time I checked you're still part of this family-- whether you like it or not!!” he quickly added at the end, sensing Nanami was about to deny it.
Nanami glanced at the group of kids they were chaperoning. “You know I hate amusement parks.” He said, this time quieter so only Satoru could hear him.
Gojo blinked in confusion from behind his sunglasses as he tried to pull a lost sequence from his memory. Did he know that? Now that he mentions it… he did recall something about an amusement park… but what?
While Satoru was silent (for once), Nanami took this as his chance to really try to convince him. “And besides… I doubt the kids would even notice I'm gone.”
Satoru stared blankly at the blonde, still attempting to force the two remaining neurons that weren’t focused on being a menace to spark the memory that was just evading his grasp… Can you hear the dial up tone?
“Hey… that’s not true!” Yuji interjected, pulling himself together as he stumbled towards his father figure. “I’d notice you were gone.”
Nanami’s face softened as he looked at Yuji. “Itadori… wouldn’t you have more fun running around with your friends? I’ll just slow you all down.” he responded, his tone less harsh than before.
“No way, I won’t have nearly as much fun without you here.” He frowned, hitting Nanami with one of the classics… the puppy dog eyes. (dun dun dunnnn)
“Y-Yuji.” Kento warned, shifting his gaze uncomfortably away from his student but no matter where he looked there Yuji was… leaning more and more into the act.
“OH! I remember now!” Gojo said suddenly, inadvertently startling Yuji and causing him to fall over, evidently still not fully recovered from all the roller coaster rides.
Nanami flinched inwardly as Gojo leaned closer to him. “What?”
“Come on, Kento… how can you say no to that sweet boy? He looks like he’s about to cry…” The chaotic teacher cooed at Yuji as he resumed his puppy dog eyes… from his new spot sitting on the ground.
Nanami huffed, turning away again as he crossed his arms. “Itadori… Just because that works on Megumi and Gojo doesn’t mean it’s going to work on me..”
“How hurtful! I think you owe us an apology for being so grumpy…” Satoru mused, winking at Yuji as if to tell him to follow his lead.
“I am not apologizing to you…” Kento grumbled, briefly shooting a glare to the white haired man.
“No? Be reeeeeally sure about that before you respond.” Gojo warned the blonde teacher.
“I said no.”
Satoru sighed softly with an almost threatening grin on his face, slowly slipping his sunglasses off and attaching them to his shirt collar. “I didn’t want to do this… but you leave me no choice.”
Nanami scoffed and turned back around to face him, upon locking eyes with the older man, he felt a familiar wave of panic flood over him. “Satoru…” Panic he hadn’t felt in a very long time.
Gojo grinned even more as he rolled up his sleeves, approaching him slowly. “Yes, Kento?”
“Wh-What are you doing…?”
Kento mentally swore at himself for backing away from Satoru, he should be standing his ground right now… but that look… he recognized that look a little too well. And he didn't like it… (or did he?)
“Well, since you’re being such a grump I figured I’d fix your attitude for you.” Gojo hummed, a predatory glimmer in his eyes as he began to close the gap between them, raising his hands. “A few pokes here, a few squeezes there… and a whole bunch of tickles right there and voila! Good as new! One happy giggly Nanami ready to spend time with us without much complaint!”
Nanami’s eyes widened as he felt the color drain from his face. “Satoru… I will end you if you do this in front of the students.” he hissed as he began to back away again.
“What students? They’ve all scampered off… well, except for that kiddo right there.”
As if on cue, Itadori hooked his arms around Nanami from behind, grinning at the soft gasp he received. “What's wrong, Sensei? You look a little nervous…” the teen grinned.
“Itadori,” Nanami struggled in his hold to no avail, Yuji was using all of his strength to contain the stoic teacher in a bear hug, pinning his arms to his sides to stop him from breaking free. “if you don't let me go right now, so help me…”
“Threatening the students now, Nanami??” Gojo gasped melodramatically, slowly reaching his hands forward towards his squirming torso. “I'm shocked! Now I really have no choice but to adjust your attitude~”
Kento paused, his eyes catching sight of the slightly wiggling fingers that were inching closer. He felt another wave of panic rush over him, but attempted to not let it show, steeling his face as he forced himself to look away from Satoru. “Yuji… please let me go. I'm sorry for upsetting you.” He tried his hand at reasoning with the student as a last resort.
Unfortunately, he didn't receive any support there either. Yuji smiled, angling his head upwards to rest his chin on the back of Nanami’s shoulder. “There's no need to be sorry… I know crowds aren't really your scene.” He sympathized. “But… I did mean what I said. I do want you here… so I'm sorry for ambushing you like this.”
“Oh, so you can apologize to him, but not me??”
“Of course I can, I actually care about him.” Nanami retorted dryly, despite his impending doom.
Satoru gasped, his eyes dancing with amusement. He leaned in closer, speaking in a quieter tone. “You know, Nanami… if you wanted to be smothered with tickles so badly, all you had to do was ask~”
Satoru leaned back, allowing his teasing words to sink in for full effect before cracking his knuckles dramatically. “Alright Itadori, make sure to hold him niiiice and still for me, okay? Our dear sweet Nanami here turns into a wiggle-worm when he gets laughing.” he grinned as Yuji nodded in support, tightening his arms around him, but not so much so that it caused him any real discomfort.
“Both of you… this is ridiculous.” Nanami sighed, hoping if he didn't give the reaction he was looking for hoping that he'd grow bored quickly and go back to whining… as much as Kento hated his incessant whining. “Can you both stop being so chi--” he promptly stopped mid sentence as he felt Satoru grab his sides, lightly fluttering his grip.
“I'm sorry, what was that Nanami?” Gojo grinned. “I didn't quite catch that… what should we stop being?”
Kento took a subtle steadying breath, locking eyes with his tormenter with a blank look on his face. He didn't even dare to so much as flinch when Gojo touched him.
“As I was saying… can you both stop being so childish?” He answered calmly, outwardly unfazed by the maddeningly light teasing touches Satoru was administering to his sides.
Inwardly though… he was struggling to maintain his composure, trying desperately not to show any signs of weakness despite how god awfully, completely and utterly ticklish it felt... 
“Childish? Nanami… there's nothing wrong with a little tickling, It serves as a great bonding experience!” Satoru said cheerfully, leaning in closer to tease the blonde. “Especially when you're as ticklish as we both know you are…~”
Nanami choked back his retort, focusing his efforts on keeping his icy composure. “Satoru… the last time you… did this- was when we were in school together.” He reminded his colleague, careful with his words so as not to fluster himself any further than he already was inside. “I've long since grown out of that childish sensitivity…”
But unfortunately nothing slips past Satoru and his infamous Six Eyes, the cheeky little bastard.
“Oho, did you now?” He raised his eyebrows in amusement at his bold assertion, taking his defiance as a full blown challenge. “Well in that case, you shouldn't mind this then… right?”
He walked his fingers slowly up and down his sides, inching closer to his ribs with each trip up.
Nanami broke eye contact with him in an attempt to not react, feeling flustered at the teasing look in his eyes. “Of course I mind it… I don't like being touched by you.”
Yuji blinked, surprised at his calm and even tone. Had this been him instead of Nanami he would've been on the ground in a heap of giggles by now. “Hmm…”
Gojo knew better though, he knew he was slowly chipping away at his defenses. He could see the subtle cues, feel his muscles twitching. “Yes, Yuji? What ails you, my dear boy?” He asked, glancing over Kento’s shoulder to meet Yuji’s gaze- well, what he could glimpse of it with how the pinkette had his face angled, anyway.
“Maybe he's right,” Itadori said with a note of genuine seriousness. “Maybe he's not ticklish anymore… I know I'd be a mess right now.”
“Well, that's because you're hopelessly ticklish~” Gojo teased his student with a wink, grinning at the flustered look Itadori shot him. “So is Nanami though, maybe even just as bad as you.”
Nanami clenched his jaw in aggravation, barely resisting the urge to blush. “I am not. And stop talking about me like I'm not here!”
“But he's not reacting… not even his breathing is off.” Itadori ignored his teacher's protest, continuing to converse with Satoru.
“Well, Itadori, that's because Nanami here is what we call; ✨stubborn✨, and also shy.” Gojo grinned at his students' newfound curiosity, using this to his advantage as another form of teasing. “He needs some gentle reassurances that it's okay if he gives in to the nice tickly tickles and starts blushing and giggling like a schoolboy.” 
“Shut up. I most certainly do not giggle.” Nanami hissed in protest, feeling his face flush.
Whoopsie, that was a big chunk of his facade chipped away, watch your step everyone…
“Aww, see? He's already getting blushy.” Gojo cooed, brushing his fingertips against the bottom of the blonde's ribs. “It's okay, Kento… I don't mind being patient. That cute little laugh of yours is well worth the wait.”
Nanami took a sharp intake of breath, hating the feeling of how each gentle swipe across his ticklish midsection was chipping away at his sanity. “It's not… cute.” He forced out from behind gritted teeth.
Itadori raised an eyebrow, feeling his sensei tremble ever so slightly in his hold. “Does he really have a cute laugh?” He asked, grinning.
Gojo laughed at Kento's quick rebuttal. “Yuji, come now, what about Nanami isn't utterly adorable~?” He continued dancing his fingertips lightly across what wasn't blocked off of Kento's ribs. “You know what's reeeeeally adorable about him?”
“What's that?”
“That he can't handle being teased... He gets extra giggly and blushy~” Gojo grinned, leaning in to speak quietly to Yuji, but just loud enough for Kento to still hear. This somehow made the snarky bastard's teases worse.
“Dammit… st-stop it already…!” Nanami huffed, squirming uselessly.
“Naaanami… does this tiiiiickle?” He teased, cooing at him like a damn toddler.
The younger teacher let out a growl of frustration, turning his head to face away from Gojo in a weak attempt to hide his darkening blush. He felt his body beginning to tremble as Gojo completely demolished his defenses.
“Come onnn… let us hear that adorable laugh~” he grinned, deciding to take things up a notch. He honed in on the sensitive spots between his ribs, giving light scratches to the area.
“Stop… I mean it…” he growled, forcing back any embarrassing sounds that may have tried to escape his throat. 
“What's this?? Do I see a smile on your face? but I thought you weren't ticklish anymore, Kento. What gives?” Gojo teased, grinning devilishly.
“Maybe he's finally starting to have fun spending time with us.” Yuji grinned. Thanks Yuji… we knew we could count on you to not bully Nanami too.
“Ooo, maybe! Does that mean you're actually going to ride the Ferris wheel with me?”
“Not on your life.” Kento hissed, his lips trembling as they formed a panicky smile.
“Aww! You're so mean to me…” Satoru whined, an evil glimmer in his eyes as he stilled his movements. “Fine then, since you're going to be so mean, maybe I'll go for your extra tickly spots… now where were those again…?” 
Nanami froze up as he felt Gojo pull a hand back to tap his chin in thought. In the process of doing so, he skimmed his fingertips against Nanami's waist, more specifically along the edge of his stomach. “S-Satoru…”
“Where oh where were those…” Gojo mumbled to himself, unable to keep the grin off of his face as he dropped his other hand, his fingers grazing Nanami's hip. “Oh… I just can't remember… the years are really starting to affect my memory!” He reached up to gently tap Kento's forehead to add emphasis to his words, but on the way up he brushed his fingers lightly against his neck.
Each ‘accidental’ touch, caused Nanami to flinch, the older of the two making sure his victim was well aware he knew exactly where his worst spots were… in his own chaotic Gojo way, of course.
“It’s a shame, really.” Satoru sighed, while he had Nanami distracted and on edge he mouthed a command to Yuji. 
The pinkette grinned mischievously, nodding his compliance as Nanami watched his other teacher cautiously.
“But, what can ya do? That's just life… as we get older, we become slower to react.” The white haired man shrugged, making sure both of his hands were perfectly visible as he did so.
And that's when he struck.
Itadori, without moving too much, reached down with a clawed hand and clawed into the spot along his waist that Satoru had sneakily pointed out earlier, having seen that Yuji was paying attention. (For once.)
Nanami gasped sharply, barking out an involuntary laugh. Shock crashing over him. “No, I-Ihihitadohohori!” The dam finally broke, laughter pouring freely from his lips. “Wahahahait!”
Satoru let out a low whistle. “What's this? I thought big scary Nanami wasn't ticklish anymore?” He smirked.
Nanami blushed, unable to stop the laughter that spilled forth. “Gojoho Ihihihi swehehear… I'm gonnahaha kihihihill you!” He threatened, though his words were… less than intimidating to say the least.
“Wow, you were actually right, Gojo.” Yuji chuckled. “His laugh is pretty cute.”
“Itadorihihi Hohohow could youhuhu?!” Kento's complaints about Yuji's betrayal were broken up by his warm, light laughter. 
Yuji grinned, moving around with his writhing teacher. “You also weren't kidding, he's really squirmy!”
Gojo smiled at the two of them, his mischief briefly shifted into warmth as he was brought back to a happier time.
Watching Yuji and Nanami now, he sees years of anguish and pain melt away even if just for a moment. 
For that moment, Satoru can see a young Nanami being absolutely destroyed with tickles by Haibara, Geto and himself while Shoko shakes her head and giggles at their antics.
It's definitely been far too long.
Gojo blinked, bringing himself back to the present. “Geez Yuji, I told you to keep him still.” He chuckled at how Itadori was practically hanging off of Nanami's back as Nanami had managed to double over with laughter.
“Hey, it's a lot harder than it looks!” Yuji laughed, his fingers dancing relentlessly along the side of his stomach.
“You have superhuman strength and can call on the power of the king of curses… and this is difficult for you?”
“Listen--” Yuji laughed again. “I can be strong all I want, but there's only so much I can do without any help!”
“Surprisingly wise words from you, Itadori.” Gojo grinned mischievously. “Alright alright, I'll help.”
He reached forward, grabbing a hold of Nanami whilst simultaneously administering some quick sneaky tickles to Itadori.
“Hehehey! Do you want mehe to fall?!” Yuji complained, trying to shift away from Gojo's soft pokes and scribbles while keeping his balance.
“Ehh… you've already fallen twice today… What's a third time?” He grinned, tickling Itadori’s neck with one hand, and targeting Nanami's hip with the other.
“Nohoho! Sahahatoru gehehet away!” Nanami laughed, trying desperately to escape the two tickle monsters he had attached to him.
Itadori let out a childish squeal as he flailed, finally falling off of Nanami’s back. He still had a partial grip on his mentor and ended up pulling him to the ground with him.
Gojo laughed, releasing both of them from his tickly hold. 
Nanami had managed to twist around, catching Itadori and breaking his fall with his arm.
Itadori giggled softly as he recovered from the tickles. He felt Nanami carefully press his hand into the back of his neck, then his shoulder, then brush against the back of his head silently assessing the teen making sure he wasn't hurt.
Had it been Gojo who had fallen with him, he wouldn't have cared, and not bothered trying to break his fall. But since it was Itadori- he didn't want him to get hurt.
Once he determined Yuji was okay his body went limp, resting back against the ground while he focused on steadying his breathing.
“Thanks a lot, Gojo…” Yuji huffed, a smile still etched on his face.
“To be fair, I didn't say who I was helping...” Gojo teased, kneeling down beside the teen.
Kento huffed indignantly, his arms tightly wrapped around his middle as he caught his breath. “You're both terrible…” 
Satoru turned his gaze to Nanami, an evil smile on his lips. “Oh, Kento… you didn't honestly think I was done with you yet, did you?” His blue eyes sparkled with a predatory glimmer as he launched himself onto the blonde, thanks to limitless Nanami wasn’t able to put up much fight. 
“Really?” Nanami glared up at him, his sunglasses long since fallen off his face from all his struggling earlier. 
Satoru smiled triumphantly from his spot on Nanami’s thighs.
“You can’t even take me on without the use of your stupid limitless ability?” The stern teacher asked dryly, knowing any struggling his did would be pointless. He wasn’t going anywhere as long as Satoru kept limitless active.
“I thought I’d save us some time… we both know I was gonna overpower you anyways.” Gojo grinned, leaning down and draping his body lazily across Nanami’s to keep him more securely in place, and in doing so he was able to murmur teases into his ear. “All I’d have to do to get the upper hand is…”
He grabbed a hold of the blonde’s hip and began squeezing them relentlessly. “This…”
Nanami gasped sharply, unable to grab the offending hands because again, limitless. “Sahahatoru! D-Dahahahammit stop!”
“Or this…” Satoru shifted his hands upwards, scribbling his blunt nails against the sides of his stomach over his shirt, drawing even louder laughter from the blonde. The fact he could barely move to protect himself made it so much worse.
“Or… this.” Gojo grinned, pressing his lips to his neck and blowing a raspberry against it whilst administering gentle scritches.
“SHIHIHIHIHIT!” Poor Nanami couldn’t even arch his back with Gojo a firm weight against him.
“I think you should’ve just rode the ferris wheel with me.” Satoru teased, blowing another raspberry.
“EHEHEHENouGH Alreheheheady! Ahahahaha!”
“I thought you didn’t giggle, Nanami sensei.” Yuji grinned in amusement, sneaking in some teasing pokes to what he could access of Nanami’s ribs.
Gojo grinned, angling his body in a way that the pinkette had more access the right side of his body while still keeping him firmly held down. 
“You didn’t seriously-” small raspberry. “--believe him over me-” slightly bigger raspberry. “--did you?” BIIIIIG raspberry, followed by what Kento would firmly deny was a squeal. Because if he doesn't giggle, then he CERTAINLY doesn’t squeal. 
Itadori giggled at his reactions, scooting closer to scribble his fingers up and down the side of his ribcage. “No, but I also didn’t have a basis to doubt Nanami either.”
“Oh yes you did.” Gojo laughed, pulling his face away from the blonde’s neck to glance at Itadori. “You had to know he was lying the minute he denied being ticklish still.”
Well fine… If he can’t get Satoru then… “Ihihihi-- I thohohohught Ihi told you tohoho stahap talking about mehehe like I’m not here!” Kento shot his hand out, grabbing hold of Yuji’s side and giving it fluttery squeezes, drawing surprised laughter from the student.
“Aieee! Hehehehehey! Hohohohow are you moving?! Stahahap that!” Yuji squealed as Kento latched onto his ribs next. “Gohohohohojo hehehehelp!”
“Nahhh… You’re a big boy… you can deal with him yourself.” Satoru grinned, alternating between his hip and stomach side with gentle scratches. “It’ll be a good training exercise for you… let me juuust… piss him off a little more for ya~”
“Sahahahahtoru, I swehehehear to god!”
Satoru ignored both of their protests, pushing his shirt up so he could attack his exposed skin directly. “So If my memory serves correctly, your ticklish spots are as follows,” he grinned, sitting upright. “Hips, Neck, this cute spot here~” he emphasized by fluttering his fingers briefly against his stomach sides. “Ribs are decently tickly… Am I missing anything, Nanami? Am I hitting all the nice tickly spots?”
“S-Satoru… dohon’t.”
“Don’t what? I didn’t even say anything yet.”
“I mean it…”
Satoru grinned. “But Kento, I promised to smother you with tickles… and I wouldn’t wanna disappoint you. So come on, answer my question~”
“Go to hell.” He hissed in response.
Gojo’s grin widened. Welp, nice knowing ya, Nanami.
“On second thought, maybe I will help you, Itadori.” He reached out and grabbed Nanami’s wrist and yanked it away from the pinkette, pinning it above his head quickly and firmly. In a flash, he snatched his other hand and pinned it above his head as well.
Yuji fell back with his arms around his midsection, giggling softly as he panted from the after tickles.
“Gojo, let me go right now.” Kento growled.
Satoru leaned down, grinning that evil grin at him. “Do you really think you're in a position to give me orders?”
“What are you… no… don’t you dare-- nononono!”
Gojo leaned down further, pressing his lips against Kento's exposed stomach and blowing a giant raspberry against it, eliciting an honest to god shriek in response.
“NAAAHAHAHAHAHA! GAHAHAHAD DAHAHAHAHAHAMMIT!” He let out another shriek as the arrogant teacher dispensed yet another devastating raspberry against his toned abdomen. 
Yuji sat up, stunned by the sound of his loud laughter. “Holy shit, Gojo don’t kill him!”
The teacher in question grinned, placing another raspberry against a different spot on his stomach. “Jealous, kid? Don’t worry, I have plenty of tickles to go around.” He winked at the pink haired student, who giggled nervously and wrapped his arms around himself subconsciously.
“GOHOHOHOHJO STAHAHAHAHAHAAP!” Nanami pressed out between deep belly laughs, his face flushed and his eyes tightly shut.
“Aww, but why when you’re having so much fun?” Gojo teased, placing another raspberry. “I remember this used to be your favorite~” 
“Man, you’ve definitely gotten more stubborn and resilient… usually by now you would’ve been apologizing profusely and crying with laughter while begging me to stop.” Gojo chuckled, pausing his ruthless onslaught. “Or maybe…”
He leaned back to admire his handiwork, Kento a breathless blushing mess beneath him. “Maybe you don’t really want me to stop…” his grin widened when he saw Nanami open his eyes and attempt to glare at him. 
“W-Why would… you possibly think that… i…” He gasped out softly, still attempting to catch his breath. 
“Well… why else would you be so grumpy and resistant this whole time unless you wanted to egg me on?”
“To be fair… he is normally like this.” Yuji pointed out.
Satoru shifted so that he could hold both of Nanami’s arms down with one hand, using his newly freed hand to administer swift tickles to Itadori’s side. “Excuse me, but whose side are you on anyway???”
Yuji squealed and recoiled sharply from Gojo’s skilled fingers. “Ihihi wahahas just being hohohonest!”
“And now you’ve distracted me and given him time to think out his response,” Satoru huffed. “You’re definitely gonna get it later, now.”
Itadori squeaked, wrapping himself back up with his arms.
“Well Kento? I’m waiting, why are you egging it on if you don’t like it?” The older teacher turned his attention back to the now less breathless blonde, thanks to the intermission brought to you by Itadori and his big fat mouth.
“Because I don’t want to give you the satisfaction of breaking, that’s why.” He retorted, his face less flushed than previously.
“Ehh! wrong!” Satoru unleashed another tickle attack, his fingers scribbling all across his neck. “Try again!”
“Sahahahahatoru Stahahap!”
“Not until you admit it.” Gojo smirked. 
“Ahahahadmit whahahahat?”
“Admit you missed being wrecked, ya big softie!” He cooed, tracing his fingers along each rib.
“I dihihihihidn’t!” Nanami yelped, squirming as much as he could under his colleague’s technique.
“Wrong again. Itadori, be a peach and come help me, won’t you? It seems Nanami requires more reassurance.”
“Ihihihitadori dohohohon’t!”
“You’re not going to tickle me again, are you?” Itadori asked carefully, eyeing his teacher suspiciously.
“I will if you don’t get your ass over here In the next five seconds.” he responded, an evil glimmer in his eyes.
Itadori let out a sound that could only be described as a whimper as he quickly shuffled over. 
“Gojo, Itadori… don’t even--” His protest was interrupted by another shriek as Gojo blew a massive raspberry against his stomach side.
He released Nanami’s wrists, which Yuji instantly snatched up and pinned down. Gojo used his newly freed hands to drill his thumbs into Kento’s hips as he continued his torturous trail of raspberries and tickly death along his stomach area.
“You know how to make it stop, Nanami~” Gojo hummed, administering another devastatingly massive raspberry against the side of his stomach.
“JUHUHUHUST WAHAHAHAIT UNTIL I GEHEHET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU SOHOHOHON OF A BIHIHIHIHITCH!” The usually stoic teacher threatened between bouts of uncontrollable laughter.
Yuji snickered quietly. “He’s definitely stubborn...” the pink haired teen grinned, shifting so that he could pin Nanami’s hands down with his knee. “Let me take a crack at it!”
He began to claw at his mentors exposed ribcage, his fingers gentle but quick as they expertly sought out sensitive spots. “Nanami~ Does this tiiiiickle?” Yuji teased.
Gojo chuckled, pausing his attack to glance up at Itadori. “You’re getting pretty good at this, I’ve taught you well~” 
Yuji grinned at the praise from Satoru. “Heh… thanks. I’m just doing what tickles really bad from my own experience.”
The pinkette noticed the higher he moved up Nanami’s ribs, the more he struggled. “Gojo… are you sure those were all of Nanami’s ticklish spots you named off earlier…?”
“Hmmmm? Think I missed a spot?” Satoru played along, grinning that cheshire grin at his student. “It’s entirely possible… he never did confirm or deny if I named ‘em all.”
“Nanami?” Yuji looked down as he stilled his hands, allowing his teacher to attempt to catch his breath. “Did he miss a spot?” he asked innocently, but that smile on his face was anything but.
“I swehehear to god…” He panted. “Whehen I get my hands on you…”
“Now Nanami… that doesn’t sound like an answer to his question~” Gojo grinned, prodding his stomach side and producing a small yelp.
“It’s okay, Gojo.” Yuji responded with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. “I’ll find out for myself.”
Then he struck. Digging mercilessly wiggling fingers into his armpits. 
And boy, did Nanami absolutely lose it. Any semblance of composure? Yeah no, gone, we don’t know her. 
Much like Yuji isn’t going to know peace when Nanami gets his hands on him. Rip Yuji lol.
“AAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” He absolutely howled with laughter, struggling with all his might to break free. “NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! AHAHAHANYWHEHEHERE BUT THEHEHEHERE!”
“WHOA! Gojo you didn’t just miss a ticklish spot, you missed the ticklish spot!” Yuji found himself laughing along with his mentor in amusement.
“It looks that way,” Satoru smiled, shaking his head. “So, Kento? Anything you wanna say?”
He grinned, leaning down and placing his elbows on either side of the hysterical blonde, resting his face on his hands as he watched him. In doing this, he was almost entirely draped over him again, greatly limiting his movements.
Satoru chuckled, “Not quite… I think what you mean’t to say was, ‘Satoru, I actually love spending time with all of you.’ and ‘I actually like being tickled.’”
Yuji giggled, speeding up his tickles.
“GAHAHAHAHA! I-I CAHAHAHANT… PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP!” He cried with laughter, tears prickling at the corners of his tightly shut eyes. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE YUHUHUHUJI!”
For a moment, Itadori felt a little bad and looked at Gojo, who shook his head. “Trust me, kid… you’re gonna wanna keep going.”
“Just trust me.” was the blue eyed teacher’s vague and careful response.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” His laughter started to become hoarse as he tried to hide his face in his bicep. “OKAHAHAHAHAY OKAHAHAHAY! IHIHIHI’LL RIDE THE STUHUHUHUPID FERRIS WHEEL WIHIHITH YOU!”
“Noooo… we’re way past that, the other paaaart.” Satoru reminded teasingly, pinching his side.
Oh, Gojo was sooooooo going to get it when he got ahold of him.
“What the hell are you guys doing?” 
Yuji looked up, grinning upon seeing Megumi standing there; pink balloon and all. “Hey Megu-- ACK!”
Nobara came running out of nowhere and knocked Yuji off of Nanami. “Hey, stop picking on Nanami!” she scolded.
Satoru sighed, grinning. Eh… close enough. He rolled off of Nanami lazily, remaining propped up on his elbows next to him.
“Ow! Jeez Nobara! It’s not like I was hurting him or anything, you didn’t have to knock me over.” He mumbled, sitting up.
“He very clearly was struggling to breathe.” Megumi pointed out, eyeing Satoru. “I’m gonna guess this was your idea?”
“How’d ya know, Gumi?” He asked cheerfully.
“Whenever there’s chaos going on you’re the cause.” The edgy teen pointed out, sitting on the ground with the others to feel included.
“Are you okay, sensei?” Nobara asked, helping Nanami up into a sitting position. “Want me to kick his ass?”
The blonde shook his head, a smile still on his face as he struggled to catch his breath. “No… That won’t… be necessary…”
Yuji giggled, leaning over and hugging Nanami. “Sorry I went a little overboard… It was just really nice to see and hear you laugh… I hope you’re not too mad at me.”
Nanami sighed as he (mostly) caught his breath, he reached up and hooked his arm around Yuji’s shoulders, cupping the back of his head as he pulled him closer into the hug. “I’m not mad… embarrassed, but not mad…”
“Why are you embarrassed?” Yuji pulled back slightly to look up at him, confused.
Nanami retorted with a ‘You’re joking, right?’ expression on his face.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed, we all goof around like this all the time.” Itadori grinned, beaming up at Megumi, who quickly looked away to avoid blushing at the implication. He then turned his gaze to Nobara, who also looked away with a casual whistle. 
“He’s right,” Satoru chimed in, sitting upright. “It just means we really like you when we pick on you like this.” Yuji nodded in agreement.
“You could like me a little less.” Kento muttered.
“You rested enough to chase down Itadori?” Satoru asked, grinning.
“Not quite…”
“Why would he chase me down?” Yuji pulled away from Nanami, eyeing the stern teacher carefully.
“Ohhh… I forgot to tell you.” Gojo grinned more. “Yeah, there’s a reason I ‘forgot’ his worst spot… It’s because he absolutely destroys anyone who targets it as retaliation.”
Yuji squeaked, noticing the evil glimmer in Nanami’s eyes.
“Yeahhh… Let’s just say ratio can be used for more than pain… Suguru and I learned that one the hard way.” He snickered at the terrified look on Itadori’s face.
“Y-You set me up!”
“I did nothing of the sort, you’re the one who decided to try that spot.” Satoru grinned. “I’d probably start running if I were you… the more tired he is the more head start you have, and since you’ve wasted so much time letting him recover… I’d say you have about a minute to get as far as humanly possible before he hunts you down.”
Yuji yelped and sprung up, taking Gojo’s advice and running away, causing the others to laugh.
“Hey, Megumi, where’d your balloon go?” Nobara asked.
Megumi smirked and shrugged. “Beats me…” 
Nanami was about to get up and go after the pinkette when Gojo leaned forward, hugging his colleague, causing him to tense up. “I’m sorry, Kento… I forgot you used to go to the amusement park with Haibara on the weekends…” he whispered. “But I think he would still want you to go out and have fun… I know Suguru would want that for me.” 
Nanami untensed, frowning as he thought about his deceased best friend. He hugged him back hesitantly. “I miss him… a lot…”
“I know… I do too.”
After a moment they let go. “Hey Satoru…?”
“...Thanks…” He looked away as he quietly continued. “I… needed that.”
Gojo grinned. “Anytime, buddy~”
Nanami looked around curiously. “Now then, which way did Itadori go? I need to have a talk with him…”
“He went that way.” Nobara pointed off in a direction.
“He should be pretty easy to spot,” Megumi said casually, sipping his drink. “Just look for the person running frantically with a pink sakura balloon attached to his belt.”
Nanami smirked, nodding his thanks as he got up and took off after the pink haired teen.
“I so wanna see this…” Nobara giggled, getting up too. “You coming, Megumi?”
The raven haired teen shook his head, to which Nobara shrugged at and went running after them. “Nanami sensei, wait up! I wanna help!!”
Satoru chuckled and shook his head before turning to address his adopted son. “Did ya have fun today, kiddo?” he asked as he ruffled his dark hair.
Megumi grunted in response.
A shriek nearby distracted them momentarily, causing them both to laugh. Evidently Yuji had been caught.
“I’ve had worse days.” The teen answered, standing up with his parental figure.
Gojo grinned, his face brightening as he threw his arm around his edgy emo son’s shoulders, pulling him into him as they began walking. He knew that was Fushiguro for; ‘Yes dad, I had a wonderful time today.’
“Good. Now then… let’s go get some snacks or something, I saw they were selling cotton candy as big as your head at one of these stalls…”
“I'd be more impressed if they had cotton candy the size of your mouth.”
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tastybluesprite · 9 months
To keep that smile there
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I’m 5 episodes now into Stars Align and it has touched me so deeply. This anime is truly such a gem.
Warnings: Some spoilers for Stars Align, gets pretty angsty (angst to fluff more specifically), mentions of child abuse. Also this fic contains tickling so if that’s not your thing feel free to not read.
Summery: After Toma goes to Makis house to defend him from his abusive dad (who comes often to take money from him and his mom), Makis still shaken up about it. What can Toma do to help him take his mind of things for a little while?
“Thank you for being there.” Maki said, barely a whisper as he bit back a whimper. He gripped Toma in a tight hug as if he was a life line, and tears beaded his eyes. After having to deal with his abusive dad by himself, what with him continuously coming over to raid their money, Maki couldn’t truly express just how relieved he was to finally have someone there for him.
“Any time Maki. You weren’t kidding. That guy is seriously garbage. I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you, having to go through that by yourself all this time.”
They then went to Makis bedroom. Toma thought it would help calm Maki down if they went to a more comfortable room. He figured he should stay anyway, just a little longer. He wanted to make absolutely sure the guy was going to be ok before leaving him.
They sat on the bed together. Maki didn’t say it out loud because he didn’t want to ruin the comfortable silence, but just Toma being there helped him feel better.
Toma felt he needed to help take Makis mind off what had just happened. But what could he do? He fortunately saw some manga on his desk.
“I like your collection.” He commented with a smile, nodding to the desk where they stood. Maki looked at the books, “O-oh yeah thanks. I took some summer jobs to save up so I can buy some.”
They continued their sit in silence for a bit longer. Toma glanced at Maki. There was still so much fear etched on his face.
Toma wished he could do something to help him feel better. But what?
“Hey Katsuragi…” Toma began, he landed a gentle poke to his side. He was just trying to be playful, hoping that this would lighten the mood more.
But he didn’t expect Maki to squeak and flinch away. Toma froze in shock for a second. Had he hurt him? Was he uncomfortable with being touched after all he went through with his dad?
But he didn’t see fear on his face anymore. Wait, was that a smile? Suddenly a small grin grew on his face as realization clicked into place.
“Katsuragi, are you ticklish?”
“I… n-no I’m not!” Maki quickly told him, although he immediately clamped his arms to his side at the question.
On one hand, Toma wondered if now was the best time for something like this, given what had just happened not too long ago. But when he remembered wanting to take his mind off his dad, he realized this might be the best method to do so.
“Ok then…” They went quiet for a moment, until….
“GOTCHA!!!” Toma cried, lightly pushing him back to the bed and latching onto Makis sides, digging in gently.
Maki yelped and immediately bursted into giggles, gripping onto his wrists weakly.
“H-hehehey nohohot fahahair!!!” Maki cried through his giggles. Toma had to admit he was a little surprised to hear that his laugh was so child like, considering that he usually acted so much more mature than most kids their age.
“Didn’t you know the rules? When a persons ticklishness is found out, you have to tickle them!”
“Thahahats nohohot a thihihng HAHahaha nohohot thehehere!!!!” The giggles turned into laughter as Toma went under his shirt and began kneading into the soft of his belly. Maki squealed, trying to curl up to protect himself. But it was hardly any use.
“Oh Cmon Katsuragi, I know you can laugh harder than that!” Toma encouraged jokingly, going further up to his ribs.
“HAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO WAHAHAHAIT!!!!!” Makis giggles then exploded into actual laughter.
“Bad spot?” Toma teased, making extra care to dig into the grooves between his ribs.
“YEHEHEHES STOHOHOHOP!!!” This time, tears of joy beaded Makis eyes.
Toma then stopped to let Maki breathe.
“Sorry about that Maki. You ok?” He asked with an apologetic smile.
“Y-yehehes I’m fihihne…” Maki hugged his arms around his ribs, which still tingled from the tickle attack.
He then finally caught his breath and sat up. “Wow you really are super ticklish Katsuragi.” Toma teased poking his ribs lightly, “How did we not realize this sooner?”
“Sh-shuhut uhuhp…” Maki giggled, pushing at his offending hand. He then landed a soft punch to Tomas arm.
Toma looked and saw the bright smile on his face.
Much better. He thought to himself. Now he just had to make sure that smile continued to exist on Maki Katsuragis face. And he would make sure to protect it at all costs.
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Hey 👋! Can i request lee inumaki and lers yuta, maki and panda?
Heyo! :D Admittedly, I got a little sappy at the end there lols. I've gotcha covered, anon!
CW: Swearing, mild angst
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13
“Hey, Inumaki…is something wrong?” Yuta asked one day, gaining the attention of Maki and Panda. Lately, the curse speaker had seemed…distant. He came to practice as required and worked with everyone when asked, but during free time he’d been especially quiet, keeping a healthy distance between himself and the group. Originally, Maki and Panda told him not to worry about it- “Inumaki has his rainy days. When he’s ready, he’ll come around.”
That was almost a full week ago. Yuta couldn’t hold back the questions any longer.
“.....Bonito flakes.” He offered quietly after a long pause, eyes scrunching some in a hidden smile. The lie was so obvious. Yuta hesitated before going on.
“Inumaki…you’ve been acting off since Monday. I’m worried.” Yuta offered a shaky smile, hoping he came off comforting. “If you ever need someone to talk to..”
Something darkened in Inumaki’s eyes, brief and heavy. Then he was faking a smile again, reaching out and patting Yuta’s head. “Bonito flakes.”
A clear cut but firm denial. Yuta felt himself blink back tears.
“Hey, Inumaki. Yuta’s got a point.” Maki climbed up the steps one after another, tossing her staff aside once she got to his spot. “This strange silence of yours isn’t normal. Talk.”
“Gentle, Maki.” Panda reminded as he came around, squishing his furry butt between Yuta and Inumaki. “But really- you had that mission Monday, did something go wrong?”
“....Bonito flakes.” Inumaki looked away.
“Lying isn’t a good look for you, recipe boy.” Maki elbowed him gently, sitting down. “Panda and I’ve known you forever. Even Yuta knows when you lie- isn’t that right?”
“Oh? Oh, um…yes.” Yuta yelped, shrinking some at the dirty look Inumaki gave him. “Sorry, Toge…”
“Don’t apologize, Yuta. He’s all hiss and no claws.” Panda teased, winking as his large paw stretched. “In fact- check this out.”
“Salmon roe…” Inumaki began, leaning away from the paw stretching towards his belly. He leaned so far back he completely forgot about Maki. “Sal-HEEEEEH!” He arched with a squeal as ten fingers suddenly pressed into his sides. “Ikuruhuhuhuahhaahhhaa!”
“Language, shithead.” Maki chuckled, her voice warm as she carried on prodding and poking at his torso, skittering her fingers along his ribcage. “Talk and we’ll stop, right Panda?”
“Hell yeah!” The animal cried, laughing just as much as his paws attacked Inumaki’s belly, tapping and dragging against the thin fabric of his uniform. “Yuta, get in on this!”
“H-Huh?” He blinked, not expecting the invite. He was more than content just sitting by watching the fiasco go down, figuring he wasn’t quite in the group just yet.
“Erm, where do I..” He began, hands fluttering as he tried to decide where to tickle. Inumaki was a mess of laughter already, cheeks pink and eyes squeezed shut as he cackled out “Flakes! Flahahahahkes!” His feet kicked against Panda’s belly, bouncing off harmlessly. Any attempts to push away Maki proved useless as she adjusted her grip, pulling some insane move where her legs pinned his arms back, giving her free range to tickle his torso. Despite the cries and fluster, Inumaki looked surprisingly happy.
Maybe he was enjoying himself? It did look kinda fun…
“Go for his pits, he’ll cry.” Maki ordered, pulling her leg back so there was more room to reach. Inumaki made a squeak sound, shaking his head rapidly as Yuta slowly approached, whimpering pleas of “Salmon roe”.
“Are you ready to talk?” Yuta asked. Maki and Panda paused briefly, giving him a moment to decide. After a few gasps of air, Inumaki considered. Then, with a shaky breath, he breathed out a firm “Bohohnito flahakes.”
“Stubborn ass.” Maki shook her head in mock disappointment. Panda wiped away a fake tear. “Alright- Yuta, it’s all you. Straight for the pits.”
“Right! Sorry, Inumaki.” He gave a quick smile before digging his hands into the spot. Inumaki arched with a squeal, practically flying off the ground as loud wheezy laughter boomed from his lips. Maki and Panda were quick to join in, returning to their original spots as the rice ball speaker giggled and flailed beneath him.
It took another minute of flailing, squealing, and the threat of being voice cursed, but finally, Inumaki gave in. Flapping his hands wildly, he managed to tap Yuta’s arm, signaling he was done.
“Ready to give in?” Maki asked as they came to an end, watching the pale boy curl into himself with huffs of laughter. He looked so…exhausted. Yuta felt his heart pinch in guilt- maybe they went too far?
But then Inumaki was pulling himself up and taking a deep breath. He looked at each of them carefully before pulling out his phone.
 Soft typing noises could be heard, and within minutes, the group chat notification went off. When Yuta looked, the following message said:
Monday, when we were doing our mission together- I scared you. I used my curse technique on you to prevent you from walking into an enemies trap. The look on your face when you suddenly couldn’t move…I hadn’t been able to get it out of my head since.
“Inumaki…” Yuta breathed, heart sinking in his chest. Another text popped up before he could speak:
Please don’t feel bad, Yuta. I’m not upset by how you reacted. I feel guilty for freaking you out like that. It’s not a fun feeling to suddenly lose control of your own body like that, and usually I can give the other’s a warning that I may have to use my technique on them. I didn't do it for you, and I’m sorry.
“You had to do it though. Like you said- if you didn’t freeze me where I stood, I’d be dead.” Yuta reached out, squeezing Inumaki’s hand within his own. “Sure, I was scared, but not of you. I was scared that I almost threw my life away. If anything- I should be apologizing for forcing your hand like that. So- I’m sorry. I really appreciate what you did for me.”
“Mustard leaf…” Inumaki’s eyes glistened some, and Yuta smiled as he squeezed his hand reassuringly. Maki and Panda nodded to one another, satisfied.
“Aww- isn’t that sweet.” Gojo’s voice shook them from their moment, drawing their attention to him and the bag of treats over his arm. “I’m back! And I got you all souvenirs! Come get them before I change my mind.”
“Is my souvenir the cursed blade I gave you? Cause you still haven’t given it back.” Maki stood, Panda already bouncing to his feet at the various candies in the bag. Inumaki and Yuta shared a warm look before they stood, joining the others for treats. As they went, Inumaki squeezed Yuta’s shoulder, the gesture loud without words.
Thank you.
Thanks for reading!
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intheticklecloset · 5 months
What's Brewing? V2.0
Updated June 2, 2024
Order Up! (Fics I'm intending to share within a month or so, in no particular order)
Lee Atsushi, Ler Akutagawa
BachIsagi fic
Switches Tamaki and Shinra, Ler Maki
Lee Senku, Ler Gen (Modern AU)
Commissions: 0
Fics that have been bought from my Coffee Shop
What's Brewing: 0
Fics I've written but haven't posted yet
Back Orders: 0
Fics that have been requested but I've yet to write
Barista's Choice: 0
Fics that weren't requested that I decided to write for myself ^^
Commissions (0)
Fics that have been bought from my Coffee Shop. These are given first priority. Completed commissions will move to “What’s Brewing” when pending release.
What's Brewing (0)
Fics I’ve written but haven’t posted yet. The order in which they appear in the lists below is not necessarily the order they’ll be posted.
Back Orders (0)
Fics that have been requested but I have yet to write. Some may still be declined. The order in which they appear in the lists below is not necessarily the order in which I’ll work on them.
Barista's Choice (0)
Fics that weren't requested that I decided to write for myself. The order in which they appear in the lists below is not necessarily the order they’ll be posted.
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pastery1 · 2 years
Ensemble Stars Tickle Hcs (Part 7):
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Shu Itsuki:
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He may or may not hv a tickle kink towards his doll "mademoiselle". He loves tickling her and acting as if she can laugh by laughing for her. He does this in private bc... I mean.... he js thinks it's embarrassing if anyone else sees him tickling her since she's... yk... not alive. Though, his teammate, Mika, caught him one day tickling her and decided to barge in.
"Woah, oh, oh, oh. What do we have here?"
Shu blushed out of embarrassment, flaing his arms, "GOD! Can't u give us some privacy?!"
"Awwww~ Y would I do that? I think u pretending she's sentient, is absolutely the cutest thing ever, ShuShu."
"Please, never call me that again. NOW GET OUT!"
"If u had a tickle kink for puppets, u could've js said so. I'm not the one to judge, dude."
"O.M.G! Please!"
"Not until u tell me y u were tickling a non living thing, and laughing for her as if she feels it."
"Not. Over. My. Dead. Body."
"Come on man, I think ur tickle fetish is pretty cute."
"It's not a fetish."
"If u won't tell me, guess I'll js tickle it out of u."
"Wha-WHAT?! Don't u dare fucking tickle me!"
"U were js tickling a DOLL. I'd assume u'd like getting tickled."
"Well I don't like being tickled. I only like tickling Mademoiselle. She gives the best reactions~"
"Pfft- HAHAHAHAH!! Ok dude, u asked for it."
Maki pounced on Shu, knocking them three over w/ Maki sitting on Shu's waist.
"I'm pretty sure Mademoiselle would js die to see u getting wrecked, huh?"
Maki propped Mademoiselle beside Shu. "No, NO! U can't let her see me in this state! MADEMOISELLE! Look away, please."
Maki began to pull up Shu's shirt and traced the outlines of the ventriloquist's abs. "U like the taste of ur own medicine, huh? This was how Mademoiselle felt when u tickled her senseless, bet she loves to see u losing ur mind huh?"
"Ckr- St-Stohoho-Stohp!"
The ler spidered up the pink haired men's torso, singing, "The itsy, bitsy spider~ went up the water spout." Maki drew a water fall on Shu's chest continuing the song, "Down came the rain," he used his dull nails to scratch lightly from his chest to his hips, "and washed the spider out." "Out came the sun and dried up all the rain," Maki squeezed Shu's hips.
"And the itsy, bitsy spider~ went up the spout again." He initiated this by scribbling all the way up to his closed armpits, outlining them trying to dig his fingers in. Shu couldn't push him off bc Maki had his arms pinned to his sides under the lers' knees.
"Not yet~ Mademoiselle isn't satisfied w/ this~"
As cute and adorable as Shu is when it comes to tickling his doll, I wouldn't blame him when he wanted to keep this a secret. Maki thinks it's cute as well, hence y he always wants to tickle him, hehehe. His death spot has to be his palms, idky no one tickled him there before, bc he would automatically go limp if u tickle him there. Yh, he doesn't like being tickled nor does he like tickling ppl, tho his puppet is the only acception.
Mika Kagehira:
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Mika finds tickling a delight, no he won't ask for it, but once someone stops tickling him he feels some type of joy. Like his parenst for instance. Since he hates the color of his eyes, when he was 9, he would always cry abt it. But, his parents decided on a little technique to cheer him up everytime he feels like that.
He was in his bathroom, looking at himself, focusing on his heterochromia. Until he felt pain within him. Like an unusual stab in the chest.
"Why... do I have to have this stupid half and half eye..." He began to hear himself break.
He heard his parents coming into his room, and then his bathroom.
"Hey hun, is everything ok?" His mom bent down to rub his back indicating they're there for him every inch of the way.
"It's this eye... mom..."
"Awww hun, u hv nothing to be ashamed of, tell him dear."
"Ur mom's right son. We both think ur eye is very unique."
"Ik... I'm thankful u both r trying to comfort me, but... I js feel my own insecurity w/ this eye... u guys wouldn't understand."
His mom and dad gave the same look, and his mom started to talk, "U know what we do to little boys, who won't cheer up?"
"We... TICKLE THEM!!" His dad picked up a giggling Maki, making their way into his parents' room. Throwing the 9 yr old boy on the bed.
His mom pinned his arms above his head, while his dad sat on the side of him. Not trying to squish him or anything.
His dad started to scribble and squeeze the latter's sides.
"Yes my bundle of joy?"
"Nehehehehver mind."
"I think someone is enjoying this dear~" His mom piped up.
"He is, isn't he?"
The boy squeaked by this as his dad tickled his ribs, and scratched his chin, while tickling his collar bone. My manz was living in heaven.
Though the fun was finally over.
"Ok, son. It's time for u to go to bed." His dad relented.
His mom got up off him, and laid back down in the bed. His dad joined her.
Maki wasn't tired though, "Hey, ummm... ca-can u... ummm... con-co-... continue... tickling my-my.... b-belly?... lightly though."
His mom and dad both looked at each other, then looked back at him, "Sure, dear. Come sit between us and we'll put on ur favorite movie."
Maki did as told and ended the night with giggles as he felt safe in their touch.
It kinda sucks for Maki, since Shu doesn't like tickling, but who cares, Maki is still a ler at heart. And since Shu is the most ticklish person he ever met, it creates sm joy for him, not sm for the ventriloquist though. Maki's death spot has gotta be his feet, even his parents tickles him there on the daily. Poor baby......
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undertale2013 · 2 years
Tickletober Day 3!
Lee!Shuichi X Ler!Kaito
Ah. Training. Usually it was physical activity, even if Shuichi couldn’t keep up. For this training session, Kaito had a new idea to give Shuichi a solid chance to do well.
Shuichi hung on a pull up bar, his feet dangling only a few inches off the ground so if he were to fall he’d either land on his feet or he wouldn’t fall far. Shuichi expected to just have to do some pull ups or something of the sort. Kaito had other ideas in mind.
“There you go sidekick! alright, now all you gotta do is not let go, alright? If you do there will be consequences!” Kaito asked. The task seemed simple, just don’t let go of the bar for at least a decent amount of time. Easy enough.
Well, that’s what Shuichi thought before Kaito began to give soft pokes at his sides. The feeling made Shuichi freeze up a bit, his grip on the bar tightening.
It was probably unintentional, Shuichi told himself, Kaito may have unconventional methods of training but he wouldn’t go that far! Shuichi couldn’t have been more wrong.
The pokes did stop for a moment, but then they started back up around his ribs. Kaito just grinned behind Shuichi, watching as his arms began to shake as his instincts told him to pull his arms down to protect himself. Kaito had heard Shuichi was ticklish from Kokichi, and even with his reputation for lying he still decided to try it out and it was working better than expected.
“K-Kaito w-why do you keep poking me?” Shuichi tried to ask Kaito, the giggles beginning to bubble up in his chest. Kaito could feel Shuichi trying to hold in his sweet laughter. With newfound determination, he decided to go for it.
Shuichi shrieked.
“K-KAITO!” Shuichi yelled as Kaito drilled right into his ribs. Only a few seconds of this and Shuichi released the bar and fell right to the ground in a fit of laughter.
To Kaito, it was a surprise Shuichi could laugh like he was. After all, you’d never expect such a reserved guy to be so loud when he was tickled. Shuichis loud, shrieky laughter was something Kaito would cherish forever.
Kaito slowly moved his down to Shuichis belly, his laughter lowering is volume and pitch. A nice break for Shuichi from that torture.
“Oh come on sidekick! I know you can do better than that!” Kaito laughed a bit before realizing it was Makis turn. “Maki-Roll! You’re-! Maki-Roll?”
Maki had already disappeared, not wanting to suffer the same fate as Shuichi.
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einarravens · 2 years
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I’m just gonna post my The Once-ler & Maki Zenin fanart since July 2022 >:)) (Jaeylan is my old art name anyways huehue) 
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ticklish-petal · 2 years
what about a ler!Nico and lee!Maki for day 19. like- maybe NicoMaki's constant playful bickering spirals into a tickle fight.
OOH YES!! I'm a big believer that Nico would make for an amazing ler so this request really brightened up my day lol! all these love live requests are making me wonder if i should add it to my fandoms list 💓
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lilithspade · 10 months
Leitura 74 de 2023
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Karin vol. 8
Yuna Kagesaki
Esse volume tem várias cenas de comédia romântica que são super fofas! É um volume que fica mais nesse aspecto de romancinho água com açúcar, mas que dá uma pausa bem merecida para o leitor que acaba de passar por dois volumes que pesam bastante no drama.
O capítulo extra sobre a amizade da Karin com a Maki é super fofo e mostra bem o laço entre as duas. Você termina de ler esse volume com um sorriso no rosto.
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fluffyweeby · 2 years
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No, he’s not saying please
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tastybluesprite · 9 months
🎾 Stars Align fics🎾
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- To keep that smile there (lee!Maki, ler!Toma)
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fluffomatic · 3 years
ok heres an idea, part 2 to the training picture, after shuichi fell, they have to punish him for slacking on his training
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Great idea!! These 2 are destroying our poor Shuichi! He should've held on longer! He needed to.be punished 😜
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
Also, side note, I HIGHLY recommend getting the Magic Poser app! I have it on my iPad and it’s paid off so muuuuuch! Like these recent pictures of Shuichi I started off by making a pose on the app and it’s helped me with anatomy and coming up with more unique poses, like this picture! And I haven’t spent a cent on this app! The free version is great. Tho I do recommend using a stylus because I’ve had a bit of trouble using my fingers
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giggly-squiggily · 9 months
Hey hey heyyyyyy
Can i request lee oikawa and lers iwa, mattsun, and makki? Fnfjdjs
Heyo! I'm really sorry anon, but I could not for the life of me find a way to fit Mattsun and Maki into this. I honestly can't remember much of anyone in that team besides Iwa and Oikawa these days. I need to rewatch Haikyuu hehe.
Still! I hope you like it! :D
CW: Swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist):
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo
The second the door shut, Oikawa was scrambling for freedom.
“Get over here you son of a-” Iwa’s words were cut off by the squeal of terror Oikawa let loose when he was grabbed from behind, arms around his waist as he was yanked back into the couch. “You thought you could pull what you did today and get away with it?”
“Iwa! Iwa wahahhahahhait!”
~~~8 or so hours earlier~~~
Oikawa was bored.
The one day off he finally lets himself have, and Iwa has to go to class! He wouldn’t even skip! 
“I can’t just skip class, Toru. What’s gonna happen when I really do need to skip?”
“You’re gonna go anyway cause you’re too stubborn to acknowledge illness.”
“Watch it…I’ll be home tonight. Just- entertain yourself until then. Take a nap, watch a movie, go on a jog- find something to do.”
Oikawa could really have done any of those things, but they weren’t nearly as fun without Iwa!
‘Come home?’ He texted an hour into the day, knowing how silly he was being but not caring one bit.
‘Later. Class is starting soon- love you, bye.’ Iwa’s text came back.
Oikawa rolled his eyes as he let his phone flop against his chest, groaning dramatically. He texted too much- usually Iwa would humor his back and forth for at least a few seconds. He was starting to learn his ways.
“Class is starting soon my butt.” Oikawa glared at the phone, switching to his socials soon after. Some scrolling here, some liking posts there- he left what he felt was a hilarious comment under Mattsun’s recent sunset photo, but gave up when Mattsun replied with a simple “???”. How tiresome.
He was about to call up Maki to see if he was available when a video came into his feed- one that made him stop and stare.
“Is it recording? Great! Hi, my name is Hinata Shoyo- and this is what I like to call: Tickle me Kageyama!” In the video the redhead turned to his friend, jumping on him and attacking his ribs with reckless abandon. Kageyama practically squawked, flailing in his chair while swearing every bad word he knew at him. Soon though- he was laughing up a storm, pig snorts mixing with endless bouts of laughter.
“Don’t swear so much, Shoyo’s sister might be watching!” He didn’t recognize the voice behind the camera, but he sounded very amused. A taller guy with a close shaved head waved at the camera before jumping in, further driving Kageyama up the wall. “Get ‘em, Tanaka! Hehehe!”
The video ended not long after that, the replay button taunting Oikawa like a flashing light. His body was tingling all over. God I wish that was me…
Panicked, he tossed his phone into the nearest pillow, shaking his head. No, no- don’t start feeling like that right now! Iwa’s not gonna be home for another decade! And even when he did get home…
When he got home…
A new idea came to mind, and Oikawa snickered in glee as he grabbed his phone, pulling up the texts…
~~~4 hours ago~~~
It was agony waiting until Iwa’s first class was over, but he knew his boyfriend wouldn’t be on his phone during class. He waited until he knew class was over before beginning his attack.
The first thing was simple. A picture of a heart, sparkly and pink. Eventually the text said ‘read’ but nothing appeared after. Oikawa could picture Iwa’s confused face as he looked upon the picture.
A moment later, he sent a gif of a shower of hearts, followed by ‘Does this make you think of anything?’
Bubbles. Then: ‘You’re having a heart attack?’
It took everything in Oikawa not to send a rolling eye emoji.
‘I’m thinking of how much I love you~’ He texted, followed by three pink heart emojis. He waited- then.
‘Stop it.’ Iwa wrote.
‘You know why.”
‘I’m on campus!’
‘And you told me to find something entertaining to do. <3”
‘Find something else.’
‘Can I find the words to say how much I adore you? How hot are you when you take things so seriously and finish what you start? How are you so strong- both physically and mentally? How I love just how in the zone you are when you’re doing something you love?’ It was devious and awful and terrible but Oikawa was kicking his feet like a school girl picturing how red Iwa must be looking right now. He could easily picture the others on campus looking at him wondering: “What’s got him so flustered?”
‘Yes, my sweet prince?’
‘Final warning.’ This was it! ‘Stop it or I’ll make you stop.’
Oikawa considered. Then he grinned. ‘Hey- guess what? I love you, Hajime.’ He wrote before sending it to Iwa. He waited, and waited, and waited…
‘You’re done for.’ And that was that.
Oikawa cackled, tossing his phone into the couch as he did a little jig. Laughing like a child, he sent a few heart emojis and a kissy face before turning off his phone, knowing seeing the time would make the anticipation worse.
All he had to do now was wait.
~~~Present time~~~
“You know- if you really want me to tickle you, you could have just asked.” Iwa growled in his ear, sitting on the back of his hips as he creeped his fingers up Oikawa’s shirt, scratching along warm skin. “No need to fluster me in front of my freaking adviser!”
“Whihihihiihihy whehehehre you on the phoohoohohone with yohoohohur advihihihisor? Aheahhahhahaha, Iehehehhehhewa!” Oikawa giggled out, pressing his arms against his sides as he tried to block him out. It didn’t work.
“He came up to me during your little game, shitty-kawa! I had to make up some dumb excuse that I doubt he believed!” He moved his fingers higher up, wiggling them along his ribs. “Let’s see- I think it’s only fair I make you as red as you made me today.”
“Iihihiihihiwa, aheahhahahhahhahahaha! Pffft- gehahahahahhaha, pleahhahhahahhase!” Oikawa cried, kicking his feet against the cushions. “It tiihihihiihihihckles!”
“No way, does it really?” Iwa asked, tapping along his upper ribs, just before his armpits. “Anything you want to say?”
“Mhmhmmhmmhmhhehehehehehe! HEheheheehehehehehehehe!” Oikawa willed the giggles down, daring a look back at Iwa’s face. “Dohohohoho your wohohohorst!”
Iwa tsked. Then he dug his hands into Oikawa’s armpits.
“AHHEHAHHAHHAH!” The setter squealed, thrashing about beneath him as he laughed himself hoarse. “OHOHOHOOHKAY OOHOOHHOKAY I’M SAHAHHHAHARRY! IIHIHIHIHM SHAAHHAHAHRRY!”
“Promise?” Iwa asked.
“Hm….okay.” The tickles came to an end, leaving Oikawa gasping for breath with his head pressed into the cushions. Iwa hummed before swatting him gently, climbing off his back and scooping him up. In a matter of minutes, they were cuddling on the couch. “You’re a shit.”
“Yohohoohu love me.” Oikawa pointed out, giggling when his side was poked.
“Nope.” Oikawa looked up at him, eyes kind. “And I’m not sorry for what I said! I mean every word.” Iwa tried to glare, but his face grew rosey and the undeniable love in his eyes glinted. “Though I suppose texting you during school wasn’t wise.”
“No, it wasn’t. But…I don’t mind.” Iwa mumbled, silencing Oikawa with a kiss. “But if you do that again, next time I’m not having mercy.”
“We’ll see.”
Thanks for reading!
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intheticklecloset · 7 months
Fire Force Coffee Shots #1-10
A collection of the Fire Force sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
1) Lee Arthur, Ler Shinra
“Arthur,” Shinra grumbled, sauntering into the room he shared with the blonde, “get up. You’ve slept long enough.”
Arthur didn’t reply.
Shinra sighed, moving over to the bottom bunk, grabbing his friend’s shoulder. He shook him gently. “Hey. It’s past noon. Get up already.”
“Ugh, go away,” Arthur groaned, shifting slightly, his voice muffled by his pillow. “It’s my day off. Let me be.”
“I know, but it’s almost one o’clock and you have to be up at seven in the morning. You’ll never be able to sleep tonight if you don’t wake up now.” Shinra grabbed his blanket and ripped it way. “Get up. Come on, the girls have made lunch and everything.”
“Their cooking sucks.”
“Don’t let them hear you say that.” Shinra sighed, crossing his arms, staring down at the stubborn blonde who still refused to move. “Don’t make me use force. I will.”
“Begone, devil,” Arthur mumbled.
Shinra grabbed his waist and dug in. “Who are you calling a devil?”
Arthur was fully awake in an instant, bursting into laughter, feet kicking the air as he rolled over and tried to shove Shinra’s hands away. Despite his darkening blush, he couldn’t hide his wide smile nor cover up his unstoppable cackles. “Stohohohohohohop! Bahahahahack off, you fohohohohoul fiehehehehehend!”
“This devil is showing no mercy until you get your butt out of bed,” Shinra smirked, chuckling along with him as he found his lower ribs, eliciting a squeal. “Come now, mighty Knight King. Surely a little tickling isn’t enough to bring you down?”
“Of cohohohohohohourse not! I’ll n-nehehehehever give in to the lihihihihihikes of you!” Arthur shot back defiantly despite his increasing desperation to get away. “Ehehahahahahahaha! S-Stop tihihihihihickling me and fihihihihight like a mahahahahan!”
“Why should I?” Shinra smirked, squeezing his thighs next. “You’re the one who said I’m a devil. Devils play dirty, didn’t you know? Now get up.”
“Nehehehehehehehever!” Arthur squealed, his giggles turning into shrieking laughter when Shinra ducked down to climb into the bottom bunk with him, straddling his hips and wiggling his fingers wildly all over his stubborn friend’s torso. “EHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! SHINRA, NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
“Oh, so I’m Shinra now?” the devil teased.
Arthur was laughing for a long, long time.
2) Lee Arthur, Ler Shinra
“No tickling! That’s cheating!” Arthur cried, already giggling when Shinra’s fingers touched down on his sides.
Shinra grinned. “Then I guess I’m a cheater, mighty Knight King.”
The two of them had been – as they often were – arguing over something of little to no importance. Voices were raised and a couple of punches were thrown before Shinra finally decided the only way to shut the blonde up was to tickle him into submission. Really, he didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of it before. It was so effective!
Arthur squealed when his rival found his belly button through his t-shirt, hands flying down to try and shove him away, giggles pouring out of him faster than he could keep up with. He squirmed and shook his head. “Stohohohohohohop!”
“No way! This is obviously working,” Shinra teased, managing to snatch at least one of his arms and hold it out of the way while he kept tickling his navel. “Admit I’m right and I’ll let you go.”
“Your funeral.”
Maki walked by the room where the two of them had been having their scuffle, drawn by the sound of laughter rather than yelling for a change. Curious, she poked her head in, saw the playful scene, and left them to it with a smile. It was way better than their usual antics, that was for sure.
Meanwhile, Arthur continued to giggle and squirm on the floor, trying desperately to fight off his attacker, but in his weakened state he knew there was no chance of that. Shinra was stupidly strong when he wanted to be.
“Give up yet?” Shinra teased him, a genuine grin on his face. He was thoroughly enjoying this sudden turn of events. Of course it was satisfying to watch Arthur’s resolve crumble the more he tickled, but more than that, it was nice to see his friend smiling and laughing uncontrollably for a change.
Arthur shook his head through his giggles, then tossed his head back and shrieked when Shinra quickly changed tactics and drilled into his ribs instead. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OKAY FIHIHIHINE YOU WIHIHIHIHIHIN, YOU DEHEHEHEHEHEVIL!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT ALREADY!!”
Satisfied, Shinra stopped as he was asked and climbed off of the blonde, who lay panting and grinning on the floor for another few minutes as he regained his bearings.
“So you agree with me, then?” Shinra asked, wiggling his fingers teasingly once Arthur had caught his breath.
Arthur knew refusal at this point would only warrant more tickle torture, so he rolled his eyes and muttered, “Yeah, whatever. You win this time, devil. But I’ll get you back for this!”
3) Lee Shinra, Ler Arthur
“Oi! Watch your hands!” Shinra snapped at Arthur, jerking his legs back so they weren’t hanging over the arm of the couch anymore.
Arthur stopped in his tracks to stare at him. Then he noticed Shinra’s positioning and scoffed. “Maybe if you stop taking up the entire couch, my hands won’t be a problem for you.”
“Just get out of here. I’m trying to read.”
“Read what?”
“None of your business!” Shinra waved him away with a foot. “Get out of here.”
Arthur tried to steal a glance at the book in his rival’s hands, but the devil simply set the book down face-up so all he could see were white pages and words.
“Why are you being so secretive, devil?” Arthur grumbled, moving around to approach Shinra. “Let me see.”
Shinra shot his foot out a second time, stopping the blonde in his tracks.
For a moment, neither of them moved.
Then Arthur grabbed his ankle and dug his fingers into the bare sole. “Show me.”
Shinra screamed. “AGH!! NONONONO!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!!” In his flailing, the book he’d been reading fell out of his hands onto the floor. Arthur got a glimpse of a flowery-looking cover before the devil followed suit, fighting and laughing so hard he toppled right off of the couch, desperately trying to wrench his foot free. “ARTHUR, STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Arthur grinned instead. “Oho? The wicked devil has a weakness, does he? A little too ticklish, hmm?” He casually sat on the couch, pulling Shinra’s foot into his lap and continuing to scribble mercilessly over the sole. “And you’re reading a romance novel? Have someone special in your life you’re not telling us about?”
Shinra blushed, but whether from the tickling or teasing or both, he couldn’t tell. He pounded the ground with his fists, trying to twist away. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STOP, AHAHAHARTHUR!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Arthur merely smirked and kept tickling.
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Shinra begged, laughing so hard all he could do was roll around on the floor clutching his stomach, weakly kicking at the blonde with his other foot. “ARTHUR!!”
“Call me ‘king’ and I might consider it.”
“WHAHAHAHAHA?! NEHEHEHEHEVER!!” Shinra declared, only to be sent into fits of silent laughter when Arthur pulled back his toes and scratched at the arch of his foot with all five fingers at once. The poor devil couldn’t handle the intensity of the sensation and finally tapped out, screaming, “ALLRIGHTALLRIGHT PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP KIHIHIHING AHAHAHAHAHRTHUR!! PLEASE!!!”
At last Arthur ceased tickling, but he kept Shinra’s ankle hostage as he chuckled at his weakened rival. “This is very useful information to have, devil. I appreciate you letting me in on this little secret of yours.”
Shinra was still giggling helplessly even as he muttered, “S-Screhehehew you.”
4) Lee Tamaki, Lers Maki and Shinra
“Don’t do that!” Tamaki yelped, jolting away from Maki and whirling around, shifting a little. “I’m ticklish!”
Maki blinked, then giggled. “Oh, sorry. I wasn’t trying to tickle you. I’m almost done anyway – do you think you can hold on for just a second?”
Tamaki blushed, embarrassed by her overreaction. “Y-Yeah.” She cautiously turned her back to Maki again, hugging herself. “Just be careful.”
“Of course.”
From where he sat across the room from the girls, Shinra fidgeted in his seat, blushing as well. Tamaki is ticklish? He thought. That’s super cute. For a brief moment he wondered what her laugh would sound like, but then he shook his head and got back to work. He wouldn’t feel right lingering on the thought; if he got too hung up on it and acted on his curiosity her Lucky Lecher Lure might kick in, and what was the last thing he wanted.
As it turned out, his curiosity was satisfied anyway. Within half a minute Tamaki was absolutely squealing, writhing as Maki grabbed onto her sides and ribs and tickled her from behind.
“Mahahahahahaki, dooooon’t!” she pleaded, giggles bubbling out of her despite her protest.
Shinra’s eyes widened. Stay put, he thought. Stay put, stay put.
“Ah-ah-ah, where are you going?” Maki teased, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her to her chest, still tickling her ribs as much as she could. She then glanced around as if looking for help of some kind and – to Shinra’s elation and worry – her eyes met his. “Shinra! Lend me a hand.”
“Nohohohohoho!” Tamaki shrieked, cheeks pink and smile bright as she wiggled in Maki’s grip. “Dohohohohon’t you dahahahahare!”
Shinra got to his feet. Screw it. I’ll just be really careful. He grinned his devilish grin and asked, “Should I hold her or tickle her?”
Maki smirked at him over Tamaki’s shoulder. “Whatever you want. Just make sure she doesn’t get away!”
“Sure thing,” Shinra replied, unable to resist the urge to gently scribble his fingers along Tamaki’s belly and draw out her adorable giggles himself. Maki hooked her arms under the smaller girl’s and held her in place, and the three of them spent a good few minutes laughing together, relieving some stress and having fun at the same time.
5) Lee Arthur, Ler Vulcan
“Don’t do that!” Arthur squeaked, pulling away from Vulcan with a jerk. “I’m ticklish, you peasant!”
Vulcan blinked, then grinned. “Sorry, bud. I was just trying to congratulate you.”
Shinra smirked, wiping dust and grime from his uniform as he tuned in to their conversation. “You’re so ticklish you felt that even through those layers? Pff. Pretty weak, Knight King.”
Arthur glared. “I am not weak! I merely dislike the distraction.”
“Come to think of it, I don’t know anyone with ticklish shoulders,” Vulcan mused, entering his curious, experimenting mode. He grabbed Arthur by the shoulders and squeezed again, again pulling a startled yelp out of the blonde. “It is pretty impressive that you can feel it even through the uniform.”
“Shut up! It’s not even my shoulders! It’s my neck, you jerk!” Arthur snapped. When Vulcan and Shinra just stared at him with evil smiles, it took him a moment to register what he’d done. He shoved away from their resident technician once more and tried to book it, but both of them were on him in a second, tackling him to the street where they’d just finished putting an Infernal to rest. “Wait, no!”
“Shinra, hold him!” Vulcan laughed, narrowly avoiding Arthur’s fist as it came up to try and punch him.
Shinra happily obliged, wrestling Arthur’s arms out to his sides and pinning them, giving Vulcan the access he needed to wriggle his fingers into the neck of the blonde’s uniform and gently skitter along the skin directly.
Arthur clamped his lips shut but couldn’t stop his giggles from bubbling out of him, making them sound muffled and breathy. His assailants grinned at each other.
“Come on, you know you want to laugh,” Shinra teased mercilessly. “What’s wrong? Is the mighty Knight King a little too ticklish to take it?”
Arthur growled and cursed as the dam finally broke and high-pitched, infectious giggles spilled out of him unhindered. He squirmed on the ground, trying to twist his neck out of the way, but it was all useless. “Nohohohohoho! Unhahahahahand me, you fiehehehehehends!”
Vulcan hummed thoughtfully, abandoning his neck to squeeze his sides through his thick uniform, pleasantly surprised when Arthur arched his back and shrieked, beginning to struggle for real now. “Man, you’re super ticklish!”
“Shuhuhuhuhuhuhut up!” Arthur half-demanded, half-pleaded. At this point his giggles had become laughter, and his face was beginning to turn pink with a blush. “Leheheheheave me alohohohone!”
“No way,” Shinra chuckled, forcing his arms above his head and sitting on them, bringing an abrupt end to his resistance. “This is gold!”
By the time Captain Obi and the others caught up to them, Arthur was more than ready for a nap back at the station.
6) Lee Arthur, Ler Shinra
“Take that back!”
Shinra looked at Arthur like he’d gone insane. “Tch. No. Why should I?”
“I will not hear such slander from a devil like you,” Arthur replied adamantly, making Shinra roll his eyes. “How dare you call me such a name. Take it back!”
“Calling you a lunatic isn’t as bad as some other things I could have called you. And I’m not taking it back, because it’s true.”
Arthur huffed out an irritated sigh. “Fine, then. If you don’t want to, I’ll just have to make you.”
Before the blonde could move, though, Shinra used his flames to charge his rival and tackle him to the floor, pinning him down and grinning right in his face. “You’ll make me do what, now? It looks like I’m the one who’s got you trapped, Knight King.”
“Unhand me!” Arthur demanded, struggling.
Shinra rolled his eyes again. “Seriously, can’t you ever just say something normal like ‘let me go’? Your constant knight talk is exhausting.”
Arthur scowled up at him. “I will not even dignify that with a response.”
“No?” The devil then straddled him and started squeezing up and down his torso. “Not even if I do this?”
“Gah! Ah! Nohohohohoho! You dehehehehehevil – I wahahahahas going to t-tohohohohorture yohohohohohou!”
“Torture? For real?” Shinra laughed. “Ah, come on. It’s just tickling!”
“Shuhuhuhuhuhut up! You knohohohohow it’s bad for me!”
“Uh-huh. Because you’re just so, so sensitive, right, Knight King?” Shinra drilled his fingers into Arthur’s ribs and started vibrating. “So ticklish you just can’t stand it!”
“Pffft! S-Stohohohohohop – you d-dehehehehevil, lehehehehehet me go!”
Shinra grinned. “There’s the ‘let me go’ I was waiting for. Seems like tickling makes you speak normally, huh? All you can do now is laugh and beg me to stop.”
“Who’s behehehehehehegging? I’ll nehehehehehever beg you!”
Shinra settled in, more than ready to play the long game if it meant breaking Arthur down and reducing him to a puddle of helpless laughter. “We’ll see about that~”
7) Lee Vulcan, Ler Viktor
“Wait, wait…let me see if I’m understanding you right.” Vulcan stared at Viktor incredulously. “You want to take a blood sample from me?”
Viktor nodded. “I’ve never studied the difference between a pyrokinetic’s blood and a normal person’s blood before – I figured that’s something I should get around to eventually. For science and all that.”
“What possible reason could you have for doing that?”
“There are many scientific benefits to studying different blood types, let alone the difference in blood between humans and pyros…” Viktor trailed off when he saw how pale Vulcan was getting, then stepped aside and gestured to a small vial of blood sitting on his work table. “If it makes you feel better, Shinra already offered to give me a sample of his pyro blood.”
“Well, yeah. It’s Shinra. The kid’s willing to do just about anything if it helps another person.”
Viktor tilted his head. “And you’re not?”
Vulcan let out a frustrated sigh. “It’s not the blood, Vik. It’s…the needles.” He shivered. “I hate needles, all right? There, I said it.”
“Oh! That’s perfectly natural. Plenty of people are scared of needles.” Viktor stepped forward and dipped into his friend’s eyesight. “But it only takes a minute, and it won’t hurt. I don’t even require you to fast for eight hours beforehand and all that.”
Vulcan didn’t look convinced.
Viktor took his arm and held it out. “Look. This is where I’d draw the sample…” The scientist gently ran a finger along the inside of Vulcan’s elbow.
The engineer gasped and yanked his arm away like he’d been burned.
“Sorry,” Vulcan said quickly, looking even more embarrassed now. “I’m…I’m ticklish there.”
There was silence for a long moment.
Then Viktor grinned at him. “Oh?”
“Do not even think about it—”
“I’d be more than willing to test that out for science in lieu of taking a blood sample,” the brunette grinned, lunging for Vulcan just as the other man turned to book it. He managed to wrap his arms around his middle from behind and dig into his ribs, drawing a laugh out of the engineer.
“Stahahahahap, freakin’ mahahahad scientist! Nohohohohoho!”
Viktor beamed. “You know, I think this is a much more efficient use of my time right now. Don’t you agree?”
Despite himself, Vulcan had to agree it was better than getting his blood drawn.
8) Lee Tamaki, Ler Iris
“You okay, Tamaki?”
From somewhere nearby in the pitch black, there was a tiny whimper, followed by, “Y-Yes, I’m all right.”
“Hang on,” Iris said, feeling her way to the dais where she knew there were matches. “I can find a lantern. It’ll be okay.”
There were no windows in this particular room – an inner sanctum of sorts that was meant to have no distractions – so when the power had gone out, the girls had been plunged into total darkness. Iris wasn’t bothered, but Tamaki…
“W-Where are the boys? Why haven’t they come by now?”
“I’m sure they’re trying to find lanterns, too,” Iris replied gently. “They’ll be here. Aha! Found them.” She managed the box of matches with expert hands, striking one. The flame was tiny, but in the pitch black, it was the brightest light.
Tamaki shuffled over to it as Iris used its meager light to look for one of the lanterns. Within a minute, she’d found it, struck a second match when the first burned out, and lit the wick inside. The flame caught, and gradually, a brighter light permeated the dark.
“See? It’s all right,” Iris said softly, hugging Tamaki’s trembling form close.
“S-Sorry,” the younger girl murmured. “I know it’s childish to be scared of the dark, but…”
Iris shook her head. “In this world, I think it’s only natural to be frightened of dark places. It’s okay. But you know…” She grinned mischievously. “You were pretty concerned about the boys just now. Any one in particular you were worried about?”
Tamaki suddenly found herself grateful for the darkness that would hide her blush. “No! I just…I know they were in the middle of something important—eeek!”
Iris set the lantern down on the floor and began poking her friend’s sides relentlessly. “Admit it, Tamaki – you were worried about Sh—”
“I wasn’t!” Tamaki cried through her giggles. “I-It was Viktor I was wohohohorried about! What if he wahahahas in the mihihihiddle of sohohohomething and—?!”
The door flew open at the other end of the room, startling both girls so much they screamed in unison before realizing who was standing there.
“Tamaki! Iris! You okay?” Shinra called, holding up his own lantern that illuminated his concerned features. “Sorry it took me a bit to get here. Had to find the matches.”
Iris grinned and whispered, “Aww, he said your name first—”
Tamaki called back, “We’re okay! Th-Thanks, Shinra.” But she was still glad the darkness was able to hide her smile.
9) Lee Shinra, Ler Tamaki
“W-Wait…Tahahahahamaki, wait!” Shinra pleaded, curling up defensively as she jabbed his side with her fingers.
“No way,” she shot back, trying to look angry but failing the more he let out those adorable giggles. “Look at me!”
“I cahahan’t!” he whined, letting out a surprised snort when she jabbed his ribs, still refusing to open his eyes. “Your Luhuhuhure!”
Tamaki huffed in frustration, but honestly, she understood where he was coming from. She appreciated it, too – she really did. But would it kill him to look at her in her dress for the event tonight for even a brief second? Surely nothing could go wrong that fast!
“You’re not going to look at me at all before I go?” she pouted, switching from random poking to full-on digging her fingers into his ribs.
Shinra squealed and arched his back, but stubbornly kept his eyes squeezed shut even as he tried to push her away. “Nohohohohoho!”
The event tonight was for all of the ladies of the Fire Force departments exclusively – as a thanks for what they did, and a chance to talk among themselves without having so many men around as they normally did when they were on duty. Tamaki was looking forward to going with Iris and Maki – both of whom were waiting for her right now – but she’d wanted to see Shinra before she left. She’d wanted him to see her in a dress instead of her uniform.
She’d wanted him to tell her she looked pretty.
Instead, Shinra was laughing and squirming in place, curling into himself even as he tried to back away from her, failing miserably in all of it. Sure, she could have worn a more modest dress – but honestly, with her Lure, it didn’t matter what she wore.
“Fine,” she said at last, giving up on her attack and turning to leave. “You don’t want to see me. I get it.”
But she was already going, cheeks burning with humiliation. Fishing for compliments? How desperate was she?
Shinra grabbed her arm before she could walk out the door. His voice was so, so gentle when he again said, “Tamaki.”
She turned hesitantly, expecting his eyes to still be closed.
They weren’t.
His gaze swept over her, briefly taking in her petite figure in her dress and heels before settling back on her eyes and smiling. “You look beautiful.”
Tamaki bit back a gasp. Not just pretty. Beautiful.
She couldn’t help but smile back. “Thank you, Shinra.”
He grinned, then closed his eyes again. “Now seriously, get out of here before your Lure kicks in and ruins that dress!”
She smacked him with a laugh, then hurried to finally catch up with Iris and Maki.
10) Lee Shinra, Ler Arthur
Shinra was in a total panic. He had no idea how to get out of this. How could Arthur put him in such a position?!
“Come on,” the blonde growled, the pyrokinetic’s feet tucked under his arm as he scribbled ruthlessly at his bare soles. “Do it!”
“I CAHAHAHAHAN’T!!” Shinra cried, laughing hysterically despite himself. His friend couldn’t seriously want him to… “I’LL KIHIHIHIHILL YOU, YOU IHIHIHIDIOT!!”
Arthur scoffed. “Please. As if the mighty Knight King could be taken out with some puny flames.”
“YOHOHOHOU’VE SEEN MY FLAHAHAHAHAMES!! AHAHAHAHAHARTHUR!!” The fire soldier tossed his head back and dissolved into wheezing laughter when his roommate dug into his toes. “THEHEHEHEHEY’LL INCIHIHIHINERATE YOU!!”
“Just do it, devil! I won’t stop unless you do it!” Arthur demanded, keeping up his merciless tickling pace with ease.
Shinra clutched his stomach and screamed with laughter, mirthful tears springing to his eyes. He’d already been tickle tortured for nearly five minutes straight – he couldn’t take any more, but what Arthur was demanding was impossible! He wouldn’t allow himself to ignite his flames to get away. He’d hurt his friend, and despite the blonde’s irritating, delusional tendencies, they were still teammates. He couldn’t do it!
Arthur tsked and readjusted his grip on Shinra’s ankles, wiggling his fingers deliberately between his toes now, easily keeping up with the darker boy’s thrashing. “You know how to get out of this. Just do it, unless you want me to keep tickling you to death?”
Shinra was losing his mind laughing so hard. He was always ticklish, but his feet were the worst, and if Arthur didn’t stop soon, he didn’t know what he was going to do. He couldn’t ignite his flames!
But maybe…
Shinra allowed just a sliver of the ticklish distress he was feeling seep into the soles of his feet. The heat didn’t bother him, but it made Arthur finally, finally drop his ankles and rear back with a yelp of surprise. “Ouch!”
Immediately, the fire soldier curled in on himself, still giggling helplessly as he spat out, “I w-wahahaharned you, it wohohohohould be wahahahay too hot!”
Arthur regained his composure surprisingly quickly and shot Shinra a smirk. “Oh, I know. I just wanted to see what you’d do if you were backed into a corner like that. Clever trick, just making them hot enough that I couldn’t hold on. Your self-control is pretty impressive.”
Shinra blinked at him. “Thanks?”
Then Arthur lunged for him, digging into his ribs, and Shinra tossed his head back and shrieked with laughter all over again. “Ahahahahahaha! Ahahahahaharthur, wahahahahahahait! Nohohohohoho!”
Arthur chuckled along with him, keeping up easily as he teased, “Now I’m going to tickle you just for the fun of it, you devil.”
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randommusicalfluff · 3 years
3 for Kaito, the people being Maki, Saracha, and Kokichi (ofc)
3. Do they react differently to different people tickling them?
He does! Lemme just:
Ler!Maki: Kaito just lets himself give into it when it’s just the two of them, because he doesn’t see a need to hold back around her. Very very flustered like 90% of the time and is overall just v soft for her tickles 🥺
Ler!Shuichi: Oh he puts up a good fight with his side kick, he’s gonna show he’s not easy to take down! Holds back his laughter as long as he can, which worked the first few times Shuichi tried to tickle him. But the emo managed to find a weak spot immediately one of the time he was wrecking Kaito and everything went down hill from there.
Ler! Kokichi: Kaito was honestly freaked the fuck out Kokichi wrecked him when it was not for brutal and hate filled revenge. Ends up letting loose immediately but only because he’s shocked as hell, also pretty flustered with the gremlin being the ler. Very prone to stammering out insults and weak threats, but they always fly over Kokichi’s head.
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