#last seal of the evening and its a special one
simmonsized · 1 year
I just went on my lunch to find out its your birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAT NOVIE you shoulda let me know so i could draw u more muppet homwstuck men >0
(Also sick accordian. If i ever get my dream hurdy gurdy lets make noise together)
I don't like to bother anyone!!!! I get anxious making a big fuss about myself!! But you KNOW I would never say no to more muppetstuck <3 you are so talented and creative, Cory
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I'm excited and nervous to learn the accordion, but I would LOVE to make noise together someday <333!!!!!
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bitterie-sweetie · 4 months
Fake it til you make it
Pairing: Jeonghan x reader Genre: fluff, fake dating WC: 6.5k Warnings: alcohol A/N: yes it's about vday buuut it's actually for @syuperseventeen's bdayyy!!! surprise surprise! happy birthday nat, i hope this year is even better and filled with many things to look forward to <3
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Your Valentine’s date with Jeonghan is coming up and yet the only thing on your mind is how to break up with him. Of course breaking up with someone is difficult, but you’d argue that what’s more difficult is breaking up with someone you never even dated.
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Jeonghan is a prankster. 
Growing up, you’d often be on the receiving end of his pranks at school. Third grade “initiation” had you drenched in water after he told you to pin a cup against the wall with a straw, and in ninth grade you had tears streaming down your face after eating an entire scoop of wasabi—not the matcha ice cream he said it was. Then there was the time he did something to make your first crush hate you, which, in hindsight, was a good thing because the guy turned out to be a total asshole. 
It wasn’t Jeonghan’s fault entirely when you were too willing to fall for his pranks because being the target of a prank meant having his attention, and that’s something that you wanted. Jeonghan had a way of making everyone feel special, and his attention was a limelight that you never wanted to step out of. 
Honestly, you might’ve kept up with it if he kept going. But then that fateful day came and it was like you were suddenly on his side, working with him instead of being the victim to his antics, and you’d say that that’s what has kept the two of you together after all these years. 
Well, at least until now.
“Hey,” you greet in a rush, looking around the table at everyone and seeing that you’re truly the last one to arrive. Usually, you’d give that place to Lee Chan; he’s the most popular of your friend group and almost always has a prior appointment to your meetups. “Sorry I’m late. My train was delayed and—oh, did you already order for me?” 
Jeonghan slides a sealed bubble tea across the table and sets it in front of your seat—the one empty chair right beside him, no less. When you glance at him questioningly he shrugs and tilts his head towards the crowd at the front. “The line was too long so I ordered yours with mine. Hope you’re feeling like your usual today.” 
Indeed, the sticker on the cup shows that it’s your go-to order. “Aw, that’s so sweet of you. Thanks, babe.” 
Today’s meet up with your friend group is the first of the year and it’s also the first time you’re seeing everyone since Chan’s wedding… including Jeonghan. You would’ve spent Christmas and New Year’s with him had he not cancelled on you, and now that bit of distance has manifested into a larger uncertainty for you over the past while. Even now, the ‘babe’ seemed to come out awkwardly, sticking to your throat.
“Wow, you guys are actually disgusting. I hope you know that.” Seungkwan makes a face at you, and beside him, Soonyoung nods a few times in agreement. 
You plaster on a smile. “It’s okay to just say you’re jealous.” 
The only response you get is an eye-roll from Soonyoung, and then everyone moves on, thankfully. Mingyu asks you what you’ve been up to so you talk about your recent promotion at work and some new habits you’ve started in the new year, and when you sense that the conversation is starting to approach the territory of your future with Jeonghan, you gently steer it towards Chan. After all, he’s the one that got married just a few months ago, and you know he would never miss the chance to talk about his amazing honeymoon and how great this new chapter of his life is going.
There is truly nothing like adult friendships and its quarterly updates. 
Once there’s a bit of a lull in the conversation, Jeonghan turns to you. “What are you doing this week?” 
“Oh, this week?” Your heart speeds up tenfold at the uncertainty of what might come next. “Hmm well, it’s Valentine’s Day.” 
“Yeah, exactly.” He nods and much to your relief, there’s a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips. “So I’ll see you for our date then?” 
“Of course, babe.” 
“Can’t you guys do this somewhere else?” Soonyoung says as he stares daggers in your direction. You totally understand and sympathize with that though; today you’re turning up the sweetness more than usual to compensate for the distance you actually feel, unfortunately at the expense of your friends.
Jeonghan completely ignores Soonyoung’s complaint and doesn’t even look his way. “That’s good,” he says, leaning back in his seat and almost looking relieved at your answer. “I was afraid my darling might not have time for me anymore.”
“What? No way. Did you have anything in mind for our date?” 
“Hmm, yes but it’s a surprise. I’ll text you the details later.” 
“Well, uh, I have to run,” Chan says, slowly getting up from his seat. The rest of you hardly bat an eye, having gotten too used to his busy schedule. “It was nice seeing everyone. You guys should come over for my housewarming once everything is set up.” 
Mingyu stands up too. “Oh, I actually have to go too; got a dinner with Wonwoo later.” 
…On second thought, perhaps you overcompensated a bit too much with the cringe. Soonyoung and Seungkwan leave soon after getting a call from their roommate, Seokmin, and then it’s just you and Jeonghan at the table. Still seated side by side, your arm occasionally brushing against his. 
“How have you really been?” he asks in a low voice. 
“Decent, I guess, despite the winter blues and all. It’s pretty much what I said earlier.” You shrug when he remains silent. “Why do you ask? Do I look depressed or something?”   
“No,” he shakes his head with a laugh, “not depressed, exactly, but I wanted to see if you’re as sad as I am about not seeing each other in so long.” Then he leans in a bit closer, as if to whisper a secret. “I missed you, darling.”
It’s times like this when you feel like he’s toeing the line. There’s a small smile lingering on his lips and a softer look in his eyes, not at all like the overdone sweetness to the point of sarcasm from before, but you can never tell if he really means what he says or if this is just part of the act. 
Regardless, it makes your face feel hot and it makes you unable to look directly at him. 
“Oh… yeah,” you say, trying to make a quick recovery. “It’s too bad we missed out on the holidays but at least we get Valentine’s Day.” 
“Yup, that’s exactly why I have something special in mind for that day. I want to make it up to you, darling.” 
You give him a smile and then go to take a sip of your drink, and that’s pretty much the end of the conversation. Despite saying he misses you, it’s interesting how he doesn’t explain why he bailed on the holidays in the first place, and you don’t know whether you should ask about it at this point.
Or if you should even be curious about such a thing. 
Jeonghan pulls you out of your thoughts with a brush of his hand on yours. “It’s getting dark. Let’s head out?” 
You agree and then let him hold your hand, lace his fingers with yours, and then lead you out of the shop. He doesn’t let go until you cross the parking lot and get to his car. It’s strange, you think. You can’t seem to recall the last time the two of you held hands so naturally like this especially when there’s no one else around. 
In fact, when the two of you are alone, the sickening sweetness is always toned down but not completely dropped. Now, Jeonghan’s smiles are softer around the edges like they’re less exaggerated, less of a performance, and when he calls you darling, his voice is quieter and isn’t at all coated in the sticky honey you’re used to. When he hugs you goodbye at your door, it’s a loose hug and almost has a degree of uncertainty. 
Jeonghan steps back but lingers just for a second. “I’ll see you in a few days for our date, darling.”
“Of course,” you put on a smile, “I can’t wait, babe.” 
He waits until you get into your building before giving a little wave and then heading on his way. 
After you close the door behind you and collapse onto your bed, you heave a sigh and finally let the smile slip from your lips. So there would be a Valentine’s date this year after all; the anticipation makes your heart speed up the slightest but at the same time makes you all the more anxious. You thought that he really would end things today, and if not, that you should be the one to do so. But seeing him after so long, feeling the way the warmth of his touch lingers on your skin, basking in the brightness of his smiles, you simply couldn’t utter those words. 
Perhaps Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be the right time to do it either, or maybe your date won’t end up happening for whatever reason. You know that this is something you have to do, but the question is how exactly would you go about doing it? Because there is one major problem. 
You’re not dating Jeonghan at all. 
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One moment in high school is what started this whole thing.
It was eleventh grade drama class—which Jeonghan thought would be fun to take as an elective—that resulted in the two of you being cast in the school play. Although neither of you landed a role that was remotely close to important, Jeonghan decided to have fun with it and improvise during your one minute of screen time and that somehow turned your insignificant cameos into a beautiful romance that had the audience rooting for you. 
And that very moment somehow managed to embed itself so deeply in your relationship with Jeonghan that it became a long running joke to this day. 
Today you’re sitting across from Soonyoung and Seungkwan again, with Mingyu beside you this time. Almost an exact replica of last week’s meetup, but Chan already has plans and Jeonghan is very obviously missing—something Soonyoung points out immediately.
“Wow, no Jeonghan today?” he says loudly even before the hostess is out of earshot. The people at the two tables nearby glance in your direction and you start to regret coming here at all. “We really won this one. Y/N, we should do this more often.” 
You definitely should not. “Um, yeah. Totally.” 
Last week’s meeting with your friends is what gave you the idea to consult with them about your situation. You first suggested the idea to Mingyu, and then used the prospect of free food to get Soonyoung and Seungkwan to come out, and naturally, Chan is busy so it ends up being the four of you at brunch. Which is better on your wallet, you think. You get the feeling that this quarterly meetup can totally happen more often if you were to make this offer every time. 
As for what you’re about to ask… well, truthfully, you still don’t know if you should even do it. You’ve gone so many years without saying a word that it’d simply be odd to ask now, plus you would run the risk of making everything weird. But if you don’t do it, you would only end up making it weird anyway because how much longer can you go on pretending?
Besides, it’s not only you and Jeonghan who are prolonging this inside joke for way longer than it should’ve lasted. All of your friends should be in on it if they treat the two of you like a couple too. 
The waiter comes by to take your orders, and you try not to wince at the entire list that comes out of Soonyoung and Seungkwan’s mouths. Mingyu gets the least, seemingly knowing that something is up if the worried glances he throws your way is anything to go by. 
Once the waiter leaves, that’s when the small talk stops and all eyes turn to you.
“So what did you want to talk about?” Soonyoung asks with a goofy grin. “Since Jeonghan’s not here, does that mean you need help with Valentine’s Day plans or something?” 
Beside him, Seungkwan has the complete opposite expression as he eyes you warily between sips of his americano.
You take a huge swig of water like it’s liquid courage, and then go for it. “This is going to sound weird…” you start, trying not to notice the way Seungkwan tenses up as if bracing for your words, “but I wanted to ask you guys what my relationship with Jeonghan is.” 
Silence. Complete, dead silence. 
Soonyoung freezes like he’s in a photograph while Seungkwan’s hand holding his americano hangs in mid air as a drop of the drink dribbles down the side of his lip. 
“Sorry, what?” It’s Soonyoung who recovers first. “I think I heard that wrong.” 
You shake your head. “Just tell me.” 
“You’re asking us what your relationship with your own boyfriend is?” 
“Boyfriend—exactly!” You have to hold back all the thoughts you have on the topic. “Yeah, that’s what I mean. So you think he’s my boyfriend? That we’re dating?” 
Soonyoung frowns but it’s Seungkwan who answers, exasperated. “Y/N, what are you trying to say here? Are you trying to say you guys broke up? Or do you think we don’t know you well enough and this is a test? Can you say whatever it is directly—” 
“Jeonghan and I aren’t together.”
There, you said it. Your biggest secret is out.
It should make you relieved to finally let out the secret you’ve been harbouring for years or it should at least alleviate some of the weight on your chest, but it doesn’t. The silence in the wake of your confession only closes in on you and makes it all the more suffocating.
“No. We were never together.”
The bit of silence from earlier repeats itself. Maybe you should become a speaker or presenter with your ability to draw such reactions from a crowd.
Seungkwan noisily sets down his drink and then leans forward with a frown. He’s still in denial, that much is obvious, and he narrows his eyes as he asks, “Is this a joke? A hidden camera? Are you trying to prank us like Jeonghan—”
“No, I’m completely serious. It’s really not what it seems, and this is why I’m asking you guys what you see us as because at this point I don’t even know the answer myself.” 
With a deep breath, you tell them the truth about this entire thing.
You tell them about the high school play and your impromptu acting, and how that led for the two of you to become the famous couple at school afterwards. Sure, it might’ve been a good thing because that meant your acting was believable. But to two people who were interested in just about anything except love at that age, it was annoying and gross. 
After the show when the shippers wouldn’t stop, the two of you decided to do what you do best—pull a prank. You spent that Valentine’s Day together as a joke and acted extra disgusting to mock couples while making fun of how stupid people were to believe whatever you showed them. In twelfth grade, the two of you did the same for Valentine’s Day and then even went to prom together as a joke. 
In recent years, however, the annual joke of a Valentine’s Day date has turned into his Christmas and your Lunar New Year, his cousin’s graduation, your coworker’s housewarming, and Lee Chan’s wedding. It’s made you on a texting basis with his sister and it’s made him familiar with all your favourite food spots and go-to orders. It’s turned him into someone who’s simultaneously as distant as an acquaintance yet closer than a best friend. 
And so, here you are, living an entire lie because you and Jeonghan had the whole world fooled.
“That’s insane,” Soonyoung says when you finally finish the story, unable to look your way and instead, stares into his drink with how mind blown he is.
Seungkwan, on the other hand, remains a bit skeptical. “Okay, but then what was with all that PDA?All the kissing? Is this some sort of situationship?” 
“Oh, um.” Immediately you can feel your cheeks heating up. You didn’t think this far at all but now it seems like the entire truth will have to come out. “All of it was fake. We’ve… never actually kissed.” 
That drama class has taught you more than you needed to know about manipulating angles and the audience’s perception, and Jeonghan is very good at it. Your fake kisses were often just a trick of the angle or occasionally using the thumb trick, and having seen the evidence captured in photos over the years, you know how convincing it can look.
Now, it’s embarrassing to admit for reasons you never would’ve imagined. Admitting to pulling a childish prank like this is one thing, but the realization that you and Jeonghan have faked it for so long without ever once making it real has you feeling almost dejected.
“I always knew Jeonghan was crazy but I didn’t know he’d be *this* crazy.” Soonyoung now has his head in his hands and is staring off into space. “This is the most insane story I’ve ever heard. I’m not sure if I should be happy for you or sad.” 
You give a wry smile. “Yeah, well, I get why you would think we were together though. You met us in college and wouldn’t have known about what happened in the past so I guess there would never be a reason to question it.” 
Beside you, Mingyu clears his throat and you turn to look at him. He’s been so quiet throughout your story that you were too busy focusing on the reactions of the other two, but looking at him now, his reaction is entirely different. Mingyu isn’t as surprised as he is concerned. “Actually, Y/N, a few years ago…” he says hesitantly, “there was a time when I asked him if you were actually dating.” 
“You did? What did he say?”
“He didn’t deny it.”
“Well, we all know how he loves to be ambiguous and leave things a mystery.”
Mingyu shakes his head. “No—see, that’s what I thought too, but it was different that time. At first he didn’t deny it, but when I pushed a bit more, he said that you’re dating. In actual words and with the most serious look I’ve ever seen on his face.” 
This is news to you. You always assumed that they were all in on the joke and would’ve never guessed that anyone actually asked Jeonghan, but the fact that he answered that way is all the more baffling. 
“I don’t get it. Why would he tell you that?” 
“Yeah, so,” Soonyoung says, “from then on we all thought that was fully confirmed, and he never said or implied otherwise.” 
Mingyu nudges you gently. “Y/N, are you telling us about this now because you’re planning on stopping the act? Has it been bothering you? Or did something happen?” 
“Is that why you wanted to tell us today?” Soonyoung lets out a dramatic gasp and leans all the back in his chair, hands over his mouth. “Don’t tell me—are you going to stop the act because you have a crush on someone?”
“What? No, definitely not. It’s not that, it’s—” 
Here’s the next part of your big secret being revealed, something you weren’t entirely ready for but you tell yourself that this needs to happen. 
It’s because of your feelings for Jeonghan. Your very real, very genuine feelings that have nothing to do with this prank.
Truthfully, you can’t pinpoint when you started feeling this way, much like you’re not sure how this joke was able to stick around for so long. It could be the most recent development—when your friend tried to convince you to hop on a dating app, all you could think about was how wrong it felt because you already had Jeonghan. Or maybe it was the Valentine’s Day just before college graduation when he leaned in so closely you thought he was going to kiss you, for real this time, and then only realizing much later that you were disappointed that it wasn’t real. 
Or perhaps it started way back, to the time he asked you to prom—he said he didn’t have a date only for you to later find out he’d already rejected two promposals from other people. All for your fake relationship, supposedly.
And now, for you, what has started as a harmless prank has turned into something much more than that over the years. 
Everyone looks like they're at a loss for words after that part, and even Soonyoung has lost his enthusiasm after hearing it. “Shit, that’s…” he starts. “Okay, yeah, I’m definitely sad for you.” 
Seungkwan and Mingyu have similar sentiments but you wave them off, eager to lighten the mood again after such heavy topics. The food on the table has been long finished and you’re beginning to feel like you’re overstaying your welcome when there’s a crowd waiting at the front of the restaurant. “It’s fine, it’s whatever. I just wanted to get this off my chest today so that I can figure things out before I see him in a few days.” 
A while later, you finish paying and then all head out together. 
The conversation continues to replay itself in your head, and you realize there is one thing you’re curious about. You turn to Mingyu. “By the way—Mingyu, why *did* you ask Jeonghan if we were actually dating?”
Mingyu stops mid-stride and freezes like a deer in headlights, clearly not expecting your question at all. “I—um, I was asking for a friend.” 
“A friend?”
“Yeah, Chan.” He nods a few times in a row. “I thought Chan had a crush on you and I was trying to help him out.”
Strange, seeing as you’ve probably interacted with Chan the least among your friend group. He’s simply too booked and busy to hang out with you, and has been all throughout your college years together. 
Oh, and he’s married.
“Like, before he met his wife?” you ask.
Soonyoung starts to cough furiously from where he is a few steps ahead while Mingyu’s cheeks redden the slightest bit. 
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You vaguely remember the first time the two of you did this, and how it wasn’t anything like how it’s going now. 
Tonight is the night you’re supposed to go on your date with Jeonghan, and you’ve been buzzing with nerves since the night before. You have no idea what to expect for tonight since all he told you about it was to show up at his apartment, and that in itself was slightly concerning as you’ve never been to his home before nor has he been so secretive about any plans. Usually the two of you would be going to a casual place or would have the schedule shared ahead of time if it was a more formal event that needed preparation. 
Jeonghan buzzes you in when you arrive and before you can say you’ll wait for him in the lobby, he tells you to go up to his unit. Again, a bit strange. You do as he asks though, and then even go to knock on the door when there’s no sign of him coming out.
When he opens the door and steps aside, that’s when everything clicks—you’re not here so that he can get his car and take you to your date location. This *is* the date location.
Beyond the doorway, you can see that his apartment is completely decorated. Rose petals line the sides of the hall and lead to the dining table, covered in a deep red tablecloth and perfectly set for your meal. Beside it, a large bouquet of roses rests at the center of the sideboard surrounded by a row of flickering candles which light up the space.
Even without knowing what his home normally looks like, it’s obvious that all this would’ve taken a lot of effort to set up.
“Jeonghan, why did you prepare all this?”
He gives you a dazzling smile. “Because my darling deserves the best, of course. I told you I was going to make it up to you for cancelling Christmas.” 
“Babe, that’s too sweet of you. You really didn’t have to.” You try to return his smile but it doesn’t come easy when this whole situation is overwhelming. Then you let him take your coat and then guide you to the dining table where everything is set up. 
Only when you’re seated do you realize that his response doesn’t answer your question at all. 
The scent of the roses fill the room and looking at them gives you a pang in your heart. This is what the two of you used to make fun of—these big, romantic gestures, and the couples that willingly eat them up. Now it’s as if the tables have turned and you don’t know what to think. 
If this were in public, in front of your friends or other people, you would’ve said that it was another funny gesture that Jeonghan put up for the sake of making them cringe. Because the two of you were the perfect joking, prankster couple, right? 
Now that it’s just you and him here, it confuses you as to why he’s going to such lengths for a joke when it’s something that no one else would see, when there’s no audience to watch his performance. 
You watch as Jeonghan busies himself in the kitchen, serving the food that he’s prepared and pouring the wine into glasses while glancing your way every once in a while. He looks pleased, you note, and he should be if he got his space to look this beautiful. But you can sense that there’s something else too, almost like a nervousness that sits on his shoulder every time he breezes past you and makes eye contact for the briefest second.
After everything is ready, he finally takes a seat across from you and the dinner begins.
Making small talk is easy at first; you comment on your surprise at this type of date, talk about how cold it’s been lately and how it sucks that your company is forcing you to go back into the office. You ask him how his holiday went and how his family has been, and mention how cute his sister’s new puppy is after seeing a post about it on her social media. 
You know you’re just delaying the inevitable. Somehow you get the feeling he knows it too, judging by the way his answers are shorter than usual and how your conversation feels so superficial. So this time after there’s a lull in the conversation, you decide to go for it.
"Jeonghan, um…"
"Hmm?" He looks at you and waits for you to continue, but you don't. Or rather, you can't. "Ah, you're going to comment on how good this is, right?" he says instead, as if supplying you with a way out.
You're all too eager to grab onto it. "Wow, you read my mind." An enthusiastic nod, a slight look of surprise. "It's amazing. Did you make all this yourself?"
Jeonghan shakes his head and then follows up with a sheepish smile. "Partly. The rest is store bought."
Another nod, and then it just ends there again. Seated in this spot with the soft lighting of flickering candles cast against the wall and the heat of Jeonghan's gaze on you, the feeling of discomfort only grows. It's hard to remember what the two of you were like before, during the days when everything seemed so silly–when each move was a clearly defined act between two actors and the world was your stage. And most importantly, when each smile he showed you didn't send your stomach into somersaults or your mind into a loop of second guessing. 
The air is so heavy and stifling that you grab your glass and down a large gulp of the wine. At least when you're drinking, you wouldn’t have to speak, whether that might be responding to him in a way that gives away all of your thoughts, or completely spilling them out yourself. Maybe the alcohol will also drown out some of your anxieties and–
"Hey, slow down." Jeonghan glances at you with worry. "We have all night."
You set the glass down, albeit a bit reluctantly. "Right, sorry. This wine is just so good."
Yet another lie, but what's one more at this point? The wine is much too sour and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. You would've much preferred a soda or bubble tea, and drinking something fancy like this during such a fancy occasion makes you feel like you're pretending to be someone you're not.
Which is exactly what you're doing, isn't it? You've been living a lie this entire time.
You briefly wonder if Jeonghan feels the same way—the two of you have never properly spent time alone in complete privacy, and to have your first time be in such a formal atmosphere must feel strange. But if he's uncomfortable, he makes no sign of showing it. Or maybe he's always been the better actor of the two of you.
“You know, since you mentioned seasonal depression, I was thinking that for Christmas this year we should go somewhere. Somewhere warm and sunny to get away from the cold.”
“Oh, this year?” you repeat stupidly when you can’t quite believe what you’re hearing. Jeonghan wants to continue this thing? And here you were, thinking that he was about to end it at any moment for the past few months. “Um, yeah. That would be nice.” 
“Or it could be a fall trip. Your parents have been wanting to go see the leaves change colour, right?” 
There’s no hint of sarcasm on his face and no playful twinkle in his eye, and even though no one can read him very well, you know enough to tell that he’s being serious. You also know that what he’s saying makes no sense at all.
“Right, yeah. They’ve been wanting to do that.” 
“Y/N, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you reply automatically, and then reach for another long gulp of your drink. “Yup, all good.”
Jeonghan frowns, a tiny crease appearing between his brows. “Are you sure? If you want to talk about it, I’m here to listen.” 
It’s strange, the way he looks at you. Jeonghan, who dances around questions and deflects easily with humour and only shows people what he wants them to see, now has worry filling his eyes as he waits for you to continue. As if he *knows*.
You doubt Soonyoung and Seungkwan would have spilled your secret so easily, but there’s a great possibility that the two of them would be unable to act normal around him after what they learned, and unintentionally hint at the truth. Then there’s the other possibility that Jeonghan knew way before any of this. Because maybe he—
No, you don’t want to think about that.
“It’s just that,” you say, having to force yourself to pause and slow down your thoughts before something terrible comes spewing out. A slow inhale, a shaky exhale. “Why are we here, Jeonghan?”
His frown deepens, but now it’s turned into confusion. “What do you mean?”
“What are we doing? This date has been nice, but I’m just very confused over why you put so much effort into this when there’s no one else around to see it. Weren’t we doing all of this as a joke? As a prank? Pretending to be a couple so that we can fool the world since that’s exactly what they wanted to see, but joke’s on them because we’re not?” 
Jeonghan watches you silently with an unreadable look on his face. “Is that how you feel?”
“’Well, yes, because isn’t that the truth? And now, we’ve been doing so much together that it doesn’t feel like a joke anymore. How can it be when your mom is offering to give me homemade side dishes? Or—or when Chan’s wife was there, smiling at us on her wedding day like she wished we’d be just as happy as they are?” You pause to look at him and then proceed to look away. “How long are we going to continue lying to the world? Because I can’t stand the guilt.”
The last part of that may be true, but it’s not the full truth. 
“Yeah, you’re right. We don’t have to keep doing this.”
“W—what?” You stare at him, dumbfounded. 
Jeonghan sighs deeply and then meets your eyes, but then quickly looks away. “Yeah, we should’ve left this in high school. The joke has kind of gotten old, hasn’t it?” 
You have no idea what he means by any of that, but it feels like you’re better off not knowing. The tension in the air is thick, and even when you imagined your fake breakup hundreds of times in your head, this is not something you could have predicted. It’s as you’re on a precipice, and one wrong move will delete all those years, all that time you spent with him. 
And the worst part is that you don’t even want to break up.
“Jeonghan, look. I know all of this is supposed to be a joke, but why is it that it feels like you really do care?” One last deep breath before you make the jump. “And why is it that I *want* you to care?” 
That has him stunned for a second, so much that the expression is obvious on his face in a way that almost never happens. 
“Wait, what? I do care. No, I get that we started all this for fun back then, but that’s not how I feel about it now. Everything we’ve done is real—trust me, I wouldn’t have brought you to my family if that wasn’t the case. And I never thought I was lying to them. It’s exaggerated, yes, and much too dramatic, but I’m not a good enough actor where all that can be based on a complete lie.” 
You braced yourself for the final blow, only to be completely confused over his words. “What are you saying?” 
“Y/N, it’s always been real to me. All of it.” 
“But—but I thought you wanted to stop all this when you cancelled our plans for Christmas. Why did you do that?”
Jeonghan opens his mouth a little but then closes it again. “Do you remember last year at Chan’s wedding when you caught the bouquet?” 
You nod but don’t hide your confusion about where this is going.
“After you caught it, everyone was looking at you… and then at me. It was like they all expected us to be next, because well,” he shrugs, “everyone thought we were together. And that’s when I realized that this is more than simply feeling like it’s real. We were turning it into something real.”
“So you called off Christmas because you wanted to stop doing this? Because you hated how it was becoming real?” 
“No,” Jeonghan shakes his head. “The opposite. I was afraid of how much I liked that it felt real. That day at the wedding, I—I wanted to kiss you for real, Y/N. Not have to fake it.” 
“If we did meet up for Christmas, I don’t know what might’ve happened. I thought it was safer to stay away for a bit and gather my thoughts.” He hesitates slightly and you can see the pained smile he has on. “But one day into the holidays and I was already regretting my decision.” 
You don’t know what to say to that. Your mind is hardly listening anymore when it keeps on repeating Jeonghan’s words like a broken record, screaming to you that it’s real, that all of it is real. That you’re not the only one who’s been feeling this way, and that you won’t need to stage a fake breakup for your fake relationship. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“I’m just—are you sure all this is real? Jeonghan, are you being serious?”
He breaks into a tender smile. “Don’t you remember? I already answered you back then, Y/N.”
“What do you mean?” 
“You asked me if I’d be your darling, even if thousands of miles may separate us, even if—” 
“—if the paths we walk may crumble,” you finish off. “Or something like that. I actually have no idea what we said back then.”
Those were the lines in the play that you did back in high school, the very lines that the two of you conjured out of thin air one day and the very moment that started this whole thing. 
“Yeah, that,” he says softly.
“Hmm, so, babe,” you put on your usual mockingly sweet tone, repeating the line that you said on stage many years ago, “are you going to kiss me?” 
Jeonghan holds back a smile like he can’t contain his happiness, and follows with his line without missing a beat. “If that’s what my darling wants.”
The smile only widens when he gets up from his seat and you go to meet him halfway, and it’s the last thing you see when he leans in closer and closer. Jeonghan gently slides his thumb between his lips and yours as he closes the distance, like how it was done the very first time, but this time you can feel it as he slowly moves it away. 
Then you’re kissing him, actually kissing him for real for the first time. His lips are soft and warm, and the bit of hesitance between you seems to completely melt away as you wrap your arms around him and he pulls you closer. You let yourself drown in his scent, the warmth of his touch, and the loud pounding of your heart now that you no longer have to be paying attention to the reactions of the people around you. Nothing else matters anymore, all that matters is what you have now.
You spend the rest of the night catching up, whether that’d be stories over the years of shared memories, or creating new memories to make up for the lost time. He tells you he loves you and that the trip suggestions were very much real, and the two of you laugh over how you’ve become the exact couple you once mocked. It’s easy to understand them now though, you think as Jeonghan gives you a sleepy smile as you’re cuddled up on the couch.
“Oh yeah, I wanted to ask something,” you say, and he looks at you in alarm at your abruptness. “Why did you tell Mingyu that we were together?”
Jeonghan stays silent for a bit, narrowing his eyes as if having difficulty recalling what you’re talking about. Then he finally answers. “Oh that?” He chuckles. “That was because I didn’t want him to think he had a chance with you.”
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 month
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Chapter 3: Entangled Ambitions - A Pact Sealed in Royal Halls
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Warnings: reader's death, language
Genre: Isekai, Romance, Fantasy
Synopsis: Your life takes a tragic turn as you perish in a car crash, only to awaken in a whimsical world of fantasy with none other than Jujustu Kaisen characters as its main protagonists. But as if that wasn't enough, you're about to marry the prince version of Gojo Satoru. How will you navigate through this world of history and fantasy? Does your life take the same sudden twist of fate as that of your favorite characters?
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Satoru’s heart stops beating for a moment, eyes widen at the harsh words you just spit at him. How would someone like you know about his powers? He was always keen to hide them, never used his abilities in the presence of someone apart from Suguru and his family. He doesn’t even know you that well. You, the daughter of Naobito Zenin. How on earth did you find out?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You clear your throat, nerves threatening to fail you. This is the only chance you have left. If Gojo Satoru doesn’t rethink his decision…No, there is no way you’ll die again.
“I am talking about your ability to manipulate the area around you freely, the fact that you can distort space. You are also able to create barriers and voids that nullify any incoming attacks, which makes you almost invincible in battle and is responsible for your great reputation as a fighter. But if your followers get to know about the real reason behind your skills…You know how great the fear of people with special powers is in this country, that all of them get executed. Not even Your Majesty will be spared from this.”
You are walking on thin ice. He is the prince, after all. So much higher in his rank that it would be easy for him to get you executed due to false accusations. But this might be the only card you have left, your last spark of hope. If Gojo Satoru won’t marry you, your father will let you get killed. And apart from that, this might be the only chance you’ll get to meet your favourite characters. What about Geto and Nanami? If Naoya and Gojo exist, they are definitely somewhere in this world as well. You are literally living the dream of every anmie and manga fan.
Well, except for the stinging fact that you call Naobito your father and Naoya your stinky brother.
“That are some heavy accusations you’re throwing at me, Lady (y/n). You know as well as I do that I could get you executed right on the sport for your unwise words despite the fact that you are a daughter of the Zenin family”, he replies.
The way he crosses his legs while smiling down at you arrogantly makes the urge to fall onto your knees and beg him for forgiveness grow louder and louder. But no, this is exactly what he wants. At the moment, all Prince Satoru does is playing and testing you. You can’t allow yourself to be messed with. After all, he has absolutely zero clue about what he is in your old world, that you actually died and reincarnated here. He definitely does know that your life depends on his mercy, though. And that your proposal benefits both of you.
“Why did you decide on marrying me in the first place? Was it because you fell in love with my portrait or rather because your family forced you to choose a wife and you thought I wouldn’t cause trouble because I’m a Zenin, because you considered I would urge to get away from my possessing family as soon as possible?”
Threatening him any further has no use. After all, Gojo is aware of the fact that you know about his hidden talent. Instead, you should focus on things you can actually prove, things that are obvious.
“You are a very loudmouthed young lady. I expected you to be more sublime. As a member of the famous Zenin family, you sure got taught etiquette and obedience from a young age, didn’t you?”
He can’t help himself. Just one look into your glimmering lavender eyes makes him provocative you even further. Of course, every little thing you said is true. Yes, your words are a serious threat on his way to the throne. Yes, his family does in fact urge him every single day to decide on a wife. Your proposal is the best solution for both of you, allows him to carry on with his unbothered life without the responsibility to satisfy his finance’s needs. But still…
“I couldn’t care less about my ancestry, Prince Satoru. All I care about is my own freedom”, you clarify, determination dripping from each and every pore of your face.
“And if you don’t decide on helping me, I have to find another gentleman who suits my requirements better.”
“Another gentleman? You are aware of the fact that I’m the prince, right?”
Out of all the arguments you brought up in this conversation, this one is the one that bugs him the most. Out of some strange reason, the sheer thought of you getting promised to another man doesn’t sit right with Satoru.
“As a prince, you are far above my status anyway. If it weren’t for politics and the reliability when it comes to the advanced weapon technology of my family, I wouldn’t even be considered as your fiancé”, you argue in all seriousness.
“What if I don’t allow you to marry another man?”
“Then I will find my ways to do so.”
“Fine, I will propose to you at the ball this weekend.”
Wait…what? After all the arguments, the discussions and the stinging fact that he stares at you with narrowed eyes, he actually agreed on it? Just when you’re about to thank him and leave, he gets up and opens his full mouth.
“But I want to re-arrange the conditions to suit my needs as well.”
Your pounding heart almost stops inside of your chest. For a moment, you just sit there and stare at him plainly like an idiot. Gojo Satoru, having conditions? This definitely doesn’t sound appealing at all. But do you really have another chance? It might be true that you are able to find another gentleman, the anger of your father will carry on, though. And who knows if he wouldn’t kill you even if you marry another wealthy man. No, this engagement is your best and eventually only option.
“What conditions are we talking about, precisely?”
“Once a week, I am allowed to present you as my fiancée in a way I will decide on my own. As the prince and future ruler of this country, I need to reflect a strong relationship with my future queen to the outside. It has to be credible. Everyone must think that we are deeply in love with each other, Lady (y/n).”
Shivers run down your spine before you’re able to stop them. Just one look into his blue thirsty eyes…This man won’t touch you even in your sleep. Doesn’t he have multiple young women just waiting for a chance to hit on him? Playing his wife for an additional day of the week. How wasteful, considering that you’ll never be more than his fiancée, that this engagement will get cancelled the minute it doesn’t benefit both of you anymore.
“I will fulfil my role over the span our engagement last and accept your addition, Prince Satoru.”
“Great! Now that this is out of the way, let me tell you one last thing.”
Before you’re even able to react any further, he grabs your arm and pulls you close. For a moment, you forget how to breathe, your nose tingling by the exquisite scent that radiates from him. You actually never wondered about the way he smells. But now that he is so close you would be able to touch him, so close that you can feel his breath brushing over the bare skin of your face, heat begins to crawl up your spine. Suddenly you feel like fainting, the immense presence of him standing this closely to you simply taking your breath away.
“If you decide on betraying me by telling anyone about my secret, I will execute you. There are no real feelings between us, I won’t even bat an eyelash.”
“First, make sure you keep your end of the bargain, Prince”, you bite back out of instinct, holding his gaze without any mercy.
Does he really think you’re scared of him? He might be Gojo Satoru, the honoured one, the strongest, the prince of this country. You might have been surprised by the way he grabbed you out of thin air. You are still (y/n), still you.
Instead of backing up, you take another step towards him and grab the collar of his elegant jacket. But you know all of his dirty little secrets, parts of his past and future. You are definitely no one to be messed with as well.
“And make sure you don’t disappoint me.”
You let go of him as sudden as you grabbed him, creating a safe distance between both of you by crossing the room and coming to a stand in front of the exit.
“Send me an invitation to the ball along with a pricy bouquet of lavender flowers. It was an honour to visit you, Your Majesty. I am looking forward to our next meeting.”
One last polite curtsy, one last elegant smile. But just when you’re about to call the waiter in order to open the door for you, it swings open by itself.
And your cheek clashes into something particularly hard.
“Oh no, I am beyond sorry My Lady! I wasn’t aware of your presence!”
That voice…You get greeted by a pair of the manliest hands you’ve ever seen, hands gliding up his definitely toned arms. He lifts you off the ground as fast as you stumbled onto his, arms holding you into place tightly.
“You must be Lady (y/n), what a pleasure to finally meet you. I am Sir Geto Suguru, the steward of Your Majesty.”
Your widen eyes focus on his face in an instant, heart almost beating out of your chest. All those times you admired his drawing, the way he acted so elegantly. The countless fanfictions you’ve read with this exact first meeting.
Only to end up with him in bed later on.
“That is my name”, the man in front of you replies along with a small laughter.
That smile. That oh so charismatic smile. And that manly smell, a mix of mint and leather. You force yourself to gift him with a smile and create a safe distance between both of you. So this is him, the best friend of Gojo Satoru. Even in this world, you can tell how close they are to each other.
Will it stay like this, though?
“I’m sorry, I must have hit my head a little too heart”, you comment, finally ripping your eyes away from his brown ones.
“Do you know each other?”, the firm voice of Prince Satoru interrupts.
A look into his face tells you that he isn’t amused by this sudden meeting at all.
“I’ve never seen Lady (y/n) apart from the portrait that was sent to you, Prince Satoru. But may I say, you look even more mesmerising in person.”
“Weren’t you about to leave when Sir Geto arrived, Lady (y/n)?”
Gojo smiles at you without his eyes, a cold glare decorating his face that is definitely supposed to intimidate you.
But instead of backing up, you take a risky step towards Geto Suguru and bow oh so sweetly.
“Oh Sir Geto, I don’t deserve your kind words. After all, it is you who is a feast for my eyes. No excuse me gentlemen, I still have lessons to attend. I hope we’ll meet each other again this weekend, Sir Geto. Have a nice week, Prince Satoru.”
Without gifting him another single look, you turn on your heel and walk out the door.
You did it. You convinced him to propose to you. But…is this really what you want? Is Gojo Satoru really what you want? Just the way he stared at you with arrogance dripping from each and every poor. Urgh, you fucking hate him. There’s no way to deny that he’s driving you over the edge. Why on earth does it have to be him? Why not Geto, what about Nanami?
Why does it have to be Gojo Satoru?
“She seems like a really nice young lady”, Suguru comments visibly amused while sitting in your former place.
“What your tongue, Suguru. She will me my fiancé after this week is over.”
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Tags: @m0k0k0 @lees-chaotic-brain @sanicsmut @risuola @fire-loving-siren
@sunshine7queen @gatitam @kentocalls @hellkaiserinphoenix @skylarlyn823
@livmarauder @nothisispatrick300 @haileycannotcometothephonern @xstom @byakuya61085
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entername322 · 6 months
Midnight snacks
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 2752
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“Babe, stop sleeping”
Yuri tried to shake your body awake.
“It's so fucking tiring babe, I need some rest okay?”
Today is a special day, it's your sister's wedding day. Which means you have spent  the last few days being there for her, supporting her which drains your energy.
“Babeeeee, come on, we haven't done it in ages”
Ages in Minju’s dictionary span between 6 hours and a week, in this case, it's 2 days. Of course you haven't had sex with them, you're preoccupied with your sister's preparations.
“Girls please, we still need to babysit Hitomi and Nako once we got home”
And that too, your childrens. Despite your stance against being a parent, the girls have their way to slowly manipulate you into giving it a try. Once you finally relent they are ecstatic, and you are somewhat restless. However you three switch sides the moment they are born. 
You swore, to God and the world and yourself, that you will keep them from all harm. The girls got annoyed with how much time you were spending with the two kids. 
Those regrets come and go, they tend to disappear when they come face to face with their daughters. Parental love is a strong thing, enough to stop them from sending their child to an orphanage somewhere to stop them taking your time.
Also, why do they have Japanese name?
“Sis is taking care of them, just let her be”
Right, Minju's sister, that girl has been trying to get into your pants for some time now. Minju and Yuri didn't go full psycho against her, but that doesn't make you any more comfortable with the new family dynamics.
“I think we shouldn't cause her any extra trouble”
Yoojin has been making sure your children call her mom as well, which doesn't sit right with you.
“Oppaaaa, come on I want to have a night for us”
Yuri grabbed your hand and pulled it to her breast, something that only grows even more after her pregnancy.
“Yes babe, I think we can do something to make it up for her. Can we just have this night together?”
Minju did the same thing, you can feel her braless tits through her dress. Instantly all the fatigue washes away, “You two are gonna be the death of me”
They can't keep their hands to themselves, and once the three of you get to your bedroom they practically throw you to the bed. Yuri straddles on to your lap, she takes off dress and unclasps her bra, “It's feeding time babe”, Your hand travels to her tits, pinching her nipple which leaks out some drop of milk.
You pull your finger into your mouth, savouring the heavenly taste of her milk, “Stop teasing oppa”, She whined. “Hehehe, you don't mind sharing right oppa?” Minju already took off her dress and kneel next to you, she took one of Yuri's boobs and started sucking on it. Of course, you can't wait any longer and start drinking from the tap as well. Your lips created a seal around her nipple as you started sucking all those nectar out. Yuri got off from your lap, moving to the side a little so that you and Minju don't have to headbutt each other. Then your hand grabbed Minju's, pulling it to Yuri's soaking panties. 
Being together for so long all three of you can just coordinate any sex moves easily. You and Minju slowly teased Yuri's pussy, rubbing its clit, penetrating it a little, all just so you two can hear her whine and whine again. “Yaaaa, this un-, aghhhhh”, The stimulation on both of Yuri's tits made her unable to construct any coherent sentences. Minju stopped teasing her and started fingering Yuri, your hand staying outside playing around with her clit. “Fuckkkk, I'm cumming”, The sensation proved to be too much for Yuri as she immediately got her first orgasm of the night. 
You still want to continue drinking her milk, you really do, but you know Minju also wants you to drink hers so you slow down a little. Which is kinda hard to do because everytime you slow down Yuri would just massage her own tits making it flood your mouth cavity. Sometimes the milk would leak out of your lips, trickling down to your shirt. “I need to prepare some space in my stomach for Oppa's milk baby”, Minju let go of Yuri's nipple and jumped to kiss her. 
You let go as well, watching both of Yuri's nipples have puffed up and turn bright pink. “Seems like you have a lot left in your tank baby, let me help you with that”, Both of your hands grab her tits and squeeze it hard making it sprays all over you. “Oppa”, The two girls stop kissing and watch you getting soaked by Yuri's milk. “Come here you”, You squeezed it again and pulled her down as if you're milking a cow. “Oppa”, She moaned as she fell on to you, “We should buy you some cow outfit or something”, You laughed before kissing her. She wrapped her arm around you, not letting Minju intrude into this make out session. Your hand however continues on squeezing her tits and pinching her nipple making her soak your shirt and the bed cover.
Suddenly Yuri got pulled away, you watched Minju frowning from behind Yuri. “Sorry, come on your turn”, Minju latches on Yuri's tits for a second before jumping in to kiss you. Through the kiss she transferred Yuri's milk alongside her own saliva making it a pretty nasty cocktail. Thankfully you're also pretty nasty. 
Then you threw her on the bed beside you before going down to milk her. Yuri did the same thing, as the three of you repeated the scene from before. This time it's Minju who's getting milked, also now the three of you are laying down so once the milk overflows your mouth it just slips down soaking Minju’s boobs and cleavage. Of course your hand isn't slacking, you and Yuri are coordinating together to finger Minju. However Minju is much more resilient than Yuri, it took the two of you 10 minutes before Minju finally cum. 
“Fuck, I'm full already”, You laughed as you wipe your mouth, it's useless really, your whole body is already soaked by their milk. “Your turn oppa”, Yuri pushed you down as the two hurriedly took off your pants. Your half erect cock doesn't even get a second to breathe before the two girls immediately try to suck on it. Their pair of lips covered the sides of your cock as they started going up and down on it together. Their tongue made sure to lick every inch of your cock, the best part was when their tongue traced the vein on your cock sending jolts of pleasure all over you.
Then Yuri separates and moves to your balls, sucking it in her mouth while her tongue is gently caressing it. Minju did the same, but this time she suck in your cock. The feeling of having your cock being sucked by both of them is just heavenly. You grab their hair and face, guiding them to which part of your cock you want them to work on. Guiding the two of them as if they're just a tool for your pleasure. You make sure that both of them got their turn to suck on your cock and balls.
Then both of them merge again to do a blowjob sandwich. The two girls lick your cock and balls together, then suck in on it as if it's just one single thing. It didn't take long for you to get enough pleasure to cum, and when the feeling came, it came strong. “Babe, I'm going to cum”, You groan, the feeling is so intense that your vision starts to blur. “Cum for us babe, we want your cum”, Yuri said while swirling her tongue around your sensitive cock head. 
Minju was the first one to react and let your cock out of her mouth, then she immediately pushed Yuri's face and force her to suck you in. Minju then grabbed your balls and start gently massaging it as you unleash a torrent inside Yuri's mouth, licking the spills of cum on your balls. Meanwhile Yuri didn't seem to mind at all, she just continue sucking you like nothing had happened. Minju used her finger to collect some cum from your cock, then she sucked on Yuri's tits. She licked the head of Yuri's nipple before sucking on it, Yuri moaned and grabbed Minju hair before pulling her face in for a kiss.
The two of them exchange a passionate kiss, their hand grabbed each other's boob, gently squeezing it. Yuri leaned back and let go of Minju's tits which resulted in both of their tits to spray milk all over the two girls. Their tounge works together to cook up a mixture of cum, milk and spit in their mouth. Such a nasty mix, yet the two love it. Then they split it evenly, yet another skill they have mastered through the years of being together, and swallow the mixture down.
Their body is soaked by each other's milk and they went to clean it for you. You watched them lick the milk from each other’s skin and then continued making out. Their mouths opened and closed on each other’s lips, their tongue danced with each other’s tongue, their kiss got more and more intense as they bit each other’s lips.
But then Yuri broke the kiss and stood up, her naked body glisten with both of her milk and Minju's saliva. “I'll go first oppa”, You smile and watch as Yuri quickly crawled to you. She mounted you cowgirl style just like usual, but this time she was pretty aggressive. Her pussy slowly engulfs your cock bit by bit until she completely sat on your dick.
Minju also got up and get behind Yuri, you watched she kissed Yuri's ears and cheek while her hand went to squeeze Yuri's tits. “We don't want oppa to be hungry”, Minju smiled at you before grabbing both of Yuri's tits, she started massaging them which causes Yuri milk to flow out from her nipples. You got up and put your head in front of Yuri's tits, Minju used her hand to squeezed Yuri's tits and aim the milk into your mouth. You greedily gulp down the heavenly milk. The feeling of warm liquid running down your throat, tickling your tongue and then dripping down to your stomach is just so heavenly that you want more.
Thankfully Minju is more than willing to feed you. The way she squeezes Yuri's tits and then guided the milk into your mouth is just so erotic that you want to fuck Yuri harder. Which is exactly what she wanted, as soon as you took a full mouth of milk Yuri start bouncing on top of you in a faster speed. You grabbed her ass cheeks and squeezed it, you can feel her pussy tightening around your cock each time she comes down. 
You start drinking straight from Yuri's tits again. Minju, losing her job of feeding you used one hand to start rubbing Yuri's clit while her other hand is holding Yuri's cheek as she pulled her to a kiss. “Fuck, I'm cumming oppa”, Yuri moaned, you spanked her ass making her let out a scream. Then you spit the milk in your mouth on to her face, “You cum when I cum baby, you can wait right?” You laughed. Yuri slows down a little feeling scared of the torture that's about to come, but you can't let her take an easy way. So you start pounding her from beneath, making her moan. “Just hold on Yuri, you can do that right?” Minju laughs as she got even wilder with her hand. “Unnie, oppa, you're so mean”, Yuri whined as she fight for her life.
Minju yanked Yuri's head to the side, she held it roughly as her tongue starts to clean Yuri's face from the milk you just spat at her. “Fuck you're cumming oppa, yes, yes, yes, yes”, Yuri break free from the hold by Minju and jumped on to you. Her hand hugged your neck again as her hips starts to match your rhythm, “Fuck, take this you fucking cow”, You laughed before burying your cock deep into her and deliver your load inside her. “Oppaaaaa”, She moaned as she reached another climax.
Yuri slumped down on the bed, getting a few moment to breath. Unfortunately for you, Minju is waiting for her turn already. “It's my turn babe”, She didn't even move in on you, she just sat where she was and start rubbing her pussy and nipple to entice you. “Hehehe”, It fucking works, you can't deny any of their charms. You remove yourself from Yuri before crawling on to Minju, “Now, which one whould i pick?” Your hand rest on her crotch as your thumb alternate between her asshole and her pussy. “You know which one works for me the best”, You do, her ass is so used to your girth and length that you haven't used lube for a year now. 
Slowly you pull your already wet dick into her back entrance, teasing it using your tip. “Babe, I'm not in the mood for teasing”, God they got so desperate for your seed just after a few days. “Hey now, isn't there something you need to say to convince me first?” She smiled, taunting you, “Ruin me babe, if you have the energy to do it”, You cracked your neck before getting into position. 
You abruptly penetrate her making her let out a scream, “Fuck, you're so rude sometimes”, The smile on her face tells you she like it that way. “What's this? Having fun without me?” Yuri get on Yuri's face, “Fuck yeah”, Minju moaned before she start sucking out the cum out of Yuri's pussy. “Oppa, milk me again”, Who are you to say no to such pleasant invitation.
Although Yuri said to milk her, she actually want to try and feed you again like Minju. Only, she's bad at aiming, so most of he milk just ended up soaking your chest and fell down on to Minju's body. “Yuri get off me”, You heard a slap as Minju spanked Yuri's ass, moving out of the way, you were left with the lustful gaze of Minju. “Hey, babe it seems like you're getting a little tired there”, You would've fucked her harder hearing that, unfortunately the last few days has been very tiring for you.
Minju get off you and sit facing away from you. It was akin to a reverse cowgirl but you're actually somewhat sitting up and not just laying down. Then she wrapped one of her arm around your shoulder as you grabbed her waist to help her gain some balance. “Fuck, that's cheating”, Minju whined as your head leaned from the side to suck on her tits. “Hey, don't leave me out of this”, Yuri sat at one of your leg, her mouth is sucking on the other Minju's tits, her hand is fingering Minju, and her crotch is grinding on you.
Getting ganked like this, Minju can't hold on for long, “It seems like you're getting tired there babe”, You laughed as Minju starts panting. “Babe, cum soon, I can't hold on for long”, Thankfully for her, you are in the edge already. “Is that so baby? Then why don't you cum for me then”, Your hand grabbed her waist and start controlling her to help you get ovee the edge. Minju, love when you're getting in control like this, which is why she can't stop herself from cumming again.
As her pussy squirt all over the bed, her tits starts spraying milk all over Yuri who just laughed playfully trying to cover her face. You deliver your third load, and hopefully last, into Minju’s ass. When it all pass you slumped down on the bed, laying there, drained of energy. “Oppa, you can't think that it's finished right?” Yuri whisper in your ears while bitting it. “That's right babe, you're no longer that scrawny kid back in highschool, you have still have some more stamina for us right?” Minju locked your earlobe while her hand gently caressed your cock. “Well, this will be a long night”
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squishi-bunni · 1 year
🧶💝As Special as You💝🧶
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Reader who was in a past toxic relationship is shocked by Howl spoiling them.
Reader likes to crochet
Howl x Reader
tooth-rotting fluff , comfort , cheesy
The castle creaked and huffed as it crawled across the rolling green fields. I watched the bright blue rivers wind across the plains from the balcony. The Wastes were quite beautiful, despite their name.
In my lap sat a half finished crochet project -  one mitten out of a pair. The yarn was a bright fuscia, vibrant against my wooden crochet hook. I finished the last row of the mitten, cut the yarn, and sewed the ends in with a darning needle. I put the mitten on my hand and smiled at its perfect fit.
The flung open, startling me. I whipped around to see none-other than my love, standing proudly by the door and beaming at me with excitement.
"There you are!" he proclaimed."I've been looking for you!" He grabbed my arm and yanked me put of my chair before I could say a word. "Come downstairs my love -- I have something to show you."
I stumbled down the stairs as I was being not-so-gracefully dragged to the living room by the eccentric wizzard. I laughed at his antics. "Slow down there, Howl! I'm gonna trip if you're not careful!"
We reached the living room and Howl stood next to the center table, presenting to me a long wooden box and sealed black bag.
I cocked my head at him. "What's all this?" I asked, eyebrows raised with intrigue.
"It's a gift!" he said, "for you!"
I was stunned. I wasn't used to getting gifts, or just having anything done for me in general. Even a flower picked from the garden would shock me when Howl gifted one.
"Don't just stand there," he said, gesturing towards the gift. "Open it!"
He beamed at me as I carefully opened the wooden box. The hinges at the back creaked as I slowly lifted the lid.
I was presented with a set of gold plated metal crochet hooks of every size available. There was a hook small enough for a piece of sewing thread, a hook which took up the circumference of my hand, and every size in between. Howl's delighted chuckle is what indicated to me that my mouth was agape. I could feel my smile reach up to my eyes.
"I-- you-- Howl--" I stammered.
"You still need to open the bag!" he reminded me.
I looked over to the velvet back and opened it. There was assortment of yarns of all different colors, thicknesses, materials. I dipped my hand in the bag to feel the yarn, and it was like how I'd imagine shoving your hand in a cloud would feel. Each yarn was soft and somehow silky.
I felt the tears come to my eyes then. I choked on the built up air in my throat and broke out in sobs.
Howl's beaming smile turned into a concerned frown. He rushed towards me and held my shoulders gently. "What's wrong my love?" he asked, brows furrowed.
"I--I just," I choked out. "I haven't-- No one's ever gotten me something so nice." I hugged him and buried my face into his shirt. "This is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."
Howl wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight embrace. "My love, you deserve every precious thing in the world," he said. "Only a fool would fail to make you feel as special as you are."
I looked up and gave him a chaste kiss through salty tears. "Thank you so much."
He smiled at me. "It's no problem love -- I'm happy to make you happy."
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Them reacting to you gifting them something for Valentine's day
characters: Seele / Bronya x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: Do me a Favor and pretend it’s still Valentine's Day, okay? I was busy yesterday and only got the idea to write something for it after I saw @genshingorlsrevengeance post.
Also no Natasha, bc I’m not going to lie, I couldn’t think of what to write for her…
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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The most difficult part about handing Seele her gift was finding her in the first place. With how many tasks and missions she had to run through, getting a hold of her turned out to be more difficult than you had envisioned, as whenever you arrived at her last known location, she had already booked it to somewhere else.
When you finally caught up to Seele however, you could hear her from what felt like a mile away, arguing with a couple of stubborn vagrants only for it to escalate into a full on clash as you got nearer. Once you got to see her however, the two other combatants were laying on the ground already, one of them groaning in pain as the other seemed to have been knocked out for a while.
“Get lost while you can- Oh it’s you”, Seele spat as she turned around in a moment's notice, her scythe drawn and pointed at the perceived enemy, only for her to quickly lower it once she realized who stood before her.
“Ah, my bad. You caught me off-guard… Did something happen for you to be looking for me?”, she asked as a hint of worry made its way onto her face, only for her eyes to widen in surprise when she noticed the small pouch in your hand.
“N-no”, you stammered out, still somewhat in shock from having her weapon pointed at your face before coughing in hopes it would lessen the chances of your voice cracking again and continuing. 
“Anyway, happy Valentine's Day”, you handed her the chocolate, Seele’s hand automatically reaching out to accept it as her cheeks grew slightly red, balling her other hand into a fist and putting it in front of her mouth to nervously cough into it while at the same time trying to cover the lower half of her face.
“I, umm… I didn’t think you’d- I’m sorry, I’m not very good at this”, she managed to say out loud, looking away slightly for a few seconds before putting down her hand and looking you in the eyes once again. “Thanks.”
“...Ahem. Where were we?”, Seele eventually proclaimed as she turned around to the two vagrants once again, only to start looking around hurriedly when they were nowhere to be found.
“Quick, they have to be nearby, help me find them!”
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From the moment she opened her eyes, Bronya was reminded of what made today so special, your work assured it, after all. The first of your letters was placed on her bedside table, another one fell out when she opened her closet, and the last one she found once she pulled open the top drawer of her desk, the envelope kept shut by the wax-seal she had grown all too familiar with since getting to know you.
Each of them were filled with enough encouraging and loving words to make even a heart of stone melt, and yet you were nowhere to be seen. As the day dragged on, with Bronya re-reading your words in between each of the dozens of audiences she went through, having to hide the smile appearing on her face whenever she thought about them in the middle of listening to her people’s troubles and worries more than once, she increasingly found herself yearning to see you. And yet, you were nowhere to be seen.
When she finally finished work, the sun was already starting to set, the amount of people in the room slowly dwindling down until the only people other than her present were two silvermane-guards standing on each side of the entrance. Only for that to change as well when another voice rang through the hall.
“Would you be so kind and leave the two of us alone for a while?”
By the time Bronya looked up, the two guards were well on their way through the door, and you were coming closer and closer before eventually stopping just a few feet away from the stairs leading up to her desk, a bouquet of Flowers in your hands as you gave her the smile she had missed the entire day.
And before Bronya knew it, she was on her feet and moving towards you as well.
“I’m sorry it took me so long. The Astral Express was nice enough to allow me to go on a small day trip with them”, you apologized before presenting her your gift, the various kinds of flowers she had never seen on Belobog before explaining your motive for leaving better than any words could have done.
“Happy Valentine’s day”, you managed to speak before Bronya gave you an unexpected hug, one you quickly returned.
The two of you remained that way until there was a sudden knock on the door, causing the Supreme Guardian to return to her regular posture in the span of a nanosecond before calling on the person on the other side to enter. Not without whispering a few more words to you however.
“Thank you.”
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everparanoid · 21 days
Depths of Eternity Left Behind
Satoru Gojo x Sorcerer fem! Reader
On October 1st, 2018, you find Gojo crying in an empty classroom and you try to comfort him.
A story in which you are a Grade One sorcerer working alongside Gojo who falls in love with the man behind the overconfident bravado, but can't seem to get close enough to reach him beyond the limitless infinity that separates you.
cw: Canon compliant. Major Character death, Canon Typical Violence, Suggestive Content, Mentions of Pegging and Petplay, Mentions of death, Fluff, Angst. Major Spoilers for Manga, JJk 0 and season 2.
Word Count: 6.3k
Minors Do Not Interact
Spoilers below.
October 31st, 2018. Summary of the Notice from Jujustu Headquarters
Suguru Geto’s Survival was confirmed. We hereby declare the reinstatement of his death sentence.
2.  You and Satoru Gojo have been deemed accomplices in the Shibuya Incident and are hereby expelled from Jujutsu society. Following your confirmed death in Shibuya, you are to be wiped from all records. In addition, any attempt to free Satoru Gojo from his seal will be deemed a crime.
3. Masamichi Yaga is sentenced to death for inciting you, Satoru Gojo, and Suguru Geto, causing the Shibuya Incident.
4. The suspension on Yuji Itadori’s death sentence is hereby revoked, and his execution shall be carried out promptly.
5. Special-grade sorcerer Yuta Okkotsu shall be appointed as Yuji Itadori’s executioner.
October 1st, 2018. Tokyo prefecture, Tokyo Jujutsu High School 30 days before The Shibuya Incident
“Sensei, good evening,” Itadori called out to you.
You had poked your head out of the door when you heard the young trio returning from their day out in the city. “Itadori, have you seen Gojo?”
Halting, Itadori’s face contorted in thought. “Gojo sensei?” His arms were filled with shopping bags, presumably Nobara’s. You wondered how his arms hadn’t given out from the amount he was carrying, but you supposed the vessel of the king of curses was a special breed. “Isn’t he on a mission?”
You cursed under your breath. “I thought he would be with you guys,” you said. “Yaga told me he returned earlier today.”
“Knowing him, he’s probably slacking off somewhere.” Nobara rolled her eyes, gesticulating languidly.
Itadori smacked his fist onto his open palm, jostling the bags still hanging off his forearms. “Have you checked--?”
“I’ll call him,” Megumi interrupted, quick to bring out his phone. His fingers dashed over the screen bringing up Gojo’s number.
You waved dismissively. If the kids hadn’t seen Gojo then something was wrong and calling him probably would ruin any chance of you had figuring out what it was. Gojo had a way of masking his problems in front of the kids. “No need, Fushiguro.”
Megumi lowered his phone. “Are you sure?”
“He is around here somewhere.” You smiled. “You guys have a nice rest of your evening.” You slid the door closed.
You found Gojo in one of the sparsely furnished classrooms. He sat slumped, his long legs man-spread, his head resting on the backrest of the chair, and his blindfold on. The setting sunlight pouring in through the open window bathed his white hair in a gentle orange glow.
You didn’t know if he knew that you were there. If he did, he didn’t acknowledge you. It was rare to catch the blindfolded man unaware—ever since the incident with the star plasma vessel and Toji Fushiguro all those years ago his defences had been ironclad. And yet there you were watching the strongest man you knew break.
His cries were hollow sounding. Too frail to be considered sobs of pain, but strong enough to express the tip of an iceberg of agony. From being in its presence, you felt an iota of the weight he carried on his shoulders.
It was fifty-fifty whether your presence would make him raise his guard again, putting on the front of the bubbly jester entertaining the court. However, you couldn’t just stand by and watch him cry.
When was the last time that he was told it was okay to be weak? When was he allowed to be anything other than the strongest?
Gojo was the strongest, that was a known fact. One accepted by everyone in the jujutsu world, even by the overconfident man himself. He was born into strength; it was his birthright.
Throughout the heavens and earth, he alone was the honoured one.
You knew this. It’s not like anyone would ever let you forget. It was why you both agreed you couldn’t be anything more than what you were. It was what kept your worlds apart despite how much you wanted to be a part of his.
Gojo is the strongest.
Other’s words echoed around your head like a mantra.
He was never weak. He could never lose. He was never afraid. He was Satoru Gojo. Six eyes; limitless; idiot; pain in the ass; love of your life… the strongest.
And he was alone, you reminded yourself.
                //July 2007
“Is that Satoru?” you asked, watching the usually aloof teen training alone on the fields. It was a hot day in July at Jujutsu High. Hotter than it had been over the last week, and so instead of wasting away in a classroom you’d buddied with Shoko to sit outside near the training grounds.
Shoko hummed in affirmation from beside you. With focused hands, she filled her cigarette paper with tobacco, holding the filter between her lips. She didn’t need to look up to know where you were looking.
“Is he okay?” you asked.
“When is he not okay?” With dainty fingers, she rolled her cigarette. “Fuck this, I’m just going to buy pre-rolled next time,” she said. She licked the edge of the paper, sealing the cigarette. “Come with me later.”
“Sure,” you said absently, your attention failing to leave Gojo. Shoko could have asked you to rob a Konbini and you would have agreed. “He’s been doing a lot of missions alone since the failure of Tengen’s Star Plasma vessel mission... I haven’t even seen him hang out with Suguru.” Or me, but you don’t say that. This wasn’t about you. Even though you had been just as close with the two as they were with each other; not to the same strength level and ability to throw down, still, it was always the three of you—and Shoko occasionally.
Shoko shrugged, lighting her cigarette. “They’re big boys, they can work separately.” She took a drag. “Besides, I can’t imagine him needing backup anymore. Anyone else would be a hindrance.”
You outwardly agreed but couldn’t shake the thought that even the strongest person needed support. And Suguru was his right-hand man. They were inseparable like two sides of the same coin—yin and yang; only imbalance came if one existed without the other. It felt wrong seeing them apart. “Still—I should go and check on him.”
“Don’t,” Shoko said.
You stopped mid-way into getting up and looked back at her. “Why not?”
“Because asking Gojo to open up is like extracting blood from a rock,” Shoko monotoned. She crossed her left leg over the right and leaned back, taking another drag.
“Rocks don’t bleed,” you said.
“Exactly, rocks are weapons.” She tipped her head to the side. “That’s why you’re better off not going to him. Unless you want to be the one hurt, and news flash, I can’t reverse heartbreak.”
You looked away, guilt-ridden. It wasn’t a secret that you were in love with Gojo.
“Besides your form of empathy is about as kind as a slap,” Shoko added.
You hesitated. She had a point. You cast your gaze between Shoko and Gojo in the distance, divided. He whipped a pale hand across his sweaty forehead, his focus undisturbed. He looked tired, determined, and way out of your league.
“Fine, I’ll check on Suguru,” you said, grabbing your bag.
Shoko shook her head. “Out.”
“He’s on a mission alone.”
The word rippled through you.
“Couldn’t one of us have gone along with him?” you asked. “We are here too.”
She coughed out a bitter laugh. “And I’ll what? Heal his mouth after he successfully does his job? He’ll be fine.” She stood and placed a hand on your shoulder, taking a final puff in the process. She blew out the smoke. “Like I said, they’re big boys. They’re just licking their wounds right now.”
You watched as she dropped the cigarette butt and stumped out its orange glow with her shoe.
“They’ll be fine,” she said. “Trust me.”
      /October 1st, 2018
You often forgot that Satoru was a human too. If you let the words of others, and even the words of the man himself poison you, you too might have been able to ignore that key detail. The only thing that worked to remind you that it was Gojo shouldering the responsibility of the world.
Throughout the heavens and earth, Gojo alone was the honoured one.
He would always be alone. He was always alone. Amongst a crowd of people, he was alone. When he was with his students, he was alone. When he was with you and his other colleagues, he was alone. When he was in your bed on the odd times you both were able to sleep in each other’s arms after months of back-to-back missions—he was still alone.
It troubled you.
Despite being whatever you both were—bed buddies? Colleagues with benefits? Star-crossed lovers? You still couldn’t truly reach him. Nor could you fathom the depths of his loneliness or how heavy the head was that wore the thorned crown. It must have been agonising to be seen and acknowledged but not levelled. To be put on a throne you didn’t ask for and wield its power at unsatisfying levels against things that could only at best be considered insects, excruciating even. You imagined it was like holding back a scream of agony after losing a cherished one. Suppressing everything for the sake of not setting the world on fire—to not become the enemy.
But Gojo had no enemies.
        //December 24th, 2017
The sky was a deep azure gradating with the orange sunset forming pink and purple stained clouds the day Suguru Geto died. The stars were clear in the sky, and the air was crisp and fresh. It was a new day. Yet in those hours before so much had happened. So many had fought to stop the person you once called your friend. So many years of friendship, years of sitting in classrooms and shaking your head as he and Gojo goaded each other; years of catching the rebounds of their hoop sessions in the sports hall and laughing with them when they returned from their missions—were gone in a matter of hours.
It was just another day. Insignificant. Unsatisfying. There was no big bang, no screaming and shouting. It was just over.
You hadn’t been there when Suguru died. You hadn’t heard his last words or seen his face when Gojo killed him.  You didn’t get to see his smile again or hear his soft-spoken voice—the same one he’d use when he’d pat your head and call you kind for trying to stop his and Gojo’s fights, but ended up adding fuel to the raging fire because it was fun to watch Gojo pout. You hadn’t heard any of it, but Gojo had.
And he was alone.
“He’s gone,” Gojo said closing the door to the room in the morgue where Suguru’s corpse lay.  You caught a glimpse of Shoko adjusting her gloves and pulling the sheet over his face before you were completely cut off. “He won’t hurt anyone anymore,” Gojo said, his voice steady and empty.
“’Toru,” you said weakly, his nickname meek sounding on your lips.
He looked down at you, his lips pulled into a tight line like he was suppressing everything he wanted to say. If you could have seen his eyes behind the blindfold you were sure they were just as troubled. But you couldn’t because Gojo never showed weakness.
He is the strongest.
“I should have stopped him before—” he gulped, his fist clenching at his side. “I should have been there. I could have—.”
“Could have what?” you interjected. “Could have saved him? Could have talked him out of insanity?” You scoffed. “No, you couldn’t.” You knew it was the wrong time for tough love, especially when Gojo had willingly opened up to you, but you couldn’t meet him on his level. Your emotions were running too high—and you hated rehashing the past. And that’s all his words were doing for you. Restating not Gojo’s failure, but your own. “He killed his parents. He wiped out an entire village of people. He was prancing around like some born-again Buddha with an almighty saviour complex spouting nonsense about monkeys and mass genocide.”
Gojo remained still. He had no funny remarks or stupid grin. He was a ghost of himself. Before this in your eyes, Gojo Satoru had died once. It was after he returned from failing Tengen’s star plasma protection mission. And he never fully returned. It was like he was teetering on the edge; neither here nor there.
You knew he knew that you were right.
You were rarely wrong.
They’ll be fine, trust me.
You didn’t blame Shoko, or Gojo, or even Yaga. You blamed yourself. You should have been there for your friends. You could have been there for them… both of them. But you weren’t.  You were too weak. You weren’t Gojo or Suguru. You were you. Just another Grade One sorcerer growing alongside two Special Grade giants—watching them race on ahead and crash and burn without even attempting to catch up and put out the flames.
You didn’t have time to filter the words vomiting out of your mouth. “What? Do you think you could have brought him along on all those missions with you back then after Riko? Like he could have worked alongside you when you were acting like everyone was a burden?” You stood, pointing a single finger into his chest—not bothering to question that he was allowing you to touch him. That in front of you he had let his limitless technique down. He had met you midway and let you into his world just like you wanted, all because you were one of the last people he had whom he believed somewhat understood him beyond the bravado. “Have you forgotten that you alone are the strongest Satoru, not you and Suguru? Just you. And the moment that imbalance came—the moment you both realised that you were no longer equals—was when you could never have stopped him. If anything, you would have pushed him there faster.”
You dropped yourself back into your chair, burying your head in your hands. Tears fell quicker than you could stop them. And so, you let them and felt them soak your dark clothes.
Gojo didn’t attempt to comfort you or say anything for the matter. Instead, he stood over you as you sobbed—letting your tears slide off his loafers.
When your tears let up, and you finally were able to hear yourself think again you noticed the puddles on and around his shoes. You hadn’t known he was still there—that he had stood and let you say all of that to him, and not said a single word. Your eyes trailed slowly up his long legs, to his relaxed hands, his chest, and up to his blank blindfolded face, emotionless.
Dread incensed you, made your mouth dry and your eyes even drier. Guilt had you recalling everything and letting go of all your misplaced anger.
You’d said too much. He’d let you touch him, and you threw everything back in his face. All because of your selfish guilt.
“Satoru.” You didn’t miss how he flinched slightly at the word. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any of that. I am just upset. It’s not your fault.”
“No,” he said. “You’re right.”
His smile unnerved you; told you that you had fucked up.
“Throughout the heavens and earth, I alone am the honoured one.”
You went to touch his hand but were stopped inches away by his limitless technique. “Toru,” you pleaded, wishing that you could take it all back. That you could go back to who you both were before the world tore you all to shreds.
His fists clenched. “Only me,” he said.
And for the second time since you’d known him, Gojo Satoru died again.
    /October 1st, 2018
“I know you’re there,” he said.
You straightened, pushing off the door frame you took a hesitant step into the empty classroom. You had been so lost in thoughts that you didn’t realise he had stopped crying and had lifted his head, watching you through the blindfold.
Gojo lifted the rim of his mask. His unearthly blue eyes were tinged red around the edges and deep bags framed them. He gave you a weak smile—the gesture not leaving his lips. “You spyin’ on me?”
His tone didn’t hit when he looked so drained.
You slid the door closed behind you. You didn’t know why you did it. Perhaps you thought that some privacy would allow him the space to lower his guard. As if the flimsy sliding door could shut out the rest of the world, and let you in. “I came to check on you, I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Check on me?” It hurt you how foreign those words sounded on his lips. He tilted his head, his already smiling lips pulling into a larger grin. “Did you miss me that much?”
You suppressed a frown. “Of course not, stupid.”
Missing would have been an understatement. Worried was more like it. Worried and pitied.
He laughed; the sound was a relief to your ears. Even if it was fake, you decided that seeing Gojo laugh was better than seeing him cry. You loved his laugh—his smile. You wondered how you could protect it. But the strongest didn’t need protecting. The strongest protected everyone else. That was his purpose. That was what he did.
Satoru Gojo alone was the honoured one.
“You love me,” he teased unaware of how true those words rang.
You did love him like how a sunflower loves the sun.
“When was the last time you slept?” You deflected.
“You sayin’ I look like shit?” He stretched his arms above his head, lifting out of his laid-back position. “Gee, thanks.”
“Don’t insult shit,” you said seriously.
He laid his head back again, lowering his blindfold over his eyes. “I was sleeping.”
You raised a sceptical eyebrow. “Really?”
You stood between his legs. “You can talk to me.”
He remained silent.
“Or not, we can just be in silence. It’s nice not hearing you speak for once,” you continued, lightening the mood. Unfortunately, your best way of comforting people was not comforting at all. If past events hadn’t been an indicator, you’d never been good with empathy, and you didn’t claim to be. Most of the time you avoided heavy conversations because of how awkward it would be to not relate to or understand any of what was being said to you. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to but if you had a choice you would choose to not participate. Unless it was for Gojo and once upon a time, Suguru too.
Gojo was like you in that sense, well you thought Gojo was like you, but it turned out you were completely wrong on that front. The selfish man was the most empathetic person in the world. Who else could understand the burdens of these young sorcerers and vessels but the tool of the jujutsu world himself? He was thrust into a life of assassination attempts and responsibility from the day he was conceived after all.
                //August 2018.
Principal Yaga gave you a curt nod as he passed you in the corridor. He was exiting the faculty room leaving you to enact your perfect plan on Gojo. It was a simple prank.
An easy one.
You had to wait for him to be mid-conversation with his guard down. This meant ignoring his texts enough that he would be too busy spamming your phone with inappropriate messages and stickers, to notice you sneak in outside of his field of vision to surprise attack him from behind. It was nothing compared to the horrors he’d pulled on you this week. Gojo had taken to pranking you, so it was only fair to return the favour.
You weren’t playful often.  You tried to present yourself as the dependable stable one out of you and Gojo for the kid’s sake, and the rest of the faculty's sake too. However, sometimes the man tickled your nerves just enough to have you unable to do anything else but retaliate. This happened to be one of those times. You had no malicious intent aside from the crippling desire to avenge yourself because unlike Gojo you weren’t trying to embarrass him in front of the kids. Yours would just be a little jump scare.
You darted forward, your arms open wide to capture him from behind only to fall smack bang into thin air, frozen by the pressure of the limitless space between the two of you.  Being this close, you noticed the fine hairs on his neck standing on end like a startled cat.
Was Gojo afraid?
“Failed,” he said cooly, stepping forward and releasing you from his invisible hold. “Ya should’ve tried a different approach.”
“How did you?” you asked, your words falling off.
He spun to look at you “Back shot? really? I know you can do better. If you wanted to peg me you could have just asked. I’d buy the strap-on and everything so ya don’t have to worry your pretty little head.”
You went to wack him but his limitless once again halted you. “It was going to be a hug, you freak.” You lowered your hand. “Besides, I’m sure you were shit scared just then—admit it.”
Gojo laughed and squeezed your cheeks, pulling and stretching your face like playdough. “You’re adorable.”
“I’m not,” you swat his hands away.
“You didn’t respond to any of my texts,” he said. His hand traced down your face before lifting your chin to look at his masked eyes. “Now that you’re here though, you can answer my question.”
“What question?”
“Are we on for tonight?”
Your cheeks flushed, but you held your focus refusing to give him another thing to annoy you with. “You’re really not going to explain why you’re sitting in the faculty office with limitless on? Utahime isn’t even here to throw stuff at you,” you deflected.
He wrapped his other arm around you, bringing you into a hold that was too intimate for school grounds. With a dip of his head, he brushed his lips over yours. When you went to kiss back, he pulled back, smirked, and then dipped down again. You couldn’t say you didn’t enjoy kissing Gojo. Any woman in their right mind would die to be in your position—fuck it, you over ten years ago would have died to be here too; alone with this gorgeous man. However, not even his lips or his curious hand slipping under your shirt and clasping your bra could distract you enough from the fact that even in an empty faculty room he was on guard; waiting for an attack—for something to disrupt his peace.
He broke the kiss, your residue lip gloss glistened on his lips. “I’m going to need compensation later for the emotional damage your failed assassination attempt caused me. PTSD is real you know.”
He manhandled your face with the hand still caressing your chin. The door opened and Nanami entered with a mug in his hands and a newspaper tucked under his arm. Gojo let you go at least letting you save some face. You reclasped your bra bashfully.
You brushed off your clothes. “Nanami.”
Nanami greeted you in return, setting his coffee on the coffee table and sitting on one of the adjacent sofas.
“Na-na-mi! Aren’t ya just the most respected man I was looking for? What do ya say we hang out for a bit and talk about the social and political state of the world?” Gojo grinned.
The stiff ex-salary man’s response was immediate. “No.” His attention moved to Gojo, who wore your gloss like a trophy.
Gojo turned to you and shrugged, sticking his tongue out comically.
You shook your head, wishing he would give the other man a break. Not everyone had a high threshold for Gojo’s buffoonery, and Nanami was one of those people.
“How about we go to this bakery they sell good kikufuku and we could—” Gojo tried again.
“No.” Nanami opened his newspaper.
“Have you considered putting a leash on him?” Nanami asked you.
Gojo snapped his fingers. “Kinky, I like the way you think, Nanami. I’ll buy a leash and collar whilst we’re in town—it’ll be perfect for tonight.” He draped an arm over your shoulders and leaned down till his lips brushed the shell of your ears. “Would you like to be my pet?”
“I think Nanami was implying that you should control yourself,” you muttered, your body tense. You feared not only was Gojo probably serious, but he also now had discovered another avenue in which to stroke his raging God complex.
“But it would be more fun to control you,” he said.
Flabbergasted, you shoved him—well you tried to.
Gojo stepped back his arms up in surrender and limitless once again on. He laughed menacingly. “I’ll take that as yes.”
Nanami cleared his throat, aggressively.
 “I’ll get you a cute blue collar to match my eyes,” Gojo said to you. “I know how much you love them. That way when I am fucking you, you’ll know who you belong to.”
Your eyes widened. “You—”
Both disturbed and visibly disgusted, Nanami closed his paper, picked up his coffee, and evacuated the room.
Gojo gave you a fleeting kiss on your temple. “Na-na-mi! Wait for me.” He strode off after his junior, abandoning you in the faculty room. “I wasn’t done asking you whether you think this shirt makes my butt look too big. Hey! We’re going into town remember. Don’t ignore me! Na-na-mi~!”
    / October 1st, 2018.
Gojo’s chest shook gently as he inaudibly laughed.
You went to take a step back deciding that you had been out of your mind asking Gojo to open up to you, only to be stopped by his legs closing against your thighs trapping you in place.
 “You tryna leave me?” he asked.
“You weren’t speaking.”
“You said ya liked my silence,” Gojo said.
You scoffed. “I didn’t realise that now would be the time you would decide to take someone else’s advice besides your own.”
He raised his head to look at you, mask still in place over his eyes. “I always listen to other people’s advice; I just don’t always take it. And today happened to be a good day for silence.” He raised a finger, pointing upwards. “Can ya hear that?”
You stopped, waiting to hear something out of the ordinary. You looked around the classroom taking in the empty wooden space before turning back to see that stupid big smile once again on his moisturized lips.
“So not only are you taking other people’s advice but you’re also lying?” You shook your head. “That’s a new low even for you, Toru.”
He pouted and reached his arms around you pulling your hips forward. He hugged you like a koala, his head resting on your lower abdomen. “I’m just playing with you.”
“Play with someone else, you’ve expended my nice quota for the day.” You tried to wiggle out of his grasp. “Let me go.”
Gojo held you tighter. “Thank you,” he said quietly.
You halted your actions. “For what?” you asked breathlessly. You didn’t need to ask, and he didn’t need to tell you for you both to know what he meant. Your hands remained by your side too afraid to touch him. Too afraid to do anything that might freak you both out and break whatever emotional domain you’d locked yourselves in.
“I’m going to die one day,” he said softly. “And I’ll remember this moment when death comes.”
You don’t speak; afraid that he’ll stop if you do.
You imagined the thought of his death soothed him in a way. It was the final frontier, and in both your line of work, it meant that you had been defeated. Bested. Beaten at your own game. It meant that you’d given your all and, in the end, it just wasn’t enough. That you as a warrior had fought with all you might and come out the loser. You’d tried. You’d been tested and you’d finally been chosen unworthy. You imagined that despite how much his words hurt you to consider, the thought of death at the hands of someone stronger than him would be an honour. A blessing. It would be the moment when Gojo Satoru, the enlightened one, finally could be human.
After all, death was the ultimate leveller—the unequivocal equalizer.
His grip loosened slightly as he relaxed his weight against you. “Then I’ll be allowed to rest without regrets,” he said. You don’t miss the end of the statement although it is whispered barely in hearing range. “And maybe I’ll be able to greet you both again on the same level, finally.”
“Thought you didn’t believe in all that?” you asked.
He chuckled. “A guy can dream, right?”
                // December 24th, 2018
“Satoru,” Suguru says, a bright smile on his youthful face. He appears to be about sixteen. “Long time no see.” He is sitting a seat away from Satoru in his jujutsu uniform. 
“Blegh!” A younger Gojo coughs shooting forward in his seat. The force of the action causes his circular glasses to slide down his nose.
“You couldn’t have held on a little longer?” a younger you asks, sitting beside him, also in your uniform. “I was rooting for you to make it, so, I could at least decay in my grave a bit more. Don’t tell me you missed me or something?”
Suguru calls out your name. “That’s not very kind of you, you didn’t even let him land.”
“He’s the one who hasn’t let me land. I only died in Shibuya less than two months ago. At least you got a year to compose yourself accordingly.”
Suguru nods in defeat, his smile remaining.
“Currently dying again here,” Gojo says between coughing fits.
You and Suguru pat Gojo’s back.
“You’re kidding me this sucks,” Gojo says. He slumps back in the chair, sighing. He doesn’t spare either you or Suguru a glance, seemingly annoyed.
Suguru hunches over and shakes his head. “Pretty rude thing to say right after seeing someone’s face.” He shoots you an exasperated look.
You respond with an unsurprised lift of your shoulder.
 Gojo scrunches his face. “I’ve always told my students.” He raises his fingers in quotation marks. “‘When you die, you’ll die alone.’ So please tell me this is just some ridiculous dream.”
You snort.
“Does it matter?” Suguru says.
“There’s nothing you can do about it either way,” you add, pulling his ear. “We are all dead either way, stupid.”
He swats your hand away and scratches his head. “No shit.” He looks perplexed. “Fuck, and there’s still all that stuff with his dad.”
“Megumi’s?” you ask. You’d sort of presumed he knew. “Thought you’d said you wanted to die without regrets?”
Gojo looks up at the high airport ceiling thoughtfully. “I asked Shoko to handle it.”
“Of course, you did,” you whisper. “Always a step ahead.”
A wistful smile appears on his lips. “Always.”
You begin to mindlessly play with the back of Gojo’s hair.
He leans into your touch, closing his eyes.
“So, how was the king of curses?” Suguru says segueing the question to the culprit of Gojo’s demise.
“Insanely fucking strong, and I could tell he wasn’t giving it all he had.” When your hand stops massaging the back of his head, he reaches back and takes your hand into his. “Honestly, I don’t think I would’ve won even if he didn’t have Megumi’s ten shadows.”
Suguru brows raise. “I’m shocked anyone could make you admit that.”
“I’m not,” you admit.
Gojo gives you a bashful look. He squeezes your hand in his.
It’s odd for you to see him be so openly vulnerable, but you like it. No, you love it.
Gojo looks down. “I feel kinda sorry for him,” he admits softly.
Suguru glances at you quizzically but you give him no reaction, allowing Gojo the space to continue. You’re not sure if he means Megumi or Sukuna or maybe both, but you decide to listen anyway.
“I’m no stranger to feeling isolated,” Gojo starts. “There was always this gulf between me and other people. Even if they adored me. You can admire a beautiful flower…but you can’t ask it to understand you.”
Suguru straightens in his seat.
Gojo lets go of your hand, scrunching his hand into a fist. “I put everything I had into tryin’ to reach him. To make him understand…all my physical training techniques I mastered… my explosiveness, quick thinking, and attempts at humor. I gave it my all, but it wasn’t enough. The loneliness that comes with unrivalled strength…the one who will teach you about love is—” he pauses, “I had fun.”
You place your hand on his thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
He gives you a thankful nod. He releases a weak laugh, the mood lightening. “Sukuna wasn’t able to give me his all though. And I think that’s a damn shame.”
 “Consider me jealous, at least you had the satisfaction of going out with a bang,” Suguru says.
“Satisfaction, huh?” Gojo scoffs. “I guess my only disappointment was that you weren’t there to slap me on the back.”
Suguru laughs.
“But I guess I am glad I died facing a strong opponent. It’d have been embarrassing if I let some disease or old age get the best of me,” Gojo says.
“What are you a samurai?”
Gojo's eyes widen.
A sly grin appears on your face when you watch Gojo turn around to see a young Nanami and Haibara sitting behind you all. They begin to scuffle for a while mocking Gojo for his selfish mindset in life. You remain silent, watching him the way you always do.
Gojo is the strongest.
Those words still hold despite you both dying. His strength isn’t just about his physical prowess but his mental one. It is why you love him, you decide, even though it kept you worlds apart in life.
“What ya thinking?” Gojo whispers bumping your shoulder playfully.
“Nothing much,” you whisper back. You flip your hand palm up on Gojo’s thigh and he interlocks your fingers.
“Don’t look like nothing much,” Gojo teases leaning down to search your eyes.
You dip your head, watching your interlaced hands. “I’m just glad we’re all together again.”
You don’t look but you hear Gojo’s smile. It sounds like an endless blue ocean crashing against a yellow sandy shore. It feels like the sun warming you back to life.
Gojo lifts your hand and kisses the back of it. “Me too,” he says. “Which one are you choosing North or South?”
“Does it matter what I chose?” you ask not disclosing your choice.
“Maybe.” His gaze flicks to your lips. “Definitely.”
“When did you two get all sappy?” Suguru interrupts. “It’s disgusting.”
“Exactly,” Nanami adds. “I had to endure that. Trust me it gets worse.”
“Sounds to me like a whole lot of bitchless jealousy,” Gojo says, raising his voice over their declarations. “Personally, could never be me.”
 Haibara laughs. “I think it’s cute. Good for you, Gojo-san. Finding love despite your personality.”
Gojo grins and pulls you into his chest. “Thanks, Haibara. See, ‘least someone is happy for me.”
Suguru snickers.
Nanami rolls his eyes.
“I think that was an insult,” you say, raising a finger.
Gojo dramatically hushes you placing a long finger to your lips. “’m taking what I can get. You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“When have I ever been? You act out of pocket all the time. Someone has to help Suguru humble you.”
Gojo shakes his head. “Betrayed by my girl and my best friend…that’s crazy. Not even in death can I catch a break.”
The airport fills with the sound of laughter.
And in these short moments, laying against Gojo’s chest encased in his comforting scent as he bickers with Suguru, Nanami, and Haibara, you feel like nothing is blocking the front of either of your eyes. Like in some absurd way, this is what Gojo meant. You know that even if these days fade… even if you’ve come to know his world, different from yours in the depths of eternity left behind…even now the blue remains—clear; in the summer colours that refract off your cheeks like crystals becoming one with the endless sea.
Gojo’s thumb brushes your cheek smudging away the tears. He says your name softly. “You cryin’?” He asks peering down at you from above.
You reach up and pull off his dark sunglasses. You see those blue eyes, glimmering like sunlight on water, or like grains of stars in an infinitely expanding galaxy that used to spill through the gaps between your fingers. And they’re staring straight back at you. Asking ‘Will we meet again?’
You nod, unable to say the words that are stuck in your throat.
But Gojo doesn’t need to hear it, a grin forming, nevertheless.
“Hey, Principal!” Gojo shouts looking up and spotting Yaga up ahead trying not to be noticed. “Thought ya said no Jujutsu sorcerers die without regret?”
   / October 1st, 2018.
You let your hand slowly move to his white hair, caressing the soft locks. “You know, you’re pretty weak for the strongest man,” you said endearingly.
“Maybe I’m pranking you?” he muttered. “Making ya let your guard down and believe I am weak so that I can get some. I am prone to lyin’ ya know.”
You hummed in disbelief. “What an unfunny lie.”
“What a sick twisted joke,” he agreed.
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Thanks for reading!
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yuriisclumsy · 9 days
I'm so excited that more people started taking cale request!!!✧\(>o<)ノ✧
Anyway hiii! Can I have an enemy to lovers with cale henituse and fem.reader idk something cliche like a dance scene or one gets protective of the other or maybe a cute "oh shit I'm actually in love moment"
Sorry I'm bursting with ideas rn.~
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Love's Dance
Part 1 (You are here) | Part 2 (coming soon!)
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2,729
Authors note: You ask, and I shall deliver. PS. why did you give me such a good idea? like, I'm at 5k word for the overall thing, and I am not even done yet... (send help)
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The streets of Roan Kingdom's Capital were bustling like usual. The vendors selling their goods, children running around carelessly, mothers screaming at them to not get dirty, and the usual underground activity Arm did. 
I strolled through these streets, thinking of nothing and relaxing ‘til I get another mission. 
“That reminds me…Arm has been quiet as of late. Sigh…they are up to no good…” I spoke to no one in particular, walking back to the Quiet Isle lodge. 
Quiet Isle is an inn in an area a little off the center of the Capital. I stayed there for the past three weeks after finishing my last mission. The price to stay is cheap, while still being comfortable. It has comfortable rooms, a clear view, free breakfast, and most importantly, it wasn’t noisy at all! Bonus points for the innkeepers, as they have been nothing but sweethearts.  
All-in-all, a good Inn if you’re looking to get your coins worth. 
I went through the inn’s doors, a sweet aroma of lavender hitting my nostrils as I neared the front desk.  
The Innkeepers were an old couple, and the misses genuinely enjoyed the smell of lavender. That is why, as you walk through the inn, you’ll be met with an influx of light purples from the flowers. 
Reaching the desk, I was greeted by a senior woman whose smile could cure all kinds of child injuries. 
“Oh! Why if it is the youth I’m all too familiar with!” The old granny said, delighted to see me. 
 “Greetings, Granny Fes,” I vowed curtly with a small smile. “Have there been any new guests at the inn?” I asked as she extended her hand to give me a piece of candy. 
Receiving the small candy, I offered a small ‘thank you.’ She said a quick ‘You’re welcome!’ before responding to my question. “Yes, yes! I welcomed a few new guests shortly after you left this morning for a stroll!” she excitedly told me. 
“Two of the five I welcomed are a couple expecting a child! Isn't that exciting? Ouu, to be young again…” 
“Oh, please. I say you are still quite young!” I say to get her head out of that cloud. 
“Fufufu, you are too kind [Name].” Granny Fes pinched my cheek as she got a bit flustered. “I believe one day you’ll meet a handsome young man that is suited just for you.” She added. 
I blushed a little, “Oh no, I don’t think that will happen…” I pause for a second. “Do you really think I’ll get lucky enough to have that...?” I asked, not believing I would get someone special to spend my days with. 
“Don’t give me that!” Granny Fes yelled, as if scolding one of her own. “You are beautiful! Which man wouldn't dream of having a wife such as yourself!?” 
All I could do was smile in response. This is how I want things to always go. Living in a peaceful area, sharing memories with people I meet along the way, even starting a family. Arm is nowhere near that picture. And it will never be. 
But alas. Good things always end. 
“Ah! That reminds me. [Name],” she called my name and handed me an envelope, “You received mail from a young lad. He said it was urgent.”  
Looking at the envelope as Granny Fes left to continue her job, I had an ominous feeling, yet I couldn’t pinpoint what it was.  
I turned it around only to see Arm’s seal stamped on it. Arm only sends letters if it is an important mission, and based on the color of the seal, it is of utmost importance.  
I am already not liking this I thought, refusing to open the letter. Maybe if I were to pretend its existence was nothing but a useless paper, it would disappear. But alas, I needed to open the envelope. With worry present in my face I opened it with the seal. Inside was a letter addressing Agent White Gold.  
That code name. It is the thing I despised most in this world. 
To Agent White Gold, 
Play time is up, White Gold. You have been assigned a mission in the Henituse Territory. We have discovered the traces of the leader of the organization known as ‘True Arm.’ Your mission is to go there and find out who the leader of the organization is, dead or alive. It is your choice which one you pick.  
A carriage will come to pick you up at sunrise, so don’t miss it.  
Once you arrive at your destination one of our men will greet you and guide you to your resting location and hand you an envelope. Inside, you will find descriptions of the one we are looking for, alongside a list of individuals that we found to match the description of our target. 
Remember, Agent, we are counting on your success. 
Don’t disappoint us, 
Dammit… The moment I receive some peace after working for them like a slave…! I angrily store the letter to shreds, as if it were them instead of the letter. All I wanted was to disappear from the eyes of those bastards. They took me from my home, changed me to fit in an identity they made…they just can’t leave me alone, can they? 
I wanted to say no. To be able to run away to a far corner of the world so they would never be able to find me. But it is impossible. No one leaves. Rather, they die. Dying was the only way out. 
Yet, I want to live. 
I looked at Granny Fes as she talked with a few guests that were checking out. At that moment I knew that if I tried to escape, they would get everyone I was surrounded by. She doesn't deserve that. Neither does her husband, or her children and grandchildren. 
It is best I comply. 
“Sigh…Once you're in, there is no escaping their grasp…”  
The sky was tainted in hues of blues, purples, and oranges. The sun was rising from the nap it took, and fully ready to greet us. 
A carriage arrived early at the Quiet Isle Inn. Inside stood Granny Fes and Gramps Liy right next to me. Their eyes expressed sadness when looking at me. 
“Why so sad?” I asked the couple. 
“Oh, it’s just…it’s just that we’re both sad you’re leaving so soon.” Granny Fes confessed. Her husband, a bit more stubborn, only scuffed. Granny Fes elbowed him hard with a smile still shooting at me, gaining a small scowl from Gramps Liy. 
“AGHEM,” he raised one hand to fake a cough, “I guess you will be missed.” 
I laugh at his antics. Deep down he cares, he just has an unconventional way of expressing his feelings. 
“I’ll miss the two of you.” I looked at them with a small hinge of sadness but kept a smile to reassure them. I looked outside to see the coachman wave his hand signaling that he was ready for departure. “It seems I must go,” I turned to them, “see you later?” 
“Yes, yes. Goodbye little lady.” Gramps Liy ‘shud’ me to the carriage as he and his wife stared at me opening the door of the carriage. 
“Farewell, sweetheart. Make sure to take good care of yourself. And remember to look out for good lads while you’re traveling!” Granny Fes nagged me like I was about to never come back. Although, she was right about that. I don’t think I will be able to come back if I want to protect them. 
I laughed and said a small ‘I will!’ as I climbed into the carriage. Closing the door the carriage started moving. I waved to the couple one last time before I could not see them anymore. 
Sighting, I took out the map I packed. Looking at my destination, it was a few days from the capital. “This is going to be a loong trip…” I commented, making myself comfortable for the journey ahead. 
I hope I get this mission done quickly, so I can get another vacation from Arm. I looked up at the ceiling. I mean…how hard could it be to find this ‘leader’ anyways? 
An old butler walks dutifully around the state halls. In hand, he holds a tray with a fancy tea set with a steel dome keeping the food inside warm; its aroma could be smelled by the passing housekeepers with wet laundry. 
The butler knocked at a door, he did not have to wait long, as he got an immediate response from the person inside. Opening the door he says his greetings. 
“Good morning, young master. I brought breakfast along with your favorite drink.” He says as he places down the tray on the table close to the window. 
“Ah, thank you, Ron.” A male voice thanked the butler. 
“It is my pleasure, young master Cale.” The butler, Ron, bowed. 
The man, who is now identified as Cale, sat down on the table to enjoy his breakfast. 
“Young master, if I may…” Ron waited for permission to continue speaking. 
“*Sight* Just spit it out.” Cale said in an uninterested voice. This is another one of his tangents. Drinking the lemonade that Ron made as he thinks of Ron’s earlier endeavors. 
Ron smiled, “I have detected Arm activity within the city.” 
“PFF–” spilling all the lemonade on the cup, he looked at Ron with widened eyes.
What is Arm doing here?! They have more pressing issues to deal with! Like, figuring out who Real Arm is! Cale’s thought went haywire.
Ron took his handkerchief out and gave it to Cale to use. 
“What do you mean there is Arm activity in the city? Is it more bombs?” He asked while using the cloth given to him to clean the mess he made. 
He shook his head, “no, at least not yet. I have seen them snoop around the city for information. It would seem we left them a small lead.” 
“Not good…” 
“If you’d prefer, young master, I could go rabbit hunting.” 
Looking at Ron with a drop of sweat evident in his forehead, he reluctantly answered. “...do whatever you want.”  
“Hehe. Then I will take my leave.” He bowed before leaving the room without making a sound. 
Scary old man. He looked outside pouring more lemonade in his cup. It’s not a good sign if Arm is here. I need to prepare in case they strike. 
“Hey, wake up! We’re almost there!” 
“WHAT? HUH–huh?” I got up from my seat at lightning speed, looking around in a daze. As I scoot closer to the window, I see the giant walls looming overhead. On top of one of the towers built in the wall was a flag. It was the Henituse’s family crest imprinted on it.  
I’m already in the Henituse territory! 
Getting closer at the entrance door of the city, the carriage stopped, as they had to do a check before letting anyone in. 
“Execute me, m’lady. May I have your identification paper?” A soldier asked me. 
Security check? When I traveled to other places, they didn’t ask for my identification but the coachman’s. 
I handed him the paper without complaint, receiving it right after he checked that everything was good. The other soldiers gave him a thumbs up after checking the carriage and the coachman. Without further interruption they let us through, wishing us a happy stay. 
“That was…something.” 
The coach man dropped me off at a tavern near the city square. Going upstairs to the second floor of the establishment, I sat down at a table near the edge of the balcony. Waiting for the man that was supposed to give me the information mentioned in the letter I looked out into the streets, I could see the liveliness of the people.  
They were too lively in my opinion. 
Hearing footsteps approaching my table I diverted my attention to them. I was greeted with a man wearing a hat with fancy clothing. 
“Hello, m’lady,” the man greeted by taking his hat off and vowing curtly. 
Didn’t know Arm also had rich allies. I thought, seeing the man's mannerisms. 
“Good evening,” I vowed slightly, “are you the one mentioned in the letter?” 
“Eager now, are we?” He sat down in front of me with a smug smile. He placed his hat down before taking out an envelope. He slid it across the table. As I grabbed it, I took out its content.  
It was a list of suspects. They all had red hair and were male. And that was it. No underground activities, no records, nothing. 
This is the only information they managed to find…seriously? I thought. Was someone able to sneak past Arm’s noses? How is that even possible? 
“Unfortunately, it is.” 
“Ha...!” I laughed at the absurdity of the situation. I looked up at the man after reviewing the list of suspects.  
“This is the only description we managed to find,” the smile on his face dropped into a frown, “only at the low cost of our scouts: a single spy was able to escape long enough to hide a piece of paper in a tree trunk…” he said. 
“....” I looked down at the list.  
To be able to kill all of our scouts…this is no meek foe. Just thinking of how strong they are sends shivers down my spine…  
“I have arranged a small room at an Inn close by here. I have left some equipment at your disposal. The location is on one of the papers in the envelope.” The man stood up and put his hat on, adjusting his suit a little before looking at me.  
“If you need anything else, I left a card at your place with instructions as to how you can contact me. Remember I’m at your service m’lady, Tata! ~” 
“I will keep that in mind.” 
Watching as he disappeared behind the doors of the second floor, I decided to order something to eat before heading to my fixed place. 
“…a festival?” Cale looked at the flier given to him. 
“That’s right,” Count Deruth, Cale’s father, said nonchalantly, “the festival will brighten the people's moods, as well as show that we are financially good.” 
“Wait, here it says the ‘Henituse’s’ are attending…I don’t have to attend…right?” 
Deruth raised an eyebrow in question. “You don’t have to go.” 
I must go. *Sight* My well-deserved rest has been postponed once again… can’t I catch a break for once? 
“On that note, I have reserved a spot on the city square where we will be presiding during the time,” he said as Cale gave him back the paper.  
“You don’t have to talk–or better said–you don’t have to even move. Just sitting there is enough.” 
Cale smiled at this I don’t have to move? Seems perfect to me! 
“I’ll be attending in that case.” 
“The festival will start in a few days. Be ready.” 
Cale exited his father’s study, walking back to his room. 
I need to tell Ron about this. It’ll be no surprise if Arm takes advantage of the festival. There stands a man with black hair waiting outside Cale’s room for him to come. 
“Young master Cale!” The man runs towards him with puppy-like energy. 
“Hans, is there something you need?” Cale asked. 
“I heard from Ron that there have been suspicious activities happening in the city. So, I came to ask for permission to investigate.” Hans explained. 
Cale hummed. Strange. Usually, you would do these types of things without letting me know. Perhaps he thinks this is a bit dangerous and if he doesn't return, we know where to look? 
“You can do as you please, no need to ask for my permission.” 
“I see…thank you young master,” Hans vowed, “I will report back immediately once I find anything!” As he said that, he began to leave. 
“Oh, and, Hans?” Cale spoke before he could fully leave. 
“Yes, Cale?” 
“If you find anything, make sure to report first. Don’t go around making havoc, got it?” Cale instructed. 
“...yes” Hans responded with a bit of thinking, knowing it was the best decision. 
Let’s see what they have in store for us. Cale entered his room, he’ll laze around until the festival actually begins. What a bother… 
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family updates. Back to Lout Of Count's Family Master-List
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julianalvarez9 · 11 months
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SUMMARY: When you realize this friends with benefits relationship you had going on with him is hurting you more than its benefitting, you cut contact. When Christian realizes, six months later, that the only thing missing from the celebrations after winning the CONCACAF, is you, knocking on your door is the only answer.
WORD COUNT: 2.1k words
WARNINGS: smut, unestablished relationship (although both have feelings for the other!), unprotected sex, not proofread enough (started it so long ago i just wanted to finish it)
The kiss is heated, messy, but when he breaks it to get a breather, you’re pulling him in again by the cross necklace hanging over your head. The noises coming out of your mouth are filthy, something unholy, and his lips are the only way of sealing them in; keep them into his mouth, and hopefully, out of your neighbors ears.
The only sound that can’t be silenced is the one coming from your skin clashing with his, his hips rutting into yours in an unrelenting pace. You’re close to the edge, and he can feel it by the way your cunt wraps around him so tightly. His voice is husky, and you moan at the feeling of his lips so close to your ear when he whispers “you’re a greedy, little girl, aren’t you? all mine to ruin”.
Recognizing Christian’s voice is what wakes you up in a cold sweat.
It’s obvious he’s not here, by your side, in your bed, and you curse your brain for tricking yourself that he was. It's been months of not thinking about him -at least, in that way-, and you curse yourself for even tuning in on the broadcast of the match earlier tonight. Where else would you get those ideas in your head if it weren't for the damned USA vs Canada match you watched earlier?
You realize soon enough that you won’t be able to sleep with how hot it is -is it you, or it’s the Las Vegas heat?-, so you get up to find a glass of water, and hopefully, some peace of mind.
The knocks on the door beg to differ, though.
At first, you’re suspicious: phone in hand, and ready to call the police. But then, looking through the peephole, you have to take a deep breath and rub your still-sleep-filled eyes to confirm you’ve woken up from your dream.
“Christian, what are you doing here?”.
The fact that you're seeing him, in bone and flesh, shocks you. You don't know if it is because you've just dreamt about him, or if it's the results of six months without seeing the american: still, it makes you freeze in your place, blocking the way in, until he points inside, with sympathetic eyes, and you realize you have to let him in.
"You're alone?" he asks, once he was standing still in the middle of your living room. All lights were turned off, meaning that you could barely see him, but he was looking curiously at his surroundings. "Would you think I would have let you in otherwise?".
He doesn't wait a second longer, striding right towards you until he's taking your head into his hands and smashing his lips with yours in a passionate kiss. In the heat of the moment, you find yourself cornered against the wall, and Christian taps your bare leg with his hand to signal you to jump. You do so, contently, and moan against his mouth when you feel his hardened length against your heated center.
The man knows the path to your bedroom all too well, the memories of your last encounters during the summer not once leaving his mind, even if he tried during these last six months you’ve spent apart.
You find yourself underneath him in your bed, and you moan at the feel of his lips against your hot skin after he takes your shirt off. His mouth trails from your cheek, to your neck, leaving messy, desperate kisses on its way. He pays special attention to your boobs, taking one nipple into his mouth and rolling the other one with his hands, making you arch your back and press against his chest.
"I thought I had lost you," he mutters slowly, leaving kisses against your abdomen and nearing your hip bones, and you whine at his words. "I thought I had lost my chance with you".
You try not to think about how much you missed this, and instead, focusing on the moment with him. His lips are back against yours making it all feel too heated. He's still all dressed while you're only in your underwear, so you take the ends of his shirt to take it off him. Christian gets the message, and he begrudgingly parts ways just to take it over his head, the flexed muscles on his abdomen on show, making you almost salivate. You can't help the finger that trails from his Adam’s apple to his sternum, and he shivers at the contact, before crashing his lips against yours again.
The remaining of your clothes graces the floor soon enough, with both of you too eager to be careful about not tearing apart the fabrics. It seems like he can’t keep his hands out of your frame for long enough. He’s making his way towards where you need him most with sloppy kisses, and you let out a cry when you feel his hot breath against your cunt.
Christian yelps in surprise when you drag him by his cross chain, all the way up until he’s facing your face, again, and if you would’ve been in your right mind, you would have been more careful of not ripping it in half, but at the moment, you couldn't’ care less. A simple look lets him know that, while you would gladly enjoy the laps of his skilled tongue against your center, you need him inside of you now, and, who’s he to deny what you’re craving?
"Fuck, you're so wet" he mumbles, while sliding the head of his cock slowly between your folds, covering himself in your juices. Your hips buck against him to try and get what you want, but his cocky smile tells you this is exactly what he’s looking for: to drive you mad. "Please, stop teasing," you whine, but Christian still isn’t satisfied with your begging. "You aren't asking properly, pretty girl"
The eye roll is, partly because of how annoyed you are, and partly due to his actions; first, teasing your clit with his tip, and then, circling your entrance. "Fuck me, Christian, please".
That seems to do it for him, because he’s humming approvingly before pushing into you, slow, until he’s bottoming out. He stops there, and looks intently into your eyes, which are currently closed due to the overwhelming pleasure that his intrusion brings.
A few seconds pass before you’re asking him to move again once your eyes open, and you find his nose tipping against yours due to how close he is: his right forearm rests against your head, making him be impossibly closer to you, and, somehow, this feels more intimate than the last couple of times you two spent together.
He starts moving then, once you nod at him to signal you’re okay to keep going. Christian begins with deep, slow strokes that have you tilting your head back in pleasure, and he takes advantage of the newly conquered territory over your neck to kiss everywhere feverishly. 
Once he finds your lips again, the kiss is heated, messy, meanwhile his hips don’t stop moving against yours. Eventually, the air in his lungs grows thin, and he breaks the kiss to get a breather, but you’re pulling him in again by the cross necklace hanging over your head. The noises coming out of your mouth are filthy, something unholy, and his lips are the only way of sealing them in; keep them into his mouth, and hopefully, out of your neighbors ears.
The only sound that can’t be silenced is the one coming from your skin clashing with his, his hips rutting into yours in an unrelenting pace. You’re close to the edge, and he can feel it by the way your cunt wraps around him so tightly. His voice is husky, and you moan at the feeling of his lips so close to your ear when he whispers “you’re a greedy, little girl, aren’t you? all mine to ruin”.
The filthy praise has you gasping for air, and, when he lifts your leg a bit higher over where it previously rested, circling over his hip bone, Christian hits a deeper spot that sends your mind into a frenzy, shaking with pleasure once your orgasm starts traveling all over your body.
He drops the pendant to his back, so it’s resting against his muscular back when he dips his head down to kiss your lips. With his free left hand, the one that isn’t supporting all his weight above you, he cups your face lovingly, angling your head just right to deepen the kiss, making it passionate enough to trap inside the moans and whimpers that are leaving his throat once his thrusts start to get sloppy, signaling that he’s about to cum, too.
You’re trying to keep grounded in any way you can, while feeling his hot seed filling you impossibly fuller. Your hands travel across the tanned skin of his back, feeling then the cold cross necklace resting between his shoulder blades, and you know you could cum again just by the sight alone of his tanned skin marked by your nails, with the red scratches adorning his back like it was the most beautiful canvas. The picture painted in your head is as beautiful as unholy, and you like it like that.
Both of you hiss at the loss of contact once he slips out of you, and through your tired eyelashes you see him slipping into the blue joggings he had on when he arrived, before making his way to your bathroom with a naturality that would have anyone believing this was his house. Once he comes back, wet cloth in hand, he’s careful to clean you up, and once he’s done, he pulls the covers over you both. 
The silence isn’t loud: you were accustomed to this with Christian, but still, you feel the need to fill it with words, somehow.
“Congrats for the match. I mean, the win. The trophy, too”.
He seems surprised when he asks, “did you watch it?”, and you sheepishly nod. The air feels tainted with too much sentimentality, and you’re afraid this could drive him away, again; after all, you were sure, in your mind, that he didn’t return the feelings you had confessed to have before parting ways with the American. So, a joke seems like the best way to clear the air. “Well, yeah. somebody had to cheer for little boy Gio, right?”. 
Your relationship with the Dortmund player isn’t quite as difficult as the one you have with Christian -with Gio, you’ve never passed the line, although there were moments where you could have; not that’s something that the man beside you knows -that you haven’t crossed the line.
Christian, occupying the space beside you now, but with his head resting against the bed frame, isn’t too thrilled with the mention of his teammate, hearing him in his voice when he growls “oh, shut up,” before drawing you in to rest on his chest, and pressing a little kiss to your forehead that you try to ignore, although the butterflies in your stomach seem to disagree.
A few minutes pass before any of you mutter a word more. You’re entirely too caught up in his chain, playing with it, and with every second passing you confirm that it’s the same one from your wet dream -the one you had earlier, before Christian came, and made it a reality-, and you really don’t know what to think about it all. Whether you manifested it, or it was just the funny ways the universe works, you don’t really know.
“You really like it, don’t you?” the american says, pulling you out of your train of thoughts, and making you confused in the act. Seeing your confused face, he’s quick to clarify what he meant. “The chain, I mean”.
“Yeah, I guess,” you shrug, trying to keep a straight face and turning your focus elsewhere: traveling your finger back and forth across his sternum. “You can keep it if you want,” he suggests, but you’re quick in turning it down. “Absolutely not”. Christian, who doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, pushes forward. “Oh, c'mon. It'll look better on you anyways,” he says, unclasping it and urging you to sit down and turn around, so he can lock it again; now, on your neck. The feeling against your clammy skin is cold, and you wonder if it looks half as good on you as it does on him. 
A sudden realization dawns on your face once you see how proud he looks of the fact that you’re wearing something that’s so clearly his. You squint your eyes suspiciously, before accusing him of what you already knows it’s the intention behind the seemingly loving gesture. “And Gio will know it’s yours”.
Christian smiles devilishly before muttering, “and Gio will know you are mine”.
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gemini-sensei · 22 days
Mates Are Forever | Merman!Eli Moskowitz x Chubby!Reader
● MerMay 2024 ●
CW: mermaid smut, breeding kink, minor blood, biting, tentacle dick (unedited).
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Reader carefully traversed the wet rocks as she made her way toward the water. It had been a little hard at first, and she still had to be careful of the slippery surfaces of the rocks, but she was practiced at this point. No terrain was going to keep her from seeing her boyfriend. Even if she did have to use the light of the full moon to see where she was going and the crashing waves seemed to hit a little harder than usual.
Despite the obstacles ahead of her, Reader made it to the flatter rock that reached far into the water. It was the perfect place to sit and wait for her oyfriend to arrive. So when she reached the tip of the slate, she sat down with her feet in the water.
She passed the time star gazing, but as these meetings usually went, she wasn't waiting long. She heard a disturbance in the water as something broke the surface and splashed. She looked out to the ocean with a smile, catching the last glimpse of a pretty iridescent tail before it disappeared in the water.
A moment later, Eli popped his head out of the water. She smiled and kicked her feet, splashing him with water. He laughed and splashed her back. The playfulness continued until she was ready to dive into the ocean. He stayed close as she jumped in and immediately went to her. For that one moment, between being submerged and him grabbing her waist, she watched him. The waters were dark but his tail caught the bright light of the moon and shone beautifully. It illuminated the water around him, making him glow under the water. He was magically beautiful and dangerously handsome, but it was his shining smile made up of sharp teeth and his sweet personality that had pulled her in. He was charming and funny and smart and passionate. She loved everything about him.
He grabbed her waist to ensure the waves didn't whisk her away. He pulled her in for a kiss as they rose to the surface, only breaking their seal of love when she needed air. She panted hard and smiled wide as he pulled her against his chest. She let out a laugh of excitement at finally getting to see him again.
But there was little time for formal greetings. Their play was nice and seeing each other was great, but as she held onto him and gently kicked her feet, she noticed something change in his eyes. His pupils were dilated to the point they were so big, she couldn't see his pretty blue irises, especially in the dark of night. However, before she could ask if he was okay, he said,
"I want to take you someplace where it's just the two of us." It didn't take long after that Reader understood the look in his eyes. Hunger. He continued, "Just you and me."
"We are alone, babe," she told him and looked around. The beach was a little way out, the rock she waited for him on far from the sands as if it were a peer or dock. And even if someone were to come onto the beach, she doubted they would come close to their little bit of beach. It wasn't a popular spot because of its rocky terrain. "No one's gonna bother us."
"No other humans," he said and leaned into her, diving for her neck. His lips tickled her skin there and she closed her eyes, his teeth barely scratching that special spot at the juncture where her shoulder turned into her neck. It was sensitive and he always liked to tease it. "Other merfolk may come."
"They've never followed you here before," she told him.
He grinned. "It wasn't mating season before."
That statement came with Eli pressing his hips into Reader, her thigh rubbing against his slit. He was aroused, so his slit was naturally opening up, pushing hot slick into the water. He groaned with a certain sensitivity as he rubbed his slit against her thigh, a small act of trying to get some friction on the area. It made Reader get flustered.
It wasn't as if they hadn't done it before but he'd never been so eager. It wasn't "mating season" before, as he had called it. That ravenous look was never in his eyes. However, none of that deterred Reader from slipping a hand into the water and teasing his slit with her fingers, rubbing his opening with a grin.
"Is that right?" she asked, smirking at him.
His eyes seemed to darken as he looked at her. "Don't. Not yet. Wanna take you away from here first."
He spoke in short sentences as if he needed to just get the words out because if he didn't, they'd go unsaid. He pulled her closer against him, his arms wound tight around her.
She smiled at him. "Then take me away."
This gills on the sides of his neck bristled and he let out a low grunt from the back of his throat. "Deep breath, I'll try to make the trip short."
So Reader did as told and took a deep breath of the salty air before he pulled her under the water. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly just before he began swimming as fast as a bullet through air. The rush was intense, forcing Reader to close her eyes as he took them away from the shore, away from the civilization she knew and lived in day in and day out. It was nice to think about getting away from it all, even if for one night.
He swam deeper into the water. The pressure was mounting but before it could hurt, before her lungs could burn, Eli pivoted and swam into the mouth of an underwater cave. They swam the length of it in a matter of seconds, making it impossible to know how long it really was. Then he swam up and they were pushing their heads through the surface of water before she knew it.
Reader gasped as her head breached the surface. She panted hard, but smiled nonetheless at her merman partner, thrilled. She grabbed his face and kissed him heavily, exhilarated by the high speeds he managed the swim even though she did little more than hold on for the ride. It was still fun.
It was only when she pulled away from him did she realize they were in a small grotto of a cave. There was no opening leading outside or to land, but there were tall rocks for walls and an opening in the top allowing the moon to shine down on them. The rocks were decorated with all sorts of greenery, vines and flowers creeping up its walls as if one purposefully put them there. Knowing they were natural was part of their beauty in Reader's opinion.
"This place is beautiful," she said, a little starstruck.
Eli gently led her over to a small collection of rocks she could hold onto to rest, knowing her human energy wasn't the same as his. He kept a hand on her waist and his eyes on her the entire time, mesmerized by her. Her compliment only fueled him as the seasonal instincts were kicking in. "This is my home."
"You live here?" she asked, turning to look at him with wonder and happiness.
He nodded. "Well, it's part of my home. I live in the underwater alcove part of it, but this is my favorite place to come to when I'm thinking of you."
She became flustered and lightly shoved his chest. "You do not just think about me here. How could you?"
"You said it yourself, it's beautiful here, and the beauty of this place reminds me of you. You're absolutely gorgeous, though, and nothing can ever come close to how beautiful you are," he told her, pulling her close.
She smiled, unsure of how to accept his compliment. So she kissed him. She wouldn't tell him as much because it would inflate his ego, but he was a smooth talker. He really knew how to make her heart skip a beat and sing. She loved it though.
Soon, their kiss turned hungry and needy. His hands began to wander her body and she pulled him close and felt up his chest. His tongue was in her mouth and she tasted the sea. He tasted sweetness on her tongue and wanted more of it, more of her. Soon they had to break the kiss, sadly so, and she whined about it, but he dropped his head and kissed along her neck. It tickled and she couldn't help but let out a giggle.
Then he was toying with her bikini bottom. His long fingers got tangled in their simplicity and she helped him pull them off, tossing them onto the nearby rocks. They hit the rocks with a splat and clung to the wet surface, quickly forgotten.
There was nowhere for her to lie, so she was unsure of how they were going to do this. Every time they'd fucked before, it was on the shores of the beach where the waves could lap at his tail and she could lay under him. There was nowhere to do that here, so she was following his lead hoping he knew what he was doing.
Well, she learned soon that he did know what he was doing and how he wanted to do it. He turned her around to face the rocks and grunted lowly about how she needed to hold on. So she found purchase on the rocks as best she could while he pulled her ass back against his front. He rubbed his slit against her, hips lightly thrusting into her.
His slit opened wider and his cock slipped out, immediately going to her fat ass and exploring the soft surface in search of a warm place to be. She spread her legs and bit her lip, ready for what was to come - or so she thought.
Mating season was a different story than what she was used to. It was intense and needy, unrelenting. So when his dick found her pussy and shoved in with little warning, she arched her back further and let out a loud moan. Eli pulled her hips flush against his as his dick reached depths she hadn't known were possible, wriggling and feeling up her velvet walls as if it had never entered her before. She swore it had a mind of its own but Eli just said it was his instincts.
Once it was reacquainted with her, it pulled back but now out, bunching up at her entrance before thrusting back into her. She moaned and shifted under Eli's hold, the pleasure too much to keep in. He leaned over her and pressed his chest to her back, one hand on her hip to hold her in place while the other felt up her curves and belly. His lips descended upon her neck and shoulders, using his sharp teeth to try to pull the strap of her bikini off. He just broke it but she didn't care as his hand came to her uncovered breast and squeezed it hard. The way he was pounding her cunt was making her dizzy and she gripped the rocks harder, sure that she needed a little more to hold onto.
He said nothing the entire time, grunting and groaning. Something like her name left his lips every once in a while but her mind was too foggy to figure it out despite him being right in her ear. She mostly heard herself moaning and babbling his name among praises.
"Ohmygod, Eli! Feels so good. Ohmygod, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," she let out in one breath. He was fucking her so well, she couldn't think of anything else. He was the only thing on her mind and she didn't care. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!"
Before she knew it, she was coming on his cock. Her legs were shaking in the water, her grip was so tight on the rocks, and she let out his name in a long moan. Her head fell back onto his shoulder as he continued to kiss on her neck. He'd left a few hickeys on her shoulder but they were of little importance in that moment as her cunt tried to milk him for everything he was worth and it just pounded her through it, elongating her orgasm and turning her brain off for a little while.
It wasn't much longer after that his dick thickening and stretching her out. That had never happened before and she was a little confused, head so foggy that she forgot what he'd said before about it being mating season. She closed her eyes and enjoyed each throb of his cock as he came inside her, the tip pressed tight against her cervix. But even that got better when he bit the spot on her neck - the sensitive spot on the juncture of her neck and shoulder. His teeth sunk in and she cried out, scream echoing off the walls. The shockwave of pain mixed with pleasure and she came again as his dick went off like a firehose in her cunt.
She started to feel full after a while and only realized he wasn't coming anymore when he let go of her shoulder and began licking at the blood he'd drawn. His swollen cock was still lodged in her cunt and added to the mounting pleasure she felt. She was warm all over, a little bloated, and completely satiated. Her eyes wanted to close but she had nowhere to rest, so she forced them to stay open. Especially when Eli started muttering against her skin.
"Mine forever. My mate," he started, pressing gentle kisses against the bite he'd given her. "We're gonna have perfect guppies. You and me. They'll be beautiful and smart like you and strong like me. They'll be perfect."
She couldn't really comprehend what he was saying, but it sounded sweet. She rested her head back against him and he looked at her. He shook his head, knowing in the back of his mind that he couldn't take her back like that... he probably couldn't take her back at all. Not that he wanted to. No, he wanted Reader to stay with him, in his arms, forever. That's what mates did after all. They stayed together forever.
He pulled out of her when his dick finally went down. It went back into his slit, though he knew for the rest of the mating season, he would be insatiable. For now, he was fine and eager to take care of his mate. So he turned her around and wrapped his arms around her securely. He floated on his back and held her against him, making his body a place for her to rest. Humans didn't have as much stamina as merfolk, he had learned, and she needed to rest. He watched as she fell asleep with her head on his chest, completely trusting him to watch over her in the water.
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When Reader awoke, things didn't feel quite the same. Instead of floating on the water's surface, she and Eli were cuddled up on the ocean floor. For a split second, she panicked and tried to pull out of his arms. However, she quickly realized something very important: she was breathing underwater.
Her fear turned into confusion as the startle faded and she was left with so many questions. She looked down at herself, not knowing what to expect. It certainly wasn't a long tail intertwined with Eli's. His was iridescent - reflecting colors she thought were so pretty, whilst hers was a beautifully contrasting orange.
She reached a hand down and touched it, feeling each scale with her finger. She ran her hand over it multiple times as she tried to tell herself this was a dream, it had to be. Magic like this didn't happen, didn't exist, did it? Was she really a mermaid now? Could she finally have to stop sneaking out into the dead of night to see her boyfriend? Was this a dream come true?
"I'm so sorry," a gruff voice said beside her. It was raspy naturally but more so now due to just waking up.
She looked up at Eli with soft, confused eyes. "Why are you sorry?"
"I shouldn't have bitten you, not without asking..." he said, sounding a little embarrassed and ashamed of himself. Nevertheless, he continued to hold her close as he went on to explain. "I-I didn't even really know that worked. I mean, they say it does under the full moon but I-I've never met anyone who was turned... It was all legend before."
Reader smiled gently and leaned in, kissing him sweetly. Then she said, "I'm just happy I get to be with you."
He smiled back. "Really?"
"Of course," she giggled and kissed him again. "I love you, Eli."
"I love you too," he told her, then shyly admitted, "I mean, I already thought of you as my mate."
She was flattered and hid her face in his chest. "Aww, that's pretty serious, huh?"
"The most serious thing any mer-person has to consider," he told her. He realized there was a lot of merfolk society that she didn't know. He'd always shared with her a part of his life but it was different to experience it, and now she could do that. Hell, he could finally introduce her to his friends and family. "There's so much I want to show you."
She looked up at him. "Well, then show me."
He pulled her impossibly close to his chest and shook his head. "Oh no, I'm not taking you out there right now. There's still merfolk on the prowl for a mate and I'm not letting them see you until you're full of my guppies."
He rolled over on top of her and she felt tingly below her hips. He pressed his tail against her and she moaned, feeling sensitive there. She was quickly growing needy as she realized that if she was a mermaid, the mating season probably affected her now as it did him. She stared up at him, unaware her eyes were dilating with hungry need like his did.
She spoke hotly, "Then lets give them something to look at."
"The pleasure is all mine," he told her and dove in for a kiss.
She moaned into his mouth, putting a hand on the back of his hand and into his hair. He grunted as he pulled her close, their bodies tightly pressed together as their tails entwined. Then she felt his dick press against her slit, with was puffy and open and slick. She moaned louder as it pushed into her and it felt a thousand times more pleasurable than the night before.
She pulled out of the kiss to moan his name. "Eli!"
He grinned down at her and tilted his head, exposing his neck. "Mark me as yours, Reader. Make me your mate forever."
She wanted that more than anything. It was all she's been wanting since they started dating but thought it would never be possible. But now there was nothing stopping them, no barrier between land and sea that prevented them from truly being together.
So she leaned forward and kissed his neck, searching for the right spot. She knew when he groaned loudly that she had found it and didn't hesitate to bite him, sinking her teeth in to make a mark that would last forever.
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des-no9 · 5 months
Des’ Gith Dictionary
All of these words are created by me (Des) and are derived from existing phrases, words, roots or just pulled from the vibe of the language. 
Most revolve around the githyanki’s meaning of relationships, sex, and love, following my fics centreing around the relationships of Voss and Orpheus. (TW here for mentions of canon githyanki behaviour surrounding pain, raiding, sex and non-con).
NOTE: many of these words are also written with my HC of there being quite a big linguistic drift in their language, beginning when Vlaakith I took power. Many of these words are old and might not be used in modern gith now, but some are. You can read more about my HC about this here - Des' Githyanki language HCs.
You are free to use any of these words any way you like, but if you use them in anything published like a fanfic or meta, please credit me:
twitter: @grabthemhorns tumblr: @des-no9
Sources used linked at the end.
Here is a link to it in a g-doc if you'd prefer and ease of access - Des' Gith Dictionary
Listed Alphabetically (will be updated as I create more)
**Adilshar - first among many
The meaning of this word ‘first among many’ has different connotations depending on context, and for some githyanki, depending on creche, and even city in the Astral. It can elude to a title, a formality, something a little more casual. I’ve seen githyanki use it to refer to their favourite lover or companion.
However, primarily, thousands of years ago it was used largely by those in a position of power to those below them as a title of honour and singling them out to a special, almost near equal respect. In a way, it was levelling someone to your worth. One of the highest honours of githyanki. The first among many. I see you. I respect you. 
**NOTE: Adilshar is a canon gith word, but I have expanded/adjusted its meaning. I’ve only included it here because it has had such a personal impactful meaning to me, my githyanki worldbuilding and vocabulary.
Bhav - speak; talk; sometimes used when addressing someone 
Cha/Ch - bearer/owner/only 
(depends on context and the following word)
Example: Var’cha - star bearer
Da - laugh, laughter
Gi - student of 
Hsha - lie
Hshazi - liar
Htaz’i vo z’varc - literally, death by blood wild
Even for githyanki, this is one of their more unsavoury words. It means, in common vulgar slang, ‘fucked to death’ or ‘fuck and kill’. This is a term githyanki use primarily for their treatment of istiks during raiding, or istik slaves that they keep and then get bored of and dispose. It’s a very derogatory term, but also very common and has lasted from the very early years of the gith, to now. And is even a word that’s heard, and known, from plane, to plane, to plane. Having heard it myself during one of their notorious raids in its exact context from their raiders, it is as haunting and terrifying to hear as you might think.
Ir’gi  (ihr - ghi) student of my pain 
An often intimate word used primarily between new lovers. Can also be used derogatorily or affectionately, or playfully, if two people have known each other for a long time. Nowadays, ir’gi is kept private if saying to one above your rank, and only often heard publicly from the person who holds higher rank in whatever kind of relationship they are in. Good luck to you if you wish to say ir’gi to your superior in public is all I’ll say.
Ir’mir’r’tal - the comfort/safety of my pain
A lost word that some say is used still by the githzerai. A version that was taken and adapted to their current language I have heard to me Ir'm'tal which now simply means 'my safety'. My source? My lips and quill are sealed.
Ir’zai (ihr - zoi) - the honour of my pain
A deeply intimate expression used between lovers/mates to express the meaning they hold to one another. Common translation could be ‘I love you’ but a githyanki would say that cheapens it, the expression so lost in soft istik translation. This is an expression heard still in current githyanki language.
Kalisk - small one; compact
Kalisk’nal - little creature; little beast
Often kalisk is used colloquially or affectionately, so used with ‘nal’ which can mean creature or beast, turns the phrase into something even endearing. Not something one would usually associate with the githyanki. One might think this could be heard in their creches to their younglings, or in my travels I did once have the pleasure firsthand to see a githyanki meet a cat for the first time and exclaim rather joyfully ‘kalisk’nal!’. 
Mar - all; everything
Nal - spawn/creature; strange one
Pa - no/don't/not
Quith’na - literally weak creature
This word is a slang that roughly translates into, in common, as ‘pussy’. The githyanki have varying and sometimes different genitals to those who speak common so it doesn’t translate directly into what those who speak common recognise it as. And although the githyanki use terms of genitals for insults or colloquial speech, do not recognise calling someone by one of their terms as a description of weakness.
Rrav’kil - 
A term of endearment for someone below you in rank. What affection that is, is between the speaker, and the receiver it seemed. This is an old word, and is barely, if at all, used in current gith. It seems to have shifted into ra’stil instead which means ‘ally’ in common. Another language of affection and endearment lost to the githyanki from long ago.
Note: derived from ra’stil - ally (to other gith)
Sh’k’nal - hellspawn
Sh’k - hell
To/T’ - Has several meanings, depending on context and which word precedes, follows. 
Mostly it means: only/one/this/to/of.
T’lak’var - literally, severance.
A very old word from when they freed themselves from the illithid, severing their control. A lot of it comes poignantly from Mother Gith and her power of severing the Elder Brain’s control which therefore, eventually, granted their freedom. It translates to freedom in common, and for githyanki then, and now, it simply invokes freedom.
Note: taken from T'lak'ma Ghir - Sister in freedom (t’lak meaning freedom, here, where ghir means sister, vhir brother, and stil friend in this context. (Although interesting how stil is in jhe’stil which means ‘superior one’).
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I also HC that the githyanki have several different words that translate to freedom, as it is such an important and integral meaning to their people.
T’rac'nal - literal, insane creature/spawn/strange thing 
The common translation of this word is wild or mad beast.  
T’var - literal; only star; one star
An old word that uses var when referring to someone, instead of vah’k. Found in some ancient, forbidden texts that translates, it seems in common, to ‘my one’ or ‘only you’. What we can gather from the context of its use, a declaration of affection, a promise, a title, a threat even, depending on who spoke it, who heard it. Some may say it means I love you. Some may say it’s the githyanki word of marriage. Some say it’s the promise of death. Some may say it’s a feeling, a promise, a bond that anyone other than githyanki will never understand.
Tuj’da - a loud, happy laugh 
Tuj - loud, boisterous, joyful. 
Sometimes this word means free, wild. In the meaning of ‘wild animal’; ‘no boundaries’. 
Va (voh) - go/yes/acknowledgement
Vah’k (vahk) - body/person/referring to oneself; 
This word comes from a very ancient gith language where the word var means ‘star’ from their first settling on the Astral Plane, and being new beings on the Sea. Vah’k can also mean ‘star’ in today’s gith, depending on context. You will find both vah’k and var in ancient texts, to now. It seems vah’k was brought into use around the time of the settlement of Tu’narath, but how widespread its use then, and also if they used var prior to vah’k is unknown.
Vah’k gi (vah - ghi) - lover; literally, student of my body/self
There isn’t really a direct word for ‘lover’ in githyanki society as we’d know in common, but this is as close to our understanding of it. Student of my body. It’s used in many ways, for one night trysts, casual partners, to longer term partners within the githyanki. Although some prefer not to use it if they decide to share their bond longer term. 
For those that develop a more long term and serious bond, the word ir’zai, which means ‘honour of my pain’ is often used more.
Note: ir’zai is derived from sha va zai which I HC is a very old and early gith language, mostly now lost or changed over time, that simply means ‘I love you’.
Vak (vohk) - cut; harm
Note: The closeness in the words of vah’k and vak in their language is notable, as for githyanki so often their expressions of self, identity and love are built upon pain.
Vak’nir (vohk - nir)- literally, cut by silver. 
Githyanki are an intense people, and their expressions are no different. ‘Cut by silver’ when translated to common, we would understand it to be ‘you’re beautiful’. But it is most likely closer to ‘you’re exquisite’, or even, to our god fearing races, ‘you are cut by the divine’.
Vak zharni (vohk - zohr - knee) - changed by time 
literally, harmed by memories
A descriptive, and surprisingly, an affectionate word used by the githyanki to describe the change of time, or an event, has had on someone. Be that physical, or emotional.
Sometimes it’s used casually or teasing, when a githyanki returns from the material after a long period back to the Astral, and has therefore aged, and changed, compared to those back on the Astral who have not.
Author note: I made this one especially thinking about Orpheus and Voss and Orpheus seeing Voss for the first time and how this could be a phrase the githyanki have used/maybe still use to describe how much someone’s physically and also emotionally changed after they haven’t seen them for a long time, or from a past event.
Var’cha - literal, star bearer; 
Another very ancient gith word used to describe the skies of the Astral Sea - ‘skies that bear stars’. Sometimes it’s still used to simply describe something that is aesthetically appealing, sentiment in your beauty (invoking a certain emotion and attachment from beauty, however there’s a different word for that, that was used more), or that something simply looks like the Astral Skies.  
Vhayeri - the future/a point in time that hasn't yet happened 
Can be used in a poignant and significant way. As in “we will meet vhayeri”.
Vo - of/by/my (context heavy, and a more modern and colloquial version of to/t’)
Vo mir’tal - (vo - meer - tohl) - literally, my safety
A lost word in most of githyanki society, however there are some communities that have kept it alive, the meaning often reverting to its literal nowadays. Whereas its original meaning seemed to hold the weight of ‘my lover’ or simply ‘mine’. It was said Gith had favoured this term for her lovers, one especially, whoever that had been.
z’var - blood
Z’var’zai - (z - vohr - zoy) - literally, blood honour
This can be used in different meanings such as the literal, to give a blood honour, to pay a price in blood for Vlaakith, your jhe’stil. Or to describe a wound or injury because of an honourable thing a githyanki did for someone (however this seems rare, and used more in the older days of the gith). 
Often it’s translated and used as ‘worth of blood’ or ‘blood beauty’ to describe someone’s war or battle wounds as something another githyanki appreciates in that person, admires, or desires them because of it.
Z’vart’rac (z - vohr - t - rak) - literally, blood insane
This term is more for battle bloodlust, but sometimes spills over to other feelings between gith, gith and istik or other scenarios. 
Z’varc (z - vohrk) - a derivation of the above ‘z’vart’rac’, blood insane.
Blood insane to blood lust, but carnal. If you ask a githyanki what it means in common, they’ll probably say something itense like ‘blood wild’ or ‘bleed me dry, fuck me wet’. Mates and lovers started shortening the original version to this one, and it’s lived on to now heavily through their raiding culture. This is one of the words of the githyanki that is more understood in the feeling, tone, that simple meaning. Trust me on this.
Zhak - bruises
Zharni - memory
Sources used:
Githyanki Vocabulary used in BG3 Gith dictionary of the Forgotten Realms Tir words of Planescape  Mordenkainen’s Tome Of Foes Archive of Vocabulary and Grammar of Tir by bluebeholder on AO3
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devine-fem · 4 months
Why I think Hellbeetle is an adorable ship although it’s so rare and I want more people to see my vision.
I don’t mind it being rare and to be honest it has its perks but this is my manifesto.
1. They hated each other at first.
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Rather it was about Eddie feeling replaced or ignored in his friend group, his hatred for Jaime grew slowly and slowly over time. Especially when it came to Rose finding interest in Jaime over Eddie, him having a crush on Rose and it rubbing him the wrong way. Although, people tell him over and over that if he just talked to Jaime then they’re sure they’ll get along and even become close immediately but Eddie refuses to accept this.
2. Scarab bonuses (1)
Because of Eddie’s high body temperature the scarab can find Eddie somewhat easily and track where he is and I think that is so adorable to think about.
3. There is a whole issue entirely about their hate for each other and blooming friendship which is the gayest thing to me.
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Throughout the entire issue it talks about how Eddie irrationally hates Jaime when he’s done nothing to him, and it irritates him. They end up finding common ground to be able to track down a bad guy and prove to their teammates they’re more than goofballs and valuable teammates. This also means they have similar struggles which is so cute.
So when everything is said and done, they start over and become friends on a better note.
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4. Undiagnosed telepathy. They always weirdly know what each other is thinking and that is so cute to me.
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(This is shown more times than just here and throughout their entire relationship they share the same braincell.)
5. They get established as a duo, they are ALWAYS right next to each other constantly in almost every panel where they’re both in it.
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6. Scarab bonuses (2).
I imagine that Eddie’s body is extremely hot, especially around his mouth and eyes so if he were to kiss someone, it would probably scorch them. Khaji Da would not like that Jaime would actively be pained when around Eddie if they were to display affection. That is so cute to me.
7. Making up a little nickname for Jaime.
I’m sorry, bug butt is such an adorable pet name for someone, especially Jaime and immediately Eddie starts to call him this and so often that other people like Jaime’s friends seem to catch on and EVEN joke about it’s flirty nature. This is sealed in the bag for me, to be honest.
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8. When it comes to Eddie’s bigger secrets, he decides to tell Jaime first before anyone and Jaime tells him that he cares and even takes off his armor so he can be more vulnerable with him because he knows Eddie lost his powers too.
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9. They have more content compared to most of their ships.
Jaime’s most popular ship is Bluepulse which doesn’t function outside of the Young Justice universe. Eddie’s most popular ship is JayEddie probably because Jason is a bat boy but they have like two interactions.
Meanwhile these two were big parts of each others lives and established so much chemistry with one another.
Even Eddie’s supposed love interest was not around nearly as much as Jaime.
I also realize that Jaime fans literally don’t have any like ships really so maybe you guys will like this. I wish he had more ships too.
10. They get formatted like the “other couple” and that’s just shipping fodder to me.
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They also go on a dinner date. I’m so serious they go on a Dinner date and sit across from each other and chat/have a good time whilst also being formatted like the other couple which is literally just a date to me.
11. When Eddie thinks his life might be over, the last thing he thinks about is Jaime’s laugh. I wish I was kidding.
12. When Eddie passes, it starts to become painful for Jaime to gear up with the scarab and I’m not sure why but it felt like it had something to do with his feelings as a hero and how he was greiving.
13. Beyond Teen Titans Vol.3 Eddie shows up in Blue Beetle (2006) Issue 33 so they writers care enough to add him.
14. They also are together in a holiday special. 15. Aesthetics. They have a red and blue color palate meaning they contrast in a way aesthetically when they are together. Red and Blue has been a cherished duo for years. Red Devil, Blue Beetle. Also, the fact that they are both anthropomorphic based heroes in a way also helps.
In conclusion, I know this was a rare ship once upon a time that people talked about like years ago and no matter how rare it is I refuse to stop talking about them even if I get no interactions because I love Jaime and I love Eddie and I love them together.
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tw1l1te · 3 months
The Final Promise₊˚✩⊹
Chapter 10
Linked Universe x reader
Warnings: Angst, tension, violence
Wars knew you were special, after all you were the one person in the group who wasn’t Hylian, much less some prophetic hero. But he knew you were more, your visual differences were just the top layer of your peculiarity.
At first, he was very wary of you and your presence. The hours spent examining you and talking to Time about your situation left him lost and frustrated beyond relief. You were strange, and he didn’t like it. He wanted to be nice, of course, he understood the fear and uncertainty you were feeling about the group, as he reciprocated the same feeling toward you: uncertainty and distrust. 
Initially, he was hoping that you’d find your way home after a few weeks or months, brushing it off as another lost soul needing guidance and a hero’s promise. But that goal didn’t last long as it was over a year, bordering a year and a half and so much had happened. He felt like… the group wasn’t complete without you, as much as he hated to admit that.
You made the journey feel less depressing and burdensome. Every day was new and undiscovered with you, whether it be a new piece of your own life uncovered to them or a new joke you used, he was in awe.
He needed to tell you how he felt, and he wanted to as soon as you left the inn, giving himself an excuse to follow because you might be in danger. When he saw the Vet being there, he stilled. This was not the plan.
He watched the entire scene go down, wincing at your sharp tone, hoping nobody else woke up from that. A person or two shuffled in their sleep, but no one work up. Next thing he saw was you on Legend’s lap, both of you lost in each other.
He should have been happy for you two, Hylia knows Vet needed someone for ages. She owed him something for all the shit he’s been through… but why did it have to be you? Sweet, kind, beautiful you?
And… didn’t you already have something going on with Time and/or Twilight? Even possibly Sky?
Was this a ruse? Surely you wouldn’t be the type, no, you were smarter than that. 
“And you’re sure this will work?” Time asked Wild.
Wild was readjusting his facial covering, sighing with annoyance, “For the last time, I’ve done this tens of times before. All I need from you and the rest of the group is to sit still at the Oasis while Y/n and I go talk to Riju in Gerudo Town. It’ll draw way too much attention if all of us come in, even if we got vai garb for you.”
“Right… how long do you think you both will take?”
“We should be back at the Oasis a little after sundown. We’ll take sand seals to get to the village, so the majority of the day will be spent talking to the Chief.”
Time nods, “Just be cautious, you never know who can pass the guards, even something as heavily guarded as Gerudo Town. I’d know.”
While Wild was talking to the old man, You were fastening your supplies onto your sash, going through your checklist of supplies.
You fidgeted with your necklace, tracing the Hylian insignia to calm you down. 
Why the hell were you so nervous?
“You’re nervous.” Four stated, eyeing your necklace. You hum.
“We’ll be right here the entire day, waiting for you. Just stick with the Champion and you’ll be fine.” You nod, seems simple enough to follow.
With a few waves and nods, you and Wild were off on your Sand Seals, being the most efficient and quick way to reach Gerudo Town.
The wind was refreshing, despite the sun beating its rays down upon you, as if it was trying to test your limits of heat. Wild was practically showing off, doing twists and hops, just laughing at his own antics. You’ve shield surfed before, but having the extra pull and momentum gave an extra edge to the thrill.
Wind would love this. You’d have to show him when you got back that night.
Before you knew it, you and Wild approached Gerudo Town, handing off the reigns to a merchant and heading towards the two guards stationed in front of the main entrance.
“What is your reason of being here?” she asked, voice deep.
Wild looked at you, reminding you that you were the main spokesperson for today.
“Ah- right. We have an appointment with Chief Riju?”
The two guards give each other a glance before letting you in, your shoulders releasing the tension the second you passed the threshold. 
Wild led you forward, pointing out a few stalls that you’d both check out later as he needed to restock on a few ingredients anyways. You saw a few jewelry and clothing stalls, and even a tattoo parlor that seemed brand new. You didn’t remember seeing it when you played through the game.
You felt Wild clasp your hand in his, leading you up the stairs to the throne room. You could hear a few voices talking, no doubt something related to your meeting.
“Ah! Link! There you are. And this must be your friend, Y/n. I’ve heard so much about you!” Riju exclaims, already making her way towards you.
You panicked, bowing to her, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chief Riju.”
She waves her hands, “Oh please! There’s no need for such formalities, any friend of Link’s is a friend of mine. Please, just call me Riju.”
You stand up straight, nervously fumbling with your necklace again, a clear indicator that you were not the best at being social. How was Wild being so nonchalant? 
“We came for the… updates. You mentioned in your letter something about the desert ruins and possibly the Yiga Clan?”
Letter? Wild never mentioned a letter-
“Ah, yes! Follow me, I have some information in my study. I sent you the letter months ago, but there’s been some developments…” she trailed off, leading you both to her room.
You gave him a look. 
Why was everyone keeping things from you? First Legend now Wild…
What else do you not know?
“Like I was saying, we’ve found some old artifacts sticking out from the remains of the Arbiter’s Grounds. It doesn’t serve much purpose to us, but we thought you could take a look and see if its anything you might be booking for or might help.”
Riju handed Wild a flat object covered in a beige tarp. He untied the loose knot, uncovering the black slab of rock with familiar markings on it.
“That’s a piece of the Twilight Mirror. How…”
Riju looks at you, “Ah, so you do know what it is! I presumed it had something to do with the Twili tribe but I wasn’t sure. I should’ve known you would have found it familiar, after all you’re the hero’s guide.”
You hum, you were still getting used to the title. It didn’t sit right with you that people regarded you in such a high manner. It was unnatural, considering your background.
“Did you see any other possible artifacts or pieces of the mirror? The rest couldn’t have gone far.”
Riju sighs dejectedly, “No, unfortunately. The research team scouted out the ruins high and low and even dug under a few feet, but nothing came up. There were some markings on the old columns, but nothing noteworthy.”
She pauses for a moment before turning back to Link, “However, the Yiga Clan showed up halfway through the research, though not in a hostile manner. At least, not towards us. Toward Link, Y/n, and your group, rather. They mentioned something about hooded figures entering their hideout demanding your guide.”
Wild stiffens at that and turns to you, “Weren’t those the figures you were reading about?”
You nod. Shit, you left the book back at the Oasis. You always manage to forget something.
“Chie- Riju, did the Yiga mention anything about the hooded figures? Did they look peculiar or mention anything of importance?”
Riju thinks for a moment. 
“One of the Yiga members did mention they wore full-length black robes, and had masculine voices. They also said one threatened a clan member using Fae magic, though Fae magic is almost unheard of, at least in this time period. I can’t offer much information right now, as I didn’t directly talk to the member, but I can corroborate with one of my guards that went on the short expedition and write down notes to mail to you.”
“That would be really helpful, thank you Riju.” Link states.
“Do you mind if we hold onto this mirror shard? It's small enough for us to travel with and it might prove to be useful in our… travels.” There was no easy way to put interdimensional and time travel into casual conversation, but Riju got the meaning behind his words.
“Yes, of course. I suggest wrapping it up in a tarp or cloth as this material is very peculiar and we don’t know what it's capable of.”
Link rewrapped the mirror shard, storing it in his Sheikah Slate. You’d have to examine it later, maybe take a closer look at the hieroglyphics if you can.
“I’ll have the guards escort you out, as I have a few more meetings to get to with a few ambassadors from outside of the desert. It was wonderful meeting you, Y/n. I do hope we meet again soon,” she said with a smile. You thanked her, waving goodbye as you and Link made your way back to the main plaza.
“I’m gonna go stock up on a few things. You can go look around if you want, just don’t leave without me.”
You nod wordlessly, meandering about the main square as you examine all sorts of wares. You didn’t have the chance to get a ton of rupees in a while, so you were a bit tight on what you could get, but you bought a small ruby ring for a certain bunny, as a small thanks for being vulnerable with you. It was nothing compared to what you wanted to verbally express to him, but it was just a small symbol of trust and appreciation.
Stuffing the ring into your pouch, you keep walking around the town, munching on a piece of Hydromelon. It was in season, so the flavors were bursting on your tongue.
You made your way around a corner, finding it to be a dead end. You were about to turn around to make your way back to the main square before someone wrapped their hand around your mouth, cutting off your terrified scream. Before you had the chance to blink, paper fluttered in front of your eyes, masking your vision.
All that was left in your place were a few, red paper rectangles, signaling a Yiga clan member had trespassed Gerudo walls: an invasion.
The sun had set almost two hours ago and the chain was starting to get on edge.
“They’re taking too long.”
“They should’ve been here by now. Where are they?”
The younger members were starting to pick up on both of your absences, thoughts already assuming the worst. Wild was capable of handling his safety, but you? As much as they liked to think you’ve gotten experience and plenty of training from each of them, you could have been harassed, cornered, kidnapped, killed-
Everyone snapped their heads to the sound of violent panting, already knowing its Wild.
Wars ran up to him, gripping his arm to support Wild.
“Where is she, Wild. She should’ve been with you-”
“-They took her.”
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whitecoatwhump · 10 months
Today’s vibe is the monster found locked up tightly in an abandoned building. Maybe someone found it in an old lab, long abandoned with the experiment’s purpose completely forgotten, or rotting away in a dungeon cell deep underground with only rats for company. Possibly even in a special prison, designed specifically to contain this monster, and hidden away in the hopes that nobody would find it and let it free
Was the person who found the monster looking for it intentionally, or just stumbled upon its prison by accident? What would they do with the monster?(hurt it? try to help it? leave it where they found it?) And why was the monster sealed away? For committing a terrible crime, being framed for said crime, or even just being powerful enough to scare people?
(And if the last one, imagine how little strength the monster would have after being released)
Especially that moment of discovery and the indecision that follows
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karahalloway · 5 months
(Less Than) Noble Intentions: Chapter 16 - Snakes in the Garden
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Fandom: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Series Summary: The social season may be over, but Harper Gale’s problems are just beginning. With everyone at court a potential suspect, can she and Drake survive the engagement tour and get to the bottom of the plot against her and clear her name? An AU take of TRR2 featuring my OTP - Harper & Drake.
Masterlist: (Less Than) Noble Intentions
Chapter Summary: Harper greets the world as the new Duchess of Valtoria, but that is not the only newsworthy item that rocks the Apple Harvest Festival...
Word Count: 7,300
Rating/Warnings: M (swearing, angst, possible ulterior motives)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: Things are slowly coming to a head! Thanks for bearing with me on this series - I know I have a lot of other projects in the works, so I have not been updating as much as I probably should. But, we are finally getting to the exciting parts (as if what's happened until now hasn't been exciting 🤣) as after this chapter, we are into the meat of the engagement tour, and all the juicy plot changes that I have been wanting to write for over a year will finally come to a fore! *evil laugh*
A/N2: If you have not heard of TURN - the TV show from which I borrowed the chapter theme song - then, I can highly recommend it (especially if you like historical dramas, US history (specifically the Revolutionary War period), or just really good story-telling)!
A/N3: This is also much submission for @choicesjanuary2024 Day 12: Smiles / Secret
Chapter 16 - Snakes in the Garden
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"Are you sure I look okay?" I ask, nervously pulling at the high-necked strip of emerald lace that circles my throat.
"Stop fiddling!" Bertrand berates, slapping my hand away. "We are running late as it, and we cannot afford to lose any more time to last minute touch-ups!"
"Yeah, but—"
"You look great, Harper," Maxwell assures me with a beaming smile. "Marcie did a great job."
The petite make-up artist that the Beaumonts had procured out of thin air bobs a curtsy to my right. "It was my pleasure, Your Grace."
Her words hit me like a whiplash.
Your Grace.
My new form of address. One I'm not sure I'm ever going to get used to. Lady Harper had been one thing, but that had always felt like a curtesy. A temporary formality that had been extended to me by virtue of my sponsorship by the Beaumonts during the social season.
But there is nothing temporary about my current situation. The weight of the ring on my hand — and its implications — bears down heavily on my finger... and my thoughts. Especially since I still haven't found a moment alone with Drake to finish our conversation from this morning... or bring him up to speed on my new status.
Because no sooner had my ennoblement been sealed with the very expensive — and very potent — champagne, than the Beaumonts had shown back up (somewhat mercifully) to crash Christian's surprise party.
And from there it had been a whirlwind of hair, makeup and outfitting for the all-important Apple Harvest Festival where I am due to make my grand debut as the new Duchess of Valtoria.
A position of some importance — Bertrand has stressed, multiple times — given that in addition to the impressive estate that I am now the official caretaker of, I also have a seat on the infamous Council, as well as a seat on the even more exclusive Privy Council. Not to mention my own fleet of staff, vehicles, bank accounts, and carefully curated online profiles.
Which is why — on top of everything — the ever-industrious press corps have worked at record speed to throw the fruits of yesterday's labours together into an exclusive, twelve-page spread as part of a special edition of Trend magazine, which dropped this morning.
And while I haven't actually had a chance to read through the copy that currently sits on the coffee table of my room (together with every other major national and international news publication), Maxwell has assured me that the social media reactions have — so far — been positive. The snaps of my stress-fuelled efforts at yesterday's apple pick have apparently helped.
Which means that Jonathan's PR gamble is starting to pay dividends, and I now have a public image to maintain. Not just for myself, but for Cordonia as well. Because when I step outside today, I'll be representing everything that the kingdom under Christian's burgeoning rule is striving to be — beauty, modernity, opportunity.
Definitely not the best day to wake up with a litany of awkwardly situated bruises!
Thankfully, both Maxwell and Bertrand seem to have had a chance to pull themselves together after this morning's surprising (and definitely explosive!) turn of events, and — after the initial shock — have set about covering for mine and Drake's mess with the same coordinated precision that they employed to pull the Beaumont Bash out of their butts.
With the result that they somehow managed to transform me from the black and blue disaster I woke up as, into the picture of a polished and refined lady.
I glance apprehensively out at the bright sunshine blanketing the hills. Hopefully, the carefully applied window-dressing survives the literal trial by fire it's about to be subjected to. Because just like yesterday, the temperature is set to climb into the mid-90's today as well, which means I'll most likely end up sweating buckets again, thanks to the Edwardian nature of my dress's neckline.
And what I definitely don't need today is for all the blush and cover-up getting smudged away so that everyone at the event can start speculating about the intimate placement of my of hickeys!
I close my eyes wearily. God, I can't wait for all this to be over...
"No catnaps!" snaps Bertrand, slapping a wide-brimmed hat onto my head. "The people are waiting on us!"
I barely have time to grab my matching clutch before the Beaumonts are whisking me out of my room and down the length of the corridor towards the manor's lawn.
"Surely the Festival can start without us...!" I gasp as I stumble after Bertrand in my heels.
"No, it cannot," he reprimands. "All members of the Council must be present for the ceremonial tree planting."
I frown. "Tree planting? Isn't that a little... agrarian for the aristos?"
"It is a time-honoured tradition!" corrects Bertrand. "Cordonia owes its existence and livelihood to the noble Ruby, so it is the duty of the Council to ensure that the fruits of our bounty are secured for future generations! Hence, the requirement to plant new saplings at the end of each harvest!"
"If you say so..." I concede as we pass through the back doors of the manor.
Based on what I saw at the apple pick, Bertrand's pronouncement seems optimistic at best, given that none of the aristos even bothered to lift a finger to a tree yesterday.
But, looks can always be deceiving, so maybe today is the day that the I am pleasantly surprised for once.
A deafening cheer erupts as the Beaumonts and I step out onto the manor's steps.
Snapping my head towards the source of the commotion, I see what appears to be thousands of people crammed behind velvet-lined cordons, screaming and jostling for position like they're in the front row of a Taylor Swift concert...
...and it takes me a second to realise that it's my name that they're shouting.
"Lady Harper, we love you!"
"You're the true Apple Queen, no matter what anyone says!"
"Wow..." I blink, taken aback by the fervency of the crowd's reaction. "I didn't realise I had such a rabid following..."
"Best wave to them," suggests Maxwell, leaning in as he raises his arm into the air with a wide smile.
"Okay..." I concede hesitantly, turning to the crowd to do the same.
The last time I experienced anything remotely like this had been on the red carpet at the Derby — my first public outing as a suitor. But even the bright flash of the cameras and the intrusive questions that the reporters had flung at me paled in comparison to the reaction I am receiving today.
Phones and cameras are thrust into the air as the Beaumonts and I descend the manor's stairs to the accompaniment of the increasingly frenzied cheers and shouts of encouragement. Even a few bouquets of flowers fly through the air, narrowly missing my hat.
And I can't help but smile in the face of the genuine outpouring of support from the crowd. Because it sure as heck feels good to be on top for once!
However, arriving at the edge of the orchard where the tree planting ceremony is due to take place, I am greeted by a very different type of welcome.
Snooty expressions drip down the ends of aristocratic noses as the members of the Council pass silent judgment on my somewhat bombastic entrance.
"They're just jealous," Maxwell whispers to me as we take up our spots at the edge of the gathering.
"Yeah..." I agree with a stilted voice. "That's what I'm worried about."
I know firsthand of the lengths that these people are willing to go to in order to exact vengeance for perceived slights. And I did not particularly feel like painting a target on my back a second time while I am still trying to recover from the hurt caused by the first.
Maybe this is a mistake...
But I don't have time to think on it long, because the public erupts into an even more deafening outburst as Christian appears with Madeleine on his arm.
"Look at her..." snips a voice from behind me. "Acting like she's Queen already."
I whip around in disbelief. "Olivia!"
The Duchess of Lythikos cuts her green eyes over at me with a derisive look. "Oh, don't look so surprised, Harper. Just because you are now a duchess, does not mean that the rest of us have taken early retirement."
"Trust me," I grumble under my breath, "this was not the plan."
"Opportunities multiply as they are seized," she replies sagely.
I quirk a brow at her. "Meaning?"
"Meaning," she expounds surly, "opportunity breeds opportunity. And only by exploiting every advantage will you uncover previously hidden gains. Do they not teach The Art of War inyour schools?"
She scoffs under her breath. "Explains a lot."
I roll my eyes at her as Christian and Madeleine pause on the steps for photos and a couple of quick sound bites. "I guess this means your sabbatical was productive?"
I heave a breath. "At least one of us is making progress..."
"Oh, don't sell yourself short," she counters out of the corner of her mouth. "Your recent advancements have served as a welcome distraction..."
"Not sure if that’s a compliment, or not..." I admit sourly.
"You have more power than you realise," she insists quietly. "Make sure you use it."
"Wow..." I mutter, glancing over at her in genuine surprise. "Friendly advice from the Scarlet Duchess? What else have you learnt during your time away?"
"Our interests are temporarily aligned, nothing more," she replies, shooting daggers across the lawn towards Madeleine. "And I'll fill you in shortly."
"Well, it's good to have you back, regardless," I say with a dip of my head. "Your Grace."
Olivia shoots me a sidelong look. "Don't get sentimental on me, Duchess."
But I can see the hint of a smile pulling at her lips.
Christian and Madeleine arrive at the edge of the trees. Stepping up to the row of waiting saplings, Christian pulls a stack of notecards out of his pocket and delivers a short speech to the click of the cameras.
As the mandatory applause dies down, he slots the pieces of paper carefully away... and pulls off his jacket.
"What are you doing?" hisses Madeleine as the crowd descends into a hubbub of excited reactions.
"Taking a leaf out of the Duchess of Valtoria's book," he replies, handing his jacket off to the closest shocked Councillor as he sets about rolling up his sleeves.
"Out of—!" Madeleine bristles in indignation, while trying to maintain an outwardly calm composure. "The only thing you have taken is leave of your senses! Now get back here and—!"
Ignoring his fiancée's outburst, Christian grabs the ribbon-bedecked shovel out of the hands of the footman that was holding it, and steps up to a clear patch of grass. Adjusting his grip on the handle, he digs the metal blade decisively into the ground to the accompanying slew of clicking camera shutters.
"Shall we?" asks Olivia with a sly smirk as she pushes her way to the front of the line of gawping nobles.
"Let's," I agree, instantly catching onto her plan.
"Lady Harper!" hisses Bertrand from behind me. "What do you think you're—?"
"Lending a hand to the King," I throw back over my shoulder as I step to the front of the row of aristos who are looking mutely onto the sight of their monarch working up an actual sweat before them.
Grabbing another shovel from the pile in the corner — these ones obviously having seen some honest work already, judging by the dirt encrusted on their faces — I join the King of Cordonia in enlarging the hole in the ground.
Because regardless of Christian's underlying motives for ennobling me, and whatever his broader game may be, what he is doing right now is bigger than me, bigger than him, bigger than any of us. And that deserves recognition. Especially when he is taking such active — and public — strides towards being the change he wants to see unfurl during his rule. Where the ruling class doesn't just offer empty platitudes and hollow ceremony, but actually practices what it preaches. So, what better way to do that, than by planting the seeds of change in front of thousands of people in the literal heart of the kingdom?
Christian rewards my arrival with a nod and a smile as I take up position next to him.
Hefting my shovel, I slice it into the earth that he's already uncovered, using the somewhat flimsy sole of my heeled sandals to drive it deeper.
Scooping the blade back out, I suddenly feel a presence to my left. Looking up, I see that Maxwell has also joined our impromptu work crew.
Throwing me a wink, he drops his shovel in next to mine.
With the three of us working on tandem, it takes us almost no time at all to dig out a hole large enough to house the new apple tree.
Wiping the sweat from my forehead — the weatherman had not lied, that's for sure! — I see that Olivia, with some assistance from Hana, has already prepared the sapling by shunting it closer to the hole and removing the burlap covering from its roots.
Laying down our shovels, we help her manoeuvre the tree to the edge of the dint. Cheers and applause rise up from the onlookers as the sapling thuds into the earth. Olivia uses one of the knives from her hidden arsenal to slice off the twines holding the branches together, and the tree unfurls itself with a satisfied snap.
"Your Majesty!" shouts a reporter, who I recognise as Frederick Capone. "One for the Cordonian Times, if you please!"
"And for the CBS!" adds Donald Brine, muscling his way to the front.
"Certainly," accedes Christian graciously, holding his arm out. "It was a group effort, after all."
We all gather in — sweaty and dirty, but smiling — as the press corps immortalises the scene...
...and I innocuously sweep my hair over my shoulder in a vain effort to try and hide any bruises that may have become uncovered as a result of the unplanned exertion.
"Thank you for joining me in my moment of impulsivity," Christian acknowledges softly as the bulbs flash.
"Please," scoffs Olivia out of the side of her mouth. "It was coordinated from the start."
"The people don't seem to mind," counters Hana with a demure smile as she faces the cameras.
"With the exception of about half-dozen," I note, glancing back at the disgruntled looks of the Councillors from behind us, as they try to save face by applauding our efforts together with the rest of the crowd.
"They'll fall in line." Christian assures me as he lifts his hand with a wave.
I feel a prick between my shoulder blades. Turning my head, I catch sight of the cold fire radiating out of Madeleine's gaze from behind the mask of her perfect smile.
"Maybe not everyone..." I mutter under my breath as I turn back towards the paps.
I'm already on Madeleine's shit list for daring to return to court after my very public humiliation and banishment. On the night of her engagement tour launch party, no less! So, the fact that I ended up upstaging her — again — probably means that I've sunk even further down the ladder of her estimations.
To what end, I have no idea. But I'm going to have to start being more careful from here on out.
Once the press are finally placated, we disperse across the lawn in search of some much-needed refreshments.
I swallow a groan as I'm brought up short, mere steps from the freshly squeezed, rosemary-infused lemonade that I desperately need after toiling away in this heat. "What now, Bertrand...?"
"I... uhm..." He clears his throat as I turn to face him. "I wanted to apologise for my earlier outburst. It was unseemly... and in retrospect, short-sighted."
"What do you mean?" I ask with a frown. Bertrand very rarely — if ever! — apologised.
"The public reaction to the tree planting has been overwhelming," he clarifies, pulling his phone out.
My eyes bulge as I take in the view count on the screen. "A hundred thousand views already!"
"And counting," Bertrand adds. "And that is only one website."
"And look at the comments!" I exclaim, scrolling through the feed. "They're loving Maxwell as well!"
"Yes, it appears that my brother has a keener instinct for media relations than I do..."
"You should tell him that," I say. "It would mean the world to him."
Bertrand looks momentarily taken aback. "I... Well..." He clears his throat again. "Yes. Maybe I will. He deserves some recognition for his efforts in diverting — at least temporarily — the negative attention away from our financial predicaments."
"A simple hug and a 'thank-you' will do," I tell him with a knowing look.
Bertrand reels back in abject horror. "I will not subject my brother to such a sordid display of affection! Especially in public!"
I heave a sigh. "And there's your problem, right th—"
I trail off as I spot a familiar figure signalling to me from over Bertrand's shoulders.
"Excuse me," I say, palming Bertrand's phone back to him as I move towards one of the marquees that had been set up at the edge of the lawn.
Slipping inside the flap of the tent, I come face-to-face with Ana de Luca.
"Your Grace," she nods, dipping into a curtesy, something she hasn't deigned to do before. "Thank you for making the time."
"Ana," I nod in return, wondering why the influential editor of Trend chose to pull me away for a private meeting. Especially after I cornered her so forcefully at Madeleine's garden party a few days ago.
"I suppose congratulations are in order," she continues, straightening back up. "Since returning to court you have managed to elevate yourself not just in rank, but in the eyes of the public as well. Rolling your sleeves up in tandem with the King was a masterful piece of image enhancement."
"I didn't do it for myself," I reply evenly.
"Of course," she nods quickly. "We must all step in line with our new King. But your reputation is certainly reaping the benefits as well."
"As is your bottom line," I point out.
"Your initiative is markedly boosting sales of this month's special edition, as well as traffic to our website," she concedes. "For which Trend is very grateful. But that is not the reason I pulled you aside."
"What is it then?"
"I found out the name of the photographer," she replies, reaching into her handbag.
I feel my heart jump in my chest. "You're joking..."
She raises a brow at me from behind the lenses of her black-out Versace shades as she pulls a small flash-drive out. "I can assure you that I am not."
I quickly pull myself back together. "No. Of course not..."
Handing the drive over, she adds. "On there you will find all the pertinent information I was able to obtain through my own means."
"Thank you," I say sincerely, taking the piece of plastic from her. "I honestly was not expecting this..."
She shrugs an elegant shoulder. "I said I would look into it, so I did. It is not much, but I am sure you have people who can hopefully take it further."
"I do," I affirm, slotting the device into my clutch.
"After all," she adds with a knowing quirk to her lips. "You are not the only one with a vested interest in seeing your name cleared, Your Grace."
With another quick bob, she exits the marquee.
I let out a low exhale as the tent flap drops back into place in her wake. "Thank God..."
Some much-needed progress at last!
Hopefully, Drake can take the information from the drive and do a deep dive into the photographer to see if they ever crossed paths with whoever it is that has it in for me.
Which reminds me...
Opening my clutch up again, I pull my phone out and type up a quick message to my elusive boyfriend.
I haven't seen or heard from him since the event started. And now I have two pieces of critical information I need to share with him. So, rather than chasing after him like some damsel in distress, I'm going to make him come to me for a change. Because time is of the essence, and I don't want to wait.
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Hitting send, I exit the tent and head back towards the orchard. I figure that since everyone is on the lawn, the secluded garden hidden amongst the trees will give me and Drake the best chance to meet in private, away from the prying eyes of the court and the press.
Slipping between the tree trunks, I try to make my way as casually as possible through the orchard, as if I am simply out for a walk, in order to ward off potential suspicion. But, as I drift further away from the Festival, I start to pick up the pace, mindful of the short timeframe I gave Drake... as well as the exposed roots on the ground.
Because as much as I might want to hurry, I definitely don't want — or need — a twisted ankle the day before we're due to start the international leg of the trip. As Mom was right — I should take advantage of the upcoming whirlwind tour of Europe to at least try and get some sightseeing in. As who knows when I'll get the chance to do this again...
...especially if I'm forced to become a hermit because we fail to expose the mastermind behind the press scandal.
I shake my head. No. I need to stay positive. It's the only way I'm going to get through—
"Competing with a herd of elephants, Gale?"
I snap my gaze up at the sound of Drake's voice... and nearly trip over a hidden apple lodged in the grass.
"You try sneaking ‘round in four-inch heels," I grumble back at him, while using the trunk of a nearby tree to steady myself.
He mutters something under his breath as he steps over to me with an outstretched hand. "Here."
Grabbing his hand, I navigate gingerly away from the tree, only to find that the slightly rotten fruit has become impaled on the end of my stiletto.
"Great..." I groan, trying to flick the stupid thing off... But it stays stubbornly stuck.
"You're a walking disaster, y'know that, right?" drawls Drake as he drops down in front of me.
"Ha-ha, funny," I snark back at him while trying to balance on one foot on the uneven ground.
He meets my eye with a wry look as he finally manages to pull the offending fruit off with a squelch. "You're only gripin' 'cause it's true."
"Yeah, well, not all of us have... reflexes... like Neo..." I reply sardonically as I save myself from tipping over by grabbing onto Drake's shoulder.
He stifles a scoff as he tosses the apple into the trees. "You good?"
"Yeah," I confirm, righting myself again and letting go of his shirt.
Drake regards me critically for a long moment — as if expecting me to keel over again at the drop of a hat — before pushing himself up.
"Thanks," I say, laying an appreciative hand on his arm.
The humour fades from his gaze at the contact.
"Drake..." I start...
...but he's already pulled away.
"What did you want to talk about?" he asks, not quite meeting my eyes as he slots his hands into his pockets, the momentary lightness of our previous interaction gone.
I heave a breath.
We really need to talk about what happened this morning. But his suddenly standoffish demeanour makes it clear that he's not quite ready for that yet.
So, I decide to start with something less contentious.
"We have a lead on the photographer," I tell him, reaching into my clutch.
His head perks up with interest. "That was fast."
"Teamwork makes the dream work," I agree with a smile, pulling the flash drive back out and holding it out to him.
His posture suddenly stiffens. "The hell is that?"
I glance around me uncertainly. "What?"
"The fucking ring on your finger," he declares dispassionately, his accusatory gaze scorching into my outstretched hand.
My heart drops. Oh, no...
This is not how I wanted to break it to him. But unfortunately for both of us, the cat has now ripped itself out of the proverbial bag, so I'm just going to have to scamper after it.
Taking a steadying inhale, I look him square in the eye. "It's my new signet ring." I turn my hand over to show it to him.
His face darkens. "Fils de pute de—" he grits under his breath, snapping a hand out to grab my wrist.
My eyes widen. "Drake, what are y—?"
A storm is raging in his espresso gaze. "Signet rings go on the little finger. On the right hand."
"Oh," is all I can manage as he swipes the golden band off my left ring finger.
"You didn't know, did you?" he asks softly, reaching for my other hand... more gently this time.
I shake my head with a constricted throat. "No, I—"
"Beautiful, isn't it?"
My head jerks ‘round at the sound of the unexpected voice. "Christian!"
"I see you couldn't resist a somewhat impulsive stroll through the orchards, either?" he asks, more rhetorically than anything else. "The scent of apples is truly luscious this time of year."
"Erm... yes...!" I manage to squeak out, shoving my right hand behind my back. "Smells like apple juice!"
Christian's brow quivers ever so slightly at my slightly random — and obviously unexpected — comparison.
But I'm too busy coordinating with Drake to get the signet ring shoved back onto my hand while trying to palm the flash drive off to him without dropping either in the process. As both outcomes would lead to some very awkward conversations!
I feel the warmth of the metal slide onto the index finger of my hand (Drake had probably ascertained that the circumference of the band was too large for my pinky), and I'm finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.
Embarrassing backpedaling, narrowly averted!
Drake uses the opportunity to extract the flash drive from my hand as well, dropping the device casually into his pocket as he moves beside me. "She ain't wrong."
"No," concedes Christian, eying the two of us for a second longer than strictly comfortable. "She rarely is."
"So, umm... Are you hiding from the paps as well?" I ask in a bid to diffuse the growing tension in the air.
"No, I came looking for you, actually," he corrects, taking a step forward. "I saw you slip into the orchard, and thought it prudent to follow you."
"Oh?" I say, feeling my stomach tighten again. "Worried I might get lost?"
"I was hoping to catch you alone," he corrects, coming to a stop in front of me.
I swallow tightly as I see him glance over at Drake.
Please don't fight... Please don't fight...
Christian's gaze reverts to me. "But I suppose it is convenient for Drake to happen to be here as well."
My heart skips an uncomfortable beat. "It is?"
"Yes," he affirms. "I have received some news that you'll both be interested in hearing."
"Well, don't keep us in damn suspense, then..." mutters Drake with a noticeable edge to his voice.
I try to reach discretely out to brush my fingers against his, to reassure him that come what may, we'll get through it together, that—
"We found Tariq."
Christian's words hit me like a kick to the chest. The breath explodes out of me so forcefully that I am actually forced to take a step back in a bid to maintain my balance as the apple trees descend into a spin around me.
No way...
Drake's voice floats across the edge of my awareness. And even in my spaced-out state, I can feel the weight of the cold, calculated fury infused into that single word.
No corner... No mercy.
"Dubai," replies Christian, who also sounds like he's miles away. "He—"
But Drake's already spun away. "Send me the coordinates."
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I blink up at Christian in a daze. "Huh?"
"Are you alright?" he asks, laying a concerned hand on my cheek. "You... You looked as if you were about to faint..."
"I..." I swallow past the sudden dryness in my throat. "I'm okay."
"Are you certain?" he presses, peering down at me. "I could ring for a doctor, and—"
"No," I insist, pulling away from him. "I'm fine. I... I guess I just got caught off-guard..."
"It is an unexpected development, certainly," he concedes. "But hopefully still a welcome one?"
"Yes!" I blurt out. "Of course! I want to clear my name more than anyone, and Tariq is key to that! I just..." My voice trails uncertainly off.
Christian flashes me a knowing half-smile. "Feel some trepidation about the prospect...?"
"I guess so," I concede, my fingers moving unconsciously to the horseshoe charm at my wrist.
Because as much as I may want Tariq to pay for what he did from a rational point of view, from an emotional standpoint, I’m terrified.
As even though I know in the back of my mind that a lot of my trepidation has to do with the fact that I am still trying to recover from the psychological trauma that Tariq inflicted on me, a major part of me is also scared of what setting the record straight would entail in practice.
Christian had mentioned that there were 'methods of persuasion' that could be used to force a confession from Tariq. But then what? Would I be made to very publicly relive the entire horrible episode in the form of TV spots and interviews, or would we be able to get by with one official press release? And given my spotty history with the press, will people actually believe my side of the story...?
I mean, Meghan and Harry didn’t exactly fare well in the court of public opinion when they tried to counter the official royal narrative...
On top of all that, in light of my very visceral reactions to returning to Applewood, I have no idea how I'm going to react to seeing Tariq in person again. Would I burst into tears? Have a nervous breakdown? Dissolve into a panic attack? Stab him in the gut and then the nuts?
And (possibly worst of all) what if we discover that Tariq had been acting alone? And his attack on me — while traumatising — is in no way connected to the larger, and definitely more dangerous plot to remove me from the running for Queen? What then...?
"Your qualms are not as misplaced as you may initially think," Christian consoles. "It is a daunting prospect to face the person who actively sought to harm you."
Something in his tone catches my attention. "What do you mean?"
Christian heaves a sigh. "I do not know if you are aware of this, but several years ago, I was the target of an assassination attempt."
I nod tightly. "Yes. Drake told me."
"Then I presume he also told you how deeply the experience affected me," he says, catching my eye with an uncharacteristically guarded look.
"Yes," I affirm, thinking back to the conversation in Olivia's wine cellar that felt like years ago.
"What he probably didn't tell you, however," he continues, "is that I visited the perpetrator in prison."
My jaw drops. "You what!"
"Not publicly and certainly not in any official capacity." He shakes his head wryly. "I did not even talk to the man."
"Then why...?"
"I... I was having trouble reconciling with what had happened," he explains. "And moving past it. The trauma councillor that I was working with suggested that it was perhaps because I was subconsciously endowing the gunman with too much power, and thereby transmuting the man into something more akin to an evil monster."
A shiver runs down my spine at Christian's words. It's like he's talking about Tariq...
"So, to help break the negative emotional associations I had built up, my councillor arranged a clandestine meeting where I would have the opportunity to face the man."
"How... How did that go?" I ask nervously.
"I was terrified, of course," Christian admits. "I had no idea what to expect and each scenario I imagined in my head was worse than the last. But, when I finally got into room where the meeting was to take place, I was surprised by what I saw. As rather than some hulking, shadowy fiend, it was a pale, somewhat diminutive man sat across from me."
"So… what did you do?"
"We simply sat at a table and stared at each other," he recounts. "He with more than a bit of contemptuous malice, I have to admit, but in that moment, I realised that he was a flesh-and-blood person who had fallen prey to the same misguided emotions as I — anger, fear, resentment — just manifested differently. And that helped set me onto the path of true healing. As ultimately, I was able to forgive him."
"Forgive him?" I gasp disbelievingly. "For trying to murder you?"
"Nobody acts in isolation," Christian advises calmly. "Even the most unconscionable horrors perpetrated by the villains of humanity — torture, mass murder, genocide — sprout from the basis of an emotional or psychological motivator such as love, fear, greed, jealousy... to name but a few. So, while we may disagree with and condemn the action retrospectively from the safety of the moral high-ground, it is very possible that had we found ourselves in a similar situation, we would end up being just as guilty as the person we are looking to condemn."
"So, what?" I demand testily. "I should feel sorry for Tariq for what he did to me?"
"Showing empathy and compassion towards our counterparts does not mean forgetting or excusing the harm suffered," counsels Christian. "But it will certainly allow you to start on the path of true healing."
I shake my head as I turn away. "I'm not sure Tariq deserves that..."
"It is by no means an easy assignment," he admits, laying a hand on my shoulder. "But even if you cannot find it in your heart presently to forgive him, do at least try to keep yourself open to the possibility down the line. You may be surprised by the results."
Looking up, I can see that there is sincerity welling on his emerald gaze. And — for once — I don't doubt the true intent of his words. "Thanks. I'll think about it."
"As diplomatic as ever," he smiles, the tips of his fingers brushing down my back as he drops his hand. "And, regardless of what you choose to do, I'll be right by your side to support you."
"Thanks," I mutter with what I hope is a genuine smile, suddenly acutely aware of the fact that with Drake’s abrupt departure, it’s just me and Christian amongst the trees. Taking a step back towards the way I’d come, I ask, "So, umm... How did you end up finding him?"
"Instagram," replies Christian with a wry chuckle as he falls into step beside me.
My head snaps up in bewilderment. "He posted his whereabouts?"
"No," he laughs, looping my arm through his in reassurance. "Not intentionally, at any rate. He took shelter on his cousin's yacht docked off the coast of the Palm Jumeirah, and—"
"What's that?" I ask with a frown.
"One of a trio of artificially constructed archipelagos located off the coast of Dubai," he explains. "They are so called for their shape, which resemble stylised palm trees."
"Sounds... fancy," I admit, while trying to maintain some semblance of platonic distance between the two of us.
"They really are a sight to behold," he affirms, pulling me back to his side. "But it is part of the reason why we were not able to locate him initially — we knew he has family in the Emirates, of course, but—"
"He does?" I interject in surprise. This is certainly news to me...!
"Yes," he nods. "His father is a Cordonian nobleman, but his mother hails from the House of Al Falasi, the branch of the Bani Yas tribe that also produced Dubai's ruling family."
My eyes widen. "So, his mom is royalty?"
"No," chuckles Christian. "She is not directly connected to the Al Maktoum dynasty. But her family is nevertheless influential in the region. Which is why when we hit a roadblock with the French authorities, we decided to focus our efforts on countries where we knew he had familial or business connections. The Emirates, however, boast a multitude of private airfields, not to mention water-based ports of entry, so attempting to narrow down Tariq’s possible time and method of arrival and determining where he went from there was providing to be a complex undertaking. Especially since we had to ensure to conduct our enquiries outside of the official channels."
"Specifically, via social media," I supply dryly.
"Yes," confirms Christian, only half jokingly. "When we realised that Tariq must have switched off or changed out his phone, Drake suggested that we set up a facial recognition-based search algorithm that could scour the various social media and news portals in a bid to help us pinpoint his exact location."
"That sounds... technical," I admit.
"A few years ago, it would have been, But the technology is relatively commonplace now, thankfully."
"So, you managed to get a hit?"
"Yes," he affirms. "One of his cousins on his mother's side posted a selfie featuring his new yacht a couple of days ago... and someone who partially matched Tariq's features was visible on the edge of the frame. But it wasn't until this morning that our man on the ground was able to obtain independent confirmation that it really was him."
"Wow..." I manage. "Talk about blind, dumb luck."
"Never underestimate the awesome power of serendipity," counsels Christian with a smile as we reach the edge of the trees again. "It certainly played a hand in crossing our paths."
I swallow nervously. "Yeah, I—"
"You have some nerve!"
Before I have a chance to realise what is happening, Madeleine has swooped in from seemingly out of nowhere to intercept us with all the wrathful precision of a homing missile.
"Ow!" I hiss, feeling the ends of her manicured nails sink into my arm as she wrenches me off Christian like I'm some kind of plague.
"One would think you would be grateful to His Majesty for his benevolent generosity in elevating your previously non-existent status to that of a duchess," she spits with barely disguised contempt as she pulls me nose-to-nose with her.
"Get off me!" I grit, trying to shake her loose.
"Madeleine..." interjects Christian from behind me in a voice that I only heard him use once before... in the hallway at Ramsford when he realised that Drake had brought me back to Cordonia. "You overstep."
But the Countess of Fydelia seems to hear neither of us as she tightens her claw-like hold on me. "Yet instead, you repay him by not only by hijacking a royal event to serve your own shameless self-aggrandisement—"
I shake my head in disbelief. "Wait... Wh—?"
"—but then you have the unmitigated gall—"
"Madeleine," says Christian again, more forcefully this time. "That is enough."
But Madeleine is oblivious to the quiet threat suffused into the sound of her name, choosing to continue her tirade instead, "—to sneak off into the bushes with my fiancé in order to do God-knows-what when he should be—"
"I said, enough!" snaps Christian, coming suddenly between Madeleine and me with a face of thunder.
The force of his command is loud enough to cause a few heads on the edge of the lawn to turn curiously towards us.
Even Madeleine startles somewhat in response to the uncharacteristically vehement order. But not enough to let go of me.
"Can you not see what she is doing?" she demands indignantly as she turns to face Christian. "Or does she have you wrapped so tightly around her finger that you cannot even—?"
"How I choose to spend my time with the Duchess of Valtoria in private is of no concern to you, Countess," interjects Christian bluntly. "Or do I need to remind you of the conditions of our engagement?"
Madeleine's alabaster cheeks flush scarlet. "No..."
"Then I strongly suggest that you unhand Lady Harper, and ensure that this kind of juvenile outburst does not happen again."
Madeleine's eyes blaze with cold fury. But she relinquishes her hold on me, nevertheless. "My apologies, Duchess..." she snips, her voice dripping with insincerity.
I reach up to rub the spot where her nails had been on the verge of puncturing my skin.
Christian nods tersely in approval. "Now that that is sorted, I believe our guests are waiting. Lady Madeleine, if you'd be so kind..."
Madeleine takes his arm with a look that could've killed. "Of course, Your Majesty."
"Lady Harper," acknowledges Christian with a dip of his head as he starts to steer his seething fiancée away.
Knowing that all eyes are still on us, I drop into a quick curtesy as they walk past, on one hand grateful to Christian for shutting Madeleine down, but on the other hand wondering how badly we kicked into a nest of hornets in the process.
As it is clear that Madeleine is still raging with jealous insecurity... Perhaps even more so than she had been back at her manor when she cornered me in the bathroom. And the fact that — despite the massive diamond on her finger — I now technically outrank her is definitely not helping the situation!
So much for making allies at court…
Blowing a wayward strand of hair out of my face, I turn back towards the festivities…
…only to be greeted by a wall of judgemental eyes, and more than a few camera lenses.
"Great..." I mutter under my breath.
Whether catching me with Christian had been the genuine straw that snapped Madeleine's cool, or whether she deliberately fabricated the showdown to undermine the positive reactions I got from the press earlier, the end result is the same...
I'm going to be on the front page tomorrow. Again.
Exactly in what form, I have no idea. But I've been at court long enough now to know that the whole thing will be blown completely out of proportion, and the resulting story will generate even more press frenzy.
But if there’s one thing that Drake has taught me, it’s that I cannot allow myself to give the aristos the satisfaction of ever thinking that they’ve managed to squash me into the dirt. Because that would undermine the entire reason why I came back to court in the first place, and given how close we now are to claiming back the truth, it would be a massive and premature admission of defeat.
So, raising my chin defiantly, I make my way back across the lawn to rejoin the remainder of the Festival.
The story continues in Chapter 17 - News Flash
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890 @choicesficwriterscreations
(Less Than) Noble Intentions only (let me know if you want to be added!)
@thetruthisthatiloveyou @anakjaybon-blog
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
The Limbo
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A long time ago, before chaos took hold of Earth and its realms, there was an annex called Limbo.
Soul management is only ever easy when dealing with small populations, as any siadar knows. The moment a project expands enough, becomes ambitious, the number of souls being juggled becomes taxing, a hindrance to more pressing matters. Someone else must take on that burden entirely.
Limbo was formed after Eden, as a response to this necessity. This annex specializes in the collection, treatment and subsequent transmission of souls back to the surface or other annexes. It's a recycling system, in simple terminology. Dorem is the entity created to orchestrate these matters.
Without him, the souls of those who die are lost to wander until they perish forever. Without his percision, the stubborn will defy their deaths and crawl their way to the living. Without his care, souls split and fuse and tangle, creating abominations.
Once a bright, hardworking spawn, Dorem was very proficient at his work. He was happy, felt productive and needed, many an angel would personally deliver souls to him, and the soul keeper's dwelling felt lived in. All was well. At some point, Dorem feels a tad overwhelmed with the amount of souls he juggles. But all is fine, his work is good, he's commended and appreciated by his own makers.
So focused on his duties, Limbo's operator doesn't notice a thing when siadar abruptly abandon all.
In fact, he's the last one to know...
Visits and feedback halt entirely, and without highers to take care of population control, Dorem begins drowning in souls. Part of him already knows what has happened, but he doesn't dare leave Limbo, because he's terrified of what he'll find out there. Terrified to confirm that he's truly alone, that his life no longer holds real meaning, he's working for nothing. Towards nothing.
Ages pass. Not even the angels seem to remember him, whatever those pests are up to now. Dorem has ceased to care about most of his work. He gets bored, allowing the turmoiled to rise from the dirt once more in violent, confusing cacophonies, mockeries of life indirectly born of his spite. And when it's all too much, he eats the excess souls. Tossing them into the black abyss of his torso to become part of him, crushed in his shadows.
An eternity spent in Limbo has ruined him. His body is not what it used to be at all. It's tainted, weathered, tired. So so tired. The flesh on his head keeps sealing over his mouth, not that he uses it that much anymore. He's grown powerful without even noticing it, the consumption of souls playing a part in his progressive transformations.
Dorem doesn't know why he decided to enter the surface now of all times. Maybe it's because he's reaching a breaking point, maybe to kill all the undead that keep trying to contact and worship him, maybe to fucking kill himself. Imagine his shock when he sees an angel. His fury. Which only burns hotter as he's told two highers are present on Earth.
It's about time he gets answers. It's about time he gets to punish them. It's about time Dorem can beg for mercy, or even that which has always been denied to him, rest.
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