#lagertha packs
Csn you do one with bjorn where he meets a Christian women and the feel in love with smut and fighting like she hates him at first please
Thank you very much for requesting one! I am so so touched. This is my first ever request tbh. I really really hope this will be something you'll love to read!
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Bjorn and Halfdan got back from the mediterranian before Ivar and Hvitserk from the Saxons. Ivar was drunk on their victory, blood-thirsty still. The people of Kattegat looked over the ships in horror. Some were packed to the brim with people they took back to be slaves. The women were crying, the children too, the some men they brought just sat with emotionless faces. Bjorn walked and looked at all of them one by one. A single woman stood out of all of them. She wasn't wearing fancy clothes, she probably wasn't anyone important. Ivar would've killed those anyway. Yet this woman was trying to calm the women and children with a straight face. She told them that everything will be allright. One of the saxon men hit her when she tried to console his wife. Spitting on her when she was on the ground, saying that she cannot know that it will be allright, they'll all be sacrificed or just killed for something they had no control over, something that they could not fight.
The vikings standing around enjoyed this show. Bjorn walked closer to watch too. One of the vikings threw a dagger next to the brave woman on the ground with a smirk. She looked at it, then looked at the wife of the saxon man, with their child in her hands. She took the dagger, and held it to the neck of the man.
-You better get yourself together for your family's sake. You are in a land you don't know, surrounded by people you don't know. They depend on you for survival wether you are all slaves or not. I only spare you because i do not wish for your family to know how to make ends meet without anyone to protect them. To make it alone... - the woman said before giving back the dagger to the viking, who laughed and grabbed her ass, yanking her close to his body. The woman did not care for herself, she punched the man in the eye, who fell on his backside, before she spat on him, and walked away, making the rest of the men laugh. She knew mercy, she was wise and strong, yet she was brave enough to humiliate someone who were way above a mere slave. She must have noone to look after, and to care for her.
Bjorn's jaw clenched, but he just walked away, and into the great hall where his brothers an Lagertha were.
-Bjorn.. you arrive at last. - Ivar snarled. - How was your destiny? DId you find it as pleasing as you imagined?
Bjorn just sighed. Ivar was getting way ahead of himself.
-It was satisfactory brother. What are you planning to do with the saxons you brought here?
-Straight to business i see. A lot of Kattegat's good people died when King Harald paid some bastard to attack. I plan to provide slaves for the men so that Kattegat could flourish again.. - he said with a sick smile - for that when i'll be king, i can make it ever greater..
His claim to be king was reasonable, Lagertha knew that sooner or later one of Ragnar's sons will try to take over the power. The seer told her that one of them would kill her someday.
-i want to buy one to help Torvi with my kids. I have seen one that was good with kids.
-Take whichever you want brother. Take it as a gift..
That was how you ended up as a slave in Bjorn's household.
At first he wasn't around much, and when he was, he just watched you from afar as you played with, and took care of his children. Noticing that Torvi wasn't around much, but they never cared for eachother's presence anyways. There was some kind of love, but definetely not the kind you should have for someone that gave you kids. You then stopped, then scolded yourself for even thinking of this kind of thing. You were a slave, far far away from any place you ever knew. The only priority should be to survive. Nothing else. Hopes, dreams and family were out of the picture. The first time in your life you were thankful for being an orphan and having nobody because this way you only really had to worry about yourself.
That winter Bjorn was studying his map in peace, Torvi was in the village with Lagertha while you played with the kids. You urged them not to go on the ice, knowing it was still weak, but they laughed and told you you were just a slave, you had no right to command them. You started to loudly plead for them to get off of the ice. The you hear it break. By the time Bjorn walked out to the front of the house, cuase of his daughter screaming, you put the two boys back on the ice where it was safe, telling them to back inside and change their clothes. You climbet out slowly, looking at your soaked dress, before walking inside to change yourself.
When you walked beside Bjorn, he got a hold of your upper arm, making you flinch as you were already freezing, your lips blue. He wanted to say something, but he changed his mind and he only said Thank you before letting you go to change before you catch a cold.
That night Torvi did not come home, so you cooked soup for the kids and Bjorn. After you put them to bed, you silently placed yourself in the small nook you had as a room, lit a candle and started to patch your dress cause the ice slashed it in places.
Bjorn appeared in the doorway, watching you silently. When you looked up, you pricked your finger and it started to bleed. You hissed and in 2 strides he was kneeling before you taking a hold of your bleeding finger. You tried to take it from his hold, not to bleed on him, but he gave you a stern look, so you stopped moving. He was gently when he swiped off the blood and tied a cloth around it for you. But he made no move to leave, he just looked into your eyes.
-Why did you save them? You could've died.
-They are your children. I am just a slave. Their life is way more important then mine. I have noone to come home to, never had. - you said not looking at him. He curled a finger under your chin to make you look at him.
-We are your family now, this is your home. - he said and you couldn't help but laugh.
-I am your slave, that is entirely different. - you scoffed.
-Then you are not my slave anymore. You are free to stay, or free to go. - he said and you looked at him not understanding. He sighed, and started to explain. - I am setting you free. I want you to think of us as your family, not as someone who own you. We do not own you.
-Big false words.. I will never be free. The Holy God has other plans for me. But it is alright, i know that in the end, my choices will be the ones that matter. - you said, before taking a hold of the wooden cross in your neck. You were so angry you could've cried. But you weren't going to let him.
You were orphaned at a young age, a nunnery took you in. You never knew kindness. Your body was littered with scars from the procedures you had to endure in process to become a nun. They said you were sent by god himself, and that is why you had to endure all this pain, to repell for the sins humans had committed. It was the only life you knew. You were told that if you ever in danger, you have to kill yourself in order to prevent them to corrupt you. You had to stay pure so god would lift to himself to live happily in Heaven. But before you could od it, they captured and unarmed you.
In the middle of the night you were out, kneeling in the snow, dagger before you, silently praying, when Bjorn had found you. He decided not to disturb you, just watch you from afar. He had feelings for you that he cannot understand. You were christian. Sure he hated Athelstan when he was a kid, then he learned to love him. But you were a different case. He felt a pull to you.
-Forgive me father for i have sinned. I have sinned in thought. I.. i had dreams which i cannot understand, aches that i never felt before. I had been practicing repentance but they do not go away. Please lord, guide my soul back to you. - you whispered when you heard steps in the snow. You turned around, pointing the dagger to whoever it was.
Bjorn held up his hands so you knew he wasn't here to hurt you. But you did not lower the dagger.
-Why do you keep watching, following me? - you asked.
-You are a part of our family, i am ought to keep you safe too. There are wolves and bears out here you know. - he said with a smile.
-Good, i should've been dead months ago. - you snarled. His eyes widened.
-What thoughts you asked guidance from your god for? - he asked curiously, as he started to circle you.
-That is between me and my god. - you said arrogantly.
He knocked the dagger out of your hands, and grabbed your hands, holding you close with your back to his chest as he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
-Perhaps thoughts of me are plaguaging you ? - he whispered with a low voice, when the aches returned. When you did not answer he knew he was right. -Ain't nothing bad with those love..
-I am a woman of god, i should've kill myself when your people attacked. - you said not resisting his hold anymore.
-But you didn't, you had a job to do still, your god had other plans for you. - he said, and then shoved your head back, hitting him right in the nose, making him let you go. You grabbed the dagger again, holding it to his neck now. He was not afraid though, his hands held your hips as he yanked you closer, leaning down, nose touching yours.
-You will not hurt me we both know that. Perhaps your god is telling you to live a different live as you did. - he said before softly kissing you sofly. You gasped but did not lower the dagger. You broke his kiss, looking him in the eye.
-Tell me one good reason not to cut your throat. - you snarled at him with hate in your voice.
-You do not want to. You may try to deny it, but we both feel it. I never thought i could want a christian, after my friend was killed, but here i am. And i know you feel the pull too, you must have felt it.
-And what if my god is testing me. The devil is tempting me into sin..
You cannot finish because he grabbed the blade and threw it away, before kissing you passionately. You cannot find in yourself to stop it. You had dreamt of this before, this was why you were praying tonight too. For your god to forgive these dreams and thoughts. And now here you were kissing Bjorn under the moonlight. He gently picked you up, not breaking the kiss before bringing you back to your small room, as he put you in your bed, hovering over you.
-Will your wife kill me tomorrow? -you asked as he caressed your cheek.
-She won't, she is also not my wife. We do not love eachother.
-But you have kids together.
-That doesn't mean we want eachother as companion for life. I freed you because i hope you'd want to be mine cause of your own will, not cause you are a slave and have no other choice. - he whispered before kissing you again.
-You would resent me for my god. - you said holding his collar.
-I don't care what god or gods you pray for. I care that you're by my side. - he said before he kissed your neck. You gasped and pushed him away.
-Did you never...? - he asked and you shook your head. - I will take care of you, i can be gentle. - he smiled at you. Somehow he felt that being your first was something big. He wanted it to be good for you. He slowly undone your dress, making you lay bare under him as he caressed the scars he found. He did not ask about them, he can do that tomorrow, for now he wanted to show you love. His lips followed his caressing fingers as he showered your body with kisses until he settled between your legs. He kissed you womanhood just as he kissed your lips before, yet unfamiliar warmth spread across you as a whimper escaped your lips. You felt him smirk as he started to put a finger inside you between licks, pumping in and out gently. You felt something building inside of you, something wanting to snap. It was unfamiliar, most possibly sinful, yet something you wanted to never stop. When the coil inside you snapped, he climbed up to kiss you and sweep some hair out of your face. He caressed your body all over again before laying down on your bed, making you straddle him. YOu did not know when he got naked, but he had a body that screamed sin and holiness at the same time. You looked at him questioningly when he smiled at you, caressing your face again, then grabbing your chin to bring you down for a kiss.
-This way you'll be in control. I do not want to hurt you (Y/n). You can do it in your pace. - he said as he grabbed your hips and started to move you over his shaft. Not entering, just sliding along it, creating a delicious friction that had you moaning again. He stopped when he felt his tip aligning with your etrance perfectly, and he waited for you to sink down on him, letting him impale you in your own pace. You slowly lowered yourself, welcoming the pain of him stretching you out. When you sank down on him, letting him into you fully, you stopped, waiting for yourself to adjust. You looked at him. His eyes were closed, his hands caressed you.
He suddenly opened his gorgeous eyes, and sat up with you still impaled on his lap as he kissed you passionately.
-You were made for me. - he whispered before he started to thrust in and out of you. The feeling was unfamiliar but not unwelcomed. You felt that sweet feeling build up inside you again. You started to meet his thrusts harder and faster, chasing your release. When your moans became louder, your breathing uneven he took over and pistoed into you mercilessly. You reached your climax in no time, your abused cunt squeezing him so much, he thought it won't ever let go of him again, nor that he wanted to ever leave the warm place that was made for him there. He thought of you carrying his child someday as he came in you, as you small battered body, collapsed on his chest. He put his arms around you, holding you close, drawing small circles on your back.
-Sleep now love. I'll keep you warm. - he whispered before kissing the top of your head. And that is what he did. When you woke up the next morning, you felt sore, but you felt something warm under you. You unconsciously snuggled closer to the source, only to hear a faint rumbling and a little laugh. When you opened your eyes, you were met with Bjorn's blue ones, filled with all the love you ever saw. He was looking at you as if you were something holy. You didn't find the words so you just stared at him.
-Does it hurt anywhere? - he asked. You shook your head and looked down, suddenly shy. He pulled you close again.
-You are so perfect... - he said.
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vampirepacks · 4 years
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➲ pack lagertha lothbrok
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— [♡] ; ﹙ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ﹚
:¨·.·¨: `·.. ✎ … (@𝗦𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗟𝗬𝗕𝗘𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗹𝗙𝗨𝗟) ♡
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artolkien · 5 years
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ like/reblog or © spnerys on twitter ♡·˚
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twistwff · 6 years
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katheryn winnick icons (with & without psd)
(c) @ubbevans on twitter
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editfandom · 5 years
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lagertha headers
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credit gagalacrax on twitter if you use
give credits if you repost, please
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cherilynedits · 5 years
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spider man icons & vikings headers
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metadinhaxsz · 5 years
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⥂ Metadinha
Lagertha + Rollo
⥂ @metadinhaxsz​
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Just Gone.
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Second part to this little angsty drabble/one shot I made. Is one shot one word or two?
The wind was cold that morning. It was cold…every morning.
You were welcome in Queen Lagertha’s hearth, but you’d rather gut fish the rest of your days then spend more than an hour entertaining that woman. Lagertha didn’t want you or Ivar’s child at her hearth out of compassion or hospitality; she wanted you there for information, for the opportunity to use you against Ivar someday. Perhaps even use your child. The idea made your hand draw upwards over your belly. Anxiety strummed your heartstrings.
Ubbe and his new wife had taken care of you so far. Despite rumors that Ubbe had sided with Lagertha, he promised you back in England he would keep you safe. He also promised your child’s safety, and although he may have made such a pact with the new queen, you didn’t anticipate he’d break his word. Ubbe believed his brother’s child should not be punished for his father’s sins. 
“Ubbe,” you called out as you approach the hillside. Looking down from the smaller hill, you could see the borders of Kattegat being fortified. Since King Harald decided to orchestrate an attack on the town while the brothers had gone to revenge their father, the king was in Lagertha’s jail for now. Kattegat was rebuilding…for what reason, you weren’t sure. “Where is your wife?”
“She went into town not too long ago,” Ubbe shrugged. He was twisting a wheat stalk between his fingers. He does that when he’s nervous.
“And you haven’t gone with her?” you questioned. Sitting down in the grass next to him was difficult but you managed, holding your woolen cloak closer. Winter had begun in Kattegat. Snow was not sticking to the ground yet, but it was getting colder. You sighed; moving was cumbersome nowadays. You were always tired. It was embarrassing how weak you felt. Picking up a shield was like picking up a boulder. But as your belly rose like a great sunrise, you knew it would be worth it. You hoped.
“Margrethe and I are not attached at the hip…”
“I’d say so." 
Ubbe gave you a knock it off kind of look. The same look he’d give his little brother, if he was here…if he hadn’t turned his other brother against him, if they hadn’t fought. Really, you were Ubbe’s best link to Ivar. It gave him comfort.
"Your wife threatened to kick me out again last night.”
Ubbe gave a sour look as he watched the builders working again. “Why do you always call her that? My wife? She has a name. She i-”
“I know I know Ubbe, ‘not a slave.’ You’ve said so a million times. But she still acts like one,” you argued. Margrethe did not like you, not in Ubbe’s home, not in Kattegat. “I would call her by her name if she ever spoke with me. Instead, she speaks to me as if I’m the rodent in her kitchen she feels too guilty to kill.”
“Margrethe wouldn’t kill you,” Ubbe huffed. Before this, you were a warrior in the shield wall; a berserker with two axes who reveled in battle and blood. That is, after all, why Ivar loved you so much. You chuckled at Ubbe’s reassurance like it was funny.
“She couldn’t.”
Silence fell over the both of you. The builders were working hard to carve out moats around the city. A tactic Lagertha must’ve picked up while raiding. Ubbe finally turned to look at you. “My brother is going to come back home someday. To kill Lagertha.”
“Will you stop him?” you asked. He looked full of thought for a moment, nearly guilty with the way his eyes darted down.
“I have to. My brother is unhinged. He does not know or care what is best for his people.”
“And who do you think does?” you replied sharply. “You? Lagertha? Does anybody care for Kattegat, or don’t they use this town as a trophy?”
Ubbe frowned at you. He knew you wouldn’t so easily stand under Lagertha’s banner, but at the least he had to get you to be quiet about how much you loathed her. “If you want to stay in Kattegat, you’ll do wise not to speak against Lagertha. Think not only for your health, but for your child’s.”
“For your nephew? Sure.” You stood up, looking down at Ubbe in every sense of the word. “By all means, make your bed in the Great Hall. Take your darling wife there too. When you lie in it at night, you’ll drown in your own blood by morning.”
He sighed, assuming you were hormonal. He did his best to change the subject. “Nephew? How can you be so sure its a boy?”
You smiled at him; it wasn’t sisterly. Your smile held the same ominous feeling of being bitten by a snake: unsure if it was venomous, or not. “Because his father is Ivar the Boneless. That is how I’m sure.”
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fandomficsnstuff · 2 years
Across Time -12
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Summary: Infiltrating the Ministry of Magic for the locket was hard enough, but what will you do when the time turner you were wearing starts to spin as you’re apparating out of there in a panic? Letting go of your friend’s hand to stop it turning, you land on soft grass, hitting your head on something hard and knocking out. When you come to, you’re in a cabin with an old man, eyes crystal blue as he takes care of you, speaking a language you’d never heard before, he introduces himself as Ragnar after you’ve cast a spell to understand his language. You travel to a small town with him, everyone is dressed as though you’re in the ninth century and you're greeted by four men, all of them sharing the clear blue eyes of the man you had been travelling with, all with the same colored hair, all except for one of these men. Raven black hair and the most blue eyes you’ve ever seen, even the whites of his eyes are blue. Ragnar introduces you to Ivar, the raven haired cripple who is one of his sons. As you travel to England in hope of finding a way back, you realise that this was not your England, not the one you grew up in. Defeated, you return to Kattegat with Ivar but soon he figures out, as Ragnar did, that you are not quite all you seem. How will you get home, if ever? A broken time turner, stuck in a time before your own, how can you fix the time turner and get back to your friends before it’s too late?
(Warnings: some fluff and a little, tiny bit of angst but I think that’s it)
Amour, boots & gloves: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/4855512089358275/
Sword: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/203717583135751119/
Credit for the moodboard goes to the fabulous @quantumlocked310
You were sitting on a chair under some shelter, ink and quill out as you were writing a response to Eleanor, or at least trying to, a frown on your face as the words of her last letter repeated themselves over and over again in your head. You were struggling to find words to even begin with, tears forming in your eyes as her words replayed again in your head on a loop; I’ve gotten sicker than I thought I would, I thought I would be well, that I wouldn’t have to worry you, but it seems one cannot avoid the inevitable. She had written a lot other than that, mostly reasurances, but those words were the ones you couldn’t get out of your head. Without even having written a word, you packed everything up, putting it in your bag and getting out of your chair, looking around for Ivar when you saw him near a strung up shark, testing the sharpness of the blade Heahmund owned. You walked over to him with tears in your eyes, Ivar noticing and before he said anything you crumbled, looking down in an effort to preserve your dignity and not cry in front of everyone. “I-I think I have to go to Kattegat… Ivar… n-now…” you dared to look up and were met with a mix of emotions swirling in those beautiful blue eyes. Heartbreak, confusion, anger, sadness, they were all swirling around in there as he tried to figure out what to respond. “Eleanor has gotten sick, Ivar… s-she’s the last person of my time, my world, that I have left… I can’t lose her, Ivar, not without saying goodbye… m-maybe I can even help” you pleaded, Ivar hesitating before softly shaking his head as he looked down “no, no it is simply too dangerous. Ubbe will have told Lagertha you are with me, if you are spotted what do you think they will do to you, hm? Chain you up? Kill you? No, no” Ivar stated firmly and you almost hit him, almost, your entire body shaking, trying to convince you to let it happen. Ivar sighed heavily and looked around him before looking back to you “what will I do if you die, hm? If you leave me like Floki did… I can lose Ubbe, Sigurd, Björn, even Hvitserk, but I can’t lose you too… besides my mother and Freydis, you are the only one who has ever truly been there for me, I cannot let you go” Ivar almost pleaded but your entire demeanour changed when he brought up that name. You tensed up before looking down, softly shaking your head as you tried to find the right words to say, not because you were at a loss for words, but quite the opposite. “I’m going, Ivar… you can’t stop me… and do you really think that you can compare me to that woman and that would get me to stay? Ivar I’m not talking about travelling for days until I reach Kattegat, I’m talking about being there in the blink of an eye to see if she’s alright!” you snapped, about to pull away from him when his grip on you tightened, your brows knitting together in concern when you looked back at him, a slight pain shooting through your arm where he was gripping you “Ivar-”
“Do not leave me… please…” his voice was so… frail… as though he was on the verge of tears and struggled to keep them at bay. Your expression softened and you sighed heavily, taking a step closer which made his grip on you ease, though he didn’t let go. “Ivar… if Eleanor dies… I have no way of getting back home… I will have no one to talk to who understands what I’m saying and what I’m talking about… If she dies, I’m alone, Ivar, and stuck… if you think I won’t come back you’re wrong and I know you know that… so please, Ivar, let go of my arm” your voice was so soft that Ivar, although hesitantly, let go, you instantly felt a rush of blood run through your arm now that it wasn’t constricted. You forced a soft smile before pulling your hood up “if you miss me too much, tell Eivor to find me” you said and gestured to the owl perched on one of the building not too far away, getting a small hoot in return, you smiled softly at Ivar and walked away and out of sight, hurrying behind two houses where no one could see you before you apparated.
“Eleanor?... Eleanor? It’s (Y/N)” your voice rung out in the dark hut, at first you had decided to keep your wand tucked away but when you felt your knee bump against a table you took out your wand and held it in front of you as you whispered “Lumos” the tip of your wand lit up, brightening up the dark hut, allowing you to see burnt down candles that hadn’t been lit for days, food untouched and spoiled and the small altar to Eleanor’s husband had cobwebs over the axe that laid on the shirt. You continued to look around, finding a chair laying on the floor that you stepped around carefully. “Eleanor? I got your letter… Ivar was hesitant to let me get here but I convinced him, I think he’s a bit overprotective at times…” you added softly to make it seem as though there was some form of life in this hut that appeared empty. You continued to look around further, moving to what appeared to be her bedroom, a small area sectioned off by a heavy curtain and a half wall made of braided wood. As you approached the bed you softly pulled the fur covers down, finding the bed empty, a relieved sigh escaping your lips as you continued to look around. You were about to enter what you knew to be the room where she worked on clothes when the sound of a door made you jump to hide behind a wall, whispering “Nox” and the light went out. You heard someone enter the hut and close the door. You had your wand ready, heart racing until you heard it, the wobbled steps, and a relieved smile formed on your lips as you breathed out a sigh of relief. “Eleanor, you really scared me with your letter” you called, lighting up your wand again and coming out of hiding to find a shocked Eleanor, mouth halfway open and eyes wide. The two of you just sort of, stared at each other, for a little while anyways, but eventually Eleanor’s eyes filled with what looked to be a form of terror as she wobbled over and you almost thought she was going to hug you but instead she slapped your arm and nudged you away from her work room. As she nudged you towards the table and chairs you heard her try to stifle a cough but when you turned and looked at her with a frown she merely waved her hand as if to tell you to ignore it.
You did however pick up the chair before she could do it herself, putting it in place at the table and turned around to face Eleanor who was leaning against the small altar for her husband, coughing and wheezing to the point where you nearly went over to her to help her, but she continued to hold you at a distance. “Eleanor, you’re sick, let me at least help you” you muttered but she simply waved her hand as she continued to cough, but she did at least sit down in a chair. You frowned at her as she continued to cough, once again about to reach out for her to help her when she softly slapped your hand away. You sighed heavily and decided to stay put, for now, as Eleanor forced a smile at you, getting out her wand and using the Flagrate spell non-verbally to spell a single word; England. You grinned as you watched the fiery letters fade, she was curious about your time in England. “Well, the sons of Ragnar got revenge for his death…” you stated casually, Eleanor rolled eyes briefly at you before gesturing to you, silently telling you to continue. “Well Ubbe has returned, right? Hasn’t he said anything about what happened?” you asked with a small frown and Eleanor nodded but softly gestured to you, making you nod as you got more comfortable in the chair and pulled down the hood of your dress. “Well… they killed King Aelle… they used some method, Ivar called it a Blood Eagle… then they attacked Repton… and killed King Ecbert. During the, I guess it was a celebration, Ivar-... Sigurd taunted Ivar relentlessly… Ivar was not without fault but-... I don’t think he even realised what had happened until Sigurd was on the floor… I have no doubt that he didn’t mean to kill him… it still haunts him too, even though he doesn’t say so” you admitted softly, Eleanor sighing softly as she frowned at you with a sad expression, but also with concern, making you shake your head “no, no Ivar would never hurt me… he’s been really sweet, and I think-.... I think I really like him, Eleanor. I really do” you said, without even realising the grin that had formed on your face, Eleanor grinning at the sight of you just beaming.
You cleared your throat and tried to force the grin away but it was hard as your mind returned to the blue eyed man. “Well, after Sigurd’s death, Björn sailed off, so did Floki because his wife died… Hvitserk, Ubbe and Ivar took a town called York, ruled it until Ubbe did something stupid… he thought he could negotiate with the others just because his side had won… like he was just going to waltz into their camp, have flowers braided in his hair and then just waltz out like it was the Yule Ball” you said with a quiet scoff, shaking your head softly as you looked down at your hands resting in your lap. “Then Ubbe left… Hvitserk almost left with him, but he didn’t… I have to admit I’m thankful he didn’t… I would have missed him too much” you admitted with a soft grin, looking up to find Eleanor smiling softly at you. “I got to fight too… Hvitserk and Ivar has been training me since we left, I’d like to think I’ve gotten quite good” you said with a proud smirk and Eleanor got up, as if just now remembering something, and with a raised finger she wobbled off towards her work room that she had shoved you away from minutes earlier. You turned in your chair to follow her but decided to just sit back in your chair when she got out of your sight, it was only when you heard her wobbling steps approach you that you looked over your shoulder at her again. She was carrying something made of mostly leather but also some sort of fabric of chainmail, you could hear the clanging of the tiny rings that were interlocked with one another. Once she had reached you she splayed it out on the table and you got up to get a proper look at it, a frown forming on your face once again. “This looks like what some of the women fighting with Ivar were wearing…” you muttered and she nodded eagerly and pointed to you, making your eyes grow wide in shock. “You-... E-Eleanor, the last battle I was in, I froze, I-I-I don’t thi-” Eleanor shut you up by waving her hand in the air as she usually did when she wanted you to stop talking.
Eleanor pointed her wand at the leather armour and it swiftly began to lift itself up into the air so you could fully see it, making you smile ever so slightly, only for your shocked expression to return when she pointed at you with a wave of energy you didn’t know she had, given how sick she seemed. You sighed heavily before allowing her to help you undress and put the armour on, stuffing your dress down your bottomless bag, which Eleanor finally got a good peak at, her thin eyebrows raised in an impressed manner as she was fastening one of the leather straps “someone helped me, her name is Hermione Granger, she-” you were cut off by the leather strap being pulled a tad too tight, briefly knocking the wind out of you but Eleanor quickly readjusted it so it wasn’t too tight. Once you were all suited up, as you had comically referred to it, it was on to the shoes and the leather gauntlets she had made. At first you were wobbling around on one leg, trying to maintain enough balance to put on one of the boots but eventually Eleanor gave you a gentle push which made you sit down in a chair, Eleanor quickly helping you put on the boots, making sure they fit perfectly before moving to the gauntlets of sorts, black leather with laces on the top. She showed you how to put one on and then afterwards watched you put the other on, a grin on her lips as she admired how you looked, clad in black armour, her teeth showing as she had her hands clasped in front of her heart in an endearing way, as if admiring a beautiful artwork that moved her deeply. You blushed lightly as Eleanor continued to fawn over you, adjusting the smallest details with her big grin, eyes sparkling as she continuously nodded to herself whenever she studied how it sat on your body. She picked up your wand, which you had put on the table, and showed you a small pocket on the inside of the armour, between the leather and the dress itself, right by your side. It was easy but subtle access, making you grin as she placed your wand in it for you. A quiet and subtle hoot brought both of your gazes to an open window where Eivor sat patiently, making you smile softly as you nodded at the owl “Ivar misses me… I have to go but we’re planning to attack Kattegat, I’ll be back soon” you said and gave Eleanor a warm hug, despite her protests and continuously trying to push you away so you wouldn’t get sick too. “One last thing… I-I don’t know which time this is… could you maybe write down what year this is so I can calculate how many times I should turn the time turner when it’s fixed?...” you asked, Eleanor grinning and nodding softly at your request, making you let out a quiet but relieved sigh. “Last time I was with my friends it was 1997, September the second… we were apparating when it happened…” you muttered, looking down in sadness at the reminder of your friends but Eleanor snapped you out of it, patting your shoulder softly before nodding, telling you she understood. You looked at Eivor and nodded, making her fly off and with one last glance at Eleanor, your bag strapped over your shoulder, you apparated.
“And what if she never comes back, hm? What if she, like so many others, has betrayed me, hm?? What then?” Ivar growled at Hvitserk who was just trying to eat his food in peace, as he had been for the last 30 minutes. “Don’t think so little of her, Ivar, you know how she feels about you… and not everyone has betrayed you, I’m still here, aren’t I?” Hvitserk asked, about to take a piece of his food in his mouth when he heard Ivar’s reply “for now”, making Hvitserk look at his younger brother with a ‘really?’ look that made Ivar clench his jaw in annoyance. “But what if she never comes back, Hvitserk?” this time, Ivar’s voice was much softer, it made you frown as you hid behind the wall you had apparated behind, your heart hurting ever so slightly at his words, did he really think you’d just leave? “Then you will find her and apologise for being so selfish, hm? Now let me eat” Hvitserk muttered and it managed to make the corners of your lips tug up in a small smile. You walked around the corner and leaned against a post, noting that they hadn’t seen you yet, “o’ yee of little faith” you said half jokingly, watching Hvitserk turn with wide eyes to look at you and Ivar’s eyes grew almost twice the size. You grinned at their reactions and watched as Ivar got up, looking up and down your body at your new attire, Hvitserk wasn’t shy about admiring it either, which luckily Ivar didn’t see. “Where did you get that? Did you kill someone for it?” Hvitserk asked half jokingly and you rolled your eyes “Eleanor made it, she’s fine, by the way, sick but fine” you commented and moved past Ivar, giving his shoulder a small pat as he was still just standing there, gawking at you, and sat down in his chair, took some of Hvitserk’s food and ate it before he could snatch it back, giving him a small shrug in return.
“Now you look like a real Shield-Maiden” Hvitserk commented and finally Ivar snapped out of whatever trance he was as he walked around the chair you sat in to face you, a look of pure awe on his face as the back of his hand softly stroked your cheek in a way that made your heart and eyelids flutter. “No, not a Shield-Maiden… a Valkyrie” he muttered and your cheeks burned hot as you forced yourself to look away from him, looking down shyly “careful Ivar, someone might hear and think you’re getting soft-”
“Let them hear” he interrupted and that made you look up at him again. You knew Ivar wanted to appear as strong as possible in front of others, so to hear him willingly say that he didn’t care right now was quite the leap. Hvitserk rolled his eyes at the interaction and looked away in annoyance “didn’t you have a gift for her, brother?” He asked just to put an end to the little display, and put an end to it, it did. Ivar looked at his brother before nodding with a smirk and looking back at you “go to your room, I will be there shortly, hm?” it wasn’t really a question, and Ivar knew by the way you grinned that you were going to do what he said anyway. You got out of the chair and giggled before running off the hut you had been given while staying under King Harald’s protection, or really it was Ivar’s to be honest. You hurried into your given hut, which was basically one room with a bed, fireplace and sitting area, and put your bag on the table and waited eagerly, taking the time to look down and admire the armour properly until there was a knock on your door. When you opened it you saw a guy with white hair, apparently one Ivar favoured as his bodyguard, standing behind Ivar who was smirking. “Close your eyes” Ivar instructed as he and the man walked inside, the man was carrying something long and stiff, covered in what looked to be expensive furs. You raised your brows at Ivar but did as he said, closing your eyes as you leaned against the table in the small hut, you heard something be placed on your bed and then Ivar whispered something and you guessed it was the white haired man who left, because moments later you heard the familiar sound of Ivar’s crutch as he got closer to you. “Can I open my eyes or what?” you asked impatiently and Ivar rolled his eyes, you could feel it in your bones, the thought made you smirk ever so slightly as you continued to listen to Ivar’s crutch until it stopped right in front of you.
“Keep your eyes closed” Ivar instructed in a soft voice before taking your hand in his and guiding you towards what you guessed was your bed, your eyes still closed, trying to ignore the urge to take a quick peek, excitement bubbling in your chest. “Okay, open” at Ivar’s words you opened your eyes and saw the same fur covered thing as before, except now Ivar allowed you to reach towards it and pull off the furs, revealing a thing underneath that made you gasp, hands covering your mouth in shock. A sword in a dark red leather shaft, lines stretching over the leather and waving together to look like vines, reaching all the way from the top to the tip of the sheath. You carefully unsheathed the sword hidden in the sheath, it felt much lighter than the swords you had been training with, a grin forming on your face as you admired it, the blade was thin and double edged with runes near the handle on both sides, the tip pointy and no doubt as sharp as it looked. The handle itself looked like dark wood with different figures carved into the wood, creating a lighter pattern and when you looked more closely, you saw it was your house animal carved into the wood, your eyes moving further up the handle to the end of it, a dark smooth rock with white lines carved into it, creating the end of the handle itself. The middle near the top of the shaft was outfitted with what looked to be a golden raven, Ivar noticed your eyes linger on it and smirked proudly as he leaned closer. “Odín, our All-Father, has two ravens named Huginn and Muninn… and I am a descendent of Odín, so I thought a raven would be fitting since you are fighting by my side. The sword is special also, it is made to resemble Heahmund’s sword, so it is sharper than any viking sword, a beautiful weapon for a beautiful Valkyrie” Ivar explained softly and you couldn’t help but grin, your cheeks were beginning to hurt but you couldn’t stop smiling.
You looked over your shoulder at Ivar and he gestured to the sword as he stepped back, allowing you to pick it up and feel the weight of it in your hands. “It’s so light..” you muttered in awe and Ivar hummed in acknowledgement “yes, so now you can stop complaining that our swords are too heavy” Ivar said half jokingly and you rolled your eyes at him, though your grin never faltered. You continued to admire it until a thought struck you, your grin faltering as you slowly put the sword back on the bed, sitting down next to it and facing a frowning Ivar. “Ivar… I-... it’s lovely, it really is, but I-... I haven’t even worn my dagger since-.... since York…” you admitted and Ivar softly nodded “I know… Hvitserk told me that I should let you, but there is a war coming, (Y/N)... and I would not want to see my dearest shield-maiden get hurt” Ivar said with a small, soft pout that you knew wasn’t real, but the genuine look in his eyes was, so you nodded softly and sighed. You got out your bag and searched through it, eventually finding your dagger and once you had it, you put the bag on the bed and gave it to Ivar who raised a curious brow at you. “H-Help me put them both on?” you asked shyly and Ivar nodded and got up, strapped on the dagger on the side of your good hand, as he called it, and strapped the sword onto the other side of your hip, tightening it and making sure it was stuck. “Do you have anywhere for your wand?” Ivar asked softly as he was adjusting the belt that carried the sword and with a small smile you lifted up the leather flap and showed him the hidden pocket, a small smirk forming on his lips at the sight as he went back to adjusting the belt. “Good girl” Ivar said carelessly, too preoccupied to notice the way your cheeks got 50 shades darker than before, or maybe he was aware and pretended that he didn’t see it.
You were sitting next to Ivar, a cup in your hand with something you weren’t quite sure of what was, but Harald had assured you it was ‘nothing but the best’ so it couldn’t be that bad, right? Besides, you weren’t the only one drinking it. You giggled as Ivar whispered to you of how you only needed to braid your hair to be a real Shield-Maiden, your hand subconsciously running through your much longer hair at the mention, cheeks burning as you smiled shyly while Ivar continued to talk about how pretty you’d look. “To the overthrow of the witch, Lagertha, and to the liberation of Kattegat!” Hvitserk yelled after standing up, if you could call it that, he was in between falling over and falling backwards but that wasn’t what dimmed your mood, your smile faltering at his choice of words as you looked down while everyone else cheered at his words. “So, when do we attack?” Ivar asked as he looked to Harald, unaware of the sombre look you had on your face as you looked into your cup, dabbling between if you should get drunk or leave, none of them sounded particularly appealing at the moment, so you settled for thinking about them in silence while Ivar and Harald talked war, Hvitserk got more drunk and you sulked, unaware of the eyes of a certain dark haired woman by Harald’s side, her eyes narrowed as she took in your reaction to Hvitserk’s words, studying you and trying to see through you. “And here’s to our sacred agreement! Which if any man breaks, he will deserve to die!” King Harald announced, looking at Ivar who tensed at your side, you could feel how he tensed ever so slightly. “Well that ruined the mood, King Harald” you muttered before downing your cup and looking up at him with a bored expression “as if everyone here isn’t miserable enough, thanks for that” you scoffed and got up, Ivar tried to reach for you but you ignored him and continued to walk out of the hall towards your hut, Ivar’s eyes lingering on your form before looking down at the table, choosing to speak to you tomorrow instead of following you now.
You were reading one of your books to Ivar while he ate when the Bishop was paraded past you both, your words halting when you watched him get pushed to the ground, face first into blood soaked mud, it made you cringe, the way he was being treated, and without thinking you put your book down and got up from your chair, walking over to him and kneeling down to help him up, Ivar clenching his jaw at the sight of you helping the ‘christian’. As you helped Heahmund up his eyes moved over your form, taking in the dagger holstered at your hip and your armour, a frown settling on his brow at the sight “you look like one of them” he muttered breathlessly from being paraded around and pushed, his eyes full of… something… but you ignored it as you helped him up in front of Ivar “yeah well, I find them more welcoming than your people” you admitted before going back to your seat as Ivar quilted down the crowd, picking up your book again after wiping off your hands so the book wouldn’t get dirty, at least not more than it already was. “Now we decide whether you’ll fight with us, or whether I kill you” Ivar pressed the tip of his dagger against Heahmund’s chest, your eyes looking over the top of your book, watching the scene while pretending the read, though it wasn’t really the biggest secret that you were watching, everyone was, and your eyes weren’t on the pages.
“Nothing is keeping you alive, but me” Ivar reminded him in a quiet voice, the Bishop’s gaze turning to look at you, his gaze finding yours and you lowered your book ever so slightly as you held his gaze. Heahmund’s gaze turned to the knife pointing at his chest, and then to Ivar who was waiting, like everyone, for Heahmund’s decision. “Why don’t you give me the knife?” Heahmund’s voice was quiet, but Ivar heard it, and you certainly did too, your hands clutching your book just a tad tighter as you continued to watch. Ivar handed Heahmund the knife, watching as he turned it on himself, looking down at it and slowly, his gaze returned to you, as if searching for an answer, an answer to his question. All you could do was frown slightly and it was as if he had made his mind up, turning around and facing the crowd as he walked into the centre of it, people donning a circle around him and the small shelter you, Ivar and Hvitserk were under, the crowd beginning to taunt Heahmund, telling him to ‘do it’. You momentarily glanced at Ivar before looking back to Heahmund as a particular man, the one who had shoved him in the first place, was up in Heahmund’s face, screaming and yelling at him. The worst part of it all for you were that you didn’t flinch when Heahmund plunged the knife under the man’s chin and drived it up his skull and spat at his face, you didn’t flinch, you didn’t scream, you just watched, like everyone, as the man fell to the ground, gurgling blood and dying. Your gaze turned to Ivar as he chuckled and clapped, announcing that Heahmund would fight with you, your eyes finding the dead body once more before you went back to reading. It was as though it didn’t faze you anymore, seeing someone die while in pain, bleeding, being murdered right in front of you. I killed people too, ran through your mind for a brief second, your eyes closing at the memory of the warm liquid running down your hands, the shock in the men’s eyes as they realised they were dying, that they had lost, the shock that ran through you as well, the realisation that you won. They died, you didn’t. You won.
You brought your sword down on Hvitserk’s shield, using the opportunity of him raising it to kick his knees, making him fall to the ground, giving you the momentum you needed, the tip of your sword kissing Hvitserk’s throat as Ivar laughed and clapped with overwhelming pride and amusement, a smile on your lips as you blew some of your hair out of the way. Hvitserk, noting that you had actually won, smiled and laughed as he relaxed in the grass, chuckling as you helped him up, patting your shoulder with just as much pride as what you felt. You won. “I think she is ready for a fight, brother” Hvitserk called to his brother who was sitting on a stool, Hvitserk pouring himself a drink, panting heavily from the training session, you were making it harder for him, he had to admit that. Ivar smirked and shrugged “no, not yet, first, she will have to beat me” he said cockily and you groaned, you wiped some of your hair out of your face as you got yourself a cup of refreshment, downing it before putting the cup down, wiping your sweaty forehead with the back of your hand and an annoyed pout that made Ivar smirk. “Ivar, there’s no way I’ll actually beat you, besides, Hvitserk says I’m good to go” you said and gestured to a still panting Hvitserk, not that you were doing that well either, you really hated your armour right now, it made everything under it ten times hotter. “If you can defeat the both of us, I will let you fight on the Shield wall” Ivar said and you rolled your eyes “and I thought finding a dress for the Yule Ball was annoying” you muttered tiredly, putting your shield down to get another drink when a dagger lodged itself in the wood, your head snapping towards a cocky Ivar who had picked up a training sword, smirking at you in that arrogant way that made you want to hex him. “I can’t breathe first?” you asked annoyed and Ivar shook his head “you do not have time for breaks in battle, you get tired, you get slow, you die” he informed casually and you rolled your eyes, took the knife out of your shield and gave it to Hvitserk who glared at his brother in a warning way, a look that basically said ‘please don’t break her’, Ivar may be a cripple, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t wield a sword. You scoffed at Hvitserk’s glare and picked up your shield again, attacking Ivar with all that you had but it seemed as though whatever you did, he knew, he knew every move you made because it’s what he and Hvitserk had taught you, and it didn’t help that your now long hair got in your face constantly.
A grin formed on your lips as a thought hit you, your swords locked together and when Ivar saw the grin, he frowned with confusion, you were clearly losing, so why were you grinning? Without a hint at your plans, you used one of you feet to kick out the stool from under Ivar, causing him to land on his back and when he did, you jumped on him, the edge of your sword resting on his throat as you smirked down at him, panting heavily as your hair stuck to your sweaty forehead. “What was that?!” Ivar snapped annoyed but you just laughed breathlessly, removing the sword from his throat and pushing yourself off of him, ignoring Hvitserk’s laughter in the background as you laid down on the grass with your sword by your side as you tried to catch your breath. “I realised… you weren’t fighting me, you were fighting yourself and Hvitserk,” you said through heavy pants, turning your head to grin once more at Ivar “so I did what you and Hvitserk wouldn’t” you explained calmly before closing your eyes and letting out a brief, breathless chuckle. Ivar was silent for a little while before a smirk of his own formed on his lips, his smirk turning into a grin as he laid down on the grass beside you “I think you are ready” he muttered, mostly to himself, before turning his head and looking at you, admiring the way the sun shone down on you as you laid there, sweaty, panting with a grin on your lips as your eyelashes kissed your clearly flushed cheeks, the light from the sun almost made you seem like you were glowing, he had heard of a christian halo, maybe this was it? A glow of pure beauty surrounding someone, highlighting their already existing beauty. You had no idea how beautiful you are, Ivar’s eyes moving over your face once more before he forced himself to look away and close his own eyes, but that didn’t remove the image of you laying in the grass, laughing and sweaty beside him after training, he had burned that into his memory forever, so he’d never forget, not even when you left for your own time.
Tags: @youbloodymadgenius @profoundtyrantharmony @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @draculasbride-blog @heavenly1927
39 notes · View notes
Can i request a bjorn x reader one night stand
But she ignores him the next day bcs she doesnt want a relationship with him ?
I hope you will like it! Thank you very much for your request! <3
(y/h/c) - your hair color
(y/e/c) - your eye color
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It has been years since any of them would visit Uppsala. Every 9 years turned to almost 20. The little boy turned into a man. So much happened since then. He had brothers now, he had lost a sister, his parents separated. He fought, he loved, he lived. And this year, this year he came back to Uppsala with the people of Kattegat, with his mother Queen Lagertha. Everything was ready, people were drinking and dancing around fires in the forest. Until tomorrow, they could feast with the gods. As he walked through the trees he saw a woman dancing. He didn't know her, he would've surely remember someone so pretty, and graceful. Were you a goddess? Freya herself? You mesmerized him from the very first moment he set eyes on you. He started to walk towards you and when you noticed you smirked and walked the opposite direction further away from him. Soon enough you were giggling around in the forest enjoying the chase.He caught you in his arms hugging you close to his chest as he leaned down to whisper.
-Careful now little one.
You smirked and twisted yourself out of his hold and ran again, he growled and ran after you, missing how you hid behind a tree. He stopped on a small clearing, huffing, looking around for you but not finding anyone. The noises of the feast long gone. You suddenly jumped on his back, startling him as he easily tossed you on the grass, kneeling beside you holding his axe to your neck as you giggled. You sat up slowly, axe still pushing into your neck threateningly as you kissed him slowly. He tossed the axe away to gather you in his arms, straddling him, never breaking the feverish kiss. Your hand wandered between your bodies to free his member from his confines. It must have been painful for him, he was huge and ready. You spat in your hand before playing with him a bit. When he growled into your mouth you smirked before lining him up with your slit. Sinking down slowly with a moan. You were using him, chasing your own pleasure, and he couldn't get enough of your face contorting, your body moving on him, how your velvety walls felt around him. If you weren't made for him then he doesn't know anything anymore. You fit in his arms so perfectly. You came with a scream, slumping further into him as you both tried to catch your breaths. WIth a few slow thrusts he came deep inside you, laying back down in the grass, holding you closer.
He wanted to talk, he wanted to get to know you, but you were fast asleep in his arms. He slowly drifted to a peaeful slumber.
The next morning he woke up, arms searching for you but you were gone. He smiled himself, liking the chase. No matter who he was, you would make him fight for you, in his mind he could already hear the wedding horns. He walked back just in time for the ceremonies. You were one of the people carrying the blood filled plates around, drawing runes on faces. His too. You didn't miss the look on his face, but you were quick to move away to the next. It was time to pack up and leave for home. He tried to talk to you numerous times, but you dismissed him every time. When he searched the rows of people on their way back to Kattegat he did not see you. Were you not with them? He got on a horse and galloped back to the temple, only to find the bodies of the animals and people sacrificed, and a few of the priests... But not a sign of you.
The head priest walked up to him.
-Have you left something behind, Bjorn Ironside?
-I am searching for a woman, with (Y/h/c) and the prettiest (y/e/c). Voice like an angel...
-Oh yes i have felt her presence too my son, the unnamed goddess, the one who takes, and we could never know when she will give back.. You have been chosen Bjorn Ironside, you have been blessed by the goddess..
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96 notes · View notes
inmyfxith · 3 years
Link, Part VII
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Pairing: Ragnarssons x sister!reader
A/N: Did I cry? I bet you already know the answer.
Words: 2 179
Part. I, Part. II, Part. III, Part. IV, Part. V, Part. VI, Part. VII, Part. VIII.
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Not a day went by that you didn't think about what had become of Lagertha, Torvi, Bjorn, and Ubbe. Every night you waited desperately for the Gods to grant you the right to see something related to your family, but your only visions were about the future of your new community.
Only a few days after your return, you had given birth to a beautiful little boy, and as he became the most important person in your eyes, it was obvious that he had to bear the name of his predecessor. Your husband had no choice. You were an accommodating woman, accepting without complaint most of the time, but when it came to this little one, it was up to you and you alone.
You had traveled all over Denmark and across the sea to England where your community was threatening the land and property of the King of Wessex after setting up a temporary camp in Reading. Despite the constant worry you felt, you were finally happy. Your husband was a good man, a berserker for sure, but he always put your needs before his own, or at least on the same level as his.
Your meeting had been a complete coincidence, as you were living as a Skogarmaor, on the fringe of society, never staying in one place for very long. You had come face to face with a small pack of wolves that had left a gift on your face. Killing two wolves in a row was not such a complex thing for you, but things got more complicated beyond that number. You were probably going to get killed, but your future husband arrived like a savior, freeing you from the fangs of one of the wolves while his men chased the beasts that had finally fled.
He didn't know at once who you were, your name being less known than your brothers', you could pass unnoticed in most Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish towns. He introduced himself as one of the head kings of a confederation of Danes who wanted only one thing, to become as famous as the great Ragnar Lothbrok.
In your tent, caring for your son, one of your husband's warriors joined you, claiming that the king wanted to see you. Holding your sleeping child as gently as possible, your eyes did not leave his soothed face as you walked to the spot he had indicated.
"...I bet you know my wife." Angantyr joked sitting around a table, still accompanied by Kings Frodo and Hemming and you were sure he was addressing them.
"Don't speak too loudly, Ubbe has only just fallen asleep..." You stopped when, facing you, you recognized your older brother. At first, you thought you were dreaming because your brother was accompanied only by Torvi.
"I am perfectly awake." He responded, glad to see that you were right the last time you left each other. Taking a few steps to approach him, you didn't know what to say. Lowering your eyes to your son, your brother perceived your sudden discomfort before turning back to the three kings at the head of your community to continue the discussion. You took a seat around the table after placing your hand on Torvi's shoulder.
Ubbe spoke well. His choice of words was thoughtful. He had all the makings of a leader. You didn't follow the conversation, gently cradling your son. When your husband left to discuss the decision, you stayed behind to talk to your newfound family.
As with every reunion, you hugged each other before Ubbe asked you to allow him to carry his nephew in his arms. This vision warmed your heart, and you hoped that, although too young to realize it, your son already felt the special protection his uncle offered him.
"He is named after the most important person in my life. I admit that this is a bit hard for the king to take, but he finally came around after some explanations. He didn't have a choice anyway."
"Why him?" Ubbe asked. You understood very well that he was talking about Angantyr.
"He saved my life. The scar on my mouth was made by wolves, I managed to kill one and he killed the other two."
Not taking into account your answer, Ubbe's smile grew wider as, slowly waking up, your child stared at him with his ocean blue eyes. Sitting beside you, Torvi has turned to you.
"I thought you didn't want to go back to England." You nodded before sighing.
"That's right, I didn't want to go back. This country makes me think about what happened. To Ragnar's death, to Sigurd's death. This is also where the family split up. Speaking of family, how are Bjorn and Lagertha doing? And Hali and Asa?" You asked, anxious to know the fate the gods had in store for them. Casting a furtive glance at her husband, Torvi sighed before briefly telling you what had happened to them all in England.
"Lagertha disappeared in battle, I don't know where she is but I'm sure she's fine. At least I hope so. Bjorn has joined King Harald in the North, your brother wants to take Kattegat from Ivar. And, as for my children, they are adjusting, they have to." Stroking the back of her hand with your thumb, you smiled sadly at him.
"No matter what decision they make, you will always be welcome among us."
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You did not wish to witness the fight between your brother and King Frodo. Both were excellent fighters and, contrary to the other fights you had seen, the outcome was not obvious. And yet, when Ubbe's victory was reported to you, you were not surprised. With King Frodo dead, he could no longer oppose the agreement that was about to take effect. King Alfred, the new king of Wessex, offered you land to build a settlement.
Following, on horseback, your husband, Lagertha, Torvi, and King Alfred, a new page of your history was about to be written. You never thought you were meant for a quiet life, owning a farm, but the closer your horse got to the land you were going to settle, the more pleasant that thought became.
Leaving your son with one of your maids, you approached King Alfred.
"This is a beautiful place you are giving us here. I know how difficult it must be for you to have your lands invaded by heathens like us." You walked next to each other, you knew where this king was from, his origins. Athelstan's story had been passed down through the generations to the point of becoming a children's tale.
"You said my brother gave us this, but even so, I feel indebted to you. Therefore, if one day you need us for any reason, advice, to defend what is yours or to invade who knows, you can call on us. And even if my husband doesn't agree, you can count on me." Stopping, Alfred turned to look at you.
"I appreciate your offer, and I want you to know that the same goes for you." Laying eyes on the cross he wore around his neck, you suddenly felt drawn to it. Without understanding why you took her in your hands and suddenly the tears came. Such a small object held so many memories, fears, sadness, joy. You could hear the voices of Ragnar and Athelstan as whispers behind you.
"Is everything alright?" Removing your hand from his chest, you wiped your tears with the back of your hand before smiling at him.
"You and I have more in common than you think. And that cross you wear around your neck is a symbol of the bond between our families. Please know that I have nothing against your god and that we will be happy to welcome Christians in this settlement." Probably out of jealousy, your husband joined you after a quick tour of the place. Putting his arm around your waist, he entered the conversion, thanking King Alfred in turn in a less sincere manner than yours.
"As soon as we have prospered a little and grown our first crops, I hope you and your wife will agree to come and visit us. We'll do something for the occasion."
"We'll pray to the gods and make sacrifices." Angantyr added, not realizing that he might offend Alfred. The King of Wessex smiled shyly, not knowing where to stand in regards to this strange invitation.
"Don't worry, we won't force you to attend this part of the evening. You can pray to your god with your people."
Hearing your son cry, you apologized to the two kings, before going to console the first grandson of Aslaug. The more the days passed, the more the features of his face reminded you of his uncle's.
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You had received, days later, the news that Ubbe and Torvi were returning home after helping King Alfred. And this time you knew. You knew it was the last time. You took a horse and rode as fast as you could to the castle of the King of Wessex, hoping to arrive in time.
The courtyard of the castle was full, but in the distance, you recognized Ubbe's badly battered face preparing his horse for departure. He smiled when he saw you.
"Have you come to wish me luck?"
"I came to say farewell."Your tone was serious, you had no desire to do this, yet something urged you to do so. Frowning, Ubbe turned to you, stopping what he was doing.
"What do you mean? We're going to see each other again, you said so. Our paths will cross again." You nodded negatively, lowering your head to hide the sadness that suddenly overtook you. You were not alone, King Alfred and his family were indirectly witnessing your conversation.
"Not this time." Understanding the seriousness of the situation, he didn't ask you any questions and he hugged you. Laying his hand behind your head, letting you cry against his chest. You stayed glued to him for several minutes, unable to formulate a single sentence but time was pressing on him.
"You're the one I spent the best years of my life with. And I could never repay you for everything you gave me. Saying goodbye to you is the most complicated thing I've ever done. I love you, brother, with all my heart. And know that you take a part of my heart with you, I will never stop thinking about you. I remind my son every morning why he has the name he has, and even though he doesn't quite understand what I'm telling him yet, I know in my heart that one day he will be proud to know why his name is so important."
Placing a kiss on your forehead, Ubbe wiped away your tears before taking you in his arms one last time.
"You will succeed in what you started to build, I am not afraid for you because I know you are well surrounded. Your husband and King Alfred will be there to support you. No matter where the gods take us, no matter if they decided to separate us. You are still my little sister and I will always protect you. I am proud of you, I have never told you that but I have always been. Take care of yourself and your family."
Ubbe stepped aside, letting Torvi say goodbye. You had experienced so much with each other that you knew each other much better than either of you realized. Taking her in your arms, you whispered to her to stay strong for her children, and to take care of your brother even though you knew she would do it better than anyone. Approaching Hali and Asa, you knelt before them, taking one of their hands in yours.
"I hope you remember what I told you in Kattegat. Be there for each other, never turn your backs even though I know it's hard sometimes. You will understand later how important it is to have a good relationship with your siblings." You kissed their hand before letting them go. Facing them, you took a deep breath before giving them a confident smile.
"I will look forward to the arrival of the Norwegian merchants and their news about you. Farewell, my beloved ones, we will meet each other again and we will feast in the presence of the Allfather."
Your farewell to Lagertha was brief but with as much emotion. Lagertha had taught you to become a real woman without replacing your mother. The animosity that Ivar had always felt towards her, you had never shared.
"I bet where they are your parents are proud of you. Just like I am. Stay strong. The world needs more women like you."
Thanking King Alfred for letting you stay for the farewell, you watched your family drift away. Not allowing yourself to cry again until you were alone on your way home.
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twistwff · 6 years
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icons vikings 5x11 “the revelation”
(c) @ubbevans or like
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editfandom · 6 years
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*:・゚✧*lagertha packs*:・゚
like/reblog if you save them or Credit to @gagalacrax on twitter
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fuchsiagrasshopper · 3 years
Contending the Flame XI
Author’s note: This chapter kept going on for a while so I had to cut it off somewhere which means next chapter will have Hvitserk and Ivar in Vestfold. This chapter progresses readers part a lot though and I’m very pleased with how it turned out. I’ve also reached 200 followers so I’m considering making a writing challenge for fun. Thanks to all of you who have made this happen!
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Word Count: 2716
Warnings: The usual
After many days and nights at the open water, you came to land by notice of a raven. The birds were intelligent creatures and held a deeper context in their religion. You were beginning to feel the early traces of curiosity rearing. When the longboat had slipped into silent spells, you would try to listen to pieces of conversations and make sense of the strange fables and gods. By the time you were passing into the fjord, you were struck with the guilt that a day had passed and you had forgotten to pray to God.
The sight of the foreign city had you leaping up and hanging over the ledge of the boat to catch a better glimpse. The idea of different lands always seemed so fantastical to the point of myth, yet here you were pulling into a dock. It was a dark and cold place, besieged by tall cliffs of iron rock. The sun was already low, and it wasn't even midday yet. 
For all of its murky preface, you still couldn't shake your excitement at arriving in Kattegat. It appeared you were the only one wearing a smile. The rest of your shipmates were stricken with sullen faces, and Ubbe was addressing the warriors.
"Lagertha's watch will already know we're here, so be prepared for questioning when we tie-up," He said. "Remember, we aren't here to start a war, or to win back Kattegat. We're looking for answers about the spy sent into our army."
"But Lagertha is your enemy," One of the men piped up. "Aren't you going to fight her regardless of that matter?"
Ubbe appeared frustrated. "Only when all of the sons of Ragnar have come to an agreement will we fight."
There was more chatter and bickering in hushed whispers as Ubbe tried to reign in the rabble. You watched on, wanting to help the eldest brother, but you knew your powerlessness. Audhild was beside you observing as well, and she made a harsh noise in her throat that resembled a laugh.
"Ubbe doesn't care to avenge his mother," She said offhandedly.
You paused a moment, not knowing if she wanted you to answer or if it was just her way of airing her outrage. "What do you mean?"
"Lagertha was the one who murdered Queen Aslaug. Some say to win back Kattegat, while others would have you believe it was revenge on her luring Ragnar away."
Ivar had spoken briefly about his mother, but you weren't aware of the entire history until this moment. "And what do you believe?"
"I believe Aslaug wanted to die and bewitched Lagertha into being the one to do it. She was a sad woman, made empty by the disappointing King Ragnar. There's no question that Lagertha is the better Queen, but reasoning won't reach slighted loved ones. Ivar will never allow Lagertha peace."
You looked into the healer's eyes and saw the truth of what she spoke. It was tragic. "How will you Northmen ever triumph over the Saxons, when you're too busy killing each other?"
Audhild barked out a brisk chuckle. "Smarter leaders than you or I have said much the same, yet here we are plotting to steal back Kattegat while Harald Finehair plans to launch an assault to win him rule over all of Norway. These are bold choices, and actions worthy of Valhalla. There's much you don't understand, nun."
"I wish I did," You murmured, feeling foolish. 
Audhild studied you and seemed to determine you were genuine. "Perhaps you will, now that you're here. I don't think you'll see England again."
The mention of that didn't alarm you as much as it should have. You felt a pang of sadness, but not for the loss of England. That place had never felt like home. Nowhere ever had, and that was the root of your melancholy. You didn't have a place to belong, just a series of unfamiliar destinations had come and gone.
As the ship slowly coasted up to the wharf, there weren't many onlookers, and you chalked that up to being that these people witnessed boats coming and going at all times. One ship wasn't enough to warrant too much attention. If anyone took a second glance, it was because of Ubbe. Those sons of Ragnar drew attention wherever they went, and it must have been unusual for him to be seen without the others present. 
When the boat docked, the crew immediately leapt to unloading the few provisions that had been packed aboard. You kept close to Audhild, unsure where your usefulness lied. You wanted to go and have a gander at the city, but you knew you couldn't just spring out on your own.
"Ólaug," Ubbe called, and your head snapped up at attention. "I want you to remain with Audhild for now. I'll likely be called to meet with Lagertha. I can see some of her shieldmaidens have been sent to treat with us."
You stared over his shoulder to the three women approaching. They were dressed in boiled leather and metal and armed with swords and bows, not unlike the maidens you had seen serving in the army.
"Ólaug? Did Ivar tell you to call me that?"
Ubbe flustered as if it had escaped him unnoticed that little slip-up. "He might have mentioned it, and I don't know your real name."
You sighed, but more from contentment than anger. The name had stuck, and it was something else to remind you about Ivar. "It's alright. I will try to keep out of trouble to make things easier for you."
"Good," He nodded in relief.
Ubbe was the first to hoist his way onto the dock, and you followed close behind him with Audhild and a group of warriors. By then the three shieldmaidens had made their way down to the water, and a golden blonde with intense eyes ringed in kohl stepped forward.
"You're missing something, Ubbe," She started, gathering a look at the rest of his party. "Where are your brothers?"
"Not missing, just separated. What I thought was best for the army no longer aligned with where Ivar and Hvitserk wanted to take it."
The warrior woman appeared unconvinced. "So you thought you'd return here, after threatening to overthrow Lagertha with Ivar the last time."
You tried to contain your surprise at that. Apparently, the feud between the sons and this Lagertha ran deeper than you could comprehend.
"I wished to return home, and to my wife. The ones who came with me sought the same," Ubbe explained. "Please, Torvi. I will give my share of the raids to Lagertha if that's what she wants, but I did not come here for title or glory."
The woman, Torvi, pondered over his words. "I would be less inclined to believe you if Ivar were present, but our scouts reported that you were the only ship to cross the fjord. Perhaps I can have Lagertha grant you a private meeting, but just with you, not even Margrethe would attend."
"I accept that," He agreed. "Do we have permission to disembark? My crew are tired and thirsty."
Torvi took another glance at all of you, and you found it difficult to meet her eyes when they fell upon you.
"You may, and have all of your gold brought to the Queen."
That was where the negotiations ended at least for the time being. You didn't know what task had been entrusted to Ubbe by Ivar, and you thought it better if you didn't know. Torvi led her two companions away back through the streets of Kattegat, and all while Ubbe watched her depart.
"I'm sure others are watching," He commented. "Don't mention Ivar or Hvitserk while out in public."
There was a collective agreement that reverberated from the group, and Audhild took a step forward.
"If Torvi is here, does that mean Bjorn is still in Kattegat?"
Ubbe shook his head. "I'm sure he made for the Mediterranean as he wanted to. Besides, even before we made for England, there were whispers of their marriage failing. Torvi serves his mother now."
As more names were idly tossed in the air, you began to grow more confused and out of place. The Northmen had as many struggles in their leadership as the Saxons, and you wondered if there was a place in this world that wasn't rife with betrayal. 
"Come, Ólaug," Audhild's voice broke through your internal fretting. "There's something I must tell you, and it shouldn't be done with so many eyes around."
You frowned in confusion, but when you looked to Ubbe he gave Audhild a swift nod of dismissal. Whatever it was regarding, he knew about it. 
You departed the dock, leaving the others to unload the heavy boxes of gold and treasures. Some of it you knew was from the ransacked church in York, but it didn't bother you to see it brought back into foreign lands. What Ivar had said before about the church hoarding wealth was true. Better it to be distributed among this trading post than in the hands of old men who preached righteousness but committed avarice. 
You had been anticipating with some excitement to walk through the market stalls of Kattegat, but Audhild was not leading you to the city. She was headed in the direction of a path through the woods, and you weren't sure if you should feel nervous. The sounds of the crowd were growing distant, and you wondered if you should be preparing to run. Audhild may have been a healer, but she was thick in the shoulders and could still likely beat you in a fight.
"Where are we going?" You asked, and your voice shook.
Audhild tossed a glance your way and let out a laugh. "Don't look so nervous, Christian. Do you think I'd kill you now when I could have disposed of you all those times we worked alone back in York?"
It sounded silly out loud, and you ran a hand through your growing hair. "Sorry, I guess the forest made me nervous."
"You are paranoid, but I suppose it's better to be cautious. I would hold onto those instincts if I were you," She said while stepping over brush and deadfall. "And we're headed to my home. Ubbe and I agreed it would be better to keep you out of Kattegat until you've adjusted more. Some might not take to another Christian among us, not after Athelstan."
That was Ragnar's monk friend. Ivar had only mentioned him in passing, and it seemed he was not held in high regard. You supposed if the situation were reversed, and it was a heathen among Saxons, they would feel much the same.
Audhild continued to lead you along this long and difficult path, and the more the forest twisted, the less certain you were of your wayfinding skills. If you had to find the docks again, you didn't think you'd be able to. The dense trees provided decent shelter from the winds, however, and you had lost the prickly feeling on your skin that came from the cold. 
"It's not much further now. I don't think I'll have much in the way of food, but I can provide drink and get a fire going," said Audhild.
You were used to going long bouts without a meal, but the fire sounded like heaven. Sleeping on a boat in constant motion wasn't the same as a bed or even a solid floor, and your aching back would welcome either.
The trees were beginning to thin until you found yourself in a small clearing in the woods. The ground was sun-dappled and leaf-covered, and a small house sat vacant in the center. You let out a small gasp, unable to describe what you were feeling at the sight of it.
"I know it isn't much, but it's all I've ever needed. I have no children, and I left for raids more than I was here."
"I think it's wonderful," You admitted. "But I've never had my own home before, and I gave up the need for one when I joined the abbey."
"Strange custom. What's a woman without a home?"
Had you not been a nun, it was likely you would not have had your own property anyway. It would have belonged to the man you would have chosen as a husband. You didn't bother to mention that to Audhild though. She was already looking at you as if you were the most peculiar creature. 
"Can we go inside?" You asked, a sudden longing to be sheltered. 
"In a moment," Audhild replied while holding you back. "I want to finish what I have to tell you now. Ivar wanted me to do this when we reached Kattegat and not a moment earlier."
At the mention of Ivar, your heart fluttered in both anticipation and concern. "What did he want you to do?"
Audhild took your hands, and she let the gruff expression on her face ease. "You are now made a free woman."
You blinked. If it wasn't for her strong grip on your hands, you were certain your arms would have fallen limp at your sides like dead meat on hooks. The words held much meaning, and you were afraid for whatever came next. You would have to fight the fear if you wanted to be seen as anything more than a coward. "I'm no longer a slave?"
"Yes, you stupid girl," Audhild said, letting go of you before you caught on to how soft she could be. "To be free amongst us gives you certain privileges and ensures you should be kept safer."
You didn't know what privileges she was speaking of, but the bit about being safe put you into a state of ease. "Why did he not free me himself before sending me here?"
"Can you not think of the reason?"
Shame perhaps? No, you banished the thought. Ivar was nothing if not prideful and likely would have wanted to free you himself if he could. You forced yourself to think of the circumstances of why he sent you away to be free, and then…
"If he freed me in York, I could have refused to come here," You spoke aloud and Audhild gave a resounding nod. "He thought I would refuse to stay with him."
"I'm not well acquainted with the Prince, but everyone in Kattegat knows of how he has been abandoned and lost those he cares for. I guess he wouldn't risk the same of you."
You felt guilty, but you didn't know why. As for whether or not you would have chosen to come to Kattegat yourself, you knew in your heart your answer. When you met Ivar again, you would have to make him understand how you felt. You wished he was beside you again, but you knew he had something more important to deal with and you refused to be a burden.
"What do I do now?"
"You come inside to warm up," Audhild said as she started for the door of her home. "And afterwards, we'll have to make sure you start to behave like a proper free woman because for the moment you look as lost as a fish on dry land."
You wanted to be insulted, but you knew the healer was right. You were far from home, and with a tenuous grasp of the language. What did it mean to be free, and among such strange folk as these Northmen whose religion you didn't fully understand? 
You gathered the skirts of your slave frock and hurried after her. Perhaps to start you could buy new clothes. You also had not a coin to your name, and though you were capable with a needle and thread you couldn't make an entire new wardrobe with such paltry efforts. It seemed you would have to rely on the kindness of strangers for the time being, though the thought of that felt like charity. You would do what you could to assist Audhild in place of proper payment. She was calling for you again, for Ólaug. Only this time you didn’t spurn from the name, you ran towards it and the new freedom that Ivar the Boneless had gifted to you.
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metadinhaxsz · 5 years
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⥂ Metadinha
Lagertha + Ragnar
⥂ @metadinhaxsz
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