#lela imagine
0pal333 · 2 months
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subway rides @smallsimmer
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actually-phoenix · 1 year
Teen beach movie the story where two bisexuals get together to find their second partners
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cyancherub · 2 years
I think Aki compulsively starts vacuuming if people are eating in his house; like he can’t handle the crumbs everywhere. he’ll nudge your legs and make you lift them so he can vacuum near the couch. He doesn’t care that he’s standing in front of the tv either, it’s his tv anyway lololll
LELA IM CRYING HE REALLY WOULD SKFLKSL pls number one neatfreak and germaphobe,,,, I LOVE HIM SM
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wolfnlamb · 1 year
Our bb girl really doesn’t belong in every universe!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I think you meant he does cause YES he can be in any universe! Jakaksksk ❤️🥺🫶 I think that’s why we love him so much.
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leohtttbriar · 1 year
i loved nearly every second of the episode in which jadzia gets to meet each of her selves/former-dax-hosts in the bodies of her friends for so so many reasons, especially the first one with kira/lela and how absolutely sweet that was, but i genuinely felt so queasy when curzon revealed the reason he recommended jadzia not be joined was because he was in love with her.
a) it felt like it came out of nowhere for me and, from a storytelling perspective, could've been built up a bit or stretched over a few episodes
b) i hate men.
c) it is just a far more interesting story to have jadzia literally be rejected because someone found her wanting. she cannot be adored by everyone she meets. she's a person not just a beautiful woman played by beautiful terry farrell (who did such a good job with this plot twist, playing it as mostly unbothered by the feelings and entirely chivalric while still sturdy in her claim on curzon's memories). i really wanted the reason to simply be that curzon did not think much of jadzia and i wanted her to claim him anyway. they sort of did that with joran but joran was almost cartoonishly cruel to her and curzon was definitely not a cartoon. like, curzon having fallen in love with jadzia is so boring when compared to the tension earlier, before his feelings were revealed. imagine if she had claimed him still, thru even a reasonable disappointment or disdain from him. imagine if it wasn't the motherly/unconditional acceptance from when she confronted joran the first time (which i did adore, for the record), but was a bloody-knuckled and even mean fight, in which they expressed disdain for the other, and her subsumption of curzon once more was a tight-fisted tear and swallow, almost selfish as she plants her flag in curzon once more.
idk. we've seen jadzia physically fight in her serene way. maybe here it would've been worth it to see her dig her nails in and show off a little arrogance--as if to claim curzon's person for herself even when he momentarily does not reside there.
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namorblog · 1 year
Namor and a children.🌺
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he found you on the beach sleeping in the sand, he wondered if your parents were nearby, he went back to talokan and hours later he came back to see if the child was still on the beach, to his surprise you were playing in the sand making sandcastles .
he approached you slowly for fear of scaring you.
"where are your parents?"
he asked.
"I-I ran away from home"
you said trying to hold back the tears.
he approached you and sat next to you and looked at you, you were wearing a white dress that had blue stripes, the dress was torn in some places, but his attention soon went to something else.
you were full of bruises, it looked like someone hit you, and with that he realized why you ran away.
his surface anger rose just imagining what you went through being just a kid.
"don't you have anywhere to go?"
he said.
"no.. "
you were crying and he just wanted to find who left you like this and kill that person.
you didn't deserve to live on the surface, a horrible and hellish place in his eyes, so he decided he would take you to talokan.
you were in his lap sleeping.
he asked the maids for clothes in his size.
after a while you woke up and now you were in a bed, you looked around and soon got up from the bed, leaving the place you were and started running through the cave.
you were too distracted seeing everything around you to look forward, suddenly you hit something making you fall to the ground.
you said and then looked at what you had hit, a woman with blue skin, wearing some kind of mask and an orange dress.
"Ba'ax lela' le paalo'."
(This is the kid?)
the man who brought you here went to you and picked you up, you held on to him, hiding your face in his chest.
"where are we?"
you asked quietly.
"your new home, you will live here with me little one."
you smiled and it made his heart warm.
"this is namora"
you looked at the lady and waved your hand at her.
"That's attuma."
you looked at who was on the woman's side.
"you are very tall!"
you said and that made namor laugh along with attuma.
*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ⭐˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
you were sitting on the floor drawing with some pencils that namor gave you, you were wearing a navy blue dress and a pearl necklace that namor made for you.
Namor was sitting around doing super boring king stuff.
you took the paper you were drawing and pulled the cape he was wearing drawing his attention to you.
"What's it little one?"
he said and you soon showed the drawing, you drew a flower.
"I made it for you! I didn't know what flower you liked so I made my favorite!"
you smiled.
he took the drawing and smiled.
"I loved it, a masterpiece!"
you hugged him and he soon hugged you too.
── ・ 。゚☆: 🌊 .* :☆゚. ──
the maids were getting you ready, putting you in a green and blue dress,
fixing your hair and finally letting you out of your room to go to K'uk'ulkan.
"Daddy! Am I pretty?"
he looked at you and smiled when he realized what you called him.
"beautiful, like a princess."
you smiled and hugged him
"Do I look like a princess daddy?"
you asked.
"yes, and you are a princess, princess of talokan."
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hollyhomburg · 11 months
Notes: people have asked me for this a few times over the course of the series and i’ve finally put it together. i put a 🌟 next to the ones that i feel like are the most representative of each of the characters :) hobi of course has the most songs out of everyone because that’s sort of his thing! 
Series Masterlist
🌟 Chappell roan - pink pony club ( tae’s quintessential song)
🌟 Crawlers- Come over again (the m/c about the tae x jimin relationship)
Kali uchias- Telepatia (the first song that ever made me think of bily tae) 
Mitski - washing machine heart (tae x mc)
David Kushner- Daylight
🌟 CL - 5 stars (mc x jk, how she feels about him)
🌟 Lily is that you - FMRN
Peach Tree Rascals- Mariposa
Enhyphen- Fever
Jk - seven 
🌟 Frank Ocean - Chanel 
Hozier - Take me to church (tae x jimin, jimin about tae)
Glass animals- The other side of paradise
Imagine dragons- Enemy (jimin x jin, once they find out about each others secrets)
Soyoon ft rm. Smoke sprite (this song captures the essence of jimin’s devotion really well) 
amber run - i found  (mc x Yoongi at the beginning)
Fujii Kaze- Shinunoga e-wa
🌟 Orange juice - Noah Kahn (Yoongi x pack, when he comes home and is unsure if the pack will take him back)
Lela Ross- Like we’ll never have sex (mc x Yoongi)
🌟 Delaney Bailey- J’s lullaby
Tessa violet- kitchen song
the cinematic orchestra - to build a home 
Call your mom - noah kahan
🌟 Willow smith- Meet me at our spot (m/c x hobi, a song that captures every single late night drive they take)
Cherub- Doses and mimosas
Golden vessel - Highway
Le seraphim - Sour grapes (hobi x m/c, how they feel about each other in the middle of the story) 
Halfalive- whats wrong (THE hobi song, i first heard this at the very begining of writing and it greatly captures his charecter) 
Mikky ecko- Pull me down
 Damien styles- American paranoid freak
Lorde – Ribs
Slenderbodies- Anemone
🌟 Sapient dream- Past lives 
Timber Timbre- like a mountain
Cults- Gilded lily
🌟 Hozier- Work song
Role Model -Notice me (m/c x namjoon) 
the neighborhood - Daddy issues 
🌟 Epic high- Rosario (THE quintessential bily song, the very first idea i had for bily came from this song) 
Hozier- Eat your young
Taylor swift- Sweet nothing
soap and skin - me and the devil (jimin x jin)
Sufjan stevens- Fourth of july (jk x jin, when jk goes into the hospital b/c of seizures) 
🌟 Kate Bush- running up the hill (m/c x hobi, the very end of the story)
Selena Gomez - Ring
🌟 Rae Ami- Meanie head (her x geumjae)
Mia- Bad girls
Melanie martinez- EVIL
Misamo- “do not touch”
Billie eilish- What was I made for
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 10 months
Degree of Fancy
Part One: The Infamous Professor Barnes
Pairing: Professor!Bucky Barnes x Black!College!Reader
Words: 2,442
Synopsis: The only thing standing in the way between you and graduation is a class you’ve been dreading since Freshman year for two reasons. 1. Political Science- why do you even need to take this class if you are getting a degree in Screenwriting?, 2. You’ve heard some interesting things about Professor Barnes. This should go well.
Warnings: None right now, we’re just setting the scene. Reader gets turned on at a couple of points but nothing scandalous. 18+ as always.
Author’s Note: I hate this title so it is definitely going to change at some point, but right now its all I’ve got lol. This will be a multi-part series, released periodically.
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“All I’m saying is that if I were you, I wouldn’t have turned Trent down. He’s been pining for you for the last four years, and I’m starting to feel for the guy”. You gave your friend Lela a look that said, “I can’t believe you’re bringing this up again for the third time today”, as you pushed your way through the double doors that led to the classroom.
You hurried down the steps of the auditorium to grab a seat in the middle of the classroom, setting your backpack down on the floor and pulling out your laptop. Lela took the seat next to you, but she didn’t bother to bring anything to class. Lela wasn’t the type to pay attention during an 85-minute lecture, so she traveled light. She had her iPhone in one hand, a lukewarm coffee in the other. “And this wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that Trent is your brother’s best friend, would it?” your tone accusatory rather than questioning. Lela rolled her eyes and took a sip from her Styrofoam cup. She grimaced at the taste, a reminder that campus did not have any good coffee for miles. She turned her body to you, but you barely looked up at her. “Listen, this is our last year of college before we are forced to go out into the world of adulting and be forever caught up in bills and responsibilities”. You scoffed, “some of us have already been worried about bills and responsibilities for the last four years”.
You loved Lela, but to say she was out of touch with the real world was an understatement. You glanced at your friend without turning your head, and you noticed she looked annoyed. Lela was what you imagined when someone mentioned the term classically beautiful. Her brown hair and blue eyes were striking, and you couldn’t deny she was pretty, like she had stepped out of a Ralph Lauren catalogue. Her family came from a long line of lawyers and businessmen, the women in the family were expected to be stay at home mothers, spending their free time gossiping at their friends at the local women’s chapter meetings. Her spot at Columbia was all but secured from the moment she entered Kindergarten. You weren’t sure how you had even managed to become friends because your lives were so different. While you didn’t grow up poor, Columbia was a culture shock for you. You had to work two jobs just to pay for your books and necessities, and you knew that your triple figure student loans were waiting for you on the other side of graduation. You snapped the hair tie on your wrist (a reminder to come back to reality) before pulling it off and putting your hair in a bun. Lela had decided to ignore you, continuing her campaign for Trent. “I’ve seen his dick Y/N, it’s not too bad”, she shrugged before turning her body back to face the front of the classroom. “Listen” you waived the image from your mind with a swipe of your hand in front of your face, “I don’t even want to know how you know that. I just want to get through this class. I am three credits away from graduating, and then I can finally start sending out my screenplays to directors and producers. Please, enough with the guy and dick talk”, you shook your hands in prayer pose at Lela, practically begging for her to drop it.
“Speaking of nice dicks”, Lela gestured with her coffee cup towards the front of the classroom where a man was walking through the door towards the podium at the front. He seemed distracted by something, a brief case in one hand, an unidentified bottle in the other. The entire classroom went quiet as he placed his case on the table next to the podium and began collecting his notes for class. You could barely make it out underneath the long sleeves of his shirt, but there it was, the metal hand you had heard so much about. The classroom was so quiet, you could hear was the wiring of the mechanics of his arm as he shifted his posture out of discomfort. There was something hypnotic about the way he moved around the room, calculated, almost like a dance. You would rarely call someone so buff and rigid graceful, but he had somehow mastered both. You had heard many things about Professor Barnes; his time as an Avenger, his terrible past, how he was a tough grader, but to see him in the flesh was like being in the presence of a God. You had heard the myth, but never expected to see the man.  He wasn’t dressed like most professors at Columbia, choosing a navy blue henley, the top buttons undone to expose a bit of his chest, dark trouser pants, and combat boots. Her was nicely groomed, in contrast to his outfit, his hair long and slicked back, a heavy beard and mustache on his face. Fuck, he looked amazing, and incredibly out of place. From your seat, you had a pretty good view, and when he looked up to address the class, you two immediately made eye contact. His blue eyes were piercing, and you felt like you could drown in the ocean he held within his pupils. The eye contact dragged on too long for your comfort, so you dropped it to look back at your computer.
When you looked back up to see if he had moved on, he was still looking at you. His stare made you uncomfortable and safe at the same time, a feeling that was unfamiliar to you. You shifted in your seat, and Lela tapped at your shoulder repeatedly, giddy about seeing the interaction the two of you just had. Her eyes shifted between the two of you, Professor Barnes still staring. It was like he was looking through you, instead of at you, trying to bore a hole into your soul. You were so uncomfortable after a few minutes, you thought about collecting your things and running out of the classroom, anything to stop this interaction from continuing. He finally came out of his trance and cleared his throat, running his hand through his hair a couple of times. You could have sworn he seemed embarrassed, not in control, but you shook it off, hoping to get out of this class as quickly as possible with a good grade. You didn’t need to be distracted by your incredibly hot teacher all semester. He turned his back to class, grabbed the projector remote from the podium and turned on the projector. “Can you hit the lights, Nicky?” he turned to his teaching assistant who was seated in the first row. The room went dark, and you let out a big sigh, at least he wouldn’t be able to stare at you any longer if he couldn’t see you.
“This is UN1611, International Politics. If this is not the class you are supposed to be in this semester, please feel free to see yourself out”. His gruff voice sent a shiver down your spine, hitting you right in your groin. Fuck, stop it, you are not attracted to your teacher. He paused to allow for any students to leave, and after two hurried out of the class, he continued. “I don’t care about the syllabus, so we’re not going to waste an entire class going through it. You all know how to read, I assume, and can find it in the student portal”. A few students groaned at realizing this wasn’t going to be a throw away class. “I know, what a shame”, you let out a quiet laugh at his rebuttal, and he looked right in your direction, as if he knew the laugh came from you. A small smile slipped across his face as he looked out into the sea of students. “I hate grading assignments, and I know you hate doing them, so it will be up to you keep up with the readings. You will only have two tests, both worth 50% of your grade, so it’s imperative that you pay attention and keep up”. Professor Barnes paced around the room to exemplify his point.
The next seventy minutes were a blur, and you hoped that Professor Barnes physique was going to be on the final exam, because it was all you studied for the entire class. You would certainly ace that test. How his smile was electric when he got excited about a topic, and he would gesture wildly when describing his experiences in the countries he had visited and their impact on global relations. How his pecs would flex when he cleared his throat multiple times during his presentation, and when he turned his back to the class to write on the board, his back muscles would flex, and you were sure his shirt was going to rip right then and there. You didn’t even notice class had ended until a student passed by you, blocking your view of the teacher. You turned to look at Lela, who had dozed off 15 minutes into class and now was full, open mouth snoring. “Lela let’s go”. You shook your friend’s shoulder till she woke with a fright. “What happened?” she rubbed her eyes, gathering her things half awake. “Class happened”, you laughed and put your laptop in your backpack, slinging it on your back. “Did I dream it, or is Professor Barnes hot? Like fuck you raw dog in the bathroom of a club hot?”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” you were startled by a familiar gruff voice and looked to the left to see that Professor Barnes was standing next to Lela, brief case in hand, his metal arm empty. He flexed it a couple of times as if he was stiff and in pain. “Definitely a compliment”, Lela had no shame, and she was rarely embarrassed, so him hearing her didn’t phase her one bit. Professor Barnes let out a genuine chuckle, and you saw his face soften. You had never seen someone so beautiful. He was hardened, looked tired, a tired that no amount of sleep could fix, but still beautiful non the less. “I’m so sorry about her, she doesn’t know any better”, you tried to apologize for your friend, but the professor waived your apology off. “Don’t worry about it. Like she said, I should take it as a compliment”.
“Professor Barnes, may I just say, I am so excited to take your class. I am such a fan of politics, especially international ones”. You rolled your eyes at Lela’s attempt at flirting, you knew she was going to make it her mission to sleep with the teacher, she had done so quite a few times. “I don’t know many people who are fans of politics” he paused so Lela could introduce herself, “but glad to hear it Lela”. He looked over at you to give you a chance to introduce yourself, but you couldn’t find the words. “Her name is Y/N”, Lela filled the silence. Professor Barnes reached out his free hand to offer a handshake to you, but you hesitated. You weren’t exactly sure if he was going to crush your bones with that metal hand of his, and you were too scared to find out. Before it got any more awkward you extended your hand out to meet his. The handshake was brief and surprisingly gentle, and you imagined what other parts of him felt like. “Call me Bucky, Professor Barnes is way too formal. I’ll admit that I don’t get to meet many of my students, I guess my reputation proceeds me”, he waived his metal hand in the air, “but I promise I am harmless. If you two will excuse me, I’ve got to get to a meeting”. He dipped his head in acknowledgement of us and headed up to the stairs to exit the classroom. “What the fuck was that?” Lela whipped her head in your direction, “I don’t know, but we need to get out of here”. You both hustled out of your seats and ran out of the auditorium.
‘Want to grab lunch?” Lela asked without looking up from her phone while you two were standing in the hallway of the busy International Affairs building. “Can’t, I have to meet up with my study group, we’re going over the final drafts of our scripts”. “Yeah, yeah, okay I’ll see you later”, Lela was already preoccupied with her lunch order as she walked away from you. You scanned the hallway and made a mental note to take the stairs, so you didn’t have to wait for the elevator at lunch time. You ducked down another hallway when your phone pinged. You pulled it from your back pocket and scoffed at the text from Lela sharing Trent’s contact information with the message “just give him a chance”. You pushed open the door to the stairwell, your eyes still fixed on your phone, immediately colliding with a hard body. Your phone dropped from your hand, and you placed both of your hands on the chest of this unknown body to steady yourself. When you looked up you were face to face with Professor Barnes. Well chest to face, he was at least 5 inches taller than you, and his frame towered over yours easily.
You both resumed your staring game from earlier in the day, but the thought of being late to your study group brought you back to reality. That, and the fact that you distinctly felt two large hands on your waist, and upon looking down realized that those large hands belonged to Bucky. Fuck, you loved the name Bucky. “Sorry about that”, he quickly dropped his hands. “I should really put my phone down when I’m walking. I act like I know how to pay attention to both things at once”, you said as you gathered your phone from the floor. Bucky let out a deep chuckle and raked his metal hand through his hair. This had to be his signature move, he did it so well. “Not a problem”, he walked past you through the threshold, placing a gentle hand on your lower back to guide you in the opposite direction. You just stood there, unable to move, think, do anything really. The only thing you could focus on was the pooling of heat in your lower stomach. That touch had done something to you. Fuck! You were going to fantasize about your professor all semester, weren’t you?
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tubbypeddle · 9 days
Have any headcannons for how Kaeya would interact with a traveler who's eerily like Gyro Zeppeli from Steel Ball Run? Like Traveler has a similar background and ability but with the exact same personality as him.
THIS!!!! WAS ACTUALLY SO CREATIVE????? I was actually so excited to work on this one, especially since I recently got back into playing genshin.
and with one of my favorite boys from the game 🤭
(author's note: i'll be using they/them pronouns for the traveler in this one, just in case you want to use specifically aether or lumine in your imaginations. also, I haven't read part 7 in a very long time, so my remembering of gyro might be a little off, I apologize if that's the case
I also apologize for the slight hiatus in posts, I was a little busy with personal stuffs, but i'm back!
gyro zeppeli!traveler x Kaeya Alberich
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-their pathological need for helping people is something he greatly appreciates about them. It's certainly made life easier for him, since they're so ever eager to help him out
-he does wish they were a little reckless with it though...
-for example, they can't just be rushing off to save him if he's in a bit of trouble with treasure hoarders!! stupid traveler!! he's got everything under control!!!
-how easy they are to irritate is also very amusing...
The traveler seems upset as Kaeya leads them by their horse away from the horse race, much to his amusement.
"Kaeya," they huff. "They cut me off."
"You're not a part of the race, Honorary Knight," he laughs in reply.
"Tell them to eat shit, Kaeya."
"Tell them yourself."
The traveler seems a little too excited at that. Immediately, they turn towards the race, cup their hands around their mouth, and holler, "Eat shit, asshole! Fall off your horse!"
-yeah, that was...quite the incident. Kaeya hadn't laughed that hard in what was probably years, and he damn near fell off his own horse
-they definitely named their horse Valkyrie
-they probably flirt back with him when he gets sensual with them, and Kaeya's never had someone entertain his flirting before. it definitely caught him off guard the first time. and the second. And third...Kaeya will never get used to the traveler flirting back, really
-the two of them never run out of small little competitions. Kaeya thought he was competitive, from a childhood raised alongside Diluc. But the traveler was a whole other level.
-while the traveler didn't really openly cheat, they certainly played dirty. they are willing to do anything if it means they can win.
-he does find their tendency to quote old folktales as life lessons pretty cute, even if he has no idea who the hell Aristotle is.
-your gags, and your puns, and your little skits are so fucking funny to him, but not because he actually finds them funny, you know?
-your little skits and stuff are so funny because he finds them so unfunny. like, he likes you n all, but you look so dumb, he just can't.
-it's partly the reason he accompanies them on their travel across Teyvat, because he finds them so unfunnily funny
-but the main reason he travels with them is because they're good company. they're funny, and they're protective, and they're a good friend to have while on the road.
"What...what is this? What are you doing?" Kaeya's eye was trained on the Traveler as they started making odd little...motions, with their hands. Nodded their head, as if they were dancing to a tune only they could hear.
"Shut up, you're throwing me off my groove," the Traveler huffed. Started nodding their head rhythmically again. "Okay. Okay, I got it."
"You got it?" Kaeya snorted. "What did you get?"
Before he could say anything else, the Traveler started humming a tune he's never heard before. Just where did this Traveler even come from?
"Pizza mozza~rella! Pizza mozza~rella! Lela, lela, lela, lela, lela, lela, lee~!" they sang, in an off key tune.
Kaeya could only watch as the Traveler danced in circles as they sung at the top of their lungs. He couldn't help the fierce surge of fondness in his chest as he laughed at how stupid they looked.
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p00pdev1l · 2 months
Jazz, imagine we’re in a work meeting and our goal is to fluster Aki the entire time. Like he’s trying SO hard to not glance our way, but he’s compelled to look, and when he does he sees us smirking. Biting our lip. Leaning forward so he can see straight down our shirt. Stroking our pencil. He’s like BEET red at this point. 😡😘
aki cant tell if he loves or absolutely hates your lewd attention? he feels the tension in the pit of his stomach, his slacks growing uncomfortably tight, his eyes want to focus on anything but you, but he finds his gaze drifting over toward your open shirt for a split second before looking out toward the window of the conference room, hoping the meeting would come to an end
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clementine-kesh · 8 months
It's such a struggle to be a Phlox fucker, I'm not even kidding. It's not the lack of hot Phlox appreciation or the other people thinking it's a bit or even the hypocrisy of Quark and Garak being treated as sex symbols (I mean yes they're hot too but you know what I mean) while Phlox is just treated as some funny guy. All of that sucks but it's not what's hardest for me. No, it's the shipping.
I have been trying really hard to find someone to consistently pair him up with in my mind - I have already given up on finding a ship there's actually considerable content for, if you go to Phlox' ao3 tag and go to filter by relationship literally none of the options even involve him which is fucked up if you ask me - but there's always some kind of snag.
(Note from future me when I was finishing writing the rest of this message: I don't touch on every possibility, only ones I think could evolve into any kind of relationship rather than a quick one off shag (thinking of Trip here) so there's not even that many but I wrote way too much, especially on candidate #3)
The first I saw suggested was Archer which, fair enough I guess, but at that point I had not yet met Shran or knew about Shrancher and now that I do it's not like I stopped with the Phlox x Archer but it's just no longer a priority. And yes, you can totally make Archer having two alien boyfriends work, especially since both Denobulans and Andorians are poly by default, but while I haven't seen Shran and Phlox interact yet (and thus could be totally off) I just don't feel like they'd vibe enough to even hang out casually tbh. Again, I do still ship this but pretty low key.
The next option I wanna talk about is T'Pol and I think that at least initially, she's the most "realistic" option and if the show had been twice as long they probably would've been at least teased at some point (in part ofc since it was the 00s and so heterosexuality was the only option but y'know) and the whole "only two non-human crew members" thing adds something that vibes with me, too, but there's just no way you could ever make them work in the long run because Vulcans are just PAINFULLY monogamous and I simply don't think she's willing to break with that. Phlox would off-handedly mention one of his wives and T'Pol would be absolutely seething. This is not a long term ship.
Then possibly my favourite so far is Tobin Dax. Technically it's only beta canon that Tobin was around during Ent (in the alpha timeline Lela died in 2226 (thus presumably when Tobin was joined) which is over 60 years after the end of Ent and there's no alpha info on what he was doing before but in the beta timeline Tobin was definitely already joined by the 2160s and probably quite a bit before) so unless you wanna go with unjoined Tobin (whom we have zero alpha info and as far as I can tell little to no beta info on) you gotta go beta timeline which I know so little about that it's hard for me to daydream about. But at least Phlox and Tobin are said to have met in beta canon tho I don't know if there's scenes of their interactions. I can probably forget about any non me made content too since beta Tobin is already "commonly" (considering it's all beta) shipped with Iloja of Prim who, fun fact, is actually given as Jadzia's favourite Cardassian writer in alpha canon. Anyway, point is I just don't know enough about (beta) Tobin or beta canon in general to generate anything here.
(And I would consider other Dax hosts as well but unless you count the (alpha timeline) three years between Lela's joining and Ent ending there's not much opportunity for this without time travel. I should mention two things here, one: I don't think Lela is one of the Daxes that I'd ship with Phlox and two: I am not strictly opposed to time travel for the sole purpose of PhloxDax and I can defo imagine him with Jadzia, Curzon, maybe Torias and possibly Emony, but it's an extra level of complication that I frankly can't be bothered with if I'm the only one doing it.)
(Also, just for completeness' sake: in the beta timeline we know Phlox was alive at least until the 2260s which would put him parallel with Dax until at least Audrid tho it's very feasible he made it until after her death in 2284, the two subsequent hosts (who as you know didn't make it long) and Curzon's 2285 (again, beta timeline, it's '86 in alpha) joining. There's different lifespans given for Denobulans (about 300y in beta tho, according to memory beta) but even by the shortest I found (which said 170 to 280) it's very much possible since Phlox was born in the 2080s (beta)/generally sometime late 21st century (alpha). But that's just additional info.)
In summary, I may have to read Uncertain Logic (last Rise of the Federation novel to feature Tobin and the one that, based on my research, is most likely to show him interact with Phlox) but it would be difficult as I can no longer read long texts after getting off my ADD meds (which mess with my antidepressants) and thus literally haven't finished even half of a book in about a decade. As I said, the struggle is real. I swear to you I don't set out with the intention of writing a dissertation in your askbox each time, it just happens. I'm sorry.
Oh, also, if you have more suggestions (or better yet: content) for Phlox ships I'd be very eager to listen! Thank you so much for your time!
i respect the grindset so much more people should be phloxfuckers tbh. he’s got that jovial mad scientist vibe and is in an open marriage with his three wives like?? the best phlox ship i have for you is ages ago i made a post that included a joke about neelix using a temporal anomaly to moonlight as the chef on the nx-01 and beginning a torrid love affair with phlox which i still stand by. it happened to me. also i know next to nothing about beta canon but conceptually the idea of pairing phlox with one of the dax hosts is very fun
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kujo1597 · 2 months
Hey remember how I said I was writing a few verses for a song in Unbreakable? Yeah I changed my mind. Nothing’s coming to my mind so instead of delaying the update for a couple months I’m just going to describe the song and let the readers imagine their own version. Sometimes the best thing you can do as a writer is know when to cut things out.
Anyway, time for another episode of Jem!
When we last left off the TV set was on fire and Jem was caught in the middle of the blaze.
I’m glad Pizzazz slapping Lindsey was part of the episode recap.
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Jem manages to dodge all the flying equipment and Rio rides on a... camera thing and picks Jem up and brings her to safety. But Jem is shaken up, as anyone would be, and Lindsey tells Rio to take Jem to Lindsey’s dressing room. (You’d think all the femslash I write would make me better at being clear which girl’s is the “she” in the sentence.)
Lindsey tell the Holograms to get up on stage with her to finish the interview. I wonder how Jem suddenly being missing got explained. Did Lindsey tell the viewers that Pizzazz started a fire on the set? If she didn’t I’m sure Kimber did.
And this is when we get our episode’s title.
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Frame Up
We see Jem delirious in the dressing room mumbling about The Misfits and Rio’s being attentive, telling Jem that she’s in no shape to get up.
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We get a spinning pan of both Jem, and Rio before they start to kiss.
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And Aja and Shana come into the room in the middle of it and sees. Rio immediately gets up and runs out. Then Aja has a bit of a chuckle about how Rio’s going to be steamed when he finds out that Jem is actually Jerrica.
And then Jem says, “It isn’t funny. Rio’s very proud. How can I tell him the truth without him feeling like I made a fool out of him?”
Shana holds Jem’s shoulders and tells her that she’s dealing with a very delicate situation.
And now to talk about Rio and how Jerrica is nervous about hurting his pride. The “Rio’s very proud” line is a pretty clear indication of why Jerrica doesn’t tell him. We see later in the series that Rio’s “pride” can get bruised easily and that leads to yelling and kicking things over. We don’t see this side of Rio yet but they have sown the seeds of future problems in this relationship.
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But let’s deal with that later. Mrs. Bailey tells Jerrica that she’s worries about Ashley who’s barely been at home lately. Time to see what Ashley is up to.
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She’s in her room imagining how she’ll look in a Misfits t-shirt at their next concert.
I forgot to talk about this last time when I was talking about why Ashley’s behaviour is understandable. One of the biggest reasons why she’s hanging out with The Misfits a lot is because they made her feel welcome. Pizzazz scares her a little with how loud and pushy she is. But overall Ashley doesn’t feel like she has to live up to an impossible standard to earn their approval. They immediately invited her into the bar, showed her the ropes, and started hanging out with her. What has Lela done to make Ashley feel welcome? Not much. Maybe in moments we don’t see Lela has been a lot nicer to Ashley but even if that is the case those moments where Lela’s making Ashley feel like she’s not good enough probably stand out far more in Ashley’s mind than those moments where Lela’s being nice.
Like it’s no wonder Ashley has been spending so much time with the Misfits.
I appreciate Jerrica’s respect for Ashley’s privacy, she knocks on the door and waits to be invited in. Jerrica mentions to Ashley that she’s heard that she’s been away from home a lot and Ashley immediately gets defensive. But before Jerrica can talk to Ashley some more Kimber catches up to Jerrica to tell her that an a concert promoter from Vegas has arrived. So Jerrica tells Ashley that they’ll finish their conversation later.
But Ashley won’t be around. She takes the t-shirt and runs off.
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Now we cut to the promoter, Dirk Hayes and he asks where Jem is during the contract signing. Jerrica explains it by saying that she handles all of Jem’s business. And Hayes accepts that answer pretty quickly. No fussing from him. Kimber asks who the opening act is and Hayes says that it’s The Misfits. All of the women in the room get worked up about that because the Misfits hate them.
Hayes laughs and says that he knows they hate each other, he just likes to watch sparks fly. With a chuckle he walks out of the room.
While everybody else is still steamed Shana points out a bright side. Being Jem’s warm-up act with drive Pizzazz berserk.
Everybody has a laugh at that one.
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As Pizzazz is signing the contract Stormer asks who the main act is and Hayes tells her it’s Jem and The Holograms. Which gets exactly the reaction you’d expect. Roxy even pulls a framed poster off the wall and charges toward Hayes with it. But he laughs and leaves the room before Roxy can hit him over the head with it.
After Hayes leaves Pizzazz declares that she’s the brains of the operation and hatches a scheme to make Jem unable to perform. And to do that she’s going to need some help from Ashley.
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And right on cue Ashley sneaks into the building and knocks on the door to whatever room the Misfits are in.
Pizzazz uses her “sweet voice” and asks Ashley if she’d like to come to Vegas with them. And Ashley is touched by this, she asks Pizzazz if she means it and is reassured that yeah, they’ll be taking Ashley with them. And Ashley says that the Misfits are the best friends she’s ever had.
In the background Roxy and Stormer are laughing. Menacing music is playing during this scene.
We’ll find out the plan later. Now it’s time to catch up with Jem and The Holograms in Las Vegas. They rented a jeep I guess. I do like that they aren’t driving around in the Rockin’ Roadster.
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While in a casino Shana is sitting at a table with Jem and asks if she’s decided what she’s gonna do about the Rio situation. Jem says, “I’d like to tell him but…” and Shana finishes the sentence with a slightly disapproving sounding, “You don’t know what he’ll do if he knows the truth.” and then she walks away.
And finally our first song of the episode.
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I like Deception a lot. I like the song, I like the music video quite a bit. Give it a listen some time.
The song is about how Jerrica feels torn. She didn’t intend for things to turn out like this, and she truly didn’t, and now that this love triangle has started to take shape she doesn’t know what’ll happen if she comes clean. What would happen if she tells Rio that is was kind of a game for her at first but it went too far. She’s afraid that their relationship will go up in flames. And all of this is true. Jerrica is very in love with Rio and as we saw in previous episodes they do start off as a pretty darn cute and functional couple. However, Rio’s pride and anger issues didn’t suddenly become a thing. This is just when they start becoming a problem in the relationship. Or at least have the potential to. None of Jerrica’s fears have been realized yet. But she still has these fears.
I can’t wait to really dig into this relationship becoming as dysfunctional as it does. I’m just going to say that I am a big Jerrica defender but she’s definitely not blameless. But let’s move onto the next scene. Me breaking down this relationship will be a continuing thing throughout these recaps.
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The Misfits are talking to Ashley in their dressing room in Las Vegas and filling her in on the scheme. Ashley’s hesitant, Stormer assures her that it’s just a joke, but Roxy gets Ashley onboard by egging her on. Something tells me that Roxy wasn’t much different from Ashley when she was a young teen.
The plan is simple, Ashley lures one of the Holograms, ends up being Aja, into the luggage compartment on a bus. Aja is surprised to see Ashley in the casino and chases after her. And my god, what a breakdown in communication. How did Ashley get here without anybody knowing? Did she just tell Mrs. Bailey that Jerrica invited her? But even if she did, Mrs. Bailey probably would have checked with Jerrica. *does a quick Google* Well I suppose it is only an hour long flight and Ashley has already been missing for much of the day anyway.
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Anyway, Aja follows Ashley into the compartment and Roxy closes the doors after Ashley climbs out. Then we learn that this bus is on its way to New York. Hey fun fact, I have to specify that I want a labelled map of the US when I Google it. If I don’t specify I get unlabelled ones which are less than useful to me. There’s 50 States! FIFTY! Anyway, I looked up a map because fuck if I know where Las Vegas is compared to New York and wow that is on the other side of the country. Look man, I’m Canadian. I can barely label my own map.
Where was I?
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Oh yeah, Ashley being in school currently and growing up in the US does know how far away New York is and is feeling really guilty about this scheme.
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We cut to Pizzazz telling Hayes that one of the Holograms just ran off and tells him that The Misfits are ready to perform. And Hayes says that if Aja doesn’t show up in time then the Misfits will be the opening act. Jem tries to assure Hayes that Aja would never abandon a commitment.
Then we see Aja in the compartment banging on the door and shouting “help” over and over again as the bus is driving away to New York.
A couple passengers hear the banging but not the yelling and the husband figures it’s a flat tire. The wife tells the driver that she thinks he has a flat. The bus driver gets out to check the tires and hears Aja banging on the door. He opens it up and Aja just bolts. The driver’s reaction is so well acted. I love it.
Back to Jem and the remaining Holograms, they decide to split up and search for Aja.
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We go back to Aja who asks a couple guys for directions and they get into an argument so Aja tries to find somebody else. She’s then picked up by a guy in a cowboy hat riding a motorcycle. I thought Texas was where the cowboys live, Hayes wears a cowboy hat too. Anyway, the cowboy gets stuck in traffic but he’s only a block away from the casino and point Aja to where she needs to go.
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We keep moving locations. Rio asks if she can look in the Misfits’ dressing room. Roxy immediately opposes to it but Pizzazz lets Rio in. And then she flirts with him and promises Rio the world. But Rio tells Pizzazz that she isn’t fit to breathe the same air as Jem.
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And then pushes Pizzazz. Yeah she’s not a great person but wow, what a shove. She went flying.
Welp, Aja is still missing and Hayes is sick of waiting. He tells Jem that it’s too late and that there’s a penalty clause for failing to perform.
But wait! Aja calls out that they always perform and runs up to her family and gets a hug from Jem. She says she’ll explain what happened later.
Hayes tells the Misfits to go up and warm up the audience. Pizzazz is mad and says that she wouldn’t even warm up leftovers for Jem. But they do still walk towards the stage. And I assume perform. But we don’t see them play anything because it’s time for the next music video.
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Too Close for Comfort, I like this song. Britta Phillips has such a nice singing voice. Man. She’s great. The editing in the music video is a little strange. But eh.
Let’s see what Pizzazz is doing. Oh, complaining. She’s blaming Ashley for Aja getting back to the casino and Stormer points out that Ashley did exactly what she was told to. Ashley was about to come into the room but overhears Pizzazz and ducks out. Stormer also leaves.
Then Eric phones and tells Pizzazz that there’s going to be a commotion in the casino. And that the police are going to search it. Pizzazz’s job is to make sure they look in Jem’s room.
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We cut to Ashley hiding behind a standee, she’s scared. Stormer spots Ashley who is terrified and Stormer assure her that she’d never hurt her. And joins Ashley behind the standee. Ashley says that Pizzazz and Roxy scare her sometimes, and Stormer confesses that they scare her a little too. Stormer has her sweet side and I wish we found out why she’s even in this band. How did she get involved with them?
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While hiding behind the standee Stormer and Ashley witness Zipper and a couple of his goons stealing money from the casino. Then they hide the sack of cash in Jem’s dressing room.
Stormer asks Ashley what they should do. And Ashley being like, thirteen tells Stormer, “You tell me.” Because yeah, there’s one adult in this situation and it’s definitely not Ashley.
Meanwhile Jem and The Holograms are done their performance and apparently they gave three encores. Hayes is very pleased with them.
But not for long! Hayes is informed that the concert money has been stolen. Pizzazz immediately tells the cops to look in Jem’s dressing room.
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And we get our first moment of Kimber wanting to throw hands! :D That’s my girl! I always forget about this one because it goes so fast. You can tell this is a semi-regular occurrence because Jem already has her arm blocking Kimber off. She didn’t even have to look.
I should make a “Kimber About to Throw Hands” folder to go with my crying folder.
One of the cops tells the detective that he found money in Jem’s room. And the detective promptly handcuffs Jem without hearing her out.
After the commercial break we see Pizzazz being bitter about Rio turning her down so she tells the detective to arrest him as well. Jem keeps arguing and makes a good point, she was on stage, how could she have possibly stolen the money.
The detective says that the thieves were men (How did he know this? The smell of cologne?) and that Jem is only suspected of being an accomplice.
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Then Ashley shouts from off the screen that Jem didn’t do it. Pizzazz and Roxy try to stop her but fail. And Pizzazz tells the detective that Ashley is friends with Jem. And Jem being Jerrica and therefore being a mom stands up for Ashley saying that she would never lie about such a thing.
The detective says that what he thinks doesn’t matter. And then gasp! A raspy new voice enters the conversation! Who could it be? Definitely not anybody voiced by Sue Blu.
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Nope, definitely not.
Well, the mysterious woman tells the detective that she also saw the crime and that she can prove that Jem didn’t commit it. The detective invites the mystery lady and Ashley into Jem’s dressing room to get their account of what happened.
What I wanna know is, what proof did Stormer have?
Outside of the dressing room Jem’s trying to figure out why Pizzazz wanted to get Rio arrested too. He laughs and says that Pizzazz doesn’t take rejection well.
Not too long after that the detective comes out and announces that Jem is free to go. Everybody who likes Jem cheers while Pizzazz tells Roxy that they need to find Stormer.
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Who of course was the mystery lady. She promises Ashley that they’re going to keep this moment a secret.
I love Stormer so much. You have no idea.
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With that all resolved we have a time skip. Pizzazz is in Eric’s office complaining to him that Jem’s more popular than ever. And Eric says that they need to take another approach to the problem. He figures that Jem is a stage name and that maybe if he can find out her real name he could blackmail her or something. So Eric hired a private detective named Malone to find out who Jem is. (I always want to spell it Malogne for some reason.)
And then to help our transition to the next scene Eric tells Pizzazz that Jem is at a fashion show being hosted by our good friend Danielle.
Why yes I am trying to avoid having to look up how to spell her title.
Naturally the Misfits are here to sabotage things. Stormer questions the wisdom of this. And she really should be.
Danielle announces Jem and The Holograms and how they’re wearing her designs. And we get our last music video of the episode.
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Oh! This is when Truly Outrageous plays! It’s a nifty song.
Heeeey. Kimber’s been wearing that outfit in the last two episodes. Danielle met her in that jacket! In fact all these outfits are repeats!
After the song we see Roxy point out the lights shining onto the stage and Pizzazz knows exactly what she’s thinking. They shine the light onto the sprinkler because those things do get darn hot and the sprinklers go off soaking everybody. By the way, Jem and The Holograms did a quick outfit change and now they’re all in new clothes. I forgot a couple of them debuted here. They become wardrobe staples. (I ran out of screenshot room. I could have deleted Kimber wanting to throw hands but no. I will always include those moments.)
None of the Holograms would be surprised to find out that the Misfits were behind the sprinklering. But Jem points out that there’d be no way to prove it was their fault. While they’re driving we see Malone following behind them in his car.
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He turns off at the drive-in theatre where Synergy is located and hides his car. He watches the rest on foot and see the Rockin’ Roadster go through a wall.
Inside the base everybody changes while talking about the fact that the battle of the bands was in only two days.
They all leave and Malone follows soon afterwards.
Synergy’s security system is shouting “intruder” over and over again. It’s not very effective.
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Malone takes a picture of this weird yelling machine. And then he gets annoyed and smashes Synergy with a chair.
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She explodes.
And that’s it for Jem. It’s too bad we won’t see her performing in the battle of the bands. Unless Jerrica decides to wear a pink wig.
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thegrimalldis · 1 month
Hello, so strange. I just remembered William had a girlfriend when he and Eleanor reunited, and I can't for the life of me remember her name, but I think she was a doctor.
How do you think she's doing? Did she have a happy ending?
OMG! I forgot her name too 😭😭 Lela!!!! I had to look at my past posts which led me to the one and only Gabriel Moretti!! Man, I forgot how gorgeous he was 😍
Anyway Lela relocated for work in Windasia. They broke up cause of the long distance thing. I imagine she found love again. Maybe married another doctor and settled there.
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heliads · 2 years
Butchy Masterlist
The Story Knows - Based on this request: "Butchy x female reader one-shot. The reader is a biker and is dating Butchy." Also I added wandavision vibes for no good reason. Imagine
Best Friend’s Brother - Based on this request: “butchy x reader? maybe the reader is also a biker and visiting her friend lela and butchy tries to flirt with her but shes not having it until he eventually wears her down?” Imagine
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-BREAKS DOWN UR DOOR- SO ASK GAME HUH? 1, 5-12, 20-25, 32, 35, 43-46 for Kisa? ok you don't have to do all of them, but I'm thinking about HIM again and he's gently being wrapped in warm blankets and rolled away into my lair.
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Ask Game
What’s the lie your character says most often?
"Don't worry!" You should always worry if Kisa says don't worry.
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
He can lol. He thinks about the pain of when his arm disintegrated and the tears just well up in his eyes.
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
His favourite fabric shop. That's HIS fabric shop, grrrr.
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
Me? Probably just his name. Galin would start yelling in some of the WORST Natlanen? Natlanien? Kisa's native tongue. Lucille strikes me as a petname caller for sure.
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
It started very loose, yk, for the job. But he says it less loosely after dating Luci.
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Gentle love. But lots of banter! And he likes getting the same.
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
any and every fact about his girlfriend ever lol
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Ask him to make something with leather or a jasmine stitch for crochet. Both are Not Easy and someone pretending to be him would most likely not be skilled enough.
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
The look of disgust on Decord's face every single time Galin eats hot peppers from the jar.
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
Kisa has too many fashion opinions for this question. That's the entire industry let's be real here.
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
Keeping your elbows off the table when eating. It's stupid, and uncomfortable. Screw you.
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Twist cherry stems with a tongue. So much coordination..
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Uhmmmm, what happened to Lela. Who again I don't think I've spoken about on this blog? Anyways it haunts him. Even though it wasn't his fault.
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
Yes, he did. And it was a chocolate chip cookie.
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
His entire job bro, the WHOLE thing??? KISA WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE PLOT! Nobody was supposed to get attached to Razvedka. 90% of the related content of them isn't important to the direct plot I was writing.
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
Murder and corporate espionage aside, shoplifting lol
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Well Kisa originally only joined the Fatui for some extra cash so uhm. Oops. It was small at the time.
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
He reads tone and body language wrong sometimes. He'll think someone is being cocky when they're just really into a conversation. He thinks someone is about to hit him when they lift their hand excitedly. Small stuff like that? He hides it mostly, doesn't react. But his mind RACES for a split second.
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
Its hard cause I imagine the languages of Teyvat can sometimes translate, but not fully. We decided he speaks the Teyvat version of Spanish, and according to linguists if you can speak Spanish.. The easiest language to learn is Portuguese! So the teyvat version of that?
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
LOL okay so LIKE CIRINO, if this was a modern OUR WORLD, he'd fucking hate a lot of modern luxury brands. But since we're not in our world. He just really hates dark yellow?? PASSIONATELY despises it. won't use it.
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Listener! I think most of Razvedka are? Just given the nature of their jobs. He, much like the others, is really good at 'prompting'. He can swing a conversation in the direction he wants with just a couple of words and then just listens.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 10 months
Degree of Fancy
Part 2: From Dreams to Reality
Pairing: Professor!Bucky Barnes x Black!College!Reader
Words: 3,004
Synopsis: You can’t stop thinking about your new professor ever since you ran into him, literally. Will your fantasies run away from you?
Warnings: 18+ DNI if under 18, smut, adult situations
Author’s Note: Part 2 is out. Let me know what you think, I love feedback!
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You threw yourself on your bed with a groan, allowing your body to sink into the uncomfortable dorm mattress. It was late- 1:23AM to be exact, and you were just getting back from your shift at the library. You didn’t mind the job because it gave you time to study for your classes, but the late hours were cutting into your sleep. You tossed and turned for a while before giving up on sleeping completely. You squeezed your eyes shut in hopes of tricking your brain, but his image was all that popped into your mind. Professor Barnes- Bucky­- had been tormenting your imagination for the last two weeks, and when you weren’t spending every waking hour overanalyzing your meet cute in the stairwell, he was the main character in your dreams. You dreamt about roaming his shirtless body with your hands, gliding over the peaks and valleys of his chiseled chest and stomach. Lingering at his waist, tempting yourself to  get down on your knees at his will. He would kiss you so passionately and deep you thought you would suffocate, but what a way to go. Dream Bucky was always so rough with you, gripping your skin to leave bruises, ravaging your body, and making you beg for him to slow down as he thrust into you; you made a mental note to discuss what that meant in your next therapy session.
You had lost sleep over someone who hadn’t talked to more than twice, but he had a lasting effect on you, and you couldn’t shake the feeling he was thinking of you as well. You had made yourself sparse in class, only going when Lela let you know they were going over important concepts for the test. When you did show up to class, you waited till the lights had gone down, the glow of the projector dancing over the faces of your classmates. You sat all the way at the top, the last seat, so you could exit as soon as class let out. Now, laying in your bed, you realized how silly you were being about the whole thing. He was probably married or had a girlfriend at least, and he wasn’t spending any time thinking about one 20-year-old girl in his class. He was probably sleeping in his large Brooklyn brownstone, fully naked in bed, rolling around in his silk sheets. A nice sheen of sweat on his forehead, beads of it running down his neck; New York was uncharacteristically warm this September. The muscles of his chest and abs glistening, leading down to the perfect v that framed his dick- you slipped your hand beneath your sleep shorts and underwear, slowly gliding fingers through your folds to gather some of your wetness and sliding back up to draw circles around your clit. Your breath hitched at the sensation, your other hand rolling your nipple back and forth to heighten your pleasure.  Your body began writhing, your hips circling in sync with your fingers. You closed your eyes and allowed Bucky to drift back into your mind. The rubbing of your clit became frantic as you felt your orgasm begin to build in your stomach. You threw your head back and clenched your eyes as you struggled to keep pace, changing tactics, and slipping two fingers in your pussy with your free hands.
“You’re such a good girl for me, baby.” The whisper of praise jolted you out of your trance and your eyes shot open. Professor Barnes was standing at the edge of the bed, stroking his cock with one hand, his metal arm gripping the edge of the footboard leaving a dent in the wood. There he was in the flesh, like he had literally walked out of your fantasy. You sat up, ready to question how he had even gotten in your dorm, but before the breath left your mouth, he had climbed the bed, straddling your waist. His weight felt crushing on your body, his presence intimidating. “Want me to help you?”, Bucky’s eyes baring into yours left you speechless. All you could do was nod, a pitiful look on your face. His cock was dragging through your folds, Bucky humping against the outside of your pussy and creating a friction that forced a moan out of you. He used his thumb to apply pressure and circle around your clit. You shrieked, the pressure too much on your already sensitive clit, and attempted to swat his hand away. Your push had no effect on his position, only caused him to move his thumb quicker. You arched your back in response, a pleading whine escaping your lips. “You can take it, baby. You’re being so good for me. I want to make you feel good, make you cum”. Without moving his thumb, he gripped one of your legs, folding it so your knee was close to your shoulder. He made his way down your body, hovering over your pussy, the heavy breaths sending shivers down your spine. “Please, please, Bucky, I wanna feel good”, you begged for him to finish what he had started. You were about to beg once again, when he latched onto your clit, applying full suction with his entire mouth. He worked from the clit down your folds, lapping up the wetness of your pussy with such vigor. “Oh my god, please don’t stop”. He pushed your other leg up toward your head, so he had a full view of his meal. You raked your fingers through his hair, grabbing a handful at the back of his head to keep him in that right spot.  
Bzzzzzzzzzzzz. You bucked your hips into his face when his tongue was at your entrance, trying to get it deeper.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzz. The second time, you couldn’t ignore that nagging sound in your ear. You opened your eyes and looked around the room for what it could possibly be.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzz. You had almost reached your peak. “I’m about to cum Bucky”. “Cum for me baby”. Bucky relentlessly continue his grip on your clit. You closed your eyes in ecstasy.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzzzzz. You opened your eyes to the loud thump of your phone hitting the floor. Of course, you had been dreaming. Why would Professor Barnes be standing naked in your room in the middle of the night? You rubbed your eyes, pressing your palms against your lids to relieve the pressure from an oncoming headache. You reached over the edge of the bed to grab your phone and sucked in a breath when you realized the time. 11:45. Your International Politics class was going to start in 15 minutes, and you needed at least 20 minutes to get there. You thought about skipping, but you were covering crucial chapters today that were going to be on the mid-semester test. Your rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of vintage Levi’s, and a plain gray tee that hit just below your belly button. You weren’t trying to win any fashion awards, just get to class in time. You slipped on your sneakers, grabbed your backpack, and headed out the door.
Between the heavy foot traffic across campus and just missing the elevator as you entered the building, you were five minutes late to class. You threw the door open behind you and were immediately met by the eyes of 50 of your classmates. Even worse, the seat you usually took right by the door was taken so you had to make your way to the front row, dead center in the room, the eyes of everyone who you passed burning into your back. You dropped down next to Nicky, slumping into the seat trying to catch your breath from the running you just did. Professor Barnes had his back turned to the students, writing some key terms on the board. He didn’t even bother to turn around when you entered the room, and when he finally turned to face the class, he didn’t look your way. He was wearing a black hoodie, worn out dark denim, and his signature combat boots. With his sleeves scrunched up, you had a better view of his vibranium- you had looked it up one night- arm. The polished black and gold metal that made up the components shone in the florescent lighting. You throat tightened at the thought of him choking you while he took you from behind. “Y/N, I’d like your input,” Bucky turned to address you directly, closing the distance between him and your seat quickly. There he went with the staring game again. He leaned back against the podium, his arms folded across his chest. “Do you think international institutions efficiently resolve cooperation problems or serve the interests of powerful states?” You let out a small squeak when you attempted to speak, but quickly covered it up by clearing your throat. You swallowed a couple of times, the gulp heard throughout the classroom. Bucky didn’t move an inch, his stance intimidating, his eyes roaming your face for a response. “Well, I would say that international groups like the UN provide a neutral party with which smaller countries can advocate for themselves, but the UN’s neutrality does prevent these smaller powers from making any lasting change and literally giving themselves a fighting chance against larger states. There is no way that a country like Taiwan could protect themselves from a Chinese imposition if they decided to invade, even with the support of the UN”, you finally were able to respond but didn’t make eye contact with Professor Barnes the whole time, your eyes focused on your hands in your lap. He tapped the fingers of his vibranium hand on your desk to get your attention.
You immediately looked up to see Bucky was smiling at you. “So, you think that groups like the UN are useless?” his question was made to challenge your response, and you took the bait. “Well, not necessarily.” You were making eye contact with him now, a new fire behind your eyes, the challenge sparking your competitive nature. Bucky backed away from the desk, a metaphorical white flag wave, giving you room to continue. “Its just that when groups like the UN don’t attach themselves to a particular country, you wonder if their motives and actions are truly making a difference”, you shrugged your shoulders. Bucky turned back to the board to continue writing, but you weren’t finished. “Take the Avengers for example. The US Government swore up and down that they were there to protect international interests, but without signing the accords and getting the backing of one of the most powerful states and militaries in the world, you start to wonder what good they could do. In the end they just ended up becoming the government’s puppet”. You heard a squeal come from behind you a couple of rows up and you knew it was Lela reacting to your answer. She had to be loving this right now. Bucky stood with his back turned to you, and you could see his back start to tense up. The whirring of his metal arm grew louder as he rolled his shoulders back and attempted to gain his composure. He dropped the marker back on the board tray and crumpled the papers in his hand into a tiny ball without much effort. You gulped again. Great, you had pissed off the only fucking teacher in this school who also happened to be a former Avenger and a fucking Super Soldier.
“I think that’s enough discussion for today. Read chapters 12-19 before next class, we’ll be going over Brexit, and the impact of Britain’s leaving on the European Union”. Bucky spoke to the board, not turning around to address the class. The room immediately cleared out, everyone desperate to get out of the line of fire. Lela called out your name, waiving you over to leave quickly as well, but you ignored her. You weren’t scared as much as you were intrigued. You gathered your things and stood from your desk, but instead of heading up the stairs you walked over to the podium. Bucky was beginning to erase his previous writing, his breathing ragged and deep, trying to control his pulse. “Uh, Professor Barnes, I mean Bucky- I am sorry if what I said struck a nerve, I did not intend to push any buttons”. There were a few moments of silence, so you turned to walk away. “Come on, follow me”, Bucky grabbed his brief case and gestured for you to follow him out the front exit. You moved closely behind him through the empty service hallway struggling to keep up with Bucky’s pace. For all you knew you were being led to a van where you would be kidnapped and never see your family again, but like before, you were intrigued, not scared.
You almost had to break into a jog to keep up, but he finally led you to an office door. “Professor James Barnes, Political Science” was branded in gold foil across the front of the door. Once you were inside, you were taken aback by the sight in front of you. The room was a complete mess, papers and boxes strewn across the large wooden desk in the room. A worn futon was folded out against the left wall, a few days’ clothing scattered across it. So much for the luxurious Brooklyn Brownstone theory; you were pretty sure he was sleeping here. He took off his hoodie and threw it on the futon, revealing a tight black t-shirt underneath that molded against his muscular frame. “Have a seat”, he pointed to an old leather wingback chair that had seen a couple of decades. You softly sat in the chair, hugging your backpack in your lap. Bucky leaned against the edge of his desk, running his hands through his hair a couple of times. It was greasier than usual, and he looked more tired than you had ever seen before. “Do you wanna know why I decided to teach International Politics?”, Bucky looked out into the room instead of at you, lost in a trance. He took your silence to mean he could continue. “I thought if I could learn something about how the world works, I could make sense of some of the things I have been through”.
He picked up a weathered frame from his desk and handed it to you. It was a picture of Bucky and Steve Rogers, Captain America. You had heard things about him, and he was mentioned in some of the research you did on Bucky, but as far as you could tell he was a highly regarded American hero. “Everything I did, all of the international conflicts I got involved in, was following this guy into battle”. You could tell he felt defeated and guilty. “And now that Steve is gone, and no one is here to rally the troops, I’m not so sure we did the right thing.” He hung his head, flexing his vibranium hand a couple of times. You just wanted to wrap your arms around him and try to take away some of his pain. “For what its worth, I don’t think anyone understands why politics works the way it does, and why we continue to allow it to function that way”. You looked up at him and handed him the frame back. When he turned to place it back in its original spot, you placed your hand atop his vibranium hand that was gripping the edge of the desk. You weren’t sure why you did it, but in the moment it felt right. You both lingered there, enjoying each other’s touch. As you began to pull back in embarrassment, Bucky grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the chair, bringing you chest to chest with him. Your noses brushed against one another, Bucky staring down at your lips. You closed your eyes in case you needed to wake up from another dream, but when you opened them, you were still in his embrace. Bucky laughed at the sight of relief on your face. “What are you thinking about?” he asked. “This.” You pulled the back of his head toward yours, your lips crashing with his in a deep kiss.
You separated to catch your breath, but immediately landed back into another kiss, Bucky moving his hands from your hips down to grab handfuls of your ass. You moaned into his mouth as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. You returned the affection with a bite of his bottom lip, sucking on it for a few seconds before you let go. His hands roamed your body, and you rested your arms on his shoulders, raking your hands through his locks. He slipped his hand underneath your t-shirt, grabbing at your breasts. “Stop.” You pulled apart, pushing his hand away and shook off the thoughts of what just happened. “What the fuck are we doing right now?” You stepped back, stumbling over a stack of books on the floor, Bucky reaching out to try to grab you before you fell. You caught yourself before you landed on your behind, backing into the office door. Bucky attempted to explain himself, the words about to leave his lips before you stopped him with a hand out. “I should go”, you grabbed your bag and rushed out the door, slamming it behind you. You ran down the hallway till you reached the closest emergency exit, bursting through the door and signaling the alarm. You couldn’t hear anything because the ringing in your ears was too loud. Your vision was clouded, but you continued running, pushing through crowds of people on the way back to your dorm. Once you were safely back in the confines of your room, you locked the door, threw your bag on the bed, and slid down to the floor. You slapped your hand over your mouth, at a lost for words. “What just happened?”
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