#legend of the moonstone
cartoonkitten · 10 days
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doodles from several weeks ago i might finish but for now have various gay people 🫶
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olivierwolflover · 5 months
thoughts about 100% Wolf
I believe that the 100% Wolf movie(s) and animated series need more fanfictions and crossovers (movies and video games crossovers). I don't think that I'm the only one thinking about it. think I have some ideas though, but I'm not an artist, nor a writer. One with dance dance revolution video games serie (for example) could be awesome.
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maxojir · 5 days
Fanfic for 100% Wolf: Legend of the Moonstone. Follows a different path after Season 1, diverging away from a lot of season 2. Shows glimpses of different attempts the group makes to restore Batty's ability to be human until they finally do succeed.
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Heard the audio with some Sonic animations my sister showed me. Thought they worked well with 100% Wolf characters! Kudos to my sister for editing the video.
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kittiwittebane · 8 months
I’m bad at names, ok??? 😂😭
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Ok, I know that the show has kind of tried to show us "hey, Wilderwolves are bad" but I don't think it's anywhere near as simple as that.
we see with Freddy and Cherry that being a "Wilderwolf" is something deep inside, something that is exclusive to only certain wolves (not counting the time Rick used an evil amulet, as it's mostly just a mind control device.)
Let's analyze, shall we?
In Rick's history lesson on Wilderwolves, he states that Wilderwolves split away from normal wolves do to a moral difference. That Wilderwolves wanted to "hunt without being controlled" and "destroy all humans"
But there are a few things about that. 1. Rick is the one telling it, and he wasn't there when the split happened. 2. This is based on history that the rest of the werewolves wrote, and as they say, history is written by the victors...
To explain this further, lets look at the morals of the Milford Werewolves; no hunting animals, resist animal instincts, be as placid as possible. This is all just ridiculous. They are werewolves, they are designed for hunting prey. Hunting an animal is something humans do, and humans are far less adapted for it. If anyone should be hunting animals for food, it's werewolves! and the resisting of animal instincts, it all reads like they're trying to domesticate themselves to be more palatable to humans. I mean, they Howlington straight up has a play about it. It's straight up anti instincts propaganda.
And to add even more evidence to this, yall remember the Howloween episode? When they stated the super moon would turn werewolves into "feral beasts" with no control.
Freddy had control.
Yeah, he's a werepoodle, but it should still effect him. When he get's ubered, he becomes more or less feral, just, as feral as a poodle can be. If it's the increase of moon magic that causes them to lose there minds, then the super moon should still effect Freddy, as he has moon magic. Heck, it should likely effect Batty as well.
I think they've gaslit themselves so hard, that they have tricked themselves into thinking the supermoon thing is real, and it's actually just a massive placebo effect. Like the headmistress had MILES of woods she could have ran into, and she went to the city. Why? because she was actively worried that it was the place she'd go. I think the super moon does make them stronger, but not by much.
Let me put it this way;
-Werewolves exist. -Wilderwolves exist. (I'm gonna assume being "wilderwolf" just means a wolf who has a special "wild" power that allows them to get strong, faster, ect. cause that's what it seems like to me.) -Werewolves are demonized by humans due to religion, fear of the unknown, and hypocrisy. -Werewolves are hunted. -Werewolves hide, and try to better integrate themselves into human society. (no hunting, resist natural instincts, ect. be as human as possible. No going out during a super moon because it makes you stronger.) -Wilderwolves are ostracized for having a wild based power. -Wilderwolves get ticked off by being treated badly and seeing werewolf culture die, and werewolves domesticating themselves. -Wilderwolves leave/hide -decades of this going on, you get wilderwolves who join bad wolves like Rick because they're tired of hating themselves/sick of the wolf council gaslighting them.
What I'm saying is that the werewolves hurt themselves by trying to deny what they are.
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meglinpancake · 8 months
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…. I have a type
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scarlet-sinnjas · 5 months
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Gift for a friend, Scarlett Jaegger from the 100% wolf franchise!!!!
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comicchannel · 3 months
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Marvel Legends Series Moonstone (The Initiative) Hasbro F3436
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/3OZJWxF
Buy here: https://amzn.to/4cb8CgL
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cartoonkitten · 6 months
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but anyways I had a goofy ship idea of poly them 🙌💖 I’m actually obsessed HA. also have freddies and toras (feat. a ringtail cat HA)
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xsilverpollyx · 2 years
I'm sorry, but l love her 💖👉🏻👈🏻
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maxojir · 17 days
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Art done for me by my Argentinian friend. The characters Batty & Freddie from 100% Wolf : Legend of the Moonstone. The 2 of them having the idea to go parachuting. Link to the artist on DA - https://www.deviantart.com/bitchimadorable/art/Batty-and-Freddy-COMMISSION-1050903742
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kittiwittebane · 2 months
I don’t know if anyone would be interested, but I’m having trouble coming up with ideas for creatures. I have plenty of animals already for my book, but I can’t pinpoint what I completely want. If anyone would like to help designing characters, character side animals, or any creatures in general for the book, please do comment, dm or ask me with art submissions, or even just suggesting combining animals, or suggesting deigns would be amazing!
I’m actually hopping to publish this book but I cant do that without patching the plot holes.
Anyone and any ideas are welcome. Gorey, scary, crazy combos, happy, sad. Dont matter to me.
Thanks for reading!
Anyone who helps will be mentioned in this post.
/Doesn’t want to be named/: Bunny Fox art
/unnamed 2/: Bee Lion art
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sketches-n-stuff · 2 months
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Cougar <3
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I just want to warn everyone, the bullying has gotten REALLY bad at the moment online, especially people using lgbt issues as an excuse to do it. ("you're not queer so you can't write queer stories!" or "you played this game, and such n such said this, so your now phobic!") and just bullying in general. And I just want to remind everyone 1, don't do that. two, watch out, and block people the SECOND they do that to you. do not take chances. I've nearly been bullied out of the lore Olympus fandom, and a friend of mine has been bullied out of another fandom. (which i shall not mention for privacy reasons.)
and i am quite frankly pissed. People deserve to be able to enjoy things.
So just stay safe yall.
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The Legend of Moonstone Castle
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Moonstone Castle was once a place of great power and magic, a stronghold of the Fairy World where the greatest fairy kings and queens once ruled. But now, it lies abandoned and forgotten, a relic of a time long gone. Or so it seems.
There is a powerful secret hidden within the walls of Moonstone Castle, a secret that only the bravest and most adventurous of fairies know about. If you're curious and willing to risk everything, then read on to discover the Fairy Secret of Moonstone Castle.
Rumors and Legends
According to legend, Moonstone Castle was built by the greatest fairy kings and queens of old as a place of power and magic. It was said that the very stones of Moonstone Castle were imbued with fairy magic, and that Moonstone Castle was guarded by powerful enchantments that kept it safe from harm.
But as the centuries passed, the magic of Moonstone Castle began to fade. The fairy kings and queens who once ruled there were replaced by mortal rulers, who saw Moonstone Castle only as a symbol of their power and wealth.
For many years, Moonstone Castle lay abandoned and forgotten, its secrets lost to time.
The Fairy Secret of Moonstone Castle
But there is a secret hidden within the walls of Moonstone Castle, a secret that only the bravest of fairies know about. The secret is a hidden chamber deep within Moonstone Castle's walls, a chamber that is said to contain the very heart of fairy magic itself.
Legend has it that the chamber is guarded by powerful enchantments, and that only those who are pure of heart and willing to risk everything can enter. But those who do are said to be rewarded with a glimpse of the true power and magic of the Fairy World.
Finding The Chamber
To find the chamber, one must first enter Moonstone Castle and make their way through its many twisting corridors and secret passages. Moonstone Castle is a maze of hidden rooms and secret chambers, and it's said that even the most skilled of fairies can become lost within its walls.
But those who persevere will eventually find themselves standing before a hidden door, concealed within the very stones of Moonstone Castle itself. To open the door, one must whisper the ancient fairy incantation, passed down from generation to generation of now-forgotten fairies.
Sadly, the words of the secret incantation have been lost to time and no one knows exactly how to open the hidden door to the chamber of fairy magic. However, there is a legend that a fairy of royal blood who doesn't know about their heritage holds the key to unlocking the castle's secrets.
It is said that the protective magic which guards the castle will recognize the true heir when they appear. If they are found to hold the right intentions and purity of heart, then the hidden door will open to reveal the entrance to the hidden chamber.
Many fairies have searched for this lost heir, but none have yet succeeded. Still, the legend persists, and many believe that someday the true heir will appear and reveal the secrets of the Fairy World to those who are worthy.
The Chamber of Fairy Magic
The chamber itself is said to be a place of great power and magic, a place where the very fabric of reality is twisted and warped by the sheer force of fairy magic. Within the chamber, one can see visions of the past and the future, and hear the whispers of fairy voices that have long since faded from memory.
But the true power of the chamber lies in its ability to grant wishes. It's said that if one speaks their deepest desire while standing within the chamber, the magic of the Fairy World will hear their words and grant them their wish.
The secret of Moonstone Castle is a hidden treasure, known only to the bravest and most adventurous of fairies. It's a chamber of power and magic, a place where the true nature of the Fairy World is revealed.
If you're willing to risk everything to uncover its secrets, then Moonstone Castle is waiting for you.
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