#lashton fanfiction
moonbythecabstan · 2 years
Read this yesterday. Really liked it ☺️
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the-technorats · 2 months
running from something (running back to you)
Pairing: Luke/Ashton
Rating: M (language, violence, mature themes)
23k words
Hunger Games AU
Luke should have died a long time ago. He’s had every chance to, and somehow he just keeps evading it. Being in the Hunger Games, though, seems like it should be the final nail in his excruciatingly, meticulously constructed coffin.
Or, the one where Luke is the District Four male tribute for the Hunger Games and he loses everything. Everything, that is, except for Ashton.
my 5sos hunger games au fic for the 2024 friends-to-lovers prompt @5sos-fic-fest! thanks so much to hazel for being an incredible organizer.
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vasattope · 1 year
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'The one where Luke finds a dark room' by @vasattope
'Wanna keep going?' Ashton asks in a low voice.
'Really?' Is he seriously asking Luke if he'd like to keep making out with some random man in a dark room?
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notgonnamessthisup · 9 months
It will all work out in the end
Fandom: 5 secounds of summer
Warnings: Sh
Everyone knew about how Ashton used to self-harm. Looking back at it, the boys were ashamed that they hadn't realized it earlier. The signs had been there, clear as day. How Ashton refused to go swimming with them, how he wore hoodies in the middle of January when it was clear to everyone that he was overheating, or the way he insisted on stacking bracelets up his arm. 
Calum knew something was wrong with his friend, but he couldn't figure it out. Maybe he hadn't wanted to either. They had only known each other for a few months, the band was new and even though they were close, they weren't that close. It felt weird for Calum to ask straight out, so he didn't. He simply shut his mouth and waited for an excuse to ask about it.
Ashton had certainly not wanted the boys to find out. He guarded his secret the best he could, with elaborate lies and smiles no one could have guessed were fake. As the oldest, although he was only 17, he felt that it was his job to protect the other boys. To be there for them, help them, especially the blond fifteen-year-old. He couldn't possibly burden them with his childish problems.
They found out accidentally, barging into Ashton's bedroom to wake him up for band practice. Ashton had been sleeping topless due to the hot Australian climate, panicking as the other boys stared at his exposed arms. It was Michael who forced Ashton to sit down and talk. So Ashton explained everything as vaguely as he could without the others asking more. Then Calum had laid down some ground rules, call if he got the urge, tell one of them if he cut. They had also devised a colour system so that Ashton wouldn't have to tell them what was wrong every time but simply could say a colour to let the others know what was up.
Green-okay Orange - sad/anxious Red- wants to/has self-harmed Black-Suicidal
Ashton had agreed with teary eyes, he didn't want to, but either he accepted the boy's help or they would tell his mom. They also took his blades. Ashton would find new ones, they all knew it, but making it a little bit harder for Ashton to cut himself up made the others feel at least a little bit better. 
The whole time Luke was quiet. The younger boy didn't understand what drove Ashton to do such things, how the most perfect person in the world could hate himself so much he felt the need to split his own skin open. Luke just wanted to hold Ashton tight and never let go. In Luke's eyes, Ashton was an angel sent from above, God's gift to humanity. "I love you" Luke had whispered into the older boy's ear as they had hugged goodbye that evening. 
Ashton had kept his promise to the group, calling whenever he got the urge to hurt himself. Most of the time he called Michael, telling a half-hearted joke to distract himself from the anxiety. Other times he would be crying so hard he could bearly speak, sobbing "sorry" over and over again. Sometimes he would Facetime Calum for hours, doing whatever until they eventually fell asleep with the call still on. 
Luke never got a call. Sometimes he would get a text from Calum or Michael, telling him about a relapse, but Ashton never called the youngest boy. Luke thought that it was because he wasn't good enough, that Ashton didn't trust him enough to talk about such things. For Ashton it was the opposite, Luke was way too good, too innocent to be burdened with such horrible things. 
After almost a year of going back and forth, Ashton managed to stop for real. He got better and happier and he even began wearing tank tops and t-shirts. When his name popped up on one of the lads' phone screens they didn't immediately think that something bad had happened. Ashton was happy. For real. After a while, he even got comfortable enough to talk about it. Not a lot, they still didn't know the reason why he had cut, he always got weird and quiet when they asked, but he could joke around about it. They didn't pretend that it never happened. 
Once Luke even asked the question that had been nagging him for almost two years. They had been sharing a hotel room, Calum and Micheal next door. "I have a question" Luke had said cautiously. The tone of his voice indicated it had something to do with the other one's bad habit, but Ashton didn't mind. They were two years older, Luke could handle it. "Why did you never call me when you were sad? I could have helped you know" He had asked with a hurt face and Ashton's heart broke at the sight. So he sat down and explained that Luke had been so young and that he shouldn't have had to deal with such things at that age. It was the truth, just not the whole truth. 
When Ashton was twenty-one he celebrated being three years clean. When Ashton was twenty-one he began wearing long sleeves in hot weather and stacking bracelets up his arm. The boys noticed, of course they noticed the odd behaviour again. Worried looks and hushed conversations made Ashton feel even worse, even guiltier. They knew and they knew that Ashton knew they knew. But they pretended not to, they hoped that Ashton would come to them, ask for help and the boys would gladly give it. But he never did.
"You know you can talk to me, I'm not a little kid anymore" Luke had said, cornering Ashton.  "Clearly" Ashton had smiled, looking the singer up and down in his Star Wars pyjamas, making him blush. Luke had been so flustered that he didn't even realize Ashton snuck away until it was too late.
The three friends were sat in the back room, quietly discussing their concern for Ashton. "We need to talk to him" Michael was speaking with a hushed voice. "No, he has to come to us himself, he knows we are more than willing to help" Calum argued. "What if he doesn't come to us?" Luke said. "What if goes and does something really bad just because we didn't reach out?" He said a little bit quieter. "Maybe we are just overanalyzing this, maybe he just likes his hoodies" Micheal suggested half-heartedly. They all knew the truth: Ashton was hurting again. Their Ashton. "Yeah, he trusts us, he'd tell us if it got really bad" Calum tried to justify, putting a comforting hand on the youngest shoulder. "He didn't last time" Luke's words came out as a whisper. "I don't want to lose him, we were way too close last time" His eyes were filling with tears. "Hey, we'll talk to him tomorrow okay? We won't lose him, well make sure of that" Calum tried to comfort the singer, earning an approving nod.
"Im leaving now," Ashton announced as he walked into the tour bus couch area, frowning as he saw Luke's red eyes, an obvious sign he had been crying. They had a day off and whilst the others chose to spend it chilling on the bus, Ashton wanted to go home and see his family. "See you tomorrow," Michael said without a glance, focusing his attention on the video game he and Calum were playing. Luke on the other hand followed Ashton through the bus to the door. 
"Bye," Luke offered a smile. "Bye dude, I love ya" Ashton pulled Luke into a big hug to comfort the younger man. Ashton rarely said stuff like that and in his tired mind alarm bells started to go off. "Don't say that man" Luke broke down, crying in the older man's arms. "You can't say that," He wailed again. The other two came running as they heard Luke's sobs. Concern filled them as they saw the taller boy crying into Ashton's shoulder, whispering "You can't say that" over and over again. 
"Luke calm down" Ashton tried to comfort him, confused as to why he broke down out of seemingly nowhere. "No, cuz you can't fucking say that!" The youngest almost shouted. "Why not?" Ashton looked hurt. "Cuz you're acting like you're gonna kill yourself!" Luke cried out, making Ashton take a step back. "What the fuck". Everyone in the room seemed to be taken aback by that statement, emptily staring at each other in shock. 
Ashton didn't even try lying about how he would never do that, they knew that he had tried to and it would only lead to conversations he tried to avoid. "You know I would say something if it got that bad, I promised I would," Ashton said, putting his hands on the youngest shoulders to help him calm down. "No, you wouldn't, You're cutting yourself but you still haven't told us!" Luke was hysteric. Michael and Calum exchanged a look, Luke slapped a hand over his mouth, realizing what he just said and Ashton bit his lip hard. "I don't do that anymore" Ashton mumbled.
"C'mon, do you think we're stupid? That we wouldn't notice? Don't play dumb with us Ash" Luke said, staring the older boy down. He was mad now and honestly, that was worse. "I-" Ashton began but was cut off by Luke. "You know we do care about you, you have to come to us when it gets bad, you promised" He cried. "I'm sorry" Ashton looked down at his feet. The room fell quiet, they all had known but heard Ashton confirm it was something else."C'mon, you're not going home tonight" Calum grabbed the drummer's arm and dragged him into the back room, sitting them both down on the sofas, the other two not far behind.
"Show us" Michael demanded as they sat down. Ashton hesitated and glanced at Luke. Luke had only seen his fresh cuts once before and had been horrified. The hesitation must have shown, because Calum grabbed Ashton's sleeve and yanked it up, making the cuts visible to all of them. There were fewer cuts than before, but each one was much deeper.
Luke felt like he was going to throw up, the thought of Ashton having done that to himself made him nauseous. "When did you do that?" Luke pointed at an especially deep wound that seemed to have just started healing. "Two days ago" Ashton confessed, hanging his head. He didn't want to see the others' disappointment or the looks of betrayal. "Hey, we're not mad at you" Calum grabbed Ashton's hands, smiling softly. "We just want to help, we want you to be happy" He continued, making Ashton look up at him. "We love you man, but this has gotta stop" Michael chimed in. "I know, it's just hard y'know?" Ashton explained. "We know it is, but it is worth it, isn't it?" Calum smiled. Ashton nodded, he knew that he was capable of being happy, he knew it was worth it.
"This time will be different though, whilst we're on the bus we'll have some different rules," Luke said firmly. "Yea, you'll still come to us and shit, but no locked doors and you'll tell us when you feel down, also we're reinstating the color system," Michael said, making the others nod in agreement. "And you'll be honest with us, no lying" Calum chimed in. Ashton nodded, it was reasonable. Besides, he didn't really lie to the boys. "And, um, we want your blades," Calum said once again, quieter. Ashton tensed, he knew it was coming, but he still didn't want to hand them over. "Fine" He agreed reluctantly, nothing good was gonna come out of fighting with the boys over this.
It was late at night, and light snores from Calum's bunk were the only thing that could be heard. Ashton couldn't sleep, he was thinking about the events of the day, how he had let down his best friends. More importantly, he really wanted to cut.
"You awake?" Ashton whispered into the darkness, to no one in particular. He didn't expect an answer, but it was worth a try. "I am" Luke whispered back. "Color?" he asked as Ashton didn't answer him. "Red" the older confessed. "Did you-?" "No". "You wanna come here?" Luke asked as he scooted over to make room in his bunk. Ashton nodded and crawled into Luke's bed, cuddling close. "I'm sorry" Ashton whispered. "Do you mind me asking you something?" Luke asked. The drummer shook his head. "Why didn't you say something? We would do anything for you, you know that". "I know, it's just... When it got bad again, it was embarrassing and you were all so proud of me and I didn't want to disappoint" Ashton confessed quietly.
"Why did it get bad again?" Luke could feel Ashton tensing up under him. "I don't wanna say" He whispered. "Okay, just know that whatever it is that makes you feel this way, we all love you" Luke comforted. He had overheard Calum saying that same thing three years ago, but the drummer seemed to relax a little bit more.
"I like a boy," Ashton said so quietly that Luke almost didn't hear. "I like a boy and he doesn't like me and it is killing me" He continued. Luke's heart almost skipped a beat. "Is that why...?" Luke didn't finish the sentence, Ashton nodding into his chest. "Oh Ash, it's gonna go away, it'll all work out in the end" Luke whispered, stroking the drummer's hair. Ashton didn't answer, they just lay there in silence, slowly falling asleep in each other's arms. 
The following day was tense. All of them tried to act normal but it was hard. "Morning" Ashton walked into the small kitchen where two boys sat. Luke was still sleeping. "How are you feeling?" Michael asked in between bites. "Fine" The drummer mumbled as he began making himself some cereal. "Colour?" Calum asked. "Do we really have to do this?" Ashton sighed. "You don't have to tiptoe around me, you don't have to treat me differently now," He said. Calum scoffed. "We just found out our best friend is hurting himself on purpose again, of-fucking-course were gonna treat you differently" He snapped. Ashton looked taken aback by the words. "Sorry,".
"No don't be, it's just, we need you here, we don't want to lose you so if that means treating you a little bit differently then so be it" Calum explained with watery eyes. "You're not gonna lose me" Ashton smiled sadly, putting a hand on the bassist's shoulder. "We almost did last time" Michael mumbled. Ashton didn't have anything to say to that, they were right, they had a legitimate reason to be scared. 
 They all cheered as Michael poured them another shot. Calum had pulled out the bottle of cheap vodka as they played video games, insisting they had to have some fun on their last day off. So they were sitting in the backroom, blasting music and playing horrible drinking games. They were all pretty fucked up but Ashton welcomed the mind-numbing sensation with open arms. He looked over at Luke, who was sitting on the armrest of an armchair. His curls were distressed from tugging at them all night long, but they still managed to look good, and the light from the television behind him made him look like an angel. Luke smiled at Ashton as their eyes met, highlighting the singer's rosy cheeks. 
"Guys this app has questions about us!" Calum shrieked with excitement over a new shitty drinking app. "I- I think imma..." Michael mumbled, stumbling out of the room towards the bathroom. "He's gonna throw up" Ashton sighed, getting up from his spot on the couch. "I'll handle it," Calum said, firmly pushing the drummer down again before leaving the other two alone in the room. 
"Wanna see what the questions are?" Luke's eyes glimmered mischievously as he reached for Calum's phone, which was left unlocked. "Who in 5sos would you rather kiss?" Luke read aloud before Ashton could answer the previous question.  He could feel his cheeks heating up, his heart beating faster. "You start" Ashton smiled, trying to play it cool. "Nuhu, I don't wanna start, you start" Luke laughed. "Im not gonna say first" The drummer argued back. "Me neither" Goddamit Luke could be stubborn. "Fine" Ashton crossed his arms. "Fine". 
The room fell silent as the two boys stared stubbornly at each other. Ashton doesn't know why he did it, it was probably the alcohol talking, but before he could stop himself, he looked Luke straight in the eyes and said "I would kiss you". Luke blinked at the comment, blushing red. "I would kiss you too, you seem like a good kisser" He smiled. "I am" Ashton confirmed with a smirk. 
Luke must have teleported to the couch because suddenly he was standing over the drummer with a shy smile. "What are you-?" Ashton was cut off by Luke's soft lips on his own. Luke was kissing him. Amazing, pretty, talented Luke was kissing him. Ashton's heart leaped, he never wanted this moment to end. He kissed back softly, scared of Luke playing some cruel trick on him. The singer grabbed Ashton's jaw, slightly tilting it backward , making his breath hitch. Luke took the opportunity to slip his tongue into the other man's mouth, making out with his friend. Ashton felt lightheaded, he wasn't even sure if it was happening or if it was a drunken fever dream.  
Luke pulled away and sat down next to a very confused drummer. "You're right, you are a good kisser" Luke smiled. Ashton could feel his heart sink, of course, Luke didn't want to kiss him, he only wanted to test Ashton's statement. "Told you," Ashton said, trying not to show his disappointment. The room fell quiet once again. "Wanna take another one?" Ashton asked to get rid of the awkward silence. "Fuck yea" Luke answered, pouring both of them another shot. "Cheers," The older man smiled, downing the clear liquid. 
The two boys stared into each other's eyes, none of them having anything to say. Luke's cheeks were still flushing red as he was eyeing the other man. In the haze of the alcohol, Luke couldn't resist the urge to just lean in a little bit. Suddenly, their lips crashed into each other, kissing each other eagerly. Ashton let his hand wander into Luke's blonde curls, forgetting all about technique and letting himself get swept up in the heat of the moment. 
Steps coming from the bathroom made the two boys pull away from each other. Breathing heavily as they smiled at each other. "You know for how long I've wanted to do that?" Ashton slurred in Luke's ear, earning a small giggle. "Hey, Michaels passed out and im going to bed" Calum appeared at the door. Ashton nodded, realizing how drunk he was. He probably should go to bed before he made a bigger fool out of himself. 
Ashton woke up the next morning with a killer headache and the urge to puke his guts out. The lights were still off, so some of the boys must still be sleeping he concluded. Ashton walked into the small kitchen, only to find Luke pacing back and forth, looking very distressed. Ashton's heart sank, why was Luke so upset? Was it because of last night? Was it because Ashton had kissed him and now Luke wanted out of the band?
"Hey, what's wrong?" Ashton stopped the younger boy, trying to sound as calm as possible. Luke looked up at him almost scared. "It's me" Luke whispered. "Im the reason". "What are you talking about?" Ashton asked confused. Luke sighed. "You remember last night?" He asked, gently grabbing Ashton's hands. The drummer nodded. "Im so sorry about that- I was drunk and if you want to pretend it didn't happen then im totally fine with that" Ashton rambled. "No no, it's not that, I don't want to forget about that" Luke smiled shyly, making Ashton's heart skip a beat. 
"It's just, that you told me that you had wanted to kiss me for a very long time" Luke carefully put a hand on Ashton's arm, gently dragging his thumb over the bracelets Ashton used to hide his scars. Nonononono. "And two nights ago you told me that you cut because you like a boy" Luke continued. Shitshitshitshit. "I made you cut?" Luke's voice almost broke, he was trying hard not to cry. "No of course not" Ashton pulled the younger boy into a big hug. "Yes I did, you said so yourself" The singer cried quietly into Ashton's shoulder. "I meant that when im sad, having a crush on my best friend hasn't always helped me feel better" Ashton offered a smile. "But you have never made me hurt myself" He assured. "Are you sure?" Luke asked. Ashton nodded with a smile. "I've liked you since I was seventeen, and more times than not you've been the reason I didn't hurt myself" He explained. "Okay," Luke didn't seem convinced.
"I just don't want me being afraid to tell you that I like you to be the reason you go and do that" Luke gestured towards Ashton's wrist. Ashton's heart broke into millions of pieces, he felt horrible for making Luke think this was his fault. He could only nod, having nothing to say in his defence and Luke's mad face was terrifying. Luke wasn't mad at him though, he was mad at himself. He knew that he played some part in Ashton's self-harm, Ashton was a terrible liar and no matter how small a part he played, Luke would never be able to forgive himself. He had to make it up somehow.
"Hey, Ash?" Luke said, making the drummer look up. "I would really like to kiss you now" The singer blushed. "I would like that as well" Ashton smirked, gently pulling the younger boy in for a kiss. He could feel Luke smiling against his lips, making his stomach flutter. "Told you it would work out in the end" Luke whispered in the drummer's ear, kissing him again.
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satellitesunset · 2 years
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a moodboard for greyhound, run by @daydadahlias
• luke / ashton • farm au • m-rated (for sexual humour) •
It's a small town—the sort where everyone knows everyone—so when a new car pulls into their lot that he doesn't recognize, and some blonde blue-eyed pretty boy steps out, Ashton's thrown for a loop.
But, he's seen it a time before, and he knows the look in someone's eye when they're running from something.
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boomerluke · 1 year
Story Update! 
Luke and Michael get ready to go to Ashton’s party where Luke learns how good hard seltzers are and how to do a tequila shot while Michael runs off with Calum
17-year-old Luke Hemmings leads a boring life and he knows it. On the cusp of turning 18 and entering his senior year of high school, he's desperate for a change.
Cue the 21-year-old loose cannon, Ashton Irwin.
Luke can't quite explain the feeling he gets when he's around Ashton. All he knows is that he can't get enough of it. And it terrifies him.
TW: drug abuse, heavy drinking, sexual content, dub-con
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plushyluke · 1 year
Hi Swan! 🤍 what do you think about the soulmates trope? 🤍
give me a fanfiction trope and i’ll grade it:
a: love it. spend my time combing ao3 for it.
b: like it. not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if i’m in the right mood.
c: neutral. a good author might be able to sell it, but a bad one will kill it deader than dead.
d: not my favorite. i avoid it if I can, but it won’t necessarily put me off reading something.
f: hate it. will immediately make me nope out of a fic.
hi renna <3333 thank you for sending!! soulmates can be sooooooooo good, but there a few that i feel drag on too long. i love that song lyric lashton fic or the really creative ones !!
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poisoneitherway · 1 year
9 people I wanna know better
Thank you for tagging me @hideitaway <3 and sorry it took me a week to do this <3
Three ships: lashton (but i've probably read half of lashton on ao3 so i'll have to venture into cake and then other ships); rose and dimitri, and rose and adrian (i love both for different reasons and adrian is still my baby); malec (shadowhunters); stony (post civil war angst <3)
First ever ship: hmm delena (the vampire diaries) or rose and dimitri from vampire academy (i had big vampire phase at one point)
Last song: Diamonds by Luke Hemmings
Last movie: i rewatched happy death day
Currently reading: rereading twilight (i tried a new ebook reader and twilight was the first book in my downloads so i opened it and just started reading it lmao)
Currently watching: FBI, rewatching bones and castle when i have time
Currently consuming: lots and lots of fanfiction but also tea
Currently craving: gummy bears <3
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werewolfashton · 2 years
one shot: breathe deep and hesitate
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24 floors songfic. so. yeah. please proceed carefully if you want to read it and mind the warnings/tags. they're there for a reason. thank you my darling @escapesos for reading this and helping me out
pairing: luke hemmings/ashton irwin
words: 2358
warnings: suicidal ideation, and a lot of it too. kind of romanticised portrayal of suicide as well. general theme of depression, anxiety, anxiety attacks mentioned, breakdown/crying, implied misuse of alcohol, some body image issues, i genuinely do not know if this is all of it pls let me know if i should add sth else
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36679468
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loverofyours · 3 years
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moonbythecabstan · 7 months
Does anyone know the fic where either Luke or Ashton gets hit by the stage lights and suffers from amnesia and when he wakes up in the hospital he thinks he's still in a relationship with Luke/Ash but it turns out they broke up for a reason only he knows (but now can't remember)?
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ashesonthefloor · 4 years
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A/N: gotta keep w my aesthetic here. but here is a ridiculously short but fluffy little Drabble based off of this thing that @calumcest wrote. ily Helen. there are only four pickup lines but I had to keep to the THEME of what I wrote, hope y’all enjoy. this is dedicated to the truly inspired anon who sent that ask to Helen I love u and only you xx (and Helen for writing it obv) also please pardon any mistakes, I wrote this at one am but I think it’s cute <3
word count: 1075
It hadn’t stopped since they’d started dating. Or slowed down at all. Ashton still used (horrible, disgusting, cheesy, by Michael’s definition) pickup lines. And they still worked a little bit too well on Luke.
“Hey,” Ashton says, as he double checked his outfit for their date night, making Luke look over at him.
“Yeah, babe?” His brows draw together, slightly confused.
“Come feel my shirt. I can’t figure out what it’s made of.”
Luke frowns and makes his way over to him, reaching a hand out to rub Ashton’s offered arm. He was never going to turn down an excuse to touch Ashton’s biceps. Or just Ashton in general. “Uh...I don’t know. Cotton?”
Ashton grins, Luke just a few beats behind, as he says, “Nope. Boyfriend material.”
And, even after a year of cheesy pickup lines, Luke’s face flames. “Goddamn it, Ashton,” he manages to get out, though his tone is fond and his face is red. Ashton knows he enjoys the teasing too much.
The restaurant they’d chosen for date night was a little more upscale than Luke normally would’ve gone for. But it was Ashton’s turn to pick and he’d insisted on wanting to treat him, so he’d allowed it. It was close to their one year anniversary, anyway, they might as well splurge.
Ashton leads him over to their table, hand on his lower back - he was always so affectionate - and they almost immediately sink into easy conversation. Even after a year, it was still easy, and Ashton was as interested in him and his life as he had been at the start.
They only get twenty minutes in when Ashton frowns, rubbing at his eye. “Babe?” Luke says, concerned.
“I think there’s something wrong with my eyes.”
“Come here, let me see if they’re swollen.” That wasn’t good at all. He shifts forward to take Ashton’s hand and move it so he could look at his eyes, make sure they were alright.
Ashton grins up at him. “Because I haven’t been able to take them off you all night.”
Luke’s face flames immediately, the way it always does when Ashton complimented him. “I was worried about you, asshole,” he tries to chastise, but his red face and slightly too fond tone make it ineffective. Just like back at the flat. Just like every time this happened, really.
Ashton’s dopey grin doesn’t fall off his face as he goes back to perusing the menu and asking Luke what he thinks of having a bottle of champagne. (Which Luke objects to, saying it wasn’t a special occasion, to which Ashton just replies that “every moment spent with you is special”, which effectively flusters Luke and renders him unable to speak, giving Ashton enough time to actually order a bottle of champagne.)
They’re only halfway through the meal the next time it happens. Luke sneezes and Ashton passes him a tissue. “I’d say God Bless you,” he says, making Luke glance up as he blows his nose, “but it looks like he already did.” And, as predictably as ever, Luke turns bright red and busies himself with taking another bite of his food.
(“You aren’t even religious!” Luke argues, making Ashton shrug. His only reply is “doesn’t mean it isn’t a good line, though.”)
They make it all the way to dessert before another pickup line, which Luke is thankful for, given that he doesn’t want all of the blood in his body to stay in his face. He needs it for circulation, thank you very much.
“The chocolate cake looks pretty good,” Luke muses. “But why do they always have to have such weird names? ‘Molten chocolate lava volcano cake’ doesn’t have much of a ring to it.”
“No, it doesn’t. It does sound good, though.” And there’s that grin Luke has associated with- “But I’d rather eat you instead.”
And, just as it always did, Luke flushes red. “Ashton!” He tries to chastise, though he fails in the face of his own enjoyment at being praised and hit on. Even a year in, Ashton enjoys hitting on him and making him flustered. It was pretty cute, actually.
Ashton just grins and looks back at the dessert menu. “So, chocolate cake, then?” He continues, like he never hit on Luke or made him turn bright red for the, like, fourth time in the stupid fancy upscale restaurant.
“Yeah,” Luke says, accepting his face as Luke ‘forever flustered by Ashton’ Hemmings. “It sounds really good.”
Almost as soon as Luke finishes his dessert, Ashton clears his throat. He looks up at him, confused, licking at the chocolate at the corner of his lips. Ashton’s gaze is focused on where he’s absently swirling what’s left of the champagne in his glass. “I love you with everything I have,” he says, intense gaze focusing on Luke. “But there’s one thing I’d change.”
Luke frowns, somewhere between hurt, insulted, and confused. He feels like he’s about to get dumped. “Ash, what-“ But his question is cut off as the other man slides out of his seat onto the floor. On one knee on the floor, actually. And he somehow managed to pull the ring box out of his stupidly tight pants in the same movement and Luke’s going to have a heart attack. He can’t breathe anymore.
“Your last name,” he registers Ashton saying through the sound of his own heart beat in his ears. “So, Luke Hemmings. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me? Become my Luke Irwin?”
The words are barely out of Ashton’s mouth before he’s answering. And if there are tears in his eyes, sue him, he’s always been emotional and he’s stupidly endearing boyfriend is proposing to him with another stupidly endearing pickup line and he’s feeling a lot of things, okay. “Fuck yes. Of course.”
And as soon as he says it, Ashton’s grinning that grin he reserved for when he tells a dumb line and it makes Luke all flustered, and he’s sliding the ring on his finger and pulling him into a hug. And he doesn’t even say anything when Luke sniffles and gets a little bit of snot and his tears on the shoulder of his expensive shirt. “How long have you been sitting on that one?”
“Since a month after I met you,” Ashton answers, answer altogether sheepish and adorable and the entire reason Luke can’t wait to be Luke Irwin.
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vasattope · 1 year
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You just want attention
Pairing: Luke/Ashton
Words: 3.7k
Rating: Explicit
CW: PWP, Luke in thigh-high boots...
Summary: But it's not out of the blue because Ashton just saw that post. The one where Luke exhibits himself in just a coat and thigh-high leather boots in a suggestive enough pose. The same post that has thousands of likes by now. The one where Luke practically tells everyone to look at him, to desire him, to imagine having him like that. And he smiles all innocent and full of self-confidence while he does. He's a whore. Luke's gaze travels from Ashton's face to his hand, where he's still holding his phone. Then he notices the bulge in his pants and there it is. That smile. But this time in real life and for Ashton's eyes only. "You like them?" (Inspired by Luke's latest Instagram post and especially that photo of him in thigh-high boots).
What can I say? Seeing Luke in thigh-high boots altered my brain chemistry and I had to do something about it.
You can read it on AO3 here 💜
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acharmofgoldfinches · 3 years
Me, opening another 40k fic: Ah, yes, bedtime story :)
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plushyluke · 1 year
Hi Swan ✨ Champagne and coral? 👀 🥰
hi raq, sweet lovely 🩷🪽🥹💋 !!
champagne— what’s your favorite form of physical affection, if any at all?
i love having my hair played with or a big hug.
coral— what’s something you’re passionate about?
i am passionate about marxism/leftism, intersectional issues, fanfiction, lashton, fem!luke, education, literature, being jewish, queer rights, & being an academic bimbo who uses cute things/aesthetics to cope with the reality of being alive. 💅🏻
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
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if we make it through december
Written for Ficmas Day 1 Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Ashton Irwin Rating: Teen and Up Key Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Exes to Lovers, Angst Word Count: 28,045 Read on AO3
“I didn’t tell them,” he blurts. Ashton falls silent on the other end of the line. “My family. I didn’t tell them about the breakup. And I know that I should’ve and I swear I will, but Gram asked about you today and it’s probably her last Christmas with us and you know how much she loves you. I couldn’t do it. It’d break her heart, and I can’t do that to her. Not right now. So if you-- I mean. What I’m trying to say is that you’re still invited to Christmas, if you want. You don’t have to, I can make an excuse for you, and I swear I’ll tell them after the holidays, but I thought maybe… maybe you’d want to see them one last time.”
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