welcome-to-revachol · 9 months
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This is an image of me and a friend that I met at pride that a photographer took. It's us, hugging and kissing, in front of christian protestors. Both of us also had a our pride flags around ourselves. It was a feeling like no other. I felt like I was everything these garbage human beings hate, which is exactly what I want to be.
May this image serve as a giant fuck you to anyone who wants to deny our identities.
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 11 months
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Dobrovský Dobrovslayed 🤣🤣🤣👌🏼
Jak by měli
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cxivo · 6 months
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masterofiodine · 1 year
nevím, jestli jste to viděli, ale instagram ČT se nějak rozjel
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tepli-mravenci · 9 months
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konkumina · 26 days
31.3. Den trans viditelnosti
Dneska je mezinárodní den trans viditelnosti, respektive, podstatněji je Buy a trans woman a pizza day.
su trans buzna, dívejte se na mě a kupte mi pizzu.
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Ok, ale jestli chcete být užitečný,
kupte trans holce pizzu,
běžte 6.4. 12:30 na Staroměstském náměstí na blokádu klerofašistických zkurvenců z Pochodu pro život, a ideálně na nějaký další akce během Týdne pro reprodukční spravedlnost,
vzdělávejte lidi kolem sebe, že tu máme furt nucené sterilizace trans lidí KURVA,
přečtěte si kteroukoliv/všechny z následujících knížek od trans* autorstva:
Nevadu od Imogen Binnie,
Detransition, baby od Torrey Peters,
Who's afraid of gender od Judith Bulter,
A short history of trans misogyny od Jules Gill-Peterson;
5 - kviřte české prostory, poslouchejte a přijměte mezi sebe víc kvír kamarádstva. Zachraňuje to životy.
Díky, a trans práva jsou lidská práva! Info o akci ✨
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slunkopunk · 5 months
Eliška, Damián a kvír hlavokánony
Inspirována nápadem @motylemanuel "homovlajky a hlavokánony", jsem jej znárodnila a aplikovala na vesmír Elišky a Damiána.
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Damián má svůj podíl homomomentů. Nikdo mě nepřesvědčí, že alchyprinc mezi sebou něco nemají nebo neměli.
2. Matouš
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Pokaždé, když se pan Alchymista dívá na Damiána má ty největší srdíčka v očích, které jsem kdy viděla. Jestli to nevidíte, podívejte se znova...
3. Eleonora
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Moje milá Eleonora je do Frederiky zamilovaná až po uši. Ty slzy v očích v 8. episodě??? "I kdybych měla skočit pod kola kočáru, tak tě tam nepustím" "Vždyť já vám pořád říkám, že je báječná." ono je toho tolik...
+bonus (protože ji miluju)
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4. Frederika
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"Myslíš, že i nám je souzeno zamilovat se vroucně a vášnivě, celým svým srdcem??" "Damiána jsem sice ztratila, ale jeho sestru ztratit nechci." Jasně, já vás vidím princezno.
5. bonus z budoucnosti: Lucie
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Ona má prostě takový šmrnc, to nelze vysvětlit.
Mileráda uslyším jakékoliv připomínky ;))
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hilskygify · 4 months
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Martin Hilský lesbian WLW pride GIF
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jelenjetelem · 1 year
novinka? a... dobrá? to vypadá?
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oslik23 · 3 months
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váš najobľúbenejší gay ace párik 🏳️‍🌈
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czbaterka · 1 year
Čumblr je skvělý místo, Rybníček klidu a pohádkových kvír párovaček. Sdílená mikro utopie 🫂👥
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greenstudies · 2 years
Já, věk 17: Líbí se mi chlapi. Jojo, kluci. Muži. Není jediná kvír buňka v mým těle
Taky já, od první minuty puberty:
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heleningle · 1 month
Mám existenciální krizi protože nevím, jestli jsem viděla tumblr lidi na tiktoku, nebo se věci co se říkají na tumblru říkají už i na tiktoku, nebo žiju pod kamenem, nebo jsem to celé popletla tumblr s tím nemá nic společného.
(Komentáře, že je Víla Amálka ovocná pod videem ‘us in another universe’ a Vílou Amálkou a Makovou paní či co to je)
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bartholomewtheant · 1 year
Drazí čumblr/obrozenečtí kvíři, mám dotaz na ty z nonbinary odvětví, jaké používáte pronouns?
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tepli-mravenci · 4 months
hey homonoromo! a czech related question: how is it with queer acceptance in your country? preferrably in brno, haha. and especially about trans people? do you think it'd be possible for me to transition there? and how much would it cost in general? and do i have to get psych approval and wait in the queue for years or stuff like in the uk?
i know you're not a consultant or anything, i just don't know who to ask. also, i guess that's way more than one question
Aight so when it comes to acceptance it really comes to individual people but regarding transition there's a couple things to consider:
- according to law you are required (among other things) to get sterilized to complete your transition if you're transitioning fully from one binary gender to another (aka you want your personal documents say you're that gender and you want a name that's purely given to people of that gender), also there's no nonbinary option for the "full" transition, you either have M or F on your ID
- before you're allowed to start taking HRT you need to go to a therapist essentially, it really depends on WHERE exactly and WHO your therapist is and I don't know the Brno situation but there are forums (mostly on Facebook I think) where people discuss their experiences (also čumblr Brňáci might know more than me)
- this is also individual when it comes to how long you'll be waiting, how long they'll be examining you and how long it will take you to transition
- I'm not sure how MONEY works when you have a non-czech insurance company (since I have no idea how insurance works) but if you do have one that operates in the Czech republic they WILL pay for your transition as if it were any other medical treatment (there's of course examinations and shit that determine whether it will psychologically benefit you to receive that treatment), you should still check if your insurance covers these kinds of things tho
- during your examination period you're first required to "try out" presenting yourself socially as the gender you're transitioning to which includes using a gender neutral name
- a recent GOOD development here is that you can now change your name to a neutral one ANYTIME even if you're not "officially" transitioning! Here's a list of legally approved gender neutral names!
- there are invasive and unnecessary examinations that should not be mandatory for the transition but your therapist can still try to make you go through them, depends again on the specific one, it's also important to remember that the way trans people are diagnosed here is reportedly ancient and just...really stupid? (to quote what my classmate told me, they asked him things like "did you play with dolls or cars as a child?")
- if you are married (to someone of the opposite sex) or in a registered partnership (with someone of the same sex) pre-transition, you have to get divorced when you complete transition because they're not the same on a legal level
Trans*parent is a great Czech resource when it comes to transition and trans stuff in general
I am not sure how different it is with foreigners or even if you'd find a therapist who speaks english honestly. Don't quote me on this but you might need to get Czech citizenship first? But I really don't know.
If I said something stupid or inaccurate (or no longer relevant) here pls correct me!!
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welcome-to-revachol · 9 months
What the actual fuck. Já jsem šel na svůj první pride A JÁ MÁM ROZHOVOR S REPORTÉRAMA???? WHAT?!?!?!
Čumblre, je toto normální?
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