ticklish-n-stuff · 21 days
Kaito x gn!reader
This is a gift for my lovely, wonderful, amazing and amazing and amazing partner @azureyemberzz 💖💖💖💖
Maybe some music while you read along?
Hope you enjoy, love💖
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Kaito x gn!reader (interpret as you wish)
Lee: reader
Ler: Kaito
Warnings: Tickles!
With a frustrated sigh, you slammed your bedroom door and flopped down in your bed. It was so exhausting taking care of everyone else around you, and getting nothing in return. Of course you aren’t some selfish person who always expects compensation, but it would be nice if someone cared for you in return. As those thoughts swam in your head, a bright light went off in your phone. Lo and behold, Kaito made an appearance. Perhaps he sensed that something was wrong.
His usual cheerful demeanor dropped at seeing your tired state. “What’s wrong?” He asked in a soft voice, taking a seat next to your sprawled out body.
“Just…” you let out a groan as you started spilling everything that bothered you, like a volcano finally erupting.
Realizing you rambled more than you meant to, you gave a sheepish look to the vocaloid “Sorry… I didn’t mean to dump all that on you so suddenly”.
“There’s no need to be sorry, I asked, after all. Besides…” he ran his fingers through your scalp. “I’m here to help you” a warm smile grazed his features, making you smile slightly in return, though it quickly dropped.
“C’mon, where’s that smile?~” he cooed teasingly, poking at your cheek.
You let out an amused snort, playfully swatting at his hand. Suddenly, he scooped you into his lap, cradling you. Your cheeks flared up as bright as Meiko’s outfit.
“Shhh, it’s okay. You’re okay, you’re safe now. I’ll take care of you” he whispered in a sweet voice against your ear, your body practically melting.
Once he saw you more calm and relaxed, a mischievous twinkle flashed across his eyes. “I still wanna see that smile though~” with that, he started to playfully scribble and squeeze along your sides. The sudden touch making you flail with no rhyme or reason.
“Wahahait! Thahat’s not fahair!” you protested lightheartedly, despite you basically leaning towards his touch.
Kaito let out a chuckle of his own, his fingers growing more confident in their touch as he targeted all the spots that made you hysterical. “Please, what’s not fair is if I went tickle tickle tickle~” he playfully whispered against your ear, knowing it was another awfully sensitive spot as you squealed. “Haha, see? Isn’t it better to laugh all your worries away instead of sulking? And that adorable blush really suits you~”.
You let out a giggly whine, hiding your face against Kaito’s chest. Lightly gripping at his coat as you shook in laughter. He was right, laughing certainly was much better than giving into any negative thoughts. Not like you’d say that out loud.
He laughed alongside you, his fingers moving to lightly trace your ears to keep you all giggly and cute. “Even your ears have changed in color, how adorable~”.
You lightly shoved at his chest, a playful gesture, though maybe not a smart move. He gently grabbed your wrist, your palm facing upwards. “Don’t think that I’ve forgotten about these sensitive, little hands of yours~” his fingertips lightly traced the lines along your palm, sending you into a renowned fit of giggles and whatever happy sounds your throat produced against your will.
He nuzzled his head against your face, letting his hair tease the skin of your cheeks and jaw as he kept working his magic on your palm.
Once you were all tickled out, he slowed down to a stop and simply held you in his arms. “You did so well, I’m proud of you” he smiled down at you, placing a kiss on your forehead.
There was a bright, genuine smile on your face, and a dusty, pink color adorned your features. You felt so much more safe and at peace compared to earlier. Safe enough that you dozed off right there in his embrace.
“Sleep well” he softly whispered as to not disturb you, happy seeing you be more like your usual self. You really have been handling yourself well, but now it’s time to let go and relax.
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tigglez-floof · 3 months
if ur still doing pjsk requests KAITO PLEASEEEEE i love him so much my little guy (lee ler or both, i dont mind :3)
KAITO Tickle Headcanons <33
I see him as a bit of a switch
hes lee-leaning tho HEHHEHE
He’s surprisingly really ticklish, which was something that none of the vocaloids really expected
He’s ticklish on his knees, arms, ribs and neck :)
he tends to get ganged up by rin n len (cheeky cheeksters…)
He might tickle them back when he’s feeling like getting revenge
occasionally tickles miku from time to time hehe, but he tries to be more gentle on her
Depending on the person or his mood, he can be either ruthless or gentle and soft
MEIKO and Luka also tend to tickle him as well, not as much as rin n len tho
KAITO is very silly to me hehe anyway I HOPE U ENJOYEDDDD
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kasagiggles · 26 days
helloooo!!! if you havent already could u do kaito headcanons? hes my favorite☺️☺️
i am here now to bless you with some kaito headcanons :3
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☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
- kaito wouldn’t be too evil think… he gets worried that he’s gonna go too far
- that being said he will be either gentle or very aggressive it’s all up to what the lee prefers
- he’s like such a dad
- “tell me if it’s too much!” “you have such a nice smile!!”
- lots of silly compliments
- he loves giving hugs to comfort the lee after
- maybe if he’s feeling silly he’ll sing a little song while he’s tickling
- he really enjoys making people smile and laugh
- i bet len and rin are his most common lees (i’m thinking of them in street sekai LMAO)
- definitely VERY panicky
- he is a squirmer he will be like a fish out of water
- when he squirms so much he usually ends up kicking his ler but he tries to apologize through his laughter
- i think his worst spots would be under his arms or his ribs…
- i imagine len and rin like to prank him by like asking him to reach for something high up and then just tickling him
- he gets SUPER flustered at teases or whenever there’s multiple lers
- probably squeals a lot 😭😭
- depending on how hard he got tickled, he might just take a nap after cause he’s so tired
- if he ever gets tickled by meiko… let’s just say she’s a very evil ler
this was so fun to write i’ve never done one of these for a vocaloid before 🥹🥹 thank you for the request i hope u enjoy !!!🩷
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kittenwhiskers · 2 years
Kokichi’s birthday is coming up! Maybe he would like to know what birthday tickles feel like! *wink wink*
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Birthday boy gets a birthday WRECKING!!!!!!!!!!!
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anonyamogus · 2 years
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Inspired from a conversation with @sweetlovelygirl thank you for this fun idea with MMJ!Kaito and MMJ!Luka
I love how tickle monster luka is canon \(//∇//)\
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practickles · 9 months
OMG Please, please, please! I NEED a Lee Rui fict! Maybe with Ler Toya or Kaito 😭💜 NO, NO, I GOT IT. LOOK, WELL, READ: You know the "Be the Music!" 2MV video right? Okay, I beg you, all the characters that are with Rui in the class, (Minori, An, Saki and Mizuki. Except the Kagamines <3) being lers. I BEG PLEASE. I don't have enough brain now to think about an argument/story so they can tickle Rui, but I beg (for third time JAJAJSJA).
"Punishment" Filled With Care
Fandom: Project Sekai
Lee: Rui Kamishiro
Lers: Mizuki Akiyama, An Shiraishi, Saki Tenma, Minori Hanasato
Ambiguous Passion Heart Class
Word Ct: 2.5k
Warnings: Tickles, gang tickles.
Summary: When Rui loses a competition, the rest of the Passion Heart Class fulfil their end of the bet and punish him accordingly.
I use both she/her and they/them pronouns for Mizuki here.
On occasion, Rui had a tendency to overestimate his own abilities. He'd never admit it of course, but it was a trait glaringly obvious to anyone who knew him. There was no doubt in the fact that he had incredible ability, dedication, and aptitude, but sometimes he could get in... a little over his own head. 
Be it the next great invention, the most daring new show, or the most thrilling stunt idea, Rui considered himself quite the creative visionary. He would do anything in his power to see a good idea come to fruition, as any worthwhile director should.
But now as he had quite literally been backed into a corner by Mizuki and An, with Minori and Saki eagerly awaiting on the floor close by, he found that just maybe people had a point when they said he could get overambitious. 
"Hey! Don't run away!" An chided with a smirk. "You agreed, remember? You lost. And the loser has to get tickled~" 
She had a point. Rui had, in fact, agreed. The five had participated in numerous games and sport events, tallying up individual wins and losses as they went. Rui’s fate had been sealed from the beginning when he so confidently suggested the punishment and then, despite his best effort, proceeded to fail miserably at just about every game. 
“Unless someone is too ticklish to take his own punishment.” Mizuki wiggled their nails at Rui, who squirmed and grew tense. “In which case this is going to be a looooong tickling for you~” 
Rui saw his only opportunity for escape. As Mizuki raised their arms to tease him, they freed up a small gap between themself and An. It was undoubtedly a desperate attempt and he wasn't even sure if he'd fit, but Rui had no other option. He took a deep breath and steeled himself before all but diving through the opening, knocking An to the side. 
Miraculously, it worked. He escaped. And while he may not be the best at games, out of the five, he was by far the fastest runner from the great advantage of his long legs and experience in evasion on foot. He grinned smugly as he ran towards the door. He couldn't believe it. He had a straight shot out of this mess. He was done, he was free, nothing could stop him now. 
That was until he took a particularly long stride, lost his balance, and went tumbling to the ground right next to Minori and Saki.
“Oh my gosh are you okay?!” Saki exclaimed, immediately jumping up and hurrying to Rui’s side, Minori close in tow. 
Mizuki let out a surprised yelp, and with An right behind, joined the two next to Rui. 
Maybe it was adrenaline, maybe it was his superior physical ability, (it was definitely the former) but Rui found he didn't feel any pain at all from the fall. The more pressing concern to him was the fact that he was now face down on the floor, well and completely surrounded by four people who, not a minute prior, wanted nothing more than to tickle him silly. 
“Rui?” An asked tentatively. “You good? Do you need anything? I think we have a first aid kit around here somewhere.” She glanced around the room for it but hesitated when Rui laid a hand atop hers in reassurance.
“No, no I'm okay. Don't worry about me, any of you. I feel just fine.” Rui assured, bending his arms and rolling his wrists to demonstrate. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” He began to clamber to his feet but didn’t even make it to his knees before being unceremoniously, yet still carefully, tackled back to the floor. 
“Not so fast!” Mizuki said. “We still need to make absolutely sure you're okay.” Those who knew them, which Rui did very well, could have picked up on the slight ingenuity and teasing lilt in their voice. Rui’s heart dropped at their next words as he realized exactly what was going on.
They adjusted him to lay his back on the floor and placed his legs so that they hung across their lap. “Yeah your arms seem fine but how about your legs? Can you move them?” They traced a steady finger back and forth across Rui’s calves, a silent warning of what was to come. “We might just need to check them to make sure.”
Rui began to let out a steady stream of panicked giggles. “Y-hes! Yes they can move just fine! Look!” He kicked out his legs to the best of his very limited ability. He sent a pleading glance to Mizuki to have even the slightest bit of mercy on him. “See! I’m okay! I can get up.”
“Well then, if they’re so healthy and strong-” An cut in, catching on to where Mizuki was going. “Then you won’t mind if we do this-” She fluttered her hand under his other knee, Mizuki giving her an encouraging look from her place across from her. 
Rui squeaked and shook his head rapidly, clamping his lips together. 
“Oh, you don’t mind? Perfect! Thank you!” An sent an insolent, flashy grin his way and continued her work on his knees. “Hey you two,” She nodded to acknowledge Minori and Saki. “We’ve got his legs covered, but do you think you could check his upper body and make sure he’s okay there too?” 
Saki smirked deviously and sat next to his head. “Yup! I’ve heard necks and armpits need to be checked especially well.” 
“Noho they don’t! They’re fine! I’m fine! Everything is fine!” 
“Perfect!” An said with a wide grin. “If you’re so fine, that means we can carry on with your punishment. You had us all so worried there for a second! I’m glad you’re feeling good enough for some tickles.”
The inventor tried to wiggle back and forth as a pitiful last ditch effort, but was promptly stopped by a restraining, but exceedingly gentle hand pushing on his abdomen. 
Minori spoke with a hint of nervousness in her tone, keeping her hand planted just above his navel and looking deeply into his eyes. “Are you sure this is okay? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Rui immediately flushed red. As much as he liked to pretend he was dreading his so-called “punishment”, maybe, just maybe, he had suggested it for a reason. He knew Minori was caring and selfless almost to a fault, meaning that if he said he wanted it to stop, she’d immediately oblige and call the others off with her. 
“W-well,” He stuttered. “Rules are rules, and I did agree to them. You’ve earned it.”
“Oooo, Minori, you got Rui so flustered he cares about rules now. Well done!” Mizuki reached over to her and enthusiastically offered a high five, which after a few failed attempts was returned with gusto. “Hey, you might wanna remember this, hall monitor~” She winked at An. 
Nobody missed the way Rui’s shoulders tensed at the teases, finally resigned to his fate. Four distinct coos rang throughout the room as an anticipatory grin overtook his features. 
“Aww,” Saki leaned down and blew a gentle breath across his ear. “Nervous? There's nothing to be scared of, you know.” She, without further ado, began to flutter her hands at his neck.
Already worked up from the teasing, there was no way Rui could even try to hold back the scrunching of his neck and the squeal that followed. 
Rui would consider himself well versed in the area of chain reactions, often being the cause of many himself. As a result, it was not much of a shock to the inventor that when Saki touched his neck and thus caused his incredibly dignified squeal, it served as a trigger to provoke the others too to descend their hands on their own assigned spots.
The key difference, however, between Rui’s invented chain reactions and the one he currently found himself involved in was that in the former, he liked to cause chemical explosions. In the latter, he himself was the very source of the explosion of laughter that left him at the sudden onslaught. 
The worst part of it all, he decided, was the complete inability to move. He was completely immobilized under four quick pairs of hands. Any attempt to kick his legs was met with a hand holding them in place and somehow even more intense scribbles at his knees and calves. If he tried to twist his body, he would be stopped by a pair of hands grabbing his sides to keep them still and squeezing them over and over. If he tried to push back or do really anything with his hands, his armpits would suddenly have an intruding hand very intent on visiting every inch of the skin. 
He cackled and writhed but with the small semblance of his mind he still had left, all he could feel was fondness for his friends. The friends who spent their day in playful competition with him. The friends so eager to give him his retribution but more so eager to rush to his side when they thought he might be hurt. The friends carefully analyzing every twitch and stir of his body language to ensure he was still comfortable.
Mizuki had always been the one who could break Rui out of his shell. It was as true in middle school as it was now. They knew exactly where and what he was sensitive to, well practiced from many days spent in playful arguments, both too prideful and stubborn to back down even when arguments devolved into fits of giggles turned cackles. She poked and pinched and scratched all over his leg until he physically couldn’t hold back even the smallest snicker anymore. Her muscle memory served her well as Rui fell further and further into his descent of joyful madness. Were Rui more aware of his surroundings, he may have heard smug words about just how weak he was to a few tiny tickles. Mizuki cared by knowing him. 
Minori looked a little shy, cautious, which was reflected in her tentative tickling too, Rui noted. Her fingers fluttered and danced delicately across his stomach, but never prodded or squeezed. She wasn’t rough or hard, merely light and coltish. She didn’t truly want to “punish” him, lacking the competitive streak the others shared but she more than made up for it with her surplus of determination to make him smile and laugh. Laugh he did as her touch caused the smallest giggles, a comforting contrast compared to the havoc of the other three. She cared for him by being soft with him.
Saki was giving it her all with a dazzling grin splitting her face. Her tickling was spontaneous but still carried an air of precision. His neck was subjected to a swarm of tickling fingers in a seemingly random pattern, but as it went on, Rui noticed Saki beginning to target the spots that made him squeal the loudest and scrunch in on himself the most. She seemed to be trying her hardest to get him to make the funniest reactions she could. Embarrassing, yes, but Rui couldn’t deny the soft warmth in his chest he felt at the realization that the entirety of her efforts were dedicated to making him as happy and as pleasantly overwhelmed as possible. Saki cared by being attentive and giving Rui exactly what he wanted. 
An was nothing if not energetic. Her good nature and enthusiastic attitude were infectious. Out of anyone there, she believed the most strongly in the concept that because Rui lost, that means he has to take his punishment. That did not, however, mean she wasn’t just as kind as everyone else. It was still vital to her that her squeezes vibrating deep into the muscles remained fun for everyone involved, especially Rui and she knew just how much fun he was having. How could she not with the pure mirth on Rui’s face? At one point, she had discovered a delightful little technique where she’d rapidly wiggle her fingers, suddenly pulling away and waiting anywhere from three to ten seconds before returning and repeating the process. This left Rui completely devoid of the ability to guess when her tickling would leave or return and making it hard to relax. An cared by keeping Rui lively and having fun. 
The four all had wildly different techniques and intentions but the one similarity between all of them was the same genuine smile adorning their faces and the love blossoming in their hearts, running through to their fingers just for Rui. He was so irrefutably cared for and Rui wasn’t sure whether that or the tickling was making him more giddy. 
Minori had taken to drawing shapes on his stomach, likely in an attempt to show a little sympathy. A star here, a heart there, a triangle somewhere in between. Simple, calming gestures. Rui was thankful for the slight reprieve. He liked trying to guess in his dazed state what the next shape would become. A simple game really but largely entertaining to both parties nonetheless.
Rui’s breaths were heavy and labored as he laughed himself what felt like half to death. He hardly noticed Saki’s gentle concerned voice telling the other three to begin to slow down and only realized what was going on when the mischievous hands on his body began to gradually slow little by little until they came to a complete halt.
“Wh-why d-did you stop?” Rui gasped out, cheeks beyond rosy and looking slightly disappointed. Beads of what may have either been sweat or tears of pure laughter ran down his flushed face. Despite what his raddled appearance may have suggested, he already missed the feeling of uncontrollable laughter. The constant stream of residual giggles still pouring from his lips was nothing compared to what he had just experienced. 
“You’re exhausted, Rui.” Mizuki giggled fondly. “You need a break.” She rubbed firmly across his leg, giving it the occasional reassuring squeeze. 
“Bu-” He barely managed to protest before his lips were met with Saki’s finger in a shushing motion.
“Nope! You, mister, are taking a break! We could get some snacks and all sit around and hang out together.” She pipped. “We care about you and we’re going to make sure you’re taken care of.” 
“Yeah, it’s important to cool down after exercise like that!” Minori added cheerfully.
An spared a final scribble to his kneecap before getting up and stretching her legs out. “You have as much fun as we did?” She smiled at his tired form still on the floor. 
“Mhmmm” Rui hummed, the fatigue quickly catching up to him as the energy and rush of emotions faded.
His confirmation of what they all already knew to be true granted every face in the room a smile soft with adoration for their worn out friend. 
They really did care about him. Maybe he should let himself lose more often. 
WOW. This took forever. No exaggeration; Months. I deeply apologize for that. Maybe as retribution, I'll put a ToyaRui fic on the to-do list, they've been eating my brain lately.
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undertale2013 · 4 months
hey!! i saw you had requests open, do you mind doing some lee!shuichi hcs? thanks!!
Ofc! He’s such a cutie :))
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-Has a love/hate relationship with being tickled. On one hand, it’s super fun. On the other, he’s worried that whoever’s tickling him will go too far.
-Doesn’t even know why he’s worried about that, just is.
-Worst spots include: Neck/ears, Palms of hands, Stomach
-Favorite ler is either Kaede or Kaito, really depends on what kind of tickling he’s feeling that way.
-Kaede is gentle with him, using very light touches and being very careful.
-Kaito is a bit more rough and sometimes forgets how easily it is to push Shuichi to his limits like that.
-Kaito drinks his Lee respect juice and stops when he’s told to. 😎
-Kokichi is BRUTAL okay? That man is out to KILL.
-He will sit there and make Shuichi say things to make it start/stop. Embarrassing things, or things that’ll boost his ego.
-Just for fun.
-Shuichi is ticklish basically all over, but nobody really suggests touching his thighs.
-He is a kicker, all the way. Anywhere from his thighs and below? Better either hold his legs down or hope your out of range for kicks.
-Doesn’t do it intentionally, but poor boy just can’t handle it whenever he’s tickled there. He’s gotta find some way to get rid of that ticklish energy.
So there you have it! Are there more I have? Probably. Can i think of any more right now? NOPE. Thank you for the ask, hope you enjoy! ^^
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anzynai · 9 months
OMG u added pjsekai to ur fandoms list
I will now bother you for wonderland x showtime headcannons because they r life
Wonderlands x Showtime Hcs
(Project Sekai)
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hello^^ TYSM for sending these!!! i love these losers sm u don’t even understand and i very thoroughly enjoyed this HAHA i hope you enjoy these headcanons <3 (also let’s ignore how freaking long ago this request was)
these can be read as poly/romantic or platonic! (i live and die for polysho)
warning: these headcanons r LONG, like maybe u went into a little too much detail cuz like damn
ofc the lees of the group are definitely nene and tsukasa (no i am not biased. you can’t tell me that these two aren’t ganged on the most. and for completely different reasons) meaning the lers r rui and emu
for nene, ofc when she’s being a grouch or just.. needs to smile, the three will be allll over her. honestly, she’s super ticklish so it’s always works for them so why stop? they like to do this when she’s nervous too cuz it keeps her distracted and clears her mind a little, you know?
as for tsukasa, it’s just.. for fun. silly, i know. it’s just.. seeing his smile and laugh so freely is such a contrast to his prideful, boasting laugh. YOU GET WHAT I MEAN??? like his laughter is contagious, but what i mean is that whoever can see him truly smile wants to smile too!
emu lovessss being the lee obviously but she loves being a ler too!!! like, she still gets tickled a lot. don’t get me wrong. tickles r super duper common between these four and it’s usually emu who initiates it. anyways, what i’m getting at is that she, as anyone who’s ever seen her story, LOVES making people smile. she’d be the sweetest most playful ler out there and you cannot tell me otherwise. like i mean, complimenting you so many times that you want to explode out of embarrassment (even tsukasa sometimes)
rui is usually the one who tickles nene tbh but ofc he tickles the other too! though, it took a bit getting there because while he may not seem like it, he does get nervous about tickling someone. though, that’s mainly because he’s afraid they’ll see him as weird. anyways, he’s often the lee, yeah, but most of the times, he would use situations to his advantage to avoid that (basically offering the ler his help) it’s not that he doesn’t want to be tickled, it’s more so that he prefers to be on the giving side. well, besides that, once emu started to tickle them (without hesitation, might i add) his courage pretty much built up instantly and he joined in. he’s just got those tickles that make you feel floaty and safe, so he often tickles his members especially when their feeling down
now rq let’s talk ab reversing roles: basically nene and tsukasa as lers and rui and emu as lees!!!! isn’t that exciting?? so picture nene as the vengeance ler. you know how nene gets tickled a LOT within the group, well she definitely has to get payback.. she was a bit shy about it at first, but after getting a bit more comfortable with the group, don’t expect to tickle her without getting it back tenfold! then, tsukasa, well he can be a bit like nene sometimes but it’s like, you know those moments where you can practically feel his big brother energy? this with tickling. he’s a bit like kaito actually in this aspect, where he will use tickling to make you smile, much like emu and rui actyally (and nene too tho she wouldn’t admit it).
then emu would be the best lee ever because she’s so encouraging and she lets you know she’s enjoying it and honestly, it just boosts the other threes ego as lers. she’s so sweet and bubbly when she’s being tickled which makes the group just want to tickle her more. she thinks it’s fun and so do they! then for rui, it’s a bit tougher to tickle him. like i said, it’s not because he doesn’t want to be tickled, but mainly because he avoids it. he pretends he doesn’t like it and that it would be a much better idea to tickle the others, but it’s just an act. still, his giggles r breathy and cute and so loveable in his own way.
ALRIGHT SO the headcanons above were mostly for setting. some others, regarding them as a whole: they tickle eachother a lot. it’s crazy, like they’ve even added it as a scene in one of their shows before. (it wasn’t anything big, obviously, just like a little squeeze to the side)
it’s like one of their ways to bond with one another. it’s like, sometimes actions feel better than communication, not feeling the stress of having to find the words to say. so they hug each other and tickle each other to do just that. it’s just another level of closeness for them.
i think that they could also occasionally have after-show tickle fights. obviously, it’s not planned, but sometimes it just happens you know? once, after the show was over and everyone in the audience was leaving, emu poked tsukasa on the side and made tsukasa jolt. of course, emu wasn’t done there and she pounced and asked for the other two to help. rui joined, with a somewhat eager smile on his face, while nene muttered something about them being childish. ofc after a few moments, nene couldn’t help but join either and since then, all emu has to do is choose one of them to wreck for the day and soon everyone’s joining in
at first, they reserved the tickling only for at the wonder stage and when no one’s there. it’s not much different, but recently they’ve had tickle fights and the like in the sekai as well! they didn’t do it, mostly out of respect for the virtual singers, but once they realized that they really didn’t care and even wanted to join in on occasion, they’re comfortable just randomly attacking someone with tickles out of nowhere.
i think they’ve incorporated tickling into shows at points. of course, it’s nothing too intense, but sometimes they’ll have the characters poke each others in the side and stuff then make their squeal like SUPER dramatic (tsukasa doesn’t have to worry about this), because loud squealing and acting shock tends to make little kids laugh and whatnot YKKKK
also tsukasa and emu r feather ticklish, light touches make them go crazy. rougher tickles tend to work better on rui and nene, she laughs about the same no matter what kind of tickling she receives. (they know this from experience)
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isuttonstrode · 3 months
for @kaitoflames: ❛ you'll have to excuse them. they're idiots. ❜ local: ambiente aberto do acampamento
O lado ruim de ser uma telepata? Ser uma telepata. Sutton sofria com a intensidade dos sentimentos e pensamentos dos outros desde que podia se lembrar, e havia conseguido alívio apenas aos 15 anos quando se tornou uma devota de hera ao receber sua bênção. Entretanto, mesmo que a sua deusa patrona houvesse lhe dado tal dom, nem sempre ele funcionava. Em momentos de muito estresse a semideusa se tornava meio incapacitada de levantar a barreira mental, ou em momentos de muito cansaço. E ela estava tão estressada quanto cansada ultimamente. Sutton havia acabado de sair de uma reunião dos Estrategistas quando passava pela área aberta do acampamento apenas para escutar um grupo de campistas, não muito mais novos do que ela, pensando muita merda sobre Aidan. Ela tentou ao máximo expulsar esses pensamentos horríveis de sua cabeça, mas não teve como e por isso começou a andar, quase que por instinto, em direção a esses campistas com seus punhos fechados. Entretanto, Kaito entrou em seu caminho. Ele parecia ter notado que ela havia lido os pensamentos dos outros. — Sim, muito idiotas. — respondeu, cruzando os braços e ainda olhando na direção dos semideuses. — Os pensamentos deles… Eu sei que eu estou invadindo a privacidade dos outros ao ler mentes e eu odeio isso, acredite, mas as vezes eu não posso evitar e dessa vez foi demais. Eles estão achando a morte de um dos nossos um inconveniente.
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thelaughtercafe · 3 months
Ler Shuichi/Lee Korekiyo Headcanons
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: Shuichi/Korekiyo
Length: 145
Summary: N/A
Shuichi as a Ler I feel needs to be provoked first, most of the time.
But it actually doesn’t take too much to bring his Ler side out. 
Provoking could mean someone just sulking or looking sad/focused so I could see Korekiyo being a victim fairly often. 
“Cheer up, alright? Kaito would have a field day if he saw you moping like this and I really don’t want to hear another speech today so please just smile!”
I think Korekiyo as a Lee acts as though it’s a big inconvenience and he needs to get back to his work. 
Really, it brings back fond memories from his childhood so he doesn’t mind half as much as he lets on. 
Probably intentionally subtly provokes Shuichi into tickling him and it’s not hard because he’ll actually sulk if he hasn’t been tickled in a hot minute lmao.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
I HEARD YOU WANT MORE PROSEKAI REQS!! well, I am here to tell you that I have a prosekai brain rot. 🫵😋 anyways if you want to (not forcing you to hehe) could you do lee!Len?? literally anyone can be the ler, I’ll leave that up to you~ thanks for reading. have a complimentary cat - 🐈
The camping episode
Is this named after that one spongebob episode?...yeah xd
I read an area convo where Len invites the others to go camping and... yeah lol
Anyways I'm so sorry for how long this took me to fill out and thank you for the cat hehe~
Merry Christmas~!
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Vbs Len x Kaito (platonic)
Lee: Len
Ler: Kaito
Warnings: Tickles
Over in the street sekai, Akito had given Len some tents for him and the other vocaloids to go on their own camping trip. The blonde got very excited as he invited Luka, Miku and Kaito along. Now there weren't any forests or rivers nearby in the sekai, so the group opted to camp outside of Meiko's café. After all, it was for the experience.
They set up their tents and Luka showed them how to build a campfire to remain warm during the cold night.
As nightfall began, they all sat around the campfire, eating some sweet barbecue, singing songs and telling stories. It was definitely a fun experience, they were all glad to had decided to camp out, even if it was right in front of Craze Café. As it grew darker in the sekai, they all decided to call it a night and go to their respective tents. Luka and Miku shared one while Kaito and Len shared the other.
As they all went to sleep, the silence enveloped the area, that was until...
"Ugh! Kaito, you're squishing me!" Len complained as he tried to get comfortable in his side of the tent, but it was quite hard when you had to share it with such a lanky guy.
"Ahah sorry, the tent looked bigger on the outside..." the blue vocaloid said all sheepishly. "It's just for one night, I'm sure you'll survive" he said with a chuckle as Len only rolled his eyes in annoyance.
The blonde vocaloid tossed and turn, not being able to find a comfortable possition to sleep in.
"Having trouble sleeping?".
"What does it look like, doofus?"
"Hey, there's no need for name calling" Kaito playfully pouted, but he could easily tell that the other was irritated. And I'm sure the sleepiness wasn't helping either. He got lost in thought for a moment until a fun yet mischevious idea popped in his head. "Hey Len, I know the perfect trick to get some sleep~" he said with a sly smirk as the shorter one raised his eyebrow in curiosity.
"Oh yeah? What is it?".
At that, Kaito grinned mischeviously. He lifted Len's arm above his head and softly dug his fingers into his armpit.
"WAH-! K-KAITO WAHAHAIT! NAHAT THAHAHAT!" Len squealed as he kicked his legs out, trying so hard to lower his arm, but the dj had a strong grip on him.
"What? I'm just helping you sleep better~" Kaito snickered at his own sillyness as he kept up his playful tickle attack. Watching as Len got lost in his boisterous laughter.
Poor Len twisted and turned, but no matter how much he squirmed, he couldn't get away from the evil hands. Kaito then turned his hand into a claw, vibrating it against the shorter one's tummy.
"GYAHAHAHA! K-KAITO YOU JEHEHERK!" Len's face was fully red at this point and his eyes were fully squeezed shut. His smile was so wide it made his cheeks hurt.
Kaito mocked gasp "Jerk?! Now that's not a nice thing to say~". He smirked as he snuck his hand under Len's shirt, playfully tickling his navel. Len squeaked and giggled uncontrollably. He peaked his eyes open, which had gotten a bit watery from the tickles. Kaito's teasy look made him feel even more flustered in the situation.
Once Len started hiccuping through his giggles did Kaito let up. "So... how was that?~" Kaito smiled proudly to himself but he didn't get a response. When he went to check on his friend, he was already fast asleep. Soft snores escaping his lips and a cute smile plastered on his face as he curled up close to him. The blue haired vocaloid chuckled at the sight and whispered "Goodnight Len~" as he also went to sleep.
When they all woke up, the girls couldn't help but notice that Len looked very relaxed and... a bit flustered in the morning.
"Kaito, what's up with Len?" asked Miku.
"Oh y'know, he couldn't fall asleep so I helped him out~" he grinned as the gals chuckled at his response. All while Len let out a flustered huff. Next time they'd go camping, he might need to consider bunking with someone else.
I feel like this fic is all over the place akdjkadjksjd
But I hope y'all still enjoy regardless 🥰
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cappycodeart · 6 months
(so mobile people can also benefit, I'm updating my tag list into a post! This list will be updated periodically as I'm still not done fixing the tags on my older posts)
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 (Note this doesn’t mean post date and may be mixed with arts of other years)
wip | sketch | line art | flat color | shaded | background |
(note that there may be a mixture of different completion stages in each post)
Digital art - art made on computer / tablet
Traditional art - art made on paper / physical medium
Personal favorites - art I'm particularly proud of
Animation - mostly cheap bouncy chibi gifs
NON-ART TAGS: cappycode text | cappycode replies | not art (there may be a doodle in these but the focus is not on the art)
Video - Self explanatory, though majority of these are super old
Looking for Original Content?
Original Stuff - My characters. My stories.
Original Character - Any non-fandom characters. Can be my characters or characters that belong to other people.
Series and categories with original characters:
SweetsFactory - old RP group with a finished plotline.
Weaklets - Characters from a private universe with my sister.
Kid With the Squid - personal passion project
Cappy / Cappy Code / Cappy Adventures - my sona and her shenanigans
Tales of Agoos City / Puchia and Garuche - Old Pucca OCs
Art Fight - Annual art trading game where I draw OTHER people’s OCs
Art for others - Self explanatory. Majority of this is OC (not mine) art, but occasionally fandom.
(I typically tag my main ocs by name (even if many of them have multiple AUs oops), so if you’d like to see more art of that character, click on their name!)
(although not a list of everything I've drawn fan art for, here's some stuff I've drawn enough of in the past! Bolded fandoms are ones I consider myself currently an active participant in and I am more likely to draw them)
Fan art - All the fan art I've drawn
Professor Layton
The Lorax | The Once-ler
Top Hat Trio - My silly crossover of Professor Layton, Warden, and the Once-ler.
A Hat in Time
Adventure Time / Fionna and Cake
Mob Psycho 100
Don’t Starve
Gravity Falls
Over the Garden Wall
Rick and Morty
Star Vs The Forces of Evil
Dude! That’s My Ghost
Detective Conan / Magic Kaito
Hatoful Boyfriend
(If you're looking for art of a specific character, just type their full name / title! I USUALLY tag all characters featured in a post... usually...)
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pjsk-tkart · 1 year
Here's the Intro Post!
(I will only draw PJSK tickle art. This includes the Vocaloids from it.)
I mainly pay attention to WxS, but I'm planning to read up on the rest of the groups to be able to post about more characters! My requests are always open, I might just get to a request super late. I'm sorry if I do :') And absolutely NO NSFW REQUESTS, PLEASE.
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Characters (Who I know and who I don't from PJSEKAI!)
Green / I know them || Red / I don't know them || Blue / Learning about them
Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, MEIKO, KAITO
Ichika, Saki, Honami, Shiho
Minori, Haruka, Airi, Shizuku
Kohane, An, Akito, Toya
Tsukasa, Emu, Nene, Rui
Kanade, Mafuyu, Ena, Mizuki
Stories (Basically every story I've read in PJSK so far)
Run! Sports Festival
An Ode To The Pure Of Heart
Mermaid Admiration
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Masterpost (Everything I've drawn! Updates everytime I post!)
Pink / Art (1 picture of TK content) || Orange / Comic (2 or more pictures of TK content)
Ler Emu // Lee Rui
Ler Akito // Lee Rui
Ler Ena // Lee Akito
-- -- -- --
Post Tags (I'll tag posts, this is what they mean)
T(oast)K-art: i'm super smart. basically a TK tag
toast-n-butter: this post right here. intro posts will have this tag
toast-n-jam: requests! i'll usually reply with the art attatched
toast-n-friends: as it says, me and friends!! (if anyone wants to be friends we can be!)
toast-sketch: the art is a sketch, so it may be confusing.
toast-art: the art is finished. (may or may not be colored)
toast-comics: yes, comics! I get ideas and just go wild idk
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secret-laughs · 1 year
ler kaito lee kanade. w that new event…GIRL I AM GETTING THOUGHTS!!! like mean ler with gentle lee PLEASE
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anonyamogus · 2 years
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Quick doodle of them having a movie night because procrastination
I love these fools so much _(:3」z)_ they’ve been one of very few things in my head right now
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undertale2013 · 2 years
Tickletober Day 3!
Lee!Shuichi X Ler!Kaito
Ah. Training. Usually it was physical activity, even if Shuichi couldn’t keep up. For this training session, Kaito had a new idea to give Shuichi a solid chance to do well.
Shuichi hung on a pull up bar, his feet dangling only a few inches off the ground so if he were to fall he’d either land on his feet or he wouldn’t fall far. Shuichi expected to just have to do some pull ups or something of the sort. Kaito had other ideas in mind.
“There you go sidekick! alright, now all you gotta do is not let go, alright? If you do there will be consequences!” Kaito asked. The task seemed simple, just don’t let go of the bar for at least a decent amount of time. Easy enough.
Well, that’s what Shuichi thought before Kaito began to give soft pokes at his sides. The feeling made Shuichi freeze up a bit, his grip on the bar tightening.
It was probably unintentional, Shuichi told himself, Kaito may have unconventional methods of training but he wouldn’t go that far! Shuichi couldn’t have been more wrong.
The pokes did stop for a moment, but then they started back up around his ribs. Kaito just grinned behind Shuichi, watching as his arms began to shake as his instincts told him to pull his arms down to protect himself. Kaito had heard Shuichi was ticklish from Kokichi, and even with his reputation for lying he still decided to try it out and it was working better than expected.
“K-Kaito w-why do you keep poking me?” Shuichi tried to ask Kaito, the giggles beginning to bubble up in his chest. Kaito could feel Shuichi trying to hold in his sweet laughter. With newfound determination, he decided to go for it.
Shuichi shrieked.
“K-KAITO!” Shuichi yelled as Kaito drilled right into his ribs. Only a few seconds of this and Shuichi released the bar and fell right to the ground in a fit of laughter.
To Kaito, it was a surprise Shuichi could laugh like he was. After all, you’d never expect such a reserved guy to be so loud when he was tickled. Shuichis loud, shrieky laughter was something Kaito would cherish forever.
Kaito slowly moved his down to Shuichis belly, his laughter lowering is volume and pitch. A nice break for Shuichi from that torture.
“Oh come on sidekick! I know you can do better than that!” Kaito laughed a bit before realizing it was Makis turn. “Maki-Roll! You’re-! Maki-Roll?”
Maki had already disappeared, not wanting to suffer the same fate as Shuichi.
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