#lady scarab wof
sharp-shiny-things · 2 months
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I began to get bored with doing it alphabetically, so i (manually, it took like an hour lol) put all of the characters in a wheel so a random character will be picked.
Also i forgot to write it but that is the queen crane, not Clay's sister Crane
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wof-pride · 8 months
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Lady Scarab, Pansexual + ADHD!
Requested by motionlessindoubt
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thedumbassartist · 8 months
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Old dragons on the way
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m-bj · 9 months
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You heard of old man yaoi, now get ready for old woman yuri
[image id: Two pictures of a digital fanart of Grandeur and Lady Scarab, the second being a close-up of the first pic. The first pic shows two dragons on profile view sitted and looking at each other. The one on the left, Grandeur, is light purple with pinkish red spots on her body and eye, and has around the face a clamid-like crest of the same pinkish red. Her body is slender and she has three horns on her face resembling a Jackson's chameleon, two on the eyes and one on the snout. Her mouth is open as if she's talking. On the right a yellow and orange dragon, Scarab, with black horizontal stripes going from her back to the underside on her neck and shoulder. Other black stripes create a web pattern on her four red folded wings. Long thin spikes run on her back, while on the head three horns, two branched at the top and one long and curved toward the back on the snout. Four long fangs exit from her lower jaw. She wears glasses and a pearl earring. The second picture is a close-up of their faces mirrored. Blushes are added and a baloon saying "damn she's so hot". End id]
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avianwofdesigns · 1 day
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Teehee :3
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otiksimr · 1 year
Could you perhaps draw a lady scarab?
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Ah yes she is very... Scarab...
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willoillo · 2 months
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Second daily dragon!! Lady Scarab this time Hivewings are annoying to figure out. Also I don't think I got the proportions quite right for this one. But part of the point of doing these is learning, so here we are!!
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drippywing · 1 year
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ten of spades - lady scarab
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mothpawbs · 10 months
How about Lady Scarab?
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gotta love rebel grandma, she's lowkey a badass fr
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alien-insomniac-05 · 5 months
Ideas for a rewrite of arc 3
- blue’s actually has good reason to think the Hivewing some of the Hivewing are innocent outside of meeting cricket
- blue and crickets relationship will be spread out and actually develops rather than them immediately falling in love (they find each other pretty but aren’t immediately attatched to one another)
- Blue actually gets mad about something (seriously, you took away this boys old life, let him be mad!!)
- lady scarab invites cricket and blue to her place and then quietly gives blue a piece of paper, which tells him to meet her at a specific location
- they meet with the crysalis and the group is far larger and more prominent than in the original books. (Both Hivewings and silkwings are there.. quite a bit of hivewings actually)
- I want scarab to have a Silkwing lover whom originally made the group, it’s similar to smolder and palm where Queen wasp took her lover away and killed them.
- cricket does NOT take Bumblebee with her but rather brings them to the chrysalis, that is where she hatches
- I feel with book three, everything stays mostly the same but I am thinking that instead of the other mind being a main villain.. they are a side villain and wasp is still the main villain and while the plant will be weaponized.. it won’t be used as an excuse for their Behavior.
- the 14th book should be about Swordtail rather than Snowfall. As much as I adore snowfall, her character arc is better fit for a winglet.
- swordtail heads to phyrria to go find Luna.
- Luna actually kills Queen Wasp using the same way she destroyed the other mind in book 15 (off with queen wasp’s head!) and instead of Luna becoming queen, she creates a counsel made of three dragons from each tribe.
- as for the snowfall winglet, maybe the flashback to the scorching is actually from the Gift of Vision. Instead of having visions about the Pantala characters.. maybe it is about the past? (Plus gaining a better understanding of Boa)
I’ll come up with some more stuff later and write it here. I’m still developing this. If y’all got ideas/headcanons lmk.
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Hello dear Tumblr I'm going on vacation and I would like to draw sooooo the top 3 I'll draw! Ps. ill add some ships and parts too! I'll draw all of them I just need some to start off with
Have a nice day or night!
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Since HiveWings resemble bees/hornets, I imagine they fly like ones
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flamebringer0 · 9 months
About Hivewings
My husband was posting WOF headcanons so I will try posting one too. Why are Hivewings so weird? Here is what I think.
“Yes, of course,” Lady Scarab snapped. “Maybe they weren’t called SilkWings back then. ShimmerWings or Flibbertigibbets or something in the old language, I don’t know. But Clearsight married one, and then another one when the first one died, and had an alarming number of dragonets with each one, and then their dragonets and their dragonets’ dragonets kept going, marrying Ye Olde SilkWings or what have you, until there was enough of them to be considered their own tribe. HiveWings. Stupid menacing name, if you ask me. It was only about five hundred years ago that we officially split into two separate tribes, you know. My charming great-great-grandmother was the queen who ordered no more mingling of the bloodlines. She was a nightmare.”
This is where Hivewings allegedly come from, but it doesn't really make any sense to assume this actually happened the way she describes it. Clearsight came to Pantala around the year 3000, and the Hivewings as a separate tribe apparently came into existence around the year 4500. That means there must have been ~1500 years in which the Beetlewings (the actual name of the "ye olde Silkwings") existed as a single breeding population with her genes in it. It hardly seems possible that by the year 4500 there could be one subset of the Beetlewing population that was descended from Clearsight and another that wasn't.
As you trace a subject's family tree back, the number of ancestors doubles in each generation: two parents, four grandparents, eight great grandparents, etc. Eventually you reach a point in time where the subject should apparently have more ancestors than the total number of living people. This discrepancy is explained by individual ancestors occupying more than one position in the subject's pedigree, which is known as pedigree collapse. This has some counterintuitive implications, like the fact that in the real world, every living human of European ancestry is descended from Charlemagne, and also from every other European who lived before the 10th century and has any modern descendants at all.
If we compare the situation with Clearsight to the situation with Charlemagne, most of the variables seem to point to this effect being even more pronounced in her case. Dragons have shorter generation times than humans (Fathom was a father at 11), she lived ~1500 years before the present as opposed to ~1300, and the population of Pantala seems to be much smaller than the population of Europe. So I find it highly unlikely that there are any Pantalans at all who aren't descended from Clearsight.
What seems more reasonable to me is that Clearsight made some small genetic contribution to every Beetlewing living in 4500, and the conception of the Hivewings specifically as her true heirs is just propaganda. What I imagine is that the Beetlewings of 4500 had developed the folk belief that dragons with more black in their scales had a closer connection to Clearsight, who was essentially deified at that point. This belief was completely wrong. Beetlewings had always come in many different colors and patterns, with and without black, and by 4500 essentially nobody was more or less related to Clearsight than anyone else. But if you have the ambition to found a tribe, none of that really matters; what matters is how well you can tell a story. It turned out that the first queen of the Hivewings told the "dragons with black scales are the true heirs of Clearsight" story well enough to split away from the Beetlewings and create a new tribe. It might also be that there was already an established tendency in 4500 for black Beetlewings to breed among themselves to try and conserve their imagined connection to Clearsight, which would only have made it easier to formally split the tribe.
Of course when the Hivewings and the Silkwings first became established as separate tribes, there wouldn't really have been any difference between them, genetically. But over the course of 500 years, Silkwings with black in their scales and Hivewings without would tend to leave the tribes they hatched in and settle down in the other. Over time, this had the effect that the two groups really did become differentiated by the presence or absence of black scales, and by the present it has become very rare for a Silkwing with black scales or a Hivewing without to hatch at all.
The other differences between the two tribes could perhaps be explained by genetic linkage, although i guess it might be a stretch to assume that real world genetics apply to WOF dragons to that degree. Most of what i've said so far, i feel like it follows naturally from things that are actually attested about the setting, but maybe it's silly to say "yeah dragons definitely have chromosomes and their genes are laid out linearly so black scales can be tied to apparently unrelated features like not having antennae". I'm just saying it's possible.
Another weird thing about Hivewings is that they seem to have way too many random powers. In most of the tribes there are only like one or two powers that only some individuals have, and they are rare. Mudwings have a few fireproof dragons, Skywings have a few firescales, Nightwings have a few psychics. But Hivewings have stingers in their tails, poison fangs, boiling acid attacks, and probably other things I don't even know about. And it seems like these features are relatively common in the population, but not universal. Why is the distribution so weird?
What I think is, hatching with random features like this is something that happens in every tribe, it's just usually very rare, and the tribes all react differently. If a Rainwing hatches with a sting in their tail, everyone says "oh, funny, you must have a Sandwing ancestor somewhere", and that's the end of it. If a Skywing hatches with a sting in their tail, their parents probably rip it off so they won't be ordered to kill their dragonet. And if a Hivewing hatches with a sting in their tail, they get black-bagged and sent off to a government breeding facility to try to increase the prevalence of tail stingers in the population.
Like the Hivewings practicing eugenics is more or less canon, right? They force Silkwings to breed at the whims of the queen to acquire more flamesilks, so it's not that hard for me to imagine they do it to their own tribe as well. Honestly when I was first reading arc 3 I felt like this one must be canon, because the strangeness of the Hivewings having so many more powers than every other tribe felt really significant to me. Nothing about it ever came up, and I'm left to assume that the canon explanation is really meant to be "no, they're just like that for some reason". But I think this makes sense and is in line with the nasty authoritarian nature of Hivewing society.
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Okay so i had this au prompt So like, what if Wasp had also taken away Katydid, and then Lady Scarab adopted Cricket as her own?
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valid-wof-amvs · 3 years
Lady Jewel and Lady Scarab together to Lady Like by Ingrid Andress
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cursed-wof · 2 years
Scarab's power is literally just a fart.
I'm going to be honest with you: I was considering deleting this ask (it was simply Too Cursed) before telling myself to suck it up because I run a cursed WoF blog.
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