#last day with my tubes
anotherfauxredhead · 1 year
30 Reasons Why I'm Childfree: #2
Props to anyone still following this countdown, for it's my last full day with the tubes. I'll be watching a pretty sunset with them one last time.
That outdated AF Lifescript that adults must, among other things, marry the love of their lives and pop out 2.5 kids (by the way, the fuck does 2.5 kids mean? How the fuck do you get half of a human being?!) before turning 30 or whatever is somehow still accepted and carried out without question by plenty of people out there. It's more pathetic when you see some following that Lifescript and the characters involve a young, gullible woman who got raped by her manipulative boyfriend, then he marries her to "clean up his image" but is just doing so because she's now carrying his kid and she can't get an abortion because they're in Florida, and after a long, rough labor in which she tore her clitoris and perianal pushing her kid out the baby finally arrives, and months later the couple is struggling because the baby is already costing them a lot and not just financially. Oh, and the husband is cheating on his wife with a barely legal hooker...and he also knocks her up.
(I can go on with this, by the way.)
Hear me out, people: you don't have to follow the Lifescript to be successful in life. I sure as shit didn't. Never married, will never have kids, got my own place, and a pretty good job that pays nicely. It was tough getting to where I am today, and it's still tough maintaining where I am. But I know how my life would be if I followed that Lifescript and I would NOT be happy with it.
Years ago, I had a former BF who had thoughts about living life with me and wanting me to be the "mother of his children". (When he said those words, by the way, I was all "slow down, dude" since I wasn't ready to have kids then.) I was in my early 20s at the time, and, to this day, I'm quite grateful to know what I wanted from a man then, because this BF did not fulfill me at all. Nah, he was a man-child, a total wuss and not in a good way, and oh lordt he was lousy in the sack. I gotta say, I wouldn't have this blog if I had no standards then!
"Because it's what you're supposed to do!" devout followers of the Lifescript would say to us Childfree folk. Um, no. You're supposed to breathe. You're supposed to have some water when you're thirsty. You're supposed to brake when there are pedestrians crossing in front of you. But have kids?! That's a choice, not a have-to. Tell that to those who are unable to have kids.
Besides, just like pissing off pro-baby misogynists, it's more fun going against the Lifescript and living life on your own terms.
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fortjester · 2 months
ur supposed to get one period a month yea? not me. i'm periodmaxing. we're on the fourth month of the year and guess how many periods i've had. brother, we are solidly on no. 7
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littleragondin · 1 year
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That whole earthquake bit was my favorite part of the episode, hands down.
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kiki-strike · 5 months
PTSD is so stupid saw a jar of biscoff cookie butter at the store and went ha that’s the brand they had in res. (Completely unaffected). Then went home and had a panic attack about it (????)
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blueish-bird · 8 months
just floating down this lazy river (crowded and miserable man-made structure that prioritizes cost reduction/profit maximization over human wellness) we call life
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popping in from my existential crisis to say that i really love @the-lonelybarricade and @separatist-apologist and i hope both their days go wonderful
I will now crawl back into my existential crisis and reread Holy Ground while ignoring my work
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marcdurm · 1 month
Men in the underground never fail to be fucking creeps do they 🙃
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throwaway-yandere · 4 months
You ever wonder how short human lives are? They have the average life span of maybe a pet to most elves, won't they? Or even less. Looking back, isn't it hard to imagine how hard it must be to move on from someone who only lives for a sliver of your own lifespan?
😋 anon
😋 if this is your attempt to making Elf!Haitham the theme of the blog I ain't doing it HAHAHAHAHAHA
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blujayonthewing · 11 months
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grayloch · 8 months
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10 YEARS OF BEING HOPELESSLY DEPENDENT ON THE TUBE!!! But really.... at the time of posting this, 10 years ago I was hospitalized after becoming blind. It was an experience that shaped so drastically who I am today.
I wanted... Needed to draw something that was a blend of me in that moment then and me now.
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haughttopics · 1 year
i’ve had such a distressing week, a few nights ago i got mugged in the street and had my phone stolen. and it’s sent my ptsd into overdrive. thankfully the network provider was able to brick the phone and render it useless, but i’ve still had to do the fun job of trying to remember every account i ever had on it to update the passwords (sigh). so i guess this is also an FYI for anyone who had my number - i know i’ve been a shit person to contact in general the last year, but now i don’t have access to that number anymore (the network said they should be able to move my existing number to a new phone, whenever it is i get one, but guess we’ll see what happens.
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tittyinfinity · 6 months
. Aaaaaaaa
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omegaverse-bfdi · 1 year
real world animals we know canonically exist in the world of ii
- vultures
- wolves
- elephants
- sharks
lmk if im missin any !!
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imflyingfish · 1 year
I'm only going to be reblogging Scar fanart with him in a wheelchair from now on unless I forgot to take any out of my queue btw
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waugh-bao · 11 months
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London (+ Sofia): Week 3
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djdjcjcjf I am SO FUCKING READY for the first week post op. there is SO MUCH wrongness under this binder. the dressings are all out of place and *something* is up with one of the drains where I can literally feel it inside my body 24/7 and have been for more than a day now and the entire thing has rotated about an inch around my body and the tape on one of my incisions came off at the edge and attached to the dressing and every time the binder shifts the tape is being pulled off the wound and I can't stand without one hand held pushing my binder up by about an inch. none of this is impacting healing, it's all going absolutely perfectly, but OH MY GOODNESS I am so annoyed
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