#late......... </3
swanfrcst · 1 year
year end fic meme 2022!!!!
am i getting worse and worse each year 💀
Total number of completed stories: 3 on ao3. 3 on google docs that i haven't posted yet...i'll get around to posting those when i'm not feeling lazy jfaksndlf
Fics Posted:
On AO3:
The King's Avatar
left with a beautiful memory: my zhangjialefest2022 submission!!! tbh i never would have written this fic if not for really wanting to get something out for 02/22/2022 (even if i wasn't able to make the exact date), but i'm really happy i did write it in the end. it's always missing zhang jiale hours :''))) i am pretty happy with it tbh!! i feel like i was able to include a lot of my zjl headcanons/meta thoughts!
Good Hunting: this fic was a year and a half in the making!!! i am very proud of it actually. hmm what to even say about this! i think my prose slaps, i'm quite satisfied with the narrative, i had a mini breakdown about a stupid minor detail that waylaid the fic for months, and i wrote the last section, the transformation sequence, really early in the process and i'm still very happy with it!!!!! ahhhh having a fic i still feel this good about is really nice.
(no) love left: a triple drabble i wrote for the seasons of drabble exchange! my first mdzs fic, and i still like it a lot! jiang cheng & wei wuxian is my favorite mdzs relationship, so ofc i had to take a crack at it :''')
not posted:
Genshin Impact
venti stormterror's lair fic: it's a fic about venti and his relationship with stormterror's lair! wrote it for the scenes of wonder genshin zine...so technically it's public and posted? i just haven't posted it on ao3 yet...if i do it the next few days i'll link it here :'') . i actually do like this one! wanted to exercise my descriptive writing muscles; i don't know how well i did but it was pretty fun to write
ganyu & liyue fic: in a very similar vein, it's a story about liyue changing through ganyu's eyes :') i'm....not super happy with this one ahahaha </3 which is also a reason it hasn't been posted yet. sigh i don't know how to clean it up though!! so the chances of me dumping it on ao3 is pretty low atm...maybe i'll throw it on tumblr first?? ahhh idk!
Witch Hat Atelier
Apprentice's Journey: a fic about qifrey and the girls i wrote for the hempishere witch hat atelier zine! i actually completely forgot about this fic....it was actually such a bitch to write. i had to rewrite it after the first draft was done because of shitty planning.....i'm still not satisfied with the final result but oh well :(
oHHHHHHHHH i just remembered i have some random drabbles?? i will...post those......maybe......maybe ill just . post them at the end of this post LMAO
Total word count: 9041 on ao3.
What WIPs are you working on?
added this question this year LOLOLOL i do have some """"active"""" wips!!!! it's mostly genshin!!!!!!!!! i have a ganqing wip i've been chipping away at for a while now that i do quite like :'D then.....two other genshin fic that i'm writing for two different free/open enrollment genshin zines! one is a lumine & albedo & venti fic that's just kind of about how all three of them are sussy non-humans. the other one is....a bit cringe LOL actually i don't even want to talk about it </3 it's supposed be yanfei & yelan with a fables theme but while i have an outline i do not like it very much :(
BTW my most exciting wip is a nahida & kaveh fic that is currently titled "nahida is my baby girl but kaveh is my babygirl. i hope you understand." however i word vomited a couple hundred freewrite words and now i have no idea how i want to keep writing it. pain pain pain.
i also?? wrote a couple hundred words for a sousou no frieren concept but ehhh that one's fighting me too. not enough meat on the concept sighhh
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
actually...when you add in the stuff i haven't posted on ao3........including wips....i've written quite a lot! i just wish i had more to post :'')
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
good hunting :)
Did you take any writing risks this year?
hilariously, i think it's joining those two free zines 💀 i'm NOT good at writing to a deadline!!!!!!!! or a prompt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don't really want to fail to submit something but i think im gonna flop lmao
Do you have any fanfic or ofic goals for the New Year?
lol...in this question last year i talked about my xsq & smc fic (good hunting) which i've actually finished!! i'm procrastinating on editing it, and actually want to post it for rare pair week so uhhh....yay to me for finishing it? but i guess my goals is to clean it up for rare pair week posting.
HIGHLIGHTING THIS FROM LAST YEAR BC GUESS WHO ACTUALLY FINISHED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Hunting is a fic i'm still proud of so :''''')))) WOOOOOOOOOOO
i also want to finish my 100 sentences blossom duo fic that i started when i first joined qzgs fandom for zhang jiale fest!! i would like to participate this year!!!
this did not happen hahahaha i wrote a whole new fic instead </3
anyway....my goals....write more i guess 😭 i want to write more things that aren't for posting!!! i have so many stupid and self-indulgent stories rattling around in my brain and i want to make some sort of record of them :''))) sometimes i think of banger lines too that get lost immediately afterwards too and itd be nice to save those :'')))
Most popular/most under-appreciated/most fun to write/story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
most fun to write was definitely (no) love left! my recipient had some REALLY banger prompts like dreams/nightmares so i tried to play a bit with that kind of atmosphere/imagery!!! i think it turned out pretty well.
Hardest Story to Write:
Apprentice's Journey, the fic I wrote for the Witch Hat Atelier zine. goddddd that fic was a nightmare to write!!! like pulling teeth!!!!!!!! i've discovered i am NOT good at planning. i need to think very hard about thematic through-lines but sometimes i end up fucking up anyway and need to rewrite the whole thing. but a good thing about this fic is i had some banger lines :))) and maybe i'll post the scrapped bits separately later.
Biggest Disappointment/Biggest Surprise:
random drabbles i dont really want to post elsewhere
crawl back to
in the burial mounds, wei wuxian is broken down and remade. piece by piece, the graveyard strips wei wuxian of flesh and bone. the shattered skeletons of animals and humans and creatures unidentifiable clamor hungrily. they are desperate. they are cruel.    
wei wuxian drags his body forward. he does not know where he is going. sometimes, he does not know if he is alive. wei wuxian has long passed knowing if he wants to be alive. 
he is limping—he is stumbling—he is crawling—his hands are wet and sticky. under the dim light of a sun he cannot see, a river of red burns against the barren dirt.
a chengqing au that appeals to one person (me) where jiang cheng saves wen qing because he thinks that keeping wen qing “hostage” in lotus pier might be able to convince wei wuxian to come home…
jiang cheng—sandu shengshou, sect leader, estranged shidi to the villainous yiling laozu—leaves for the burial mounds with a mission. 
he’ll succeed. he has to. surely wei wuxian won’t be able to deny him this time, not when he’s come prepared with a trump card. surely. 
later, when jiang cheng returns to lotus pier, his feet carry him directly to a secluded room. locked and warded, but not heavily. before he can form a coherent thought, he pushes open the door. 
inside: wen qing, sitting on a plain bed. she jerks to attention, hope glittering in her eyes. 
“...he’s not here,” wen qing says after a long moment.  
what can he even say? there are emotions he doesn’t have a name for digging a nest in the pit of his stomach. battering his ribcage. tearing into his beating heart. 
“by the time i got to him,” he rasps, the words like brambles scraping against his throat, “it was–” –i was– “–too late.”
dirt on your cheek
under the flickering candle-light, beidou is all languid grins and loose limbs. even here, in ningguang’s private chambers, beidou radiates sleek confidence.
ningguang lifts her hand to the handsome curve of beidou’s face, tracing the shadow of beidou’s eyepatch.
beidou lifts a questioning eyebrow.
“there was something on your cheek, that’s all,” ningguang says. her fingers linger for a moment longer.
laughing, beidou pushes her down onto the bed. “can’t have anyone think the great ningguang is sappy, huh?”
ningguang lets herself fall gracefully, a pleased smile curling up her lips. “i suppose you’d know a little something about that.”
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sunbloomdew · 8 months
do you ever see a person and you are overcome with incredible fondness? and you just think "oh." but not in a romantic or sexual way you are just filled with warmth and it makes you happy, it just does. and you think "i'm so happy you exist. i'm happy you are somewhere out there in the world, doing your thing". it's love but also not entirely
like people are lovely and i feel it in my entire chest like a burning candle that smells like roses and a sunny day
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ruushes · 6 months
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sleeping arrangements (not sure tara would ever actually deign to sleep in the same 20ft radius as shovel but who can resist those big shiny insectoid black eyes 🥺)
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catskullery · 5 months
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pouletpourri · 8 months
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more of that "kaufmo didn't get abstracted" AU
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morebird · 2 months
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Gale of Waterdeep
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pastadoughie · 7 months
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duckdotimg · 6 months
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Got tired of seeing moeblob young catgirls. Give me butch and GNC catladies in their 40s and 50s (more will be drawn)
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cliopadra · 6 months
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pikatik · 6 months
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flopity-flips · 2 months
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did you guys hear they bodied bubbline and rupphire in best yuri bracket on twitter
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cemeterything · 8 months
my main advice for writing an enemies to lovers relationship is to resist the urge to make the characters' loathing and attraction mutually exclusive opposing forces. it's okay if they're getting weirdly into it and having Thoughts whilst also sincerely wanting to kill each other with hammers.
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valc0 · 8 months
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When your rizz is so bad you make the sexy vampire crack up
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krysmcscience · 25 days
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Call this the Whoopsie AU (it's barely an AU)
I mean. Narinder never explicitly SAID the Lamb would stay dead... :3c He probably should have been more specific. >:3c
Part Two:
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Well. The Lamb tried, but...sorry, Nari, the crown hates you now. Shouldn't have been so quick to lend it out, I guess. :D
Aaaand Part Three:
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'Isn't he just adorable?' -The Lamb, probably, while their followers smile and nod and internally scream at the brand new hellcat they now have to share living space with...
Anyway, nothing says 'Dead To Me' like following a person around to loudly remind them of how dead they are to you. Right? Right. Narinder's got this all figured out. <:]
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triona-tribblescore · 2 months
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Sometimes I forget im allowed to draw him going a lil crazy 😌✨
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the-phantom-peach · 3 months
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another modern zelink dump because I like them and epona is cute <3
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