#lan zhan is done w his shit
wangxiansoulmates · 5 years
wei wuxian: what if we were trapped in the cave and i had to nurse your injury while looking deeply into your eyes and what if that was the moment you would fall deeply in love with me and later on sing me a song and tell me it’s named after us... ahaha just kidding... unless
lan wangji: ...
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
The amount of people on my TL who act like LXC would be a viable love interest for WWX, if WWX only got to know him and his "expressive loving" personality. LXC personality is as bland as white bread consistently. Half the fics I see run on the premise that if WWX didn't pester LWJ and instead fell in love with the "warmth" the LXC provides, that's a ship. I'm honestly quite literally done with multi-shipping when it comes to MDZS because either the takes are god awful or (1/2)
(2/2) or shipping is used to bash characters in a subtle manner. I'm so angry about this because what is with everyone hating LWJ? I'm not condoning using shipping as an excuse to hate someone's ship or diverge from canon, but when your takes are OC with a character's name stamped on them, that's when I have an issue because at that point, you're not writing anything that's grounded in the character. You're just projecting T.T Sorry for the rant, I'm just disappointed with the fandom so far :( 2/2
Anon, what's up w your timeline? I only saw one post about it and it was an ask that I'm pretty sure was majorly trolling...lol. Obviously in this fandom people will ship anything. I mean anything. Naturally fic is not canon.
Canonically it makes zero sense. WWX is immediately taken with LWJ. He can easily tell Lan Wangji apart from Lan Xichen. LWJ's taciturn (tsundere) personality IS THE DRAW. WWX revels in the fact that he can rile him up, get a rise out of him. That's a big part of the attraction and of their dynamic; The desire to make buttoned up LWJ lose control and put him in his place ...😉.
Although Lan XiChen looked almost exactly the same as Lan WangJi, Wei WuXian could tell them apart with just a glance. Yet, when he saw the face, he still couldn’t help but noting their similarity, thinking to himself, I wonder what’s happening to my body right now. If the paper body is invaded by resentful energy, would anything happen to the real body as well? Would Lan Zhan notice that something’s wrong?
Side by side, Lan XiChen and Lan WangJi walked over.
The two jades of Lan stood together, one wearing the xiao, the other carrying the guqin; one warmly gentle, the other coldly austere. Nevertheless, they were similarly stunning, similarly poised, truly the same color, yet two different airs. No wonder others had always stared and exclaimed with such a sight.
The current Lan WangJi still had some naivety at the edges, but the cold expression that kept everyone at arm’s length was the same. Wei WuXian’s gaze stuck to his face at once, unable to be move away no matter what. Regardless of whether or not he could hear it, Wei WuXian shouted happily, “Lan Zhan! I miss you so much! Hahahahahahaha!”
I wouldn't go shitting on LXC's personality tho. He's a kind patient person, and he does have a sense of humor and a hint of impishness but that's not WWX's person. He doesn't want to be WWX's person. He wants WWX to make LWJ happy. Stop pitting two bad bitches against each other fandom (⇀_⇀). Also if you see fic tagged w this ship obviously, don't read it.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 45 - watching notes
I'm at this stage of fandom rn where it's really hard to concentrate on anything else 😅
Every song I listen to gets dissected for how it relates to wangxian
I need to concentrate on my thesis but instead I'm pondering how the untamed raises questions about collectivism vs individualism and how my western perception of that might differ greatly from a native chinese person or even the author's intention
Can't I just write my thesis about THAT?
Alas, I digress ...
Back to our regular programming :D
Last time one Sophie watches the untamed wwx went all Sherlock on us and used his formidable skills of deduction to expose Backpfeifengesicht's plan of killing everyone and blaming it on wwx
I've heard from several people that the next few episodes are their favourites, so no high expectations at all :D
Nobody wipes the blood on their chins away. Might be about the aesthetic
I adore detective-duo-wangxian so much!! Especially because wwx does 99% of the talking but then lwj will chime in with a single word and it's 100% devastating :D
If anyone knows any well written case-fics for these two, please, I need recs! (For after the show)
Backpfeifengesicht makes good one point and that is that jgy already is at the top of the cultivation world. So what does he gain from all this?
Or is it simply that he's afraid of wwx because he's a rebel and might act against him? (Don't answer that. I wanna find out through the show ;))
Wwx just casually revealed that he's been to cloud recess and that he handles went to the restricted section forbidden chamber. What will you do about, Lan Qiren? Huh? 😂
Oooh! Backpfeifengesicht is the ghosted faced man! I thought it was Jiggy himself!!! 😱
That makes way more sense though!
Lan Sizhui! Jin Ling! Oh you brave boys! 😭
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Someone hold me 😭
But why does he not take zidian now? He's done so before!
"You little fool!" Is "I love you" in Jiang-Cheng-speak :D
"We're done for! What can we do??" - wwx *strips*
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Bahahaha 😂😂😂
I just burst out laughing waaay to loudly for the fact that I've got people sleeping in the room next to mine
But look at Lan Qiren when he sees wwx strop to reveal anat is probably his nephew's undershirt 😂😂😂
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He's probably questioning every decision that's let him to this point :D
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This is completely inconsequential,but I couldn't keep quiet about it anymore because I every time he makes this motion, it always sends a shiver down my spine!!! Notice that wwx (or rather Xiao Zhan) is one of these people whose fingers bend in the opposite direction??? I know it's just a normal thing some people can do, but I can't watch it!! It makes my fingers hurt just looking at it 🙈🙈🙈
Is he turning himself into a demon lure flag?? 😱
Lan Jingyi 🥺🥺🥺
Also does wwx now just transfer his self-sacrificing tendencies to lwj?
Nothing is as hot as these two together in a fight scene
Jiang Cheng doesn't want to leave them behind. He does care! :') he just never unlearned how to unravel his love from his anger
Sizhui running up to greet his dads :')
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Look at them! I'm soft guys 💔
He called him Yuan!! 😭😭😭
So this is it. Any doubts I ever had about Sizhui's identity are gone
Will he finally recognize him??
Why don't you say anything lwj? This one time, I beg you!!
Sect Leader Yao still at his gossip shit even 16 years later 🙄
Lam sizhyi is seasick! Why is this so cute! 😭
Oh Wen Ning!! He recognized A-Yuan? Right?
I want to hug Lan Sizhui for his openness and kindness towards everyone he meets, no matter their status or what other people say about them! (Wen Ning now or who he thought was Mo Xuanyu the supposed mad-man) and I wanna hug lan Wangji right after for raising him to be like this :')
Oh Wen Ning! 😭
That's how I'd look at Sizhui, too, if I met him - poor unadulterated wonder :')
And just think about what that means for Wen Ning! He's not the last of the Wens! All their fight wasn't for nothing. This child, their legacy, survived 😭😭😭
"Can I call you A-Yuan" "Of Course." God I'm gonna burst into tears 😭
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I'm actually bursting into tears!!
Isn't this the dream of anyone who has ever lost someone? :')
"He's like a brother and father to me" :')
And he raised him from when he was 4 or 5? So ... A-Yuan was about 2 when the Wens died? Right? Then 5 would fit with lwj's 3 year isolation
Ob god, it's the butterfly-toy!!! 😭😭😭
Wen Nings smiling through his tears! I can't! 😭💔And he's got the one from the market!
Aww, wax isn't wearing the white undergarment anymore. Too bad
Oh poor Jin Ling ...
So much grieve that he could probably never process. There so many lost kids in this story, hurt by things they had no control over 😔
I mean, I get it. That's the person who killed his parents (without being in control, but he doesnt know that) and everyone is just talking to him as if it's normal and that didn't happen. But he can't forget,but he doesnt really understand either and he has no outlet. Of course he'd just ... crash 😥
And who would have thought I'd ever try at a flashback of Jin Zixuan's death :(
For once, it'd be nice if the adults actually acted like the parent figures they're supposed to be and explain things to their children 🤦‍♀️
I'm so thankful though, that no one even thinks of scolding him for crying. Jismg Cheng only asked who it was that made him cry (and looks like he'll kick their ass). Generally, thus show has a very healthy attitude towards tears. Most characters cry when they are faced with tragedy, regardless of gender. Men being allowed to have appropriate reactions to grieve (instead of a single men tear or just punching things) is really nice to see
Oh Yao dude whose courtesy name I can't remember, shut up!
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Thanks Ouyang Zizhen! You get me
I live for these children standing up to their elders
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Meanwhile Nie Huaisang is just on the sidelines, enjoying the show :D never change!
The Lotus Pier theme song alone is making me cry rn 😢
Why can't wen Ning come in?
Oh Sizhui!
He many times do you want to make me cry happy tears today?? :')
Little turnip-baby ❤
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But why doesn't lwj say anything ??? 😭
Lan Wangji raised A-Yuan smong a bunch of rabbits??? 😭
Now he's a turnip baby with a taste for carrots, how cute is that? :')
Holy shit, wwx and lwj are really joined at the hip these days of lwj won't enter the hall if wwx isn't allowed to :D
Lwj 😑 "no misbehaviour"
Someone. Knows. Their. Husband.
Okay sorry, but as painful as these cuts must have been and yes, while you do see scars on this prostitute's face, they in no way warrant these horrified gasps as of they had all seen a monster 🙄
Xue yang. Fancy seeing you here in this not at all disturbing sub-plot 😬
Okay that's creepy. That's really creepy
Shouldn't Jin Guangyao have a bit more compassion for these women?
On the other hand, he was born to menacingly stand behind a curtain 🤷‍♀️
W. T. F. ????
Jin Guangshan??? o___O
That's the most skin we've ever seen on this show and it's in a scene like THIS? 😬
How can you die from sex?
And then jgy made them keep going?
These poor women :/
So there's someone who set her free on purpose, right?
Bicao has really interesting eyes!
Oh wait, took me some time to catch up. This is about Quin Su and why she killed herself, right?
They were siblings o_O
They just went full game of thrones on this ...
Hey Jin Guangshan, screw you for raping that woman
Wait, is that why jgy had him die like THAT?
I'm so confused about how that happened btw
But why would Jin Guangyao merry quin su anyway? Was this some kind of political marriage that he couldn't call off?
This episode answered some of my questions but raised about a dozen more 😅
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
5 episodes to go. I'm both happy because I can't wait to brows the untamed tag without looking for spoilers and extremely sad 🥺
Right now I'm planning to watch one episode each day until friday and then watch the last two on Saturday, hopefully quite early, so I can spend the rest of the day crying my eyes out over it, without having to worry about such trivial things as being a functioning adult or a responsible student 😅
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musmusmuffin · 4 years
PROMPT: For once, the demon summons the human for help.
AU fanfic idea / rough draft
Lan Wangji awakes and analyses the altered, reversed summoning circle on the ground beneath him, before looking up and locking eyes with cheeky grinning demon Wei Wuxian.
Who's not hiding his intentions, but boasting with the fact he summoned a human for fun! He was bored. A demon summoning a human is hilarious right?
But it might also be connected to his research. You know, the usual: bringing the dead back to life or possibly turning a demon human again.
· · ·
“what kind of human are you?”
“what kind?”
“there must be something special about you besides your dashing good looks. I am curious why – of all the possibilities – it is you that shows up inside my humble cave.”
· · ·
Outraged, Lan Wangji starts fighting with Bichen. Wei Wuxian is amused until he realizes the human actually knows how to fight a demon and is trying to suppress him.
So what, he summoned some kind of priest? someone capable of exorcism!?
Did he really just invite his own death into his current home? Great job, Wei Wuxian!
So Wei Wuxian demands him to stop attacking him and Bichen freezes mid-air. Our dear Hanguang-Jun, looking strained, is not able to move. Horrorfied by the fact a demon can demand him, his mind starts running through several scenarios. What if a demon ordered him to kill someone innocent? He'd rather kill himself than let this happen.
· · ·
“So you are a Lan, that's a bit far away but don't worry, I will help you get back eventually. But for now my second demand is to spent a w–... a month with me. Come on, come on now, I will show you around! 
Shit, thinking again, I've bound you here for pretty long. I should have set the time limit to a week. I hope you didn't have any important business to attend?”
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So Lan Wangji unlocks the demons tragic past™. No wonder he is bored, when he is stuck haunting a village of persecuted refugees.
But no one in the village wants to be free of the demon that is Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji feels bad for fighting Wei Ying, because eliminating him would have left the villagers unprotected.
How can a demon be this kind and show more humanity than most of the people he knows are in charge?
Wei Ying starts to shy back when Lan Zhan actually starts respecting him, because he has done some fucked up shit to become the dark powerful creature he is right now. His good intentions (saving his sister and family) don't excuse him being a monster. He's wondered if using his immortality for doing good deeds and standing with justice will help him atone.
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So they make music, build houses and take care of A-Yuan.
Until they hear the rumor about the Lan Clan being tasked with cleansing the village of the demon.
“I am so stupid, you're stuck here because of my selfishness.”
But Lan Wangji is not afraid, because he is doing the right thing. He’s also unsure if he'd be able to stop his people from coming, even if he could travel to Gusu.
The Lan's don't succeed in eliminating the demon, thanks to Lan Wangji.
Who by now is sure of the fact he would not leave Wei Ying even if he could.
But everyone is fed up with Wei Wuxian. The people hungry for power want his tools and they will flatten the whole village with an army to get what they want.
Have some tragic end: Wei Wuxian hanging from a cliff, right above the abyss. The last of his three demands being “Lan Zhan, let me go... ”
Notes: I ain't a writer and don't know shit about demon summoning or chinese mythology and folklore. I’ve never written a fic in my life so these ideas are probably all you will get from me. Feel free to share your own!
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kyufiber-moved · 4 years
do you have a facourite scene or part chief?
i finally remembered to answer this ask omfg. skfd anyways: DO I EVER. this’ll include spoilers for the untamed so imma put a read more !!
my FAV SCENES/MOMENTS include;;;
- “wei ying - come back” “lan zhan - let go” IT HURTS. IT HURTS. but those lines hit so fucking hard bro i couldnt NOT include them
- that moment in the very last episode where wwx walks up next to huaisang in the cloud recesses and says “do not befriend the devil :)” and then u find out huaisang basically orchestrated everything in the present day timeline
- “you even fooled hanguang jun” “...you’re right” “NOT right. i already knew he was wei ying” CATCH ME VIOLENTLY SOBBING
- when lan zhan is drunk (one of many times LOL) and wwx asks “do you like rabbits??” and he goes in the SOFTEST voice “i like...” like omg babie
- in the p early part of the timeline when wwx and the jiang clan are still learning shit at the cloud recesses and they release those lanterns ?? but specifically the moment i loved was when lan zhan sees the rabbit painted on the lantern by wwx and smiles for the first time in the show . i knew immediately i would die for him
- when everyone is getting indoctrinated by the wen clan and wwx’s little shit self start’s reciting the gusu lan clan’s disciplines and wen chao loses his mind LOL. fucking BEST.
- when lan zhan says “you’re not qualified to talk to me” to su she (i think it was su she??) 
- when sizhui regains his memories and realizes wwx basically raised him and the hug that follows . fuck . i cried so hard
- when wwx has just reappeared after being in the burial mounds for 3 months and basically makes lingjiao to commit suicide with his flute :))) i lost my mind like . the BADDEST BITCH WEI WUXIAN . 
- literally any scene with wen ning being wuxian’s loyal noodle . esp after he (wen ning) gets all powerful
- that moment when everyone is at the jin clan’s territory doing the night hunt and wwx says “i once considered you my lifelong soulmate” and lan zhan says “i still am” CHILLS. SOULMATES AF
- when zewu jun goes “master wei. don’t take it to heart” and reveals he knows wwx’s true identity (after he’s reincarnated) god that was so cool idk
- ok this is a moment that was so heartbreaking that it deserves to be mentioned:: after the massacre of lotus pier by lingjiao n company, when they show jiang fengmian and madam yu dead, holding hands on the floor on sword’s hall. on god i choked on my own tears 
- same thing for this one,, it broke my heart and i cried but it was rly powerful and deserves to be mentioned:: when song lan goes to find xiao xingchen in coffin town and xue yang’s cut his tongue off and xingchen’s stabbed song lan unknowingly and song lan reaches out to xingchen with his sword so xc will recognize him and he JUST misses. and xc and xue yang walk away from his dead body. fuck. my chest PHYSICALLY hurt with how WRONG that was. this show did not spare the emotional trauma
- kinda sad (no actually, 100% is sad) but the bloodbath of nightless city where wwx ends up dying?? when he finally kinda just . snaps after nearly everyone he loves has been killed and all the clans have turned against him and everyone he trusted has basically abandoned him (except for lwj) and he’s just like . laughing humorlessly and crying . god . the pain. it was so well done
- that moment during that jin clan night hunt again but when wwx goes beast mode and simultaneously hits 4 bullseyes blindfolded . nut. holy shit 
- that moment after wwx returns from his 3 month burial mounds adventure and he and lwj are kinda not talking and he FINALLY runs after him and lwj goes petty asf and whips out his sword and lowkey fights him for 5 seconds skjfksd god i loved that LMAO
- when jingyi fucking DECIMATES su she with roasts in the demon subdue palace. i love my son
- the morning after lwj got rly drunk w wwx and wwx is like “you just said... you like...” and lwj’s head WHIPS AROUND in a gay PANIC liek Oh FUCK OH FUCK DID I EXPOSEMYSELF??? and then wwx is like “... RABBITS.” and u can visibly see lwj’s whole body relax LOL
- wwx being a little shit right after he’s been reincarnated and also panicking when hanguang jun is mentioned SDFJKD
- when jiang cheng and lan zhan see wuxian step into view when they’re tracking down wen chao and the core melting hand guy and they realize it’s been him killing all these wen clan members with BRUTAL ways sjfkjd fuck i screamed so loud
- when yanli and jiang cheng meet with wuxian after he’s a fugitive to show him yanli’s wedding outfit. i cried a little it was just a beatiful moment
and i have more probably but i realize im rambling so im gonna stop here KJSDLFKJSDFJDSLKj 
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wangxiansoulmates · 5 years
lan wangji: *clearly pissed off about wei ying talking about mianmian in such a flirty way because he has a crush on wei wuxian surprise surprise*
wei wuxian, a dumb bitch: ah, you like mianmian...
lan wangji: wei ying, ily but you’re the densest and dumbest mf i’ve ever met. like ily and everything but plz for the love oF GOD
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